#but which in all of them created a radioactive explosion
When Catha nearly dies after an attempt on their life, they wake to the loss of sight in their left eye, and the ability to see into the oceans of Tathos, of the Seraphina galaxy, which is contained in a reality separate from their own.
Vicen falls at the hands of a rival Sea Master, but when he rises it is with sights on a city known as Palmoa, located on a world not light years away, but time lines.
Together Catha and Vicen, bound by a tether stronger then the laws of reality, must aid in their separate struggles to seek revenge on their killers, and stop a gate from opening that may see the ultimate destruction of both of their worlds.
#writing#book idea#story idea#someone steal this so i can just freaking read it#they both wear eye patches other wise it's distracting as hell#they can talk to one another through the connection#Vicen has horrible burn scars that are a result of something#colloquially known as a reality bomb in yet another reality entirely#the so called bomb being a magical spell unleashed in yet another reality#which tore through the different discs of the universe and create a temporary gate#which freed terrible monsters in yet another reality#but which in all of them created a radioactive explosion#which destroyed his epidermis in Vicen's reality#idk i have a buncha buncha buncha worlds that are all connected through the same permanent gate#and the bomb that made the temporary one cracked through a few#resulting in people with horrible scarring like Vicen's#any way Vicen is basically a pirate except his world is more fantastical then ours#the whole seraphina galaxy is a mish mash of cosmic horror meets high fantasy#leaning more towards the fantasy#i have one that leans more towards the horror it's okay#Meanwhile Catha's reality is as close you're going to get to our own so it's kind of basic#except it's kind of cyberpunky#vicen is all joker with a chip on his shoulder#Catha is an actor with very few personal connections and clinical depression#Vicen has chronic pain all of the time and Catha will have the assassination attempt#ship dynamic: let's take ibuprofen together#both of them are NB and otherwise queer and they would die for each other pretty quickly in the story but oh no they can't meet in person#maybe#there's the idea now write the story someone#im too lazy
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apple-----pie · 10 days
I wonder... How did The OVAs go exactly??
Hello! Sorry for the… VERY long answer😢👉👈
Well… they were very similar to canon, with some small differences. So I'll go over the main differences. First, Otomai is dead. His consciousness was transferred into the robot he created.
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Frigost is one of the few places where the remnants of the old world remain (such places also include the Sadida Kingdom, the Huppermage Enclave, Albuera). Count Harebourg not only offered to help with the flood, but also offered to unite to "restore the old world". For Yugo, this was hard news. Because he was fully aware that he loved Amalia. Yugo wanted to confess his feelings for a long time, but two things always scared him. First of all, he was afraid of losing Amalia. She does not live as long as Yugo. And her death from old age scared him. Secondly, despite his status as the king of the eliatropes and his help in the fight against Nox, he was still the same "savage" for the inhabitants of the Sadida Kingdom. He did not want to undermine Amalia's reputation in the eyes of her subjects.
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When the Brotherhood crossed the ice bridge, Harebourg did not help them, causing them to fall into deep ice caves. There they found a couple of dead mechasms frozen in ice. At the sight of them, Yugo had a bit of a panic attack. But the Brotherhood helped him calm down quickly enough. These mechasms would later play an important role in the plot. In Harebourg's castle, Yugo constantly said not very positive words towards Harebourg (and this included… a lot of swearing). Grougal and Chibi also went on an adventure, but unlike Flopin and Elely, they turned out to be more obedient and didn't go to save their parents.
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After the battle with Harebourg, Amalia shot him. Harebourg himself pointed the gun that Amalia was carrying with her at his forehead. As soon as Dally learned that he was a god, he had a panic attack. The thing is, in this AU, the iops are almost extinct (this happened mainly due to Brakmar). When Dally was told that he was a god, he realized that instead of helping the Iops, he enjoyed life and ran away from his duties. He also realized something else about the event that happened after the second season… Since Kerub and Atcham are young and strong, they had a fairly equal battle in the Ecaflip dimension.
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But Percimol did not participate in the battle, since in the AU, all representatives of this people went crazy, starting to behave like ghouls. Adamai also met Echo, but he attacked her first. He didn't listen to her words, but listened to Otomai, who confirmed that dofus could lead to the destruction of an already destroyed world. When Yugo and Adamai started fighting over a dofus, they injured each other. Adamai was left with a scar on his shoulder and a torn ear due to Yugo's laser. For Adamai, Yugo's betrayal was the last straw. He literally lost hope and faith in trusting anyone in this world (and this will drive him crazy in the future). He always felt like a "second brother" and less important to Yugo compared to Dally. Because of this, he will try to kill Percedal in season 3. One time, Brakmar tried to kill Ogrest with a radioactive explosion. However, Ogrest did not die, but became a ghoul. He is stronger, bigger, and more dangerous.
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Despite the radiation, the dragons that also became ghouls became intelligent ghouls. This is a certain feature - all dragons retain their minds when they become ghouls (for example, Phaeris was also a ghoul) When Ogrest's dofus were taken away, the robot into which Otomai's consciousness was transferred was broken. And Ogrest-ghoul was shot by Yugo. Well, and the most important difference is that when Echo invited Adamai to come with her, he refused, because he could not trust anyone else. He flew away, left completely alone
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sepublic · 24 days
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I don’t care if you’re not an F-Zero fan, I need you to discover this unhinged lore I discovered about a racing game series. Because apparently this vehicle, called the Death Anchor, was originally an interplanetary ballistic missile stolen from the Galactic Federation, and some evil group modified it into a race car. But it’s still rigged to blow up and the current pilot, Zoda, doesn’t know this. And he’s racing it against a bunch of other racers in a highly-televised Grand Prix.
Now with that out of the way, I also want to discuss what this means regarding my desire for a Metroid show to share the same canon as F-Zero GP Legend and incorporate elements from it. Because now I want to allude to this fact by having a Federation interplanetary ballistic missile look suspiciously Death Anchor-shaped. Make it an Easter egg only the most hardcore fans can spot. Because this is simply the most insane thing ever to me and I’m also curious as to what the original missile looked like.
Does anyone in-universe realize the resemblance, do they believe it’s just a coincidence or simply made to look like it, or even if it was repurposed surely Zoda defused the damn thing right??? And then one day someone has to break it to him that he’s driving an active nuke on a race track within a city. This is something you launch from the surface of one planet so it can travel through space and explode on another planet.
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Furthermore: When Zoda gets upgraded into his Hyper form in the GP Legend anime, he also gets a new, separate vehicle called the Hyper Death Anchor. I dunno if its resemblance to the original model is purely aesthetical, or if it’s also a repurposed nuke that hasn’t been defused. Because the last we see of it, it’s hurled inside of Black Shadow’s Dark Matter Reactor, which is also a bomb meant to blow up the universe, alongside Zoda himself. And the reactor is blown up, but by an outside source and without the necessary juice it needs; So the explosion is confined to the empty corner of space it originated.
