#but we made itttttttt
junkdyke · 6 months
I have officially graduated from college, bitchesssss!!
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ftm-megamind · 1 year
so i usually watch newsies with english subs or no subs at all. but recently i watched it with an acquaintance and turned on polish subs for her, and looking past the fact that some of the translations (mostly song lyrics) were awful, my favorite part was how they translated "union." they used the word "związek" each time, which of course could mean a worker union, but it also means a (romantic) relationship and it made all the jack and david interactions that much gayer, e.g. "we're a union now" was "jesteśmy teraz zwiazkiem" so pretty much "we're in a relationship now." hilarity
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coconut530 · 29 days
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I really miss protesting against the government every Saturday evening. That shit was fun.
too bad the police started showing up. Also the water canons were really fucking insulting. Like wtf are we?? Cats?? What are you spraying us with water for?? No but fr that shit was dangerous my aunt broke a rib bc of it.
My point is. Fuck the government. We were actually making a difference.
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intertexts · 4 months
love it when some fucked up clock chimes & suddenly every single of my mutuals & folks i follow who r into hxh but not, like, talking ab it every day etc start simultaneously hxhposting.
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dangermousie · 2 months
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I found videos for all the eps not in the world's best quality and it's worth itttttttt!!!
This drama finally gets it - we don't want last minute reunion, half the time when we don't even see the other person's face. And we don't get that here, we get an ep and a half of them healing and blissfully together, back to sickly man and feisty woman, and just so much cottagecore perfection (and her driving all the deities away and making sure they won't come again so he can have peace and quiet and healing.)
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The Heavenly Law whole set up (giving ancient deities human bodies and hearts because it wants them to slowly fail and eventually disappear making way for humans) is harsh as hell but he's gotten a wonderful soft landing (thanks to all the other gods' remnants ensuring at least the baby of their fam gets out OK) and I love that.
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Look at him chilling in his retirement, getting fed grapes. He's finally got to be the spoiled concubine he always wanted.
And this bit! They kept it from the novel!
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They didn't have him say his second wish out loud - in the novel it was as many kids as there are grapes - but somehow it made it even more !!!! because then once they start making out, it becomes instead his wish is to have sex with her all the time ahahahah
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Look how happy they are. I love it so!
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They are starting to get horizontal on a public pier. !!!!!
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Who does it like them?!
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bsaka7 · 5 months
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why evryoe in our class is a dick
Why are they placing bets and why is the fucking punishment us
why are they so fucking rude to everynyn other than the pickmes
why are dry like talk to me bitch im being nice??
we could beat you in a fight fr lmao (
our music taste is better than your ass
why you boasting about being better than us like bitch
i like mcr and you dont L imagine a taylor enjoyer (no hate to taylore moots)
were all living on a floating rock the worlds not gonna end if you be nice to someone that isnt yout friend
whise list me and my friend made in spite we hate everynyan but were cool fr🫶 schools so annoying keep yallself safe outthere
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bandgie · 5 months
The way he collectively made us sweat buckets...lying like our life depended on it💀can you imagine?!?!
DUDE I saw that on twitter I was like WHAT!! like logically it makes sense that they would know or at least find out but omfg I would be shakinggggg. like imagine they do an interview where they read fanfics? or read thirsty tweets?? HORRIFYING
on another note, can we really be surprised than San is okayish with it?? I swear he was talking about a choreo and how people thought it was super sexy and had 'steamy' thoughts and San said something to the effect of "we're adults, I understand' or something like that uGHHH I wish I could find itttttttt
it's crazy because that means two things, we are literally too horny, and san fucks consistently
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rhinocio · 2 years
Rhinny-nums, darling, I'm an 80's kid and the original TMNT was my first fandom - though there was no internet and no nerds around me so that fandom was only me, my sister and one of her friends. I haven't had the heart to give any of the remakes more than an "oh, that exists", though I watched the movie back in the 00's. This Rise thing is such a hard remake that it's just mystifying to me but at the same time I'm just delighted that they seem to have made such a lovingly bizarre update to the whole thing.
