#but to tie that in with the initial problem.... erm...
autism-corner · 7 months
counselor said my ability to. be suicidal. is a gift <3
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rosierin · 4 years
Shinsuke de Hyōgo
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this was initially supposed to be for valentine's day- whoops—
a cyrano de bergerac inspired one-shot featuring an oblivious kita, chaotic miya twins and a wheezing suna.
paring: kita x fem!reader
genre: honestly crack, but with a romantic ending
word count: 3.9k
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It was a pleasant summer day to be sat in the park. Evening had fallen, the air was sweet, complete silence surrounded them; all the ideal factors conducive to a perfect confession. And what better way to do it then while watching the sunset after a classic date at a high end restaurant.
Kita and (y/n) had known each other since middle school and had been friends from pretty much day one. 
It was the sort of friendship that had started thanks to proximity; they lived nearby, shared a class, and continued because of their complimentary personalities. Kita had always been the more reserved type, so (y/n)'s outgoing personality had been a refreshing add-on to his life. It wasn't the same type of outgoing as the older Miya twin either; unlike him she knew of things such as discretion and respect of one's personal boundaries. She knew how to make him smile and her presence had always given him a sense of security and peace that only resonated within her. It was only a matter of time until he began developing feelings for her and as soon as their last year of high school came about, that's when he finally built up the courage to ask her out
Tonight however was different. He wanted to take the next step further, for through years of accumulated infatuation, Kita had never been surer about his feelings for (y/n). He knew it was more than just a crush, more than any old, fleeting feeling one could experience such as a romance built over summer. Rather, what Kita felt he knew was real and tonight was the night he would put those feelings into words.
"(Y/n)." Years of yearning to say everything he'd kept hidden, ready to be told at last.
"Hm?" She turned her head, shifting her gaze from the golden sun and focusing on Kita, a smile on her face.
He took a deep breath.
"I love you."
For some reason, his words seemed to hang heavy on the warm summer breeze and all of a sudden, the setting no longer felt so comfortable. In fact, Kita began to feel the exact opposite. Did silences after a confession always take this long? And was it just him, a trick of the light or was she... Frowning?
He pursed his lips. That's it, he'd done something wrong. Was it the tone of his voice? Had he came off as too authoritative? Or cold? His aloofness had never seemed to bother her beforehand though... Gosh. He couldn't remember the last time his hands felt this clammy. Not even his first volleyball game had made this anxious. He swallowed down his dry throat. Patience, Kita. Patience. Good things come to those who wait, his grandma always said. Perhaps she had just gotten shy.
Oh? Was.. Was that all? 
A million and one questions rushed through his head at her response, or rather lack of. No mind Kita, just move onto a different subject, he told himself.
He cleared his throat and hastily tried stringing a coherent sentence together in his head, rushing to kill the oppressing silence, and admittedly, it took him a fair amount of willpower not to stumble over his own words.
"I- erm. Would ya like to do this again next week?"
He didn't miss the way she bit her lip at his question, that simple act alone being enough to make his heart sink. 
"Oh!" She exclaimed, somewhat regaining a bit more liveliness to her demeanor. But Kita had known her long enough to tell that there was a lack of sincerity behind that smile; it was the kind she pulled when Atsumu had told her a joke but was too polite to tell him it was terrible. "Erm, well, I'll have to let you know about that. You know, with homework and whatnot," she chuckled dryly. "You know how it can be." 
"Of course," Kita nodded, politely and as naturally as he could be without looking like he was about to melt through the bars of the wooden bench. "I understand if yer busy."
"Yep! Gotta keep them grades up."
Another silence filled the air, save for the occasional cricket chirping in the distance. It lasted for a good three minutes, until (y/n) suddenly got up and turned towards the still sitting Kita. 
"Well, thank you for this evening, Shin. I think I'm gonna head home for now, it's getting a bit late. Wouldn't want my mum to worry, y'know?"
Then, he stood up and wiped his sweaty hands on his slacks. "Yeah, no, it's no problem." He offered a tiny smile as (y/n) leaned in to lightly peck his cheek. 
"Goodnight," she smiled.
A nod. Then, she was gone. 
Yep. Something had definitely gone wrong.
The next day, Kita went to tell everything to his team. He had debated for a long time whether or not it was a good idea, but the way the whole exchange had went in addition to the image of (y/n)'s scrunched up features and uneasiness had kept him up at night. He needed to know what the problem was, that or he feared he wouldn't be able to focus at all for the next... Well, that was exactly the problem— he didn't know when or how he would be able to function if he didn't get any answers. And admittedly, he knew the twins would have more experience in the relationship department than he did— not that that was very difficult since (y/n) had been his first love— but whatever the case may be, unfortunately they were his only hope.
"Well? How'd ya date go?" Asked Atsumu as he finished setting the ball to his twin brother.
"About that. I think I messed it up." 
A loud bang followed Kita's words in result of Osamu's powerful spike. 
"Why, what happened?" He asked. "Ya didn't make her pay the bill for ya, did ya?"
"No, I paid," Kita said, shaking his head. "I said 'I love you.'"
At this, both twins put their practice on hold to glance at each other. Atsumu propped the ball under his arm and raised a questioning brow at his captain.
