#but they would probably be human loop so i'd have to actually draw
purpleisdebeste · 6 months
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in stars and time colour alts
there's a lot of metaphors here but in true isat fashion i will leave them all unexplained
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sincerely-sofie · 5 months
Chapter 4 of Sofie Plays "Slay the Princess": The Wild (Part 1)
I can hear what sounds to be a crying woman in the background music amidst ethereal vocals and I am not happy about this.
[ Beginning ] - [ Previous Part ] - [ Next Part ]
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Okay wait wait wait WAIT. I'm really latching onto that last line but hear me out as I ramble for a bit. The Princess is not human. As far as I know, she can't even die--- though that might just be my bad luck and decision making at play. She describes herself as having no beginning and no end. This game tinkers with the concepts of time being cyclical, and the Hero and the Princess's memories are both untouched by time looping, unlike the memories of the Narrator...
... Is she the reason time is looping? The Princess is without end and beginning. In other words, a circle. Is she the embodiment of a time loop?
Alternate theory is that this game is a surreal allegorical story for man's quest for immortality. The Narrator is somehow a representation of the fear of death, and the Princess's imminent threat of destroying the world isn't as pressing of a threat as the Narrator makes it seem. She's inevitable, but she's not in a rush to end things. She said in the first chapter that she likes the world--- though that might have been a lie, come to think of it. The Hero might be a representation of an individual's struggle with death, and how oftentimes when we fight against it, we only draw closer to it. Maybe the whole "this is a love story" line hints at the Hero accepting the inevitability of death, and therefore falling in love with life?
Y'all I'm just slapping things at the wall and seeing what sticks. I don't think either of these theories will prove to be true, but they sure are fun to speculate over!
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Okay yeah no I'm definitely playing an allegory for accepting death aren't I. Mankind trying to fight against death and prolonging lifespans past that which would be natural seems to be the symbolic undercurrent of that line.
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Narrator are you even listening? It's the wifey talking. But in a disconcertingly neutral, mystically monotone voice that concerns me.
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I wasn't even asking myself that second question before now and now I have MANY CONCERNS.
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OH MY WORD the narrator's memories are affected by the loop but he's aware of its existence. That's what this means, right?
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... I might have disobeyed the entire premise of the game? Just a little bit?
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Okay okay this implies that the Hero, if my "allegory for the inevitability of death" theory is true, doesn't represent mankind. But if he doesn't, then what is he?
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I'm picturing an exchange like the following:
Hero: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Hunted? Hunted: ... No. Broken: I do. Hero: I know, Broken. Broken: I'm sad. Hero: I know, Broken
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I mean, there are probably worse things to be... eaten alive, for one thing.
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Reading this and thinking about how "this is a love story" and losing my mind and losing my mind and losing my mind and---
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Asked the Princess why she was being nice to me after the whole, y'know, swallowing me whole thing, and she's a bit touchy on the subject. She just as quickly resumed the otherworldly calm front, though. Does she have multiple Princesses like I have multiple Voices?
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Ah. Hm. Well then.
If I'm going to be assimilated into the world around me and the being I'm struggling against, I'd like to do so after acknowledging the repressed fear I carry. It is time to ponder the orb--- I mean, terror in my heart.
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Hahaha thinking about Twig/Ark's early relationship and not crying whatsoever rn :))))
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Got a little worried that maybe I actually was a magic all-encompassing forest and had grossly misinterpreted the situation, but hearing the Broken express reluctance to leave a situation in which he's playing pretend at everything being okay makes me feel much more confident in the decision! Nice.
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... Are we the same being, but divided in two? That definitely doesn't sound right, but this line makes me wonder...
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Broken sweetie you read uncomfortably literally as someone who's been through a very bad relationship and I think you need therapy even more than the Hunted does.
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I'm really tempted to see what would happen if I actually fulfilled the premise of the title... but I'm really curious about where that first dialogue option will lead.
We cut her free.
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The Narrator threatening us for letting the Princess go is something very interesting and I don't know what else to say other than I'm worried.
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Hey chat why are the borders of the screen turning red?
Hey chat why is everything going dark?
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I barely got a screenshot of the last frame of whatever that was and nearly threw my mouse across my room in the attempt.
I am once again coping with humor:
Hero: I'm sorry I'm such a handful. Princess: I have two hands. Hero: I--- look. If you want to play semantics, fine. I'm sorry for being a hundred handfuls. Princess: Hero: Princess (while sprouting several hundred arms): Try me.
(Ran out of image uploads. See you in the next post!)
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Pardon me, dearest Anni, would you mind sharing your thoughts on DID and multiverses? It sounds very intriguing and you always have such thoughtful opinions 💙 (ps ilu I hope you're finding time for nice things and tasty treat breaks)
DID multiverse/alternate universe theory
Everything Everywhere All At Once
???? I forgot
Still Life With Tornado
probably Into The Spiderverse and Across The Spiderverse but I haven't seen them yet
• Life Is Strange (just played most of them)
Okay so like, the theories I'm drawing upon:
came back wrong
recognizing that you are the way you are— that you are 'you', yourself, etc— that you are here, aware of your surroundings, etc. = that you [are aware you] DIDN'T 'come back wrong'
the alienation and disorientation of literally experiencing yourself differently than everyone else does/has/etc
the DID experience of experiencing a core level of dissociation/unrecognition/disconnect from current reality
• a world where something turned out Very Differently because you made one (1) choice differently
the multiverse as literally alternate endings??? Like what if there was an alternate universe (or multiverse) where all the alters ended up happy and in their own bodies?? Doesn't that make you want to cry
time loop where you can't remember enough (about) how to change the day until it happens again
The.... selves? I'm drawing upon:
yourself as a ghost
yourself as not tied to anyone/anything you know at all
yourself as an 'idealized', fully coping, flawless being who's as (un)likely to really 'exist' as any other versions of you
yourself as totally different than how you are now (i.e. Evelyn as herself, in love with the IRS lady, in Hot Dog Fingers universe) but still you at the heart of it
you being 'you' in a way that's recognizable to everyone else but you know it's off/wrong/un-human etc
Writing this out in my neat little bullet points made me realize that I don't actually know many multiverse thingies. But in my heart it's true. You know? You know.