What I'm trying to say is *confused nostalgia noises*
HELLO WEILLA MY DARLING I am pleased to inform you that despite being extremely vastly different from every other iteration of the series ROTTMNT goes out of its way to just like saturate itself with references / homages to previous generations of Turtles. The whole show and experience is just so full of love for everything that came before it while also going, "Hey what if we gave this some new flavour and updated its more questionable aspects so that it's the best current take possible on a beloved franchise," and I cannot recommend it enough.
Which is to say [grabby hands] please come join me in the turtle pile I would love to hear your opinions on itttttttt
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freedomfireflies · 10 months
Having 404 pop up In my feed has made me remember when I was like 13 and the best song ever MV came out and I was simping the fuck out of Marcel and me having to hide the fact I was so turned on by Harry in that MV cause we were all like 12/13 and my mates were all like “ He looks ridiculous.” 🫠🤭
HAHAAHHAHA I LOVE ITTTTTTTT yes yes we can pretend this is Marcel if Marcel was actually a total asshole with zero feelings AKDKAS
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zet-sway · 2 years
🤡 😈 and ⛔️ if you’re still doing author asks?
lets do itttttttt
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
I'm particularly proud of this one. Someday when I finish next chapter in this fic, there's even more trolling and I fucking love it lol
Zaeed chuckled, and Shepard knew she had been caught. "Sorry, just a lot on my mind."
"A lot on your mind? You look like you're about to die of thirst and he's the only one that'll fill you up."
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
This may have been on the more cruel side of playful but there was that time I wrote a drunksmut interlude that ended with Shep finding out Thane's jacket is glued to his body.
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
look it's not scrapped i'm just in denial okay /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
Okay actually I found this random page of notes in my car last week that had a bunch of fic ideas and brainworms on it, because sometimes I write smut notes on real paper like some kind of psycho. But there's this one line that cracked me up:
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And by 'the rake' i'm referring to the cryptid that hangs out at the end of the bed with glowing eyes and spindly limbs. The premise of this was that Thane learns Hackett sent Shepard to help Amanda Kenson alone and called it a "favor." In this fic, Thane is feeling some kind of way. He somehow breaks into Hackett's ship and we get a Hackett POV of waking up in a dark room in the middle of the night and then suddenly spotting Thane - just barely - in the darkness. To which he's chilled to the fucking bone, Thane gives us some kind of Liam Neeson "particular set of skills" dialogue, and we wrap up with Hackett getting his morning coffee while constantly looking over his shoulder because yikes
Why did I scrap this? I'm not sure, now that I'm thinking about it. II played Arrival for the first time when LE came out, and it hit me just how fucking close we came to Shepard getting killed and the Reapers blasting our ass. It made me angry how Shepard had to endure that mission alone, because if Hackett had let Shepard bring a team, they wouldn't have been unconscious for two fucking days and they could have actually had time to evacuate the Bahak system - probably not enough time, but time enough to do something. But at the end of the day I think I shelved this idea because I am just not that interested in deep-diving into Hackett's brain. Now you've got me thinking though.... lmao
Thanks for the ask!!! You got me thinking real thoughts with my brain and I appreciate that because it makes me feel good C:
questions here
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louismygf · 2 years
raw reactions (unedited & VERY messy) to fitf aoty!!!! (u can read my tags for my general, spoiler-free thoughts!)
⚠️ spoilers for fitf under the cut ⚠️
SO GOOD SOO GOOD SO GOOD im getting imagine dragons vibes(???) HSHDBDH i said you knoww meee UYGDHHD THAT PARTTT THAT PART. this is so epic omg.... it sounds HUUUUGE god this would sound GOOOD in a stadium 🫦🫦🫦🫦
WWWOEDJJDJ instrumentalsssss is gooddd "HEY BABE" FUCK. SHSBDBSBSBSB THIS IS CRIMINALLLSLSMDNDNDJJDBDNNS THIS IS SOOOO FUCKING GOOD the FUCKKKK!!!!!! bBnznsnd i looove this one i love it o loekdkdn LOVE....., so catchy the chorus is so GOOOOOOOOD babey...... bro the oooh oooh sounds in the backgrounddddd cant wait to sing that THIS ONEEEE is so good FUCK uhhhhhdhdhhh i wanna put this one on loop so bad SO bad.
