#but what does Mickey like that Ian can tease him about?
arrowflier · 2 years
“Why is Mickey’s knee always so slutty” that sounds like something Ian would think and accidentally say out loud and Mickey would be like 🤨 “what” and Ian would be like “nevermind! Forget you heard that?!” And Mickey is like “how are knees slutty?” And Ian is like “they’re not but yours….when you wear the ripped jeans or your naked or-“ and Ian is sweating and blushing and Mickey just laughs at him and forever teases him about
Lol Calli this absolutely happens. Mickey is like "is that why you liked that stupid mall uniform with the shorts? And why you keep pulling on the blanket until my leg sticks out? You got a knee fetish, you freak?" And Ian mentally flails a bit trying to deny it then Mickey bends his leg to make his knee show more through the ripped jeans and there's no use. From that day on he makes a point of sticking his knees out, nudging Ian with them when they're sitting at the table or on the sofa, etc just to see him flush.
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in-act-ive · 1 year
Yo can I request the Gallagher boys (not Liam) and Mickey headcanons if U do them (all separately) with a male reader who's more domimant and taller (sorry I can't spell) in the relationship like they also have to be the big spoon or whatever reader always pulls them in to his lap or something nothing sexual
Thank you if U can't do multiple characters can U do lip or Mickey
I'm real sick of the fics where the male reader it still feminine y'know
Have a nice day sorry for the long request
I had so many ides for this the moment you asked!
Request : yes
Type : headcanon
A / N : hope this is what you wanted!! Sorry it took so long btw, I got sick really fast and couldn't write!
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Carl Gallagher
At first he's very confused by whats going on
After a few times he gets used to sitting in your lap and does it instinctively
Carl hates that you're taller in every way
He's probably a brat to you
He insists on getting stuff he can't reach even if you've offered to help
Carl is very independent and says he doesn't need your help
When he does need your help he's such a bitch about it
He does like having his scary dog privileges though to be honest
If he's about to go do shady shit he drags you along to scare anyone off who may try and fuck with him
When he's a police officer he insists on protecting you
Oh how the tables have turned
When you spoon him he definitely pulls your hands up to his chest so he can hold your hands
After a while he just lets you lay your hands wherever you'd like
He's comfy with whatever
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Lip Gallagher
He won't admit it but he kinda likes that you're taller than he is
The first time he sits in your lap he's flustered as hell but continues to flirt with you
After a few times its still a little awkward but he won't admit it
He just insists on not doing it
He uses your height to his advantage
The moment he doesn't feel like reaching something he bothers you to grab it for him
He finds it hilarious that you are too tall for the Gallagher house
He likes to tease you when you hit your head on stuff or trip on something
His love language is most definitely teasing
When you both go out he kinda acts like you're not there
When he gets into fights you have to save him half the time
When he confronts bitches of men he almost always has you standing around incase it doesn't go his way
The moment you two cuddle and you spoon him he gets kinda pissed off
He'd much rather face you
He does feel protected in your arms but won't say that
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Ian Gallagher
Ian is already the tallest Gallagher and is too tall for their house but having you around makes him jealous
He is confused when you pulled him into your lap
He's not opposed to the idea of sitting with you but he also really doesn't seem to know what to do with himself
Once he's used to it and knows a comfortable way to sit its one of his favorites
He won't admit it
He insists on getting everything himself no matter if you can reach it or not
He probably warns you before you run into a doorway cause he knows what its like
He hates PDA
Especially holding hands
Mainly because he hates feeling like the shorter guy in any relationship
Even if he is
The moment you spoon him he says something dumb
"No. No we're not doing this."
He wants to be the big spoon but you object to that idea
Finally you compromise on you both facing each other
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Mickey Milkovich
He doesn't mind your height at all
Everyone is always taller than him anyways ao your height is just something about you
He thinks its attractive but obviously wont say his feelings
The moment you pulled him into your lap he immediately was fine with it
When he sat in your lap he sat like a king on his throne
Mickey gets so used to it and does it absentmindedly
He will push you into a chair just to sit in your lap no matter how busy you may be
When you guys go out of the house he loves having his "scary dog privileges"
He knows when it comes down to a fight he'd probably kick someones ass for you though
He loves when you hold him or touch him in public
Then he knows that your his and he's yours no matter what
Plus he finds it fucking hilarious when you have to tell people to go away cause you're together
When it comes to cuddling he loves when you spoon him
Its his favorite thing ever
When you don't he makes you no questions ask
Note: This was not spell checked nor grammer checked! I apologize in advance for the mistakes
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burntb4bydoll · 1 year
hi! idk if you still write for shameless but i read ur carl headcanons and omg i loved it
may i ask fiona gallagher & carl gallagher with a short and hot tempered s/o headcanons?
like reader acts like theyre dangerous and shit but they're actually a softie!!!!'''
This is so me honestly
Fiona/Carl Gallagher with a short and hot tempered s/o
Carl Gallagher
•he thinks that your attitude is so hot
•if someone ever picks a fight with you, he likes to watch it unfold. he would watch you from afar while smirking to himself the whole time you tell the random person off
•finds it absolutely hilarious when your seen cussing out a man almost a foot and a half taller than you. They always get too nervous to agree back with you😭
•he doesn’t want you to get into a real fight tho. it doesn’t matter what you’re doing, if you’re at risk of getting hurt he wont let you do it.
•can and will fight someone for you
•but whenever you guys are hanging out alone, suddenly your whole demeanor changes and you suddenly turn into the biggest sweetheart ever
•and he is absolutely eating it tf up
•he will sit with his back against the headboard while you lay on top of him, the whole time you’re cuddling you are subconsciously pulling yourself closer and closer to him
•he likes seeing your (fake) tough personality slowly fade into your real one once you get some privacy. He feels special that he gets to see the real you and no one else does.
Fiona Gallagher
•loves to be the one to break that tough exterior of yours
•although she does find it very attractive
•she lowkey hates when you get into arguments. You tend to get into fights with people a lot bigger than you and it scares the shit outta her
•if the fight does get physical, she’ll patch you up afterwards while telling you how stupid you were acting😭 she’s definitely pissed off about it, but she’ll end up apologizing like 5 minutes later because she felt bad that she called you stupid
•thinks its so adorable how you act all tough but the second she kisses you, you damn near melt
•she likes to tease you for being short a lot, but its just playfully. She actually really enjoys the height difference
•takes so many pictures of you when you’re acting all soft. You’re either cuddling into her side, laying with your face in her neck or standing next to her in the mirror in the morning, just hugging her from behind with your face smooshed again her back.
•her and Ian are secretly conspiring to make you and mickey hang out and become friends because they think that you’re similar to each other
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sisitrip · 9 months
More Like Me, With You
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Palate cleanser from some heavy. Don't know what this is, but it made me feel warm.
Mickey’s key’s clatter against their door and Ian stretches on the couch, wiggling his toes in relief. Finally. A rare, full day apart from Mickey had reminded him of what it felt like to not have his husband at kissing distance.
What a shock. He’d hated it. 
He’s been askew in his skin all day and his mind sparked chaotic like so many pop rocks on a wet tongue. An empty apartment and being alone with his thoughts has never before, or now, been a good thing for him. 
