#but this changes every interaction; the way he hesitates to tell donna his name; and how playful he is when he asks her for a walk
whereflowersbloom · 4 years
It’s a rare Saturday afternoon off. Conner is sprawled across the sofa, his head resting on a fluffy cushion. Raven sitting next to him, wearing comfortable summer clothes, leaving her legs bare. Conner was watching the movie with half-closed eyes. He’s unusually exhausted. But everyone was out. They’ve been working around the clock, non-stop for weeks, busy with missions. It’s the first time they’ve managed to arrange their time off in a long time. He wanted to make the most of it, but Raven didn’t want to go out today. It’s a lazy day, spending it in the Tower’s living room. Watching old movies, Raven recommended and insisted he must watch them. Classics. ‘Gone with the wind, The wizard of Oz, Casablanca’ among other tittle.
Conner tried to focus on the screen. They were halfway Casablanca, but got distracted by Raven’s hair. It looked almost magical in this light. Her dark hair, shinning like the night sky. Her hair was slowly turning a dark purple shade, almost indigo with the sunlight hitting it. Conner was quite intrigued about her hairstyle as well. He’d seen braids before, but never this intricately. She did notice Raven had changed the way she styled her hair lately. He secretly wanted to ask what made her change it. He liked it nonetheless. Whether she let it cascade down her shoulders or in a ponytail, or this elaborated braid. She looked dazzlingly beautiful to him, all the time.
Raven felt Conner’s eyes on her. She was intrigued why he was so absorbed watching her? Was there something on her face? She’d only eaten popcorn like him, and he was clean, well groomed like always. Impeccable she’d rather admit. She couldn’t ignore his long, unblinking stare any longer. She was about to ask him if everything was okay when he unexpectedly broke the silence.
“How do you braid hair?”He asked all of a sudden, rubbing his neck, when he saw Raven’s baffled look. Tilting her head to one side, blinking several times, processing why he was so interested in her hair now.
That was not what she had expected. She consciously touched her French braid. It wasn’t her usual hairstyle, she felt heat burn her cheeks. Donna had been watching recently videos about hairstyles. She became seemingly so engrossed in trying new hairstyles, specially braids on her dark hair now that it was long enough, and growing even longer, down to her lower shoulders. The Amazonian had mentioned it would suit her. Donna being the persuasive person she was, Raven didn’t have the heart to say no. Also, she decided, perhaps it was time to try a different look. Instead of braiding just the three strands, you take hair with it as you go down. After hours and hours of practicing, Donna finally mastered it. It was different. The first time she felt strange. But she found some benefits, her hair didn’t get in the way while training or cooking. It was rather practical. Kori found it looking regal. Did Conner not like it? It was the first time he mentioned it.
She didn’t know how to explain. She had only done it a couple of times. “Uhmm, well.” she shrugged the twine from her hair and untangled the braid, slowly, with her small hands. Her midnight tresses were quite long, so it took some time. Maybe because she was so self-conscious of Conner’s curious, steady gaze. She felt her heart hammering in her chest, her breath coming in short. She was overly, awkwardly aware of his gaze on her face as the strands started to adorn her face. She gulped and wished he stopped staring, counting the heartbeats in her mind. But in the back of her mind she’d rather have him look at her with those beautiful baby blue eyes, sparkling with interest and mischief, as always, asking her to read him books, or having a long conversation about her hobbies, even video games he occasionally played with Beast Boy. She bit her lip hard enough to draw blood, but thanks Azar it healed fairly quickly.
Conner felt heat creep in his neck, and not because of the sun, or the hot summer weather of Jump City. His stomach always did somersaults like the kids in the park, or Nightwing did while training, whenever he looked at her, his feelings flowing so freely like a river, his feelings for her deepened and strengthened with every passing day. He couldn’t decipher it, but it made him feel things he knew he shouldn’t feel for a friend. He knew he shouldn’t, wasn’t supposed to but he genuinely, wholeheartedly liked Raven. She appeared to be troubled by his question.
He cleared his throat, attempting to get back her attention. He pronounced her name quietly. “Raven.”
“Oh. Sorry.” She jumped slightly, snapping out of her trance. “You take three pieces of hair, like this” she demonstrated it and started showing Conner, imitating the way Donna did it, if she remembered correctly. “And as you are braiding, you add hair from both sides and continue. Follow my fingers.” Her breath choked as, abruptly took a strand of her hair and twirled in thoughtfully around his finger, observing it meticulously, seemingly not aware of his actions or his effect on her.
He looked up, smiled warmly at her, the way he did, resembling a child with new toy and nodded. He hesitated for a moment but muttered cheerfully. “Do you mind if I try it?”
Her violet-blue eyes widened. Conner wanted to braid her hair. The idea of his hands close to her face? Her stomach was in knots. No. That was an absolutely terrible idea or not? Calm down Raven. Nothing to worry about. It’s just hair. She has no idea why he’s so fascinated by it, but they are friends. If Donna can do it. What’s the difference? He wouldn’t just tangle up her hair as a prank. He wasn’t Garfield. No. Conner was innocent, honorable, respectful. He was different, like her she imagined sometimes. “Sure, go ahead.” His hand brushed her fingers lightly, with such softness. It sent a tingle of goosebumps up her arm. Their eyes locked, and the powerful connection, felt like being struck by lighting. Blue eyes meeting violet. Both were blushing furiously.
Raven shifted her body, so she was sitting cross legged in front of him, on the sofa, with her back towards him.
Conner took the log hair in for a moment. Admiring how soft and beautiful it was. He breathed in the essence, lavender, jasmine and peppermint. He has dreamt about how it would be to play with it, run it though his fingers. Her head in his lap, she was humming a song he never heard before. He’d absentmindedly started imitating her as well, while twirling the hair around his long fingers. He casually asked her about it. She told him it was an old song her mother used to sing to her. It brought some fond and happy memories.
