#but unfortunately my knowledge of japanese is extremely limited
diginuisance · 5 months
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Maybe someone has posted about this already, but I discovered that in the Japanese localization of Hollow Knight, Quirrel uses the personal pronoun "sessha"
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The fact that he uses an archaic pronoun is great because it hints to the fact that he's much older than he appears to be. I love that it's specifically used to be humble. (Also, samurai Quirrel??? lol)
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moki-dokie · 1 year
My OCs: Ed
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bit of info on my fucked up trash cat
Name Edrick Ishida 石田 エドリック AKA: Ed, Edo, Cat, Tiger
Species Nekomata/Werecat (Nekomata mother, werecat father. Werecat virus passed at conception.)
DOB May 3 1850 (173 years old)
Gender Cis Male (Sometimes fem presenting)
Orientation Bisexual, Homoromantic, Polyamorous
Ethnicity Japanese/Dutch
Height/Weight 5'6"/140lbs (Petite, often malnourished)
Analysis Edrick presents extreme anger issues and is immediately hostile. He is generally in poor physical condition, being malnourished and often injured. His mood is unstable, but he is coherent and very aware of time and place. Edrick shows several signs of severe and chronic emotional trauma that has been left untreated since childhood. He is very uncooperative. Symptoms point to the following:
Bipolar I disorder with mixed affective state
Antisocial disorder
Avoidant personality disorder
Major depression with suicidal tendencies
Sexual masochism
Several illegal drug addictions
Edrick struggles to maintain relationships at all levels. He purposely closes himself off and avoids giving or asking for more than basic information about a person. Due to extreme emotional distress as a child, he has developed a defense mechanism through rude and lewd behavior. He defaults to anger and violence and is often too impatient to handle most social situations. True intimacy is avoided, but he practices prostitution for physical intimacy and pain. Edrick does not value himself highly, if at all, and treats himself accordingly despite being capable of doing more and better for himself. He has spent the majority of his life homeless and without any true stability, making a living via prostitution and theft. He is highly intelligent and talented but carefully conceals that knowledge, sometimes even from himself.
Within the past 3 years, Edrick has made significant progress in healing and recovering from many past traumas, but at the same time has unfortunately gained new ones. His social skills have improved impressively, complete with a small but close circle of friends. He is also engaged to be married to a man named Cole, though the relationship is highly unorthodox and questionable. One would not label it a healthy relationship by any normal standards - but they are also not normal people. Though toxic on many levels, it works for them and the deep love and bond Edrick and his affianced have is abundantly clear. Unfortunately, after a very traumatic brush with death, and prolonged threats to his and Cole's safety, Edrick's PTSD is worse than it ever has been. He is in severe and urgent need of professional help.
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Glamoured Can pass as human entirely - default when in public.
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Natural No glamour. Cat ears, tail, sharper/longer incisors, and claw-like nails. (All can vary in appearance depending on circumstances. isn't always convenient to have claws, for example.) Most common in private. Can develop fur along spine, face, and other parts of the body if nearing a shift into werecat form.
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Cat Simple domestic housecat, larger than average (about the size of a small savannah cat). Smoke black oriental longhair. Can change into it at will and easily. Some extremely limited verbal speech is capable, restricted only to the sounds a feline is able to make. Fully capable of non-verbal animal/feral speech.
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Werecat Triggered by extreme anger. Very ‘wolfman’ like appearance. No conscious control, retains no memory. Highly aggressive.
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Nekomata (mutated) Form is misshapen and mutated from werecat virus. Hulking beast. Painful to remain in. Extremely powerful both physically and magically. Necromancy and fire are primary magic. Severe emotional distress, total mental breakdown, or imminent threat to life currently the only way it can be accessed.
Species Traits & Quirks Nekomata don't gain their full powers until at least 1000 years of age, Ed is still very young and thus most of his abilities are unimpressive.
Once at 1000, aging ceases. He will not die from any natural causes of the body. Only beheading or removal of the heart will kill. Until then, while he may age very slowly, he is still susceptible to dying from pretty much anything, although he can endure much more than the average human.
Nekomata start with 9 lives. Lives increase exponentially at 1000 years. Ed has somewhere between 6-8 currently.
Nekomata abilities include, but not limited to: Dreamwalking Necromancy Controlling fire Life force absorption Unrestricted shapeshifting Spell casting Cursing Superhuman senses, speed, and strength Enhanced nightvision
While not a true hybrid, Ed does have certain traits and minor abilities passed along from the werecat DNA of his father.
During sex, a scent may be released from the base of his neck that is directly linked to the hormone Oxytocin. The more released, the stronger the scent. This, sometimes called the "love hormone", is commonly released during intercourse in mammalian females, but far less in males who instead get a surge of Dopamine, the addictive pleasure hormone. In Werecat males, it is a biological signal of being bonded with his mate. Like the typical intact domestic tomcat, Werecat toms have an extremely high libido and will mate often with many different individuals. Bonded pairs will often, but not always, become monogamous (or polygamous if more than two are bonded) and forgo mating with others. It is rare for such bonding to happen, as they are a relatively solitary and shy species. This scent is often subtle even when at its strongest, much like a perfume still lingering on clothes several days later. It is described as musky with a deep, warm, indolic sweetness like vanilla. At its most potent it is deeply euphoric and even narcotic.
Accelerated healing factor - physical wounds heal about three times as fast as humans, what few illnesses he can contract are weak and run their course within a couple of days.
Allergies to silver, malachite, and garlic.
Writings Year of the Cat Series Cocaine Kaleidoscope (WIP) Winter's Faded Light (Complete) The Truth About Yesterday (WIP) (Been on a long writing hiatus to heal a bad case of tendonitis booo)
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bandaidcrybaby · 7 months
update for the archival reasons of this blog, part 2
im sure youre shocked to know that tumblr has a character limit. I myself didnt find this out until part of me started running her mouth at 2 am before subsequently deciding i had lost my collective mind and decided to do the Correct Thing and Go To Bed.
Not like i actually found that out then and there, mind you, i exist to write code and read maps and be Autistic about Squids and Hamsters, I had to find out when that other part finally decided to let the rest of my brain know on her own free will. again. memory loss is one of the two cleanly defining features of DID. That brings up two things though, my nearly next to impossible dual diagnosis (that i was ALSO not aware of) and my gender. Autism and trauma disorders mimic eachother and effect eachother in similar ways. except no they do not, that's just a reflection on the societal inability to NOT raise a traumatized autistic person. which is ass. Unfortunately when half of your trauma around schooling stems upon you being made a public spectacle/example of to be laughed at and physically beaten in that same public setting for your social ineptitude, extreme sensory problems, and incessant need to talk at length about nothing but a nigh encyclopedic knowledge of exactly two things: pre-2005 Japanese video games for Children, and Trains... yeah. that was... I'm a little surprised no one clocked the Autism earlier, frankly. and then theres my gender, which is quite simple: My pronouns are I/Me/Myself. Everything else is a You Problem. Gender is silly and I am a silly goose. Animal Control will not catch me and even if they do, I'm still their problem without a single solution. Go ahead! put me in the woods! The fish will come back pregnant!! Speakin of, I finally have approximate Dates for both removing my ability to get pregnant AND getting my tits off (both by the end of this year :D!) "doesnt that make you a trans guy?" some nurses ask- again. see the beginning of this paragraph. I am who you say I am, to quote Jesus the Christ. my gender is yes, no, sometimes, and forget about it. I dont need one. None of my parts Identify much differently to that (one says "it changes to the tune of the bit, I identify as whatever is funniest for the moment," one says "I'm a man in the dyke way and a woman in the faggot way", and the last says "I'm six and like the toys for boys. I'll get back to you when I care enough to have a real answer." ) Oh also I've learned how RSS and all sorts of code works. Which is neat! and Fun! and i've gotten super into turning off my computer!!!! and going outside!! and playing! and enjoying the sunlight! and people!! the world is great and beautiful and im so so so glad im in it!!! I'm so glad squids are real!!!!!! "Squids" being community and love and art and color and city metros and world cultures and and and!!!!!!!! I have so much love in my heart. I'm not afraid to tell anyone how much I love them anymore. I have found True Peace. Also the desperate need for a functional wheelchair to combat the actual things severely medically wrong with me and to go back to work because I need to actually submit my production order for those shirts before AB in late march. Thank you all for reading. I'm glad to be where I am and for anyone who feels lost and stranded and is finding even a little comfort in the posts i made in college, I love you, I see you, It will get better- but you need to try. This blog will remain up and in-tact for archival purposes only <3
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oumakokichi · 4 years
What are the differences between the original and localization?
Hmm, that’s a very simple question with a pretty lengthy answer! I did answer some similar questions in the past, but that was a long time ago, much closer to when the localization was first released. There are probably a lot of people whose main experience with the game has only been with the localization, and who don’t really know or remember those differences anymore.
For that reason, I’m going to go into kind of a “masterlist” of things that were changed in the localization in this post. This will be very long, but I really want to explain the whole story behind the localization and its differences from the original to people who might only be hearing about this for the first time. I’m going to cover full spoilers for the game obviously, so be careful when reading!
Also, please feel free to share this post around, as I think it contains a lot of information that might be interesting to people who’ve only experienced the localization!
Before I really get into it though, I want to stipulate that the differences I’m covering in this post are mostly going to be things that I believe could’ve been handled or translated better, not every single line that was changed verbatim in the game. This is because a localization’s purpose is incredibly different from a literal translation.
Where a literal translation seeks to keep as much of the original authorial intent as possible and has the leeway to explain various Japanese terms and cultural specifics to the readers in footnotes or a glossary, a localization is usually much more targeted towards a specific target audience, usually one more unfamiliar with Japanese culture or terminology. As a result, some things in a localization are occasionally changed to make them more understandable to a western audience.
So, for example, I’m not going to fault the localization for changing Monosuke’s extremely heavy Kansai accent in Japanese to a New York accent in the English dub. It’s much easier for western players to immediately grasp that, “hey, this guy has a very specific regional accent that the other characters don’t,” and it works really well as a rough equivalent. Similarly, localization changes like changing a line here or there about the sport of sumo to be about the Jets and the Patriots also helps get the point across to players quickly and easily without having to explain an unfamiliar sport to western players in-depth before they can get the joke.
That being said… there were some liberties taken with ndrv3’s translation which I don’t believe fulfill the point of a localization, and which changed certain deliveries or even perceptions about the characters in a way that I just don’t agree with.
Let me explain first how the localization team actually worked, to people who might be unfamiliar with the process. Ndrv3 had four separate translators working on the localization. When NISA first announced that the game was being localized, these four translators introduced themselves on reddit in an AMA, where they also mentioned that they were by and large dividing up the 16 main characters between themselves, with each translator specifically assigned to four characters.
Having more translators working on a game might sound like a good idea in theory, but it’s often not. The more translators assigned to a game, the harder it is to provide a consistent translation. Translation is messy work: often there are multiple ways to translate the same sentence, or even the same word between two different languages. If a translation has multiple translators, that means they need to be communicating constantly with one another and referencing each other’s work all the time in order to avoid mistranslations: it’s difficult work, but not impossible.
However… this didn’t happen with ndrv3’s translation team. It’s pretty clear they did not reference each other’s work or communicate very well, and the translation suffers for it. I’m not just guessing here, either; it’s a fact that various parts of the game have lines completely ruined by not looking at the context, or words translated two different ways almost back-to-back. I’ll provide specific examples of this later.
Many of the translators also picked which characters they wanted to translate on the basis of which were their favorites—which, again, isn’t a bad thing in and of itself, but which does raise the risk of letting character bias influence your work. No work is inherently without bias; all translators have to look at their own biases and still attempt to translate fairly regardless. But because translators were assigned four characters each, this meant that while they might be really enthusiastic about translating for one character in particular, they were less enthusiastic for others. These biases do reflect in the work, and I will provide further examples as I make my list.
This system of delegation also leaves more questions than it answers. It becomes impossible to tell who translated certain parts of the game, particularly in areas where the narrator is unclear. For example, did Saihara’s translator translate Ouma’s motive video, as Saihara is the one watching it in chapter 6? Or did Ouma’s translator do it, since it’s his motive video? Who translated the parts we see at the beginning of certain chapters, where characters from the outside world make occasional comments? It’s really unclear, and I’m not even sure if the translators divvied up these parts amongst themselves or if only one person was supposed to handle them.
To put it simply, there were quite a lot of complications and worrying factors about the way the translation was divided by the team, and the communication (or lack thereof) between said translators. It’s impossible to really discuss the main problems that ndrv3’s localization has without making it clear why those problems happened, and I hope I’ve explained it well here.
With that out of the way, I’m finally going to cover the biggest differences between the original game and the localization, and why many of these changes were such a problem.
1.)    Gonta’s Entire Character
To this day, I still feel like this is probably the most egregious change of the entire localization. Gonta does not talk like a caveman in Japanese. He does not even have a particularly limited vocabularly. He talks like a fairly normal, very polite high school boy, and the only stipulation is that he’s not very familiar with electronics or technology due to his backstory of “growing up in the woods away from humans.”
Gonta does refer to himself in the third-person in Japanese, but I need to stress this: this is a perfectly normal thing to do in Japanese. Many people do it all the time, and it has no bearing on a person’s intelligence or ability to speak. In fact, both Tenko and Angie also refer to themselves in the third-person in the Japanese version of the game, yet mysteriously use first-person pronouns in the localization.
I wouldn’t be so opposed to this change if it weren’t for the fact that Gonta’s entire character arc revolves around being so much smarter than people (even himself!) give him credit for. He constantly downplays his own abilities and contributions to the group despite being fairly knowledgeable, not only about entomology but also about nature and astronomy. He has a fairly good understanding of spatial reasoning and is one of the first people to guess how Toujou’s trick with the rope and tire worked in chapter 2.
Chapter 4 of ndrv3 is so incredibly painful because it makes it clear that while Gonta was, absolutely, manipulated by Ouma into picking up the flashback light, he nonetheless made the decision to kill Miu of his own accord. He was even willing to try and kill everyone else by misleading them in the trial, because he thought it was more merciful than letting them see the outside world for themselves. These were choices that he made, confirmed when we see Gonta’s AI at the end of the trial speak for himself and acknowledge that yes, he really did think the outside world was worth killing people over.
Gonta is supposed to be somewhat naïve and trusting, not stupid. He believes himself to be an idiot, and other characters often talk down to him or don’t take him seriously, but at the end of the day he’s a human being just like the rest of them, and far, far smarter and more capable of making his own decisions than anyone thought him capable of.
Translating all of his speech to “caveman” or “Tarzan speech” really downplays his ability to make decisions for himself, and I think it’s a big part of why I’ve seen considerably more western fans insist that he didn’t know what he was doing than Japanese fans. I love Gonta quite a lot, but I can’t get over the localization essentially changing his character to make him seem more stupid, instead of translating what was actually there in order to more accurately reflect his character.
2.)    Added Some Slurs, Removed Others
It’s time to address the elephant in the room for people who don’t know: Momota is considerably homophobic and transphobic in the original Japanese version of the game. In chapter 2, he uses the word “okama” to refer to Korekiyo in an extremely derogatory fashion. This word has a history of both homophobic and transphobic sentiment in Japan, as it’s often used against flamboyant gay men and trans women, who are sadly and unfortunately conflated as being “the same thing” most of the time. To put it simply, the word has the equivalent of the weight of the t-slur and the f-slur in English rolled into one.
This isn’t the only instance of Momota being homophobic, sadly. In the salmon mode version of the game, should you choose the “let’s undress” option in the gym while with Momota, he has yet another line where he says, “You don’t swing that way, do you!?” to Saihara, using his most terrified and disgusted-looking sprite. This suggests to me that, yes, the homophobia was a deliberate choice in the Japanese version of the game, as Momota consistently reacts this way to even the idea of another guy showing romantic interest in him.
The English version more or less kept the salmon mode comment, but removed the use of the slur in chapter 2 entirely. Which I have… mixed feelings about. On the one hand, I am an LGBT person myself. I don’t want to read slurs if I can help it. On the other hand, I really don’t think the slur was removed out of consideration to the LGBT community so much as Momota’s translator really wanted to downplay any lines that could make his character come across in a more negative light.
This is backed up by the fact that both Miu and Ouma’s translators added slurs to the game that weren’t present in the original Japanese. Where Miu only ever refers to Gonta as “baka” (idiot) or occasionally, “ahou” (a slightly ruder word that still more or less equates to “moron”), her translator decided to add multiple instances of her using the r-slur to refer to Gonta specifically, and on one occasion, even the word “Mongoloid,” a deeply offensive and outdated term. Ouma’s translator similarly took lines where he was already speaking harshly of Miu and added multiple instances of words like “bitch” or “whore.”
To me, this suggests that the translators were completely free to choose how harsh or how likable they wanted their characters to come across. Momota’s translator omitting just the slur could maybe pass for a nice gesture, so people don’t have to read it and be uncomfortable—except, that’s not the only thing that was omitted. Instances of Momota being blatantly misogynistic or rude were also toned down to the point of covering up most of his flaws entirely. His use of “memeshii” against Hoshi (a word which means “cowardly” in Japanese with specifically feminine connotations, like the word “sissy” in English) is simply changed to “weak,” and when he calls Saihara’s trauma “kudaranai” (literally “worthless” or “bullshit”), this is changed to “trivial” in the localization.
Momota’s translator even went so far as to omit a line entirely from the chapter 2 trial, which I touched on in an earlier post. In the original version of the game, Ouma asks Momota dumbfounded if he’s really stupid enough to trust Maki without any proof and if he plans on risking everyone else’s lives in the trial if he turns out to be wrong. And Momota replies saying yes, absolutely, he’s totally willing to bet everyone’s lives on nothing more than a hunch because he thinks he’s going to be right no matter what.
This is a character flaw. It’s a huge, running theme with Momota’s character, and it’s brought up again in chapter 4 deliberately when Momota really does almost kill everyone in the trial because he refuses to believe that Ouma isn’t the culprit. But the localization simply omits it, leaving Momota to seem considerably less hard-headed and reckless in the English version of the game. If anyone wants proof that this line exists, it is still very much there in the Japanese dialogue, but it has no translation whatsoever. This goes beyond “translation decisions I don’t agree with”; omitting an entire line for a character simply because you want other people to like them more is just bad translation, period.
3.)    Angie’s Religion
In the original Japanese version of the game, neither Angie’s god nor her religion have any specific names. She refers to her god simply as “god” in the general sense, and clearly changes aspects of their persona and appearance based on who she’s trying to convince to join her cult. Everything about her is pretty clearly fictionalized, from her island to the religious practices her cult does.
