#but this is a necessary metamorphosis.
neverendingford · 2 years
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miabrown007 · 9 months
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Felonies and Other Love Languages (Heist AU)
art by @art-the-f-up
Adrien Agreste: rich, lonely, freshly aware of the fact that he's expected to take over not a fashion, but a drug empire. Marinette Dupain-Cheng: broke, angry, freshly aware of the fact that bringing down drug empires is a blast. But where would she be without her team, Alya and Nino, and her very good friend, Luka? Not to mention the team’s newest addition, the kind, the funny, the ultra charming Chat Noir. If Marinette likes him, that’s alright, though. It isn’t like she’s dating Adrien Agreste for real. It’s all just part of her ten-step plan to make the Agrestes meet their demise.
I have Shay's permission to post his art. as you do not, you should not.
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spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
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Nightcord Kaito is actually my favourite virtual singer from project sekai. He’s so angry I love him. (I changed his hair to kinda resemble the character from the original Samsa mv)
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ssruis · 22 days
Aside from the noble platypus I also feel like rui would really enjoy these animals:
Mola mola/Sunfish
Horseshoe crab
#i have reasoning for all of these beyond ‘they look funny’ trust#mola mola are just. so fucking weird man. they’re so odd. their back fin grows back on itself? they’re so rigid it reduces drag#but they ‘swim’ really slowly? they swim similar to how a bird flies. just sideways. largest bony fish. they bask to get enough warmth#to allow them to dive super deep to forage for food (cold blooded so they’d be fucked without doing that)#anteaters are interesting. did you know they’ve (the giant ones) killed jaguars and humans before#because they walk on the knuckles to keep the huge knives on their feet sharp and their threat response#is basically just ‘swipe blindly (poor vision) at whatever comes close until it stops coming back’#echidnas are fellow monotremes (only ones besides the platypus) and are just as strange#they also have electrosensors (~2000 compared to the platypus’s 40000) and a similarly low body temp#(second lowest of all mammals after. u guessed it. the platypus) and are actually decent swimmers despite looking Like That#kiwis are weird beasts.#massive eggs compared to their body size. rely more on scent than sight because their eyes are so tiny and under developed.#kākāpō are the heaviest parrot and also the only flightless parrot. they also kinda resemble owls face wise? and they’re green.#evolved with no natural predators and are currently being fucked over by invasive rats#axolotl is self explanatory#although to give a fun fact the wild type is naturally brown. the fun colored ones would be easy prey in the wild.#& they’re capable of going through metamorphosis (like how tadpoles -> frogs) if exposed to the necessary hormones#but they don’t produce it on their own#horseshoe crabs despite having crab in the name are more closely related to spiders/ticks/scorpions than crabs#& gibbons are included because 1 I’m biased towards my favorite animal 2 only species of lesser ape. live in family units.#tbf I think he’d like all apes and probably prefer orangutans/chimps but I’m saving you the extensive lecture on great apes#here at ssruis we strive to be educational.#biology cool. despite me dropping out of the program (treated as premed at my college and I could NOT do chem let alone orgchem/physics) but#i liked biolab/the units abt animals ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#rui
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shameboree · 2 years
your art is the reason i said 'fuck waiting until the fic is finished' like i usually do for odnjlb and oh my god that was a great decision so ty for that!
FUCK YEAH FUCK YEAH HELL YEAH BABE!!!!!!!! im so glad bc this fic makes me crazy and i want everyone else to feel crazy about it also
i am obsessed w the newest ch bc its like *adrien is having a good time* *meanwhile every single thing that could go wrong bc of this does go wrong* *adrien extremely is not going to have a good time anymore*
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vote2 · 1 year
In the thrift store parking lot eating my sandwich god is good
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reanimatedmagpie · 7 months
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Sometimes, despite everything you will mourn your past self despite it being cold, scared, and alone.
A metamorphosis is not complete without leaving some things behind.
It's okay to feel apprehension for the things to come, however necessary.
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iameriwa · 2 months
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Imagine waking up and deciding not to hide your true identity, feelings, and beliefs anymore.
Taking the time to explore all the possibilities of what your life could be without wearing a mask.
Freeing up your mind from the distractions, stress and fear that you have been experiencing for far longer than necessary.
Well today is that day Sis!
Be encouraged, get ready for a big change,
A departure from what you’ve become accustomed to.
Just know that Ọlọrun, Olódùmarè [The ruler of Heaven and earth, our Supreme God] has an abundance of blessings in store for you.
(Amin Ase)
Embrace your new self, your new path, and believe that your future will bring you closer to your divine purpose, and that your biggest dreams will finally become fulfilled.
Stop holding yourself back, worried that you might fail, because you’re about to fly 🦋
Author @iameriwa
Photo credit @yarnover_ng
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bogleech · 2 months
We know that new Arthropoids can be made by fusing an individual human with an insect specimen. But what does this process actually look like?
Is it fast, slow? Gradual or sudden? Uncomfortable? Do you hole up in a cocoon, or do you keep going to work? How much of the person's identity is retained - and who opts for a thing like this, anyway?
P.S: thanks for answering my Mortasheen questions!
In the earliest concepts for the Mortasheen world it was exactly like "The Fly;" you just get zapped in a machine and instantly fused. It kind of still works that way but it's more complicated. It still works on normal humans, but it's more commonly a Sectilian, a lineage of metahumans who are the keepers of the tech itself and already born with countless Arthropod genomes. When they near adulthood they begin to undergo a nasty metamorphosis and even form into a fleshy cocoon, which will die unless it can be fused with just the right species of Arthropod. They know which one they're "meant" to fuse with as it begins to haunt their dreams more and more throughout their youth. If successful they'll emerge from the process with part of themselves "swapped" with the bug, like the original Fly.
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This retains their entire mind, and they have a permanent mental link with the counterpart bug, which now has some of their parts, and naturally lives as long as they do. It's just kind of a remote extension of their body.
If they were not a Sectilian (some other metahuman, or a regular human) or they're paired with the "wrong" Arthropod, then they become a fully merged hybrid monster, like the newer Fly
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Arthropoid monsters are mentally much less human, with only fragmented/dim memories of their former life overwhelmed by appropriate new directives such as "spin webs to catch food" or "hide inside dead trees," though they'll generally still be loyal to anyone they were close to before.
Arthropoids can also mate, reproduce and make little baby versions of themselves, so the vast majority that exist are not the products of fusion, but fusion IS necessary to create an entirely new "species line" for them. Mortasheen is a setting full of mad biologists so there are plenty of people who would do this for the sheer scientific discovery of it or because being a big bug under a big rock just sounds like a cool life. Becoming the first member of an entirely new monster variety also has some mystique to it, so even among Sectilians it's not always seen as a "failure." They may resort to it in order to live when they can't find the right personal bug, or they may prefer it because full Arthropoids are physically a lot more powerful/dangerous and they want to be able to protect their family clans. Current official art of 2 Sectilians compared with equivalent Arthropoids:
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roguehongsami · 6 days
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—★ pairing/s: brother's friend!seonghwa x fem!nerd
—★ genre/s: smut, fluff, au
—★ synopsis: having no social skills, navigating the dating scene is challenging. & it doesn't help that you've been crushing on your older brother’s friend since you were kids. conversely, seonghwa also likes you but never had the guts to approach you out of respect for his friend. he finally decides to make his move.
—★ content: (un)protected sex, breast play, fingering, oral sex, multiple orgasms, praise, marking, aftercare. reader is inexperienced.
