#but this morning on my walk from the bus stop I realised I wasnt doing that. actually maybe first time ive even noticed I DO do that
toastsnaffler · 29 days
dunno if this is just placebo effect but I do feel like it's already helping a bit. usually at work I'm fighting for my life trying to write emails or ask ppl for things bc I find it so hard to put my words in order in a way that makes sense to other people but it's been 100% fine.. and I've managed to just Do every task I need so far without rly needing to think..... I feel so calm wtf
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doublellay-com · 2 hours
Boring storytime
So like... because i only shifted for a day and there wasnt really anything interesting... here'es a boring stroy time on the busses that I took!
So basically, I went on two green busses and then a blue bus before walking the rest of the way to the company. I could've gotten the subway but im too anxious to be able to take trains alone LOL. Thankfully, people got off on my stops so i didnt have to do the signal thing and be the only one getting off... what made it worse is that i was freaking hung over. Like, it's 9 in the morning, freezing winter, hung over and im still like half asleep. idk what time i went to bed the night prior... but i went to bed early as hell once i got back home (7:30 pm...)
So.. the green busses take you in small areas, so if the walk to where you want to go is 12-15 minutes, you'd take the green bus because its quicker and youd get there in half of the time it takes you to walk. I took two of those, to go to the outerskirts of a nerighbour hood and then I took a blue bus, which transports people around the city and across regions (im pretty sure), and its the most popular one. I then got off and walked tot he company blah blah blah. literally... I said thank you getting off the first bus, and then realised no one else did it so I wasnt going to do it with the secnond bus but i ended up saying "GOOd bye~!" Like I was singing?? bro... why did i do that... idk it was embarrassing as hell and a lady walking past like side eyed me from her phone before continuing walking like PLEASUH THIS IS SO HUMILIATING........................
I did not say anything on the third bus stop. I smiled and waved. I feel as if i still had alcohol in my system the night prior, which FYI was NEW years eve. so its new years day. do i remember going day drinking? yes. Do i remember drinking as I got ready with me friend and sent johnny a fit check and he sent one back in the most basic fit and i GEEKED the hell out? yes. yes i do. quite embarrasing to be fair but... cmon man going into 2012 with some motiVATION!!! ANyway, idk much to tell u about the busses but thats how i got to SM ent. and then I half walked, half taxi'd because... i was tired and hung over as already stated a million fricking times.
When I got to the company, my manager is sitting out side, arms crossed, one hand holding her phone and she looks up as she sees me. She sighs and puts her phone in her back pocket as she stands up and yk what she said to me??? DO YK WHAT??? "You're looking rough today. Got rejected did you?"
ok wow... my crush on johnny is obvious but its not THAT obvious and BRO BTW. i didnt see johnny at all that day. like AT ALL. like... im hearing johnny and seeing him in my kakao talk dms but i do not see his prescence like... guys this is meant to be a wattpad story not irl like cmon cmonc mocncnciodnnubufbrugedhfiu
but the audacity that woman said to me. the rat. she made me hold her hand as we walked in LOL. then she handed me a capri sun when we walked in. i felt like a child. to be fair... i kinda am one, maybe its my personality or i like being babied by my manager (or my unnie's... LMAO SORRY??)
we went to a spare room, sat down with some random other dude and it was bascially like this:
random guy: *places papers on table, shuffles them and puts a pen in front of me* "So... you agree to do SM rookies?"
me: "Uhhh.. yeahhhh. has anyone else had to do this orrr?"
random guy: "Thats confidential, im not the only one who carries the paper works so idk."
it stays silent for a few moments, i look at my manager, she looks at me and the nudges her head towards the paper. then i signed it and BOOM i was officially apart of SM Rookies. I now just had to deal with the next 4/5 years of random stuff to debut during an era where i wear pink camo pants. love it.
no im kidding, i was very excited but i felt like i was in a job interview. it only lasted a few minutes and then i frolicked off to vocal practice, skipped dance practice. went to 7/11 and had dinner/lunch (+mango ice cream) and then walked home. kinda. before getting the taxi.
when i got home it was only 3:30 pm... and what other way to spend the afternoon was to be in pj's, snack on doritios and watch avatar? wow this is so amazing and fun and my pj's have the disney princess pets on them like man how amazing, i still looked rough but at least im enjoying these chips and avatar hahahahahahhaa.
I made myself hot cocoa at some point, journalled about... you guessed it!! being hung over (guys i dont make it my whole personality i swear it just hit me like a truck idk why im emphasisng that i was hung over its really not that important im just tyring to add more words to seem like the story time is intersting although this is basically me journalling ... ok.) !!!
i did forget to mention... i like asked Johnny if he was in sm rookies and he read it, started typing and then didnt answer me for two hours. he is obviously but like hello. I also have no other friends... well i do but not kpop/known friends u get what im saying? its just none of the nct memebrs are around yet and exo already debuted and i didnt see red velvet so... im kinda stuck on just telling u guys about johnny. and the manager. and every other staff member that exists.
ok goodnight. this kind of was a filler post because is hifted and wanted to give information but like... what? so i went with busses and how they work andt hene evrything else that existed. so srry for when i ramble idk why i do that, my hands manage to catch up with my brain but not my mouth so ifk if that makes sense but... goodnight!
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kelberytwt · 3 years
I love momoe and kaoru and im so in love so take the huge list of my hcs because I have an obsession.
- momoe's taller than kaoru but she still takes his clothes to wear. the sleeves of shirts and hoodie are too small and end half way down her arms.
- kaoru does momoe's hair, as much a she can due to it being so short. but he still does it especially once it gets longer and spends time out of his morning to do it for her willingly of course. 
- they either sleep tangled up in wach others arms or far away from each other. if they aren't pressed up against the other, they keep their backs touching to make it known that they're always their for each other of they need it.
- daily/nightly walks. momoe isn't as calm as she seems so letting steam out on walks helps especially before bed, they walk out hand in hand and she rambles on about whatever has been bugging her that day as kaoru walks along grabbing random flowers and putting them in her hair. she eventually gets distracted by his actions and her ranting stops and she looking at what he's doing. that itself makes her feel better. 
- kaoru stands in front of her when they're on bus or train rides, it's mostly so he doenst get lost in the crowd whixh has most likely happened in the past and momoe went on a panicked search for her boyfriend realising he wasnt too far away. he's just small.
- the first person momoe felt able to tell about her relationship was rika. greatest idea? maybe not, if anything neiru might have handled it in a more,, neiru way but yk, who could blame momoe. after all her and rika will forever be married /p. she told everyone else afterwards ofc, kinda an ass move not ro tell them.
- momoe has freckles on her face, nose, cheeks, forehead, everywhere and then also running down her arms and chest. pretty much anywhere on her body but those were the main areas and kapru made it his mission one day to wake up early and try to kiss every single one of them as way to appreciate her. failed. momoe woke up laughing due to his attempts, she found it charming but still rather silly. 
- their first 'meeting' was through a dream where they saw each other but didn't know the other was an actual person they talked and exchanged names after a while wanted to try and find each other.
- they share responsibilities, switching between then every few days or so maybe weeks. basically whatever they wnat as long as stuff is weighed out.
- they lay on fields, watching the sunset and moonrise. kaoru points out all the stars he can see grabbing momoe's hand and squeezing it when he sees another one out of excitement. 
-kaoru has a thing w messing with momoe's fingers, just liking the feeling
-the first time kaoru cut his hair, he had been sleeping at momoe's place and just kinda got up to the bathroom, cut it, then went "shit i think i kinda need a haircut"
-kaoru keeps his cap near him like all the time, and messing with it is a no go. but he asks momoe to hold it a lot and puts it on her head whilst shes doing smth from time to time
-when he first met them, kaoru almost introduced himself to momoe's parents as his deadname and as a girl. momoe was the one who stopped him and introduced him properly
- kaoru is tERRIFIED of rika because she's so protective of momoe.
- when they cuddle, kaoru loves to play with momoe's hair bc "i just think it's the closest u can get to someone, u know?"
- they use the most like. domestic. adorable pet names but not too much? just stuff like 'my love' and 'my dear' and kaoru calls momoe his buttercup
- they went to pride together once w the rest of the group and got each other pin badges w their prns on
- kaoru once got beaten the crap out of for trying to fight someone for calling momoe a guy
- when the other gets dysphoric, they just sorta. curl up together and whisper compliments and reassuring things and just watch movies
- definitely like black and white sort of subtitled movies
- kaoru is terrified of the dark and when he first slept over at momoe's place there was this awkward interaction where she turned the light off and kaoru shit himself /jov
- they were both a bit hesitant to meet the rest of the group, but kaoru got along w everyone just fine, even if rika is intimidating as fuck
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bi-peanut · 3 years
Underneath The Stars Of 23rd Street
All parts
The truck spluttered to a stop, sighing and creaking. I pushed down on the excelorater hard. Nothing. “Come on” I groaned, hitting the steering wheel. The cold night air creeped into the truck like icy fingers wrapping around my body, the heating system had shut down with the rest of the car. I can hear the coyotes in the distance. Town is at least 75 miles away, and here I am. Stranded in the desert. The coyote's high pitched growl grows closer. My hands are sweating and suddenly the cold air seems to be the least of my worries. “START” I shout at the car, slamming my foot against the excelerator. But it's no use, the shreakes grow closer and closer I can hear their ragged breath. “shit” I whisper.
I frantically fumbled with they keys praying for the truck to start. But it stayed silent and still. "Think!" I shouted to myself. I thought back to a time where my dad and I took an trip to Chicago and our car broke down on the way. He had jump started it "for educational purposes only" my dad grinned as I watched him. "Yes!" I thought. I slid down under the steering wheel. It was dark. I got back up and grabbed a torch out of the glove compartment before sliding back down under the dashboard. They coyotes where right outside my truck now, I could hear them pacing around curiously pawing at the doors and wheels. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I pulled open the wireboard and shined the torch into it. I remembered he pulled the red wire or something. My pulled at the wire not really registering anything I'm doing. Suddenly the car purred to life. "Yes!" I cried pumping my fist in the air. I scrambled back up into my seat and placed my hands onto the steering wheel. My truck was surrounded by coyotes, and as much as I knew they would hurt me I couldnt hurt them. I reved my engine and they jumped back. I slammed down on the gas, rocketing straight ahead. I drove and drove and didnt stop untill I got too the outskirts of town. I checked my watch, 00:30. Shit, dad was expecting me home half an hour ago, its not as if I could let him know I had broke down. It took me about another 10 minutes to pull up to our house. I was expecting dad to be asleep by now and he would let me have it in the morning, but when I walked in the door, there he was sitting at the table, a notebook infront of him. "Oh, hey dad" I say nervously rubbing my hand through my hair. "Miles" my dad says sternly "I can explain ok," i say "my truck broke down and there were coyotes and i had to jump start it like you did in Chicago and i tried to get back as soon as i could and-" "Miles. It's ok, as long as you are safe now" My dad walked over and hugged me. He never really did that, it was nice. My dad was a nice person dont get me wrong and he would never hurt me but he was never really a touch person, well I guess that part of him died along with my mom. She died when I was 5. Cancer. It destroyed my dad and I. Especially my dad. When my mom died he spiraled. He drank. A lot. It became so much of a problem I was sent away to live with my Aunt Lydia for 8 months while he "sorted things out" I was five. I didnt know what was going on. When I moved back home for a couple months after that aunt lydia would would come come and check in on us to make sure dad wasnt drinking again."So, how was aunt lydia?" I was visiting her in New Mexico for the weekend before coming home for the last couple days of school before summer break. "She was pretty good, shaken about Uncle Jimmy but other than that shes good"Uncle Jimmy died a few weeks ago. My dad and u went to his funeral in Colorado two weeks ago."It was terrible what happened to Jimmy, we will all miss him for sure" my dad sighedUncle Jimmy and Aunt Lydia are my moms brothers and sisters. Aunt lydia is married to Uncle Michael and they have two kids, James and Rick. They are both grown up and finished college. Uncle Jimmy wasnt married and my grandparents died beofre I was born. My dad doesnt have any siblings and he never knew his Aunts and uncles. His parents were split up and I never met my grandad. Grandma is still around tho and we spend the holidays with her. She lives in New York. I have no siblings. It has been just my dad and I for the last 12 years. And I like it that way. I do wish my mom was still around though. I loved her so much.