okay breather....... i love btm 🫶 my first louis single !!!shes special 2 me ! the high notes 💯💯 uugghow just really an impressive song overall it's 👌 yeah!!! feel like louis didnt give her a lot of love though </3 OK, the instrumentals in this one is soo so so addicting ..., & btm bridge 💘💘💘💘💘💘 yes! !! !
lucky again
the guitars r so good. louis' voice is so good. i love this oneeeeee goddddd i wanna replay itttttttt loveeeeeeeLOVEEE his voiceeee hereeeeeeee in the prechorussssss "and i love you for that" AHHHH.... chill vibe <3 ahhhh it's sooooo so so so good aw that was too short
face the music
WAITTTT waittttt WAIT. this one!!!!!IS AMAZING. the guitars r LOUDDDD oh god..., i need to read the lyrics to this one i cant understand anythinfdh 😭 i still want to dance w u too 😭 wait come back😭😭😭😭
oh god ok it's starting...., ooh these lyrics ok ! intrigued?! this is so 2000s omg i rmr sitting in the car & listening to these kinda bands. so if youre lonely in chicago you can call me baby, wow chicago louies won with this one actually HSBBDD this is so sad 😭 i like it though !!
all this time
upbeat! !!! i love this oneeeeeeee i LOOOVE ittttttt this album was made for me i really rwally rsally like every single one so farrr love the chorus on this one i like the lyrics :,) ooooh experimental haha love the kinda bug sounds towards the end😭
out of my system
ok mussy song!!!!!!!!! absolutely slaps like LOVEDDDD it on the first listen, still fucking love it today Ugh a BOPPPP a bop. the last chorus forever is a hit to my heart it's so intense u just feeeel it in your chest!!! like the lyrics ykkkk?!??!? gotta grt it off of my chest is SO RIGHT
ok this one...., v chill <3 the harmonies r so good <33 oh thisd be good in a concert you can just sway to the music with your hands up kinda vibe. problematic ending line (bc ofc, louis is king of toxic relationships)
baby how is this hopeful girl i am tearing up fr
silver tongues
ok didnt really write a lot for saturdays bc i was literally crying gfjfjfg love the trnasition between saturdays and silver tongues actually it's perfectt. goddd this album is so fucking good i cant. process this so many good fucking songssssssss sbbdb it's actually insane louis' so amazing .
she is beauty we are world class
whats this man singing to my ears. so what is this song about 😭 before during and after hearing this song, i have no clue what it's about i thought it'd be for football HSBBDD hm..., it's cute :) im just so? confused and. so Much so confused 😭 it IS a vibe though
common people
oooh acoustic guitar OKAY is this louis playing. why are we winding down oh no its becoming calm.... are the next songs tear inducimg im not ready. this one is so home-y hehe 💘 yessssss love the BEAT DROP💕 CUTE 🫶🏽🫶🏽
angels fly
scared for this one. ok i like it. i realllyyy like it. ok im. teary-eydd. . ... love this prechorus :( this chorus is sooo uuughdg i love the lyricssss....:((( this is a sweet sweet song
holding on to heartache
looove the melody of this one!! (<- me pretending i wasnt crying earlier) you know the partys overAaaaaa!!!that part nothings ever EASYYYY. TO BE HONEST IM NOT EASY ON MYSELF????? 😭 i love the message of this one so much :( really gooood!!!!!!! it's a lot to think about..., loved the subject matter of this one... and placing it after angels fly feels. right..... ah i need to read the lyrics to this one it's GOODDD
thats the way love goes
ok louli anthem im ready. okay louis comforting oli after getting dumped this is 🫶 the way he sings thats the way love goes feels like hes smiling 😭 CUTEEE this was cute :,) that was a good closer actually !!!! :)
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racingliners · 1 year
F1 Re-Watch 2022: Round 18 - Japan
Mild shock, I actually watched C4 highlights for this one!! And oh boy the immense emo feelings I had during Japan last year 😭 (yes I still think about the fan forum at the track with all the green lights and just how utterly lovely the fans were to Seb).