“Don’t mess it up.” She teased him, giggling softly, but warning him at the same time. A boyish smile spread across his face. She confide him her precious memories. He felt special for a moment. Like he was needed, trusted with such things, he could guess not many knew about. His hands brush her hair gently, over her shoulders, unintentionally touching her delicate pale neck.
“No promises.” he said in a playful tone. He continued to play with her hair, trying to copy her fingers, when she had shown him. Braiding hair sure wasn’t easy.
His fingers caressed her cheekbone as he took a strand of hair. Raven held her breathe. What was he doing? Did he cast a spell on her or something, turning her completely speechless? She was the sorcerer here. Not him. She felt Conner edge closer.
“I’m almost done...I think.” he whispered anxiously. He didn’t need to, but it felt appropriate. The moment felt too intimate, for some reason. Something was changing between them. Perhaps because this was unusual in a way he couldn’t point. Sure, they were close friends, had normal interactions, but this felt intimate, private, almost romantic. They never touched or got close this way before. It was a new experience. Conner furrowed his eyebrows involuntarily, he started to hate that word. ‘Friends’. It didn’t cover entirely their bond. He didn’t want to be only Raven’s friend. Friends certainly, positively didn’t left you breathless and wanting more. He’d rather not talk to any of his other friends and simply kiss Raven senselessly. As he dreamed almost every night for months now.
He seriously had to stop daydreaming about her. But he found himself incapable of stopping. He did not want to, if he was honest.
Raven stretched her neck, yawning momentarily, then she looked over her shoulder. He’d suddenly stopped braiding, and instead of saying anything, she felt him staring at her again. Those blue eyes studying her again. She felt strange, the way he looked at her. That’s not the way friends do it. Not the others. Except a certain vigilante. But that was too complicated.
But when she gazed at him cautiously, she was surprised by their proximity, his lips merely inches from hers. And that look on his face. Conner flustered? No no no. She hastily created more space. And realized maybe he’d feel offended or hurt.
“Sorry, you surprised me.” she mumbled, avoiding his eyes, hand grabbing the end of the braid and tying it quickly. It was adequate, he did a fairly good job.
“No apologies.” he said blushing, shaking his head. He didn’t want her to worry or upset her. “I was distracted.” He confessed, ruffling his hair.
Raven raised her brow, wondering what caught his attention, placing her chin on her palm. “What’s on your mind?”
Conner paused for a moment, considering telling her the truth. He decided it wasn’t the right time. Sighing deeply, he didn’t have the courage yet to declare his feelings for her. There was no way he could reply saying I was daydreaming about kissing you, the way you deserve to be kissed. His heartbeat increased around 40 beats more than average. He had an idea. He smiled mischievously.
“It’s a secret.” He winked teasingly, praying his cheeks didn’t heat up and thanking she didn’t possess superhearing like him.
Raven’s eyes widened. She snorted softly, and she rolled her eyes. “You’re ridiculous, Superboy.” The dark haired girl threw some popcorn at him and he chuckled loudly, it was so natural. “I’ll find out eventually.” She said, faking indignation and folding her arms as she closed her eyes.
“You will.” He said optimistically, reassuring her, a confident smile on his face. A promise for the future. ‘One day Raven’ I’ll tell you all those things I’ve bottled up. Those things I want to have with you. He told himself in his mind.
Anither konrae oneshot 🙈🙈🙈🙈💙💙💙💜💜💜
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The Aftermath - Ch. 31
The Talk
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Summary: Riley and Liam talk about what’s next for them, and Drake finally confronts Jessica
Word Count: ~2.7k
Warnings: mention of character death, slight language, implied smut
*All characters belong to Pixelberry, except those that are unique to my story (I’ve also used some characters and fictional instances from Donna Tartt’s book, “The Goldfinch”)*
Catch up here!
Tags:  @captain-kingliamsqueen @gkittylove99 @lovablegranny @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful​ @mom2000aggie @kingliam2019 @queenrileyrose @shanzay44 @cordonianroyalty @hopefulmoonobject @hopelessromanticmonie @twinkle-320 @charlotteg234 @amandablink @texaskitten30 @queencatherynerhys @pens-girl-87 @ladyangel70 @sanchita012 @cordonianprincess @liamandneca @cordonia-gothqueen @pink-diamond13 @queenwalton @yourmajesty09 @alj4890​
I don’t know if the tags are working or not, but I hope I got everyone down. If you would like to be added/removed, let me know :)
- Riley - 
I wake by the morning light that blares through the window. After blinking for a few moments, I slowly take in the room around me. I see my luggage near the far corner, and there are clothes littered on the floor. The covers of the bed are dangling off the edge. Liam is on the bed with me. His head rests on my stomach and his arms are loosely around me. His face is an image of pure peace. 
I wonder what time it is. Turning my head, I can see that my phone isn’t near me. I look again at Liam, sleeping soundly, and I don’t want to wake him. 
I shift my upper body, trying to lean down to see if my phone was on the floor. But I move a bit too much, and Liam wakes. He rubs his eyes, then turns his head slowly, kissing my stomach and all the way up to my lips. 
“Good morning,” I say to him when we part. His blond hair is a whorl on his head and there’s a content smile on his face.
I get out of bed and find my phone under my discarded dress. Checking the time, I see that it’s almost noon. I put it on the bedside table and begin picking up the clothes scattered on the floor. 
“What are you doing, love?” Liam asks, reaching for me. He lightly takes hold of my elbow and draws me back towards the bed. I let myself fall into his warm embrace. “I’d like to stay here with you forever,” he whispers in my ear. 
“I would, too, but we already missed breakfast. Plus the kids might be worried.”
Liam kisses my temple. Neither of us move to get out of bed. A part of me doesn’t want to move. Liam’s embrace felt peaceful and safe. It was refreshing in a way. It was like I had found my way home.
We stare at the ceiling, disregarding the time pass by.
“The Anointing Ceremony is tomorrow,” Liam speaks. 
“I know,” I respond. “My mother said she’s going to fly over for it. And Gabe said he was having a bit of anxiety.” 