But now I’m gonna say the big explosion we see at the end of the final battle isn’t just from the reactor going kaboom, it’s also from the nuke inside finally going off. And somehow Zoda, who was inside both machines in a matryoshka of explosives, survives all this unscathed and is last seen participating in another race. Using the original, canonically-repurposed and still-active nuke from before, his first Death Anchor. And he still doesn’t know that both vehicles were repurposed nukes still ready to go off, and that one of them did.
Is this a reference to Back to the Future? It’s an 80’s classic turned film trilogy involving a Time Machine built out of a car; Its inventor got the radioactive energy source he needed to power it by promising a terrorist organization to build a bomb for them if they secured said nuclear materials and gave it to him; He lied and sent them a dud. All of this prompts his friend to ask, you’re telling me this thing is nuclear? The Time Machine doesn’t explode, but the fact that a dangerous component was originally meant for a missile, and you can drive it, reminds me of Death Anchor…
Funnily enough, Death Anchor’s origins and volatile nature are lore from the games. Its pilot Zoda is canonically an enhanced, cybernetic human pumped full of chemicals to perform better. In the aforementioned GP Legend anime, he was revealed to have been created by Black Shadow in the future, and then sent back in time to get the main protagonist killed, to prevent his destiny. So, being sent back to the future to change the present, an explosive car meant to be a bomb at one point…
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isfjmel-phleg · 7 days
Grant Emerson becomes for all intents and purposes a bomb because of a bomb. Long before he was even thought of, his father, Al Pratt, was exposed to components of the in-progress atom bomb.
Story time!
During the 1940s (the Golden Age), every American superhero ("mystery men," as they were then called) were organized by the government into the All-Star Squadron to work together for the war effort. Al Pratt (the Atom) was one of these. One of the foes that he and his colleagues fought was Cyclotron, originally a scientist named Terry Kurtzberger who had been exposed by a supervillain to radiation which gave him powers that made him a useful pawn. He and Al end up fighting one-on-one, and the "atomic energy" that Kurtzberger is radiating gets passed to Al (much to Kurtzberger's alarm--he may be forced to work for a villain, but he's not eager to cause senseless harm).
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(All-Star Squadron Annual #2)
Cyclotron later sacrifices himself to destroy the villain, leaving behind his infant daughter. Al and his teammate Firebrand, who was once engaged to Kurtzberger, feel responsible for the girl and become her guardians.
Al spends some time in the hospital after collapsing from the effects of the radiation but is released when there doesn't seem to be a lingering problem. His teammate Doctor Mid-Nite speculates that there's still a chance of further effects emerging in the long term, but Al brushes this off.
And then...several years later, he and his teammate Starman go to Los Alamos, site of the Manhattan Project. They meet up with Robert Oppenheimer, whom Starman in his civilian identity as Ted Knight has worked with before. The mystery men are there to stop a villain who stole fissionable material and is producing a radioactive sandstorm that's getting out of hand, killing anyone in its path. The plan is to shoot the villain with uranium. Starman volunteers; his powers will protect him.
Al, by the way, despite being a mystery man, has no actual powers, just impressive but ordinarily human strength and determination. He has always struggled with feelings of inferiority, and working alongside so many people with amazing powers has compounded his sense of uselessness. He can't do anything on this mission, and it hurts. Especially when Ted tells him to send "one of our heavy hitters--Green Lantern or Wonder Woman" if things go wrong.
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(Adventure Comics 1999 #1)
And things do go wrong. Al's immediate instinct is not to contact a teammate but plunge into the danger himself.
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But as he runs into the sandstorm, he realizes the extent of the danger and how ill-equipped he is to handle it. He is powerless, insignificant, and he's sure he's going to die unmarried and childless and forgotten.
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He stumbles across the horrific sight of soldiers dying of radiation poisoning, and there's nothing he can do for them.
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In the sight of all this death, Al accepts that he will be next and offers a prayer of gratitude to the God he's sure he's about to meet.
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And he reflects on his life--anger, self-loathing, but also kindness, hard work, self-discipline, acceptance, community. He is a true hero. But it's still not enough to stave off his sense of unworthiness.
He finally catches up to Starman, who is injured but surviving because of his gravity rod, and starts to wonder why he himself is still alive. But Al's a man of instinct more than analysis, and he brushes aside the question to concentrate on the task at hand.
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His plan is to take up Starman's failed task and sacrifice himself doing it. He accepts this. He will die a hero, which is all he has ever wanted.
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It works! The uranium creates an enormous explosion.
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Starman comes to in the aftermath and searches for Al's body. He thinks it has probably vaporized, but he feels that he owes this to his friend.
And he does find Al out in the desert, his costume utterly destroyed--but still alive. Ted wraps him in his cape and brings him back to the base.
Al has figured out what kept him alive: the radiation from the fight with Cyclotron. The foe who passed on his personal curse and gave his life to prevent it from going any further turned out to have saved Al's life years after his death.
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To honor this memory, Al replaces his destroyed costume with a new one that pays homage to Cyclotron's costume.
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(Adventure Comics 1999 #1 / All-Star Comics 1999 #2)
And not long afterward he discovers that his exposure to the explosion has had a lingering effect: he has developed an "atomic punch." His wish for powers to equalize him with his teammates has been fulfilled, and he is moved to tears.
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And then it will turn out that Kurtzberger's daughter has a son who develops powers from the radiation his mother was exposed to--Albert Rothstein, Al's (honorary) godson, who becomes the hero Atom-Smasher.
So this is ultimately a good thing, right? Even with all the destruction, great heroes are emerging with formidable powers!
Well...Al will go on to marry and father a son. In his absence, his pregnant wife is experimented on by Vandal Savage because of the metahuman potential of her child and immediately after birth is killed and her son taken away, while Al, trapped in another dimension, knows nothing of this. The child will be experimented upon too and handed over to "parents" who will abuse him, until he finally develops powers too.
And interestingly, right before the powers fully emerge, he is in history class learning about the atom bomb, which the narrative invites us to compare him to.
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(Damage #1)
Grant Emerson, son of a man powered by exposure to a bomb, is a living biochemical fusion reactor. It's a power difficult to control, and Grant will discover his powers only after destroying first his school and then part of a city. He will weep tears of--not joy, as his father did, but sorrow and devastation at the destruction and harm he causes. These powers are not a godsend, but a curse, a heavy burden to bear that he did not choose but inherited.
Not unlike the consequences of the choices made during WWII.
