#but we are many: specify muse
toorues · 5 months
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here’s a traditional starter call to start things off! hit that like button if you think he’s cute and/or if you’d like a starter! no one will know which♥
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laughingtale · 11 months
what the heck..... inbox call !
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dsrtrose · 1 year
who  wants  a  short,  little  thunderstorm  /  rainy  day  weather  starter  ??    🤍 
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normaltothemax · 2 years
Does anyone want a starter?
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calliesmemes · 7 months
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CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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“   Currently considering becoming a bother and a nuisance, maybe even a menace or a rascal. ”
“   Hungry? Eat the government. ”
“   Yes, I wanna fuck after every argument. ”
“   Silence, you uneducated peanut! ”
“  They should invent a being alive that isn’t so difficult. ”
“   Women have to think I’m hot or none of this matters. ”
“   Due to personal reasons I will be named an enemy of the state. ”
“   Being overdressed is a myth made up by people who didn’t want you to have fun and be sexy. ”
“   What even are daddy issues? Just traumatize your father back. ”
“   I LOVE complaining! You can’t take that away from me! ”
“   I went to the silly goose convention and they all knew you. ”
“   I’m simultaneously ‘I’m tired of this grandpa’ and ‘that’s too damn bad!’ ”
“   The word ew coming out of a pretty girl’s mouth holds so much power … I think that it can tear apart nations. ”
“   Someone made fun of my shoes and the whole time I just thought of ways to push them out the window. ”
“   If you’re short, simply get taller. ”
“   I better think twice? Buddy I don’t even think once. ”
“   My off putting looks, awkward demeanor, and strange behavior have captivated you. ”
“   There’s something deeply, fundamentally wrong with you. Can we kiss? ”
“   You are a fool. When you walk, clown music plays. ”
“   I mean yeah he’s evil and all but what if I were his favorite? ”
“   I really do hate thinking. ”
“   In my defense, I simply do not vibe with the law. ”
“   I’ve done nothing wrong. Except all the atrocities. Besides that, I’m innocent. ”
“   Sorry I couldn’t hear you over my internal monologue. ”
“   Of course you have white hair and trauma. ”
“   So apparently the bad vibes I’ve been feeling are actually ‘severe psychological distress’. ”
“   Stop calling me a bad person just because I’m orchestrating your downfall! ”
“   The more lip gloss I collect the longer I live. ”
“   Sorry that I am obsessed with you in the unhealthiest way possible. As if it's my fault ”
“   The multiple failed assassination attempts against me have helped build both character and self esteem. ”
“   I could be your loser boyfriend. Do you ever think about that? ”
“   Accidentally went and got myself killed yesterday, but god wont let me die so I’m back ”
“   What do you mean napping isn't a good coping mechanism? What do you mean my problems are still here? ”
“   Academic validation is required for my sanity. ”
“   RIP to everyone killed by the gods for hubris but I’m different and better. Maybe even better than the gods. ”
“   Researching the stages of grief to see if I can get them finished in ten minutes tops. ”
“   My parents were like I’m gonna make a child that is so beyond help. ”
“   It’s not easy to admit when you’re wrong, and that’s why I won’t do it. ”
“   Why can’t this family ever have a funky good time? ”
“   How do I show people that I’m more than my unethical career choice? ”
“   I fucked my way into this mess, and I’ll fuck my way out. ”
“   You look so biteable today. ”
“   Why am I suffering? I have so many correct opinions and takes. ”
“   Challenging authority, angering gods. The family business. ”
“   Third base is me telling you about my father. ”
“   Hey girl. Plagued by terrifying visions? ”
“   Got caught giving a fuck. Embarrassing. ”
“   I didn’t ‘miss’ the red flags; I saw them and thought that they looked sexy. ”
“   Do my dark circles and deteriorating health make me look hot? ”
“   I get my news from the only reliable source, cryptic symbolism in my dreams. ”
“   Another day of being a bisexual disaster. ”
“   I’m going to let myself be a little unhinged today, as a treat. ”
“   Some of you act like murder is such a big deal. ”
“   You wanna hunt me for sport so bad that it makes you look stupid. ”
“   You’re not a girlboss unless you’ve killed someone. ”
“   It’s so weird how no one ever has correct opinions about things except for me. ”
“   Hello, my love — I mean, my rival ”
“   No one is calling me baby and it’s outrageous I can’t believe it. ”
“   No talking stage. Mutual obsession and you see god in my eyes or nothing. ”
“   Yes baby your emotional walls are high and impenetrable can we kiss now? ”
“   Affection is disgusting. Drown me in it. ”
“   I am gatekeeping my respect from you. ”
“   Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions. ”
“   I am equal parts fuck around and find out and please don’t yell at me I’ll cry. ”
“   Short legs, big butt. I’m a corgi. ”
“   Fuck being the bigger person; I’m going to start biting people. ”
“   Well that wasn’t very slay of you! ”
“   May I please get a crumb of affection? ”
“   I crave power! Please don’t yell, though; I’m sensitive. ”
“   You call it a near death experience; I call it a vibe check from God. ”
“   Here are some scissors. Now cut it out. ”
“   Might commit a little tomfoolery, maybe even some shenanigans. ”
“   All these flavors, and you choose to be salty. ”
“   How can I live, laugh, love in these conditions? ”
“   What if I said ‘to be honest’ but then lied? ”
“   I'm financially at a stage where I understand why people do fraud. ”
“   Yes I may be evil and morally corrupt, but I’m also incredibly beautiful and I think that makes up for it honestly. ”
“   Debates are stupid. Why would I want to sit down and argue with someone blatantly dumber than me? ”
“   I forget but I do NOT forgive.. I'm just walking around hating bitches can't remember why ”
“   Ding dong your opinion is wrong! ”
“   I’m coming for your kneecaps. ”
“   You dropped your nose you fucking clown. ”
“   Are you a fire alarm? ‘Cause you are really fucking loud and annoying. ”
“   Call me an escalator, because I let people down. ”
“   I love me a good lesbian scandal! ”
“   If you can’t run away from your problems, you’re not running fast enough. ”
“   Everything I want to do is illegal. ”
“   Don’t make me hit your ankle with my Barbie scooter! ”
“   I tell gay jokes because I am a gay joke. ”
“   Fuck! I dropped my mental stability! ”
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andy-wm · 3 months
I have thoughts on Jimin's SGMB
It's the gayest thing I've ever seen.
And by that I mean it's joyous, light-hearted, bright, and fun.
We can all agree, I think, that this is a happy and totally harmless song. Who could criticise Jimin for declaring his love in such a sweet and innocent way?
Of course not everyone will like it, and that's fine. You don't have to like everything he does - or everything BTS does - you are an individual with thoughts and feelings of your own - I hope. But putting that aside you'd have to be a troubled person indeed to take offence at anything here.
So, it is definitely a fan song, right? Jimin is singing to his fans... isn't he?
But if it is (I and I'm not convinced) it's not just a fan song.
It's sweet, so sweet, but....
Maybe it's a little too sweet?
We know Jimin is CUTIE SEXY LOVELY and LOVELY LOVELY LOVELY, but let's be honest, he's also a grown man. And Army are not children (mostly). In fact we have had many many conversations about how ARMY are not children.
But this whole production is pushing the sweet and innocent barrow so hard that I can't help wanting to look underneath and behind and inside to see what's really going on because it's so sweet it's hurting my teeth.
Compare the sophistication and self awareness of FACE to the bouncy, bright and child-like song-and-dance in the SGMB music video. They are WORLDS apart and we were told very specifically that the albums were linked.
"Following his first solo album, “FACE,” where he sought to explore his true identity, “MUSE” documents his journey in search of the source of his inspiration." said the Weverse notification.
So what's really going on here?
What are you doing Jiminie?
And more importantly, why are you doing it?
You could call it a pageant, or a carnival, or a circus - with Jimin as the ringmaster.
But my view is:
This a pantomime. And it's very clever.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, a pantomime is "A dramatic entertainment,  originating in Roman mime, in which  performers express meaning through  gestures  accompanied by music." Yes, that describes it.
Merriam-Webster tells us "[A pantomime] is an ancient Roman dramatic performance featuring a solo dancer and a narrative chorus" That also makes sense.
Oxford also specified that it's a modern BRITISH tradition. "a theatrical entertainment, mainly for children, which involves music, topical jokes, and slapstick comedy." It's a perfect fit.
The British link is already there - Jimin clearly told us he's influenced by The Beatles' Sergeant Peppers Album. There's also the styling of his suit. The stovepipe pants, narrow tie, and fitted jacket are very 1960s (and 1980s) British pop.
There's something old-school about a pantomime. It harks back to childhood, and to the nostalgia of holidays. And the styling of the MV is in keeping with that nostalgic feel too - from the Mountain scene with the vintage film title, to the intertitles - or title cards , to the circular frame of the opening scene.
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But back to the Pantomime itself...
A quick google search told me the following are important elements of pantomime. And we have most, if not all of them in this production.
Gender role reversal - TICK
Slapstick comedy - TICK
Colourful costumes - TICK
Audience participation - TICK (the children ARE the audience)
Exaggerated facial expressions - TICK
Take another look at the music video - it's all there.
Wikipedia tells us that pantomimes traditional told fairy tales or folk tales - often love stories - and that the primary role in a Pantomime was:
The 'Principal boy', a hero or charismatic rogue, traditionally played by a young woman in men's clothing.
Smart, very smart. With all the other conversations we've been having a round gender this is totally on the money.
Wikipedia goes on to say "Another pantomime tradition is to engage celebrity guest stars... Contemporary pantomime productions are often adapted to allow the star to showcase their well-known act.... If the star enters into the spirit of the entertainment, he or she likely adds to its overall effect"
Welcome, Loco.
(yes, I know collabs are de rigueur, but that doesn't change the fact that it fits - celeb guests are an established practice in Panto.)
So if this IS a Pantomime (and I'm not saying it definitely is but it looks like one to me), then it's intended to be a sung-story, told as much through dance and gestures as through words.
If it's a pantomime, what is it about?
