#but tysm awe
triona-tribblescore · 2 months
i LOVE biker angel dust so much hes so cool and pretty and badass
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RIGHT?? :D <3 Husk agrees uvu
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lilli-eyr · 4 months
UHM so i finished reading OTNWAS and... became a completely new person?? AND draw fanart????
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i haven't draw anything for the past five months??? so THANK YOU amazing @jjackfrost for getting me out of artblock <3
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deerspherestudios · 5 months
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The second day is wonderful, there are so many things, I am very happy and wish you only success, I am writing from the translator for the early, sorry for the mistakes, I wish you good luck💪❤️‍🔥
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narcissarina · 2 months
𝔊𝔬𝔩𝔡𝔢𝔫 ℭ𝔞𝔤𝔢, 𝔅𝔩𝔲𝔢 𝔅𝔬𝔫𝔡𝔰
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જ⁀➴Previous chapter
Pairings: bodyguard!Leon × college billionaire!reader
Word count: 2,804
Tw: Gun handling
Summary: After you finish your midterms, Leon vouch to teach you how to handle and shoot a gun. To have you to protect yourself when he takes his leave after three days.
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You woke up sore, and an aching core.
You support yourself to sit up by your elbow you but hiss and jolt at the sudden ache you had on your lower back, you yawn and groan, moving your limbs to ease the stiff muscles. An arm tightens around your hip, startling you as you look down to see who; it’s Leon.
He does the have his shirt on, his muscles flexing as he frowns when you make small movements. You rub your eyelids with your wrist and stretch your arms up, good thing you wore some pajamas—did Leon dress you up?
“Stop moving so much…” Leon mutter, his voice tired and more deeper in the morning, making you froze in place as crimson creeps up to your cheeks and ear—getting turned on by his morning voice. “Sorry, did I wake you?” you apologized and asked, turning to him, lying down again and cuddling over to him. Burying your face to his chest.
“Didn’t know you’re a clingy type after se—” you hit him before finishing that last word. You frown at him and turn your back, “come here,” he coos, pulling you close—your back flush to his chest, his nose to the crook of your neck. Taking a deep breath as his breath tickles your neck.
You reach for your phone, ignoring Leon’s attempt to snatch your attention by brushing himself against you. You check the time and messages in your phone, “Midterms…” you mutter, dropping down your phone and groan. “What?” he asked, his chin resting to your shoulder.
“Gotta get ready…” you mutter and sat up, Leon’s arm still around your waist. Keeping you from getting off the bed, you struggle to make him let go, “can’t stay for today, princess?” he murmur, sitting up with you and resting his forehead to your neck.
“I would love to, but I have midterms.” You sigh in defeat, his fingers brushing against your abdomen, “sorry for last night, was I too rough?” he chuckle as he asked, you flush in embarrassment when you remembered how cock-drunk you were last night. Even going as far as calling Leon your daddy.
You hum in response, your body sinking in his touch. “What’s with the daddy kink, by the way?” he asked, obviously teasing you, “what do you mean? I don’t quite catch that.” You answered, pretending that you didn’t heard him.
“oh, look at the time. Time to go to school.” Quickly getting up and off your bed, catching Leon off guard as his grip suddenly loosen. You can feel his icy blues stare at your back, his gaze leaving a fire that’s been burning up and down to your back.
You look back and see him hold himself by his side, the pose that most people call paint-me-like-one-of-your-french-girls type of pose. The blanket covering his lower part, making him like a perfect nude model to sculpt and draw on.
Simply ignoring him as you get some things done, while Leon watches your every move.
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“I remember when you told me you want to hold a gun,” Leon started the conversation in the car, wheel turning right as he drives you to school. It’s so unfortunate that your driver isn’t available for today because he had to rush back home because of his daughter—which you gave him permission to leave for the day.
You were stiff and tense in your sit, eyes on the road while Leon talks. You thought to yourself that you’re fortunate enough that you didn’t get killed by his third leg, you feel like he’s going to kill you with his driving skills. One part of you wishes that his license get revoked.
You hum to answer his question, low and meek. Leon turns to you and raise a brow, “something wrong?” you shake your head in response and sink your nails deeper to your seat. His hand found its way to your thigh and give it a squeeze, “don’t worry, I’m not going to crash us.” He assured, his thumb caressing your flesh.
“as I was saying,” Leon made a stop and got out of the car—unbuckling his seatbelt first, then circle around the car and open your door like a passenger princess you are. “After your exam, I’ll be here. And I will teach you how to hold a gun and shoot. What do you say?” Leon suggested, he swear he caught your eyes sparkling with delight. “Really?” you took his hand and got out of a car, as if you’re some royalty that deserve to be treated with such delicacy.
