#but um yea shut up nobody’s reading this
smoshyourheadin · 6 months
helloo!! love ur stuff:3
do u write for criminal minds? if so could u write something about spencer reid🙏🙏
something that goes more into detail with his (ovbious) autism where he masks so much around everyone else that it causes him to sort of burn out and become more cold towards people and seem dislikeable??
but he has a sweet spot for us and only us🫶🫶 and everyone else is sort of shocked by it??
totally okay if not!! love ur writing
a/n: eeek tysm!! first request is a banger heck yea. also i LOVE this kind of spencer he’s so cute 😭😭 hope you enjoy!! requests are open <3
Soft Spot
pairing: spencer reid x gn! bau! reader
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the bau was where spencer felt safe.
he could do his own stuff, mainly paperwork, and nobody would interrupt him. he was content and liked being left alone, nobody was getting to know him, and he liked it that way.
until you joined.
you joined the bau a sunny day in june, practically bounding in, brimming with exitement. you walked into the bullpen, your pin covered, beaten up backpack slung lazily over one shoulder. a man called derek was the first to greet you
“hey there cutie, what brings you here?” he folded his arms over his chest, the curves of his muscles clearly visable through his tight grey t-shirt.
“hi!” you beamed at him “um, i’m the new hire and i start today. do you know where i can find-”
“lemme guess, you wanna see hotch?” he cuts in
“i think so, aaron hotchner right?” you looked at the small buisnuess card in your hands, running your thumb over the embossed text reading ‘AARON HOTCHNER, UNIT CHEIF, BAU, QUANTICO VA’.
the tall tanned man giggled at your enthusiasm, and points to one of the offices up the side stairs. “hotch is up there. i’m derek morgan, by the way.” he held his hand out for you to shake.
“derek, cool, i’m (y/n), it’s really nice to meet you!” you grasped his hand, shaking it gently “guess i’ll see you round then!”
he smiled and watched you run upthe stairs to his boss’ office. you knock on the door, and there was a deep voice that shouted from inside.
“it’s open”
you twisted the doorhandle, and walked into his office. it was pretty big, and really neat and tidy. there’s a tall man behind the desk, sat writing something next to a pile of files
“ah, hello (y/n),” he said with a slight smile, leaning over his desk to shake your hand “i’m aaron hotchner, i’ll be your unit cheif here.”
you take his hand eagerky and shake it, smiling at him.
“i just have a form i need you to sign and i’ll introduce you to the unit.”
“yeah awesome, cool- i mean- yeah that’s fine. good stuff.” you said nervously, wanting to come off as profesional as possible.
back in the bullpen, derek sat at his desk as spencer walked up to him.
“is the new agent any good?” he says blankly.
“i don’t know, seemed pretty nice to me. but, we haven’t been on a case yet so no clue. why’d you ask pretty boy?” he looks up at spencer, who’s fixing his tie
“no reason, just don’t want someone on our team we don’t need.” he retorts, flattning the tie against his chest. before morgan can say anything back, spencer had already turned his back, walking to his own desk, and shutting everything out. penelope, who had walked past as she heard derek mention a new hire, hung back so she could ask him all about you
“who’s the new hire derek!” she asked exitedly
“some kid, i think you’ll get along. very bubbly and smiley, just like you princess” he smiled at the blonde, earning a giggle from her.
up on the balcony of the bau, hotch was stood introducing everyone.
“that there, is ssa derek morgan,” he pointed to derek, who you met earlier. “he’s the man if you’re ever on any case involving obsessional crimes”
“and girl covered in glitter talking to him is our technical anaysist penelope garcia, ” you looked down to derek’s desk, where a pretty blonde lady with a big poofy dress and chunky glasses was stood. ”she can find just about anything, so she’s always on hand in a case”
“and that over there is ssa jennifer jareau, who we call jj,” he pointed to a woman with long wavy hair, stoof talking to a woman with thick black hair. ”she’s our media and communications liason, so she decides what cases we go on”
“stood next to jj is ssa emily prentiss,” your attention shifted to the woman with the dark hair and bangs. ”she specialises in cases with children, and knows 6 languages.” this earned a whistle of admiration from you
“then you have ssa davis rossi,” he pointed to an older looking man who was reading something at his desk. ”he’s our most experiienced agent, and he’s a brilliant hostage negotiator.”
“and that over there is dr. spencer reid” he points to a very tall, very handsome man around your age, dressed in a button up shirt and purple tie, with unrully brown waves. ”he’s literally a genius, he has an iq of 187, and a photographic memory. but he’s not really one for friendships, he’s got his walls up.”
you frown slightly, but accept it. not everyone wants to be your friend, but you’ll be nice to him either way.
a few days had passed, and you’d gotten to know everyone really well, especially garcia who was so sweet to you, you could feel the cavities in your teeth. you were talking to her one day when she invites you to a bar later that night. because it was a friday and your first team outing so, you said yes. garcia gave you a big hug, and said she’d pick you up at 7 to take you.
after that, you finished some paperwork and headed to the elevator to go get the metro home, and to your surprise, spencer held the door for you, so you beam at him
“thanks spencer” you stand next to him, and rocked back and forth on your feet next to him, gently humming to yourself
“yeah, no problem” he gave you a polite smile, and looked down at his phone at his phone
the ride down was spent in comfortable silence, and as you left the lobby of the building, he turned the same way as you.
“you going to the station on 550?” you looked up at him as you walked side by side down the sidewalk
“yup” he said blankly
“cool, me too! i get off at leeland road.” you replied
spencer hummed, and said “oh, me too”
you smile as you look straight ahead, almost skipping to keep up with him
“so, how’s your day going?” you started to make small talk
“fine. you?” he looked into your eyes, taking in your features. he doesn't like people, he’s never liked people. he’s tired all the time, he just likes his own company, thats all he needs. nobody would understand the way he works. maybe his mom would. but maybe you would too. who was he kidding? no you wouldn't.
“yeah! yeah i’m good. exited to go out tonight,” you smiled contently, realising that you were really part of the team now. it felt good “not sure what i’ll wear. i don’t think i have any clothes clean i can wear. i also need to feed my cat. i should write a reminder. i should probably also do my dishes. oh and also water my plants. i don't know where i put the mister. i need to find that….” you start to trail off
spencer looked at you, your brain working so fast he can barely keep up
“sorry, i don't mean to ramble, that happens sometimes. i’m sorry.” you looked away from him awkwardly, the lump in your throat drying it out.
“no its okay, my brain works a similar way sometimes. i like organisation more though.”
the train pulled up in front of you, and you realised you’d been walking on autopilot for a while now, not entirely realising you and spencer had gotten to the platform. he continued to make polite small talk with you on the train, and when you got off, and when you started walking down the street
“welp,” you said, stopping outside your apartment block. “this is me. i’ll see you later on though, yeah?” you give him a smile and he nods, giving you a small wave as you walked into your building. as he walked away, he felt his stomach churn. he didn't know if that was good or bad.
now, you stand in your apartment, haven fed your cat biscuit, your socks scrunched at your ankles, baggy t shirt over your frame, and twenty five minutes until penelope got here. and you hadn't decided what to wear. to be safe, you pick out a nice button up and trousers, sliding on your converse. you grab a jacket, and as youre picking up your keys, a honk makes you jump. you rush out the door to see garcia, jj, and derek all in a red car outside
“hey hey hot stuff, hop in!” derek shouts at you. you clamber into the back next to jj, and make your way over to the bar. when you get there derek asks you
“what are you drinking?”
“um, i’ll have a lemonade please”
“not a drinker?” he raises an eyebrow
“only on special occasions”
he nods and walks to the bar, shorty returning to your guys’ table with a beer for him, a tall fruity looking concoction for garcia, and your lemonade. you’re sat between emily, and a very agitated reid. the night goes on slowly, all chatting away and laughing.
“hey genius, loosen up!” emily says over the music. in response, he just huffs, and swirls his straw around in his glass of water. you take a sip of lemonade, and nudge him with your shoulder.
“you okay?”
“loud” is all he manages to respond with, clearly not enjoying the setting.
“we can go outside if you want”
he nods, and you two stand up. you tell derek you’re going outside with spencer, and to keep an eye on your drink
“you got it” he gives you a thumbs up, and shuffles back into the booth.
standing in the cold, you cross your arms, the gentle pounding of bass coming from inside the bar
“hey uh- thanks for coming out with me.” he says to you. his gentle hazel eyes meeting your own, his hair tucked behind one ear, as it was starting to get quite long. you think its cute.
“yeah, of course, its nothing. i don't like it in there either to be honest, my head cant handle it. its a lot.” you give him a half smile and see him pacing a bit.
“i get that” he says, clearly agitated
“do you want to go home? i can call you a cab if you want. we can go back to my place and i can make you food if you’d like”
“if you don’t mind, that’d be nice”
this time when he smiles at you, it’s genuine. not like when derek makes a joke and he smiles to show he’s listening, not like when he smiles at emily when she brings him coffee thats cold. no, this was real.
a few minutes later, the cab arrives and you tell the driver your address. spencer’s leg is bouncing as he looks out the window. you pull up in front of your building, thank the driver and pay, and walk up to your apartment.
“here we are,” you unlock the door “home sweet home”
you kick your converse off, having to shake your ankle a fair bit. you hang your jacket up, and spencer does the same. sitting on the couch is biscuit who stands up and arches her back, slightly meowing.
“hey baby!” you smile at her and scratch her chin. spencer looks over at you as you kneel in front of her. he thought you looked really nice. he wasn’t going to tell you though.
“your apartment is nice.” spencer says, sinking into your leather armchair in front of your bookcase
you smile at his remark, attention still on biscuit. your apartment is pretty simple, just a few pictures hung up and pretty colourful furniture. after fussing over your cat, you make yourself some tea and some coffee and a bowl of soup for spencer. you add milk, and like seven spoons of sugar to his coffee, which you’re sure was too much but you’d seen him make his own before and that’s how he makes it, so he must like it. you set the coffee and soup down in front of him, and sit down on the couch, tea in hand. he takes a small sip from big mug and smiles
“hey, how did you know how to make my coffee?”
“observant, i guess”
“nobody has ever made it like that for me before”
“well, i guess im not nobody” you shrug, and stand back up again, walking into your bedroom to put on some pj’s.
after three minutes and forty two seconds, he counted on his watch, you're back in some sweats and the same t shirt from before.
“oh shit i forgot to ask, do you want some pjs? i mean, that is if you want to stay over, you don’t have to”
“if you’re offering” he smiles at you, and you walk back into your room to grab him a t shirt and some grey sweats from the bottom of your drawer. he chants, and walks back in. you notice his socks, they’re odd. one has pink and blue squares on, the other is green with a dinosaur pattern. you smile.
after a few hours of just talking about books, and live, and family, and everything inbetween, you head to bed, and spencer climbs in next to you. he’s so gentle, barely dipping the bed.
“i’m not made of glass you know spencer, you can make yourself comfortable.” you giggle a bit at his tense body.
“yeah, okay.” you feel his body shift on the mattress, clearly more relaxed. you switch on the lamp next to you and lie down, wrapping yourself up and wallowing in spencer’s cologne- it smells like wood and coffee. you hum, and drift off. as you sleep, he watches your chest rise and fall, enjoying the frequency, and just knowing that you understood him.
the morning comes around, saturday sunlight seeping through your blinds, a gentle chirp can be heard outside as your eyelashes bat awake. you look over and see spencer, hair strewn over his face, eyes closed, and mouth slightly smiling. he’s breathing very steadily, he looks peaceful. you gain full conciseness and realise your legs are entangled with his, and you feel heat rise to your cheeks. you prop yourself up, and check your phone. the bau group chat has 4 unread messages.
bau gang
morgan damn @(y/n), finally get through to pretty boy?
garcia the last time i asked him to stay at mine, he stared at me like i’d just kicked a puppy
prentiss same here, he just looked at me in disgust and walked away. we didn’t talk for two days
rossi how on earth did you crack that wall? whats his soft spot? teach me your ways, young one
you smile at your phone and just reply
a magician never reveals her secrets 😚 he’s asleep rn but i’ll be sure to ask him to be nicer to you all later
you then take a picture of spencer as he sleeps, just to remind yourself that maybe he isn’t so bad after all.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years
actually, I’ve learned
A/N: this was an old request by @otbvinyls originally posted back in the summer of 2022, it read: write one where reader wants to learn to play chess just to spend time with spencer, so she spends hours watching videos/reading books to learn it on her own and to impress him. and there’s so much angst bc spencer is like “you could have just asked me to teach you, you know?” and reader is like “yea but i wanted to surprise/impress you” and he gets all riled up bc nobody has ever wanted to impress him like that and he’s like “…you wanted to impress me?”
Warnings: Spencer Reid x bau!reader, chess
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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On the jet home, you sat opposite Spencer and observed as he played himself with his tiny travel-sized chess board. 
Biting the corner of your bottom lip, you gathered up the courage, “hey Reid?”
“Mhm?” he hummed, not taking his eyes off the board.
“When you’re done with that game, do you wanna play a bit with me?”
Cocking his head to the side, his eyes flickered to meet your face, “but you don’t know how… do you want me to teach you?”
“Actually, I’ve learned,” you averted your gaze, “might have picked up a Bobby Fischer book or two…”
Still staring at you with furrowed brows, he asked you slowly, “okay, but why didn’t you just ask me to teach you?”
Squeezing your eyes shut, you winced, “I, ugh… I wanted to… impress you…”
“…you wanted to impress me?”
Because I’m madly in love with you and I want you to notice me as more than a co-worker, “I don’t know, I just, um, did… so, do you want to play with me?”
“Yes, yes, yes I do-, I, um, I do,” he blinked, completely forgetting about the half-won match already at his fingertips. 
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© 2022 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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pooplyface1423 · 9 months
What about me? Ch.8
" YOU LIKE Y/N," said pomni, jumping out of nowhere
" WHY ARE YOU EAVESDROPPING ON US YOU LITTLE ####!" says Jax, clearly annoyed at the fact that pomni heard him say that and that he got censored
" Um-Yes?" Says pomni feeling slightly scared of what might happen
" Well, you shouldn't do that," says kinger, looking down, slight disappointment in pomni for eavesdropping on them
" ANYWAY, you will not tell a soul most importantly y/n got it," said Jax, sending shivers down pomni's body
"Um- no" says pomni as she walks Rather fast away out of the tent and from kinger and Jax
"Y/NNNNNN Ja-" pomni was trying to say that Jax loves you but was stopped by Jax holding his hand over her mouth
"You will say nothing to y/n or else"said jax menacingly
"Or else what! "says Pomni
"Um-FINE what do you want"says Jax accepting defeat
As pomni was about to say what she wanted they were all caught my surprise when...
" CAN Y'ALL SHUT THE #### UP I WANT PEACE AND QUIET JAX NOBODY GIVES TWO ##### YOU LIKE Y/N SHUT UP ALREADY!!!"Says Zooble clearly annoyed that the three would't shut up
"oh hello Zooble" said kinger waving
"Shut up," says Jax, trying not to burst out laughing for interrupting Zooble's peace and while thinking of something
Then they all just kinda stand in the awkward silence while Jax thinks of something to make sure neither zooble pomni nor Kinger snitch on him, and then💡he got an idea. An idea he might regret but worth the shot. Right? He highly doubts they would take the offer.
"Okay, all three of you guys, please don't say crap to y/n okay? And I won't bother u guys for um-1 week, " says Jax. just hoping they would all keep their mouthshut
"Make it 3, and we have a deal," says Zooble
"UGH FINE Deal" says jax as he has no other option
"Ok, deal!" Says Zooble
In that same moment, Ragatha gangle and y/n come back from eating cotton candy.
"Hey , what are you guys doing!" Says ragatha
" Oh hey, we were just talking about how Jax lik- " says Kinger before being rudely interrupted by pomni
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Anyway kinda forgot bout this for like a couple of days, so yea just finished the rest. I will start to work on the next part later today.
Thx for reading
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happythecat · 4 years
so who is gonna watch natsume yuujinchou so that I can talk to them about it. huh.