I'm glad you asked! This little charade is the story of a young person called Jimin who is looking for love. He finds romance easily enough...
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but real love takes a little longer.
Fortunately for our hero, he's brave (he will confess to his lover) and he is patient (he encourages them to do so too).
In between, there are shenanigans and goofing...
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But our Charismatic Rogue is charming (if devilish) and wins the hearts of the audience - and his lover.
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Let's take a closer look at how the story unfolds...
At the start of the MV, as the initial credits appear, Jimin is on stage vibing with his band. Loco is chilling on a rock like a lizard in the sun.
We get the ye olde intertitles, welcoming the audience and introducing.... SMERALDO Garden Marching Band
It's not Smeraldo Garden - Marching Band. It's Smeraldo *pause* Garden Marching Band. Smeraldo (secrets) has the emphasis.
After the intertitles, the scene opens on a group of children - they are ostensibly the audience of the band. They're playing paper-scissors-rock to see who will call for Jimin's attention.
The children run over to him and the tale begins.
Jimin, the main character of this story, immediately launches into song.
He starts off singing about Bangtan - mentioning their harmony (song and personal I think), he shows the Bangtan hand gesture we all know so well, and he sings "we gift happiness every day".
But he mentions June 12th.
Why June 12th?
Why not 13th, their debut day?
BECAUSE THIS IS NOT A SONG for ARMY. He's making it clear that at this point he's referring to Bangtan specifically, not the whole juggernaut of the fandom and fame. June 12th precedes ARMY.
He's made it clear from the start - this is NOT ABOUT ARMY.
Then he leans in and whispers to the children - and the camera -"lets talk about us".
Look at the kids' faces - they're miming shock. Ooooohhh! This is a big secret he's about to tell them - and us.
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Look at Jimin's expression - he's just a tad smug. This is not a shocking secret to him, this is a fun secret.
Yes, he is indeed the charismatic rogue of this story.
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He sings:
"All the things we couldn't say before
And your hidden feelings too (just for you)
Don't you worry anymore
Since we're together now**
Let's be a little more honest."
So it seems our main character has a LOVER. Someone who couldn't be revealed and who hid their feelings.
<Wow, I have no idea who this could be...>
Hang on, what's happening in the MV??
On his journey, it seems our young hero has a few short-lived romances. And if you look carefully, they are all with men.
He accepts the rose from a man, and plants himself on the bench right up close to .... a man. He jumps up unperturbed, and gifts the rose to (you guessed it) another man.
Jimin manages to sidestep (or completely ignore) all the women except one, who he sends graciously into the arms of a random man before continuing on his journey.
Wait one moment... his romantic partners were ALL MEN??
ALL MEN?!!!!!
Yes darling, all men. Let's continue.
So, it seems none of Jimin's previous romances grew into anything more, but he takes his own advice with his mysterious lover and confesses first.
He smirks. He flicks his jacket with pizzazz. He's ready.
He sings:
"Ooooh I love you babe,
I'll come closer to you
I want to hold your hand,
I want you babe (yessir)
Please note the hand gesture in this choreo - it's another one we've seen many times.
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The dance ends and Jimin scans the surroundings and spots his old friend...
[Enter stage left: Loco]
Oh look, the friend is a rapper a few years older than Jimin. They seem to have a lot of fun together, Jimin and his rapper friend. There are ZERO romantic overtones here. This guy happily goes along with all the goofing and silliness even though he looks a tiny bit mortified. Either they are both very good actors, or a lot of the time, Loco was holding in his laughter. And Jimin seems incredibly amused by that.
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They hang out together until.... something in the atmosphere changes:
The colours become richer, light become warmer, and oh look....
It's *The Golden Hour*
Jimin leaves Loco, chasing the golden light as he sings about "the dazzling sky." Golden confetti (champagne, anyone?) falls all around him and then ...
fucking sunflowers bloom.
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<I need to lie down and process this>
Remind me again what sunflowers are known for? Oh yes, they are symbolic of the sun. Guess what else? They turn to face the sun.
Yup, the sunflowers all turn their faces toward the camera. I'm not crazy, okay?! I'm not.
SMH... let's move on.
Jimin re-joins his band, and the sunflowers do their sunflower thing, and Jimin sings:
"So tell me how you feel,
let whatever you feel
wash over you"
Then he sings
"I love you babe, (yessir)
I'll come closer to you
I want to hold your hand,
I want you babe (yessir)
Please note the hand gesture again
👉 👈
The bridge is next, and Jimin takes us back to Bangtan. As all the stars appear (that ocean of purple light that surrounds them at concerts) and everyone takes their place on stage, they turn up the music. <Are my eyes watering? Perhaps>
"I think we're ready now
<NGL I may have shed a tear here>
Lets begin 1, 2
<Ok fuck, I bawled at this point. Goddammit Jimin!>
Put your hands up"
*cute wiggle-dance commences* and Jimin spots his good friend the rapper again, hiding on the sidelines. He pulls him into the chorus line and they do more silliness and everyone is having a great time.
Confetti- flower petals fall, there's laughter and happiness all around, and they bow and bid us good bye.
The show is over.
But wait, I am not done.
A few more things bear mentioning here:
I saw quite a few comments saying this song is for ARMY.
It is categorically NOT for ARMY. Besides the fact that we already have Closer Than This - a fan song - on this album, Jimin specifically chose a date before debut - before ARMY existed - to place in this song. No mention of ARMY at all. Accept it graciously, this is not for you.
I wanna hold your hand
This lyric is a reference not only to the Beatles song "I Want to Hold Your Hand", It's also a common theme with Jimin and Jungkook. We see them finding any feeble excuse to hold hands, shake hands, touch hands. Yes, we see you two...
I am you, You are me
The gesture used in the choreo when Jimin is singing his confession - I failed miserably to catch it in my screengrab but there's no doubt it's their "I am you, You are me" gesture. Take a look for yourself.
All Jimin's romantic moments happened with men.
I'm not saying in his life, I am saying in this MV. All of them. The only interaction he has with a woman is one brief moment where he grabs her wrist as she passes by and he swings her into the path of a guy behind him. He even scoots around the women and sidesteps them. That can't be accidental. He's making a point.
The addition of 'yessir' in the lyrics makes it clear that he's confessing to a man.
I cannot see any reasonable way to refute this. The BH subtitles include it even though you have to listen carefully to catch it. THAT IS A CHOICE, NOT AN ACCIDENT.
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"Even though we're together now"
These lyrics could mean theyre an established, committed couple. But if we think a little broader than that, and a little more literally, who is he together with right now?
It's strategically brilliant.
This is his 'tell all expose' but he has built in a rock solid escape clause by using the panto format. Staging the whole love story - including the prior boyfriends and the man he's now in love with - as an over the top comedy show makes it easily dismissible as pure fiction. By including the fantasy/magical elements he just makes it more so. Deniers will be able to come up with a dozen reasons to reject this... 'It's a fantasy story', 'not all songs are autobiographical', 'he's making a point', 'he's raising LGBTQIA+ awareness'... all true maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that this is HIS song, about HIS muse. If you've been paying attention (and even if you haven't) you will know this is certainly not pure fiction.
The most important one, I left till last. I actually want to scream this, in all caps, in the biggest font possible. But I will restrain myself.
The song is bookended by references to BTS.
That is hugely important. For those who may not be aware, this is a literary device. Bookending a story provides a start and end reference point. Here, the Bangtan bookends provide context for the rest of the lyrics - they frame the lyrics within them. That means the events happening in the song, happen within the context of Bangtan. Reading between the lines, the person he is singing to/about is within Bangtan.
This is not reaching. This is like mixing blue paint and yellow paint together. You will get green paint.
So yes, this song is the gayest thing I've ever seen.
And I DO mean it's joyous, light-hearted, bright, and fun.
But yes, it's also absolutely and totally really really GAY
Thank you Jiminie
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mcflymemes · 16 days
PROMPTS FOR ROCKSTARS, ACTORS, AND CELEBRITIES *  adjust as necessary, send 'reverse' for the reversal of action prompts
i just got ambushed by a horde of photographers.
think we could slip in the back without being noticed?
i don't like to draw attention to myself.
tonight's the big premiere.
i was born to be on stage.
it's too late. i'm front page news.
tonight's the biggest show of my life.
no one told me fame would be like this.
they're all shouting my name, but they don't know me. not really.
i hate saying no to fans.
so many people look up to me. i can't let them down.
i don't think i can go up there and sing tonight.
if i can help just one person, it's worth it.
let's take the private jet this weekend.
someone told the media i'd be here.
i'm wearing a disguise. don't you like it?
if we could make it out of here without being seen, that would be ideal.
don't let them get a photo of me.
how many bodyguards does one person need?
i don't know, my schedule's pretty packed enough as it is.
how did i sound? did i sound okay?
we're running late for our mic check.
i don't want to go on stage tonight.
that was the longest standing ovation i've ever seen in my life.
they're looking forward to seeing you perform.
you've earned this.
don't let the fame get to your head.
no one knows the real me.
we are now "instagram official."
the gossip websites have it all wrong.
how does it feel, dating a world-famous celebrity?
never take this job seriously.
someone spotted me last night leaving your house.
they're going to write endless articles about us.
i didn't do this for the fame.
that was the worst interview of my life.
where did they get that photo of me?
ACTIONS AND SETTINGS these are very generic on purpose so you can adapt them to whatever kind of celebrity your muse is. please adjust as necessary and specify 'reverse' if needed
[ dressing room ] sender finds receiver in their dressing room minutes before a big performance
[ red carpet ] sender and receiver make their first public appearance as a couple on the red carpet
[ thanks ] while sender wins an award, they find receiver's eyes in the crowd and thank them for their support (and make a dramatic love confession, perhaps?)