“I’ll be sure to make accommodations for your mother. As for Gabriel, I’ll speak to him. I know he’ll be perfect.” He pauses for a second. “There is also something that I wish to ask your mother.”
“What do you want to ask her?” 
He gives a low chuckle. Liam meets my eyes, but says nothing. His silence gives me his answer. 
“You said you wanted me to give you until the end of the Social Season,” I state. “Well, there’s barely two days left.” He laughs again. “Is there something you want to ask me?” I manage to say through a smile.
He looks away for a moment. I’m still tucked under his arm and glued to his side. “Perhaps there is something I wish to ask you, but this was not the position I had planned.”
“Really? Then what did you have planned?”
“I thought I’d bring you to the hedge maze.”
“The same one that Ella got lost in?” 
“Well, I would make sure the children were safe before we’d go. There’s a well I wish to show you.” 
“And what would we do at the well?”
His gaze is intense. His eyes aren’t as tired as usual, compared to these past few weeks. I lean forward and press my lips against his. 
“Riley,” he says, making my body shiver. I push myself closer to him. “You torture me.”
I rest my head on his shoulder. His arms wrap tightly around me. “I’ve been torturing myself, too. Ten whole years.” I trail off, feeling uneasy.
“It took us ten years to make our way back to each other,” Liam says gently. “And now that I have you, I don’t want to lose you. Or Gabriel, or Eleanor.”
“I don’t want you to lose us, either.” 
He kisses me again, then moves away suddenly. “Would your mother be okay with that?” 
I give out a laugh. “What does she have to do with it?” 
“She was quite hostile when we were in New York. Whenever I’d mention anything about our relationship she wouldn’t hesitate to remind me how I failed you.” 
“But you didn’t fail me. Both of us made mistakes. I just want to leave it in the past.”
We snuggle closer to each other. Liam smothers my face in soft kisses. “Riley Brooks,” he whispers. “My queen.”
My heart flutters a little. We stay like that for a little while longer before deciding it would be better to get out of bed and check on the kids. We dress quickly, stealing kisses every other moment, and walk out of the room hand in hand. 
The estate is quiet and practically empty. Most of the court had already left or were still asleep. At the bottom of the stairs, servants are cleaning up the mess from last night. Bertrand supervises them, watching their every move. When Liam and I pass by, Bertrand glances at our hands, then at Liam, and finally gives us a wide smile. 
In the dining room, Gabe and Bartie play a game on one of Gabe’s devices, leaning close to the small screen with small controllers in their hands. Eleanor and Hana are going through a simple ballet routine, laughing and clapping for each other. When Ella sees us she rushes over to give Liam a hug, who lifts her into his arms. Gabe is still focused on his game but gives us a quick “hi”. 
I ask Hana were Maxwell and Rowan are, but she says she hasn’t seen them since last night. 
“What about Drake? Or Olivia? Or Boris?” 
“I saw Drake leave the estate a few hours ago,” Hana tells me. “Olivia and Boris I saw during the party, but not this morning.”
With Ella still in his arms, Liam makes his way over to Gabe and Bartie, asking about the game they’re playing. Hana pulls me to the side. 
“I have news,” she states, a wide smile across her face. It’s one that I recognize. I haven’t seen it in a while, but I knew there was only one thing that would make her this happy. “Neville signed the papers last night.”
“What!” I cry. Hana nods and laughs. I give her a tight hug. “Took you long enough to get rid of him!” 
“I know!” Her smile falters a little. “I haven’t told my parents yet.” 
“I’m sure they’ll understand. And don’t worry, I’ll be here for backup.” 
She gives a smile, then asks, “Now what about you and Liam?” 
A wide grin spreads across my face. “We talked.”
“And...?” Hana urges me to continue. 
“And... I decided that I want to stay in Cordonia. With him, Gabe, Ella, and all our friends.”
Hana gives me an amused look. “So you’re saying...”
“It’s technically unofficial... but yes.”
Hana squeals and we share a hug. Servants walk into the room, putting plates on the tables. Savannah and Bertrand enter, and we all sit down for lunch. 
Bertrand asks me the same question Hana did, and he and Savannah give me quiet congratulations. Gabe and Ella talk excitedly about some other topic, and Liam matches their enthusiasm. 
Before, looking at them interacting like this had made me upset. It reminded me of everything that I had kept from them. But now I feel the opposite; even though they had spent more time away from each other than together, there was the undeniable care and affection that the children had for Liam, and that he had for them. It was the way it should have been from the start, and knowing that there was no longer anything that could change it, I feel at peace.
- Drake - 
Jessica had left Ramsford in the early morning. She left Drake a note, claiming she had plans to meet up with friends. Drake suspected that he knew what that meant. Two hours after he woke up, he received a text from her: 
plans canceled :( come meet me, let’s have lunch xx
Once he read the message, Drake was sure that her “plans” had probably been with Boris, who was still locked in a bedroom somewhere in the estate.
Drake hadn’t told anyone what he had discovered about Jessica, not even Savannah. He wondered if Olivia had gotten more information out of Boris. Drake didn’t want to go see Jessica. He knew there was nothing she could do to make him angrier, but he needed answers. 
Even with the doubts, he drives over to her apartment in the capital. His mind is numb while he drives. Drake can’t bring himself to focus on the present moment, and almost swerved into ongoing traffic more than once. But he finally made it to her apartment and got out of his car. 
As he walked through the lobby and down the hall towards her room, he kept reminding himself that she couldn’t make him feel sorry for her. She had no power over him. 
When she opened the door, she wasn’t as composed as she usually was. She was rushing around the clean, white kitchen and starts talking about multiple things at once: a new dress she wanted to buy, tried it on, couldn’t decide, put it on hold, got shoes instead, a call from her uncle who lives in Italy, her boss wants her to fly to London for the weekend, her friend Emma wanted to go on a trip to the Caribbean but Jessica wanted to go France.
“Listen,” she finally stops babbling on. “I had such a good idea. Let’s go get a curry. I’m craving one and don’t feel like cooking. What’s that place you took me to that one time? The Maha something?”
“You mean that fleabag?” he says. 