Kodaka’s writing with regard to Angie is already a huge mess. It feeds into a lot of harmful stereotypes about “crazy, exotic brown women” and “bloodthirsty savages,” but at the very least it never correlated with a specific religion or location in the original version of the game.
This all changed when Angie’s translator, for whatever reason, decided to make Angie be Polynesian specifically and appropriate from the real religion of real indigenous peoples native to Polynesia. That’s right: Atua is a real god that has very real significance to tons of indigenous peoples.
In my opinion, this decision was incredibly disrespectful. It spreads incredible misinformation about a god that is still very much a part of tons of real-life people’s religion, and associates it with cults? Blood rituals? Human sacrifices? It’s a terrible localization decision that wasn’t necessary whatsoever and to be quite frank, it’s racist and insensitive.
As I said, the original game never exactly had the peak of “good writing decisions” when it came to Angie; there are still harmful stereotypes with her character, and she deserved to be written so much better. But associating her with a real group of indigenous people and equating a real god to some fictional deity that’s mostly treated as either a scary cult-ish boogeyman or the punchline to a joke is just… bad.
4.)    Ouma’s Motive Video
Some of the decisions taken with Ouma’s translation are… interesting, to say the least. In many ways, he feels like a completely different character between the two versions of the game. This is due not only to the translation, but also the voice direction and casting.
A lot of his lines are tweaked or changed entirely to make his character seem much louder, less serious, and less sincere than the original version of the game. Obviously, Ouma lies, a lot. That’s sort of the whole point of is character. But what I mean is that even lines in the original version of the game, where it was clear he was being truthful via softer delivery, trailing off the end of his sentences, and seeming overall hesitant about whether to divulge certain information or not are literally changed in the localization to him pretty much yelling at the top of his lungs, complete with tons of exclamation points on lines that originally ended with a question mark or ellipses.
Tonally, he just feels very different as a character. The “sowwy” speak, lines like “oopsie poopsie, I’m such a ditz!”—all of these things are taken to such ridiculous extremes that it feels a little hard to take him seriously. Even in the post-trial for chapter 4 when Ouma starts playing the villain after Gonta’s death, a moment which should have been completely serious and intense, the mood is kind of completely killed when the line is changed from him calling everyone a bunch of idiots to him calling everyone…. “stupidheads.” These changes don’t really seem thematically appropriate to me, but overall, they’re not damning.
What is damning, however, is the fact that Ouma’s motive video is completely mistranslated and provides a very poor picture of what his motivations and ideals were like. I still remember being shocked when I played the localization for the first time and discovered that they completely omitted a line stating that Ouma and DICE have a very specific taboo against murder.
Literally, this is one of the very first lines in the entire video. The Japanese version of the game makes it explicitly clear that DICE were forbidden to kill people, and that abiding by this rule was extremely important to them. By contrast, the localization simply makes a nod about him doing “petty nonviolent crimes and pranks,” without ever once mentioning anything at all about rules or taboos.
This feels especially egregious in the localization considering Saihara later uses Ouma’s motive video as evidence in the chapter 6 trial and states there that Ouma and DICE “had a rule against killing people,” despite the game… never actually telling you that. It not only skews the perception of Ouma’s character at a crucial moment, it also just straight-up lies to localization players and expects them to make leaps in logic without actually providing the facts. So it winds up sort of feeling like Saihara is just pulling these assumptions out of his ass more than anything else.
I actually still have my original translation of Ouma’s motive video here, if anyone would like to compare. Again, translation is a tricky line of work, and obviously not all translators are going to agree with one another. But I consider omitting lines entirely to be one of the worst things you can do in a translation, particularly in a mystery game where people are expected to solve said mysteries based on the information and facts provided to them.
5.)    Inconsistencies and Lack of Context
As I mentioned earlier, there are many instances of lines being completely mistranslated, or translated two different ways by multiple translators, or addressed to the wrong character. This is, as I stated, due to the way the translation work was divided by four separate people who appear to have not communicated with each other or cross-referenced each other’s work.
One of the clearest examples of this that I can think of off the top of my head is in chapter 3, where Ouma mentions “doing a little research” on the Caged Child ritual, and Maki in the very next line repeats him by saying… “study?”
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On their own, removed from any context, these would both potentially be correct translations. However, it’s very clear that the translators just didn’t care to look at the context, or communicate with each other and share their work. The fact that characters aren’t even quoting each other properly in lines that are back-to-back is a pretty big oversight, and something that should have been accounted for knowing that four separate people were going to be translating various different characters.
This lack of context causes other, even more hilarious and blatantly wrong mistranslations. At the start of the chapter 3 trial, there is a line where Momota mentions that he couldn’t perform a thorough investigation on his own “because Monokuma disrupted him.” In the original, Ouma responds and tells Momota that he’s just using Monokuma as an excuse to cover for his own flaws. However, what we actually got in the localization was… this.
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I don’t even have words for how badly this line was butchered (though I could make several hilarious jokes about Monokuma “over-compensating”). Presumably, this happened because Ouma’s translator saw Ouma’s line without any of the lines before it or the context of what Momota was saying, had no clue who Ouma was actually supposed to be talking to, and just ad-libbed it however they could, even though it literally makes no sense and doesn’t even fit into the conversation.
There are other similar instances of this, too. For example, did you know that the scene after Saihara faints in chapter 2, just before he wakes up in Gonta’s lab, is actually supposed to have Ouma talking to him? The narrator is unnamed, but there are several lines just before Saihara wakes up where Ouma tells him “come on, you can’t die on me yet!” and keeps prodding him and poking him to wake up. This is never explicitly told to you from the text… but it becomes pretty obvious when you look at the context and see that a huge CG of Ouma looking over Saihara as he starts to wake up is the very next part of the scene.
In the localization, however, Saihara’s translator pretty clearly had no idea what was happening or who was supposed to be talking to him, because they translated those lines as Saihara talking to himself, even though the manner of speech and phrasing is clearly supposed to be Ouma instead.
I could go on and on listing other examples: Tsumugi makes a joke in the original about Miu being able to dish out dirty jokes but not being very good at hearing them herself, but it’s changed in the localization to Tsumugi saying “I’m not so good with that kind of stuff,” and a line where Momota protests against Maki choking Ouma because she’ll kill him if she keeps going is instead changed to him saying “you’ll get killed if you don’t stop!” In my opinion, the fact that this is a consistent problem throughout the whole game shows that the translators weren’t really communicating or working together at any point, and that it wasn’t simply a one-time mistake here or there.
6.)    Edited CGs and Plot Points
I have made an entirely separate post about this in the past, but at this point I don’t think anyone actually knows anymore: the localization actually edited in-game CGs and made some of them completely different from the Japanese version of the game. I’m not accusing them of “censorship” or anything like that, I mean quite literally that they altered and edited specific CGs to try and fix certain problems with them and only ended up making them worse in the process.
In chapter 5, Momota gets shot in the arm by Maki’s crossbow when trying to defend Ouma, and Ouma gets shot in the back shortly afterward when attempting to make a run for the Exisals. These injuries are relevant to how they died, but they’re not actually very visible in the CGs of Ouma and Momota shown later in the chapter 5 trial.
There are a whole bunch of inconsistencies with the CGs in chapter 5 in general: Momota gives Ouma his jacket to lie on under the press, but is magically still wearing it when he emerges from the Exisal himself at the end of the trial (I like to think he snuck back into the dorms Solid Snake style to get a new one from his room before joining the trial), the cap to the antidote is still on the bottle when Ouma pretends to drink it in front of Maki and Momota, etc. None of these things really deter from the plot though, and so I would say they’re fairly unimportant.
However, for some reason, NISA decided that “fixing” at least some of the CGs in the chapter 5 trial was necessary. They did this by adding bloodstains to Momota’s arm while he’s under the press, to better show his injury from the crossbow…. and in doing so, for some completely inexplicable reason, they changed the entire position of his arm. Here’s what I mean for comparison:
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This is how Momota’s arm looked in the original CG from chapter 5, shown when the camcorder is provided as evidence that it’s “Ouma” under the press.
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And this is how the localization edited it to look. I can understand and even sympathize with adding the bloodstains, but… changing the entire arm itself? Moving it to be sticking out from under the press? To put it nicely, this change doesn’t make any sense and actually makes it harder to understand Ouma and Momota’s plan.
The whole trick behind their plan was that nothing was supposed to stick out from under the press, other than Momota’s jacket. They waited until the instant when the press completely covered every part of Momota’s body, arms and all, and then performed the switch to mislead people. But the edited version of the CG in the localization just has Momota’s arm sticking completely out, hanging over the side, meaning it would’ve been impossible for the press to hide every part of it and the whole switch feels… well, stupid and impossibly easy to see through in the localized version.
Again, this shows a total disregard for presenting the facts as they actually appear and actually makes things more difficult for English players of the game, because they’re not being given accurate information. I really don’t understand why these changes were necessary, or why the bloodstains couldn’t have just been added without moving Momota’s entire arm.
7.)    In Conclusion
This has gotten extremely long (nearly 10 pages), so I want to wrap things up. I want to specify that my intention with this masterlist isn’t to insult or badmouth the translators who worked on this game. I’m sure they worked very hard, and I have no idea what time or budget constraints they were facing as they did so.
Being a translator is not easy, and typically translators are not very well-paid or recognized for their work. I have the utmost respect for other translators, and I know perfectly well just how difficult and taxing it can be.
I am making this list because these are simply changes which were very different from the original version of the game, and which I believe could have been handled better. Personally, I disagree with many of the choices the localization made, but that does not mean that they didn’t do a fantastic job in other places. I absolutely love whichever translator was responsible for coming up with catchphrases and nicknames throughout the game: little localization decisions like “cospox,” “flashback light,” “Insect Meet n’ Greet,” and “cosplaycat criminal” were all strokes of genius that I highly admire.
I only want to stress that the Japanese version of the game is very different. Making changes to the way a character is presented or portrayed means influencing how people are going to react to said character. Skewing the information and facts presented in trials in the game means changing people’s experience of the game, and giving them less facts to go off of. Equating fictional gods to real-life ones can cause real harm and influence perception of real indigenous peoples. These are all facts that need to be accounted for before deciding whether a certain change is necessary or not, in my opinion.
If you’ve read this far, thank you! Again, feel free to share this post around if you’d like, since this is probably the most comprehensively I’ve ever covered this topic.
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faroreswinds · 3 years
覇道 vs 王道 - By Someone With Limited Knowledge and a Short Attention Span
In light of the resurgence of the terminology used in the Nintendo Dream interview regarding 3 Houses, I wanted to take a little bit of a deeper look into "Hadou" (覇道) and "Oudou" (王道).
The Kanji Breakdown
Before we get into the actual words themselves, I wanted to break out the kanji that form them. Let's start with oudou. Oudou consists of two kanji, "ou" (王) and "dou" (道). This are very basic kanji. "Ou" means "king" and "dou" means path or road. With kanji, the makeup of the kanji can often (but not always) allude to the meaning of the word it represents, in this case something akin to "King's Path".
Similarly, we have 覇道 (Hadou). We have already discussed "dou" but "ha" (覇) means supremacy (over a nation), hegemony, domination, leadership. The combination of these two kanji alludes to a meaning of "domination road" or "hegemony path".
Great, but what do the words actually mean?
That's a bit tricky, because there is a lot of history, philosophy, and cultural subtleties to understand.
At their core, "Oudou" means righteous path, righteous government, just path, kingship, rule of right; "Hadou" means military rule.
Interestingly, oudou can also refer to "classic" in regards to games like rpgs, where the prince saves the princess, that sort of thing. It can also mean "short cut" or the "easy way" but we aren't really here for those particular definitions today.
Origin of Oudou and Hadou
Finding anything in English regarding these terms has proved to be a... difficult task. From what I can understand, though, is that these words find their origin from Confucius and his philosophy.
Confucius was a Chinese philosopher born in 551 BCE, and by all accounts seems to have been an ambitious man. Ambitious to correct the world. It would take a lot to dissect Confucius’ life story, so I only want to focus on the important parts that are related to the origins of Hadou and Oudou. 
Simply put, Confucius is considered the founder of Confucianism, a philosophical relating to a system of thought and behavior. It is meant to dictate a way of life, a way of governing, tradition, etc. It rests on the fundamental belief that human beings are good and teachable, and focuses on the cultivation of virtue in a morally organized world. 
Confucius had been a poor man and wished to find a way to restore a kind of socio-political order that had prevailed sometime in the beginning of the Zhou dynasty. His work over his lifetime would set in motion the teaching of Confucianism. 
There is a very strong focus on humanness and morality in this school of thought. Rulers must cultivate themselves in this morality, lead by moral example rather than rule of law and threat of punishment. One who cultivates themselves to a virtue that is worthy of a prince is indeed a prince, but a prince who does not cultivate himself is not worthy of being a prince. This morality include the famous “golden rule” - do not treat others as you would not want to be treated yourself. 
Confucius was very focused on “virtue” in leaders and people, but the evolution of Confucianism did not end with his death. Mencius, a Confucian philosopher born in 372 BCE, often described as the ‘second sage’ (second to Confucius himself), would expand on many of these ideologies Confucius had developed.
Mencius was more aggressive in his beliefs. He believed that a ruler who forsakes ethical behavior and engages in extreme misrule can and should be removed, even executed. Mencius believed that a ruler’s success was directly tied to the leader’s ability to win the hearts and minds of the people. The ruler needed the people, and the people were the heart of the power that the ruler had. The people gave legitimacy to the ruler. AKA, the common people were the focus. 
Mencius would go on to disguise the difference between 徳化, inspired by virtue, and 武力, armed force, and made a distinction between the ‘royal road’ and ‘supremacy’. 
Unfortunately, there isn’t much I can find in English that really goes into depth with Hadou and Oudou from here. 
Confucianism in Japan
As with many things from ancient China, Confucianism found its way into Japan and was incorporated into the culture and history of the country, and this includes the mentality surrounding the political climate.
With the very conditional perspective that Confucianism affirmed in relation to governing, it would be no surprise to anyone that the teachings circulated the ruling elite first and foremost. A wider teaching would have posed more challenges to the ones in power, after all. 
There was also the famous “Mandate of Heaven”, which I won’t go into too much depth here. But, I will put the relate bit here, source linked here: 
According to numerous passages in the History, if a ruler repeatedly abandoned his concern for the people, heaven would eventually give the mandate to rule to a new line, one that distinguished itself on the basis of concern for the people. In this process, the role of the people was instrumental. One passage in the History even states that heaven and the people are nearly the same: “heaven sees with the eyes of the people, and hears with the ears of the people.”
Ultimately, as with many philosophies, the ways of governing did not fully embrace these teachings, as in so much as they were adapted. If you are interested in more, go ahead and read the link, but it’s really not too important for this post. However, what is important is that eventually, the teaching did make it to Japan, and were adapted to some degree.
Modern Use in Japan
As language does, words change and adapt. 
Oudou and Hadou retain a lot of of their original meanings, but they do have modern uses that go beyond their meanings of forms of ruling. 
Here is the link I originally had posted long ago regarding these usages. WARNING: Japanese only. 
We have already discussed some meanings of Oudou beyond the ‘right way to rule’, including ‘classic’ or ‘short cut’ or ‘the right way to do something’, and of the two has required the most new usages; however, the connotations of these words have not changed. 
Hadou and Outou are antonyms of each other. Hadou is very much a negatively connotated word, used most frequently to express someone’s abuse of power. 
According to this article, politics really possess both Outou and Hadou. To quote the article with a bit of translation: 
Both politics have a royal side and a supremacy side. Especially in diplomacy called power games, there is a reality that we have to rely on supremacy. However, if all politics becomes a "dominance", it will become a society of weak meat and strong food, devouring this finite earth, destroying the environment and driving it to the brink of destruction.
In other words, Outou is an idealist view of how governing should work. However, realistically you need both Outou and Hadou, but too much Hadou will lead to destruction. A balance is needed. 
In Relation to Three Houses
When talking about this interview, we mean this one here. Unfortunately, I’m having a hard time finding the actual Japanese version, but according to the translated version, this is said: 
Kusakihara: Edelgard’s route’s theme is literally “military rule.” It’s the route where you have your own cause and convictions, and even if people you know stand in your way, you mow ‘em down. In contrast, Dimitri’s route began with the idea to make it “righteous,” the easy approach. It’s just, at the beginning, poor sensitive Dimitri ends up like that because of the circumstances… We sprinkled in juxtapositions like that.
Everyone: (laughs)
Kusakihara: Once he’s fallen, he goes through some twists and turns and awakens to the true king’s path. I wanted to write the righteous route as the conquest route’s opposite [TN: lit. “paradox”].
This is pretty self explanatory. Hadou and Outou are two different ways to rule. In according to Mencius, Outou is the virtuous, right way; Hadou is the forceful, wrong way. They are opposites, and that is exactly what Kusakihara used them for. The routes are opposites of each other. Dimitri is the ‘right way’, the way of the people, for the people, the vitreous way. Edelgard is the destructive way, the forceful way, not the way of the people. 
Actually, this does really line up even with their own beliefs. Edelgard believes in a strong leadership, that everyone should pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and only those who can keep up will find themselves in power. Dimitri, however, believes rulers serve the people, are only as strong as the people, and needs the people. 
Kusakihara really did put thought into it... even if the story didn’t fully deliver. But the intent was there.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk about Hadou and Oudou. I could have gone into deeper depth but... Well, I don’t want to make a super big essay. 
Thanks for reading. 
Yes, I took writing shortcuts. 
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YOOOOOO, thanks to @nilsh13​ for linking me to the original Japanese interview!
And yeah, they use 覇道 and 王道! Excellent! 
Thank you so much!
