#anon xx
planetpiastri · 2 months
that lando x Australian! shoe girl fic was so good!! i genuinely laughed out loud, and it was so fun!! you’re so cool x
thank you pookie let's kiss<3
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squirrel-fund · 1 year
Since I am in the middle of exams period now, I'm thinking about a s5/6 canon divergent universe with Ian becoming an EMT while he's with Mickey. How do you think Mickey would have helped Ian study for his EMT exams?
Hello, Anon, my love!
Loving everyone else's answers to this, btw!!
I can see Mickey reading all the study material himself. He'll have everything memorized to the point that he could take the exam and pass with flying colors if he wanted too. (And if Ian isn't confident enough, he'll just take the test for him. Because, "You'll learn everything on the job anyway, Gallagher.")
Then he has the show, Scrubs, playing constantly on the TV because, "Ian, it's the most realistic medical show! Nine outta ten, man!"
To which Ian responds, "Yeah, for nurses and doctors, maybe! Not EMTs!"
Mickey rolls his eyes. "Shut the fuck, up... you need to show up those doctors, Ian or they won't show you any fucking respect and I can't walk into a hospital just to murder a medical professional that pissed you off. One murder a year is what I'm comfortable with, and I already have someone on my 'to do' list."
And when Iggy or any of Mickey's relatives get hurt, Mickey has Ian patch them up. That way, if he makes a mistake, it's not a big deal. It's just his cousin Lou. He's an idiot anyway. Probably did the world a favor letting his trigger finger fall off.
Then Mickey gets an idea. "Hey, you get any of that death row serum? Maybe I could go visit Terry. Tell him it's heroine or some shit."
"No, Mickey! I won't have access to that dEaTh RoW SeRuM!"
"Bummer. Maybe you should become a doctor. Angel of Mercy the fuck outta the Terrys of Chicago. Not a jury alive that would convict you."
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heymrspatel · 2 years
Hi Juilssa! How are you today? ✨✨
Hope you don’t mind answering some headcanons (:
Have Mickey and Ian ever try to contact Svetlana /Yevgeny? Does Ian eventually grow beard/ facial hair? How does mickey react? Does Mickey reconnects with his brothers after Terry died?
Have a great weekend(:
anon xx, hi!! first of all, i'm so sorry it's taken me so long to answer this! every time i started i would ramble off the rails and lose the plot haha so let's try this again hopefully in a sensible manner 😅
ok... starting this one off by saying that my opinions on this may be unpopular? but, i'm of the belief that mickey closed that door and doesn't have any desire to reopen it. i personally don't think he should feel any type of guilt or responsibility about this. there is so much trauma for him there and i don't think this is necessarily unresolved for him when it comes to svetlana or yevgeny. (i actually don't even think yev is his asldkfj) i would love for him and ian to talk about this though. to get closure and understanding on those years for THEM as partners and for their future, but not because mickey feels he needs to get in touch with either svet or yev. *sweats*
HELL YES!!!! i simply will never forgive john wells for this (well, for many things 😒 i'm still coming for you bitch!) i think ian would totally be into growing it and getting really into it. getting beard oils and such. and mickey? oooof that boy just loses his entire mind! i imagine him being like those enamored cartoon characters? heart eyes popping out, tongue flapping "AAAOOOGGAAA" sound. imagine? getting to feel that beard on his skin? tickling his neck and trailing down his body and on his thighs WOWEE MAMA!
i would love mickey to get in touch with all his siblings after a while! i think there was true love there. a comradery. only they know how it was to grow up in that house and i think they have a real bond because of it. all those milkovich kids deserve the world.
thank you for dropping by! sorry it took me forever, it's just that i can't stop rambling! 💙
it is... no longer the weekend lmao have a great wednesday/time zone!
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look-i-love-u · 1 year
Hey Veyyy! What do you think is the cringiest line in shameless?
Hey Anon!!
So sorry for not answering your Christmas questions yet. I will get to those. Promise!
