#but uhm creative liberties yeah!!!
honeybumpkins · 6 months
What's the Narrator like in your swap AU?
OOOO hehehe!!
The Narrator is a cringefail little loser (he always has been.) He isn't too different in the au, he's still pro-monster murder, after all! It's just that now he is definitively my interpretation (which is what usually happens.) He's not a liar, per se, but he does omit things that could be considered important, like what the Long Quiet is actually going to do to the world (he just tells you he's going to kill it).
He is kind of this song to me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4qaHpBz5M4
While it's not exactly him, a lot of the lyrics do fit with how he feels to me. He's not anxious, but he is frustrated and anguished. He believes what he is doing is right. And he believes what he is doing is going to save people.
He also isn't even on the Princess' side! The Shifting Mound is death, and he doesn't want that either! Though, he sees the Long Quiet as worse than her, which is why he's in the cabin and she isn't. The Long Quiet is not death like her, but he is the little deaths. Grief, longing, sickness. Whereas she is Love-- gentle, tender warmth, or bright passion, he too is love-- blinding infatuation, or cold, resentful love. And, where she is change, he is stagnation. The Narrator wants none of this, so he does what he does.
And he hopes that maybe the Princess will see it eventually, if she goes through with it.
The Narrator often thinks of the other people he's seen, the ones he's trying to save. He has moments where he wonders what he's doing, and he comes to the conclusion that there isn't a way to go about this that is 'honest', or good. He cannot remove one side of a coin in a way which preserves his morality. But, if the outcome means a happy existence for everyone, isn't this justified?
That's him!! He's my little loserboy! <3
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kurishiri · 2 months
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02 . . . happy birthday, alfons! ˗ˏˋ🪞´ˎ˗
— this translation may not be 100% accurate or may contain creative liberties for characterization or narrative flow purposes. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but don’t repost or claim these as your own!
— cw: none; alfons is actually pretty soft in this chapter!
In my own way, I thought that it was a plan for a wonderful birthday.
However, such plans would soon be riddled with trouble...
Kate: Wh—!? They’re closed...?
When we arrived at the restaurant I had reserved for lunch, there was a sign that said ‘CLOSE.’
Alfons: ‘The restaurant’s owner contracted a sudden illness,’ so they say here, I see. Well, such cases do arise once in a while.
A: How about we visit another restaurant then? Is there anything in particular you’re craving now?
Kate: In that case, we should eat what you want. You’re the birthday boy, after all!
Alfons: Well then... how does the restaurant over there sound?
The restaurant we entered was empty, and the food was immediately brought out after we put in our orders, but...
(...It doesn’t taste that good.)
(No, rather, I would say the flavor is unsavory...)
Alfons: Pfft... hehe... ahha!
A: Just from your expression... I can read your thoughts like a book right now.
A: Hapless though it may be, it would appear this restaurant’s cuisine doesn’t suit your palate?
Kate: ...Do you like this, Alfons?
Alfons: Positively god-awful, I’d say.
Kate: I feel like I should have seen this coming with how there’s not a single person here, even during the lunch hour.
Alfons: The food is thoroughly cooked, and there doesn’t appear to be any suspicious ingredients in it either, and yet...
A: I can’t help but wonder where this profoundly mysterious flavor has snuck in.
While saying this, Alfons slipped off his gloves, and touched the nape of my neck.
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Alfons: The food before your eyes is a delicious cuisine from a renowned restaurant.
(Ah... he used his ability on me.)
Albeit nervously, I once again brought the food to my lips.
Kate: Oh, it is delicious...! Thank you so much, Alfons.
Alfons: It was a little more than child’s play to me, so think not much of it. Come now, let’s eat the rest.
Kate: What about you, though, Alfons? I mean, the food’s flavor...
Alfons: The food at the castle is a plethora of things you’d find in five-star restaurants, so I must admit I’m rather taken by this unique change of pace.
Kate: Is that so...
(This birthday celebration isn’t off to a great start, it seems.)
(But, there is still a whole day ahead of us! The next thing will surely be a blast!)
After lunch, we visited an auction venue.
Alfons: Is there an item you wish to bid for, perchance?
Kate: Actually, the auction isn’t being held today, so there’s a magic show in its place.
Alfons: I see... I’m most eager to see it. An actual successful magic show, unlike the ones we are subjected to see back at the castle.
Kate: Hehe, yeah!
K: ...Ah, the host has come up. It looks like it’s going to start soon.
Host: Uhm, to all gathered here today, we deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused with this sudden notice...
Host: ...but the magician we have invited has caught a sudden illness, and as such, we will be holding a special art auction today.
Kate: Ehh...
Alfons: No matter where we go, it seems the aforementioned ‘sudden illness’ follows suit.
Kate: Yes, I wonder if the cold has been going around recently...
(What should we do? Let’s see, what are places Alfons might enjoy... umm...)
Alfons: ...Since we are here already, how about we go and check out some of the art pieces?
Kate: I don’t mind that, but...
K: I’m sure you’re long used to seeing pieces like this, so would it not be boring?
Since Lord Elbert collects beautiful things,
I’m sure Alfons, too, has laid his eyes on many beautiful things as well, from being by his side.
(So to just be looking at these art pieces the auction has now, it probably wouldn’t be very interesting...)
Alfons: Would it not be a most thrilling experience to watch the audience compete with each other with bloodshot eyes from the outside?
A: And even if that does become boring, I have you to play with.
Kate: ...Alright then. Let’s look at the art pieces.
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(Alfons is the one who should be getting his birthday celebrated, and yet it seems he’s always extending his consideration to me today.)
Finally, the sun started to set, inviting the night to come.
(To think everything we’ve done has failed... oh, but there are still two things left to celebrate.)
(Even if it’s just these two things, I definitely can’t let them fail...!)
After we returned to the castle and ate dinner, we went to Alfons’ room.
Kate: Alfons, here is the next present!
I gave the box I prepared to Alfons.
Alfons: Is it alright to open it?
Kate: Go ahead! It is food, so just put it on the table before opening it, so it doesn’t drop.
Though a bit corny, inside was a birthday cake.
(It’s a birthday cake with a cat drawn on it... I hope he’s happy.)
I watched him as Alfons took the cake out from the box.
Alfons: This...!
Kate: How is it?
Alfons: ...Kate. May I ask exactly when we got married?
Kate: Eh...?
Alfons showed the cake my way.
There, written on the cake, was neither a cat nor a happy birthday message, but rather...
Kate: ‘Congratulations on your 50 year wedding anniversary’...!?
The cake had words of congratulations to a wedding, with an illustration of an elderly couple I didn’t recognize drawn on it.
Alfons: It would seem the bakery has mixed our cake up with some elderly couple’s cake?
Kate: No way... I’ll need to contact the shop right away...!
Alfons: It would come as a surprise if the shop was still open at this hour though, I would imagine?
A: However, I doubt the cake will be good by the time morning rolls around, so let’s just eat what we have here.
—— Time skip ——
Alfons: I do find it quite unfortunate that I couldn’t eat that treasured cake you had chosen for me...
A: ...but this cake here tasted delicious, too.
Kate: Right...
Alfons: So, Kate? Care to bring out the final present?
Kate: About... that... the cake is the final present. I’m really sorry that everything has been a mess up to the end...
Alfons: Oh, don’t deceive me now. The cake wasn’t supposed to be the last present, yes?
Kate: It’s just that today nothing has been going as planned... so I’m scared that something about the last thing would also go wrong...
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Alfons: ...Why, you can blame every happening today on mischance.
A: Not a single thing that happened was your fault.
A: Besides, so what if everything didn’t go as you hoped? It’s the sentiment of wanting to celebrate that matters, no?
Kate: That’s true, but still... I wanted you to have a fun birthday, Alfons.
K: A birthday so fun, it will remain in your memory forever. That kind of birthday.
If it was a birthday fun enough to carve a place in Alfons’ memory, then surely, it would do the same for me.
I wanted us to carve that memory into each other, so that we would never forget this day for eternity.
(But, with all these blunders on his birthday, how could it ever remain in his memory...)
Alfons: A birthday that will remain in my memory... you said?
A: ...If that’s the case, it would be remiss of me not to think today has been going swimmingly as you hoped.
Kate: Eh...?
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Steddie Flower Shop / Tattoo Parlor AU
I am so floored by the response! It is absolutely so fun that y’all want to read my silly stories! This is a relatively short update but I am working on the rest! Hoping to post the full story by Valentine’s and I might also post an AO3 link at some point if anyone would like that I Part One I Part Two I Also on AO3!
Chrissy and Eddie had been taking bets about what type of business was opening up across the way. Eddie’s guesses had run the gamut from hipster coffee shop to hipster hairdresser to hipster high-end taxidermy while Chrissy had more or less stuck with her original guess of a speakeasy style bar. Eddie was starting to close up shop for the day when some guy in an honest-to-god sweater vest and jeans ran over.
“It’s too late to place any orders today. Sorry if you need to apologize to your wife and 2.5 kids and forgot until the last minute.” Eddie had to admit the guy was pretty infuriatingly handsome. If you were in to normie core, that is.
“What? I’m not- okay, uhm. I’m actually here because I just rented the place across the way and I wanted to ask about setting up a recurring weekly arrangement?” Steve asked.
“What?” Eddie yelled over Judas Priest.
“It’s a wonder you can ever hear anything over all this noise.” Steve gestured towards the speaker.
Chrissy had overheard the exchange from the backroom and cut Eddie off before he could start ranting about real music, “Yes, we are interested in setting up a recurring weekly bouquet arrangement for our new neighbors, Eddie.” 
Chrissy turned back around to lower the speaker's volume and pulled Eddie and Steve into the shop and onto stools by the workbench Eddie uses for arranging. Eddie glared at her but they’d just lost one of their regular accounts to some online service that was apparently way cheaper than what De Lucas’ could offer.
“Sure. What were you thinking, dude?” Eddie asked Steve.
“Just something nice for our front desk. Not too big and maybe nothing that people are commonly allergic to? But I’ve seen the arrangements you load up for delivery and I trust your eye. I’m not a live flower expert.”
“Of course, big boy.” Eddie noticed Steve flush a little bit at the pet name. Eddie reached behind Steve to grab one of the flyers Chrissy had made for company floral services. He purposely invaded Steve’s space a little more than necessary just to see if he could get the guy to flush a little deeper.
“Uhm, thanks, man. I’ll get out of your hair since it’s late. Sorry.”
“I’ve got time for you now if you want to talk through anything,” Eddie couldn’t resist biting his lip a little bit. Steve was apparently very easy to ruffle and Eddie sure did love antagonizing his hipster neighbor. “Tell me a little bit about your place?”
“Oh, yeah, it’s a tattoo studio? Just me and my friend’s helping run the, like, business part of it.” Steve responded
“You tattoo?”
“Yeah. Really fucking well actually,” Steve pushed back. It seemed like Eddie had hit a nerve.
“Shouldn’t you have like at least one tattoo?” Eddie’s brain to mouth filter had apparently stopped working. He shouldn’t be actively shitting on a potential customer.
“Who says I don’t?” Steve answered with a wink. It was Eddie’s turn to feel a little faint as his imagination took a little too much creative liberty thinking about where Steve’s tattoo might be.
Thankfully, Chrissy took the awkward silence as an opportunity to step in and work with Steve to confirm what level of floral arrangement he was looking for, how often he wanted a new arrangement, and if he wanted pick up or delivery.
“I can stop by and pick them up. Wouldn’t want you to go through the trouble of adding me to your schedule since I’m just across the way. Any chance I could pick one up tomorrow around lunch time? My first client is coming at two.” Steve asked.
“Noon’s great, Steve!” Chrissy reached out to shake Steve’s hand while Eddie was still working on slowing his heart rate back to a reasonable rhythm.
