#but ultimately no one piece of advice can or will fit everyone. and if there is no genuine connection to learning it; then it will be lost
vampvelvet · 1 year
I've been thinking a lot lately about how I've been doing better mentally these past few weeks and a lot of it boiled down to things people have been telling me my whole life. I mean, I had gone through traumatic events some years ago which caused depression. then I fell into a codependent friendship which has worsened my mental state. only now that I have backed out of that friendship and started to think more about myself and how I feel, did I figure out how to keep myself going well.
I found hobbies im interested in, I've been using music I adore to keep my spirits up, I've been getting outside more, getting more exercise, using my phone less, living more in the moment, diversifying my friendships, taking time for myself, etc etc etc
and seeing myself improving in these ways makes me feel optimistic, thinking, these are the things that helped me, they can help you too! it's easy to get excited about that.
but none of those things were the solution to my problem. those were parts of healing, ways to keep my rhythm, ways to give me energy when I feel like going back to what I typically do when I'm depressed.
but they weren't *the solution*. and that made me realize why only now I'm following all this advice that I had been given to me for years and years. why people get so cynical and annoyed when others try to motivate them into getting out of their depression. because staying inside, staying sedentary, overusing phones, avoiding socializing, etc- those things aren't the cause of issues, they're the *symptoms*. and when someone is in a terrible mental state they're not going to realize/notice/care about the things that they're using to cope with their lives.
I don't know what the solution is. everyone's lives are different. for me, it was getting out of a codependent friendship. I don't have the answers. but it's going to be something bigger than just 'getting out more'.
people have to see the future on their own. there are moments when people realize that they have to take their life into their own hands. nothing is easy, but things can get better.
long rant in the tags if you're interested. take care <3
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theshiftingcafe · 4 months
⇢ ˗ˏˋ shifting pick a pile ✧˖°࿐ ꒰"what am i like in my dr?"꒱
hello! welcome to the shifting cafe!
for today's session, we'll be tackling about what you are like in your dr and people's perceptions of you.
i know a lot of you must be currently curious on how you are seen in your drs, so, i hope this simple pick a pile brings you comfort and leaves you with at least a little bit of clarity
pick from at least one of these pictures:
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∘₊✧───────────── pile 1 ─────────────✧₊∘
you are the definition of sunshine and almost everyone, if not all, in your dr agree as well! you’re seen as someone who’s so full of love and is ready to give it to anyone whenever wherever and however you can. there’s this aura around you that brings comfort to anyone who sits beside you or even confides in you. i’m seeing you also serve as a “figure” to a lot of people in your dr. whether it be parental, fraternal/sororal, or even as a child-like figure, and much more, you’re just surrounded by people who adore you wherever you go. oftentimes, you also have this relaxed, peaceful, and nurturing demeanor that makes you all that easy to approach and befriend. you make people easily feel welcomed and loved even when you just met a second or two ago.
there is a possibility that you were once a vibrant energetic person, however, you’ve changed over time due to numerous events. this resulted in you being a more quiet and closed off person. you often have times where you struggle with internal battles that not a lot of people understand. at first, people mistake you for someone who’s uninspired and unmotivated from doing anything, but you quickly prove them wrong, sometimes over time.
having a troubled past has numerous effects on someone and you are an example of it. The cards sense perhaps some familial problems (could be either familial problems in this reality or your dr.) that has caused you to be a lot kinder to everyone around you. you know what it has been like to lose your power and be voiceless, and that is the opposite of what you’ve given and continue to give to others. radiating from you is confidence and a voice that can speak for those who can’t. safety has never been given to you growing up and you took the shot in the dark of now giving safety to those who didn’t get it the same way you did.
hardworking is an understatement on how to describe you for you truly are admirable and inspirational to everyone. the cards tell me that your backstory could be a “rags to riches”-esque. you’ve built an empire almost out of nothing and that’s what most people even know you for. a sense of accomplishment is carried on your shoulder 24/7 and rightfully so. the trials and tribulations you have encountered to get to where you are now in your desired reality took a lot of time, patience, and numerous sacrifices.
many saw you as “reckless” and “naive” when you made the big decisions to get to where you are now, but ultimately, it was all for the better. you disregard what was considered the “societal norms” and embraced how different you were from the rest. now, everyone is learning to embrace you and their own differences as well. this could not only symbolize your journey in your dr, but as well as your journey in your cr (or this could be a piece of advice from the cards to stop trying to fit into a box when you’re meant for so much more.)
that is all pile 1! thank you so much for stopping by the shifting cafe and spending this session with me. i hope to see you all again soon. happy shifting!
∘₊✧───────────── pile 2 ─────────────✧₊∘
a lot of people mistake you for being overly possessive and somewhat of a “snob” from how much you’re often protective of your resources. this could be due to the fact that you’re scared of getting taken advantage of, but not a lot of people understand that. you understand the concept of life and how it can be unfair most of the time so you feel as though that it is “better to be safe than sorry.”.
what they don’t know is that you are simply nostalgic when it comes to your memories and often live in the past rather than the present to bother. that does not signify that you are unlikable though. in fact, you are seen as someone with a sentimental and kind heart. materialism is something you prioritize last even if people mistake it to be the other way around. perhaps you’re “materialistic” not because of an item's value, but rather, the emotional attachment you have with it. there’s a sense of tenderness and empathy that comes from you. you help people reflect and comfort them with a sense of affection and reminiscence.
a lot of people see you as an emotionally open and compassionate individual. you have this soft empathetic gaze that easily pulls people in. calling you an empath would either be the perfect term or an understatement. you put love over everything else and that’s what sets you apart from the rest of the world. a light in the dark is a good example of how everyone sees you. you help heal those who are wounded (either physically or emotionally) and give so many people hope for the future.
you like keeping your peace and despise conflict, which is one of the things that makes you liked a lot. however, you do try your best to find peaceful ways to confront them if ever you do encounter these challenges. you also seem to despise competition, which could be the opposite nature of your dr (which oftentimes does have a competitive side.). you serve as a reminder to many that peace is always an option no matter the circumstance and almost are the reason why everyone remains “civilized.”.
overall, you’re seen as someone full of light and joy within themself and inspire those who don’t have much. you have an unwavering belief of a brighter future no matter the current situation and you share that hope to everyone around you. reflected to your appearance is inner peace and harmony within yourself that attracts people into your serene space.
that is all pile 2! thank you so much for stopping by the shifting cafe and spending this session with me. i hope to see you all again soon. happy shifting!
∘₊✧───────────── pile 3 ─────────────✧₊∘
if anxiety was a person, a lot of people would immediately point towards you. you struggle a lot with your inner self which could make you appear “weak” and “helpless” to many people. decision making is also not your strong suit, so people tend to underestimate your abilities. things considered acceptable normally society is something that is not your main priority for you have bigger fish to fry. i’m lowkey getting an undercover-ish vibes here, perhaps a superhero dr? like you’re living a double life in your dr. resulting in you to always be on the lookout 24/7.
the reason you don’t exactly belong with everyone else is because you know that you are meant for something more. you feel like you’re always on little quests and currently on a journey to be something greater. you’re driven by the sense of completion in achieving authentic experiences. not in the adrenaline junkie way (however that could be the reason as well if it resonates.), but more on a metamorphosis way. there is a version inside of you that wants to come out and show its beauty to everyone, and having this second identity allows you to show a majority of it.
as to how everyone sees you, everyone adores you! majority however are somewhat more as a fan rather than as someone who truly knows you. people see you as the life of the party and all eyes are on you the moment you step into a scene. from your radiant smile to your welcoming and friendly demeanor, you serve such a big influence and inspiration to so many people. contrary to what your personality truly is, the mask you wear gives you ways to further express yourself and actually feel accepted by those around you.
aside from the fact that you’re one to often socialize and be confident, another aspect of you that pulls people in is your nurturing and creative mannerisms. you always know how to soothe those who are troubled and always come to the rescue to save the day. harmony and balance is what you prioritize the most and that fits very well with your reputation. you make a lot of people feel loved and cared for and they return it right back at you.
despite all this, you still crave for more. in fact, there are times you feel disappointed in yourself for not achieving much–or rather, not achieving enough. you often compare yourself to other people in the same line of profession as you do and constantly wonder if you will ever be as great as them or more. you have millions of dreams and ambitions that you feel has “died: over time and you don’t know how to properly grieve them or get them back. this is more of a reminder to be content with yourself. don’t live long enough to become the villain.
that is all pile 3! thank you so much for stopping by the shifting cafe and spending this session with me. i hope to see you all again soon. happy shifting!
that is it for today's pick a pile session! thank you so much for everyone who decided to participate/stop by and picked their piles for some guidance. i hope these resonated and i have interpreted them well for all of you.
if you have any suggestions for future pick a piles, please feel free to request through messaging me or leaving an ask!
for a personal tarot reading session, check out my carrd and order from my google forms!
thank you so so so much and i'll see you all soon! happy shifting!