I'd love to hear other people's opinions on this, esp if you also have DID or DPDR stuff!!
I may expand on this later, in like, a couple years! :P
Thanks for your kind wishes, I hope you're havin' something sweet too <3
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Hey folks
I guess today after listening to dead and gone like 8 times on loop
I had s2 teen thoughts!!
They're all outcasts in their own ways, I will explain my reasoning for saying this
Starting with Taylor bc like he is kinda the hardest to explain? Especially since he's considered "popular"
However, I don't believe Taylor is actually popular. For mutiple reasons. As somebody who has never been considered popular in any of my schooling years (I don't care tho so 🤷), how Erica acts around him feels ever so slightly familiar to how popular kids would treat me. They'd either be overly nice but not include me in anything or were straight-up assholes to me. I think Erica heavily follows into the first category, where she's overly nice but doesn't actually really include Taylor. There are secret popular kid passages through the school (which like, first of all??? Insanity but not the point of this post) that even Taylor didn't know about (pretty strange if he's actually popular, and I know Erica gave a reason but like... mlpeh)
That's really all I got for explaining Taylor... he just feels like the kid the popular kids are nice to but don't actually care about.
Next up, Scary... bc she kinda started the thoughts of this post anyways.
So!! She's alternative. I think saying that gets most of why she'd be an outcast explained but. I'd like to draw our attention to dead and gone (as it's the first song in the album and it gets me enough and it's also in one episode at the end of it so technically it's accessible to everybody!)
So!! I don't remember if it's ever stated by Beth or the cast like anywhere if Holly Smith was a real teen and teen high but also like... even if she isn't, Scary is probably still being bullied in a somewhat similar way as described in the song. As it's not really stated too too much. But she's called a clown by Holly as Holly points at her, and everybody laughs at her. It sounds like she's at least been picked on, so it wouldn't be shocking if she was also bullied/was considered an outcast.
Next is Lincoln.
This is really easy.
He was homeschooled... he has only gotten to know his school peers for like... a tiny bit? Or so?? Since the teens spent at the most like 3-4 months actually at school???
So like. He's just an outcast for being new and also homeschooled
And now Normal... where do I start with the poor boy.
Let's start with the fact he is the mascot kid of the school. He is Teeny the Teen! People don't like teeny the teen. So ofc he's an outcast.
He also can't wash his clothes and so he stinks... so like... yeah. Outcast.
And now Hermie. (Imagine a vine boom after each point.)
Theater kid.
Not actually a student at teen high.
Not even human.
Need I say more???
And the fact that Dood, who represents being a teenager really? Is like these 5 teens
Dood feels really like the representation of not just being a teenager but one that's been outcasted by others
Which like. Is fitting for their story and arc...
This was really just me talking a bunch tbh... idk why I decided to make this post.
Anyways, have a good day if you've read all the way here :D
And even if you skipped all my talking, have a good day too :D
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cosmos-dot-semicolon · 5 months
An unhealthy basis for enjoying media
Rewatching one of my favourite video essayists' take on Avatar, and how a lot of people seem to be so emotionally invested in it to a almost religious degree. I have little investment in that show beyond its representation, but it kind of got me thinking about the times I've done the same with my favourite media. Luckily with smaller fandoms and hence with a far less toxic feedback loop, but still.
The main point she brings up is that people remember the show for what it represented, as a big, mature turning point for cartoons rather than the actually good themes about friendship and diversity in it. And I think that actually extends to worse fandom obsessions generally.
Something like Steven Universe can't be a show with legitimately great episodes next to some really terrible ideas we don't talk about. It has to be the most beautiful thing ever that will bring true art and social justice to the world.
...This probably goes for like half of left-wing YouTube and adventure fantasy shows now I'm typing it out, actually. She covers those a lot.
I don't have a point to make on those media, though. Their fandoms just reminded me of the past hyperfixations I've had that turned unhealthy: how it always ended up with deifying them into the greatest thing that ever existed in my mind, how I felt the need to vitriolically defend them against any differing takes because they were my personality.
They were a reprieve from the worst times of my life. But in retrospect that's not completely a good thing - I was using them to cope, but also avoid thinking about my issues at all.
The one I feel comfortable namedropping is the most recent one on Ninjago. I kinda just brushed it off as a result of academic pressure, but as I was reading more critique on it (and since was in therapy at that time), it eventually clicked that I'd been using it as a vector to escape thinking about my relationship with being Asian.
But it doesn't only happen from flawed media. My other major example was a game that is damn near perfect in its execution, but my interactions with it - absolutely mining it for as many ideas as I could, and spending all my time on it were just the only way I could think of to escape the crushing changes happening in my life at that point. It also lead to me having really weird headcanons and intrusive thoughts about it and not acting as considerately as I should've been around my friends at the time, both IRL and in the fandom.
I think you can almost always tell the difference between healthy and unhealthy attachments though. It just requires one moment of clarity and a bit of introspection away from the media in question.