“Amazing, thanks so much guys!” Steve called as he headed out of De Lucas’ and back across the street.
“Woah, Eddie. Truly a masterclass in both flirting and getting new clients. I should have taken notes,” Chrissy said once Steve had made it halfway into the road.
“Hey, fuck you.” 
“He speaks!” Chrissy patted Eddie’s head and added, “You’ll have to get better at interacting with him since you’ll be seeing each other once a week now.”
Eddie dramatically sighed and laid his upper body across the workbench, getting little pieces of flower refuse stuck in his hair.
“I’m so screwed.”
You wish, babe,” Chrissy cackled as she grabbed her bag and headed out for the day.
Part 4 now available here!
Taglist: @maya-custodios-dionach @eboyawstenn @swimmingbirdrunningrock @sadcanadianwinter @thehumblefigtree @throwbackthrowaway @micheledawn1975
I think I caught everyone! I seriously am so genuinely amazed by the reception! 
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grape-icing · 4 months
hi!! could you write a short story thingy between cg! roxy and regressor! dave? platonic ofc!!! i think roxy would act as a mother figure to dave!!! maybe dave comes over to roxys for a playdate for the first time, and he’s a little nervous to be so vulnerable around someone for the first time!! idk, you can take whatever creative liberty you want with it!! :)) thank you!!
Actual story!!
Dave was pretty nervous about John's doctor's appointment because he knew John would call a babysitter. Which was fine he supposed due to the fact he already told everyone about his regression but he hadn't been watched by anyone else before. Bluh!!! Even the thought of it made him anxious. Dave curled up next to John, filled with worry.
“Something worry bud?” John questioned the sudden movement of the younger boy.
“Uh no” Dave replied which was a lie because he didn't want John to get worried and potentially miss his appointment. Although now that Dave thought about it….
Well never mind, the mystery babysitter was here. Dave really hoped it wasn't someone in his family.
“Oh! That must be her.” John got up and raced towards the door.
“Hiya Roxy!” Dave was doomed, why did it have to be his mom? Sister? thing of all people, well at least it's not Dirk.
“Ok, so he knows where everything is and stuff. Uh, am I missing anything? Oh, his favorite juice is in the fridge. Shoot I'm already late! Okay got to go, bye Dave I love ya!” John quickly left.
“Hai Davey!” Roxy announced. Dave turned away.
“Oh um okay. Do you want to watch a movie or play or….uhm…do something?” Roxy questioned, trying to get him to do anything.
“No,” Dave said quick and bluntly.
“You don't wanna do…anything like at all? Not even a movie?” Roxy walked over and sat right beside him.
“I- uhm sure, I guess,” Dave replied not trying to hurt his mother's feelings. Dave didn't actually know if Roxy considered herself his mother but she didn't mind being called “Mom” so maybe.
“Good!! So whatcha wanna watch honey?” Roxy reached over to grab the remote.
“Uhm I'm not sure, maybe Octonauts? You can pick if you want though.” Dave said in a softer voice than earlier.
“Nah, Octonauts work!” Roxy quickly put the show on and wrapped an arm around Dave, which he wiggled and squirmed his way out of.
After around 20 minutes Roxy suggested they go outside and get some fresh air which Dave very nervously said yes to.
“Need any help getting your shoes on, baby?” Roxy asked while bending down to him.
“no” Dave stated. Roxy saw right through the lie and helped him tie his shoes.
“Uh m-mom,” Dave muttered.
“Hm? What is it pumpkin?” Roxy questioned as she finished trying the younger one's shoes.
“Nothing much. I was just wondering if it was hot outside.” Dave asked while standing up.
“Oh yeah, it's going to be very hot, perfect for playing!” Roxy said cheerfully while grabbing her purse to leave.
“Oh” whined Dave.
“Is something wrong muffin?” Roxy asked due to the tone of his voice. “If you don't want to play that's okay, we can get ice cream if you want!”
“I want um ice cream, please” Dave followed Roxy onto the front steps.
“Alrighty! We can totes do that, I think there's an ice cream place right around here.”
Roxy carefully held his hand the entire walk home, which Dave thought was nice. After about five minutes of walking, they made it to the ice cream parlor.
“Look! We're here!” Roxy bumped Dave on the shoulder to draw his attention.
“Mhm,” Dave quietly followed his mother over to the counter to order their ice creams.
“Okay I'll have one strawberry ice cream and, what do you want Dave?”
“Uhh cookies and cream please.”
After the two got their ice cream they started to walk back home.
“Hey Rox, do ya know um when dad is going to be home?”
“Yeah, he has to run some errands so it might be another hour or two. Don't worry though! Me and you will have loads of fun.” Roxy reassured him that the time would fly by and she'd be out in no time.
“It's okay if you don't want me to stay. I'm not mad I promise.” Roxy gently stoked his hair.
“N-no I don't want you to leave I just don't want you to uhmm never mind.” Dave quickly cut himself off before starting to try and speed-walk home.
“Dave baby slow down. You can tell me anything! I wouldn't say a peep to anybody, not even John!” Dave hit a full stop when she said that.
“Uhm well that was kinda it, I don't want you to go and talk about me to like, I don't know, Rose or Dirk?” Roxy turned to Dave and pulled him into a hug.
“I would never do that, but I can understand why you would think that. Hehe, I talk a bunch so it's reasonable.”
Dave and Roxy stood, embraced in that hug for at least a minute straight before going back to walking again.
Once the two of them returned to the house Roxy decided it would be best just to stay home due to the heat instead of playing outside. Roxy put Dave’s show back on before realizing he was probably still hungry.
“Hey sweet pea, you hungry?” Dave silently nodded. While Roxy went to cook him something, Dave slowly moved over to where he kept all of his little items but started to hesitate, finally, he picked up his bottle.
“Whatcha messing with Dave?” Roxy asked, coming into the room to check on him.
“Uh n-nothing?” Dave squealed out as he quickly shoved what he was holding behind his back.
“Are you sure? Because that didn't seem like nothing?” Roxy questioned as she got closer. “What’s behind your back, Dave?”
“Nothing like I said!” Dave said in an elevated tone, leaning away from her, trying to conceal what was behind him.
“Dude, I need to see what's behind you so I can make sure it’s nothing dangerous.” Roxy pulled his arms away from his back, which was surprisingly easy.
“Pumpkin if you wanted a drink you could have just asked. I'll bring it when I bring your food. I'll be right back!” Roxy placed a small kiss on his forehead and went back to the kitchen.
While Roxy was in the kitchen she quickly filled up his bottle with the apple juice in the fridge, Grabbed his food, and made her way back into the living room. When she got there she handed him the plate.
“Um, thanks” Dave muttered while eating a big spoonful.
“Of course!” Roxy answered.
“Oh, wait! Here’s your bottle, sweetie.” Roxy handed him his cup and sat down beside him. Dave mumbled something inaudible and shoved it where it couldn’t be seen due to him being embarrassed by it. Which obviously confused Roxy.
“You okay little dude? I saw you hiding your drink, any reason for it? if it’s because of me, you don't gotta worry, I don't care whatcha do as long as you’re not getting hurt or making a mess.” Roxy moved closer so she was basically right against Dave’s back, She gave him a small hug from behind. Dave leaned into her warm embrace and cautiously reached for his bottle, looking over at Roxy to make sure she wouldn't judge him or anything like that. Roxy planted a small kiss on his head as he finally started to drink his juice. After around twenty minutes Roxy pulled a blanket over him as soon as she realized he was asleep.
“Hey! I'm back!” John announced, getting cut off by a loud “shhh!!” from Roxy.
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thewatermelloncat · 3 years
8 + rosejan?
8. “Please don’t be crying. I don’t know what to do.”
Took a creative liberty and chose to put in them in the Boarding School AU, hope that's okay ❤
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Jan didn’t have anything planned for her afternoon. She’d finished all her homework at lunch because all her friends had been doing theirs and she’d thought that she might as well join in. So, after her last class she’d wandered back to her dorm room and flopped down on her bed, thinking about what to do next. She ended up thinking for so long that eventually she completely zoned out staring at the ceiling.
It wasn’t until the door burst open that she was jolted out of it. Biting back a gasp she sits up on her mattress wondering why Rosé entered their room at such speed.
“Oh shit, Jan, I’m sorry” Rosé closes her eyes grimacing slightly at scaring her.
“It’s all good” Jan dismisses softly lying back down on her bed, her heartrate slowing down.
Then Rosé drops her bag on the floor and sits heavily on her own bed before mirroring Jan and lying down as well.
Together they lay peacefully in silence, until Jan rolls onto her shoulder to face Rosé, her thoughts no longer peaceful. Instead, they run themselves in circles of being confused and restless because in the minute or so that Rosé has been lying still on her bed, Jan has remembered that Rosé never lies still.
“Are you okay?” her voice, though friendly, has a touch of hesitance in asking the question.
Rosé hums something that almost sounds like a choked whimper. Then she figures that her answer wasn’t convincing enough and verbalises, “yeah.”
“Those were two different answers” Jan points out as she pushes herself to sit up.
“Yeah” Rosé repeats her second option as she also pushes herself to sit up, swinging her legs off the bed. Though her voice sounds surer, Jan doesn’t miss how she won’t meet her eyes.
“No” Jan corrects because at the moment it is very easy to see right through her.
Rosé only sighs shakily as she brings a foot up onto her bed and rests her head on her knee. Her arms wrapping around her leg.
For awhile Jan watches her, trying to figure out what is happening but coming up short until she hears Rosé sniffle softly. Then her eyes widen as she figures it out.
“Please don’t be crying. I don’t know what to do.”
Rosé chuckles a little before she sniffs heavily and looks up. “I don’t cry, so I don’t really know what to do either.”
“Well, in that case let it out” Jan tells her but Rosé only shakes her head and begins to calm herself down. “No, it’s okay” Jan says as she gets off her own bed to sit on Rosé’s. Climbing up behind her and stretching her legs out on either side of her waist, hugging her from behind.
Rosé’s breath catches as Jan rests her chin on her shoulder.
“You can’t stow this away with everything else you bottle up. I know there’s more that you keep hidden away” Jan tells her softly.
Then Rosé chokes out a sob and Jan holds on to her tighter, not letting go and speaking soft assurances until her breathing evens out again.
“Are you crying too?” Rosé sits up a little straighter after hearing Jan sniffle behind her.
Jan suddenly blinks and realises that she is. “I’m a sympathy crier. How could you not expect me too?” she chuckles before she sniffles again and dries her eyes.
“I’m sorry” Rosé apologises.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for” Jan immediately dismisses. “I just don’t like seeing you like this.”
Rosé scoffs a laugh. “Don’t get used to it.”
“What did it to you? If you don’t mind me asking” Jan requests.
“Uhm, parent day coming up this weekend” – Rosé breaks away to clear her throat before she continues. “Just people talking about it, I guess… I just know that mine aren’t going to show up.”
“Do you miss them?” Jan asks as she detaches herself from Rosé and moves to sit beside her. Reattaching to her with an arm around her waist.
“No” Rosé shakes her head and it’s unfortunate but Jan believes her. “I just look at other people sometimes and wonder why my life can’t be like theirs.”
“I’m sorry” Jan says because she can’t think of anything else.
Rosé hums dismissively though Jan can still tell that she appreciates it. “It’s not anything anyone can change.”
Jan bites back on making a point that Rosé’s parents could make a change, but instead she asks, “do you want to hang around with me and my parents?”
Rosé doesn’t say anything while she processes.
“I’m sure they’d love it. I tell them a lot about you” Jan continues.
“I don’t want to take their time away from you” Rosé says unsurely.
“You won’t be” Jan assures. “And you’re already like my older sister here. So, it’s probably time you got introduced to the rest of the family.”