Omg! So many moments to choose from. Like... Probably everything Fiona said in her last season.
Oh oh! Whenever one of them blamed their bad decisions on being a Gallagher and still being weirdly proud of it "We're Gallaghers!"
Aaaaand not a single line but the scene in which Trevor takes Ian to meet his friends at the café and seven (?) people rattle off their pronouns and sexuality. That scene is sooo cringe.
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heymacy · 2 years
Macy 💗💗 would you like to answer some questions about I&M? I hope you’re having a wonderful day (:
Headcanon challenge:
1. Besides “Mick” and “Mickey”, what’s Ian nickname for Mickey? From all the nicknames Mickey calls him , what’s Ian’s favorite?
2. What’s the story behind Mickey’s knuckle tattoos? (When / how / by who) When Ian gets a tattoo for Mickey, what is it / on what occasion?
3. Random turn-on for Mickey and a random turn-on for Ian? (Bonus: something that really shouldn’t be a turn on but is)
4. What’s their Instagram @ ? When did they start following each other?
5. If they get a pet, is it a dog (who walks it more often?) or a cat (who cuddles with it more often) ? 
anon xx my beloved, welcome welcome 💛 what an amazing list of questions!! i only hope to do them justice 🥰
i'm a big believer in soft and sweet pet names for mickey. baby, lover, sweetheart, etc! he pretends to hate it but he loves it — it appeals to his softer side which we all know he has in spades! on the opposite end of the spectrum is ian, who loves nicknames more in a teasing manner. "tough guy" during foreplay, "sleepyface" when he won't wake up on saturday morning, "Mary Poppins" when he's on a cleaning spree. his favorite is "tough guy" though — always has been, always will be!
i've always believed that mickey's knuckle tattoos were scratcher tattoos (that is to say one of his cousins bought a tattoo gun on eBay and just went to fuckin' town). i know he did it to appease his father and to further embolden the armor he wore in the first and second seasons (dirty clothes, bad personal hygeine, etc). i think in time he'll let them fade away, though there will always be remnants there of a time long passed. re: ian's tattoo — he gets "mickey" tattooed over his heart in the same place mickey has his. just "mickey" — HIS mickey 🥺
i'm going to agree with my beloved jessie @metalheadmickey on this one! CRIME 👏🏻 KINK 👏🏻 for mickey, one THOUSAND percent. i mean the ambulance debacle is hard evidence of that (pun fully intended). and we love a competency kink for ian! watching mickey handle customers and clients with such ease and sweet talk his way in or out of any situation is a huuuuuuge turn on for him. and with how competent mickey is in their Chosen Field? it's a wonder they can ever keep their hands off each other
mickey didn't make an instagram until after their wedding (@/mmick), and i like to think ian (@/gallagherian) forced his hand a little bit here! come on mick, it's really fun! don't you want to see all the cute pictures i post of you? that does it for him, because how DARE ian post that picture of him slurping spaghetti at the Olive Garden without his permission! after a while he gets into it a bit but still only ever posts when ian suggests it, like on anniversaries. his captions are always the same: "fuck off 🖕🏼"
CAT CAT CAT! i am a huuuuuuge cat dad truther. it just works! i think down the line they eventually get a dog, something medium-sized and scruffy. a little mutt from the shelter! but i literally can't see mickey without a lil calico cat thanks to my angelic cat @iansfreckles and Miss Henry from Elevator Music 🥹
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evanspresso · 2 years
okayy,, now that we’ve got evan comforting reader, could we do reader comforting evan?? like he’s stressed from acting and overwhelmed, maybe distancing himself from her because he doesn’t know how to deal with the emotions he’s feeling and reader helping him through it??