Cold chapped and smiling, Mickey steps into the tropical heat of their apartment. Ian’s set up a trap house tailored to his husband’s tastes and he doesn’t feel guilty at all. The apartment was humidly redolent with dinner - a crock pot full of brisket, potatoes, and the veggie puree he’d snuck in. Cold beer was sitting in the refrigerator and various other items he knows Mickey loves are scattered around the apartment. He probably gets more out of doing these things for Mickey than Mickey does himself. It’s a poorly kept secret that he mainline’s Mickey’s happiness shamelessly.
“Ah fucking yesss,” Mickey hisses when he closes the door behind him and the warmth hits his face. “You’re getting all the blowjobs.”  
Ian laughs and drops his book on the coffee table. 
“That’s a pretty tall promise, husband.”
Mickey starts shedding his shoes and clothes as he walks over. 
“I mean that shit, husband. It’s jungle perfect in here,” Mickey says, finally stripped down to his boxers and tank top. He flops down onto Ian, pulling a laugh from him.
“We aim to please,” he chuckles, wrapping Mickey up in his arms. The cold clings stubbornly to his hair which makes Ian shiver in his own shorts and t-shirt. “How was it without me today?”
“You want a lie or the truth?” Mickey asks, burrowing. 
“The truth.”
“It sucked. Not the work, but the rig. That shit’s loud as fuck when you’re not in it.” 
Ian smiles and rubs Mickey between his shoulder blades. Loud is code for lonely. 
“Sorry I couldn’t be there. Lip rarely uses the emergency child care card.” 
Mickey snorts into his neck and hooks a leg over his thigh. 
“Fred, good?”
“Perfectly slobbery. He put applesauce in my hair.”
Mickey chuckles. “Fred put his favorite thing to eat on his favorite thing. That kid likes your hair as much as I do.” 
He hums and noses into Mickey’s hair, sniffing past the cold, smoke and city smells to find what he’s looking for. When he does, he inhales deeply. “Speaking of favorite things,” he murmurs and smiles when Mickey laughs.
“Fucking sniffer,” Mickey mumbles into his collar bone. “Repeat offender sniffer.” 
“Then stop being a human aromatherapy candle,” he teases, sniffing again. He stops when Mickey’s belly rumbles against his. 
“Tell me what you ate today and I better not hear Snickers once. Your last dentist appointment was a miracle.” 
“I had food.” Mickey shoves his hands under Ian’s back and hides his face. He can feel Mickey trying to cross his lying little fingers.
“Mountain Dew and a candy bar.” 
“What’d I say about the Snickers?” he faux gruffs. 
“I never said the word Snickers,” Mickey says with a sniff.
He grins, giving Mickey’s temple a peck. “You eat like a bachelor when I’m not around.”
“Then stop ditching me for Fred. He can’t even talk,” Mickey says, nipping his neck.
They lie quietly for a bit, listening to the muffled city sounds and wind pelting snow at their windows. Although the world is ordered now that he had Mickey close, he can’t quite let go of the discomfort he’d felt all day. It was like he wasn’t himself until Mickey was around. As a matter of fact, it’s been a long time since he’d thought about who he was without this soft, heaven-scented man in his arms.
“Did you feel like yourself today?”
Mickey makes a noise of confusion.
“Uh, kind of?”
“Explain please,” he says, stroking Mickey’s back.
“I mean, it’s having a routine, you know? If it gets out of whack, anyone would feel out of sorts or whatever.”
“Was it because I wasn’t there?” he asks softly.
Mickey pulls back, face comically sad. 
“My world caved in,” he begins, sober as a grave.
Ian flushes. Here it comes.
“I looked at the long devastation of the day and nearly gave up because you weren’t there.”
“Shut up,” he says, starting to laugh.
“When I thought the snow would drown me in the hole your absence made, I reached for a potion, nay!  An elixir.” Mickey bows his head solemnly. “Yes. A flagon of Mountain Dew. Without it, I might have perished.”
Ian’s laughing hard now. “You’re a dick.”
Mickey settles down, laughing too. 
“And you’re in your head again. Stop that shit. You’re Ian, and I’m Mickey even when we’re apart.” Mickey nuzzles into his neck. “But, truth? I feel more like me when we’re together.”
He kisses Mickey’s cheek. “Me too.” 
Mickey hums against his neck then stills when his stomach grumbles again. 
“Alright, are you ready to eat?” Ian asks, giving him a squeeze.
He makes as if to get up. “Come on then. I got brisket on.”
Mickey grumbles and sags his weight down fully, hiding his face in Ian’s shoulder.
“Wait a minute.”
“Why? Thought you were hungry.” 
“I am.”
“Then let me up so I can get us some food,” he laughs when Mickey doesn’t budge. “You need to eat, baby.”
Mickey kisses his neck and squeezes close.
“Need this more.”
He liquifies to absolute besotted goo, sliding his hands under Mickey’s tank and down into his shorts, squeezing softly. 
“You are several levels of sweet, Mickey Gallagher,” he whispers into his hair.
“It’s the Snickers,” Mickey mutters. 
Ian holds him tight, head and heart full of all the things that are completely true about Mickey, but would be brushed off by his husband as romantic nonsense. 
“Nope. The candy hasn’t got a damn thing to do with it,” he murmurs, accepting Mickey’s soft kiss.
“Yeah?” Mickey whispers. 
They curl into each other in the loving humidity of the life they’ve built together, needing nothing more than to be this close for a while. 
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ladykakata · 1 month
i love your shameless thoughts so much! i think a lot of shameless fans do a lot of projecting when it comes to mickey and seem to think he’s ian’s doormat when he clearly isn’t, he just a well informed partner who understands and accepts how his bf/husband’s mental illness unavoidably affects his behavior sometimes. it’s just like how ian can see that, what might look like a tantrum to most, is mickey being overwhelmed and unable to process certain things and lashing out in the process. getting hurt by each other is sometimes inevitable, but for the most part throughout the series they don’t fully take it to heart because they’re accepting of one another. its sad that some fans will ignore the complexity of that in favour of villainising/victimising and defaulting to ableism.
PRECISELY. You've hit the bullseye there; Mickey comes to learn that certain actions might be Ian's brain lashing out, but Ian does precisely the same with Mickey. Mickey is pretty notoriously (and hilariously, let's be honest) short-tempered and hyper-defensive, to the point where pretty much anything will result in a machine-gun torrent of abuse aimed at someone. There's a known tell with him rubbing his eyebrow if he's SEVERELY tested and ready to lash out physically, and that's true as well.
A good example of this is when Ian was mystified by Mickey's behaviour with regards to the West Side. Mickey is clearly struggling, again he verbally lashes out and he did the same at the party when asked what his drink of choice was. Ian in that scene just smiles and shakes his head, knowing Mickey is rough around the edges and awkward, but he certainly doesn't upbraid him for his lack of etiquette. Trying to get Mickey to admit to anything emotional is difficult, and Ian knows he has to carefully tease that information out without setting Mickey off on a rant or him shutting down (the latter more likely). He did so beautifully when trying to figure out why Mickey didn't want the nice apartment on the West side, and Mickey finally admitted that it makes him deeply uncomfortable. Having gotten the answer, Ian accepts that, and de-escalates the situation by calmly agreeing, despite Mickey being suspicious about him not arguing. Eventually, after some back and forth, Mickey agrees to move and Ian lets him have his caveats, ending the exchange by reaffirming that Ian loves Mickey's rough side ("You're such a fucking barbarian" "Thank you <3"). Mickey is so socially awkward for someone full of bluff and bluster and I REALLY want to cover that in a post.