—★ word count: 2.8k
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ alicia keys // un-thinkable (i'm ready)
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Their parents had gone on holiday, leaving her older brother Jimi in charge. It wasn't dubiety on their end, her timid and reticent nature meant she could not put her foot down when necessary. Nose stuck in a manga and head in the clouds. A nosebleed with an interest in anime, video games & legos, but still a social recluse. Unlike her peers, relationships and everything that came with them weren't priority. Not by choice. An undeniable knockout, she couldn't find anyone of the opposite sex who was attentive to her interests. Despite her withdrawal from the social scene and only having two friends, she was still known because of Jimi, adored nonetheless.
Comfortably shut away in her dimly lit bedroom. Purple LED lights hung from the ceiling and star-shaped phosphorescent stickers on the walls, two shelves for her manga and lego collections. A white cloud-like light dangled in the middle of the room. Congregation of squishmallows on her bed. Preoccupied with her newest video game Stray, she did not notice Jimi calling to her until a pen hit her monitor. When she turned in her gaming chair, ears covered by headphones with cat ears, there stood Jimi and his best friend Seonghwa in her doorway. The moment the headphones came off, music was booming downstairs. Chatter from the guests in the mix.
"Hey kid, you sure you don't wanna join the party? You're 18, so you can drink now." Jimi's voice cut through the music.
She dissented from the offer. "Too many people I don't know and don't like. And the music..."
"What's wrong with the music?" Seonghwa's low and mildly husky voice carried.
"Involuntary loud noises bother her." Jimi said, she nodded at the statement. "Should I call Nneka and Priya to keep you company?" her head swayed left to right. "Buzz me if you need anything, I'll have my phone on me."
As soon as they shut the door, her attention was brought back to the monitor. For her standards, the night was quite entertaining. No carousers stumbled accidentally into her room. The 'No Entry' sign Jimi hung on her door sent a clear message. She only left her room twice; once to use the bathroom and another to get a glass of juice downstairs. Her brief appearance in the kitchen didn't go unnoticed. Seonghwa watched her from a barely lit corner in her oversized tee and slackened shorts, glasses balanced on her nose.
It was not the same girl he would goad as kids.
The period between his departure to university up until then, she had undergone a metamorphosis. The removal of her braces was succeeded by growth in her chest and lower body. She had traded her thick-brimmed glasses for frameless ones. Her mother had weekly hair treatments and mani-pedis scheduled for her. These changes happened in his absence, so every shift blindsided him. Over the years, his emotions had marinated. Every visit he'd see her, it felt like he was meeting a new person. Except he wasn't.
Puberty had finally consummated.
Bluetooth earphones blocking out the music, she laid sideways on the bed as she watched Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan on the wall-mounted TV. Too engrossed, she didn't hear Seonghwa knocking on her door. She merely caught movement in her peripheral view. He stood a few feet from her bed with a bowl of snacks in hand, small smile tugging the corners of his lips.
"Hey slugger, got you snacks." he put the bowl on her bedside table.
She sat upright. "Thanks, you didn't have to."
He picked up a Linkin Park Funko Pop from her shelf and studied it then putting it back. Pointing at the Lego collection, "You like Legos?"
Sheepishly smiling, "Yeah, I started collecting when Jimi gave me his. Said he'd outgrown them."
Seonghwa scoffed, "Jimi's always been tasteless." his fingers grazed the mangas stacked against one another. "Have you read all of these?"
She walked over to the shelf and crouched, pulling a box full of mangas from the bottom. "Yup, and I just got every volume of Steel Ball Run. But I'll start reading them once I finish watching Stone Ocean."
He failed to mask the smile on his face when she started raving about her manga collection. She didn't even notice the adoration in his eyes with how busy she was with showing her different series. An active participant in the conversation, he asked questions that encouraged her to elaborate further on her statements. Elated to have an ear that listened, her heart was overjoyed. They restored the mangas to their original positions.
"You mind if I join you?" he asked while pointing at the TV.
She agreed.
They sat side by side on the bed as they continued watching the anime, downing handfuls of snacks. Every chuckle and giggle on her end was met with a doting stare. He eventually stopped watching the TV, eyes glued on her. When the episode ended, she turned to see Seonghwa staring. She waved her hand past his face, bringing him out of his reverie.
"Huh..." he blinked a few times.
"I said that was the last episode." she repeated, feeling addled. "You still like Star Wars?"
He ran his hand over his face. "Sure. Uhm..." he cleared his throat. "Y/N, do you have a boyfriend?"
Heat arose in her cheeks, averting her eyes. "No, I've never had one actually."
"How come?"
"Have you met me? I'm an anime and sci-fi geek who can barely hold a conversation for a minute. No one's really into nerds like that." she shrugged nonchalantly. "Each to their own I guess."
He inched closer to her face, merely inches apart, "Can I?" he asked.
Her nod was his green light. His lips pressed against hers. They were absorbed into the moment. Tugging on her lower lip with his teeth, his tongue asked for permission to explore her mouth. She granted him access. Her arms flung over his shoulders as he hoisted her onto his lap. Wet kisses were trailed along her neck. When he grabbed the hem of her tee, she broke the kiss.
"Hwa, I..." her eyes drooped, voice down to a whisper. "I've never... done it before."
His eyes wide, "Oh... That's cool, no pressure. We don't have to do this if you don't want, let's watch Star Wars instead."
"No, just... can you make it so it doesn't hurt?"
He nodded, lips meeting hers once more. The tee was brought over her head and thrown to the floor, revealing a beautiful set of twins. He wanted her first time to be memorable and as painless as possible. It wasn't another one of his late night res hookups. Time was of the essence and he was going to savour every moment for himself, and leave zero regret on her side.
Gently cupping her mounds, squeezing, his lips played around her nipples. Tongue glossing over the skin and flicking, nibbling away. He gave each breast equal treatment. Her whimpers maddened him. Fingers tangled in his soft sable locks. She would grind her clothed core on his thigh, needing some sort of pacification but the friction alone wasn't fulfilling. He guided her rhythm with his hands on her hips. They held each other's gaze, only her light panting could be heard.
"Is that better?" he whispered as her eyes begged for more, she refuted. "Lie down for me, okay?" she buried her head in her squishmallows. He grabbed a pillow and put it on her chest. "Don't feel embarrassed but if you do, just cover your face with this pillow."
His hands tugged on her shorts. Slipping them off and chucking them aside, revealing her dripping core. Her bundle of nerves was throbbing, hole aching for occupation. This sensation was not foreign but she could never quite deal with it hands-on. His fingers ran through her folds, gathering the pooling slick and lubricating her nub. Rubbing a few times just get her ready. He slipped a single finger in, body squirming a bit at the feel. As he pumped her slowly, wet sounds and weak whimpers filled the atmosphere, along with the music. Still working his magic, he hovered over while balancing himself on one arm.
"Baby, move the pillow." his voice low. She set the pillow aside, eyes on Seonghwa. "I'm putting in a second finger, okay?" she nodded.
With his palm rubbing her nub, he slid in a second finger with lips encapsulating hers. She moaned into the kisses. Soon he put in a third, stretching her to perfection. He kneeled between her thighs, bucking her hips up closer. Face covered by her pillow again. Fingers still buried inside her, his mouth suckled on her sensitive bud. The mere taste of her on his tongue sent him into a frenzy. He was simply not satisfied. He wanted to consume her wholly. Momentarily removing his fingers, his tongue ventured into her hole.