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mai-sans-senpai · 4 years
Hey! Can I request class 1-a Boys comforting their gf who's having an anxiety episode? Like I was just in the kitchen doin my thing and my anxiety spiked, then there was an ambulance outside for my neighbors and the whole ordeal was just not good for my poor brain iaojdij I'm in need of ✨comfort✨. Please and thanks if you do!
class 1-a boys comforting gn!reader
A/N : @bubblime oh my goodness i hope you’re alright.
izuku -
izuku totally knows about anxiety and he knows how to deal w it when he has an episode. but he has a teensy bit of trouble when helping someone else (but he tries his best! don’t worry you shall get comforted). he grabs your hands, brings you over to a corner and tells you to breathe for 4 hold for 4 and he rubs your back and breathes w you. after you get your breathing in check, he’ll get some nice, cold water for you also. “hey it’s ok y/n, i’m here. i won’t let anyone hurt you, puppy.” if you’re not calmed down by then, then he’ll ask you to point out things you can touch, what you can taste, and something that is red or green. by then, you’re calmed down. if you like to be touched afterwards, he’ll give you the biggest hug in existence. if you don’t really like contact after, he’ll sit with you and tell you a funny story to get your mind off of what happened. overall, he does pretty good!
todoroki - “let’s go to a quieter place, love.” he’ll probs walk with you around the dorms two times before does anything. if you can’t get up/paralyzed by the episode, he’ll carry you up to your room and sit you on the bed (don’t worry about your weight! he’ll figure a way to get you up there w/o you having to move a muscle! 😡🥰). “ok, can you count to 50 for me, sweetheart?” after you count, he’ll make you some soft ice cubes to chew (aw man, i love me some soft ice. like snowcone ice 🤤). if your teeth are sensitive, he’ll make his hand cold amd put it on the back of your neck. if you’re not calm yet, he’ll ask you, “is there anything you want or need me to do right now?” and he’ll DO IT. anything you ask for at that moment, if attainable, he’ll do it or go get it. in the end he’ll cuddle w you or hold your hand and talk to you.
bakugou - alright, alright. this man has no idea how to help you. yes, he’s had anxiety attacks (cough, cough deku vs. bakugou #2), but he doesn’t calm down in a good way. he either goes on a run or works out or just fights his way through it. so when your having an anxiety attack or something like that, he’ll try his best to tell you “ok ok um uh y/n breathe in and out of some shit. fuck ok are you breathing?!” you’ll probably wince bc he fuckin yelled that in your ear and he’ll feel so bad. he’ll start panicking a lil bit but he takes you to recovery girl and tries to make her help you. recovery girl eventually calms you down and bakugou feels awful. you try to reassure him and tell him that he did perfectly fine taking you to the nurse hero. “no no no wait i’m supposed to be the one comforting you. shut up and let me comfort you. d-do you wanna go cuddle or something?” y’all go cuddle and he promises that he’ll do better next time “for sure, stupid.”
shoji - literally his reason for his quirk is to comfort people. kidding but i know he gives good hugs oml. but yea he’ll give you a great big hug and get you some water while saying really nice things to you. “hey hey youre okay. you’ve got me right?”
sero - hugs you and let’s you cry into his chest. another dude who i know who gives bomb bc have y’all seen how wide his shoulders are?? well anyways, he’ll give you water (like even hold the cup and everything 🥴) and he’ll say things like “talk to me. what’s wrong and what can i do?”
tokoyami - now fumikage is kinda awkward when it comes to feelings that aren’t love or sadness so he’ll probably just sit there with you, holding your hand, and not talk. he’ll just rub his thumb over your hand in a soothing manner.
satou - after you calm down and stop crying/shaking, he’ll tell you a bunch of jokes while holding you to his chest and you’ll fall asleep like that all cozy 🥺
aoyama - ofc after you calm down, he’ll point out every single thing that’s beautiful about you, from the pace that you book to the way you walk. “come on y/n, nobody that beautiful should be crying.”
ojiro - (🤤 before i go on, this man is SO seggsy and underrated) anyway, he’ll probably hold you and wrap his tail around you to make you feel extra loved 🥰. awwww and he’ll whisper stuff like “it’s okay i’m here for you. i’m not leaving you here.”
iida - (what a hunk. sorry this is supposed to be fluffy and i’m over here drooling) ok so he knows EXACTLY what to do. he’s def read up on how to comfort people, he’s the class rep (insert iida pushing up his glasses while smiling smugly y’all know). first, he gets you some water and rubs your back. if you can’t get your breathing down he’ll breathe with you and instruct you on how to breathe. remember he’s still iida so he’ll be a bit awkward at it. “ok breathe y/n. w-well i mean breathe with me. but if i’m talking to you you can’t see how i breathe. whatever just in for 4 out for 6. or was it in for 8??” at the end you kinda give up on relying on him and get your breathing down on your own. then he kinda hold your hand and legs you talk to him while he listens intently.
kaminari - pure panic on his part. he’s like ‘i love them so much i can’t let them die’ like denki i’m not dying. “o-ok so um i think breathe and uh calm down.” you look at him kinda angrily bc like you can’t just calm down STUPID. eventually he gives up and takes you to someone more competent. “i’m sorry baby that i couldn’t help you,” he’s holding you on your bed as you cuddle. “aw it’s ok denki.”
kirishima - first he knows how to get your breathing down and when he does that he wants to cheer you up. “let’s go on a walk.” so y’all go around town and he gets you whatever you want. by the end of it, you feel so happy.
and sorry mineta and koda stans i can’t really think of them like in a boyfriend role.
A/N : hey sorry my creativity kinda dwindled down at the end of it. i hope y’all like it and for my next thing i have an atsumu or tsukishima x black!reader. and thank y’all so much for blowing that sweaty hands fic up. i love you guys!🍇🍓
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He Could Be the one
Reggie Imagine
This is the fourth time I’ve posted this. For some reason it won’t come up in the tags. If it doesn’t for you, let me know! hehe I did it y’all!!! I’ve been thinking about this all day and I just had to write out!! i change the lyrics “hes a cutie” to guitar cutie because when I was little i was convinced it was guitar cutie
Based of the amazing Hannah Montana song, He Could Be the One. The band finds a song in your book about a “guitar cutie” and the boys tease Luke. However, the band quickly forgets that there are three boys that play guitar in the band.
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You had a massive crush on Reggie. There was no denying it. At first you thought there was no way you could a thing for your bandmate. But the more you were with him, the more you found yourself falling for him. And it wasn’t just band practice, you guys were always together.  Sometimes you just needed to get away from the boys for a while, but Reggie was always the first to make sure you were okay. He would find you in your little spot on the beach, or in your favorite music store looking at the new records and tapes. He would just plop down next to you and wrap his arm around you and talk about your day.
Reggie was so sweet. He was always your number one hype man during shows or practice. When you felt like you weren’t good enough for the band he was always there to show you your worth. “Y/N we wouldn’t be the same with out you! Your songs bring so much to band. They can connect to the fans and I don’t know how you do it!”
Not to mention, that face. That smile. That adorable, goofy, toothy smile he has had ever since he was little boy. Whenever he flashes his smile at you, you feel heart race and you pray nobody else can hear it. He was just so damn cute all the time. How is it possible? When on stage, you would look and see him dancing and jumping while playing his bass and you wished you could dance with him.
But you were scared to tell him. You didn’t want to cause any drama in the band.
But after awhile you realize how much you loved this boy, you had to let it somehow. So, you did what you did best; wrote a song.
You had a notebook, similar to Luke’s that was filled with songs. Some completed, other pages just had random versus. You were sat in a bean bag chair in the garage writing before band practice. You had your notebook propped up against your knees as you wrote down the song. Once you started, you couldn’t stop writing. Everything you had felt the past few months were being let out onto this piece of paper. The words flowed effortlessly on the page.
“Hey baby girl”
You jumped and fell of your chair. Your notebook slammed shut.
“Fuck Reggie!” your heart was pounding. You couldn’t tell if it was because Reggie scared you, or because he almost saw the song you were writing about him, or because he called you baby girl. Although “baby girl” was a daily thing with him.
“Woah okay. Sorry Y/N’ he gave his hand out for you to help you get up when he noticed your book in your hand.
“New song?” he asked.
“Something. It’s not that good though.” You tell him placing the book in your bag before he can see it.
“Y/N, how many times do we have to talk about this? You're the best song writer we have! You can do no wrong”
Your face started to heat up as you turned around to  look a Reggie. You tried to play it cool and roll your eyes. “Don’t let Luke hear you say that. But I do think Home Is where my horse deserves some credit”  you said jokingly.
“See, this is why I love you. You my girl, have great taste” he said while point at you with that boyish smile.
“my girl”
My god how does he get your heart to act like this?
“Taste is anything that isn’t Bobby’s songs” You tell him trying to busy yourself at your keyboard.
“That’s very true”
As he said that the rest of the band started to walk into the garage. Luke looked like he was about to explode with excitement. “Everything okay Luke?” Reggie asked.
“We got a gig tomorrow night on the Strip!”
Your eyes widened and mouth dropped. “The strip? Seriously? Where at?” you asked joining the rest of the group.
“Some new club is opening tomorrow night and they asked if we could perform!” Alex said.
“Oh my god! Think of the amount of people that are going to be there! This is great guys!” you said.
Luke said something about getting practiced but you told the boys that would be right back. You were going into the house for some water.
“New club, I’m thinking a new song” Luke said.
“Do you have anything written?” Alex asked
“I don't” Luke said
“ I have some-”
“Y/N was writing a song when I walked in” Reggie said interrupting Bobby.
“Great! lets look!” Luke said. He grabbed your bookbag off the ground and dumped the contents onto the small coffee table in front of the couch. Your school work, pens, random pieces of trash, and your notebook came falling out of your bag. Luke grabbed the notebook and flipped to the last written page.
Luke started to read the beginning of the song“Smooth talkin, so Rockin. He’s got everything a girls wanting …”
“ A lovesong? really? That’s not very us. Or Y/N” Bobby said.
“I don’t think we are meant to see this” Alex said.
“come on, Keep going Luke” Reggie said eagerly.
Luke took a deep breathe and started reading the song out loud again, “He’s a cutie, he plays it groovy. and I can’t keep myself from doin’ somethin’ stupid”
“Guys I really don’t think-”
“Woah! Wait a minute guys listen to this” Luke said, “He’s lightnin’, sparks are flyin’ Everywhere I go he’s always on my mind and I’m goin’ crazy about him lately And I can’t help myself from how my heart is racin’ Think I’m really diggin’ on his vibe He really blows me away”
“Yea Guys were definitely aren’t meant to to see this” Alex said
As Alex spoke Luke eyes went wide and he dropped the notebook on the table.
“What? what is it” Reggie asked. He walked over to where luke was standing and he pointed to the words, “guitar cutie”
“Guit-guitar cutie?” Reggie said in shock.
Alex popped up from his chair and went over to reggie, “Guitar cutie?”
Luke looked up at the boys and point to his guitar that was strapped around his neck and then to himself, “Guitar cutie”
“Y/N likes Luke?” Bobby said
“I guess! who else would be guitar cutie?” Luke said
“um I don’t know. me?” Bobby said.
“No she has taste” Reggie said without stuttering.
“Who has taste?”
The boys all screamed when they saw you walk in with a water for each of them.
“What are you looking at?” you ask them, your voice filled concern. Alex tried to hide the book but Luke took it out of his hands. “Guitar cutie?” he asked you.
Oh no
“Wh-what?” you asked
“Your song that you wrote. ‘Guitar Cutie’s, is that- is that me?“ Luke asked you
"You had no right to go through my stuff Luke!” You said. Your voice was mix of rage and embarrassment. “I don’t just flip through your song book without asking!
"I’m sorry Y/N we were just trying to find a new sing for the gig tomorrow. It was the first one we saw. We’re so sorry”
You were on the verge of tears,“You all saw the song?” You didn’t want to right.
“We all saw the song Y/N” Reggie said with his hand on the back of his neck.
“But Y/N” Alex said. “If you need to talk to us, or well um … Luke we can go”
“It’s not about him!” you said
“I knew it!” Bobby said with confidence
You walled away from Luke with daggers in your eyes and stormed over to Bobby. “And don’t flatter yourself Bobby because it sure as hell not about you either” You yelled at him. “You don’t know shit Bobby!” Your turned to look at the rest of them “Clearly none of you do”
You turned around and ripped your book out of Luke’s hands. You held the book to your chest as tears started to roll down your cheek as you walked out of the garage.
“Oh we really messed up this time” Alex said.
“Wait” Bobby said. “If it’s not about Me-”
“Or me” Like said.
“It’s clearly not me” Alex said.
“Then who is it?” Bobby asked.
All of the boys were looking around the room at each other. And then, a light bulb went off and Reggie’s eye went wide with the realization.
“I play bass” he simply said.
It finally dawned on the boys. “You’re guitar cute!?” They shouted together.
Reggie grabbed his leather jacket off the couch along with your bag. “I gotta go” Reggie said running out the door.
It took a little while, but Reggie finally found you on the beach near your house. He saw you sitting close to the water with your feet in the ocean. You had your head down in your hands. As sad as you were Reggie couldn’t help but be filled with happiness and pride at the thought that you like him back.
Reggie always liked you. Whenever his parents were fighting, he would go straight to your house. You never interrogated him like the rest of the boys did. If he wanted to talk, you’d talk with him about what happened. If not, you’d find a way to take his mind off it.
He swears when ever he hears you sing, it’s like listening to angels. You have the most beautiful voice he has ever heard. He loves just sitting with you at piano as you sing and mumble to yourself as you figure out how your new song should sound like.
Not to mention, you are the most beautiful girl he knows. Inside and out. You were smart, creative, goofy and kind. But he couldn’t help but want to stare into your Y/E/C eyes. He also love your hands. He loved watching how soft and delicately they moved over your piano at home or your keyboard you used in the band.
And the fact that you, his absolutely dream girl, wrote a song about him? My god he has to hear it to music.
He took his jacket off and carried it in his hand as he walked down to you on the beach. Without saying a word, he draped his jacket around your shoulders and sat down next you.
“Reggie now is not a good time” you said in your hands.
“We don’t have to talk about what happened” Reggie said. “But if you are gonna call me Guitar cutie, I reserve the right to call you Piano Cutie”
You took your head away from your hands and Reggie saw how red and puffy your eyes were from crying “Reginald if you came all the way down here to make fun of me I swear to god-”
“No!” Reggie exclaimed. “I just meant, ya know. After I ask you out, if your little nickname for me is going to be guitar cutie, I deserve to call you Piano Cutie. Or at least call me Bass Cutie. Cause honestly, the whole Guitar cutie thing confused the boys a lot”
“Wait. What?” You asked.
And in typical reggie fashion, he wrapped his arms around you. But his other hand went to cup your cheek and he leaned down and kissed you. Your body quickly tensed up after being able to process what was happening, your hand immediately went into Reggie’s hair and pulled him closer. Your noses were pushed together by how close the two of you were. Your hand moved from his hair to his cheek as you pulled away to get some air. As you pulled away Reggie was looking at you with the most loving look in his eyes.
“Got anymore songs about me, Piano Cutie?”
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littlemspeachy · 4 years
This Conversation is Getting Older and Older
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Part Two of You Keep Me Waiting 
Warnings: Cursing, Mentions of Murder, A character is racist 
Word Count: 3.8K (Yup y’all are getting more to read)
Draco stares at where Hermione was once stood and sighed before muttering a repairing spell that fixes the broken picture frame, then came organizing his notes for Yazmeen while he was out.
"Hey, Draco, it's Yazmeen. I came for your notes on the death eater case," Yazmeen announced, peeking into his office.
Draco shot the younger girl a smile. "Yeah, I was getting them cleaned up for you. I know how much you hate having to work with illegible writing."
She laughs and shakes her head. "It's fine, you're fine. It's other people on this floor I have to worry about. But um.."
Draco looks up at her, an eyebrow raised.
"Nevermind, I'll talk to you when you get back."
Draco nods and hands over his revised notes. "Take good care of them. They're the only kind."
"I'm pretty sure that I can read your actual notes. But thank you anyway."
Draco smiles at her and watches her leave before grabbing his things and following after her.
"You know, for such a smart wizard, I came in here easily." She says coldly.
Draco pauses in his living room, unsure how to start the conversation.
"Daphne, I made it sure you could come in."
"You need to sign them," Daphne says, pulling a pen from her purse and setting it down on the divorce papers laid out before her.
"Not before my father dies," He responded, voice tight.
"I don't really care about your feelings about your father, and he's practically a shell of a human anyway. Why do you think he's back at the manor?" She shot back, staring pointedly at Draco.
Draco stays quiet because she's right: His father doesn't do anything but look outside to the garden, and he isn't improving his mother's health either in fact, she's gotten worse because of his father being back/ He was thinking of killing him, but after working in law enforcement he wasn't sure how that was going to work.
"Just sign the papers. This isn't for you; it's for me, so get over yourself." Her voice annoyed at how long this situation was taking her.
He sighs because she was right: He was being selfish. Making them stay married even though they haven't been in the same room for longer than 10 minutes in the past 8 years unless it was an event that was centered around his mother. So he walks over to sign the papers.
"Your mother misses you, you know, and she wants an explanation."
Draco pauses the signing of his last mane to look at the woman in front of him before he goes back to signing his last name.
"I don't know why you continue to visit her."
"Because at least one of us to maintain the image of a proper person. We all can't go running around like children on the playground."
Draco rolls his eyes equally as annoyed at his now ex-wife. "Listen, here're the documents, just send me an owl with a court date, and I'll make sure to be there."
Daphne just sighed and slipped the papers into her purse, and leaves through the front door. "You need to talk to her. Also, I poured out the tea. It was getting old.
Draco simply stares at her leaving, leaving his house and his life.
Maybe it was better this way.
He steps out of Hermione's fireplace and into a living room. A room that he knew way too well for simply being fuckbuddies with her roommate.
"I thought you had better wards up 'mione." A familiar voice commented from the other room.
"I did. It was Yazmeen who let him in." Hermione said, watching Draco step out of her fireplace. Fred followed her gaze and watched as Draco got reacquainted with the apartment. Draco noticing their gaze on him.
"Are you two just going to stare at me? If so, I could've met you at the train station," Draco commented, annoyed.
Fred laughs. "Some people never change. I'll see you when you get back," Fred said, smiling at the brown-skinned woman. He pauses at the door. "Keep her safe, Malfoy."
That, for some reason, catches him off guard, but he manages to get out a quick, yeah.
Hermione watched Fred leave before turning back to the blond-haired man who has moved out of her living room.
"You ready to go? I need to call a cab." Hermione asked.
"Yeah, I'm good. Don't know about you, though... Seemed a bit preoccupied." He shrugs, back turned away, looking at some artwork on the wall.
Hermione doesn't validate the statement and instead goes to call a cab. "One is in the area, and it'll be here in about 3 minutes."
Draco doesn't respond, so they exist in silence before Hermione asks, "You've been here plenty of times.. You don't stay over like you used to?"
Draco turns quickly to face the curly-haired woman. "Yeah, unlike like some of us, we have work to do."
"Now, what the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"It's obvious half your stuff isn't here, and with Fred being over, I'm going to assume it's at his place?"
All Hermione does is glare before going to look outside to her window. She notices the yellow cab outside, and instead of telling him of the new development, she simply grabs her bag and leaves but unfortunately for her, Draco is a smart man, and he quickly follows after her.
The ride to the train station is filled with tension and silence. Draco likes to think that he wondered if he overstepped a boundary, but then he remembered that he could care less about how he picked at her sex life. If she wanted to do that to him, he could do the same to her. But due to that pettiness, nobody spoke until they were on the train and even then, there wasn't much talking done.
"How are you?"
Hermione glares at him from her seat before rolling her eyes, annoyed at the question "You left me Draco,"
"You left me too; this wasn't a one-person thing,"
"So when were you going to tell me you were married?"
"I wasn't then, and I'm not now."
"Tell that to the gossip magazines."
"Tell that to the gossip magazines that wrote back to back articles about you and Krum? Since when did you listen to them? Also, when did you start caring for me outside of the bedroom?"
"I don't know but stop asking like you weren't the one knocking on my door at first."
The silence informs them both that neither of them have been good. Not that they were ever good, especially not back in college. Running to each other to find something familiar only to go back to hating each other the next day. That's what made the sex good, they both think. Too much passion made anything feel good during the moment, but it's in the morning that you have to wonder whether it was really worth it.
"So are you with him now? You hop from one ginger dick to another?
"Oh, I didn't know you were ginger, and it seems like we're both following patterns."
That one shuts him up because he realizes that he hasn't changed and only moved on to her intern, whose skin looks like the woman's sitting in front of them when the sun hits it just right.
"Also, I don't mind you having sex with Yazmeen, but having sex with every black woman in our office is.... A bit suspicious."
Draco doesn't know how to respond to the claim, so he simply changes the topic "Are you going to Harry's wedding?"
Hermione's eyes snap from the blond man to the window across from him. "Of course, I'm the maid of honor."
Draco isn't really surprised by the admission, "What an Honor. But you know it's surprising that she gave birth before being married."
"Not really.. Might have been going at it for a while, but unlike you, he can stay committed."
"What are you so mad at me for?"
"I don't know?  How about we start with the fact that you left Daphne right after getting married, only to start sleeping with me 3 months later. And then lying to her about it. She thought you loved her; I mean, sure, we all knew it wasn't going to last. But she wanted to at least make it work. But there we were fucking in the backseat while she was in the store."