[ crowd ] while sender is on stage, performing, they lock eyes with receiver in the crowd and continue to find them throughout the performance, offering smiles and winks their way
[ sign ] sender signs something for receiver
[ selfie ] sender and receiver take a photo together
[ protect ] sender protects receiver in a sea of photographers and fans as they race to safety
[ speech ] sender gives a speech and mentions receiver
[ dedicate ] sender is about to sing a song, and dedicates it to receiver in the crowd
[ gossip ] sender and receiver find an article written about them that suggests they might be a couple, as they were seen together recently
[ fans ] sender watches receiver interact with their fans and sees how sweet and generous they are to their supporters
[ standing ovation ] sender and receiver receive a standing ovation for their performance
[ celebrate ] sender is waiting backstage for receiver and greets them with a huge hug after their achievement/performance
[ flowers ] sender brings receiver a bouquet of flowers to celebrate their latest achievement/performance
[ champagne ] sender douses receiver in a spray of champagne to celebrate their achievement/performance
[ gesture ] while in the middle of their performance, sender makes a gesture of love to receiver that only they can identify
[ photographers ] sender and receiver hide from the paparazzi as they make a pubic outing together
[ reserve ] sender reserves a public space for just them and receiver, and they get to wander the space alone without the public or photographers bothering them
[ jet set ] sender and receiver take a private jet
[ comfort ] before a big performance, sender comforts receiver and reassures them they'll be amazing
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sipho-pearl · 1 month
analysis of the soul contract
(if you haven't seen the translation for that yet, look it up or look at my original translation post here)
Major spoilers for the entirety of Gravity Falls and also MAJOR Book of Bill spoilers for like the whole thing so go look at that first, ok? (Seriously, this post makes more sense the more you know about the content of the book...and the series)
**if i make any mistakes within this analysis in terms of existing lore or there's something i should add, send me a dm/reply to the post!! or just rb it with the information lol
Under the cut because it's really long (but contains information that I believe to be very important to the overall lore!!)
There are three really interesting things hidden in the translation for the soul contract that I actually NEED to talk about because I haven't really seen them discussed anywhere else?? (yes it's divided up into sections, don't worry)
The Soulmate Passage
The soul contract passage starts off with Bill's lawyer talking about all of the things that they can legally do with your soul, but then they go into the idea of soulmates, and something about this passage feels eerily familiar.
(sorry for the long quote but it's kind of important here)
He gets way too specific here, even going into the first person to begin talking about how he will always be there for you. In the Book of Bill, the main concept is that Bill is attempting to win over the reader in order to convince them to make a deal with him and, therefore, release him from the Theraprism, and he seems to be doing the same thing here with the reader.
However, in my opinion, because for the majority of this he talks about you using third person pronouns, it can be somewhat inferred that he is talking about himself and his soulmate. Not specified who that is (totally not the canonically divorced couple), but it can definitely be interpreted as him doing some introspection.
The references to loss of memory could also be a reference to how Stanley defeated Bill by wiping his memory, and how up until the last minute, Bill believed that he was back in Stanford's mind.
"THOUSANDS OF LIFETIMES" could be a reference to the trillions of years that Bill has lived and all of his exes, as well as how in every single one, he was the one getting broken up with. And, also, the many other muses that he (unconfirmed) may have had.
Moving on!!
2. Bill's control over souls
**As far as I am aware, this is the first time in the canon that we see what control Bill has over the souls that he collects.
According to this, Bill's control over souls when signed over gives him the ability to, (as first shown in Sock Opera, but in a more limited way) put souls into other objects, take them out of your body. While put in a more simplistic way in this passage, it is clear that he has a lot of control over souls, and, when signed away, may have the ability to do anything with one that he wants.
However, going back to the mischaracterisation present in the first quote where it sounds as if Bill is talking, now that we know it was his pen, it is clear that he also has the ability to control the souls to do what he wants.
The time limit on how long these soul contracts last for is indefinite, as Bill's soul lawyer himself says.
*Side note: it is revealed, in relation to souls, that the human soul is 21 grams.
3. The afterlives of the universe of Gravity Falls
So, later in this passage, all of the places that you can go to after you die are revealed. This is mainly important because you can see more of the in-universe lore, but also because we can see more of what Bill Cipher was hoping to happen when he invoked the Axolotl at the end of the series.
A definitive list of all of the afterlives present within universe:
Heaven, Hell and Purgatory
"Big Corner"
"Flow State"
"The Dream House" <- The Dream House could possibly be a reference to either Bill's Dream Realm or Bill's Nightmare realm.
"The Reincarnation Processing Center" <- This is where I believe Bill was hoping to go once he invoked the Axolotl. Going by what he said in the last few moments of Weirdmageddon 3, "A-X-O-L-O-T-L! My time has come to burn! I invoke the ancient power that I may return!" It is clear that he thought he was going to be able to reincarnate by invoking the Axolotl, and by doing this, he would be able to escape going to hell.
"AXOLOTL" <- This is a reference to summoning the Axolotl when about to die, such as what Bill did. Axolotls are known for being able to regenerate, so going back to what I said before, Bill probably believed that invoking the Axolotl would give him the ability to reincarnate or regenerate.
"S TANK AND CONSEQUENCES HOLD" I'm pretty sure that this is a longform name for the Theraprism.
More Notes:
The passage is written entirely in the cipher for the journals rather than any of the codes that Bill often uses (alchemic, theraprism, combined, bill's symbols) which I believe ties back to my theory in 1.
While dogs can sense when a soul is missing, cats don't care. Not important, I just thought that was interesting.
anyway, again: if i got anything wrong in this please rb this and add more stuff!! :3
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hauntedhokage · 11 months
off the top
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Nanami Kento/GN!Reader (no pronouns, no y/n)
word count: 2.1k
summary: Nanami needs a haircut but his usual stylist is booked for weeks. Good thing he has you, right?
note: i’m just obsessed with him and his hair. this can be read as either platonic or established romantic relationship.
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“Y’know, I think I’ve had better ideas,” you mumble from where you’re seated on the edge of your bathtub, looking down at him as he leans back over the edge so you could wash his hair. “This doesn’t seem like a relaxing salon experience for you, Nanami.”
“This isn’t a salon.”
“Obviously, it’s my bathroom.” You let out a huff, and he finally cracks open an eye to see you pouting at the wall. So far the only thing you’d managed to get wet in your attempt at washing his hair was your legs, and he hated seeing you look so defeated over something that was so small. “Take your shirt and pants off.”
“Just do it! Socks too!” You’re stepping out of the tub, leaving the detached shower head dangling from the wall to spray at the partially drawn curtain as he does what you’ve requested. Standing half naked in your bathroom wasn’t even the most abnormal thing to happen to him this week, but he understands your vision better when you return with one of the chairs from your dining table and set it down in your bathtub facing away from the shower head.
He takes his seat when you point, tilting his head back when you ask only to be surprised by the hot towel on his face.
“What’s this?”
“One, I know you relax better with your eyes covered and two, don’t they do this?”
“That’s more of a shaving thing.”
“Maybe we can do that next time,” you muse, finally bringing the shower head up to wet his hair. He will admit that it feels much better when someone else is washing his hair, but it’s more comfortable when it’s you. You smelled nice, and your fingers were gentle as they went through his hair to make sure it was thoroughly wet. Unlike a salon, you weren’t on a time crunch and knew he wasn’t either and clearly you intended on taking your time. 
“So, Mr. Nanami, what do you do for a living?” you ask, and he can hear the smile on your face as you uncap the shampoo. 
“I don’t normally talk to the stylist much.”
Clearly you didn’t care about that, because you only breathe out a chuckle before asking, “Do you work for a private company?” 
“I work in a sector of public safety. A lot of it is confidential.”
“Like the secret agents in the movies?”
“Something like that.” You’re massaging the shampoo into his scalp, and he’s certain that he could fall asleep here if you’d let him. You probably wouldn’t even notice with the towel covering his eyes, but if you did he knew that you’d let him sleep. Maybe request that he move to your couch or bedroom so he wouldn’t injure his neck, but you always let him get his rest if he needed it. “What made you want to become a hairstylist?”
“My best friend was in a dilemma. His hair was growing out and he couldn’t get an appointment with his usual stylist for another month, so I had to step in and save the day.”
“You like taking care of other people?”
“I like taking care of him.” That’s not the answer he was expecting, even when he knows it to be true. You both naturally took care of each other, that’s what people who were close were supposed to do. But to hear you say it like that - to specify that it was him you liked to care for - that was different. “He works hard, and he’s very dear to me.”
“I’m sure you’re also dear to him.”
“Oh I know I am. We’ve been in each other's lives for so long, we’re almost in each other’s heads, so he can’t hide much from me.”
You’re rinsing his hair now, still treating it with a delicacy that he didn’t even show himself. The tune you’re humming is one he’d heard out of you many times, he didn’t know the words or even the title but he did know that it was one of your favorite songs and that was enough.
“Do you have plans for the day after this?”
“I’m spending the day with my best friend. We both have today off from work, so we’re going to watch a movie or two and go get dinner.”
“Fancy dinner?”
“No, not really our style. There’s a small restaurant that we’ve been going to for a few years, it’s their favorite place to eat.”
You hum your acknowledgement as your work the conditioner into his hair, and he knows you’re trying to figure out when dinner became part of the plan for the day but he also knows that you don’t mind it. As much as he liked being around you, you liked to spend time with him and would only shut it down if you had plans with Shoko - which he knew you didn't. 
“You like to take care of your friend?”
“They take excellent care of me, and a lot of people we work with. I’m happy to be the one to take care of them even if they don’t think they need it.”
“I’m sure they appreciate it.” He knew that you did, but he’s grateful for the towel on his face that would hide his flushed cheeks and provide a reason for his cheeks to be so pink outside of this conversation. “I think they’re very lucky to have you as a friend.”
“I’m the lucky one.”
“We’ll agree to disagree on that.” A lapse in the character makes him laugh a bit as you rinse out his hair for the final time, being mindful to get all of the product out before shutting the shower off and returning the head to its home on the wall. Your hands then carefully try to squeeze more water from his short locks, trying to be mindful not to pull too hard. “How was that?”
“I could have you wash my hair for the rest of my life and die a happy man, and you know I don’t say that lightly.”
“We can arrange that.” You’re draping a towel over his shoulders before you step out of the tub, and he watches as you go to your bathroom counter and open the case. “Bring your chair, Nanami.”