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raayllum · 11 days
25. a piece of advice for taking care of yourself in fandom spaces
I have two pieces of advice basically that loop back into each other honestly.
Don't ultimately care about what anyone else says or thinks
Not caring about or trying to manage what other people think of you or your thoughts ≠ being rude or disrespectful, that doesn't mean it never happen - tone and frustration are absolutely real and I express the latter occasionally,
Other people are gonna ship things you don't or ship the same thing but in a way you don't like or just have opinions that are coming from a fundamentally different perspective or reading of the text and... none of it really matters. You don't have to conform to popular fandom if it doesn't fit what you think (that's basically been me in every fandom But TDP, so it's quite refreshing, and even then I very much felt like a lil island in the immediate s4 aftermath), you can ship whatever you want and so can anyone else. I think the most important thing with this is being self aware, though... like yeah I could hypothetically get annoyed over characters in TDP being childish, but coming-of-age stories are about kids and maturation, so like. I can vent in the proper tags but it may just mean the show isn't ultimately for me, y'know? Or at least that it's something I gotta learn to live with if I wanna engage with the show in a way that balances the salt and the sweetness
Additionally, one of the side effects I've found of being '''popular''' within TDP fandom is that my opinion will be taken as gospel or made out to be more than what it is, which is just my subjective opinion / interpretations, the same as anyone else's. Obviously I think my opinions are Right / grounded in the text (as do many people about their own opinions, whether they align with mine or not), but that doesn't mean everyone else is wrong, like... it's a children's cartoon show, if you're getting regularly butt hurt about what other people think or if they do or don't agree with you or whether ur ideas are popular or not you're not gonna have a good time, and fandom is a hobby. It's supposed to be a good time
Avoid taking things personally at all costs
In a similar vein to "don't care what anyone else thinks/says" that goes double for what they think or say about you / what you think. For me this means that unless I get 1) name dropped or 2) something that is so specific me it couldn't apply to someone else, I assume it's not about me. "Rayllum shippers / stans are so annoying"? Not about me and even if I am annoying - isn't everyone sometimes? Being annoying isn't a death sentence lol. "I hope the fandom takes this well"? Not about me. "People who defend S4 just can't admit TDP has flaws"? Not about me. "Snake boi Callum content is so dumb" is about a tag categorization I started for Callum's characterization, but has since more than taken on a life on its own... and isn't about me.
And even when it is personal, it says a lot more about what frustrates the OP or what they're trying to potentially wrangle than it does about me. Like someone disagrees with me or thinks I'm dumb, specifically? Okay, I know I've thought that about people on occasion, I try not to post it or make it obvious, but I can't control what you do. There were a couple of ZK bnf I thought were horrendously bad at meta that I knew by name bc they were everywhere, and it just meant forming my own atla communities/tags and/or stepping away from the fandom.
On a similar note, I'm still gonna keep doing my thing and I encourage people to block me and/or blacklist tags I use if they don't wanna see my stuff. I know how annoying it can be in fandom to feel like you still see stuff you don't want to if it's everywhere, which is also why I don't put all my stuff in the main tags either, but I'm not going to Stop Posting unless I... want to, which won't be happening.
I guess this all basically amounts to:
Focus on finding your people in fandom, cause they are out there
If you find yourself being annoyed by the fandom every day, or find yourself feeling like you have to rebut every little thing that annoys you (for ex, people saying they don't like Rayllum doesn't bother me, that's a neutral opinion. Ppl saying they shouldn't be in the show feels like more of a theme misread, however) work on stepping away and letting things go
Cultivate being fucking weird and unabashedly enthusiastic with self awareness. If you love a ship or headcanon or plot point that's fucking out there or clearly not happening, fucking go for it! Make or enjoy all the stuff for it you want. That said, maintaining awareness that the story doesn't need to go there in order to be good, or that there's not a lot of plausible grounding in canon, can be important especially if you want to connect with other fans.
Like CHET is my pet theory that has also been wildly fortunate enough to get a life of its own in the TDP / Rayllum fandom(s). I've been prepared to drop it three times. I think more than ever that's where the story is going in S7, and that there's a lot of continued setup for it / Something Like It, but I could be dead wrong, and I'm sure I will love if not prefer whatever route S7 would take instead. I love it, and I have a certain amount of attachment, but the story doesn't owe it to me, similarly to how I'm not owed in fandom to have people Like what I make or make what I like
Like respect should be given for sure unless I make a routine ass of myself, but again, I've been very fortunate that some stuff has caught on as much as it has because it clicked with other people who were already thinking the same thing, or found xyz idea made a lot of sense. And that's really nice! I think it's those things that help build a community. But in fandom you kind of have to be willing to be an Island first, and then if you get stuck being an island permanently, it may be worth reflecting on why sometimes — whether it's because of aggression, shyness, preference, or no real reason except your people haven't shown up yet
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blommp717 · 2 months
If you have a solid theoretical understanding of nondualism and have experienced nonduality and existential oneness firsthand, it might be surprising for others to see your defensive and dismissive reactions when your content or delivery is critiqued. This behavior can discourage people from engaging with legitimate guides, especially if they associate such behavior with nondualistic practice.
Consider how your responses might be perceived. For instance, if a fitness coach appeared out of shape, potential clients might doubt their credibility. Similarly, if a spiritual guide reacts defensively, it might suggest an attachment to personal identity, which really contrasts with nondualistic principles.
Reflecting on this, it could be helpful to explore whether there’s an attachment to the identity of a spiritual guide that’s influencing your responses. Clear and composed communication is key to effective guidance, and addressing feedback calmly can enhance your clarity and effectiveness.
Embracing humility and acknowledging areas for growth can deepen your practice and strengthen your role as a guide. You seem dedicated to being a guide of some sort and aligning your behavior with these principles can further inspire and support those seeking advice. Don't let the echo chamber fool you into thinking that you are above constructive criticism. May you continue to grow in humility and wisdom. 🙏
Im not sure where you got this perspective but let me help clear something.
I’m not a teacher, I’m not a guide, I’m not a guru, I’m not enlightened, and no one can ever be.
“If you have a theoretical understanding of NonDualism and have experienced nonduality and existential oneness firsthand”
So what i can tell from the responses like these is theres a simple illusion that’s being blindly followed. I genuinely don’t mean it out of anything but love so please don’t take it that way. Putting it into simple terms, yes, but that’s the nature of how all already is, pretending to be the separate self is the cause of “suffering”. There isn’t more to know or do, you guys are at the finish line asking for directions to get there. Snap out of the illusion that there is a separate self.
There is no non dualistic practice, there is no journey and neither is there an effort. There just is. I don’t really care to please everyone because validation is something I genuinely don’t care for. I do this out of joy and from it, as that’s the inherent nature of what is. There is a clear line between critique towards me and ignorance, (not stupidity) but the action of choosing to ignore information. That ignorance. You most likely read my pinned post because I can’t recall anyone who responded in that way. That person doesn’t move from joy, neither do they move from the true understanding. They were still in the idea of a journey, a doing, a guru, a teacher, and thought if there is a journey and guru or teacher, there must be a right and wrong way. They didn’t resonate with what I write and decided it was wrong, more peace to them but I just helped them realize that there is no search and they can rest.
For the aspect of calmly addressing feedback, I’m not sure what I say that makes someone think I’m responding from anger, maybe it’s because my voice and tone can’t be heard but that’s just an assumption that the person moves from. I never respond in hate, I never respond in anger, what I will do is respect myself. No one is going to come on my page and make dull remarks on me or anyone who reads what I say, no one knows me, so making an assumption and going full force into it as if they have all the pieces figured out is that same ignorance again. I don’t think you act out of bad intent at all, I don’t think anyone does when I get these kind of comments. I think what is being irked or triggered is the sense that there is more. That if I heard someone tell me to do xyz, then if anyone says “there is no journey” they must be teaching a falsity.
