#but this seriously feels like it's being blown out proportion by people who don't know what they're talking about
physicstaff · 10 months
this is not going to be articulate but i've been thinking about it.
i feel like a lot of people believe they're winning some kind of morality olympics by not consuming any media that contains dark or disturbing imagery and that's. really stupid to me. dark and disturbing media has been present since the beginning of storytelling and watching or reading it does not automatically mean you condone everything that happens within the story. people watched fucked up shows and read fucked up books and watch fucked up movies all the time and for a variety of reasons. it also does not mean the author condones everything happening in their story. in THIS case (made in abyss) it does bc the author is a fucking pedophile. however, if i watch a slasher horror movie, it does not mean i condone going out and killing people for funsies. if i read a book in which the main character is a soldier in a war going on, i'm not pro-military. if i watch a show where someone is abused in their backstory, i'm not enjoying their abuse or fetishizing it or anything like that. i'm watching a story play out. some of you sound straight up puritanical with your arguments and it doesn't bode well for media literacy or censorship of the media. the show doesn't need to be banned and people who have watched it shouldn't be getting fucking death threats. it's a fucked up cartoon made by a gross people but how many of you even knew about the author before this happened? i've been aware of the show since it came out and this is the first time i'm hearing most of this. do you research the entire plot of something as well as everyone involved in its creation before you watch it to make sure absolutely nothing bad happens or do you go into it like a normal person, to discover the story?
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
(1) I’ve largely erred on the side of not saying this because I don’t care to rain on anyone’s parade, but since you mentioned feeling like the friendship between Tomura and Spinner can get blown out of proportion, I can think of at least one concrete reason for why that disconnect might exist. I obviously don't blame people for taking the official translations at face value, but I feel like Spinner's line about "bonding" with Tomura over games is another example of sentiments getting
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Ahhhhhh lot of good stuff here
Putting a cut for length but also people who just don't wanna see this type of response
I feel this way about a lot of peoples' interpretations of the League and their interactions. Not just Spinner and Shigaraki, but all of them. I feel like a lot of gestures get blown way out of proportion. Shigaraki's "I just want them to be able to live how they see fit" does not equal "Their happiness is my priority, and I'm going to work to create a world where they can be happy". I'm sorry but those two are not the same thing, and I haven't seen Shigaraki act in such a way either. Those two goals may point in the same direction (they don't because he's a fucking liar to his own face and so is Toga to her own face), but that kind sentiment did not suddenly mean that he is prioritizing their happiness and wellbeing above all else. If that was the case, well, they wouldn't have formed a giant ass army to take on the world at war and risk dying (which one of them did) and Spinner wouldn't be in the situation he is in now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .
I don't want to rain on people's parades either, but my opinions are pretty clear and have been for a while and people have had plenty of time to block/unfollow me as they see necessary. So at this point, I don't hold back (I try very hard to avoid being super negative though about any character in general). I used to hold back my not so popular (in the villain corner of the fandom) interpretations on the League up until recently. As we've gotten closer to the end, I've decided that I'm just gonna put my opinion out into the void even if many people--specifically in the little circle of blogs I occupy--don't like it. And many don't, and that's okay. My opinion doesn't change unless the manga gives me a reason to change it.
Spinner and Shigaraki--I have a lot of issues here, MAJORITY of it due to fandom hyping them up as more than they are. And look, I don't care when stuff is clearly fanon or headcanons. Posts that are meant to be taken that way are usually pretty clear about it. But these are whole analyses based off of this overblown bond/friendship that literally only Spinner seems to acknowledge/be so attached to.
I don't doubt Shigaraki views everyone in the League as a friend in some capacity. I don't doubt that at all. I don't doubt that he cares and genuinely wants them to live how they want. However, I would like for someone to show me where he pays the same type of special attention to Spinner that Spinner gives to him. Imo, Shigaraki treats them all pretty equally--Spinner included.
I didn't know that about the Japanese, and yet, I still felt this way. Assuming that someone who has a good understanding of Japanese can correct your statement, I'm gonna take your word for it since I can't say shit otherwise lol. But cool--yeah that particular line is used quite a bit. And I get it! It's fun especially if you ship the characters or just enjoy their interactions.