The product of the Atom (bomb) is...Damage?
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athingofvikings · 5 months
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 104: Proliferate And Disseminate
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Chapter 104: Proliferate And Disseminate
Much like birds and bats, dragons have an aggressively active immune system in comparison to humans, and for much the same reasons.  Simply put, for a flying animal, an inflammatory response in the face of an infection is often a death sentence, so there is significant selective pressure for immune systems which can deal with an infectious agent quickly.  In the case of draconic immune systems, this goes one step further, as an unchecked infection of the dragon's hydrocarbon organ system can have literally explosive results. 
As such, while there are diseases that can affect dragons—especially ones that target the dragon's symbiotic bacteria—on the whole, a typical dragon's immune system resembles a military base swarming with constant armed patrols and barriers of razor-tipped wire.  A disease attempting to stage an infection of such a system needs to be extremely effective at intrusion, starting with thwarting the symbiotic bacteria in the salivary glands that are the immune system's first line of defense.  These bacteria not only help dragons create the biofilm mucuses that aid with fire resistance in the otherwise vulnerable soft tissues of their mouths and throats, they are primed to help their host with fighting off any microscopic invaders who attempt to get a toehold in the tissues of the mouth and gut, as the bacteria secrete a variety of antibiotics, antivirals and antitoxins—this last being significantly important in breeds whose breath can have toxic byproducts—all of which are refined by selective pressures on the symbiotic bacteria for maximum efficaciousness. 
That being said, there is still a range within the greater dragon species in terms of immunological effectiveness.  If a typical dragon's immunological response is akin to a military base on high alert, then those dragons whose diets expose them to biological hazards up the ante, to being more akin to a forward artillery base with active minefields and with gunnery crews in possession of itchy trigger fingers.  The saliva of many Boulder-class dragons are rich in antitoxins, including ones that can encapsulate elements such as arsenic, rendering them relatively harmless and ready for expulsion in the dragon's fecal waste (although this is not a universal defense, as the radiological poisonings from the ingestions of radioactive materials and the cancers caused by the ingestion of asbestos both demonstrate). Meanwhile, Buffalords, the premier example of a draconic immune system taken to extremes, consider botulism to be a spice in the vein of how humans consider mint or caffeine, raw pufferfish is seen as a tasty snack, and cyanide is a treat.
—An Introduction To Dragon Biology, 17th Edition, Oxford University Press, 1793
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(the following is written from a US Nationalist perspective—“lax safety standards endanger the US' nuclear stockpile and thus our National Security!” etc. Still, this describes some remarkable events)
Technicians at the government's Los Alamos National Laboratory settled on what seemed like a surefire way to win praise from their bosses in August 2011: In a hi-tech testing and manufacturing building pivotal to sustaining America's nuclear arsenal, they gathered eight rods painstakingly crafted out of plutonium, and positioned them side-by-side on a table to photograph how nice they looked. At many jobs, this would be innocent bragging. But plutonium is the unstable, radioactive, man-made fuel of a nuclear explosion, and it isn't amenable to showboating. When too much is put in one place, it becomes "critical" and begins to fission uncontrollably, spontaneously sparking a nuclear chain reaction, which releases energy and generates a deadly burst of radiation. The resulting blue glow — known as Cherenkov radiation — has accidentally and abruptly flashed at least 60 times since the dawn of the nuclear age, signaling an instantaneous nuclear charge and causing a total of 21 agonizing deaths. So keeping bits of plutonium far apart is one of the bedrock rules that those working on the nuclear arsenal are supposed to follow to prevent workplace accidents. It's Physics 101 for nuclear scientists, but has sometimes been ignored at Los Alamos. As luck had it that August day, a supervisor returned from her lunch break, noticed the dangerous configuration, and ordered a technician to move the rods apart. But in so doing, she violated safety rules calling for a swift evacuation of all personnel in "criticality" events, because bodies — and even hands — can reflect and slow the neutrons emitted by plutonium, increasing the likelihood of a nuclear chain reaction. A more senior lab official instead improperly decided that others in the room should keep working, according to a witness and an Energy Department report describing the incident.
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Eight rods of plutonium within inches — had a few more rods been placed nearby it would have triggered a disaster. (Los Alamos National Laboratory/U.S. Department of Energy) [...]
In 2005, shortly before the profit-making firms wrested majority control of the laboratory from the University of California, the lab's "nuclear criticality safety program did not meet many of the" nuclear industry's standards, according to a DOE report in 2008. [...]
A bonus was also offered if the laboratory started meeting basic criticality safety standards. But Bowen said that, in his view, meeting minimum requirements shouldn't need and didn't deserve bonus pay. The new corporate group promised to bring the lab up to the required safety standards in 2007. But that September, when members of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board inspected plutonium vaults at PF-4, they discovered much more material present than inventories showed, posing new risks of spontaneous fissioning if some of it became too tightly packed together. So in September 2007, the lab shut down PF-4 for a month and told DOE it had created a Nuclear Criticality Safety Board to analyze and fix the lab's persistent problems. In 2010, when the Energy Department did a checkup, however, it found "no official notes or records" the group had ever met, according to an internal Energy Department report. The lab's promised date to improve criticality safety had slid to 2008, then 2010, and then to 2011.
In one photo, obtained by the Center, two of the rods are touching each other as they rest on a roll of duct tape. In another, eight rods are clustered tightly enough to fit within a pencil's length, propped up against a pyramid-shaped stick with black and yellow candy stripes to indicate "caution." Workers had forged the plutonium rods as aliquots — samples that could be useful to researchers in the weapons program and to teams trying to perfect the conversion of weaponized plutonium into fuel for civilian power plants. Reaching into the box was dangerous, said Don Nichols, the NNSA associate administrator for safety and health at the time, because the water present in human bodies reflects neutrons and slows their speed, increasing the likelihood that those emitted by plutonium will collide with the nuclei of other plutonium atoms and emit more neutrons, triggering a nuclear chain reaction, with its accompanying release of energy and radiation.
(29 June 2017)
death to america
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cyber-skeletons · 5 months
They do not tell you that black holes, too, can die That after eons of their endless hunger and conquest They can evaporate, fade away, and perish Into a yawning void without even a whimper. A second death To shame their first: explosive, destructive, luminous Changing them into something dark and radioactive No; there is no honor here, at the end of all things It consumed. There is no getting any of it back. And its Only legacy is a cold abyssal grave of nothingness.
It was all for nothing.
Or was it?