Ultimately I really don’t care for the (as you said) spiritual guide status, (I also don’t believe in that kind of stuff) and I really hope after reading my writings no one thinks I’m their savior or guru, that’s the absolute last thing I’d want. No thing can or will ever be the source of stillness and wholeness, because that comes from being, it IS being. Not objects, not experiences and most definitely not people. I write with the understandings of what is. I guess you can call it “personal experience”. I mean you are the experience but that’s a different story. Anyways I gotta go for now, take care you guys 🌝🌚
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celestiancrown · 6 months
I'm not gonna name any names, but I have this one friend who's essentially the perfect trans girl. Voice passes, face passes, pretty much everything. Always posting about how much she loves her life and being trans.
I know I'm such a miserable piece of shit for this, but seeing that is so fucking demoralizing because there's just no conceivable way that I could ever achieve that. I'm fundamentally limited by my body and my genetics and overall it's just fucking impossible to get where she is. I wish I could love myself and my transition as much as she seems to love hers, but that's just a pipe dream ultimately. I have to actively try to be normal around her, which to be honest is almost impossible, so I tend to avoid her as much as I can especially in VCs. She probably doesn't know that and I'm never going to tell her.
I know I'm the asshole here. I should be happy watching someone else succeed like this. I'm not a crab in a bucket and I hate people who are, but goddamn is it frustrating to be in a position like this. I have to work VERY hard to even have a 50% chance of passing, if that, and it seems like people around me do it so much better. And sure, I can ignore the binary, I should be ignoring the binary, my entire life is an act of protest and I've had to acknowledge that I'm hot in more... unconventional ways. That much is true. The binary is bullshit.
Unfortunately, I'm still fundamentally bound by it internally and can't follow my own advice. I would love to just be a cis-passing trans girl but that's impossible with my natural jaw and hairline and voice and height and build and everything. I've spent months and months of wasted life being dysphoric about these things that people tend to actually enjoy in me, despite me feeling disgusting because of them for such a long time. I've wasted years being insecure about things about my appearance I can't control.
And yet it still consumes me to this day. Even though I know without a shadow of a doubt the binary is bullshit, that I should be happy with my transition because every body is beautiful in its own way, that there's no wrong way to be trans, etc. My brain cannot let go of the binary and trying desperately to achieve the impossible. I have to face it eventually. I'm an ugly fuck according to cisheteronormative beauty standards.
I'm not traditionally feminine, like, at all, and I wasn't blessed with any features that can help cover that up. At all. It'd be pointless to pursue it, because failure is guaranteed. I look older than I am, and pretty much every stranger calls me "sir". It makes me feel like it's completely pointless to even continue transitioning.
I've always felt very alienated from the trans girls that I typically see online who put a lot of stock and effort into being as feminine as possible. I've pretty much never entertained the idea because I know it's just going to make me feel worse that I can't convincingly "be a girl" enough to average passers-by. Everyone else seems to have it so easy. Meanwhile, I'm standing over here in the corner with my weird-looking features and weird-looking boobs and weird fashion sense and not fitting any description.
It doesn't seem like anyone's ever going to notice they're not talking to a man when they talk to me. Try as I might, it rarely, if ever happens. I don't feel comfortable using the women's restroom because I don't pass. I'll get yelled at or kicked out or have the police called on me for being a pervert, or something. I managed to do it approximately once at a university when the bathroom was completely empty, and even then I was panicking so hard it took me three times as long to take a piss. There's been so many times I've contemplated dropping out of society entirely just so I don't have to worry about ever being seen again by anyone. Hell, my biggest life goal is to build a house in the middle of a large plot of land so I never have to be looked at by anyone, ever.
I'm still afraid people would just say I'm an asshole and a traitor to queer people for having these feelings. It's why I just try to keep a low profile. My existence feels like it won't ever bring anything to both queer communities and the world at large and I've almost never felt welcome anywhere I've been, digital or physical. I wish I could let go of the fear and just be Me. Ivy, the goth knifemaker. Ivy, the woman. Ivy, the force for good in the world.
Those chances were lost a long time ago, erased by forces I did not create nor did I control or participate in. It's just the status quo, and I'll never break that on my own.
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kaigarax · 10 months
Take 452
Or This is How to Over Come
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Zeke Jaeger x Reader
Quote: "Fall in love by overcoming boundaries with another."
It is of the utmost importance, regardless of someone’s age, gender or race, to be excellent in at least one thing. One must not merely excel at this single task but be fundamentally better than anyone else within similar circumstances attempting to accomplish that very same task and in a location relative to yours.
Of course, this entire theory can be ultimately tossed out and entirely forsaken if one does not wish to become important (in any way whatsoever) and hopes to maintain an ordinary life. It should be noted that by choosing to ignore this most radical and sensible piece of advice you are outright denying oneself of all human pleasures that fall into either category of dreams or desires.
This piece is, of course, only one of seven different instructionals to help guide you into a world of excellence. One should hope to not just entertain themselves with these pieces of work but look to apply them into their everyday life. Once again, it should be noted that all pieces should be read and thought on for a maximum absorption of the materials.
Now, without further ado, this is how to over come.
Love, to Zeke Jaeger, has always felt like a foreign concept. Something that couldn’t be explained but simply understood by those it's shared between in that moment. And if love is something kept deep within the heart of those it is shared between then falling in love is the words whispered in the silence of night.
“Hands up,” you shouted, “get into your ready stances, everyone.”
Zeke was surprised at how quickly you had taken to training the Cadets. It seemed almost like second nature to you when you began. As if falling back into an old habit. You seemed to know everything, from which technique each Cadet would be best in to little quirks each one had while training.
It was good.
Most of the training, at least when they were cadets, had been taught by your father (the former Crystal Titan Shifter). It seemed more than fitting that you would be the one to take his place.
It also meant that Zeke wouldn’t have to train them himself. Not that he couldn’t, of course, but one less thing on his plate was one more minute of being relaxed.
You walk around the Cadets, correcting their forms every once and awhile before allowing them to begin again. The length of the fights, depending on the skill difference between the Cadets, range from just a moment to a good few minutes. The most interesting fight happens between a red haired girl and a blonde boy.
Your own gaze lingers on that specific fight longer than any of the others.
But not for long.
Your eyes never stay on a single thing for very long. At least not without you getting that dazed look. That strange expression that most children (though you’re eighteen) don’t get. It’s an expression that reminds Zeke of your father. As if you’re looking off into the distance. In another world that he can only seek to be a part of. Not that he wants to be in that weird dream world of yours but sometimes one can’t help but wonder.
Does that look have something to do with your family line? The way you were raised? Or perhaps Titan Shifting abilities? Zeke would bet on the latter of the three options.
“War Chief,” you smile when you spot him, though your eyes don’t meet with his own, “here to help the Cadets with training?”
Zeke shakes his head, “just here to… inspect the future prospects.”
“Oh? And has anyone caught your interest?” You ask, a sparkle in your eyes.
“Really,” you sigh, though you don’t seem all that dejected, “that’s a shame. I guess we can’t find a genius every generation.”
Zeke smirks, “perhaps it’s the fault of the teacher.”
If you’re insulted you don’t show it. Unphased. As if you were expecting an insult of the sort. But Zeke expects such a reaction from you. It’s rare that something phases you, though not for lack of trying on his part. You’re just that kinda person, he presumes.
Well, he can’t exactly claim that’s who you were but it certainly is who you are now. It’s a shame he didn’t know you very well before the initial transformation. Not that he would have cared to have known an eight year old. But it would have been interesting to have compared who you were then to who you are now.
“Gather up, Cadets.” You call.
The class scrambles to stand in an orderly formation.
You grin, “Our War Chief here has just agreed to help us with some training.”
“Really?” Asked the Cadets.
“Really?” Zeke asked.
“Of course~” You smile, “so you’ve all gotten the chance to fight someone around your size but on a real battlefield most of the people you face will be larger, faster and stronger than you.”
“Are we going to fight the War Chief?” Asked the red haired girl.
“No Emanon,” you laugh, “you’re all going to fight me. But first, I will be showing you how to take out a larger opponent. The War Chief is here to help me demonstrate.”
Zeke swallowed.
He isn’t usually one to play around with your shenanigans, Pieck does enough of that for all the Warriors, but the large doe-like eyes of the kids staring up at him seem to move his cold dead heart. Sure, he doesn't even like kids all that much but something about showing them how to fight lights a fire in his soul.