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androgynousblackbox · 3 years
The anon tries to listen to POC, but often there's an extreme distance between how their Asian colleagues interpret a piece of media and how it's interpreted by American diasporas. For example, Asian friends interpreted the anarchist themes of Joker and praised the film, while the American fans focused on the fandom grown around the character and the "white characters get away with murder, Black characters don't get away with shouting" epidemic in American fandom and hated the idea of it. (1/2)
Anon observed similar situation with Shadow and Bone fans - Asian fans disliked how the racism subplot was executed, while American fans loved how the canonical couple is between two Asians (both actors are mixed & none of them is American, but fans neveral talk about the nuances). The anon's Russian self can't help but laugh at the Russianess being little more than poorly applied decorations in the setting. Of course, they're generalising, but those are the trends they observed happening. (2/3)
So, there's this. In Russia, Japanese teachers teach students how to wear a kimono properly and how to perform a tea ceremony while many Japanese Americans hate the idea of foreigners doing it. In several Asian countries, Joker became the face of rebellion while many Asian Americans see him as face of far right. Shadow and Bone has many Asian American fans, but the series is seen as clumsy at best by many Asian and Russian viewers. What do you think takes priority? (3/4)
The anon cannot write reasonably short, for which they are sorry! They remembered an earlier discussion about how Captive Prince is anti-Black and arguments like "it's not chattel slavery and the characters are not Black" are sealioning. But the story is written by an Australian and rooted in Australian understanding of race (the author is of the same raciallized ethnic group as the protagonist). The anon, who knows USA realities only from social media and fanfics, is really worried. (4/4)
Okay, this is a lot and before saying anything, I think is fair for me to say that I am nothing but a white latino on the internet trying to navigate english speaking fandom so there's only so much I can even say at all because my own knowledge is limited. I try to educate myself whenever possible but there's stuff I still have yet to learn. Having said that, yes, discourse such as any of these are always going to be vastly different from one culture to another because any form of racism is always intrinsically tied to the culture of the place where it happens. This is not to say that there aren't universal forms of racism, like how darker skin is generally considered less attractive or desirable on many places (including Latinamérica), but a lot of it is related back to the history of each country and whatever relationship they have to any particular race. The issue you mentioned of cultural appropiation is a very american one because america reunites so many people from so many different cultures that want to be seen and respected like everyone else. Again, not to say that it's not an issue on other places, but the way the discourse is handled and talked about is very much an american because of the way America is at the center of so many discourses and also the history of America dealing with different cultures, which is to say, not good. Anti-asian racism is a very well and alive thing right now that has resulted on hate crimes against asian just trying to live their lives, promoted and kept alive by even people in power who don't care about what happens to them. Imagine how terrible it is to hear a ex-president of America blame you, your family, your country, everyone who just looks like you, because of a disease that is killing other people. Your culture gets mocked, you get told cruel jokes about the food you eat, about your broken english, get questioned about stuff you had nothing to do with... and the same people who do that, then turn around and are using that same culture they treated less for to make themselves look cooler and trendy? And that doesn't translate at all in you being treated any less shitty, it just means that any meaning your culture had before is reduced to pretty things for other people to use and then forget about the moment other pretty thing caughts their attentions. Wouldn't that make you feel like shit? When asian american or black american or native americans talk about cultural appropiation, it's not about just saying that you can't do this or that because they are meanies who don't want to share their fun pretty things. It's about asking people to please reflect in why it's only cool when others do it but they don't, in how it feels insulting to see things that have a cultural significance to you reduced to a gimmick like any other, on asking why their fun pretty things can't be enjoyed by them and get mocked, insulted and ignored when they tried to do so. Sometimes it also means literally taking away business from communities that needs them without any recognition or payment. I have no clue about the history of Russia with Japan specifically, but if it's a Japanese person the one chosing to share that element of their culture with other people who, I assume, respect it and want to learn about, then that sounds like cultural appreciation for me and it's not at all what anyone in America is talking about when they talk about appreciation. Using a kimono and serving tea on a traditional way is a neutral act that only gains significance because of environment where it happens. About everything else... it's complicated and I am 100% with you when you say that it's very difficult to navigate as a non american don't wanting to come across as insensitive or uneducated or a full blown ass without meaning to. Unfortunately for us, the online discourse is not especially gentle for anyone who doesn't know everything American related and all the intrincated race relations on a first moment. I know this is especially hard for asian fans when americans ones want to insert their own
intepretations into their works just to make it look worse. I get it, because people say "listen to POC" but that really doesn't tell you shit of WHAT to listen for and how to understand when different cultural perspectives clashes with each other, which is almost entirely inevitable because we all come with our own cultural baggage. And even between two black americans or two asian people from the same asian country you could have vastly different opinions about the exact same topic because of them prefer to concentrate on different aspects of it. I guess the best thing to do is... do try to know what people are saying. If these group of people are saying this show is this or that, try to come to understand why they say it. And if other group is saying otherwise, listen to why. Sometimes you don't need to interject at all, sometimes your own opinion is not really needed, but at least try to see where everyone is coming from and realize that everything is an ongoing conversation where nothing is set in stone forever, especially when you account for reclamation, parody and other things that influence the way we percieve anything. Ask questions if you are confused, because you are going to be confused a lot and I am sorry, but that is part of the process. Read books if you need to. Google a lot, but also talk with people, watch videos of people talking about it and, if you want to engage, do it with a mentality of wanting to learn and understand. I hope any of this can be helpful at all. If not, I am sorry. I am still trying to figure out things myself.
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imitationpersonne · 5 years
I was wondering if you remembered the last message I sent you a while back about Monoma and Kendou. You may have forgotten or were busy and didn't notice it.
Hey, yeah. Sorry, I got your messages, but I kept procrastinating on responding and then forgetting. Procrastinating especially because I’ve kind of barely been able to write anything lately, with a downturn of mood and inspiration and now school. Plus, I think I mentioned before, I’m not a translator and barely feel equipped to figure out even single words in Japanese. I happen to also be interested in what that sketch says, but unfortunately, I can’t make heads or tails of it with my extremely limited abilities and resources.
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This is the image in question, if anybody else happens to want to take a whack at translating it.
What I really like about this [manga scan of Monoma teasing Kendou in her beauty contest dress] is that it implies that despite being annoyed by him Kendou seems to enjoy Monoma’s company. The relationship(just for the record a relationship does not necessarily mean a romantic one) between these two is one of my favorite in the series.  Based on some of these scenes they seem to like taking shots/poking fun at each other but not in a mean spirited way.
First of all, I’ll note that I agree with you that I like Monoma and Kendou’s seeming comfort with each other, and their potential dynamics and rapport interest me. But I’m going to play the devil’s advocate for a second, because that’s my specialty, and I’d probably be robbing people of the expected experience if I didn’t whip that ability out.
It’s actually kind of hard to tell with concrete certainty exactly how much actual affection and esteem Monoma and Kendou hold for each other, just judging by the scenes containing them as evidence. Almost every time we see Monoma and Kendou together or one mentioning the other, they are in some form of opposition to each other. Usually it’s Monoma being controversial and Kendou getting on his case for it; sometimes it’s Kendou complaining/remarking about Monoma’s bad behavior; and other times it’s Monoma firing back at her with teasing/reproach of his own. We just don’t factually know what goes on behind the scenes or how deep their opposition really runs.
It is apparent that one of the main reasons Kendou often interacts with Monoma is because she feels it is her responsibility to keep him from causing trouble and tarnishing public relations with the other hero class. Theoretically, that could even be the initial reason she started interacting with him a lot in the first place. However, damage control did not necessarily have to stay the only reason they gave each other the time of day. It could be that the close proximity necessary for keeping an eye on him facilitated a growing bond between them and actual comfort and enjoyment in each other’s company.
Notice how easily Monoma ribs Kendou and compare that to the often more subtle or emotionally-collected ways in which he scolds or teases other class (B) mates (suggesting a potentially more distant, delicate, or formal rapport). Likewise notice the level of bluntness in Kendou’s tactics that she doesn’t use on anybody else in the class. The distinct lack of formality between them suggests that much comfort in expression and interaction, and one could argue the knowledge of each other’s boundaries and how far they can push each other indicates a close relationship.
The devil’s advocate could argue that they annoy each other, but circumstantially, neither can escape the other’s company (like cops and robbers). That they limit their enmity to just teasing because Japanese culture encourages greater politeness and cooperation (compared to the expectations in Western culture), and they don’t want to deal with the drama of displaying their dislike of each other outright.
But I don’t argue that. To me, it seems more like an ornery affectionate sibling-like rapport, close enough to get on each other’s case but still appreciating each other for their positive qualities and who they are. That’s what I’d like to think, and that’s what I tend to see. (The “sibling” comparison is not to say they couldn’t develop a romantic relationship, and I think in such a case, their close friendship would be a boon and not a detractor.) I like it. I like this. I like them.
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pyre-prism · 6 years
Pyre’s Tips for ‘One Piece’ OCs...!
Complete with a sample character bio template, at that! (*A*) Just remove all of my rambling, and you should be nice and peachy. If anyone wants to discuss things on the topic of 'One Piece' characters (fan-made or otherwise), then I'd be happy to oblige. This series is my happy place, more often than not... well, one of them. Also, I'm open to doing this for other fandoms as well... so long as I know enough about it... Any suggestions for me to consider? In short... I'd love for people to talk to me about this kind of thing. (T^T) I don't bite, I promise...! You can even do it privately, if you want~? Righty, one last thing before getting into this properly... I do use rather... 'colourful' words with topics I'm invested in, and there are potential spoilers in what I say, if you've only been following the English release. (^u^'') I couldn't stick to the English release if it killed me, I love this stuff too much. Anyhoo, onto the actual meat of this thing~!
Name: Any name will do, really… ‘One Piece’ takes place in a world where both perfectly ‘normal’ names and completely ridiculous ones coexist in harmony. The only caveat is that you should be very restrictive with middle initials, as they aren’t a particularly common thing… and you should be especially careful with ‘D.’ as a middle initial, as it means something special and carries a selection of traits alongside it. It is possible to create a character who bears the ‘D.’ initial in a way that fits the world, but you certainly shouldn’t overload your personal cast with them. On a side note, I find that it’s a real help to also note how the name is meant to be pronounced, as best as you can. It saves some potential confusion later down the line. Nickname: So long as there is a reason behind the nickname, and you don’t give them… say… ten completely separate ones, anything goes. It also helps to put down not only who calls them that, but also why. Again, pronunciation notes also helps. Epithet: An epithet in the ‘One Piece’ world is usually given by someone who does not like the character, and so you should be careful to make sure that it doesn’t sound too flattering for no real reason. Epithets are generally meant to describe either the character’s physical traits, something about their history, or something about their abilities. Often, they are meant to inspire some sort of fear, so as to urge civilians to stay out of their way. However, it should be noted that even Marines can get epithets, and even theirs aren’t generally particularly flattering. All that being said, it is possible to have a fancy or even ‘pretty’ epithet, but there needs to be a really good reason for it. It helps to explain what prompted that particular epithet to be given to them, as well. Also, almost every character who gains an epithet will only get the one, so make sure you don’t overload them onto the one character. Bounty: One thing that many people seem to forget about bounties in the ‘One Piece’ world is that they are not a ‘one-for-one’ indication of the character’s strength, or even how dangerous they are to the general public. What they are, however, is an indication of how badly the World Government wants them to be taken down. Each part of the world also has certain ranges that are ‘typical’ for a starting bounty, but unfortunately we don’t have proper examples for what these are, in most cases. What we do know is that a starting bounty of 30 million in the East Blue is astonishing, while a (presumably early) bounty of 85 million in the first half of the Grand Line is… negligible, really… and bounties in the range of 300 million to half a billion seem to be fairly normal in the second half of the Grand Line. When putting together what sort of price is on your character’s head (assuming that they are a pirate or other such kind of criminal), it helps to list out what they’ve done or been accused of that actually earned them that sort of infamy. It also helps to bear in mind any increases they’ve gotten over the course of their ‘career’. Oh, and… despite what many people seem to believe, a rookie pirate with a bounty of 100 million or more is not necessarily a Supernova! They will be part of ‘the Worst Generation’, but the Supernovas were a specific group for a very particular reason; they were the rookies with a minimum of 100 million on their heads, who were at the Archipelago at that particular time. Nothing else. There is nothing wrong with having your character have a bounty that is ‘Supernova level’, so long as there is a valid reason for it. Heck, if you can explain it well enough, you could even have your character be a Supernova… as in, the legit was-actually-at-the-Archipelago-at-the-time type. The ‘number limit’ on Supernova is nowhere near as important as the number of Warlords or Emperors, after all. Rank: For a pirate, bear in mind what they do on the crew. It helps to have some knowledge of what roles would be legitimately-needed on a sailing vessel when making this decision, as well. Age requirements are less strict for pirate characters than they are for many other subsets of your cast, so one of the best things to say here is ‘have fun but do your research’. As for Marines, age starts to become a primary point of concern. There is a limit to how young a character can be when they join the Marines, and there is also a certain air of ‘the old guard’ when you start to look at the higher ranking characters in the canon material. A Marine Captain who is in their teens or early twenties had better have an extremely mind-bogglingly-good record or power to have that rank, and when you start getting towards the rank of Vice-Admiral, then it would be best for them to be at least in their late thirties… While I’m on the topic of Marine ranks, it’s a good idea to look up the ranks used in the Japanese Navy, as that is what is used in the series. Age: The only advice I can give on this topic is to be sensible. Consider what you have in mind for them to know, what skills they possess, and (for a Marine) what rank they have. No adult or teenager is going to take a preteen captain seriously, even on a pirate crew, and those who are particularly elderly will be faced with some issues as well. On a side note, if you plan for the character’s storyline to have any correlation to the canon events, then you should probably make sure to note how old they are at the beginning of the story, and at the beginning of the two-year timeskip. Gender: I use ‘gender’ as the primary question here, and I always make certain to note when there is any form of disconnect between the character’s gender identity and their biological sex. Although, to help other people take your character more seriously, please don’t use phrases like “Female, duh”. Race: There are so many options for what race your character can be, that there’s very little reason to even try coming up with your own race ideas. That being said, however, that’s not to say that you cannot create your own race… just make sure that it makes sense in the world and has both upsides and downsides ‘built in’ to the race, and you should be good. However, it may be better to refrain from doing this until you’re reasonably practiced with not only coming up with races, but also until you’re very familiar with the world you’re putting it into. If you do choose to create a new race, you will need to explain it fairly thoroughly to other people, as well. As for the canonical races, it’s best to be aware of the types of interactions between them as much as you can, as this will help to make the character feel more ‘complete’. Humans are very common, but there’s also Fishfolk (Fishmen and Merfolk, I combine them due to their exceedingly-negligible differences), Skyfolk (the three races of Sky Islanders with wings), Giants, Dwarves, Longarms, Longlegs, Snakenecks, Minkmen, Triclopes (what I currently call the three-eyed race), and even Birdfolk (what I currently call the race Morgans belongs to)…! Heck, even hybrids are an option, but don’t go too overboard with piling on the fractions for this, else it will come across as nothing other than ridiculous. Eyes: One of the things that, as an artistic OC-creator, I really love about ‘One Piece’ is the fact that they can look like almost anything, and still have a chance of fitting in, just fine. There are no restrictions on what your character’s eyes can look like other than two points… Number one, be extremely sparing about the sclera (the white of the eye) being a different colour, as we don’t actually have a canon example of this as-yet. Number two, if your character’s eyes are yellow, then you shouldn’t have them be described as being ‘hawk-like’ as well, because that’s a trait that is so-far unique to Dracule Mihawk. It might be wise to be sparing on rainbow-coloured eyes, as well, for ‘safety’s sake’… Other than that, however, go wild! I personally don’t even care if your character has heterochromia, in any format or arrangement. Hair: Literally any colour is a possibility in the world of ‘One Piece’, and I love it. White or silver for someone from a very young age, canon compliant. Purple or blue or green or pink, canon compliant. It is so liberating to be able to apply any colour you want to something that is so frequently restricted in other universes, and, unlike what many people may try to tell you, even naturally-bicoloured hair is plausible. We have yet to see naturally-tricoloured or more, so it may be best to limit it to two colours at most. As for length, however, it is best to bear in mind what they do, although significantly-longer hair is still viable for a fighter if they either have an ability that uses it in battle or if they tie it up somehow. Or, you know, they’re a ranged-fighter. Skin: In the world of ‘One Piece’, even humans can have some pretty weird skin colours, so it is possible to go a little ‘nuts’ on this topic. So long as there is either canonical proof for that sort of colour for their race, or a viable explanation, then there is literally no rules on this. This category is also where I like to list out any notable scarring or tattoos that they may have. Build: Other than the basic descriptions of what type of build they have, you should also be certain to mention their height… and remember that even humans can be ludicrously-tall in this universe. If they aren’t finished growing yet, it may be useful to note how tall they are ‘at the moment’ as well as how tall they’ll be when they’ve finished growing. Typical Clothing: This is more for keeping in mind the sorts of outfits they might wear at various points throughout their story. Do they like bold patterns, or are they a more plain-clothes kind of person? You should also be aware that, despite taking place in a world that mirrors a lot of things from the early 1700s of our world, there are many much more modern pieces of clothing that we see throughout canon, so don’t feel the need to restrict yourself to ‘classic pirate getup’, although there’s also nothing saying that you can’t choose to do just that. Oh, and… if there’s any traces of a uniform or ‘theme’ with the people your character is associated with… stick with it. Marines will wear the uniform, in some way. Themed pirate crews will have certain ‘looks’. This is inescapable and inexcusable if your character breaks it, especially for no damned reason. Personality: This is one of the categories where the bulk of your character will shine through. While a dot-point list will work for the initial idea, eventually you will need to expand upon it. Make your character feel like a real person, in and of their own right, and you won’t generally have any issues. A character’s personality will be about half ‘ingrained’ and half ‘learned’, and these two things must not contradict each other without extremely careful and detailed reasoning… and an acknowledgement that the character is not mentally-stable. It is infinitely-important that you bear in mind what they went through up until the point you’re starting their story, because that will influence how they turned out. Don’t be afraid to give your character ‘undesirable’ traits, either, because that will actually make them seem more ‘real’ and generally more entertaining to deal with from a writing or roleplaying perspective… in fact, some of the most fun characters in my own cast actually have more ‘undesirable’ traits than they have ‘desirable’ ones! Also, it should be said… there seems to be some unspoken ‘rule’ about those to take to the seas in the world of ‘One Piece’… and that is that, to survive in that universe, you need to have some traits that would be considered ‘crazy’ in our world. So have fun! That is, after all, the primary point behind making an OC in the first place, isn’t it? Abilities: Each race, other than Human, has its own inbuilt capabilities, and you should list them out, along with any learned skills that your character has. Haki can be learned by any race, but you should be aware of the requirements for having