“Excuse me?” She quickly turns to regard him. 
Drake didn’t remember the name of the restaurant she was talking about — the name changed every few years as it came under different owners, but the menu always stayed the same. His mother had brought him and his sister there when they were younger. A while ago he had dinner there with Jessica, who commented that the venue and waiters depressed her.
“The saddest restaurant in the capital,” Drake repeats her comment. “Great idea.” 
She frowns. “Whatever. I think there’s another place that’s closer. Emma knows where it is, I can ask her for the name. Or we can do what you want.”
“What I want?” Drake leans against the door frame of the kitchen, his hands in his pockets. “That’s rich.” 
“Sorry.” She turns away. “I thought a curry might be nice. Forget I said anything.” 
“It’s fine. You can stop now.” 
She turns to him again, a vacant smile on her face. “Excuse me?” 
“You know what I’m talking about.” 
Jessica blinks at him, but says nothing. 
“I think you should keep your phone on when you’re with him. I tried to call you on the street. Maybe if you had answered, we wouldn’t be here.” 
“Sorry, I don’t know...?” She trails off. Drake doesn’t know if the confusion on her face is genuine or fake. 
“Jess, I saw you.” 
Again she blinks rapidly. After a slight pause she continues. “Oh, please, you can’t be serious. You don’t mean Boris, do you?” A moment of deadly silence passes. Neither of them says anything, but she speaks up again. “He’s an old friend, from way back, we’re really close—”
“Yeah, I reckon you are.” 
“—from when his mother died. He moved to Cordonia for like a year when he was eight. We went to school together. Papa knew him, they did business together for some time. Emma knows him, too, and, and,” she stutters for a moment. “I know how it may have seemed, and I know you have a good reason not to like him, because, because I know about him knowing Riley for all those years and helping Theodore, and, sure they probably shouldn’t have done that, it... it was none of their business but listen, he feels awful about how it turned out—”
“Feels awful?”
“—and he’s been feeling terrible lately,” she continues rapidly, “ever since Theodore died and what happened to Riley and the kids—”
“You two sit around and talk about that shit? You talk about my friends and pity us?” 
“—and Boris, he came over to see Emma and I right before we got into the movies. We dropped her off at her apartment after. He... he had a bad upset and just wanted someone to talk to—”
“You don’t expect me to believe all that do you?”
“Listen. I don’t know what... what you know or how you know but—”
“How long have you been seeing him?” He was tired of the nonsense.
“Drake, let’s not do this.” 
“No, tell me, I want to know how long.”
“I won’t see him anymore,” she states quickly. 
“So you admit it?” 
“I didn’t think it mattered until we were married.” 
“Didn’t think it mattered?” He’s shocked at her words. Drake doesn’t know what to say to her, but anger still boiled inside him. “You didn’t think I would find out?” 
“I said I won’t see him anymore. I told him I wouldn’t a while back.”
“But he keeps coming back,” Drake speculates. “He won’t take no for an answer. He loves you too much.”
“That’s right.” 
Drake takes a reflexive step back.
A flash of guilt crosses her face, but it disappears in a second. “Listen. I don’t expect you to understand but it’s rough being in love with the wrong person.”
Silence spreads between them again. They don’t look at each other and instead glance around the room. 
Drake had walked into her apartment telling himself that she had no power over him, there was no way for her to make him feel sorry... but who knew the truth of what he was talking about better than Drake? Maybe he was wrong to connect Jessica’s relationship with him and Boris to Drake’s feelings for Riley, but his mind couldn’t help but wander.
“Drake, let’s not let this spoil things. We’re better people when we’re with each other, aren’t we? And... we’re a good couple. We like each other, we get along.” Drake’s anger rises, but he can’t bring himself to speak. Jessica continues, “Now, let’s both be truthful and kind and happy together and—”
“Stop it,” Drake interrupts her again. He had barely heard what she said over his heart hammering in his chest, but he knew that he was tired. He had used most of his energy last night during his fight with Boris, and he wasn’t going to let Jessica take advantage of his exhaustion. 
Drake remembers the ring that she wore the night before. He glances down at her hand to see that it’s still there. He makes eye contact with her again. Her eyes are slightly pink with tears. 
His voice is rough when he speaks. He’s angry at her, and he wants her to know it. “You can keep the ring if you want. Or sell it, give it away. I could give less of a shit for what you’ll do to it.”
She looks down at her shaking hand. “I won’t sell it, I know it was your grandmother’s.”
He watches her, wondering if she was going to give it back. 
“Drake, please, we’re right for each other. This marriage is the right thing for both of us and we both know it—”
“Jess, you know where I live. You can mail it, drop it off. Whatever you want. Just...” Drake trails off. Jessica moves towards him, but he doesn’t want to deal with her anymore. He turns his back to her and walks out the door. 
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onyour-right · 4 years
A Dickkory fic - Role Reversal
*Strides in several months late after I said I was gonna have this out by the time season 2 finished airing* I don’t even have any excuses for myself other than my motivation to write them was at such a low, but I hope this kinda makes up for things. 
This fic is Kory kinda struggling to deal with a few of the events that have happened, of what her sister’s presence on earth means, and then of course our ole boy Dick comforting our girl.  
Please feel free to comment on what you liked/disliked (but keep it respectful). Positive feedback is always necessary. 
Word count: 2,600+
Kory lies wide awake in her unbelievingly spacious double bed, her green eyes fixed unseeingly on the pasty white ceiling as numerous thoughts race through her mind and leave her unable to fall asleep.
It’s not the first night she has had trouble falling asleep, nor is it the second the third or even the fourth. Ever since she’d had to kill Faddei, a friend to her despite everything else, and then somehow lost her powers, there was a restlessness that clung deep to her spirit and left her feeling oddly vulnerable in a way that she wasn’t at all used to.
She knows she’s been acting differently around the others, and knows that they’ve picked up on it too. She’s seen the worried looks that Gar shoots her way when he thinks she isn’t aware; she feels the frustration that bleeds through her every interaction with Dick, of him wanting to push but not knowing how far to go. Even Rachel, who is generally a lot harder to read and a lot less obvious with her affections, seems to be hovering close to her as if she’s worried she might take off at any moment. 