But I feel like people overlook the fact that Spinner's idolization and attachment is literally negative and is a challenge in his arc, not some cute uwu friendship that was just about video games (when would they have played video games in canon??? WHEN????).
Spinner decided to seriously devote himself to Shigaraki (which in itself is a weird not great thing to do) during MVA, because it looked as if Shigaraki had made progress and overcome a barrier and become this all powerful destructive god who can make dreams come true (dreams for someone who wants to lash out at least). But MVA was not any of that. MVA was Shigaraki doing exactly what AFO wanted him to do--get worse emotionally, spiral more mentally and become even more unstable, and hate himself to the point that he sees no point in thinking or hoping for change for the better. Perfect, all according to keikaku. And THAT is when Spinner was like "FUCK YEAH THIS GUY". I know Spin didn't know that, but come oN guys THE TIMING OF IT IS SO FORETELLING.
AND IT WAS. Because look now. What has turned me completely off to this dynamic is the fandom hyping it up as a pure devotion that isn't stemming from a lot of self-worth issues and negative idealization. Spinner associates Shigaraki with destruction, rage, anger, and misery. That's also what Shigaraki associates himself with, and that's exactly what AFO wants. And man, he sure got it out of both of them.
And I'd like it if people acknowledged that more for what it is, but it's just reduced down to "two gamers that AFO groomed and took advantage of". And I feel that is just super oversimplifying what actually happened. AFO didn't groom Spinner from the age of 5, he took advantage of a vulnerability he was able to pinpoint super quickly after Spinner made it painfully obvious.
I like Spinner more on his own, and I like the potential for him to face the reality that him ignoring his gut instincts in favor of that dream of destruction he associates with Shigaraki eventually led to him making things worse for Shigaraki--unintentionally. I mean he hasn't made shit hit the fan YET--but man if things aren't looking ominous as fuck right now. AFO is counting on Spinner? Oof. But the potential for drama here is exciting, and I'm ready for it.
But yeah. I agree--it's overblown imo. It has become a plot point in Shigaraki's arc in a negative way. So I feel people miss the mark when they focus on how devoted Spinner is to Shigaraki during all of this mess, because that's exactly why things look the way they do lol.
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 2 years
"Mineta is infinitely worse than Bakugo." I know a lot of people don't like Mineta, and can understand why, but here's the thing: he gets punished for when he does something bad. He hasn't traumatized or bullied anyone, the girls work with him and Mina even does things to cheer him up when he feels bad. Bakugo has definitely traumatized Izuku. Izuku's inability to believe in himself, his introverted nature that led him unable to talk to a girl until Ochako, how he defends Bakugo no matter what he says or does, the list goes on, this was all due to Bakugo bullying him for more than a decade. I think what really gets to me is that whenever writers have Mineta behave badly, he is instantly expelled because UA has a "zero tolerance policy." Said zero tolerance policy is never there for when Bakugo bullies Izuku, attacks him, insults and threatens his classmates, and more. '"Bakugo's bullying was him trying to make Izuku be tougher." Ugh, no. Bakugo started bullying Izuku when they were little kids. And even if he somehow thought that at four years old, he wouldn't be telling Izuku to kill himself and attack him as a way to toughen him up. It's made much worse because it's almost like that's what the official story seems to be saying, or how people interpret it. "He's trying to toughen him up because he's his friend!" Ugh! "All Bakugo wants is to be the number one hero, like Izuku." About that, I don't think Izuku has ever said he wanted to BE the greatest or number one, just that he wants to be a hero. Bakugo is the one who keeps declaring he'll be the best, he's the one who attacks and insults his classmates, he's the one who gets pissed off whenever Izuku is able to make steps toward his own dream, as if Izuku succeeding ruins Bakugo's plans. "Bakugo's temper is meant to be funny to the readers, it's not supposed to be taken seriously." The people who say this will normally take something else REALLY seriously, whether it be Mineta's actions, Himiko Toga being a redeemable soul or not, Ochako's crush on Izuku, how the world views the Quirkless, and so on. "Bakugo's remark about Izuku committing suicide is blown way out of proportion, and his haters just use it as a way to demonize him; Izuku never even thought of doing it, so it was just Bakugo telling him his desire to become a hero was impossible." or "Bakugo's suicide suggestion was made at the very beginning before his real character was set in, so it shouldn't be used against him; after all, he's never said anything like that since. This is all said by people who just want to brush aside his horrible behavior, and act like the worst things he did don't count. I've seen this so many times, so many fandoms, that the worst things a person does are downplayed to the point that it basically makes them sound like a different character. Also, Izuku considered Bakugo his friend, and here's his "friend" telling him to go kill himself. How in the ever-loving hell can that be "blown out of proportion"?
