#but theyre so effective story wise they are perfect at what they are
mobs-99 · 1 year
thinking about emotional neglect and repression wrt mob please help
#i am so fucking heart broken rn#too sad to function help#and its like#i dont even dislike the kageyama parents!!! bc its so clear what they are#they are just so effective in the story theyre perfectly average well meaning parents who know actually basically nothing about their#childrens lives!!!!!#who show no interest in their childrens struggles to the point that mob doesnt even tell them good things that happen.#like joining the body improvement club they dont seem to be aware bc they seemed very surprised how well he did in the race its like they#didnt know he was training#but they still cheered for him!!! and thagt was a big moment#and i want to explode#but theyre so effective story wise they are perfect at what they are#and im just like theyre so real#jesus christ theyre not even important in the ending#the ending has every regularly reoccurring character EXCEPT his parents#nad like you can say what ever its cause its reigens birthday but like..............#goddddddddd its the end of the series theres a reason theyre not there!!!!!!!!!!!#theres a reason theyre not witnesses when we see mob laugh for real for the first time!!!!!!!!!!#im going to explode for real#theyre not even important to the story at all and thats the POINT!!!#because mob put in the work and he found other people who wanted to help him and care for him and thats the point and im so.#and its like........ I GET IT when ppl like wanna make reigen mobs dad#bc like i dont think mob thinks of their relationship like that at all#he sees reigen as more of a brother and a role model#but i think people see this one adult sticking up for this kid in a situation where he would be alone otherwise and i think thats so#relatable to so many people who WERE alone in their versions of this in their struggles where their parents were absent even just emotional#emotionally and they just want mob to be taken care of because its what we all want isnt it?#and goddddd...............#because reigen is not mobs dad hes not even equipped to be mobs dad but people see that hes trying to help and they just latch onto that#and I GET IT
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pestopascal · 4 years
While I will absolutely agree that CB2077 isn’t the ONLY game doing all this bullshit, or that other AAA studios don’t deserve the flack CDPR is getting, I have to say that this is absolutely the perfect storm and I think people are FINALLY seeing the problems in modern AAA gaming. CB2077 might be fun to play, may have a good story, but it’s almost impossible to see because of the glaring issues. Which, honestly, is a good thing. I hope games change after this.
under here
AAA studios have been like this and this sort of release has been completely normalised on all accounts by both the businesses themselves and fans because of the inherent reliance on modders (bethesda at the forefront of this), as well as the pushback every time companies actually go ‘uh we need a lil more time’ (although... they just shouldnt announce potential release dates, im even of the camp they shouldnt even start releasing the game until like 6 months out from their official date because they fuck it up every time. borderlands 3 being the only game i know of being in “secret” development and then announcing itself in march for a september release. game itself aside, thats how companies should do it). easily i can remember a lot of 2011 release games which have had the exact same issues as cp77′s release, and then every other game in between since. very rarely do you actually have a game that isn’t a fucked up mess of a pile of pixels. and it is always the customisable character ones that are honestly, genuinely, ugly looking at release. but you can definitely say its been happening looooooong before 2011, with unrealistic expectations, word limits, 11 month time frames, offloading sequels to smaller companies so they can suffer if it fails, etc etc. the entire system has been like this for so long... they dont know any real different nowadays.
i mean look. tlou2 released under crunch conditions this year, and was rewarded. it was ALL over the social media feeds, it was quite the controversy because, surprise surprise, the company promised they wouldnt do it uwu and then. bam ! crunch conditions. literally around that time too, bioware employees came out with a statement saying ‘man we wish dai FAILED so that back in 2014 we couldve proven crunch was a wrong practice’. they say this as well after having to produce da2 in 14 months, which just suffered from fans and journalism for reusing environments, because it was produced in 14 months, and honestly? no one pointed that out back then, bioware themselves pointed it out again this year, 6 years after release, that that game was produced in 14 months. rdr2′s release was hounded by stories of crunch, and they all disappeared into the night because... it was heralded as the best game of all time. that was 2018, 2 years ago.
i think too is that some people get kind of ... morally and ethically concerned. which is understandable. can you consume something when you know it was made under conditions like crunch? and i think one of the most confronting things about it is that 9/10, not only has your favourite company engaged in crunch conditions, they almost actively choose to continue with them. and then that’s a whole other bag of issues blown up over there when it comes to what is able to be consumed what isn’t etc etc
i think also like a mix of marketing, promises and then the expectations of what the game will be like have really had cdpr earn the ire of fans which is just like... you don’t believe what these companies are saying. you never should, esp when it’s their ceo’s saying it who don’t work on the actual floor. bioware itself is the main culprit of doing this to the point they finally came around with all the da4 concept art and teasing to be like ‘ummm but actually dont get invested?’. remember all that qunari lady fanart that bioware management was like ... please dont get attached? yeah. yeah. like at what point as well is there going to be heavy level of apprehension to approach this? and i can’t really talk either, i cracked open the door for mass effect again. i know exactly what kind of shit bioware will pull, i know they are teasing it already on social media, but mass effect is my ride or die series. that’s why people keep opening the door on letting these companies get away with it. and you can’t fault fans entirely either because this is down to a science of how to get money. i mean, fuck, mass effect andromeda’s entire advertising campaign HINGED on the n7 logo. for the nostalgia value. and i see text posts in the same vein of both ‘guys, disney isnt gonna fuck you if you consume every remake for nostalgia value’ and ‘its understandable why people do it’.
so then you have to go ‘well are fans as just to blame’ and then that’s a whole other argument.
i think also like. i personally havent run into aaaannnyyyyyyy of the issues that you see posted online. which is ironic bc 1) i play on ps4 and 2) its an old dusty ps4. in fact a lot of ppl i have spoken to who have had issues have played on pc. does this mean the glitches dont exist? ofc not, the vids and screenshots are right there. but like... ive had a basically unhindered experience so far, and i get where ppl are coming from (i do, i promise) where theyve basically found the game unplayable. is there also a standard of what ppl consider unplayable because ive played most AAA games at launch when they basically rushed to slap the box label on the game and called it a day until they work on patches. when ppl consider unplayable is also just... different per person. some people have a slight blur on the screen when turning too fast even in an MMO and decide the game is horrible and unplayable. some people can have broken quests and npcs not loading and falling through maps and still be fine. there’s no agreed statement of what makes a game unplayable either, which is why you read threads on twitter and someone goes ‘yeah this npc t-posed so i quit in the first hour’ with a dozen replies. everyone has different levels of it.
it’s a mixed bag of issues. im not excusing cdpr, but the ppl who worked on the game are honestly likely not the ones who pushed for a release. you’ve gotta look at sony and microsoft and ceo’s with bonuses coming up and the investors and shareholders and people who sit behind computers and read numbers detailing interest and demand and supply and how every single time they had to delay this game, the loudest (but smallest) bunch of assholes on like reddit and in the twitter threads complained that it was delayed AGAIN even though back in what 2015? they said it’ll come out when it’s ready. and yeah there are times when game delays result in a mismatched half assed sort of story (kh3... p5... ffxv... dai...) and then there are times when, if they need to delay the game... they probably need to delay the game. sometimes delays are bad sometimes theyre good sometimes you are sitting there like whew if you only didn’t try to be like THIS TIME this is the release date.
the ONLY WAY this will stop happening is, quite frankly, unionising. and everyone is allergic to that whole concept so like... this is “the perfect storm” as you put it. but it’s also not. people have been so disappointed over the last 2 years alone for gaming companies, the final product, the attitudes from higher ups, that i think cdpr is receiving a good few years worth of anger. i think theyre also on the receiving end of misdirection from american fans who still don’t fucking get the company isn’t american, because that’s another bag of issues as well. like we’re holding at least 8 bags of groceries out of the back of the car now, and we don’t want to take another trip, because there are so many little bits of this entire situation to look at. there’s so much back and forth.
i think the worst, but most realistic thing is: games won’t change. how they will social media wise will. maybe. assuming bioware gets their heads out their asses but... they’re going to be a lot more careful. i mean, hell, sony offered refunds. that was just a publicity stint. they dont give a fuck if the game was bad. as i said before, if they did, they would make all companies fix trophy problems, starting from like 2010 or whenever the trophy system first came out. they just don’t wanna fall in alongside cdpr being thrown on its sword. but the companies are gonna learn from this, get smarter, still do the same shit to their employees, still pay off journalists, still do media blackouts, etc etc. and we’re gonna be here in another year’s time, with another game, having these same roundabout arguments, and cp77′s issues are gonna fade into just a wikipedia article.