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gyllenhaalstories · 3 years
Hi! Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly, then send this to ten of your favourite followers! SPREAD POSITIVITY 💌😘❤️🙏🏻
lauren ilysm 🥺🥺🥺🥺 okay five things uhm, well, uhhhhhhhh, eh?????? THATS SO HARD 😭
my collection of stuffed animals i love that i have at least 100 pairs of eyes staring at me during the night it adds a little bit of spice
i’m pretty self aware? and that’s a good thing i guess (idk so many people told me i have self awareness and consciousness of my choices and actions like… i overthink 24/7 what do they expect 🤔)
my peter pan syndrome ✨ being an adult sucks but do you know what doesn’t suck? desperately clinging to glorified memories of your childhood in the hope of never growing up and reliving these simpler times
is it anxiety is it because i’m a people pleaser or is it just me? idk but i like to think i have a lot of compassion and empathy and there is a cruel lack of both in the world so yeah I’m built ✨ different ✨
numerous times i’ve lost inspiration and creativity but numerous times i’ve tried to fight to get it back despite being in a field of study that kills all forms of creative liberties, despite anxiety telling me it’s a waste of time, despite everything and i’m still here, fantasizing about characters and giving them headcanons and writing my own lil smutty stories on here like my life depends on it and that’s kind of nice. what would it be called, resiliency? perseverance? despair?
thank you for this darling!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖
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janeyseymour · 4 years
Chance Encounter
Prompt: okay hi! i don't know if you still need jane prompts (though it's not really mom!jane) but what if abby!jane and jessie!jenna bumped into each other in new york or something? like jane is in a busy coffee shop and jenna takes the only open seat across from jane while waiting for lulu and jim to meet her and she starts talking to jane. and when jim comes he makes a joke about them looking like sisters :D idk feel free to talk a LOT of creative liberty! hope you're well and had a good day <3 -ay
Here it is! I hope it’s alright! It truly was so fun to write this! Thank you for trusting me with your idea!
They say there are seven people in the whole world who look like you, but it is highly unlikely you’ll never meet them. Highly unlikely means there’s a chance though. You never know if, when, or where you’re going to find your lookalike. For Jane Seymour and Jenna Hunterson, it was about to happen in the smallest of coffee shops. 
“Janey, can you please come and sit in the shop? It’s my first day of work.” Jane stopped herself from rolling her eyes. 
“Why can’t-” 
“Kat’s starting her first day too. Please?” Anne pouted slightly. “I’m just really nervous, having your familiar face around will help.” 
“I suppose I can stick around the shop tomorrow.”
“Thank you so much!” Anne threw herself into Jane’s arms.
“Of course love.”
“And tomorrow after work, I can help you find a job too!” Since SiX closed, the queens were scrambling to find work to support themselves. Staying in New York was expensive, and the six of them were not ready to part with the place they loved to call home. Catherine and Cathy had both ended up working at a journalism office. Anna had found a place looking for athletic models. Katherine was more than happy to work retail while she waited for her first semester of college to begin. That left Jane who, if she was going to be completely honest with herself, wasn’t sure what to do now that the show was over.
The tall blonde had settled herself into the corner of the coffee shop at the very beginning of Anne’s shift and was quietly sipping her tea and reading. Every once in a while, Anne would come out from behind the counter with a new cup of warm tea for her friend. 
“Thank you love,” she would say happily before returning to her book. 
“Excuse me?” A voice interrupted her reading. “Is it alright if I sit here?”
Jane looked up, only now realizing that every other seat was taken but the three around her. 
“I suppose,” Jane said curtly before returning to her book. 
“Oh, that’s a really good book,” the woman who she didn’t know whispered. “I should read that again.”
“Carole King really is amazing, isn’t she?” Jane tucked the book away.
“Amazing. My husband and I saw the musical at the end of 2018. The woman who played Carole was stunning.”
“There was a musical about her life?” Jane didn’t know about this. Her and the queens were too busy with their own show at the time in Chicago to really take in all of the other shows around them.
“Yeah, but it closed. 6 years of running, especially now, is great.” Jane hummed in agreement. She knew this firsthand. 
“Yeah. I was actually in a broadway show for a while. It was nice. But it closed, and now we’re all looking for new jobs,” Jane sighed. She really did miss performing, but at least now she was able to take control of her life again. 
“Oh, what show? Maybe I’ve seen it?”
“Uhm,” Jane paused. “SiX?”
“Wait, I knew you looked familiar! You’re Jane Seymour!” the woman whispered.
“That is me.”
“You were amazing. Your song really got me.”
“Thank you,” Jane trailed off when she realized she hadn’t yet learned the woman’s name.
“Jenna. Jenna Hunterson.” Jenna stuck her hand out.
“Nice to meet you Jenna.”
“I mean it, your performance was amazing.”
“Thank you,” the blonde laughed awkwardly. “Sorry, sorry, I’m just not very good at accepting compliments.”
“Oh, that’s not a problem. Neither am I.”
“Enough about me. What brings you to this quiet little coffee shop?”
“I just got off from work, and my husband brings my daughter here after school sometimes. You know, she gets a treat, we get some of the best coffee around. I just wish they would tell me how they make their coffee so I could bring it to my shop,” Jenna muttered the last part mostly to herself. 
“Oh? You work at a restaurant around here?” Jane was always looking for a new place to try.
“Uhm, have you heard of Lulu’s Pies?” The brunette seemed a bit hesitant to reveal the name of her place of work. 
“I’ve never had the chance to go there, but I’ve heard amazing things. People around here say it’s the best pie you’ll ever find and that little Lulu herself is often at the diner with her Mama on the weekends.”
“Well, I can’t promise that it’s the best pie you’ll find, but it’s true that little Lulu is at the diner often. She loves seeing all the friendly faces in New York.”
“Maybe I’ll have to stop in soon. Do you work there often?”
“I’m there everyday baking the pies, waitressing, chatting with the regulars that come in. It’s-”
“Sounds like you’ve been there for quite some time.”
“Well, actually,” the brunette laughed awkwardly. “I’m kind of the owner.”
“That’s wonderful. I’ll for sure have to stop in now.”
“I’ll make sure to have the best slice of pie ready for you,” Jenna offered with a warm smile. 
“So how’d you manage to open up your own business in New York?” 
“Well, before it was Lulu’s Pie, I worked at a small diner out in Kentucky: Old Joe’s. When Joe passed away, he left me the place. That crazy old man, gosh I miss him everyday. He had the faith in me to keep the business running, and with a bit of work, the restaurant started growing. Jim, my husband, convinced me to take the leap and open up a place in New York. Two years later, and here we are, although I do sometimes miss the small town life.” The brunette kept her story short. No point in boring the poor woman. 
“That’s wonderful. I guess sometimes you just have to take that leap.”
“I’m sure glad he told me to do it. New York is full of so many people, and everything is always changing. You never know who you just might meet.” 
“Hi Jenna,” a man’s voice came from behind Jane. 
“Mama!” a little girl squealed as her eyes set on her mother. 
“Hi sweet child of mine,” Jenna opened her arms up for the child to run into.
“Did Daddy let you pick out your treat for today?” Lulu nodded enthusiastically.
“She picked possibly the most sugar-filled thing in the restaurant. The barista behind the counter snuck in two when she heard Lulu’s manners.” Jim chuckled, still not moving from behind Jane.
“Oh Anne,” Jane laughed softly to herself. Anne always had a soft spot for children, especially when they were well behaved.
“Who are you?” Lulu looked at the woman across from her mother. Her tone wasn’t rude, but rather genuinely curious. “I’m Lulu, and I’m 6 and a half!”
“Very nice to meet you Lulu. I’m Jane.” A pang of guilt surged through the blonde. She had to admit, she was a bit jealous Jenna was able to spend all of the time in the world with her daughter. If only Jane had been able to spend time with Edward.
“Take a seat Jim,” Jenna gestured to the chair next to her. “Do you remember that musical we saw a little while ago? SiX?” 
“Oh yeah. It was pretty good. Why?” Jim hadn’t really looked at Jane yet. 
“This-” Jenna gestured to the queen across from her. “is Jane Seymour. The third queen?”
“Jim Pomatter.” The tall and lanky man stuck out his hand as he sat. Only then did he really get a good look at the blonde. “Wow,” was all he could say.
“Pardon?” Jane tilted her head.
“You look just like my wife.” Jim looked at the two women. “You could be sisters.”
“Jim,” Jenna laughed awkwardly. “We look nothing alike. She’s so much prettier.”
“I-” the blonde didn’t know how to respond. “You’re very pretty too.”
“No seriously, you two look so similar. If one of you dyed your hair, you would look exactly the same! This is crazy! I don’t know how I didn’t see it before!” Jim couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
“Jane? Do you like pie? My mama owns a diner around here, and it’s named after me!” Lulu interrupted.
“Daddy, Jane, and I were having a conversation Lu,” Jenna chided gently.
“Oh, it’s alright,” Jane waved it off as she brought her attention to the small girl in her mother’s lap. “I do like pie! Your mama and I were actually talking about the diner earlier, and I would love to come in one day and try a piece! Do you think you could pick out the best pie for me to try?” 
“If you come in on Satur- tomorrow! Saturday is tomorrow! If you come in tomorrow, I’ll be there! I can even make sure to save you a slice of Mama’s Mermaid Marshmallow Pie! It sells out really fast, but I’ll make sure Mama doesn’t give away the last slice.”
“Sweetie, Jane will come in when she can come in,” Jenna whispered.
“I can come tomorrow.”
“Really?” Lulu’s eyes lit up with excitement. 
“I promise,” Jane giggled. It’s as if her presence was just making this girl’s day, and she didn’t even know she was famous. The little girl liked Jane just for being Jane.
“Yes! I’ll save you a booth, and maybe we can color and it’s going to be so much fun!” Lulu put her hand in the air, to which Jane high fived her.
“That sounds like a lot of fun Lulu. Should I bring my colored pencils?”
“You really don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Jenna tried to ease the pressure off of Jane. She knew her little girl could come on strong- something she no doubt learned from Becky.
“Oh it’s not a problem.” Jane smiled.
“Well Miss Lulu, I think it’s about time we head home. Mama’s gotta make some dinner, and then if you want to be up bright and early to be at the diner tomorrow, we’ve gotta go to bed,” Jim said as he finished off the last of his coffee.
“Can Jane come for dinner?” The little girl looked at her mother for permission. 
“You’ll see Jane tomorrow at the diner.” 
“But mama,” the child began to whine.
“Actually Lulu, I should probably get going too. I’ve got dinner to make for my family too.” Perhaps if Jane told the six year old she also had to go home and make dinner, it would be easier for Jim and Jenna to get her out of the shop. “But I promise you I’ll come in tomorrow with loads of paper and colored pencils for us to color. Does that sound like a plan?”
“You promise?” Lulu gave her a pointed look.
“I promise.” Jane smiled warmly. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Lulu.” Jane waved goodbye at the family who had begun to pack up their things. What the blonde wasn’t expecting was for the sweet girl to embrace her. 
“Thank you for being so nice to me.”
“Thank you for being so nice to me Lulu. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” Lulu gave her a thumbs up.
“You know, Lulu isn’t usually that open with adults she’s just met,” Jenna offered casually as she helped Lulu back into her jacket.
“It’s because she looks just like you Jenna!” Jim still couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that a broadway star (and a former queen) looked just like his wife.
“Well, she’s a very sweet girl,” Jane complimented. The brunette nodded in acknowledgement.
“Have you found a job since SiX closed?”
“I- I’m afraid not yet.”
“Do you want a job?”
“I don’t think I could. I wouldn’t stand a chance against you in the kitchen, and I’ve never been a waitress, and-”
“Lulu needs a Nanny. The last woman we had watching her moved away.” 
