#movie night meme
sunbun-memes · 11 months
Stuff my friends and I have said during Movie Night
Feel free to change pronouns as needed! Be sure to specify a muse if sending to a multimuse blog!
"They've got tanks. I think they'll be alright." "How'd she make it????" "How are they gonna take down the big boy?" "The army is here, finally." "That is the least of your concerns trust me." "Don't worry, it gets worse!!" "Oh that's terrifying, I love it!" "Feed her to the monsters!" "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE BOY!" "I don't think God said anything against visiting the moon or splitting atoms." "I wanna throw the crazy religious people outside." "Old people just do not give a single shit." "Don't stay and fight, run!" "I think 'oh no no, aw no no' is an appropriate reaction." "Here comes the Can of Peas!!" "Rest his crispy, crusty soul." "I don't think it's dead yet, give it 50 more whacks to be sure." "Well, now he's on fire and flying." "Oh yeah sure set the mop on fire I'm sure nothing will go wrong." "Told you nothing would go wrong." "Those bugs are huge. Like small dog sized. Winged chihuahuas." "… y'all might wanna turn the lights off." "Just a friendly bug. Totally harmless I'm sure." "That poor biker dude." "Close the door." "Gonna miss biker dude." "I'm sorry but if I had a kid and someone touched them without my or their permission I'd be forced to give them the roundhouse shuffle." "Can we sacrifice her already?" "Plot armor? Looks more like plot acid." "Word of advice: stop using the term 'tentacle.'" "That seems weird, but I'm not the lawmaker." "Boy you're gonna be screaming in annoyance later." "If everyone stays out of sight from the windows, that could help." "No you're not sorry, you're a coward. I saw how you backed up against the wall when he said help him." "Deserved; but not helpful." "So unnecessarily aggressive so fast." "He's a kid, he's proud and stupid." "Why does he want to go so badly?" "Why does the army wear napkins on their head?" "I think more people should have Bigfoot's baby. He needs to repopulate." "If I passed by that many military trucks, going that fast, I'd be spooked."
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possiblyk9 · 10 months
I had too...
whistle baby whistle baby
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mushramoo · 11 months
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I am losing it
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glitchedcosmos · 11 months
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That’s it that’s their whole thing
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jay-wasstuff · 11 months
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cheezy-whizz · 3 months
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stabbetartestercraft · 11 months
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Bonnie trying to warn freddy of Mike
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i-give-u--art · 10 months
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This photo makes me a happy
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hopeful-esperanza · 11 months
EVERYBODY, after the fnaf movie:
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gracefulserpent1207 · 11 months
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valentinbelleyh505 · 1 month
@chloesimaginationthings i made a gift for you! 💜
I'm also send it on your askbox if you don't mind it :3
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tofusoon · 3 months
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mushramoo · 11 months
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same energy
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minecraftcoalblock · 4 months
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jay-wasstuff · 11 months
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