I'm on anti-depressants, and a side effect of making my emotions even and focusing my brain without it having a meltdown every two minutes with emotions, it also makes you a little emotionally numb. It can make you look very calm and collected, which is also a bonus in certain circumstances, but also can come across as cold or uncaring in the wrong circumstances. When Mickey was trying to process his father's death, Ian was borderline confused about his upset, which again can come across as very cold, but being someone under the influence of anti-depressants, I do wonder if the writers were taking that into consideration, as well as Ian's deep loathing for Terry and not quite getting how upset Mickey would be over the death. I think he eventually will realise it's not so much the fact he's died, it's the lost potential for them to reconcile and be a proper father-and-son. Mickey had a glimpse of it, and it's heartbreaking to see.
In my opinion, the deleted scene where Mickey questions Ian's mood and expresses concern should have been kept in. Ian has done it for Mickey, and it's so soft and gentle the way he probes into how Ian is feeling without, again, making Ian shut down or push him away. Plus, it had Mickey referring to Ian out loud as his husband, and we all need more of that <3
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 2 months
Do you have any Debbie + Ian headcanons? Pre-canon or otherwise
eek!! yes i have many… and a lot of them are pre-canon because i’m a sucker for pre-canon
i’ve written about this before (and never published it lol), but i could see one of ian’s first memories being around debbie’s birth or her actual birth. frank said something about most of his kids being born in the gallagher house, and i believe debbie was born on the same table she gave birth to franny on. ian was really excited to be a brother because of lip’s influence, and when he held debbie for the first time, he kept calling her “my baby” and getting defensive when anyone tried to take her away (which was reasonable considering he was only four and couldn’t really hold her properly without help). when they got older, maybe five and nine, they would play together with the barbie lip took from the 99¢ store and ian’s g.i. joe, debbie was very bossy and kept interjecting whenever ian tried to do anything because she had a specific plan.
whenever frank would come home wasted or monica would be having another episode, ian would grab debbie (like he does in 2x08 and 11x07) and comfort her. he would convince himself that, yet again, he was following in lip’s footsteps and helping debbie, but a part of him knew he too wanted that comfort because he didn’t often get it.
debbie has painted ian’s nails… on several occasions. when they were kids and debbie would do it, ian would insist she picks a color that wouldn’t be noticeable and would pick it off his nails before school the next day. when ian got older and debbie would do it, he didn’t really care what she did and would keep it on (even if he ended up biting it off later). maybe as an emt sue would tease him, but he’d just brush it off. franny ends up painting his, too.
around two, maybe more, times, debbie would come with ian to the milkovich house. ian would go over to study with mandy (and sneak into mickey’s room to “go to the bathroom”), and debbie would talk with mandy. she felt really cool doing this, and on the walk home debbie would excitedly tell ian about how awesome she thinks mandy is. this is around season two
while working at the kash and grab in the summer, debbie (and sometimes carl) would walk there from the public pool and debbie would convince ian to give her money for some candy or a drink. ian always intended on doing so, but he would pretend to put up a fight to irritate her.
anytime ian (or any of her siblings) was sick or hurt and needed to stay in bed, debbie would sneak into his room and talk to him like he has terminal cancer and weeks to live. ian always found it sweet, even if he would playfully roll his eyes and tell her to get out.
when debbie was pregnant, she would send ian photos of her baby bump. she wouldn’t often get more than a “❤️”, but she appreciated it considering she felt so alone, but always knew she’d have her brother.
because season ten confirmed debbie’s a stoner as an adult (twice, lol) i can imagine her smoking on the porch with ian like she did with sandy. he’d talk about mickey, she’d talk about franny, they’d laugh about their other siblings.
i can’t really think of anything else but if anyone’s seeing this and wants more headcanons i’ll happily post them, my blog’s kinda dead now (which is totally my own fault lol)
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kandyzee · 6 months
i can't....i mean i like gallavich but i do feel strongly that mickey deserved more. i feel like ian just settled for mickey like 'fine...i guess' and i wouldve liked for mickey to broaden his romantic horizons beyond ian.
I do agree with wanting to see mickey more outside his relationship with Ian. Mickeys storylines are normally very dependent on Ian, and I think it would have been good to see more of him by himself. I would have liked to see bits of mickey in Mexico. I dont think he ever has a serious bf but causal stuff.
I don't agree that mickey deserved more or that Ian settled. Mickey deserved more in terms of independent storylines. If that's what ur saying, but I don't think it is. (Sorry if that's what u meant)
Also sorry if anything I say comes across as mean cause I'm about to disagree with u big time.
A big part of gallavich to me is how Ian has always loved mickey. This is really easy to tell. Mickey likes Ian, sure, but it takes him a while to show it. Ian is absolutely smitten from the start. Ians only relationships outside of mickey in s1 dont have love. Being groomed isn't love. Mickey is ians first love.
What he feels for mickey is childish, and it only grows over time into something shorter.
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Look at him. My boy has a big crush. I don't get the idea that you can settle for ur first love.
Ian is always fighting for their relationship and pushing it forward. He's goes to mickey when Monica comes. That's such a big step for them because it shows that's beyond sex they always have trust. Ian goes to see mickey in juvi. Lots of people would have left him there. It makes sense, too. Mickey is already causing problems in ians life. Ian goes with mandy to pick mickey up, showing he's there for mickey. Also, he puts himself into a family situation. He even gets mickey a job.
When Frank catches them, he straight away goes to help mickey. He tries to convince mickey that he has nothing to be ashamed of. He's protecting him.
He teases mickey into kissing him. DO U GET HOW BIG OF A THING THAT IS FOR MICK???
Ian had no real reason to take mickey back when he got out of juvi again, but he does BECAUSE HES IN LOVE.
Ian is always slowly pushing mickey forward. He doesn't push mickeu too far. There is always trust between them because of this.
S3 Ian tries and tries with mickey. After what happens with svet, it's Ian going to see if mickey is okay, not is mickey going to see Ian. Ian again tries to convince mickey that he doesn't have to live how he is.
Mickey helps Ian through his first time dealing with his disorder.
Ian pulls away from mickey when he goes to prison. But that's doesn't stop him from going all the way to the border with him when mick breaks out. I think Ian knew he wasn't going to go before the last minute. He stays in that car to make sure mickey gets away safe. He risks being seen with a prison escapee BECAUSE HE IS STILL SO SO IN LOVE.
Ian doesn't want to see mickey goes he wants to be where mickey is, but he can't. We can't expect Ian to give up his family, all his stability for mickey. Sometimes love isn't enough. So much about Ian running off to Mexico would have realistically not worked.
S9 when mickey comes back instead of being like "wtf is this guy stalking me how does he know I'm here this is so creepy he needs help let me switch rooms rn" Ian looks at him LIKE THIS.
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that is not the look u give someone when ur settling for them.
Ian is ready to throw his parole to stay in prison just because mickey is there.
Ian waits for mickey when he gets out. He immediately let's him live with him. They get to be lil domestic bitches. Yeah Ian kinda messes up the first proposal. BUT THE 2ND ??? HE WHEN FISTS FIRST INTO THAT ONE.