My eyes would barely stay open as I sat stooping over my bowl of porridge at the dining room table. Shit! The time! I hadn't been paying attention and I was late. "Miles!" My dad called from down the hall"I'm going now!" I call. Lies. I'm not even dressed yet. I run up the stairs to my room. I grab my Jeans, red t shirt and black and white flannel. I have fifteen minutes untill I need to get to school. The next bus leaves in 7 minutes, it takes 8 minutes by bus if there is no traffic and then another two minutes to walk from the bus stop to school. No. Too long. I'll have to walk, well run. If I take a short cup through the park and if i go down past the library I cam get there in time. And that's what I do. I make it to school just as the bell rings. I join the stream of students heading down the hall. English, my favourite class, is first. When we get in I sit down in my usual seat in back right corner. I dont have much friends. Well I have people to talk to, but I wouldnt meet them outside of school. My only friend that I would do anything for is Regan. I've know her since middle school, she is the kindest but scary at times person in the entire world. I turn to the empty seat beside me, wher Regaan always sits beside me. I tap the girl infront of me, Marjorie, on the shoulder. "Hey Miles" she says "What's up?""Hey, I was just wondering if you've seen Regan around?" "Um, no I dont think so sorry."Marjorie turns back around to her seat and I lean back in mine. Mr. Honran, my english teacher walks into the room. "Good morning class" he calls cheerfully. Just then Regan runs in the door."Ms. Treece, you are late, again." Mr. Horan says, hands on his hips."Sorry" Regan groaned, slumping into her chair beside me."How come you were late?" I ask"Stupid Ben was late dropping me again"Ben is Regans step father, she hates him because her mother cheated on her dad with him and then they got caught when they discovered that Regans mom was pregnant. Now she has a little baby sister Fiona. Fiona is the only one in Regans family that she can actually be around with out yelling. She really does love her.The day dragged on the only hope was that tomorrow was the last day before sunner break. I was only home for about 10 minutes to change into my uniform before I had to head to work.I work in the icecream parlor Happy Swirls, beside the library on 23rd street.
When I got to work there was only five customers inside. My co worker Jamie was behind the counter."Hey, sorry I'm late" I say as I tie on my apron"Its fine" Jamie replied as he hung up his apron.That's the thing about Jamie, he never really talks. He just keeps to himself hiding near his shiny brown bangs and baggie hoodies. There was a time where I considered asking him out but soon changed my mind when I heard him talking to someone about a girl he liked. I'm over that now, i didnt really mind, it wasnt as if I was in love him or something. But he was the first guy that I didnt block out that I liked. "I'll see you tomorrow miles" Jamie called as he walked out the doo. I washed my scooper and brushed my hands off my apron as my first customer of my shift walked up to the counter. "Welcome" I say in a cheery voice. "What can I get for you" I look up to see the customer. I stop in my tracks. Shit, he is beautiful. He has soft brow black hair that falls in curtains over his brown eyes, framed by glasses and soft caramel skin. I almost miss what he says."Umm, could I have a mango frozen yogurt with strawberries on top, please" His voice is soft and sweet. I realise I'm staring and quickly snap back to what I'm supposed to be doing, getting his order. "Sure!" I scoop the the yoghurt into the tub and sprinkle the raspberries ontop. Say something! I think to myself. But I dont. I stay awkwardly silent as I get his order. "That would be $2.99 please" He hands over the money thanks me and walks out of the store. I curse myself for not even getting his name. I probably wont ever see him again. After all, Phoenix is a big place.
@creamybadshadows @melophilic-joon-koya7 @keya-123 @the-writing-avocado
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chelleaslin · 5 years
Adrinette April Day 1- Just Friends
Marinette hung her head as she quickly zipped down the school hallway. Posters of the Valentine’s Day couple dance were plastered on every surface and every student was talking about it. She didn’t have anything against the dance, she thought it was a lovely idea, she was just very, very single.
The bell rung, echoing around the school ground, drowning out the students excited chatter temporarily. Marinette sighed in relief, she’d have a break from the torture while class was on. With a slight spring to her step, Marinette opened the door to her home group, stepping inside.
“So, what do you say, Adrikins?” Chloe’s abnoxious baby-talk voice loudly asked. “Pick me up at 7 for the sweethearts dance?” The blonde girl was hanging of Adrien’s side, her arms tightly wrapped around his neck.
Marinette felt her blood run cold in shock, was Adrien really going to the dance with Chloe of all people.
“Ah, Sorry, Chloe but we’re not going to the dance together, remember?” Adrien awkwardly replied, desperately trying to shake her off. He eventually unlatched her arms, gently but swiftly, creating distance between the two.
“But, Adrikin, of course we are! We’re the most popular kids in school, we’re a power couple. We have to make an appearance together.” Marinette grinded her teeth together. She was getting very annoyed at Chloe’s persistent nagging, any normal person could tell how uncomfortable Adrien was feeling.
“We’re not a couple, Chloe. Please stop saying that. I’m sorry, but I’m not going to the dance with you.” Adrien curtly spoke, with that he straighten out his tablet and faced the front of the room, ending the conversation. Multiple snickers were heard around the room, as Chloe stomped her feet in anger, marching back to her seat with Sabrina hot on her heels.
Marinette smiled, relieved that Adrien still didn’t have a date, dispite the fact that she knew she didn’t have the courage to ask him herself.
“Marinette!” A familiar voice called, Marinette, turned her head to her desk to see that her best friend, Alya, was already there. The beautiful, thick haired girl had a slight smirk on her full lips, no doubt from Chloe’s antics.
Marinette gave her a small wave as she walked toward her desk. Her heart started to thump loudly in her chest as she walk past Adrien’s desk, she had to do this almost daily for the past two years but she still couldn’t help the way she lost all focus around him, he was her weakness.
“Morning, Marinette!” He greeted a bright smile on his face.
Marinette jumped, shocked that he started talking to her, let alone bless her with one of his award winning smiles. The poor dark, haired girl jumped so suddenly that she missed the next step and tripped right over, directly in front of Adrien!
“Classic Dupin-Cheng.” Chloe snickered, a roar of laughter was hear from around the class room. A heavily blush stained Marinette’s cheek as she died of embarrassment. She heard the sound of a chair scrapping and a slight under the breath cuss.
A presences was felt besides her before two arms wrapped around her waist and lifted her back onto her feet. A grateful smile stretched across her lips, she turned around once her footing was steady, ready to express her gratitude.
“Thanks for that-“ She started to say untill she realised Adrien was the one who helped her up. Her brain completely short circuited and her mouth froze up.
“It’s no problem, Marinette.” He smiled, “are you okay?” He face was filled was so much concern that a Marinette felt compelled to ask him if he was okay.nShe tried to speak but nothing came out, she looked down briefly and noticed his hands were still ever so slightly hovering around her waist, most likely as a precaution in case she slipped again. Unfortunately for Marinette that just made her weak at the knees.
“Argh!” She screamed as she felt back again. Adrien’s eyes widen as she slipped right out of he gasp. Marinette squeezed her eyes shut waiting for impact but it never came. She felt strong arms catch her under her armpits, holding her inches above the ground. She peaked her eyes open to see an angel smiling down at her.
“Aren’t you luckily?” Alya laughed as she pulled Marinette back up. “Thanks for your help, Adrien, but I’ve got her from here.”
Adrien gave them a small smile as he nodded. The three of them settled into their respective seats.
“Okay class settle down, lesson’s are starting now.” Miss Bustier annouced as she walked through the door, setting her laptop down on her desk.
“Girl, we need to work on your confidence levels.” Alya whispered as she unlocked her tablet.
“My confidence isn’t the problem, it’s my brains inability to function around him.” She groaned as quietly as possible. Alya gave her a soft smile before focusing on the board as Miss Bustier begain to write, Marinette followed suit.
“Okay, class. I’ll see you all after break, have a wonderful time.” Miss Bustier loudly called out over the sound of chattering students.
Most of the class were already out the door, eager to relax and eat. There were small clusters of classmates still packing up and talking among themselves, there’s included.
Nino and Adrien were chatting quietly among themselves, swapping schedules, trying to organise time to catch up. Alya and Marinette we’re behind them, discussing the dance.
“Just ask him.” Alya urged as she carefully placed her tablet in her bag.
“I can’t just ask him! Look at how he rejected Chloe!” She hissed throwing her arms around in exaggeration. Adrien caught the movement from the corner of his eye, briefly glancing at his pigtailed classmate curiously. She, of course, noticed his minor movent and blushed heavily, waving at him awkwardly. He have her a soft smile and waved back, turning his full attention back to his best friend as Nino asked him a question.
“Yeah, but she’s Chloe and even Adrien can’t stand her. Look, Adrien likes you, even if it isn’t the way you want right now. The only way something romantic will come out of this, is if you start spending more time together.”
Marinette nodded in defeat, she couldn’t argue with Alya normally, expecially when she had a good point.
“You’re right, I’ll start putting more effort into getting to know him.” Marinette sighed, swinging her backpack on her back.
“Awesome.” Alya laughed, adjusting her straps on her shoulders. “I’m glad you’re on board.”
“Wait, on board with what?”
“Hey, Adrien.” Alya called out. The blonde boy jumped slightly, whipping his head around to face the girl’s.
“You going to the sweetheart dance?”
“Ah, no actually.” He muttered awkwardly. “It’s a couples dance and I’m single.” He scratched the back of his neck, a nervous tick of his. Marinette watched the way his toned arms flex, she had to physically stop herself from drooling.
“That’s great new!” Alya cheered, her cunning, Fox-like grin present on her lips. The three other teens gave her a mixture of looks between confusion, disbelief and worry.
“Ah, it is? I wouldn’t exactly count it as a good thing.” He mumbled quietly, trailing off towards the end but Marinette heard him. She also spotted the look of pain in his eyes, her curiousity was sparked.
“Yes,I was hopping you’d double date with us!” She clapped, gesturing between Nino and herself.
“Who else?” He asked curiously.
“Well, Marinette of course!” She said like it was obvious. By the look of surprise on Adrien’s face it was anything but obvious. Marinette started to flail around, what the heck, Alya? She not only threw Marinette under the bus, but she was the one driving it back and forth over her mangled corpse.
“Um, I’m not ah, sure.” Adrien started to stutter, avoiding eye contact with both girls. “I don’t, Marinette, not like that-“
Marinette wanted to run all the way home right now and never show her face again.
“Come on!” Alya slyly drawled out as she placed her hand on Marinette shoulder. “You’re both single individual that want to go to this event, why not escort eachother?” Marinette felt like an item up for sale, unfortunately, Alya, wasnt the best salesperson.
Adrien’s worried face suddenly straighten out, his frown now curve upwards in a small smile.
“Oh. You mean as just friends!” He laughed in what Marinette could only identify as relief and man, did that hurt.
“Haha yeah friends of course, just two pal, buddies hanging out at a...couples dance.” Marinette awkwardly sighed, glumly trailing off towards the end. Nino and Alya both send her looks of pity, of course, poor babbling Marinette.
Marinette was sick of being clumsy, she was sick of being tongue tied, she was sick of being friend zoned! Alya was right! She needed to make a move or Adrien would never know how she feels.
“Okay. Well I’ll text you so we can sort out the details and-“
“Actually Adrien,” she found herself interrupting him. “Like Alya said, we’re both single individuals and this is a couples dance, so I was hoping you’d be my date? rather than my friendly escort.” She couldn’t believe it! She did it. She asked Adrien Agreste out.
Her blue eyes flicked towards her other two friend, both their jaws comedically open in shock. Alya seemed to snap out of her trance, her face lighting up in pure glee.
Marinette felt nervous as she peaked back at Adrien, she expected the worse. Instead of a look or sorrow or guilt, Adrien’s face was bright pink as he blushed, a star struck look on his features. She waited a few seconds but his expression didn’t change.
“It doesn’t have to lead to anything, I was just hoping you’d give me a chance to show you who I really am and maybe, get to know you a little better too?” She blantely flirted with confidence she normally only felt behind a magical latex mask.
Adrien just nodded as his face darkened more.
“Oh god, yes.” He finally blurted out, His eyes widen in realisation. He quickly covered his mouth with his hands, he was completely horrified with his brief lack of filter. Marinette smirk, loving the reversal of rolls.
“Alright,” she smirked, leaning in closer to him, making him make an unintelligible noise. “Like you said, you’ll text me right?”