My main advice would be... well, first consider therapy if you know you've dealt with a lot of stuff in your life. But barring that, my advice is that no one piece of art can capture the entire human experience, or even your personal entire experience. Or beliefs. Or fantasies. You should not rely on them as such.
Have multiple, varied things you like going into a hyperfixation, so you can draw on them if you need. It'll probably feel less immediately rewarding, but it stops you from feeling that you're eating yourself months in and being the living incarnation of the Boss Baby Problem.
It'll also feel more fun if you're a creator, because you can get some really original ideas by pulling totally different media together.
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morkaischosen · 5 days
Based on your tags on the "Why do some swingers hate polyamory" post: why DO you think that is?
so noting that this is wild, groundless speculation, and in particular that I don't know anything like enough about swinging to actually be confident in anything I'm saying:
I'd assume it has to do with the structure of the thing. Swinging as I understand it sets up quite a narrow context where the two partners in a couple set aside the usual boundaries of that relationship to do something they normally wouldn't; humans being humans, I imagine it's probably common for regular swingers to end up in a dynamic where they do their thing and then reaffirm the relationship afterwards in, you know, whatever manner works for them.
It seems natural to me that this would be one of those things where having clear exceptions strengthens the idea that they're an exception to something - and in that context, if you've built up momentum in the idea that you have a monogamous relationship except in this specific way, polyamory could easily look like it's doing exactly the thing you've been going 'but we won't do that' at for all that time.
I speculate (based, again, on no knowledge) that swinging circles - or at least the ones that are virulently opposed to polyamory - draw a very strong distinction between the defined sexual nonmonogamy they engage in, and it's easy for me to imagine that getting romantically involved with someone you met while swinging and starting an affair would be scandalous, breaching the structured boundary and calling all of the ritual of it into question. It's one of my favourite topics: it's easier to really loathe things you're closer to, sometimes, and I can see this being an example where the obvious common point of sexual non-monogamy really brings to attention the ways a swinging lifestyle centres the monogamous principles that underly some of it.
A lot of this is coming back to my conception of swinging as a couple activity - the norm as I understand it isn't a free-for-all, it's couples swapping partners, and that still structures itself around the monogamous couple in a way that polyamory's whole deal chips away at.
(I'll note that all of this is shot through with my assumptions about what polyamory means, which god knows don't seem to quite match up with the way a lot of people think about it; to me the default is individuals having their own relationships, which don't necessarily have much to do with their partners' relationships - I tend to become quite fond of my partners' partners, because I hear about them and I'm inclined to trust my partners' taste in people as much as in music or fiction, but I don't have the level of We Are All One Unit that what I've seen of wider discussions on tumblr seems to assume. As far as I know my angle lines up with how most people in my social vicinity look at it; I don't know if we're a weird niche and most people are doing the more closed-loop-looking The Polycule type shape that seems to be implied by a lot of Posting, or if we're fairly typical and much of what doesn't line up is an assumption from outside. Regardless, I'm coming at this from quite a long way from the sort of closed quad I could easily imagine coming about if two swinging couples who regularly see each other became a stable unit.)
This concludes my unfounded reckon based on a general interest in human psychology and a frankly very vague understanding of what swinging is all about.
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madzigness · 1 year
Somehow Taurus has returned
If you want to skip the purple text the fun is after it, the purple text is just my ramblings relating to an AU I imagined for this specific scenario.
Yes the title is a star wars reference, yes I'm not proud of it. This technically would deserve a bumblebee ship tag, but I ain't ready for all the death threats I'd get if I included it and if you are wondering if Blake doesn't appear in this post for the same reason, the answer is no, because if that was my reason for excluding her I would have also left out Yang as her fans are bound to hate this and me, but I didn't. For the people wondering how Adam would return in this AU that I have come up with for this one song, I am actually working on another post with a different song that gives context to it I will give some spoilers it will involve the daughter or son unsure with which I'll chose of Yang and Blake being dissatisfied with how the treatment of faunus continues to fail to improve so he or she will start to look into all the figures ever involved with fighting for the faunus rights and get fixated on Adam as all the surrounding people will not allow her to learn about that person, this already lets you guess what song I'm going to use. Rubys name is colored with orange because Adam was my choice for red and I didn't want two characters to have red names. Well that's probably all I wanted to ramble about on to the show.
Steven Universe - Other friends.
We start of looking over a city with many streets of it on fire and grimm running around, as three older woman one wearing mostly white, other red and black, the third Yellow and brown fight of the black ink monsters. On a building overlooking the specific street all three of the women where on walks out a man with red hair and one bull horn and another one grimm like bone larger than the other horn, the crackling of flames car alarms, shouts of humans all those sounds are overpowered when he starts to speak deafening all the girls of all other sound to only hear him.
(Adam) “Well, well, well, well, well!
Lemme get a look at the menagerie!”
He holds out his hands like a filmmaker imitating a camera with his arms, the horned man firstly focuses on the red girl.
(Adam) “You must be Ruby”
Then his arms move to the white one.
(Adam) “You must be Weiss”
Then the angriest smile possible forms on his lips as he jumps down the building landing on a car caving in its roof he motions with his hand energetically at the last woman.
(Adam) “And Belladonnas spouse, wow, she took you with her, isn't that just swell?”
The part grimm faunus jumps of the cars side turns to look at the lilac-colored eye girl and slashes at the car’s doors with his grimm hand, it’s fangs cleaving though metal like it was butter.
(Yang) ”It can't be!”
Fear crosses the blonds face as she fully recognizes who stand before her.
(Adam) “Oh, but it can be!
And it is!
I got a new style and a few new toys that are gonna put an end to your happily ever after, once and for all!”