“Oh please Jane!” Lulu looked at her with pleading eyes. 
“Lu, why don’t we go outside and wait for Mama while she talks to Jane?” Jim suggested. 
“Oh okay Daddy,” the small girl over-exaggerated her sigh. Bye Jane! See you tomorrow!”
“Looking forward to it sweetheart,” Jane’s voice was honest. The blonde really was looking forward to it.
“It was so nice to meet you Jane.”
“You too Jim.” Jane watched as the father led his daughter out the door.
“She really is a good kid,” Jane thought out loud. 
“Would you be interested in Nannying for us? There’s no pressure. But since you mentioned needing work, and I have work to offer, I figured I would ask. If you don’t want to, then that’s more than fine. It’s just been a while since I’ve seen my little girl speak to another adult other than my husband and me with such excitement.”
“You’re willing to trust me, a stranger you met maybe an hour ago, to watch over your precious angel?”
“I’m pretty sure if you were to do anything immoral, we would’ve heard about it by now. You are kind of in the public eye.”
Jane thought this over. “I suppose you’re right.” 
“So? What do you say?”
“I- I think I’d like that.”
“We can talk about the logistics of it all tomorrow? Over a slice of Mermaid Marshmallow?”
“That sounds wonderful.”
“Well, I better get going. I wasn’t lying when I said I had to cook dinner. But it really was a pleasure meeting you Jane. I think this may just be the start to a beautiful friendship.” Jenna winked playfully and made her way out of the coffee shop. 
“How was your first day of work?” Jane grinned at the girl in green.
“It was alright. I saw you talking to that one family for quite some time.”
“Yeah. A sweet family.” Jane smiled as she remembered the chance encounter.
“See? Coming to my first shift wasn’t so bad afterall, was it?”
“I guess you’re right.” 
“Are you ready to head home and start job hunting?”
“Actually Annie, I think I found a job. Nannying for that sweet family.”
Who would’ve known that something Jane didn’t want to do in the first place would lead her to a chance encounter with her lookalike, land her a job, and the beginning of a beautiful friendship?
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brooklynislandgirl · 4 years
Unfortunately, Beth is a little late to the party.
As has become a common ritual during the weekends they haunt the lanai each starting on opposite sides of the wicker not-quite-sofa until by some cosmic ideal they become entangled in a mass of stray limbs, soft skin, and a kind of warmth that rivals the sun. It is a companionable silence while he reads and she knits. Where they can disengage from the world and still feel connected to it through the existence of the other. It’s one of those things too difficult to describe if the person being told has never experienced it for themselves.
So when Anakin’s voice raises the small hairs along the nape of her neck, the crashing book startling her enough to jerk her head up from this particular perl, there is a moment of confusion written across her face in worry lines in her brow, the formation of frown-lines at the corners of her mouth. And for one glorious instant had there been a clear and present danger, it almost looks like she would have stabbed it with said knitting needle.
“Wha-” the whole word doesn’t make it out of her mouth. Beth is used to Anakin’s creative use of impolite expletives, how the shape of them along with tone have come to convey so many different things, but when she catches the rest of it she can’t help but look away. Partially in an effort to conceal the sudden flicker of honest-to-goodness brimstone and fire guilt. Partially to not have him bear witness to the discomfort that might otherwise have made itself apparent because she isn’t very good at hiding things. And the honest truth is the few times that Beth has ever felt any latent attraction to anyone or anything, they have been of that particular persuasion. Though she knows for a fact that what some writers get up to in their fiction and the reality of these beings are vastly different.
Beth could tell Anakin all about the Changing Breeds. Well, at least the ones she knows about, which account for at least four different kinds. She could tell Anakin what has been theorised about the Kindred and the oddity that is having relations with what amounts to their food source. She is pretty sure she’s never seen a green bean that she wanted to kiss breathless. She was a little less sure about ghosts and the like but she could, if it were ever to become important, ask one or more. And she does believe that love is one of the few things that transcends death. She doesn’t trust the fae to give an answer in any form of truthfulness. And those like them?
Well, as much as it’s painful to admit, the Awakened are still very much human. It doesn’t really matter what side of Ascension you fall on, you’re prone to the same wants and desires as the rest of the world. It’s just that you have slightly more options on how to go about getting what it is you crave. And that also makes Beth suddenly painfully aware that there is more Anakin under her than their perch, and very slowly she begins the process of unravelling their tangled bits of limb and clothes. Until now it wasn’t a concern, this sort of cuddle-puddle as her brother would call it was not uncommon between them, was no more scandalous as being curled up on an inside couch and watching a movie that they usually ended up talking through and at, as if the people on the screen could hear them and react differently in light of new information. Or any of a hundred other intimacies and liberties taken with each other.
What she doesn’t like is the way he intones the word ‘stupid’. She’s heard it one too many times as a slight not only on her intelligence but as slur for whatever foreign quality she threatened the speaker with at the time. She doesn’t bother to correct him on it, or even point it out. She knows he doesn’t mean it that way, that it’s merely a word to express his frustration and it’s one she understands all too well. Just as she knows if she did bring it up he would eat himself alive with guilt. Would spend upwards of weeks trying to apologise for something that wasn’t even really that much of a big deal. Somehow, she is glad he was never a samurai during the Edo period. Even as she worried about his self-castigation, he’s already starting to wilt, to recoil in on himself emotionally and as an instinct his arm curls around her leg before she can really sit up, drop her knitting in the basket, and focus her attentions on what he’s saying. And she lets him. Mostly. The closer he gets to the scar, the less comfortable she is, and she slides that leg away, placing her foot squarely on the floor.
As always, her gaze flutters in lackadaisical circuits between his eyes and his mouth. Sometimes Anakin gets this almost lazy way of talking that makes it hard for her to pick out every individual word so she pays more attention to his lips than maybe is good for either of them.
There’s a soft exhale of a laugh when he pauses, she can almost hear the unspoken thoughts and she is quite familiar with the sentiment. There’s some books she can’t get through, which gives her something to offer him once he’s gotten out all the things she can see lurking in his expression.
She does sneak a glance at the title, and doesn’t know the author. The cover itself is questionable. The sort of thing that gets hastily put together, often by a design artist who hasn’t even read the text. Or who only cribbed the dust jacket snippets. “Who told you dat you’d like it? Because I don’ t’ink ya really ought ta call dem ya friend no more.” She listens to the synopsis with an open mind. At least at first. But the more he talks about the character, the worse and worse she starts to feel. Because in some ways, he could be describing her. Well, with the whole exception of strength. She has emotional and intellectual fortitude, that’s for certain. But she isn’t exactly playing first string for the Saints, is she? In times she has to she can borrow a bit of physical prowess from the earth but that’s not what he really means, and not something she brags about. Though it does remind her that she should probably teach him that rote along with a few others.
He loses her there for a little bit. Not in the explanation but in the context and she’s almost horrifically curious to pick it up and see exactly what he’s talking about. If the inner sense of shame doesn’t do her in as he continues to explain. Her mouth opens slowly and then closes right up. Especially biting back the need to defend the character but also distance herself from the perceived comparison that could be drawn.
She is only so very thankful when he groans again, this time allowing the sound to pool down at the bottom of her spine, and that he shuts his eyes so he doesn’t see the garish clash of red on her cheeks and that faint green-around-the-gills she knows are both there. Although Anakin has here right then and there. Right at ‘morality wank’ and she can’t help the outburst of very real laughter followed by an apologetic squeeze of his knee. She hadn’t meant to but faces from her life before Anakin came into it serve to flesh out the imagery he’s painting.
She manages to hold it all together until he says the last two words, and again, anxious laughter comes bubbling up from inside her until she has to fan herself with her own hand for fear of lacking oxygen. She turns her head to the side and coughs softly before taking a more sobering breath. And when she talks, she tries her very hardest to keep the whole wine-auntie tone out of everything.
“No, I feel dis gotta come wi’ one caveat and dat’s uhm...I may not be da right person f’ say any of dis. But I...I t’ink dis writer would probably end up so much kibble if she evah try f’ do proper research. I know it’s fiction an’ all, but...dere is jus’ so much wrong wi’ da way ya explain it an’ I am so sorry for laughing. I promise, I no was laughing at you.”
No, it’s jumbled and not very clear at all, and she should have started out with the apology.
“Yeah, naw. See... I was t’inkin’ dat I could salvage some kine about dis, but no can. Mebbe a mo’ beddah way about it den is...t’ aks ya if mebbe...was dere any part ya like? Or dat you were okay pretendin’ t’ believe? Like... was it da actual sex part boddah you, or da pseudo-psychology of makin’ excuses, puttin’ on aires? Or was it all jus’ so bad, ya no can wi’ any of it?”
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milknette · 4 years
day 29 - band
i know that we belong, you are the music in me.
tumblr month: @auyeahaugust
links: ao3 | ff.net
ADRIEN gets an apartment in a strangely-named building called  Liberty .
It's not his first choice, of course; though his current life choices lead him to no other option.
Well, that's not quite fair: Chloé offers to let him stay at Le Grande Paris— "for free," she explains, "I'll just have to tell daddy he can't rent the penthouse anymore."
But the last thing he wants is to depend on someone else after finally getting his freedom, so all Adrien says is "thank you", and declines.
Marinette's kind enough to help him go apartment-hunting, but her quirky and all-around strange (but endearing!) personality leads her to recommend Adrien the strangest buildings and landlords in town.
Anarka Couffaine, the landlady of Liberty, is no exception.
(The opposite, if anything else.)
She's a huge personality for a woman her age— something that visibly throws him off-balance. Adrien's become all but too used to stiff and strict adults, monitoring his every word and movement to assure that he's at his perfect behavior at all times.
A woman who he can only really describe as loud: from the volume of her voice to her unique sense of clothing and visible love for (over)-accessorizing is not at all something he's used to.
"Welcome to Liberty!" She tells him, bursting with life and energy. "You must be Marinette's friend, then?"
He winces, then smiles awkwardly. "Yeah, it's Adrien Agreste…"
"Agreste!" She says in surprise, eyes widening almost cartoonishly. "You're that young model everyone's obsessed with nowadays, aren't you? I'm not sure why I didn't recognize your face earlier— one of my kids is absolutely head over heels for you."
He laughs, though it's more politeness than anything else. "I'm flattered," he starts, before shaking his head. "And I don't believe I'm as big of a deal as you said I was, but I did work as a model, way back when."
She raises an eyebrow. "Did?"
"It's just… it wasn't my true calling," he fumbles for the right words to say, unsure of how to word it properly (especially to someone he's only just met). "I wanted the freedom to choose my own path, so I left. Which is kind-of why I'm here, I guess…"
Anarka's smile turns kind, and she pats him comfortingly on the shoulder.
"A search for freedom, then," she repeats, before grinning brightly. "You've definitely come to the right place! Here in Liberty, our crew is filled with all kinds of individuals trying to find themselves; without the rules or strictness to keep anyone down. To be true to yourself, without any limitations! That's what I want this building to be; a home for those creative souls to fulfill their deepestdesires and potentials."
She continues on for a good minute in a lengthy speech about freedom and discovery, and Adrien's surprised to find himself listening with rapt attention.
Freedom to find himself?
That's exactly what he needs.
When she finishes her long spiel, Anarka is greeted with a genuine smile and a hand offered for her to take.
"I'd love to live here, if you'd have me."
She doesn't even hesitate, joyfully taking his arm and giving it a firm shake.
"Nice to have you on-board with us!"
Adrien doesn't have a lot of things to move in.
And there isn't that much space for things, in the first place.
The apartment is modest, with general provisions for all his basic necessities… and not much else. If he had to compare things to his old room, the apartment was only the tiniest bit larger than his personal basketball court— almost nothing compared to the entire third floor he owned back at home.
