#but yeah god the spinoff potential they have.......
le-trash-prince · 4 months
Pit Babe Ep 13 Thoughts
Overall I enjoyed the episode and I’m okay with how it ended—ships aside, it met with where my expectations were, even though I was holding on by the skin of my teeth for at least SOMETHING more with the side characters (NOT EVEN NORTHSONIC??). But I think if I had watched without engaging with Change2561’s marketing, I wouldn’t be feeling this way. MOSTLY I’M JUST CONFUSED ABOUT WHY THEY MARKETED GHOST SHIPS LIKE DO THEY KNOW I’M JUST THAT SAD ENOUGH OF A SHIPPER I’LL EAT CRUMBS OFF THE GROUND???
I think there’s a lot more they could have done with the ending, but the main focus did need to come back to Babe’s story, and that’s what they focused on. I will hold out hope for something additional like a S2 or a special ep or spinoff, but we all know productions like this can fall apart even with the intention to make a second season 🤡
Personally, my biggest fear was Kenta dying, I swear to god I took psychic damage everyone someone said he was gonna die. Especially with how similar Garfield’s background is to Kenta’s, it wouldn’t have sat right with me if they had put an actor through that? ANYWAYS I WON IN THAT ASPECT, KENTA GOT HIS FUCKING KNIFE TIME and I’ll go into my (satisfied) feelings about his arc later (y’all already know I can’t shut up about the man)
With that said, I haven’t really processed that Way is actually dead, even tho the signs had been there, I kept hoping he would pull through?? BUT I GUESS NOT… This would prob be my one major disappointment but anyways I’m just gonna ignore that it happened
I was talking with my friend afterwards complaining about how Kenta stabbed Tony and then literally disappeared, like not even a “standing in the distance at Way’s funeral” shot like how much fic are we gonna have to write?
Me: god like I was still emotionally invested in what was happening but in every scene my brain is in the background like a dog going “where’s Kenta where’s Kenta where’s Kenta” friend: Yeah I could hear you Me: … was I saying that out loud? friend: Yeah like Way was literally dying on the ground and you’re like “where’s Kenta” me: oh my GODDDD WAY I’M SO SORRY I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA MAGICALLY PULL THROUGH!!! me: I’M SORRY WAY
Mostly I’m just glad they didn’t blow the ending in a way that the fandom wouldn’t survive. But things are open enough that there’s endless potential for fic and headcanons and such. I really do love this show and this fandom and the cast a lot and I wanna live here for a long time 🥺 I’m glad we’ve got the fanmeeting coming up soon (maybe they’ll even do some skits) along with the MVs!
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 8 months
Oh no was the spin-off bad or just mediocre? Is there anything you particularly liked or disliked about it?
god okay let's get into the good, the bad, and the ???? of it all. hiding it entirely under a cut because spoilers ahoy.
the :)
I have reservations about the Riddler as a full protagonist that I'll articulate below, but I can't really fault any of the writing re: Eddie's dialogue at all. the characterization of the Riddler as an insufferably cocky and nosy motormouth works really well, and Hasan Minhaj seems like he's having a blast with the expanded role.
also hey even though they didn't follow up on some of the very promising tidbits re: Eddie's potentially deteriorating mental state dropped in Unburied, I like that it was made clear that there are physical components to his riddle compulsion, namely mentioning that his chest was getting tighter. it adds an interesting dimension to his whole schtick!
having listed all these fun traits that I enjoy, I also respect that the story doesn't feel the need to like... soften Eddie in order to make him a more likeable protagonist. oh haha the funny little asshole man? yeah he killed people. he kills a guy literally in the course of the story after proclaiming in the very first episode that he's mostly non-violent. and he's 100% chill about it because fuck that guy! he doesn't matter, he's in the way of the riddle! and the whole ending with Nadira is... oofah doofah, that's crazy. that's crazy crazy. and it's pretty tasty!
I LOOOOOVE appearances from minor villains!!! bro we got THE FUCKING TALLY MAN in this!!! also hey when I wrote that absurdly long post-Unburied fic I CORRECTLY predicted Croc, Sportsmaster, and the fucking Condiment King someone. I don't know. pay me or kiss me on the mouth for that or something.