“Poor customer service,” he teases as he stands, bringing the chair with him and setting it down in front of the mirror. When he takes his seat you move to stand behind him, and he knows you’re watching an instructional video on how the clippers work. 
“You trust me?”
It’s a loaded question that shouldn’t always have a simple answer. His immediate answer is yes, inexplicably without question did he trust you. You’d saved his life a time or two, and had always had his back since you were teenagers - of course he trusted you. But looking at you in the mirror, holding the electric hair clippers in one hand and your phone in the other, the answer doesn’t seem as simple as it was when discussing your ability to protect him as a sorcerer. 
“I trust you with my life.”
“Your life and your personal image are two different things.” 
He knew that, but despite your YouTube guided crash course on how to cut hair that you’d started this morning he still trusted you. If you didn’t think you could do it, you wouldn't have offered after noticing that he’d been fussing with his hair. You cared about him enough to not do a poor job, the way you took the time to carefully wash his hair showed that much - and it was just hair. It grew back. The only person who would dare comment on a bad haircut was Gojo, and considering his hair was always looking messy, that opinion did not matter to Nanami. This was just to get him by until his next hair appointment in a month. 
“It’ll grow back, so I’m not worried. Just do your best.”
You nod, trading your phone for a comb so you could comb through his hair. The longer hairs are then pinned to the top of his head, fully exposing the overgrown undercut that needed attention. Then the clippers turn on, and he relaxes his shoulders as your hand not holding the clippers settles on the side of his neck. 
“You said the number two guard, yeah?”
“Next time will you let me try to shave a pattern in here?”
“Let’s get through this cut first.”
“That’s not a no.” You’re finally putting the clippers to his head, your fingers pressing into his skin a bit with your own nerves at what you were doing. “What does this even feel like to you?”
“Just the vibration, really. Nothing else.”
You only hum at that, and he watches in the mirror at the absolute focus on what he could see of your face as you worked. After a moment your hold on him gets a bit looser, you’re more comfortable as you move to the left side of his head. The care you show around his ears is admirable, the look of pure focus on your face very cute as you try your best to not mess up his hairline or clip his ear. 
When it comes time for the scissors you pause again, looking closely at his face in the mirror while trying to figure out how to best go about it. This was different than just simply shaving some hair away, so he could see why you hesitate with the scissors until he brings his own hand up to show you where you should cut. 
“It’ll grow back,” he reminds, nodding when you do and watching as you move to stand in front of him. Your fingers are gentle in his hair as you find your line to cut at, and when you make the first cut he can feel the air shift with your instant tension. “I comb it back anyway, so I’m not worried.”
“Do you have any concerns?”
“Getting my eye poked.” 
“You might trust me too much.” But you continue cutting, and he knows you’re trying to remember the one time you’d gone with him for a haircut to picture what his hairstylist had done. You’re thinking too hard, but he lets you continue since clearly it was making you a bit more confident with your cuts until finally you’re setting the scissors down and ruffling his hair a bit. He wasn’t going to say anything until you give the all clear, but he knows you’re not done just yet even if the scissors have been set down. 
“Okay, now for styling so I know I did it right.” And he continues to sit as you pull your hair dryer out, continuing to watch you as you dry and comb through his hair in an attempt to get it in his usual style. It wouldn’t be perfect without his pomade, but you got it so close that he can’t help but smile when you’re finally pleased with your work. “How’s it look?”
“I might never have to go see my hairstylist again.” Was it perfect? No, but it was more than just good, and to see the way your face lights up at the praise has him feeling just as excited for you as you looked. “This is really good, truly. Thank you.”
“I’m glad you like it.” 
It’s not until he stands that it clicks for the two of you that he was still wearing just his briefs, and you can only laugh as he comments on clearly being comfortable at your apartment. You knew each other too well to be flustered by something like that, but he does opt to leave his shirt off and just pull his pants on before he’s taking the chair back to your dining area before he returns with the broom. 
“Let me clean up here, why don’t you go start a movie and I’ll join you in a couple minutes.”
And when he does join you his shirt is back on, and he sits on the floor in front of where you’re seated on the couch, commenting that he needed the harder surfaces for a while for the sake of his back after all the sitting he’d just done. Your hand is in his hair, and he can only smile to himself at the fact that you’d spent fifteen minutes trying to get his hair into his usual style only to mess it up by “enjoying your good work” in how well you washed it. 
“Thanks for taking care of me.”
“No thanks needed,” you mumble, leaning forward to kiss the top of his head. “It’s what we do.”
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k-looking-glass-house · 7 months
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Rook Hunt french list of endearment nicknames
As the french I am maybe that would interest some people about your dear "Le chasseur de l'amour" vocabulary!! I will not ....translate those nicknames (I mean you can still ask me of course) as there are not equivalent one sometimes!! I would say just feel and vibe if some catch your mind~ I tried to classify them by their meaning You don't have to be in a romantic relationship for using those one (blame the french behavior as we are said to be flirty around the world....)
(gn)= gender neutral
(m)= male
(f)= female
Obviously you don't have to follow any gender orientation, it's just that french vocabulary have different names for gender (beside the world itself being male or female..)! Some words are gender specified but can also be used as gender neutral on some occasions!!
Let's go:
ma biche (f)/ bichette (f)/ mon biquet (m)/ mon bichon(m)
[ma poule (f/gn)/ mon poulet (m)]/ poulette (f)/ mon poussin (gn)/ poussinou (gn)
mon chat (gn TW: don't use the female word for cat (chatte) as it turns out to be vulgar here, just to let you know)/ mon chaton (gn)/ mon minet (m)
doudouce (gn/f)/ doudou (gn/m)/ dididou (gn)/ ma douce (f/gn)/ [ma dulcinée (f)/ mon dulciné (m)]
mon amour (gn)/ mon coeur (gn)/ mon petit coeur de beurre (gn)/ mamour gn)/ ma moitié (gn)
mon canard (gn/m)/ mon canari (gn)/ ma caille (gn/f)/ mon caneton (gn)
mon lapin (gn)/ lapinou (gn)/ 'pinou (gn)
chouchou (gn)/ mon chou (gn/m)/ choupette (f/gn)/ choupinette (f)
ma puce (gn/f)/ pupuce (f/gn)
mon sucre d'orge (gn), mon biscuit (gn), ma tagada (gn), mon nounours (gn)/ mon bonbon (gn)/ ma craquotte (gn)/ ma sucrette (f/gn)/ mon macaron (gn)
mon bijou (gn/f)/ ma perle (gn/f)/ mon trésor (gn)/ mon rayon de soleil (gn)/ lumière de ma vie (gn)
ma vie (gn..... this one...omg this one is used by the youngster here.... it makes them feel so deep....so adult ha ha)
[mon joli (m)/ ma jolie (f)]/ ma beauté (f/gn)
mon bouchon (gn)/ mon roudoudou (gn/m)/ mon bisounours (gn)
loulou (gn/m)
[mon chéri (m)/ ma chérie (f)]
ma muse (f/gn)/ [ma princesse (f)/ mon prince (m)]/ [mon bien-aimé (m)/ ma bien-aimée (f)]
ma colombe (f/n)/ ma tourterelle (f/gn)/ ma gazelle (f)
ma pomme d'amour (gn) SPECIAL POMEFIORE ONE for this one ha ha or reinette (f)
bébé (gn)/ bibou (gn)/ mon ange (gn)
[ma brune (f)/ mon brun (m)]/ beauté fatale (gn/f)/ nenette (f)
poupoune (f)/ poupo(u)nette (f)
chipie (f)/ ma loute (f/gn)/ [pitchou (m/gn)/ pichounette (f)]
pépette (f)/ poupette (f)/ pipou (m)
bout de chou (-> bout d'chou) (gn)/ mon trogon d'amour (m/gn)
mon étoile (gn)/ ma grenouille (gn)/ mon soleil (gn)/ ma crevette (gn: Literally shrimp)/ mon arc-en-ciel (gn)
And so many more... just ask me if you want some explanation on some! Or even more ha ha
Also for more cuteness and love you can add before:
mon petit (for male vocabulary french word not gender (yes...it's weird or hard for non french speaker))
ma petite (for female vocabulary word not gender)
Or ptit or 'tit (the cutest way to show your love and friendship with someone or when you're speaking to children)
Mon 'tit chat
Petit bout de chou
Ma petite chipie -> verryyyy similar somehow to little trickster...well close enough for female gender oriented! It would be "fripon" for male gender oriented.
And you? In your native language?
I actually love to use "darling" with people I love around me!!
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chiefhellenist · 1 year
Daily Devotions with the Orphic Hymns
Today is 4th of Metageitnion (21st of August)
This modern system of daily devotions blends material from two sources: Hesiod's sacred month, as described in his Works and Days, and the Orphic Hymns. The ideas in the Orphic Hymns sometimes don't match with more mainstream beliefs of the polis. But using these hymns is worth it because it helps us honor not just the main gods, but also many smaller ones. This way, we can pay our respects to a wide range of gods throughout the whole month.
Other hymns may of course be substituted at the individual's discretion. The numbers given for the hymns correspond to those in Apostolos N. Athanassakis, The Orphic Hymns: Text, Translation and Notes
Thomas Taylor's 1792 translation of the hymns is available online, free and in its entirety, at the Internet Sacred Texts Archive. Here:
Morning and Evening Devotions
Wash hands and face
Light lamp or candle
Hymn to Hestia (#84)
Light incense
Hymn to Eos (#78)
Hymn to Helios (#8)
Hymn(s) to special god/dess(es) of the day (see chart)
Additional hymns as desired (see chart)
Pour libation
Make personal supplications and thanksgivings
"Orpheus to Mousaios" (pp. 2-5)
Extinguish lamp or candle
Wash hands and face
Light lamp or candle
Hymn to Hestia (#84)
Light incense
Hymn to Nyx (#3)
Hymn to Selene (#9)
Hymn to the Stars (#7)
Hymn(s) to patron/matron god/desses
Hymn to Sleep (#85)
Hymn to Dream (#86)
Pour libation
Make personal supplications and thanksgivings
Hymn to Zeus (#15)
Extinguish lamp or candle
A shortened version of the devotions may be done by simply lighting a candle, reading "Orpheus to Mousaios," saying any personal prayers, and extinguishing the candle.