That or he’s too scared to actually move.
He’s seen what you can do with crystal outside of your titan he definitely doesn't want to be on the receiving end.
Zeke turns to you, trying his best to muster up whatever baseless confidence he’ll need, “and how do you plan to show that to the Cadets, (L/n)?”
“Don’t worry, War Chief,” you smile, your eyes meeting with his own, “I’ll surprise you.” You lower yourself to the ground and hold your arms in a fighting position of some sort.
Zeke isn’t familiar with this one. Being a Warrior, he obviously sparred with you before and seen you spar with others but this particular form surprises him. Puts him on guard so he isn’t charging in immediately.
“Why have I chosen this starting formation?” You ask.
“To make use of the ground?” Asks one Cadet.
Another shake raises their hand, “to better gauge your opponent?”
“Both wrong.” You exclaimed. Zeke takes this moment to make the first attack, aiming to grapple you to the ground. You seemed to have predicted that as you swiftly take a step to the side, use Zeke’s momentum to push him further aside. “Emanon!”
“Yes?” Chirps the red haired girl.
Zeke manages to keep himself from falling over into the dirt. You don’t seem very keen to give him a moment of rest as you’re immediately running towards him, closing the distance and aiming a kick towards his upper body.
He brings an arm up to protect his torso.
“Why do you think this is the best form we should take?” You ask, suddenly dropping lower and kicking Zeke’s legs rather than his upper torso.
“To make it harder for him to hit you?” Asks the blonde girl.
“Partial points.” You say, having forced Zeke to the ground, “Grice.”
“There’s less surface area.” The blonde boy from earlier answers, “because you’re smaller there’s less area for him to target, especially when you make yourself smaller.”
Dazed from trying to keep up with the conversation and from your constant barrage of attacks Zeke suddenly finds himself laying on the ground, you standing above him dusting the dirt off your pants.
You flashed Zeke a smirk, “good explanation, Grice.”
The blonde boy smiles brightly, “thank you Miss. (L/n).”
You hold out a hand for Zeke to take, an offer of peace and an attempt to help him up, but he declines. Not while a large majority of the Cadets are snickering about it. Damn him and his pride.
“Now, who wants to try first?” You ask.
Defeat becomes him, or at least that was what Commander Magath said when he entered the dining hall that evening. Zeke had mentally prepared for some ridicule (the entire Cadet class was there and they definitely couldn’t keep a secret if their life depended on it) but Commander Magath teasing him was a level of low even he hadn’t prepared for.
Commander Magath rarely ever told jokes and when he did it was even rarer for the mess hall to burst out into laughter along with him. Sure, it was common for Pieck or Porco to crack a joke or two at his expense. Even you joined in on the fun every once awhile. But everyone? It truly was an all time low.
And Zeke was in no mood to deal with such… nonsense.
So, he escaped to the only place he thought best.
The swings in the middle of nowhere.
Well, they weren’t exactly in the middle of nowhere but it was he and the other Cadets had called it when they were younger. A playground made in the middle of the training center for the Cadets. It was just an old wooden swing set surrounded by a small pile of sand but it had meant everything to the Cadets when they were young.
It’s long forgotten by now. Nothing but a memory. So Zeke finds himself surprised when he spots you swinging there alone seemingly lost in another memory.
You look pretty under the moonlight. Huh, he doesn't ever think he’s ever realised how pretty you were. He supposes it was never something that crossed his mind when he was young.
“Oh, Jaeger,” you don’t bother looking up at him, instead continuing to swing your feet back and forth, “what’re you doing here?”
Zeke takes the swing beside you, “needed somewhere to hide. It seems word of today’s training sessions has made its way through the barracks.”
You smile, “it could be worse.”
“How so?”
“You could’ve lost to Galliard.”
“Hah!” Zeke chuckles, “as if I’d ever lose to Galliard.”
“Oh, you definitely would lose.” You pause briefly, “no Titans abilities, of course.”
“What?” Zeke frowns. He hadn’t lost a hand to hand fight since he was a Cadet… until today.
“Galliards better at hand to hand combat than I am - and we all saw how easily I beat you today.”
“Last time Galliard and I spared I was the clear victor.”
“That was two years ago, Jaeger. Back when Galliard and I were still scrawny little teens. We’ve both grown since then. You don’t have the same advantages of being fully developed over us now.”
“Two years ago already…” Zeke trails off.
He can barely believe it’s been so long. It feels like just days ago he was just a Cadet getting chased around by the others for any bit of information they might be able to get to string themselves higher in the considerations of being a Warrior. He, of course, knew that you’d obviously get in. Nepotism was always a guaranteed way of making it in. Then Pieck and Annie, the smartest of the bunch. The Galliard brothers, both witty and strong hearted. The Hoover boy. The only one he hadn’t guessed making it was Braun, though his determination was something that did catch his attention.
“Hm?” Zeke perks his head up.
“You’re 23, right?” You asked.
At first Zeke thinks he should mock you. Tease you about forgetting his age but he thinks twice about that. Age is a difficult thing to talk about with women and sure you’re still young but he certainly doesn't want to get a lecture about something stupid like that. So, Zeke simply nods.
“23 years old, huh? Time really does fly by now doesn't it? My dad was 24 years old when he had me.” You smile teasingly, “are you planning on having kids any time soon?”
Zeke reels back, scrunching his nose in disgust, “oh God no.”
You laugh, “didn’t think so.”
“Children are loud, needy, and uncontrollable. Conniving schemers.”
“And you aren’t~”
“I was just teasing,” you begin swinging your feet back and forth, “though only because I’m envious.”
Why - Zeke doesn't ask, but you answer anyways.
“I’ll never reach the age of 23.” You say, your voice suddenly more present than Zeke can ever recall, “forced into this endless cycle of death and inheriting. Inheriting contracts, Titans and wills.”
“Everything you are, everything you would be and everything you will be is the cumulation of all the previous shifters before and will pass onto the one that inherits your Titan next.” You flush, “sorry if that doesn't make any sense. It’s always been a little hard for me to gather my thoughts together after so many years of being a Crystal Shifter.”
Zeke shrugs, “sounds kinda sad if you ask me.”
“Inherited wills or gathering thoughts?”
“Both, though mostly inherited wills.”
“How so?”
“Everything we are is simply who we were before us?”
“Not every shifter. Some with strong wills are able to hold onto themselves. Others-”
“Like you?”
“Yeah. Others, like me, tend to have our own feelings drowned out by the feelings of our predecessors.”
Zeke’s own swinging comes to a halt, “how come you’ve never told me this before?”
“Oh, I haven’t?”
You shrug, “guess you just never gave me the chance to open up.”
“Well,” Zeke begins, “I don’t think you’re like your father.”
“Really?” You smile, “thank you.”
Zeke shrugs, looking away, his face tinged red, “it’s whatever.”
Your swinging comes to a halt, “say, Zeke?”
“Have you ever been in love?”
“No.” He lied.
Love. Such a strange thing, especially now as Zeke Jaeger stares down at you. The girl he could never quite understand. Even now, he still isn’t sure exactly what you are. What he is certain of thought is you. How he feels about you beneath the stars in the middle of the night with bright and clear eyes. At least now, no matter how brief this moment was, she was here.
“Here.” You hold out a gold band.
“What’s this?”
“A bracelet I made. It reminded me of your eyes.”
“My eyes are blue.”
“I know.”
“Then why would you give this to me?”
“Because your eyes are like gold.”
Fall in love by overcoming boundaries with another.
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Hi, it’s me, Fanfic Anon #2. Some kind Anon asked after my latest grandkids story last week if I would write a piece on him giving the dating advice to Emma I had hinted at in my last work. I didn’t have an idea for it at the time, but I have come up with this little thing. I guess this is my first prequel ha ha. Hope everyone enjoys.
It was a lazy August Saturday afternoon. His wife had gone to the beach with several of their grandchildren earlier in the day leaving him alone on the couch, Mozart blaring out of the speakers behind him, a book in one hand, a glass of red wine in the other.
"Daddy?" he heard a soft voice call out for him, seemingly suddenly.
Startled, he looked up to see Emma waiting a little nervously at the entryway to the room. "Emma!" He replied warmly, trying to put his granddaughter at ease. "What can I do for you?"
"Do you have a minute to talk?"