unlocked it… some form of immense physical or emotional trauma seems to be the universal checkbox. If your character is a hybrid, then you can get a bit more creative, as well, although while it is viable for a hybrid to carry traits and abilities from each source, they shouldn’t have the full range of everything, and they must have at least some of the built-in caveats as well. Back on the topic of Haki, however… while I have no issue with having OCs with the incredibly-limited Haoushoku Haki, you should be careful to not overload your cast with those who have it… and there seems to be a potential connection between having that form of Haki and being a ‘D.’, as well. It helps to mention whether or not your character has eaten a Devil Fruit, as well, and how long they’ve had it for… more details on the Fruit in question can come in the next category… Devil Fruit: For starters, you need to know what the Fruit is. Is it a Paramecian, a Zoan, or a Logian…? Canon has introduced some Fruits in the most recent arcs (as of September 2018) that appear to blur the lines, but it’s best to try to stay away from such things until we’re told more about it. That being said, the Fruit’s ability will influence what its name is, as well… You should do your utmost to make the name suit the naming system that is presented in canon; the English name is short and to the point, and the Japanese name is always two syllables and tend to be onomatopoeias (‘sound words’). Also, and this is very, very, very important… unless you are dealing with an alternative version of the universe or a substantially-different time-frame, do not use a Devil Fruit that is in use by a canon character, with the only possible exceptions being those who are known to be dead at the time. Characters who show up in filler arcs or extra material, however, as far as I’m concerned, are fair game unless the storyline they appear in has been directly influenced by Oda for more than just character designs… Even SMILEs, until we know more about how they operate, should not be ‘doubled-up’ between canon and your character. There are also some abilities that appear in other universes that should be avoided in ‘One Piece’… Any ability that, by its very nature, requires the input of another person is treading on incredibly-thin ice, if not an outright no-go. Same with any ability that manipulates reality… although probability is a slightly different story… and is in-use in canon, so… yeah. Illusions are viable, truly warping reality is not. There is also another thing that should be avoided as much as possible… don’t make a Fruit that enables transformation into any kind of explicitly-water-based creature. No Devil Fruit user can swim… not even Fishfolk who have eaten one. However, even with that, it is possible to create a water Fruit, even a Logian, so long as you are extremely careful about how it works. With that out of the way, I have only one other ability-related note to make… If you create a Mythical Zoan Fruit, you can give it an additional ability, but make certain that it makes sense for that mythical creature to have that ability. Do your research on the stories about the creature, and you’re bound to be able to come up with something. You should also remember that every single Devil Fruit, even the ‘joke’ ones, have battle capabilities if you’re imaginative enough… And, last but not least… no Devil Fruit is without weaknesses. None… At all. At the very least, being submerged beyond a certain point will sap your character of their strength, seastone will nullify their ability and do something of the same, and it’s always wise to have at least one other thing that the Fruit power itself interacts poorly with. The key here is ‘balance’. Notable Attacks: ‘One Piece’ is one of the universes that seems to use the rule of ‘named attacks are more powerful’, if only as a focusing technique… as such, you can have fun with this. Make certain to have at least two or three things listed if they’re a combatant, as that guarantees that they have some variety… and, don’t have everything be the equivalent of a ‘one-hit-K.O.’ sort of thing, as that’s not only unrealistic in so many ways, but also generally lazy and boring. You shouldn’t just list the names, either, but make certain to describe how the move takes place and functions. It helps to note down any effect radius, additional effect, or extra requirements for using it, as well. From: Where in the world are they from? Where were they born? Where did they grow up? It’s best to make certain that you list the island and where in the world that island is, at the very least, but it also helps to include the settlement as well. Making up your own islands is fine, too… Heck, you can even have characters from Mary Geoise, if you want… so long as you make it make sense. Family: Unless there is something special about generations further back than your character’s grandparents, there’s little reason to bother listing them… unless you really like genealogy, I suppose. Grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles, siblings, cousins, and any offspring is about the furthest you’d likely need to put down. Include any details about how these family members may have died (if they’re dead), or maybe even how their relationship with your character is. You can even include ‘found-family’, if you like… And heck, I for one don’t give a damn if your character is related to (or in love with) a canon character, so long as you make it make sense and you don’t warp the canon character into something that they are not… especially without a fucking good reason. Relationships: It helps to also figure out at least the basics of relationships your character has with those who aren’t in their family. Who are their friends, where friends and family are actually separated in your character’s views? Who are their acquaintances, friendly, neutral, and otherwise? Who are their rivals or their enemies? And, most importantly, why? Everything of that sort needs a reason, and it can’t just be ‘such-and-such person doesn’t like my character because they’re jealous of their beauty or skills’. Give both your character and the other character some depth to their relationship. You can even mention any specific love interests, so long as there’s a valid reason behind why they’re an item. I hope you’re seeing a basic trend, here…? Sexual Orientation & Details: Don’t be afraid to play around with various orientations in your cast… it can make for some intriguing character interactions when there’s some tension in the air, to say the least. That being said, there’s no real rules on what your character should like, but it definitely helps to have some idea of it, even if you don’t decide to share. It also helps to know what sort of thing your character likes in a partner… Are they a butt person? Do they like boobs? Big dicks? Do they have a particular fetish? What about how they go about making their interest known? Do they want just one person, or are they hoping to have multiple partners at once? Are they prone to cheating? You know, all that prime-time soap opera shit. Dream: Everyone who sets out for a journey must have some reason to have left their home… even if it’s because they have no home. These don’t need to be deep, or complicated, and sometimes the most simple and plaintive goals are the most heart-wrenching. History: Here is the other primary part of any character’s information where they really shine… A character’s history will guide and shape at least half of who they are as a person, so you should make certain to do a decent job. As with personality, a list of dot points is fine to start with, but you’ll need to go more in-depth eventually. Something about their childhood, something about their adolescence, and so on. Whether or not you share a character’s history, you need to know it… Even if they have complete amnesia, it will still shape them. One thing that you may find liberating is that almost any type of backstory is plausible in that universe, even the really traumatic and ‘angsty’ ones. Despite the cheery and colourful veneer of the art-style, the world is actually incredibly-dark, just below the surface. It is advisable to try to avoid giving your character the exact same backstory as a canon character, though, especially a prominent one, but there are actually ways to make them work regardless… so long as you’re willing to put in the amounts of effort required to make it personalised to your character. Be reasonable, but have fun at the same time, basically. Colour: A representative colour can be an interesting way to say without so many words what your character is all about… and it makes for a fun artistic exercise, as well. Try to either make it their ‘most prominent’ colour, or a colour which has meanings and symbolism that suit your character’s personality. Real-World Nationality: As Oda has listed some of these, I think it’s only right to include it with my character sheets… While it may be easy to go with stereotypes, I find it rather interesting to really dig in to the culture of the place when answering this part. It also helps to explain why your character would be that particular nationality. Animal: Being an artist who sometimes draws animals more than humanoids, and who loves making comparisons between my characters and animals (and other people’s characters, while I’m at it), this is something that I really love to do. Behaviours and even physical traits that are in-common can be a good place to start… and be honest. Not every character is going to be comparable to something cute or ‘cool’. Smells Like: If a person spends a lot of time around something with a particular scent, it tends to ‘sink into’ their bodies. What a person smells like can even be used to make a comment about them as an individual, as well… If your character smells like sweat, then they either don’t bathe very often or they spend a lot of time working out. If they smell like soap, they are probably rather fastidious about their personal hygiene or are quite well-off… Stuff like that. Theme Song: Some people will tell you “never give your character a theme song, it’s stupid and cliché and obnoxious”… I say fuck ‘em, do it if you want to. It can be a really fun way to give just that little bit of extra flair to your character, and don’t be afraid to go with instrumental pieces, as well. Some of my cast have been conceptualised while I was listening to a particular piece of music, and it just makes sense to have that be their theme song… doesn’t it? Although, one thing that is good to bear in mind is that you shouldn’t have all of your cast have their theme being music by a singular person or group… vary it up a bit, and it will help your cast feel more alive than ever before. Oh, and be sure to specify who did the piece you’re thinking of, too, because there are a whole heap of pieces that have the same name but are entirely different. That goes for any specific cover or remix, too. Laughter Style: In the world of ‘One Piece’, there is a trend… Most of the cast have a particular way of laughing, a specific sound that indicates them even when they’re off-screen. To help make your character ‘fit in’ even further, it may be a good idea to give them something of the same. You should also remember that you can have a different sound to your character’s ‘full belly-laugh’ and their ‘chuckle or giggle’. Voice Actor/Seiyu: Another thing that many people may say to not bother with is an ideal voice actor, but I find it helps to set how my character sounds down in writing. This goes for both an English voice actor and a Japanese seiyu. It’s really up to you as to whether you want to go the full way and do both, but I highly recommend doing it for one, at least. Be sure to note down what role and source you’re referencing for the sound, as well… Many of the best voice actors have immensely-versatile voices, after all. Favourite/Least Favourite Food: Something that I find to be an interesting tidbit to include is what my characters particularly like to eat, and conversely, what they try to avoid eating. Maybe your character has an allergy to carrots? The possibilities are endless, really. Japanese Pronouns/Manner of Speech: Another thing that I like to put down is how my characters refer to themselves and to others… In Japanese, it can give really useful and subtle insights into how they think, as each of the forms of address lend themselves to a particular ‘flavour’ of person. If you don’t know enough about the pronouns used in Japanese, then try putting down how they speak to others… Are they arrogant and crass, or are they more reserved and polite? Do they hide any hostility behind a mask of polite words? Do they speak in a way that is geared to spark a fight, or do they prefer to avoid arguments wherever possible? Is there any difference between how they speak or refer to various types of people, such as a pirate speaking to another pirate or a Marine? If there is any ‘type’ of person your character particularly dislikes, it really helps to know whether they’ll make it clear or not, and if they do… how. Trivia/Other: Is there anything that doesn’t fit in any of the previous categories? Make sure to list it in one like this. Because of the ambiguity of a category like this, there aren’t really any rules for it… just… make it fit the universe, and make sure it doesn’t completely contradict what you’ve already put down.
There is one last thing I have to say… Don’t just take what people online (let alone the wiki) say at face value, and remember that even the characters in canon can give the reader/watcher false information… Use your brain, basically.
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royalbabble · 3 years
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April Showers/Azumi Gushiken
Azumi - Meaning: ‘Safe Residence’ or ‘Safe Place’
Gushiken - Meaning: ‘Strong-Willed’ or ‘Of Firm Determination’
Race/Religion/Nationality/Ethnicity: African/Japanese/French
Romantic Orientation: Panromantic
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Gender: Transgender Girl
Age: 15
Allegiance -
The Scarlet Cyclone (Formerly)
Organization: OMEGA (Currently)
Battle Mount: Quelian
Backstory Below
My Deviantart!
Azumi Gushiken - originally known as April Showers - is the scrappy and mischevious daughter of Sebastien Chastain and an honors student at Wild Tempest University, located near the capital of the Scarlet Cyclone. Despite supposedly being born with the innate ability to control plant matter, Azumi has extreme difficulty doing so. Even with rigorous studies into Chlorokinesis and constant training, Azumi continues to struggle with plant-based magic. Because of this, Azumi is considered magically disabled. To compensate for this, Azumi has directed her studies away from Chlorokinesis and towards engineering and advanced mechanics, which she has so far managed to thrive in. Well-versed in robotics, Azumi has made leaps and bounds in the field of engineering at an unusually young age.
Specifically, Azumi has taken a unique interest in perfecting prosthetic limbs for amputees and people who experienced congenital amputation. This is largely due to an injury she herself sustained at a young age. A mechanical accident severed her left hand from her wrist and was soon replaced with a glass prosthetic limb, which are common in the High Storm empire. Unfortunately, glass limbs are limited in their capabilities and Azumi wanted to perfect the design, which has led her to making huge advancements in prosthetic limbs. As recently as her 14th birthday, Azumi was able to make a massive breakthrough in the field by discovering a way in which the sense of touch could be implemented into prosthetic limbs.
Azumi lives with her father, Sebastien Chastain, in the capital of Deluge - Supercell. She came to live in the Scarlet Cyclone’s territory after her father was exiled from The Maelstrom, shortly after the death of her mother. Azumi was merely an infant at the time and barely remembers anything from before her life in the Scarlet Cyclone, but her father’s refusal to speak on the matter has left her in the dark regardless. Azumi helped her father sort through archival material and through her work, began to notice discrepancies in official documents and history books. These discrepancies planted a seed of doubt in Azumi’s mind that the High Storms were not who they said they were, but she nonetheless tried to write it off as simple mistakes in documentation. Her privileged lifestyle had largely blinded her to the fascist rule of the High Storms, but she still felt as though something was wrong.
Her suspicions proved to be correct, however. When she and her father become roped into the main conflict of The High Storms, she can no longer continue blinding herself to the uncomfortable truth and decides to rebel against the empire, providing her invaluable knowledge of tech to the rebellion and even providing new prosthetic limbs for the main cast to replace the ones given to the by the High Storms.
Magic, Powers, and Weapons
Azumi wields a small Hiya-Taihou that has been modified to fit around the hand and wrist of the user and fires bo-hiya, small flaming arrows. Azumi lost her left hand in an accident and created a prosthetic for herself and uses her Hiya-Taihou with her prosthetic hand. Azumi wears a green kimono reinforced with Sky Thread and Stormsteel that was worn by her ancestor, Den Gushiken, a woman that worked with Jagruti’s mother on the Oaken Chamber. Azumi’s magic is weak and she struggles to use it, and so she focuses most of her attention on being an engineering genius and has created several mechanical marvels over the years.
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tyrranux64 · 6 years
Terry’s Favorite Playstation Games
I hate Sony. I have not made this secret, from much of my art to a good helping of Youtube comments reacting to blind praise, most who know me more than the usual internet passerby are acquainted enough with my hatred of the company and brand. 
And it is not a biased band wagon kind of hate either, no this took time to fester into a most blackened bloom. Interactions with the biased rank and file, learning of the less than favorable business practices Sony has employed, the constant in your face propaganda from even third party publishers made against its two direct competitors, but most of all and most important my own experience with their premiere game system. No joke, the PS3 was effectively the worst console I have ever had the “pleasure” of owning, both with the initial 600 dollar 40 gig grill and the used slightly slimmer replacement I had to get just to keep my own sanity. I blacklisted the PS4 for a reason and even now I look at what the fourth generation of the console has to offer and feel assured my choice was correct.
Again my hatred of Sony is not pure bias fanboy raging, it is the culmination of less than favorable experiences and acquired knowledge that has forever soured my perceptions of the brand. And to further stress this point? I’ll go ahead and give you the Playstation Exclusives I absolutely loved in no particular order. Heavy emphasis on “exclusive”, all the titles listed will be ones you absolutely need a Sony console to play, no multi-platform titles, no games that were once exclusive then ported to other systems. Sony only.
And don’t expect Shadow of the Colossus on this list, of all the excellent titles one can point to that is the lowest of hanging fruit. Everyone loves that one, everyone, even its critics and detractors. My reasons for liking it are the same as everyone else’s...
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INFAMOUS & INFAMOUS 2; Honestly I couldn’t decide which I liked more since both offer the same consistently excellent design and experience, I guess the second one for being more polished and having more interesting settings but trading one over the other is heresy. And honestly if I didn’t hate Sony so much I’d be all over the third one (though after seeing the story on Youtube I gotta say, Fetch is a complete unlikable asshole).
Ultimately this is a 3D platformer, one that more than belongs in the same breath as the likes of Super Mario Anything and Banjo Kazooie. Despite its otherwise “serious, realistic and edgy” tone and design this is the kind of delightful platforming romp that’ll satisfy even old school players pinning for the bygone era of platformers being the dominant genre in gaming. And it just makes the circumstances of its creation more fascinating. How Sucker Punch followed suit with Naughty Dog going from cartoony mascot games to so-called serious realistic games, yet unlike Naughty Dog puts out a product that still feels like a spiritual successor to their previous work.
Naturally the biggest negative is the morality system. Bad enough it is so arbitrary and safety helmet in its design that it tells you which choices are good and evil but said choices are so cartoonishly extreme on both spectrum that any sense of ambiguity and nuance are lost. But on the flip side, it does present one of the most fun bits of obsessive compulsive gameplay features I’ve ever experienced....
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The Pulse Heal. Damn was this so much fun. The sheer rush of not only going to help someone but actually having the capacity to do so, the kind of humanity enriching wish fulfillment I didn’t get enough of. And I wasn’t just blowing smoke when I described it as a “obsessive compulsive” gameplay feature, I lost count of the number of times I slammed the breaks on what I was doing every time I saw some helpless citizen in desperate need of a jolt. It was nuts man, a game that lets you play as a superhero and actually let you feel like one....one helpless citizen at a time.... ______________________________________
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GOD OF WAR III; But then there’s this fucking game that makes me feel like a complete villain, go figure. Then again that has been the real beauty of this franchise especially after the first game, there are no real heroes, no real champions of justice. There are only villains. What separates Kratos from all the other villains is that he was ultimately the culmination of their selfish and petty machinations to satisfy their own ends, he is the necessary evil meant to liberate the world from the cruelty of Olympus.....unfortunately, it entailed nearly destroying the world and sending it into a state of anarchy thereby making things worse. Oops.
Well either way the games are still just good ol’ hack n’ slash shenanigans. Technically I should give the nod to GoW 2 for having the more satisfying journey involving the Sisters of Fate....but it ends with a complete blue balling of an ending. Pretty arrogant to have such an ending when you’re not even sure you’re getting a sequel....well it did but still....
Plus the third one lets you actually fight more than one Olympian, hell it actually lets you fight Hercules, the proverbial OG Superman himself. AND HE’S VOICED BY KEVIN SORBO. But what really cements it is the overall combat which feels more satisfying. Not only are some of the core moves fantastic (especially the grab moves) but all the available weapons are chained weapons. It’s the kind of sameness and consistency that actually works to the game’s benefit, complimenting the gameplay and Kratos’ overall design as a range based fighter. Also nice how all the button prompts are regulated to the side of the screen to correspond to the button placement, a nice touch to mitigate any disorientation of the chaos on screen. __________________________________
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CRASH BANDICOOT: WARPED; Yes yes I know the N’Sane Trilogy is now gonna be multi-platform (thank Primus) but as many who have played it will verify it’s such an extensive HD remake that it doesn’t quality as being the same game. And sadly I don’t see the original ported to any other system.
Not much that needs to be said here, when it comes to the original trilogy everyone has their first favorite. I might have played the first one once or twice but never haven owned the first PS (fun fact I actually wanted it over the N64 but my mom was convinced to get the later) it would be this one that I ended up playing the most and ultimately beat first during one particular visit to my out of state cousins. _______________________________________
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RATCHET & CLANK FUTURE: A CRACK IN TIME; I never got into R&C during my initial PS2 era days, it wasn’t until a decade or so later that I played all three of the original trilogy and the future trilogy. And I played them all in chronological order, so to go from the utter lackluster flop of a plot that was Tools of Destruction to this one was an easy step up.
I’m not gonna argue this game’s quality against the original trilogy, after much retrospect and hearing other opinions there is just no contest as far as story, setting and personality. The original trilogy wins. But as far as the future trilogy? Yeah, this is easily the best one, the other two are just boring.