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xianglingslesbian · 4 years
oh I'll give u a character alright: Izuki, Kiyoshi, Riko and Aomine <333 technically that's four, but what goes around comes around (I'll keep this circle of love goin forever buddy)
VICCCC ily my man <33 thank u!!! aight putting this under a cut bc it got long
Why I like them: izuki’s just overall so amazing! he inspires me to give my best in the stuff i do, and although it sounds a bit silly i try to be a person that he’d be proud of. his puns are hilarious and well-thought-out (as a person who loves words and word jokes, i’m naturally drawn to him lol). they’re also a way to take the heat off the team, he’s so hardworking and never views obstacles as obstacles, rather as hills he must climb to find newer skies. he’s also rather clever and employs his brains to great effect when his body fails him! izuki embodies the meaning of ‘eagle’ in the truest sense - waiting to strike when the time is right and not failing when it is.
Why I don’t: *sweats* can’t really think of a reason i don’t like izuki, at all??? i guess he can overwork himself a lot and tends to keep his true emotions hidden which could lead to misunderstandings between friends (although this is totally headcanon territory lol)... i also didn’t like the ableist comment he passed on hayama (“i’m just glad you weren’t smarter than me”). but i think he can (and will!) grow from that kind of stuff, he is that kind of person so yeah no particular reason for me to dislike him at all
Favorite episode (scene if movie): how dare you make me pick s3 e8 izuki vs kasamatsu, hands down. i know its like cliche or whatever but that moment just told me so much about izuki as a character? he’s willing to do what it takes to win, he’s adaptable and dependable and he doesn’t let shit get him down ever. it’s gorgeous
Favorite season/movie: s3, he got some fantastic moments in there!! although i will say i loved the spotlighting he got in s1 in the seihō match
Favorite line: “Fear isn't a bad thing. There are some things that can only be done by cowards.” this is first of all such a nice thing to say. ‘fear is not bad’ is just... so fucking wise? keep in mind that this boy is 17, i’ve met 30 year olds who are less mature. secondly it feels like izu’s speaking from experience?? like he has a lot to be scared of, i’m sure. particularly of falling behind and being a burden to his teammates. but it’s that ‘cowardice’ that drives him to practice so so hard. that visceral terror of weighing on seirin is what pushes izuki beyond his limits - which is why here he can empathise with furi’s fear, and knows how best to employ it.
Favorite outfit: look i hate last game w/ a passion but that lil tie/shirt/hoodie thing he had going? that was literally so cute. izuki in general has a p great fashion sense but his last game outfit takes the cake <3
OTP: hyuuizu oh my god i could talk for years about them but since this post is gonna be very long i’ll refrain. just. they are perfect they are fucking perfect
Brotp: kiyoizu!! kiyoshi is izuki’s biggest enabler and i love that for him <3
Head Canon: izuki can be very very passive aggressive when he’s angry at someone/sad and gets cold and withdrawn. it’s not fun to experience but tbh if you upset him you probably deserve it
Unpopular opinion: izuki should’ve been naturally better in canon. it’s not fair to shaft him and give the ‘trier’ thing off to himuro. that being said i am p happy with who he is as a person
A wish: i want to know how izuki felt after middle school! izuki’s and riko’s backstory focuses so much on hyuuga its dumb >:( he also would’ve been demoralised but he didn’t quit bball and i would like to know his thought process!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: i. uh. i guess izu quitting basketball. because i genuinely cannot see that happening. it brings him so much joy, he should never stop cold turkey. i can imagine old man izuki hobbling about a court giving little kids pointers and making them laugh T-T
5 words to best describe them: “big brain caffeine-powered clown baby” 
My nickname for them: babyzuki/izu/shunshun
Why I like them: lots of reasons! kiyoshi is an admirable person. he’s strong, yet friendly and gentle, and he loves his team above all else, which i just find beautiful. i find his manipulative side also pretty cool, bc it shows off how multifaceted he is.
Why I don’t: this is more of a fandom reason but i really dislike how kiyoshi is always said to have had the greatest impact in hyuuga’s story. he badgered and manipulated hyuuga, and while some may argue hyuuga needed that push, it only worked bc hyuuga had had time to think about shit. he’d also been given space by riko and izuki (two integral parts of his life whom the fandom looooves to sideline for uwu kiyo//hyuu). 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): yousen match (can’t pick the episodes)! i loved the backstory we got for kiyo vs mura and i loved how kiyoshi was willing to smile and play but also refused to lose. he truly stole the show despite kagami being the one to finally take down murasakibara, it was gorgeous <3
Favorite season/movie: s2 for sure. kiyoshi wasn’t allowed to shine much after yousen imo - all the focus was on hyuuga kagami and kuroko, and to a lesser extent izuki. not complaining, but yeah
Favorite line: “Let’s go have some fun.” i know it’s kinda cliche but i do love how kiyoshi’s always thinking about playing a good game and enjoying basketball. he wants to play because he loves it and as someone who loves a sport as much as kiyoshi loves b-ball, that love is so poignant and tender
Favorite outfit: practice clothes! kiyoshi looks great in pink <3
OTP: kiyohana. hateshipping amirite ;)
Brotp: kiyohyuu! i love them as friends so so much <3
Head Canon: kiyoshi is half-iranian on his mother’s side and is muslim. i won’t say too much because i am not muslim myself, i need to do more research into this but i’ve had this headcanon for quite a while now!
Unpopular opinion: he should be bullied more for the fact that his canon power is having yaoi hands
A wish: kiyo finds something he loves as much as b-ball. he can’t canonically play at this level again, so if he found another sport/competition/anything, it’d be amazing
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: he should never become demoralised. kiyoshi at heart is a dreamer, so let him dream, let him look towards tomorrow with a smile always
5 words to best describe them: “useless dreamy dumbass cheerleader clown”
My nickname for them: kiyoyo, bc my feelings about him have yo-yoed a lot lmao
Why I like them: im a lesbian, next. /j i love her because she’s so tenacious and driven. yet she’s also kind and gentle, and never loses her humanity. she cares, and she cares hard. she��s so fucking smart too like... coaching a hs basketball team at 17 against players of NBA calibre and making them win? i could never. seirin without riko is nothing.
Why I don’t: i dont like the constant slapstick of her beating up her boys. also, i dislike how the narrative forces her to act ‘feminine’ and then has the boys think of it as nothing. like first of all if someone like her offered me a kiss i would so take 100, and secondly... why is a girl’s worth so tied to her femininity? it’s awful
Favorite episode (scene if movie): her sending in furi vs kaijō, early in s3. it was an exceedingly smart move that could have only come from her knowing her players’ strengths and weaknesses intimately, and being a brilliant coach. just amazing <3
Favorite season/movie: all of them! riko has some amazing moments each season, so i can’t really pick
Favorite line: “Humans grow. Don't act like you understand when you don't even realize that!” here, riko knows and knows well that she is in her element. momoi might have the data, but riko understands adaptability and knows how to predict stuff. in that way, one can draw parallels between takao vs izuki and momoi vs riko: takao and momoi are recon experts, whereas riko and izuki are strategists. momoi uses raw data; riko manipulates the data to her advantage
Favorite outfit: idk if this is exactly an outfit but her glasses are so cute oh my gosh. (i’d kill to see her in a leather jacket tho)
OTP: rikomomo!!! i’m 100% sure that momoi’s fixation w/riko’s boobs is just... repressed lesbian sentiments. also sports girlfriends gimme
Brotp: hyuuizuriko. i hc that hyuuizu were tgt since elementary school and riko joined them in middle school so... childhood friends feels!