"I have all the minutes. Let me just pause the music," he answered, getting up to stop the vinyl turntable, and sitting back down on the couch, now patting the empty spot next to him in an invitation. "What’s on your mind?"
"There this boy -"
"What’s his name? Who are his parents? Does he go to your school? What did he say or do -" he asked, ready to go into battle against this boy.
"Oh no, Daddy, it’s nothing like that."
"Are you sure, because I will not let anyone hurt you, you know that right? Especially if it’s because of me and this job."
"I know. And it’s not like that. He’s not bullying me or anything."
"Okay. That’s good. But if it’s not that, what is it?"
She took a second before answering him quietly, a little embarrassed to be saying it out loud for the first time, "I like him."
"You like him?"
"Yes. I like him."
"Oh. Oh!" Emmanuel acknowledged a little awkwardly, torn between wanting to be there for her and his discomfort at the prospect of anyone dating his little girl.
"And I wanted some advice."
"Not that I’m not flattered, but wouldn’t your parents be better people to ask?"
"My dad freaked out when I went to talk to him."
"Well, what about Mamie?"
"You pursued her, not the other way around."
"Oh. So you need advice on -"
"How do I know if a guy likes me like I like him?" she interrupted. "How did you know Mamie liked you?"
"Well, I don’t think that’s the best example to use here."
"Why not? You knew you loved her and you went after her. At some point you figured out she loved you too or you would have stopped, right?"
"Yes, but our situation was a lot more complicated than that. You know it took several years of patiently working through your grandmother’s fears and concerns before we really became a couple.
"But I can tell you the best thing to do here is just ask. That’s ultimately what I did."
"Just ask?"
"Yes! Tell him how you feel and ask if he feels the same way. If he does, go for it! If he doesn’t, he wasn’t the right guy for you."
"Can I ask you another question?"
"Sure. Anything."
"How did you know you loved Mamie?"
"When I realized I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I would wake up in the morning and wonder how she slept, if she had a funny or scary dream, what she liked in her morning coffee. I’d see a book and think about if she had read it, or would read a column in the newspaper and hear her thoughts on the current event. I would count down the minutes until I could see her again, or speak with her again, and only feel like I was able to breathe when I was with her. She was the first person who made me every truly feel like I fit with anyone, belonged anywhere. When I realized the rest of the world didn’t exist when I was with her."
"I don’t feel like that," Emma replied, hanging her head.
"Maybe not yet. That took time with your grandmother too, I didn’t suddenly feel that way the first time I met her. And if it’s not this boy, it will be someone else some day.
"The only thing I can say with any certainty is that there is someone for everyone. You may be lucky and be young when you find them, like me, and have your whole life ahead of you to spend with your person. You may have already had relationships that failed despite your best efforts, like your grandmother, with all the baggage that causes. No matter the when, though, you will find them that day, your better half."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because I still can’t stop thinking about her. It’s just now, every morning, I wake up with your grandmother in my arms, and I know how she slept. She tells me her funny dreams, if she remembers them, and her nightmares when she doesn’t forget them after she wakes. I know how many sugars she puts in her morning coffee and how much cream she puts in that cup. I know the contents of her reading list, and any book she really likes, she passes to me. Now, we read the newspaper together in the morning over breakfast, debating in real time the articles we see. I still count down the minutes until I can see her again, or speak to her on the phone if one of us has to be away from the other for work. Her family, this family, our family, is still the first and only place I fit, I belong, and is the only safe space where I can breathe. The rest of the world goes quiet when she holds me in her arms. And I have loved her more each day since I’ve known her.
"I’m sure that true love exists, that soulmates exists because your grandmother exists, and despite every obstacle, hardship, even the choice I’ve made to run for President, she loves me and chooses me every single day. And to me, that is nothing short of a miracle.”
(PS - I can’t send a photo in Anon mode, but in contribution to your request we all chime in with our favorite hugging/matching photos in response to the Photo Request Anon, EMT, my favorite photo is the one of them in black and white in the helicopter in Canada at the G7 where she is napping on his shoulder)
Helloooo fanfic Anon #2! ❤️
I can say that I officially love prequels! 😍
Emma coming to Emmanuel for advice is so lovely! And Emmanuel immediately activating super protector daddy mode hahaha
Emmanuel’s advice turned out to one of the most beautiful love declarations ever 🥺 So beautiful! 😍
Thank you so much, fanfic Anon #2! ❤️❤️❤️
(Just like for Strawberry’s piece, sorry for the short comments but my stuck at work)
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tungstenb · 2 years
9, 28, and 36 for the writing ask? 👀
Thanks, Eezo!
Yet another writing ask
9. Thoughts on cliffhangers.
I am not immune to cliffhangers! Many of the odd-numbered (i.e. present timeline) SAtS chapters end on cliffhangers, whereas the even (flashback) chapters end more contemplatively---this works for me since the odds carry most of the narrative's tension. To keep repeated cliffhangers from seeming cheap, balance and intentionality is key.
28. Any writing advice that works for you and you feel like sharing?
Hmmm. Tbh, I think the only piece of writing advice I hold sacred is... that there is no "one size fits all" advice, and most people peddling advice in absolutes ("Never do this; do this instead!") have no idea what they're talking about. In creative writing, you have leeway to break rules. So break them!---but be deliberate about it. Everyone seems to agree with this on the surface, but whenever I pop into writing groups I roll my eyes at what I read: people are so concerned with accessibility and marketability that they sacrifice authenticity, creativity, and risk-taking. What's ultimately most important is to understand why you're making the creative choices you are so you can maximize their effectiveness and have them play to your strengths.
36. How do you come up with fic titles? What's the one you're most proud of?
I don't choose fic titles. Fic titles choose me.
I'm still fond of "Cardamom and Cloves." The title came to me first---yeah, just randomly visited by alliterative spices, what of it?---but I immediately knew what I wanted to do with it.
The simplicity of "Like Water, Like Stone" has also grown on me tremendously.
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
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**edited to say, I mocked the overstimulator getting his zzzzzzs, and then the overstimulatee (me) followed soon thereafter, hence you actually receiving this in the morning, whoops!**
Preamble: Former HLJ (Hubs like Joon) anon back with a review (of sorts?) I figured I'd finally be able to get it to you by stupid o'clock (late late... bc Saturday is our weekly, much-beloved, kid-free date night), however *someone* decided that overstimulating his teeny-tiny wife was the name of the game tonight; consequently, he's found himself in need of a nap by 9PM, giving me writing time! 
Firstly, has anyone noted the wild parallels between lyrics in The Astronaut and 3tan?
When I’m with you
There is no one else
I get heaven to myself
When I’m with you
There is no one else
I feel this way I’ve never felt
Is this not OC and 3tan Yoongi? Bowing down to your portrayal of Great Love (capitals necessary). 
You writing (artistry?) paints truth in relationships, of feelings, chosen families, raw edges, communication, friendship, self-talk, and even insecurities. Oof. I don't know if these come from recounting your true-to-life experiences; otherwise, you are markedly gifted at describing the human condition. The Great Love kind of love? It isn't easy, linear, or perfect. Great Love is hard-fought, it's personal growth from both parties, and even when it feels like two-against-the-world, it's still safe. And, yes, Great Love makes you strain yourself to look back at him, mid-spice because that eye contact is worth a thousand words (indeed, it will replay in your mind for the thousand days that follow...maybe more). It's his delicate concern for her bruises, and her acknowledgement/empathy for what he must have been feeling this whole time. My hope (and maybe because I'm also a mom to a young daughter), is that your readers understand, through 3tan, that while Great Love *looks* different for everyone, it ultimately reaches parts of your heart that didn't, previously, seem to exist. Rooting for them, Ryen, and trusting these two to you, entirely. Bravo. 💜 ~HLJ unnie. 
AHHH oh my gosh.. my love. this was incredibly thoughtful and heartfelt. i truly feel all the sentiments you wanted to convey and holy hell i don't know what to do with these feelings??
when i listened to the astronaut.. and saw the lyrics.. it was a whole burst of emotions bc i literally had just gotten off the Forfeit ride. what timing and how fitting is this? and even the space themes laced into the 3tan9 fabric, too. i was just a little overwhelmed with everything hitting me all at once.
i've never seen my writing like how you describe it. like. whenever i read this the first time, i kinda just sat back in my chair and really thought about everything i've been doing with this series. in short: this is more than a piece of fiction.
like i knew that, realized that at some point this year (well, kinda with the first one after i got messages about it from people with similar experiences to reader before they knocked on yoongi's door) but it is def hitting me now that i'm resting. this isn't just words on a page or something i'm sharing. it's a love letter, it's a promise, it's advice, it's.. a reminder. a reminder that everyone is worthy of love, that they aren't their past, that they can change and grow and better themselves even if they feel like damaged goods.
love is out there and we all are deserving of it, whether it's Great, or platonic, familial, or even Self. it's found in the way we send something to someone because we thought of them, or the way we keep eye contact during sex because we want to feel connected every which way possible, or even just telling someone to be careful or to text you when they make it back safe.