Is it not black holes which often form and anchor galaxies, Allowing for necessary change through the calamity they cause? They are symbols of death and bringers of destruction, yes, But they can also be beautiful, fierce guardians and Patient shepherds of star nurseries and planets and life itself. Let us entertain, for the moment, that they really do only destroy And nothing else. They evaporate. They kill everything they ever Created and then they die. Can matter truly be destroyed? Is it Truly the end, like the heat death of the universe? Or does Everything lost get reborn anew with a BANG! and a New age of hope? I'd like to think so. Because it Wasn't all for nothing. It meant something. They were here.
We are here.
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snootlestheangel · 9 days
I'd love to hear your thoughts about Overwatch :^
I just don't think people understand how devastating and traumatizing the lore is
And its part of why I'm so sad Activision/Blizzard stopped providing what the dev team needs to produce art, cinematics, and just overall build and expand upon the lore of their world. (Some may argue it's the dev team themselves that stopped this stuff but it's literally not. Hundreds of artists and stuff have been fired from Blizzard, many of which would have worked on/were working on Overwatch stuff)
Like, there's a lot of stuff lately about Illari's backstory being really dark and lowkey fucked up. Which is completely understandable! Basically nuking your entire village ON ACCIDENT and becoming the sole survivor at 19 is a dark ass backstory.
But like almost every hero has some form of deep trauma or some dark theme of their background that is just so glossed over.
D.va being basically the sole guardian of South Korea, a highly skilled fighter pilot and piloting one of the most advanced mechas to date, and becoming part of the world defense basically all at like 21 is insane. It's a monumental burden. She's fighting to keep not only her home safe, but her entire fucking country. And yet she's one of the bubbly, high energy, good vibes characters. Girl is NOT coping, but in fact masking super hard.
I just found out today that a couple of Doomfist skins are good representations of some Nigerian tribe myths, which are Orishas, these like deities. I forgot the exact wording, forgive me. But then there's Orisa! Literally created to be an in world counter to Doomfist because he was terrorizing this one city for so long. And just that's a very cool connection. But also Orisa having been created by a twelve year old genius. Like how desperate do these people have to be for one of their children to be the one to create the thing that now keeps them safe from harm?
Like the only heroes I can think of not having really dark or traumatizing things to their stories are Zarya, Venture, and Juno (the second two because there's almost nothing to their lore)
And at the same time, Zarya probably fought in the last few years of the Omnic Crisis, and watched as Russia became obsessed with creating machines to fight omnics, and grew up in a culture that is calloused towards omnics.
Junkrat is the only hero I can think of that wouldn't have anything dark or traumatizing to his story. Yeah he's missing 2 whole limbs but like he also has an unhealthy obsession with explosives so like what are we expecting? Yeah he's from the radioactive wasteland that is Australia in the Overwatch world but like I don't even think he had a childhood. And not in the bad way, in just the fact I believe he spawned out of a pile of radioactive waste just fully formed and feral
Even heroes like Tracer have dark backstories (literally crashed in an experimental aircraft designed to time travel and it trapped her in a state of constantly being sent to various times and the only thing keeping her rooted in the present has to be within a certain radius, so she has no choice but to wear it into battle which puts her at such high risk of not dying, no she'll never die because she's stuck traveling through time)
There are SO many different relationships between the characters and so many different ways to approach how their stories would affect their relationships with characters they would not have interacted with normally.
Like how would Echo interact with Ashe? Someone she's canonically never actually had a conversation/interaction with but who has a complicated past with Cassidy, a close companion of Echo's? Would Echo still try to extend her usual peaceful nature of just trying to understand, or would her friendship with Cassidy cause her to automatically regard Ashe with suspicion or distrust?
What about Junker Queen and Brigitte? Someone who makes hunting and killing Omnics a game interacting with someone who is part of the new generation that sees Omnics as worthy of life as humans are and is fighting to clear their name?
And Genji, who is more robotic than man yet "the heart of a man still beats inside [him]"? How has his journey with accepting who he is affect his relationship with Cassidy, who saw/knew him at his darkest in Blackwatch?
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aphadole · 1 month
okay SO. Chernobyl was an accident at a power plant in what was, at the time, Soviet Russia. They were running a safety test that was scheduled to happen during the day (keep in mind this meant the reactor was running at half power), but had to be delayed because of something about it being the end of the month and productivity quotas(this May be wrong sorry)- so they couldn’t afford a further reduction in power. They either had to cancel or reschedule the test. They decide to do it on the night shift and keep the realtor running at half power until Midnight and past that, when they started running the test. The people on the night shift had no idea what they were doing and hadn’t heard about it till then. They start it, stuff goes incredibly wrong, Reactor is in a xenon pit. I kinda forgot stuff in between but basically they kept removing control rods but because things are going so badly they press AZ-5, a button that immediately inserts all the control rods back in, which are made of boron to essentially slow it down, but they were tipped with graphite which just accelerates it. So the control rods get stuck in place and radioactivity accelerates greatly, and the metal cap on the reactor- which weighs 15,000 tons- comes off. Oxygen rushes into the core and it explodes. Dyatlov, the man running reactor 4’s control room, keeps denying the reactor exploded. A bunch of people are getting huge amounts of radiation. Some are dying. Two men- Akimov and Toptunov went down to the coolant pumps to get that water into the core. Outside a bunch of firefighters are there to try and stop the fire. Again, all these people didn’t really know the reactor exploded. So jump forward all these men die- but that isn’t really important rn. They have to drop sand and boron on the fire to put it out. Some of the helicopters fall apart because of the radiation of going over an exposed core. But now they’ve created essentially lava. So they get three men to go down to the pump room and empty them, because if they didn’t they would create a thermonuclear explosion that would severely damage the other three reactors and poison Europe and possibly other parts of the world. They succeed. And guess what? They didn’t die! Two are still alive! And the other died, but not because of Chernobyl, in 2005. Well now they have to worry about that lava reaching the lower concrete pad and contaminating the ground water. So they get a ton of miners to install a heat exchanger. Well now what about everything that got contaminated? They get people to enlist to be what they called a liquidator. Some kill the trees, some dog up and bury the ground, some are animal control. Animal control didn’t do very good (L bozo) because there are STILL dogs at Chernobyl! And others have to get the graphite off the roof since the lunar rovers they tried didn’t work. They push it back into the core. They give a testimony (most of which in the testimony was a lie bc it was broadcast to the world), then give testimony in the actual city of Chernobyl. Legasov, one of the main people that helped have this all happen, is silenced. He records tapes of what happened and kills himself. Can’t ignore the tapes now fuckers. Uhhh yeah Nowadays they have a containment building to contain the radiation. Yay infodump :)
So very yummy
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brazilianflamingo · 11 months
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B43 thermal nuclear paste bomb
Alright, So This character was created in cooperation with Scuzz and @lynx3000art over Discord, and she is meant to be RIDICULOUS and made for fun!