Kory loves them all; some days it overwhelms her just how much she does, and on her bad days she finds herself wishing she didn’t love them as much as she did. It’s why it makes the presence of her sister on earth that much worse. Blackfire has already shown her ruthlessness, her lack of remorse in doing what she needs to do to get what she wants. It would be absolutely nothing for her sister to take any one of their lives, to take away what few people Kory now has left.
Her mind drifts over to Gar, sweet, precious Gar, who is unbelievingly loyal and deserving of so much goodness he has yet to receive. Then Rachel, who nestled her way into Kory’s heart fiercely and unapologetically, who challenges her in so many ways. And finally Dick, the man who already arouses feelings so deep within her that she knows that if both of them could just figure it out...
She can’t be the reason they die. She can’t watch any of them die. It would be too much. It would devastate her. She can handle a lot of things, but she can’t with this, she can’t -
… She can’t breathe.
Kory presses her hand firmly against her chest, against the hammering of her heart, in futile hope that it will help abate the pressure mounting. It does not. She feels as if she’s boiling under the covers, her skin disgustingly clammy to touch, and she doesn’t know where she’s going, but she knows she needs to leave.
She barely registers throwing back the covers and slipping out of her room, or moving through the dimly lit hallways of Titan Tower on the night cycle.  
When she stumbles towards the security door leading to the rooftop she wastes no time in yanking it open and rushing out into the cold, night air, where finally she’s able to take in a deep breath when the fresh breeze washes over and settles deep into her skin.
Kory stays like that for a long while, her eyes shut and her face tilting upwards towards the moonlit sky. There’s something about basking in the silence, she thinks, something almost beautiful and peaceful that she so desperately needs.  
She is unaware of how much time passes until her quietness is interrupted by a familiar baritone voice that comes from behind her.
Her eyes open almost instantly at the sound of Dick’s voice, and even though she needs this bit of peace she’s found and is reluctant to break it, she still spins round to face him.
“Dick,” she says with surprising softness, surprising given the weariness that she feels, that sinks right through to her bones and makes her ache.  
He looks adorable in his half asleep state; wearing his blue pyjama bottoms and white tee, with his ruffled brown hair that has Kory longing to run her fingers through it. She can imagine his reaction if she were to tell him just how cute she finds him in this moment, he would most likely let out a disgusted scoff and grumble something unintelligible under his breath that would only make her laugh.  
Kory watches him quietly, watches the worry and concern playing out so plainly on his face as he looks at her, and it startles her, because he never used to be so open with his emotions. She wonders when he’d changed so much.
When it becomes clear that she’s not going to say anything else, that she’s allowing him to take the lead in this conversation, he steps towards her and speaks.
“I got an alert when the door to the rooftop was opened, I wanted to see if you were okay.”
She nods slowly, letting out a thoughtful hum as she does. A small part of Kory wonders if he knew that it was her all along, and it makes the corner of her lips pull up into a gentle smile even while the lie trickles easily from her mouth.
“I’m fine, Dick, I just needed some fresh air.”
He furrows his brows and a disbelieving frown settles on his face, his gaze dropping down to her bare feet and then lifting back up to meet her eyes. “So fine you couldn’t spare the time to put on a pair of shoes?”
Kory feels herself tensing up at his words and folds her arms defensively across her chest. She keeps her gaze firmly on him. She won’t look down and give him the satisfaction of being right, of catching her out in a blatant lie; and she definitely won’t respond to him, with his tone of voice that she doesn’t much care for.  
He seems to realise his own misstep seconds after because his gaze softens suddenly, and a heavy breath loosens from his mouth as he takes another step closer to her. “You’ve been different lately. Not just with me, but with the whole team.. I’m just worried about you, Kory.”
Not for the first time does she find herself taken aback by his emotional maturity, although she doesn’t necessarily know why. It’s not as if he hasn’t shown his concern over her well-being before, or hasn’t gone out of his way to check on her when he knows that she’s not okay; but there’s something remarkably different about this moment that they’re sharing right now. His honesty makes it harder for her to maintain her façade towards him, but she finds that for the first time in her life she’s at a loss as to how to express herself.
“I’m-” Kory starts, trailing off into a hesitant silence when the words seem to fail her, she continues a moment later. “I appreciate your concern, Dick, I really do, but I don’t need it, I’ll be fine. I think you should be more worried about the kids though, especially Gar, y’know? He’s had a rough time and I-”
“Kory- ”
“ - think he needs some sort of help,” she continues, as if he hasn’t said a word. “Maybe someone professional to talk to. I know that it’s quite common to seek mental help after facing a traumatic event. And I mean he’s -”
“Kory- ” Dick tries again, but either she doesn’t hear him or can’t seem to stop the words falling from her mouth.
“ - just a kid, he’s so young and I -”
“Koriand’r!” He shouts finally, his voice sounding even louder in the stillness of nightfall that surrounds them.
The rest of the words die out on her lips and her eyes widen almost comically as she can do nothing else but stare at him in shock. She doesn’t think Dick has ever raised his voice to her, even when they argue it’s never with raised voices. She wants to say it bothers her, but she really can’t. An emotion that seems wholly inappropriate given the serious nature of their conversation courses through her body, and for the life of her she can’t figure out whether it’s because she likes the way her proper name falls from his mouth, or if it’s something else entirely.
Dick releases a heavy breath, his chest rising and falling as if she drives him breathless. She can see the frustration laced in his eyes again, and it makes her guilty that she’s the cause of it.  
“We’ll sort Gar out I promise you, but I can’t do that without you. He needs both of us.”
Kory feels her body deflate at his words, and a stretch of time passes where they seem content to just watch each other; Dick’s gaze searching and Kory’s gaze filled with an array of conflicting emotions. This time it’s her that takes a step forward to him, her hand reaching up to rest against the side of his face with her thumb lightly stroking his cheek.