"Listen, it takes two, don't pretend like you're innocent." He shot back-way too quickly for a man who wanted to seem unaffected from the claims.
"That would be a good claim, but there you were in my bed way past time for you to go, talking to me about the future and how uncertain you were and all that other bullcrap only for you to be in a dedicated marriage. It'd be a bit different if you both didn't give a damn."
Draco sat in silence because she was right. Always right.. Never wrong. Never wrong in the classes they were and certainly never wrong about the life they lived
"Well, we're getting a Divorce... to legalize the situation."
Hermione glares at him. "So that's what makes this better? A divorce after what? 5 years?"
Draco wants to say yes, but after knowing the woman sitting next to him for the past 18 years, he knows a warning sign he sees one, so he drops the subject.
They both know that they'll need to talk about this again, and they didn't need to read tea leaves for that. But just like tea, it can only steep for so long before becoming bitter, or maybe they were past that stage, and it just needed to be poured out.
The train comes to their stop, and they go to a cab that was already waiting for them; they both think that even though Sanchez is annoying and strict, he still knows how to be hospitable if hospitable meant a very homely looking hotel.
"Is this it? The place we're supposed to be staying?" Draco asked, voice full of disgust.
"Yea, this was the address given to me by Sanchez."
Hermione and Draco stared at the small white and brown homely inn that looked like its been around since the dark ages.
"Let's go. It's only a night." Hermione whispered, giving a nudge to Draco.
They climb out of the car and were preparing to go in before the driver rolled down the window. "I'm going to be here by 6 tomorrow evening to take you back to the train station and if need to floor just tell the lady at the desk and she'll help you. Good Luck."
They nod before walking in and realizing that the inside looks exactly like the outside. Homely and cold-one of the great perks of being in a city next to the water.
"Check-in for Sanchez," Hermione said, smiling at the hostess.
Draco stayed in the back and looked around, hoping to see something that would indicate the age of this inn, but unfortunately, nothing stood out but a pattern in one of the supporting beams.
"Hey, got the key," Hermione says, jingling the key in his face before walking down the hallway where the supposed hotel room was.
"15, 25, 35, and 45 is the lucky number."
"Why are the doors numbered like that?"
"I don't know you're the pureblood you tell me,"
Draco rolls her eyes at her response. "Why the hell would I know that?"
"The wizarding world is a weird place, and rich kids are supposed to be cultured," Hermione joked before seeing their bedding situation. "Of fucking course, how brilliant."
Draco was confused by her sudden change of tone until he saw what she was talking about: One bed.
One medium-sized bed in a room that was freezing cold.
As Draco starts to say something, Hermione cuts him off. "Listen, we can talk about this later," Hermione sighs before setting down her bag. "I'll go down and call us a cab to the station."
Draco watches her walk away with only her purse, confused as to why she never lets him talk. But he dismissed the thought when he casted a quick charm to keep their bags safe.
They get to the station and head over to sign in at the front desk "Officer Granger and Officer Malfoy is here to talk to... Your head officer, officer Pearce I believe, is the name, about the recent killings." Hermione says confidently while leaning slightly on the wooden desk.
"Why does he look so confused?" an officer asks while coming up behind the secretary that was checking her computer for confirmation.
"Listen, he doesn't do fieldwork; he does office stuff. This is his first time. Give him a break," Hermione confides, laughing slightly at the Blond man's facial expression.
The officer laughs and checks the computer that shows the confirmation. "Alright, let me check your IDs, and I'll get you guys back there." Draco and Hermione gave their IDs to the officer, and he nods that suggests they follow him to the back.
"Have you seen any pictures of the body? or any of the bodies?" Draco asks. He hasn't seen a dead body since the war, and even though it's been 10 years, the sight of them still can keep him up for days. He wonders how Harry moved on. He thinks he should ask him.
"No, we were only asked to get the statement from the old lady, and even then, it's a bit spotty."
"Well, can you fax a copy to our office so that we have a hard version in London? We're not going to take long." Hermione says, her voice more determined than usual.
"Yeah, I can do that for you. Alright, here's his office, by the way, he doesn't like this kind of stuff, so... You gotta be smart." The officer they were following says before knocking on a door that had the name of Anthony Pearce.
"Come in." A baritone voice commands from behind the door.
"Alright, good luck."
Hermione and Draco give the optimistic officer a nod before heading into the office.
"Hello Officer Pearce, we are investigators sent from London to talk to you about the report that was given to you after a recent murder against a young woman," Draco says, looking around the office before landing on the officer's face.
Hermione thinks that the officer looks like one of the men from Mama Mia.
"So when did they start sending in young ones with fancy outfits to deal with murder cases?" He inquired before lighting a cigarette.
"We aren't dealing with the murder it's self we're just trying to find out about the... uh.. designs being left on the bodies of the victims. I'm officer Malfoy, and this is my partner Granger." Draco shoots back at the man. He knew they were young for their field; there was no denying that, but they were good at their jobs, and there will be no one that questions that, muggle or not.
Officer Pearce raises a brow before tapping his cigarette into the ashtray. "Is that so? If you're only dealing with the designs, why do you want the lady's statements?"
"We want her statements because she was the last one to talk to the lady that was most recently killed, and she could possibly tell us some information that could help us understand what's going on," Draco responds with a slight huff.
Hermione rolled her eyes at Dracos body language 'how immature. You don't hold any power out here, pretty boy.'
"If that's the case, I could've just sent the report to your office. Why come all the way here for something we could've faxed you?" The older man responds, a demeaning edge to his voice.
"Because we're going to interview the woman tomorrow, and since we were in the city, we decided to question you directly. But if you don't want to comply, I can and will have you arrested for obstruction of justice." Hermione responds, a clear tone of annoyance in her voice.
Pearce stares at Hermione and then looks at Draco. "You should keep her around; she gets stuff done. And I'll get you the interview report, and I can't tell you anything because I didn't conduct it and what was said was nothing out of the usual... But I have received some pictures of the, uh, drawings." He says before going through a drawer and bringing out a manila folder.
"Can we look at them?" Hermione asked softly.
"I can make you a copy," He says, putting out his cigarette before heading over to the printer. "Now, why'd you come here? These murders have been happening for a while."
"It's because our office thought these were stand-alone cases. It's London.. And unfortunately, people get killed all the time." Hermione says slowly, making her seem sadder than she actually was.
"Understandable, but Liverpool does have its crime.. Luckily we're not in the city, so it's a bit easier for us." Pearce says before handing Draco the first page.
"If you don't mind me asking... Why were you so resistant to us knowing the information?" Draco asked, passing the page to Hermione.
"Because whoever is doing this is getting off scot-free. And they're sick cunts too. Imagine, instead of just killing the bloke, you carve patterns into their skin. I tell ya it's some of them, refugees."  Pearce says, handing them the next two copied pages.
Hermione looks up from the pictures. "Sir, this is obviously not Arabic. And it's interesting that a cop that is supposed to serve his community has those kinds of feelings for the people he's supposed to be protecting."
"Nah, none of them live around here, and a good thing too. Don't want them to be committing crimes and stuff." Pearce says, walking back to his desk and lighting another cigarette.
Draco noticed the fist tightly wrapped around the paper before speaking up. "Thank you for your time here, sir... If we hear anything thing new, we'll make sure to let you know."
Pearce simply nods before going off into his own world as they left.
"What a fucking bigot." Hermione angrily whispered. Draco stayed silent shocked at the bluntness of the officers' rudeness, but then he realized that his father was the same towards muggles.
They walked to the front and thanked the secretary, and then went to an empty-looking coffee shop across the street.
"My father was like that, wasn't he?" Draco asks while they were sitting down in their chosen seats.
Hermione looks up from the small menu provided at their table. "You think?"
Draco drops the subject before reaching over and grabbing the files.
"How may I help yous?" A bubbly waitress asked Hermione, almost completely ignoring Draco.
"I would like a cup of coffee, straight please." Hermione says with a smile that makes the younger girl blush.
"And I would like a cup of earl grey and some of the strongest stuff you have." Draco says dryly.
The waitress doesn't respond but jots the items down. "That'll be right out."
Draco watches the waitress retreat to behind the bar. "What the hell was that about?"
"Aww, are you mad that you didn't get attention?" Hermione teasingly giggled while picking up her well used legal pad.
Draco didn't respond.
"Hey, Malfoy, do you work with still work with ruins, or are your college years being wasted on artifacts?" Hermione asks, laying out the pictures in front of her.
"Mainly artifacts and studying the charms people put on them," He responds before the waitress came over.
"Here is your drink and alcohol, and your drink, ma'am, is still being made." The waitress says in a light, bubbly tone.
Hermione nods in recognition, but her brows stay furrowed in concentration.
The waitress leaves before Draco speaks up again, clear liquid in hand.
"Don't drink that right now," Hermione says, quickly looking up and snatching the glass of clear liquid. She sniffs if before confirming. "It's moonshine.. That's some powerful stuff, and if you want to coherent while researching, then I suggest you leave that for later." Hermione informs before pulling out an empty flask.
Draco looks at her curiously before pouring the clear liquid into the flask.
"Look, they didn't die graphically. There's no blood if that what you're worried about." Hermione says, looking up at the blond across from her.
"No..That's- I just.. If something big happens when we're on this case, we're going to become much more than researchers, and I just- I left the field for a reason, and I really don't care to be put back in. I was perfectly fine at my desk and perfectly capable of what I was doing."
Hermione looks at him deeply at him before looking back down at the ruins. "That's wonderful to know, and I understand I really do, but we've been working under Sanchez since our internships. And I know that he's smart enough not to let his head researchers go into the field blindly just to get killed. He knows we can handle ourselves out here. Meaning you gotta start trusting yourself. Plus, after this, we'll probably get a nice vacation offering once we're done, so suck it up and let's figure this out before more people die."
Draco sips on his tea, considering the words of the intelligent woman in front of him.
"Here's your coffee, ma'am... Buy the way it's on the house." The waitress interrupts, setting down the requested coffee.
Draco rolls his eyes at the "sincere" action before grabbing his wallet and handing the young woman 100 pounds. "Keep the change."
Hermione gawks at the exchange but doesn't voice her comment until the woman goes away.
"Do you know how much money that is?"
Draco sends her a confused look before replacing his wallet with his glasses. "All right, what are we looking at."
"Well, firstly, you're starting to look like Harry for one. I get you both are basically office mates but geez. And secondly, I think it's Egyptian. Like something found in tombs, but then there's more stuff that I can't really think of... Maybe Mayans?"
Draco grabs a pictured and stares before shaking his head. "Possibly, but there seems to be a mix of several curses among the charms. Those are most certainly from Egypt, and that's probably how the doctors died," He says before grabbing another picture. "Yeah, because they look like hieroglyphics, and so they decoded them and then cursed themselves. But how he got them on the body is what's' really confusing."
Hermione nods before asking, "Don't you have tea with you?"
"Yeah, but I know it's cold, and so I got a new cup."
A new cup indeed.
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The next dayyyy.
Class started but Rena and Satoshi were nowhere to be seen. Keiichi had already ran through the halls looking for them. Satoshi was probably mad because he forgot about his homework but he had unlocked some new secrets in Mario. He planned to impress Satoshi with them but whatever he guessed.
-they are outside in the woods-
“Soooo Shion had sum makeup in her bag. That’s for u…keiichi has a Bruce Springsteen cd…ewww no thanks!!! Rika had a flask…that’s ours now…mion had some Pizza Hut coupons…lol guess we’re getting a pizza later”
Satoshi had ransacked everyone’s bags and he and Rena emptied their bags to so that it looked like they were also victims. “Omg we have to blame this on satoko”
“Oh also I took all the money as well so we can get some of those clothes at the mall we wer looking at.” Satoshi saw the kewlest sweatshirt. It was from the gap but it was like blue n purple. But it was like 50 bucks. “Girl wait I have an idea. I’m saving the money for something else I know how I can get that sweatshirt”
They went back 2 Satoshis house again. Satoko wasn’t home so they went thru her room and looked at her diary: “Dear diary my brother is sooooo mean to me. He is a bully!!!!” Bla bla bla. Lol honestly teppei sucked n deserved to die n so did his aunt. But sometimes he agreed w them n their choices.
“Omg tomorrow we HAVE to bring this to school and like leave it in someone’s desk. It would be funny I think” Rena said
Just then the phone wrang. “Who is this.”
“Hey it’s me Keiichi! Wat r u doing right now?”
He held the phone away from his face. “Rena it’s Keiichi should I tell him to meet me at the mall” and they laughed.
“Hey I couldn’t hear u what did u say?”
“Nothing. What do u want.”
“I was wondering if I could come over n we could play Mario I have 2 show you something”
He held the phone so he and Rena could both hear it. “Yea do ur parents have any alcohol? Maybe u could being that. I’ll let u come over if u do”
“Well…maybe they’ll notice”
“Omg it’s literally not a big deal I used to do it to my uncle all the time. Just full it back with water so it looks like nobody took sum” he rolled his eyes
“Um well ok…I’ll see you soon then I guess”
“Yea don’t forget the alcohol see u later”
Satoshi hung up “We are gonna go get cross faded girl”
They went to his room and hot boxed. He had to to deal w keiichis ass.
30 mins later they heard a knock. Satoshi opened the door “Hey”
“Hey best friend!!! …Wats that smell”
“God you are such a goodie two shoes. Anyway where’s the alcohol” He grabbed it out of keiichis hand. “cool thanks. Come in”
Keiichi walked in and set up the famicom. “This tv is old I don’t even no if I can set this up”
“Are u calling me poor? R u?”
“Um no I didn’t say that. It’s retro that’s kewl”
Rena whispered to Satoshi “He is so dumb I swear to god” “Girl I know right”
“So Keiichi we were thinking of going to the mall tomorrow. Maybe you could come”
“Oh kewl kewl. Yea I’ll come the sports store had this kewl BB gun on sale that I wanted”
“Yeah the Gap had this kewl sweater…it was like 50 bucks tho…so…”
He stared at Keiichi expectantly. He knew he would look sooooo good in this sweater. He wanted to pair it with his acid washed boyfriend jeans n his converses he stole. He bought the jeans JUST so he could pair it with the sweater.
“Hmmm well we could go check it out I guess. Anyway who wants to play Mario”
Rena rolled her eyes “Who wants to fall asleep am I right” Satoshi hip bumped her “Who wants to order a pizza” she said staring at Keiichi
“Yea that sounds good to me guys. Why r u staring at me?”
“Well unfortunately whoever took our bags at school stole all my money so we r wondering if you could get it n we pay you back” Satoshi said blinking his eyelashes “Or do you not like me enough”
“Yeah cool cool. Okay that’s fine…thanks for letting me com over btw”
“Yeah ur welcome. Anyway Rena u gotta see the mag I got at the store today, Debbie gibson is in it” they sat at the table reading the magazine drinking keiichis alcohol.
“Cool I wanna join” Keiichi sat with them.
Satoshi sighed “Cool do u like debbie gibson? Sorry Bruce Springsteen isn’t in this magazine you wouldn’t like it. Anyway Rena this top is so cute, u would look soooo hot in it”
Keiichi tried to join in. “Yea you would look pretty in it. Did u guys catch last nites baseball game?”
“Ummm what kind of loser likes baseball” Satoshi rolled his eyes. Rena and Keiichi both looked at him. Satoshi went back to the magazine n read the astrology section. “My guys look what it says about Geminis this month. Apperantly I am going 2 get rich and get lots of money. Wow that would be nice”
“Wat does it say about Aries” Keiichi didn’t care about girly astrology but he wanted 2 look like he fit in
“It says this month u will feel charitable…hmm that’s nice of u.”
“Wow that’s kewl. Anyway what pizza do we want” they ordered the pizza. Satoshi and Rena started smoking weed again. “Guys what are u doing?” He looked shocked
“I guess what they say is true it’s hip to be square I guess” Rena said smoking the weed and passing it to Keiichi “I thought u wanted to fit in with us.”
“Um ok…”he tried to smoke but he coughed. “why would you wanna do this guys it doesn’t seem very fun”
They showed him how to smoke weed. If he was willing to smoke w them maybe he was a little Kooler than they thot. Keiichi smoked a lot and they thought it would b funny to just let him.
The door bell rang “Keiichi go get it”
It was SHION!!! “OMG what does that ugly ratchet dusty bitch want. Keiichi tell her we went to the mall. Tell her we waited for her but she never showed up n that I’m mad at her”
So he did. “Um why r u at Satoshis house by itself.”
He wanted to answer but he couldn’t think of anything to say “Ummmm well” he was so fucked up he didn’t know what to think “Well his plumbing was messed up so he wanted me 2 look at it for him”
“Whatever just let me in” she pushed her way in “Keiichi are u smoking weed? It’s like I don’t even know U!!!”
Then the pizza came! Keiichi took it
“Keiichi that’s a lot of pizza for just 1 person. Ur sooo high” she laughed at him mockingly “Keiichi why r u listening to Debbie gibson?”
“Ummmm well g2g. Sorry they are at the mall like I said I guess they waited for u”
He shut the door in her face
“Stupid bitch”
He took the pizzas to the other room “She’s so stupid I’m a little sick of her Tbh”
“Omg us too! She thinks she’s all that. Well newsflash…SHE ISNT!!!!” Rena said flipping her hair
“Watever guys let’s just play Mario I guess since Keiichi doesn’t want to have fun.”
They played Mario except Keiichi was so fucked up he couldn’t even play. He was just looking at the screen trying to figure out what path Mario needed to take to jump over the pipe.
“Keiichi what r u doing. U are sooo dumb. Okay let’s prank call people” Satoshi picked up the phone and called the irie clinic.
“Hi is this the irie clinic?”
“Hello yes this is! How can I help you?”
“Oh shit sorry I thought this was the nambla hotline” Satoshi hung up and he and Rena laughed their asses off
“ummm. What’s nambla” Keiichi asked and then laughed his ass off at himself since nobody else seemed to think he was funny
“Keiichi we have soooo much to teach u.” Rena said
They ate the pizza n watched tv. Well maybe Keiichi had friends after all…
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kewltie · 4 years
Bitesize #2
They drag him forward and throw him to the floor. Hands clenched, he stares up at the boy he'd once knew and loved.
"Yield," Katsuki demands.
He’d come for Izuku's father, his crown and land, and all he has left now is this seed of enmity. "I yield," he lies. The first of many to come.
Anxiety grips him in a forceful chokehold as thousands pair of eyes in the crowd skewer him with their discontent. A warmth presence presses against his back and a low familiar tone says, "Fuck them, just sing."
Katsuki's words loosen the knot around his throat and he breathes.
"So will you?" he asks hopefully.