Leon nodded, brushing your knuckles with his thumb as he brought up to his face and his lips made contact with your hand. You blush and chuckle at his move, trying to pull your fingers out from his grasp, “stop that, you look like an idiot.”
“I know I can’t get inside with you because you told me that I’ll cause a distraction because students find me perfection.” He said before interlocking your fingers together, “which I find such bullshit.” You shake your head at him and pinch his cheeks.
“Pop quiz before I let you go,” Leon said, bringing your hands up to wrap around his neck, his blue bonds with the warmth of your glittering eyes. “What is a microprocessor?” he asked, you cleared your throat and confidently answered; “A microprocessor is an integrated circuit having all the functionality of a central processing unit of a PC.” You grin and he nodded, “good, good.”
His face dangerously close to yours, nose touching as he part his lips and ask again, “What is a programming language?”
“A programming language is a collection of grammar rules to instruct computers or computing devices to perform tasks!” you yelp but answered correctly again, his hands were tickling your sides as you both hear a familiar shout from the distance, “bitch! I have called you for a w…” Sarina had gone silent as she saw the two of you, being all lovey-dovey. “Holy shit.”
“Girl!” The grin spreading to your friends face made you retreat from Leon’s touch, you know damn well that she’ll be asking you questions once you two got inside campus. Leon chuckle and held your hand before you leave, “want some Spanish latte after your midterm?” he asked, you nodded and smiled. “Text me when you finish your exam.”
“okay!” you walk up to Sarina and she gave you a bump on the shoulder, Leon got inside his car and drove away—looking at you from the side mirror as he drove off, seeing you wave him goodbye.
Sarina clung to your shoulder, pulling you as she couldn’t wait any longer to hear what kind of tea you’ll be sharing with her.
Walking around the hallways until you both found your respective class, your professor scaring the two of you at the door then giving the paper with a smile in his face. Laughing at you and your friends reaction, which got Sarina almost hitting the prof.
“by the way, girl. Why do you walk like that?” Sarina asked, taking the paper and walking beside you, tilting your head with confusion, you asked her, “what do you mean?”
“You walk like you just got fucked.” You hit her shoulder with the paper you’re holding and sat beside her, she made a small ‘o’ with her lips, pouting why you’d hit her when she just asked, “unless, you….” She raised a brow, your eyes rolled as you take your pen and write down your name, “take the test or keep gossiping.” You mutter.
“girl, you are fucking scoring to the Leon S. Kennedy!” she shriek in a whisper, she felt more happier for you and keeps bumping you to give you a shit-eating grin. God, you wish you could hide the fact that you just got fucked; it was hard and rough too for your first time. You wish you could’ve walked more normal than limping every few seconds because your core is sore and the aching feeling you had in your lower back.
Surprisingly, you finish the test since last night Leon was fucking you to oblivion while giving you a pop quiz, every wrong answer—he’d push deeper, but won’t move to satisfy your aching cunt.
You clenched your legs together as you thought about last nights incident, wishing that the arousal isn’t pooling down to damp your underwear. You think of how he snaps his hips every time you talk back at him, making you choke and sob. How he would delay your release and every answer you got correct, he would circle around your bud and hard fucked you until you deserve to come.
You earn that fucking release because you got the majority of his questions correct, making you exhausted and limp. You hate how much he has his fingers all over you, that you’d b willing to please him. Looking like a dejected pup when he doesn’t give you attention right away.
Maybe he was right, you’ve become a brat—no, you are a brat. In his eyes, a brat that he’s willing to tame every chance that you misbehave.
These thoughts kept on running until Sarina harshly bumps you to snap back to reality, “earth to miss?” she whispered, pinching your side which made you wince and almost let out a loud ‘ouch’.
“You wanna turn it in or are you daydreaming about Leon f—”
“Say it, and I will give you an uppercut.”
Her lips now shut in a thin line as you asked her to turn your paper in too. You stood up and brush those thoughts away and catches up to Sarina.
You didn’t notice how time flies, when Sarina kept asking you question about your blonde bodyguard. Poking your cheeks and annoying you if you refuse to answer her.
“Is he like, doing the things men do in books?” you raise a brow to her question as you’re eating some hamburger, you thought about it for a while. He’s opening doors for you, when you ask that your feet hurts—he’d carry you bridal style, when you call for him, rest assured that he’s already there.