Ian saw s1 mickey, the in the closet rat looking thug and thought 'I can fix him'. AND HE DID.
Mickey helps Ian too ofc not ignoring that the post just ain't about mickey
You can't put 10 yrs of love and hurt into a person and settle for them. Mickey is the love of Ians life. In every stereotypical way, they are perfect for each other.
Ian didn't wait months for mickey to get out of juvi and prison, be mickeys only shoulder to lean on for years, almost sacrifice ever bit of stability he had built just to make sure he was okay, he didn't marry him just to be like "fine...I guess"
That's all thanks for sending the ask :p
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whatthebodygraspsnot · 5 months
Hi Ray!
If you are inspired: part 3 no.15 or part 5 no.12 💖
“Who would have thought that this is something that you’re into?” additional tags: light pet play, experimental puppy play, very light exhibitionism, idk if i like this yet - i'm just dipping my toes in for now - trying something new
It's the perfect early-summer afternoon.
Mickey's spent a lot of time in their backyard, but recently, this is the way he's come to ask for it - stretched out on his back, the grass soft beneath his bare skin and the breeze cool as it wafts over him.
He's perfectly content here, despite being naked down to his briefs. Because of it, maybe. It's freeing. In a way that might visually counteract the rest of his setup, but he loves this shit too. The thick black collar wrapped around his neck... The chain that threads through the ring and keeps him loosely tied to the metal stake in the ground, the lead gone slack in the grass...
It's the perfect early-summer afternoon, and Mickey is leashed up in their backyard, the sun pouring so beautifully over his exposed belly that he has to let out a content little sigh, stretching his arms over his head.
Their fence is tall - the slats overlapping - so if anyone wanted to peek over, they'd have to work for it. But they could do it. If they wanted to. They could stand on their tip toes and see Mickey chained up and sleeping and the thought of it alone has something nasty and pleasurable stirring in his gut as he lies here.
Because would that be so bad?
Mickey daydreams about it, feeling the sun warm his skin. And he's just under that first layer of groggy sleep when he hears the back door sliding shut, the footsteps that approach him setting off a flutter of lazy excitement in his chest for what happens next.
"Hey you..." Ian's voice is so easy. So fond, like the big hand that reaches out and starts to rub over Mickey's bare stomach. "You bein' a good boy out here?"
Mickey stretches a little, enjoying the heat that spreads inside him from the attention.
When he opens his eyes, it's with a pleasant little smile that matches Ian's, who is crouching to the ground to rub soothing circles on his stomach. Fuck, it's nice... So calming... Mickey hums in answer, because that's all he's expected to do. No words. None needed.
And he's not sure he has the words for this feeling anyway. Because when Ian leans in to plant a kiss on his forehead and then murmurs it, very kindly, "Sit up for me...?" the desire to please him is like Mickey's never felt before.
Not like this. Not to this degree.
When he pulls himself up to sit, it's a pleasant stretch, his eyes closing again as he feels Ian carefully pick pieces of grass from his hair. "Not much of a watch dog if you're out here belly-up..." he teases, brushing some off his bare shoulder now. "Thought you were s'posed to be guardin' the place."
Mickey's lashes flutter open. Searching. Carefully trying to piece together the seriousness in that. If he let him down or not.
But before he can worry about it too much, Ian's throwing him a lopsided smile, "That's alright..." his hand coming up to playfully mess in Mickey's hair, thank god. "Too nice out not to nap, huh..."
Now that he's certain he hasn't disappointed, Mickey smiles softly again, nodding in agreement. It really is too nice of a day to not take advantage of it.
And Ian seems to be on the same page. Because he lists forward to plant a quick kiss to the tip of Mickey's nose, "That's my good boy," and then he's unhooking the chain from Mickey's collar. "C'mon."
And god, Mickey's heart soars. He knows it's crazy, but the praise just fucking does something for him. No matter how hard they're going with this for the day - how immersed Mickey says he wants to be. All Ian's gotta do is say those two words and Mickey's fucking melting.
Because that's all it comes down to, isn't it? That's the one thing that's always been true.
Mickey loves to be Ian's. In any way he can get.
And there's nothing that really nails that shit home quite like Ian putting a collar around his neck - Ian holding the lead end of his leash - Ian telling him that he's his and he loves him and he's being good.
It may have spiralled a little, but Mickey's always loved being owned by him. Kept by him. And if he's gonna spend years hearing people call him Ian's guard dog - his pitbull - he might as well prove it.
Which means he follows after him when Ian relaxes back on one of the chaise lounge patio chairs, eager to fill the space beside him.
And again, all it would take is a little peak - a little tip-toe - and anyone at all could see how Mickey lays his head on Ian's stomach, staring up at him patiently until he can get that coveted attention back on him.
Good. Because then they'll see how much Ian loves him. How generous he is when Mickey nudges at his resting hand until Ian gets with the program and uses it to pet over the top of his head.
They probably wouldn't get it, actually. They wouldn't understand how good it feels, Ian's fingers threading through his hair and then coming to scratch behind his ear. They wouldn't get the swoop of fulfillment and desire that rushes in Mickey's belly when Ian looks at him like this.
“Who woulda thought this is something you’re into?” he murmurs pleasantly - a moment of fond introspection.
But Mickey's known this about himself always.
That's all it is, really, his eyes closing as he rests his head in Ian's lap, once again drifting to the feeling of those hands petting him back to sleep.
[ send me a smutty one-liner ]
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callivich · 9 months
Obsessed with your Mandy in love with Ian scenario…how do you see Mickey and Mandy’s dynamic going with him finding out about that? Obviously Mickey isn’t going to be threatened. Ian is gay and married to him, so Mandy’s feelings aren’t ever going to be reciprocated. But I imagine things would still be awkward. Do you see Mandy resenting Mickey a little for getting to have the life/love she wants for herself?
Hi anon! I’m glad you liked my little idea 💖
I’m not sure about how I see Mickey and Mandy’s dynamic in this situation. I think it could be written in a few different ways - one could be that he finds it hilarious and teases her? Or it could be angsty and he could feel sad that she’s not happy and doesn’t have what he does? Or he feels sort of blindsided and unsure of how to act around her because of this?
Idk. (This is partly why I’m probably never going to write this because I’m not sure what direction to take it in) I think there’s a lot of different ways their dynamic could be explored here.
Another way to go would be Mandy making Ian promise not to tell Mickey. That would add a bit of conflict/drama when Ian (inevitably) tells Mickey. Maybe Ian makes Mickey pretend he doesn’t know what Mandy’s feeling. That could be kind of an interesting situation to explore.
I sort of can see Mandy resenting Mickey a bit….perhaps. We know she has jealousy issues and it might be hard for her to see Mickey stable and happy like that. Again, I don’t know, I think this idea has lots of potential for different outcomes.
If anyone else has thoughts, please do reblog and share them! 💖
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annisefreya · 12 days
I've been writing my stupid crossover fic and thinking a lot about parallels between Griddlehark and Gallavich, but I've held off posting about it because it's niche, but if I can't go feral about my hyperfixations on Tumblr, there's no point to anything.
(also I wasn't sure whether to post it on main or my Gallavich side blog, so in the spirit of "fuck it" I'm posting here and I'll reblog)
So, like with my I Want the Gun Back Harrow fic, I'm writing a Gideon the Ninth scene with Ian and Mickey as cavalier and necromancer.