Yet, even with the small amount of physical space, Adrien has honestly never felt so free.
He settles down on the bed, then shuts his eyes.
It's been a tiring day, after all, and all he wants to do is rest.
So, he tries.
Until the unmistakable sound of a guitar twang echoes through the room.
Adrien gets up with a start, only belatedly realizing that the sound isn't coming from his own apartment.
It's coming from the apartment next door.
He tries to ignore it, placing the pillow around his ears to cover the noise.
But the notes keep on coming.
Twang. Twang. Twaaaaaaang.
Then a few chord progressions, a thoughtful pause, then twang again.
If Adrien cared to listen, he'd realize that the tune isn't all that bad.
But no, he's sleep-deprived and cranky and about ready to fight someone if he doesn't get his eight hours of beauty rest.
(He may not be a model anymore, but he still takes care of his skin and body religiously.)
The sounds suddenly stop, and Adrien heaves a relieved sigh.
Then, the sound of someone plugging something in. A bump, static, then the unmistakable sound coming from an electric guitar.
Please, no.
The mysterious neighbor starts playing various notes and melodies, as Adrien helplessly tries to ignore it.
Needless to say, he doesn't get any sleep that night.
He tries to get in contact with Anarka the next day, but she tells him that she's not around.
Instead, she gets him into contact with his son.
"He usually takes care of business in Liberty while I'm not around," she explains through call. "He's pretty responsible, if I do say so myself. A good kid. So I'll give you his number and— Jagged, don't you dare— I'm sorry, I need to go, but I'll see you around, yeah? Luka's in my office, just knock on the door and he'll let you in— ohmygod are you SERIOUS— I have to go now, bye!"
Luka Couffaine, then?
He makes a note to remember it.
Adrien knocks on the door carefully, and after hearing a muffled, "come in", goes inside.
Only to be greeted by the most handsome man he's ever met.
(Which is saying a lot, because Adrien regularly used to work with models, but he— he is on his own league entirely.)
Casually leaning upon the desk, Luka is definitely the textbook definition of what would one find if they were to search for attractive male on the dictionary. He gives off a completely confident and mature atmosphere, which clashes with Adrien's own more childish and (to some extent) immature vibes. The landlady's son smiles at him, and Adrien can almost feel his cheeks threaten to burst from the sudden heat.
Is it hot in here, or is it just him?
The  weather .
He's spiraling.
"You must be Adrien Agreste, then?" He asks, voice smooth and husky and everything good all at the same time. "Our new tenant."
Yeah. How intricate of you, Adrien.
Luka's smile grows wider. "So, adjusting to life here at Liberty okay? It can be hard for newbies the first few weeks," he pauses, then takes a moment to observe the overly-prim-and-proper posture of his conversational partner. "Some, more so than others."
He wants to protest, but can't quite get the words out.
Instead, he gives up.
"I— I have a concern."
"Hmm? What is it?"
"It's about my neighbor."
Luka pauses at the revelation, then smiles at him. "Ah, the one who lives in Room 202."
"Yes!" Adrien responds, almost a little too loudly. "Have you had problems with them before?"
He shrugs offhandedly, the smile still on his face. "He's caused his fair share of issues. What'd he do to you?"
So, the musical maniac was a male.
"He won't stop playing! The whole night it was just twang twang twang, and I could barely even get any rest! You know, sleep is important; it ensures the body is prepared for the day and not to mention does absolute wonders for your skin—"
"So he ruined your beauty sleep?"
The younger boy huffs indignantly. "He ruined my regular sleep. I wouldn't mind him practicing in the morning or afternoon, but can he stop playing at night? It's two in the morning and I can still hear that damned melody in my head, like it's not even that good—"
"You don't think it's any good?"
Adrien's visibly thrown off by the sudden interruption. "I'm sorry?"
Luka repeats himself. "The melody? It wasn't good?"
"I, uh, I guess it was okay?" He corrects, unsure. "Speaking from a music theory perspective, the chord progressions blend together well, but it could be improved on…"
"What do you suggest?"
He's surprised to hear the seriousness in Luka's tone. "Uhm… maybe instead of hmmmhmmmhm, he could do hmmhmmhmhmmm?" Adrien pauses. "If that makes sense. But that's not my concern, my concern is—"
Luka repeats the tone to himself, then hums thoughtfully. "It does sound better."
"Yeah, but—"
"I need to go," the older boy suddenly says, getting up.
"Wait, but I still have an issue, so if you could…?!"
"Sorry," Luka smiles, turning back from the doorframe. "I'll be sure to relay your issue. But this is important, okay? I'll see you around!"
He almost runs out of the office, leaving Adrien to himself.
Like mother like son, then?
As Adrien readies to go back to sleep, he's ecstatic to find that there's no sound coming from the other apartment.
Thank you, Luka Couffaine.
He climbs to bed, shuts his eyes, then…
Damn it.
Grumbling to himself, Adrien walks toward the door, then almost doubles over as he sees who's at the interest.
"Luka, what are you— I, is there any issue I can help you with?"
(Landlord, who?)
He laughs, then nods toward his apartment.
"Can I come in?"
"Uhm, I… why?"
(Rude, rude, why is he being so rude?)
Luka doesn't seem bothered.
Instead, he moves his arm to reveal something Adrien hadn't noticed at the start:
A blue-and-white electric guitar.
Oh, so he's a guitarist.
That's pretty attractive.
"You're resident 202?!"
Luka nods, a hint of a smile still on his face.
"Yup. And I need your help."
"With what?"
"That melody," he starts casually. "You made it so much better. Want to hear?"
No, he does not want to hear. He wants the annoying guitar boy to leave his apartment and let him to go to sleep and—
That actually sounds pretty good.
Luka hums along to the guitar, and Adrien pauses.
He's… not that bad.
Noticing his almost-smitten expression, Luka smiles. "Want to help me out with the rest of the song?"
The words escape Adrien's mouth before he even realizes it.
"Wait… but on one condition."
Luka's eyes are almost smiling with him.
"Name it."
"No practicing in the evening."
"If you practice with me in the afternoon, then sure."
"… fine."
Working with Luka isn't easy. He's easily-distracted, gets lost in the music, and has a tendency to rely more on his feelings and instincts than objective fact and musical theory.
But his expressions come to life when he plays, and it's almost mesmerizing.
Adrien belatedly realizes that peace and quiet may be a little too boring, in the first place.
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kurishiri · 2 months
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n.5 . . . “ in the medical records reflect a hidden love ”
— this translation may not be 100% accurate or may contain creative liberties for characterization or narrative flow purposes. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but don’t repost or claim these as your own!
— cw: crown being crown, a little mention of blood.
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Kate: Roger, there’s trouble…
Roger: What’s wrong, you got a case of diarrhea or something?
Kate: Wh— I don’t!
Roger: Haha, sorry, it was a joke. So, what actually happened?
Kate: It’s Liam...
We headed to the laboratory, where I saw Liam, one of his arms dangling and swaying at his side with no support.
Roger: I’m pretty sure you weren’t scheduled for a mission, so how’d this happen?
R: And Al, weren’t you in my room just a couple hours ago? What happened between then and now?
Alfons: After I left, I accompanied Liam on a most amusing outing to satisfy his curiosity.
Kate: Apparently they were doing a game where they ran on top of moving trains...
Roger: You guys’ll get caught for this stuff sooner or later.
Liam: ...I’m really sorry for causing you trouble like this, Roger. But, can you... fix this?
Roger: Ahh... this one might be beyond my scope.
R: Worst case, it might never heal again...
Kate: N-no way...
Roger: ...is what I would say, if it wasn’t just joint dislocation. That’s all it is, so here, take a breath. I’ll put it back in place for you... one, two, three—
Liam: Whoa!
L: Ah, it’s back to normal!
Alfons: Yaaayy, cue an applause from me here.
Kate: Oh, thank goodness, Liam! And thank you so much, Roger.
Roger: Jeez, all that ruckus and it was just a dislocation—
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Victor: Roger, there’s an emergency!
Harrison: Hey—let go, you damn geezer!
Roger: What is it this time?
Victor: Harrison stuffed his cheeks with the scones I had just finished baking, so he burned his mouth!
V: See, look, it’s already red here, the poor thing!
Harrison: ...It’s nothing worth going to Roger for. I’ll just put some ice on it or something.
Kate: Uhm, then what about Lord Elbert?
Victor: Elbert has a case of dry eyes, it seems. See here, it’s a little red!
Elbert: ...??
Harrison: You’re so overprotective.
Roger: Now hold up guys, just who do you take me for?
Ellis: Hey, Roger. Wah, it’s packed here.
Roger: What’s up, Ellis. Don’t tell me Jude got himself stabbed again by someone who hates him—
Ellis: Ah, sorry, this time it’s me.
Kate: Ah, Ellis, there’s blood on your arm!
Ellis: Don’t worry, Kate, I’m fine. We’ve already stopped the bleeding, and the wound isn’t deep anyhow.
Jude: It’s ‘cause yer so big n’ ya got distracted.
Ellis: But, at that rate you really would have been stabbed at your side?
E: I can’t have you die now, Jude.
Jude: Ya always yappin’ ‘bout that, give my ears a break already.
William: Hello there, Roger.
Roger: Will... don’t tell me even you got hurt somewhere too?
Liam: I think it’s just he heard all of us talking and came to see what was going on, right?
William: Hehe... yes, that’s right. I was quite drawn to the voices here. It seems you all were having fun.
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Letting these troublemakers say what they want and do as they please, it was so noisy I could hardly bear it.
But, that was a scene I was almost painfully familiar with as well.
(...Yeah, that’s right, this is just the “norm” for me.)
As long as the thing called Curses exist in this world, though, this “norm” will eventually break.
After all, those who bear a Curse are absolutely unable to escape their “tragic fate.”
But, if by any chance, I found a way we could escape from these fates.
If that happened——if their smiles don’t have to be stolen by their destined fates,
(I guess... I would be a little happy.)
“Just how long do you plan on continuing this?” Al’s question popped into my mind again.
Roger: Al, I’ve got an answer to that question you asked.
Alfons: .........
Roger: Until the day I see my ambition realized.
Alfons: So I see you are a difficult person as well. Alright then, do what you wish.
Seeing Al shrug his shoulders, I couldn’t help but think he hadn’t changed at all since he was a kid, and I ended up laughing at the thought.
Roger: Jeez, all you troublemakers line up in a single file now. I’ll examine you all.
Kate: I’ll help, Roger!
Roger: ......... [surprised]
R: Thanks, that’ll be a big help, Kate.
R: There are some bandages on that shelf over there—
Within the Cursed ones, there was a unique presence named Kate.
For just a moment, I thought that she might hold the power to break the Curses we bore.
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And I couldn’t help but wonder, why did I think something like that?
But whether such was the case would reveal itself in these fleeting moments that would pass us by from here on out.
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← prev fin. ecb story 🪞🍻
full masterlist 👑
END NOTES: thank you to everyone who read and supported the translation! this is quite an interesting story, where Roger gives us a snippet of multiple characters who have appeared in previous episodes of “the past records” plus Victor. I think Roger has always struck me as a sort of older brother type with an interesting sense of humor, and it’s really charming to be able to see that in action with so many of the other cast.
he may be a bit egotistical, but i really can feel that he has a soft spot for the other crown members, and treats them with respect — it was especially evident to me when he vowed to not touch elbie without explicit permission first when he knew he was adverse to doctors, and when he told jude to do what he wanted when he realized smoking was involved in his drive to live.
i hope this gives you a taste of roger — and others — when you go into his route!
p.s. there is an epilogue to this story, which i will eventually translate, but that actually takes place after kate and roger become lovers and it can sort of be treated like a separate story i feel. so, i will be translating the early bird bonus story, which features alfons and roger (..as children!) first, as i feel that fits with the timeline of this story a bit better, haha.