Adrien could only frantically nod as the other two tried very hard (and failed) not to snicker. Marinette feeling very cocky decided to lean in and give him a kiss on the cheek as she departed.
As soon as her pink lips made contact with his soft cheek, it was like a magical spell wore off. The clock striked midnight for Marinette and her magical illusion disapesred and she was awkward, stammering Marinette again.
She took one look at Adrien’s bright red, frazzled expression (something she did) and freaked out. She muttered her goodbyes before she jogged out the now empty classroom door. Although she was super shocked and embarrassed about her flirtatious attitude she felt an overwhelming sense of pride. If Adrien’s reaction had anything to go by it, she may have carried herself out of the friend zone. She walked home that break with a spring in her step and a massive grin on her cheeks. Until she realised this was only a lunch break and she’d have to face him again soon, then she panicked.
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angrylizardjacket · 5 years
ask your destiny to dance [15] {Roger Taylor}
A/N: Medium smut. 
The day Ash hears Doing Alright on the radio at her favourite cafe, she screams. This, of course, upsets the other patrons considerably, but before anyone can complain, she’s shoving her fabric samples and sketchbook into her bag, sculling her lukewarm hot chocolate, and is bolting down the street. Until, of course, she’s winded enough to slow down, and decides it’s easier to catch a bus to Brian and Roger’s apartment.
She’s been there before, it’s where they insisted on having their first fitting, since it was the apartment with the most room, and sometimes on afternoons she hangs out there with the band and Mary, sure, it’s not like she’s a complete stranger to the flat. Knocking on the door, she’s breathing heavily, still excited, and she’s not sure why she’s come here, rather than to see Freddie, but as soon as the door opens, she knows why.
“I heard you guys on the radio!” Barging past a confused Roger into the living room, she turns on her heel, still a little out of breath from having run from the closest bus stop, and her smile is blinding.
“Really? Which station?” And instead of asking her about her state, or the book bag on her hip, he’s elated, making his way to the radio in their little shoe box kitchen. Ash laughs, joining him, sheepishly admitting that it was about twenty minutes ago, but he’s undeterred. “Grab the phone; we can call them up and ask to hear it again.”
The station’s blaring some Beatles song by the time they get to it, but Ash is sitting on the counter, waiting patiently for the song to end so that the radio host could announce which number to call for requests. Roger’s buzzing about the kitchen, talking how apparently Mary’s heard them played at Biba too, and his mouth is moving a mile a minute, but then the number is said and Ash is dialing as fast as her fingers will allow. With her legs hanging off the edge of the counter, Roger taps at her knees, lips pressed together where he’s trying to keep his excitement quiet.
When the host picks up, and Ash says her name tentatively, only to hear it come out of the radio a few seconds later, Roger whispers ‘holy shit’ and Ash has to fight to not say the same. Clearly and carefully she requests Keep Yourself Alive, and specifies who it’s by and what record it’s on, and minutes later, the opening notes of the song waiver from the radio, and Ash hangs up, wide-eyed. Jumping from the counter, Ash dumps her bag beside their sofa, absolutely butchering the vocals where she struts around the room, pretending to be Freddie, loud and unselfconscious in her excitement. Roger’s matching her energy, throwing himself onto one of the metal folding chairs they had as dining room chairs, air drumming and providing harmonies that would have worked if Ash wasn’t almost completely tone deaf.
As the song moves to an instrumental section, Ash changes to enthusiastically air guitarist, jumping up onto the sofa, expression almost comically intense.
“Well, I loved a million women in a belladonic haze,” while Roger suspected the notes were entirely in her vocal range, she didn’t seem to be able to hit one, and after a moment, he’d dissolved into laughter, and wrapped his arms around her waist where she was posing with a foot up on the arm of the sofa, spinning her around before putting her back on the ground, and the drums kicked in on the radio, and she looks so fucking proud. 
“That doesn’t sound half bad.” She says, grinning up at him, and he’s still got his arms around her.
“Unfortunately I can’t say the same about your singing, love.” He snickered, and Ash felt herself blush as she swatted at him, too excited to be properly annoyed, also too self aware to call him a liar.
“So you don’t think I could take Freddie’s place yet?” She asks, and Roger actually laughs at that, and Ash thinks she can feel his heart beating fast. “Where’s Brian?” She asks, voice dropping to a murmur, her own blood rushing as the song continues on.
“Still at class.” And there’s the hint of a question in his voice, and Ash’s smile stretches into a mischievous grin, something almost fond in her eyes.
“You guys are on the radio.” She murmured, pride in her voice, though her eyes are growing dark as her gaze drops to his lips. “Rog?” And he makes a hum of acknowledgement, biting his lip to stop himself from laughing or kissing her before she can finish her thought. “Does that make me a groupie?” 
“Well groupies are usually throwing themselves at me.” He said with a cocky smirk, sitting them both on the sofa, sinking into the worn, brown fabric as Ash straddled him.
“I practically bolted to your house.” Ash had to stop herself from rolling her eyes, sitting back on his thighs. One of her hands was on his shoulder, the other playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, and Roger leaned into her touch, just a little. 
“I’m not usually accosted by girls who wear the same clothes as my dad in summer.” Roger snickers, eyes drifting down to Ash’s choice of attire. She’s quiet for a long moment, and realises that he’s probably never seen her dress so casually; she’d just intended to get some sketches done at the cafe, she’d never intended people she knew to see her, and so her choice of oversized, pale blue button-down with rolled up sleeves and paint smudges all over it, tucked into navy cargo shorts, had been a perfectly acceptable outfit at the time. She’s even got her hair pulled back into a messy ponytail, and suddenly she feels like a mess, but the way Roger’s smiling at her, she can’t bring herself to care.
“I’m an artist, I’m allowed to dress tragically sometimes.” She shrugs, and Roger’s grip on her hips tightens as he laughs. It’s strange, mid afternoon and she’s in his house, in his lap, it feels like a whole new world. Their debatable hidden affair was usually confined to the wee hours of the morning, or the late morning depending on when they wake up, but now his hair catches the sunlight pouring in through the window, and he’s casual too. He’s wearing a pair of hideous, little red shorts that she’d seen him play in once, and a t-shirt with a faded design on the front, and for a moment she frowns, because god, does he have no sense of style? As soon as he asks about it, and she voices her thoughts, he gives her a shove, calls her a hypocrite. Leaning in low, she murmurs for him to just take the shirt off, but he doesn’t move.
“You first.” He’s got an eyebrow raised as a challenge, and Ash hums thoughtfully, before her fingers are unbuttoning her shirt, and untucking it. She’s wearing a bra that’s comfortable rather than aesthetically pleasing, and for all that he’s seen her naked, he thinks this might be the most honest he’s actually seen her.
He’s the one to suggest they move, not that it didn’t hurt a little, with Ash wearing only her oversized shirt unbuttoned, and her panties, splayed out against his ratty brown sofa, looking up at him with wide eyes that had been darkened with lust. 
She’s never been in his room before, and she’s not quite sure what she expected. It’s bigger than her room, but not by too much, clothes strewn over the floor, and the end of the bed, which is also bigger than hers, a double, instead of her little single, a cheap looking bed frame and a small but solid desk shoved into the corner and stacked high with books, which intrigues her. Roger closes the door as she makes her way over, fascinated as she reads the spines of what turns out to be worn textbooks.
“You there for some light reading?” Roger wraps his arms around her from behind, pressing a kiss to her neck, his chest firm against her back. There’s notebooks that look well used, and a piece of paper with a whole list of numbers, letters, and symbols that Ash can’t decipher for the life of her, amid pencils and a pretty grubby looking eraser.
“You like, actually study, don’t you?” And when she turns, there’s almost something adoring in her eyes, endeared, and Roger raises his eyebrows at her unanticipated reaction.
“Always the tone of surprise.” He huffed out a laugh, his hands drifting lower to squeeze her bum, and when he leans in to kiss her, it’s sun-warmed and familiar, fitting together easily as he pressed her against the desk and she hopped to sit on it easily, legs parting to pull him closer as he kissed his way down her neck. He fucks her against the desk, even though she’s pretty sure she’s sitting on a notebook and also a pencil, but she can’t bring herself to care. 
When they move to the bed, he snickers at the smudge of graphite on her ass, but she’s hit with a realisation she can’t help but voice.
“I never thought I’d be here.” And she’s a little breathy, gasping for a moment as he brings one of her legs up to her chest and eases back into her.
“Really?” His voice rises in disbelief, pausing in his movements as if to emphasise his point, and Ash rolls her hips once, biting her lip to stifle a chuckle. 
“I mean, in the beginning, no way; I honestly never thought we’d last this long.” She says, and Roger’s quiet. Not needing an answer, she lets herself enjoy the moment, relaxing against the bedspread, whimpers and gasps escaping her as her eyes fall closed. She’s so fucking beautiful, Roger thinks, and even if he doesn’t say it, he’s so glad they lasted, after everything, if only for this moment. 
And then they’re moving, Ash pressing at his shoulder, urging them to move, Roger laying back against the bed as Ash rode him, throwing her head back, with her nails digging into his chest. It’s enough to make him hiss, his hips rolling to meet hers, and when she looks down at him with a heady smile, she leans down and presses a kiss to the half-moon marks her nails had left, before she’s peppering kisses along his chest and throat.
When Brian walks in the front door and sees them both eating pizza and reading trivia to one another from the paper, he has to take a moment. Ash is wearing one of Roger’s shirts. Roger isn’t wearing a shirt at all.
“I know you two are sleeping together.” He announces from the doorway.
“Interesting accusation.” Ash responds without looking away from the paper. Roger makes a hum of agreement.
“You’re wearing his clothes.” Brian says, walking over and picking up a slice of pizza for himself.
“That is my shirt.” Roger agrees, finally looking up to Brian, and Ash takes a big bite.
“Listen, Brian, sometimes friends sleep together, it’s not the end of the world.” Ash said around her mouthful of pizza, which was lost on him, and Roger had to translate for her, much to Brian’s bewilderment.
“So you’re finally admitting it?” He asks, and Ash hums, swallowing before looking up at him.
“Admitting that I came over here excited about hearing your song on the radio, and then, I suppose, one thing led to another? Yes.” Ash agreed, and Brian looked like he was quickly forming a headache.
“Neither of you are as subtle as you think you are; I know this isn’t the first time.” He sighed, and Ash turned to Roger, who raised his eyebrows, feigning mock surprise. He’s about to say something, but it’s as if Brian can already tell it’s going to be irritating and dismissive. “Listen, Ash, you’re an adult, and you’re also our stylist, I just hope you know what you’re doing.”
“Believe me, she does.” Roger says, reaching for some more pizza, ending his statement with a very pointed cough. Ash, looking supremely pleased with herself, watches Brian turn bright red and head for his own room, not slamming the door, but coming close.
“Freddie and John will know by the end of tomorrow I suspect.” Ash muses, and Roger looks at her, a little curious.
“Is that okay?” And he actually seemed like he would offer to do something if it wasn’t. Ash gives him a small smile.
“They were going to find out eventually.” She paused, but only for a moment. “We should probably keep it simple and say it started after you broke up with Kristin.”
“That wasn’t that long ago.” He said softly. Ash shrugs.
“It was like a month and a half ago; it’s believable.” She offered, and Roger hums thoughtfully, sliding across the sofa to rest his head in her lap. She’s tempted to rest her slice of pizza on his face, but ultimately decides against it. The way he’s smiling at her, grin just a little sharp, she’s pretty sure he watched the idea pass through her mind too.
“Do you know what time the next bus comes, I should probably get going before it gets dark and people are more likely to stab me.” She asks carefully, and Roger’s expression turns thoughtful as he watches her eat, quietly waiting for a response.
“Seems a bit extreme; you know you could just stay.” It’s so casual the way he says it, and Ash shrugs, accepting the offer without much thought. His bed is far more comfortable than hers, though he’s not living in uni housing, so you’d hope it was, and it’s big enough to spread out in. But they don’t. When they’re not fooling around, they’re chatting about everything and nothing, as they were sometimes want to do, and Ash gets around to asking him about his degree just as she’s about to fall asleep. They’re holding hands, which again, not necessarily something Ash had expected when they’d first started out, but she’s on her side with her free hand beneath her pillow. She’s just wearing one of his shirts and her underwear, and she brings their hands up to rest between their heads on the mattress, arm now at a more comfortable angle, and she drifts off as Roger gets in to complaining about one of his classes.