So here's a list of the absurd and inexplicable attributes that B43 has:
nick names are "thickie thermie” (you can see why she is called thickie) and “B43” (B43 is the name of a nuclear bomb).
Hybrid mutation of multiple species. Fennec Fox, Shark and a platypus, which gives her a platypus tail, gills, sharp shark teeth
a little bit reckless wacky sometimes
Has to wear special suit to be able to interact with people, or other wise they just get affected by radiation and melt
She can see trough stuff whenever they want because x-ray vision because radiation
She have a platypus tail that is edible, it’s like gummy candy but if you take a bite you'll probably die immediately because the flavor is radiation
She is a fantastic swimmer, but without her suit she will contaminate the water she is in.  
She is photogenic but any camera pointed at them will have strong noise effect due to radiation. And her friends have a fun activity where they see who gets the most amount of static in their cameras at the moment
cracking any part of her body with enough force will make it glow like a glowstick for around 30 minutes, gradually losing brightness overtime
She can focus her radiation to give other people very warm hugs that will make others glow green temporally. The person they hugged will start melting very fast if she is not wearing her suit
Her scream can sound like an air raid siren
Her vomit is super acidic
Explosive proof
Allergic to the smell of liquified metals, causing her to cough uncontrollably and have other lung problems the more she is exposed to inhaling melting metal smells
schrodinger's gender. She is all genders at the same time. But only when observed by someone else, she will be able to express one random gender. However she will still have /she/her they/them pronouns for simplicity sake.
Likes to listen to computer and dial-up noises. It’s soothing for her
Hates dell intel laptops
drinks soda from Nuka quantum bottle replica she bought online. Loves to eat any green vegetables and bananas
Obsessed and very knowledgeable with nuclear power, nuclear bombs, radiation and other related aspects of physics. but, contrastingly she is definitely not a smart person in general outside those topics.
She has in possession a fake mustache that she wears to be funny. However it sometimes teleports randomly into places when not supervised, likely its an SCP
microscopic pieces of uranium can be extracted from her blood
She has a gland somewhere in her body that produces platypus venom that is also radioactive, but she is still not sure how to use that venom
 Check my carrd.co! brazilianflamingohome.carrd.co
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prussianmemes · 1 year
reading up about neutron bombs and i'm thoroughly impressed at how completely bat shit evil this stuff was.
what the fuck was NATO thinking incorporating this as the basis of their strategy in "defending" west germany?
A neutron bomb, officially defined as a type of enhanced radiation weapon (ERW), is a low-yield thermonuclear weapon designed to maximize lethal neutron radiation in the immediate vicinity of the blast while minimizing the physical power of the blast itself...
By designing the thermonuclear stage of the weapon carefully, the neutron burst can be maximized while minimizing the blast itself. This makes the lethal radius of the neutron burst greater than that of the explosion itself. Since the neutrons are absorbed or decay rapidly, such a burst over an enemy column would kill the crews but leave the area able to be quickly reoccupied. Compared to a pure fission bomb with an identical explosive yield, a neutron bomb would emit about ten times the amount of neutron radiation. In a fission bomb, at sea level, the total radiation pulse energy which is composed of both gamma rays and neutrons is approximately 5% of the entire energy released; in neutron bombs, it would be closer to 40%, with the percentage increase coming from the higher production of neutrons...
Considerable controversy arose in the US and Western Europe following a June 1977 Washington Post exposé describing US government plans to equip US Armed Forces with neutron bombs. The article focused on the fact that it was the first weapon specifically intended to kill humans with radiation. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory director Harold Brown and Soviet General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev both described neutron bombs as a "capitalist bomb", because it was designed to destroy people while preserving property.
Upon detonation, a near-ground airburst of a 1-kiloton neutron bomb would produce a large blast wave and a powerful pulse of both thermal radiation and ionizing radiation in the form of fast (14.1 MeV) neutrons. The thermal pulse would cause third degree burns to unprotected skin out to approximately 500 meters. The blast would create pressures of at least 4.6 psi (32 kPa) out to a radius of 600 meters, which would severely damage all non-reinforced concrete structures. At the conventional effective combat range against modern main battle tanks and armored personnel carriers (< 690–900 m), the blast from a 1 kt neutron bomb would destroy or damage to the point of nonusability almost all un-reinforced civilian buildings...
Using neutron bombs to stop an enemy armored attack by rapidly incapacitating crews with a dose of 80+ Gy of radiation would require exploding large numbers of them to blanket the enemy forces, destroying all normal civilian buildings within c. 600 meters of the immediate area. Neutron activation from the explosions could make many building materials in the city radioactive, such as galvanized steel (see area denial use below)...
The pulse of neutron radiation would cause immediate and permanent incapacitation to unprotected outdoor humans in the open out to 900 meters, with death occurring in one or two days. The median lethal dose (LD50) of 6 Gray would extend to between 1350 and 1400 meters for those unprotected and outdoors, where approximately half of those exposed would die of radiation sickness after several weeks....
I wonder who was behind the development of these?
The concept was originally developed by the United States in the late 1950s and early 1960s. It was seen as a "cleaner" bomb for use against massed Soviet armored divisions. As these would be used over allied nations, notably West Germany, the reduced blast damage was seen as an important advantage...
The weapon was once again proposed for tactical use by the United States in the 1970s and 1980s, and production of the W70 began for the MGM-52 Lance in 1981. This time, it led to protests as the growing anti-nuclear movement gained strength through this period. Opposition was so intense that European leaders refused to accept it on their territory. US President Ronald Reagan ordered the production of the W70-3, which remained in the US stockpile until they were retired in 1992. The last W70 was dismantled in February 1996...
President Carter delayed development of the neutron bomb in 1978, but during Ronald Reagan's presidency, Cohen claims to have convinced Reagan to make 700 neutron bombs, 350 shells to go into the 8 inch (200-millimeter) howitzer and 350 W70 Mod. 3 warheads for the Lance missile...
In much the same fashion as the area denial effect resulting from fission product (the substances that make up most fallout) contamination in an area following a conventional surface-burst nuclear explosion, as considered in the Korean War by Douglas MacArthur, it would thus be a form of radiological warfare—with the difference that neutron bombs produce half, or less, of the quantity of fission products relative to the same-yield pure fission bomb.
In November 2012, British Labour peer Lord Gilbert suggested that multiple enhanced radiation reduced blast (ERRB) warheads could be detonated in the mountain region of the Afghanistan-Pakistan border to prevent infiltration. He proposed to warn the inhabitants to evacuate, then irradiate the area, making it unusable and impassable. Used in this manner, the neutron bomb(s), regardless of burst height, would release neutron activated casing materials used in the bomb, and depending on burst height, create radioactive soil activation products.