Head Canon: riko knows how to shoot a gun. her father owns one so it makes sense
Unpopular opinion: riko does not need to have bigger boobs in fanart. please stop sexualising a 17 year old girl
A wish: white suit riko please
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: her ever leaving behind sports in any way shape or form. it’s her thing. in the same vein, she should never have to change herself or become more traditionally feminine to be ‘appealing’
5 words to best describe them: perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect
My nickname for them: ai/riri
Why I like them: aomine is just a pure, hurting young man that deserves help. he’s passionate, and his fire died down out of no fault of his own. that fire’s reignition through kagami is one of my favorite scenes <3
Why I don’t: he’s perverted as hell and i dislike that. it plays into the ‘brutish dark-skinned pervert’ stereotype which is yikes. also i thought we were done with pervs in anime
Favorite episode (scene if movie): s2 seirin v touou when kagami enters the zone!! aomine’s finally happy and it’s so amazing to watch <3
Favorite season/movie: s2, he finally got happiness and peace of mind
Favorite line: “You’re the best!” there’s just so much of pure joy in this line. he’s so so beside himself that he finally has someone he won’t destroy. kagami sees aomine the person, and that person is so happy, it’s beautiful
Favorite outfit: the leather jacket from the finale lmaooo he looked so cute
OTP: AOKAGA BABY i could write an essay tbh
Brotp: aomomo!! theyre such good friends and bi/lesbian solidarity too!
Head Canon: aomine cannot dance. he has stepped on kagami’s feet multiple times. he has also attempted to twerk when drunk. kuroko recorded the whole thing and uses it as blackmail in case the puppy eyes and “but aomine-kun you didn’t fist bump me back” don’t work
Unpopular opinion: more a fandom thing, but you all need to stop making aomine the aggressive/possessive top/‘seme’. it’s racist as fuck
A wish: aomine goes pro. it’ll be amazing for him, a huge challenge and kagami will be there too so its a win-win ;)
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: he quits again/b-ball loses its allure. aomine at heart is someone who needs passion to drive him so i just want that passion to always burn bright within him
5 words to best describe them: “bastard baby needs a hug”
My nickname for them: dai-chan, momoi rubbed off on me
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dracodemortem · 5 years
Because I’m clearly evil and want to subject everyone here to the torture you put me through, how about explain all the lovely dragons you’ve come up with.
So currently we have 20 dragons who belong solely to me that are named. The oldest and the progentitor of these dragons is the dragon deemed Fate, she absolutely massive even compared to the other dragons and serves as one of the ten ruling gods of the dragons. Size comparison wise she is roughly the size of uhhhh florida? More or less. She is actually three seperate conciosuness inhabiting the one body, and as a being who exists outside of more or less everything is nigh unkillable unless she wishes it. To clarify the dragons being named are called true dragons and are beings similar to elementals in the fact that their bodies are made from the magic for what they are named for. This would encompass the sixteen elements of my larger universe they belong too. Chaos, Creation, Destruction, Order, Antei, Matter, Time, Space, Life, Death, Darkness, Light, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. Other dragons are made from lesser elements that would be a minor part of one or more of those six. Due to the nature of Chaos in the worldbuilding creatures that aren't actually from the universe it elementally originates, such as the dragon of Chaos, dont actually have the full abilities of that Chaos itself. This is why the dragon of Fate is actually an older god than the dragon of Chaos due to her being from that universe. All of the dragons are immortal due to their connection to their elements and the only thing that could pierce their hides would be something who believes they can better than the dragon believes theyre impenetrable, something thats highly unlikely and will rarely be fatal.
So continuing, first is the Dragon god of Chaos. This true dragon serves as the head of the council, the ruling figures within the dragons world. More or less his power appears as stroms of highly volatile magic, able to strip away enchanments and revert things to their most basic of forms. The color that represents him is actually iridescence, the appearance Chaos takes when introduced to the material world. He is also the primary antagonist of the world, having partially lost his sanity after his mates death.
After him is the dragon of god of creation, who serves as his polar opposite in every way except they have left from the rest of the world due to wishing to protect the world from their fits of madness. Creation holds a pink color and this dragon is similar in appearance to a dragon shaped distortion of pink light and crystalline flower petals.
Next are two characters who are more or less the main characters of the story that belongs to me. Dolkel au Maug Keshil and au Maug Rea. They are the dragon of Destruction and Restoration respectively. They are twins born in the same body but due to events in the past have been seperated into two new bodies over their original. Their magic works in that Keshil is able to cause things to fall into a State of Chaos or into a more primordial state of being should they not have said origin. Rea works to the reverse of this and restores things to whatever point she wishes in that objects path of Creation. Their only real limit they would have on this is to what extent they are able to expend their energy.
Keshil is also the ruler of an demiplane known as the Chasm. The Chasm is a plane of beauty, with the main kingdom area having purple crystaline spires serving as the buildings for the diverse population of near any sapient being and several non mythical beings as well. In between the towering spires are lakes lit by crystals that shine brighter than the stars themselves. The sky is filled with numerous visible galaxies, every so often the appearance of supernovas lighting the city more brightly below. To the north of the city is a primal forest, trees larger than skyscrapers reaching high into the sky, and people and creatures tending to forest and living in harmony with it. The eastern area of the plane is an ocean beyond compare, the shallows clearer than crystal with beaches in a rainbow of colors. The deeper oceans are green and blue across the spectrum the ships passing throughout floating palaces in there own right with smaller ships working as merchants, fisherfolk and messengers. The southren plane is plains and meadows and the bulk of the agricultural area in the plane. Eventually howeveor the valleys turn to canyons and eventually chasms in their own right, sometimes glowing with heat and smelling of sulphur in the deepest of them. To the west rise plateaus and formation of canyons far deeper than even the souths chasms. Running all through these are mines that crawl through the earth l, twisting in on themselves to gather the great riches of the world. Farther still rise mountains taller than the sky and beyond them a white waste of snow, colder than the Voids empty space.
There is a second area to the Chasm, a demiplane of the demiplane itself ruled by Keshils advisor Algin. These are known as the Depths and while considered by those living in the chasms bright lively plane a hell, to those who live here, it is a heaven. Massive pillars of jagged rock dot the landscape, pools of lava and sulphur pits bubbling merrily away between them. It is much darker than the chasm due to enclosing of rock around its realm but for those who live there it is perfect adjusted to the darkness and celebrating it. Algin himself is the oldest friend to Keshil and Rea and finds himself known as the Faebane due to his innate connection to iron in all its states and forms.
Aòdhagan is the dragon of order and younger brother to Keshil and Rea. His body is of crystal that shines witb hidden fires. Though srystalline one cannot see into his internal body though they can see through him. His magic grants him the ability to condense energy to form crystals of purified magic that will pierce through near anything, and also gibe him the ability to impose his will on those who break the laws of the council. For the beginning of the story he acts as an antagonist toward Keshil although eventually remebers the promise made to his siblings.
Tzerana is the dragon of Antei or beyter known as the Void. The void is the absence between the worlds of matter, an existence outside of Matter Time and Space to balance the three and to absorb them as they await Destructions hand. As such Tzerana hasnt a true from and is closer to a distortion within the material world over a physical being. However her magic is simple and strips Matter, Time and Space from what she wills, turning it into a pure absence of said elements. Her colour is white as that is the closet to a colour the void will ever have.
The dragon of Matter is perhaps on of the more simple of the dragons. Named Eoren he rules over Matter, or physical shape of the world. As such he can change any matter to another, water to superheated plasma, air into stone all are the same to him. His scales are platinum in colour and the only thing that shows his power is that which touches his scales, the air chaging states as it contacts him.
Nosae is the golden dragon of Time, and perhaps one of the more developed dragons being mentioned. The defining charecteristic is the effect Nosae has on Time. Around them Time seems to both flow in every direction yet stand still and as such Nosae uses this power as sparingly as they can due to them being one of the few dragons who prefers to company of mortals over their own immortal brethren.
The dragon with mirror for eyes is the dragon of Space. Their name is Quivusta and their magic will sitort and switch the area they focus on. From plains turning into an ocean to a city into a volcano they will distort whatever they fancy in whatever they please. As such they are also able to travel between points as they will it. They are silver in colour and as they move their wings leave trails similar to a comets tail.
Life is next and is overseen by the dragon Mivyss. The appear as a dragon made from silt and loam , blacker than than the night sky l, with willow tree wings. Around them life moves at an accelrated pace with the cycle happening in the span of seconds rather than centuries. Black is the colour of Life, as black as the good soil to grow life from.