All of this. Minoru has done some horrid things and I'm not telling anyone to like him, but he at least has legitimate moments of growth and character development. He's held accountable for his actions (you can argue if the series is too light on him, which is a valid argument, but it's better than Katsuki not being held accountable for his actions at all) and cares about others.
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taehyungfirst · 1 year
after seeing the photos (which I'm honestly so disgusted that they even exist and that someone filmed them) I started to believe it's true but then someone did a close up on the guy who's supposedly taehyung and it looks nothing like him (but then that close up could be edited and it COULD be him since the guy next to him looks exactly like his manager)
and another person pointed out that the two pictures of Jennie in that white outfit were actually two different outfits and that her manager posted a picture with his jacket way back in november
anyway, this whole thing is to point out that their relationship could be real or could be fake, we don't know, but what we do know for sure is that his privacy was invaded either way, this was blown way out of proportion with it even making Korean news, and that unless taehyung himself says anything, we shouldn't accept their relationship as fact.
I'm honestly so disgusted by everything I've seen. He seriously deserves better. And so much about it is rubbing me the wrong way.
if it is true there's so many things that don't make sense, like why would the managers tell the guy to film them from far, and why would they or tae be okay with that? such an invasion of his privacy!
and if it's not true, someone went to extreme lengths to organise all this and that's scary.
I just want them to know peace. With what happened to him, Jin in the military (made national news) and jungkook (the person keeps threatening his life) bts are facing so many problems and it all feels so helpless.
thank you for being sane unlike so many ppl on here who are gladly sharing phots and vids.
anon if i could, i would kiss you right now. my main problem with this story is taehyung’s privacy and the way his private life became a circus for people since last year! it’s been a whole year (if not more) of people watching what he does, what he doesn’t, what he says and what he wears. we got a statement one year ago calling the whole thing “ill intentioned rumor” “false posters” and now the manager is telling people it’s okay to film them when they start walking??? like thats just crazy to me.
whenever someone talk about this situation, they always believe the point is if it’s real or not when the problem is that taehyung got no privacy anymore, and after that video, they’re all up in his space ive seen sooo many tiktoks associating everything taehyung does to her, he’s not his own person anymore and it’s unfair and disrespectful. all of this happening before kth1 is upsetting too.
what happened to jin in the military made me cry, it’s terrifying thinking that something like this could happen and people are goddamn freaks, i’m just mad that bh is clearly not taking any action, you can’t even deny it.
thank you for sharing your thoughts <3
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theinfinitedivides · 2 years
I thought I was seeing things when I first saw the oneus news today. They aren't my ults nor was ravn my bias (keonhee hello) but my friend loves him and I've had to console her all day.
Regardless of if it's true or not, or half true half a lie, it's B A D and I can't really see anything other than him leaving.
At first it read so much like Lucas' situation last year in NCT for me so I was a bit unsure, but there seems to be far more evidence. Also, I'm not one to discredit someone making such serious accusations. It should be taken seriously.
I don't really know how to feel. I was meant to see them live and I do like their music a lot and enjoyed his voice, and now it just feels... empty?
Not to mention it makes me scared. It may sound selfish (because it partially very much is), but it makes me wonder what other group is next. If there's anything else that someone I look up to has done that goes along these lines. It makes me feel sick. It makes me want to tune off anyone I may enjoy watching or listening to.