Katsuki stares at the ring box on the table. "Yea, I'll do it." The word leaves him unbidden. Empty.
Izuku's face lights up and he smiles, sweet and earnest. It's as devastating as his next words: "Thank you for accepting the best man title!"
"Just last year, your pro-hero career was in the gutter but you managed to reverse its course, so the question on everyone's tongue now is: what change?"
Katsuki glowers, looking past the interviewer and camera set to right at him. "Deku," he says, holding Izuku's steady gaze.
"—and I kicked Aya's butt in the rankings again!" She grins.
Daddy sighs deeply. "Enough. Say your goodbye."
Kasumi looks up and glares at him. "Fine." She turns back to Papa — 'Bakugou Izuku, Beloved Spouse and Devoted Papa' — engraved on the headstone. "See you next week!"
"H-hi," Izuku squeaks out breathlessly. "Nice catch."
Ground Zero's eyes narrow and his grip on Izuku tighten as they sail through the air. "I should have let you fall, you reckless fool," he growls menacingly.
"But you didn't," Izuku says, tucking a smile between his lips.
Izuku stares up at Katsuki's future; the weathered face of a tired, old man from another life and time. "You're bleeding."
"Not mine," he say gruffly, and touches Izuku's cheek with a heartbreaking tenderness. "I won't let anyone hurt you." It's a promise and a threat in one.
Katsuki places Izuku's crown on his head and steps back in a parody of a bow. "The world's stage awaits you, princess," he mocks with a familiarity of their childhood. "Don't fuck it up."
"And if I do?" Izuku asks, lips twitching.
"Then I'll fix it," he declares easily enough.
As Izuku reaches for the buttons of Katsuki's suit jacket, a hand clenches down on him. He stops and looks up to meet Katsuki's glare. "K—" he pauses, then hastily corrects himself, "Master Katsuki?"
"Don't fucking call me that," he snaps, voice caught between anger and longing.
Lips bruised and breathless, Izuku begs, "Again." Not fair, he thinks, for someone who'd sworn himself to God his contractor is a sinfully good kisser.
As if reading his mind, Katsuki smirks. "Needy little fuck, aren't ya?" he growls before pulling Izuku up against his cassock.
"You fucking useless, piece of overgrown cotton ball," Katsuki snarls down at the tiny green bunny held carefully in his palms. "This can only happen to you!"
Izuku's floppy ears twitch and he stares up at him with soulful, wide eyes that make Katsuki swear even harder. Fuck.
The arena roars as Katsuki's opponent lies lifeless at his feet.
"One more match and he'll be free," Momo says. "But is it his freedom he's fighting hard for or is it some other prize he's eyeing? What do you think, my prince?"
Izuku doesn't answer, hands clenching in his lap.
"S-sorry, this is my first time. I don't know what I'm doing, um," Izuku says meekly. "Should I, uh, get on my knees and beg for my life?"
"Oh, for fuck's sake," the pirate growls, throwing him a disgusted look. "Just stay still before I reconsider this hostage situation."
Izuku is yank awake from a dream full of imaginary monsters. He shifts uneasily, and then a hand slips around his waist. To his left is Katsuki's sleeping face, then, "Sleep," Shouto mumbles in his other ear, and so he does in the arms of the very real monsters he keep by his side.
Red lips and kohl eyes drawn in a startling portrait of beauty. This sublime creature is alien to him, but Izuku picks up the skirt of his kimono and clumsily rushes forward. "K-Kacchan!" he says as intoxicating sweet as the boy in Katsuki's memories, and that's even more deadly.
Katsuki tugs on the makeshift handkerchief dress over Izuku's tiny head as he valiantly struggles to fight him off. "Stop being a little bitch," he snaps, impatient.
"You made me a dress," Izuku whines.
"You're literally the size of my hand right now, so shut the fuck up."
"Going cry?" He sneers. "Nobody is gonna come for you."
Izuku raises his throbbing head. "Did you make sure they're really dead?" A smile full of bite creeps across his face. "Because as long as there's a single breath in them, Kacchan and Shouto won't stop till they find me."
"What the fuck is this?" he demands, narrowing his eyes.
Katsuki is a great man and an even better hero, but ten years is a long time to sleep next to an empty space and to remain at the side of a man who refuses to give Izuku his heart.
Izuku smiles thinly. "Divorce papers."
"Your reward for the 300th wins at the coliseum, Bakugou. Use him well," the man says, shoving the courtesan into the cell before leaving them alone.
Katsuki glares at the cloaked figure as hands pull down the hood to reveal familiar green eyes hidden beneath it. "Kacchan."
"Stop crying already," he scolds. "You're going to ruin your suit before the wedding."
"But I'm so happy," Izuku sobs.
A knock at the door. "Izuku?"
"Shouto!" He lights up, and in that moment Katsuki wants tell him no, don't go, don't marry him, but his lips refuse to budge.
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laughsinthiccc · 5 years
Why did you do this?
Bakugo Katsuki x Reader x Izuku Midoriya
Part 3
Part 1 Part 2
This is very NSFW so please read with caution towards the end ....
Tag list!
@obsessedchildsworld @sondering-thoughts @tooloudarts @vventure @mrsreina @galacticrosee @kurinhimenezu @tokoyamis-luv​ @saccharine-sunflower-seeds​
if there’s anyone i missed I’m so damn sorry >~<
P le a s e leave feedback
i need to know if this is 100% cringe ...
Enjoy ?
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Finishing the cup of coffee in your hand you place it in the sink, moving back out towards the living room you make your way over to the couch. As you sit on the armrest Uraraka stares at you from underneath her bangs, catching onto her stare you send her a soft smile. Your hand slides over Izuku’s shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze. At your action he glances up at you with a smile, his own hand leaving the papers in his lap to slide over your own.
“So, Uraraka, how many more paper do I have to sign? I don’t want to seem rude but today is our only day off and, I’d love to spend it with my wife.”
His words make the woman sitting next to him stare, her cheeks puffing out as she blinks. Her eyes glance between the both of you and the paperwork on the coffee table, seemingly in thought.
“I think there’s a few more. I can just come back for them later.” The way Izuku tensed underneath your palm has you glancing down at him, as he softly shakes his head, he replies to her in a stern voice.
“I didn’t say that. I’ll finish the papers, but I’d appreciate it if you’d stop giving my wife a hard time.” As he goes back to signing the papers in his lap, the expression on Uraraka’s face is something to live for. The way she stares at him completely dumbfounded makes you want to laugh, but you refuse to pour more gasoline on the already dangerous fire.
Deciding it would be best if you’d keep your mouth shut you get up from the couch, but as you did so Izuku stares up at you in confusion. Giving him a smile and a soft pat on the shoulder you retreat into the kitchen once more, searching through the refrigerator you hunt for a drink. Finding a beer stored away in the back of the fridge you pull it out and pop the top.
It was a little early for a drink but you really needed something to take the edge off. As you walk out of the kitchen you look between the stairs and the living room, on one hand you didn’t want to be around Uraraka, but, on the other, you didn’t want to be upstairs alone.
Deciding to settle on the middle ground you pull out a chair at the kitchen table and place your beer onto the table top. Ignoring the box set on the table, you cross your legs and begin sipping away at your beer, a loud groan leaves your mouth as you realize your phone was in the living room.
“Y/n? You alright?”
“Uh Yea, could you bring me my phone hun?”
“… Oh, yeah!” The excitement in his voice was rather confusing, but as he walked towards you, phone in hand, you realized why. His expression was anything but happy as he walked towards you, as you went to grab your phone a heavy sigh leaves his lips.
He leaned down towards you and pressed a soft kiss to your lips, his hand quick to find your cheek, his thumb rubbing small circles into your cheekbone.
As he pulled away with a tired smile, you both hear Uraraka calling to him from the living room.
“Izuku! We’re almost done!”
With a roll of his eyes he stands straight and retreats back towards the couch, as you stare at his retreating figure your phone begins to buzz in your hand. Looking down you eye the name blinking across the screen.
 Staring down at your phone you quickly swipe to accept the call, jumping up from your chair you run to the front door.
“Hey honey? I’m stepping outside for a second!”
“Alright! Be careful love!”
Closing the door behind you as you step outside you slide the phone to your ear, smiling as you’re greeted with Kirishima’s voice.
“Hey y/n!”
“Hey there Kiri! Whats up?”
“Uh, yeah I’m sorry to ask. But, have you seen Bakugo? I haven’t seen him in days.”
His question has you fall silent, He hasn’t seen him?
“W-What do you mean you haven’t seen him?”
“I haven’t heard or seen him in a few days y/n. He hasn’t been home; nobody has heard from him. If it wasn’t serious, I wouldn’t have called you.”
“Well, Izuku heard from him yesterday but that’s all I know. I’ll ask him when I get the chance.”
“Thanks y/n. Please give me a call back when you hear from him. Everyone is worried.”
“Of course, Kiri. Talk to you later.”
As you end the call you slide your phone into your pajama pants pocket and stare at the concrete walkway. Your thoughts flying into each other as you begin to question yourself, but as you did so, you feel a set of eyes drilling into the back of your head.
Glancing over your shoulder you’re only met with the front door, shaking off the feeling you retreat back inside. As you closed the door, you hear another loud banging from upstairs.
What the fuck.
Seeing Izuku rush into the living room, his head spinning around frantically in search of you. As he catches sight of you his shoulders relax, making his way over to you his hands meet your shoulders.
“Are you okay?”
“Y-Yes. What was that?”
“I don’t know. I’ll check again, could you do me a favor and wait down here with Uraraka?”
Cocking your eyebrows up on confusion, you give him a small nod as he darts upstairs. As you did so Uraraka walks out of the living room, the yellow folders now full and the briefcase held close to her side.
She sets her items on the table as she stares at you, mouthing to her a small apology you walk over to her.
“I’m sorry for giving you such a hard time.” Her voice seemed sincere enough, giving her a warm smile, you give her hand a soft squeeze.
“It’s okay. Oh uh, I’m sorry to ask but, have you heard from Bakugo? Kirishima called me asking if I’ve heard from him.”
Her eyebrows cock up in confusion. “Um no I haven’t. Izuku heard from him, didn’t he?”
“Yes but i- “You were cut off as Izuku walks down the stairs, his face deep in thought as he walked towards the table.
“Izu. You okay darling?”
“Yeah. Yeah. Uh, Uraraka, are we done?” His gaze switched from you to the woman standing next to you, her body stiffened under his gaze as she stuttered and stumbled over her response.
“U-Uh y-yeah. We’re done.”
As he leads her to the door, he gives her a rather polite goodbye and closes the door, locking it with a soft *click*. He turned around and pressed his back to the door, his hands slide over his face as he stared at you.
“What was that call about?” His question made you jump.
“Oh, it was Kirishima. He wanted to know if we knew anything about where Bakugo has gone.”
His gaze slowly left you as he began staring at the floor, his mumbling slowly increased in volume as he pushed himself off the door. His arms quickly wrap around your form as he places his chin onto your head, a soft sway in his hold.
“Let’s just enjoy the rest of today. We’ll look into all of this tomorrow, okay?”
With a soft muffled reply, he picks you up bridal style and carries you to the couch, as he sits down his cheek nuzzles against yours. His rough calloused hands rubbing soft circles into your thigh, as he does so his head slowly leans down, his soft lips connect with yours.
The moment turned heated rather quickly as he laid your back against the cushions of the couch, one arm keeping him above you as his opposite hand began to wander down your body, his fingers sliding underneath your shirt.
The kiss was light but desperate, it took you a moment to reciprocate, but Izuku lost what little control he had when you did. A soft moan left his mouth as your hands wandered his chest, giving you the opportunity to slip your tongue between his lips. As the war between your tongues raged on, you let a hand slowly wander to the elastic waistband of his sweats, and at your action another moan left his lips.
He pulled away from your lips and slowly placed kisses down your chin, sliding the hand that was previously wandering the skin underneath your shirt near your neck, his thumb presses against your chin, tilting your head back.
His palm rested against your jaw bone as he slowly sucked on the delicate skin of your jaw, gradually making his way down your neck. His knee slipped between your legs, his hand now slowly sliding down from your neck, gradually his fingers slid over your breast; slow enough to make goosebumps rise over your body.
Izuku had pulled away from you long enough to help you pull off your shirt before he stared down at your form, his cheeks being dusted over with a soft pink. His eyes widened as you blinked up at him, your leg slowly rising up to tap the now firm bulge in his sweats. At your actions he slowly leaned back over you, his arms sliding underneath you to undo the clasp of your bra.
Having it come undone with a soft *snap* he pulls the garment away from you and discards it onto the floor. His gaze now wandering towards the soft mounds on your chest, the way he stared down at you was making the pleasurable heat between your legs surge to a rather uncomfortable temperature. Him being the natural observer he was, he took quick notice of your expression and slowly placed feather light kisses to your collar bone.
His hand gradually felt over your breasts, his fingers dancing around the hardened nub of your nipple. As his fingers began to pinch and rub at the hardened flesh, his kisses slowly moved from your collar bone to the valley in between your breasts.
“Have I ... Ever told you how gorgeous you are?” His voice was low, sultry, his feather light kisses trailed from your sternum to your breasts. He began to suckle and bite along the sensitive skin of your breast, the feeling caused a soft moan to leave your lips.
Your breathing hitched as his opposite hand began to wander further down your body, his fingers coming in contact with the elastic of your pajama pants. He stopped for a moment and glanced up at you, awaiting your approval to proceed. With a weak nod, he returned to his assault on your breasts, his fingers slowly sliding underneath the fabric of your pajama pants.
The palm of his hand pressed against your skin as his fingers slid under the silky fabric of your panties, his index finger slowly sliding in between your slick folds.
A sharp intake of breath at his actions has a chuckle leave his mouth “You’re already so wet my love. I haven’t even gotten to the best part.” His voice was soft, muffled by the skin of your breast still pressed against his mouth.
His fingers danced around your silky folds, almost agonizingly slow. Your thighs tensed up at the feeling, you head leaning further into cushions of the couch as Izuku’s kisses slowly descended from your breasts. His kisses began trailing down your midriff, his hand that was previously teasing your nipples had trailed down along with his kisses.
The way his fingertips grazed over your skin made your body shiver under the touch, the way they slowly trailed down your side as his kisses stopped just above your waist was exhilarating.
A strong arm slid underneath your waist, slowly pulling you off the couch as a rough hand began to pull your pajama pants off of you, along with your panties.
His eyes quickly meet yours as his expression switched to one of worry and concern. “Do you want me to stop Baby?”
Your breathing was heavy, ragged; you give him a soft shake of your head and a warry smile. With your approval, he pulled the remaining clothes off of your form. His hands quick to fall back to their previous spots, but, as he did so he slid one of your legs over his shoulder, your knee locking around it.
Leaning back against the couch you attempted to relax yourself as his feather light kisses along your inner thigh got closer to the slick heat between your legs. His fingers began slowly rubbing soft circles into your clit, his thumb slid in-between your slick folds to tease your heated entrance.
At his actions your legs twitch against him, the feeling making a pleasant spark run through your spine. His fingertips patted against your thigh in a rhythmic tone, giving your warm flesh a soft squeeze, he leans down to press a soft kiss to your glistening folds.
A gasp leaves your lips, and at hearing your reaction his lips parted, his tongue extends outward and flattens as he drags the pad of it along your folds. He takes a moment and pulls your other leg over his shoulder as his tongue teases your entrance, the feeling of the muscle licking and pushing against your folds has you squirm against him.
“Be still My Darling.” His voice is once again muffled by the flesh pressed against his mouth, his tongue now working wonders against your clit. His fingers previously pinching and twirling around your clit now pressed into your slick folds. His mouth left your heat and pressed more soft kisses to your inner thigh, you hand began to wander down your body, your fingers finding his soft green curls.
Grabbing what you could of the man’s hair, the tensing of your muscles from his fingers twisting and curling inside of you has you pulling his hair. A small hiss leaves his mouth as his teeth bite against the flesh of your thigh, the way he sucked and pulled against the skin has a loud groan leave your lips. Which only made his actions increase in speed, his fingers pulled out of your cunt only for his tongue to take their place.
The thick muscle twisted and curled around your cunt, your walls clenching around it as you slowly reached your climax. The grip you had on his hair only intensified as your orgasm approached, the knot within your stomach slowly coming undone as his fingers worked along your clit.
Your mewls and grunts of pure pleasure only made Izuku continue his assault on your cunt, your legs twitched and your thighs clenched around his head as his tongue lapped at your folds, the taste of your arousal and your orgasm fueling his desire for you.
Your grip on his hair loosened as your eyes rolled back, the overstimulation was taking a toll on you. Before your muscles could contract anymore, he pulls away from your folds. His lips puffed and covered with your orgasm, the corners of his lips turn up and he fully pulls away from you, letting your legs fall from his shoulders back onto the couch.
He’s quick to pull his shirt over his head and his hands begin to work on his sweats, only for your shaky hand to grasp his. He looks down at you through his lust filled gaze, a sweet smile on your lips as you pull his hands away from the elastic ties of his sweats.
“Please. Allow me Honey.”
At the use of the rare nickname, he’s a chess piece in your hands, his hands fall to his sides as you sit up from your spot on the couch. The large tent in his sweats is nothing to laugh at, pressing a soft kiss to the small growing wet spot on his sweats you’re quick to move your lover to the couch. His back pressed against the couch as his cheeks flushed, your hand grazes over his clothed member. Your other hand rubbing soft circles into his thigh as you trace your fingers along the indent of his cock.
Leaning up you press a heated kiss to his lips, which he’s quick to reciprocate. His teeth nibble against your bottom lip, as your lips part his tongue slides across your lips. With a soft chuckle you pull away from him, his eyes heavily lidded as he stares at you.
You slowly kneel down, your fingers playing with the elastic of his sweats, glancing up at him he sends you a soft nod of approval. At his acceptance, you pull the sweats down just far enough for his boxers to show through, with a large smile you slide your fingers underneath the small gap in the fabric and pull his hardened cock out of its confines.
His breathing becomes rather rough as you slowly press a soft kiss to the skin of his head, the glistening of his pre-cum catching your eye. Gently your fingers graze over the underside of his cock, the sensation caused Izuku’s hands to wander down to you, his fingers finding your hair. He gently pulls your head towards his cock, your lips connecting to the skin once more. At the action a moan leaves your green haired lovers’ lips, a smile slides onto your face as your tongue peaks out from between the soft flesh of your lips. Slowly licking a strip from the Head of his cock to the base has him shivering under your touch.
Placing your thumb against the slit on his head, you rub the pre-cum against your finger, taking it within your palm you slide your hand down his shaft. Pressing another kiss to the tip, you slowly wrap your lips around the head, your tongue beginning to rub slow circles on the skin.