He draws his sword out with his faunus hand while throwing of the coat covering his body revealing how much of him is grimm.
(Ruby) “Whoa, whoa! This has gotta be a misunderstanding, in case you haven't heard, I've established peace across the-“
The devil man cuts her off with laughter that last for a few seconds till he finally speaks.
(Adam) “Yeah, yeah, I've heard. I've had your little message to Remnant on LOOP! I just love that part, where Salem spends the rest of her days on this nowhere island with a bunch of nobodies!”
He runs at them with such speed that they only see a red and black blur.
(Adam) “That's right I heard the story over and over again”
Ruby barely dodges a slash by his sword.
(Adam) “Gee, it's swell to finally meet her other friends”
He bats away an attempted stab by the Schnee’s rapier delivering a sword handle to the stomach that launched her. Yang jumps in attempting to punch him as he easily sidesteps and dodges all her punches while singing.
(Adam) “That's right I heard the story, don't really like how it ends
Gee, it's swell to finally meet her other friends
What did she say about me? What did she say?
What did you do without me? What did you do?
Did you play games without me? What did you play?
Did you think all this time that I wouldn't find out about you?”
Ruby jumps back into the fray trying to hit him with her scythe but the man only widens his smile as he continues to dodge the assault of both Yang and Ruby effortlessly.
(Adam) “That's right I heard the story over and over again
Gee, it's swell to finally meet her other friends”
A red wave of energy throws both Yang and Ruby away they land next to recovering Weiss, black and red clones of his split of him and start running in a wide circle around the girls who struggle to find the real him.
(Weiss) “He's running circles around us!”
Ruby transforms her scythe to gun mode and fire several shots that all miss, Weiss deadpans at Ruby.
(Ruby) “I'm rusty, give me a break!”
(Yang) “It really is him, but he can't be alive!’
(Ruby) “You know him, Yang? Can you tell us who he is?”
Adam seems to appear out of the shadows themselves behind Ruby while grabbing her by the throat and lifting her up making her drop her weapon.
(Adam) “Who am I? Who am I? What are you even saying?
I'm the loser of the game you didn't know you were playing!”
Ruby tries to speak but fails, both Yang and Weiss attack him with the intention to free Ruby making Adam grin widely, while Ruby does all she can to free herself kicking and scratching at him.
(Adam) “Let's play another game this time I get to win
Lives on the line”
After dodging a fist by Yang, he looks straight into her eyes while angling his sword at Ruby.
(Adam) “Winner takes all
Ready or not
Let's begin!”
He begins to plunge the sword into Ruby, but a white light from Rubys silver eyes encompasses the vicinity, the sound of Ruby falling and hitting the ground could be heard. When the light cleared and sight returned to the three woman relief from the belief that this defeated the grimmified man was on full display on their tired faces, but it was instantly replaced by fear as they saw that the faunus still was there not encased in stone or turning to dust, rather his grimm parts where releasing ink like substance running like water or blood, the faunus part of his face and uncovered blue eye seemed to twitch and his voice grew more erratic as he swung his grimm arm black ink dissipating to dust as soon as it hit the ground he started to sing repeating himself.
(Adam) “Oh, that's right I heard the story over and over again
Gee, it's swell to finally beat her other friends
Oh, that's right I heard the story, don't really like how it ends
Gee, it's swell to finally beat her other
Other friends”
He walked towards the horrified woman while raising a hand to point at his left fully whited over eye.
(Adam) “Maybe you want to try again with those eyes of yours see how well they work.”
Dark guttural chuckle is the sound he makes after finishing his speech as the world seemed to fade out to black.
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ackermanshoe · 3 years
Edited lmao: warning this is kinda pointless and alot of farfetched theory and a veryyy long post please read at your own risk 🤡
Edit again: my analysis when I started it 1 month ago: 👩‍💼🖨️📇✒️🖋️✏️
My post now: 🤡🤡🤡🕯️🕯️🤡
Edit: I started writing this like ages ago but I don't see my own point with this writting and I'm editing it after reading @nini14 's Ackerman breaking the cycle analysis and I feel like both of these go hand in hand. So without further ado:
Let's see as we all are made aware that aot significantly revolves around trios of friends such as the following :
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Although these are the main trios that is noticeable, other trios can be made out by taking some characters from their original trios to make trios based on looks / character and dynamics. And this is where my argument comes in with this trio:
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Their dynamic has always been mother father and son. Now let me explain, idk if anyone has heard about the drama triangle but here
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These terms can be applied to MLE trio, Levi being the persecutor, Mikasa is the rescuer and the victim being Eren. In the first 3 seasons at least, Eren was being taken away and his decisions constently put him in danger, Levi being the persecutor who always gives Eren what he deserves for being a pain the ass and Mikasa being the rescuer always siding with Eren and protecting him no matter what. Do you see it?
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This is Mikasa to a T.
The following is an example of the dad being the rescuer and the son "junior" being a victim, and much like Eren, could possibly refuse the hand that is helping him.
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So that being said now that we have an understanding of their dynamics in the relationship, let's get back to understanding a triangle. Did you know triangles are one of the strongest shape because it has three sides that rely on each other hence shifting their energies on to each side and it makes the perfect shape for a bridge, architectures favourite. Why am I tell you this?
Because these dynamics that every trio is made up of in aot is because they have strong relationships.
Someone mentioned isayama loves putting move triangles and I couldn't help but agree, look at how many times he has placed Eren historia and an angry Mikasa? And subtly he has always ( to me at least) hinted the love triangle between Levi Mikasa and Eren, outside of their father-mother-son dynamic. Personally this makes sense to me the most, fueled by mikasa's dream. A choice was there to make and she unknowingly chose Levi.