It just makes me wonder what else is secretly tainted and I HATE that. I really hope this situation is resolved and taken seriously by the company and that he leaves. And to anyone who loved ravn or oneus, I hope you're doing as well as you can right now 💕
i completely understand, tbh—i starting following oneus during their pre-debut days and then really got into them after their official debut in mid January of 2019, which was a really rough period for me since i had just lost my aunt a few weeks prior at the beginning of the month. i think my relationship with them was more of a comfort group than an ult, in a sense? even if after this news i do decide to continue listening to them (which, depending on what RBW decides to do, is still an option) that's the category they'd stay in, although i'm not sure how much comfort they'll offer.
i was also hesitant to talk about it here bc it did feel like the Lucas situation (which still has some contradictory points in my opinion/much less evidence for the case), but as soon as i saw the OP talk about how he gaslighted her and mentioned wanting to kill his ex-girlfriend i knew i had to speak up. on the writeblr side of Tumblr i've been gaslighted and threatened by several users over the years (all of whom i have blocked and reported), so ik how terrifying that can be in my own life. no one should have to go through that, especially at the hands of someone who claims to love them/wants to marry them in the future.
my Spotify library has been..... in limbo, during the last few hours, and i haven't touched a single song from them. it sucks, and it's not fair to the rest of the members, but this isn't like with Woojin or Wonho where we had circumstantial evidence (which was shaky at best and eventually proved to be downright false in both cases), or with Hanbin, where the evidence we did have was greatly blown out of proportion and the actual crime was much milder than we thought. this is a detailed list of allegations with electronic trails, and he has had his hands in most of the group's work. Blood Moon, which earned them several awards, opens the album with a prequel track—an absolutely gorgeous piece and some of their best work to date—where he raps through a lot of the lines with Leedo. i don't know if i'll be able to separate the art from this part of the artist, and frankly i don't want to think about that rn when everything is so fresh.
pls know, however, that you are completely valid in being worried about other groups—not a day goes by where there's a new scandal in the industry and i don't immediately think of some of my own biases, and i wonder if getting into k-pop was worth it. but you do not deserve to have your happiness taken away from you bc of things that have not happened yet (and may never happen) to people that you enjoy listening to.
at the time i'm answering this RBW has put out a statement saying that they're investigating the charges and taking them seriously, but they won't be commenting on anything else until the internal investigation is finished. even if he is proven innocent (which is looking to be more and more unlikely) he's pretty much ruined his career, damaged those of his fellow members, and ended years long friendships with other 4th generation idols. (CyA from onewe [oneus' sister band] privating all of the tracks they produced together and unfollowing him on SoundCloud is a pretty clear sign in my book that this is as bad, if not worse, as we think it is—they've been friends for years, and him taking this step [after most likely trying to confirm the details himself] means both bands are on very shaky ground.) i don't want oneus to disband—not when everything is finally starting to look up for them—but i want people to be held accountable for what they've done. if him leaving is equivalent to that, then let him leave. let him leave, and let the others live in peace. let them come to terms with this, and figure out what they want to do next. let them be able, in the future, to stand on their own two feet, so that fans can hear about oneus and think of their music and their accomplishments. not this.
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hustlemeanokay · 1 year
People need to stop thinking that being "down" or "sad" is depression. Because it fucking isn't. Depression is a lot more than just feeling blah or not feeling down with hanging out today. Or being tired because you didn't sleep well last night.
Also, you can have anxiety and not have depression. You can also have panic attacks and not have depression or anxiety. All of these things do not have to go hand-in-hand. They are not basket-buddies. They can be but one can exist without the other or any combination thereof.
I'm so sick of kids thinking that if you're nervous about presenting in class tomorrow that it must mean you have anxiety FOR ALL and not just for tomorrow. And that if you have anxiety then OMG, you have depression too! And then omg, you might get a panic attack, watch out! ZOMG! Like... calm down. I know it's young people's natural prerogative to get dramatic about things but y'all need to chill the fuck out.
Exaggerating what's going on with you to your doctors and getting on meds is not okay. Those kinds of medications are not to be fucked with and it's not "cool" or "trendy" or "in" to take them. So many people today are complaisant about depression and anxiety medications but y'all need to remember that these things legit fuck with the chemicals in your brain. And can have serious side-effects and long-term after-effects. And if you don't really need them and just take them because you watched some fucking tik-tok that made you think that just because you're worried about wtf to do with your life after graduation and now you think you've got full-blown anxiety? Holy fucking shit.