I write something similar
If you like something more I can absolutely do that just lmk xx
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abouttofillhisshoes · 13 days
If I reveal myself I can never use Tumblr ever again so nope :(
i guess we'll continue our flirtations over anon then, not that i mind xx
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bonefall · 14 days
i dont think people are upset that the erins "weren't creative" enough with Moonpaw, they're upset that she's just. not a chimera. thats just a longhaired tortie and they justified it with chimerism. which is extremely insensitive because chimerism is a real medical thing that can cause issues in every species, including humans for those that dont know, and thats like. a big thing.
like, yay some disability rep (depending on how they write it. it wont be good. ughh) but like. its not going to be considered a disability when it can be in some cases. they are just going to say "ohh shes so special!!" like some people say with autism in this age (the infantilization of it) and its gonna be. weirdddd
anyways. sorry for ranting in your inbox.
Hey. Woah. THIS is insensitive and I don't know where you're getting this from. NONE of the three types of natural chimerism are a disability and it is extremely rare that fusion chimerism leads to medical complications.
Do not spread misinformation about a genetic condition because you're annoyed about the writing team confusing a common tortie fur pattern with chimerism. THEIR mistake is ultimately harmless. What YOU'RE doing is stigmatizing.
Quite frankly, after seeing a bunch of posts and receiving several asks about this, I don't think half of the people who are getting mad actually know anything about chimeras. I sure as fuck hope it's just ignorance, and that you aren't out here trying to call the state of being intersex a disability.
But I can fix ignorance. No need to assume malice. I will explain what chimerism is, and why you should stop going around implying it "causes issues in every species."
Chimerism is when a single individual is comprised of cells from two or more fully fertilized zygotes. There are two BROAD types of chimerism;
Artifical chimeras are common with the advent of modern medicine. Ever had a blood transfusion? Organ transplant? You are a chimera. Or at least were for a while.
THIS can lead to complications and can cause disability, but it's not what Moonpaw is. She would be a type of natural chimera, which in and of itself has THREE subtypes;
Micro chimerism
Blood chimerism
Fusion chimerism
Microchimerism is so common that I could make a Your Mom joke out of it. It's caused by the passage of cells between the fetus and placenta during pregnancy. Everyone who has ever been pregnant is a microchimera.
While it can lead to complications, it can also be beneficial. Pregnancy could be considered a type of temporary disability, but no one would expect disability rep from every character who had ever given birth.
Blood chimeras are common in species whose twins typically share a placenta, such as cows and marmosets, but very rare in animals like humans and cats which usually don't. It occurs when tissue between two twins is exchanged through the umbilical chord. This type of chimera often ends up with a mixed bloodtype, hence the name.
This is the cause of freemartinism in cattle, when fraternal cow twins cause a sister to share her brother's hormones and act more like a bull. A type of intersex condition, not a disability-- so I sure HOPE you aren't trying to imply THIS should be "disability rep."
And even in the other case, would you automatically expect disability rep from a character that has two blood types?? No. Just like you wouldn't automatically expect disability rep from every character that had ever been pregnant, or every character who had ever needed a blood transfusion
And lastly, the one that Moonpaw ACTUALLY is. A fusion chimera. These are created when two fully fertilized zygotes fuse into a single individual.
These are extremely rare because you can't usually TELL when an individual is a chimera. There is no obvious physical difference between the "halves," with some cases of doctors insisting that patches are just weird birthmarks. They live their entire lives with normal health problems like non-chimeras. It mostly causes complications when DNA testing results in a false negative-- because the offspring of a fusion chimera occasionally end up being their genetic nespring.
Or, the two "halves" are male and female, causing gonadal differences. These people aren't disabled, there's nothing wrong with their bodies, but they're subjected to unneccesary cosmetic surgeries as children because they are intersex.
Can some intersex conditions cause disabilities? YES. Are intersex conditions inherently disabilities? NO. Even when you're discussing infertility as a disability, tread VERY CAREFULLY because intersex people are fighting very hard to lift the stigma over their bodies.
Speak with care. Do not equate being intersex with being disabled. They are two different things.
You can be both and sometimes one could contribute to the other, but BEING intersex IS NOT a disability.
VERY rarely, even MORE rare than standard chimeras which are already very very rare and massively underreported because they are so unremarkable, a fusion chimera will happen LATE in utero. THIS can contribute to a chronic autoimmune condition where the cells reject each other, which is a disability.