By the time he realises she’s not paying attention, she’s already mostly asleep. There’s something about the way she sleeps that makes her seem almost innocent, perhaps it’s that she’s not trying to put up a front, and her mass of ginger hair halos her, so soft it almost hurts. Roger’s never conciously thought of a woman as ‘sweet’ before, but it’s the only word that fits in this moment. He presses a fond kiss to her knuckles of her joined hand. Ash stirs just a little, making a hum of acknowledgement that Roger knew all too well as ‘completely passed out, just felt a sensation, can maybe spout a few random words’. 
Except it’s not just some random gibberish. It’s two words spoken through a yawn:
“Love you.”
the ususal suspects: @deakydickfanpage @hollyissuchahoe @laueecakee @smittyjaws@crystalshines2909 @i-am-sarah @legendsaresooftenwarnings@2ptonpt @benhardy24-7 @maiilovely @mickey-yr-a-goner @butter-times@heyyouitskay @tired-eyes-fairy-lights @yepimthatperson @missieluvsmurder@ironqueen98 @ceruleanrainblues @banhbao329 @fantasticchaoticwho @ko-kitty @seven-seas-of-hi @mimisfangirlfantasy @aadjuric @rogmobile@cardybenhardy @snacfu @perriwiinkle @the-strange-fan-girl @finite-incantatem-7 @tapetayloe
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zippiethehangnail · 5 years
It all started with a message from Grindr. If you're unfamiliar with just what Grindr is. Grindr is a gay dating app used primarily for hook ups. And if your unfamiliar with that term then... I suggest that you refrain from reading the rest of this story.
I was sitting in the publix parking lot around 1 o'clock in the morning when i first learned of his existence. If you're wondering what i was doing at such a place at that time of night well the answer is simple. I was piggy backing off their wifi so i could get some dick. Granted this was about 2 months after a break up with a person i had been with for 5 years. So of course i was still hurting financially and couldn't afford service.
It starts out with the usual small talk and then he asks me if I'd be up to chat on the phone. So i agreed and gave him the number to my textme (which is an app that allows you to make texts and calls over wifi). So we end up chatting occasionally getting interrupted by the call dropping ( i dont recommend this app... 2 stars..) But he was very understanding about my situation.
"I know what it's like. I've Been there"
He was very charming right off the bat
And very opened
I felt like i knew him
So he suggested that i come over to his house when i had a day off
And i agreed
So fast forward a few days later. Since i had absolutely no service, and i didnt want to get lost especially since i had no way of contacting him if i did. i walked up to publix, looked up his address, and took screen shots of the route. Since he lived all the way in north fort myers and neither him nor i had any access to a car. i was forced to take the bus. The 240 to bell tower and then the 140 to the last stop which was north fort. I jumped off the bus and immediately opened my gallery. Following the route i walked up to pine island round took a left, trailed it down to Pacific, took another left all the way down to state street i took a right and began scanning the mailboxes for his address until finally i was in the driveway of a rickety old trailer with an old man perched out front in a wheel chair, enjoying his afternoon, drinking nothing but naddy ice. Noticing that id stopped in his driveway and was staring at him.. My mouth all but agaped.. He gave me a perplexed look.
"Is Stephen here?"
At that
i could see movement from the porch to the left of him.
He had these sparkling blue eyes that stopped me dead in my tracks. The whole time he was walking towards me i was thinking how his pictures did not do him justice. He was dirty and unkempt. His shirt was littered with oil and greese stains. But underneath all the grime and muck i could see he was handsome.
He walks up to me, his shoulders slumped and his feet dragging, and leads me into his room. Which was in the back of the porch and closes the door. He offers me some weed that he said his grandpa got for him ((the old man in the wheel chair)) so i take a hit and get down to business...
Afterwards we take a walk around the neighborhood, just chatting it up. He opened up to me about how he was a mechanic and about, how his mother pretty much abandoned him with his granmother when he was younger. About how he just got out of prison, not even a month ago, for running a scam on a client, when he had his shop (i dont think he ever had one to be honest..)
Eventually, the sun starts to set and i figure if i want to get home, i better get going so i could catch the last bus. He shrugs it off and suggests that i spend the night.
"What about your grandma?"
"Don't worry about her. I can sneek you in"
So we walk around until the sun sets and go back up to his house. He tells me to sit in the lawn chair right oustide the kitchen window because there was a gigantic beach umbrella obstructing the view of who ever was sitting in it from the inside. He goes inside, tells his grandma about his time, and how he saw me off on the bus. Or something of that nature. He comes outside, goes in his room to get the make-shift bowl fashioned out of an old beer can, comes out, and sits right next to me. He takes a hit, passes it to me, and i do the same. We keep doing this until we're too high to function.
"Do you think i can go in now?"
"No, we have to wait until she falls alseep." So he gets up, goes back in to check, and comes back out to tell me that she's still watching tv.
He then checked to see if the cost was clear grabs my hand and kisses it. All while still holding it, he lowers his arm down and scotches closer to me.
"It's a discrete hand hold."
I blush and scoot closer to him.
He looks around again and kisses me.
Maybe it was because i was high
Maybe it was because i saw this rough scraggily, mechanic, all giddy and overflowing with affection
But my heart had stopped
And i did not want that moment to ever to end
But... He starts to get restless..
He gets back up, goes back in checks,
Comes out stands in the door way of the screen door takes a hit. Goes back in checks, turns off the porch light, comes back out.
She closes the door and goes back inside.
"Don't worry about her."
He sits next to me and hands me the bowl.
About 2 minutes later out she comes.
"BULSHIT! Listen i want you off my property or I'm calling the police and reporting you for trespassin."
They then get into a screeching fight, where she brought up the fact that she had previously let one of his friends spend the night and he eventually, ended up living there. I pull Stephen aside and tell him that, we should probably go. Considering there was no way in hell that she was gonna let me sleep there.
So it's about 11 and me and him make our way up to Wal-Mart to use their wifi. I think about calling my mom but it's useless. She'd already be in bed so that means her phone was inside and there was absolutely no cell service in her house. Evertime i called it went straight to voicemail. "Shit! What the fuck are we gonna do?"
He tries calling his friends but they're not answering. "We could always sleep in the woods. There's a spot just a few miles down the road where i used to stay when i was homeless."
I was so tired and stoned off my ass that i just wanted to lay down.
"Okay..let's do that then."
He looked at me and shrugged
"Sure...I guess."
So we start making our way down 41. There was no sidewalk so we had to walk in the biking lane. Id like to add that when Im high im the paranoid type. So the whole walk I'm fucking terrified of the cops pulling us over and asking us what we're doing and where we're going. Didn't help that everytime i brought up the possibility to Stephen he'd add that the cops in north ft myers are waay worse then the ones in my area... so i was like wow thanks.. Now I'm even more terrified... About 3 miles later we finally make it to the spot. He finds a piece of cardboard and we cuddle but i can not seem sleep. Maybe it was because i was high, alone in the middle of the woods, in the middle of nowhere, with no phone service, with someone i had just met that day and i kind of had the sneaking suspicion that he was gonna kill me.. I dont know... Just kind of lingered there in the back of my mind.. "Oh he could kill me right now and probably get away with it." Obviously, that wasnt the case.
I eventually realise that he was also having trouble falling asleep as well so we start to get a little freaky...
So yeah i had sex in the middle of the woods on a dirty piece of cardboard. It was fun.
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malucodazona · 6 years
Woman of my dreams
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Well, where do i start..
I met this girl when we were still in high school. We were young, still trying to figure our lives..trying to find ourselves, what we wanted, etc..
Tbh, we both pretty much wanted the same thing.. EACHOTHER! The difference is, although we fell in love with eachother when we met, spoke pretty much everyday, hours and hours spent on the phone, webcam, basically, we had so much in common but we never acted on it. We were both too scared to go into it. We were scared to let eachother in. I was scared to make a fool outta my self, thinking once she really knew me she wouldn't want to be with me.
Years went on..we would always pop up but conversation would always keep eachother up and then we would go some time without talking again. Always remained bestfriends and strangers at the same time.
I started from the bottom trying to get myself together, fooling around..guys stuff basically, until we both started talking over time again..like, everyday talking, back to how it used to be and next thing you know..we end up in the same college as eachother!
You should of seen my face the minute i saw her walking down the hallway in college.. my face lit up the same way the day we first started talking, all those feelings came back in a rush, heart was racing, nervous to even speak to her just how i used to feel when we used to meet after school when we were young.
So we bump into eachother and we both laugh nervously at eachother..no words would really come out other than "hi" "what you doing here" and it was that day, everything changed. My life changed.. we get talking and seeing eachother in college, sometimes grab the bus together until we just decided it was time to give it a go.
We spoke about it, sorted things, cleared things up and went on from there..together with eachother with the woman of my dreams.
Time went on.. life was good, relationship was amazing, both were accepted by eachothers family quicker than i expected.
Months down the line we go on holiday with the family, celebrated her birthday enjoyed the holiday and everything was perfect.( not to mention the sex 😍😜)
We eventually started having our differences, issues, she went through the roughest patch of her life. And i did not know how to act or how to help and i had never been so scared in my life more than i was that time and i decided to turn my back thinking it would make things go away until it got to the point where there was non stop arguments..rows..problems everyday which eventually that led to a break up. 😔
Split up, moved on with eachothers life, she try sort her self out with the support of her family and i went into depression. Depressed at losing the woman i loved and didnt cherish enough when i had her. Started drinking..going out, trying to have "fun" to forget when really all i was doing was going down the alchoolic path. Never have i ever been so low in my life till that point where i couldn't deal being without her, not being there for her, not coming home from work to her, no waking up to her beautiful smile and messy hair in the morning.
Little things made so miserable. The fact we had planned on having kids together since we were kids, the fact we planned getting married and having a life together from young and so much more and what i had i done? Took her for granted the time she needed me the most.
Eventually, a friend gave me a kick in the ass and opened my eyes to what i was doing , was just stupid af. His only advice was.. "Do not give up on the girl you love. Otherwise, it will be too late."
And he was right.. i tried fighting for her at some point, but she wasnt ready nor was she in the right state of mind to try again as she was going through a phase of ED. And it pained me so.much, my only solution was.. get out of the country and start fresh.
Which i did.. i moved back to my home country, Portugal.. and it was good, i mean at the start jt was different, few friends helped me settle, took my mind of things until the day, i spoke to her again and she was dating.. that shit there broke my heart and you know why? Cause she didnt love him..she didnt feel anything for him other than some.small feelings ..she was trying to get over me. How can i blame her? I turned my back, when i realised it was too late.
Until i fixed up, 2months later we speak again and i find out shes no longer dating. Boy, was i a relieved man *phew* 🤦🏻‍♂️
I realised what i had to do. I realised i couldn't let her slip my fingers again and i acted on it. Spoke to her told her the plan and flew out to the UK for her birthday to be with her and to find eachother again😍
It hasn't been easy though..long distance relationship is the hardest thing you can do. You don't see eachother, you dont feel eachother, cant comfort eachother same way u would in person but i try and i know she does too. Things have been complicated to the point we almost gave up. Some things got in the way..less communication, more arguing, trust issues and so on.
We saw eachother again in October, when she came to visit and damn was i happy.. felt like a little kid getting loads of candy on halloween. We spoke, we laughed, we cried alot, we opened up, we let eachother in, we were honest about feelings, how we have been feeling these past months, what's been happening , etc..
And i tell you, none of It was easy for either to say or open up about but we did..and the weight of our shoulders just went away..i felt free again and vice versa. Some was what eachother wanted to hear some wasn't. But we pulled through like we always have from when we were just little kids. I was so glad yo have my bestfriend back in my arms again. Sitting and drinking sangria all night, dates..even went to Seville to visit. (Btw it's beautiful)!
I'm still in Portugal until January which then is when i move back to the UK to then start a life together.
What im trying to say, is i cant look at another woman the same way i look at her. Ive never felt anything for another woman the way i do for her. We've just got such a strong connection and so much love for eachother that we have always found a way back to eachother. No way will i ever fuck that up or give it up or even take it for granted like i once did. I've had to change my ways to make her see I've changed for the better.
I love you to the moon and back and ill never give up on you.