Oh and the race happened too, with Seb being an absolute badass in his battle with Alonso (and various other farcical things I’d rather not discuss). So, let’s get into it!!
I’m actually soooo excited to finally see this race in full! I did enjoy watching highlights iirc, Suzuka Circuit is so beloved
This was a wet race iirc?? I can’t remember just how wet though
Must have been very wet be the replay is three and a half hours long
*bopping to the F1 theme as I type*
(it’s still not The Chain though)
somewhat fun fact I do just about remember watching the practice session when Verstappen made his F1 weekend debut, yes I have been here a WHILE
“The forecast is 100% rain for the duration of the race” oh, so it’s WET wet
anyway: Starting Grid whiplash
Lance P18. ow. 
Mick P15, slightly less ow.
Lewis P6 ☺️
also Yuki’s first home race, I cannot remember where he finished so if he doesn’t have a good race I will weep
[Formation Lap]: Oh no. That’s a lot of spray. I’m having Spa 2021 flashback.
“It’s gotten a lot wetter in the past five minutes” Ted I love you but that’s now what I wanted to hear
lol at that “The Battle for the Championship” graphic. We all know there was zero title battle last year 😭
arghhhhh I was excited now I’m nervous FUCK
Oh a Bono sighting that helps
*distressed yelling*
oh no they’re saying Seb spun 😭😭😭😭
Sainz in the barrier 😳
aaaand Safety Car
Oh I do remember Gasly having some advertising boarding stuck to the front of his car
well, that was certainly a first lap
Seb spin replay, zero joy sparked
Ted also saying it’s now raining even harder 🥲
I heave clearly mis-remembered how much I enjoyed watching highlights.
[Lap 2]: oop red flag. We’re doing a Spa 2021 folks.
*rain delay content klaxon*
Helmet watch: Albon’s cherry blossom helmet is sooooooo pretty 😍😍😍
Alexa play Here Comes the Rain Again by Eurythmics bc there’s a river on the circuit
Charles just sat on the halo with his brolly, so unbothered 
ayyyyy the car tents!!!!
The AM mechanics with their ponchos >>>>>>
(welcome to racingliners.tumblr.com where we talk about everything but racing)
Though granted, no rain delay will have anything on quali at COTA in 2015, forever unmatched
Oh fuck me these lap one replays are literally just grey, that’s really not fucking good
Ted offering to giveaway the discarded advertising boarding from Gasly’s car, peak sports journalism
also we’ve only had one race weekend of Dan back in RBR blue in 2023 and already seeing him in McLaren papaya looks off. wild.
ayyyy Lance is up to P11 and Mick’s in P10!!! didn’t even notice amongst all the carnage, love that for them
vefvahefuh Jenson defending Seb in the accidental violence against Fernando by saying he probably couldn’t see anything in the spray, the Sebson girlies (gn) stay winning 
Breaking news: The Haas mechanics found the gazebo for Kevin’s car.
Yuki vibing in the the garage, if he does not have a good race I will RIOT
oop, the stewards haven’t given a re-start time yet. We really are doing Spa 2021 again.
Don’t cite the rules to us Crofty, we were there when they were written
“Cancel that right hand magic” Bono???? explain
Oh god not already talking about the title permutations 😭 I’m not strong enough for the impending nonsense
That and I’m also still trying to process what the hell Bono was talking about
Somewhat unrelated, Jenson talking about 2009 and I 🥺😭
“But I always used to swear at you” JENSON vfuivhesuhu
did not have Jenson on Crofty violence on my rain delay bingo
cut to shots of various drivers looking serious
I do love learning that Kevin’s hero is Evil Keneval though, ty F1 graphics team
cut to rain radar on the RBR pit wall, can confirm it’s still raining
(this rain delay is not quite passing the vibe check, Monaco was much more fun)
concerned Ferrari mechanics huddling around Charles’ car????? That is not reassuring
Lance sighting!!! 
oh not the camera making it look like Laurent Mekies was by himself on the Ferrari pit wall 😭
once again, Bernd Maylander for driver of the day (he rolled down his window to say hi to the camera)
ugh Alex had an engine problem?! I will add that engine to my post-season sledgehammer list
oh race resuming in 15 mins???