My hope (and maybe because I'm also a mom to a young daughter), is that your readers understand, through 3tan, that while Great Love *looks* different for everyone, it ultimately reaches parts of your heart that didn't, previously, seem to exist.
that's my hope, too. you described everything i've been wanting to convey with this series perfectly, and i can't thank you enough for taking the time to send this review bc it's gonna stick in my heart for a very, very long time.
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payrollbangladesh · 19 days
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maaya-fine-jewels · 6 months
Exquisite Elegance: South Indian Jewelry Collection in New Jersey
South Indian jewelry is renowned for its distinctive styles and elaborate embellishments. Our specialty at Maaya Fine Jewels is providing a broad selection of South Indian jewelry in New Jersey that honors the area's rich cultural legacy. We have pieces in our collection from states like Kerala, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu. Skilled artisans who have been handing down their knowledge for centuries create each piece by hand.
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Jewelry from Tamil Nadu
Traditional jewelry styles hailing from Tamil Nadu are well-known. The Thalapoli, which consists of a chain of gold coins strung together, is among the most well-liked looks. Usually, religious emblems or depictions of gods are etched on these coins. The Kundan, a popular style with elaborate enamel work, is another.
These items are frequently worn at festivals and other special events.
Thalapoli: An array of gold coins connected by a chain
Kundan: Masterful enameling
Keralan Jewels
Kerala is renowned for its distinctive jewelry designs that use flora, foliage, and vines, among other natural features. A gold beaded necklace called a mangalsutra is one of the most well-liked designs. The Kamarband, a gold chain waistband, is another well-liked design.
A gold beaded necklace is called a mangalsutra.
A gold-chained waistline is called a kamarband.
Jewelry from Karnataka
Karnataka is well known for its traditional jewelry designs, which feature abstract shapes and geometric patterns. With its elaborate enamel work, the Kundan is one of the most popular designs. The Kundan, a popular style with elaborate enamel work, is another.
Purchasing South Indian Jewelry Has Its Benefits
Purchasing South Indian jewelry has a number of advantages. It is a terrific discussion starter because, first of all, it is unusual and distinctive. Second, it is made by knowledgeable artisans by hand, guaranteeing excellent quality and longevity. Ultimately, everyone can afford it, which makes it available to everyone.
Differentiated and standout
made by talented craftspeople by hand
Advice on Selecting the Ideal Item
Selecting the appropriate South Indian jewelry needs great thought. The following advice will help you make your choice:
Think about the occasion while choosing an item if you want to wear it often and want it to go with different ensembles. But if it's only going to be used on exceptional occasions, go for something more unique.
Consider comfort. Ensure that the item fits properly and doesn't become uncomfortable with time. Make sure it won't catch on anything else or snag on clothes as well.
Examine the construction's durability by paying special attention to how solid it seems. In typical use, a cheaply made design could break easily.
Prioritize quality over quantity. While having a large collection of accessories is good, concentrate on obtaining a smaller number of higher-quality ones. 
Think About the Metal Type. South Indian jewelry is available in copper, silver, and gold, among other metals. Select a sort of metal that goes well with your skin tone and sense of style.
Pay Attention to the jewels. If the piece has any jewels, make sure they are of the highest caliber and are well set. Before making a purchase, look for any cracks, discolouration, or loose stones.
Assess the workmanship. Examine the piece's fine craftsmanship and minute details. To ensure a high-quality product, look for well-defined patterns, precise engravings, and smooth finishes.
Fit with Your Wardrobe. Take into account how the jewelry will go with the items in your current wardrobe. Choose adaptable works that go well with a variety of ensembles for a range of events.
Seek Authenticity. When purchasing South Indian jewelry, search for hallmarks or authenticity certificates that attest to the high caliber and purity of the metal.
You are sure to get a gorgeous piece of South Indian jewelry that satisfies both practical and aesthetic requirements if you keep these things in mind.
In Summary
The world adores South Indian jewelry for its distinctive styles and elaborate embellishments. We at Maaya Fine Jewels provide a range of magnificent jewels that honour the area's rich cultural legacy. Every taste is catered to in our selection, regardless of whether you favour traditional styles or contemporary interpretations. Why then wait? Explore now!
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india7d · 9 months
Delhi-NCR: From Aspiring Visionary to Business Powerhouse
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Delhi-NCR: From Aspiring Visionary to Business Powerhouse - Naveen Sinha, Your Loan Guru
The Delhi-NCR region pulsates with ambition. From the bustling streets of Noida to the urbane avenues of Gurgaon, dreams dance in the air, waiting to be transformed into thriving businesses. But navigating the financial maze to fuel those dreams can be daunting. Fear not, aspiring moguls, for a financial genie resides in the heart of Delhi-NCR, ready to grant your entrepreneurial wishes – Mr. Loan Whisperer himself, Naveen Sinha. Naveen isn't just another loan officer; he's a seasoned sherpa with over a decade of experience scaling the treacherous peaks of business loans. Having traversed the financial landscapes of Saket's trendy cafes, Malviyangar's bustling bazaars, South Ex's designer havens, Lajpat Nagar's vibrant markets, Green Park's tech hubs, Hauz Khas Village's bohemian studios, Greater Kailash's luxury boutiques, Panchsheel's opulent offices, Nehru Place's tech conglomerates, Noida's industrial zones, Gurgaon's glass towers, Ghaziabad's manufacturing belts, and Faridabad's dynamic hubs, Naveen speaks the language of your business dreams, no matter where in Delhi-NCR they are rooted. Why Naveen Sinha is Your Delhi-NCR Loan Guru: Cartographer of the Financial Jungle: Forget the loan application compass spinning wildly. Naveen's intimate understanding of the diverse financial ecosystems across Delhi-NCR – from the government banks of Noida to the NBFCs of Gurgaon – ensures you find the perfect funding route, avoiding treacherous loan shark swamps and bureaucratic quicksand. Dream Architect with a Bespoke Hammer: Forget one-size-fits-all loan blueprints. Naveen delves deep into your unique business vision, crafting a tailor-made loan structure that fits your needs like a hand-stitched Savile Row suit, whether it's a quick injection for your Ghaziabad startup or a robust bridge loan for your Faridabad manufacturing expansion. Loan Processing Ferrari: Say goodbye to the snail's pace of loan approval. Naveen's expertise and connections grease the bureaucratic wheels, ensuring your funding arrives faster than a Delhi Metro on steroids, propelling your dreams from blueprints to brick-and-mortar reality in record time. Negotiation Ninja with Silver Tongues: Don't settle for predatory interest rates that devour your business profits. Naveen's silver tongue and fierce negotiation skills are weapons sharper than any Dilliwala bargaining for spices, slashing percentages and securing you the most competitive deals in town, leaving predatory loan sharks shivering in their dens. Your Personal Cheerleader and Business Yoda: Need a financial hype man and seasoned mentor? Naveen is your ultimate cheerleader, injecting contagious enthusiasm into your journey while offering priceless strategic advice honed over years of navigating the complex business landscapes of Delhi-NCR. He'll be your Yoda, guiding you through loan hurdles with wisdom and wit. Testimonials from Naveen's Loan Oasis: "Naveen helped me launch my Noida IT startup when everyone said it was impossible. He secured the perfect loan, helped me navigate the legal maze of company formation, and even recommended the best tech talent! He's a one-man business success kit!" - Aditya Raj, CodeWizards Solutions, Noida. "My dream of a boutique hotel in Hauz Khas Village was just a dusty dream until Naveen stepped in. He found the ideal loan, helped me deal with heritage property regulations, and even recommended the best interior designers! He's a miracle worker!" - Zara Khan, Qissa: A Hauz Khas Story. "Naveen helped me transform my Gurgaon construction business from a local player to a regional leader. His insightful loan restructuring freed up capital, and his connections landed me lucrative government contracts. He's a business game-changer!" - Rohan Malhotra, Skyline Constructions, Gurgaon. Ready to claim your piece of the Delhi-NCR entrepreneurial pie? Don't wander the loan labyrinth alone. Contact Mr. Loan Whisperer, Naveen Sinha, today and watch your financial dreams morph into bustling Delhi-NCR reality! Bonus Tip: Mention "Delhi-NCR Loan Whisperer" when you contact Naveen and unlock a special welcome bonus – a free financial health check-up to diagnose any pre-existing loan woes and ensure your business journey starts on a clean slate! So, ditch the spreadsheets and grab your chai. With Naveen Sinha as your financial compass, navigating the Delhi-NCR business world is just a loan application away! Read the full article
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onlyusash1 · 10 months
Unlock the Secrets of Istanbul Real Estate: The Ultimate Guide to Scoring Your Dream Property in the Enchanting City
Are you dreaming of owning a piece of Istanbul, the magical city of East meets West? Istanbul's real estate market is a treasure trove of possibilities, ranging from untapped neighborhoods to extravagant mansions and modern apartments. Join us on a journey as we explore the enchanting world of Istanbul real estate, uncovering untapped gems, magnificent historical mansions, and luxurious modern apartments. Whether you're an investor or a potential homeowner, this ultimate guide will help you navigate the diverse options and find your dream property in Istanbul.