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k0o0be · 3 years
Bikepacking trip
full send
My bike trip:
so i and my bro made a plan to cycle from ooty to banglore.i was super excited for the triip.but the sad part was that i and my bro had a fight he day prior to leavingg.it was beacause he changed the plan without my conset and now we were headed to a hillstation with no prospects of ccycling.you know it felt really weird fighting with him because we were in this together.. Ive read many travel joouornals where this seemed to have happend.anywayonce we got on the train with our bikes packed i decided to let it go.i didnt want that to spoil the mood of the trip.anyway so we went to kodaikanal whch is a beautiful hill station towerin above the clouds.we did take our cycles there  but it wasnt a cyclable terrain,with all its ups and downs(infact my bro did try cycling there but his derailer broke and that brought an end to his cycling ),so we figured since we were already there we’d do some hiking and hiking we did.there were lots of places to go by walk and i enjoyed it alot.btw all along the trip i was listening to music by Queen and i had freddie mercury to keep me company,and im so thankful for hm.it was super fun too,we also came across some waterfalls where the water was super chill.the weather up there was really good.we lived upthere in a hostel where we made real nice friends.they were good company.all of them were an artistic bunch.they were either writers or musicians .anyway ,so we spent like three days in kodaikanal.but i was starting to feel bad  about my cycle.we had carried them all the wayupthere but we werent using them at all.so we decided to part ways. I would be doing a smaller version of my orginal plan.and i would meet him at banglore.(hed be taking a direct bus all the to banglore) even he wanted to join but his cycle now was unrepairable,the only problem for him was that he had to carry it all the way to banglore.
So i took a bus from kodaikanal to tiruppur with my cycle disassembled and from tirupur id cycle to banglore which is  approx 350 km.i had taken the bus at evening so i reached tirrupur at midnght.also i was doing a super low budget trip so no hotels for me.i had my tent.so as i reached at midnight i didnt know what to do .the bus stopped outside tirupur on the highway.i got down with all my cycle disassembled.i had no clue where i was and had to assemble my cycle up.for a minute or so i just froze not knwing what exactly to do. I was just realising how different everything was.btw tthis in  place is tamil nadu where they speak tamil and i didnt know tamil.i wasnt sure what i was gonna do for the night.i was hungry and tired and knowhere to sleep. Also no enrgy to set up the tent. So if figured ill just fix up the cycle and just start ridin.i needed some time to process what exacty was happening.so i rode in the dark slowly thinking about what would be next step.i decided ill just  sleep on the road infront of a shop,and ill j wakeup super early and leave before dawn.i used the rain cover of the tent as mat and slept on it .it was the worst sleep i ever had,so many mosquitoes and constant fear of being attacked by the street dogs.that morning i started off super early(well,since i barely slept) and i was FINALLY getting into that cyclng mood.also another local cyclist joined me .we rode togethr and chayyed away while at it.he was the owner of a small clothing line and had a very tedious job.he said he had to work everyday including sundays that too from morning right up until midnight.he barely had any time for anything .he said he had diabetes and therefore recenty had started cycling.that was his only way to relax and unwind.he was really impressed to see me cycling such a distance.he said he also wanted to do something like that but there was no way  he could.he said he came from a really poor family and had worked really hard to get where he was right now and had to work hard hours to keep up with his business.we spoke for a long time ,and i was happy to have company.he was surprised i was doing the trip with such little money.so despite me refusing ,he gave me money and a ton of fruits.like lot of fruits.i didnt want thaat much ,i couldnt carry stuff on my cycle,but he was adamant and i couldnt refuse.so i in return gave him a  box of chocalates i had bought up in kodaikanal.i had so many bananas i decided to have that as both my breakfat and lucnh.which turned out to be a horrible decision because by evning i had  zero enrgy to cycle.also it suddenly started raining .i was soo upset because i was not close to completing my daily qouta of kms.and i had no more energy and it was RAINING.i stopped under some shade and just lying down on the floor on the verge of tears. Spent maybe an half hour there,waiting for the rain to stop .once it stopped i got myself some real food. I ate until i was full.and im so thankful that i did. Then i was back on my bike ready to finsh them miles.the rest of the trip was great .i had met many people and all of them were really nice to me.many offered me food and bananas.(tamil nadu is famous for its bananas).i was goingthrough many villages and i used to stop at a village and ask a local if i could use their bathroom and id take a wonderful bath.btw all i had was a single pair of dress.so id taken bath.wash my clothes and and wear the washed clothes and conitnue driving. theyed dry up in a matter of thirty mintues and it ws actually nice wearing wet clothes it cools  down your body and hhelps against the heat.also had some great food along the way they were really inexpensive and therefore i got to try various different kinds of foods.btw i hadnt used my tent atall.my night time i didnt have energy to set up a tent so id just sleep wherever i felt safe and started off early in the morning before anyone could spot me.and during day time id take long naps during noon time when it was the hottest .id find nice trees with a good scenery and spend noon out there.on the third day i had cycled alot in the morning so during noon i found a nice flower plantation and decided to stay ther for a nap.but the place was so beautiful so i decided to stay there until evening.the farm had lots of trees.and i started climbing them. it was really peaceful out there. I was having the time of my liife
it took me 4 nights and three days to reach banglore. And by the end i was super proud of myself .i had been waiting to do a trip like this since a very long time and i finally did.
I met back upwith mybro in banglore,Btw i had another two days stay at banglore before we caught a train back home.so we stayed with one of my sisters collegemate.he is a really nice guy and took us all around banglore.banglore is a much bigger city than hyderabad(my home).so its  got better rock climbin gyms.i went there for indoor cliimbng and it was really fun.im quite enjoying climbin though im no good at it,it seems really fun.mybro is more into it than i am.i.
I cant wait to get back on the road like that again.i feel the best part about the trip was meeting all the people,everyone were really nice to me.
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sally-annesstories · 5 years
Day 67 - Antigua, Guatemala
1. At a cool 3am there was a knock on the cabin door to wake us up for our morning hike. This is so we can make the summit for sunrise (about 1.5 hours away). Only 5 minutes after that though there was another one. The guide was back to say the weather just turned and the clouds had come over intensely and perhaps the walk wasnt going to be worth it. He was happy to do the walk if anyone wanted but based on weather likely any sunrise view would be better from basecamp. I got up out of bed to check it out myself and it was so cold and the wind was blowing a gail with thick clouds surrounding. After hanging out a couple of minutes I decided going up wasnt worth it. I didn't feel I needed to say I made it for the sake of it when we were told and my view from the weather was we had it as good as it would get. Just under half the group decided to make the trek. I stayed up for a while sitting by the fire but after 15 minutes the clouds kept a coming in and it felt like nothing was going to change. I decided napping was a better use of my time. Glad I did this as those that stayed up said nothing changed and eventually followed suit. On top of this those that hiked up the top said it was immensely challenging in the wind and darkness. When they made the top there was nothing but clouds and they had to face the volcano side from the wind only turning to the (non-existant) view intermittently. They ultimately stayed up there 3 minutes before making the trek back. While I know you go up Acatenango to get to summit and see Fuego erupt, of which neither happened for me. I still really enjoyed the hike, it's not often you're really in the clouds like that!
2. At around 7am it was wake up round two for breakfast, this was oatmeal and tea. While we'd had the hike the day before I wasnt overly hungry so I took my time going along but eventually did. Just as I'd finished breakfast one of the men on my tour came into the food tent saying a group had shown up at the campsite asking for a doctor. Luckily we did have a doctor on the hike and on top of this, I think all the guides have to have a certain level of training. What eventuated was a group had been up the summit for a while (remembering the guys from my group were only there a few minutes) and a member of their group had hypothermia. Everyone cleared out of the food tent where the heater was that they took her inside with the doctor. Then my cabin cleared all our stuff out and got a sleeping bag to her ( doctors orders) and then they moved her in the cabin with the sleeping bag and the heater. It must've been further help the doctor spoke pretty good Spanish but the guides also stayed to help with translation too. While this was all happening myself and the others from my cabin stood by the campfire trying to stay warm. After 30/40 minutes the all clear was given and she was deemed in the green and it was time for us to begin our descent.
3. Yesterday it was largely an uphill journey so today is all downhill. From a physical toughness perspective this isn't so bad on my muscles but the challenge is staying up right and not spraining knees and ankles! The path is semi slippery from the wet and then also people race up and down the volcano (!!) So when they go down they intentionally slide their feet at parts to go faster but this makes it more slippery for us wee walkers. The trip down was only like two hours and I managed to go largely unscathed. I was wearing warm gloves at the start because of the cold but then kept them on once I didnt need them. This was because I realised if I slipped or needed to grab onto something it was better they got dirty than my hands. This was lucky because at one point we went through a cornfield which was protected by barbed wire. It just happened to be here that my ankle gave way on me. I had tried to grab a wooden post but missed in the slip and grabbed the barbed wire! Luckily the glove ripped ever so slightly but I was unscathed. Even better was all of me also didnt go into the menacing fence and I stayed upright! At around 10am i finished the decent and it was into the bus for the one hour ride to Antigua.
4. Back in Antigua I was rather optimistic for my afternoon. I only had the rest of this day and the start of the next to finish tripping around. Back at the hostel I had a shower (hottest temperature and strongest water preassure in 67 days!) Before heading out. First was to the Antigua lookout with the cross. It was a Sunday so a little bit busy but not as bad as you'd expect. Its only a small hill walk up but given it had been all of 3 hours since I'd finished Pacaya I was super slow. Pretty sure I was dwadling with my sleepy legs. Once down again the next stop was la mercad la mercad church. Turns out I'd been to both before a number of times without really registering. They were cute but nothing overly exciting. Then I went to go to the Santa Catalina arch but there were hundreds of people on the road so i cut my losses and went to Museo Casa Santo Domingo (a fancy hotel you can tour around). My zombiness got the better of me here and after a quick circle I ended up just sitting in their courtyard for an hour before making my way back to my own hostel. It was super peaceful in the gardens there.
5. Back at the hostel Abi and I caught up for a drink before going out for dinner. While we had a drink we looked at her draft Colombia plans as she had done lots of research and so it was helpful for me to learn a few things for my future weeks. I also passed on info I've received from others. Then what better way to spend your last evening in Guatemala than with Mexican food. We went to a highly recommended place called Frida's and it was well worth the hype. Delicious quesadillas and nachos. I had a frozen guava margarita which was heaven. At 10pm it was hometime for the final sleep in Guatemala! Its been a good 5 weeks here.
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thecurlysafari · 5 years
As people pass you by...
At 17 years old I caught one bus to College, driving past country hills for a brief moment, I used to look afar and picture a life in greenery. As I was city bound for much of my life and as a dreamer, forever with my head in the clouds, I used the bus journeys to contemplate. 
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At 17, as I walked up the steepest hill to reach the College at the top, I was passed by many of my college friends and classmates whizzing by in their cars. It felt as though 90% of people learned to drive during College years. Then a handful more when I moved to Wales for Uni. 
But driving was never a focus or concern for me. Financially also, the cost alone was the same as a flight to Kenya, so naturally, I chose the flight. 
For years as I grew, more and more people drove and more and more opportunities would have been far easier with a vehicle. When I managed multiple supported living homes 2 hours from my house, a car would have reduced that to a mere 30 minutes drive. Or the youth charity role having to scout, visit and book hundreds of community and business partnerships across a region, scheduling time in for public transport. A colleague in this role could not believe I was 24 and couldnt drive. 
But once again, it wasnt a concern. Not just for the financial reason, it didnt seem of interest and I had a conflict with the environmental and social damage driving would have (my thinking at the time). 
But at 26, I decided I wanted to drive and finally found an instructor I connected with. Each Thursday at 8am I would have this lesson and drive to University ready for a 10am lecture. It was a nice routine and lasted a few months. But when a two week trip turned into no driving money that month which turned into, it was too hard I couldnt do it, eventually my lessons stopped. 
I genuinely thought it was a skill I just didnt possess and driving wasnt for me. I could not get the hang of it all and perhaps I would just never drive. 
Then, at 28, I took a role overseas that demanded I drive, cars, vans and minibuses long and short distances with aid and volunteers to transport also. I decided this was the kick I needed and during my interview process I made the bold claim I would pass my time at the time of employment. The claim was heard and noted and now I needed to deliver. 