"Is that it?"
Osamu's expression mimicked his brothers; a mix between confusion and apprehension.
"Well, what didja say beforehand?" He then asked. Kita blinked. This time, it was his turn to feel confused. 
"Nothin'. That's all I said." 
An awkward silence settled between the three teammates as they shared a round of dumbfounded looks. Even Suna who was busy practicing his serves further down the court had stopped to listen in on the conversation.
"Ya mean ta' say ya confessed to her outta the blue?" Atsumu asked, his lip twitching upward. Now at this point, Kita was truly at a loss. Were the twins implying that he had done it wrong?
"Ain't that what girls wanna hear?"
A splutter echoed somewhere down the court— Suna. He was clutching his sides and laughing openly before shaking his head and serving the ball on the other side of the court and for some reason, Kita felt like his cheeks had grown very warm.
"Well I mean- yeah, but there's a whole process to it! Ya don't just blurt out 'I love ya' 'cause ya feel like it. It's the buildup she's waitin' for," Atsumu explained through a lazy grin.
"But it wasn't just 'cause I felt like it," Kita argued, somewhat perplexed. "I meant it- And we've known each other for years."
"I know, but still. I'm sure she was expectin' somethin' a little more than just three words, ya know? I mean it's as ya said, you've known eachother since middle school! By now she probably expects a full novel from ya!" 
"A full novel?" Kita echoed. Well that seemed like overkill.
"Maybe not that much," Osamu stepped in, "but 'Tsumu's right. I think ya left her feelin' a little underwhelmed."
His captain pondered over his words.
Underwhelmed? Really? But what more could she want? His words were precise, sincere, meaningful. Granted they were only three words, but how else could he possibly express his feelings for (y/n) when that's all he could think to say? He knew other words than love: adore, cherish, admire... But wouldn't it have been the same if he'd used one of those words instead? They all meant more or less the same thing.
"So what am I supposed to do?" 
At that, the twins exchanged a look, and Kita could've sworn he saw both of them surpress a smirk as they held their silent conversation. However before Kita could question, Atsumu piped up.
"We'll gladly help ya with yer romance problems cap'n. But on one condition," he started. Kita raised his brow expectedly. 
"We're off cleanin' duties for three months if ya succeed in wooin' yer lady," Osamu finished, the mischivous glint in his eyes reflecting that of his older twins'. One tended to forget just how cunning Osamu is seeing as it was usually Atsumu who got labelled as the naughtier twin. But it was in times like these where Kita was reminded just how similar those two really were.
"One month," Kita objected.
"Two months," they chorused.
"Six, full weeks."
The twins glanced at each other, mulled over his answer briefly before turning to him and nodding once, twin smiles splitting their faces in a way that practically screamed trouble. "Deal." 
Oh well, there was no backing down now. But oddly enough, Kita couldn't help himself from feeling that he had just made a pact with Inarizaki's two, conniving little devils.
"This doesn't seem like a very foolproof plan, Miyas," Kita droned as he eyed the twins who stood underneath his loved one's balcony.
Atsumu scoffed. "What? Sure it is! You'll see, we've got this whole thing under control!"
"Just leave it ta' us," Osamu smirked.
"Leave it to us." If Kita could think of one sentence he didn't want to hear from the twins, it was that. Perhaps on the court, during practice, then yes, maybe Kita would accept putting his trust in his two teammates. But when stood below (y/n)'s balcony, dressed in a full suit and tie and holding a bouquet of roses, Kita couldn't have felt more out of place. 
"Now c'mon, get her attention!" Atsumu urged, voice low as to not be heard while he made obscure hand mouvements in Kita's direction.
The latter stood stiffly and looked left and right, clueless as to what to do. "How?" 
"Use a pebble or somethin'!" 
This time the captain sighed and reluctantly began his search for said pebble. He knew this idea was stupid and honestly, debated on whether or not he should just go home and call it quits. It was late, already way past evening hours and he couldn't imagine what people would think if they saw him lurking around a girl's house at this time of night, not to mention in the company of two other boys huddled under her balcony. It was freakin' weird. 
Luckily, not many people lived around these parts, meaning he needn't worry about the eyes of others on him as he readied himself to launch a small pebble against (y/n)'s closed window.
No response. 
"What now? Should I wait?" Kita asked as he tried peering into the window. The lights were still on, meaning she hadn't gone to bed yet.
"Nah, try another," Atsumu whispered as he jerked his head in direction of more pebbles. 
"Why am I doing this...." Kita murmured to himself as he reluctantly bent down to pick up another. 
"'Cause ya love 'er.' Osamu whispered regardless from somewhere in the shadows. Another sigh. Yes, he was right, he did love her, and that fact alone was enough to give Kita a motivation boost in order to go through with this far-fetched, Miya concocted plan.
Two more pebbles were launched at (y/n)'s window shortly after this exchange, and it was on the third one that she finally opened up her window, only for her to wince when it knocked her square on the forehead. 
A fit of strangled chortles could be heard beneath the balcony.
"Ouchie- The heck— Shinsuke?" 