Avyeros is of Death, the point in the cycle of life that people are entirely to hung up on. Their body is made from red sand with wings mummifed and wrapped in dessicated tissue like bandages. Their magic will force things to reach the point of death within seconds, howevor they also retain the ability to refuse somethings right to die and can only be overuled through powerful Life magic. As such they can cause things to reanimate with just glances.
Darkness is gray, and its Dragon is a living shadow with the halo of light it absorbs appearing around its body. Darkness is older than light as it had to be the state that existed before. As such it can quench any of the elements lesser to it or cause their absence but not their erasure. Its simplicity is what makes it dangerous , such as causing the absence of heat to create cold to extents of absolute zero. Their name is Kaziquell.
The dragon of Light is Verse and they are a living supernova to Kaziquell shadow. Each wingbeat blinds those with the flash and their scales twinkle on an on like a strobe. Light is energy and as such Verse is able to bend energy as they wish. Creating heat or force is nothing and light is second nature whether given a physical presence or only as enrgy it remains as their magic. As such Light's colour is yellow bright but still harsh to some.
Air is ruled by a small dragon. A hummingbird to the condors above. Bright green with four feathred wings, her wingbeats generate more force than the storms of the earth combined. Air is not only the magic of wind and storms, it is suffocation and poison when the air has left or been transformed to chlorine gas. Air is the gaseous state of the world and so the dragon called Malani commands air as so.
Burning bright and hot a dragon bodied of magma stands to the front. Glowing in every colour that fire burns the dragon of Fire Yevrayal commands Fire, heat and plasma to his whims. His eyes are.minature stars while his claws are fire given a physical presence, the colour of fire is orange, and said colour is the safest of them all.
Sephu is the dragon of Water and represents it in all its states. Hindquarters of ice harder than steel with wings of green-tinged water vapor and the forebody liquid as the sea they control Water, that is to say any thing considered a liquid even if it is just molten metal that they control. Water is blue and so is Sephu predominantly as it should be.
Two hours later and we get to Earth, and Earth is a dragon carved of stone, scales of polished clay and eyes and claws cut jewels. The presence shakes the foundations of the world and a foundation must be as solid as the earth to be strong. Such as it is Gyavesh is who controls solids, known to her as earth, within all domains.
Oh and theres Fairlos but hes just Keshils court jester with the really badly chosen job of being the scribe out of the numerous better candidates. He tries his best, but honestly? He fucking sucks at his job. He is basically any shape you could imagine a dragon is plus every other shape you can imagine a dragon as. He changes between all of those and is the Dragon of Deception.
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curly-q-reviews · 6 years
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Black Panther, 2018 (dir. Ryan Coogler)
Nominated for: Best Original Score, Best Original Song, Best Motion Picture of the Year, Best Costume Design, Best Production Design, Best Sound Editing, Best Sound Mixing
ok y’all lets get this party started with a movie i didnt get to catch in theaters (i think i ended up renting it) but people were absolutely raving about it all of last year, and for good reason i gotta say!  it was one of the better marvel films that came out last year (though in my humble opinion Infinity War takes the gold)
speaking of marvel lets talk about it for a spell!  lets have a lil sit-down chit-chat shall we!!  cause its kind of insane how much of an american media phenomenon marvel has become, they are arguably single-handedly responsible for reviving the superhero movie subgenre and now these types of movies bring hollywood more dineros than they probably know what to do with (besides make more superhero movies).  what used to be a niche market where only your most hardcore of nerdy types dared to dwell has been embraced into the mainstream wholeheartedly, and now its hard to imagine the american film industry without them. 
from a film critique standpoint, marvel movies seem to be a hit-or-miss as far as quality, however i cant really think of a particular marvel movie that i thought was a total piece of hot garbage (the first two Thor movies come close but they were more boring than anything else).  however last year was a real success for the studio, they just kept pumping out quality movies left and right and once disney managed to get its grubby lil mouse paws on Spider-man it was a done deal baby.  DC and other companies have tried again and again to recreate the success that Marvel has managed and so far they’ve failed to various degrees.  Marvel’s just got that special something with their cinematic universe, some magical combo of great actors and creative directors and an ever-expanding budget that keeps them staying at the top every time.
so whats my stance on superhero movies???  well theyre not my usual cup of tea but i gotta say they’re real damn entertaining.  i kinda view them like a high-speed ride at an amusement park, super fun and thrilling and exhilarating and just a real good time!  but thats about as far as it goes for me, and im sure thats the same for a lot of people.  to be honest its kinda refreshing to have movies that quality-wise are up to my standards that i dont have to think too hard about.  so for me the movies i typically go for are like museums, whereas superhero movies (and action movies in general) are like a carnival.  both entertaining and fun, but the latter is just all about letting loose and not wondering about the why’s and how’s.  when i think about it, this kinda mindset is for sure a factor in how these movies got so popular, because with the shitshow that is our current government and the potential imminent death of our planet people are once again looking for movies as a form of escapism, rather than a way to get deep and philosophical and ask the tough questions and see something profound. 
with that being said, despite some exceptions that have proven me wrong to my utter joy and delight (im looking at u Logan), i expect movies that are nominated for wiener awards to be more like museums than like carnivals y’know what i mean?  u catchin my drift???  u takin what im dishin out????  the academy awards have a long history of prestige, of nominating the best of the best of any given year. quite a few movies that won oscars are now considered to be timeless classics.  which is why superhero movies, at least the typical marvel types that are chocked to the brim with CGI and epic massive fight scenes and explosions, dont really strike me as anything that could eventually become a timeless classic.  the amount of computer-generated effects alone will make these movies feel really dated as soon as like five years from now with how fast technology is progressing.  i just dont see it happening.
and that brings us to the first wiener award nominee ill be talking about, Black Panther.  this isnt director Ryan Coogler’s first time at the rodeo; his first feature film Fruitvale Station received critical acclaim in 2013, and the spiritual Rocky sequel Creed actually got nominated for some oscars a few years ago.  so we’ve got a promising and talented director at the helm which is a great start!  we’ve also got a stellar cast with the likes of michael b. jordan (who has been in all of Coogler’s films so far), lupita nyong’o, angela bassett, and forest whitaker in the bunch.  it also has the astronomical financial backing of Supreme Overlord Disney so u know this is gonna be some high-quality shit.
so i’m gonna tell y’all why i think this movie got nominated for so many oscars, because in a way i do think this movie is deserving of noms from the academy.  theres no denying that it is very groundbreaking for a movie of this scale and magnitude to have a black director and a nearly all-black cast.  in fact, i think a lot of the crew members (including set and costume design) were black as well.  thats fuckin huge my guy.  and this movie was by no means a flop either; it ended up being one of the highest-grossing films of 2018 and stayed in theaters for a loooong-ass time.  and not only were the people on this project mostly black, the movie itself is a story praising and showing off the beauty of african culture without exotifying or demeaning it in any way.  like i can say 100% without a doubt that this movie deserves its best costume design nom cause holy shit the outfits in this movie are stunning, just the perfect blend of ancient/current tribal african aesthetics and a more futuristic sleek style that any fashion enthusiast can drool over.
i cant say much about best musical score or best sound mixing or anything like that cause it all seemed like typical marvel stuff to me and wasnt all that memorable.  however i can say that the production design on this movie, while it didnt impress me as much as costuming, did still impress me.  the one thing i gotta knock it on is all the fucken CGI, like whole entire towns and landscapes were digitally rendered.  i wouldve been a lot more impressed and would agree more to the production design nom if they used more practical effects and real sets/locations. 
so.  best picture.  this is where i feel the most conflicted.  cause this is where i now have to look past all the pretty fancy visuals and music and look at the actual meat of this movie, its story and characters.  usually best picture noms also get noms for things like best actress, best script, and best director, cause those are all really important elements of a good film.  ur movie can look and sound as pretty as it wants but if the storys shit and the characters are shit and the actings shit then u dont have much going for u.