"Fucking God Y/N, you taste so fucking good." he groaned, voice vibrating against her core, making her body squirm.
His grip was tight on her hips, lips stuck to her. He slipped his fingers back inside. Moans muffled by her pillow. Her legs begun quaking, walls tightening around his fingers. He laid her back down and pumped even faster, fingers bent at an angle that hit her sweet spot. A thick clear substance, liquid in consistency, oozed onto his fingers. Slowly pushing the release back inside her, her eyes were wide in disbelief. Nervous she may have done something wrong, Seonghwa leaned into her ear, fingers still pumping.
"You did great, princess. You were just perfect, okay baby?" he kissed her, allowing her to taste herself on his lips. The decibels of his voice alone were enough to bring upon a second orgasm.
As she laid watching, he undressed until fully nude. It stood long and girthy, slapping against his stomach before stagnating. Her eyes could not peel away. It was truly a sight to behold. Tip pink and leaking endlessly, throbbing and taut, wanting, needing to feel her. He took a condom out of his denim back pocket. Ultra thin to give a raw feeling. Posited between her legs, he pumped himself a few times to get ready. He tore the foil with his teeth and slipped the condom on. A come-hither expression spread across his face as he leaned into her face. Tip running through her folds while he kissed her, he lined up at her entrance, tip already in. He bucked her hips up and wrapped her legs tightly around his waist.
"We can stop anytime you want, just tell me to and I will." he eased in a bit more.
Legs shaking. They were sweating at the mere effort before the actual work had begun. He fed her another inch as she cried, "Ah, Seonghwa more..."
Unsure of what she might have meant, but Seonghwa knew. He brought himself down to his elbows, lips locked with hers as he filled her up slowly. She moaned into his mouth. He started moving, in and out, gradually increasing speed and impact. Still gentle with her, each stroke hit her cervix. Fingers entwined together, hands pinned down on the stuffed toys. He peppered kisses all over her neck and collarbone, biting into her skin and leaving red marks.
"You're making me feel really good, Hwa." she cried, tears going down her temples.
Leaning into an angle that allowed him to graze her bud with every stroke, her legs opened wider with her hands on his waist. He pressed his hands against the wall for optimum effect.
"Jesus, you are way too good for me baby. No one else can have you except for me."
His grunting caused her to produce more cum, her warm and wet hole swallowing him. The squelching got louder as she grew wetter. Brushing past her erogenous zone, every thrust had her seeing stars. Teetering on her eventual release. When she clamped around him, his brain just went to mush. Each stroke more tasking than the last. Their bodies were covered in beads of sweat, some of hers getting absorbed into her pillow. Seonghwa's face as he drilled into her had her in awe. It was the most beautiful she had ever seen him. Strands of hair stuck to his forehead, biting down on his lip. Conversely, Seonghwa's sanity was unraveling at the seams because of how her mouth gaped in an 'O', chanting his name religiously. How her eyes would roll back, her breasts agitating at every pounding.
"Cum for Seonghwa, angel." he panted as his own release loomed. "Cum as hard as you can."
She need not be told twice, her legs shook as her body came all over him. He kept stroking until a white ring formed on the condom. Twitching inside her, his load filled the condom. He hovered over her, bringing her into a consuming and hungry kiss, slow stroking her swollen core. He pulled out of her, removing the condom, tying it and discarding it into the trash can. He cleaned her with the tissues on the bedside table. They pulled the comforter over themselves, she laid on her back with Seonghwa balanced on his arm. Plastering kisses on her bare collarbone while he held her hand.
"You did so well for me." he cooed.
Gaze zeroed in on his big eyes, "Really, even for a first-timer?"
"Beyond perfect." he brought her hand to his lips.
"Hwa," she ran her fingers over his chest, lashes batting coquettishly, "can we try other stuff?"
A mischievous grin materialised as he spoke, hand grabbing her waist and dragging her closer, "Oh? Tell me your ideas then."
[ . . . ]
As the night progressed, the sex only grew more carnal. Every idea she had was only more licentious than the last. Seonghwa had his work cut out for him. She had an appetite like no other. With his guidance, they were all over each other the whole night, eventually slowing down around the same time the shivoo died and the inebriated disappeared into the night.
In the early hours of the morning, the lot were wide-eyed and well-rested, starting a new session. It was 10:00 and the curtains were still drawn, on their nth round of the morning. Darkness not opaque but dim enough to give the mood they desired. Careful to not make any noise that could invite unwanted attention, they were finishing their last go around. Hips snapping against her butt, his fingers digging into her hips and face buried in a pillow to mute her cries, as soon as she creamed on his sizable member, he carefully pulled out and sprayed his load on her bared butt. He wiped her off then begun getting dressed.
"What are you doing on Saturday?" he enquired as he threw on his sweater.
Opening the windows to let the fresh air circulate, she responded, "Nothing serious, why?"
"We're going on a date and I won't take 'no' for an answer." he said matter-of-factly.
She smiled sheepishly, eyes looking at her perfectly pedicured toes. "I've never been on a date before."
He pulled her into a bear hug, stealing a kiss then saying, "There's a first for everything." he pulled away. "I should go before Jimi wakes up, otherwise he'll skin me alive if he knew I had sex with his kid sister before taking her out." a pregnant pause. "I... probably, should've asked you out first."
"This isn't the first time, is it?" eyebrow arched in anticipation.
He pulled his face. "Having sex with a friend's sister, it is. Date after sex, no." he rubbed the back of his neck. He cupped her face, pecking her numerous times until she tittered. "Look at that, we're both experiencing a bunch of firsts."
When Seonghwa opened the door, her friends Priya and Nneka stood idly, Priya's hand suspended in mid-air, about to knock. Their jaws went slack as they stood before him. Priya put her hand down as they slipped right past him, entering their friend's bedroom. Bed unmade and half-full bowl of snacks still on the table. Eyes darted between her and Seonghwa, absorbing what had transpired.
"Priya, Nneka," Seonghwa smirked arrogantly, "you girls seen Jimi on your way up?"
"Uhm... no." Priya crossed her arms over her chest. "I heard noises coming from his room, so you should probably go before he's finished."
He leaned in to kiss her. "I'll call you tonight, okay?" she nodded, reaching to meet his lips. "See you Saturday."
Seonghwa made a clean exit, completely missing Jimi. She changed her sheets, putting the stained sheet in her laundry basket. Arranged her squishmallows accordingly, her friends' eyes glued to her.
"Seonghwa Park?!" Nneka whispered-yelled.
"Your first time was with the Seonghwa Park?! Girl, how was it?" Priya followed Nneka's lead.
Very coy on the specifics, they gleefully jumped up and down. Their late bloomer friend, the shy nerd who could barely hold a conversation unrelated to her interests for longer than 5 minutes... she had finally blossomed. Her petals plucked and ready to sprout a new set, her friends were dead-set on celebrating this milestone.
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sleepinthrumyalarms · 2 years
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— protective instincts
pairing: wednesday addams x fem!oni!reader
warnings: graphic descriptions of violence, spoilers
summary: a full blood moon brings out the worst in oni demons: anger, jealousy, and extreme protectiveness over what is theirs
word count: 2.5k
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It was late evening as the (h/c) – haired demon stood in her bathroom, hands on the sink as she looked down, gaze unfocused. Her head hurt badly, and there was weight behind her eyes as she raised her palm to rub at them, hoping to ease the pain.