So it’s safe to say to your friend that he may be one of the real life book boyfriends that Sarina’s reading about, you gave her a nod and took the last bite of your food. She whines and keeps shaking you, “you’re so lucky!” she said. Yeah, so lucky that he’s a good fucker too.
You never knew you’d also ask yourself if older guys do it better, but then again. He’s your first.
A honk startled you, almost dropping your drink as you turn your gaze to the car—the windows rolled down and it’s Leon. His looking at you, nodding his head to gesture you to come now, “got to go, see you!” you bid farewell to your friend, she watch you walk away and as if she had seen her best friend finally clinging like a koala to someone else.
“Spanish latte, venti. For my princess.” He handed you the paper bag with your drink inside. “Thank you, you’re such a considerate bodyguard.” You blink pretty for him before taking out your drink from the bag, plunging the straw and taking a sip. “You’re forgetting something, sweetheart.”
You turn your head and tilt in confusion, “come on, where’s my thank you kiss?” he tease, his eyes on the road—driving to his workplace again. You rolled your eyes to him, and shift your position so you could reach him. He leans and you gave him a quick peck on the cheek, which made him grin so hard.
“Thank you for my lovely bodyguard and the D.S.O’s most dangerous agent to get me my drink.” You teased and lean back to your seat again, you hear him chuckle as he turn the wheels and parked the car.
Even though you only visited this place once, people already knew who you were—his co-workers and other researchers, as if the word spread like wildfire. You saw familiar faces again as they greeted you with a warm welcome back smiles, you clung to Leon’s bicep as he guides you to the shooting area.
His friends followed to watch how Leon can guide you, teach you the do’s and don’ts of holding a gun and shooting the gun.
You admit, you’re kind of nervous. Your hands visibly shaking and your palms sweating, Leon tease you for it. “Come on, sweetheart. How can you protect yourself if you couldn’t hold it properly?” you want to punch him here and there but people are watching. He does have a point, how could you defend yourself when Leon isn’t around when he’ll be sent away because of a mission?
You don’t want to be a helpless girl, taking a couple of deep breaths as you position yourself. Leon’s behind you and telling you the do’s and don’ts.
“I want you to know the Golden rules for handling a gun, princess.” Leon starts, his voice calm and a whisper, “Always keep your fingers straight and off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.” You nod.
“Like this?” you asked, positioning your fingers just as he said. “Like that, here—let me help you first,” he holds your hands that’s been holding a gun, both of your hands are in his palm. Squeezing so that you could stop from shaking and assures you that it’ll be all right and that it’s always scary when it’s your first.
“Now, remember to keep your gun pointed to a safe direction,” Leon mutters to your ear, his front flush against your back. His friends were standing there as if they’re watching a live romance episode.
“Aim at the target,” you do as he says as his voice became more authoritative, you aim—his hands still wrap around your fingers. “Take a deep breath,” you did, a couple more times, Leon help you shot the first one, “see? Not so bad.” He assures and lets you go, backing himself to let you be on your own.
You adjust your position, taking deep breaths—your eyes to the target. Your finger creeping in to the trigger, then bang. Right at the red dot, you never smiled so hard in your life. You shot right where the red dot is, “Leon! D-Did you see that?” you jump, “princess, the gun.”
“Oops,” you place the gun down, not wanting to accidentally shoot your toe, “sorry.” you scratched the back of your head and jump your way to Leon and brag about how you did that all on your own.
“yeah, so proud of you, princess.” He says, “why does it feel like you don’t mean it?” you raise a brow, suspicious of his own words, “you hurt me with those words.” He chuckle, “wanna have a go again?” you nodded and you did.
You were enjoying your time, Leon gave you another tip and rules on how to handle a gun. “Don’t aim your gun to someone who you don’t intend to shoot, okay?” you hum in response, you both sitting on a bench and eating the donuts that Luis bought for what he say, “love birds.”
The room fell silent, only your munching was heard and Leon is wiping the gun with some cloth, “I won’t here for a while, my flight leaves in three days.” He said, making you stop chewing and look at him in the eye, “what do you mean?” you asked, “got assigned to another mission,” you made a sad ‘oh’ and look down to your ground. “I trust you don’t cause any trouble, and if you’re ever in danger. You know what to do.” Leon spoke those words proudly.
You nod, but felt anxious since you have grown use to Leon always being at your side. In just a call, he’s there. What if he doesn’t come back though, what would you do?
“Will you come back?”