So my rota was a 21 day on 7 day off system (although often was more 22-23 days on and 3-4 days off). So that month, I travelled back to the UK and arranged a two day intensive with my former instructor. All of those mental barriers had no place, I needed to pass the theory and learn to drive. It was as simple as that. So, the theory was passed and the two days were up. I had gone from a shy and timid learner to a somewhat confident driver who could do things like change gears whilst driving round the roundabout (something that seemed PHYSICALLY impossible as a learner, too terrified to let go of the wheel at any point). 
I took the test and with no majors and very few minors, I ...failed. I had to travel back to France and work for another 22 days. But the day of failure would not have a full stop attached to it. As I returned to France on the ferry, I sat and booked another day with the instructor and another test. 
I made a claim, I made a decision, it was time to honour it. 
22 days later, I travelled back again, with 6 or 7 solid hours of driving with a quick espresso break. What was nice about this new found confidence is that I was hearing all the things my instructor had been saying; but this time there was no constant noise of fear and doubt blocking out his conversation or instruction. I loved hearing his anecdotes about his family and his travels and our social and political debates took up time, whilst I was driving. 
The next day was the test. I had to pass. And at 9.30am that day there was the certificate in my hand. 
Elated, ecstatic, I told my team and manager I had passed. 
So I returned to France the very next morning feeling pretty good about myself. The feeling that lasted all of a few moments. As, my colleague called, from the roadside, with car failure and the need for a pick up. My usual plan would be to run around the team that day and see who could drive one of the vehicles. But low on volunteers that day, the only driver was me! 
With no choice I got into the work car, driving at about 2mph out of the warehouse and onto the main road. 
Its one thing to learn to drive in 3 days with your cool and calm instructor. Its another to be alone in a French town on the opposing side of the road, driving in an emergency. The driving didnt stop from there as that very day I also needed to drive a small team to deliver aid to a local site that evening, or the aid and volunteers transported the following day via the motorway and a 45 minute drive to Dunkirk. 
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Its fair to say I lost weight that week, in buckets of nerves and sweat! 
My dad finds the stories hilarious and says they are typical of me. Not doing things by half. 
But I didn't consciously decide this route, nor did I plan on driving in my first month of passing. 
Never at 17 did I imagine I would be driving through that greenery with the sun beaming on my face as I drive for 7 hours along the French coast to Normandy. I didn't believe I possessed that skill, nor did I prioritize it. So, as so many around me passed their test and saw driving as natural as breathing. It took 11 years more of public transport, walking, cycling until I took the plunge and did the same. 
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I realise how insignificant and tiny this may seem to so many, to whom driving is normal, standard and a given. But after driving the work car, I drove the work van, then the other work van, then practiced in the minibus (which is basically a truck). I drove weekly to another country, driving to Brussels every Thursday. I drove back and forth to the UK and France when I was visiting home. I’ve driven in random country lanes, en route to the French alps, on airfields (not recommended), in waters (also not recommended) and it wont stop there. 
But what’s crazy to some is normal to others. For me, learning to drive was one of the best feelings in the world. Only because I gave myself a strict target and zero room for failure. Any thoughts of doubt or fear that had taken up so many years before, would have taken away powerful mental energy needed to learn and store information and muscle memory needed to gain the driving license and like skill. 
I shut down any dialogue that said no or presented barriers or problems. Even those around me, although the foundation was love and care, I was told to not be so silly or ridiculous to pass in that limited time. 
But plan B’s do really distract from plan A’s...even if that is a Will Smith lyric, the message rings true. 
The mind and power of intention is magic when channeled correctly. But I didnt realise how so, until a simple task like this became a mental mountain I had to tackle. 
People will always whizz by and pass you as you walk along your journey, getting to places or achieving things perhaps before you or more than you. You may feel like 17 year old me with 90% of people around you doing something, you at present arent or cant or dont want to do. I didnt want to drive at 17 and thoroughly enjoyed my bus journeys and walks. Nor was I ready to later on, although doing so could have been so helpful to short term work gains. 
Instead I accomplished more than a simple driving license. I understood what determination and tenacity looked like on a deeper level. I practiced the power of intention and gave myself two months of one sole focus. 
So, despite what 90% of your circle or networks may be doing. Only give energy and focus to the things that matter to you. Give weight and significance to as much or as little you care to. Spend ten days, hours or years to learn to drive or learn anything for that matter. 
Actually give this power of intention thing a real go (if you dont already). You might end up doing some pretty special things in some pretty special places.
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Pictured above...my first 7 hour drive to Normandy. Ignoring the amount of screams and genuine terror experienced by me and my passengers.
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its-buckysbabe · 7 years
Bird’s Nest
anyway i just wanted to take a moment to write something for my poc readers, specifically my black readers. tbh this was inspired by a bucky oneshot i read myself a little while ago and how he ran his hands through the readers hair lmao not an option with me so i figured i should write something myself? idk. anyway i didnt really specify anything else like skin colour/tone and hair texture so pls for a minute - all my beautiful black girls out there imagine that this is bucky and you.
((also the comment about natural hair wasnt meant as anything sinister. your hair journey is your own and what youre happy with is all that matters. this was simply taken from my own life and where i am with my own hair journey.))
Characters: bucky x reader
Summary: gets caught in the rain. Hair disaster ensues. Everyone finds it funny except for one certain soldier....
Warnings: swearing. 
Word count: 1,998 words
Also read here: AO3
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It was supposed to just be another day at the office. You were supposed to wake up, get showered and dressed and squeeze in a quick breakfast if there was enough time. Today though you woke up a little later than you normally would. You barely had enough time to throw on your clothes and brush your teeth before you had to run out the door so didn't have a chance to check the weather or make any necessary adjustments to your outfit. Which you were immensely regretting now.
In the short run from your flat to the bus stop you'd come to find that it was a rainy day. Pissing down in fact. Now, normally you didn't mind a little bit of bad weather. Actually you quite liked it when it rained, there was a certain tranquillity that the rain brought to the hustle and bustle of New York in the midst of rush hour. However, today, the rain was most unwelcome to say the least.
You'd spent close to two hours straightening your hair last night after your shower. It was the first time in years – the first time since you'd gone natural to be honest – that you'd been near your hair with heat and, to be frank, you'd forgotten just how long it took to straighten completely.
Now, though, it had all come undone during the few seconds you had spent in the rain. You could literally feel your hair puffing up and shrinking in on itself as the bus drove uptown and towards to the tower. By the time you were pushing past the other commuters to climb off the bus the hair at the crown of your head was fully curly while the portion of your hair that had been protected from the rain still hung straight. You felt ridiculous and you could tell that other people thought the same, judging by the sniggers your heard people trying to contain as they walked past you.
You made it all the way up to your floor in the tower, without blowing up in someone’s face and to be honest you felt quite proud of yourself. Just as you were about to turn the corner and hide in your office until you figured out what the hell you were going to do with your hair you heard loud guffaws directly behind you. You turned, ready to yell the living daylights out of one of your ridiculous co-workers until you realised who exactly it was.
Sam Wilson was currently bent over at the waist, holding his stomach and shaking with silent laughter. Immediately any anger you had left your body and you even found yourself smiling at the scene before. He laughed heartily for what felt like hours, even pulling a few giggles out of you in the process.
“Y/N, what the fuck happened to your hair?” Sam finally managed to spit out. It had taken him a full two minutes to calm down and he was currently trying to catch his breath, while also wiping a few stray tears away. You'd noticed that by now a few of the Avengers had gathered behind Sam, no doubt wondering what all the ruckus was about. Natasha, Steve and surprisingly Bucky all stood a few feet behind Sam, some of them looking a bit more confused than others.
Natasha was regarding your hair with a warm smile while Steve was very clearly trying to understand what exactly was happening on your head. Bucky was honestly just looking confused full stop. He didn't know why Sam had tears in his eyes, why you were standing there with your arms crossed over your chest and he really didn't know why there was that glint in Natasha's eyes when she looked at him whenever he was in your vicinity.
“I decided to straighten this” you waved vaguely at the mess on your head “but Mother Nature clearly had different plans for my hair this morning” you answered with humour in your voice. You didn't really mind Sam making fun of you, particularly when it came to your hair. Perhaps because Sam had grown up with Black women and understood how important hair was to the community. You knew he was only joking, and not genuinely laughing at you and the situation on your head.
“You can say that again!” Sam hollered as he tried to reach over and pull at a stray curl on your head, only to receive a slap to his chest as you ducked out of his reach.
“Hey, hey now bird man! You gotta ask for permission before you dig your claws in there, okay?” You told him in a playful voice, though he knew you were also being serious. He knew to never touch a Black woman's hair, especially if he wanted to keep all of the fingers on his hand in working order. At your remark you heard some chuckles from the other people observing the exchange. Natasha softly shook your head at your antics, before turning away and attending to some Avengers business. Or at least that’s where you assumed she was headed.
“Alright, alright. I heard you, no need to maim me! But seriously, what are you planning to do about this whole thing? Not that I think it doesn’t suit you. I mean all things considered I think you're rocking it” Sam said with some sass in his voice. To be honest, you'd half expected him to start snapping his fingers. You softly shook your head at his antics.
“Well, to be completely honest I think you’re only saying that because it looks like a bird's nest and it reminds you of home.” You quipped right back at him, the same note of mock-sass in your voice. His face broke out in a grin at your teasing words and you giggled in response. The banter with Sam was always grade A.
“Fuck you.” He replied, the grin still present on his face. You childishly stuck your tongue out at him (which he attempted to grab with his thumb and forefinger) before you decided to reply to him.
“But to answer your question, I think I'm probably just gonna run some water through the rest and wear it curly.” You explained as you tugged on the section of your hair that was still hanging straight.
“I like your hair curly...” Bucky randomly interjected. To be honest, you'd completely forgotten that he and Steve were still present and had been observing your exchange. You felt a little embarrassed but quickly overcame it when you realised that at the end Sam would probably get more shit from his friends than you ever would. Rather Sam than you, right?
“You know, I'm gonna chose to take that as a compliment.” You replied, deciding to tease Bucky rather than graciously accept the flattering remark. You were known for blushing quite quickly and furiously and you just weren't willing to let Sam take the piss out of you for that as well as the hair today.
“No, no! That’s how I meant it! I mean I like your hair straight too! Just, saying I like it more when its curly....” Bucky replied quickly, almost stumbling over his words. He got quieter the more he said and you could see a blush forming on his cheeks when he noticed Sam, who was literally shaking from trying to contain his laughter.
“I mean geez buck you could just say I look ugly and be done with it...” You replied back, keeping your face and voice natural. You didn't usually enjoy teasing people to this extent but there was definitely something to be said about the flustered expression on Bucky's face. He looked adorable, or rather as adorable as a 260 pound assassin could.
“Oh god no, doll! That’s not what I meant, honest! Why do I even try at all...” Bucky mumbled before he turned away, harshly running a hand through his hair. You could see his hunched shoulders as he proceeded to swiftly walk down the corridor and towards the elevator. Belatedly you realised you might have genuinely hurt his feelings. You turned to Sam who was looking at you with a raised eyebrow before turning to Steve, who was now regarding you somewhat apprehensively. You muttered to yourself as you took off in a full sprint to catch up to Bucky before he boarded the elevator and found himself a quiet corner to brood in. God knows you'd never find him if he decided to hide from you.
“Buck! Bucky!” you call out to him, already out of breath. He didn't turn and barely reacted to your voice. “I was joking! I'm sorry, really, and I'm flattered. Honestly. Thank you.” you wheezed when you finally reached him. You thanked the heavens Tony's tower was so obscenely huge and that the elevator still hadn't reached your floor.
You stood before Bucky, panting far more than you should have been for someone your age. You could feel yourself getting warmer and a light sheen of sweat was already forming on your scalp, causing the remaining straight hair to curl up at the root. Bucky regarded you with a hesitant smile, too shy to look into your eyes and to be honest, he was still amazed at your hair and the way it worked. You finally caught your breath and anxiously looked up at him, absent mindedly pulling at one of your curls. It was a bad nervous habit you thought you'd grown out of but apparently not.
“Sorry doll. Its just... Its been a while since I've done whole talking to people thing, especially with beautiful dames like yourself...” Bucky finally muttered. He seemed a little less shy than he'd been a minute ago and was staring deep into your eyes. It made you a little uncomfortable but for the most part you found yourself unable to look away. You could feel a hot blush rising on your cheeks but you still couldn't look away. Bucky's eyes traced the rising red and in a far corner of your mind you noted that he looked at your blush with something like awe.