As she peered down over her balcony, Kita suddenly felt his chest constrict at the sight of her; damp hair and clad in her summer nightwear and it was only then that it occurred to him that she had just gotten out the shower.
A quiet whistle followed by a low chuckle made Kita stiffen— the Miyas. Had they no shame? 
"...Shut yer traps."
"What?" (Y/n)'s voice suddenly sounded above his head. She was smiling, thankfully. At least she wasn't upset or angry at him for showing up so late. "I uh- sorry, I can't really hear you from up here. Do you want to just come in?" She asked. 
Kita frantically looked at the twins though kept it concealed behind his best vacant expression. They vehemently shook their heads. "It'll ruin the effect," the elder one whispered.
Kita cleared his throat. "Erm, no. No, thank you. Speakin' with ya from here is just fine." 
"Accent! Yer accent!" Atsumu called, quietly while his brother made a cross sign with his arms. Kita discreetly nodded.
"It is far too much of a lovely evening to be locked up inside. It would be a shame not to make the most of it, don't you think?" 
At this, (y/n) merely blinked, somewhat innocently before a small smile pulled at her lips. It must be working, Kita thought. He looked at the twins for affirmation, and when they flashed him an enthusiastic thumbs up, Kita couldn't have felt prouder. It served as encouragement for him to continue. 
"What's all this?" (Y/n) giggled as she nodded towards Kita's attire and flowers, amusement clear on her moonlit features. 
"For thou, my dear!" Kita's usually monotone voice carried across the deserted streets— courtesy of Atsumu's indications. He glanced at him once, listened to his next words before nodding and adopting his same, Shakespearean stance: "A grand gesture, though only a mere token of my affection for if you spare me just a second of your time I shall attempt to articulate the sentiments I have been harbouring for you over the past hundreds of moons!"
"Hundreds of moons?" (Y/n) echoed as she peered down at him from her balcony, lips curling, eyebrows raising. "My, that is a long time!" She marvelled as she leaned further over the balcony, arms folded neatly upon its surface. From where Kita stood, she appeared as a curious cat as she eyed him with all the interest in the world, lips upturned into a mischievous smirk. "But please by all means, I would love to hear these articulated, harboured sentiments of yours."
A pang of worry overcame Kita as (y/n) watched him expectedly. Luckily, he had the twins to lean on. He glanced over at the space under the balcony and saw Osamu motioning to him despite Atsumu's protests. He whispered the following:
"Of course. For (y/n), not only do I love you, I adore you. These sentiments I detain for you are eternal. Like a fruit, our love will be endless; transversing all seasons and growing stronger as the years go by.
To me, you are nothing short of perfection. You're radiant through rain and shine, and I can't help but fathom how lucky I would be, to have you by my side for a hundred moons more."
A smile graced Kita's lips as he repeated Osamu's speech and he was pleasantly surprised by its outcome. For you see, Osamu's speech was simple. It was modulated and concise. He didn't beat around the bush, nor did he use his body to speak. All in all, one could call Osamu's speech effortless. And as the words flowed from Kita's lips, (y/n) appeared bewitched by their appeal.
Now as for Atsumu, he spoke from the heart. Through his ardent words, one could call him cheesy, over theatrical or perhaps even someone who was trying a little too hard. Though through Kita's knowing eyes, all he saw was the same passionate and spirited boy he saw on the court— like love incarnate. And the fire lit in (y/n)'s eyes only served as proof of their efficiency.
However, as elaborate and as heartfelt as his words may be, this only made them harder to relay and much to Kita's distress, he found himself looking over at him more times than he'd ought to. Luckily for him, his twin brother was there, whispering back whenever words escaped him, filling in the blanks.
This little tactic of theirs continued for another ten minutes or so, but as much as Kita wished for it to work, a Miya-elaborated plan could only go so far, Kita should've known that. 
He was midway through his speech when Osamu suddenly stopped speaking and the whispering under the balcony got louder. 
"Stupid 'Samu. I wasn't done speakin'!" 
"So what? She's probably gettin' bored of yer lines anyway." 
"Yeah? Not yer stupid, food related love metaphors?" 
"Rather that than a discount, Shakespearian rip-off."
"Alright. that's it."
Kita paled. 
He watched, utterly mortified when Osamu suddenly pounced on his twin and never in his life had Kita experienced such a drastic change of emotions. He tried subtly getting their attention through shuffles of feet and discreet glances, however it was useless. Without the twins' help, it was only a matter of time until his speech began losing coherency, dying out until it was reduced to silence. 
He didn't dare look (y/n) in the eye after that.
"Shinsuke? Are you alright?" 
"I, er. It seems I have lost my touch," he spoke, ruefully.
"Oh? Don't tell me you regret your heartfelt confession," she teased.
"O' course not!" Kita replied, his voice teetering into a shout. A mix of guilt and embarrassment had made him unable to detect the playful lilt to (y/n)'s voice and thus the unexpected raise of his voice made everyone's head turn, including the twins. He saw (y/n)'s face fall into a look of bemusement, and sighed quietly under his breath as he recollected himself. "No. It's not that..." 