In much the same fashion as the area denial effect resulting from fission product fallout contamination in an area following a conventional surface-burst nuclear explosion, as considered in the Korean War by Douglas MacArthur, it would thus be a form of radiological warfare—with the difference that neutron bombs produce half, or less, of the quantity of fission products relative to the same-yield pure fission bomb. Radiological warfare with neutron bombs that rely on fission primaries would thus still produce fission fallout.
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Meanwhile, the strategic doctrine of the Warsaw Pact:
Rather than making extensive preparations for battlefield nuclear combat in Central Europe, the Soviet military leadership believed that conventional superiority provided the Warsaw Pact with the means to approximate the effects of nuclear weapons and achieve victory in Europe without resort to those weapons.
No wonder Wessies were so up in arms and were protesting about America deploying even more nuclear weapons on their soil. They were never considered to be anything more than a speedbump against the USSR.
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castratedvader · 2 years
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ACID, Danila Tkachenko
Today mankind is surrounded by a number of invisible threats capable of causing significant damage to the human body or fully destroying it. Air pollution, viruses, radiation – while they cannot be seen or felt when we are exposed to them, at the same time they are capable of having a considerable impact on the environment and transforming it.
I use projectors with a green filter to expose and identify places contaminated by radiation. The additional element in the form of a splash of colour on the light destroys the formal photographic look, representing an invisible threat, and thereby rendering the image more realistic.
The acidic colour is frequently used to portray toxicity in mass culture. It is representative of part of the public’s fantasy about disaster and has little in common with forms of toxic pollution, as the latter are invisible.
One of the most important functions of fantasy is the aspect of psychological defence: repression, regression and denial.
This protective mechanism kicks in when we come into contact with apocalyptic content, as we convince ourselves that a global catastrophe is intrinsically unreal, while a manmade threat or mysophobia represents merely remote possibilities and projections from the here and now.
The fantasy of disaster consequently demonstrates that we don’t believe in disaster. However, it represents specifically one way in which we perceive the world.
By making the fictional representation clash with actual pollution, I try to return to the real world from the imaginary plane.
Radioactive city (Kazakhstan), 2019 : City in the immediate proximity of a nuclear weapon testing site. The city would regularly be covered by waves of radiation as a result of nuclear tests. The number of children born with cancer and deformities increased in the city. Over time the city’s citizens acquired dosimeters and the danger became even clearer to the general public. People gradually started leaving the city until it died once and for all.
Ionosphere observatory (Ukraine), 2019 : To create a weather-control weapon of mass destruction, scientists looked for ways to affect the ionosphere. The developers assumed that a vast antenna might be able to puncture holes in the protective shield of the atmosphere, and that as a result solar radiation could affect the natural phenomena of the territory of the opponent.
Stalagmite at a nuclear power plant (Ukraine), 2019 : Stalagmite found by accident at one of the nuclear power plant units where the greatest nuclear disaster globally happened. As a result of human error and defects in the design of the RBMK-100 reactor, the reactor exploded in 1986, resulting in the contamination of 200,000 square kilometres of land. The total number of victims of the accident reached four million people. The radioactive cloud formed during the accident circled the whole world three times.
Contaminated church (Russia), 2019 : Abandoned 18th century church exposed to radiation after an accident in 1957 that occurred due to the explosion of a radioactive waste container. The contaminated area equalled 23,000 square kilometres affecting 270,000 people in 217 population centres.
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lime1991 · 1 year
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Why not make another spider-person oc?
I saw someone make an oc on tiktok and i think their character had a hood that acted similarly to a symbiote? and i thought that was a fun idea i could kind of steal. and ACKUALLY..... they're more so inspired by Ermac from mortal kombat bc im a huge mk fan (duh just look at my blog) and Ermac is a (in many incarnations) hooded creature who is just a collection of souls come together to create a warrior. In Spider-grim's case... they're 3 souls fused together to create a villain. They all have their own memories intact individually, but as one person they only have the memory of escaping the lab they were created in and the drive to kill the one that created them.
They become a spider-person because as they were being experimented on the scientists nearly lost them. their last resort, if they didn't want the experiment to completely fail, was to use another experiment, a radioactive spider, in an attempt to keep the fusion alive. it worked, but the unknown consequence gave them an explosion of power, with which they burst out of their restraints and the lab altogether. they have moments, usually only during very high stress or argument within themself, that that same energy and immense power comes back. and they kind of... to put it simply, go feral.
The 3 people whose souls were fused are known by the names of Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy, and Marcus Jacobs-Watson.. or MJ. Though they all have their own memories, none of them recall what happened that led them to being used as experiments. And altogether they simply like to be called Grim. Their staff is a web-shooter and they most commonly have it shoot a scythe-like "blade" to use as a weapon. It is very much a strong blade that can absolutely kill, and they have killed! Their third eye also gives them higher knowledge as well as giving them the ability to talk within themselves (like if they were all different voices in 1 head)
I imagine other heroes or villains would see them talking to themself and just think that they're insane, but in reality they're just trying to form a coherent thought lol. And despite the super-smarts and agility from the spider bite, they're a little clumsy. Initially, it takes some time for them to get their walking and such under control. Like I mentioned in the picture, they're more like Venom than a regular person. they're a CREATURE... an amalgamation. one being who used to be 3 different people (along with a radioactive spider) who was forcibly fused into a single one.
I've already written a lot but heres how this universe's versions of MJ, Peter, and Gwen work: Peter Parker was an orphan who had just recently lost his Aunt May, being only 16 and without any living family anymore, he had to begin living on the streets. He was kidnapped one night by who he believed to be the police... but they turned out to be a group of scientists working for Alchemax.
Gwen Stacy's mother died years ago and she'd been living with her abusive cop father alone ever since. She won't remember it, but she willingly gave up her body for experimental use. Because anything was better than what happened at home.
Marcus Jacobs-Watson, or just MJ, to his friends, shadowed a few scientists at Alchemax for his final project in his senior year of high school. At first, he was super into all of the cool experiments they did. Until he saw what they were doing to a pair of kids around his age. And before he could get help, he became part of it.
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black-rose-writings · 2 years
Thank you for answering my question! I was also wondering what type of grisha are there? And what powers and abilites do grisha have?
I have only seen the show and I'd like to know more about grisha and their abilities!
So, firstly, there are three "Orders" of Grisha
Etherialki (aka Summoners) - control "liquid" elements. Powerful etherialki can create the Cut (impossibly thin and powerful "blade" made out of their element which can cut through basically everything with ease).