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Notes on chart:
Days mentioned by Hesiod as sacred to specific deities are marked.
Horkos is the god (or, if you like, personification) of Oath. Days sacred to this deity are considered difficult.
As the lunar calendar months range between 29 and 30 days in the Greek reckoning, it may be necessary in short months to recite all the hymns for both day 29 and day 30 on the day of the dark moon. As the last day of the month is sacred to Hekate, Her hymn should always be included.
About Incense
The Orphic Hymns specify particular types of incense to be offered to each deity. In cases where one is saying multiple hymns with differing instructions, one might either choose a single type or make a blend of all those indicated. Pure frankincense makes a good all-purpose offertory incense.
The incense specifications from the Orphic text are as follows:
Frankincense: Apollon, Ares, Artemis, Asklepios, Bakkhai, Dike, Eos, Hephaistos, Herakles, Hermes, Hygeia, Kouretes, Muses, Nike, Satyros, Silenos, Tethys, Themis, Titans
Myrrh: Leto, Nereus, Poseidon
Storax: Chthonic Hermes, Dionysos, Eleusinian Demeter, Erinues (also frankincense), Graces, Kronos, Semele, Zeus
Aromatic Herbs: Adonis, Athena, Eros, Eumenides, Fates, Hera, Hestia, Horai, Nereids, Nymphs, Okeanos, Rhea
Various: Mother of the Gods, Pan, Chthonic Dionysos (any except frankincense), Gaia (any grain; no beans or aromatic herbs)
No Incense (underworld deities): Hekate, Nemesis, Persephon
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strawberrypinky · 17 days
Mystra and Gale
@legacygirlingreen "see my only experience with Mystra is purely in DND sense, since I do not play BG3, but USUALLY we change the usage of her depending on campaign and what the DM has come up with... so in the BG3 space I am assuming they made her really predatory towards her chosen one?"
Had to make a bit of a separate post for this as this is a bit ✨complicated✨, but my answer is below the cut!
Mystra has changed a lot over the various editions of DnD (more like WotC is killing her off and making a 'new' Mystra with each Edition, but anyway), so I understand why there are so many discrepancies between people's views of Mystra.
BG3 is based on the 5th Edition, but Larian took a few creative liberties. Generally speaking, Mystra is "the Mistress of Magic and Mother of Mysteries who guides the Weave of magic that envelops the world, [...] tending to the Weave, making possible all the miracles and mysteries wrought by magic and users of magic.".
According to BG3, Gale was a prodigy from an early age and eventually studied at Blackstaff Academy to further his talents. From the age of eight, he was mentored by Elminster Aumar, who is widely considered Mystra's "favoured Chosen". I'm not going to delve into the dynamics of Elmister and Mystra here, messed up as they are, because it would take too long.
Point is, Gale, from a young age, was essentially channelling Mystra's divine essence and, as a wizard, worshipping her. And yes - this is important for their dynamic.
Gale eventually became one of Mystra's Chosen, though the timeline was never specified. The earliest Gale could have met Mystra was in 1479, when Mystra was resurrected after the Second Sundering. Gale should have been between seventeen and his mid-twenties at the time, but there are a few canon inconsistencies that make his age challenging to place. Namely, the game takes place in 1492 and recognises Elturel's descent, which canonically didn't happen until 1494, but anywho.
Initially, Mystra was a teacher and muse to him, showing him her realm before eventually becoming his lover. The relationship turned sour/ended when Gale released parts of Netherese magic (absorbing it and creating the Orb) in an effort to prove himself worthy to her and gain access to parts of the weave she previously denied him.Was this wrong of him? Yes. Was there malicious intent behind it? No, absolutely not. Gale wasn't even aware that the magic he absorbed came from Karsus.
As part of his questline in BG3, Gale is tasked with destroying the Absolute with the Orb and is promised forgiveness by Mystra when he succeeds. If you let him use the Orb in Act 2 when finally uncovering what the Absolute is, you get a game over, and the game essentially tells how catastrophic that decision was. Aka, Mystra ain't shit.
As for her and Gale's relationship? While perhaps not inherently predatory in Gale's case (if he met her past the age of 18!), Mystra is known to prey on young boys. Minsc has a line about hiding young boys from her in his homelands if they show an early aptitude for magic.
Generally speaking, I don't think I need to highlight how incredibly messed up their relationship is and always has been. Gale was taught to worship her from a young age and was practically raised to adore the ground she walked on because she commands his very being - magic.
She is a goddess with infinitely more power than him. The power imbalance is insane and does raise the question of "Could Gale have ever said no?" With Mystra's track record, he may have never been able to. While he consented to a more intimate relationship with her (at least there isn't an explicit implication of SA), he was never on equal footing with her. And yes - Power imbalance impacts consent. Mystra is ingenuously responsible for the insecurities he's shown to have in the game and never should've put her hands on him or anywhere near him.
While Gale's hubris makes him incredibly complex and, yes, also flawed, his and Mystra's relationship should never have existed because it is borderline abusive.
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punderdome · 2 months
The Fine Print: Chapter 7
Summary: Raphael and Tav share a honeymoon, and Haarlep provides her critical information to help her survive it.
Rating: 18+, Minors DNI
Chapter 7: The Honeymoon
Tav awoke groggy and naked in Raphael’s bed.  Everything ached.  She felt the aftereffects of Raphael’s passions between her legs, and her inner thighs were coated with a layer of dried Infernal seed.  Her neck and shoulder felt raw, as she reached to lightly brush over the bite marks her husband left on her skin.  Her chest felt like someone had stabbed her in the heart with a dagger before healing her poorly, leaving behind acute sensations of pain and the throb of phantom inflammation.  She touched the scales on her chest where the Orb fragment used to reside.
She sat up.  Raphael wasn’t present.  He must be out playing with his new toys.   She rose from the bed and looked down at the sheets, half expecting to see bloodstains everywhere from bites and passions and Karsite relics.
Her silk robe had been neatly left on a table by the window.  She retrieved it on unsteady legs.  As she donned her robe, the depth of her new reality started to dawn.  How many mornings just like this was she going to have?  Waking sore and alone, left to stumble back to her bedchamber.  For how much of an absolute bastard Raphael could be, a piece of her missed the way Raphael held her the morning after their wedding feast.
She left his bedchamber to seek a bath in her room.  She was silently praying to the entire Faerunian pantheon that she would not run into the incubus.  None of them, apparently, were allowed any involvement in the Hells.
“Little Wife,” Haarlep addressed her.  Tav sighed and turned around.  Haarlep sauntered over to her.  “I can smell the scent of the Master’s seed all over you.  You walk as though you’ve been thoroughly ridden.”  Their gaze burned through her.  There was definitely no point in hiding it.
“My Lord Husband and I consummated our marriage contract,” she confirmed.  Haarlep grinned with absolute delight.
“Come with me, Little Wife, and tell me all of the details,” they purred.  
“I thought the Master specified that you weren’t allowed to play with me.  Besides, I’m not in the mood.  It feels like the Master of the House has repeatedly fucked me with a warhammer.”
“I never claimed to desire a playdate, Little Wife.  I am only offering you a healing bath.”  She weighed the options in her mind.  Healing bath with Haarlep.  Bath alone.  Bath with a demon that could potentially offer any amount of insight into taming Raphael’s passions into something pleasurable.  Bath that would be blissfully silent.
“Alright, show me the way.  First, I need to find a servant to bring me some kind of breakfast.”  Tav turned to locate someone, but Haarlep grabbed her wrist.  They led her towards the door of the Boudoir.
“I forget sometimes that mortals lack the ability to make requests of the staff with any real efficiency,” they mused.  Haarlep bowed with Raphael’s characteristic flair, and opened the door to the Boudoir for her.  She was completely unsure exactly what to expect.
The Boudoir was grand with a dim, romantic lighting at the entrance.  There was some sort of large in-ground bath at the center of the room, surrounded by candles and rose petals.  The columns framing the bath were dark marble with gold trim.  Everywhere around the room were comfortable looking carpets and pillows.  A screen hid most of the back of the room and the windows from view, but Tav anticipated that was where most of the debauchery in the House truly occurred.
“Come, relax and enjoy your bath.  Do not mind the voyeur debtor.”  Haarlep made an absentminded gesture to a debtor who had immediately found a corner and was lying prostrate, covering their eyes.  Tav gave a small sigh of relief that the prohibition towards addressing her or even looking at her was still in effect for the debtors.
Haarlep was in the Archduke’s form and quickly shed the harness they were wearing.  They walked straight into the warmth of the bathing pool and relaxed at one side.
Tav hesitated before starting to untie the silk robe.  “You should not worry, Little Wife, I have seen, tasted, and fucked the flesh of thousands of mortal forms.  I don’t think it’s likely that there’s anything truly surprising under your robe, though Raphael clearly thinks that there is.”  She shed her clothing and descended into the bath.
It was the most incredible warmth she had ever felt.  The aches and pains plaguing her body immediately seemed to dissipate.  She no longer felt the sting of the Orb fragment’s absence or the ache of Raphael’s machinations.  She touched her neck and found that her husband’s love gnawings had healed themselves.
“Thank you,” Tav offered slowly.  “This was what I needed.”
“Now, give me some of the details.  Was the Master pleased?”
“I believe he enjoyed himself,” Tav was reluctant to answer too much more.  She grabbed a sponge by the side of the pool and started to wash herself, starting between her legs.
“I’m sure he did,” Haarlep grinned.  A maid brought in a small tray of sliced bread, fruit, and cheeses, setting it by Tav’s shoulder.  She nodded quickly to Tav before exiting the room as fast as she possibly could.  Tav paused her bathing to eat the plate set before her.
“Were you pleased?” Haarlep asked her directly.  This had to be a trap.   Raphael had mentioned that Haarlep was a gift from Mephistopheles.
“The Master of the House has kept me safe,” she offered instead of answering the question.