“This is good race control” Words I never expected Ted to utter in 2022. I am in shambles.
Ted is also once again trying to flog the discarded advertising board from Gasly’s car, this time by signing it as if it’s from Gasly esbihsjrthij
Mr Kravitz the man that you are
“There will be more than one lap behind the Safety Car” oh we really are doing a Spa 2021. Cheers FIA.
Mandatory wet tyres, which makes a lot of sense.
(Trying to not get too incensed at the fact there was a tractor on the track before the red flag bc it’s almost 11am and I would like to have a nice day today but please know that the FIA are very very very dumb)
ANYWAY: Helmet watch: Lewis’s rainbow flower helmet is iconic af
Cut to the Seb fans 😭 I’m fine 😭
Oh. There is an actual river on the right hand side of the start-finish straight. That’s fine.
Helmet watch: Mick’s cherry blossom helmet is also very pretty
in conclusion: Cherry Blossom helmets? Cherry Blossom helmets.
“Restart suspended” WELP buckle down fellas we’re in for the long haul
God I hope F1 mechanics are paid well to deal with the FIA’s nonsense
They’re still running the trackside rollercoaster in the rain aerguherughs I’m glad some fans are having fun
Lando and Andreas chilling on the McLaren pitwall, unbothered
oh to be an F1 mechanic dishing out cups of tea during a rain delay
idk why he’s still in the car but my boy!!!!!
cut to more drivers looking serious 
ooh the McLaren mechanics are dishing out soup now
while a fan in the grandstand has some ice cream, oh the duality of F1
F1 is such a technical sport that Aston Martin engineers will stick their hand out from under the pit wall canopy to see how heavy the rain is.
Hiiiii Yuki!!! 👋
Breaking news from the FIA medical car: the track is still wet
(oh what has this liveblog descended to?)
Oh I think the Haas mechanics win the rain delay tea award, one of them has a chocolate brownie.
replay of Lando’s start and.... you can barely see the rain lights of the cars in front in some parts. That is not good my dudes.
I am Esteban’s unimpressed shrug and Esteban’s unimpressed shrug is me
“What should have been a quacking race is actually one for ducks” ......Crofty
“You can’t see me but I’m pointing over there” Jenson comms >>>>>> 
“Weather forecast: It’s raining” no shit Ferrari radar
oh the Medical Car is going round for another run. Guess what: it’s still wet.
Maybe it’s actually Bernd Maylander v Alan van der Merwe for Driver of the Day
d’aw Yuki waving to the main grandstand 🥺
“I’m rather pessimistic unfortunately” Me too Andreas, me too
The AM mechanics waving their arms and clapping at the fans in the grandstand 😭 I love Team Green so much 💚💚
eugsheu of course it was Mikey geeing up the crowd 
cut to McLaren mechanics playing Uno. Now we’re getting into the good rain delay content
you know what stuff the Grand Prix, let’s just have the mechanics interacting with the crowd instead it’s 11/10 wholesome
aaaaand cut to a tiny duck swimming across a large puddle. It’s that wet.
Lewis and Bono sighting!! Merc seemingly don’t do paper cups, but team branded mugs instead
Breaking News: Zhou has a very tiny rubber duck with the number 24 written on it in sharpie
slightly less breaking news I’m almost two hours into the race replay
Oh. it’s apparently getting a bit brighter. Obviously I know we get some racing but I legit cannot remember how many laps we got.
“I am optimistic” Ted v Andreas in the pitlane at 3
Angela even got her name up on the screen, as she should
and I’m *now* two hours into the race replay
*talks shit about you in German*
ngl I’m running out of things to talk about other then yelling every time I see my faves
Another AM mechanic going to wave at the crowd. Protect the mechanics at all costs!!