Once again, everything became still. The twins had finally stopped their bickering picked themselves off the ground. And, as they caught a glimpse of their friends' dejected, downcast gaze, they looked at each other before casting him an apologetic look. They tried whispering to him some more but this time Kita refused to listen. Instead he released another, longer sigh, then looked back up at the balcony to meet (y/n)'s gaze.
"Listen (y/n), I'm sorry. Everythin' I said before was true, 'cept it doesn't mean anythin' since none of it came from me." 
He paused for a moment in case (y/n) wanted to speak and simply regarded her, trying to make sense of her current unreadable expression. She didn't appear angry or sad, but blank as though she was anticipating his next words.
He took this as a sign to pursue his speech.
"I was so darn worried after the other night that I asked the twins for their help. They said ya didn't like my confession so I wanted to do it right. I understand why it was weird to just confess outta the blue but I just didn't know how else to say everythin' that was on my heart."
"I don't wear my heart on my sleeve like Atsumu does, and I'm not much of a smooth talker. My words are usually harsh and cold— I know that because I overheard the Miyas and Suna talk about it instead of practicing."
The twins promptly gulped but he heared (y/n) giggle. It brought a tiny smile to his face.
"But I mean it when I say I love ya. It took me a while to get there, but actually I think I've always loved ya. I'm sorry I couldn't think of a better way to say it." 
Kita let out a long breath as he finished his last words and like magic, his chest suddenly felt a lot lighter. He kept his eyes trained on (y/n)'s face, wondering if perhaps what he had said was enough, and when her face melted into an affectionate smile, he swore he'd never seen anything sweeter.
"You're so sweet, Shin. I love you, too!" 
I love you, too. 
Warmth bloomed in Kita's chest. Finally the four, little words he'd been longing to hear had greeted his ears. They sounded sweeter than anything he could've imagined. But then again, everything was when it stemmed from her, if it was enounced through her voice.
A series of coos erupted from the shadows and that's when Kita was reminded that he and (y/n) had not in fact been alone. Heat rushed to Kita's pale cheeks as (y/n) emitted a small squeak and she peered over her balcony in attempts of spotting the two perpetrators. 
"Hold on, are the twins here right now?!" 
Kita pinched the bridge of his nose, ashamed as he watched the twins sheepishly creep out from the gloom.
"Hey, (y/n)!" Atsumu beamed as he and his twin waved. "Fancy seeing ya here!"
Osamu sighed and lightly tugged at his collar. "It's her house, dumbass.." 
At this point, Kita was just about ready to tell the twins to go home, but just as he parted his lips to chide them, (y/n) erupted into another fit of giggles. 
"Now I see why the speeches were so lame." 
Atsumu gasped, affronted, and Osamu pouted. "Lame?! Wh— How dare ya!" The former yelled.
"Yeah. Well actually, at least the part about the fruit was cute," (y/n) hummed.
Another gasp, a low chuckle.
"Told ya she'd like it."
"Shut it, 'Samu! I was gonna say somethin' similar, ya just beat me to it!" 
An affectionate roll of the eyes from (y/n) followed the twins' bickering and even in spite of the ridiculousness of the situation, Kita found himself smiling at them despite himself. 
"Why don't you come inside?" (Y/n) asked, nodding her head to the front door of her house below. "I'll go make some tea." 
Kita nodded with a smile. "Yer the best."
"I know~" (Y/n) blew Kita a playful kiss as she retreated into her bedroom, leaving Kita and the twins at her doorstep.
However, he noticed that traces of bashfulness remained evident on the Twins' features, and they fidgeted as they stood side by side next to the entrance of (y/n)'s door. 
"I'm pretty sure she was talkin' about you too." 
Immediately, their faces perked up and the usual brightness in their eyes returned in a matter of seconds. Then, together they entered (y/n)'s house, the twins hot on Kita's heels.
"So..." Atsumu began, "Do we still get those six weeks off or—"
"Don't push yer luck, Miya."
Atsumu nodded. Osamu cleared his throat. 
Kita shut the door behind them.
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bernadineisreborn · 5 years
Reality III
Draco Malfoy x Reader
A/N: Hi again! It’s me! Here’s a chapter for y’all. I was gonna make it shorter/post it sooner, but I felt like it needed an interaction with Draco and… here we are! We have finished the exposition now, and from here on out, there will be many more interactions between the reader and Draco. Enjoy!
Warnings: Possible swearing
Word count: 1661! A double-length feature!
Series Masterlist
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At the end of the school day, you made your way to the hospital wing, where you hoped to find Marcus. You needed to talk to him about a few things, but most importantly, you needed to ask him about Pansy.
You burst into the room, not taking much care to be quiet for the sleeping patients. Madam Pomfrey shot you a glare as you walked loudly through the room, looking for a bed occupied by Marcus. But as you neared the end of the hall, a weird feeling grew in the pit of your stomach.
Marcus wasn’t in the infirmary.
You approached Madam Pomfrey with caution as she tended to a young Hufflepuff girl with a bleeding leg, “Sorry to interrupt, Madame Pomfrey. I was just wondering when Marcus Redware left.”
She eyed you over her shoulder, glare still fixed in place, “Redware? He hasn’t been in here today. Or ever. Be on your way now, I’m quite busy.”