and by no means am i saying that Black Panther was shitty in these aspects, it was just well.  passable.  it was ok.  but nothing to write home about
we got some good performances from newcomers letitia wright and chadwick boseman, lupita kills it as always, but then everyone else was like.  okay.  michael b. jordan didnt really do his best in this and idk if its the script’s fault or something but it was weird.  and speaking of the script it was uuuuhhhhh well.  not great.  every time i think about that “what are those” reference i die a little inside.  and the story overall wasnt really anything new when u break it down, just another “son of king struggles to take his place” narrative.  and that aspect of the story couldve actually been more developed into something interesting, i found myself really intrigued with the political scenes.  but there just wasnt enough of that cause they needed to make more room for the PEW PEW POW EXPLOSIONS
granted, movies with lots of shimmer but little substance have been nominated for best picture before (just look at James Cameron’s Avatar which is apparently getting a sequel now????????).  and its not even that this movie is completely devoid of substance cause theres some interesting things going on plot-wise, and some stand-out characters too (shuri is the boss and no one can tell me otherwise).  its just, u know, a good superhero movie.  nothing really profound about the story itself except for the cultural, historical, and social context behind it.
so lemme get back to why i think this movie got a best picture nom.  i think the academy wants to keep up their appearance of being #woke now by continuing to nominate more than one poc-heavy project each year, but they seem to be caring less and less about the actual overall quality of these movies.  and theres even some movies on the noms list that i think actually have what it takes to be a strong oscars contender, like If Beale Street Could Talk and BlacKkKlansmen.  but i think in Black Panther’s case, they were under a lot of pressure to give it top noms (or any noms at all) because of the intensely positive response this movie got, as well as the accusations of racism to people who didnt think it was as great as fans were saying. 
also i have no doubt that Supreme Overlord Disney like threw piles and piles of money at the academy like they tend to do (cause i’d bet good money thats the only fucken way Incredibles 2 got nominated for anything)
well anyway ive gone on long enough about this, lemme know what y’all think.  really the only nom im iffy about when it comes to this movie is Best Picture, but the others i think are well enough deserved, especially costume design.  so i guess the one thing i struggle with is this: does a movie becoming a pop culture phenomenon and being groundbreaking in its cast and crew count as enough for it to be nominated for the top prize of the wiener awards, despite any fallbacks in script, direction, and acting?  idk man im just hoping it doesnt get the award by default or something but then again maybe after watching all the other nominees it may turn out that the rest of them were worse than Black Panther i guess i’ll have to find out
stay tuned for my A Star Is Born review y’all stay fresh and funky eat ur vegetables stay in school u dont need drugs when ur high on life
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opendoorlorien · 7 years
Two questions. One Kaze related, one not. Non Kaze first: How do you feel about Jakob. I know he's a jerk but i love him and i'm curious to hear what you think of him. Kaze related: How do you feel about Kaze and Rinkah?
1. I kind of have a love/hate relationship with Jakob. Like a few other characters, he’s kind of a character that I kind of like AS a character, but personality wise I could totally take or leave him lol. Like whether I like him or not depends entirely on my mood. But if you ever see me hating on him don’t take me too seriously because I dont actually really hate him.
Most people, of course, are bothered by him being kind of an asshole to a lot of the cast. I can understand why this bothers people and it is a legit reason to dislike him, but it actually doesn’t bother me that much because I know where he’s coming from and exactly why he acts this way. I’m not sure if the majority of people really understand this entirely but as we know Jakob has basically been abused his entire life. His parents were cold and loveless to each other and to him, and then they dumped him on the castle doorstep where he was taken in as a servant, but he SUCKED MAJORLY so he was then abused verbally and physically by the rest of the staff. When you keep all this in mind, Corrin was most probably the first person who ever showed him genuine kindness and gentleness. Which to him, rose Corrin to a level of a god in his mind. So because of all of his bad experiences with other people, I believe Jakob’s poor attitude and him being rude, cold and sometimes mean to others is actually a defense mechanism. Since he’s run into so many shitty people his entire life, I think he believes most people are no good. Like aside from Corrin who is an extraordinary exception, he has no reason to believe most other people wont be harsh and cruel to him like they’ve always been his entire life. So he pushes away most other people with a cold, cruel and harsh attitude of his own. He mistrusts people by default.
So when you look at it like that, his attitude kind of understandable, and for me it makes his attitude more tolerable. He’s kinda like a puppy dog that adores their master but barks at literally everyoen else. It’s kinda cute tbh. I also enjoy the supports where he’s nice to people like Hinoka’s and Azura’s (and I ship him with them tbh LOL. You know he faints in Azura’s S rank right I die). And at least Jakob is like upfront about his assholery and not weirdly selective about it like Silas is in his supports with Azura and Hana.
Also quickly unit wise– unfortunately I never end up using Jakob that much. He’s basically obsolete from the get go in Birthright since you start with Sakura and get Azama only a few chapters later (and the ninjas fill the dagger role better than he does too unfortunately). I find I got the best mileage out of Jakob in Conquest where he usually sticks around as a mainstay in my party until chapter 13 at least and is a pretty good asset in the earlier chapters like the Ice Tribe one. But unfortunately again when I end up getting better units further down the road in Conquest, one way or another Jakob just always ends up dropping off to the bench. I feel a bit bad about it but that’s how things end up going.
Also really quickly I guess I should talk about Jakob and Kaze. Yall may have noticed they’re actually kind of similar characters, and not really only with their devotion toward Corrin. I generally feel like Jakob is an meaner, fancier version of Kaze, it’s like he’s the negative Kaze lol. Personally I find Kaze more interesting than Jakob because all of Jakob’s development as a character happened BEFORE the game started so it happened OFF screen. We don’t get to see it, and are just told that it happened. This isn’t bad story telling in itself but for me it makes it difficult to immerse myself or emotionally invest in it. I find Kaze easier to latch on to because we get to SEE his development happen in his A rank with Corrin and a bit in BR ch 15. I do like Jakob to some effect tho. He’s an ok dude.
2. I guess you could say that I could rank every non Kaze/Corrin support on a kind of vague spectrum. And if we’re doing that, I would honestly put Kaze/Rinkah on the higher side of it. I kinda like these two together, but I don’t think that they could really work out well romantically, but more on that later.
First of all I do think they have a cute and funny support. Kaze is totally unbothered by Rinkah’s fire, and totally brushes off all her snippy tsundere rage at every turn. He can definitely see right through her and knows it’d probably be better for her to just indulge in eating sweets every now and again instead of denying it. I actually kind of like these two in a buddy buddy way I think. This is probably because they’re in a lot of chapters together. Like they both fight you in chapter 2, and then both rejoin you later in chapter 4. And in Conquest theyre together in chapter 12 or whatever. Even though they dont really interact in these later chapters, and just kinda show up, simply the fact that they show up together so frequently is enough for some people to try to tie them together in some sense. And it makes me see them as some level of natural good friends.
Okay now romantically (and this is really opinion and perspective based so bare with me) PERSONALLY, ROMANTICALLY, I don’t think they’d really work out that well. WHY? Okay well for Kaze we know that he is the type of person who likes taking care of others and improving their QoL. He does it in basically 97% of his supports, and he does it in Rinkah’s too. Kaze is a retainer and a servant and he’s been raised to serve his entire life. It’s not only his kind of duty and responsibility to take care of other people, but I honestly think he just generally likes doing it (I could go deep into a character analysis about this but that’s for another time I think LOL).
So romantically, this aspect of Kaze wouldn’t change. I think he would want to coddle and take care of his partner and just indulge them and make sure they would WANT FOR NOTHING. This is why I think he’s naturally attracted to girls like Sakura (like, I think Sakura is his “type” since he says he’s been crushing on her for a long time in their S rank) because Sakura, while she is strong and capable in her own way yes, also needs to be taken care of to some extent because of her anxiety issues and shyness ect. And she could definitely benefit a lot from Kaze’s loving and supportive nature. She’s someone who needs a good solid support to help her along and go through stressful things with her. Kaze is perfect in that role for Sakura.
But for Rinkah? Not so much. Rinkah doesn’t want to be coddled. I mean, YEAH, she indulges in the sweets that Kaze gives her throughout their support, but I don’t think she’s the type of person who wants to be babied and indulged too much. Like Kaze gives a specific kind of affection and I don’t think she’s the type of person, with her personality, to fully appreciate that kind of love that he wants to give.I mean, it’s even kind of heavily implied in their S rank with this line.