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freedom-shamrock · 6 years
Two are Better, But Three is Best
Also on AO3
Heads up, this goes Lukanette pretty quickly and will move toward a Lukadrienette end game.  If that bothers you, feel free to skip it.
Marinette jogged up the stairs to the fourth floor of the apartment building.  She'd been warned that the elevator was slow and smelled a bit funky, and years of being Ladybug had kept her in good shape, even though Hawk Moth wasn't as active as he'd once been.  Her phone chirped with a notification, and she slipped it out of her sling purse to check.
Alya: Grl, you need to get here ASAP. This party's smokin'
Marinette rolled her eyes and handed the phone back to Tikki as she leaned against the fire door for the third floor, pushing it open with her weight.  She could already hear the music, something a bit different from Nino's usual repertoire. "Tell her I'm just outside the door."
Tikki giggled. "At least you already know it's going to be worth putting aside your projects for the evening."
"Pfft."  Marinette laughed. "We've established that Alya's idea of a good time is not always mine." Her bestie was a total extrovert, and if a party wasn't up to her standards, she was at liberty to drink enough to make it fun.  Marinette preferred to stay sober in case her Ladybug skills were needed, which meant she had to see every event without the filter of inebriation. That said, she hadn't seen her friends in too long, and Luka's apartment-warming party was a perfect opportunity to both welcome him home and see her other friends.
Marinette was just reaching for the doorknob when the door swung open, revealing a beaming young man with shaggy shoulder-length black hair. "Marinette!" He lunged forward, but froze short of pulling her into an enthusiastic hug.
"Luka!  Welcome home."  She stepped closer, helping complete the hug, and giggling when her feet left the floor.  "I'm so glad you're back to stay."
"Yeah?"  He set her back down, still beaming, and lightly pressed his forehead to hers. "Me too.  Especially if it means I'll get to see you on a more regular basis."
She felt the heat in her cheeks and hoped he wouldn't notice.  But then, he always did have that effect on her, though she fortunately never lost her ability to speak in full sentences with him.  "I hope that's a promise."
"You'd better believe it," he insisted, finally stepping back.  "Hey, can I show you around?" He looked excited now, his pretty blue eyes wide.
Marinette nodded.  "I'd love to see your new place."  She felt her pulse pick up when he caught her hand to gently tug her inside. It was fair to say compass Marinette was turned completely around, and she was fully embracing it.  
The apartment was small, but it probably had to be, for him to afford it on his own so soon after university. It felt downright tiny with the sheer number of people crowded into it. She waved to those she knew, their shared friends as well as his friends who she'd met over the years.  She saw Nino, Alya and Adrien in the living room, where the music was playing. Juleka and Rose were mixing drinks in the kitchen as they passed through.
"Name your poison, Marinette," Rose called, waving a cup in the air.
"Do you have any juice?" Marinette asked.
Rose looked off to the side for a moment.  "Yeah. Pineapple, tomato, and cranberry."
"Pineapple, please," Marinette replied.  Trust these two to be running a full bar at a party this size.
"Spiked or…?" Juleka waved a bottle of vodka in the air.
Luka shook his head.  "You know Nette doesn't drink, Jules."
"Things can change," Juleka pointed out.  "I just like to be open to all options."
"Just the juice, but thanks, Juleka," Marinette said.  "I appreciate the thought."
Luka lead her down a short hallway.  "Bathroom." He pointed to a closed door.  "Portal to Narnia." He pointed to another door.
"Really?" she asked, laughing.  "Can we go now?"
He snorted and opened it, showing mostly bare shelves.  "Fine. You caught me. It's the linen closet, and I'm shy on linens."
"Well that gives me at least one good idea for a housewarming gift," she said.
"You don't need to get me anything Marinette," he insisted. "Though I'd love it if we could get together, maybe hang out some now."  He shot a shy smile over his shoulder at her.
"I'd be terribly disappointed if we didn't do that," she agreed.  "But I can still give you a gift. The two things are not mutually exclusive."
He shook his head and pushed open the door at the end of the hall. "And this is my bedroom." He stepped back and waved at it. "I know it's all a bit bare yet, but I think it'll become home soon enough."  He had a double bed on a bare frame and a simple dresser. The walls were bare.
She patted his upper arm.  "Don't apologize. I can see that this has great potential to really be your place."  They'd kept in touch by text and chat, getting together whenever he was in town, and she knew how much it meant to him to have his own place after all the roommates and creative living situations he'd been in over the last five years. She was excited to see him at this point, even if the apartment didn't have his personal touches stamped all over it yet.
He sighed happily. "I knew you'd see that.  Most everyone else just focuses on the weird emptiness."
Marinette shook her head.  "You finished moving in two days ago.  It's not like you've had time to paint or decorate.  I'm pretty sure everyone here is on a relatively tight budget… well, not Adrien, but he has his own issues."
Luka snorted. "Nino and I were talking about that while we were setting up his sound gear."
She nodded, well aware of Nino's prediction that Adrien was coming up on a rebellious phase.  He was probably right, and she was curious and worried what that would look like. Too many rich kids got messed up with drugs, and she didn't want that for her friend… or anyone, really.  "You look so happy, Luka, it's nice to see." She stepped back so she could give him a once over.
He grinned.  "And you like what you see?" He held out his arms and posed, arching his eyebrows.
She poked him lightly in the stomach, making him curl in a bit. "You could stand to eat a bit more," she said with a giggle.  "But yes." She reached out and caught the ends of his hair. "I kind of miss the color though."
"The end of semester leading up to graduation was a beast, and I didn't have time to do it before this," he said, shrugging, then taking a step closer. "I'm redoing it tomorrow.  Probably going to go all out and do my nails while I'm waiting out the bleach."
"I'm free tomorrow if you want help," she offered.  
"Yeah?" he asked.
She nodded.  "I wouldn't want you to mess up your polish before it sets."
"I'm going to get the feeling that you like me," he warned.
She rolled her eyes.  "If you haven't already figured that out, I'd be worried about your brain."
He laughed. "Uhm… Okay, so I'm going to do this, even though I totally swore to myself I'd wait a week. And I don't even get to blame alcohol, because I've only had soda." It was almost like he was talking to himself; his smile was a little nervous and his cheeks had gone pink. "I feel like… and you can disagree if you want, but I feel like we've been kind of dancing around each other for years."
She stared at him, her stomach flipping over in hopeful surprise.
"We have this amazing chemistry, Nette, but there was never a point when we were both on the same page."  He met her eyes, his expression almost painful in its earnestness.  "We each had our phase of being completely obsessed and distracted by an unfairly hot and painfully oblivious blond guy."
She tamped down on her giggle, but nodded.  Adrien could be so stupid for someone so smart.
"We've needed time to focus on our arts, and it just wasn't good timing when I was so far away."  He licked his lips and took a deep breath, seeming to gather his courage. "But I need to admit that when I thought about coming home, I was really hoping all that would sort of fall away."
"Are you asking me out?" she asked, reaching for his hand and hoping he could read the happiness off her.
"Yeah."  He glanced down at their hands for a moment. "You're so amazing and gorgeous and I've been crazy about you for years."  He inched a little closer. "And I really want to kiss you right now." He dipped his head enough to get close, but didn't follow through. "But I'll understand if you aren't--"
She popped up onto her toes, just barely able to brush her lips against his.  Still, it was enough to stop his words and answer his question. Before she could lose her balance, his arm slipped around her waist to pull her toward him as he leaned in further.  It started gentle, like they were cautiously testing the waters. When she flicked the tip of her tongue against his upper lip, he opened eagerly to her and the kiss suddenly went much hotter and more intense. For a moment, she forgot all about the party going on around them.
When he pulled back, he gave her two gentle kisses before straightening up and opening his eyes.  He looked blissfully happy, and it made her feel warm and pleased to be part of that.
"You're adorable," she said, lightly tapping his nose. "And an excellent kisser."
"Marinette!" Alya called rounding the corner into the short hallway. "Where are yoooou?"
Luka laughed, shaking his head. "Best go appease Alya."
Marinette sighed.  "Fine. But we'll talk about this..." she gestured between them. "Before I go. Kay?"
Check out chapter 2 >>>
I've been trying to get this assembled for the last two or three weeks, but crazybusy life was not permitting it. Hope to update routinely. Currently no clue on end length.
If you’re so inclined, feel free to support me over on Ko-Fi
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avengers-nextgen · 6 years
The Year Between VI
“You have insanely skinny ankles,” Arthur noted as he wrapped a hand around Enzo’s ankle.
“I’m a growing boy.” Enzo remarked and nudged the older boy with his free foot. “I am thin.”
“Little bean pole!” Penelope remarked from where she sat curled up on the couch playing a Batman game.
“Penny-“ Arthur face palmed seeing Enzo’s expression fall. “We don’t mention beans remember?”
“Oh. Oh my god I’m so sorry! I wasn’t thinking! I just kind of-sorry Enzo...” Penny rambled nervously.
“It’s okay. He’s in a better place anyhow.” Enzo smiled thinly. “So, you don’t have to avoid the word bean or any variations of it.”
“Alright...” Penny nodded hesitantly.
“Anyways, I should probably start doing some of my homework.” Enzo stood from the couch and collected his back pack from the floor. He’d started school not long after arriving. Enzo has been worried about missing too much of it to ever catch up again. Thankfully he was very bright and it didn’t seem to be too much of an issue. “Gotta crank out that algebra.”
“Math?” Enzo jumped a little in surprise before turning to see Chloe standing in the doorway of her room.
“Y-yeah.” He nodded.
“I’m not much of a fan when it comes to math.” Chloe presssd her lips into a thin line. “How about you, do you fancy it?”
“It’s not so bad,” Enzo shrugged.
“Wait until high school buddy,” Chloe sighed, and rested her head on the edge of the door.
“Oh I am.” Enzo promised. “Hey, Uhm I know I might be crossing a line, but hear me out. Arthur told me about Ethan and I think you might get some help talking to a friend of mine. His name is Nathaniel. He’s not here right now-obviously-but he lost his girlfriend. I think he’d understand how you’re feeling.”
“And how am I feeling?” Enzo was always surprised by the soft raspiness of Chloe’s voice. It always seemed to hover just above a whisper but never any louder.
“Sad, lonely, confused, anxious, and I think you just need a good friend.” Enzo decided. “I know how you feel too.”
“Your mother and dog,” Chloe recalled.
“Mhm,” Enzo nodded. “It’s a strange thing to go through when you’re young, but it happens to people for a reason. At least, that’s what my mom always said. She believed in fate a lot.”
“I see,” Chloe nodded. She regarded the young boy for a moment, “I’ll think on your advice.”
“Thanks!” Enzo grinned before tackling her in a hug. “And just so you know...he’s a bit weird.”
— — —
After his homework Enzo set up his room for the grand Friday evening Film Fest. Well, Penny had come up with that name. He ventured out to the kitchen in search of snacks and received a nice knuckle rub to the head from James. “Awe man! My hair!”
“Oh please, it’s going to get messed up hiding under those covers,” James smirked knowingly, “just keep the volume a bit lower than normal so I can actually go to sleep. My room is next to yours after all.”
“Right. You got it dude!” Enzo snapped his fingers and pointed them at James as if he had two little pistols. James chuckled to himself and left with a bag of trail mix. Enzo hummed and danced about as he made popcorn until he spotted the blonde. “Alex! I’m making popcorn! Are you going to join us for the film fest? You have to. You promised.”
“I will-I will.” Alex insisted, “just let me get showered first.”
“Yes!” Enzo threw his arms up in victory.
“You’re obnoxious,” Fox mumbled, reaching over his head to grab a fresh glass from the pantry.