Some of the worry clears from Dick’s expression when she steps close, and is replaced with the same emotion that Kory recognises flows through her body. His stare drops down to her full lips and his mouth parts invitingly, and the faint  hesitation Kory felt floats away because now she knows that he wants her too.  
Kory ducks her head down and closes the space between them, capturing his lips in a searing kiss that he returns with just as much intensity.
It’s been a while since they’ve last been as intimate as this. After defeating Deathstroke and then the  death of Donna, it’s taken some time for all of them to settle into their new norm and relearn old dynamics, and yet the way their bodies still move so in sync with each other is like no time has been lost at all. It’s overwhelming in the best of ways.  
They stumble backwards until Dick’s back hits the metal door and he lets out a soft grunt against her mouth, both his arms snaking around Kory’s waist to pull her flush against him. She’s forgotten how good it is to be allowed to touch any part of him that she wants – his chest, his hair, his face, and in turn to feel his hands on her. It fills her with such a staggering amount of pleasure.
Eventually they part for some air, panting heavily as they try to catch their breaths. It’s only a mere few seconds later that Kory leans forward again with the intent to claim his lips again, but when Dick inches his head back a stab of rejection so strong buckles through her.  Has she read him wrong?
Kory tries to step away from him then, but his arms turn tight around her and prevent her from walking away.  “Kory,” is all he says, low and soothing, like he already knows the assumption she’s jumped to and is trying to reassure her.  
He’s studying her face with that deeply intense manner of his, and in that moment she realises. It’s not that he doesn’t want to, because of course he does, it’s that he’s not letting her forget their conversation, he’s not going to let her brush this off as nothing.
She huffs lightly and averts her eyes, fixing them on a random spot on the wall. Her resolve starts to slip the longer she feels the heat of his gaze on her; stubborn man, she can’t help but think, even though the irony of her comment is not lost on her.
Kory’s voice is quiet when she finally admits to him, to herself. “I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do anymore, Dick.”
His lower lip juts out slightly while he listens, the gentle expression on his face akin to understanding. “Because of your sister?”
She nods, biting down on the inside of her mouth and turning back to him. “And my powers. One of the last conversations Faddei and I had was about my purpose, my responsibility, and now I – she’s stolen them both from me and I don’t even know what to do about any of it. I feel,” she pauses, letting out a bitter sigh, “I just feel powerless.”
Dick’s brows knit together and a frown creases his face. “The last thing I would ever call you is powerless, Kory. I can’t say I know how any of it feels, but I know that if anyone can figure out what to do it’ll be you,” and at the incredulous look that crosses over Kory’s face he adds, “maybe not right now, but you will. And you don’t have to do it on your own.”
Kory’s vision suddenly starts to blur from her tears, and a warmth spreads through her chest. It’s the type of warmth that is welcome, that heats her whole body down to her toes despite the bitter chill. She stretches a hand up and combs her fingers through Dick’s hair, the faint beginnings of a genuine smile on her liips.
“When did you get so wise?”
He snorts at her question, his lips twitching in amusement. “I have my moments.”
It almost makes her smile fully, but her expression only turns downcast as her thoughts linger once again on her sister. It was never Dick choosing to be  alongside her that she doubted, but it was exactly what worried her. “She could kill you, Dick.”
“I’m not so easy to kill,” he retorts jokingly, trying to lighten the mood, but Kory only seems utterly unamused and mere seconds from ranting at him and so he turns serious.
“I know this life I’ve chosen, Kory. And if the worst-” he breaks himself off before he can finish that sentence, sighing. “I’m not going to regret wanting to help you.”
Kory stares at him, her eyes scanning his face for any subtle traces of insincerity. She finds none. She wants to argue that Dick doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into, but he’s a grown man, and who is she to dictate to him what he can and can’t be willing to do. Her royal privilege doesn’t transcend to earth, and even it did she would never.
Dick leans forward, brushing a kiss against her lips. It’s fleeting and leaves her wanting more.
“I was once told that the best way to figure something out is together with someone that you trust.”  
Amusement colours her face as she vaguely remembers having the conversation he’s mentioned. It feels like such a long time ago now, and even though they went through a faire share of problems back then, she still suddenly finds herself missing those early days.  
Kory arches a brow teasingly. “And yet it took you so long to listen?”
Dick shrugs a shoulder, dropping another kiss on her lips that lasts just a little bit longer, and holds a little bit more promise. “I’m listening now, Kory.”
She nods, her head tilting to one side as a broad smile can’t help but bloom across her face this time. “Together does sounds good.”
He hums, offering her an outstretched hand. “Let’s go back to bed.”
Kory doesn’t even hesitate, she places her palm in his and lets him lead her back to his room.  
Later on, when Kory’s skin is slick with sweat for a different reason this time, and Dick’s arms are locked protectively around her with his lips pressing against the back of her head, she’ll think that maybe, just maybe, they’ll be okay.  
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aggimaginary · 6 years
The Grinch 2: Happy New Year Chapter 1-Prologue
53 years of his life, the Grinch hated Christmas because the Whos celebrated this special holiday together, and he was all alone with no friends or family to celebrate with. The only companion he had is his dog, Max, who was been loyal to him for years. Because of his jealousy towards the Whos for being excited every Christmas, the Grinch planned to steal Christmas by taking their decorations, presents and stuffs from them to fix the sadness he had for years, but he realized it can't ever since a little girl name Cindy Lou Who taught him the true meaning of Christmas. When he returned the stuff he took from the Whos, the Grinch confessed and apologized, and moved back to his home at Mt. Crumpit, which he decided to celebrate with Max. To his surprise, Cindy Lou invited him to their Christmas dinner. At the dinner table, the Grinch confessed it wasn't Christmas he hated, it was being alone. From that on, he was never alone anymore, thanks to Cindy Lou, who changed his life. The Grinch kept himself socialized with the Whos to start the beginning of his new life.
Technically, his new life hasn't started just yet.