Materialki (aka Fabricators) - control solid materials, including plants
Corporalki - control living matter
Then, each other separates into different types. It should be noted that the types are not completely exclusive and it is possible for a Grisha to learn the abilities of a different type or order. It is however done relatively rarely in modern times.
Etherialky sub-types:
Tidemakers - control water in all states (liquid, vapor, ice)
Squallers - control the air - they can manipulate air pressure, create wind and control temperature around them (Squallers are known to work as living air conditioners in Kerch). With some skill, they are also able to create lightning, though this ability is rarely taught in the Second army as it is considered too volatile and hard to control once created. Powerful Squallers (or groups of them) might also be able to manipulate weather for the reasons mentioned above. They might also be able to teach themselves how to levitate. Anything beyond wind and temperature manipulation is considered advanced and only very powerful and skilled Grisha will be able to do it safely (meaning with a reasonable elvel of control)
Inferni - control fire. Or, more specifically, flamable gases. They still need something to ignite those gases, so many Inferni in the book carry around a lighter (or whatever it's called) and in teh show, they appear to have special gloves that give can create sparks with certain movement, allowing them to create fire more quickly (the gloves might also provide a level of insulation from fire, as I think we don't know for sure how fire resistance Inferni actually are).
These are fairly common. But there are also two "special" types of Etherialki.
Shadow Summoners - they control shadows. There has only ever been two known Shadow Summoners, Baghra and Aleksander. Baghra is the daughter of Ilya Morozova (cringe) and it is possible her powers are the result of his meddling with Merzost. Shadow Summoners are extremely powerful and do not appear to age significantly once they reach maturity (in the books), as Aleksander is described as looking to be maybe 20-something and while Baghra trips everyone's "ancient" alarm, she physically looks to be maybe in her 30s. (more on Grisha aging at the end)
Sun Summoner(s) - control light. There has only ever been one known born Sun Summoner (Alina). It is up for debate whether the Sun Summoners created at the end of R&R are real Sun Summoners. Sun summoners are able to conjure beams of light and bend it to make themselves or things around them invisible.
Types of Materialki
Firstly, Materialki types are more akin to specialisation than hard(ish) division like for Etherialki. There is a huge overlap between the two types. But in short:
Alchemi are magical chemists. They manipulate matter on molecular level. In practice, they make things like explosives, salves and drugs. They can also do thing like removing poison from water.
Durasts primarily work with solid material - bones, wood, stone, metal, glass etc. They are effectively telekinetics. They can also change shape of those things and mold them together. Skilled and powerful Materialki can also affect elements on a subatomic level, changing one element into another (though without further help, such as parem, the resulting material will be radioactive).
They can also leech color from things (such as plants), force plants to grow/flowers to bloom.
Types of Corporalki
Again, Corporalki types are specialisations. In fact, we are told that there is a great degree of choice in which path a given Grisha takes and there's a great overlap between what they do (A Healer can do basic Heartrending and Heartrender can do basic Healing.)
Healers are exactly what it says on the tin. They can heal people - speed up healing of skin and flesh, fix broken bones etc. Resulting scarring, residual pain and speed of the healing appaears to be based on the Healer's power and experience.
Heartrenders, on the other hand, manipulate the body in "damaging" ways. They can damage internal organs, cause pain etc. They can also sense heartbeats of the people around them and can manipulate the speed of the heart and blood pressure of themselves and others. Some heartrenders can also learn to manipulate people's emotions by making their brain release certain chemicals (this is Nina's specialisation in the books).
Special Grisha
There are also Grisha, who don't really fit into any of these boxes.
The only one of these types we meet in the books (or show) are Tailors (like Genya), who are between Corporalki and Materialki. In later books, any Corporalnik can learn Tailoring, but their results are going to not be as high quality or last as long.
You might also count "Zowa" as their own separate thing. Generally, "Zowa" is a Zemeni (people from Novyi Zem, Grishaverse's black ethnicity) term for Grisha, however, as they learn and teach their powers differently from "mainland" Grisha, they do and up not being as closely confined to their orders/types.
(Spoiler) Jesper's mother, who taught him how to use his powers, is mentioned having abilities, that might reach into healing or water manipulation, despite being classified as a Durast. I have an old post, where I go deeper into the Grisha/Zowa thing.
This is by no means an exhaustive list, just what I can come up with from memory.
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fancoloredglasses · 2 years
X-Men: The Animated Series (As the X Turns)
[All images are owned by Marvel Disney. I swear I’m too small fry to sue]
(Thanks to Miguel Sac)
This week’s review covers what was at the time the greatest animated series done by Marvel (sorry, but the greatest overall animated series up to that point was Batman), but first a bit of background.
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(Thanks to Marvel)
When Marvel was creating its Silver Age lineup, nearly every super hero was created due to some sort of accident (Spider-Man was bitten by a spider infused with radiation, the Hulk was caught in an explosion of gamma radiation, Daredevil was hit in the head with a canister filled with radioactive waste, the Fantastic Four were exposed to cosmic radiation (there was a LOT of radiation in the 60s), and Tony Stark made Iron Man in order to save his life after stepping on a land mine)
However, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby wanted something different, so the X-Men were Mutants, born with their powers. There was no small parallel between the struggle of Mutants trying to gain acceptance from the regular humans they defended (who feared and/or hated them) and those of blacks in the 60s suffering under segregation and “Jim Crow” laws.
The series wasn’t popular. I know it’s hard to believe, but...
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(Thanks again to Marvel)
It wasn’t until 12 years later when the team expanded beyond the original 5 (plus Professor X) that the team gained popularity (no doubt due in no small part to Wolverine joining their ranks) The struggle between humans and mutants was still there, but over time other “oppressed” subsets of society (such as the LGBTQ+ community) began to see the X-Men as beacons in their struggle for acceptance.
The 1992 series was actually the second attempt at an X-Men series. The first was attempted in the 80s only got as far as the pilot.
(Thanks to Heroes Network)
Yes, they gave the very Canadian Wolverine an Australian accent. According to Google, Crocodile Dundee was popular at the time and the producers wanted to latch onto it.
For whatever reason, this pilot wasn’t picked up, which is a shame. It looked like it had promise.
But enough backstory, on to the series!
For those who don’t know, the X-Men are a group of heroic mutants who defend the very humans who fear and hate them.
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The team is led by their founder Charles Xavier (AKA Professor X), a powerful telepath who runs a “School for Gifted Youngsters” that secretly teaches young mutants how to control their abilities and use them to benefit society. Due to an accident in his younger days, he is paralyzed from the waist down. He “has a dream” of a world where humans and mutants can co-exist peacefully.