She turned her head back around and began asking the Hufflepuff some questions. You took the hint, leaving the infirmary. There was still an uneasy feeling in your stomach, and you felt desperate for the comfort of your best friend.
In returning to your dorm, you were granted your wish. Marcus was sitting on one of the chairs in the common room when you entered, book in his lap, reading intently.
“Marcus! I thought you were sick!”
He glanced up, expression immediately guilty. “Yes, well. I was… But now I’m not.” He turned back to his book.
You waited for him to say more, but he didn’t. “All right then. Do you want to go to the library? We should study for Transfiguration. And I can get you caught up on the classes you missed.”
He pressed his hand into his book, marking his page as he looked up at you, “Honestly, I’m a bit worn. I might go rest for tomorrow’s lessons instead. But, definitely a plan for later, if you’d like?”
You smiled, a bit disappointed but understanding, “Sure, Marcus. No problem. Erm, by the way, Pansy Parkinson told me to give this to you during Potions today,” you fished the small slip of paper from your bag and handed it to him, “She seemed really set on it.”
Marcus took it, “That’s weird. I wonder what it is,” he said, but no surprise or confusion twisted his features.
You stood in front of him, waiting for him to open it, and read you what was inside, but he didn’t. Instead, he turned his attention to his bag, zipping it up. Finally, he stood. He was only a bit taller than you this way, something you had always resented.
You and Marcus grew up together, even before Hogwarts you had been challenging each other and leaning on each other almost constantly. His home was close to yours, and your parents were friendly, so most of your childhood memories featured Marcus in some way or another. Marcus was simultaneously your brother and your best friend. The day you had both been sorted into Ravenclaw was one of the happiest of your life.
You were close enough with Marcus that you could tell when he was keeping something from you, and now, as you stood together, you couldn’t help but feel as though he knew something immense that you didn’t.
Anyway, Marcus smiled at you, the right side of his mouth twitching upwards and his eyes crinkling gracefully at the edges, “Goodnight, love, see you tomorrow morning.”
“Goodnight, Marcus.”
He trudged up the stairs to his bedroom, and you slumped into the chair nearest to you, stretching out your legs. It was only eight in the evening, and you had time to study a bit on your own before bed.
You laid your head against the back of the chair, letting the tension out of your neck. You sat there, relaxing, for longer than you had initially planned. In front of your closed eyelids, images danced as you slipped into a deep sleep. The swirling images shifted into a dream.
A soft-looking rabbit nibbled on grass in front of a snake. The snake had piercing blue eyes. The rabbit was unassuming. A red hawk approached from the sky, swooping and cawing with long talons on its claws. The rabbit did not hear.
The snake and the hawk charged for the rabbit, as it peacefully chewed on grass. Just as it was about to be devoured, the rabbit looked right at you, its eyes dreadfully familiar.
Your eyes shoot open, heart pumping too fast in your chest, morning sunlight streaming in through the window. There was a mild embarrassed feeling settled in your stomach at having slept in the common room. You only hoped no one had seen.
But, someone had.
“Y/N, are you alright?” came a groggy voice from behind you. Marcus stood there, concern dusting his features. He was already dressed in his house robes and appeared to be waiting for you.
You sat up quickly, “Yes, I’m fine. It was just a weird dream.”
“About what?”
You gathered your things, “Erm, can we talk about it at breakfast? I’d like your opinion on it, but I need to get ready for classes.” You started making your way to your bedroom.
Marcus called behind you, “Sure! But hurry!”
It was only ten minutes later that you had managed to change clothes, tidy your hair, and brush your teeth to meet Marcus back downstairs. He was sprawled in front of the fire, looking bored.
You crept up behind him quietly, hoping to scare him. It was a game between you two, a challenge to see who could scare the other more.
You got close enough and said “Boo.”
He jumped and desperately pulled his right sleeve down to his wrist as he turned to face you. He looked frightened, as expected, but also upset.
You laughed in an attempt to lighten the mood, “Merlin, it’s just me Marcus, do you need to go change your pants?”
His expression visibly softened, and he smirked, “Good one, Y/N. Let’s go to breakfast.”
As you walked, you began explaining the dream to Marcus. “No, I’m sure of it. The rabbit had my eyes. It was me, about to be eaten by the hawk and the snake.”
He frowned, “And you’re positive it was a hawk?” You nodded. His frown deepened, “Aw, I’ve always liked hawks.”
“Marcus, focus. That’s not all. I’ve had this dream before. Twice.”
He met your eyes, “The night you saw Draco?”
You nodded again. You had told Marcus, and Marcus only, about seeing Draco in the old hallway. Mostly because you always told him everything, but also because you had wanted his opinion. Marcus had reckoned that Draco was one-upped by Harry Potter in a lesson that day.
When you reached the dining hall, Marcus was telling you that— “You have to ask Trelawney for her opinion, there’s no one else who could give any insight. I certainly don’t know what to think of it.”
“But, she doesn’t really know what she’s talking about! What if she tells me it means that I’m dying and there’s no way around it? I’ll just be anxious!”
The kitchens were serving eggs and beans for breakfast, and you found yourself gobbling them up quite fast.
