#this is truly a screaming into the void post
radiant-cowgirl · 2 months
the ‘your boyfriend got stuck working late again’ video
“what are you still doing down here, baby?”
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whiskeyswifty · 8 months
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volivolition · 3 months
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queerdraco · 9 months
i just find it so funny that i had NO idea that i was autistic back when i was active on this blog 24/7, or well, sad too that i didn't know of course, but i had no idea what autism could be when i was a teenager. it just makes so much sense!
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icedtoastt · 6 months
Greenblingsgreenblingsgreenblings send post
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transmascskywalker · 1 year
i’ve made a horrible mistake (posted an opinion about star wars and people saw it)
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astral-catastrophe · 11 months
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radxianixe · 8 months
i just realized ted never dies in npmd holy shit congrats my guy
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nekosaskia-v2 · 11 months
So since my new main managed to get shadowbanned in less than 8 months despite barely posting at all, we're backing to remaking lol.
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The redlining in my bitch ass of a city was so bad they built a motherfucking highway through the fucking middle of it so now when I wanna drive literally 2 fucking miles to get home, I  gotta swerve across four a goddamn lanes of Highway in under half a mile to get across to the right exit because that’s the fastest way to get home. Also the fucking moron to build the fucking highway don’t know shit about how to build a functional fucking highway. Yes that makes sense. Have a left entrance that people have to merge onto on a major ass busy fucking highway  and that lane immediately turns into a different exit, which takes you to an entirely different highway and all the other exits are on the right and every single lane ends every half mile so it’s just complete bullshit
For anyone wondering yes I did almost just got into an accident swerving my ass across four goddamn lanes of fast moving traffic in the space of about 30 seconds
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rainbluealoekitten · 2 years
have i gone too far if i genuinely think that we are supposed to fall in love because of fate and the universe and some kind of divine intervention. like i am pretty sure this is actually supposed to happen and that forces beyond our understanding are leading us to this. um. i could just be gay but i think this is actually a part of the universe's plan for us
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potatojayjams · 2 years
Me ranting about She-Hulk
Hello, so bit different from my usual things here, but recently I have watched She-Hulk Attorney At Law and as such I have went on a deep dive into most articles written about the show. (Mainly because I didn't want to do school work). There was a pattern to the ones that I read, so I'd like to bring it up. I read around a dozen all by different sources, but for sake of not writing an entire essay I have chosen four.
The first one I chose talks about how "...should be comedy gold, and that is what this sitcom strives to be..." now it may just be me but She-Hulk was not intended to be a sitcom, even the genre of the show has no mention of it being a sitcom. It has some comedy elements that don't really hit the target most times. Now later in the article they say that the legal scenarios are 'creative' enough to carry an episode. It may just be me but I didn't really feel like the cases that were taken on were the primary focus of the show, instead the main focus felt more like the things that Jennifer struggled with being the main theme. As she somewhat struggles with the whole law thing and the fact that she is in a newer law firm she wouldn't have may clients so not as much time in a courtroom. If you're looking for a more law centred TV show from Marvel, I would say Daredevil.
Second one is more of the author having a rant about how it is a 'terrible TV show'. Also the author talking about how the men in the show are portrayed. If you've watched the show, you'd know that the men aren't the main focus, because it follows the struggles that She-Hulk has to face as a woman superhero. They also say, "They might has well have called the show, Lawyer-Lady: How Men Suck and Women Rule." now in this they also spell Lawyer wrong which well... But that's not the point, the point is that the show follows how hard it is for a women to live in the world. It is more centred around how women are treated in this day and age, like the villains are literary a group of men that are angry that Jennifer got powers and they didn't, because they think that they deserve powers and Jennifer does not. In every episode you see how women are treated in the world, with catcalling, harassment, etc. I would argue that this is one of the main themes of the show, bringing attention of the hate that women superhero's get just because some men think that they should have been the ones to get those powers. Now before this the person decides to talk about how the latest line of Marvel TV shows and Movies have 'failed'. Mentioning how 'forgettable' Loki is, how Ms Marvel has been shoved to the 'bottom of the dumpster' and how Moon Knight was a 'try-hard failure'. Okay, Loki was decent to say the least, the story line was good but the self-cest was ew. I liked Ms Marvel it was good how they showed a different culture, instead of the-dead-parents-white-person gets powers type. Moon Knight I loved, how they showed mental illness, them showing more than black and white descriptions of gods. It was like gold for me, top of my Marvel watches. Holy cheese balls, “Like what is Megan Thee Stallion; Some kind of super-powered horse in the MCU? No, it’s a rapper! And a terrible one at that.” Tell me you haven’t been outside in years without telling me.
Now this is me done with these two articles, I'll link all of them below, but for now can you guess who wrote these ones? Both were written by men. To no ones surprise there. Now onto the ones that were written by women, who managed to see the whole point of the show.
Both the ones by women talk about the main theme of the show, how the show is focused on those of a woman; the hate that she faces as a superhero because she is a woman, online dating, etc. The show dives head first into the misogyny that is in the Marvel fandom. It shows the struggles of what women in our world go through, it's more realistic than most. That's the main reason that I enjoyed it, as a girl in this world I've seen first hand the world we live in, now I could go on a rant about the things in the real world (I've already written an essay on it) but this is not what this is about. Now the ones by women explain this way better than I could ever, so please feel free to look at them. 🐝
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t-o-m-c-a-t · 1 month
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A messege to the smallest man who ever lived
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h0neyfreak · 1 month
*person who grew up in a well funded school district with literate, involved parents but never opened a text book once and still complains about their somewhat incompetent 9th grade English teacher at 29 years old and unironically thinks the US school system should exist exclusively to teach children how to perform the basic arithmetic required to file taxes* “yeah even my honors gifted special kid history class didn’t cover the Belgian Congo it’s super fucked up. They wanted me to read some stupid fucking book about a heart of darkness or whatever but like sometimes the heart is just dark you know?”
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icedtoastt · 2 months
GUYYSSSS 😭😭😭😭😭 i love lolita fashion soooo much. So so so much. Mmmmm. Mmmmmmmmmmm. I love Lolita fashion. I really love Lolita fashion. Guys. Guys. Chat. I love Lolita fashion. Aaaaaa. Mmmmmmm. Love it. Lots methinks. Yeah. Mhm. Aaaaaaaaaaaa
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wormwonderland · 2 months
Ngl we was having a mental breakdown for a moment but it's all good it's all good
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