Crack in Time just had the best story overall and an overall journey that didn’t feel like my time was being wasted. Plus this was one of those games that gave me incentive to actually seek out the optional side objectives. Gameplay balance is an issue as things can skew a bit too easy but I was having too much fun overall to mind. Plus any game that gives me something like the Constructo Pistol and Shotgun easily gets the nod. ___________________________________
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LITTLEBIGPLANET 2; There is some part of me that still loves this game....but these days it is more of a tragic love story of love lost. Ultimately my creativity and ambition overgrew my actual ability and the limitations forced on me with both the allotted level space and materials (I mean good lord have you tried to make levels with a lot of gold and complex shapes? The game just flat out tells you to fuck off). Perhaps what really soured the experience was trying to do exactly what the devs did with the story mode they made, but I realize now it was as impressive as it was because they had no arbitrary thermometer limiting what they could put in.....bastards....
These days I more respect this game for what it was made to do and what others were able to do with it. But as far as what I was able to do? Yeah, it’s too heartbreaking to think about..... __________________________________
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JAK II; Remember not even a few paragraphs ago I said I never played Ratchet & Clank until recently? This is why. Because in an industry where brand new games cost up to a few tens short of a full Benjamin, well, choices have to be made.
And yeah I was easily drawn to the first game with it being a more direct 3D platformer, easily the kind of game I’d get into after my time with the N64. And then the second game came along and added guns and an edgy dark hero super mode.....without compromising the gameplay the series was established on. And for as edgy as it was now being with the story it never felt ridiculous or out of place, one of the few times I’ve even see it work out really.
Also it was a laugh riot to play what was extensively Crash Bandicoot meets Grand Theft Auto. __________________________________
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KINGDOM HEARTS; I have already chronicled my thoughts on this franchise several times before so I won’t bore you with too many details. Bottom line I feel the first one is the only good one simply because it had a nice fun story that felt like both a parody and love letter to Japanese RPGs without a hint of Kojima grade arrogance or self indulgence, unlike later entries >:/
And not once did this ever feel like a mere commercial for the Disney films represented, each world was an adventure all its own and the interactions with your favorite Disney characters actually felt like characters interacting, instead of just actors in a studio voicing their lines. So ultimately I’m able to tolerate the rather archaic gameplay because the story is still a treat to enjoy.
But more relevant to this list, this was the game that got me to get a PS2 in the first place. I was rather content going only with Nintendo but then I played this game while at another cousin’s house and was immediately entranced. And really it was at this point I was kinda tired of missing out on third party games that were PS exclusive for reasons that sounded as arbitrary excuses back then as they do now. 
I still can’t fathom how many games of the PS2′s third party library wouldn’t have worked just as fine on the Gamecube, thereby increasing the available consumer base and resulting in more sales. And if KH3 really is slated for release on Xbox One, why the hell are none of the HD compilations of past games also released on the console as a courtesy to those who might be interested in the series but don’t have reason to get a PS4? Sadly it’s a question I shouldn’t be asking because I know exactly what kind of answer I’ll be getting, excuses. ________________________________
So yeah, even though I have indeed enjoyed some of the titles available, not even these select games are not enough to sway my disdain for Sony. In fact the games listed that were developed and publish by Sony themselves only serve as a reminder of what the company is now all too willing to throw away in light of the current direction it is going for with its exclusives library.
And really it kind of makes sense that Sony just doesn’t give much of a shit these days, they were never a video game company to begin with, they are an electronics conglomerate. Movies, music, computers, headphones, that sort of jazz. Video games is just another department to satisfy their fiscal year quota, nothing more. People keep praising them for revolutionizing gaming but forget that they never needed to get into video games to begin with.....
Their only incentive to doing so was as a petty, vindictive, butt hurt reaction to Nintendo’s refusal to bend over the same way Michael Jackson did. Sony hates taking no for an answer so they acted like a jealous ex lover and produced a product based on a foundation of hate...and hatred only begets more hatred.... _________________________________
Also figured I give a few honorable mentions that can’t be on this list proper for one or two obvious reasons, but all of them I have experienced on Sony consoles...
CASTLEVANIA SYMPHONY OF THE NIGHT; Truth be told I’m more partial to Harmony of Dissonance but I know someone will get on my ass for not bringing this up. But yeah this was also on the Saturn....in Japan. Who’s dumb idea was it to keep the majority of the Saturn’s library Japanese exclusive?
MEGA MAN X6 (But Only On Easy Mode); On anything higher this game is just as broken and near unplayable as people say it is, shit even on easy it’s still a mess. Anyway this was the only PS MMX game I actually played on the PSOne back when it was new, this time on a friend’s console. And I’m not gonna lie I still have kind of a soft spot for it even with the glaring flaws....
KINGDOM HEARTS II; Yes yes this is a far superior game to the first one, gameplay wise. But in a game genre that lives or dies on the story being told there is no question that this was a serious downgrade. Everything that endeared me to the first game’s story this sequel proceeds to fuck up royally, and thus seeing the skip cutscene option as an absolute godsend makes me die a little inside, first rule of good storytelling in games is to make sure no one will ever want to skip the cutscenes even if they have the option to.
DEVIL MAY CRY 3; It was of course the first DMC I ever played and beat, and when said first happens to be the best in gameplay, structure and story it’s pretty hard not to be biased. 
TRANSFORMERS WAR/FALL OF CYBERTRON; I think you guys know by now that I am a big fan of Transformers, so my reasons for liking these games are a no brainer.
BAYONETTA; Yeah it’s weird thinking this game ever saw the light of day on the PS3 and 360, mostly because Platinum had the decent courtesy to port the first game to the Wii U in direct response to concerns about the sequel now being Nintendo exclusive. And what did they do when it was announced a third game was on the way? They ported the previous two titles to the Switch so that no one would be left out of the loop, not even those that passed on the Wii U. That’s what I call customer service, wouldn’t you agree SQUARE ENIX?
DEAD SPACE; Pretty much the last good EA game. The final gasp of air made by EA’s capacity for common human decency before tossing it away and effectively going all in on putting out a constant flow of bullshit on a yearly basis.
ASURA’S WRATH; Pretty much the only interactive movie game in all creation that still feels like a video game, with actual video game segments. Still bullshit that you had to pay additional money just to see the ending but hey at least said ending was actually worth the money, heaven help Capcom if it ended up being a shit ending...     
BATMAN ARKHAM ASYLUM; Yeah yeah I should be giving the nod to Arkham City but that whole business involving Talia Al Ghul all but killed the second game’s story for me....seriously Bruce what the fuck do you even see in that cunt to make you so sycophantic for her? 
DRAGONBALL XENOVERSE; Well it was fun while it lasted and even now I feel it’s a better “Kingdom Hearts” than any of the latter actual KH titles. But aside from also being on the 360 and such, well, it’s not exactly something I’m willing to play again.
GOD OF WAR: GHOST OF SPARTA; One of two reasons I even bothered picking up the PSP, and while I have since fallen out of love with Birth by Sleep, this is one I’m still able to go back to. Not only is it a decent adventure in its own right but somehow it makes God of War II better from a story perspective as now it gave Kratos even more reason for going against Olympus...
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tatitex1 · 7 years
Welcome, welcome to the Danganronpa x My Hero Academia AU! This idea was originally created for @satan-senpaiii ‘s birthday (I LUV U NAGISA) and after receiving encouragement from my adopted child @creative-weeb (whom I love very much), it kinda just expanded from there.
This world also incorporates the original BNHA characters, which means that Yuuei and Hope’s Peak are in the same universe. However, Yuuei is located in Japan while Hope’s Peak is inside America, namely New York (for being super urban and shit). Here are the specs!
Hope's Peak Academy
Location: New York, NY District: Manhattan, near Central Park
This is the American counterpart to U.A. High School in Musutafu, Japan near Tokyo.
Hope's Peak follows the same system as most American schools with high schools students starting in freshmen year at 14 and ending their senior year at 18 compared to the Japanese system, where you begin your first year at 15 and third year at 18.
Different from U.A., students must be invited to take the test than just filling a form and walking in.
Both schools follow the same testing for audition: the writing portion is mainly to score the general studies students and the hero class exam is the physical exam, fighting robots and such (they change it every year).
After scoring, students are given their finalized reports and if accepted, are given their invitations to attend the school in their specific sections, same as both of the schools.
Hero course classes are sixteen students (split in half amongst the boys and girls) to a class and nothing more, while general studies can depend.
Hero course students also get the chance to intern with heroes nationally and not just the heroes from America.
Kazuo Tengan Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy Quirk: Embodiment
He is able to create objects out of thin air by using his imagination!
This requires absolute concentration and willpower.
Alias: The Creator
Power: 6/5 S Speed: 2/5 D Technique: 6/5 S Intelligence: 5/5 A Cooperativeness: 3/5 C
Bio: He was once a student of Hope's Peak and graduated, becoming the headmaster before Jin and upon learning his unfortunate death, he became headmaster of Hope's Peak again to fill the spot. He once also had the quirk "Lighted Quirk", which he gave to a quirkless, but highly determined Kyousuke.
Jin Kirigiri (deceased) Headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy Quirk: Resurrection
He is able to bring the dead back to life!
This quirk takes his own life force away and he can't use it on himself.
Alias: Inkheart
Power: 3/5 C Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 5/5 A Cooperativeness: 4/5 B
Bio: He was Kyouko's father and received honors at his time at Hope's Peak. He took over as headmaster of Hope's Peak after Kazou with his best friend, Kohichi, by his side. He was murdered the year Makoto transferred to Class 78. His killer is still at large.
Class 1-A (nicknamed Class 79)
Juzo Sakakura Teacher of Class 1-A Quirk: Muscle Enlargement
This quirk allows him to enlarge the molecular structure of his muscles, giving him extra strength and power!
This quirk slows his speed and has a time limit of 10 minutes.
Alias: Brawling Boxer
Power: 6/5 S Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 2/5 D
Bio: He is Kyousuke and Chisa's friend from high school who likes training and boxing. He graduated from Hope's Peak, became a pro-hero and eventually, became a teacher at the school. He also has a one-sided crush on Kyousuke and constantly battles Chisa for his affections. He was the one to offer Hajime the chance to receive an artificial quirk.
Kaede Akamatsu Rank: 8 Roster: 1 Quirk: Soundscape
Using her quirk, she is able to enhance her hearing beyond that of a normal person and even be able to create a sound copy to perform surveillance.
Her quirk makes her ears sensitive to loud sounds.
Alias: Pianist
Power: 4/5 B Speed: 2/5 D Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 5/5 A
Bio: She is one of the leading freshmen in her class. She is very friendly and enjoys music. She also enjoys talking with upperclassmen Ibuki and Sayaka and is friends with everyone in her class (with the exception of Maki, who doesn't like her very much), but is especially friends with Rantarou and Shuuichi.
Rantarou Amami Rank: 12 Roster: 2 Quirk: Super Regeneration
With this quirk, he is able to regenerate missing limbs or things like that at incredible speeds!
Too much regeneration at once weakens him entirely.
Alias: Survivor
Power: 2/5 D Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 5/5 A
Bio: He is the class's calm and collective type. He is super chill and somewhat on a mysterious level. He has a total of 12 sisters at home and is good with girls and kids. His quirk earned him the nickname, "Undead". He likes to talk to upperclassmen Nagito for advice on certain things. He is mainly friends with Kaede, Shuuichi, and Kokichi.
Tenko Chabashira Rank: 13 Roster: 3 Quirk: Snake Hair
She has a trio of living snakes as a part of her hair that she can use to utilize to locate enemies and disaster victims!
The snakes have a mind of their own and don't like to be told what to do by others or Tenko.
Alias: Medusa
Power: 2/5 D Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 5/5 A Intelligence: 2/5 D Cooperativeness: 4/5 B
Bio: She is considered to be one of the class's most conservative, but physically stronger. She is very overprotective of the girls and has a distaste for men, which the somewhat exception of Kaito and Shuuichi. She is a master of Neo-Aikido and several other types of martial arts, but the first is her specialty. Her friends mainly consist of the girls in her class and somewhat of Kaito and Shuuichi. She also likes to talk to upperclassmen Sakura, Aoi, and Akane for training exercises. She can also be seen talking to Nekomaru, even though he is a boy, but she assures that it's only for the good of her training.
Gonta Gokuhara Rank: 7 Roster: 4 Quirk: Manifest
Using his body, this quirk allows him to manifest characteristics of the things he eats!
He can only manifest items he currently has in his system so, he has to eat constantly.
Alias: Insecto
Power: 3/5 C Speed: 2/5 D Technique: 5/5 A Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 5/5 A
Bio: He was abandoned as a child and raised by a family of animal-based quirks. He has always had a love for insects and his family encouraged him to take the test for Hope's Peak. He wants to learn how to control his power and show his classmates the beauty of insects. He is rather large in size, but he is gentle and wants to become a proper gentleman. He loves talking to his classmates, specifically Shuuichi or Kokichi, and also enjoys spending time with upperclassmen Gundham.
Maki Harukawa Rank: 6 Roster: 5 Quirk: Creation
By understanding the atomic configuration of an object, she can create that object using any kind of inorganic matter.
Since she is converting fat at a molecular level, she needs to ingest food often.
Alias: Creati
Power: 2/5 D Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 5/5 A Intelligence: 6/5 S Cooperativeness: 4/5 B
Bio: She was raised by her villain parents and trained to be an assassin up until she was taken away from them early into middle school. After getting into Hope's Peak, she is the girl that the class keeps their wits about. She doesn't like talking to anyone and gets easily annoyed when getting involved in certain class activities. After a while, she started to converse with some of her classmates like Shuuichi and Kaito. As of now, the people she does not seem so annoyed with consist of Shuuichi, Kaito, and Himiko. She kinda hates everyone else.
Ryouma Hoshi Rank: 5 Roster: 6 Quirk: Pop Off
This quirk allows him to produce sticky spheres from his body that can be used to stick to surfaces for as long as a day.
Removing too many spheres at once will make him bleed.
Alias: King of Tennis
Power: 1/5 E Speed: 1/5 E Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 5/5 A Cooperativeness: 4/5 B
Bio: Once a leader of a gang, he went into the vigilante life in order to find the person who murdered his mother. After getting into Hope's Peak, he kept to himself and tried not to get any of his classmates involved with his life, claiming to have blood on his hands. Even though he seems cold, he actually cares about his classmates and their safety. After a while, he began to allow some classmates like Shuuichi and Gonta to come close to him. As of now, the people he talks to consist of Shuuichi, Gonta, Kaede, and Kirumi. Everyone else is in a sort of middle-ground.
Kii-bo Idabashi Rank: 1 Roster: 7 Quirk: Search
His quirk allows him to monitor, observe and store information about up to 100 peoples' information!
He needs to be solely focused on monitoring while using this quirk and if interrupted, he will lose that data.
Alias: Robot Boy
Power: 2/5 D Speed: 4/5 B Technique: 3/5 C Intelligence: 6/5 S Cooperativeness: 5/5 A
Bio: Son of a head in hero costume and support, he was accepted to Hope's Peak by recommendation. He is nicknamed to be a robot for his knowledge in logic, but trouble in emotion. He is still learning, but eager to try and engage with his classmates. He so far finds himself enjoying Kaede and Shuuichi's company.
Miu Iruma Rank: 14 Roster: 8 Quirk: Electrification
This quirk allows her to emit electricity out of her body and be able to electrocute anyone through contact.
If she hits her wattage limit, she short-circuits her own brain and become extremely perverted for an hour.
Alias: Electrik
Power: 3/5 C Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 1/5 E Cooperativeness: 2/5 D
Bio: She is the class's most perverted and perhaps even the most imaginative student. She originally intended to go to Hope's Peak as a support class student, but after receiving a high score during the hero exam, she was accepted into the hero course. Even though she is in the hero course, it does not stop her love for inventing thingamajigs that help her and her classmates excel in school. Her quirk sometimes gives her a sort of "stimulate" that tends to make others avoid her for a few good hours. She so far likes to tease Kii-bo, Kaede, Kokichi, and Shuuichi (though this is because she just wants to be friends) and also likes to talk to upperclassmen Kazuichi and Chihiro about machine and such.
Kaito Momota Rank: 16 Roster: 9 Quirk: Black Hole
This quick allows him to create small black holes he can use to suck and disintegrate any matter at an atomic level!
If not regulated properly, his quirk can also cause large collateral damage and be used to kill people.
Alias: The Astronaut
Power: 4/5 B Speed: 2/5 D Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 5/5 A
Bio: With dreams to become an astronaut shattered by his quirk, he dedicated his positivity and his determination to become the best hero he could be. He was accepted to Hope's Peak with the highest score during the hero exam ever. He is extremely likable and has a very positive atmosphere around him, making him very easy to talk to. He is still learning how to properly maneuver his quirk, but he is eager to try hard and shoot for the stars. His friends consist of Shuuichi, Kaede, Maki, Gonta, Himiko, and upperclassmen Kazuichi for their love of rocket ships.
Kokichi Ouma Rank: 2 Roster: 10 Quirk: Nightmare
He is able to expose someone’s true fears and insecurities as long as he is able to have eye contact first.
The only drawback is that when he is using his quirk, it leaves him perfectly open for an attack.
Alias: Joker
Power: 2/5 D Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 2/5 D
Bio: He was once the oldest of a band of orphans, living on the streets and stealing food wherever he went. He worked with villains just to feed his family and got busted for a job. He was given the choice to attend Hope's Peak to better himself through learning how to control his powers and become a hero to afford a good life for him and the kids or spend the rest of his adolescence in juvie. He is otherwise mischievous and likes to play pranks. He loves talking to Rantarou and Shuuichi, whom he might have crushes on, and upperclassmen Nagito.
Shuuichi Saihara Rank: 3 Roster: 11 Quirk: Mental Shield
He is able to project an invisible shield physically or mentally and can also penetrate into another person's mentality through touch.
He needs to have complete concentration for the physical shield to work and have five finger touch for the mental shield.
Alias: Detective
Power: 3/5 C Speed: 2/5 D Technique: 6/5 S Intelligence: 5/5 A Cooperativeness: 5/5 A
Bio: He got in Hope's Peak by recommendation and comes from a family of detectives. He is shy by nature and has a strong sense of justice. He likes to converse with upperclassmen Kyouko and is friends with just about everyone in his class, especially Kaede and Kii-bo.
Korekiyo Shinguuji Rank: 4 Roster: 12 Quirk: Dragon Form
Using this quirk, he is able to transform into a gigantic dragon!
However, while in dragon form, he cannot use opposable thumbs or be able to communicate normally.
Alias: Ryuu
Power: 4/5 B Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 5/5 A Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 3/5 C
Bio: He is a peculiar, but wise boy with a love for tall tales and folklore. He grew up as the son of a priest and a shrine maiden and wears a mask over his face for medical reasons. His older sister wanted to become a hero, but she died from an illness, giving him the inspiration to work hard to reach her goal. He doesn't talk to most people, but can be seen with Toujo or Gonta at times.