I mean, seriously - people should have to go to a counselor before they are given these kinds of medications. See if they actually need them or if this is something temporary that they can work through on their own and learn coping mechanisms like we all should fucking have. If they can't cope? Like legit? Then yeah - fucking sign them up for red and blue and purple pills. But if they can? They're just freaking out like everyone does at certain times of their lives then they shouldn't fucking get them nor should they get a rando diagnosis of depression, anxiety, etc. Because trust me when I say you do not want that diagnosis if you don't actually have it. Because shit that pops up later can easily be swept under the depression rug. "Oh? Your muscles hurt? Well, it says here that you were previously diagnosed with depression. That can be a symptom of depression and yeah, I know you say you're not feeling any other symptoms right now but depression - ya know, it comes and goes." And just like that - your muscles screaming for no god-damned reason gets ignored. Which means you've got to doc hunt and deal with the stigma of mental health and possibly as someone who's just seeking meds - which you very well could not be because as, assumptively, at that time you'd be an adult - you would be seeking a real doctor for a real diagnosis of something that is really bothering you. But oh - that thing you blew way out of proportion when you were seventeen, eighteen is fucking it all up.
I'm not even fucking kidding. And no - though I'm sure people won't even make it this far - I'm not saying to not believe kids when they seek help for things like anxiety and depression. What I'm saying is that before they get RX'd drugs, they have to go to a counselor - adults, too! That regular doctors shouldn't be allowed to just pelt us with pills like they're feeding fucking monkeys at the zoo.
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kazumi123 · 2 years
Satoru will do anything to protect Kakashi's "innocence," and will predictably lose his mind when he realizes Nanami is interested in his big brother, no doubt. He'll go on and on about dramatic betrayals and his poor brother's "pure heart" and so on and so for. Satoru will do everything to stop whatever is going on between Kakashi and Nanami… until he figures out why Kakashi hasn't accepted Nanami's feelings. Kakashi's self-deprecation is next level, and if Satoru sees that the only reason Kakashi isn't with Nanami is that he thinks he doesn't deserve to be– well that just changes everything doesn't it.
Cue the worst interaction Kento has ever had with Gojo to date:
"You and Kakashi are getting married. No, don't say anything, I've already booked the venue. All the venues. You go make my brother a happy housewife or I will end you. You have in fitting in 20 mins."
Nanami: "What the fuck is going on right now?"
Hahahaha, did you somehow manage to get a hold of my WIP manuscript? (jokes)
Also leave it to me to take this seriously with angst mixed in ahhh Im sorry if youre looking for a jokish answer regarding this. 
But yeah, Satoru’s brocon drama is predictable, maybe because he makes it so~ He will have a huge meltdown when (if) he finds out about Nanami’s feelings for Kakashi, and it will a glorious, destructive one. 
But his brocon dramatic tendencies are also one of the ways Satoru use to look out for Kakashi, albeit blown up way out of proportions. Don’t get him wrong, his overprotective instincts are genuine and too much, but he knows, more than anyone, that Kakashi is far from innocent (well, in the mental context ahem ahem) from that time Kakashi told him of his past life, of all the memories that still haunt him, and the regrets he still felt about Obito and the what-ifs. 
It was from this, that his protectiveness for Kakashi took root; that the reason why he wanted to protect Kakashi’s ‘innocence’, was because he didn’t want Kakashi to suffer anymore, especially from losing a beloved, close person. 
However, Satoru would 100 percent act the way you described that he will if he finds out that about Kakashi’s self-depreciation holding him back from having other means of happiness; he knows Nanami, and he also knows Nanami is a genuinely good person who would take care of his brother to the best of his abilities and will never hurt him (also lmao that ‘happy housewife’ bit, yesss, Kakashi feeding and taking care of all the kids with Nanami, such a great happy picture), so Satoru is willing to...hold back on his overprotectiveness for this. 
While Nanami does have honest feelings towards Kakashi, and when Gojo being Gojo and sprung that sudden ‘wedding trap’ on him, what does he do? 
First, he’ll ask if Kakashi knows about this. 
And if he doesn’t, and while this event certainly shows Gojo somewhat approve of Nanami being with Kakashi, Nanami outwardly rejects. 
It is also from this perspective, that we can also see Nanami’s own boundaries. If the reason why Kakashi won’t pursue any relationship is because he feels like he doesn’t deserve it, then Nanami’s reason, as stated in the canonical databook and the mangaka’s own words, is that he does not want his spouse or significant other to be left alone *when* he inevitably dies, because Jujutsu sorcerers are most always, due for an early grave due to their dangerous line of work. Considering that in the fic, Nanami’s one of the few people who knows Kakashi’s true strength and abilities, then it naturally comes to him that Nanami might be the one who would die earlier than Kakashi. Hence, both of their reluctance despite the obvious pining. 