Haarlep laughed.  “He truly did.  I was forbidden from mentioning anything about you while the attachment from Cania was here.  In return, Raphael offered all of them to take turns with me in the Boudoir so I could feed from their lusts.  I got to play some of my favorite forms.  I was an Elven maiden being defiled, a gruff and well-bearded Dwarven warrior pounding his subordinates with his giant hammer, and a Drow dominatrix who was exceedingly Drow.  It was such a delightful evening.  It gave me a wonderful reprieve from being you.”
The incubus grabbed a sponge and started to wash themselves, starting with their wingtips.  “He loved it, when I would read to him.”  Tav paused scrubbing herself clean to watch them.   Haarlep slowly ran the sponge over the ridges on their chest.  “The book didn’t matter, as long as it was written in Infernal.”  Haarlep promptly thrust the sponge deep underwater, cleaning their nether regions in long, drawn out motions as a pleased sigh escaped their lips.
Tav rose from the bath and grabbed a towel to dry herself off.  “Thank you for the bath,” she quickly offered Haarlep.
“Little Wife, you have a permanent invitation from me to bathe as often as you wish.  Something tells me that you will need it.”
Tav dressed in her robe and quickly returned to her room.  She summoned a maid to ask for a cup of kaeth with milk.  When the hot drink was brought to her, she seated herself by the table where the ‘Histories of the Conquerings of Asmodeus’ sat only slightly read on her table.  She stared at the Infernal copy laid open before her.  It was going to take a long time for her to be skilled enough to read this text.
The bitterness of the kaeth failed to soothe her, and Tav immediately wished that she had ordered tea.  Tea.  She desperately needed tea.  She went to summon the maid again.
“What can I do for you, my Lady,” her maid asked.
“I need you to bring me nara root tea,” Tav insisted quickly.
The maid looked away with a nervous glance.  “I’m afraid we do not have that for you, my Lady.  Is there something else I can bring you?”
“Any tea then.  Thank you,” Tav responded curtly, her stomach lurching.  She was going to need to have a very long talk with her dear husband.
Later in the afternoon, Tav heard a knock at her door.  “My Lady, the Master of the House would like you to join him in his study.”  She realized she hadn’t even dressed for the day.
“Very well,” Tav responded through the door.
She went to her wardrobe to select a dress, and her eyes went to the red one that Haarlep had commented on during their conversation on her wedding night.  There was something she desperately needed from Raphael, and flirting with him might make him more inclined to deal with her.
She laced up the dress and looked at herself in the mirror.  The neckline plunged too low, and the slit up the side was too high for her to wear a corset or chemise.  She made a tactical decision not to wear smallclothes underneath.  She applied some kohl to her eyes and didn’t bother with styling hair or applying pigment to her lips, as both were likely to be messed up again almost immediately.  
Knowing where things were likely to go with what she had planned, she laid down on her bed and started to pleasure herself through the slit in her skirt..  At least this way, she would be wet enough.  When she signed a contract to receive the Orphic Hammer, she didn’t think that part of the agreement would be teaching Raphael what foreplay was.
Tav made her way to the study and knocked on the door.  She didn’t wait for a response before heading inside.  Raphael was sitting at his desk, reading over some documents.  He looked up at her and his eyes widened.  His gaze roamed up and down her form several times, hungrily lingering on the plunging neckline that slightly revealed the scales down by her navel and the slit up her thigh.
“Good afternoon, dear husband,” Tav greeted.  “You wished to see me?”
“Come.  Sit.” Raphael purred.  Tav obediently wandered over to him and sat in his lap, uncaring whether he actually meant for her to sit across from him, so they could engage in an actual discussion.  Raphael’s hands immediately attached themselves to both sides of her waist, and Tav heard a long, deep inhale as he smelled her hair.
“Hells, you look stunning,” he growled in her ear before placing gentle kisses on the back of her neck, sending a shudder trailing down her back. She couldn’t let either of them get too carried away before she completed her mission.
Tav placed a chaste kiss on his jawline before rising and moving to take the chair opposite him.  She crossed her legs, so the slit on her dress showed more of her upper thigh.
“So, you wanted to see me?” Tav started again, seeing tense frustration in Raphael’s jaw.  She smiled innocently.
“I succeeded in removing the fragment of the Orb of Karsus from your chest.  You didn’t seem to wake, so I trust you slept through its removal.”
“I was quite sore when I woke, but Haarlep treated me to a bath in the Boudoir.”  The tension immediately built on Raphael’s face..
“Oh, so you met Haarlep this morning?” he inquired.
“I made my acquaintance with the incubus on our wedding night.  They stopped by to welcome me to the master’s bed.”  Raphael tried to keep a stony face, but hints of displeasure started to seep through the mask.  “I did feel much better after the bath this morning.”  Tav had thought that Raphael knew about all her conversations with his incubus and realized that the conversation was slipping into a direction that would not end in her favor.
She quickly changed the subject.  “Have you repaired the Orb of Karsus?”
Raphael settled down slightly.  “It’s a long and difficult process, but it should be mended within a tenday.”
“I am quite curious to see the Regalia of Karsus completed.  How do you keep the Orb?  Is it internal for you?”  She hoped this line of questioning would relax him.  Her secondary plan involved letting a breast conveniently fall out of her dress.
“I will be able to contain or remove it at will.”  Tav flashed a smile.
The conversation slowed rapidly to a halt.  Tav swallowed.  It was now or never.  She needed it as soon as possible.
“Raphael, can you get something for me?” she asked plainly.  He raised an eyebrow.
“Go on,” he gestured with a sweep of his hand.
“I want some nara root for brewing into tea.”  His eyes narrowed dangerously.
“You did sign into the contract that you would provide me with heirs,” he reminded her, his voice low.
“I know-” Tav started, her fingers lightly fidgeting with the skirt of her dress.
“The tea you request is quite at cross-purposes with that obligation.  Don’t you agree?”
“I want some time to settle into life here.  In the House of Hope.  With you.”   Tav took a long pause before continuing.  “Being with child makes that process a bit more complicated for me.  We can revisit the issue in a few months.”
Raphael sat back in his chair.  One of his hands took a position firmly on his hip, while the other claw tapped lightly on the wood of his desk.  “Well then, what do I get out of this deal?”
Despite her red dress and lack of undergarments, Tav was trapped in the weaker bargaining position now and was unlikely to reclaim a stronger position.
“What is it that you want?” 
“I would propose we have a honeymoon together, seeing as you want to settle into a life with me.  You will relocate into my bedchamber, and I will provide you with the nara root that you seek.”  He leaned back and rested both of his hands behind his head.
Duration.  More defined terms.   “How long of a honeymoon, and how long will you provide me with nara root?”
“A month seems appropriate, it is the traditional length of a honeymoon.”  That was definitely not enough time for Tav.
“A month for the honeymoon and a year for the nara root,” she countered quickly.
“A year?  What are you to give me for that?” Raphael asked smugly.  Tav immediately pulled open the neckline of her dress to expose both breasts.  Raphael gave out a genuine laugh.  “A very clumsy argument, my love, but effective.  Very well, I agree to your terms, but I do hope you understand that our honeymoon starts now.”
Raphael quickly rose from his chair and went to meet her.  Tav stood up slowly.  Raphael wordlessly tranced his hands up through the slit in her skirts, expecting to find something that wasn’t there.
“You really are so naughty, my Little Mouse,” Raphael breathed as he realized she neglected smallclothes.  Her breath hitched as he tested how wet she was.  “My my,” his voice became a deep growl.  “Someone is eager.  I think I may just indulge you.”
“Don’t move,” he ordered gently.  Tav wrapped her arms around Raphael’s neck.  Raphael gently parted her folds and pressed one of his fingers deep into her.  She was incredibly wary due to the nature of Raphael’s claws, but he was careful not to scratch.  Tav let out a deep, gasping moan of pleasure that Raphael consumed greedily.  He moved his finger very slowly, drawing a series of whines from his beloved wife.  The second finger that he inserted drew a deep gasp.  Yes, please.  More of this.   Her breathing became heavy, and Tav clung to the front of Raphael’s doublet for dear life.
He withdrew from her and licked her arousal from his fingers, grinning at the state he left her in.
“Shall we return to the bedchamber?” he proposed greedily.  No!  Put your fingers back!
“Yes,” Tav gasped out before taking the elbow Raphael offered her.  Raphael’s pace was again brisk as they walked towards his bedchamber.  He stole glances down her neckline to see the sides of her breasts.  His breathing became significantly heavier.
They passed a doorway leading to a balcony overlooking the horizon of Avernus, and Raphael pulled her quickly outside onto the balcony.  He pushed her up against the back side of the wall, and his mouth immediately claimed hers.  Tav reached a hand down to feel how much he was straining his trousers, and his chest seemed to growl.  Raphael’s hands went quickly down to unlace his trousers and pull them down.  She did say she wasn’t going to fuck him in a hallway, but at least the balcony gave slightly more privacy, though Tav was confident all of the debtors were eagerly listening to them fuck.
Tav only had a few seconds to pull up her skirts before Raphael sheathed himself between her legs.  She wrapped her arms and legs around him and held on tightly as he fucked her into the wall.  His hands tightly gripped her ass.
Raphael had lost all control over himself.  Each thrust was hard and unrelenting, and the moans he made were loud and throaty.  He grinded against her clit each time he thrust, and Tav leaned into the pleasurable pressure of having him inside her.  More.   
“This feels so good,” Tav moaned, not caring about the uneven surface of the brickwork digging into the small of her back.  Raphael growled in response. 
His thrusts grew harder and sharper.  After a few more thrusts, Raphael moaned deeply into her ear as he came.  Tav could feel his hot seed dripping out of her.  So close.   She unwrapped her legs from his waist and he set her down gently.  Raphael kissed her again, and when he broke the kiss, he stared deeply into her eyes.
His gaze was filled with adoration and freshly-satiated lust.  He cupped her cheek.  “My wife,” was all he said before dressing again, and they departed for his bedchamber.  His seed was dripping warmly down the inside of her thighs.
Raphael opened the doors to his chambers and bowed grandly, allowing Tav to enter first.  There was a snap and the dozens of candles around the room instantly went aglow.  