The parallels between Gideon and Ian were pretty easy to tease out when I stopped giggling at myself. They are both fierce and goofy. They both make puns and have difficulty playing it cool. They are both absolutely convinced of their own hotness even though they're not socially overconfident. Both struggle to believe they're worthy of love. They both want to run away to join the army, even if they're running from different things.
Mickey and Harrow are, on the surface, a lot more different. They're both verbally abrasive, yes, but Harrow is academic and eloquent... Both things I don't think many would accuse Mickey of. Mickey is physically tough and quick with his fists. Harrow has the constitution and figure of a wet noodle. But I guess she's just as likely to lash out, just with skeletons.
Both have complex relationships with their parents and a lot of trauma, but when it comes to media that I love, that applies to almost all my favourite characters.
But when you get down to it, one really important thing that Mickey and Harrow have in common is that they are Survivors. Moreso even than Ian or Gideon. They do what they need to to survive their circumstances.
This makes them appear like very different people, because they are in radically different environments.
Harrow needs to be the best necromancer ever, which requires raw power, yes, but also intense study and academic determination.
Mickey needs to survive his dad. He needs to hide parts of himself and be tough, smart with money. He needs to be violent and angry because it's expected. It will keep him safe.
Harrow implies she wants to survive to justify the circumstances of her birth, or to see if the Body wakes, but that's not all of it. Plenty of people would have followed Priamhark and Pelleamena because it's too much and she was a fucking pre-teen who had the knowledge and expectations of an adult thrust on her.
So she's a survivor. If she was growing up with a homophobic asshole Dad on the Southside of Chicago... She would do what she needed to. Maybe she'd be more like Mandy because of gendered expectations. But I reckon she'd be like Mickey because she's a lesbian and I definitely don't see any version of Harrow who is still recognisably Harrow following Mandy's path wrt relationships; Another way she's like Mickey is in the "untempered devotion to her ridiculous redhead". I can see a Harrow that gets involved with the family business in a way Mandy doesn't, because it would be a way of making herself useful and staying safe.
And Mickey? He dropped out of school... But he was in an environment where that was expected. We don't know how good he might have been at school with parents who encouraged him, or teachers who didn't see him as a burden and pile their prejudices on him as a Milkovich. You can bet they didn't give him time. I've seen a lot of people headcanon Mickey as dyslexic, and I can see that... Struggling teen drops out of shitty school because they're never getting the help they need is all too common a story.
So put him on the Ninth. Put him in a situation where that academic excellence is not only encouraged but expected and necessary for his survival? I don't think he'd be exactly like Harrow. I don't see him memorising and reciting Ortus' poetry, for example. But he would absolutely study necromancy until he was the best at it. He wouldn't do it exactly the way Harrow does... Maybe his approach would be more instinctive than scientifically rigorous. But he would do it. (And he would absolutely learn to use rigor when required).
So after spending way too long thinking about it, I have reconciled my necromancer Mickey with both canon Mickey and with Harrow.
The only issue I have is that I can't imagine a version of Mickey where Terry has already died and he isn't boning Ian (pun intended) within about six minutes of them both hitting puberty.
I've found a way around this in my fic (I'm making Terry into Crux rather than Priamhark). But they would totally bang in the pool scene regardless. Even if I could come up with a reasonable person to put as The Body (like, who the fuck? There is no one else for Mickey. For hilarity, maybe it's Byron).
Anyway. I'm done for now.
*put the blorbos back in my pocket*
*holds them tight*
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very-sleepy-head · 2 years
Feel me up
Chapter 2: Following the prompt "I think I like you better with a gag in your mouth" for kinktober.
aka Bratty Mickey and the famous red ball gag
Posted on Ao3 (kinktober day 22) if you like feel free to leave a comment 🖤
"I wouldn't mind role-playing. What if you called me professor?" Ian suggested "You could be my favorite student."
"Watch yourself, Gallagher." Mickey replies with a smile.
"Maybe you should watch it...or your professor will teach you a lesson" Ian teases.
"I guess I could enjoy it, because following rules was never my thing anyways." He slips out of the bed and leaves the room.
Of course Mickey is going to tease him like that and then walk away. Ian just laughed it off.
Mickey actually loves the idea of Ian disciplining him so much that he can't stop thinking about it. He wants ask Ian about it.
Ian is watching some stupid cooking show in the living room, which gives Mickey time to figure out the right way to ask him.
He can't figure out why he's so nervous about it. Their sex life is no where near vanilla and he is usually the one to bring things up first. But the thought of Ian pretending to be punish Mickey...Well, he's losing it a bit.
He walks to the living room ,stopping in front of the couch Ian is sitting on. Not blocking his view of the tv but in his space.
"Hey, red?"
Ian turns his head to look at his husband, smiling. "Yeah, babe?"
"So... you weren't joking right?" He asks, rubbing his eyebrow.
"Joking about what?" Ian seems confused.
"The role-playing thing." Mickey replies, mouth feeling dry all of a sudden.
"Are you feeling naughty? Want me to teach you a lesson?"
"I-... Kinda?" He doesn't know how to explain it to Ian.
Ian can pick up on his uneasiness, "Mick, come sit with me." he tells him.
Mickey sits in Ian's lap. It's nothing new but he knows it's not what Ian meant. He just feels better there.
"What part of it did you like?" Ian asks.
"Don't know" Mickey says.
"Is it about... the teacher part? You used to have a crush on a teacher?" Ian tries, but Mickey really didn't give him a lot to work with.
“Then why? You trying to get me to punish you?” Ian asks gently.
“I dunno.” Mickey admits with a blush and a small shrug.
“I think you do know, Mick." he teases, but not in mean tone.
“So... Now what?” Mickey feels clueless.
“Well that depends, have you been bad boy?”
"No." He shakes his head.
"So nothing for now. But next time you're being a brat, you get one warning before I teach you a lesson. How does that sound?"
"Yeah, that- That sounds good, Ee. Thanks" And he does feel grateful.
"No problem, baby. Love it when you tell me what you want."
"Of course. Love you."
"I love you."
It became a regular thing for them, Mickey being a brat so Ian could take control. Life was good but it was also busy. Having their own space meant they could let their dynamic seep out of the bedroom.
It's not like they were ever shy about sex before, the entire Gallagher gamily tree could attest to that. But the casualness of a light BDSM dynamic on a Saturday morning was a new addition to their routine.
Mickey always had a filthy mouth, it was one of Ian's favorite things, he wasn't trying to change that. Ian also knew it was hard for his husband to stop being a brat, and sometimes he needed his assistance. And the assistance of a gag.
Because if Mickey can't make himself shut up, Ian can.
There was something addictive to see Mickey surrender himself, let go of the resistance and take whatever Ian wants to give him.
When mickey steps out of the shower, Ian is reading a book on their bed. Mickey decides to enter the bedroom naked, hoping to get his partner’s attention.
“Hey Mick,” Ian doesn't lift his gaze from the book he's reading.
"You're really obsessed with that book. Be careful not to nut when you flip a page." Mickey says as he sits down on his side of the bed, still naked, close to his husband, but not touching.
“You need something, baby?” Ian smirks.
"Nothing." Mickey grumbles under his breath.
He lowers himself to lay down on the bed, his cock half hard already. He moves his hand to wrap around himself.