A mechanic and the crowd doing synchronised arm waving should not be making me emo. But yet, here we are
“But I’m staying positive” Ted is winning the optimism v pessimism war against Andreas
Seb at the AM pit wall looking at the radar. Shockingly, it’s still wet
Seb also looking very pretty but this is not breaking news.
‘Race will resume at 16:15 local time’ oh HELLO
cut to people manically sprinting up and down the pitlane
and then Kevin is just strolling over to his car, just viking things
aw someone from Aston went to give out caps to fans in the grandstand
“These cars are the best hoovers on the planet for water” I’m just going to take what Karun’s said and roll with it
Noooo someone at Alfa Romeo made a sign saying ‘You are the best’ and held it up for the fans to see 😭😭😭😭😭
F1 personnel? Excellent. FIA and F1 big wigs? Very dumb. Hope this helps.
okay so because I had to give up watching this last night bc F1 Tv was being so laggy I have completely forgotten the running order so this is going to be fun
and oh my days the sky is finally light grey instead of dark grey it’s a miracle
actual liveblogging resumes, thank goodness
even though we’re behind the Safety Car bc it’s still really wet on track
‘Rolling start procedure’ I’m not sure I vibe with that
drivers reporting better visibility thank fuck
[Lap 4]: oh the Safety Car is still out that’s fine
I should note there’s no lap count on the screen so I’m just guessing that these are race laps
oh the Alpha Tauri mechanics using the tyre blanket to keep warm 🥺
oh never mind Ocon was talking nonsense the visibility for the cars in the midfield is actually not good
[Lap 5]: oof yeah. That is a lot of spray. Stop wanting to go racing just because you’re in P4 Esteban.
oh. the SC lights are off. we’re apparently going racing.
What has this race been?? I’ve absolutely no idea.
[Lap 6]: And we’re racing!!
Seb and Nicky have both pitted for Inters
There is A LOT of spray coming off the cars jeez louise
and Seb and Nicky have both been noted for an unsafe release defvoiheosh
[Lap 7]: Lando and Val also pitting for Inters
I am Anxious™️
Oh Kevin got past Lance on the inside of Degner 1. 
[Lap 8]: Verstappen and Charles both pit for Inters. Did not expect we’d be doing the pitstop shuffle so soon
Lewis and Perez also in
and Russell
oh my god Alonso’s leading
the pit lane said DRAMA
And he’s back into P10. NICE.
oh my days MICK IS P3
[Lap 9]: Alonso also pits and Verstappen re-takes the lead
Lap 8 you chose WAY too much chaos
so literally everyone has pitted apart from Mick and Zhou
oh Val v Kevin. Viking on Viking violence.
[Lap 10]: Zhou pits for Inters.
Lewis in P6 and Seb in P7. The besties that race together stay together 🥰
Ocon v Mick v Lewis is giving me stress with all the spray
[Lap 11]: Seb into P6!!!!!
Meanwhile Verstappen and Charles have just zoomed off into the distance
[Lap 12]: and Mick finally pits
the spray situation has improved a little bit, thank fuck
[Lap 13]: okay the on-track action has calm down a little bit
George don’t you dare get past Yuki
[Lap 14]: 7 seconds between Verstappen and Charles.... 
that does not pass the vibe check
oh jeez not people starting to complain about their tyres already. Pirelli make a better range of wet tyres challenge.
[Lap 15]: “We are expecting some spots within two minutes” With all due respect Xavi SHUT UP I do not want to know
Noooooooo Russell got past Yuki
[Lap 16]: Lewis is still chasing down Ocon for P5
And Charles is seemingly not having a fun time with his tyres
“It is starting to unravel a bit for Charles Leclerc” Charles’ 2022 season in a nutshell tbh
“Alonso is rapid behind Vettel” how about no
[Lap 17]: Let’s hear it for column two of the sliding points scale apparently
ngl this Ocon v Lewis battle is actually pretty good
Let’s actually hear it for some MIDFIELD SPICE!!! 🥳
[Lap 18]: Seb v Fernando... it’s 2012 all over again
are we... going to get more pit stops???? with 16 minutes left???
[Lap 19]: ahhhhh cut to Seb v Fernando I’m ANXIOUS
stop talking about the gap between Verstappen and Charles I don’t. want. to. know.