The night of the Full Blood Moon came faster than she was prepared for, and her body felt all sorts of aching in unpleasant kind of anticipation. Because of her condition, the demon was one of the few people in the campus not assigned a roommate – and, while it did get lonely sometimes, she knew it was a necessary precaution. But still, she felt… isolated. As if a ruthless beast in need of a personal cage, lest she hurt anyone around her.
In her palm (Y/n) clenched an accessory adorned by a rope-like lace. It was a golden dragon pendant, eyes of rubies glistening in the light, toothy maw wide open as the snake-like creature wrapped its tail around itself. Her father gave it to her when the girl was younger, a protective charm with a purpose to lessen the fury that burned in her heart every Blood Moon. A symbol of wisdom, immortality and metamorphosis.
The demon stared at the pendant in her hand, tracing the outline of the dragon’s scales with a clawed finger, lost in thought.
She found it weird how she had never seen her father wear one of those during Full Blood Moons before. Like she was the only one in need of restraint.
(Y/n) sighed and put the charm on, taking a quick look at herself in the mirror. Her chest felt heavy, and not because of the golden trinket now adorning her being. The oni had always put her trust in her intuition and feelings rather than logic and cold calculation, and it had never failed her before. At least she believed so. She knew a person who probably wouldn’t agree.
(Y/n) didn’t want to be there. She wanted to be with Wednesday, wherever the grumpy girl was at the moment. They didn’t even have to do anything – simply being in her presence brought (Y/n) so much serenity that she wished she never had to leave the ravenette’s side.
Maybe Wednesday would play the cello for her. The demon loved watching the other girl play, how concentrated her gaze was, how her perfectly manicured fingers moved on the strings with swan-like lightness, producing grand tunes that bore a piece of the girl’s personality in its melody.
The oni’s eyes glistened, and she looked out the window – it was time to go. The (h/c) – haired girl left the bathroom reluctantly to grab her silk haori off the chair and put it over her naked shoulders and, mumbling a short prayer under her breath, moved to exit her room.
When the girl opened the door, she was greeted by the sight she had least expected – Thing, standing at her doorstep, and (Y/n) flinched, startled at the way she had almost stepped on the poor guy.
“Thing?” She raised her eyebrows, crouching in front of the appendage, “Not that I’m not happy to see you, but… are you alright?”
Thing began to sign hurriedly, his digits shaking as he tried to explain his sudden visit.
“Dude, slow down, it’s bad when you’re stuttering,” the girl scolded as gently as she could, now on her full guard at the hand’s uncharacteristic behavior, “Wednesday is… what? Where?”
Thing signed again, and (Y/n) didn’t waste any more time to grab him, letting the hand take perch on her shoulder before starting out of the room.
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Wednesday ran through the dark forest, breath staggering. She could barely make out the path, stumbling over twigs and boulders, but never slowing her pace down. The girl knew she had to make it to the school, and that she had to do it quick. Even though she didn’t have anything against arson commitment, and, more importantly, encouraged it, and on a teenage prison no less, this was a different case. There were people she cared about. Friends she’d do anything to protect. And someone who she’d risk her life for, as cheesy as it sounded.
Near-death experiences really could change one’s life, the ravenette guessed.
As she came to a clearing of the forest, a dark silhouette appeared from behind a tree trunk, and, stopping in her tracks, Wednesday had to squint to let her eyes, not used to the pitch blackness around her, recognize the person blocking her way.
“Thornhill said you were dead.” Tyler mumbled incredulously, staring down at Wednesday with a frown.
“I’m feeling much better now.” Wednesday deadpanned in reply, eyes wide open and on alert, body frozen in place as she watched the young man walk over to her.
“You’re like a cockroach,” he seethed through gritted teeth, grabbing the much shorter girl by the lapels of her suit.
Wednesday didn’t flinch, looking up at Tyler with the same amount of hatred in her eyes, “This will not end well for you.”
As the man stared down at Wednesday, his face started to morph, skull deforming and eyes ugly and protruding as his bones shifted, and the ravenette fell down on the forest floor.
Now two feet taller than before, Tyler’s body tore the clothes he wore, and he growled, his back bending unnaturally, huge clawed hands almost reaching the ground. Standing back up on her feet without tearing her gaze away from the monster, Wednesday realised she might have spoken too soon.
With a sharp twist of his long arm, the hyde grabbed at her neck, and the girl’s back hit a stump painfully as she clawed at his huge hand, desperate to get out of his choking hold to no avail. As the monster raised his free arm over his head, talons ready to deliver the final strike, a loud roar tore through the midnight air.
A force equal to that of a charging bull rammed into the hyde’s side, sending him flying away into the trees. Wednesday fell down, taking big fulfilling breaths into her aching lungs before looking up.
A creature twice the size of the monster that was standing over her a few moments ago now towered in his place, broad shoulders rising and falling as it breathed heavily. Huge horns were sticking out of its head, and its disheveled (h/c) hair shined in the moonlight like an animal’s fur, pointed ears flicking in the wind.
The being turned its big head to look at Wednesday, and the girl instantly recognized the (e/c) slitted eyes glowing in the dark.
“…(Y/n)?” She whispered.
The demon’s tusks were now as big as to not let her lips close around them properly, steam coming out from the gap and out of her snout. Her gaze slid down the bloody streak on Wednesday’s forehead, and she growled, rage boiling under her grayish skin.
She turned back to the hyde who seemed to had come back to his senses, shaking his head and looking up at the intruder, baring his sharp teeth at the demon. (Y/n)’s huge mouth slowly opened impossibly wide with a low intimidating growl, saliva dripping down her tusks, gaze furious under her furrowed brows.
Oh, she was mad.
The oni lunged at the monster with a snarl, knocking him off his feet, her sharp claws tearing into his face, and the hyde howled from the pain, trying to push the demon away with his legs. He drove one of his taloned hands into her side, piercing the meat and muscle there, but (Y/n) didn’t budge, seizing the hyde’s arm still buried between her ribs in a grip strong enough to break the bone in half, and grabbed at his upper jaw, claws digging into the roof of his mouth, before throwing him further into the forest and away from Wednesday who watched the scene with astonishment, frozen.
But she quickly realised that the demon was giving her a chance.
For the first time in her life, the ravenette felt genuine fear creep up her neck. She was afraid to leave (Y/n) in the dark forest, forced to fight the hyde all by herself. While Wednesday was aware that the oni was in her element under the red light of the Blood Moon, her heart ached immensely.
A loud growl tore her out of her thoughts, and, sparing her last glance at the hurricane of teeth and claws a few feet away from her, the girl turned around and ran as fast as her feet could carry her.
Please, be careful.
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To say that (Y/n) was angry would have been an understatement. She was furious, blood threatening to boil over in her veins as she tore at the monstrous creature in front of her, claws and teeth and fists almost not enough to satisfy the deep aching feeling in her guts.
How dare you?
Who do you think you are?
Did you think you could get away with this?
The image of Wednesday’s bloodied face, contorting under the hyde’s grip, flashed in front of the demon’s eyes again, and the golden pendant dangling on her neck did little to soothe her wrath as she clawed at Tyler’s face, carving deep wounds that would surely leave nasty scars even in his human form.
It was the first time she had ever seen the ravenette so helpless. She didn’t like the way it made her feel.
So (Y/n) tore, bit and clawed until she was satisfied. Until the monster was almost rendered to a bloody pulp, laying on the ground, motionless but still breathing.