I wish there was more Barbara, of course, but I really like what we did get of her! I like that we've kind of skipped over any need for her to have a Batgirl era and just got straight to the good stuff of being almost Oracle. I love to see her exactly where she belongs: flagrantly committing cybercrime to save lives because she can.
also the sound design is still good, and I really like the new music for the opening and Azrael's motif
also speaking of Azrael I'm going to say ONE nice thing about how he was written which is that I DO think it's interesting that they directly pointed out that the concept of Azrael as an angel of death is actually much more prominent in Islam than Christianity while also making in unambiguous that the Nygmas are a Muslim family. it adds a little bit of intrigue to the connection between Nadira and JP, not nearly enough to actually redeem Nadira as a big bad in my eyes (see below) but it is interesting!
also lastly Eddie is flirting so hard with Bruce AND Barbara I love you problematic awful bisexual representation. AND Killer Croc wants to fuck him? madness.
the :/
I alluded to this earlier, but I don't know if I love Eddie promoted to the POV protagonist! it's a big departure from Unburied, not just in terms of who's the main character but also in terms of limiting the scope of the story. giving Bruce and Barbara's alternating perspectives in Unburied was brilliant for building up the mystery and creating suspense in the story, and when the story came together to focus fully on Bruce as Batman it felt organically earned.
and also on a more Eddie-centric note I just! think he works better as a supporting character for other people to bounce off of, rather than being a lead in his own right!
I'm putting this in :/ instead of :( because it's more of a matter of personal taste than anything but godddddd I wanted more Barbara :/ I love her :/ where is she :/ I'm mostly mad because I wanted a spinoff of her and Eddie solving crimes while he crashes in her couch and does petty crime but godddddd god god god I want her back so bad I love her more than Eddie and Bruce combined
while I like the emotional beats of the resolution with Nadira I don't... like her as a character or a storytelling device. like I'm sorry but I don't really care about the Riddler's family drama! especially not when it's as heavy-handed as "my sister told me riddles to distract me from our parents fighting." very reminiscent of the backstory where Leonard and Lisa Snart would hide out in an ice cream truck or whatever, please stop trying to make psychology this painfully clear cut.
I also didn't really need an origin story but I do like that it's kind of an updated version of his first BTAS episode!
I can't decide if Jean Paul unceremoniously killing off Flass is really funny or sucks shit. kind of both but it does veer towards the latter, I was really hoping that if they're going to keep making more of this podcast we would at least get to see Babs get an arc where she investigates Flass and gets justice for her dad on her own terms. but then again. it is pretty funny.
also god this isn't REALLY about the show but I have to say this. the Riddler a.) getting #calledout by Azrael for bearing false witness and b.) ESPECIALLY him trying to dunk on his sister by implying she should marry a white guy are SO FUNNY given the timing of the minor scandal re: Hasan Minhaj maybe just straight up making things up entirely in his comedy and SPECIFICALLY getting that poor woman doxxed by claiming she dumped him for racist reasons. I'M JUST SAYING. (editor's note: since absolved of all wrongdoing and the woman who wrote that piece is genuinely unhinged, but the timing was still BANANAS.)
the :(
I'm just gonna say it, man: I'm not into Colman Domingo's Bruce/Batman performance at all. I don't know what happened behind the scenes to precipitate Winston Duke leaving the role, but god fuck I'm in mourning. Duke is genuinely one of my favorite portrayals of Bruce ever for his distinctive Batman voice and how much expressiveness, vulnerability, and warmth he brings to the character, and while I wouldn't want his replacement to try and mimic that performance exactly (impossible!) it seems like Domingo just... wasn't even given the memo? this is a much flatter Bruce, and I simply cannot love him.