"Want help with that?" Ian says without lifting his eyes from his book.
"Why don't you jerk off that book, huh?" he snarks.
Ian is finally looking at him, "Well, I thought I could jerk you off…"
"Don't need your help."
Ian rolls his eyes with a chuckle.
"Okay, baby."
Ian's gaze stays on Mickey's hand that is stroking his dick. Mickey is trying to get himself off, but something doesn't feel right. Not with Ian observing him like that.
Two minutes late he realizes something has to change.
He huffs and elbows Ian lightly, signaling he's admitting defeat.
Ian puts his book down and turns to face his partner fully, "Hands off." Mickey follows and crosses his arms on his chest with a huff.
Always a drama queen.
Ian spoke to him softly, "Spread your legs for me, baby." He places a hand on his husband’s soft thigh.
"You better be fucking kidd-" Ian slaps his thigh, quick and harsh, a warning.
”Spread your legs.”
“What happened to jerking me off?” Mickey questions.
”Well, that was before your bratty attitude pissed me off.” Mickey pouts but Ian can tell it’s a trap. Ian moves himself to sit between Mickey thighs.
"Be a good boy." Ian says while looking in his eyes.
Mickey looks away and doesn't move. “Fuck off.” He says but with no bite to his tone.
"I see... This is how you want this to go?" He doesn't wait for an answer and reaches for Mickey's ankles, roughly yanking them further apart, smirking when Mickey lets out a surprised breath.
"Are you going to stay quiet or do I have to gag you?"
“Thought you loved hearing me moan?”
Mickey isn’t willing to let go yet. No problem.
"Yes, Mickey. But not bitch and moan." Ian bites.
"Fuck you, bitch." Mickey bites back.
"I'm going to gag you now. Okay?" Even though he formulates this as a question, his tone made it clear this was a statement.
This isn't the first time Mickey is gagged, but Ian is always cautious, so he waits to hear Mickey's verbal consent.
"Do what you got to do, tough guy." Mickey knows if he says 'no', Ian wouldn't. But he isn't ready to play nice just yet.
Ian leans forward, hovering above Mickey's shoulder, “Let me take control, let me take care of you” Ian whispered, his hot breath on Mickey’s ear.
He lets out a little gasp when Ian pinches his nipple before getting up. Ian let out a small laugh, moving away from Mickey.
Ian pulled a red rubber ball gag from their sex toy drawer. Ian climbed over his partner, straddling just above Mickey’s hips, all his clothes still on. He brings the gag closer to Mickey, "Is this okay, honey? Want one last kiss?" Mickey rolls his eyes.
"Open." Mickey's lips stay shut.
Ian grabs his jaw "Don't make me wait or I'll make you beg for it."
Mickey's eyebrows scrunch up, "How the fuck can I beg with a ball in-" and Ian shoves the gag in his mouth.
Ian smirked, “Lift up your head a little.”
As he buckles the strap behind his lover's head, he asks, "Too tight?"
Mickey shakes his head and spreads his legs a bit further apart. A small offering of good will.
As Ian removed his hands, Mickey let his head fall back again. Suddenly he feels lighter, like it was easier to breathe, even though there was a gag blocking his mouth.
"Fuck, baby, you look so beautiful like this." Ian let his hands wander over Mickey’s naked body. Mickey's blue eyes staring at his husband's as a small drip of saliva ran down his lip.
Ian’s hand run up his naked thigh and push his legs apart, he reaches for the lube on their bedside table and slicks his fingers. Pushing one in easily, "You prepped in the shower for me? Maybe you're being good after all, yeah?", Pushing a second one to be sure.
He notices Mickey's cock twitching in anticipation, smiles as he watched the head of Mickey’s cock leak with pre-cum.
Mickey makes a grunting noise around the gag.
"What? You have something to say?" Ian teases, "Probably want to make a snarky comment, huh?" That only makes Mickey grunt again.
Ian hums, grabbing onto Mickey's ass to spread his cheeks wide. “Still can't believe this ass is mine forever.”
Mickey whines, trying to thrust his hips to urge the redhead to get on with it.
“Cute.” Ian said, placing both hands hard on Mickey's hips to push him down. “You want me to fuck you so bad, huh?"
Mickey pants around the gag, his eyes try to communicate with Ian. The sight of Mickey moaning and dripping saliva around the ball gag is driving him crazy. Ian undresses quickly and grabs the lube again and pours a generous amount on his cock.
"Legs up." he says, helping Mickey to rest his ankles on his shoulders.
“Ready for me, love?” Ian asks, caressing Mickey’s cheek.
Mickey's eyes roll and he nods. He gasps as Ian pushes into his hole.
“Fuck, fuck,” he hears Ian moaning roughly as he moves his hips slowly, making deep thrusts.
“God, you feel good” Ian smirks, keeping a slow pace, just to frustrate his partner.
Mickey mumbles something incoherent against the gag.
“You look so fucking good, love” he continues to praise, like a chant, “just fucking taking it, fuck!”
His movement become faster, he is ready to give Mickey what he needs.
Mickey is screaming around the gag, his whole body pulsing with pleasure.
Mickey moans as loud as he can around the gag, making sure Ian heard every little noise.
"I think I like you better with a gag in your mouth"
Ian groans, moving one hand to Mickey's leaking cock. "I know you're close, but I didn't say you can cum yet."
Mickey's mouth is making pathetic whiny sounds from behind the gag, "Actually, you know what? I take that back. I prefer hearing you beg."
Mickey nods his head frantically, he is ready to beg, ready to be good.
With a skillful one hand, Ian reaches to the back of his lover's head, unbuckles the gag and throws it away from him.
“Holy fucking shit,” Mickey says as soon as the gag is gone.
"Come on, let me hear you, Mick." Ian pants, he too is getting closer to his orgasm.
"Please! I need to cum! Please Ian I- I'm good. I've been good."
"Don't lie, baby" Ian hear him whimpering under him.
"Please! I promise ,I'm gonna- please-" He feels so close to the edge.
"Fucking hell, babe.” Ian is in awe of his lover, he can't refuse him any longer, "Cum for me."
Ian keeps fucking him through his orgasm, and into his own. Mickey is so sensitive and the overstimulation makes his eyes tear up.
Ian takes a few deep breaths before slipping out of Mickey to collapse on the bed next to him.
He turns to look at Mickey, “You did so good Mick. Is your jaw okay?" he asks and moves to pepper kisses all over his jaw.
“Mmhm, 'm okay.”
He kissed his lips softly, "Missed those lips." Mickey hums into the kiss in agreement.
"Beautiful." Ian praised "Getting sleepy?" he asks when he notices Mickey's eyes fighting to stay open.
"A little." Mickey whispers with a shy smile and closed eyes.
Ian smiles, seeing Mickey so euphoric like this, makes his heart warm.
“Love you Mickey” Ian whispers and Mickey just rolls closer to him.
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sisitrip · 1 year
WIP Wednesday (Thursday "Purple Prose" Edition)
An unedited, overly long snippet from a WIP.
Ian lays down and lifts the pillow covering Mickey's head, tucking his own under it. Mickey’s awake and blinking at him, half his face buried in the mattress. 
“Hi,” he whispers, heart tripping. He missed Mickey so much. 
“Hi,” Mickey whispers back. His breath, beer stale, deters him not in the slightest. 