“Good evening to you too,” Enzo smiled. When the popcorn was finished he dumped it into a bowl and made the trek back to his room. “Snacks have arrived!”
“Good, I’m starving.” Arthur reached for the bowl only for Enzo to flick a piece of popcorn in his face.
“You wait mister. You’ll eat it all before we even start.” Enzo frowned.
“That’s just cruel,” Arthur shook his head. When everyone was situated on the small bed whether they were laying, sitting, under blankets, or hugging pillows Enzo selected the first video.
“First up, Area fifty two is part of a plan to connect the U.S. with a series of underground tunnels.” Enzo tried to make his voice deep and gravelly like movie trailer narrators, but it wasn’t too effective.
“Okay but the biggest lie of the century is finding out that the Underground Railroad wasn’t underground!” Penny huffed, resting her chin on her hand.
“That’s a disappointment,” Alex snorted, “whatever shall you do?”
“Have them call it the Not Underground Railroad!”
“Guys hush, we’re missing it!” Arthur slapped both girls with the pillow he was hugging and the room grew quiet at last.
At one point during a video Penny spastically slapped Arthur on the chest, “Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude! I’ve been there!”
“Well thanks for letting me know! You didn’t have to make me look like a freaking sunburned leopard.” Enzo laughed as Arthur rubbed at his bare chest.
“Sunburned leopard.” Enzo wiped a tear from his eye. “That’s too good. Can you imagine that?”
“Sounds weird.” Alex admitted. “Actually, let’s not think about it-it’s a bit disturbing to picture.”
“I see it as a hell demon thing,” Penny shrugged casually.
“Moving on-“ Enzo sighed, selecting the next documentary.
“Is it wrong to wonder if Orion knows they keep aliens beneath an airport?” Arthur asked aloud.
“Yeah...I’m pretty sure that’s a bit awkward.” Alex winced.
“But he’s good at awkward!” Enzo protested trying to come to Arthur’s defense. “That-that didn’t sound like a complement did it?”
“Nah, not really.” Penny gave him a sympathetic look.
— — —
Enzo was glad he didn’t have school the next day because he was exhausted. After a few hours of conspiracy theory videos everyone had headed off to bed. That was all fine, but when Enzo fell asleep he was startled awake with another nightmare of the weird silver-bronze guy.
He’d ultimately slunk into James’ room in search of refuge, and the older boy was kind enough to share the bed with him. He’d gotten used to it with Alex when they were kids.
After eating breakfast he shot Piper a quick email wondering if she could investigate one of the conspiracies in Holland-the place she was currently stationed at. Fingers crossed that he would get a swift reply Enzo passed the time by using the training simulators.
He’d gotten very good at using his magic, but the better he got the more the color changed. His sister’s powers were green, and if she really pushed the limits-purple, but his had taken on a gold hue.
Then, with a sudden curiosity, Enzo went in search for Alex and James. “So, if I’m going to be a hero-a real hero- I’m going to need hero name, right?”
“Right.” James nodded.
“Great, here’s my list of ideas.” The young boy slapped a piece of paper down onto the counter in front of them. “I took some creative liberty.”
“I’m not surprised, your family likes theatrics.” James winked as he examined the list.
“So...what’s it gonna be?” Enzo asked quizzically.
(Hey! So Enzo needs a hero name guys! What’s it gonna be? Got a suggestion? Tell me! Let the fun begin!”
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thirstyfortom · 7 years
I have been thinking of this Headcanons for a while now and I hope u can bring my imagination into light! what if rfa+v+Searan first meeting with MC at an aquarium where she works as a diver and saw her for the first time behind the glass diving with sharks and small fishies and stuff~ maybe she looked like a mermaid :P I'm sorry if it's complicated and it's ok if u don't want to do it~ love u~
I love these scenarios when they meet before RFA
I wrote this when I was really sleepy and slightly drunk, so I have no idea if any of this makes any sense lololol. Anyway, hope u like it! ^^
RFA + Saeran and V meet MC at an aquarium
He was there for a photo shoot and decided to take a look at the place
You passed by his side wearing your scuba suit, talking to a colleague about checking on the sharks
He followed you, he just… felt this urge to go after you.
And he watched you mesmerized, you were so elegant… and so brave for being that close to the sharks!
“Isn’t it scary?” he had to ask when you got out, you looked at him puzzled. “The… sharks?”
“Oh… no, not at all! They don’t do anything if they’re fed properly and… if you’re not bleeding.” you say this so naturally and with this huge smile, it’s adorable! “Don’t tell anybody, but… they’re my favorites!”
He felt warm inside about you sharing this secret with him. “Wh-why is that?”
“I don’t know, there’s something exciting about fearing them, you know? Being around something so majestic and dangerous. It’s like…” “Liking someone and being afraid of hurting them with all of your passion?” SHIT! What is he saying? This isn’t one of his musicals!
“Yeah… something like that…” you chuckle. Oh, did you really get it or are you just being polite? “Hey, do I know you from somewhere? You look familiar…”
“I get that a lot, actually.” nah, he wouldn’t brag right now, it was time to know more about you. “So… what’s y-?” one of the sharks bump into the glass and he yelps.
“Oh, shit, Hercules! He’s a little blind, I… I should go, he gets all disoriented when this happens. See ya!” you run without even looking at him.
“Yes… see ya.” Well, he would actually see you a few weeks later standing at his door.
He’s there on a tour promoted by one of his teachers
He’s not really interested in any of this. Sea animals are not really his thing. Then he gets to the dolphin area.
Then you show up and greet his class, and the tour guide introduces you. “This is MC, she usually works with the dolphins and the other mammals.”
“Do you feed them?” somebody asks. “Well, that too, but I mainly provide activities to stimulate their brains. You see, dolphins are extremely smart creatures, and…” you go on talking about dolphin’s brains, and Yoosung is… really interested in all you have to say, he’s even taking notes.
“But enough talking, do any of you want to see how we do it? Let’s see… hum, how about you in the back? The blond one?” he’s so taken aback by your face he doesn’t even notice you’re talking about him, his buddy nudges him and he notices you’re looking straight at him… SHIT
He goes to you hesitantly, your smile is so beautiful and… your curves on this tight scuba suit… wait, what? “What’s your name?”
“Y-Yoosung.” “Cool! So our friend Yoosung here will shuffle these numbers and our other friend Chi Chi will put them in the right order. Here you go, buddy.” shit, you’re so nice! He’s trembling while shuffling the cards. “Okay, Yoosung, you can give to her.”
“M-me?” “Yeah! Don’t worry, she won’t bite! Well, she does sometimes and it hurts as hell, but…” you see his eyes widening. “I’m kidding!” he hears his mates laughing, ugh…
He hands the cards to Chi Chi and she quickly puts them in order, then you explain this isn’t training like in the circus, it’s just a method to stimulate their memory.
After the demonstration is over, the teacher calls a a little break for the students to explore as they please, but Yoosung wants to stay right there.
“Good job, she really liked you!” you say enthusiastically, are you just being nice or are you genuinely this bright? Either way, your smile is beautiful. “I’m so lame for being afraid, I… I’m sorry.”
“Oh, don’t worry, Yoosung! It can be a little intimidating at first…” oh, you remember his name! He wants to know more about you, but then you get a call and run quickly. Well, he would have another chance pretty soon in the chat room.
Well, this was the oddest meeting Mr Han’s associate could ever come up with
Then she sees the jellyfishes and this diver swimming right beside them.
It’s… beautiful! And the diver moves as flowing and elegant as them.
And then the diver looks through the glass, straight at… her? And waves for her? She awkwardly waves back.
“Hey! Did you like the jellyfishes?” you ask her coming from behind. You’re still on your scuba suit. Oh… were you that elegant diver from before?
“Yes, they’re… beautiful! Isn’t it dangerous? I mean… don’t their tentacles burn?” “Oh, my suit protects me, see?” you grab her hand and make her squeeze your arm. She blushes.
“It’s made of a special material, they just bought it thanks to this new investor.” “Yes, it was… my boss, actually.”
“Oh… cool! Your boss is sickening!” is… that a good thing? Judging from your huge smile, it is, she frowns her forehead and you chuckle. “Oh… maybe not?”
She gives this weird smile. “Yeah, my boss is a pain in the ass sometimes too.” how can you talk so easilly to a stranger? But she can’t stop listening to you, for some reason…
She would like to hear more, and talk more. Maybe venting to an outsider about how stressed she was would bring her some relief?
“Oh… speaking of the devil…” you fidget your walkie talkie on your hand. “Gotta go!”
Well… too bad! It wasn’r right now she would have the chance to vent. Gladly she does much more than that when you two meet again.
He heard about this aquarium getting closed and thought about investing in it.
He has his aquarium at home and… well, he really appreciates these creatures, he doesn’t like to think what could happen to the animals if the aquarium gets closed.
So he goes there to see what exactly he’s dealling with. And then he sees this diver surrounded by colorful seahorses.
It’s almost like a mirage, and this diver is apparently having lots of fun. Yes, working with something you love is really fulfilling.
“Hi! We’re… closed right now.” “I’m here to see the admnistrator, actualy.” “I’ll take you there, come on”
He’s a little uncomfortable about walking side by side with this woman all wet, aren’t you cold? “So… may I ask why do you want to see the boss?”
“Well, this is… I would rather not talk about it for now.” Yes, he shouldn’t be discusing this with one of the employees.
“Okay… just know we’re doing our best here, but it’s really hard to keep things in order with such a low budget, I’m saving up as much as I can with the seahorse’s food, for example and…”
“Don’t worry about it. Keep doing your best and it will pay off, I can guarantee.” “Okay, I guess…” he wanted to know more, what were your position here exactly, your name…
“Here you go, sir!” you patted his shoulder friendly and turned around.
He was impressed at how much you cared for this job and for the animals, if every employee was this hardworking, he would be more than happy to buy the place.
And he did, but you just got to know that when you went to his penthouse a couple of weeks later.
That was a weird mission, the thugs were getting more and more creative about places to do money laundering. An aquarium?
He wasn’t sure where to start looking, so he was just strolling around, looking for places he could infiltrate.
Then he saw this girl feeding the seals. Five of them all around you.
He couldn’t hold back a chuckle when he saw you doing this weird dance and the seals mimicking you.
You heard him chuckle and quickly turned around, looking straight at him and blushing. How… adorable!
“Hi! Can I help you?” “Oh… I’m… I’m from supervision, they sent me… to supervise?” WTF? He usually comes up with good stories, why couldn’t he lie properly staring at your curious face?
“So, uhm… about the seals. Are they getting the right treatment?” and you suddenly started talking about their feeding, their meds, even some biology jargons, it looked nothing like the girl who blushed before noticing she was being observed.
“Do you… like working here?” “Well, I… I’m a little worried about the new administration, but sure. I love this so much!” you eyes gleamed. Shit! Now he was the one blushing.
“About the new administration…” “I shouldn’t probably talk about this. Be careful on what you write on your report.” were you… worried for him? You didn’t even know him!
He knew he shouldn’t, but he really wanted to catch at least your name. Hell, now he was worried for you working for thugs! Was there nothing he could do to protect you?
Well, after the background check, he took the liberty to send your resumé to another aquarium, one with honest administrators. You didn’t remember sending any resumé to that place, so you knew it could only be his doing. Yes, even pushing you away like this at Rika’s apartment, you knew how much he cared about you…
He heard about the ice cream they were selling at this aquarium
But the restaurant there would open a little later, ugh… crap!
Well, since he’s here, why not take a look at what these children are making such a fuss about?
Then he sees you explaining to the kids about the starfishes and other animals at these interactive tanks.
“Be gentle, guys! Though it doesn’t show, they can feel everything!” he could see you were trying to be nice to the children, but you were more concerned about the animals.
“Yay! Now let’s take a look at the turtles?” they ran away from the tank.