[[Kaze: You look disappointed. Perhaps you were craving more sweets?Rinkah: Ugh…Kaze: I suspected as much. Well then, our discussion can wait. First we must find you some treats.Rinkah: No, that’s OK. You’re not responsible for my stomach, you know.Kaze: Yes, but I like making sure you are content. If I could have it my way, you’d never suffer from anything ever again.Rinkah: That’s a little…weird. I can take care of myself, Kaze.Kaze: I know, but I’m afraid I can’t help it… I’m in love with you.]]
Rinkah is assertive and strong and dominant. She is fire. That’s one aspect of her personality that I don’t think will ever change. I’m not saying they would have a bad or unhappy relationship, (they’d probably find a balance eventually and fall into a kind of natural rhythm). But because of her natural personality she wouldn’t be able to fully appreciate the kind of love Kaze wants to give, imo. Like, his words to her up there are lost on her. BUT, like I said, that’s just my two cents on the entire thing.
Because of that, while I do like them together, and they are on the the higher side of the “Kaze supports spectrum” Rinkah wouldn’t be my first choice to S rank him to you know. I kind of like Rinkah with people like Ryoma who help her try to tone down and settle her anger, but is also on a similar level with her personality wise. THAT’S ALL I GOT
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homedevises · 6 years
You Will Never Believe These Bizarre Truth Of Stories From Garden Of Eden | stories from garden of eden
The Theatre Company of Saugus issued the afterward columnist release
BBC iWonder – What is the real story of the Garden of Eden? – stories from garden of eden | stories from garden of eden
The Theatre Company of Saugus (TCS) is in the added bisected of its 50th ceremony division and is blame off 2019 with the Stephen Schwartz and John Caird agreeable “Children of Eden,” which is based on the aboriginal nine-and-one-half capacity of the Book of Genesis.
Act I explores the adventure of Father, Adam, Eve, and the Snake in the Garden of Eden and afresh the after-effects involving Cain and Abel. Act II afresh continues with the ancestors that chase and deals with Noah and the Flood.
“Children of Eden” as a feature agreeable was originally produced in London in 1991 and had a abbreviate run. Its abutting abundance was in 1997 and performed at the Papermill Playhouse in Millburn, N.J. It’s this adaptation of the calligraphy and music that best bodies apperceive and that is actuality performed by Theatre Company of Saugus.
20 Great Lessons You Can Learn From Garden Of Eden Story | garden of … – stories from garden of eden | stories from garden of eden
The afterward actors will be authoritative their TCS debut: Andy LeBlanc of Wakefield will be arena Father; Lori L’Italien of Somerville will be arena Eve and Mama Noah; Jeff Bliss of Malden will be arena Snake and Storyteller; Alex Deutch of Somerville will be arena Snake, Storyteller, Seth, and Shem; Jennifer Quiros of Brighton will be arena Snake, Aphra, and Storyteller; James White of Ipswich will be arena Cain and Japheth; Fernando Barbosa of Everett will be arena Abel, Ham, and Storyteller; Emily Dufour of Franklin will be arena Yonah; Samantha Prindiville of Medford will be arena Aysha and Storyteller; and Ali Kinchla of Beverly will be arena Storyteller.
Our casting additionally includes abundant abiding faces to the TCS stage. We are aflame to be alive afresh with: Bobby Imperato of Everett who will be arena Adam and Noah directed “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” in bounce 2018 and was aftermost apparent on the TCS date in “Heathers: The Musical;” Amanda Allen of Saugus will be arena Snake and Storyteller and is the accepted admiral of TCS and was aftermost apparent on date in “Jack the Ripper: The Whitechapel Musical;” Sabrina Ornae of Lynnfield will be arena Snake and Storyteller and was aftermost apparent in “Nunsense II: The Added Coming;” Dillon Bresnahan of Peabody will be arena Young Cain and Storyteller and was aftermost apparent in “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play;” Zackary Perry of Lynn will be arena Young Abel and Storyteller and was additionally in “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play;” Nicholas Beach of Revere will be arena Storyteller and was aftermost apparent in “Urinetown: The Musical;” Mel Ingalls of Lynnfield will be arena Storyteller and has been begin in the role of date administrator for above-mentioned productions; Larry Segel of Winthrop will be arena Storyteller and was aftermost apparent in “In/Out – A Mis-Cast Cabaret;” and Shannon Shaffer of Lynn will be arena Storyteller and was aftermost apparent in “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play.”
“Children of Eden” will be directed by Alexandra Dietrich of Salem, with music administration by Matthew Putnam and choreography by Kathleen Tringale, who best afresh directed and choreographed “Lizzie: The Musical” in October 2018. Date administrator will be Jamie Imperato, who was accompaniment administrator for “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” in May 2018. Producers for “Children of Eden” will be Matthew Garlin, Deirdre A. L. Shaw, and Wesley Toma-Lee, who all currently sit on the Board for TCS.
Garden Of Eden – hotelroomsearch.net – stories from garden of eden | stories from garden of eden
Performances are appointed for two weekends alone – Feb. 22-24 and March 1-3, 2019. Friday and Saturday black performances are at 8 p.m. and the Sunday matinees are at 2 p.m.
Tickets purchased at the aperture are $23 for adults or $20 for seniors, students, or children. Advanced online orders are hardly beneath big-ticket and agreement you a seat: $20 for adults or $17 for seniors, students, or children. Seating is accepted admission.
Our Saturday, March 2 achievement is a appropriate accident night. After the achievement there will be a post-show accession and accommodated and accost with the cast. The tickets will be $30 beforehand acquirement and at the door. If you adjustment in advance, your admission will additionally accommodate a adulatory alcohol admission for use that evening.
Garden of Eden story Storyboard by bustler – stories from garden of eden | stories from garden of eden
For admission sales, directions, or added information, appointment the TCS website at www.TCSaugus.org or acquaintance us via email at [email protected] or by buzz at 781-816-7019.
The area for all performances is the American Legion Post 210, 44 Taylor St., Saugus.
Tickets are on auction now and can be purchased through the TCS website at http://bit.ly/2tnbSRY.
Genius of the Few: The Story of Those Who Founded the Garden in Eden … – stories from garden of eden | stories from garden of eden
For added capacity appointment http://bit.ly/2GH0LLy
Produced with appropriate adjustment by Music Theatre International (MTI).
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Adam and Eve must leave the garden of Eden. From the moment of their … – stories from garden of eden | stories from garden of eden
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Sneeky Viper – stories from garden of eden | stories from garden of eden
In Defense of the Historical Adam | Christian Research Network – stories from garden of eden | stories from garden of eden
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comicteaparty · 6 years
November 8th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on November 8th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Anacrine Complex by Sae.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Anacrine Complex by Sae~! (http://pigeoncomic.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
i liked the whole sequence in Lee's head. illustrative wise it was really creative and had so much subtle detail that helped breathe that sense that they were not in the real world. not to mention the color balance really leaves you feel kind of ominous
What criticism? Man, I agree! I loved the sequence in his head, it was cooler to me than Inside Out in many ways cause it reminded me more of my own head
I think Lee was my favourite but Ben was so funny he reminded me of Hinayana from Haikyuu
Hello there~
Is what I meant to say
Pleasure to be here ^^
My favourite scene was probably the scene in Lee’s mind too-but I also loved the Jujitsu scene, and the scene at the beginning with Ben and Lee and the explosion
The pleasure is all ours
And I just found out that I have nowhere to be this evening so I’ll probably be chatting more than I thought
Looking through, I found this one charming
It was a ton of fun
i think ben is my favorite. cause while hes not as serious or practical as lee (which lee is a precious angel), i like how he has to basically interpret everything as a game. and i think they just make him really unique and entertaining
i like ben and lee as a package though. i think they have an interesting personality mesh that isnt quite perfect for drama but isnt quite completely opposite so they can work together and achieve common goals. like its that perfect blend of subtle awesome that not a lot of comics can achieve
http://pigeoncomic.com/post/170447488832/spider-ben-spider-ben-does-whatever-a-spider-ben This one was also good, the effects especially.