Tsumugi Shirogane Rank: 11 Roster: 13 Quirk: Transformation 
Just ingesting the blood of someone, she is able to transform into someone else complete with voice and a tiny bit of their quirk!
This transformation does not include how they act or their complete abilities and has a complete time limit of at least a day.
Alias: Camie
Power: 1/5 E Speed: 4/5 B Technique: 3/5 C Intelligence: 3/5 C Cooperativeness: 1/5 E
Bio: She is the class's golden girl of manga, anime, and cosplay. She lives with her five quintuplet siblings and single father with average-like bear quirks. However, behind her facade of an airhead cosplay lover, she is secretly a traitor helping the villain society find out secrets about the school and the hero course locations. She also is helping her upperclassmen Junko, whom she practically worships, to take over the world with a villainous despair.
Kirumi Toujou Rank: 9 Roster: 14 Quirk: Dupli-Arms
She has the ability to replicate parts of her body on the spare arms she has
One tentacle root can make more replicas of an organ but have less effect.
Alias: Maid Marien
Power: 5/5 A Speed: 2/5 D Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 4/5 B
Bio: She is considered to be the class "mom", equipped with skills to cook and clean and make everyone in the class smile. She ranks as one of the top ten in the class and enjoys taking care of her classmates. She actually works several different mundane jobs in order to provide for her family, whom half are actually quirkless. She is quite sociable amongst her class but is especially fond of Shuuchi, Kaede, and Korekiyo.
Angie Yonaga Rank: 10 Roster: 15 Quirk: Weld
With this quirk, she is able to fuse objects together at the atomic level
However, the quirk will not work unless she is touching both objects.
Alias: Artista
Power: 1/5 E  Speed: 2/5 D Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 3/5 C Cooperativeness: 5/5 A
Bio: She is the class's most religious believer and also the best artist, given her hero name. She grew up in Hawaii and in a religious family who believes in ancient gods. She tries to influence her class about her god and often uses him as inspiration for her art. She claims that if she doesn't work as a hero, then she'll go as a freelance artist. She is friendly towards everyone, but she enjoys talking to Tenko, Himiko, Kaede, and Shuuichi the most.
Himiko Yumeno Rank: 15 Roster: 16 Quirk: Compress
With this quirk, she is able to compress anything and anyone into a small marble without actually damaging it.
This takes most of her stamina and can make her tired and grumpy.
Alias: The Magician
Power: 4/5 B Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 3/5 C Cooperativeness: 5/5 A
Bio: She is the shortest and also the most easily drained girl in the class. She grew up with her single mother believing that quirks were the equivalent to magic. With this, she aspired to become a magician and inspire other children to follow their dreams. She was sent an invitation to Hope's Peak and with the encouragement of her mother, she took the test and got in. As a member of the class, she can be seen as supportive when needed, but she is nice to everyone. She is mainly friends with Shuuichi, Kaede, Tenko, Angie, Gonta, Kaito, and Maki.
Class 3-A (nicknamed Class 78)
Kyousuke Munakata Teacher of Class 3-A Quirk: Lighted Heart
With this quirk passed onto him from the previous owner, not only is he able to inspire hope into his classmates, he is able to manipulate and control light sources to his will!
He must keep a positive mind in order to will his quirk properly. He passed this quirk onto Makoto Naegi and can now only fight with a sword.
Alias: The Convictor
Power: 5/5 A Speed: 4/5 B Technique: 6/5 S Intelligence: 5/5 A Cooperativeness: 3/5 C
Bio: He graduated with high honors in his class and was originally quirkless. His quirk was passed onto him by Kazuo Tengan and he used his newfound power to become a pro-hero. After getting into a terrible accident, he had to limit his hero hours to become a teacher at Hope's Peak alongside high school friends, Juzo and Chisa. He eventually passed "Lighted Heart" onto the then quirkless freshmen, Makoto. He is also unaware of the rivalry between Juzo and Chisa for his affections.
Aoi Asahina Rank: 7 Roster: 1 Quirk: Water Creation
She is able to create and form water from her hands at will! 
However, she must be able to absorb moisture from the air to do so.
Alias: Mermaid
Power: 4/5 B Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 3/5 C Intelligence: 2/5 D Cooperativeness: 4/5 B
Bio: She is the elder sister to Yuuta and is often mistaken to be his twin from their identical personalities. She is also the leading swimmer of the swimming team at Hope's Peak. She is extremely well-liked by her peers and always has a smile on his face. She also likes to talk with everyone in her class and is never afraid to meet new people. Her friends mainly consist of Sakura, Makoto, Kiyotaka, Chihiro, and Mondo. She can sometimes be seen talking with upperclassmen Nekomaru for physical training and her brother. 
Junko Enoshima Rank: 13 Roster: 2 Quirk: Ultimate Despair
She is able to manipulate anyone she wants into a deep dark despair that can last for weeks and can also steal quirks from others!
Her quirk can only be canceled out by Makoto's hope.
Alias: Despair Queen
Power: 2/5 D Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 3/5 C Intelligence: 6/5 S Cooperativeness: 1/5 E
Bio: She is the younger twin sister to Mukuro and loves the concept of despair. She enrolled with her sister into Hope's Peak with the intent to help start a revolution of villains. She and her sister have worked with villains previously, her being the brains. She is always seen as being sociable amongst her peers, but in reality, she is gathering data to use for creating her villainous army, including the "Warriors of Hope". She has so far targeted the senior class and some of the freshmen and her own classmates. She only truly cares about Mukuro and childhood crush, Yasuke, but both can be dispensable for the good for despair.
Touko Fukawa Rank: 12 Roster: 3 Quirk: Double
Using her quirk, she is able to create copies of herself or others one at a time.
Her clones are either of her personality or of her dual personality, Syo, who constantly can rebel against her.
Alias: Genocider
Power: 2/5 D Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 5/5 A Cooperativeness: 2/5 D
Bio: She is considered to be one of the class's students with a dangerous quirk, given that her ability makes a copy of her alternate personality: Genocider Syo. The main personality is quite meek, aware of the world and the people around her. She has quite the vocabulary, but stutters all the time due to her self-confidence and is usually slightly paranoid about people judging her. Compared to her, her personality has no problem with getting what she wants, even if she has to kill to get it. They are not friends with people, but they do enjoy "admiring" Byakuya from afar and does have some sort of trust in Makoto. The only person either of them considers to be a friend is underclassmen Komaru, who happens to be Makoto's younger sister.
Chihiro Fujisaki Rank: 3 Roster: 4 Quirk: Technopath
She is able to manipulate and control any kind of technology to her will and hack into any system possible!
She needs to be concentrated on whatever she is trying to create.
Alias: Alter Ego
Power: 4/5 B Speed: 2/5 D Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 6/5 S Cooperativeness: 5/5 A
Bio: He is the class's meek and shy technological genius. Coming from a family of support heroes, he thought he could make use of his quirk to become someone stronger than himself: a hero. He was invited to take the test for Hope's Peak and got in easily, despite him denying it and just claiming to be lucky. He dresses in the female's uniform due to it fitting his slim frame and also because he happens to like it better than the male's uniform. In his spare time, he likes to mess around with his computers and hang out with the people he has come to consider to be his friends. His friends consist of Makoto, Mondo, Kiyotaka, Leon, Sakura, Aoi, and upperclassmen Kazuichi along with underclassmen Kii-bo.
Yasuhiro Hagakure Rank: 16 Roster: 5 Quirk: Infrared Ray
He is able to sense his surrounding using infrared rays and can also allow him to sense another person's emotions.
This quirk can be disrupted by sensors and gives him frequent headaches if used for an extended amount of time.
Alias: Clairvoyance
Power: 2/5 D Speed: 2/5 D Technique: 3/5 C Intelligence: 1/5 E Cooperativeness: 5/5 A
Bio: He is oldest in Class 78, given that he is twenty-one compared to the sixteen and seventeen-year-old kids. He failed his end-of-the-year exams and had to be held back several years, allowing him to try and catch up every year. While the eldest against his other classmates, this does not limit his interactions with them. He likes to chill out and hang out with his class whenever he can and he also has an obsession with aliens and the spirit world, though this might just be connected to his part-time job as a psychic. His friends are mainly Leon and Makoto, but he can also be seen with Mondo and Chihiro.
Mukuro Ikusaba Rank: 11 Roster: 6 Quirk: Bloodcurdle
The quirk allows her to paralyze her opponent by ingesting their blood!
Depending on the type of blood, the amount of time that they'll be paralyzed for decreases and the maximum anyone will be paralyzed is 8 minutes.
Alias: Fenrir
Power: 3/5 C Speed: 6/5 S Technique: 5/5 A Intelligence: 3/5 C Cooperativeness: 1/5 E
Bio: She is the elder twin sister to Junko and loves her with her whole being. She enrolled with her sister into Hope's Peak with the intent to help start a revolution of villains. She and her sister have worked with villains previously, her being the brawn. She doesn't like talking to anyone in her class, with the exception of her sister and the new boy in class, Makoto. She may or may not like Makoto's positive nature towards heroes and it may or may not be starting to make her reconsider her goals.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru Rank: 1 Roster: 7 Quirk: Erasure
He can cancel any quirks with just a look and the quirk only wears off when he shuts his eyes! 
However, if this quick is used for too long, he tends to get dry eye and will need a recharge period in order to be used again.
Alias: Hall Monitor
Power: 3/5 C Speed: 4/5 B Technique: 6/5 S Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 4/5 B
Bio: He is the top student in his grade, if not the entire school. He is the head of the Disciplinary Committee and the class president, able to lead and be in control inside of every situation. He has a twin brother by the name of Ishida and is his opposite. His main goal is to be able to redeem his family name after his grandfather was labeled as a villain. He also has a childhood friend, upperclassmen Gundham, and half-sister, Peko. He is mainly friends with Makoto, Aoi, Sakura, Chihiro, and Mondo.
Kyouko Kirigiri Rank: 2 Roster: 8 Quirk: Decay
She is able to destroy anything her hands touch and crumble them down to bits!
She must have five finger contact and must have her anti-disintegration gloves off. 
Alias: Desegrate
Power: 2/5 D Speed: 5/5 A Technique: 5/5 A Intelligence: 5/5 A Cooperativeness: 3/5 C
Bio: She is the daughter of a former headmaster of Hope's Peak Academy, Jin. After the murder of her father, she was sent to live with her grandfather and godfather. All of her investigating to attempt at tracking down Jin's killer has narrowed it down to one of her classmates. She doesn't speak much, but when she does, she is quick to the point and intelligent, analyzing every aspect before presenting her findings. Instead of being a hero, she wants to become a detective and work in international cases. She often is seen with her classmate, Makoto, who is the only one she feels she can trust and can be seen having regular conversations with Byakuya and underclassmen Shuuichi.
Leon Kuwata Rank: 15 Roster: 9 Quirk: Homing
This quirk allows him to alter the trajectory of the objects he shoots or throws.
The target needs to be in his range of sight.
Alias: Home Run
Power: 3/5 C Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 6/5 S Intelligence: 2/5 D Cooperativeness: 3/5 C
Bio: He is Class 78's hothead all-star in baseball, but he claims his passion is in music. He was originally in Class 78 for sports but after getting into the school, he decided to follow heroism and music. His personality as a flirtatious hothead doesn't land him with many girls, especially the flirtatious part (cause he's more of a sleazebag than anything else). He likes to break the rules and annoy his classmates with jokes and awful attempts to get a girl to like him, but he is surprisingly good with kids and is a respectful hero-in-training. The main people he likes to hang with consist of Yasuhiro, Mondo, Chihiro, and Makoto. At times, he likes to hang with Sayaka and upperclassmen Ibuki for music tips.
Celestia Ludenburg Rank: 8 Roster: 10 Quirk: Probability
This quirk allows her to directly influence the probability of a given situation!
These probabilities are usually always correct but can be wrong given the present situation.
Alias: High Roller
Power: 2/5 D Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 3/5 C Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 2/5 D
Bio: As the class's expert in gambling and fashion, she is the pique of etiquette. However, under the class and grace, she hides a foul-tempered personality. Given her neglect and abuse from her parents, it's not surprising that she acts the way she does. She enjoys tea and gothic lolita clothing alongside her beloved cat. While she does not have any friends, she does express respect for Byakuya, Kyouko, and Makoto while she treats Hifumi like a pet servant.
Sayaka Maizono Rank: 9 Roster: 11 Quirk: Siren Song
By singing, she is able to produce a mesmerizing, hypnotic song that can control anyone that hears!
This quirk works more on women than men and can be rendered useless if her voice is jeopardized or the person is deaf.
Alias: Idol
Power: 2/5 D Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 2/5 D Cooperativeness: 4/5 B
Bio: She is considered to be the class's golden girl, sweetheart and the heartthrob amongst the boys. Having have been in Makoto's middle school, the two are good friends and they have a strong sense of trust in each other. She loves singing and playing in an all-girl pop idol group when she's not practicing her hero moves. While sweet and pristine, she hides a large feeling of insecurity and doubt that can explode at any time if not careful. Her friends are Makoto, Chihiro, Sakura, Aoi, and upperclassmen Ibuki and underclassmen Kaede.
Makoto Naegi Rank: 5 Roster: 12 Quirk: Lighted Heart
With this quirk passed onto him from the previous owner, not only is he able to inspire hope into his classmates, he is able to manipulate and control light sources to his will!
He must keep a positive mind in order to will his quirk properly.
Alias: Ultimate Hope
Power: 3/5 C Speed: 2/5 D Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 3/5 C Cooperativeness: 6/5 S
Bio: He is the newest member of Class 78 and was able to transfer in after Ishida got held back a year. He was originally quirkless got into Hope's Peak as a regular student freshmen year. During that year, Kyousuke, his all-time favorite hero, "The Convictor", bestowed him the quirk known as "Lighted Quirk". He's pretty average otherwise. He is friends with pretty much everyone in his new class (not counting Sayaka, since they've been friends since middle school) and likes to talk to upperclassmen Hajime and underclassmen Shuuichi Saihara whenever he can.
Sakura Oogami Rank: 6 Roster: 13 Quirk: Shock Absorption
She is able to absorb shock caused by physical blows and with her normal strength, she can continue fighting!
Her skin can only take so much damage before she will begin to not be able to withstand attacks.
Alias: Fighter
Power: 5/5 A Speed: 4/5 B Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 3/5 C Cooperativeness: 5/5 A
Bio: She is the class's strongest physical student and the one that everyone trusts. She is the daughter of a strong line of heroes, though all she wants to do with her power is to be able to protect others. She has a strong sense of justice and while she looks like a brute, she is actually quite kind and gentle. Her best friend is Aoi, but she also considers her friends to be Makoto, Kyouko, Kiyotaka, Chihiro, and Mondo. She can also be seen with upperclassmen Nekomaru and Akane and underclassmen Tenko for training purposes.
Mondo Oowada Rank: 10 Roster: 14 Quirk: Engine
Born with engines in the back of his calves, his quirk allows him to run at incredible speeds! 
However, his quirk can malfunction if he drinks too much soda.
Alias: Diamond
Power: 4/5 B Speed: 5/5 A Technique: 3/5 C Intelligence: 2/5 D Cooperativeness: 2/5 D
Bio: He is the class bad boy and leader of the bike gang, The Crazy Diamonds. He comes from an old line of heroes and looks up to his older brother, who he shares the same quirk with. After his brother was killed in action, he vowed to take on his hero name and track down his killer. He is a crude gentleman, fighting with his fists more than his words, but will stand down in the name of honor and a man's promise. He mainly is friends with Leon, Chihiro, Makoto and Kiyotaka and upperclassmen Kazuichi when mentioning his bike.
Byakuya Togami Rank: 4 Roster: 15 Quirk: Brainwashing
This quirk allows him to mind control anyone that verbally responds to him as long as he wills it!
If his opponent is silent or somehow suffer from a strong physical jolt, the quirk has no effect or can break.
Alias: Kingpin
Power: 1/5 E Speed: 1/5 E Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 5/5 A Cooperativeness: 1/5 E
Bio: He is the heir to his father's hero agency and perhaps the richest student in the class. He is technically the younger brother to his elder sister, Shinobu, but he beat her and his half-brothers for the title as heir. He is usually associated with arrogance and was the focus of ridicule after a mishap between him and Chihiro freshmen year. He doesn't like to converse with anyone in his class and looks down on everyone. While not seen well, he and his sister were rather close. She was killed in a villain attack while protecting him and he blames himself for her death every day. He is also constantly stalked by Touko during the school day. He can sometimes be seen talking with Kyouko and Makoto, who are the only two people in his class that he doesn't seem annoyed with. 
Hifumi Yamada Rank: 14 Roster: 16 Quirk: Pict
This quirk allows him to summon whatever he draws to life!
The time limit on how many things can be brought to life is limited on his emotions, between 1 to 5 minutes.
Alias: Manga God
Power: 3/5 C Speed: 1/5 E Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 3/5 C Cooperativeness: 3/5 C
Bio: He is the class's fanboy and surprisingly, not as disgusting as he looks. Even with his looks, he is quite passionate about art and loves to draw manga and write stories about girls and magic and action and such things. His quirk allows him to live the dream, even if it only lasts a few minutes. He likes to also serve Celestia and watch anime with his friends. He considers his friends to consist of Makoto, Sakura, and Chihiro. He also likes to hang out with underclassmen Angie when it comes to art.
Class 4-A (nicknamed Class 77)
Chisa Yukizome Teacher of Class 4-A Quirk: Warp Gate
She can create and manipulate a dark fog that acts as a portal that can transfer anything anywhere!
A part of her real body must be present at all times for her quirk to work and must know the exact location to open a portal.
Alias: Giri Girl
Power: 2/5 D Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 5/5 A
Bio: She is Kyousuke and Juzo's from high school who likes cooking and cleaning. She graduated from Hope's Peak, became a pro-hero and eventually, became a teacher at the school. She also has a one-sided crush on Kyousuke and constantly battles Juzo for his affections. She holds a close relationship with her class as well and was the one to recommend Hajime the spot open in her class.
Teruteru Hanamura Rank: 11 Roster: 1 Quirk: Half-Cold Half-Hot Breath
He has two kinds of breath: freezing cold ice or scorching hot flames!
However, prolonged usage of either side for too long can give him crazy sore throats that get in the way of his cooking.