His grip on your hair intensified, and at a rather unexpected turn, his hips stutter and thrust into your mouth. The action causing his tip to collide with the back of your throat, groaning against his cock you hear the lewd moans leave his mouth. The vibrations of your groaning run throughout his body, only intensifying the feeling as you hallowed out your cheeks and began to lick and suck along what you could.
Your hands leave their spots along his waist and begin slowly gliding across the skin of his thighs, only stopping momentarily to pinch and pull at the skin, earning more of the lewd moans from your lover that you craved.
“Oh ...Fuck. Y/N.” The way your name left his lips breathlessly, has you working harder against his cock, your tongue dragging along the underside of his shaft, slightly tracing the bulging veins underneath.
You stare up at him through your lashes as you work wonders on his cock, one of your hands finding the soft skin of his testicles through the fabric of his boxers. Softly squeezing them in your grasp has Izuku’s chest heaving as his muscles contract. His thighs tensing up as the salty taste of his cum beings to invade your mouth, as you attempt to work along his cock, your hand leaves his sack and begins to pump his cock in rhythm with your mouth.
“Fuck. Baby just like that...”
At the action his grip in your hair causes you to whine against his cock, just the simple action has his release pump into your mouth. His loud moans fill the room as the thick ropes of his cum coat your tongue.
Swallowing what you could, your lips leave his member with a satisfying *Pop*.  As he stares down at you, his eyes clouded with his lust, he pulls you from the floor into his lap. The yanking of your hair has a pained groan leave your mouth, and at hearing the sound Izuku is quick to apologize.
“A-Ah. Love I’m sor-“
“No No No. Baby It’s fine.”
Quick to find his lips, your hands find his cheeks, your thumbs rubbing soft circles into the flesh. He groans into the kiss as his arms wrap around you, one of his hands sliding down to grip the flesh of your ass.
Moaning into the kiss you feel the tip of his cock press against your inner thigh, pulling away from the kiss with a smile you cock an eyebrow in question.
“Hard again, Daddy?”
His grip on you tightens as the word sinks into his brain, using one hand you slowly slide your palm down his chest towards his now hardened cock. With the other you slide it around his neck and pulled his face to yours, pressing his lips against yours once more, using it as a distraction to slide the tip of his cock into your slick cunt.
Moaning into the kiss as he shifted his hips against yours, his hands took a position on your hips as he slowly pushed you down around his cock. The feeling of your walls clenching around him has him groaning into the kiss, your hips began to rock as you dipped further onto his cock.
The intensity of the moment would keep your minds foggy, keeping you unable to sense the pair of blood red eyes staring at the two of you from the stairway.
The eyes would stare at the way your body moved against Izuku’s, your hands beginning to wander his muscular frame as you both soon found your release. The warm feeling now settling within your gut would stay there throughout the night, even long after your risqué activities were over with.
Throughout the night however, you’d flinch at the bright flashing of a light within the room.
You just assumed it was lightening, based on the weather report you read earlier that day anyway.
How wrong you were.
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jeonchan26 · 5 years
Used To Be (Part 8)
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Warnings; Angst, A Little Bit Of Fluff(Maybe) Self-Esteem & swearing. Mental Abuse, Toxic Relationship, Don’t Read If It Might Trigger You.
This Is All Made Up, I Don’t Believe The Boys Would Do Any Of This. Our Boys Are Angels❤️
You were at loss the next weeks, it became harder for you. You would see Jungkook walking around school, ignoring you like you never existed in his life. He became popular having girls around him. When you guys were friends, girls didn’t get close to him because Jungkook only paid attention to you. Chan well let’s just say it hasn’t been easy since you had agreed to the marriage proposal. You wished you could of said no but losing your son is a pain that no mother should go through. You felt like the whole world was just against you but your son was the only reason you kept going, hiding away the pain.
A few weeks later, you were about 6 months now. You definitely couldn’t hide your bump anymore and at this point everybody knew that your were caring Chan’s baby but nobody knew the deal that was going on between you and him. He made sure to keep that on the low. He was still dating Rachel & if you weren’t pregnant you know damn well that she would definitely bully you physically but she made sure to only do it verbally. And there wasn’t a day that didn’t go by that she reminded you what a slut, home wrecker, whore you were for throwing yourself at Chan.
Being 6 months pregnant was becoming harder because with your bump growing everyday it was harder to get to place or even putting on shoes. Chan and his friends made sure to be with you at one point of the day helping you with whatever you needed. Every morning at least one of them would pick you up from your house and drive you to school. You hated how much control Chan had in your life but you had no one else to rely on.
It was a regular Friday, you were getting ready for another day of a school. The only exciting event was that you were going to see Jimin today and of course Baby Groot. Classes were rather slow, girls glaring at you while there were actually some that feel sorry for you. You were getting ready to leave when you saw Jungkook at his locker. Everybody was in class and it was just you took. ‘Should I talk to him?’ You thought, staring at him biting you lip. You decided go for it,“Um hey Jungkook!” You said while looking at the floor moving your gaze up to meet his cold ones.
“What do you want?” He asked his voice calm. “I was just wondering how you were doing?” You said your voice shaking a little. You were nervous it’s been weeks since you talked to him and your last conversation thanks to Chris didn’t go well. “I’m doing good, I can see you’re doing good. Seems like the baby is growing” you said with a softer voice when he noticed your body language. It was like you were scared of saying the wrong thing.
“Yea, he is growing. Do you umm wanna see a picture?” You asked your hand reaching for your phone. “Yea i would like too” Jungkook couldn’t lie and say he didn’t miss you. Of course he did, but the fact that you lied to him was a big deal for him because he had dealt with liars before and he hated it. “My doctor said he is growing healthy. He said I’m gonna have a normal delivery hopefully.” You said with a huge smile on your face showing him your ultrasound picture.
“That’s great to hear! I’m glad you guys are doing good! I gotta get to class.” He said closing his locker, getting his books and leaving. “Wait Jungkook, i wanted to tell you that Chan lied. I swear! He didn’t want to be in the baby’s life & he is threatening me to take him away if I don’t do what he says.” You ranted out, you noticed jungkook giving you a confused look. You hoped he believe you but he stared turned cold the second his gaze meet yours. “Stop fucking lying to me! I thought I would be able to figure you but you keep lying I can’t. Bye (y/n)” with that he walked away.
You let out a shaky breath, ‘why can’t you guys believe me.’ You left not even telling Chan you were leaving or waiting for him. You went to your doctors appointment and Jimin told you everything was good nothing to worry about. He gave you some pictures for you to take home. Jimin noticed your mood but because you were barely talking decided to give your space. With that you left to your house & changed. Feeling tired and exhausted, you were about to fall asleep when there was a knock on your door.
With a heavy sigh you got up and walk towards the door, opening it there was no surprise that it was Chan. You walked away back to your room with Chan behind you closing your door. You went to lay down on the bed when you heard Chan speak. “Why didn’t you wait for me?” “Because I didn’t feel like it.” You whisper your back facing him.
“I don’t care what you feel, you know better!” Chan voice was raising little by little. You were exhausted of just everything at this point. Everything you did was wrong, “So what Chan! What the fuck do you want! These past few weeks I’ve been dealing with your shit. With your friends, your girlfriend what more do you want for me. I agreed didn’t I, but I only did it because I love my son and I would be damned if I let you take him away from me! God I don’t even know who the fuck you are anymore. You were never like this, you never treated me like crap but fuck I’m tired of dealing with you. I have no one okay! I lost jungkook because you fucking lied to him! Fuck Christopher! Ahhh!!!” You couldn’t event think straight everything was coming out before you could stop yourself. 
Chan was just starting at you with an amused smirk but you could of swore you saw a bit of guilt in his eyes, you say the love that he once had for you but it quickly disappeared.
“Get dressed” he said after you rant. He put a box next you. You sat up, wiped your tears and opened the box. You knew that fighting with him was useless. Your eyes widen in shocked as you saw a white dress with flats. “What the hell is this?” When you looked up at Chan you saw him wearing a tuxedo. He look good you couldn’t lie. “What does it look like baby? It’s our wedding day. Make sure you do your hair and make up but hurry up we don’t have that much time. It’s in about an hour” he said like nothing.
“What the hell? You said we were going to get married until after school” you said getting up from the bed. “Yea but I decided why Wait? Right? Now hurry up before I dress you myself” Chan said getting annoyed with your questions. “Bu-“ You didn’t get to finished as Chan cut you off. “Just get ready! Don’t make me repeat myself!” Chan voices boomed making you shut up and started to get ready. Chan mad was a different site that you were used too but you were definitely scared.
After 40 mins you were dressed and ready to go. The dress that Chan got for you was beautiful, it fit you perfectly it was loose around your stomach but you could see your bump. Looking at yourself you felt beautiful. You walked out of your room to find Chan on his phone but putting it away once’s he saw you, walking towards the door you quickly followed trying not to make him more upset. He got in the car, you following and closing the door before he took off to god knows where but you stayed quiet, holding back tears.
“Stop fucking crying! I’m giving you what you want” Chan said hearing the anger in his voice, made you quiet down. 
‘What I want? What I want is for you to love me like you did before. What changed’ you thought looking out of the window. 
You stopped at the court house and you knew there was no turning back now. Chan walked to your side of the door and opened it. Grabbing your hand helping you out, walking hand in hand towards the court house.
Once inside you heart dropped. Chan’s friends were there but seeing Jungkook there was like a stabbed to the heart. “Look Happy because after this you won’t know what it was like to be happy” Chan whispered in your ear giving you a kiss on the cheek and left you to say hi to his guest. You stared at Jungkook and he looked away, walking towards Chan giving him a bro hug. None of them giving you a second glance.
Walking towards the judge, you both said your I do’s, kissing and walked out hand in hand. 
You were numb ‘how did my life get like this?’ You thought. 
You were brought back from your thoughts and say Woojin and Seungmin making their way towards you. “Hey congratulations! We wish you guys the best!” Woojin said pulling you into a hug, after Seungmin. All you could do was say Thank you and smile. Jungkook was next but he just said congratulations and walked away. You didn’t miss the fact that he didn’t even glance your way. He said goodbye to Chan and his friends and left. You were waiting for Chan to finish so you could go home.
“I’m pretty sure you are aware that your moving into my house now. My guys already brought your stuff and set it up” he said it so calmly you thought it was a lie. “Okay” was all you said. Chan drove you guys home, you sat quietly in your seat, playing with the hem of your dress. You arrived at your new house and were shocked to see how big it was. This was definitely a different house then the one you saw Chan live before. 
“Since we are married now, this house is a gift from my parents. You stay on your side and I’ll stay on mine” Chan said pulling up, turning off the car and getting off. You followed him inside the house.
“Welcome To your new house baby girl! Well I’m going out to celebrate our wedding day. But you can’t leave this house whatsoever. I’ll be back later!” With that he left you alone in the house that didn’t feel like a home.
“Here’s to our new life! I promise I’ll get you out of here!” You said to your son.
Chan’s POV
‘Seeing her scared of me made me feel guilty but I shouldn’t feel this way. She lied and used me. I can never forgive her. Behind that sweet innocent act, there’s nothing but a gold digger waiting to come out. All she wanted was my money and the title she would get. That’s exactly what I’m giving her. Nobody makes a fool of me and gets away with it. I will make her pay, even if it hurts me. Why can’t I stop loving her? My heart aches and wants nothing but to hold her but no Chan you gotta show her that you’re nobody’s fool’ Chan thought as he left to go out with his friends and end the night in Rachel’s bed for the night. 
Hey guys! 
Sorry it took me awhile to post part 8 but I just moved into my new house and I’ve been busy moving my stuff and organize it as well but I promise I will post when I get the chance!
Also I’m going to go see SKZ tomorrow night a& I’m so excited. It inspired me to upload part 8! 
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crystalninjaphoenix · 4 years
New Places
A Stitched Story
JSE Fanfic
Bit of a simple concept, really. With the truth revealed, Jack, Chase, and JJ have to regroup. And meanwhile, Schneep has to deal with his own magical crisis, and things get crazy fast. I don’t want to say too much because of spoilers, but I think it’s fun ^-^ Also google Rot13, Atbash, and Base64 for some fun easter eggs that might just be enjoyable to me but I’m including anyway because screw it it’s my writing. Anyway, even if there’s not too much happening and it looks longer than it actually is, hope you guys enjoy!
Tagging @septic-dr-schneep for inspiring this AU with this post.
Read where it started: Stitched Together | Season One
Previous season two stories: No Strings on Me | Nightmare World | Normalcy | The Notion of The End | Nobody’s Home | Nevermore
Also I’m finally starting a taglist for this dfajklfh: @bupine​ @violet--majesty​
It was a lovely morning to be waiting on a doorstep so you could ask the house’s occupants if you and your friends could stay there because the place where you’d previously been staying had been found by the demon who’d been hunting you.
This thought passed through Chase’s head just before he rang the doorbell for a second time. He couldn’t help but laugh, the sound almost hysterical.
Are you okay, Chase? JJ asked. He was leaning heavily on Jack, his ankle still injured.
Chase shook his head. “Yeah, I’m fine. Guess I’m a little...frazzled.” And who wouldn’t be? He’d just found out the monster chasing them was actually their dead friends fused together, then one of his friends turned out to have magic and proceeded to disappear, and now they’d been run out of Jack’s apartment, where they’d been staying, and he’d turned to the last relatively-safe place he knew. Assuming that she’d let them stay, of course.
The door swung open. There was a woman standing in the doorway, blonde hair pulled back in a messy ponytail. She was wearing the uniform of the diner she worked at, so she must’ve just gotten off a shift. For a moment, she just stared at the three men on her doorstep. And then she gasped out, “Chase?!”
Chase coughed awkwardly. “Hi, Stace. It...it’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
“You’re damn right!” Stacy’s tone wasn’t angry, just bewildered. “Wh—what are you doing here?! What are they doing here?!”
“Long story,” Chase sighed. “Can...can we come inside first?”
Stacy silently stood aside, letting the group enter the house.
The suburban house was relatively small, but it was very neat and tidy. There was a couch pressed against the window, a television against the opposite wall, an armchair, a coffee table, and two tiny bean bags in the corner, one yellow, one pink. Jack guided JJ over to the couch, where they both immediately collapsed.
“What the hell is going on?!” Stacy asked. “I don’t see you in person for months, your friends say you’ve disappeared but won’t tell me what’s going on, then next thing I know you’re back, and whenever you call me you won’t tell me what’s going on or why you can’t see our kids!”
“I told you, it’s dangerous,” Chase said tiredly.
“What—okay, I-I understand that, but if that’s the case, why are you here now?” Stacy spluttered. “If you’re in danger, why’re you bringing it here? The place where there’s a five-year-old and an eight-year old?!”
“I know, it’s stupid, I’m sorry,” Chase mumbled.
Stacy paused. Chase normally would’ve been more defensive. There was something wrong here. She looked around at the group. “Where’s your doctor friend?” she asked.
Chase flinched. “You, um, noticed he wasn’t here?”
“Well, yeah, the other two are here, and you guys almost always travel in a group,” Stacy said. “Is...is something wrong? Where is he?”
“He’s...we don’t know where he is,” Jack piped up. “It’s a long story.”
“You keep saying that,” Stacy sighed.
“Well it is,” Jack said. “Look, I’m sorry, Stacy, but our last safe place has just been...found out. We don’t know where else to go.”
“...huh.” Stacy ran her hand through her hair, and loosened her ponytail.
“If you kick us out, we’ll find somewhere else,” Chase said.
“I’m not gonna kick you out,” Stacy scowled. “Not now that you’re here. I just—”
Everyone in the room paused. Standing in the doorway connecting the living room to the rest of the house were two young girls. The taller, toffee blonde one was holding the hand of the shorter, sandy blonde one. Stacy smiled at them. “Hey sweeties.”
The shorter one was holding a plush doll in one hand. Her eyes widened. “Daddy? Is that you?”
Chase waved. “Hi, Lily. Yes, It’s me. Hello, Moira. It’s good to see you.”
“What’re you doing here?” Moira asked, squeezing her sister’s hand.
“It’s complicated, honey,” Chase said. “Me and my friends are gonna be staying here for a while.”
Lily gasped, suddenly looking delighted. “Yea!” She broke free from Moira’s hand, running over to Chase. She threw her arms around him. Chase froze, stiffening. His eyes darted around the room, landing on every adult. Lily was totally unaware of her father’s distress.
Moira, however, wasn’t. “Lils, come on, let’s let them talk for a bit.”
“Aw, okay.” Lily let go and retreated back to the hall, and she and Moira disappeared back into the house.
Chase went and sat down in the armchair, covering his mouth and shaking slightly. Jack stood up and took another seat closer to Chase, though he didn’t move to touch him.
Stacy stared at all of this in silence. “This...this is all so confusing,” she said. “Chase, what...?”
“I-I don’t want to talk about it,” Chase said, the sound muffled by his hand. “Just...can we have some time?”
Stacy nodded slowly. “Alright. You can explain to me later, if you want to. I’ll...I’ll be around.” And she turned and left.”
After a long moment of silence, Chase took a deep breath. He straightened. “Okay. I think we need to decide where to go from here. For starters...” He looked at Jack. “How’d you just instantly come to the conclusion that Anti was Jackie and Marvin? Just...h-how?”
“Um...well...” Jack shifted on his seat. “Me and JJ were talking about this yesterday. I, uh, apparently have magic vision now.”
“What?! Since when?!”
“Since JJ replaced my eye.” Jack tapped the skin under his right eye, the one that was brighter blue than the other. “We’re still not sure why, but it...it means I can sea people’s souls.”
“You can what?!” Chase could only gape at him.
“Yeah. They look like glowing balls of light in people’s chests.”
Chase folded his arms unconsciously, over his chest. “Can...you see mine?”
“Yeah, it’s yellow. And it has these...” Jack shook his head. “I-I don’t know, these groove things. I think it’s because of what An—anyway.” He coughed. “How I knew they were him, was that...I looked at Anti’s soul, and it was a bunch of red and blue...shard-like things. Held together by that green string. You remember that? I-I saw it, and I reached forward, and I pulled it out...and then Anti disappeared and we found Marvin and Jackie. Later, I-I looked at them with this soul vision, and they...didn’t have...normal soul lights. They both had red and blue shards.”
There was evidence that Marvin and Jackie preformed a transference spell before they died. JJ said. It’s black magic. Very black magic. It takes apart people’s souls and switches the pieces around, then enhances them. It will give the two participants special abilities, but at a cost. It must’ve gone wrong, and somehow Anti is the result.
Chase laughed. “Okay. Cool. That’s fine. What...what do we do about that? Ho-how do we get them back?”