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Xavier’s field commander (since he can’t exactly go into battle in a wheelchair) is Scott Summers (AKA Cyclops) who fires energy blasts from his eyes. Unfortunately he lacks the ability to control them, so Xavier had special lenses made for him that can stop the beams. His visor is one such lens (he wears special sunglasses when not in costume)
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Scott’s girlfriend is Jean Grey (AKA...well, in the comics it’s Marvel Girl. In pretty much every other version she doesn’t have an X-Men code name), who is an even more powerful telepath and telekinetic.
However, Scott isn’t the only one vying for Jean’s affections...
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Logan (AKA Wolverine (AKA James Howlett in the comics)) is a Canadian native who has heightened senses, a massive healing factor that can recover from any injury (and apparently slow his aging, as he’s over 150 years old in the comics!) His skeleton was also infused with adamantium, a nigh-indestructible alloy, by the Canadian government for some reason.
He is also very likely the most popular character in Marvel Comics (at least until Deadpool came along)
Rounding out the team, we have...
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Ororo Monroe (AKA Storm) is an African native who has the ability to control weather. She is also second in command in the field.
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Rogue (no actual name given) is from the southern US and has the ability to drain the strength and powers of anyone she has physical contact with (you can imagine what that does to her love life) Somewhere in her past, she held contact with a hero known as Ms. Marvel, putting Marvel in a coma and permanently giving Rogue Marvel’s heightened strength and flight abilities (in the comics, Ms. Marvel (AKA Carol Danvers) would eventually recover and become the third Marvel hero to carry the moniker Captain Marvel (but not the first hero to ever have the name))
Rogue has a flirtatious (if somewhat tragic, due to her abilities) relationship with...
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Remy LeBeau (AKA Gambit) is a Cajun from Louisiana who has the ability to charge small objects (he prefers playing cards) with explosive energy.
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Hank McCoy (AKA Beast) is a genius-level intellect with heightened strength and agility. His powers were further amplified due to a lab accident that enhanced his mutant genes. This accident also gave him his current appearance.
[Quick note: in the comics, Hank, along with Scott and Jean, were three of the five founding members of the X-Men. For more info about one of the other founders, check out this review]
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Rather than Kitty Pryde as the inroad for the audience (as was the case in the failed pilot), the producers created a new character named Jubilation Lee (AKA Jubilee), who can create plasma bubbles (that she calls “fireworks”) that she can control and explode. When the series begins she’s just coming into her powers and isn’t actually part of the team yet.
Of course, if you have heroic mutants trying to save the humans you need evil mutants trying to destroy them.
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If Charles Xavier is the mutant version of Martin Luther King Jr., then Erik Lehnsherr (AKA Magneto) is Malcolm X. He has the ability to manipulate magnetism (though he has manipulate non-ferrous metals as well, such as the adamantium in Wolverine’s skeleton) Magneto sees a war between humans and mutants coming and is determined to ensure mutants win.
Magneto and Xavier are friends and want to save mutants, despite their very different approaches.
He is also the leader of an organization known as the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (way to give away which side you’re on, Magneto) I won’t cover the rest of the members, as many only make a handful of appearances.
However, Magneto and his ilk aren’t the only threats to the X-Men, as humans have their own weapons, including...
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...Sentinels, three story tall robots programmed to detect and capture/eliminate mutants.
The series was fairly unique at the time, especially for US animation, in that it was aired as an ongoing story. Most episodes were built off of events in previous episodes. In addition, the action at times took a back seat to the drama within the team, either through the love triangle of Scott, Jean, and Logan or the tragic relationship between Remi and Rogue, and Xavier’s struggle for mutant acceptance among humans.
The series is available on Disney+. If you would like to see an episode (or storyline) reviewed, let me know.
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ncenvs3000semester · 6 months
Volcanic Lightning
Hi everyone! 
I hope this last week has been good for everyone and everyone now has some relief given that our podcasts are submitted! This week, we were asked to interpret the most amazing thing about nature. It took me a second to figure out what that was, so I did a little bit of research and found out all about something called volcanic lightning. Volcanic lightning is a charge of lightning that occurs as a result of a volcanic eruption, instead of a regular thunderstorm. Imagine the 2 things in nature that people are typically afraid of. It's crazy! Don’t think that's cool enough? Let me give you some more information about them.
Alright so how does this happen? Well, it took a long time for scientists to figure out its exact cause. It occurs at the beginning of a volcanic eruption in 2 places; either close to the ground in thick ash clouds or high up near the stratosphere within the fumes of volcanic smoke. Their locations have different reasons behind them occurring. 
For the volcanic lightning that happens near the ground in thick ash clouds, studies show that when the volcanic eruption begins, individual ash particles rub together, which then creates enough static electricity for a lightning bolt to occur (Fearon, 2020). The volcanic lightning that occurs high up near the stratosphere is a little more unordinary. The cause of this type of volcanic lightning is actually the opposite of what you would think, it's because of ice (Fearon, 2020). Research shows that both the smoke and water vapor rises from the volcano, causing ice to form at very high levels (Fearon, 2020). From that point, lightning is generated with the same mechanism as it does in a thunderstorm - ice crystals collide and then generate enough electric charge to initiate a lightning bolt (Fearon, 2020). Who would have thought that the opposite of fire and lava would actually initiate that? It's so cool! 
Other reasons for this phenomenon would be fractoemission and radioactive charging (SciTechDaily.com Authors, 2022). Fractoemission is when the rock particles break apart during the explosion, causing charged particles and static charge to form (SciTechDaily.com Authors, 2022). This also happens closer to the volcano’s base since it is something that happens in high energy places (SciTechDaily.com Authors, 2022). The ash particles have a natural radioactivity that is above the normal level, and charged areas are created once they decay. This is called radioactive charging (SciTechDaily.com Authors, 2022). Scientists are fairly unsure of this mechanism, but do believe it is a contributing factor in some cases. 
While I can describe this phenomenon for ages, nothing will truly explain how cool these are until you get to see them for yourselves. So, I’ve attached a few photos and a video for you guys to see how fascinating it is. 
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Photos and videos are from Vulkane.net. 
Thank you guys for tuning in and hope that you guys have a good rest of the week!
Until next time,
Fearon, R. (May 28 2020). Volcanology: The Study of Volcanic Activity and Predicting Eruptions. Discovery. www.discovery.com/science/volcanology--the-study-of-volcanic-activity-and-predicting-erupt.  
SciTechDaily.com Authors. (May 9 2022). Volcanic Lightning: The Science behind This Spectacular Phenomenon. SciTechDaily.  scitechdaily.com/volcanic-lightning-the-science-behind-this-spectacular-phenomenon/.  Vulkane.net Authors. Volcanic Lightning and Dirty Thunderstorms. Vulkane. www.vulkane.net/en/volcanism/volcanic-lightnings.html.
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