Raphael closed the door behind them, before roughly scooping her into his arms and depositing her roughly on the bed.  His hands worked deftly on the laces to her dress, removing it as quickly as he could.  He snapped his fingers and his clothes disappeared, leaving them both naked with one of them eagerly planning another round.
Raphael climbed on top of her and didn’t even bother kissing her before entering her again.  He was rough and hard with each thrust.  While Tav was still slick with arousal and seed, the depth and angle led to some discomfort as he hit her cervix.  He was clearly still excited from their round of lovemaking on the balcony, and it didn’t take long before he was spilling himself inside her again.
Raphael rolled off of her onto his back.  Tav was sore and sticky and definitely not wanting to go again.  He pulled her over to him, so that her head rested on his warm chest.  His wing hugged her tightly and his tail wrapped gently around her ankle.  He gave a long deep hum of approval.  “Such a pleasurable deal we made, my dearest.  Should you wish to extend the duration of our honeymoon, I wouldn’t be opposed.”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself,” Tav mumbled absently.
“I am, my love.” His response was low and smooth.
His breathing started to slow, and Tav saw that he was falling asleep.  She tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but Raphael’s tail and arm held her tightly against him.  With a sigh of exasperation, Tav closed her eyes and tried to rest.  She could feel his deep, slow breaths in his chest below her.  Sleep not coming, she gently traced the Infernal ridges on his chest.
A bath in the Boudoir sounded heavenly right now.  She wanted to wash off the seed and sweat.  Laying next to him like this, Tav just felt used.  A bath and a meal would make her feel like a person again.
With great effort, she managed to disentangle herself from Raphael’s grasp and unwound his tail from her leg.  She crawled off of the bed and found her discarded dress.  She slipped it back on and made her way to the Boudoir.
“Little Wife!” Haarlep exclaimed with glee.  “I am so glad to see you.  Are you here for another bath?”
“Yes,” Tav stripped off the dress and unabashedly climbed into the pool.  She floated in the water for a while, trying to relax.  She closed her eyes and let the healing water do its work to restore her to pristine condition.
When she opened her eyes, Haarlep was standing over her with a wide grin on their face.
“He does so enjoy playing with you, doesn’t he, Little Wife?”
“He doesn’t seem to like you talking to me, though,” Tav noted.  She began to wash her hair using some of the oils at the edge of the bath.
“The Master prefers to keep his toys separate and orderly.”  Haarlep dangled their legs in the water.
“He’s already forbidden you from touching me, so what exactly is he afraid of?”  Tav rinsed out her hair and grabbed a sponge to wash her body.
“Haven’t you already guessed that, Little Wife?  We both exist for his pleasure.  We don’t exist for ourselves.  We are contracts and that is all we will ever be.”
Tav nodded quietly before getting out of the bath to dry off.  She dressed and went back to her room without another word.  She found a comfortable silk nightdress that was at least slightly modest that she could change into.  She covered it with the red robe.  
Tav went to her mirror and took a solid look at herself.  She was a far cry from what she was before.  She missed her blue sorceress robes and her companions and camping out in the wilderness.  She missed the university and spending tendays reading in the library from dawn until dusk.  She missed her small rented apartment that was entirely filled with books and an herb garden.
Now here she was: no longer Tavara Aureum but instead the Archduke of Avernus’s wife.
She looked over at her nightstand where the ring box sat unopened.  She sighed and lifted the lid.  Inside was a silver and sapphire ring with imprints of dragon scales embedded into the metal.  She slipped it on her ring finger.
Tav returned back to Raphael’s chambers, hoping he was still asleep.  His eyes opened when she shut the door behind her.  He sat up and saw her standing in the doorway, significantly more dressed than when fell asleep.
“Dearest Mouse, where did you scurry off to?” Raphael questioned playfully.
“I went to clean myself up a little, so I returned to my room,” Tav carefully left out the part about the Boudoir.
Raphael climbed out of bed and snapped to dress again in his doublet, looking pristine and refreshed.  “Come, my dear,” he motioned to the settee.  She settled next to him.
“Do you want to take our evening meal in the dining hall or eat here in your chambers?” Tav asked him.  
“It would be nice to seclude ourselves here for an evening.”  Tav smiled and nodded at him.  Raphael snapped.  “I informed the staff to serve us here.”
“That sounds nice.”
Raphael noticed her left hand and quickly grabbed it to get a better look.  “You’re wearing your ring,” he started to muse.  “I hope you find the design to your tastes.”
“Thank you, it suits me very well,” Tav complimented his choice.
After a few minutes, there was a knock at the door.  Raphael waved his hand and the door opened on its own.  Several valets entered and quickly set two table placings at a dining table on the other side of his chambers.  Another brought wine and goblets.  Several small plates of various dishes quickly followed before all of them scurried out of the room.  One final maid entered and left a stoppered brown bottle in the center of the table before leaving.
Tav took his elbow quickly as they went to eat, and Raphael gave an affectionate chuckle.  They seated themselves at the table.  The meal was much simpler than the previous two evenings, but that suited Tav just fine.  Raphael poured them goblets of wine.  Tav took portions of the sliced beef roast, rich buttery potatoes, and braised greens.  Raphael continued his carnivorous streak.
Tav raised a goblet.  “A toast?”
“To?” Raphael waited for her to continue.
“Our honeymoon,” she suggested.  He grinned.
“To our honeymoon,” he agreed and they clinked their glasses and drank.
The dinner conversation was pleasant enough.  When they were finished eating, Raphael motioned to the brown bottle.  “The tea you requested, my dear.”  Tav picked up the bottle and removed the stopper.  Sure enough, she recognized the nara root tea to prevent conception.  The earthy scent and taste of dirt were unmistakable.  Gale had spent many tendays brewing different batches and trying to make it more palatable for her.  He tried other herb mixtures, honey, and milk.  Mint improved the taste slightly as did brandy, but neither could completely remove the taste of soil.  The tea had gone tepid, but she drank it down without complaint.  
There was a snap and all the dishes and excess food disappeared.  “Shall we play a game of Lanceboard?” Raphael offered.
“I suspect I will be learning some new openings,” Tav joked.
“I will not, as I am already quite familiar with your openings,” Raphael quipped back.  As much as she tried to hold back, a laugh escaped from her lips.
Raphael kept a Lanceboard set on a shelf and they set up the board together.
“White or black?” Tav offered, holding out two pawns of the different colors.
“I believe your scales indicate the color you should play,” Raphael countered.
Tav was by no means an expert at Lanceboard, and she knew she was likely to lose as soon as they sat down.  She was competent enough to have beaten Gale a few times, but Raphael had millennia of practice and had probably seen every possible combination of gameplay.  His moves were calculated and precise as they played.
“Checkmate in three,” Raphael offered slyly.
Tav studied the board, considering the different options.  “Son of a bitch!” she exclaimed before resigning and giving a big sigh.  “Well played, husband.”
“I would like my spoils,” he said smoothly.
“What spoils, aren’t we playing for fun?”
“Your robe, dearest.  Take it off.”  Tav removed the silk robe, leaving her down to her nightdress.  The fact that Raphael was fully dressed put her at an extreme disadvantage.  She was certain Raphael saw no disadvantages to this situation.
He reset the board with a snap.  “Again?”
Tav grumbled, she was going to beat that smarmy asshole husband of hers and get just his doublet.   Fuck.   
She performed better the second game, having seen how Raphael played in their first match.  She took more of his pieces and tried to set up a gambit, but he clearly recognized immediately what she was doing.  He moved his Razor’s Edge diagonally and gave a grin.
“Checkmate in two.”
“Fuck!” Tav exclaimed, realizing the trap he had set for her.  The trap he had set for her.   She needed a trap she could set for him.
Haarlep had told her that he liked it when she read to him in Infernal.  Perhaps it was time to experiment.
Tav switched into Infernal with the best translation into Devilish that she could manage.  “Well played, my dear husband.”
It was like a switch flipped in Raphael’s mind.  His mouth went slightly slack.  “I suppose I need to remove this,” she continued to flirt in the language of the Hells.  Her nightdress came off over her head.
Raphael immediately picked her up and carried her to the bed.  He could barely snap his fingers to disrobe, he was so excited.  He kissed and caressed quickly and eagerly.  Tav tried to bring his fingers down to stroke her clit, but he was surprisingly resistant to her instruction on how to please her.  Foreplay was short, as was his number of thrusts before he came.  He kissed her deeply and curled his body around her as they prepared to sleep.
Haarlep wasn’t lying about the Master's preferences.  A plan formed in Tav’s mind.
Tomorrow, she was going to visit the Archivist.
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blueharborhq · 26 days
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Hello everyone, good morning / afternoon / evening! ❤️
First and foremost, we want to thank each and every one of you for your continued support and interest in Blue Harbor! Summer is a busy season for many of us, but as we reach the tail end and fall slowly approaches, we couldn't be prouder to foster a little community where we can all get away from the craziness of everyday life. As we'd like to reiterate, we strive to keep this group as inclusive and welcoming as possible — to new and old members alike! Thus, we want to issue a few gentle reminders to everyone in light of some feedback that we've received thus far to ensure that we all remain on the same page. Please read the entire post thoroughly and like this post once you've done so in order to acknowledge that you've read it.
As per our activity guidelines, we enforce a strict no bubbling policy. Each week, we require that all members reply to three different muns in order to pass our activity check. These three muns whom you interact with per character must be switched out as often as feasibly possible from week to week in order to ensure that you are interacting with as many other writers as possible within the group. In general, if you feel as though you are struggling with this, please reach out to us and we will do our best to help! Additionally, a 'randomized groups' task / event will be rolling out within the next few weeks in order to spice things up on the dash and facilitate new connections; if this poses any issues for anybody, let us know off anon!
In a similar vein, we ask that you please attempt to prioritize threads evenly. We completely understand that sometimes you have to go where the muse takes you, or sometimes there may be plot-driven threads that take priority over others, but we want to reiterate that everyone should feel welcomed here regardless of IC / OOC connections! If there are threads in your roster that you simply aren't feeling anymore, that's perfectly okay, but please try to let your thread partner know so you can think of something new together!