re: my complaints about Nadira above, her character is just handled in a really underwhelming way. having Eddie repeatedly call her "sis" is stumbling straight into the one of the worst of all lazy exposition techniques, especially since Bruce works his way to that exact revelation, like would it have killed anyone to just... let us wonder about the connection a *little* longer? also, again, those flashbacks are ARTLESS. in Unburied there's framing and context for all of the ways the past blends into the present, whether it's Strange's recordings or the story taking place inside Bruce's own meddled memories. it really feels like they're just hurling backstory at us with a catapult in this one.
the ultimate big bad reveal is... ugh. UGH. Unburied was a really cool nesting doll of a minor Batman villain being manipulated by a more well-known villain being manipulated by an A-list villain with a cool and unique spin on her backstory... Secrets in the Dark has an absolutely WASTED member of the Batfamily used as a killer of the week, controlled by a minor dirty cop and a complete OC who doesn't get much screentime at all. cool!
also hey listen. as soon as they start going "hmm... I don't know this is just too big for Flass... SOMEONE else must be helping him..." it's like. I don't know, man. do you think it's possibly the only new character introduced in the series who we know was just elected to a government position? do you think maybe that's who it could be?
also hey man speaking of which they just fucking. they just used Jean Paul as a random deranged serial killer and then the fucking Riddler managed to convince him to off himself. fucking. disrespectful. this feels like that episode of Arrow (sorry to cite Arrow in 2023, I know) when Helena's just like. an antagonist of the week for Oliver to fight. disrespectful!!!!
"Makenzie I thought you didn't even like Jean Paul why does it matter" I'M COMING AROUND ON HIM
overall the plot just feels way more hectic and unpolished than Unburied and it's Unfortunate!
also hey do you remember at the end of Unburied where Bruce just casually blows the lid open on Eddie being afraid that he's like. devolving and actively losing his grip on his own brain and it's like extra bad and scary because he has no idea whether it really means anything when he passes psych evals, etc? really cool how we never really brought that up again
where was Ace :( :( :( my good boy :( :( :(
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eds6ngel · 10 months
Spinoff request!!! Had an idea for the first time (r) goes over to steves place and Alena keeps asking if shes her mommy now and stuff
i love this!! thank you so much for requesting! i hope you enjoy the direction i took with this ♡
warnings: dad!steve. singledad!steve. 90s!au. fem!reader. swearing. kissing. allusions to sex. pet names. alena gets angry. angst. hurt. fluff. comfort. happy ending!! [2.7k].
author's note: just a quick one! i currently have five asks for this series in my inbox. i have a specific order i want to tackle them based on the ideas, so i'm sorry if you requested earlier but get a fic later!!
full 'when i kissed the teacher' masterlist.
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Steve had planned this out with you for a while now. You were gonna spend the night at his for the first time. He wasn’t necessarily hoping for anything to happen, just sharing a bed with you would be perfect, but if it did, he would rock your world.
He was getting Alena ready to be dropped at Robin and Vickie’s when suddenly the phone began to ring. He plops her on the kitchen counter, grabbing the phone from its hook on the wall, and speaking into the receiver, “Hello?”
“Hey, dingus!” Of course, it was Robin. “Um, slight change of plan. Work have asked me to emergency cover for someone and Vickie has her meeting today. I know it’s short notice, but unless you want to drop off Alena with your girlfriend later, I’m afraid we can’t have her until at least 7pm.”
“Shit,” he curses quietly. What was he gonna do? The two of you had been planning this for weeks, both extremely nervous for the what the night potentially entailed. And if he had his daughter to look after, especially with his daughter’s ex-teacher coming over, it was going to make things really awkward. But, it seemed as if he had no other choice. No babysitter would take Alena overnight, and Nancy and Jonathan have a newborn to look after. He guesses Alena would just have to be there with him. “Okay, yeah… That’s fine, Robin. I’ll just look after her myself.”
He can hear her let out a sigh of relief down the phone, “Okay, thank God, because I did try and explain to them that I had to babysit my friend’s daughter and they kept going on and on about how desperate they were and how they were so short-staffed and—”
“Robs, I got her. It’s okay,” he reassures her, the girl going on another one of her familiar rambles that happened when she was nervous.
“Okay, good, great! Amazing! Yeah, I— Yeah, you got her, great! Okay… I have to go.”