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Untapped Gems: Exploring Istanbul's Up-and-Coming Neighborhoods
While areas like Sultanahmet and Beyoglu are popular destinations for tourists and locals alike, there are hidden treasures awaiting discovery in lesser-known neighborhoods. Take a stroll through the streets of Balat, with its colorful houses and lively atmosphere. Or explore the rapidly transforming neighborhood of Bomonti, where old industrial buildings are being converted into trendy residential spaces. These up-and-coming areas offer not only affordable options but also the promise of future growth and investment opportunities.
Extravagant Mansions: A Glimpse into Istanbul's Rich History
Istanbul's historical mansions, locally known as "yalis," are the epitome of elegance and grandeur. Nestled along the picturesque Bosphorus waterfront, these architectural marvels reflect the city's rich past. Imagine living in a mansion that once hosted royalty and witnessed the passage of time. The revival of interest in renovating and preserving these heritage properties has brought them back into the spotlight, offering a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in Istanbul's fascinating history.
Modern Apartments: Luxurious Living in Istanbul's Contemporary High-Rises
For those seeking a modern lifestyle, Istanbul's contemporary high-rise residential developments provide an abundance of options. Districts like Maslak and Levent boast a striking skyline filled with skyscrapers, housing luxurious apartments that offer breathtaking views of the city. These state-of-the-art buildings come equipped with world-class amenities, such as fitness centers, swimming pools, and 24/7 security. Living in one of these modern marvels allows you to experience the best of Istanbul's cosmopolitan lifestyle. Istanbul real estate
Factors to Consider: Legalities, Financing, and Investment Opportunities
Before embarking on your real estate journey in Istanbul, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the legal aspects, financing options, and potential investment opportunities. Istanbul welcomes foreign buyers, but understanding the regulations and procedures is crucial. Consult with reputable real estate agents or consultants who can guide you through the process and ensure compliance with local laws. Additionally, explore financing options tailored to your needs and evaluate the potential return on investment to make informed decisions.
Local Insights: Tips for Navigating Istanbul's Real Estate Market
Understanding the dynamics of Istanbul's real estate market can be challenging, but locals can provide valuable insights. They have a deep understanding of the neighborhoods, market trends, and potential pitfalls. Take time to connect with the local community and seek advice from those who have experienced the buying process firsthand. Conduct thorough due diligence before making any purchasing decisions and leverage the expertise of professionals to avoid common pitfalls.
Unlocking the secrets of Istanbul real estate is an exhilarating experience that can lead you to your dream property in this enchanting city. From untapped neighborhoods brimming with potential to extravagant historical mansions and luxurious modern apartments, Istanbul offers something for everyone. Whether you are seeking a promising investment or a place to call home, Istanbul's real estate market is a treasure waiting to be explored. So, take the plunge and embark on your journey into the enchanting world of Istanbul real estate – the city is ready to embrace you.
Please Visit For More Info; https://righthome.com.tr/en/publisher/Mehmet-Hekimo%C4%9Flu
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The Ultimate Guide to Furniture Shopping in Jaipur
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Are you on the hunt for exquisite furniture in the Pink City, Jaipur? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we'll take you on a journey through the vibrant world of furniture in Jaipur. From traditional Rajasthani pieces to modern designs, from brick-and-mortar stores to online shopping sites, we've got it all covered. So, if you're ready to embark on this furniture adventure, let's dive right in.
Furniture Jaipur: Where Tradition Meets Modernity
Jaipur, the capital city of Rajasthan, is not just famous for its rich heritage and majestic palaces but also for its diverse and exquisite furniture. Here, the old seamlessly blends with the new, and this is prominently reflected in the city's furniture offerings.
The Rich Heritage of Rajasthani Furniture
Rajasthani Furniture: A Glimpse into History
Rajasthani furniture is renowned for its intricate craftsmanship and timeless designs. Crafted by skilled artisans, this furniture tells a story of Rajasthan's cultural heritage. From ornate wooden chairs to vibrant hand-painted cabinets, Rajasthani furniture is a testament to the state's artistic prowess.
Exploring Jaipur's Furniture Market
When in Jaipur, visiting the local furniture markets is a must. The bustling streets are lined with shops selling everything from vintage treasures to contemporary pieces. The Johari Bazaar and MI Road are some of the top spots to explore.
Sofa Set in Jaipur: Comfort Meets Elegance
Choosing the Perfect Sofa Set
A well-chosen sofa set can transform your living room into a haven of comfort and style. In Jaipur, you'll find a wide range of sofa sets to suit your taste. Whether you prefer classic leather or vibrant fabric, Jaipur's furniture shops have you covered.
Customization and Personalization
One of the unique aspects of shopping for a sofa set in Jaipur is the option for customization. Skilled craftsmen can create a sofa set tailored to your preferences, ensuring it complements your home perfectly.
Furniture Shopping Options in Jaipur
Furniture Shop in Jaipur: Exploring Brick-and-Mortar Stores
Top Furniture Shops in Jaipur
Jaipur boasts an array of furniture shops that cater to various styles and budgets. Some of the top picks include The Great Eastern Home, Rainforest Italy, and Wooden Street. These stores offer a wide selection of furniture pieces, from bedroom sets to dining tables.
Expert Advice and In-Person Experience
Shopping at a physical store allows you to touch and feel the furniture, assess its quality, and seek expert advice. Sales representatives can guide you through the selection process, ensuring you make an informed choice.
Furniture Online in Jaipur: The Digital Advantage
The Rise of Online Furniture Shopping
In the digital age, online furniture shopping has gained immense popularity. Websites like Pepperfry, Urban Ladder, and Amazon Home offer an extensive range of furniture options. This convenience is especially useful for those who prefer browsing from the comfort of their homes.
Virtual Showrooms and Reviews
Online furniture stores often provide virtual showrooms, allowing you to visualize how a piece would fit into your space. Additionally, customer reviews and ratings provide valuable insights into product quality and customer satisfaction.
Furniture Market in Jaipur: Where Choices Abound
Exploring Jaipur's Furniture Markets
Jaipur is home to several furniture markets, each with its unique charm. The city's furniture markets are a treasure trove of styles, materials, and craftsmanship. Be sure to visit areas like Kishanpole Bazaar and Chandpole Bazaar to witness the diversity of Jaipur's furniture offerings.
Traditional vs. Contemporary
Whether you're drawn to traditional Rajasthani furniture or contemporary designs, Jaipur's markets have something for everyone. Don't hesitate to haggle a bit; it's all part of the experience!
Jaipur Furniture Stores: Where Quality Matters
Quality Assurance
When shopping for furniture in Jaipur, quality is of utmost importance. Reputable furniture stores in the city prioritize the use of premium materials and skilled craftsmanship. Look for certifications and guarantees to ensure the longevity of your investment.
After-Sales Service
Another advantage of shopping at established furniture stores is their commitment to customer satisfaction. They often provide after-sales services, including delivery and assembly, to make your experience seamless.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I find authentic Rajasthani furniture in Jaipur's markets?