For a split second, a pleasurable idea of burying her claws into the hyde’s ribcage to tear his still beating heart out coursed through the demon’s mind, hazy with fuming wrath. But she held back. She wasn’t a murderer, unlike him.
The Blood Moon illuminated (Y/n)’s body, muscles shifting under the oni’s skin as she stepped away, breathing uneven, and let out a loud roar that scattered across the whole forest, announcing her victory.
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It was over. Crackstone was defeated, and Nevermore was finally safe, no longer haunted by the bloody past of the Jericho city. All of the outcasts breathed with relief seeing Wednesday come out of the front gates, victorious. But there was no rest for the wicked.
Wednesday couldn’t relax.
As Enid ran up to the shorter girl to pull her into a tight embrace, Wednesday’s eyes scanned the crowd, looking for the familiar face of the oni. But she found none.
“Where’s (Y/n)?” She asked, pulling away to look at her blonde friend, who turned her gaze towards the dark forest, not saying anything.
Without a second thought, Wednesday turned to set off into the darkness, but Enid was quick to grab her hand, stopping her.
“Wait. You… you probably shouldn’t.”
The look in Wednesday’s eyes was enough for the werewolf to let her go with a sigh, and the ravenette went past her fellow students and into the forest.
As she walked, she called (Y/n)’s name, dread crawling at her black heart with each step she took and each minute her desperate calls remained unanswered.
She tried to recall the path she took when she ran to the school, looking under every nook and cranny to find the signs of the oni’s presence – a body, anything.
Wednesday felt bitter tears gather in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall, her stride unrelenting. She knew (Y/n) was still out there. She could feel it.
The ravenette felt a tug at her stomach as she heard a painfully familiar voice call out her name.
And there she was. Her demon girl, back to her normal size and horns gone, sitting in the shade of a tree in a far-from-perfect seiza position, her back a bit slouched with exhaustion. Her (e/c) eyes shined in the dark, illuminating her bloodied face in a warm glow, a clear remainder of her demonic spiritual power that was slowly fizzling away along with her anger. Her silk haori was draped over her naked shoulders that were rising and falling with heavy but steady breaths.
“I get it that we won?”
It took Wednesday a few moments, and then she was running towards the oni, falling into her embrace and wrapping her arms around her neck, completely ignoring the sticky red liquid the taller girl was covered in. (Y/n) was quick to return the hug, sitting back against the trunk of the tree to let Wednesday rest comfortably in her lap, bloody claws clutching at the fabric of her suit jacket.
They were quiet. No words needed to be said as Wednesday buried her face in the crook of the demon’s neck, inhaling deeply. She was real, and she was there, alive and breathing, in her arms.
Wednesday pulled away, pale hands on (Y/n)’s cheeks to inspect her face, and the demon leaned into the cold touch, closing her eyes and almost purring. The ravenette gently rubbed at a blood stain under the girl’s eye, smudging her own thumb with red in the process. (Y/n)’s eyes opened, and their gazes met.
“I’m glad you’re okay.” the (h/c) – haired demon whispered, squeezing the girl’s waist comfortingly.
“After that stunt you pulled? Of course I am. Are you hurt?”
“Oh, no. Did you think I was there to save you, silly? What I had with Tyler was personal,” (Y/n) laughed when she felt the smaller girl pinch her thigh reproachfully, “Sorry. Too soon.”
Adjusting her hold on Wednesday, the demon pressed both her hands into the ravenette’s thighs, pulling her closer to herself, “I’m fine. I humbled the guy real quick. He needed that,” she smiled, baring her bloodied canines, “Honestly, you’re underestimating me. A hyde? That’s the weakest thing I’d fight for you. Keep them coming, bring a whole army in –,” the oni wasn’t able to finish her sentence, her mouth pressed against Wednesday’s as the smaller girl pulled her into a kiss, hands on her cheeks to press herself impossibly close.
(Y/n) sighed and melted, the ravenette’s plushy lips against her chapped ones, and Wednesday tasted blood as she pulled away.
“Your overconfidence is going to get you killed one day.”
The demon averted her eyes, and her smile dropped suddenly, grip tightening, “You have no idea how badly you scared me.”
But Wednesday had. She had felt the same fear, after all, like a cold serpent crawling up her body. To her own surprise, she didn’t enjoy it.
“I’m quite notorious in the scaring department,” the girl grabbed (Y/n)’s chin to gently make the demon look into her eyes, “But with you it doesn’t feel an accomplishment.”
(Y/n) huffed through her nose and smiled again, a bit bashfully, and Wednesday’s way with words had never failed to fluster her.
“You didn’t lie. They really were quite big. Your teeth, I mean.”
They stayed like that, basking in each other’s presence, as if having spent many years apart, hearts yearning for one another, and (Y/n) finally felt the serenity she had longed for, in the arms of the person who saw her at her worst and still stayed.
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glitterfop · 1 month
It's the way that Nukoku's metamorphosis/shedding her shell is a visual callback to Allison removing her prosthetics when she left Jadis.
It's the transformation, it's the becoming, it's the blood, it's the way they (we) are indelibly marked and changed by our experiences, it's the rejection of that which is meant to protect us in favor of that which is true and real, it's the pain, it's the way we can never go back, it's the creation, it's the way even in seeking peace they are creating their own peace through violence, carving it out of themselves if necessary, it's the reclamation and recreation of self where the self has been stripped away through suffering.
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opia-tarot · 1 year
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Okay so group one I got the siren card instantly. Like I was just shuffling and connecting to your energy and the card literally flew out of my deck. And I was like oooooo.
Anyway doesn’t matter what gender you are but you make men crazy. Like this is a message I got early on. You make even the most composed men absolutely feral. There’s something about your energy it makes people so obsessed. and this could be an actual problem because I see very obsessive energy in response to your energy. When I got the Hades card from my Oracle deck I was like 😨 ahaha. I even got the eighth house on my Astro dice. 
I can’t even express how feral people become when they see you. There’s something about you, like you make people act out of character and even people who are very rational and logical would be completely irrational and animalistic in regard to how they feel about you. Or should we say how you make them feel. Some of you here could attract people who lacked a mother figure or people with issues regarding their mother. And this is because some of you here have a very dom parental Energy. I don’t know how else to describe your energy ahaha. You are a sexy group. Like in terms of your attractiveness, it’s not even a question you are sexy. Like a complete package. 
There’s something about your appearance like you look very put together and you take care of yourself and this really shows and it attracts people towards you. You look like the type of person who really invests in themself. You are very intimidating and you have influence over people. you are strikingly attractive.  you’re the type of person where people can’t take their eyes off of you. Like seriously you have striking and unexpected energy where people feel electrified around you.
What makes you sexy is how multifaceted you are, you have an aspect of your personality where you are this nurturing person and then you also have an aspect where you can be very feisty. You set boundaries where necessary, and you don’t allow anyone to disrespect you.  it’s this type of energy where people want you to put them in their place ahaha. 
You’re the type of person who evokes this really intense change and metamorphosis in others. And it’s like people can never be the same. You have the ability to trigger this metamorphosis. And you evoke intense change and you have also experienced a Phoenix rising which is why I think you are so comfortable in this energy. Actually I channelled never be the same by Camila Cabello. I’m just having a look at the lyrics it’s so intense. Like if you haven’t listened to this song then read the lyrics and this is how people feel about you and this is how you make people feel. Your energy is so intense!!!!!
You can be very sassy. And people know they can’t mess around, or disrespect you.