Now this brings me to the death of all the trios Levi has been part of, from Isabel & Farlan to hanjo & Erwin to where we are now. Our situation before S4 was EMA+Levi = 4 people but we all know that a square isn't as strong as a triangle so something shifted. Eren, even with him in it Armin and him were more connected as for Levi and Mikasa as a pair it was more obvious. Especially in the conversation EMA had in that stare place as depicted on @gilly-bj 's analysis on similarities between rivamika and Mika's parents. Not only was Mikasa placed directly next to Levi although being feets apart in reality but her lines "another conversation only you two understand" it. Visually and verbally divided Mikasa from Eren and Armin and connected her to Levi. Both alone.
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Yet another triangle placed by isayama intentionally or not is Armin Mikasa and Levi.
Because a triangle represents the process of recycle and reuse it also represent the cycle of life, an on going thing that doesn't stop, a history that repeats itself. And going back to Ackerman finally breaking this cycle of tragic fate, will they?
The fact that the whole manga series start at chapter 0 is very suspicious in it self. Why does it isyamaa? A 0, a circle that comes back around? A 0 which represents both the ending and the beginning? Why is the 1st chapter called "to you, 2000 years from now"? ( That's such a fucking impactful chapter name gives me chills )
Before my theory start I just wanna add that the story started from a narrative perspective makes me wanna believe in rivamika even more. Did eldians share the same fate in 2000 years? Who knows, but I know for sure Erens and mikasa's dynamic as the impulsive hotheaded doer and their protective calm but strong friend thinker will continue forever just like the never ending triangles.
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I forgot all these ppls names on chaoter 0 so PLS bare with me.
The main dude who heavily resembles Mikasa even tho he is a man, has a incredible power just like the Ackerman's as a human AND he can shift into a titan???? Last time I checked weren't Ackerman's the bio product of titans? Remember is science is on a ongoing journey and forever progressing towards the impossible ;)
The little girl who resembles Gabi, who has the same dynamic as Eren, the girl also looks up to his inhumanly powers, a little too much alike Eren's idolisation of Levi ( and looking up to Mikasa's strength I think )?
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Lastly, chapter 0 makes me believe it was set in the future. Look at the buildings, 2 story buildings I don't remember seeing buildings like this in the pre time skip era have you? I could be wrong tho.
If Isayama is as smart as we think he is then he might have related this chapter to the whole plot of aot. 🤷 Or it could mean something. And here's where my theory comes in and it may not be the most favourable for eldians. Let me start with the good part tho, the guy who looked like Mikasa is could be a descendant from the Ackerman clan, but he isn't half and half like Mikasa and Levi, he's full blooded. Which might be why he has the power to shift ( idk this kinda don't make sense since Mikasa and Levi can't buy hush )
So let's say rivamika got married had a family they always wanted and had the peaceful life and 2000 years from then this guy^ existed. Oddly familiar to great great great grammakasa 💀💀.
The cycle never ended for eldians, the whole world could still be mad at them for Erens action and has the prejudice against them for a long time. And the fact that they can shift is never going to change even 2000 years in the future. And the guy ( omg I keep calling him the guy cause I literally can not be bothered figuring out his name ) who lives in a far more developed society with richer civilization within the wall. It could be possible that Ymir or someone erased the eldians memories ONCE AGAIN after the rumbling ended. Because Mikasa levi weren't effected they probably were excused and got to live as they pleased. This dude is also the reason why I believe isayama does not consider the Ackerman's as side characters at all. In the end the story might have actually started with them, alluding to "the ending is just the beginning" as said by kingsama himself. ( Wtf am I saying lol )
So yeah in conclusion as I said yes story is weirdly really influenced by a large amount of triangles and loops. And yes ackerman probably would break the cycle of death after all living through hell fighting hell all for what? If not recreating into a heaven, giving it new life. I do believe in rivamika living the life they are destined for with each other but eldians fate might just be too tragic for me to see them as truly free people who gets to roam around outside the walls as they please.
I guess my point is that everything that goes around will come around, that will bring good karma for the Ackerman's and maybe a repeation of the past for the rest of the world. 😩😩 I think I fully somehow believe Eren is gone for good. Unless isayama draws him waking up from a long dream on his bed then 💀👀👀 I will throw myself away.
Thank you for reading 💞 once again I'm so sorry this post isn't as good as I'd like it to be I am sleep deprived right now and it isn't worded as well as of like it to be. But hope my delulu ness was enjoyable at least. ✌️💀
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goldeneyedgirl · 2 years
hey! i just wanted to let you know that i adore your jess content :) you've done a great job characterising her, she's so fun to read about! of course also in conjunction with alice (and jasper!) eagerly awaiting more content if you decide to spoil us- until then i'll be rereading <3
Thank you so much anon <3 I love writing Jess so much, and I try really hard to make her distinctive from Jasper. The next fics I have planned that involve Jess are some scenes from the Eclipse battle training - I'm still kind of deciding how to post my Jess/Alice series because I don't want to rewrite the entire series because I'd get bored really fast (and we've heard it so. many. times) but some kind of linked scenes that show them throughout the series. I don't know. I'll probably post to tumblr as I go; I need to write more human Jess/vampire Alice because that one is just fun (Jess is honestly not sure what is more traumatic: coming out to her family, or Alice being a blood-sucking immortal.)
For 3some verse, there's the Five Fights fic, and the follow-up to Watching Not Seeing where Bella is awkward and Jasper is protective. And there’s the beginning of one where Edward makes his protest of Alice being friends with any of her classmates aside from Bella known. That verse has spun off into its own thing where the Cullens (with a focus on Alice, Jess, and Rose) actually make friends with their classmates.