Jameson froze. Chase...he signed slowly. I don’t think there’s a way to get—
“Shut up!” Chase shot to his feet. “Of course there’s a way! There has to be a way! They—they’re probably stuck in there! We have to get them back!”
Chase. Jameson leaned forward, trying to be gentle. If their souls were torn  apart—
“There has to be a way!” Chase repeated insistently. “I mean, if magic is real, then we can fix this! I-I know maybe you’ve never heard of one, fancy magic man, but you’ve never heard of something like Anti, either! So there’s got to be a way!” He looked at Jack. “Right?”
“Wh—I mean, yeah, of course,” Jack nodded. “That makes sense. Besides, we’ll never know if we don’t try.”
Jameson shank back, looking a little ashamed. I’m sorry. The signs were small. I suppose you two are right. I was just trying... He stopped. You’re right. We need to try.
“Yeah, but first, we need to find Schneep,” Jack said. “What...what happened to him?”
“I dunno, I guess it’s his magic. That he suddenly has. For some reason,” Chase mumbled. He sat back down, shrinking into the cushions of the arm chair.
“Yeah, what is that kind of magic anyway? Where did it come from?” Jack wondered.
Jameson shrugged. I’m unsure for that latter question, but for the former, it appears Henrik can teleport, somehow. Or maybe it’s that he somehow affects the world around him to make regular walking easier for him. Like wormholes.
A hint of a smile drifted across Chase’s face. “Yeah, explain it to him like it’s wormholes, he’d like that more.” The smile faded away. “So, he freaked out and teleported away. Where did he go? How would we find him? He didn’t have his phone on him, so we can’t even take the risk of Anti finding us to call him.”
“I guess we’ll have to find him the old-fashioned way,” Jack figured. “By looking around and walking for him.”
“That could take forever!” Chase gasped.
Yes, but it’s the best we can do, JJ said. He winced. Or rather, it’s the best you can do. I’m afraid that I’m still in no condition to walk around. I do appreciate that you two helped me here, but I would just slow down your search.
“It’s okay, JJ,” Jack reassured him. “It’s best if you just stay here and heal up.”
“Should we start looking for him now?” Chase wondered. “I mean, the sooner the better, right? But we did just get here. Would it be weird to leave right away?”
“I don’t think it would be,” Jack shrugged. “We can just tell Stacy where we’re going, and when we’re gonna be back.”
Yes, I think it would be better to start earlier, JJ added. Who knows where Henrik could be now? He could have gone a long way, and be getting even further.
“No time to waste, then,” Chase said, nodding. He stood up again. “C’mon, let’s get going.”
— — — — — — —
With no further ado, Chase and Jack went back out onto the streets of the city. The morning was clear, with a few wispy clouds high in the sky. It was an average morning, with people strolling out along the streets, going about their various business. Chase and Jack would occasionally stop one of them, asking if they’d seen a man who looked similar to the two of them. None of them had.
They stopped for a break around noon, the spring sun high in the sky. They sat down on the curb of the sidewalk. “Should we get something to eat?” Jack asked. “We’ve been out for a while. And we didn’t exactly have a good breakfast.”
Chase shrugged. “I dunno. Whatever you want.”
“Well, I don’t want to go somewhere just for me,” Jack said. “So are you hungry?”
Chase just shrugged again.
Jack stopped talking, looking at Chase and frowning. Something was up, he could tell. Chase was being pretty...passive.  “Are you okay, dude?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Chase balled his fists, scrunching up his pants.
“You don’t look fine,” Jack pointed out.
“Well, I am.”
“No, you’re not,” Jack insisted. “C’mon, you can tell me what’s up.”
“You wouldn’t care about what’s up!” Chase suddenly burst out. He gasped, hand flying to cover his mouth.
Jack was left speechless. “...what?””
Chase suddenly stood up, quickly walking away, down the sidewalk. Jack didn’t hesitate to follow, rushing to catch up.
“Chase?! Chase!” Jack called after him. Chase didn’t turn around, pushing past people on the sidewalk as he rushed away. “Chase! Slow down!” Jack picked up the pace until he was able to reach out and grab Chase by the shoulder. With a yelp, Chase spun around, pushing away Jack’s hand. “You can’t just say something like that! Of course I’d care!”
For a moment, Chase looked like he wanted to keep running. Then he slumped. “I know, I know you would, I-I don’t know why I said that. I just...you have all your shit going on, it feels stupid to bring you into mine, too.”
“No, it’s not. It’s exactly the opposite of stupid. Bring me into your shit. Tell me what’s going on!”
“No, it’s stupid, it really is.” Chase folded his arms, looking down at the ground.
“Well, I’m not gonna drop it until you tell me what’s going on,” Jack said. “So might as well get it over with.”
Chase looked around. There weren’t a lot of people around, and definitely none in earshot. He sighed. “It’s just...you have a cool power, dude. JJ has magic. Schneep has magic, apparently. And then I’m just...here.” He blinked furiously, eyes watering. “I don’t do anything. All that I’ve done is get kidnapped, possessed, get un-possessed, and now I can’t handle anything! I can’t even fucking let my own daughter give me a hug without freezing up! And you guys are doing great! You’ve all had to deal with shit, and you’re not like this! So why am I—just—worthles—” He choked up. And he realized tears were leaking from his eyes.
Jack took this all in, staying silent. His expression was hard to read. And then he stepped closer to Chase, taking care not to touch him. “Chase Brody, never say that you’re worthless.”
“Okay,” Chase said automatically.
“No, I mean it. You think we would’ve gotten this far without you? No! You remember when you shot Anti, despite him still having a hold on you? That was the most badass shit I’ve ever seen! And that was you! You’re amazing!”
“But you guys—”
“No no no, stop it,” Jack said firmly. “Stop comparing yourself to the rest of us, we’re not all the same. You’re right, we’ve all had to deal with shit, and it’s all been different shit. You notice how Henrik avoids going to sleep? Or how I couldn’t leave the apartment for two whole months and outside still kinda freaks me out? None of us are doing great.” Jack shook his head. “And even if it was the same shit, we still would’ve reacted differently. Because we’re different people, and comparing yourself to others only hurts. If there’s any comparison you should be doing, it’s to yourself. And Chase, you are doing so much better. Think of how you were doing a few months ago. You’ve been improving. And yeah, maybe you don’t have magic, but you’re still strong. And don’t you forget it.”
Chase’s tears were still flowing, but for a different reason. “Thanks, Jack.” His voice cracked. “I guess I needed that.”
Jack smiled. “If you ever need it again, just tell me.”
“I-I’ll keep that in mind.” Chase wiped his face on his sleeve. He took a deep breath. “Alright. So, we keep going, then?”
“We keep going.” Jack nodded. “We’re bound to find Schneep eventually.”
Yet, the sun lowered in the sky, the blue faded to pink and then purple, the hours passed, and they still hadn’t found him. They returned back to Stacy’s house, agreeing to look again tomorrow.
— — — — — — —
He didn’t know where he was.
He didn’t know how he got there.
He’d been back in the apartment. Anti had appeared. Anti had taunted them, telling them that he was the other two. And somehow, he knew this wasn’t a lie. Marvin and Jackie had been acting so odd once they’d returned, and he couldn’t...he couldn’t feel where they were, like he could with other people. Now, he wondered if that ability to feel people had anything to do with...what else he could do.
He didn’t know how to describe what happened next. He wanted a weapon, so he reached over and grabbed one. He wanted to attack, to be at the front of the action, and all of a sudden Anti was right in front of him. And so he fought. He fought for the two who’d gone and the three who remained. But it was too much. Things were spiraling out of control. He’d take one step, and suddenly the room reoriented around him, and he was somewhere else entirely. It was spinning around him, he was one place and then another. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t steady himself. His head was swimming. It hurt. He screamed, and then he was somewhere else.
It was a strange place, he knew that much. The texture of the walls were unfamiliar, the furniture in unexpected places, the sound of a construction crew nearby completely different. He couldn’t hear or feel anyone nearby. Maybe it was a living room. In a house he’d never been in.
His vision was different. Well, it was still effectively gone, but that static that he’d been seeing ever since coming out of the Nightmare had disappeared. It was instead replaced with plain blackness. Alright, that was a slight improvement, but why?
He tripped across a wrinkle in the rug, falling to the floor with a cry. He didn’t stand up again. There was probably other things to trip over.
After what felt like an hour, he heard the muffled sound of footsteps. Someone was coming, he could feel it. That got him to climb to his feet. He headed for the nearest wall, feeling along the perimeter of the room. There had to be somewhere to hide, or somewhere to get out, somewhere to get out—
And then the wall disappeared. The sound of construction was replace by tweeting birds and a cool breeze. He stumbled as the floor under his feet became uneven, turning into soft dirt.
“What the fuck...?” He muttered.
“Hey!” Someone shouted. He cried out, turning towards the sound. Someone was coming closer. “This is private property!”
“I-I am sorry, I-I do not know how—how I got—” he stammered.
“Speak proper English, please,” the someone said dismissively. “Stay here while I call the police.”
He yelped, backing up. He felt the prickly branches of a bush dig into his back. No no no, this place wasn’t good either, get out—
And as he was backing up, he tripped over something else, falling over what felt like a wooden chair and landing hard on a carpeted floor. Suddenly, there were a lot of voices. And he could feel a lot of people nearby. They felt different.
“What the hell?!” “Jesus, that scared me.” “Um, Ms. Mae? I think—” “Unauthorized teleportation—” “—supposed to have a smoke effect?” “What’s up with his eyes?” “—don’t recognize him.” “Sir, are you alright?”
Too many people. He tried to stand up, and somehow rammed his head into something. He yelled, withdrawing.
“There’s a bookshelf there, sir,” said one of the voices. “Are you alright? Can you...wait, can you see us?”
He squeezed his eyes shut, shaking his head. Not here, somewhere else, not here, somewhere—
And the world shifted again.
And again.
And again.
He wasn’t sure how much time was passing, but it had to be a significant amount. He’d stay in each place for as long as thirty minutes, or as few as thirty seconds. Never anywhere he recognized by touch. Sometimes he’d get his bearings enough to try and find the room’s exit, or walk down the sidewalk, or figure out exactly where the hell he was. But the world always shifted again, even if he didn’t want it to.
Sometimes there were people. He tried not to stay there too long. They’d think he was crazy. Sometimes it was a room, sometimes it was outside. Once there was water lapping around his ankles.
Where was he?
Where were the others? He had to find them. He had to find out if they’d gotten away from Anti, or if he needed to rescue them. Not that he was sure he could, with the world constantly changing. Sure, he’d managed to stab Anti once or twice, but that might’ve been beginner’s luck. Didn’t mean he wouldn’t try, though.
He was outside again, on a sidewalk. The air had cooled down significantly, and he could feel less people around. The sound of the cars passing by were less frequent. Time had passed.
No, he was in a noisy building, people shouting, dishes clattering.
No, he was in a wide-open space, instruments playing discordantly.
No, somewhere boiling hot—
No, somewhere with the ground kicking up sand—
No, somewhere quiet—
Somewhere loud—
Somewhere soft—
His heart was about to pound out of his chest. His mind was swimming, a lightheaded feeling. There were swirls of colors swimming before his eyes. Patterns of phosphenes.
Too much, too much, too much—
Something broke.
He saw a hospital room, a single bed surrounded by medical equipment. There was a man in a snap-back cap, sitting on the floor like he’d been knocked down, and another man in a ragged white coat, staring down at him. His expression was a combination of shock and anger. “I do not you would forget so easily,” the man in the white coat said. “But maybe I am mistaken. If what I have seen you doing is what I think it is, then maybe your mind is missing entirely.” “Wha—no, I—oh my god, you’re alive.” The man in the cap stood up, looking a bit dazed as he looked the other up and down. “We all thought the worst—I mean, we never gave up hope—well, ░▒░▒░▒ got close, I think, but maybe that’s just the pessimist in him. And there was that fucked up postcard back in March…but you’re back now. You’re back.” He smiled, a small expression filled with relief.
He was in the middle of a dark field, city lights in the distance. They were close enough to make out buildings but too far to walk to. A man in a black cape and purple and white mask was walking. His hand was held up high above him, blue crystallized lights dancing around his fingers, illuminating the area. He spun around, looking for something. He said something under his breath, and the blue light flared, shooting out. Something laughed. “You talk too much,” said a voice, seeming to come from everywhere. The man spun around, blue light twirling away. Shuffling movement in the darkness, and then there was something, something gray and smiling and with blackened sharp nails, tackling the man to the ground. Something red splashed.
he was standing behind someone, a young man in a button-up shirt, who was holding a ceramic mug in two hands. the man was in the doorway of a living room, watching two other men talk. They appeared to be arguing. “i don’t own a green t-shirt, ░▒░▒░!” this man had his hair pulled back, waves falling down his back. “you know i don’t like them! you can go look in my closet and hamper if you want,i don’t have anything like that.” “well, who was it, then?” this one had a snap-back cap and a dirty jacket. “what, are you saying that someone was pretending to be you—” the man in the doorway suddenly paled. he dropped the mug he was holding, and it shattered upon the floor with a loud crash. the other two turned to look at him. “░▒░▒░▒░? are you alright?”
Ur jnf yvfgravat gb na nynez evatvat guebhtu gur nve. Gur juvgr-jnyyrq unyyjnl jnf yvg hc bayl ol erq rzretrapl yvtugf naq n fgenatr terra tybj. Gurer jrer gjb svtherf va gur pragre bs gur unyy, bar ylvat ba uvf onpx, gur bgure xarryvat arkg gb uvz. Gur bar xarryvat jnf cerffvat qbja ba gur bgure’f fgbznpu, jurer n qnex fgnva jnf fcernqvat npebff gur oyhr fuveg. “Fuvg, unat ba, whfg unat ba,” gur bar xarryvat fnvq. “V xabj fbzrbar jub pna uryc, jr whfg arrq gb svaq uvz.” Gur bar ylvat qbja tebnarq, naq bcrarq uvf rlrf. Fbzrguvat jnf tybjvat juvgr. “Fghcvq nynez…” Ur ernpurq hc, unaq gerzoyvat. Fgenaqf bs juvgr yvtug pheyrq nebhaq uvf nez, gura fubg njnl, jenccvat nebhaq n obk ba gur prvyvat. Gur zrgny pheyrq nf vs vg jnf pynl orvat gjvfgrq. Gur nynez fgbccrq, naq fbzr bs gur erq rzretrapl ohyof ohefg, envavat qbja tynff naq yrnivat gur fgenatr terra tybj nf gur bayl fbhepr bs yvtug.
Sv hzd z uzhg ullw ivhgzfizmg, nlhgob vnkgb. uoflivhxvmg ortsgh org fk gsv yfrowrmt, z xlmgizhg gl gsv wfhp lfghrwv gsv drmwldh. Z nzm dzh hrggrmt rm z yllgs rm z xlimvi, dizkkvw rm z xlfkov ozbvih lu xolgsrmt vmwrmt rm z tivvm qzxpvg drgs ufi zilfmw rgh sllw. gsviv dviv yzmwztvh zilfmw srh mvxp zmw z kzgxs levi srh vbv. sv dzh hgzirmt zg hlnvgsrmt zxilhh uiln srn gszg ollpvw orpv z nzm rm z ivw sllwrv, yfg gsviv dzh hlnvgsrmt...dilmt. Rgh uzxv dzhm’g erhryov. “Blf pmld, dv ivzoob hslfow hgzb lfg lu gsrh, ĵŀ½ýªś,” hzrw gsv gsrmt rm gsv ivw sllw. “Bvzs, r urtfivw gszg lfg dsvm gsv wlxgli gsrmt prxpvw nv lfg lu rgh xrgb,” gsv nzm nfggvivw, iloormt srh erhryov vbv. “Gdrxv.” “Yfg.” Gsv gsrmt uozhsvw z hnrov. gsv gvvgs ollpvw...dilmt. “R dlm’g orv, r ivzoob dzmg gl hvv rg tvg rgh wfv. Xzoo rg pzinz, ru blf dzmg.”
He gasped, and suddenly everything was still. Very still, in fact. Almost unusually still. He couldn’t hear anything nearby. He couldn’t smell anything nearby. He couldn’t feel anything other than the ground beneath his feet. But he could feel something...someone? Were they the source of the voice that shouted “stop”?
“Gods, was not expecting that. What’re you doing? How’d you get here?” The voice sounded familiar...but also different.
“I—I—” He couldn’t answer either of those questions. “I do not know. I-I am sorry if I upset you.”
A short burst of laughter. “You didn’t upset me—well I mean, I am kind of busy right now, but I can take a break to figure out what the actual fuck you were doing.”
“Doing? What—where am I?” He realized he was shaking a bit. Nerves, maybe. Or exhaustion. From whatever that had been.
“Hmm. You can’t see, can you? Otherwise you’d be having a stronger reaction than that.” Footsteps approached him. “Here, let me just—”
He felt hands on his head, pressing fingers into his temples. And then he felt something else, some kind of tingly, static sensation. He yelped. And then suddenly, he saw himself. Not from the perspective you would expect, but like he was looking through someone else’s eyes at himself. He could see the scars under his eyes for the first time. Then the perspective changed, like someone was looking to the side. And he saw...lights. Tiny green orbs of light, extending off in all directions, for forever, against a black sky. They were reflected across the horizon, but he wasn’t sure if that was because the floor he was standing on was reflective, or if the floor was transparent, showing a void all around. He gasped, and the hands were withdrawn. “Where am I?” He repeated, in a hushed voice.
“...how do I explain this?” the voice muttered. “Alright. Do you play video games? You likely have a few friends who do.”
“Um...yes, I have friends. I play a few games, I suppose.”
“You know how a level of a game has a map? The map makes up the environment, and it’s made of all the various assets the game has.”
“You know how, in some games, if you do just the right thing, you can glitch outside of a map and into the empty space beyond? Where you can see the whole map from a new perspective.”
“Well. Welcome to the empty space around the map, Henrik.”
Schneep gasped. “How do you know my name?!”
“I mean, I guessed you were one of them.” The voice sounded casual. “The accent gave it away.”
Schneep shook his head, backing away from the voice. “Is—is this real? Am I having a hallucination?”
“Why, do you have those?”
“Someti—that is none of your business!” Schneep snapped. “How do I get back to where I was?”
“Good question, normally you wouldn’t be able to.”
“But the fact that you were glitching outside and looking at other ones is a good sign that you’ll be able to. Though, judging by your reaction and recent memories, this is a new thing for you.”
“You looked inside my—?!” This was too much. Schneep fell to the ground, collapsing to his knees. He covered his mouth and tried not to hyperventilate.
“Oh, I shouldn’t have done that, should I?” The voice asked. “I just thought it would be helpful if I understood where you were coming from.”
“How is this happening?” Schneep whispered weakly. “Jameson, he told me I had magic, b-but I did not think—! It would be like—! Wh-why do I even have this? What happened to make it?”