In terms of OOC activity, please put your best foot forward when it comes to reacting to calls and plotting. Slide a react to someone you may have not interacted with before, offer up your best ideas and apply as much effort as possible when fleshing out character dynamics. Additionally, we understand that sometimes things get lost and it may be hard to keep up with the sheer amount of amazing writers that we have in this group, but we also ask that you try your best to stay on top of messages as a result of calls and plots. We say that it's never too late to go back to a DM and continue the conversation!
In terms of IC activity, we want to clarify that our definition of an interaction consists of a traditional written thread. We absolutely adore the increase in text / call / facetime threads on the dash, and we do not want them to stop by any means. We think they're a wonderful way of keeping muse high and furthering development for characters! We just ask that you keep in mind that they do not count towards activity check, and you will still need three different thread interactions in order to pass each week! This will be further clarified on our official guidelines page as we realized it was not previously specified.
In general, have fun! Writing on a platform like this is a truly wonderful hobby and we can’t express enough how awesome it has been getting to share it with every single one of you over the course of the past two months! We’ve been having an amazing time witnessing all of your enthusiasm and we hope you have been too!
As always, we are open to any comments and concerns addressed to the main. The more specific, the better! We want to help in any way that we can. Like mentioned above, please read the entire post thoroughly and like this post once you've done so in order to acknowledge that you've read it.
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sunbun-memes · 11 months
Stuff my friends and I have said during Movie Night
Feel free to change pronouns as needed! Be sure to specify a muse if sending to a multimuse blog!
"They've got tanks. I think they'll be alright." "How'd she make it????" "How are they gonna take down the big boy?" "The army is here, finally." "That is the least of your concerns trust me." "Don't worry, it gets worse!!" "Oh that's terrifying, I love it!" "Feed her to the monsters!" "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE BOY!" "I don't think God said anything against visiting the moon or splitting atoms." "I wanna throw the crazy religious people outside." "Old people just do not give a single shit." "Don't stay and fight, run!" "I think 'oh no no, aw no no' is an appropriate reaction." "Here comes the Can of Peas!!" "Rest his crispy, crusty soul." "I don't think it's dead yet, give it 50 more whacks to be sure." "Well, now he's on fire and flying." "Oh yeah sure set the mop on fire I'm sure nothing will go wrong." "Told you nothing would go wrong." "Those bugs are huge. Like small dog sized. Winged chihuahuas." "… y'all might wanna turn the lights off." "Just a friendly bug. Totally harmless I'm sure." "That poor biker dude." "Close the door." "Gonna miss biker dude." "I'm sorry but if I had a kid and someone touched them without my or their permission I'd be forced to give them the roundhouse shuffle." "Can we sacrifice her already?" "Plot armor? Looks more like plot acid." "Word of advice: stop using the term 'tentacle.'" "That seems weird, but I'm not the lawmaker." "Boy you're gonna be screaming in annoyance later." "If everyone stays out of sight from the windows, that could help." "No you're not sorry, you're a coward. I saw how you backed up against the wall when he said help him." "Deserved; but not helpful." "So unnecessarily aggressive so fast." "He's a kid, he's proud and stupid." "Why does he want to go so badly?" "Why does the army wear napkins on their head?" "I think more people should have Bigfoot's baby. He needs to repopulate." "If I passed by that many military trucks, going that fast, I'd be spooked."
105 notes · View notes
calliesmemes · 7 months
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CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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“   If I had a flower for every time I thought of you…I could walk through my garden forever.   ”
“   You are my fate. ”
“   I'm not whole without you. You are life itself to me ”
“   You mean so much to me that sometimes I don’t know how to handle it.   ”
“   Even before I was touched, I belonged to you.   ”
“   We are more than friends; we are family. ”
“   We’ll protect each other. ”
“   Blood makes you related. Loyalty makes you family. You’re my family. ”
“   I want so badly to protect you from the world because I know how bad it can be. ”
“   I promise I will find you in every universe.   ”
“   I’ve always wanted to live a fairytale, and you have written one for me. ”
“   When I fall in love, I fall to pieces.   ”
“   I love you. I’m not just here for the pretty parts — I’m here for you no matter what. ”
“   Something about you makes me feel alive. ”
“   You will never be unloved by me; you are too well tangled in my soul. ”
“   We’re in this together. ”
“   It’s you. It’s always been you. ”
“   I have loved you since we were children. ”
“   I don’t want to have the world’s attention. Yours is enough. ”
“   I broke my rules for you. ”
“   What I have with you, I don’t want with anyone else. ”
“   You have a place in my heart that no one else can claim. ”
“   I’ve been dreaming about you my entire life! ”
“   I’d choose you. Every single time. ”
“   You and me? It’s a forever kind of thing. ”
“   My soul will always find yours. ”
“   If only you knew just how completely and devoutly I worship you. ”
“   I love you with all the broken, blood-stained pieces of me. ”
“   I am your sword, your shield, and your lovesick protector. ”
“   For you, there’s nothing that I wouldn’t do. ”
“   Your subconscious seeks me. ”
“   Sleep. I’ll fight the bad dreams off if they come to get you. ”
“   I don’t think you understand the effect that you have on me. ”
“   You saved me in every way a person could be saved. ”
“   Come back. Come back to me. ”
“   You would not believe me if you knew how often you are in my heart and mind. ”
“   Everywhere I go leads me back to you. ”
“   You are so adorable when you’re angry. ”
“   No, I am not angry. I know your thoughts. Your heart is better than your head. ”
“   I condemn you. Yet my heart yearns for you. ”
“   Whatever our souls are made of, yours and mine are the same. ”
“   My heart is, and always will be, yours. ”
“   I’m obsessed. I’m addicted. I will gladly cross every single line if it means making you mine. ”
“   I am so proud of you. You’ve been so brave. ”
“   The love you have in you is the kind of love that will vigorously shake the world. It is also the kind love that heals all wounds and save souls. And I am tremendously in need of it. ”
“   If I know what love is, it is because of you. ”
“   I will look for you in every lifetime, until we finally stay. ”
“   You will find me when you return, even if you're a thousand years late. ”
“   When it was dark, you always carried the sun in your hand for me. ”
“   Having a soulmate is not always about love. You can find your soulmate in a friendship too. ”
“   I have loved you in every life, I think. ”
“   The way to love someone is to lightly run your finger over that person’s soul until you find a crack - and then gently pour your love into that crack. ”
“   I still remember you as a little girl who overwaters plants because she doesn't know when to stop giving. ”
“   You are dear to me. I don't want to let you go, and I won't give you up. ”
“   I'll tell every one in the world that you are the only one that matters. ”
“   The world was made so that we could find each other in it. ”
“   Friends are the family you choose. ”
“   You and only you, can make the rest of my life peaceful. ”
“   I don't want soft or subtle. I want rough, wild, heartache, I want sins, I want you. ”
“   I think I wished for you all my life. ”
“   How could I ever hate you, when all I know is you? ”
“   It doesn't matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was. ”
“   You did something for me I couldn’t do for myself. You loved me for who I am. ”
“   I long for you. I really, utterly long for every bit of you. ”
“   You are part of my existence, part of myself. You have been in every line that I have ever read. ”
“   You are beyond all the worlds that I have ever known. ”
“   I will forget my name before I forget you. ”
“   No human being has ever stood so close to my soul as where you stand. ”
“   I always have such need to merely talk to you. ”
“   I waited for you my entire life, and you are worth every minute. ”
“   Family means that no one gets left behind or forgotten. ”
“   We both know that he means the world to you. Why are you afraid to tell him that?   ”
“   You can become homesick for people, too. ”
“   The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is to love and be loved in turn. ”
“   She’s my sister; she needs me. ”
“   Never sacrifice your family, your heart, or your dignity. ”
“   Whatever you do, you’re still my brother. ”
“   My identity rests solely and firmly on this: I am my mother’s daughter. ”
“   Family is supposed to be our safe place. ”
“   The warmest light is your body. ”
“   Forgive me for my love — for ruining you with my love. ”
“   "Family" isn't defined only by last names or by blood; it's defined by commitment and by love. ”
“   I beg of you — let us aside our differences, and see each other as our family. ”
“   You are my treasure, my pale gold, the heart of my heart. ”
“   It is too late to turn you out of my heart. Part of you lives here. ”
“   I don’t care; I love you anyhow. ”
“   I shall do one thing in this life — one thing certain — this is, love you, and long for you, and keep wanting you till I die. ”
“   I think I missed you all my life until you finally showed up. ”
“   Love is sustained by action, a pattern of devotion in things we do for each other every day. ”
“   You bring me peace that I haven’t found anywhere else. ”
“   Remember, no matter how foolish your deeds, those who love you will love you still. ”
“   This morning I’m ambitious, proud, energetic and very madly in love with you. ”
“   You give me joy that few men know. ”
“   I suppose that I am too enamored by you anyway. Every time I see you I get more so if it is possible. ”
“   I just want to relax in your arms. ”
“   I never stopped looking for you. I never gave up hope that you were alive. ”
“   I wish I could be as strong as you. ”
“   It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay. I promise. ”
“   The ones that love us never truly leave us. ”
“   The right people fight for you. ”
“   When we heal ourselves, we heal the next generation that follows. Pain is passed through the family line until someone is ready to feel it, heal it, and let it go. ”
“   Even if you fall or falter, I will be with you. ”
“   I’ll always want you more than anyone. You’ll always matter to me more than anyone. ”
“   Anyone who falls in love is searching for the missing pieces of themselves. ”
“   Perhaps we were friends first and lovers second. But then perhaps this is what lovers are. ”
“   I must admit I miss you terribly. The world is too quiet without you nearby. ”
“   I love you. I knew it the minute I met you. ”
“   You didn’t break me. You helped fix me. ”
“   It’s nice when someone remembers the smallest of details about you. ”
“   Ever since I met you I want you by my side. ”
“   There's no better feeling than to be here with you. ”
“   When we work together, we are unstoppable. ”
“   Whatever I need, I have when I'm with you. ”
“   I’ve loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. ”
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