“Gross, you could eat a little slower, couldn’t you?” said a nasally voice on your left. Pansy Parkinson was there, her long legs sliding into the seat with grace.
Irritated for her interruption of your conversation, you replied, “Pansy. What do you need now?”
She made a face. “Nothing from you. I was hoping to speak to Marcus. Privately.”
She bit her bottom lip seductively. If Marcus had been hesitant to join her at first, there was a much higher likelihood that he would follow wherever she led now.
“Erm. Sure. I’ll see you later, Y/N. Wait for me outside of first hour.”
“Alright, then. See you!” you called after him, but he was already gone.
You waited for him outside of Potions, class started at 8, and it was already 7:59. He was nowhere to be seen. You had almost decided to give up and just go into the classroom when you heard someone talking.
“Boy, you must go through with it this time,” came a slow, monotone voice.
“I promise, Professor. I really have been trying. This time I won’t let you down.” The second voice was higher pitched, and nervous. You could almost hear the speaker’s heart racing.
“You’d better. My life is depending on this too, as well as those of your mother and father. Wouldn’t want to see them hurt, now would we?”
“No, sir. Of course not.”
A pause.
“Get to class before I take house points.”
Rapid footprints approached the doorway to Slughorn’s classroom, where you were standing, frozen to the spot.
The steps rounded the corner revealed a stressed-looking Draco Malfoy, straightening his tie as he walked, carrying a wrapped package alongside his school tote.
You shifted, reaching for the classroom door handle, hoping to go undetected. Unfortunately, Draco caught you, his pale hand reaching out to meet yours on the handle. You met his eyes.
He signed, a frown creasing his handsome face, “You again. Are you spying on me or something?”
“No, I was just waiting for my friend.”
“Pretty boy Redware?”
Your eyes widened, surprised that he knew who Marcus was, “Uh, yeah.”
His eyes searched yours, “What did you hear?”
You panicked, Play dumb. “What do you mean?”
His frown deepened and his face inched closer to yours threateningly, by now he was looking at you with loathing. “If I catch you spying on me again, you’re dead.”
“I wasn’t–”
“You heard me.”
Finally, he opened Slughorn’s door. You followed him inside. Every eye in the classroom was turned your way.
“Ah! Draco and Y/N, nice of you to join us!”
Tag list: @drawlfoy @buckys-hoeee
LMK if you wanna be tagged or what you think or just say hey by sending me an ask! I love to hear from you guys!
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Little Jarvis: Chapter 2
Agent Carter / Avengers Crossover
When Howard Stark is surprised with a phone call, he is tasked with explaining to Mr Jarvis that he has a son. Not only that, but that son will go on to save Tony’s life multiple times. And also that he will end up saving the entire world in the future.
Feedback is greatly appreciated!
Chapter 2: Breaking Bonds
Lucy sighed with relief as she stepped out into American air. She looked down at the sleeping baby in the stroller. He had slept the whole journey. It had taken her by surprise when the officials had asked her to take a baby with her on the aeroplane. She had initially refused but after receiving a large sum of money (apparently courtesy of Howard Stark) she had agreed without hesitation.
She scanned the area for a man. She had been told there would be a British gentleman coming to collect the child, but the only people she could see waiting for someone was an odd looking group of people. There was a woman who was in conversation with a man that looked suspiciously like Howard Stark himself. Standing next to them was a young boy with scruffy black hair who was tugging a different man’s hand. Said man was tall, with neatly combed brown hair with the odd grey sprouting. But what concerned her was the fact that this man was ignoring the rest of the world, and not breaking eye contact with the stroller she was pushing. She sighed. “Well little guy, it’s time to meet your daddy.”
It had felt like an eternity to Jarvis until the lady had emerged with the stroller. And he couldn’t keep his eyes off it. His son was in there.
It wasn’t long until Howard noticed the woman too. “Oh, hello.” He said, before promptly receiving a pinch from Maria. Tony couldn’t help but giggle.
Lucy approached them cautiously. “Hey there, I’m looking for an Edwin Jarvis?”
Jarvis snapped out of whatever trance he was in upon hearing his name. “Ah, yes, that would be me.” He responded.
“Well, I have a package for ya.” Lucy replied as she carefully took the waking week-old boy from the stroller and handed him to Jarvis.
The baby was skinny, but that was understandable knowing he was born unnaturally. He had pale skin, with a mop of blonde hair on his head. Sapphire blue eyes began to open and peer at the new, loving faces staring back at him. 
“Got something for me too, doll?” Asked Howard before once again getting pinched by his wife.
“Hey! What the hell, Maria?! Not in public!” “Shut up Howard, let Jarvis have his moment.” “But-” “You should be over this by now, Howard.” “Ugh, fine. You’re no fun.”
Maria nodded to Lucy who began to make her way to where many cabs were waiting. Then the couple turned to Jarvis and Tony, who were both cuddling the baby in Jarvis’s hands. Tony playing with his finger, and Jarvis simply looking at him with tears in his eyes. Howard smiled. This was the happiest he’d seen his butler since Ana’s death.
“No! Master Tony! Robert has to have a bath! Master Tony come back here!” Jarvis called as he chased Tony carrying his son through the halls.