And by rare I mean one case. Literally one. Of the 50 reported fusion chimeras in the review I'm referencing, Taylor Muhl was the only one with this. 4 were discovered via congenital abnormalities (unknown if connected to the chimerism b/c they were only tested because something was already wrong), 17 had fertility issues, and the remaining 28 didn't report immune conditions or birth defects but INTERSEXUALITY.
ANOTHER condition is often lumped in with chimerism, by people who do not know what chimerism is, which is mosaicism. Mosaicism, when there are two different sets of genes resulting from the same zygote, is NOT chimerism. MOSAICISM can be a cause of disability. CHIMERISM is usually not.
(Read the review in depth, as it includes mosaic cases for the sake of completion.)
They can both be fertilization errors, but are not the same thing. Follow me, I'm only going to woefully simplify a complicated topic once,
CHIMERA = Two zygotes in one body
MOSAIC = Two bodies in one zygote
CHIMERA = usually fine
MOSAIC = usually bad
And the last possible places you could be getting the idea that chimerism "causes disability" from, to my knowledge, is 1. This study that says the loss of a twin in early pregnancy increases the chance of congenital defects in the survivors (has barely anything to do with chimerism, this link is tangential, vanishing twin syndrome does not necessarily mean it was absorbed by its sibling)
Or, 2, this study of several animals where they correlated rates of benign tumors to % of chimerism based on SPECIES. BLOOD chimeras. It's COWS AND MARMOSETS AGAIN. The study ITSELF calls for further targeted research of chimerism cause of susceptibility to cancer.
It couldn't even link new growths or malignant tumors to chimerism in the mammals of its study. WE'RE mammals.
Correlation does not equal causation. Statistics 101.
So no. That's not "a big thing." Chimerism is fine, they're just very likely to be intersex if they're a fusion chimera of a male and a female zygote. Do not imply intersexuality is a disability. Please get mad about the actual ableism in the series, not the team being clueless about tortie patterns.
Also everyone say you're sorry to intersex Moonpaw. I better see you people making intersex Moonpaw pride flag edits as penance IMMEDIATELY.
UPDATE: Anon apologized! Growth! I still think this is an important post, especially in the context of the wider fandom conversation, so I'm leaving it as-is. Please feel free to reblog.
UPDATE 2: Clarification on infertility as a disability because I didn't word myself very well in one section!
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diver5ion · 8 months
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soracities · 19 hours
could you please share that quote about the grief being endless but love will find you again? i cant recall it exactly. i need to know this pain will be worth it someday and one day, i will be healed enough to love people properly and be loved in return
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( @archbudzar)
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definetelynotavampire · 3 months
Doodle request: Can you draw Nikolai and Angel Dust being silly??? Idk I feel like they would be besties <3 (also I love your art sm lotsa love to u xx)
Nikolai searching for Fyodor in hell bc lets be real, he’s probably not in heaven...
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meanwhile Fyodor is probably on his way to become an overlord
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planetpiastri · 6 months
are you gonna do another part of your logan series?
hi, yes definitely!! that story is not complete!! the holidays have just been really busy for me, apologies on the update delay 😅 keep an eye out for it in early january!
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squirrel-fund · 2 years
Auds! I missed you ❤️ How are you doing today? If you’re up for some headcanon questions here’s a challenge I came up with
Headcanon challenge:
1. Besides “Mick” and “Mickey”, what’s Ian nickname for Mickey? From all the nicknames Mickey calls him , what’s Ian’s favorite?
2. What’s the story behind Mickey’s knuckle tattoos? (When / how / by who) When Ian gets a tattoo for Mickey, what is it / on what occasion?
3. Random turn-on for Mickey and a random turn-on for Ian? (Bonus: something that really shouldn’t be a turn on but is)
4. What’s their Instagram @ ? When did they start following each other?
5. If they get a pet, is it a dog (who walks it more often?) or a cat (who cuddles with it more often) ? 
Can’t wait to see your answers 😉
Anon xx!! Fancy seeing you here, love! I'm good! How are you??