Satoru is right when he thinks of Nanami never willing to hurt Kakashi, for the man is already thinking of preventing a future heartbreak when it comes to be. 
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tbartss · 2 years
please tell me why u hate r*d white and r*yal blue bc it's in my to read list and i wanna know if it's worth it
bro where do i even begin. I will just paste my goodreads review because I feel like it truly encapsulated everything I felt about it when I finished it. Things I have added now are marked in italics.
"As someone who has read a lot of fanfiction, I get it. I totally get why this was so massively popular, because it’s written exactly like those massively popular, enemies to lovers, friends with benefits, 400k+ word fanfics at the top of the AO3 page, right down to one of them being racially ambiguous, the standard gay/bi pairing, and to the crack fanfic dialogue. Which is to say, I was not impressed. I get it though. The book is fun and heavy on the smut and “romance”, which is what the people want. But I’m going to be honest, I expected more. The writing style resembling the fanfiction writing style down to a T was charming at first, but ended up feeling juvenile, and at some points downright cringy and cheesy. I mean, really, no one talks like that. Especially not the First Family of the White House, by god. This works in fanfiction because no one is really taking crackfics seriously, it's just for laughs, but in this book it just came off as distateful and tone deaf (especially regarding the political aspects, omg don't even get me started on that) because, well, it's a published book that is printed and distributed into actual bookstores which people spend their money on... The characters were introduced in the standard fanfiction way (as in you’re just expected to know everything about them already), which, again, works for fanfiction but not so much in published books, and this left them unfortunately flat and shallow. They had no personality or chemistry for that matter, and there was barely any character growth, the story choosing to focus more on the drama, which also was not really that compelling. It was obvious from the get-go that the background drama was merely a plot device (one not necessarily well done) to further the romance, which again is charming in fanfiction (because hey in fanfiction we truly are there for the romance) but I expect more from published books. Not to mention the whole politics deal, oh god, I won’t even touch on that because I’m sure you don’t have to be a genius to know that that is not how politics work… The Big Conflict was… not impressive. The whole thing seemed to hinge on the fact that Henry couldn’t produce heirs with Alex (which yea would make sense) except Henry isn’t the first born and therefore not the direct heir to the throne. Which makes it not any of his problem lol. Furthermore the whole conversation with the Queen seemed so trivial and shallow that I couldn’t take it seriously. It was like the author didn't know what to do as a conflict either and just pulled something out of her ass. It feels like the conflict was blown WAY out of proportion, even though there was potential for important themes to be explored like the bigotry of the royal family and also the First Family for that matter and the implications of a cross-country gay relationship (which is another thing, I know I said I wouldn't touch upon it, but the way the author portrayed American politics or politics in general made it so clear to me that she doesn't actually know what she's talking about and she's just coming off as naive. I wish she had chosen literally any other setting than the one she chose.)
If I wanted a shitty fanfiction I would have just opened my browser and typed in AO3 where I can find this exact storyline and these exact characters for free. P.s. I’m half-convinced the author had just watched Hamilton the Musical before and/or during writing this book."
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Thoughts about OFA and AFO
After reading the official translation of chapter 304, things started to settle a lil bit better. My thoughts about Deku being the perfect vessel for OFA are still not positive, because I don't really see the need to impose this element on the narration. Yes, it's interesting to note that Deku is going to be the last user of OFA, but Horikoshi could've made this a fact even without transforming him into the perfect wielder by definition. OFA is a deeply problematic power after all... It literally sucks the life out of its user and requires a lot of training to be employed without risks. It was cultivated with the sole purpose of defeating AFO, which is coincidentally responsible of its creation. A power birthed by the personification of evil, that can easily kill its owner and carries multiple personalities within itself. I don't really see what's so beautiful or desirable about it. It's almost a parasitic entity that wants to destroy its swore enemy at all costs. OFA is more of a burden than a blessing, it even forced the fourth to live in hiding (he was already an ermit, but he had to make sure AFO didn't find him so he completely left all civilization) and literally cracked his body until he died of old age at 40!
