#but we endure
dragonroilz · 8 months
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felt like painting medic lol
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emberglowfox · 2 months
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my beautiful son version 2.0
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spacebeyonce · 2 months
first day of work.....a success
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hellkitepriest · 11 months
you lot in my phone are spiritually coming with me to see ee in exeter next month like it or not
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heartfulselkie · 1 year
sending lots of love and hugs your way <333
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Thank you anon ❤️
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sun-undone · 2 years
i feel like i’ve been working on the first chapter of this fic for 20 years and it’s still not even ready for a beta read 🙃🙃🙃 i’m so close to finishing it but i haven’t even looked at it in like 2 days someone yell at me pls
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azfellandco · 10 months
It's about Crowley bearing witness to Aziraphale's desire, about the way that desire is animal and visceral and enormous and terrifying*. And about how Crowley sees that and wants it. Crowley offers the ox rib and watches Aziraphale eat because eating provides them no sustenance, it's purely for pleasure, sensual, selfish. And Crowley introduces Aziraphale to this, and thousands of years later still takes obvious pleasure in feeding Aziraphale, in watching him eat. In watching Aziraphale's pleasure.
And I think it's significant the things we see Crowley put into his body in s2, and why: six shots of espresso, as something bracing before seeing what it is that made Aziraphale call him in his "something's wrong" tone; whiskey, because he has to give Aziraphale some bad news; wine, because they "might as well get comfortable" during the storm coming down on Job, after Aziraphale learns that Crowley is actually pretty unhappy with Job's suffering; and poison, to dispose of it so Elspeth (or Wee Morag, I've fogotten which is which) doesn't die. Crowley doesn't take Aziraphale's "something that calms you down", only consumes things that not only don't bring him pleasure but are an attempt to prevent pain. Crowley, who introduced Aziraphale to this important physical, sensual, selfish pleasure, denies it to himself. He denies himself the eccles cakes, he denies himself partaking in food, and he denies himself Aziraphale.
And we see throughout the rest of the season other things he's denying himself: the comfort and safety of a home in the bookshop in favor of the mobility and ready-made escape of living in the Bentley, the surety of saying what he really means during the confession. He cannot bring himself to admit what he wants, that he wants. Gabriel and Beelzebub "going off together" is not what he wants. He wants Aziraphale, but he doesn't say that, because he's never, in the years and years and years we've seen this season, let himself want or be seen wanting. "Going off together" is as close as he can get to speaking it. "A group of the two of us" is as close as he can get. So he has to watch as Aziraphale leaves and takes his pleasure in the world with him.
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foe-of-fate · 1 year
I live off of Tums the way a vampire lives off of blood
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frm9pm · 6 months
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My wife and I were walking around the city and when we saw a dumbledore poster we immediately turned to each other and made this hand gesture LOL
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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I want it back / I drag its dead weight forward.
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realstrap · 1 month
‼️needed ASAP!!!‼️
Hey, so one of my coworkers at my job just quit this week and management off loaded all their hours on to me bc our department is short staffed
I now have multiple full shifts this week with no food for lunches! I've been skipping meals at work due to lack of funds and my body really can't take it anymore! I need to be able to feed myself.
I need $180 for groceries for my lunches plus household toiletries, I'm having a real rough time before I get paid, pls lend a hand if you Can!!
CA: $lezsalt or $sleepyhen
VM: wildwotko
Dm 4 PP
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lewiscarrolatemybrain · 7 months
Friendly reminder that the suffering and torment Xie Lian experienced actually made him LESS kind, and the lessons he learned as a result of that pain were that human life is meaningless and compassion is worthless and people don't deserve your help or care or love for them. Xie Lian had to backtrack and reject these new lessons in favor of the old ones he had already known in order to return to being kind.
Xie Lian losing everything he loved and knew, being stripped of his power, autonomy, safety, and community, and being ridiculed and humiliated, did not teach him anything worth knowing. He did not learn any valuable or important lessons from it. In fact, he needed to consciously decide that he wasn't going to let it change him and work to go back to the person he was before all that shit happened in order to avoid turning evil.
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remuscariad · 2 months
Okay but what if I snap and write a full-fledged fic of Arthur becoming king in s1 and how it could have changed the entire course of the show.
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ryllen · 2 months
A question I have just recently,
can Sebek handle spicy?
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this is what i generally think of fae.
tho i think,
lilia knows spicy spices from his travel.
even tho in dragon form, malleus breathes fire from his mouth, and fire is hot, it might be like the kind of fire that doesn't hurt him in the first place
sebek father might bring spicy spice from human world with him, but since i think of him as a mellow man, he might not be interested in spicy food in the first place
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sophegg · 3 months
hey. I know everyone is feeling a lot of things right now and most of them aren’t great, but it’s okay to still acknowledge that at its core, the QSMP was a good idea. it may have been managed poorly and my heart goes out to all the admins that worked so hard for nothing in return, but they worked so long and so hard for a reason: they truly loved and believed in the concept. even if you no longer feel comfortable engaging with the project or content about it going forwards, we owe it to all these people who worked so hard to acknowledge that the stories and characters and builds and puzzles they created were AMAZING. I wish they were able to create these things under better conditions, but I’m not going to go back and say everything about the QSMP sucked.
the whole goal of the QSMP was to bring communities together, and translation software was well developed to do so. we now have an extension that right now is allowing Portuguese speaking and Spanish speaking chatters to watch and enjoy their favorite CCs compete in Liar Liar on the Tubbathon, even though they are speaking English. it’s led to so many English speakers being inspired to learn a new language and to watch non-English speaking streamers, and so many friendships across language barriers have formed. we can and should discuss the problems with the server, but we can also reflect on all the good that has come from it.
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indelicateink · 1 month
as an american, sam reid’s total inability to hide his contempt for overly fake-chipper american journalists, especially ones who Have Not Done The Assigned Reading know and care about the show, will never not be hilarious and iconic to me
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