“Another good question.” The voice lowered, like he was also sitting on the floor. “Well, it sounds like this isn’t something you had your whole life. Were you exposed to any kind of magic for an extended period of time? Say, a few months.”
Schneep immediately started nodding. “I-I got stuck. In this place called...the Ni-Nightmare.” He shuddered. “It was for months.”
“Well, shit. You have to get your soul ripped out to go there.” The voice fell silent for a while. “So, I’m no expert, but I can give you my best guess. Your soul probably got used to being outside your body, and while it was in the Nightmare, it began to adapt to the new environment. Once it was returned to your body, it settled back in, but the properties it picked up started to seep into your body as well. It would probably lay dormant for a while until you needed it to start acting weird, probably triggered by stress or something. And now, I’m guessing everything’s hit the fan for you.”
Schneep nodded. “It was like...everything around me was changing. I could not control it.”
“Of course you can control it.” He could practically hear the voice rolling his eyes. And moderation, of course, so you don’t end up glitching too far. I mean, eventually you would’ve drifted off, bouncing between other worlds. You’re lucky I stopped by.”
Schneep paused. “Who are you?”
Laughter. Chillingly familiar, yet somehow...more relaxed. “If I told you my name, you’d probably recognize it. But I probably shouldn’t, in case the me in your world isn’t as nice. Never mind that, though.” A shuffling sound, like the voice was standing up. Then the voice grabbed Schneep’s arm and pulled him up. “I think it’s best if you don’t stay here. Just in case there are more effects.”
Schneep shook his head. Everything was moving fast. “H...how would I get out of here?”
“Well, you got in, didn’t you? You can get out, if your powers brought you here. You just need to control them.”
“How?” Schneep asked in a small voice.
“You start by not controlling them.” Schneep’s expression must’ve shown, because the voice chuckled. “Abilities like this are part of you, if they’re anything like mind. As much as your arm is part of you. Do you make an effort to ‘control’ your arm? No, you just think about what it’s supposed to do, and it does it. Glitching to other places is just an easier way of walking. Think about where you want to go, and go there.”
“What? It cannot be that easy.”
“It is. You might need to practice, though. But for now, just relax. If you freak out, it’s likely that your powers are gonna freak out too.”
“I think I figured that out,” Schneep grumbled.
“Yeah, that’s probably how you ended up here, huh?” The voice sounded like he was smiling. “Just take a deep breath, and think about using your powers to get back where you came from.”
Schneep hesitated. “What if it goes wrong? Are...are you going to give more advice?”
“If you don’t go back to your world, yeah. But once you’re there, I can’t follow you. I can access the In-Between, and my own world, but nothing else without concentrated help. It’s one of the few rules I follow.” The voice shifted, now sounding a bit irritated. “Now can you hurry? I said I was busy, and unless I want some black magic kitty causing havoc, I gotta get back to that.”
“Okay, okay.” Schneep considered asking about that, then decided it was a better idea not to. He took a deep breath. Just think about it, huh? Alright. He wanted to go home. He imagined a doorway opening in front of him, and on the other side was where he wanted to go. He took a step forward—
And ran his shins into a coffee table.
He cried out, jumping backwards. Okay. Alright. This was better. He wasn’t in that weird...place anymore. He reached forward, bending down to feel the surface of the coffee table. It was wood, felt fairly big, and there was an indent right in the middle.
Schneep froze. That wasn’t just an indent. He recognized the feel of the knick in the wood. He ran his fingers over it a few more times, awakening a long ago memory. One time, Marvin had visited his apartment, but neglected to tell him he would be practicing throwing knives. He dropped one right on the living room coffee table. Schneep had ranted his ear off that night about how the blade had left a knick in his table.
How many times had he ran his hand over that dent in the wood? Especially after he’d thought his friend had died...he wasn’t about to forget the feeling of it, no matter how long it had been.
But he had to make sure. Schneep stood up, feeling around the edges of the room. Yes, there was the glass wall to the balcony. There were the houseplants in the corners, now dried up and dead from neglect. There was his second coat hanging off the hook near the door. He’d ended up home.
Schneep sat down hard on the sofa. So. Maybe that voice’s advice wasn’t too bad.
It had been...a long, long day. An absolutely insane day, in fact. He needed to process all this. He lay down across the cushions, staring into nothing. His vision was back to blackness. Which he didn’t mind, in comparison to the static. If that was part of his new abilities, he’d take them all.
Okay. Start with processing the simpler-to-understand stuff. Anti was back. Doing alright so far. Anti was actually Marvin and Jackie—nope, that one needed more attention.
Some part of Schneep knew they’d always been dead. He’d seen their bodies. He’d examined their bodies. You don’t come back from that. And even if they somehow magically recovered for a bit, he knew they weren’t the same. He’d figured out by now that he could feel people, which must’ve also been part of his powers. But he could never feel them. They weren’t people anymore. They were ghosts. Remnants.
Schneep wiped away at the tears suddenly trickling down his face.
And now, all that was left of them was Anti. Anti, the worst parts of each of them, now hell-bent on tormenting them. Maybe if they got rid of Anti, Marvin and Jackie could finally have some peace. In whatever came next.
He reached vaguely to the side. He needed a weapon, something suitable for defeating Anti. And surprisingly, his fingers wrapped around something. He pulled it back, feeling the item over with both hands. A pair of...scissors? Odd, but he supposed they were just a pair of knives attached together. He tried again, reaching to the side, this time thinking about a knife. And this time, he grabbed a kitchen knife. Huh. Apparently, he could summon things now, too. Though...was he actually just reaching through some kind of wormhole to grab something from somewhere else...?
Schneep shook his head. He’d figure it out later. For now...he was tired. And again, he needed to process this. He set the scissors and the knife down on the nearby table.
They needed a plan. They needed to be together. And Schneep needed more time to adjust to these new abilities. 
So that would be what he’d do next. He’d figure out how to use these powers to their best, find their strengths, weaknesses, and limitations. Then, when they came for Anti, he wouldn’t know what hit him.
With a sigh, Schneep closed his eyes. Yes, he’d be prepared for that day. It was coming soon.
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shanisdunn · 4 years
My Haunted Campus Episode 1: Pitt-Greensburg (featuring Michele Laity and Chloe Mager)
My Haunted Campus is a podcast where college students are welcomed to share stories about what they perceive to be hauntings they’ve witnessed on their campus.
Click on “Keep Reading” at the bottom to access the transcript for this episode.
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[Picture via @PittGreensburg on twitter]
Free music for non-commercial use from Fesliyan Studios.
–begin transcript–
(Shannon: Every college campus has lore about haunts, frights, and strange occurrences. Whether these stem from fact or fear, there’s no denying that we sometimes don’t feel alone.
The University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg was established in 1963 and while this might seem fairly new, there’s no denying that some students have had what they believe are run-ins with the paranormal.
For the very first episode of My Haunted Campus, I sat down with some friends and fellow Pitt-Greensburg residents as we talked about ghost stories stemming from their former apartment.)
Shannon: So I wanted to start talking about the weird things that went on in your apartment last year, just because there’s a lot of stories we collectively have from that. And like when I say collectively, even me, and I didn’t live there. But like what specific experiences do you guys have?
Meesh: Uh, my first run in with something spooky in Apollo was before Chloe lived with me, I lived in the same building. And I woke up to a man giggling. I very distinctly heard a man giggling in the hallway and I remember thinking that it was weird, because it was a weekend, and my roommates had all gone home. And there was no one else in the apartment. But I went back to bed and later on, I woke up again and texted all my roommates and said “were you guys in here? and did you bring your boyfriends?” and they said “we have not been there since Friday.” So, that was my first supernatural encounter in Apollo house that clued me in to the fact that I was not living there alone.
Shannon: Oh good! [laughs] If I heard a man giggling in the middle of the night, I would have left.
Meesh: [laughs]
Shannon: I would have gotten up and I would have moved out that night.
(Shannon: While we usually hope that events like this are mere tricks of the mind, this laughing man would continue to make his presence known.)
Shannon: So that was your first experience. 
Meesh: It was. It was my first of very many.
Shannon: You did confirm, though, at some point, that the man giggling was in fact Apollo, as we so affectionately call him.
Meesh: Yeah, I mean I kinda doubt that that was his actual name, but as we gained more just little experiences confirming that there was something in there, I ended up playing like a game that was supposed to allow you to talk to spirits. And I asked, at one point, “are you okay with us calling you Apollo?” and it said “yes,” so.
Chloe: [laughs]
Meesh: That’s what we still call him today. He answered a lot of questions that night, I just cant remember most of them. I remember that one in particular, because it was a very definitive like “yes you can call me Apollo.” I was like “oohhkayyy.”
Chloe: It’s– you know, it works cause it’s the Apollo house. It’s easy.
(Shannon: While the entity continued to wreak mischief, the apartment’s residents did not feel threatened by him.)
Meesh: I never really got malevolent vibes from Apollo. I think he was mischievous, but I don’t think that he downright had bad intentions for anyone.
Chloe: No.
Shannon: 10/10 was mischievous though.
Meesh: Yes, definitely like a trickster, prankster, but not like “I’m going to kill you in this house.”
Shannon: Yea, just more mild “poke you in the face when you’re trying to sleep.”
Meesh: [laughs]
(Shannon: At this moment, I begin to reminisce on the time I myself had a run-in, while taking a nap in Chloe’s bed.)
Shannon: One of the times I was over trying to nap in your bed, and you had poked me like a little bit earlier.
Chloe: Right.
Shannon: But then, I kept feeling you like hovering a hand near my face, and I kept snapping my eyes open and you hadn’t moved. And then I felt someone like actually poke me in the head, and so I snapped my eyes open and looked over at you real quick and there was no way you had reached all the way over. ‘Cause I was at the foot of your bed and you were at the head of your bed.
Chloe: Yeah.
Shannon: And there was no way you had reached over and poked me and gotten back without me seeing you move at all. And I looked at you and I was like “did you just poke me?” [laughs]
Chloe: [laughs]
Shannon: And you were like “no??”
Meesh and Chloe: [laughs]
Shannon: And I went “well someone just did!” [laughs]
Chloe: And then like, it might’ve been the same day–
Shannon: I think it was the same day.
Chloe: Like I said, we had passed Lily while she was walking to class, and we were walking to the apartment, and Meesh and Alex had just left the apartment when we were getting there. And after the whole like poking incident, we heard the door open to the apartment and then close. And it has a very distinct noise, you can tell what door it is. ‘Cause they’re spring-locked, you know, they just close on their own. And I was like “okay, maybe somebody forgot something,” and we heard footsteps coming down the hall. And then I like got up to check, to see who it was, and nobody was there. At all. Like, nobody. So...
Shannon: And we texted everyone to make sure.
Chloe: Yeah.
Shannon: And they sure were not present at the time.
(Shannon: During these few months, all of the activity in the apartment was attributed to Apollo messing around with us, but something darker began lurking.)
Meesh: At one point, the vibe of what was happening kind of shifted, so we thought that maybe there was an additional ghost in there.
Chloe: Right, right, right.
Meesh: ‘Cause Apollo, we knew wasn’t malevolent, but then at one point, it was stuff with Lily that– at one point I started filming Lily, and it had something to do with the ghost in the house, and as I panned over for her to do something that she wanted to do, it cut off. Despite the fact that I had filmed the whole thing, the video that actually had Lily in it was completely gone. And I think Lily also started having nightmares regarding some kind of demon man or something. Not my story to tell, but it was weird.
Chloe: I had that experience when we were dyeing my hair in the bathroom.
Meesh: Yes.
Chloe: It was you, me, Alex, and Lily. I was getting my hair dyed from Alex. I’m sitting facing the mirror, and I like see, out of the corner of my eye, a shadow figure run across the door. And it’s like kinda dog-shaped, like low to the ground, like just real fast across the door. And I didn’t say anything for a few minutes, ‘cause I didn’t wanna alarm anybody, and I was like “hey guys, um, I definitely just saw something run across the door,” and Alex freaked out and Meesh freaked out and everybody was scared afterwards. [laughs]
(Shannon: Within this same week, I also saw a dog shaped figure during one of my bouts of sleep paralysis, though I hadn’t known about Chloe’s experience.
It’s unsure where the line between entities is drawn, however, based on what we know about Apollo, the next experience was probably something or somebody else.)
Meesh: Honestly, probably the weirdest experience I’ve ever ever had, in Greensburg, was with Cameron Collins, who was our downstairs neighbor when we lived in Apollo. And I went down to do laundry one day, and found his room door open– it was wide open, he was standing in the door, but facing the side and he was staring directly at an empty wall. There was no TV there, or he wasn’t watching out the window, he was staring directly at an empty wall. And his side was to me, but the door was wide open. And so I stood there for a few minutes, blatantly staring at him, like trying to get his attention to tease him or ask him what he was doing. Uh, and he never ever acknowledged that I was there. [laughs] He just kept staring straight ahead. So I just thought “that’s kinda weird,” and went to do laundry, ‘cause obviously he didn’t want to give me his attention. And as I was leaving the laundry room, the door slammed shut and he was no longer there. He didn’t come out, he just– the door was shut.
Meesh: So, I asked him about it the next day, and I said “what the heck was that? Like what was going on? What were you doing?” He goes ‘I was doing what?” and I explained to him what happened and I jokingly asked “were you possessed?” and he said “I must have been, ‘cause I remember none of that.” and he was dead serious. [laughs, sighs] Our neighbor might’ve been possessed, it’s fine.
Shannon: So guys, what do you think? Greensburg campus, haunted?
Meesh: Absolutely.
Chloe: Yeah, well, parts of it.
(Shannon: These stories only surrounded one area of the campus, but the number of people who noticed strange ongoings can’t be coincidence. I believe that Pitt-Greensburg does have a spiritual presence and hope to investigate it more thoroughly one day.
Have you ever experienced something paranormal on your college campus? I’d love to hear your story.)
–end transcript–
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Silent September
Fandom: IT Ship: Stenbrough TW: Abuse, Anxiety Attack
Stanleys Prov
Bill hadn't been talking lately. It was concerning to me but nobody else seemed to notice. "Hey, Bill. You alright?" I asked. He looked up at me and stared for a second before smiling and nodding. "Hey, Bill!" Richie yelled running over. "H-hey R-r-Richie." he stuttered quietly. I stood there wide eyes as he spoke. "Wanna hang out later? Me and Eddie are heading for the library to wish Ben happy birthday. What'cha think?" he asked. I looked over at Bill who thought. "Yeah sure. R-Richie!" Bill called as the boy walked away. "Yes, Billy?"
"It's E-e-Eddie and me, not m-me and Eddie," he said only to yearn a sarcastic groan from Richie. "Bill? Why wont you talk to me?" I asked a few minutes later. "U-um well. I-I." he looked at the floor before jumping onto his bike. "I-I g-gotta g-go! Bye, Stan!" he said and left.
Standing in my room I stared out the window. Why isn't he talking to me? He hadn't talked to me all month and October was about to begin. Sighing I left my house and went to Eddies. "Mrs K?! Is Eddie here?" I asked. "Well dear, he just got home. He's in his room." I nodded and walked into his room. "Hey Stan what's up?" he asked. "Bill isn't talking to me and I thought you might know why," I said. He chuckled. "What?!" I said. "Nothing! It's just. You are so oblivious. I can't tell you because he asked me not to." he said.
I sighed and walked out of his house. I didn't want to go home but there was nowhere I wanted to stay either. Riding my bike around town I saw the losers sitting outside the library Bill standing trying to balance on something. "Hey, guys," I said causing Bill to fall and laugh. "Hey, Stan we were waiting for you," Beverly said. I smiled. "Happy birthday Ben," I said he nodded and looked at Bill then back at me and smirked. "Reddie-"
"I'm not dating, Richie!" Eddie said cutting him off, earning a dying Mike in the background. Ben glared at him. "REDDIE is getting me a present that I have wanted for a long time," he said an evil smile on his face as he kept looking between me and Bill. I started to panic as Eddie and Richie dragged us into the library to a closet. "W-wait!!" Bill suddenly said stopping and resisting against Richie.
"Bill, it's for Ben just do it!" Richie seethes. Bill was shaking his head, face red as he pushed against Richie. "Nu-uh!" he said. I would have smiled at this but something in his voice made me more concerned.
"Eddie no!" before he could protest anymore the closet door shut and we were alone in the tight space. I sighed to myself and smiled a little. I had always had a small crush on the stuttering mess. Turning around my eyes adjusted to the dark and I could barely make out a shaking figure of the boy next to me. Hearing a whimper from him I reached out my hand to calm him only for him the shudder away. "Don't h-h-h-hurt me!" he said.
"Bill, I won't hurt you. May I touch you?" I asked, trying to sound calm. I saw him nod and I pulled him close, embracing him as he shook in my arms. "Bill, can you tell me what's wrong?" I asked softly, running my fingers through his hair, it seemed to calm him down. We were now on the floor, cuddling in a way. "I d-d-don't like tight spaces," he whispered, my head on his, and his on my chest.
"I spilt b-beer over some of my d-d-dad's paperwork and he b-b-beat me. He almost b-b-broke my arm but in-instead, he locked me in a c-c-closet. I wasn't l-l-let out for 2 d-d-days." he said. I held him tighter and kissed his forehead. "I'll beat up Richie for you after this," I said smiling when he chuckled giving a soft 'thank you'. "Bill, why did you tell me that?" I asked.
He looked up at me his eyes glistening even in the dark. "B-b-because I trust you. I d-didn't talk to y-you all September b-b-because when I saw all the co-couples holding hands and b-being together I knew w-we would only ever be friends n-n-nothing more. I'm sorry and I-I understand if you d-don't want to be friends with a f-f-fag." my heart shattered and I pulled him closer. "I love you Bill and I could never be happier to hear you say that. But if you ever call yourself a fag again I will slap you." I said earning a laugh.
After a few minutes, the door opened and Eddie looked down to see me holding a sleeping Bill. "Oh my god that is adorable I need to leave so I can scream and die of cuteness," he said and left. I chuckled and woke up the sleeping child. "Hmm? Wh-what?" he said in a sleepy voice. "Bens birthday." I reminded him. He smiled. "Oh, yea!" I laughed and stood up walking out with him.
"Well?!" I heard Mike and Ben say as we sat down. "Well, what?" I said. Richie pointed to a screaming Eddie as Beverly pointed to a half-asleep Bill that laid on my shoulder. "He's my boyfriend." a small voice came from him. I smiled and wrapped an arm around him.
Eddie ran over and grabbed Mike shaking him. "HE DIDN"T FUCKING STUTTER!!! IT'S TOO CUTE I CAN'T HANDLE IT!" he screamed. "Half of my birthday wish came true," Ben said. Bill smiled at me and, as though we read each other's minds, we stood up and grabbed Eddie and Richie. "What are you doing?" Eddie asked. "What you did to us." I smiled.