You finally broke your eye contact with him when you saw him tentatively reaching up (with his right hand you noticed) and running the back of his fingers of your blazing cheeks. His hands were warm, warmer than you expected, and felt almost cool on the apples of your cheeks. It was a strange sensation but also addicting.
“Well, I'd say you still have the talking to girls thing down to a t.” you murmured quietly. You knew of all that Bucky had issues with touching people, and while you weren't exactly big on physical contact yourself you realised that this was something he needed far more than you did. Plus, you weren't really going to be complaining when there was a handsome as sin man caressing your face like something out of a Nicholas Spark novel.
“Good.” Bucky replied equally as quiet, as if he was scared to break the strange calm surrounding the two of you in this moment. Unfortunately, someone else was more than happy to do exactly that though.
“What the flying fuck happened to your hair Y/N?” Tony asked incredulously as he stood in the elevator that had finally reached your floor. Thankfully there was no one else on board. You didn't really need the whole tower gossiping about The Winter Soldier and one of the admin staff on the 86th floor.
You shook your head in bemusement, before smiling warmly at Bucky and mockingly saluting Tony. You walked back towards your office with a smile on your face and only one thought running across your mind.
Maybe not looking out the window this morning had been a good thing after all.  
That was until your realised Steve and Sam were standing behind your desk with the biggest shit-eating grins on their faces.
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drea-mingof · 7 years
driving lesson 101
today's lesson was the worst out of the 6 lessons ive had so far. instructor totally didnt cared for me, is a horrible driver himself too. See the way he drives & the way he scolds people off the road. still prefers instructor j. highly prefers.. every lesson im comparing him with the rest. one was funnier than him, another was alright but none came close to how gentle he was. maybe that was the first time someone did that to me & i know they are supposed to hold doors for us for safety reasons but when j held the door for me i was touched. even more so when he asked me to 加油 at the end >< waved goodbye me & gave me another glance, unlike some who couldnt be bothered, & one who got off the car before me. was also considerate enough to ask me where do i prefer him to drop me off at haha i feel like im writing a report but no im writing everything down with a fuzzy feeling inside, writing so that i wont ever forget this incredible person i just met & hope to meet agn. hadnt see j after the other morning & that got me disappointed because what if i never ever see him agn. want to tell him everything about my experience with the different instructors and all the things ive learnt so far but thats just what i want & normally the things i wish for wont ever come true. dont even know if he rmbs me anymore but i hope i stay abit longer in his memory because his car was parked right next to mine the following day after being my instructor & we were literally next to each other agn just that in different cars. so so bumped i didnt notice him right away and got into my card without saying anything zzz. cus he was wearing those sunglasses & every instructor there wears sunglasses so everyone looked almost the same & i wasnt sure who was that just that he looked very familiar. besides i was rushing and almost late so i just dashed into my car after reaching. only after i got in and settled down then i realised the person who smiled at me was j & inside i was scolding wtf why didnt i find that out earlier. turned my head & he was chirping happily with his pretty student & i started talking to my instructor for the day who thankfully was the funny one so i was able to enjoy the lesson quite abit though my mind kept wandering back to the morning scene earlier /: car was parked directly behind j's after the lesson & i kept trying to delay time inside of my car so that he could get off his car before me & i could perhaps find a way to talk but my instructor said bye to me so fast & i couldnt think of anything to clarify so i got off my car before j's student even got off his. wanted to walk pass j's car but the gate to the bus stop was at the other side so i had no choice but to walk in the direction away from j's car. zz shouldve just went to top up my eNETS or sth but that didnt cross my mind then so i stupidly went back home just like that that day. lucky todays only my 6th lesson so i still have many many more days at the school. hopefully i get to meet many new nicer instructors & realise j isnt as good as i made him up to be or i'll get him another time & he scolds and insults me so badly till i hate him or i wont see him agn and he'll continue to take that little spot in my heart #你很丑可是你很温柔
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owlways-and-forever · 7 years
Cześć kochanie! Fairy lights, moodboard, sunrise, bands, grunge, lightning, love proszę! (Mira)
Dzięki Mira, kochanie!!
Fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?
if i’ll ever find love, and with who
Moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?
I grew up like an old timey kid, I didn’t watch much tv, I played outside all the time, when the whole family was together the kids roamed free and nobody knew what we were doing, and all that was great, so in that sense, yes, i had a happy childhood. But i also struggled a lot with my parents divorce, and i remember experiencing depression first when i was 12, so in those senses, it wasn’t entirely happy. but isn’t everyone’s childhood (and life really) a combination?
Sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.
Differences of language and habit are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open. - JK Rowling, Goblet of Fire
I love this quote because I feel like its something we could all do with remembering these days. We get so caught up in who’s from what country, and who’s what religion, but the thing is that none of it matters. It doesn’t matter if we’re different ethnicities or different religions as long as we’re all open to each other and we all want the same things, if we all want peace.
Bands: talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way.
Two years ago, I had a particularly difficult few months, in which I lost four family members in the span of three months, some very unexpectedly. about a month and a half later, patd released doab, and impossible year in particular was somewhat of a respite, and i listened to it constantly for a while. 
Grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?
sillier answer - it’d be great to get a letter from my crush saying he’s madly in love with me.
more serious answer - from someone dead, idk my aunt or one of my grandparents, just idk telling me things are going to be okay, that they’re proud of me, giving me advice? just anything really, just to hear from them. if it has to be someone living, then i guess from my ex, saying that everything that happened is okay, that he forgives me. i was young and still having a lot of trouble dealing with some of my issues, and it affected our relationship in negative ways, and being older and wiser now, i know that a lot of it wasnt healthy or fair, and it would be nice to know that its okay, no hard feelings. 
Lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high?
BUCKLE YOUR SEATBELTS, ITS STORY TIME. I’ve got two different stories and one is more funny embarrassing kind of worst and the other is like shit show kind of worst.
Story #1. It’s sophomore year of college, Halloween, and I have a 9am flight back home in the morning, but my friend convinces me to go to the frats with her anyway, and we proceed to get shitfaced, and it should be known that I’m banned from using my phone when drunk because I have an embarrassing tendency to text anyone I can manage to open a conversation with “omg you’re so hot”. Except on this particular night, my friend decided to hook up with one of the frat guys, and me, not wanting to abandon her in a frat house, decided to park my ass in the hallway at like, the opposite end of the hall. But of course, then I’m bored as well as plastered, so I whip out my phone because aha there’s no one to stop me anymore, and I start talking to this guy in my class that I sort of had a thing for. And it’s going pretty well, we’re chatting, and I’m rapidly becoming more incoherent as the alcohol kicks in, and he asks me “how is it possible that you’ve become completely incoherent in such a short time span” to which my answer, i shit you not, was “idkkkk but you’re hottttt” perfectly executed, not a single letter out of place. i dont remember what his answer was because what really stands out is that apparently i also decided to try to send this message to my mother at 3:00 in the morning. which of course prompted her to try to call me at 4am because she got a completely unintelligible text message and obviously she thought i was being kidnapped.
Story #2. when i was in morocco, a bunch of university kids decided to throw a fourth of july party for the american students, and so they rented a house and got lots of beer and liquor and assorted drugs and really whatever they could get their hands on. so we’re partying and having fun, and i decide i want a little bit of a buzz, so my friend and i decide to go try to find some weed to smoke, except what they dont teach you in language classes is how to ask for weed, so we’re trying to mime this to some guys and idk eventually we think we’re all on the same page, so she and i start smoking with them, and we smoke a lot, like seriously, large quantities of weed, and naturally i make out with one of the guys in return for the weed, and this guy that i sort of liked walked in on us, which was kind of awk, and so then i went after him and told him that it should’ve been him i was making out with, could still be him if he wanted (why i thought that was a good idea i’ll never know), anyway, at some point i went upstairs, talked to this other guy who is super awesome, but he’s drinking out of a bowl which is very confusing to my mind so i ask about it and he says its magic soup, and im like holy shit magic soup thats fucking awesome, and he gives it to me to try and im like wtf dude that is not magic soup thats fucking beer, i spend some time talking to people, the whole time i cant seem to decide which language i want to speak like im switching back and forth every other sentence. i go back downstairs and am hanging out (i may have smoked some more, i dont remember?) and then i decide to go upstairs, and someone else also goes upstairs, but at this point the paranoia starts to set in and i decide that the other person is following me, so i fucking run upstairs, crying, and find my sober friend, and cant manage to explain whats wrong so my friend is just kind of like okay how bout some sleep and helps me get settled, except the poor guy has to also take care of our other friend who’s vomiting, but i start sobbing every time im left alone, so its a fucking mess, and then somebody says the police are coming, so we all fucking run for it, except its like 2-3am and our university is closed campus, and the gates are locked until 6am, so we cant go back, so we find a park and decide to sleep there, and which point i’m a royal pain in the ass, and magic soup guy has to give me is button down and backpack so i can sleep comfortably on my bench, and then at 6am we went back to campus, got out stuff, and met the bus for an 8 hour drive to the fucking desert and let me tell you ive never wanted someone to kill me more than i did on that fucking bus ride. and that’s when i found out that it wasn’t weed we’d been smoking at all it was hasish, and long story short don’t ever smoke hashish like its weed because it will fuck you up
Love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love.
Once, a long time ago. He used to say there was a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone. I don’t know when I realized I was in love with him though, to be honest. It was such a long dance for us - first I hated him, then we were friends, then we were trading off liking each other while seeing other people. I guess… I guess there were two moments when I knew, kind of related. The first was shortly before we started dating. I wore a claddagh ring, one that I’d gotten in a flea market for like $10, but I never took it off, except when I was swimming. One day, I’d been at his house and we’d gone swimming, and I accidentally left my ring there, and I was freaking out when I realized, He wore it for a few days until he could get it back to me, and we had an in depth conversation about why it was so important to me, and I told him that it was symbolic but the actual physical ring meant nothing, and he told me that when he went to ireland a month later he wanted to get me a new one, so that i’d have one that meant something to me, not just symbolically. it was really touching, the fact that he paid attention to how important it was to me, and he wanted to do something to make it even more special. and to not even expect anything in return, i just remember feeling so special, like i was precious to someone else, irreplaceable, and it was an amazing feeling. the second time was i guess a little less than two months after we started dating, he was playing with the ring and made a comment about one day getting married, and he wouldn’t get me a diamond ring, he’d get me sapphire. it’s such a small thing, but it was… he knew me so well. i dont like diamonds, never really have, they’re too glittery and fancy for my taste, but anyway, idk just being with someone who knew me well enough to know that about me without me ever saying it, or ever really thinking about it, it just, idk, i felt like i was whole, complete. i felt like he was my other half, and it was just a very warm and fuzzy feeling, idk. 
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On the 13th of Jan we jetted our way into Lisbon, Portugal. Even on the plane flying in at dusk we could tell this place was going to be the tits. Our uber driver from the airport was really sweet and though he spoke little English, tried to point out local sites and main roads for us. We were basically speaking to each other through our phones, got pretty funny at some points, especially when he was trying to explain something to us and his phone kept translating what he was saying to “Mazda 3” haha. The people here are really warm and it has to be one of our favourite places so far; good people, great food and the city is fantastic. Perched right on the coast and surrounded by beaches which are just a short, cheap train ride away.
We arrived at our Hostel – Livin’ Lisbon. It seemed really cool, clean, in a big old building that looked recently done up, and was buzzing with all sorts. After being checked in our host escorted us to our room, a private double room with a massive bed and desk, drawers etc – right in the city for only 34aud a night including breakfast. Shared bathroom, but there were two on our small floor so no real issue there. The hostel even provide dinner each night for only 4 euro each. Pretty stoked at the value and quality of the place. We got settled into our room and headed out to grab a bite –  Found a new burger joint just around the corner called Gutsy. Was ok, lets just say its no Burgerfuel… the “home-made” lemonade was pretty decent though.