So, I think it's perfectly legit to wish for the end of OFA's legacy. If Deku defeats AFO, there's no need for such an insanely powerful weapon to exist. Once it extinguishes its purpose, it has to disappear, because it's too dangerous and too difficult too control.
I find a wasted opportunity stating that Deku will be that last user only because he was born quirkless. It'd have been way more interesting if Deku himself understood the implications of such power and by his own free will decided to put an end to this cycle of violence.
The premise of the main fight in my hero academia is basically a feud between brothers, a family affair, that has been blown out of proportion by the mere existence of quirks/super powers. Two people didn't get along and literally made the whole japan their playground... It's not fair for all the generations that got involved and apparently Deku is the symbol of the "new" that needs to adjust the "old" way of things. However, if Deku is still so linked to the past, mainly because he has multiple past users within his consciousness that constantly tell him what to do, I don't really see how he's going to take his own path, to actually embrace his own agency. Nana's request to kill Shigaraki is probably a way to show us (the readers) where Deku wants to take all this. He's not capable of just go and kill Shigaraki and he also apparently decided to "save" him. So, I think the point will be to "kill Shigaraki Tomura" while "saving Tenko Shimura". I don't know if Deku, as he is right now, can accomplish such a thing, but we'll see.
There are still a lot of things that cannot be easily explained, especially if we think about Shigaraki and AFO's encounter.
Is it really plausible that AFO just happened to find Nana's nephew wandering the streets after he killed his whole family? Isn't it too convenient that AFO managed to get his hands on the perfect child to exploit and manipulate, a child with the most useful family background and trauma? Even if I think it's possible this is another parallel between Deku and Shigaraki, as they apparently are just born for their respective role and have been chosen by faith, I still don't see how AFO's actions can be ruled as a simple struck of luck. He's canonically a master manipulator after all, and he had to chose the next vessel for not only his power, but his concience too.
So I think he knew Nana abandoned her son. He observed the family for a long time and he probably had something to do with the sudden awakening of Tenko's power. The boy was five, a little older than any child with a manifesting quirk and this fact alone is suspicious. I will not be surprised if AFO actually gave him his power (remember the suit-guy who accompanied Tenko home?) and stirred the pot waiting for the tragedy to unfold.
At this point in the story Shigaraki is already not so fond of his master anymore. He knows he has been used and he doesn't like this situation at all. He wants to be free and in control of his own actions, but he knows his body is still recovering and he can't do much to oppose AFO's will. I wonder what would happen if Shigaraki knew AFO was partially responsible of his past suffering... That would probably be the drop that breaks the camel back for their struggling relationship.
This could lead to a team up between heros and villains to defeat AFO, but still Deku has to deal with Shigaraki himself too, sooner or later.
Everyone is speculating about 2nd and 3rd user, aka the time out boys. Some theories intrigue me more than others, but I want to say this right now: if the time travel bullshit turns out to be true and the two guys are actually Bakugou and Kirishima from the future I will seriously drop this manga. Time travel is tricky to deal with per se, but if you try to trivialize it to make it suitable for a shonen manga which is already full to the brim, it's basically the recipe for a disaster. I will not talk about this, but there is one theory that picked my interest:
All Might said OFA cannot be taken by force, but it can be given without the consent of the receiving part.
So what if the 2nd user gave the power to the 3rd without his approval, condemning him to a life of running and fighting against an insuperable evil force?
This could explain why they are facing the wall and aren't partecipating to the meeting. The 2nd is shunned by the others for his actions and the 3rd just doesn't want to have anything to do with OFA and AFO. He couldn't chose in life, but he can chose now not to take part to this.
Another possibility I think could be fun is:
What if one of the anonymous vestiges (probably the bakugou look alike) is a fragment of AFO's consciousness?
We know AFO gave the stockpiling quirk to his brother and we also know AFO's quirk is the capability of taking and landing quirks as he sees fit. When Tomura got the original AFO quirk, his master's personality came with it. I know it might be far fetched, but since AFO gave his brother the stockpiling quirk, it's possible a fragment of his own personality came with it.
This is actually the hypothesis that convince me more:
One of the vestiges might be the residual personality of the stockpiling quirk original owner
Presumably AFO took the stockpiling quirk from someone else... So when he gave it to his brother, the consciousness of its past user was left attached to it.
So that's everything from now. Feel free to interact, I'm all about conspiracy theories and confrontation
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