Yeah I think characters were this comic’s greatest strength, which is the most important part of a story to me
AAAH that was great
Oh yes
Characters mean lots to me
Of you write them well and provide enough side-material to back them up
yes that was definitely a fun scene. in general i like how the powers are visually depicted. i think it was a great choice to give them all diff colors schemes and aesthetics. it makes them stand out and you can always tell who is doing what.
i also love the random pigeon cameos.
these are the most photobombing pigeons in the land
Giving powers different colors is part of the fun, IMO
Made it. You can probably guess at my favourite scene.
Glad I don't live in New York City then
Let me guess
It's loaded with puns
It's where the trigonometry was used to knock the guy out. ^.-
Also, Ben was using degrees, rather than radians, implying that it is coming from his own experiences rather than some meta-math in the environment.
'Course he uses the imperial system too, for whatever reason.
that scene made me sad with jealousy because even when i was good at math, i always sucked at mental math. XD
The sequence in Lee's head was pretty cool and creative. I suppose I felt I couldn't get as into it, I think because it just represented such an invasion of his privacy. (I liked how Lee addressed the whole "manipulation" thing later.)
Heh. I think that sort of mental math is beyond most people.
The visual depiction of the math-type powers as more cubic/angular was a nice choice too, I found.
>Rebel mentions math while Mathtans is in the chat(edited)
Math's good stuff.
It was my best school subject
till they stopped teaching it after tenth grade
Actually, I kind of hate it when "doing mental math" is presented as some kind of superpower. I don't feel like that's the case here, because being able to judge distances, monetize portions of food, and hit precise estimations isn't the same thing as "I can multiply real fast". So that was good.
Incidentally, how does magnetization powers give one the ability to X-Ray? Maybe I missed something in my science classes.
QUESTION 2. Of all the characters, Lee seems to have the past that is most covered in mystery. What do you think happened in Lee’s past that caused him to have such a core of guilt? Was it related to Ana or was there something else going on? What even was Lee’s relationship with Ana? Why do you think Lee turned to illegal car theft activities, and what do you think caused him to go clean? Why do you think Lee is so desperate to patch things up with Sterling? How do you think Lee even knows Sterling in the first place? What do you think any of this has to do with the comic’s opening scene? Lastly, do you think Lee will manage to meet Sterling? If so, what do you think will happen?
I think Lee and Sterling worked together in the past, maybe in a post-doc or something. There was that flashback sequence with the motorbike (I think that's what it was?) and stuff.
arent mri machines basically just giant magnets?
i assume they took creative license based on that
Ahh, maybe they are, right. Can't bring metal in and such.
which actually explains why ben has that headache meltdown everytime hes near lee using his powers
cause like an mri machine, lee is pulling those metal shards
causing more damage
good job lee
Creator here, hey guys!! I'm so happy to see this discussion! To address the x-ray thing, there is a bit of creative license applied for sure. Lee can't literally see people's bones like in an x-ray, but he can sense metal objects and magnetic fields. I just had to find a way to visually represent that, and x-ray visuals felt like something that would be a really quick read for most of my audience.
And yeah Rebel, you're right on the money! Lee can easily move the little bits of metal around in Ben's brain if he isn't careful
Right, the metal shard pulling thing I figured. (Also, I tend to agree with Lee that the guy should get that checked out! It cannot be good for the health.)
Oh, hihi creator! Must be early morning for you I guess.
Hello Lightlybow!
Will Ben not have superpowers if the metal is removed?
tbf going to the hospital might not do ben any good. cause if theyre in his brain thats already a very dangerous surgery
But will he get killed if he doesn’t remove the metal?!
I feel like he might be able to calculate a way to deal with it mathematically. I mean, it was the substance on the metal that gave him the abilities, right? And it's supposed to be healing or something, so that's probably why he's still functional.
Yikes wow but still
Removing metal from head before wounds close seems prudent. shrugs
Ding ding ding! Ben's powers do come from the metal! Idk how many details you guys want...
Now that's why he can't do the surgery then, cause, well.
He loses the powers
I think Lee worked with Sterling and they both love the same woman and that caused a rift between them. Maybe Lee tried to win Ana away from sterling or left him when he needed him because of Ana. This may be the biggest cause of his guilt since the thought of talking to Sterling is the only hope he has
But what if it’s unhealthy for Ben to have that metal??
Ahh, interesting. (I mean, what do I know, right? ^.- ) Maybe Ben will learn that he doesn't need superpowers to be a cool guy. Particularly if he retains the fighting techniques.
it is definitely unhealthy for ben to have metal in his head, especially around lee who can make it worse. XD i dont forsee ben wanting to give up powers tho
Sha: I'm kind of with you, but I'm not sure Ana necessarily caused a rift directly... I feel more like maybe Lee decided he just couldn't work that close to them any more, and went looking for other work.
Illegal work, possibly.
Maybe he's got a bit of self loathing or something.
In terms of metal in the head/ injuries! There are reported cases of people living normal lives with shards of metal stuck in their brain matter. I was going off those when writing Ben, especially a case of someone who shot themselves with a nail gun and turned out to be just fine
That's an interesting piece of trivia
I have heard of people living with bullets lodged into their brain for years
as an example
I've heard of that stuff, possibly even seen an XRay one time. Gives me the willies.
yeah its definitely possible. but basically no mris ever which limits diagnostic tools ppl can use
which is not good cause mris are super powerful
im gonna go out on a limb and assume ana is dead or potentially in a coma. and that lee is (or assumes he was) the cause because whatever he used to contain the medicine that sterling had him built
and thats where his guilt is
Lee's kind of my fave character, actually. Ben is too eager to treat everything as some kind of game, and Veda has no respect for boundaries.
and that what happened between lee and sterling is they both feel responsible for what happened
and while lee wanted to move on, sterling wanted to obsess
Rebel: If that's the case (interesting theory), maybe Lee just feels like if he'd stuck around (assuming it happened after he left), he'd have been able to do something.
maybe ana is just sick in the hospital
and sterling is obsessing trying to save her
Maybe he even has a theory for how to fix things but Sterling put a hit out on him and refuses to hear anything.
and while lee should be supporting her he doesnt have the strength too
Either way, if they end up talking, I feel like it would be near the climax.
Seconding Math
I don’t think Ana is dead, otherwise this would be a lot like Miraculous Ladybug is recently
i forsee that, but i also hope they dont wait till the climax. and that they hug and talk it out. and while they patch some things up theres stuff about the disease that fall to deaf ears on sterling's part(edited)
I don't follow the reference, but okay.
Sorry Miraculous is a silly romantic superhero cartoon that I love for some reason
yeah i go back and forth on ana being dead. although i think we can at least assume something bad happened to her
Just want to say, I thought putting in that scene of Sterling was a great move. I'd kind of pictured him having gone all "mad scientist", so the idea that he's kind of tortured and trying to fix things was an interesting window.
Yeah I felt sorry for him he’s like an even more realistic Hawkmoth sorry I keep referencing Ml
I love the realism in the drama for this comic
Plot twist: Ana is actually one of the pigeons. Things went terribly wrong.
yeah i really liked what that scene of sterling did
cause it knocked him down from enigmatic evil overlord to tortured human soul who is trying to fix something he doesnt know how to fix
I'm crying
ana is trying to tell lee shes a pigeon this whole time but lee just doesnt get it
all the pieces are falling together
Ana tried to use the bird woman to get her message across. That also went badly.
QUESTION 3. Much of the current events of the comic are now being driven by Veda who wants to save her sister. Do you believe all Veda really wants to do is save Dani, or is something else going on? Do you think Dani is being held against her will, or might there be a reason she doesn’t want to see Veda? How exactly do you think Veda became exposed enough to the medicine to gain her powers? Is Veda so aggressive with her powers because of desperation to save her sister, or do you think it’s telling about what Veda does for a living in some way? At the hotel, we also see Veda get sick for a moment. Do you think her sudden illness is revealing? What about her words as she looked in the mirror? What consequences do you think this “sickness” will have for the group as a whole?
Math does it again
But I do wonder if there is some kind of dark secret to the pigeons, and why they're everywhare
"That also went badly"
I think Veda is trying to save her sister, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was another motive as well. I think she gets fatigued severely from using her powers too much
I mean, magic exists in this world so that wouldn't be far out of the ordinary
but back onto the subject
on a tangent i liked lee's convo with the old lady because it was so utterly ridiculous on so many levels. like who approaches some old lady on the bench and assumes she knows a lot about pigeons just cause shes showing them mild affection.