And so I bring you another chunk of the OG Jess/Alice fic that will hopefully see the light of day at some point. I don’t *think* I’ve posted this before - I checked and couldn’t see it, but hit me with the link if I have, and I’ll find something else.
Since 1953, they have been formally expelled (or, as the fancier schools say, ‘requested to withdraw’) from six schools. That does not include the schools where they simply gave up out of frustration and rage; or the places they have had to leave behind because of an ‘incident’ (and not just Jess’s; Emmett has a rotten track record too. Alice’s isn’t clean, either, but she cannot really find it in her heart to feel shame about that hate-filled man in Minnesota), and does not include the places that barely tolerated them.
Not the entire family, just Alice and Jess. The rest of them are acceptable. And in a lot of those places, it is only respect for Carlisle that keep them in school, and fear of Emmett that keep the worst of hate away.
Up to a point, people assume they are close. Two girls, closer than sisters, in a patchwork family. Alice’s arm looped around Jess’s waist, fingers entwined in the hallways. They are permanently entangled; even when Jess is Rose’s fraternal twin and in a different set of classes, they are only apart as long as they are forced to. They simply return to each other, the gentlest and most persistent of magnets.
They are two sides of the same shield, really. Jess will rip anyone who makes Alice feel wrong, feel dirty or indecent to bloody ribbons (this is not an exaggeration. No one speaks of their time in Maine; the house was quietly sold once they left) and Alice will wrap herself around Jess before allowing any of the vicious accusations seep into her skin and turn into guilt. It is Jess that draws more attention, too – at six feet, she towers over almost everyone in the high school hallways (except for Emmett) and makes Alice appear even daintier, younger.
Jess is the obvious target for terrible things yelled across streets, from bars, and muttered across a locker room. Jess prefers to pretend not to hear those slurs, but Alice will not. She will meet the accusers’ gaze, and demand to know why, why they wanted to put so much hate and cruelty into the world. She wouldn’t deny anything, and it would be up to Jess to drag Alice away, trying to calm her down.
They aren’t married. This is something that is very loudly never mentioned by the rest of the family.
The truth is, marriage is a human institution. No one expects vampires to be married; the Cullens are an exception.
And for a good portion of their life together, it’s not possible. Human laws do not permit it, not in America. Oh, Carlisle can officiate or something, but Alice likens it to cotton candy – pretty to look at, sweet in the moment, but devoid of any sort of substance. And as much as she would adore the party, adore everything about it, it’s truly not necessary. Rose and Emmett get married every decade, and she lives vicariously through that.
And Jess hates being the center of attention.
Since she took Jess’s hand in that diner and Jess followed her out, they have been unbreakable. Of course, Jess gave Alice the only thing she had from her human life, the dented locket with the initials JMW still visible on the front, and that is more valuable to her than any diamond ring.
Jess gets irritated that every mention of gay marriage and gay rights in school means they are looked at pointedly as if they should stand up and profusely thank everyone for allowing them the basic rights of humanity. Jess doesn’t want to be called gay or lesbian or whatever terminology people are using. She just wants to be left alone. The only one allowed to comment or joke is Emmett, and only about Jess – Emmett has learned the lesson that any jokes at Alice’s expense will end with him missing an extremity.
Alice doesn’t care much for the labels either, but she gets it – the classmates, the neighbours, Carlisle’s co-workers, everybody they come in contact with, they use Alice and Jess to humanize the highs and the lows. They need poster children in their small towns, and no one is more photogenic than Jessamine Hale and Alice Cullen. They actually think about the concept, contemplate it, and that’s all Alice really wants. For people to think.
Rosalie asks, out of nowhere one day, if she ever liked boys.
Alice shrugs. “I don’t remember.”
And she doesn’t. There has never been someone who makes her stomach flutter like Jess, who makes everything okay just by being there. There had been one friend of Carlisle’s who had eyed her off, had made a rather vulgar offer to her on the quiet.
She’d never told Jess about that, mostly because it would be very antisocial to set fire to one of Carlisle’s friends. She had just stared at him, all wide-eyed, innocent and confused until he gave up trying to explain what he wanted.
She knows Edward’s poor little mind and Victorian sensibilities have been absolutely blown wide-open, having them in the house. There were two weeks in Vermont where he couldn’t look them in the eye, the time in Colorado when he fled to Denali for a month. He should be thanking them – unless he turns out to be gay (and Jess has fifty dollars on that), his future bride will be much, much happier thanks to his unwitting education.
But eventually, Rosalie – and Alice too, she supposes – get their answer. She likes watching movies and swooning over the actors with Rosalie, giggling and joking around. Jess scowls at her, and she grins and pounces on her, curling into Jess’s side. Emmett makes several comments about the actresses, and Rosalie throws the remote at him, and Alice joins in. Maybe it’s the fact that she remembers nothing of being human. Maybe it’s something to do with her gift. Or maybe she is exactly as she was back then – gender is irrelevant when it comes to Alice.
Or, more truthfully, everybody is irrelevant. They are not Jess.
And when Rose looks at Emmett, contemplates everything they are to each other, she understands a little.
The day Bella Swan arrives at Forks, Jess is having a bad day, and Alice is trying to distract her. That distraction turns into Jess putting her hand up Alice’s skirt – well, Alice twisted around to face her and Jess’s hand happened to be on Alice’s leg and slipped underneath her skirt, Alice had squealed in surprise, Jess had started to laugh, and Edward stormed off, sick of the pair of them.
She was wearing tights, anyway.