It was chaos in the Stark household. Mr Jarvis had somehow been managing to keep most of his duties and look after his son perfectly. But when Tony was involved, things took a turn for the worst. Right now the boy was desperate to prevent either of them getting washed.
“Master Tony, I must insist you hand Robert to me this instant. Are you so deaf that you can’t see that he is crying?”
It was true, little Robert Jarvis had begun to cry now, exhausted by so much movement. So Tony reluctantly handed back the baby.
Jarvis, his face red from running, gently cradled his son and it wasn’t long before Robert was calmly tugging on his tie. He breathed a sigh of relief.
“Master Tony,” He began, looking down on the 8-year-old who was refusing to make eye contact. “You must understand that Robert is still very young, and that means his body works on a strict timetable.” “So…?” “So you can’t run off with him when it’s his bath time.” “But I wanna give him a bath!”
Jarvis blinked a few times. “I’m sorry, what did you just say?” “I wanna wash him!”
Jarvis was spellbound at Tony’s enthusiasm. “Why on earth would you want to do that, Master Tony?” He asked eventually. “Because he’s my kid too!” “Well, I, erm…”
Jarvis loved Robert and Tony equally, treating them like brothers as Howard was too engrossed in his work to care about either boy. He was certain that Howard had forgotten Robert’s name mere minutes after being told. The loyal butler didn’t mind. But he had always considered the boys to have a brotherly relationship. Apparently not, as it made sense that a clever boy like Tony would use the age gap to his advantage and almost be a second father to Robert.
Jarvis was getting old, and he almost knew for certain that he wouldn’t be able to see his son grow up fully. So he could only hope Tony and Robert’s father-son bond would last.
“Jarvis.” “Yes, Sir?” “You do realise that he was born in a lab.” “I do, Sir.” “And that makes him a sitting target.” “I understand, Sir.” “Look Jarvis, I payed a lot of money for all evidence of his existence to be destroyed, and so if the press start asking who he is, we’re both gonna be in a situation that none of us want to be in.” “I’m not leaving him alone, Sir.” “Jarvis, listen to me! I let you keep your son in my house! So if I forbid him to come to the party for your safety, you listen to me! I’m your boss, and I’m telling you-” “I don’t know if you understand this concept, Sir, but I love him. He’s my son.” “WHO IS ONLY ALIVE BECAUSE OF ME! I COULD’VE TOLD THEM TO KILL HIM RIGHT THEN, EDWIN! AND I’M BEGINNING TO REGRET NOT DOING JUST THAT BECAUSE THAT BOY HAS ONLY BROUGHT EVEN MORE PROBLEMS IN MY LIFE.”
Robert held his breath. The 7-year-old had only come downstairs to ask his Dad for something to eat, but had overheard the heated conversation between his Dad and Mr Stark. So he had pressed his ear to the door, and was heartbroken to hear the old genius screaming at Jarvis who was silently taking it, his good manners preventing him from retaliating.
He held his breath, as the silence after Howard’s outburst continued. The only audible sounds were Howard’s heavy breathing and the ticking of the grandfather clock in the hall.
After what seemed like forever, Jarvis finally gave a response.
“From this very day, I promise that Robert will never interfere with your life again, Mr Stark.” “Yeah, h-he’d better not. And I’d like that spare room back please.”
There was a hint of regret in Howard’s voice, but he masked it well. Jarvis took a deep breath. He wasn’t prepared for his son to be kicked out.
“I will interfere considerably less, too.” “Wait, wha-” “I am resigning, Mr Stark.”
Another silence.
“Hey, Jarvis, c’mon pal you ca-” “I have made up my mind, Howard. But I would like to make it clear that my employment with the Stark family remains, just not with you. I will dedicate my time to Tony now. And you will probably never see Robert again, for with your son’s help he can easily gain a temporary home.”
Howard was taken completely aback by the use of his first name. He was sure that this was the first time Jarvis had ever said it. In front of his face, at least. He decided to play the same game. “Edwin… you can’t do that.” “I think you’ll find I can, according to the contract you wrote.” “Look buddy, I’m sor-” “If you want to make an apology, apologise to my son. And while you’re at it, apologise to your son too. You treat him awfully.”
It happened to be that very moment when the sneeze came to Robert. The old men’s eyes snapped towards the door, where little Robert was peeking through with tears in his eyes. Howard was stone-faced and ready to shout whilst Jarvis simply walked towards him, hiding his emotions well, and led him to his room.
That was the last time Robert ever saw Howard Stark.
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criticallaughter · 7 years
Covered eyes - chap 3
Whole story : http://archiveofourown.org/works/10640637?view_full_work=true or if you like to use tumblr:  Chapter 1 here: https://criticallaughter.tumblr.com/post/159629216332/covered-eyes#notes
Chapter 2 is here:  https://criticallaughter.tumblr.com/post/159906092047/covered-eyes-chap-2
“What kind of teacher gives a test on the first day of school?!” Ohm grunted. Although the small study session he had with Luke and another guy named Delirious yesterday helped a lot, it just doesn’t seem alright. Bryce laughed at his misery. His voice like music to his ears. The siren effect, ohm thought.