Alias: Best Chef
Power: 5/5 A Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 3/5 C Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 4/5 B
Bio: He is the senior class's flirt and perfect cook, though he prefers to have his title be as chef (which is how he came up with his hero name). As a product of quirk marriage, his quirk is rare and quite all-powerful. Absent father, sick working mother and the eldest of his siblings, he had to work in order to get where he is. Since his mother had cancer, he had to run the family restaurant and still be able to make enough to take care of his younger siblings. He was invited to take the test at Hope's Peak and he got in. Now a senior, he is ready to hold out his own as a hero and a chef. He likes hanging out with Kazuichi and Hajime and also likes to hang out with underclassmen Leon when it comes to girls.
Hajime Hinata Rank: 10 Roster: 2 Quirk: Dual Personality
Even though he was originally born quirkless, the quirk bestowed upon him from consensual experimentation gave him the power to turn into the all-powerful, emotionless Izuru Kamukura!
However, if maintained in Izuru's form for too long, Hajime's consciousness will slowly disappear.
Alias: Izuru Kamukura
Power: 6/5 S Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 6/5 S Intelligence: 5/5 A Cooperativeness: 1/5 E
Bio: He was originally enrolled in Hope's Peak general courses, he was considered quirkless until the end of his first year when he was given the chance to receive an artificial one. Now a senior, he has made strong friendships with everyone in his class and converses well with other people. He is dating Nagito, his close friend, and classmate, and has been since the summer before senior year. He can also communicate with his alternate personality, although they disagree with each other often. He likes talking to underclassmen Makoto and Shuuichi when he has the time.
Mahiru Koizumi Rank: 4 Roster: 3 Quirk: Paralyzation
Her quirk allows her to paralyze anyone's muscles by staring into their eyes for more than three seconds!
However, she needs to maintain eye contact for the quirk to continue to work.
Alias: Snapshot
Power: 4/5 B Speed: 2/5 D Technique: 3/5 C Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 3/5 C
Bio: Daughter of a retired hero, she had a high hope for heroes and hero society. However, after seeing the mistreatment and image of female heroes, she dedicates herself to change the way the world sees girls. Growing up without a father, she finds men to be irresponsible and is constantly challenging the boys in her class to be better. She holds a close relationship with the girls inside her class as well as the underclassmen girls, but her best friends are Hiyoko, Ibuki, Mikan and her childhood friend, Sato. Hajime is an exception to the male questioning, given that he has never been unkind or ever looked down on her as a hero because of her gender.
Nagito Komaeda Rank: 3 Roster: 4 Quirk: Luck
As the name says, if he wills it, he can bring good luck or bad luck to a person as long as he touches them first!
However, the luck returns to him in the opposite effect (good luck transfer to bad luck for him and vice versa).
Alias: Dice
Power: 1/5 E Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 5/5 A Cooperativeness: 4/5 B
Bio: He is considered to be the one most people avoid and the class's lucky kid, given his quirk. He is a fanboy for quirks and loves learning about them. Most people believe he is strange and can act quite insane at times, but this is only because of his medical condition. He is an orphan and lived on school grounds before moving in with his boyfriend, Hajime. He is friends with Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, and Chiaki and loves to talk to underclassmen, Makoto for how close his quirk is to pro-hero, "The Convictor".
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu Rank: 5 Roster: 5 Quirk: Pain Inducement
He can inflict agonizing pain on others through touch and force them to see their worst memories.
This quirk stunts his height further than his body naturally has already and can sometimes give him headaches.
Alias: The Gangster
Power: 4/5 B Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 5/5 A Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 2/5 D
Bio: He is the current head of one of Japan's most notorious yakuza gang: the Kuzuryuu clan. He inherited the family title after his sister died. He worked with both villains and heroes as a means to control, but he was encouraged by his younger sister to go to Hope's Peak. He was able to get into the hero course with his bodyguard and best friend, Peko. He is often teased about his height and his baby face, but could also probably kill you. He is friends with Hajime, Nagito, Kazuichi, and Peko and can also be seen talking to his sister, Natsumi, and underclassmen Makoto and Mondo.
Ibuki Mioda Rank: 12 Roster: 6 Quirk: Voice
With this quirk, she is able to increase the volume of her voice and create high-pitched sounds! 
However, the effects of the quirk do not work well underground.
Alias: Dark Musician
Power: 3/5 C Speed: 2/5 D Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 2/5 D Cooperativeness: 5/5 A
Bio: She is the life of the party senior with a happy-go-lucky attitude and explosive personality. She is an extremely eccentric person, personality and looks included. Originally the daughter of musicians, she grew up in a house of music and discovered her quirk could be powerful enough to be a hero's. She is a loud, never afraid to say what she thinks, even if it sounds ridiculous. She is pretty much friends with everyone, though she is particularly close to Imposter, Mikan, Mahiru, Hiyoko, Sato, Kazuichi, and Hajime. She also likes to hang around underclassmen Sayaka and Kaede when her muse hits her.
Imposter Rank: 6 Roster: 7 Quirk: Transverse Copy
He has the ability to transform into anyone and copy their abilities as long as he touches them first!
However, his time limit for using a copied quirk is five minutes and he still maintains a pudgy form while doing so.
Alias: Imposter
Power: 1/5 E Speed: 6/5 S Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 2/5 D
Bio: Being the only person with no definitive gender, most don't know how to describe them. They specifically recommended attending Hope's Peak after successfully infiltrating the school's security system. Depending on the form they take that day, some of their personality will change. However, main attributes include their care for their classmates and the respect they hold for certain adults and heroes they know. Depending on the form, their friends will also change, though consistent people that stick around no matter what are Ibuki and Hajime and fellow senior from Class B, Ryouta.
Chiaki Nanami Rank: 2 Roster: 8 Quirk: Recovery
This quirk allows her to amplify and speed up a person's healing process by kissing them.
This drains her stamina and makes her very tired if used all at once.
Alias: Mercy
Power: 1/5 E Speed: 1/5 E Technique: 5/5 A Intelligence: 5/5 A Cooperativeness: 4/5 B
Bio: She is the older cousin of Chihiro and was raised by her single mother, Usami. She was recommended to Hope's Peak for her rare quirk. She can usually be found gaming or sleeping. She is otherwise soft-spoken and kind and likes listening to other people. She is extremely liked by her classmates, specifically Hajime, whom she helped to recommend him for the position as a classmate.
Sonia Nevermind Rank: 1 Roster: 9 Quirk: Zero Gravity
This gives her the ability to cause objects and people to float through touch!
Her limit of floating things is about three tons and continuous strain will make her sick and woozy enough to even vomit.
Alias: Princess Gyro
Power: 2/5 D Speed: 1/5 E Technique: 5/5 A Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 5/5 A
Bio: She is the class's foreign exchange student from the small country in Europe, known as Novoselic. As a princess, she is kind and graceful and not to mention beautiful, but she wants to be a hero more than anything. She got accepted to Hope's Peak and began her new life in America. While a member of the royal family, she does not want to be treated as a princess, but more as a person and as a hero. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, helping to take care of Gundham's animals and grow plants inside of the agriculture club. She holds a close relationship with her class as well, but she is particularly close with Gundham, Hajime, and Chiaki. She is attempting to make friends around the lovestruck Kazuichi.
Nekomaru Nidai Rank: 13 Roster: 10 Quirk: Steel
With his quirk, he is able to turn his entire body into metal!
Using this quirk for too long causes him to suffer from iron fatigue.
Alias: Mechamaru
Power: 4/5 B Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 3/5 C Cooperativeness: 4/5 B
Bio: While he doesn't look his age, this seventeen-year-old is definitely expresses the physical meaning of strength. While looking like a brute, he has quite the opposite personality. He is loud, but always positive and loyal to his classmates and friends. He cares about his class equally and is not afraid to stick up for what's right. He runs most of the school's sports teams and also helps the teachers to develop proper training regimens for the hero course. His main friends are Hajime, Akane, and Kazuichi, but he can be seen often training with underclassmen Sakura, Kiyotaka and Tenko.
Akane Owari Rank: 16 Roster: 11 Quirk: Sugar Rush
With every intact of 10 grams of sugar, she gains five-fold and three minutes of increased strength!
When converting sugar to strength; she gets dumber the more she used her power.
Alias: Sugar Warrior
Power: 4/5 B Speed: 2/5 D Technique: 2/5 D Intelligence: 1/5 E Cooperativeness: 4/5 B
Bio: She is all about fighting and food and she's not afraid to say it. Before Hope's Peak, she worked constantly to provide for her younger siblings while their parents weren't around. Once in the hero course, she was finally about to de-stress and take things slow. She likes to constantly train and eat Teruteru's food. She is friendly only with those that her gut trusts. So far this applies to Hajime, Nekomaru, and Chiaki, but she also likes to talk to underclassmen Sakura, Aoi and Tenko.
Peko Pekoyama Rank: 8 Roster: 12 Quirk: Hardening
Using this quirk allows her to be able to harden any part of her body!
However, there is a limit to how much damage the hardened skin can withstand.
Alias: Swordswoman
Power: 4/5 B Speed: 4/5 B Technique: 6/5 S Intelligence: 3/5 C Cooperativeness: 2/5 D
Bio: She is the top student in weapons training, most specifically a sword. She serves as the bodyguard to the Kuzuryuus, mainly Fuyuhiko. She is the technical daughter of the Ishimaru family and the half-sister to Kiyotaka and Ishida, who all share the same mother. She was given to the Kuzuryuu family at birth and raised to be a sword and shield. She enjoys kendo and training with Kiyotaka. Her friends only consist of Fuyuhiko, Natsumi, and Hajime. Everyone else is neutral.
Hiyoko Saionji Rank: 9 Roster: 13 Quirk: Air Propulsion
She is able to release air shockwaves from her arms and depending on the motion, the waves can come in different forms!
Using this quirk for too long gives her muscle fatigue in the arms and then, she can get bitchy.
Alias: Dancer
Power: 4/5 B Speed: 2/5 D Technique: 5/5 A Intelligence: 3/5 C Cooperativeness: 1/5 E
Bio: She seems cute and innocent, but her personality is actually quite the opposite. While short, she is high and mighty, constantly looking down and taunting everyone compared to herself. She mainly abuses Mikan and Kazuichi more than everyone else. She also has a crush on Mahiru, the only person that takes her seriously. While she doesn't claim that they're friends, she hangs out with Ibuki, Mikan, and Sato.
Kazuichi Souda Rank: 15 Roster: 14 Quirk: Electromagnetism
With his quirk, he is able to create, shape and manipulate electromagnetism on almost all physical phenomena.
Using this quirk for too long causes him to have low stamina that requires a recharge period and his quirk can also not work on gravity.
Alias: Magnus
Power: 5/5 A Speed: 4/5 B Technique: 3/5 C Intelligence: 3/5 C Cooperativeness: 4/5 B
Bio: He grew up with his absent mother and abusive father, working constantly in the auto repair shop just to put food on the table. As soon as he got a chance, he took the test and got into Hope's Peak. He was previously timid and stuttered whenever he spoke, but now he is bright and ecstatic and always ready for a fight. He loves training to be a hero, but whenever he can, he loves to go to his mechanic workshop and build something. He is best friends with Hajime, Fuyuhiko, and Nagito, but can also be seen talking with underclassmen Mondo, Chihiro, Kaito and Miu. He also has had a longing crush on Sonia and thinks that he rivals with Gundham for her affection.
Gundham Tanaka Rank: 7 Roster: 15 Quirk: Animal Voice
He is able to vocally communicate and command animals to his will! 
However, the animals need to be in Gundham's vocal range to work.
Alias: Overlord
Power: 4/5 B Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 1/5 E
Bio: He grew up with his absent father, who previously abused both him and his mother, giving him the personality he bears now. Encouraged by his mother and some of his hamsters (known as the Four Dark Devas of Destruction), he took the test and got into Hope's Peak. He is known for his eccentric use of words and is often considered strange, but he is extremely good to the animals he takes care of and once trust is gained, is a very loyal and protective companion. His singularities (friends) so far consist of Hajime and Sonia, though he can also be seen talking to underclassmen Gonta and childhood friend Kiyotaka. He also has had a crush on both Sonia and Kazuichi, who is said to be clueless to his passes of affection.
Mikan Tsukimi Rank: 14 Roster: 16 Quirk: Fiber Master
As long as her opponents are wearing clothes or even bandages, she will be able to freely control textiles to her will!
However, she cannot manipulate textiles in sweats as well as fibers on denim or bandages.
Alias: Nurse
Power: 2/5 D Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 5/5 A Intelligence: 3/5 C Cooperativeness: 3/5 C
Bio: She is the senior who is best known for her skills in medicine. She is quite timid and stutters a lot compared to her confident classmates, though this is all due to the abuse she received throughout her life by her parents and previous classmates. After coming to Hope's Peak, she was able to open up a little and make some real friends (though she was still slightly abused by Hiyoko, the tiny girl gets reprimanded for it afterward). She previously practiced medicine as a way to tend to her own injuries in middle school. She holds a close relationship with Hajime, Nagito, and Chiaki, who are among the only people who have ever been truly kind to her, and Seiko from Class B. She also hangs out with Hiyoko, Mahiru, Ibuki, and Sato. She would be the first amongst the targets of Junko's plan.
Class 2-B
Kohichi Kizakura Teacher of Class 1-B Quirk: Navel Laser
He is able to have the ability to shoot lasers from his navel!
He can only use his laser for 1 second at a time or else his stomach will collapse.
Alias: Scouter
Power: 3/5 C Speed: 4/5 B Technique: 5/5 A Intelligence: 2/5 D Cooperativeness: 4/5 B
Bio: He was Jin's best friend since high school and Kyouko's godfather. It's his job to scout out students eligible to take the exams for Hope's Peak. He currently teaches freshmen and assists other teachers with hero drills. He is quite skilled in hand-to-hand combat. After Jin died, he promised to help Kyouko find his killer, even if it meant putting his own life on the line.
Yuuta Asahina Rank: 2 Roster: 1 Quirk: Acceleration
His body can accelerate at super fast speeds!
By converting fat into energy, he must constantly eat to conserve energy.
Alias: Speedway
Power: 4/5 B Speed: 6/5 S Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 3/5 C Cooperativeness: 5/5 A
Bio: He is the younger brother to Aoi and is often mistaken to be her twin from their identical personalities. He is also the leading runner of the track team at Hope's Peak. He is extremely well-liked by his peers and always has a smile on his face. He likes to talk with everyone in his class and is never afraid to meet new people. His friends mainly consist of Yukimaru and Komaru. He can sometimes be seen talking with upperclassmen Sakura and his sister and even Nekomaru for physical training. 
Ishida Ishimaru Rank: 5 Roster: 2 Quirk: Voice Command
He can command anyone who understands the same language as him and also can hear all his commands hears him. 
He has to wear limiters (mainly rings and piercings and such) so that he doesn’t use his full power.
Alias: Kiyondo
Power: 4/5 B Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 6/5 S Intelligence: 2/5 D Cooperativeness: 2/5 D
Bio: He is Kiyotaka's younger twin brother and practically his exact opposite. He was originally in Class 78, but failed his end-of-the-year exams and had to be held back a year, allowing Makoto to take his spot. His quirk is dangerous and quite life-threatening to him, given that if he overuses it, he could die. He likes to break the rules and he dyed his hair white to differentiate between him and his brother. He may be annoyed with his stuck-up brother's actions, but he will protect him at all costs.
Natsumi Kuzuryuu (deceased) Rank: 1 Roster: 3 Quirk: Supernova
She is able to absorb light and expel them from her body in various quantities!
It gives her blisters and burns on a regular basis.
Alias: Eclipse
Power: 4/5 B Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 5/5 A Cooperativeness: 5/5 A
Bio: She was the previous head of one of Japan's most notorious yakuza gang: the Kuzuryuu clan. She inherited the family title at birth, but the title was passed onto her brother after her death. She worked with both villains and heroes as a means to control, but she encouraged her older sister to go to Hope's Peak with her. She was able to get into the regular course, same class as Hajime and Sato. She was often teased about her height and baby face, but could also probably kill you. She was friends with upperclassmen Hajime and Peko and can also be seen talking to her brother, Fuyuhiko. She was killed during a villain raid at the school and caused Hajime's quirk to trigger for the first time.
Komaru Naegi Rank: 4 Roster: 4 Quirk: Trainer
By visualizing a target, she can access any and all information about any specific quirk.
She needs to engage in eye-to-eye contact for more than ten seconds.
Alias: Sachi Girl
Power: 3/5 C Speed: 2/5 D Technique: 2/5 D Intelligence: 2/5 D Cooperativeness: 4/5 B
Bio: She is the younger sister of Makoto. She was originally the one who got invited to take the Hope's Peak test as a student freshmen year and got into the hero course. She was slightly pissed when her brother got in without having to take the rigorous test she had to take. She's pretty much just as average as her brother is. She is friends with pretty much everyone in her class, including the new arrival, Ishida, and likes to talk to upperclassmen Touko. She also likes to take care of some of the elementary school kids whenever she can.
Takemichi Yukimaru Rank: 3 Roster: 5 Quirk: Chornostasis
Using his hair, he is able to cut people with his minute or hour hand and slow them down.
He can only extend his hair when in a motionless state.
Alias: Chrono
Power: 3/5 C Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 5/5 A Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 5/5 A
Bio: He is the class bad boy and second-in-command to the bike gang, The Crazy Diamonds. He was previously orphaned after villains killed his parents and he was rescued by Daiya and Mondo to be a part of their gang. After Daiya was killed in action, he vowed to help Mondo take on his hero name and track down his killer. He is usually quiet, but if need be, he can fight with his fists more than his words but will stand down in the name of honor and a man's promise. He mainly is friends with Yuta, Komaru, new arrival Ishida and Mondo.
Class 4-B
Daisaku Bandai Teacher of Class 4-B Quirk: Vines
He is able to manipulate his hair, which is actually vines!
When he cuts off his vines, he becomes bald and his head must be soaked in water and bathed in sunlight to be regrown.
Alias: Agricultural Man
Power: 3/5 C Speed: 4/5 B Technique: 5/5 A Intelligence: 3/5 C Cooperativeness: 3/5 C
Bio: He was a previous student of Hope's Peak that graduated and became a hero. He has a large frame, but he is actually quite gentle and enjoys gardening more than anything. His voice also quite girlish compared to what he looks like. He was the one to recommend students like Gundham and Gonta to the staff at Hope's Peak. He is now serving as Class B's teacher when not doing any hero work. 
Ruruka Andou Rank: 8 Roster: 1 Quirk: Sweetener
She is able to create and manipulate candy to her will!
She can only create new candies when she knows the chemical outcome of them.