This is really specific but I channelled something about your features or your skin tone that’s incredibly attractive to others. I tried to channel what’s sexy about you specifically and I literally kept getting cards saying everything. Like I kept hearing there’s nothing to pinpoint because you are the complete package. I actually got the ace of pentacles and the Queen of pentacles. But I did hear that some of you here have a resting bitch face and this is actually very attractive ahaha. And your legs are very attractive like there’s something about your thighs or your legs and it makes people 😩 
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Okay Group 2  so something I heard is some of you have a very voluptuous body. And if not voluptuous then there’s a really attractive balance to your body shape. like you have a very attractive cohesiveness, how do I describe this? Like there’s something about the proportions of your body and it’s very sexy.
So this is my group of incredibly feminine people. some of you are more whimsical and some of you just have a general femininity about you. There’s something very mercurial about your appearance and this could be your height or it could be your hands. Very attractive. This is very elegant energy. And people feel very protective over you because of femininity you exude. And you’ve either had a glow up or if this doesn’t resonate then you will have a glow up in the future. This is definitely something I see in the cards.
I kept channelling a giraffe and I can see you have a very sexy neck area. Very elegant and very poised. There’s something about how you speak that’s very very attractive. And it’s not just your speaking voice in particular but it’s also how genuine you are. You communicate authentically and you actually make people feel better. Your nurturing nature is very attractive. People immediately love your energy because they can sense this authenticity. You exude this comfortability where you make other people feel comfortable & people can also tell you are comfortable in yourself. And even if this is not the case people see you and they think yeah this is someone who is very comfortable in their own energy and it’s incredibly sexy to others. 
You have this familiarity about your energy where people see you and they get déjà vu like they think they’ve seen you from somewhere.  this is really interesting. also in terms of your personality I channelled lady chatterly from Lady Chatterley‘s lover.

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 okay group 3 your pile is so interesting. Like so so interesting. Group 3 you’re my troublemakers aren’t you? ahaha this is my group of innovators iconoclasts eccentric people and rebels. your energy is so interesting.
You are incredibly eccentric. Like honestly the amount of times I pissed myself during your reading is actually ridiculous. This is so random but sometimes I think about how I come across when I type these readings because sometimes I use British lingo and I just wonder if people take it literally. But anyway ahaha.
You don’t care about conventional stuff and you don’t care about societal expectations. And honestly this is what makes you incredibly sexy. Your individualism and basically your I don’t give a shit nature is incredibly attractive to others. I was channelling your energy and I kept thinking these are the type of people I would be friends with. And honestly the amount of mishaps I experienced channelling your energy it’s actually ridiculous, like your energy is chaotic group 3.  like my decks kept burning on my candles and my string light started burning. And I channelled the song burn by Ellie Goulding.  this is the type of energy where you aren’t hesitant to cause chaos if it means pursuing your individualism. And it doesn’t mean you’re selfish it’s just you are an incredibly independent person.
And you have this really sexy detached energy where people feel like you can just cut them off at any moment and it’s like this tight rope people wanna walk just to experience you.  there is an aspect of risk within your personality. And you have the sense of independence where you do what you want and you do what you think is right. And people really admire this because they wish they had your decisiveness.
Your personality is based on your independence and your self expression. And you have this hustler personality where you don’t wait around for someone to make things happen you want to make things happen. And this is so sexy. Like seriously this is such an attractive quality. And also in terms of personality I channelled Jennifer Lopez’s character from the movie hustlers.  you are the boss. And it’s so interesting because you’ve got this decisiveness and this dominance. And I can see here group 3 you can be hotheaded and perhaps too blunt sometimes. this bluntness is what people find really refreshing because you aren’t going to keep anything in.
You are incredibly confusing to others and you are this enigma and people just can’t figure you out and it’s incredibly attractive. I actually channelled this tiktok sound where it’s like why would I listen to you? ahaha You don’t care about other peoples opinions and it’s so sexy because you just do what you want and you don’t care. people who are incredibly feminine are very attracted to you.
And it’s interesting because your detached nature actually attracts people to you. And I kept hearing something about how you don’t care about partnerships you want money ahaha. Hustle grind ahaha.
group 3 you are naughty ahaha and you have very provocative energy.  I really like this group.
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Hi everyone it’s been a while since I posted something like this. Any feedback is appreciated, I can’t wait to see what everyone thinks🌹

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electronickingdomfox · 2 months
Star Trek TOS slash bits (Season two)
This is my personal rundown of all the slash scenes in TOS season two. I've omitted episodes when I didn't find anything remarkable in them.
-What I count: lingering touches or affectionate looks, clinginess, actions that show a strong concern/familiarity with each other, suggestive scenes...
-What I DON'T count: friendly gestures (like smiling or looking amused when someone says something funny), scenes taken out of context, physical proximity just because there's not enough space...
I'll try to illustrate some scenes when necessary, though screenshots usually don't do justice to it.
For season one analysis go here.
There's no slash per se, but the episode has an underlying theme of love being independent of and transcending the sex of two individuals, or even their species. Spock comes off a bit more narrow-minded than the others, since he only considers the possibility of the Companion being in love with Cochrane once he learns the Companion is female. However, Kirk and McCoy had already reached this conclusion long before they knew the Companion even had a gender. And then there's, of course, Cochrane's indignation about men of the future being so open-minded, and having "no notion of decency and morality". An attitude that Spock defines as "parochial". And McCoy's take on it: "There's nothing disgusting about it. It's just another life form, that's all. You get used to those things." (And may I say, good for him to be used to alien entities entering him, considering the whole katra affair years later...)
It's been pointed out that Kirk's heartfelt speech about the Companion being unable to join "the man", is actually a revelation of his feelings for Spock. Personally, I think that's too much of an extrapolation. Even supposing that Kirk's talking in part about himself here, this may be just because of his inability to have a long-lasting relationship with anyone (not just Spock). Something that the show has already established firmly at this point.
Friday's Child
Spones Spock finds Eleen holding McCoy's hand, and McCoy quickly removes his hand, as if embarrassed for being caught cheating by his boyfriend. Unlike other times, when Spock looks amused by men flirting with women, this time he seems rather disappointed. Besides, this episode was written by D. C. Fontana, the same writer who introduced the concept of hand-touching as a specially intimate act for Vulcans.
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There's also the scene where McCoy tries (unsuccessfully) to teach Spock how to hold a baby, which mirrors the one where he teaches Eleen the same.
Who Mourns for Adonais?
Spirk When Kirk regrets that Spock can't come with the landing party, it seems as if Kirk's mind was wandering in an altogether different place.
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Amok Time
Spirk Many instances. For starters, Spock's hand gets really trembling when Kirk approaches him, and later when he grabs his wrist during a confrontation. Notice that this kind of nervousness happens mainly when Spock is approached by women (potential mates), as when he throws Chapel's soup, or when he hears Uhura's voice through the intercom. Later, Kirk is willing to risk his career to save Spock. And once in Vulcan, Spock breaks through the plak tow to beg for Kirk's life, even if he shouldn't be able to even speak in that state. Then there's, of course, the fight itself, which could be interpreted as a placeholder for sex, considering all the suggestive imagery, and the fact that it resolves magically Spock's pon farr.
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As for the outcome of the fight, Spock refuses to "live long and prosper", after seemingly killing Kirk. His reaction upon finding out that Kirk's alive wouldn't be so noteworthy if Spock was a normal human. However, such an open smile is very, very rare for Spock. McCoy (like any good shipper) notices at once his unusually intense emotions.