“Why do they let animals like this for these brats to touch it?” “Well, it’s a… sensorial experience or… some bullshit like this.” Oh! Did you just swear? How feisty! “If you ask me, I think this is ridiculous and just stresses the animals, but… I don’t make the rules.”
“So why do you follow them?” “Well, isn’t it how society works?”
“What if there’s a place you don’t need to follow those rules?” “Well, this sound very utopic, but… I think it would be nice to me…and to the animals…”
Well, he couldn’t do much about the animals, but about you… did he just find his target to help him destroy RFA?
Yes, as he managed to hack into your phone, he knew! You were perfect to be taken to paradise!
He felt really inspired to take some pictures of this wonderful place with such wonderful creatures.
Well, he didn’t expect the most wondeful one to be a human.
He took pictures of this diver moving with the rays like they were all floating, it was amazing!
“My camera loves you… miss.” he took the initiative to talk to you when you came down, you looked puzzled, so he showed you the pictures.
“Oh, the rays are the fotogenic ones, actually.” “Yes, they move beautifully, it’s a shame I can’t really capture the whole movement of them.”
“Dude, are you kidding me? Look at this! You can feel the motion! It’s amazing! You’re… amazing!” and you blushed, he smiled softly, you were even more charming like this.
“Thank you, I’m just really lucky that sometimes I find just the right model.” “Oh yeah, the rays are great models!” he laughed, in addition to all of that, you were still funny? You were the amazing one here.
“You’re the guy they hired to take the promo pictures?” “Oh no, I’m just doing this for fun…” “So you’re a tourist?”
“I guess you can say that. Aren’t we all tourists when it comes to getting involved with these creatures?” “I don’t feel like a tourist around them.”
“Yes, you really look like one of them, look at this, it’s almost like a mermaid.” you blush furiously, and he grins, you’re definitely enchanting as a mermaid, at least.
He could talk to you all day if you let him, but then you got a call and ran without even saying goodbye. Well, maybe you two could meet up again one day? Who knows?
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Hello there, everyone!
 I’m back by popular demand (and also because I have really enjoyed writing as of late when I cannot fall asleep and have been enjoying this unexpected spark of creativity) with a follow-up to my previous story I posted less than a week ago! I wasn’t too sure how to go about this, but I’m currently leaning towards a series of interconnected mini-fics that are part of the same story but are titled individually…maybe?
Well…I’ll give this a go and see if it works out as well as I am hoping it will…I tagged everyone who let me know that they would like to be tagged, but if you want me to start tagging you in future stories I write or want to be removed from my tagged list, please don’t hesitate to let me know! 😁
Also, I absolutely love all the feedback on my previous story, so feel free to let me know what you think of this one!
So this (as well as my last fic and most of my stories to come) is based on actual events from my own life, so it all takes place in modern times not the mid-late 90′s like the actual show (if you couldn’t already tell lol), and I took some creative liberties to find the right balance between MMFD plot and my love life drama…This picks up where the other story left off and is kind of just a filler/transition chapter (sitting pretty at about 1,880 words), but have no fear! I shall be kicking the flirty vibes up a notch in the next chapter that is gonna be posted incredibly soon! *wink, wink*😉😉
Banter, Beastie Boys, and a Budding Friendship
Rae continued responding to customers for the rest of her shift in a daze, still reeling from Finn’s unexpectedly flirtatious interaction with her that morning.
Rae had occasionally glanced at Finn, half expecting him to be more focused on her than on his computer screen as he had been earlier; however, she was repeatedly met with nothing more than his profile as he worked diligently through one customer conversation after another.
First he couldn’t stop staring at me and now he won’t even look at me or acknowledge my presence? What the fuck kind of game is he playing!?
Just before their shift ended, while Rae and Finn logged out of their computers and prepared to leave work for the day, Finn cleared his throat a little too loudly and turned his desk chair towards Rae, trying to get her attention.
“Uhm, Rae…” Finn mumbled, breaking the nearly three hour awkward silence that hung in the air between them.
“Yes, Finn…” Rae replied hesitantly .
“I just wanted to say sorry again about taking your spot next to Izzie today.”
“Uh, it’s fine, Finn. Maybe a bit of time apart could do Izzie and me some good, ya know? Time makes the heart grow fonder and whatnot…” she replied with a small smile, which Finn returned quickly before almost leaping from his chair, scanning his badge on the small machine on the wall as soon as the clock chimed signaling the new hour and rushing out of the building.
Rae was still sitting in her desk chair staring blankly ahead at her computer screen that had turned off automatically from lack of activity when she felt a small hand gently placed on her shoulder.
“Hiya Rae, are you okay?” Izzie asked, her usually bubbly tone of voice tinged with concern as she broke Rae from her concentration.
“Erm, yeah, I’m fine Izz…I guess I just zoned out a bit. Let’s go, yeah?”
Rae stood from her chair and followed Izzie as they both scanned their badges at the machine near the door before exiting the building.
Izzie and Rae walked in silence in the direction of Rae’s apartment—as they had every day they worked together for going on a month now—before Izzie spoke up.
“So how weird was it that Finn sat with us today? When I got in there were lots of other places he could have sat, even some near his friends that he almost always sits with, but he just walked up and asked to sit next to me,” Izzie continued rambling while trying to elicit more of a reaction from Rae than the ambiguous grunts and mumbles of agreement she had been getting thus far.
“I really am sorry I let Finn take your spot today. You’re not mad at me, are you Rae?”
“Izzie, of course not! I could never be mad at you, Izz, and I know you didn’t let him take my spot intentionally,” Rae assured Izzie as she gently leaned her head on Izzie’s shoulder and squeezed her hand as they walked.
“So Izz, I noticed that you and Finn were having a bit of a chat today…did he seem to be acting a little bit off to you?” Rae asked, trying to seem disinterested in the question as she asked it.
“Other than the fact that today was the first time he ever spoke to me directly or sat by me,” Izzie chuckled slightly before continuing, “no, I suppose not. Why? Do you think he was acting particularly strange today?”
Did Izzie really not notice how weird Finn was acting today? Is it possible that she hadn’t noticed all of his staring or his cheeky comments about how much he liked my “lipstick” today? What a load of shit that was…
“Erm, no, I suppose not. I just wasn’t sure if he had talked to you about why he sat near us today instead of his usual spot, or something…”
Rae and Izzie parted ways when they reached the outside of Rae’s apartment building, hugging each other goodbye and telling each other to enjoy the rest of their Monday.
Rae walked into her apartment, putting down her purse and hanging her keys on the hook next to her door, before walking straight into her bedroom to change into more comfortable clothes.
After changing into her favorite comfy black leggings and tie-dye t-shirt, Rae climbed onto her fully made bed, lying down and covering her eyes with her arm, heaving a deep sigh.
I know can be pretty fucking mental at times, but I couldn’t have possibly made up everything that happened today between Finn and I…could I have?
As Rae walked to work on Wednesday morning, iced coffee in-hand, she debated possible scenarios with Finn that could unfold today during her shift at work that had been occupying her thoughts since Monday evening.
Come on now, Rae! You know Finn couldn’t have been being serious on Monday. He must have just been having a laugh, but he realized he had taken it too far, which is why he was less talkative toward me for the rest of our shift.
Content with that explanation for the odd sequence of events at work earlier this week, Rae walked around the corner of the office building and through the entrance.
Rae scanned her badge at the machine on the wall and walked briskly towards where her seat beside Izzie remained vacant.
“Hey Rae! I made sure to save your seat this time.” Izzie chirped, giving Rae a friendly smile.
“Morning Izz and thank you!” Rae replied as she leaned forward to give Izzie and hug before taking her seat.
Both girls got logged into their computers and began responding to customers’ messages when the intro to Sabotage flowed out of the speakers of the radio on the other side of their row.
“Finally a decent song! Can somebody please turn it up so we can properly enjoy this musical masterpiece?” Rae called out loudly to no one in particular, hoping that someone at the other end of the aisle would oblige.
“Of course, girl, but really? Beastie Boys is a bit too mainstream for your tastes, don’t you think? I had much higher expectations for you Mae!” Finn responded with his go-to cheeky smirk as he walked toward the row Rae and Izzie sat in and turned up the volume on the radio.
Rae rolled her eyes at his snarky comment and his refusal to call her by her name, but smiled and gave him a nod as a sign of thanks anyways.
God, I love it when he calls me “girl” like that…Focus, Rae! I know he doesn’t mean anything by it.
“Is this seat reserved for someone in particular too or can I sit here?” Finn asked, casually bumping Rae’s chair with his hip before sitting in the seat to the right of her.
“Oh, of course not Finn! Just go ahead and take a seat wherever you want to. It’s not like my response would have stopped you from sitting down wherever you pleased anyways!” Rae quipped, her voice full of sarcasm and mock irritation, to which Finn chuckled and gave her a smile that made his eyes and nose scrunch slightly.
Well, at least some things never change…
“Hey Mae, did you get that email about this week’s meeting?”
Izzie, Rae, and Finn continued working, the three of them making friendly conversation throughout their shift, the palpable tension between Rae and Finn from the last time they worked together almost completely forgotten; however, the occasional lingering stare from Finn that Rae picked up on gave the impression that there may be something more behind those stolen glances and the friendly smiles he gave Rae.
Thursdays were Rae’s least favorite day of the week. Normally Rae only has Uni in the afternoons on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but today she picked up a shift at work before her classes. Rae knew she was in no position to turn down an available shift at work now that she had bills and rent for her apartment to pay for, but she still could not help but second-guess her decision to pick up this shift which caused her to wake up 4 hours earlier than she normally would on a Thursday.
She was nearly half an hour into her shift that morning and was concentrating deeply on the concerns of the customer she was assisting when Rae noticed somebody was walking quickly down the row of desks but slowed to a stop a couple feet away from her chair.
“Rae? What are you doing here today? I didn’t think you worked on Thursdays…” Finn asked, his thick eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
“I don’t normally, but I picked up a shift today to try to get a bit of money.” Rae replied with a shrug, still not fully diverting her attention away from the screen of her computer.
“Well it’s a shame that there isn’t an open seat for me over here, since I’m running so late for work, but I’m really glad I get to see ya today…Mae.” he added with a smirk before walking to the closest open desk, on the opposite side of the aisle from Rae.
Rae’s four hour shift seemed to be passing quickly, her attention only briefly being directed away from the customer she was assisting when she would look up to see Finn giving her a small smile and waving or shooting her a thumbs up of approval at any good songs being played on the alternative radio station blaring from the speakers in the far corner of the office.
Two weeks ago Finn had been a total dick to Rae every time she tried to be friendly and less than a week ago they finally got to a point where they were civil and would chat briefly from time to time, but now things felt…different.
Rae remained stuck in her thoughts a little while longer, secretly thankful that the awkwardness from Monday at work seemed to be long forgotten—at least by Finn—and it had not impacted their friendship that was still not fully developed yet.
When the digital clocks on the machine next to Rae on the wall chimed signaling that it was noon, Rae stood up to leave work when from the opposite end of the row she noticed Finn waving his hands to get her attention and she crossed the room, heading in Finn’s direction.
“Rae! Are you leaving already? I just saw a desk open up and I was about to move to sit nearby you!”
“Yeah, I was only working a short shift today, so I’m leaving now. “
“Oh, well…have a nice day, girl! I’ll see you tomorrow morning at work, right?” he replied looking and sounding a bit disappointed before smiling hopefully and looking up to meet Rae’s eyes from his seated position as she stood next to his chair fiddling with her badge in her hands as he spoke to her.
“Yeah, I’ll see you later, I suppose…Have a nice day Finn.” She walked out the door after scanning her badge on the machine, ignoring the confused look and eyebrow raise Archie had given her as she walked away from Finn’s seat.
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