Ohhh so many questions!! I have avoided everyone else's answers so I could try to not be influenced by anyone's amazing headcanons!
Putting below the cut because I got chatty (TW for mentions of a white supremacy group)
1. I fucking melt at the idea of Ian calling Mickey, "Baby" and he pretends to hate it but we know he secretly loves that shit. Especially when Ian is balls deep and hitting that perfect spot. And I also like to think that Ian calls Mickey, "Tiger" from time to time. (Thanks, Paula! You fucking psycho)
And when it comes to Ian's favorite nickname that Mickey uses for him? Ian adores them all. Because, Mickey says things by saying other things.
"Whatcha thinkin' bout, Firecrotch?" Really means, "I see you in this exact moment for everything that you are. I know you're overthinking and it's okay. We're okay."
"You listenin', Freckles?" Really means, "Hey, talk to me. It's not your problem anymore, Ian. It's ours to work through together."
Idk, I just think Mickey always has love behind his nicknames, no matter what.
2. Okay, I'm so glad to see this question! I have a headcanon for this that I was going to put in a fic that I'm no longer writing. (I'll probably use it in something else, but I'm excited to put it out in the world)
So, I believe Mickey got his knuckle tattoos on his 13th birthday. He had them when he was in ninth grade and ninth graders are usually 14 to 15 years old. Now, I've done some googling (lord I hope the government doesn't have me on a list) and the number 13 is an important number for an Aryan prison gang down in Texas. It's the second largest white supremacist gang in the state of Texas and one of the largest gangs in the United States.
Now, stay with me here, (I'm not going into any more of THAT because I am not interested in it at all but I thought it was interesting in regards to Terry) anyway... Terry worked for the Sinaloa Cartel for a year and I've seen articles stating that it's not unusual for a Mexican Cartel and a large white supremacist group to work together for mutual gain. So, in theory, it would make sense that Terry probably has associates in the Texas Aryan Brotherhood.
Now, saying all that... he would also adopt some of their symbols. Such as thirteen. I believe that Terry made his children get the knuckle tattoos on their 13th birthday as a disgusting right of passage.
And Mickey got the worst of it. FUCK-U-UP on your knuckles obviously comes off as a threat. Like, "hey buddy, guess what these hands do? Yep, fuck you up."
But I feel, deep in my bones, that not only are those letters a threat to anyone that finds themselves on the other end of said knuckles, they are also a threat TO Mickey.
I definitely believe Mickey adored his mother and often helped her with "women things" cooking, cleaning, things Terry didn't want his son to enjoy. So, he chose the the words FUCK-U-UP in an attempt to always have the upper hand on Mickey. A constant reminder that Terry himself, would indeed fuck Mickey up if he got to soft.
For who did it? Probably some guy who was actually a professional but scared shit less of Terry so he did it for free.
Before Ian gets a tattoo for Mickey, he does "research" on Pinterest for months (yes, Ian 100% has a Pinterest board for gardening and other "domestic shit" as Mickey so loving likes to call it) he finally decides on a heart made with Mickey and his fingerprints. And underneath: I + M
He gets it on Valentines Day, the soft bitch.
3. Random turn on for Mickey: When Ian is talking to his plants. He read, on Pinterest, that talking is beneficial to plants. Something about vibrations and blah blah blah but damn it... when Mickey hears Ian tell the tomatoes they look delicious or whisper to the lillies that they're his favorite?? Mickey can't help but grab his husband, push him up against the wall, and fucking devour him. Cute ass motherfucker.
Random turn on for Ian: Mickey has picked up playing sudoku on his phone, and sometimes in a giant book he stole from a client's waiting room. And the concentration on Mickey's face as he figures put what number goes where... it just fucking does something to Ian. He absent-mindly sticks his tongue out, slowly licking at the corner of his mouth and Ian practically loses his fucking mind. It's worse when the book comes out. Mickey chews on that stupid pencil, leaving indents in the soft wood, making Ian wish he were a fucking number 2 pencil. It's embarrassing and Mickey won't let him live it down.