Absolutely! Jaipur's furniture markets are renowned for their authentic Rajasthani pieces. You'll discover a wide range of beautifully crafted furniture that showcases the region's rich heritage.
Are there online stores that deliver furniture to Jaipur?
Yes, many online furniture stores offer delivery to Jaipur. Websites like Pepperfry and Amazon Home provide this service, allowing you to shop for furniture from the comfort of your home.
What should I consider when buying wooden furniture in Jaipur?
When buying wooden furniture in Jaipur, consider the type of wood, craftsmanship, and finish. Teak and Sheesham are popular choices for their durability and beauty. Inspect the craftsmanship for precision, and choose a finish that complements your decor.
Are there eco-friendly furniture options available in Jaipur?
Yes, Jaipur is home to eco-conscious furniture stores. Look for pieces made from sustainable materials and featuring eco-friendly finishes. These options are not only stylish but also environmentally responsible.
Can I bargain when shopping for furniture in Jaipur's markets?
Absolutely! Bargaining is a common practice in Jaipur's furniture markets. Sellers often expect customers to negotiate prices, so don't hesitate to try your bargaining skills.
How can I ensure the furniture I buy online matches my expectations?
To ensure the online furniture matches your expectations, read customer reviews and check for detailed product descriptions. Additionally, look for virtual showrooms or 3D models that help you visualize the furniture in your space.
Conclusion: Your Furniture Journey in Jaipur Awaits
In Jaipur, furniture shopping is more than just a transaction; it's an experience that immerses you in the city's rich culture and craftsmanship. Whether you seek traditional Rajasthani pieces or modern designs, Jaipur has it all. So, go ahead and explore the vibrant furniture market, visit renowned stores, or simply browse online – your furniture journey in Jaipur awaits!
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Across the Spider-Verse is Disappointing
Spoilers Ahead
Absolutely stunning first half which devolved under its incessant need for fan service and quips. The first half features an overall heartfelt story split between Gwen and Miles both showing how they deal with identity, alienation, and the overall stress of being a spider-person. Gwen's part was shot beautifully with extremely inventive animation which is much more interested in expressing the emotional truth of a scene than the physical one. A review from Joy Sauce tells me the styles comes from the original Spider Gwen comic run.
Miles' story is shot much more conventionally however with the technical prowess that even exceeds the original spider-verse. This style makes it feel somewhat lacking compared to Gwen's section but that is a very minor gripe compared to how well it builds on the original's visual language.
These stories eventually culminate into their lives colliding again where they have a beautiful moment high above the city which really is the movie at its best. Unfortunately though the writing of the second half cannot hold up to the emotional heights of the first and the overall visual splendor. It seems to ask us to take it seriously while also directly asking us to laugh at how silly the situation is. For example, the spot who seems to be a bit villain at the beginning of the movie turns into one of the two main antagonists yet his demeanor is still much closer to a petulant child who wants to be taken seriously rather than anything that makes the audience genuinely invested in him. This ultimately feels as if it undercuts any stakes in scenes where he has speaking lines, yet the moment where he reaches his goal results in one of the best cuts of the movie so it ends up feeling unearned and hollow. The Indian spider man also feels guilty of this where he is impossible to take seriously yet is involved in some very pivotal moments. Not to mention his representation feels somewhat problematic.
However it is not impossible to do these types of silly characters well, the movies itself shows this with spider punk who despite being an over the top punk rocker is a legitimate emotional piece of the movie. Despite that over the top demeanor he regularly offers good advice and shares useful insight without losing any of the charm of his ridiculous performance.
Moving on to the other villain of the movie who feels just as lackluster as the first its Miguel the leader of the giant spider organization. His introduction to Miles in Nueva York is sabotaged before he even enters the screen by the incessant references in the preceding scene of Miles and co. walking through the spider city along with the captured villains of the multiverse. The movie takes that chance to slow down any plot development to give the audience time to ooh and ahh at all the referenced they can possible fit on the screen leaving me already in the mind set not to take Miguel seriously. This is then followed by a sequence of Miguel slowly lowering to lecture Miles while all the characters constly quip about how he slow he is lowering himself. Eventually him and Miles clash leading to a chase scene full of quips from every possible spider-person that was somewhat brutal to make it through.
This isn't even mentioning the reason that Miguel and Miles disagree which is that Miguel see canon events as something that can't be altered and Miles says everyone can be saved. Besides being meta without any real commentary, it also doesn’t seem like a premise that is good for character development. There seem to be two routes one where Miles ends up agreeing and does the same track as all other spider mans, and the other being he disagrees and does the same as all other super heroes and tries to save everyone. Neither feels interesting.
This criticism of course alludes to the point that nothing actually concludes at the end of this movie. All plot threads are left open and we are given no real resolution besides the knowledge that another movie is coming reportedly within a year. Ultimately it feels like I just watched half a movie that bogs itself down in references despite the stunning visual identity and important stories about identity that it has to tell.
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remaxelitejm · 1 year
10 Expert Tips for Choosing the Perfect Property for the Real Estate Investment
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Are you looking to purchase a commercial space for rent in Montego Bay, Jamaica, to boost your investment portfolio return? In today’s market, Investing has grown beyond traditional assets. One of these choices is investing in real estate, which can be profitable for accumulating funds for your future. But not everyone is going to like it. It requires dedication, planning, and research to invest in real estate. As a result, you should frequently consult with professional real estate agents. The right property has to be selected to get the best returns and minimize risks. These 10 expert tips can help you pick the right property for real estate investment, whether you're an experienced investor or just getting started.
10 Tips to Consider for Choosing the Perfect Property 
1. Define Your Investment Objectives:
Before entering into the real estate market, define your investment goals. Would you want long-term rental income, short-flipping opportunities, or a combination of the two of them? Understanding your objectives will make it easier to focus on the various types of properties that fit your strategy.
2. Research the Area:
When buying real estate, location is everything. Explore the location in depth to learn about its economic development, employment prospects, infrastructural growth, and potential for future appreciation. Look for properties in locations with a lot of interest and features that attract buyers or tenants.
3. Analyze Market Trends: 
Keep updated on recent market projections and trends. Analyze previous vacancy rates, rental yields, and property prices. A market with a history of consistent growth and beneficial conditions will boost the likelihood of an investment being profitable.
4. Determine the ROI:
Make an in-depth study of the possible property's finances. The purchase price, ongoing costs (taxes, insurance, maintenance), and expected rental income or resale value should all be considered. Calculate the return on investment (ROI) to determine the property's profitability.
5. Evaluate the Neighborhood:
The neighborhood in which a property is located greatly impacts how successful an investment is. Examine the location's safety and accessibility to nearby services, including schools, public transportation, and recreation areas. More tenants or buyers will be attracted to a diverse location.
6. Assess the Property's Condition: 
Performing a thorough inspection to find any structural problems or upgrades needed. Others might choose turnkey properties that require minimal or no work, while some investors favor fixer-uppers for their potential upside. Make sure that the property's condition fits both your investment plan and your budget.
Read More: The Ultimate Guide to Buying and Selling Property in Jamaica
7. Consider your Property Taxes: 
These may have a big impact on your cash flow and overall results. Find more about current and future potential changes to the local property tax rates. Consider this when analyzing your finances and assessing potential investments.
8. Check Zoning Regulations:
Be informed of the property's zoning requirements and any potential constraints. Your capacity to develop or modify the property for particular uses may be limited by zoning rules, which may limit your investment options.
9. Seek Professional Advice: 
Enlist the help of experienced real estate experts, property managers, and real estate agents. Your investment journey will be easier and more effective because of their expertise in the local market, property management, and tax concerns.
10.Diversify Your Portfolio: 
Don't invest all of your money in one piece of property. Spread your risk among several properties and locations to diversify the assets in your portfolio. This tactic may reduce losses and maintain your overall profits.
It's a big decision for anyone to buying a house in Jamaica for investment purposes. Ensuring that any property you invest in will eventually turn a profit is essential. A property that has no long-term potential for growing your wealth is not one you want to invest in. Proper investment in real estate is essential for it. The wrong investments may harm your finances and your state of mind. The right investment property should be chosen after extensive research and study. In the real estate market, you can raise your chances of long-term success. Before deciding if real estate investment is the right option for you, take your time and conduct your research. As you start creating a savings fund, ensure that you have the time and resources to dedicate to this. To make clever choices regarding finances, keep in mind that patience and diligence are important. 
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