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Spones There's another character that elicits a trembling in Spock's hand, while getting physically close for a medical check-up. A clue: it's not Chapel.
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The Changeling
Spirk Kirk grabs Spock very tightly after Nomad's mind assault (and probably accidentally, Shatner squeezes Nimoy's pec so hard, that he hurts him).
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Right after this, Kirk still holds Spock for a very long time, until he's sufficiently recovered.
The Apple
Spirk Spock jumps illogically in front of Kirk to save him from the poisonous flowers, and almost dies as consequence. This earns him a reprimand from Kirk, who points out that he could have just shouted a warning. Apart from this, Kirk compliments Spock's appearance with the flower bracelet.
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Mirror Mirror Spones McCoy risks being left stranded in the mirror universe to save Spock's life. And it's not even HIS Spock! Kirk acknowledges how important this is for the doctor, and grants him those extra minutes. Right after, mirror Spock corners McCoy against a wall, and forces a mind meld on him. While Bones behaves quite submissively. It's both suggestive and disturbing.
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In the end, McCoy says that he liked Spock better with a beard, since it gave him "character". After his similar scene with Kahn, it seems that McCoy just has a thing for "bad boys".
The Deadly Years
Spirk Kirk makes a videocall to Spock while half naked, so his tits are right on his face. Unlike the similar scene in "The Corbomite Manouver", Kirk doesn't have a particular reason to be half naked here, and he's calling Spock specifically.
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And this may be a bit far-fetched, but while flirting with his previous girlfriend, Dr. Wallace, Kirk compares her with his First Officer.
McKirk Kirk is quick to point out that McCoy is growing some white hairs, in a good-natured way. And he's a bit flirtatious while the doctor reprimands and checks him.
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Bread and Circuses
Spones Pretty one-sided on McCoy's part. He's touched by the fact that Spock saved him in the arena, and tries to make amends and open his heart to the Vulcan. However, he fails to get a "genuine, warm, decent feeling" from Spock, and gets very hurt by his indifference (one could say, he feels "scorned"). After this, he lashes out at Spock in a specially vicious way.
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Then the scene transitions to...
McSpirk ...once McCoy and Spock both admit how worried they are about Jim.
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Meanwhile, Jim is in no danger, but fooling around with Drusilla. And later, he seems ashamed to tell them about his affair with her. Of course, there's also the fact that Merik and the Proconsul know immediately that putting Spock and McCoy in danger, would be the best way to blackmail Kirk into cooperating.
Journey to Babel
McKirk It's just a little thing, but Kirk and McCoy seem to be dressing in the same cabin.
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Spones McCoy is eager to learn anything about Spock's childhood from his mom, specially the embarrassing details. And he beams with joy upon finding out that Spock used to have a "teddy bear".
A Private Little War
Spirk At the start of the episode, Kirk is so worried about Spock's injury, that he snaps at the bridge crew in frustration. And he goes back to sickbay to check on Spock's condition, despite having been there a few minutes before, and having just called McCoy about it. His looks at the unconscious Spock say it all:
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McKirk Bones is very caring towards Kirk for most of the episode, specially since the latter is injured several times. And he's also quite worried about the possibility of Kirk being really enslaved by Nona. Apart from this, there's his gentle caressing of Kirk's naked chest...
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Spones McCoy is reluctant to leave Spock and beam down to the planet, after having just said that doctor M'Benga could perfectly take care of him. At the end, McCoy is overjoyed to find out that Spock is alright (it's remarkable that Kirk, instead, doesn't react visibly to Spock's voice). However, the Vulcan dismisses McCoy's reaction, once again embittering him.
On the other hand, what the hell was going on between Kirk and Tyree!?
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All that talk about them being "made brothers", and Tyree's refusal to tell his wife about their past... Nona seems even jealous, and says she's also "his sister" (kind of putting Kirk in the same level as Tyree's wife). McCoy tries to make Kirk reconsider his strategy of arming both sides, by reminding him that Tyree could also die in the war. And during the final fight, Tyree is about to crush Kirk with a rock, but Kirk's intense stare makes him recover his sanity.
The Gamesters of Triskelion
Spones Despite all the bickering going on between Spock and McCoy in this episode, the following exchange reveals that McCoy is actually eager to meet Spock's expectations:
SPOCK: I would welcome a suggestion, Doctor, even an emotional one, as to where to look. MCCOY: First time you've ever asked me for anything, and it has to be an occasion like this.
Spock looks at him surprised, together with comedic music in the background. At the end, McCoy finally smiles, when Spock accepts his help to rescue the others.
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McKirk Very similar scene to the one in "Balance of Terror". McCoy enters Kirk's cabin while he's in bed, and tries to comfort him, saying that he wasn't responsible for the deaths aboard the Farragut. However, the argument gets intense, to the point that Kirk warns the doctor not to push their friendship.
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The Immunity Syndrome
Spones There's a lot to unpack here. At first, Spock and McCoy are competing for the (dubious) honor of entering the amoeba. But then Spock makes McCoy understand how truly dangerous the mission is, when he asks him to wish him luck. McCoy is taken aback, and can only do so, shyly, once Spock can't hear him anymore.
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Later, he seems sorrowful when Spock reminds him that he should have wished him luck. Still, McCoy doesn't want to believe that Spock is dead:
KIRK: What's on your mind? MCCOY: Spock. Is it me, Jim? Am I so sentimental that I just have to keep believing that he's still alive in that mass of protoplasm?
At the end, McCoy is so happy to find Spock alive, that he blurts out an order to rescue him, forgetting he's not the Captain, much to Spock's amusement. The doctor seems a bit embarrassed, and he feels the need to berate Spock afterwards, in true tsundere fashion. Meanwhile, Kirk seems to be having a lot of fun with all this.
By Any Other Name
Spones McCoy holds Spock for a long time, after he's shocked while mind-melding with Kelinda, even when Spock is already up and walking. A bit later, he's still concerned and hovering over him. He also keeps Spock in his arms when the latter induces a trance on himself, and in general, he's very close to him whenever they're in the same scene.
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For his part, Kirk's fight with Rojan is rather suggestive, specially since he gives him a long speech while grabbing him like this:
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After this, he takes him by the shoulders in the typical "Kirk embrace", usually reserved for women he's about to kiss.
Return to Tomorrow
Spirk At the end, Kirk is devastated when he thinks that Spock has died. So much that Sargon, having understood how important Spock was to him, had saved his conscience beforehand, so he could be revived.
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Patterns of Force
Spirk The kinky episode. First we have Kirk's uniform fetish, when he regrets that Spock's uniform isn't as attractive as his. And then, of course, the prison porn scene. A half naked Spock climbs on top of a half naked Kirk, while the latter sweats and screams "Oh my goodness. Beautiful. Oh Spock, Spock!". Has to be seen to be believed.
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I'd be almost tempted to include the bit where the nazi guards catch them all inside a closet, under the pretense that McCoy was drunk, if this wasn't taking things too out of context.
The Ultimate Computer
McKirk McCoy comforts Kirk when the latter is feeling insecure about losing his command to a machine, and assures him he's not being unfair at all. Later, McCoy comes to Kirk's quarters to have a drink together, and makes a toast for him. Then Kirk... recites poetry to McCoy.
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The Omega Glory
Spirk A redshirt is seriously injured and lying on the floor, and yet Kirk quickly forgets about him and is like "Mr. Spock! Are you alright!?"... But Spock is just standing there, looking perfectly FINE.