One morning, the day after Christmas, the Grinch woke up from his slumber with a smile on his face. He doesn't remember what happened last night for a moment, until the memories came back to him, and it was the happiest time yet. He finally got what he always wanted; being with the Whos to celebrate Christmas and not being alone anymore. He just remembered that he destroyed his own alarm clock days ago and he can't tell what time is it, much to his dismay. Believing that it may be early morning, the Grinch got off of bed and went downstairs, straight to the kitchen.
When he arrived there, he took a peek behind the curtain of his dog's bed where he saw him sleeping well. The Grinch smiled as he decided to make breakfast for him and for his dog this time, just for a change, if only he could remember how to work the coffee maker that only his dog can operate it. Successfully, he made coffee in his mug just for him, and another coffee in a dog bowl for his dog.
Max woke up from his sleep as he yawned and shook his head to keep himself awake. To his surprise, he saw his master in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. The dog barked to get his master's attention.
The Grinch heard that bark and turned to see his dog awake on his doggy bed, "Oh, good morning, Max! Glad you finally awake. I made breakfast." He saw his dog staring at him in confusion. "Umm, I just thought that we can make a few changes in this house from now on. So, I'm making breakfast today. Enjoy your morning off," He put the dog bowl in front of the dog.
Max jumped and barked happily as he licked the coffee from his bowl. He enjoyed it.
The Grinch chuckled and enjoyed watching his dog liking the coffee he made for him. When he took a sip of the coffee from his mug, he almost spat it out when he heard someone knocking on his door, "Now, who could that be?"
He walked towards the door and looked through the window to see who was outside. There was now one there, until he noticed two blonde ponytails with red ribbons around them. He recognized those ponytails before as he quickly opened the door to find little Cindy Lou in front of his door.
"Good morning, Mr. Grinch," Cindy Lou greeted.
"Good morning, Cindy Lou," The Grinch replied, "What are you doing here so early?"
"I hope I didn't interrupt your morning, but I came here to check on you to see if you're not so… well, grinchy," Cindy Lou laughed, as so was the Grinch. "Oh, my mom made you waffles and I brought different flavors of syrup. I don't know which one you like, so I brought all of them."
"Why, thank you. Come inside. Let's eat breakfast together," The Grinch opened the door wide and moved aside to let the little girl in.
"Okay," Cindy Lou rushed inside and the Grinch closed the door.
As Cindy Lou rushed to the kitchen, Max noticed her, rushed off from his doggy bed, and licked her happily.
"Whoa, hi Max," She said as she took out a waffle and two bacon strips from her bag and placed them on Max's doggy plate. "Here, bon appetite!"
The dog ate the bacons happily. It's one of his favorite food.
When Cindy Lou found a chair for her to sit in the dining table, the chair is too high and can't reach it, even if she tried to jump up to it.
"Here, let me help you," the Grinch picked her up and placed her on the chair.
"Thank you," Cindy Lou took out four waffles and five flavors of syrup (chocolate, strawberry, blueberry, blackberry and plain) from her bag. She placed two waffles on the Grinch's plate, and the other two on her plate. She handed the Grinch's plate to him, "Here you go, Mr. Grinch."
"Thank you," The Grinch nodded. When he was about to take a syrup, he can't choose one of them. It's hard to decided a flavor for waffles.
"You can choose any flavor you want," Cindy Lou said.
The Grinch just shrugged as he chose the chocolate syrup, poured it on the waffle, and took a bit with a fork. "Mmm, this waffle is so good."
"It's my favorite breakfast…, and my friends' favorite too. My mom makes great waffles," She complimented.
"She really does," He agreed.
"That reminds me. I also came here to tell you that, well…, are you busy today?"
"Why do you asked?"
"Well, since Christmas is over, Mom is heading to work again, and no one is going to watch me, Bean and Buster today. Our previous babysitter is occupied and my mom has no one else to ask. So, she asked you to babysit us."
The Grinch was speechless. No one has ever asked him to watch over children before. Of course he finally interact nicely to the Whos, but why it happened so fast? Cindy Lou's mother, Donna Lou, asked him to watch over her children? Why she trusted him? They just met yesterday.
Cindy Lou noticed the Grinch just froze right there, even !ax noticed, "Umm, Mr. Grinch, is everything okay?" She asked.
The Grinch snapped out of his thoughts and back to reality, "Wha-What?"
"It's okay that if you don't want to. I'll just tell mom that you can't watch us today," the girl frowned.
"Oh no! I never say that!" The Grinch protested. "I was just thinking about it, and… sure. I'll babysit you today."
"Really?!" Cindy Lou gasped excitingly.
"Sure. I have nothing else to do anyway."
Cindy Lou left her seat as quickly rushed to the Grinch and jumped to hug him, much to his surprise, "Thank you so much, Mr. Grinch. I knew you can do everything for my mom."
The Grinch slowly returned the hug, "Sure, of course."
Cindy Lou broke the hug and hopped off on the floor, "Well, I better go." She took her bag from the chair, "I'll just leave the syrups with you. I brought those for you anyway. Just go to our place later. 9am. Don't be late!" The little girl rushed at the door and closed it.
Max stared back at his master if what he said earlier is true. The dog barked if he was asking if they're going to town to look after Cindy Lou and her brothers for Donna Lou.
"Well, Max," the Grinch spoke. "We're going to have busy day today."
Later, after getting ready for the day, taking a bath, cleaned himself, and wore the right clothes (which all clothes match his whole body) with a scarf, the Grinch and Max traveled all the way down from Mt. Crumpit to Whoville. It was almost a long walk, but never got tired. When he reached town, everyone in Whoville greeted him with 'Good morning's and 'How are you?'s. He did greet and reply them, but he's still nervous and guilty for stealing their Christmas. Since they already forgave him and forgot all about what happened, he tried to forget it too. It's almost hard to forget sometimes.
When they reached Cindy Lou's house, the Grinch fixed his scarf and cleared his throat. Before he could ring the bell, the door was already opened by Donna Lou while carrying her two infant sons with a arrow plunger in her handand wore her nurse uniform.