Wait magic?! I missed that
Yeah but he was desperate lol
More like superpowers
As in, the en mase of pidgeons being a result somehow of everyone having powers
Yeah I don’t think this was magic I didn’t get that at all just superhero sci-fi
Magic and sci-fi together can annoy me sometimes I just love my scifi
i do think veda is trying to save her sister. but part of me wonders if its not just that her powers exhaust her. what if veda has the disease too and thats actually why she was exposed to the medicine? that is my out there theory
Oh yeah....
That could be it
I wonder if people get the disease if they get the powers or if the powers don’t actually cure you
oh man thatd be ironically sad. that the cure comes with the disease
Sorry, in and out as the little one makes a fuss. I wonder if Veda's trying to save her sister more for herself than for her sister's sake. Like, she feels guilty over letting her go in the first place. (And what other doctor is she going to take her sister to if they get out? I mean really.)
yeah i thought that too
about where would veda even take her
Yeah there aren't really any other doctors who can solve her problems but she's desperate
Yeah Math could be right. (I’m doing Laundry right now lol) good luck with your little one!
any other doctor is probably gonna tell her theres nothing they can do but make her comfortable and manage the symtoms
and give a death time estimate
Guess doctors aren't common in this universe or soemthing
Well doctors who can cure the disease aren’t
well doctors who can cure this specific disease, yes XD
Junebug! Hello!
to answer another question on the list, i think dani's imprisonment is a bit of both. that sterling 100% is holding her but that even if veda came dani would tell her to go away for some reason. maybe to protect veda...or maybe veda and her had a fight just like lee and sterling had a fight. and later on that fight is something lee and veda can bond over
Certainly the fact that her ailment can’t easily be cured by someone else is a motivation for Dani to stay with Sterling
Or maybe Dani also has mind powers and can tell that Veda's not being real sincere or something.
Hello Junebug~
Something the future script will touch on is whether the Cure is more important than the Person. If their physical health should be prized over their emotional well-being
that sounds deep
Hmm. I don’t know I wonder if Lee and Veda will start to like each other. Probably not but they do have some things in common
I really want them to(edited)
What good is emotional well-being if you’re sick as a dog? You need a combination of both I guess
I desperately need them to be begrudging friends / partners in crime
He is a chick magnet. (That was a good line.)
Good one Math
i feel like before lee and veda can get along they need to have a huge fight. like get all their reservations an stuff out in the open air. cause at the moment the entire relationship is kind of soured by veda's emotional blackmail
Yeah as it stands there's not much room for "getting along"
Yeah, that there's pretty twisted
I’m just a big sucker for characters like Veda esp if she goes through some good ol character development
wink wonk
i think of the characters veda is the most likely who's gonna grow too. cause right now shes toeing that bad guy line a bit too hard
QUESTION 4. All these super powers are caused by one thing: Sterling and his magical Anacride medicine. Why do you think Sterling developed this medicine in the first place? Does it have something to do with Ana given the number of times she’s shown when talking about the disease it cures? What is going on with Sterling currently given he refuses to let families see those in his treatment program? Are there some sort of detrimental side effects he can’t control, or is something else afoot? Do you believe he can fix everything, or are the powers and other side effects now permanent? Also, what do you think happened to him that landed him in the hospital during one flashback? Finally, what does all this mean for Ben given that he has metal dangerously embedded in his head? Are Ben’s powers really caused by a brief exposure to the medicine, and will this journey change him in some way?
Character development makes the world go round
Ana could have the disease
Also is the uh medicine named after her
I feel like he could be desperate to find her a permanent and less detrimental cure so he goes through others not caring what happens to them so he can save Ana ?
i never connected ana's name was in the word anacride
I just now saw it capitalized and was like ???? Maybe ????
Do I win a prize
Yes you get a pigeon. Here
I will take good care of him
thatd be a sad approach is sterling was using everyone else to test the medicine before testing it on ana, assuming shes a victim. but now im wondering if maybe she isnt a victim. maybe she helped make the medicine but she had a falling out with sterling and now sterling hopes that if he makes the medicine succeed ana will love him again
I feel like Ana has some dark side to her
Okay, back, mostly. Oh, good call on the naming! Didn't register that.
Like she at least a little bit fudges the lines when it comes to pharmaceutical experimentation but wouldn’t go as far as sterling would idk
Remember there was that flashback scene where Ana was actually helping Sterling due to his heart problem or whatever. I think maybe SHE developed the medicine, and Sterling's trying to perfect it for her.
So I guess similar to the "love me again" idea.
Except maybe it's just in her memory.
'You will be the last victim of this disease'...
well tbf, the only viewpoints weve had of ana are those from ppl who love her in some capacity. so to them ana is probably an angel. so her having a dark side would not surprise me at all cause nobody is perfect an all that jazz
and yeah i considered that too, math. that this could just be a "last victim of the disease" sort of thing
Ana is actually an NPC in the story.
She hands out the quests.
As a pigeon.
its a good thing they have ben. he will figure out you have to accept the pigeon quests in order to progress the story
I shall do that o_ o\
Give me all them challenges
The clues were there all along. There she is, pigeon # 62
Yeah, some of the "deluded Ben" stuff when Lee first found him was amusing. I'm glad it didn't become an overlong gag though.
For a sec I thought those were bats
Speaking of amusing things - I liked some of the little background naming things. Like the diner that had been crossed out and it's like "Al's now" or whatever. Or the donut box saying to drink juice.
I'm so happy you noticed
My favourite was the self defence book. "This convenient book is going to show you how not to get punched in the face".
The best kind of book
And in Ben's apartment there's a statue of Han Solo with the words "_ shot first" and the name is covered
I think it also had a picture of the Matrix in it or something.
the Han statue
Ahh, I interpreted that as "Han" (the statue) "shot first".
Oh I see!
Probably why Ben's roommate moved out. A Star Wars disagreement.
Anyway I'm glad you guys enjoy the stupid jokes in the flavor text
I almost walked out of watching a new hope bc my friends all said exactly the opposite of who I think shot first
Always fun when the author sneaks in background gags/jokes
I wonder what's in the van. Like, is it more of the drug? Could they actually analyze it before they do the run? (Though, they probably don't have time for that.)
i assumed it was more of the drug
that begs the question of how its made
cause youd think sterling would make the drug in his lab
Maybe he outsources.
Maybe ingredience
Right, just gotta mix it with fructose.
The drug needs to go through a special process of pressurization and maturation before it's viable... so Sterling designs the drug but no one knows if it will work for a few weeks until they test it
It's important to be mature about such things.
pun game on point
Oh, nice detail about Lee's card being demagnetized btw. Hadn't occurred to me.
Poor guy.
In that pigeon comic it's implied that he keeps breaking watches too. It's really inconvenient!
Well, I guess it's almsot the end
having magnetic powers sounds like all kinds of trouble. cant take him camping cause hell throw off the compasses. although you could use him to hold metal screws for you without them getting lost
Right! I remember noticing that. Guess it does make it easier to fall off the grid.
In that case cya, and thanks for the great reads, @lightlybow
It was great metting ya.
I wonder if Ben will compare him to Magneto.
He should
I wonder what Dina!s gonna be like she looks like she could be a sweet but tortured soul
Great meeting you too @Superjustinbros !!
He already did compare Lee to Magneto!
I remember he said “You totally Magnetoed him”
I am clearly not paying enough attention. Must have read it as magnetized. It makes sense given his Marvel references.
Omg rebel I just imagined Veda sticking screws to Lee's face like "Here, hold this"
I could see that.
Anyway, definitely pulling for Lee. Guy can't seem to catch a break. Hope his mental demons are appeased.
Me too, buddy. Me too
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Sae, as well, for making Anacrine Complex. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Sae’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://pigeoncomic.com/
Sae’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/cottonart
Sae’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/lightlybow
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about Skeletons in the Closet by Niah. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, November 15th, from 5PM to 7PM PST for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: https://tapas.io/series/Skeletons-in-the-Closet
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