“The sun’s up and you’re awake. Is this the apocalypse?” he teases.
“Some big asshole kicked in my door and jumped in my bed. No one could sleep through that.” Mickey smiles faintly.
Despite promising himself not to pressure Mickey, he waits a single beat before his anxious heart takes over.
“Did I do something? Was the other night too much? I know I push, but I thought, you seemed-” 
“You didn’t do shit. I liked the other night,” Mickey murmurs, eyes growing sad. “It’s just not a good idea.”
“Because of my … because I have …,” Ian swallows thickly, unable to finish. 
Mickey trails a gentle finger down Ian’s cheek, like he was touching something he wasn’t supposed to. 
“Never that,” Mickey says quietly. “You’re disgustingly perfect.”
Ian blinks into sudden tears of relief.
“Then why?” He grabs Mickey’s hand, which is covered in cuts. “This thing with us, it’s good. It feels good, right?”
Mickey nods, looking sadder than he’s ever seen him.
“So why?” he pleads. 
“Because this situation is gonna get us fucked up, Ian,” Mickey says. “What you think is possible is actually a trap.”
Ian reaches for Mickey and he recoils. That hurts more than he could have imagined.
“You’re not making sense. Why can’t we-” 
Mickey hushes him, seeming far older than his 22 years. 
“You need to wake up. The “we” you want makes “us” vulnerable,” Mickey says, nostrils turning red with the effort not to cry. “Izzy will use us against each other and I can’t have that. I don’t want to be her slave.”
“Slave?” Ian whispers.
Mickey cuts his eyes away. “Yeah, slave. If she found out how I feel about you, she’d know I’d do anything to keep you safe.”
Ian starts to cry, horrified. 
“But, I wouldn’t let her do that,” he says weakly.
Mickey’s eyes are hard, but resigned. “You know what this is. What we’re in. What would you do if she decided I needed to learn a lesson to get you to fall in line?” 
Ian goes cold with the thought. 
“She’d have another slave,” he admits tremulously. 
Mickey swipes a soft thumb under his eyes, breathing hard as if he’s nearing some kind of internal limit. When he does speak, Ian would do anything for him to take it back. 
“Then let’s be smart.  End this here and be free.” 
Ian huffs a bitter laugh. 
“Free. Under her fucking thumb.”
“I’d take that,” Mickey murmurs. “I’d live with that because of what I got.”
“You’re getting nothing. So am I,” he husks out. “What’s the takeaway then, huh? Why live with that?”
Mickey’s eyes soften with an understanding that’s lost on Ian. 
“Because I woke up inside when I was with you. And because I felt that,” Mickey pulls him close, palming his face, “Because I still feel that, I’ll never feel her thumb. I’ll only feel you.”
Ian curls into Mickey’s arms, silent sobs pressed into his neck. They wrap around each other tight, holding on as the world they didn’t get a chance to build together, fades.
“You were my second friend in New York. I don’t wanna be here without you,” he whispers into Mickey’s pulse.
Mickey rubs his cheek against Ian’s temple. 
“You ain’t losing a friend. She can’t take that,” Mickey whispers fiercely. “She can’t have that.”
Ian nods, tightening his arms around Mickey. 
“So, we’re just friends?” he asks, hating everything about this situation. 
“We can do that,” Mickey says quietly, lifting Ian’s head. “We’re already doing that. Friends, okay?”
Ian presses his forehead to Mickey’s, aching to his core. 
“Friends,” he agrees reluctantly. 
He kisses Mickey once and is surprised he lets him. He must have needed it as much as he did. They part slowly, untangling limbs and feelings and hopes until they are separated by silence and invisible threats. 
He leaves Mickey under his pillow and walks out of his place on legs that don’t feel like his own.
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heymacy · 2 years
Macy 💗💗 would you like to answer some questions about I&M? I hope you’re having a wonderful day (:
Headcanon challenge:
1. Besides “Mick” and “Mickey”, what’s Ian nickname for Mickey? From all the nicknames Mickey calls him , what’s Ian’s favorite?
2. What’s the story behind Mickey’s knuckle tattoos? (When / how / by who) When Ian gets a tattoo for Mickey, what is it / on what occasion?
3. Random turn-on for Mickey and a random turn-on for Ian? (Bonus: something that really shouldn’t be a turn on but is)
4. What’s their Instagram @ ? When did they start following each other?
5. If they get a pet, is it a dog (who walks it more often?) or a cat (who cuddles with it more often) ? 
anon xx my beloved, welcome welcome 💛 what an amazing list of questions!! i only hope to do them justice 🥰
i'm a big believer in soft and sweet pet names for mickey. baby, lover, sweetheart, etc! he pretends to hate it but he loves it — it appeals to his softer side which we all know he has in spades! on the opposite end of the spectrum is ian, who loves nicknames more in a teasing manner. "tough guy" during foreplay, "sleepyface" when he won't wake up on saturday morning, "Mary Poppins" when he's on a cleaning spree. his favorite is "tough guy" though — always has been, always will be!
i've always believed that mickey's knuckle tattoos were scratcher tattoos (that is to say one of his cousins bought a tattoo gun on eBay and just went to fuckin' town). i know he did it to appease his father and to further embolden the armor he wore in the first and second seasons (dirty clothes, bad personal hygeine, etc). i think in time he'll let them fade away, though there will always be remnants there of a time long passed. re: ian's tattoo — he gets "mickey" tattooed over his heart in the same place mickey has his. just "mickey" — HIS mickey 🥺
i'm going to agree with my beloved jessie @metalheadmickey on this one! CRIME 👏🏻 KINK 👏🏻 for mickey, one THOUSAND percent. i mean the ambulance debacle is hard evidence of that (pun fully intended). and we love a competency kink for ian! watching mickey handle customers and clients with such ease and sweet talk his way in or out of any situation is a huuuuuuge turn on for him. and with how competent mickey is in their Chosen Field? it's a wonder they can ever keep their hands off each other
mickey didn't make an instagram until after their wedding (@/mmick), and i like to think ian (@/gallagherian) forced his hand a little bit here! come on mick, it's really fun! don't you want to see all the cute pictures i post of you? that does it for him, because how DARE ian post that picture of him slurping spaghetti at the Olive Garden without his permission! after a while he gets into it a bit but still only ever posts when ian suggests it, like on anniversaries. his captions are always the same: "fuck off 🖕🏼"
CAT CAT CAT! i am a huuuuuuge cat dad truther. it just works! i think down the line they eventually get a dog, something medium-sized and scruffy. a little mutt from the shelter! but i literally can't see mickey without a lil calico cat thanks to my angelic cat @iansfreckles and Miss Henry from Elevator Music 🥹
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mikhailoisbaby · 2 years
I’m sorry about this but I had to write it .
Ian does know how he let this happen, that this became his nickname out of everything.
He could tolerate and love some of the nicknames that play on his red hair that Mickey would call him Or even the old fashion pets' names like lover and sugar tits.
But this was maybe taking it too far but for some reason he fucking loves it.
Ian has become baby girl.
It’s never baby boy or just baby like Ian will sometimes call Mickey, it's baby girl constantly now never lover or fire crotch or red or handsome have all been left in the wind forgotten about now he is baby girl.