Upon returning, showering and clambering into bed, we soon discovered the downside to our amazing accommodation; Right next door (somewhere) is a night club playing DOOF-DOOF til the small hours, AND the hallways of our level have polished wood floors with high ceilings and echo any footsteps or voices ten fold. At about 12:30am I’d had enough of the loud Americans in the hallway (who I might add had left their bedroom door open while they drank and shout-talked). …”ALEXAAA, ALEXAAA! OH MY GAAD ALEXAA WHAT REWM ARE YEW IN??? IM IN HERE TEWW!”… I was at the end of my patience with inconsiderate assholes and while I couldn’t do anything about the top 100 hits from 2005 going on next door, I sure as shit wasn’t going to tolerate loud conversation from the fools down the hall. I got up and told them politely to shut their door – I was actually pretty polite too, I don’t know if my face registered calm but they apologised and shut the door, appearing completely unaware of their noise level. An hour later I donned ear plugs and finally fell into a deep sleep…
14th Jan – Day one in Lisbon started with breakfast at the hostel, pancakes with Nutella, raspberry compote, and yoghurt plus muslie or toast – coffees wasnt bad either. Then out to explore. We had rounded the corner of the hostel down one of the many tight and tall little back streets when we came across an antique store and were told that there was a vintage market on the main street, Av. de Liberdade, a couple blocks away. Onward we marched until reaching said market, it was full of treasures – most we either couldn’t afford or  couldn’t afford to carry home but purchases were made in the form of a great periperi from a foodie stall and a few other bits and pieces. Also had the experience of being told off by an old stall owner for picking up a perfume dispenser that looked like a vintage flip lighter… “if you don’t know what et es, do not touch et” before explaining what it was and clicking the button I was about to click myself – Cheers mate.
We continued further down the main street towards the harbourside, sucking in as much sunlight as possible on the way. Lisbon is stunning, full of century old buildings with brightly painted or tiled facades. The streets smell of the most mouth-watering food and there are a tonne of people trying to sell you weed, even cocaine! – but they were offering it all to Jim, I guess he’s got “that” look haha. We stopped at a bakery and bought a couple of treats, lemon curd doughnuts, custard tarts and this savoury scone roll type thing with pepperoni and cheese in the middle – oh my. Further down was the sunny waterfront at Cais das Colunas which was humming with tourists and a couple of street performers including a percussion band that were on point – complete with a hoolahoop-gypsy-hippy lady dancing in front.
Off through the back streets again, photographing dozens of pieces of street art and graffiti  – its everywhere here but adds to the colour and beauty of the city. Soon STARVING we stopped in at a hole in the wall local restaurant for a late arvo lunch and ordered grilled sardines with potatoes and salad – pretty standard local style food where the fish is chargrilled. A small bowl of fresh olives, local beer and sangria topped the experience off. It had to be one of the tastiest meals we have eaten on this Europe trip, and so simple. All the food had so much flavour and the fish was so good! Definitely wanna try cooking like that back home. Dessert was interesting – mine was like a custard creme brûlée, and Jims could only be described as scrambled egg cake with coffee syrup haha. Kinda weird but we ate it all. After a couple of hours chatting and drinking, we left and walked up the hill (not a nice feeling when you’re full of fish, custard and sangria) and got to a look out point Miradouro da Graca at the Igreja e Convento da Graca Cathedral which was in the middle of a service so we couldn’t look around – but what we saw of the building was gorgeous. Then back up and over many hills and we were at the hostel a couple of hours later. Having booked in for the 4 euro dinner we enjoyed a plate of pasta later that evening before retiring to our room. Another dance music induced sleep, and we woke to the morning of the 15th January. This was another Stop The World day. Jim and I were exhausted. Our feet were bruised and sore and staying in bed for the day was luxury. There aren’t many times in your life when you will spend the entire day in bed – blissss.  Jim went out to the supermarket round the corner that evening and we made burgers in the hostel kitchen, using some of that periperi we bought the day before… Perfect end to a perfect day of nothingness. The morning of the 16th, well rested we leapt (not really) out of bed and prepared for another day of exploration. Its bright and sunny here every day and way warmer than anywhere we have been so far – getting up to about 16 degrees during the day. Got to say the sunshine is sooo good after a couple of months of cold/rainy/overcast days. We joined our fellow hostel goers for breakfast and then left for the train station and Cascais beach. Three trains and 45 minutes later we were walking the stunning shore line and small cobbled streets of Cascais and wishing despite the cooler climate, that we had bought our beach gear with us for the day. The water is crystal clear and so many different shades of blue and turquoise it blows your mind.
Down at the small beach cove a sand artist – is that what they are called? Sand sculptor? I don’t know, anyway a guy was building these epic sand sculptures and castles.  Jim chucked a coin into the well and the sculpture (of a guy holding his ding-a-ling) turned into a fountain and simulated him taking a pee into the well haha. Pretty cool. Our explorations took us further around the point, and being a monday in the middle of winter almost all restaurants/stores were closed. A couple of kilometers down there was a marina where we found a Portuguese tapas place and indulged in a multitude of delights; fresh clams with butter, garlic and parsley, prawns cooked much the same way but super crispy, mozzarella and tomato on toast with basil, olive oil and balsamic, Iberian ham (local cured ham which is only produced in spain and Portugal) on toast with red pepper pesto, great bread and olives again with a local beer and white wine – not sure what the drinks were called but they were delish too. We ate everything. It was too good to leave, including the buttery garlic gravy from the clams and prawns which we soaked up with the bread. Another bakery stop (or two) for custard tarts and we were feeling sorry for ourselves haha, too much of a good thing or in this case, many good things. The day was drawing to a close so on the train and home for the night. We were still so full that we didn’t eat dinner until 10pm and it was another home-made burger for Jim and a cheese toasty for me. The 17th of January, post hostel breakfast and chores were calling. We spent a couple of hours at Vem e Lava laundrette up the road where we soaked up the free wifi and I wrote most of this entry. The plan, to get the laundry done and then head off on the train to the ferry terminal to catch a ferry across the river/harbour to Cacilhas and then another bus and over to a beach called Costa da Caparica. The weather was perfect and the water extremely calm so the ferry trip of about 12-15mins was effortless. When we hopped off the boat we were in the port area of Cacilhas and there were a few outdoor seafood restaurants serving charcoal grilled fish, as well as Portuguese fish stews, paella and clams. We sat down and ordered up a bunch of food before Jim realised that he hadn’t grabbed any more cash after our laundry expenses that morning and we were left with 30 euros for the day! – This had to cover our bus and train tickets too. So Jim ran up to the waiter and apologetically cancelled our lunch. We had already received our drinks, bread, cheese (Portuguese sheeps milk cheese which is so yum and served at most restaurants as soon as you sit down) and a tasty plate of olives. So we sat and ate bread, cheese and olives and downed our wine and beer before apologising again. We paid 10 euros for the drinks and nibbles – I might add it was only 7 euros but we felt so bad and cheap that we tipped 3 euro haha.
On the way to the bus we saw in the distance a giant sailing ship and headed toward that to check it out. It was called Fragata D. Fernando II e Glória and is a rebuild of a ship that sunk in the Lisbon harbour.  We had a walk through it and had some side-splitting moments from acting out the voices of the many freaky looking mannequins they had set up below deck… Good times.
Another bus ride (after wasting three euro’s buying the wrong tickets first time – good stuff eh) and we found ourselves at Costa da Caparica township. This place is a bit of a surf haven and after walking through the extremely tourist oriented township we made it to the beach where, despite the cold water and next to no surf, there were still a few guys out. Jim and I had packed our bathers knowing that the water was around 10 degrees but we both refused to come to Portugal and leave without swimming in the Atlantic Ocean. We stripped off and changed on the beach under our coats and towels before running into the freezing salty water. It was fecking cold BUT it was also really refreshing and afterward (once warm and dry) we felt completely revitalised. We wandered up the shore and watched a few fishing boats on their way in before strolling back through town and catching a bus to the ferry terminal – just in time too, we arrived a couple of seconds before they pulled the platform and left for Lisbon.
Night had fallen by the time we got home, so we quickly changed and left for dinner at a local joint round the corner down a back street. More bread, cheese and this time sardine pate – which we both loved, before mains of grilled fish (cant remember what type) and potatoes. The food was good, and we left pretty happy. That night we were kept awake again by noisy Italians in the room next to ours and the club next door. Fun fun.
The 18th was our last full day in gorgeous Portugal, and we spent in the town of Sintra, located about 45 minutes out of the city centre by train – towards the west coast. It was quite a bit colder there being a more mountainous region, but had warmed up by mid afternoon. The main attraction in Sintra is the medieval castle ruins Castelo Dos Mouros, which was built in the 9th century by the Moors (Muslims of Europe). We walked up about 100 floors of stairs and steep walkways to get to the top, and the 360 degree view of the area, including the ocean, inland towards the north, and Lisbon city. Beautiful. Also the walk was lined with lush green trees and plants, every single part of it was scenic. After reaching the summit of the castle, we walked right around the walls to each tower taking photos before starting our descent down the opposite side of the hill. We passed an old Tuscan style villa Vila Sassetti which has been restored and is maintained for tourists. The grounds and villa are stunning – romantic Tuscan style architecture with bright terracotta tiles all over the place. From there it was a short trek down through the old town area (full to the brim with over priced tourist targeted knick knacks and restaurants) – Jim and I decided to play it smart (so we thought) and walked further out of the tourist part and into the local areas. There was a restaurant called A Tasca do Manel which had decent ratings online and offered a 2 course lunch and a drink for 7.50 euros each. Sounds good right? We sat down and were told that the chicken curry option was all sold out so we would have to have squid stew. Trying to challenge our taste buds with local cuisine we boldly accepted.
The first course of lunch was squash and vege soup, which while a bit under seasoned and sweet was still edible. The next course, squid stew…. Joisus…. it was bad, sooooo salty and with a weird texture that made each mouthful a struggle. Plus the potatoes served on the side were way too salty as well – not as salty as the stew but not much of a reprieve either. I had to wash each mouthful down with beer and when I ran out of beer I gave up. We were one of the only tables in the restaurant (we had originally put this down to the 2:30pm time we sat down to eat but soon realised why it was empty). We followed the stew down with a semi burnt tasting espresso and then escaped as quickly as possible after paying. The whole train ride home we were burping up old salty squid…. delightful.
Once back in Lisbon city we went straight to the hostel and lay down for a while, still both feeling the effects of our scrumptious lunch. Dinner that night was plain bread… neither of us really felt up to proper food… :S
Later that evening, while scrolling the internet, Jim found there had been a few quakes about 20 miles from Rome, where we were heading the next day! We called our parents to “seek wise counsel” (say that out loud in a Texan accent) and had a decision to make, cancel our flight and stay in Lisbon another week til we fly home, or just say FUCK IT and go… we chose the latter.
The 19th sadly arrived. Time to leave Lisbon, we got up early, packed, and were out the door by 7am. An Uber arrived to collect us, and the driver got out to help us with our bags. While putting our bags in the boot, the car started rolling forward – he had forgotten the hand brake – Once in the car and on our way to the airport he consistently ran reds, turned on a dime, and flew over speed bumps. Radical.
Another round of airport security, of course Jim got stopped and checked, and we were on the runway leaving Lisbon bound for Rome, exhausted but excited…
Street art, Lisbon
Sintra street details
Squid stew…..
Cascais beaches
Costa da Caparica Beach
Path to Castelo Dos Mouros
Lisbon street details
Vila Sassetti
Cascais waterfront
Cacilhas port
Cascais streets
Rossio Square fountain, Lisbon
Chargrilled fish
Lisbon street details
Door details, Sintra
Ferry crossing to Cacilhas
Castelo Dos Mouros
Touristy knick knacks, Sintra
Cascais waterfront
Fragata D. Fernando II e Glória, Cacilhas
Fragata D. Fernando II e Glória, Cacilhas
Cascais beach
Freaky mannequins in the Fragata D. Fernando II e Glória, Cacilhas
Gardens outside Vila Sassetti
Castelo Dos Mouros
Cascais beaches
Post lunch – Lisbon
Costa da Caparica Beach
Lunch in Cascais
Gardens on the way to Castelo Dos Mouros
Lemon curd delights
Costa da Caparica Beach
Gutsy burgers for dinner
Castelo Dos Mouros details
Cascais lunch
Arco da Rua Augusta, Lisbon
Arco da Rua Augusta, Lisbon
Gardens on the way to Castelo Dos Mouros
Cascais sand artist
Chargrilled Sardines, Lisbon
Cascais sand artist
Lisbon, Portugal On the 13th of Jan we jetted our way into Lisbon, Portugal. Even on the plane flying in at dusk we could tell this place was going to be the tits.
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