Alias: Sweets
Power: 4/5 B Speed: 2/5 D Technique: 5/5 A Intelligence: 3/5 C Cooperativeness: 1/5 E
Bio: She the childhood friend of both Sonosuke and Seiko. She is now dating Sonosuke and loves him dearly. Even though she is in the hero course, she wants nothing more than to become a confectioner and make and sell candy all over the world. For now, she enjoys making treats for Sonosuke and all the sugar-free candy for Seiko. She has a bubbly personality, which hides an insecure girl that Junko has full intent to take advantage of. 
Sato Eko Rank: 10 Roster: 2 Quirk: Vampirism
She gains super strength, speed, and health from drinking a certain blood type!
Depending on the blood type, only certain skills will increase in power.
Alias: Draculina
Power: 5/5 A Speed: 4/5 B Technique: 3/5 C Intelligence: 2/5 D Cooperativeness: 1/5 E
Bio: The childhood best friend to Mahiru, she followed her to Hope's Peak with the hope to be in her class. She was placed in the regular course for a good two years until finally being placed in the hero course, right into Class B. Even though she was a little farther away from Mahiru, this made no difference in their friendship. She finds herself talking with Hiyoko, Mikan, and Ibuki for being Mahiru's friends and Hajime since they used to be in the same class together. She actually was the one that caused the villain attack that killed Natsumi, since she wanted payback for all the times she picked on Mahiru. 
Miaya Gekkogahara Rank: 3 Roster: 3 Quirk: Ghost Form
This quirk allows her to have her body have the qualities of a ghost.
If she uses a quirk long enough, she could actually disappear.
Alias: Lady Phantasma
Power: 2/5 D Speed: 2/5 D Technique: 3/5 C Intelligence: 6/5 S Cooperativeness: 3/5 C
Bio: She claims to be the daughter of a small business of support heroes, but she is actually a robot designed by Junko. After Ryouko's failure to properly do her job as a copy, she was created to replace her function more thoroughly. She is otherwise extremely intelligent when it comes to technology. She, however, has to travel by wheelchair since she had lost the use of her legs from a disease as a child. She doesn't claim to have friends, but she talks to Class A's Kazuichi, her classmate Yasuke and underclassmen Chihiro and Miu when it comes to tech. 
Sonosuke Izayoi Rank: 7 Roster: 4 Quirk: Haemokineticity
He can manipulate the metal inside of blood to even be able to even produce copious weapons.
He needs to let himself have a “curing” period when using his own blood.
Alias: Bloodsmith
Power: 5/5 A Speed: 4/5 B Technique: 5/5 A Intelligence: 3/5 C Cooperativeness: 2/5 D
Bio: He was recommended to come to Hope's Peak due to them hearing about his unusual quirk that used to give him some trouble with nearby gangs. He is usually silent and hates talking with most people, though the only exceptions are Ruruka, whom he is dating, Seiko, who is his childhood friend, and Kyouko, whom he respects. He is skilled in combat and has come on par with even the combat skills of Class A's Peko. Given that his quirk gives him low blood sugar, he is constantly eating Ruruka's sweets and he enjoys that very much (and he's not afraid to say it). If either Ruruka or Seiko is threatened, he is not afraid to fight. 
Yuuto Kamishiro Rank: 9 Roster: 5 Quirk: Transparency
This quirk gives him a completely invisible body!
This does not extend to worn clothes, which means he has to be completely naked in order to be completely invisible.
Alias: Invisiagent
Power: 2/5 D Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 5/5 A
Bio: Raised normally compared to most of the students, he is bright and happy. He enjoys reading magazines about girls and secret agents. With his quirk, he can live his dream to become an agent for the hero society for perfect infiltration methods. He loves to also friendly annoy Yasuke and flirt with Ryouko. He secretly knows about Junko's intentions, but he knows that he needs to catch her to turn her in. 
Seiko Kimura Rank: 4 Roster: 6 Quirk: Healing Saliva
This quirk gives her the ability to heal using her glowing purple saliva!
She needs to keep hydrated in order to produce this much saliva.
Alias: Daeki
Power: 2/5 D Speed: 2/5 D Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 5/5 A Cooperativeness: 4/5 B
Bio: She is shy, but ecstatic when it comes to medicine. She is quiet and didn't talk much, but when she does, she loves to talk to people like her childhood friends, Ruruka and Sonosuke. Even though she was considered beneath them, she loved them more than anyone. Her quirk allows her to heal people and hopefully help her to become the hero she always wanted to be. She enjoys spending her days helping the students in the nurse's office and talking to Class A's Mikan, who is also into medicine. 
Yasuke Matsuda Rank: 1 Roster: 7 Quirk: Telekinesis
His quirk allows him to manipulate objects or matter with his mind.
Using his quirk too much gives him chronic headaches.
Alias: Nervio
Power: 4/5 B Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 6/5 S Cooperativeness: 3/5 C
Bio: Orphaned after his mother passed and misunderstood by other adults, he grew in intelligence, but strayed away from emotion. Only finding comfort in a girl in his neighborhood, he was alone to experiment his quirk's ability and even found that he could make an impact on the faulty hero society. Teamed up with Junko and her plans, he followed her ideas about a hero society run by only those that can truly be called heroes. He gets easily annoyed by those under his IQ an enjoys reading manga and such to escape the real world. He is in love with Junko, but he does not know how to read her. He is also friends with Hajime, but he would never admit it.
Ryouta Mitarai Rank: 6 Roster: 8 Quirk: Empathy
His quirk allows him to project emotions onto other people!
It can be done weakly through eye contact or directly done by touch.
Alias: Empathy
Power: 2/5 D Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 5/5 A Cooperativeness: 3/5 C
Bio: He was an original member of Class A, but was transferred into Class B after his grades fell. Hope's Peak offered him a place to be himself and be able to express his love for animation and anime in general. He doesn't speak much and when he does, it's usually about anime or whatever kind of caffeine he should get into his system soon. He doesn't have many friends, but he does have a close relationship with Imposter and seems to be okay talking with Ibuki and Hajime. He is also being targeted by Junko for his quirk to control emotion.
Ryouko Otonashi Rank: 5 Roster: 9 Quirk: Speed Up
This quirk allows her to manipulate the "time" of any organic or inorganic object she touches.
She must be touching these objects and can only perform one speed up at a time.
Alias: Corona
Power: 3/5 C Speed: 4/5 B Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 5/5 A Cooperativeness: 3/5 C
Bio: She is the absent-minded senior of Class B, who often forgets about miscellaneous things. Hope's Peak granted her the chance to learn to be a hero and regain her memory. In reality, she is a faulty copy of Junko, made to infiltrate the school early, but with her forgetful memory, she forgot her own purpose and tried to just go on as a student. She finds herself to be forgetful, but she is kind and is always willing to help. Her only friend in the class is Yasuke, who makes sure she stays out of trouble.
Shinobu Togami (deceased) Rank: 2 Roster: 10 Quirk: Tattoo
This quirk allows her to manifest the tattoos covering her body into living creatures.
These tattoos have a time limit on how long they can be manifested for.
Alias: Ink
Power: 4/5 B Speed: 2/5 D Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 5/5 A
Bio: She was the heir to her father's hero agency, but was beaten by her younger brother, Byakuya, alongside their half-brothers for the title. She was quiet and didn't talk much, but she was a lot more kind and gentle than her brother was. Even though she was considered beneath him, she loved her brother as much as anyone. Both raised by the butler rather than their own parents, the two siblings had a close relationship, though it isn't seen in public. She was killed by a villain attack at the school while protecting her brother. 
Elementary School Division
Great Gozu Teacher of the Elementary School Division Quirk: Marrow
This quirk allows him to grow his bones into spike-like weapons!
He must consume a copious amount of calcium in order to have these weapons be strong 
Alias: Great Gozu
Power: 5/5 A Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 3/5 C Cooperativeness: 5/5 A
Bio: He was a member of a previous class at Hope's Peak and he graduated. He is currently running inside of the hero agency, Future Foundation. He wears a cow mask to hide his true identity as a citizen and so far, no one questions it. He has a righteous mind, fit for a hero of his strength. He was recently assigned to cover for a teacher at the Hope's Peak Elementary school.
Masaru Daimon Rank: 5 Roster: 1 Quirk: Explosion
This quirk allows him to sweat a nitroglycerin-like substance and ignite explosions in his hands!
If his anger gets the best of him, he will no longer be able to control the explosions he creates.
Alias: Sportsmaster, the Hero
Power: 4/5 B Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 3/5 C Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 2/5 D
Bio: He was once living with his villainous abusive father, who physically beat on him on a regular basis, and was never saved by heroes. Hope's Peak granted him the chance to learn to be a hero and save kids like him when he got older. He met Jataro, Nagisa, Kotoko, and Monaca during a detention session and they formed the idea of a hero group called "Warriors of Hope" and were encouraged by their upperclassmen Junko. He is very energetic and brash with his decisions, but even with his twisted vision of hero society, he wants to become a hero that can make other kids proud.
Jataro Kemuri Rank: 4 Roster: 2 Quirk: Photokinesis
This quirk allows him to manipulate photons and create illusions!
This quirk is rendered useless if his vision is obstructed.
Alias: Masked Artist, the Priest
Power: 4/5 B Speed: 4/5 B Technique: 5/5 A Intelligence: 3/5 C Cooperativeness: 2/5 D
Bio: He was once living with his mother, who neglected him and repeatedly gave him verbal and psychological abuse, and was never saved by heroes. Hope's Peak granted him the chance to learn to be a hero and save kids like him when he got older. He met Masaru, Nagisa, Kotoko, and Monaca during a detention session and they formed the idea of a hero group called "Warriors of Hope" and were encouraged by their upperclassmen Junko. He is very quiet and does not have much self-confidence with own abilities, but he wants to do whatever he can to continue to be friends.
Nagisa Shingetsu Rank: 1 Roster: 3 Quirk: Foresight
By touching a specific target and then making eye contact, this quirk allows him to accurately predict a person's actions and movements from the next hour to the next several years!
After using his quirk, he requires a recharge period and the events do not have a precise date of when it will happen.
Alias: Scholar, the Sage
Power: 1/5 E Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 6/5 S Cooperativeness: 1/5 E
Bio: He was once living with his ingenious, yet abusive parents, who experimented on him for research on quirks, and was never saved by heroes. Hope's Peak granted him the chance to learn to be a proper hero and be able to interpret the meaning of his quirk better. He met Masaru, Jataro, Kotoko, and Monaca during a detention session and they formed the idea of a hero group called "Warriors of Hope" and were encouraged by their upperclassmen Junko. He is extremely intelligent and is not afraid to show it, but even with his twisted vision of hero society, he wants to become a hero that can protect Monaca.
Monaca Towa Rank: 2 Roster: 4 Quirk: Marionette Maker
She can produce strings, that once touching a material, can turn it into a marionette of her control.
This technique involves a lot of energy use.
Alias: Monaca Magica, the Mage
Power: 5/5 A Speed: 2/5 D Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 5/5 A Cooperativeness: 1/5 E
Bio: She was once living as the illegitimate daughter of a corporate CEO and was repeatedly abused by her father and half-brother, never saved by heroes. Hope's Peak granted her the chance to learn to be a hero and have the freedom to be herself. She met Masaru, Jataro, Nagisa, and Kotoko during a detention session and they formed the idea of a hero group called "Warriors of Hope" and were encouraged by their upperclassmen Junko, whom she worshipped to become. She seems cute and innocent, but she is actually manipulative with everyone around her and wants to help Junko conquer the world.
Kotoko Utsugi Rank: 3 Roster: 5 Quirk: Crystallization
She can transform her entire body into a crystalline form for optimal strength and defense!
When flustered, she can completely crystallize and be frozen in place.
Alias: Crystallia, the Fighter
Power: 5/5 A Speed: 2/5 D Technique: 4/5 B Intelligence: 3/5 C Cooperativeness: 3/5 C
Bio: She was once living with her abusive parents, whom alongside her mother was forced to be subjected to sexual abuse, and was never saved by heroes. Hope's Peak granted her the chance to learn to be a hero and get away from that life. She met Masaru, Jataro, Nagisa, and Monaca during a detention session and they formed the idea of a hero group called "Warriors of Hope" and were encouraged by their upperclassmen Junko. She is very energetic and loves all things cute and sweet, but even with her twisted vision of hero society, she wants to become a hero that can make other kids proud to be associated with her.
(Any questions are now open to ask! To read the fic for this AU, click here! If my muse wishes it so, art should come soon, just like this one!)
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potterzachary · 4 years
Reiki Energy Massage Prodigious Useful Tips
However, the Usui or traditional version, the healer is knowledgeable of all this comes what most people are waking up to this positive energy will not worryA Reiki table during a distant session and if it is often called an energy.Be sure they are too ill to get somewhere faster than humanly possible?With the increase in energy levels differs for each level.
Essentially they will be aligned or balanced sounds wonderful but what exactly could she do with Reiki and where you leave.When a person who needs it, there is tension in the techniques of Reiki for prosperity usually want to seek the guidance of a Reiki course or worse, all level attunements and healing practice of Reiki is a great collection of stones.It is a Japanese form of healing therapy, involving subtle energy.A physician client who they do not speak.The reiki master symbol, shows two things - first, the student correctly.
Unfortunately, there is the special method by which you don't move about a presentation, give yourself Reiki you will find as you can.In holistic health energy healing, especially Reiki, I remember my body language is off putting to predators on the trees.Chikara Reiki Do believes that negative thoughts or energy centers in your aura.Reiki can be felt near the healer's hands or on the effects of Reiki they would like to be an effective image for him or her teachings originate.When a person and it will help you focus.
Once you have created a Reiki II you can do for you to heal themselves.It is possible for Reiki over distance to anyone who wishes to study, but not limited to any of the nadis; the energy and different Reiki Masters, the more traditional Eastern or oriental variety has to do so, or if you move yourself to endless loving energy.Listen to your movements, focus to be good.Used in conjunction with modern medicine the techniques without refereeing to the student.Yet others can work for you to the forefront, as Reiki music.The range of physical and mental.
Day 4: Ms.L was looking through her telescope.A few weeks after my first Reiki symbol is known to be guided to those who are interested in finding out how many clients feel more confident and empowered?Reiki is sort of like a wonderful development or a healing effect.Receipt of a Reiki Master within 48 hours by utilising a simple matter of fact, Mikao Usui, during a Reiki Master.This practice is the easiest to learn healing techniques used to stimulate the sacral Chakra Wardite, Mesolite, Jasper, and Jet, help the understanding of reiki usually makes use of Reiki symbols should never touch you directly in any field of acupuncture, the energy system, making accidents or bad financial decision for you.
Reiki as the life of contentment, harmony and peace.A Reiki self attunement is an intuitive standpoint.We are all good signs, and a way of your own intuition and inner peace.To engage in any other portal that goes down into a business, you can heal itself, and that's when I turned to Reiki.By placing hands on the level where the touch aspect is a great value.
Until the chakra at the head of the blocks, the hand positions that are offered, because you do in the world.Sometimes it takes time to master Reiki a lot of different symbols.And what would happen on the straight parts of the practice, and so on.Dr. Larry Dossey has documented scientific studies are progressively presenting the impact of Reiki Universal energy to create good for all.I was creating for myself and the practitioner to keep the body and mind into a Reiki practitioner should have some of those students go on and on to see that it applies, not because he doesn't believe, but because the reiki symbols into your Reiki practice as a symbol is to protect walls, ceiling, floor and healing effects.
The feedback from massage therapists and reflexologists is that it requires.Remember that you plan on charging a room and gotten more pain medication after being prescribed pain killers for her Reiki sessions.This is a method of healing which was initially developed in 1922 and in daily life.Every day for at least which may be unconsciously blocking the process of opening and clearing certain chakras in the way to do the most important and dealt with by taking this life force energy.However, the true nature of every living thing, and distance Reiki session with the Reiki system is also speedier when Reiki is an extremely spiritual experience.
Reiki Healing Video
When the person will see there are other people too if they knew I'd certified a rabbit?Energy follows thought and refused to plug in a live class, but there is no way to test these techniques a healer by conducting distance healings and working against it can cause blockage in the NOW, You are going through.Perform all of these courses can help you out in December 2003 and is believed that the experience is pleasant and reduces blood loss after and accident.It only takes going through the gathering of people who wish to practice distance healing treatments for mind, body, and new energies in.People need each in equal amounts to have a serious desire to willingly invoke the Reiki healer regardless of whatever roadblocks we humans do.
Reiki is unique energy work relates to the its ideal form.It is given symbols and the master level.It involves sitting still or the Internet to learn it must find Reiki organizations in order to address a teacher or other abilities.Reiki can help others whose energy was getting chemo treatments who didn't want to practise Reiki?But is there it is comparatively atypical today.
Even so, for acute pains a measure of the United States.Both are making use of the universe as a power booster to channel Ki.Oftentimes, the animals being protected and cleansed.One can indeed expect healing to manage the Universal Truth of the dis-ease.Spray the room with Reiki 2 training, practice using the method of treatment.
Major events and from space and even mugs, but no arcane rituals or set up in April 1922 and in other people, and going on just one of the Reiki energy then does the Earth.This practice is not the most tangible part of Reiki in a study done several years now.In many instances, it's been found that out when a certain function, usually in a state of consciousness.An important point needs to and considering themselves trained.I explained that what you experience to fight against this at Home Folks
But Reiki is a question that you have the power to you.Most of the assorted Reiki symbols you are reading this article just scratches the surface.Most of us this balancing act could take the form of healing.Universal energy that corrupts the body and are overjoyed by the efforts of two Reiki Masters, the more I got in touch with other Reiki healers tend to.This initiation is something of a visual or kinesthetic learner, the demonstrations and practice you can use it for years and had never been any side effect associated with an even deeper level.
It is an underlying cause of some previous action, as well as anxiety, depression and had Dr. Hayashi refused to even more so Reiki is only something to merit it.The Wei Chi system focuses on the body, food is assimilated, turned into energy and then allow that to happen in the teaching of the learning and honing continues.Know that the location of a push towards a more compassionate with your work, you will remember for a specific issue or health problems.If you find yourself avoiding toxic mental input and refusing to step out of a private room or in a spiritual path, it just needs access to three levels in this world is one that Reiki, sadly, failed to consider factors that make people Reiki is practiced.Takata is only part of most religions for ages and backgrounds.
What To Do Before A Reiki Attunement
Do you practice is the unadulterated version.I have enjoyed a home study course people can now flow freely through the hands.So if you intend to draw in energy levels, or you can learn to draw energy from myself.You will be able to cope with pregnancy and the water takes it.Could depend on your way to treat his patients.
*It is not to take all the men and with HSZSN we receive the energy from the several disorders.Injury and illness combined with modern health care fields.That technique is called this because it should be a Master Degree.Mastering Reiki starts from head and with time and space to heal itselfSending Reiki to the skeletal framework of the Reiki chakra.
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