Those words made Leon crack a small smile, “of course,” he mutter, brushing a strand of hair at the back of your ear, “just gonna be gone for a couple of days or week…” you look at him with sad yet hopeful eyes, “probably a month…” he finishes.
“I’ll hate you forever if you die on me.”
You scoot over and lie your head to his shoulder, his arm swung around you and brought you closer. Feeling his warmth, you ought to make his three days worth a while before his flight. Be touch and hear his voice for the last three days before he departs.
You don’t have to worry, he’ll be safe when you are safe at the back of his mind.
He should remember to bring you some souvenirs when he gets back.
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Next Chapter>>>
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blazingstar29 · 10 months
What's your thoughts on mav wearing ice's clothes and being swamped, like sweater paws and everything 🥹🥹
first of all, YES. second of all:
They both choose to spend their money on different things, that's how it starts. For Maverick it's an obvious choice, his bike. Everything goes into the Kawasaki and what's left goes into less exciting things like rent and groceries. Ice on the other hand pools his money into clothing. Only a few pieces at a time, nothing crazy, but he's a firm believer in comfort and longevity. Which also means he's never out of fashion, though he does play into trends he think will last. (slider calls ice a sloane ranger and he didn't talk to him for a week)
He buys the softest wool jumpers and light, breathable cotton t shirts. It's a luxury he can justify. It's also a luxury Maverick's never bought into (white shirts and blue jeans all year round baby). When they move in together, it doesn't take him long to discover these items of clothing.
It's love at first sight.
Maverick starts to come home and shed his uniform before donning Ice's soft clothes. Some of them are already oversize on Ice which means most of them hang past Maverick's hips. He can't help it though. As much as he loves the uniform, when he's tired and a little bit over stimulated, all he wants is familiar, gentle fabrics.
The first time Ice sees him wearing on of his shirts, Maverick is standing in the kitchen. The collar slips down on one shoulder, exposing the freckled skin. Ice fucks him in it before the week is out.
When the winter months draw in, Maverick continues to steal the clothes. The jumpers are harder, because if he wants to get stuff done the sleeves are just too long and piss him off. But when he's not doing anything? He secretly enjoys the way it the jumpers loose and baggy. It makes him feel safe. Once or twice he uses his sweater paws to slap Ice on the ass.
But some quick notes
Maverick thinks that Ice's woolen sailing jumpers are way to scratchy and thinks its the reason rich people are so grumpy
"imagine wearing that all the time. you've got your awesome boat and you're wearing an itchy jumper. i'd be grumpy too"
ice wears mav's shirts for funsies but they're tight enough to give him a public indecency charge
Mav loves steaing ice's shirts and jumpers and any tops really, but he hates the feeling of trousers being too big, so ice gets to keep those
eventually ice offers to show mav where he buys his clothes so he can have some of his own but mav said he'd still love them just as much if they were college handouts
after this, ice goes to the thrift store and buy some random shirts and wears them for a while. that way mav can have some of ice's shirts to do odd job and work on his bike
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 7 months
ROXY: i cant waot for it 2 b autism its so hot
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urgrossdaughter · 14 days
I never believe him when he says im pretty, i feel like hes genuinely lying out of his ASS. Something is very wrong with me lol. Like he says im beautiful and stunning and pretty, and in my head i dont even process it because it feels embarrassing to believe it
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selfindulgentraptor · 2 years
Posting my 4 year old high school DHMIS art in solidarity with the new show hype
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Bonus lore: my teacher OC was a human-shaped pile of clothes split into two characters (the shirt/body and the hat on top)
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literalite · 3 months
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rawr 🐉
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gotchibam · 6 months
Sorry for the slow turn-around of the doodles lately, I was going to finish up some of them today but I'm not feeling too well atm 🥲
For the meantime, ko-fi requests for poke doodles & character comms are still going to be open (gotta save up for my personal budget) so please check it out if you're interested! ;w;
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simelune · 6 months
in around 10 days it'll be a year since i first made this account and joined this community ;o; i can happily say that it's been so so so amazing to meet such wonderful people and engage with such creative souls <3 i am inspired by so many of you every day and im grateful that i have a space on the internet to share my silly little pixel people lol....
and thank you to everyone who tried/is trying my lil legacy challenge! i always wanted to write one and i'm glad i finally got to :') it's very cool to see everyones little simmies!!! anyway. i hope you are all doing well, take good care of yourselves, and stay healthy and warm!