And that’s how Bella Swan is introduced to the Cullens. It’s not how Alice saw it happen originally, but at least they’re memorable, even if Edward was being a drama queen.
What Alice hadn’t seen was how uncomfortable her and Jess would make Bella. And that’s soul-crushing – they were meant to be best friends, but now they just aren’t.
They can’t be.
Rosalie might be all prickly, and prefer to old-fashioned euphemisms for Jess and Alice’s relationship, but she accepts them. She goes lingerie shopping with Alice, knowing full-well that it’s going to be Jess who rips them off with dark eyes, and willing hands. She watches Jess win play-fights with Emmett, and Alice teasingly calling out, ‘my hero’, and reminds herself that in this story, the princess slays the dragon for love of the other princess; there are no knights or princes in Jess and Alice’s story. And Rosalie took her time, but she understands that it is okay, now.
That neither of them ever went looking for a prince, or a knight.
Bella doesn’t ask outright, and Alice doesn’t offer any information. Jess is simply a shadow; albeit one who is trying to resist exsanguinating Bella.
It is the other students who whisper things to Bella, and Edward who confirms in with an air of superior despair. And so, Bella looks away from Alice; at a point just beyond her face, at her scuffed sneakers, or her school books.
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YGO Questionnaire Part 2 Electric Boogaloo
So, my gf/bf @howaboutalittlehelpneos tagged me to do this again a... good long while ago, and I had wanted to wait until I'd finished my GX rewatch before trying this again. But ouch oof I accidentally also got through all of 5Ds again before getting to this lol
But the 5Ds rewatch definitely reshaped a lot of my thoughts, so... cracks knuckles. This won't be spoiler free, fair warning~
Favorite Series: ugh the formatting killed my original essay on this but okay GX and 5Ds are pretty tied in my book, now-- I love them equally, but in different ways! GX fulfills my love for subversive coming-of-age stories with a heartwarming, humorous, and also soulcrushing touch, and I love how each season brings a new story and new characters-- it's like reading installments of a novel series, and I think the formatting works wonders for it as a whole. It has some absolutely phenomenal character writing, too-- even the characters I dislike are ones I can appreciate for what they introduce to the story! And honestly, not enough people give the first two seasons of GX the credit it deserves: they're half the charm, really. How are you going to feel the full impact of the heartbreaking content in seasons 3 and 4 if you aren't properly attached to the characters?
But on 5Ds's side of things... it fulfills my love for stories with time loops, found family, human nature, and of course, love and death and how they intertwine. I love how the leading characters are just a bunch of broken kids from broken circumstances who all find a home with each other, and of course, how it highlights class disparity and how fucked up the prison/"justice" systems are. Yea, sure, maybe it underwent executive meddling and all, but I genuinely love it for what it is and I wish more people appreciated it... my only problem with 5Ds is the untwist with Z-ONE and then the ending s m h I adore it overall and I could go off for a long while on it. Overall, these are my two instinctive recommendations for anyone getting into Yugioh!
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(look at these boys they're so important) Favorite Protagonist: Oh, believe me, absolutely nothing has changed here-- Yusei Fudo is and always will be my favorite protagonist, and my rewatch only solidified that.
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I just... love him so much? He's seen so much hell in his life and carries so much guilt on his shoulders, but he still has room in his heart to believe in others and to believe that anyone can defy fate and find hope even at rock bottom. I love that he's initially introduced as this quiet, brooding figure when he really just turns out to be a huge softie who wears his heart on his sleeve half the time and wants to bring about change for Satellite and its people. Plus I just really love that his greatest flaw is something that would ordinarily be a positive trait-- he's Overly self-sacrificial, to the point where he's basically setting himself on fire to keep others warm, and that's not really framed as something Heroic
Just... he makes me so happy. I have two Yusei charms that I ordinarily keep on my keys (one was a gift from Zenzen) and they're a constant source of serotonin for me. He's Peak comfort character for me. Best protag in my book Favorite Rival: Same deal here-- still Manjoume!
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look at him he's so important
While he spends a lot of the anime getting the good old damsel in distress treatment (getting suckered into a cult, getting knocked into a coma, becoming a zombie, getting fucking Killed, etc), I still think his character arc is really well-written overall and I only appreciated it even more when I watched GX again. I love the fact that he's got a soft heart he buries beneath the edgy facade, and that he's simultaneously really sharp and also kind of dense lol. He's just a fun character and watching how he evolves from episode one to episode one hundred eighty is such a satisfying journey.
Plus, props to him for being such a versatile duelist-- 50 wins in a row is HARD as is, let alone with a deck full of cards he just found laying around in the Arctic. Three ace monsters, three different archetypes... he's a really good duelist and I'm proud of him for it
Oh, but honestly, I don't really dislike any of the rivals-- I'm neutral towards Revolver and Reiji, but the remaining four (Kaiba, Manjoume, Jack, and Shark) compel me. yes I accidentally wound up liking Jack Atlas shhh Favorite BFF: Honestly, I really like most of the characters who fit this archetype-- Joey, Crow, Gongenzaka, Soulburner... I still lean a little bit more towards Joey, but I really appreciate all four of them. I'm gonna say Joey again, just because I find his evolution as a character the most compelling, but I appreciate the other three a lot. Soulburner has the best design though Favorite GFF: Oh absolutely still Aki, but I honestly... really love most female Yugioh characters? I'm assuming this is lead girls only, but like. I'm dumb and gay and I love Girls so this is naturally the most difficult one for me to answer lol
Aki just resonates with me the most because she's the prime example of how trauma doesn't always manifest in palatable ways-- when we first meet her, she's angry and lashes out at anyone and anything just because she wants the world to suffer in the same ways she's suffered, and then... we get to watch her grow from that, once she's free from Divine and able to heal the way she needs to heal. I know the second half of 5Ds didn't give her character the attention it deserved, but I'm still proud of her for winding up on the path she did-- seeing her channel her power and energy into wanting to heal and help others was just so good and was one of the few things I really Loved about the 5Ds ending.