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Kirk and McCoy's worry is justified later, once Spock is injured for real, but here is kind of hilarious.
Spirk: 9 out of 26 episodes Spones: 9/26 McKirk: 5/26 McSpirk: 1/26
Season one was the Spirk season, but in this season Spones has gained a lot of ground.
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regexkind · 4 months
It is an age-old question: "would putting pop rocks on your pussy feel like anything?" And while the spirit of adventure and curiosity means that in the Action Potentials¹ of my mind, this pushes me closer to vaginoplasty, I think we actually have the knowledge necessary to answer this question in the negative—I have seen a number of nsfw blog posts saying that they didn't feel anything at all when doing this, beyond maybe slight mechanical perturbation. But why?
I think the main reason is that pop rocks are basically tiny candy fragments with even tinier pockets of compressed CO2 gas. When the candy dissolves, the CO2 is released. "But Ananda," you say, "pop rocks taste sort of sourish!" Indeed, and I think a major component of why is that the CO2 dissolves in your spit, which has a pH of around 6.7²—nearly neutral. But vaginal secretions are typically far more acidic, at around 3.8-5.0³. The implication is that we should expect CO2 to be far, far less soluble in vaginal secretions. In particular, in this paper⁴ we expect the dominant dissolved species to be CO2, not HCO3 (-) (bicarbonate) or CO3 (2-) (carbonate). This means the effect on pH of the pop rocks should be quite low.
¹Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect style. IYKYK
²Baliga S, Muglikar S, Kale R. Salivary ph: A diagnostic biomarker. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology. 2013;17(4):461. doi:10.4103/0972-124x.118317
³Lin Y-P, Chen W-C, Cheng C-M, Shen C-J. Vaginal ph value for clinical diagnosis and treatment of common vaginitis. Diagnostics. 2021;11(11):1996. doi:10.3390/diagnostics11111996
⁴König M, Vaes J, Klemm E, Pant D. Solvents and supporting electrolytes in the electrocatalytic reduction of CO2. iScience. 2019;19:135-160. doi:10.1016/j.isci.2019.07.014
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sparkbeast20 · 2 years
Demonic/Monstrous Headcanons
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This is a basic headcanon for my Demonic/Monstrous!AU
Summary: There are three stages of demon forms after the "Suppress" form (Aka the normal and more human looking demon form) which gets more feral and unhinge further to the forms.
Mid form: Which develop some traits of their Tame form. The Most Human looking with their sclera are black and their arms and legs change into Talon, scales, and insectoid/arachnid like hands and feet.
Tamed form: This form is more on the line of feral without sinister and animalistic instinct. Just think feral form by standing upright bipedally and be able to talk normally.
Feral form: No human traits whatsoever. All are on all fours (or more), have an instinct to corrupt or devour humans and other demons. Higher demons tend to see each other as threats and will attack and try to kill one other with or without familial ties.
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In general: 
At the beginning: Feral >  Mid > Suppress form With the Tamed forms is a product of Demons learning to control their demon urges while in their Feral forms, fall angels will develop self-hatred, self deprecating, and other negative thoughts and idea to themselves or beings they consider important to them.
While pure demons have to develop or learn empathy which is a difficult task unto itself.
Suppress forms has become the default for most of the demons, but in rare occasions or in extreme situations Demon can revert back to any of the two forms (Mid or Tamed) with Feral forms as the last resort or if the demon can’t suppress their demon urges anymore. 
Which is why in order to avoid transforming back to feral forms, either demons consume a supressvies flower known as blue lotus petals. Or shift to their tamed form once in a while. 
If demons stop consuming the petals, and suppress their other form for too long. The transformation back to the other forms is going to be painful, with some changes can last longer depending on if the demon is resisting the change. The last one is necessary to maintain some sense of control, otherwise if the demon fails to do so, they are forced into a slow transformation to their feral form, with no control of their urges.
There are exceptions, demons who are insectoid/arachnid (Asmodeus and Beelzebub) and Amphibian (Barbatos) go through a metamorphosis transformation where they enter a Pupa/Chrysalis stage.
There is a hierarchy like Lesser demons fear higher/stronger demons, with the brothers, the royals, and some noble demons are at the top of the food chain and their real threat is each other. However, lesser demons can climb the ranks, and it changes their forms as a result.
Higher/Stronger demons have certain power, magic, and ability unique depending on subspecies class.
Yes, once reverting or being able to change back to either of the three forms with the negative drawbacks demons will go to Rut/Heat. Which happens once a year, Males will be territorial towards other male demons who aren’t their mates. Even be aggressive towards demons that they consider as Familial.
In all three forms their sense of smell is heightened and they will develop a specific scent of their own that demons, angels and even humans can smell. To humans they can smell something that will associate with death or just reminds them of death. It varies from person to person.
However demons (Like Asmodeus) can mimic other demons' scents. Most of the time it's been used to protect themselves for lower demons who are in a group or pack. The demon will change their scent into that of a demon who is high rank to fool the lower demons. 
Other specific demons that are Reptilian or Amphibian (like Leviathan, Diavolo and Barbatos) can regrow lost limbs. However how fast the regeneration depends on which form they are in, with the feral form, the regeneration is quicker.
Avian demons (Like Lucifer and Mammon) have the ability to mimic and create sounds. They usually use this to trick humans into a trap. But either making eerie sounds around the human to push them towards a certain direction or mimic a voice that the human knows.
Feral demons can see human souls, and can tell if the human is weak willed or can easily be corrupted. But this is reserved when a demon is high rank. More specifically the seven avatars and the royal line.
They can also slowly devour the human soul without the human knowing it. They just have to keep close to their prey so they can, they have to have some sort of close contact, like skin to skin contact or through mouth to mouth.
Now when a demon has a mate, they will make sure that other demons know that this is their mate. With marking (Biting, Scratches and Blood mark: Blood marks is when a demon and said mate exchange blood like a blood oath) or scenting. The higher the demon's rank is, the stronger scent they have to put on their mate.
But what if the demon’s mate is a human? The human must be careful with their demon mate. Like they said before, humans are fragile and with the demon bringing in any of the three forms, there will be a chance that the demon will lose control and hurt the human. Even with strong protection magic, there will be a chance of bruises or a broken bone. But the human’s voice can serve as an anchor of sorts, to ground the demon back in control. What works are names that are specific to that demon (aka pet names).
Throughout the decades, demons will perform a certain mating ritual known as The Hunt, where the demon will hunt their mates for fun. Usually they do this in the woods, but in recent years demons who have control over they’re different forms will perform a hunt in high populated areas like a city which is a longer game of cat and mouse. And when the demon catch their mate, the ritual will end with an act of sexual intercourse. If the mate is a human, make sure said human is sure of this last act, because the ritual is complete the demon will be even more possessive than before. 
Warning: Some demons will have (Double, and Knots) and expect them to be… big.
Note: I wanted to add specific info for each of the demons, but I drew a blank with some of them. I might do another headcanon with specific headcanons for each characters another time. I'm open with suggestion from my fellow Monster fucker Lover :D
For those who are new to content and want more demonic/monstrous. I already made long fics on Lucifer and Mammon (🦚The Pain of Love and 🦅You’re my Treasure) with Levi's still ongoing (🐍 The Sea for Two)
If there’s grammar or spelling error, please let me know and don’t be shy to leave a comment or reblogging with cute tags. I just love to see you guys thoughts on this :3
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