It started as a joke from “girls and Mickey night out” that was hosted by Tami and included mick, sandy and older Tami's sister, somehow they came up with the joke that Ian is baby girl and any time they try to explain the joke to ian it always ends up with fits of laughter with no explanation.
“Hey, baby girl can u get my hoodie in the bedroom?” Mickey will say with no care in the world and Ian will go and get his hoodie like a good little baby girl because that’s what he is now, this is his life.
Now it would be fine if it stayed in the home, their sanctuary, but no he used it at work as well - in front of clients “baby girl, I left the signing sheet in the car will you grab it ?” And once again because he is a good baby girl he will do it and get it with a little smile on his face.
The warm fuzzy feeling he gets in his tummy is so odd because the nickname he used to hate and almost wants to throw Mickey into their pool anytime he called now makes his little bones go to mush as no other nickname has.
Sometimes he knows Mickey trying to tease him and make him annoyed like the dickhead he is but it never riles him up but makes him so mushy and Platens like he just had his brains fucked out and will do anything Mickey asks him to.
Ian has slight moments where his toxic masculinity will creep up and try and be angry that he getting feminised but then he has a moment and thinks what the fuck does it matter?
And so Ian is Mickey’s baby girl and that is it.
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whatwouldmickeydo · 2 years
Hey Leah💗 How are you doing today?
I have a headcanon Q for you! Well this one is more hypothetical I guess. How do you think Mandy would have reacted if Ian or Mickey would have told her they are together when they started hooking up? What do you think would have been different?
Have a great day (:
Hi hi hi xx anon!! 💗✨
Ooh this is a fun one to think about…
So the only way I can picture Mandy actually finding out in the early seasons is if she caught them herself, because there’s no way baby Mickey would be blabbing about that to ANYONE, and probably definitely threatens her to keep her big mouth shut. (“Relax asshole, I wouldn’t hurt Ian like that”)
Honestly, Mandy is probably the best person they could have potentially trusted that secret with, although I think she would initially be angry and hurt that Mickey stole her fake boyfriend, and that Ian didn’t tell her himself.
I can definitely see that her finding out would terrify Mickey at first, to the point that he starts avoiding Ian and refusing to be around him because he’s afraid of what Mandy might do or say, until she corners him and tells him to stop being a jackass and go see Ian (even if she has NO idea why he’s into Mickey of all people, like you’re making moon eyes over him?? My disgusting brother??)
But Mandy knows Terry, and I don’t think she would ever want to inflict someone like that on anyone else and therefore is perfectly happy to keep it a secret, even if she thinks Ian could do WAY better.
(Also an interesting point to think about - they were definitely not exclusive for much of those early seasons so I think there would be great hilarity in her and Ian talking about boys and that she would have to stop him and say “Wait, are you talking about my brother or someone else right now? Ew, Ian!! You promised you wouldn’t talk about his butt to me!!”)
This DOES have me thinking thoughts about the implications of Mandy knowing about them prior to the s3 sleepover because up to that point I don’t think anything else would dramatically change, and that was such a huge turning point in their relationship. Did Mickey tell her to get lost so he has the house to himself, except now she knows the reason why and can tease him mercilessly about it? Could she have helped prevent the aftermath somehow? 🧐
Also apologies for how long this got 😂
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mr-gallavich · 2 years
Analysis of Mickey Milkovich's Bedroom
So I saw these screenshots
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In this post by @jomilky and I would like to break them down.
So the first thing I notice is the Chicago police star.
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So this is super blurry but that's about as good as it gets.
This, in its blurry state, looks very detailed and I highly doubt season 1 Mickey Milkovich has a computer lying around to look it up so that means he has to have a police badge on hand that he definitely stole from a cop. How? I don't know, but he's Mickey Milkovoch and if anyone could steal a badge off a cop it would be him.
Next is the Mandrill Baboon sign, under the badge drawing???
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I'll admit I was just as confused as you are right now until I realized... that looks like a sign from a zoo. Like the one on the fence around the enclosure? Yeah.
Mickey stole the fucking Baboon name sign off from a zoo. Why, again, I don't know. But I bet he has the funniest fucking story of stealing this and then hightailing it from the security guards that definitely caught him on camera.
Next is the knives to the very right. It's half in shot and even in my cropped version I had to include a lot of wall to stop it from being giant
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Ya know what those remind me of?
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Rafael's swords... from the 1990 live action ninja turtles movie. Mickey was 100% obsessed with the ninja turtles as a kid and wanted to live in the sewer and eat pizza and play with swords all day. And he 100% is a Rafael kinny, I will die on this hill.
I would be willing to be money he saw those in a thrift shop and had this vivid flashback of being obsessed with ninja turtles as a kid and bought them for cheap and now he plays with them in his room and pretends to be a badass vigilante.
And Iggy or Mandy have definitely walked in on him pretending to fight someone with them and they don't let him live it down.
Next is the doodles drawing next to the star. Here's a close up:
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As we can see there's a syringe, a star, a hearr, a dude with dreads smoking a blunt, I think that's like an attempt at a 3D hole in the bottom right? There's a pentagram, some words I can't make out.
And then the next picture is the one on the dresser drawer.
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The hand, the cross, the s, the bone, the dick, the arrow, all these pluse the last paper are mostly very standard doodles (maybe not the pentagram but givem his area and up bringing I would say so, and some would argue the guy with the dreads but I remember drawing random people as a kid) and yet he kept them which tells me he is proud of his art, even the small shit.
So basically we have a confirmed ninja turtle nerd Mickey Milkovich who is also an artist. I want a fic where at one point Ian teases Mickey for having such a hard on for ninja turtles and Mickeys like "come on, you have to admit ninja turtles are fucking badass" and Ian's like "Yeah I guess, if you're a child" and Mickeys like "have you even seen the movies??" And Ian's like "Yes, I have." And Mickey says "so you at least think Rafael is the best right?" And that sparks an argument where Ian argues that Leonardo is obviously and Mickey gets exasperated at his husband and decides he's going to sleep on the couch over ninja turtles.
Next on the list is candles:
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Why does he have so many candles? I have my thoughts, but none of them are clean.
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Is that.. is that "fuck love" under a drawing of a dude jerking his dick? Yeah it is.
Angst, emo, philophobic Mickey in action. Cute, cringey, love to see it. I bet when he was like 12/13 he has the urge to grow out his hair and get a fringe cut and the only reason he didn't is because he would get jumped for being an emo.
Now I want a fic of Mickey going to therapy post South Side and his therapist diagnosing him as philophobic and Mickey or his therapist making a joke about curing his philophobia through exposure. But Mickey kind of takes it to heart. So he wants to ask his sister, who lives in his apartment with him (like the beginning of very good Gallavich fic) but he's a little ashamed and embarrassed so he's super casual about it and she's like half paying attention to him, half paying attention to the tv and she's like "Ya know I have this work friend, Ian Gallagher. He's gay and totally your type, I'll hook you two up" and Mickey is kinda quiet and Mandy is waiting for the "fuck no" but instead Mickey is like "okay... yeah sure" and then she sets him up on a date with Ian and they meet up at this restaurant and it's crush at first sight and then the rest of the fic is them meeting up and going on dates and bonding and shit until suddenly Mickey realizes he's in love and it actually worked and then it ends with a scene of Mickey in a therapy appointment and he reminds his therapist of the joke and is like... yeah so not a joke.
I'm out of image slots so imma have to make a part 2.
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