"Oh, Mr. Grinch, I'm so happy that you finally came," She said surprisingly.
"Umm, thank you," The Grinch replied nervously.
"I hope you don't really mind watching the kids for me while I'm working today."
"I don't mind at all, but why did you ask me?"
"Because, first, the last babysitter I asked was quite irresponsible and left the sink back up, and secondly, Cindy Lou trusted you the most. I can't ask anyone better than you, Mr. Grinch," Donna Lou smiled.
The Grinch felt blushing and rubbed the back of his neck, "That's… very kind of you to say something like that to me."
Donna Lou chuckled, "Oh, please, sure there's someone else who was kind to you before. Like an old friend?"
"Not exactly." Then, the Grinch smelled something, like a smoke, "Do I smell something burning?"
"Mom, the toast!" Cindy Lou yelled.
"I got it, sweetie!" She responded. "Could you hold them for me for a moment?" Donna Lou handed the twins to the Grinch, who almost hesitated to hold them, but they were already in his arms. Donna Lou threw the arrow plunger at the toaster to eject the two toasted bread in the air.
"Mom, catch!" Cindy Lou threw two plates and a bottle of strawberry jam in the air.
Donna Lou caught them in the nick of time, the toast fell onto the plates, she squeezed the bottle of jam on them, and threw it back on the table with a mess.
The Grinch watched the whole scene of what the mother and daughter were doing as he was really impressed, "Wow, very impressive. It's like you two are a team."
"Thanks. Cindy Lou helps me a lot in the house since her dad died," Donna Lou replied sadly.
The Grinch frowned when Donna Lou mentioned her deceased husband, and he hated it when she saw her sad, "Oh. I'm so sorry."
"No, it's fine. I'm fine," Then, she realized the twins are still in the Grinch's arm. "And I'm sorry about them."
"It's okay. They're quite peaceful for a moment," The Grinch said.
The single mother checked her watched, and began to panic, "Oh no, I'm late! I better go!" She turned now to her daughter, "Cindy Lou, sweetie, come over here!" When Cindy Lou came close to her mother, Donna Lou kissed her on the forehead. "I'll see you tonight." Then, she kissed the twins' cheeks before heading out of the door. "Be nice to Mr. Grinch!"
"We will, Mom! I love you!" Cindy Lou waved goodbye at her mother.
"I love you, too, sweetie!" Donna Lou waved one last time and rushed towards the bust stop.
The Grinch smiled when he watched Donna Lou run off, and entered inside the house with Max, Cindy Lou, and the twins, who were still in his arms.
"So, should we go out to town, Mr. Grinch," The little girl asked.
"What? Why?" The Grinch asked.
"Because it's almost New Year, and we have to buy something so Mom won't buy them by herself," Cindy Lou explained. "Are you excited for New Year's Eve?"
"I wish I could," He answered. "It's just that I never celebrate New Year with anyone before, except for Max." It's true though. The Grinch always locked himself in his cave with Max, and only watched the fireworks burst above Whoville every New Year.
"Well, I hope you would join us for New Year's Eve. But we have to buy some fireworks and stuffs first."
"Sure. Besides, I think I need to buy a new alarm clock since I kinda destroyed it few days ago, but how can I carry these two mischievous beasts?"
Cindy Lou laughed when the Grinch described her brothers as 'mischievous beasts', and she rushed to a closet to take out a baby stroller for twin infants, "Here, it's very helpful to carry Bean and Buster."
"Well, what are we waiting for then?" The Grinch smiled.
Working together, the Grinch, Cindy Lou and Max bathed the twins, changing their diapers, dressed them up with their winter clothes, and buckled them up on their baby stroller. When they are all ready, Cindy Lou rushed out of the door excitingly while Max followed her and the Grinch locked the door with the keys.
"Slow down there, Kid. Don't get too far," He warned as he pushed the baby stroller with the twins on them.
When the five reached the market place, the stores are now filled with New Year stuffs, like fireworks and candle. Ever since Christmas is over, the Whos started to sell things for New year. They are all really excited for that holiday.
"So, where can we find some fireworks around here?" The Grinch whispered to Cindy Lou.
"Oh, look, there's my friend, Groopert!" She pointed her friend as she rushed to meet him, and the Grinch and Max followed her.
Groopert sat on his own stall, selling snow balls, "Here you go." He said to his costumer.
"Hey, Groopert, how's business?" Cindy Lou asked her friend.
"Good. When I can't sell, I can always eat," Groopert unflipped the sign that covering the 'ball' from the sign 'snowballs', and replaced with 'cones', and squeezed the bottle of grape syrup on the snow ball.
"You do realized you got the snow ball from the ground, right?" The Grinch reminded the boy.
"Yeah, I know. But I cleaned them up," Groopert put the purple snow ball on a cone, and offered it to the Grinch, "Here you go, Mr. Grinch. It's in the house… just now, if you like it."
The Grinch hesitated since he doesn't want to eat snow from the ground, but he can't reject the little boy's off, "Well, okay then. Thank you," He only took the cone, but couldn't eat the snow ball.
"So, what are you doing here this early?" Groopert asked Cindy Lou.
"Oh, we're just looking for fireworks for my mom," Cindy Lou replied.
Groopert then leaned a little closer to his friend, "Just asking, alright? Is Mr. Grinch gonna be your new dad?"
"WHAT?!" Cindy Lou screamed.
"What?!" The Grinch almost dropped the snow cone, "No! I was just babysitting for Ms. Who. We're just friends."
"Yeah. That's too soon, Groopert," Cindy Lou glared at him.
"What? I was just asking," The boy smirked.
"Okay! I think we're done here! Come on. Let's get some fireworks and then my alarm clock," the Grinch turned to the other direction and kept moving to search for fireworks as Max followed him.
"I'll see you later, Groopert," Cindy Lou waved before catching up with the Grinch.
"All right, bye," Groopert waved back, then murmured, "He is definitely gonna be her new dad." Just then, a big snow ball hit him on the face.
"I heard that!" the Grinch shouted from afar,
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