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champagnesugamama · 5 years
All That Glitters Ch.1: The Proposition
All That Glitters Ch.1: The Proposition
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Moving Day 
Viktor Drago x Ofc(Athena Creed)
Author: Champagnesugamama
Summary:  Athena Creed, twin sister to the legendary boxer Adonis Creed, has been expanding her business of natural hair and skin care products, when another unexpected business venture lands in her path, but will it cause more harm than good?.....
You guys it literally took me so long just to start this first chapter! I rewrote the first paragraph like 50x! I hope you guys enjoy my little series. 
     “What the fuck do you mean you have to move to to the Ukraine?” Fuck, Adonis is already giving me a headache. I rubbed my eyes and answered him for the fifth time.
    “Adonis I already told yo ass why five times! I have to oversee the building and manufacturing of my two factories! You know the taxes over in the Ukraine are significantly lower than in the United States. I have to base my factories over there if I want that 50 million dollar tax break.” He acts like I haven’t explored all options before deciding this. I don’t want to move to a foreign country where I will be ostracized from my loved ones, but this money doesn’t make itself.  He ain’t the only one in this family who got bread. Matter of fact I’m richer than his ass. I worked my ass off in Harvard to get to where I am today, and I will be damned if my irritating ass little brother stops my bag.  
      “So, you got the stuff?” A masculine voice said through my dormitory door.
      “Yea you got the money?” I replied with a straight up attitude. Shit you would be mad too if this high ass senior was knocking at yo door at 12 am.
   “Yea, open the door Ma, I just wanna see what you got.” I know this nigga don’t think I’m about to let him in my dorm at no 12 o’clock at night.
    “No Sir, yo girl already sent in her order and you are just supposed to pick it up, ain’t nobody say you could browse the merchandise after hours. Now slide the envelope under the door and wait for your product.” He sucked his teeth and slide the envelope under the door. I counted out the necessary $150, and unlocked my door, but still keeping the chain on, I handed the man his shit.
    “Yo tell Keisha she ain’t special, if her ass can’t come between business hours she is just gonna have to get it shipped to her dorm.” I said rolling my eyes. I know that girl ain’t got shit to do, but lay up with her nigga.
    “Aight, I got you Ma. You know this shit is like crack to the females out here.You even got my momma and homeboys pullin’ up on me for this shit. What you really be puttin in this shit?” Now why he ask me that like I’m gonna tell him?
     “None of your business sir. Now go give my home girl her hair and skin shit, she been looking a little ashy lately.” He laughed, but I was straight up serious, bitch been lookin’ a lil flaky lately.
     “Oh shit, Imma tell her you said that shit too, night little mama.” I rolled my eyes and shut my door. I fed my money in the safe’s automatic counter and saw my day’s earnings were reaching up to 10,000 dollars. I’m gonna have to start looking into a bigger manufacturing place cause this ain’t cuttin it. I still have 25 back orders for just this campus alone. The secret is that I have two different pricing menus. One is for the stuck up rich kids at the school, and the other is for the chill homies, and scholarship babies. I gotta make my money somehow.
    “Hello, This is the office of Athena Creed. How may I help you?” My assistant Keisha answered the phone.” Now y’all must be wondering, “This bitch got a whole ass secretary? Since when?”, since I expanded my business and went national with a few small factories. I graduated top 5% of my class in Harvard, and expanded my business before I graduated. I am now the youngest self made Billionaire in the United States.
     “Ms. Creed, P. Diddy is on line one and your finance manager is on line 2. You also have to get back to the Supply manager about the shortages on the shipments to Ulta and Sephora. The online orders are also being backlogged for some reason, and there is a protest at one of your factories about the “supposedly anonymous” tip about animal testing and what not. Should I put them on hold or patch them through?” See this is why need a second assistant.  
     “Patch through P. Diddy, tell my finance manager I’ll call her at 3 o’clock, tell the supply manager to email me the problem, hire a online order manager, and call the cops on the protesters outside of the factory. The whole 15 acres around the factory is private property and they are in violation of the privacy laws. Call Oprah to do a walk through interview with me and my factory manager to silence the protesters. They are only protesting because this is a black made business with black investors, and they want to burn it to the ground like black wall street, but I rebuke that Caucasian devil.”
     “Ms. Creed you so crazy, but I’ll get right on that.” I waited 20 seconds after I saw the red light turn on to answer. I can’t let these niggas think I’m too excited to be in their presence.
     “Hello, this is Athena Creed.” I said in my professional black voice. Y’all know the one you use for corporate niggas.
     “Hey baby girl, you got time for lunch today?” Sean has been a friend of my family since the early ‘80s, since before my dad passed. My parents met Sean at one of my dad’s fights at the MGM casino. We’ve been close ever since.
     “Yea Unc, What’s up?” I asked concerned, because my uncle has had it pretty hard recently, with the passing of the love of his life Kim Porter.
     “Nothing, I just have a business proposition for you to expand your reach in the business world. Ya know it’s always good to have different eggs in your basket. I know hair and skin is your passion, but I hope you’ll have an open mind with your uncle today.” Alright now what does he want.
     “Alright Unc. I’ll meet you at Urasawa on rodeo drive in about an hour. Make sure you come dress like we’re having lunch and not going to the met gala.” I laughed. He has a tendency to go overboard with his day to day outfits. We hung up and I made my way to my house to change out of my office clothes and to take a shower, I smell like the office.
     “Hey Keisha, you can go home after you post the job to the job sites, and organize the food for the next staff meeting on Monday. Have a good weekend, oh and redirect my calls to my business phone while you’re at it. Thanks sweetheart.” I said from the elevator.
     “Sure no problem Ms. Creed. Have a nice weekend.” She said with a smile and a wave as the elevator closed. 
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     I got out of the bath, and I put some of my super growth oil, curling cream, and rice water aloe Vera gel in my hair to make my curls pop. I did my edges, and put on my chill day makeup. You know I had to support my girl Rihanna and buy her body lava. I mix one drop in with my moisturizer and rub that on my face and neck. It gives me a natural glow without makeup, cause I’m lazy.
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Okay, so I know I said I was gonna chill, but I’m going on Rodeo Drive today, Imma stunt on them bitches. And since I’m stunting on some stuck up bitches we might as well go all out and bring out my new baby that I treated myself to as a present for making the Forbes list. 
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     I stepped out of the car and threw my keys to the valet and gave him a band to not scratch it. My bodyguard met me at the sidewalk and escorted me to the door through the paparazzi and fans. I don’t know how they keep getting my location, but Imma need them to chill. The waitress automatically escorted me to my Uncle’s table. You can tell we come here way too often, but my uncle knows I’ll blow a check on some sushi. The waitress lead me to the back and up a set of stairs behind the grand piano, behind a draped, white, sheer chiffon  curtain to the only table in the back V.I.P. area of the restaurant.        “Hey Uncle Sean. How are you?” I asked him as he got up to hug me and pull  out my chair.      “Hey, Athena. I’m hanging in there. What about you, sweetheart?” He said as he sat back down in his chair.      “I’m good Uncle Sean, but I’m hungry as hell. We need to order before I waste away.” I laughed as I signaled the waiter over to us.      “Hello, welcome to Urasawa. What can I start you guys off with?” The waiter asked. I squinted hard as hell to read his name tag. Okay Kenji I see you. He’s cute or whatever.      “Hey Kenji, did I pronounce that right?” I waited for him to reply, while giving him the bedroom eyes. I looked him up and down, making sure he knew I was interested. I peeped Uncle Sean rolling his eyes at me, but I don’t know why he’s complainin’, I learned it from him.      “Yea, you’re the first person to pronounce it right on the first time. What can I get for you beautiful.” Kenji the waiter asked me, as he eyed my body, and proceeded to commence with the fuck boy tendencies, and bite his lip and “seduce” me with his eyes. Okay he’s canceled. I can’t take the fake ass california valley “swag”. Shit disgusts me.
     “Um. I’ll take the Ama Ebi, Ikura Gunkan Sushi, and the Toro with a sprite. Thank you.” I handed the menu back, and turned to uncle Sean. 
     “Well shit I’ll just take what she’s having.” He said handing his menu back. Alright now it’s down to business. I put on my Big Boss Bitch face and folded my hands on the very neat and crisp tablecloth, and turned my gaze to my uncle.
     “So, this ‘business’ proposition….What is it?” I asked impatient as hell. He just leans back in his seat and folds his hands in his lap.
     “Can’t we just eat first before you upset your stomach with all them nerves. You’ve always been impatient as hell, even as a baby. Cryin’ n’ shit. Being spoilt by everyone who looked at you. Man I couldn’t walk in yo parents place without a Cinnabon for your greedy ass.” He laughed, and I looked at him out the side of my eye. So that’s why I was a 90lb kindergartner. This nigga been trying to give me type 2 diabetes since I was two.      “Uncle Sean you ain’t right for that! You were over the house almost everyday! You was trying to kill a nigga!” I said rolling my eyes at him. He laughed at me, but I was dead ass serious! I had breathing problems in pre-k all because this nigga couldn’t say no to a toddler. 
     “Alright, I’ll spare a nigga. The proposition is for you to open up your own alcohol brewery.” 
Tag List:
@dragothishole @marvelheaux @honeychicana @harleycativy @avengersandlovers @amethyst1993 @sdcyumyum @the-lululemon
@almostpurelysmut @itshinothey @titty-teetee @laubluered @pananegra
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He Could Be the One Reggie imagine
hehe I did it y’all!!! I’ve been thinking about this all day and I just had to write out!! i change the lyrics “hes a cutie” to guitar cutie because when I was little i was convinced it was guitar cutie
Based of the amazing Hannah Montana song, He Could Be the One. The band finds a song in your book about a “guitar cutie” and the boys tease Luke. However, the band quickly forgets that there are three boys that play guitar in the band.
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You had a massive crush on Reggie. There was no denying it. At first you thought there was no way you could a thing for your bandmate. But the more you were with him, the more you found yourself falling for him. And it wasn’t just band practice, you guys were always together.  Sometimes you just needed to get away from the boys for a while, but Reggie was always the first to make sure you were okay. He would find you in your little spot on the beach, or in your favorite music store looking at the new records and tapes. He would just plop down next to you and wrap his arm around you and talk about your day.
Reggie was so sweet. He was always your number one hype man during shows or practice. When you felt like you weren’t good enough for the band he was always there to show you your worth. “Y/N we wouldn’t be the same with out you! Your songs bring so much to band. They can connect to the fans and I don’t know how you do it!”
Not to mention, that face. That smile. That adorable, goofy, toothy smile he has had ever since he was little boy. Whenever he flashes his smile at you, you feel heart race and you pray nobody else can hear it. He was just so damn cute all the time. How is it possible? When on stage, you would look and see him dancing and jumping while playing his bass and you wished you could dance with him.
But you were scared to tell him. You didn’t want to cause any drama in the band.
But after awhile you realize how much you loved this boy, you had to let it somehow. So, you did what you did best; wrote a song.
You had a notebook, similar to Luke's that was filled with songs. Some completed, other pages just had random versus. You were sat in a bean bag chair in the garage writing before band practice. You had your notebook propped up against your knees as you wrote down the song. Once you started, you couldn’t stop writing. Everything you had felt the past few months were being let out onto this piece of paper. The words flowed effortlessly on the page.
“Hey baby girl”
You jumped and fell of your chair. Your notebook slammed shut.
“Fuck Reggie!” your heart was pounding. You couldn’t tell if it was because Reggie scared you, or because he almost saw the song you were writing about him, or because he called you baby girl. Although “baby girl” was a daily thing with him.
“Woah okay. Sorry Y/N’ he gave his hand out for you take to help you get up when he noticed your book in your hand.
“New song?” he asked.
“Something. It’s not that good though.” You tell him placing the book in your bag before he could see it.
“Y/N, how many times do we have to talk about this? You’re best song writer we have! You can do no wrong”
Face started to heat up as you turned around to  look a Reggie. You tried to play it cool and roll your eyes. “Don’t let Luke hear you say that. But I do think Home Is where my horse deserves some credit”  you said jokingly.
“See, this is why I love you. You my girl, have great taste” he said while point at you with that boyish smile.
“my girl”
My god how does he get your heart to act like this?
“Taste is anything that isn’t Bobby’s songs” You tell him trying to busy yourself at your keyboard.
“That’s very true”
As he said that the rest of the band started to walk into the garage. Luke looked like he was about to explode with excitement. “Everything okay Luke?” Reggie asked.
“We got a gig tomorrow night on the Strip!”
Your eyes widened and mouth dropped. “The strip? Seriously? Where at?” you asked joining the rest of the group.
“Some new club is opening tomorrow night and they asked if we could perform!” Alex said.
“Oh my god! Think of the amount of people that are going to be there! This is great guys!” you said.
Luke said something about getting practiced but you told the boys that would be right back. You were going into the house for some water.
“New club, I’m thinking a new song” Luke said.
“Do you have anything written?” Alex asked
“I don't” Luke said
“ I have some-”
“Y/N was writing a song when I walked in” Reggie said interrupting Bobby.
“Great! lets look!” Luke said. He grabbed your bookbag off the ground and dumped the contents onto the small coffee table in front of the couch. Your school work, pens, random pieces of trash, and your notebook came falling out of your bag. Luke grabbed the notebook and flipped to the last written page.
Luke started to read the beginning of the song“Smooth talkin, so Rockin. He’s got everything a girls wanting . . .”
“ A lovesong? really? That’s not very us. Or Y/N” Bobby said.
“I don’t think we are meant to see this” Alex said.
“come on, Keep going Luke” Reggie said eagerly.
Luke took a deep breathe and started reading the song out loud again, “He's a cutie, he plays it groovy. and I can't keep myself from doin' somethin' stupid”
“Guys I really don’t think-”
“Woah! Wait a minute guys listen to this” Luke said, “He's lightnin', sparks are flyin' Everywhere I go he's always on my mind and I'm goin' crazy about him lately And I can't help myself from how my heart is racin' Think I'm really diggin' on his vibe He really blows me away”
“Yea Guys were definitely aren't ment to to see this” Alex said
As Alex spoke Luke eyes went wide and he dropped the notebook on the table.
“What? what is it” Reggie asked. He walked over to where luke was standing and he pointed to the words, “guitar cutie”
“Guit-guitar cutie?” Reggie said in shock.
Alex popped up from his chair and went over to reggie, “Guitar cutie?”
Luke looked up at the boys and point to his guitar that was strapped around his neck and then to himself, “Guitar cutie”
“Y/N likes Luke?” Bobby said
“I guess! who else would be guitar cutie?” Luke said
“um I don’t know. me?” Bobby said.
“No she has taste” Reggie said without stuttering.
“Who has taste?”
The boys all screamed when they saw you walk in with a water for each of them.
“What are you looking at?” you ask them, your voice filled concern. Alex tried to hide the book but Luke took it out of his hands. “Guitar cutie?” he asked you.
Oh no
“Wh-what?” you asked
“Your song that you wrote. 'Guitar Cutie's, is that- is that me?" Luke asked you
"You had no right to go through my stuff Luke!" You said. Your voice was mix of rage and embarrassment. "I don't just flip through your song book without asking!
"I'm sorry Y/N we were just trying to find a new sing for the gig tomorrow. It was the first one we saw. We're so sorry"
You were on the verge of tears,"You all saw the song?" You didn't want to right.
"We all saw the song Y/N" Reggie said with his hand on the back of his neck.
"But Y/N" Alex said. "If you need to talk to us, or well um . . . Luke we can go"
"It's not about him!" you said
"I knew it!" Bobby said with confidence
You walled away from Luke with daggers in your eyes and stormed over to Bobby. "And don't flatter yourself Bobby because it sure as hell not about you either" You yelled at him. "You don't know shit Bobby!" Your turned to look at the rest of them "Clearly none of you do"
You turned around and ripped your book out of Luke's hands. You held the book to your chest as tears started to roll down your cheek as you walked out of the garage.
"Oh we really messed up this time" Alex said.
"Wait" Bobby said. "If it's not about Me-"
"Or me" Like said.
"It's clearly not me" Alex said.
"Then who is it?" Bobby asked.
All of the boys were looking around the room at each other. And then, a light bulb went off and Reggie's eye went wide with the realization.
"I play bass" he simply said.
It finally dawned on the boys. "You're guitar cute!?" They shouted together.
Reggie grabbed his leather jacket off the couch along with your bag. "I gotta go" Reggie said running out the door.
It took a little while, but Reggie finally found you on the beach near your house. He saw you sitting close to the water with your feet in the ocean. You had your head down in your hands. As sad as you were Reggie couldn't help but be filled with happiness and pride at the thought that you like him back.
Reggie always liked you. Whenever his parents were fighting, he would go straight to your house. You never interrogated him like the rest of the boys did. If he wanted to talk, you'd talk with him about what happened. If not, you'd find a way to take his mind off it.
He swears when ever he hears you sing, it's like listening to angels. You have the most beautiful voice he has ever heard. He loves just sitting with you at piano as you sing and mumble to yourself as you figure out how your new song should sound like.
Not to mention, you are the most beautiful girl he knows. Inside and out. You were smart, creative, goofy and kind. But he couldn't help but want to stare into your Y/E/C eyes. He also love your hands. He loved watching how soft and delicately they moved over your piano at home or your keyboard you used in the band.
And the fact that you, his absolutely dream girl, wrote a song about him? My god he has to hear it to music.
He took his jacket off and carried it in his hand as he walked down to you on the beach. Without saying a word, he draped his jacket around your shoulders and sat down next you.
"Reggie now is not a good time" you said in your hands.
"We don't have to talk about what happened" Reggie said. "But if you are gonna call me Guitar cutie, I reserve the right to call you Piano Cutie"
You took your head away from your hands and Reggie saw how red and puffy your eyes were from crying "Reginald if you came all the way down here to make fun of me I swear to god-"
"No!" Reggie exclaimed. "I just meant, ya know. After I ask you out, if your little nickname for me is going to be guitar cutie, I deserve to call you Piano Cutie. Or at least call me Bass Cutie. Cause honestly, the whole Guitar cutie thing confused the boys a lot"
"Wait. What?" You asked.
And in typical reggie fashion, he wrapped his arms around you. But his other hand went to cup your cheek and he leaned down and kissed you. Your body quickly tensed up after being able to process what was happening, your hand immediately went into Reggie's hair and pulled him closer. Your noses were pushed together by how close the two of you were. Your hand moved from his hair to his cheek as you pulled away to get some air. As you pulled away Reggie was looking at you with the most loving look in his eyes.
"Got anymore songs about me, Piano Cutie?"
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