“That teacher does apparently.” Bryce said.
“Yep, that teacher is an asshole.” Ohm said, while his mind was drifting to this morning how he awkwardly ran away from Luke, and let out a small sigh.
“Hey, what’s wrong? I’m pretty sure you would pass the test well. I on the other hand, well, it's not important.” Ohm looked at the blonde and contemplated the idea of telling him about what happened yesterday, and in the end thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea.
“Let’s get to someplace with lesser people to talk about it, alright?” Ohm suggested, the amount of people in the school hall was making him uncomfortable.
“Well, is he handsome?” They were sitting on a bench on the outside of the school when Bryce asked that question. It made Ohm choke on his water, he was not expecting that.
“Ahem. He was kind enough to let me sleep in his bed and…Okay, okay, he is handsome alright.” Ohm said, thinking about how close they were last night and it made his face heat up.
“You are already smitten, Ohmie.” Bryce stated.
“How would you know that?” Ohm asked, not believing that he would like someone who he just met. Love in first sight isn’t real, he thought.
“Look at you, you have that face of adoration on your face just by thinking about him, you never had that face when thinking about me.” He pouted.
I used to do that though, Ohm thought. He compared the similarities of his feelings when he was crushing on Bryce before and thinking about Luke right now.
Heart beats much quicker, sweaty palms, light headed, face heating slightly. Fuck.
“See~ Love is an open door~” Bryce burst into a song about love. Although most will get dazzled by his song, Ohm was only annoyed.
“You know I can’t be in a relationship with anyone, until I can control my powers.” He looked at his cloth in his hands with loathe. He took them down because there were only himself and Bryce here, and the blonde wouldn’t be affected. They were best friends ever since they knew they won’t get affected by each other’s powers, Bryce could sing freely and Ohm could get free from the cloth or the occasional mask with each other.
“Yeah, I know about that. That’s why we all came to this school right?” Bryce stopped singing. “Though, I just have to not sing, while you can’t let anyone look at you in the eyes. You will have a much bigger problem in the future if you can’t control it well.”
“Like I don’t know that.” Ohm sighed. It wasn’t easy and he could barely control it even after 2 years in the school of specials. Bryce only came last year and he could almost master it.
“That doesn’t mean you can’t give it a try. I mean, get to know the guy first, be friends with him. I think I have seen him around before, and he doesn’t seem like a bad person from what I have seen and what you have said. A relationship can wait, and you will have time to learn controlling it in the meantime.”
“Maybe. A relationship isn’t a priority though.” Ohm said. Learning to control his powers however is the highest priority. He can only think of having a relationship if he could control his powers, because he would like to let his lover look at him in the eye and not get influenced by his powers. Yep, he’s a romantic at heart.
“What was his name again? The guy you are crushing on.” Bryce inquired.
“Luke Patterson, and I’m not crushing on him. It’s impossible anyway. I also kinda made things much more awkward than they should be. He might not even be into guys and my power only made him uncomfortable.” Ohm sighed again, he might have blew a potential friendship with his awkwardness.
“Ohm?” A sound came from behind. He turned around to see Luke, looking as handsome as ever, and he was dumbfounded.
Bryce however, whispered “Is that him?”, and ohm could only nod.
“I remember I have something important to do, see you later Ohm!” Bryce announced, he winked at him and left. Leaving Ohm thinking how he’s gonna pay back on him for abandoning him like that, when he realized he wasn’t wearing his cover, and Luke was looking at him right in the eyes again.
Ohm hurried to tie them up, when a pair of hands held his tightly and stopped him from doing so. Only then he saw how close they were, and he felt his face heating up again.
“Why do you have to cover your eyes around me?” Luke asked, inching closer towards him, while he backed away slowly to keep the distance between them. His heart was beating so hard that he was afraid it would burst out from his chest.
“B...Because people won’t be themselves when they l...look at it.” He stuttered, taking note on how he backed away to a wall and was trapped. He tried to control his powers but his mind was a jumble and he couldn’t focus.
Suddenly, as if out of a trance, Luke broke the eye contact and backed away from Ohm. Ohm took the chance to suck in a breath of relief.
“Sorry, i don’t know what got into me.” Luke said, rubbing the side of his neck. “I was supposed to apologize for yesterday, and I did the same thing again, sorry.” It took Ohm some moments to register what he was saying, did he assumed it was his fault?
“No, it was my fault actually, I’m sorry for making things awkward.”
“No, I was my fault I was the one who took the initiative both times, and you were the one being uncomfortable. Heck, I don’t even know if you swing that way.” Ohm was startled, did it mean Luke wasn’t uncomfortable and is gay?
“Erm...I’m bi actually.” Ohm said.
A moment of awkward silence between them. Then Ohm remembered to tie up his cloth around his eyes again, and missed Luke’s look of disappointment.
“So...do you want to go get something to drink?” Luke asked.
“Er...sure why not?” Ohm replied, he was surely gonna ask Bryce for advice for not making things awkward.
Note: Ayee i have exams later so i might not be able to update for over two weeks T^T. It was again rushed so there might be mistakes, thanks for reading!. :) Exams are scary. ;(
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