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oh, but like. Asuka Tenjoin and Aoi Zaizen are very close seconds for me!!! Aki just has a vice grip on my heart Favorite Villain: Okay, it's still technically Vector-- I think he's the most entertaining, well-written, and effective villain out of all of the ones we've seen so far, but... I also want to add Takuma Saiou and then all of Yliaster as honorable mentions?
As someone fond of tarot myself, I was naturally pretty intrigued by Saiou the first time I watched GX, but my attachment to him only grew the second time around where I actually got the chance to understand his character better. Plus, like... the visuals with him are fucking astounding and he's always so interesting to watch.
As for Yliaster, I just... really love how the big bad of 5Ds turned out to just essentially be a broken man desperate to save anyone and anything and three robotic reconstructions of the friends he'd lost. I still think the untwist with Z-ONE was stupid and I much prefer the idea of him and Yusei being the same person, but I'm still compelled by the other three-- well. Paradox less so, because we don't get a lot of Paradox lore, but. Aporia and Antinomy for sure.
ugh Yugioh has some damn good villains
Favorite Card: now that I actually play the TCG game...
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Stardust is always going to be my favorite of all cards because it checks every box for me (my favorite YGO character's ace monster, space theme, what more could I want), but Aromaseraphy Rosemary has really become one of my aces in my best TCG deck! I'm still mastering irl plays, but I'm happy with my progress and I love my plant gang...
Favorite Episode: alright, here's where there's actually been a Lot of change, so...
Season 0: Episode 16: "Turnabout by a Hair's Breadth - The White-Robed Crisis" -- The more I think about this one, the more I love it; there's a... lot of corruption in the medical industry, and I've seen a lot of it firsthand, so just. Seeing a corrupt doctor get what he deserved at the end was cathartic, in a way? Plus, a Jounouchi-centric episode is always a good time.
Duel Monsters: Episodes 96-97: "Darkness vs. Darkness/One Turn Kill" -- this hasn't changed, I still love seeing Marik and Bakura bitch at each other for two whole episodes LMAO
GX: Episode 152: "Activate Super-Fusion! Rainbow Neos" -- This one hasn't changed and it likely never will-- I take so much pride in seeing Judai push forward, past the fear and guilt he's carrying, all to save Johan... it's cathartic and I never get sick of watching it.
5Ds: sweats. still all of Crash Town, but also episodes 137-147-- the Ark Cradle is one of my favorite parts of 5Ds and one of my favorite YGO arcs period, and even though each duel is a fucking gut punch, I love the emotional intensity and weight in each episode... It hurts but in a mostly good way
Zexal: Episode 143: "The Aloof Duelist 'Nasch': The Destined Final Duel" -- this one hasn't changed! Still hurts, still love it, I still weep over Ryouga Shark Kamishiro on a daily basis
Arc-V: Episodes 81-82: "Our Respective Battlefields/The Ultimate Falcon VS The Black-Feathered Thunder" -- Okay, honestly, this was hard because I... genuinely. really don't like Arc-V very much at all lol (it's just not my cup of tea, but more power to those who do like it!), but I thought this duel was a lot of fun! Shun is my absolute favorite from Arc-V and I really like the friendship he struck up with Crow a lot, so here we are
VRAINS (so far): Episode 25-26: "Virus Deck Operation/Three Draws Leading to Hope" -- honestly I am so biased because I just really love Blue Angel and I loved seeing her get a well-deserved victory like this lol. I'm not done with VRAINS, so this is probably gonna change, but anytime Blue Angel or Soulburner are on screen, I'm happy
Favorite Decks to Use: Aromages will always have my heart, but I adore Cyber Angels too! I'm building my Trickstar deck, my Synchron/Stardust deck (just waiting on Dawn of Majesty...), and my Magician Girls deck, too! Fusion, Ritual, Synchro, XYZ, Pendulum, or Link?: Synchros my beloved... but also Ritual Years in fandom: I've been here for just a little over one year now! and I wuv it... I'm never looking back Who am I tagging: no one I'm too shy
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Oh, nice! Honestly, my taste tends to be anything with less than subtle messages about human kindness or the way we treat people, eating the rich, or anti-governmental stuff. Court of the Crimson King is no exception.
I wonder how you guys would handle some Floyd though... None of you seem the type, I'd peg (haHA) zerker as more of an Offspring type...
Our relation to music is honestly more as a form of whitenoise than anything, so lyrics do kind of take a bit of a backseat for us, admittedly. As long as it sounds good, we'll play it on repeat for a while in the background, but otherwise there's not too much in-depth thought to it for us.
Relatedly, I would not be surprised if we may have a bit of an auditory processing disorder that makes paying attention to what words are being spoken/what they mean/what melody they're sung to/what other instruments are doing/etc all at the same time, uh, very difficult, especially for a first run through a song. Combined with generally taking lyrics at literal face-value, there's a lot of meaning that gets lost on us, unfortunately.
We did actually listen to The Wall a while ago, though! It was pretty alright, had it on loop for a little while during some drawing I think. Particularly liked Another Brick In The Wall and Comfortably Numb from it, as well as probably a couple others, I had the whole album running after all.
Don't quite think it's our type of music, but it's at least passively enjoyable nonetheless. Then again, not too sure what our type actually is lmao
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