Oh Zhou’s pitted for more inters. inch resting.
Not Lewis thinking about going around the outside of 130R. THINK OF MY NERVES
[Lap 20]: Okay he thought about it again on the main straight but Ocon is defending like it’s Hungary 2021
oh Lance and Gasly have pitted 👀
Lewis I know you’re the king and the goat but stop trying to pass round the outside of 130R MY HEART CANNOT TAKE IT
[Lap 21]: Yuki has also pitted
Perez within striking distance of Charles in 2 laps????
Ferrari what are you doing???
“Are you sleeping?” Okay that was funny Checo awifheoiaguh
[Lap 22]: Ten minutes remaining klaxon
Lewis is still behind Esteban
He did not try getting past througb 130R, my blood pressure is very thankful
[Lap 23]: Alonso’s pitted 👀
welp there’s Charles in front of Perez
[Lap 24]: slightly less joy being sparked from watching Charles v Perez knowing just how slow the Ferrari has been this race
And Alonso is up into P8
Lewis is still behind Esteban 
[Lap 25]: 5 minutes left klaxon!!
iirc Charles gets a 5 sec penalty for something??? 
[Lap 26]: And again I’m on my “You should get the fastest lap regardless of whether or not you’re in the top 10″ soapbox. Show the non-top 10 cars some respect!!!
also just over 2 mins left
This has certainly been A Race™️
[Lap 27]: Anyway Seb still in P6 which is all that matters
I’m equal parts watching Charles v Perez, the gap between Lewis and Ocon and the countdown clock I’m getting very cross-eyed
[Lap 28]: FINAL LAP
I’m equal parts relieved and exhausted
Alonso passes Russell
[Finish]: Verstappen won quelle surprise
Ohhhhh Charles cut the chicane, that’s what the pen was for
I mean he doesn’t have it yet but I know it happens adfvgheugh
Ocon P4, Lewis P5
AND SEB P6!!!!! A KING!!!!! 
No points for Yuki but he still had a decent home race!!
Whew. That happened. (Not discussing the post-race title nonsense bc 1. it’s been months and 2. I don’t have the energy).
Obviously watching wet races like this back is much better because you know that all the drivers were thankfully fine. If I had been watching it live I would not have enjoyed it as much. But, (rightful) rain delay aside, once the race did get going it was fun to watch with all the overtakes and proper battles.
So overall 7 front wings out of 10. Next race: USA! 
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madwickedawesome · 1 year
ranking mozart coronation mass movements bc im singing it at carnegie hall and that will forever be my only personality trait
1. gloria obviiiii <3 shes SO PRETTY and SO SO EASY TO SING i fuckin love the gloria it is so fun and silly and listening to it always gets me so excited and i have solos in itttttttt <33333333333 giggles
2. credo……………. it was So close to being first HOWEVER. IT IS SO HARD TO LEARN AND TO SING BAUDHAJHDIQHRJAHFA LIKE. it gives me a headache whenever i sing it at normal tempo <///3 HOWEVER. it is so GOOD and it gives me literal chills and i love the mood swinginess of it all <3 listen to credo if i havent already made u it will change ur life
3. sanctus . ok listen…. its fun to sing and sounds good but only for like. half of the song 😭😭😭 the ending is not as fun as the opening But its above agnus dei solely bc at least it gives the altos some NOTE VARIATION and im singing alto
4. agnus dei 🤞 love my babygirl but god damn do we have like 4 notes AJDHAIDUQIHRAKHFOAJFA ITS THE AVERAGE ALTO HATING PIECE. it does however go incredibly hard tho even tho like half of it is solos
5. benedictus….??? im ngl i was ranking them in my head and i Forgot about this movement. its mid if i cant remember it sorry 😁 like thinking abt it now i have no recollection of how it sounds so take that as u will
6. KYRIE. OH MY GOD THIS SONG IS SO FUCKING BORING and the fact that it OPENS THE MASS????? literally disgraceful THIS SONG IS SO MIDDDDDDD the very ending is the ONLY fun part 🤬
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narrie · 5 years
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