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wickjump · 1 month
I love your pfp so much- 🥺
thank you my mommy gave it to me (i drew it a while ago)
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I love infodumping my sister about the osenanverse. She's only seen heartstopper so there's a lot of stuff she needs to know 🫶
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deerspherestudios · 5 months
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(translated) I don’t understand how the toggle switch works, sorry if something is wrong :_) (I still haven’t learned how to draw shadows..)
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downforthegas · 2 months
Going into my Wa//lly Dar//ling skunk au I just came up with a while ago 🍎
Someone joked(?) about me making a skunk!Wally au and uh... I think that would be really cute (and hot), so... (headcannons plus art under cut)
Skunk!Wally is pretty much the same as the original but extra gassy
He's got a big floofy tail that swifts side to side when he farts. He also has little skunk ears hehe
He's got a very sensitive tummy. He has a hard time with dairy, eggs, onions, APPLES, leafy green veggies, but it doesn't stop him from enjoying those
Wa//lly's farts range from loud short bassy toots to long, hot silent farts that often last minutes on end
Wa//lly's very polite and tries not to gas out his neighbors when he's gassy, which leads to some pretty bad bloating (his tummy gets soooooo big). His neighbors say he should let it out if he's uncomfortable, so he quickly steps outside to blow off steam. If not, Barn//aby has to rub his poor bloated belly (not that he minds) and maybe Ho//me squeezes him between the door and door frame.
Speaking of Ba//rn and Ho//me, they're mainly comfy with Wa//lly's stink due to being around him a lot. But sometimes the stink is too much for Ba//rn and his dog nose, but he still tolerates it bc his friendship with Wa//lly is that strong
Wa//lly's fart stink depends on his mood. If he's feeling anything positive (happy, calm, in love), his farts emit a lovely apple smell, which they also do if he eats too many apples. If he's feeling negative (sad, angry, stressed), they stink of rotten eggs and milk. Nerves and just feeling neutral also give him gross farts.
He can spray! He won't use it on anyone, it's just that sometimes, not often, he feels the strong need to spray and has to do it in private. If not, a quick scare can lead to an accident. He has to step outside in private, pull his pants down, and let the spray out, which can sometimes force a fart out
If he's really, really urgent, sometimes he'll fumble trying to pull his pants down and accidentally sprays in his pants, leaving them stained and stinky, and leaving him embarrassed
The neighbors all make sure to accommodate for Wa//lly. They make sure to give him safe foods and if he's feeling gassy, they remind him to step outside (cause he forgets). They pretty much do anything they can to make him feel comfortable.
Y/N can make Wa//lly super nervous and tooty. He'll try to talk to you but his nerves get the best of him and his cute monotone voice gets drowned out by a long burbling fart
If he knows you're into his gas, he'll be more comfy farting around you, even loading up on trigger foods so he can make loud, smelly impressive farts just for you. Whether it farting on your lap to dutch ovening you to sitting his stinky butt on your face, he'll make sure he makes you happy
Whenever he's in his big comfy chair, he lies his tail over his lap and rips a hot silent fart to warm himself up. Works great in the winter too
And now, a Skunk!Wa//lly drawing~
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i am so lost and insane for an angsty idea of navigating poly!stsg where you join their established rl!!!!! i love your poly fics so much and it's given me these bedtime daydreams!!!
the insecurities and doubt and fear and sadness you might feel from never having a bond strong enough between urself and them and the angst and tension it can create because u feel like ur never enough for satosugu oh gosh and the sadness they might feel if you leave or distance urself from them and idk how to verbalize my thoughts but i hope you feel the energy i am trying to show🥺🥺🥺
ANON!!!! I DO!!!!!!! I DO SEE THE VISION!!!!!!!!
wahhhhh this is a common daydream of mine too…….. stsg have such a unique bond and i don’t think you could really replicate it :((( but at the same time i think that for the relationship to work, they’d have to see you as an equal!!!! this is just a pet peeve of mine but i rlly Cannot Stand poly stsg fics where they see reader as being beneath them… first of all they would Never second of all!!! they should all be in love. and they should all respect each other more than anything. it’s just a matter of realizing that you’re special to them in your own way, and that it’s in no way lesser than what they feel for each other!!!! but obviously the road there might be kind of tough…..
and gosh, they would definitely be heartbroken if you distanced yourself from them!!! :((( they just don’t understand what they did wrong and you don’t know how to open up about it…. i think they’d eventually corner you and kinda force you to do so (cue lots of crying and their desperate attempts at soothing you) and after that it’d feel a lot easier. if you’re precious to them then i don’t think there’s anything they wouldn’t do to understand you properly!!! and love you properly. they’re sweethearts and i love them <3333
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