4. Mickey only has an Instagram to stay in touch with his sister and a select few cousins who he gets along with. He says it's stupid and he can't explain how his profile ends up "hearting" Ian's pictures when Ian's out with Lip. Conspiracy, if you ask him.
Mickey's Instagram: @dontfollowme
Ian's instagram: @IanG
They started following each other when Ian got into Mickey's phone and did it himself
5. Okay, I'm going against this assignment and saying: both.
On their second anniversary, Ian went out and rescued a pit bull for Mickey. It was a female red nose pitbull (of course). They named her: Bonnie.
On the same day, Mickey ran into a group of juvenile delinquents who were entertaining themselves with scaring the crap out of a small black kitten. It was mewing pathetically and it's left eye was all gunked up. Mickey told the kids to get lost before scooping up the kitten and taking it home. They named him: Clyde.
Clyde prefers Mickey. Bonnie prefers Ian. Mickey calls it Stockholm Syndrome. Ian calls it love.
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look-i-love-u · 2 years
Hey Vey! How are you today? I’m on my way to the airport and couldn’t help but think about our lovely boys, where do you think they fly on to on their first romantic getaway? Do you think either of them are overpackers? Do the get to the airport last minute or ready an hour before the gate opens?
Hey Anon xx! I hope you'll have a save trip the airport and will arrive safely wherever you're off to! Enjoy your holiday! (also please take me with you!!!)
I think Mickey and Ian would start with a car trip for their first romantic getaway. Just drive a few places over. Get used to the whole "we can do this and enjoy this now" - vibe. They got money and after hiring a second team they got some time for holidays and husband-time too.
If they ever do fly somewhere they won't go outside the US, I think. And since I am projecting my dreams onto them I'd maybe choose a Hawaii holiday for them. There's the beach. Them. No bad or sad memories for either of them. There are beautiful flowers to admire. Good drinks and food. I think Mickey really would enjoy the whole atmosphere and allow himself to live life to the fullest (since Ian got him to enjoy shorter holidays in the last few years and he's fully on board now). I don't think they would go to visit family. This is just for them.
Ian would overpack on shoes and socks and underwear. Mickey would overpack on various layers for his daily outfits, before they say "fuck it" and just pack for one weather, fully ready to spend the whole day in bed together, should there be a rainy day. Ian would check Mickey's bags a lot to see if he's got his passport and the tickets, Mickey would smuggle b vitamins into Ian's bag and add a bottle of lube to the two they already packed. Just in case.
They would get to the airport early. This is too important for both of them to mess up. Plus Mickey's good at planning this shit and Ian is good at getting Lip to drive them to the airport with time to spare.
When they come back it's Debbie, Liam and Franny waiting for them. They made a sign. There's lots of glitter. Mickey rolls his eyes. And then keeps it safe forever.
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evanspresso · 2 years
do you have any relationship advice? my boyfriend said a part of him wants to be with me and the other doesn't.. idk how to feel about it so i told him that we should take a break but it feels wrong i love him so much but i feel like he doesn't anymore and idk how to cope with it (i meant to send it anonymously aaa ☹️)
take what I say with a grain of salt because I have never been in a relationship and i'm in my early 20's... being in love, from what I've heard is is treacherous and beautiful. but , I do have to say... don't settle for anyone who doesn't know what they want when it comes to you. he should love you how you are and want to be with you... every single part of him.
I know it is is probably so hard right now but take it day by day, hour by hour. do things to busy yourself, journal (that helps you with your thoughts and emotions). anything you like, go read some books, get some coffee, make art. do whatever makes you love yourself more. be gentle with yourself. xx
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abouttofillhisshoes · 13 days
now I just have an even bigger crush on you :(
do i get a hint as to who you are maybe xxxxxxxx
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