Steve chuckles, “Okay Robin, see you later. Tell Vickie I said to wish her luck with her meeting.”
“I will! Okay, bye!”
Steve doesn’t even get a chance to respond as the phone is dropped at Robin’s end, shaking his head as he puts his back on the stand. God, she was such a character.
“Was that Auntie Robin?” Alena sweetly asks, holding out her arms, Steve hoisting her up onto his hip.
“It was pumpkin, I’m afraid she can’t look after you today,” he frowns.
“So, where am I going when Y/N is here?”
“Well…” he boops her nose, making her giggle, “That’s the thing. You aren’t going anywhere.”
She scrunches up her face in confusion as Steve explains further, “You are going to be staying right here.”
Her face lights up, her feet kicking against his hipbone as she beams, “I get to see Y/N?”
He plops her down on the floor, taking her coat back off and hanging it on the hook by the front door, “Uh huh. You get to see Y/N.”
And like the excitable child she is, she begins running around the house, yelling “Yay!” arms held out as if she was flying.
Steve picks her up underneath his arm, making his daughter scream in delight as he ruffles her hair. He puts her down, grabbing onto her shoulders and stating, “But, since Y/N is our guest, we have to be respectful, okay? That means calming down, no running around like you just did, and keeping the house clean. You need to be a good girl, do you understand?”
She nods, putting her hands behind her back, making herself look nice and polite, “Yes, daddy.”
“Good girl,” he smiles, “Now, why don’t you go and clean up your room before Y/N comes? Maybe she’d like to potentially see your room?”
She jumps up and down, shouting “Yes!” as Steve raises an eyebrow. She quickly cottons on, landing herself softly on her two feet and mumbling, “Okay,” before quietly trotting off down the hall.
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Steve is in his room making himself look presentable, Alena sat on the floor by the coffee table drawing away when the doorbell rings, signalling your arrival.
Before Steve can get the chance to rush into the living room, the door swings open, Alena smiling in front of you, waving and yelling, “Hi!” despite being only a couple inches away.
“Hello honey, how are you?” you smile back.
“Good! Daddy’s in his room. He said he wants to make himself look perfect for you.” God, kids… They were so brutally honest.
“Oh, did he now? Well, shall I be the judge of that?” you ask her, the little girl nodding as you walk into the Harrington’s house, Alena closing the door behind you, perhaps a little too forcefully for your liking. But, you weren’t her mom, that wasn’t your decision to make.
Steve appears from his bedroom in a sage green sweater, black sweatpants to match as he runs up to you, grabbing your face and planting a kiss to your cheek, “I am so sorry. I was going to get it, but,” he signals to his daughter.
“It’s okay,” you softly reply, “A little birdie told me that you were making yourself perfect in there.”
You look down at Alena and raise your eyebrows, her giggling as Steve fumbles over his words, scratching the back of his neck, “I— Uh… I was just, you know… Getting ready and stuff…”
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug as you whisper back, “I think you look gorgeous.”
The two of you pull back, Steve signalling to your body with his hand, “Uh, thanks! But, you… I mean, you look stunning. Not that you don’t always look stunning, because you do, just today you look… extra stunning.”
What’s funny about Steve’s compliment was that you were as underdressed as he was. A plain black t-shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers, all paired with some gold hoop earrings is how simple your outfit was today. But, sometimes looking lazier was ten times more attractive than looking put-together.
You giggle at his words, “Thank you.”
He points behind him, “I was gonna get started on dinner. I know you like pasta. I’m not the most brilliant cook in the world, so will pasta and normal sauce be okay? Sorry, it’s not too fancy or anything.”
“Steve, I’m happy with anything,” you reassure him, “Do you want any help at all?”
“Oh, god no. No, no, no,” the words tumble out of his mouth, “You’re the guest. Please relax, honestly.”
You chuckle, smiling at his nervousness, “Got it. Guess I’ll spend some time with this sweetpea,” you say, ruffling Alena’s hair, something you seemed to have subconsciously picked up from Steve.
“Of course!” he replies, “And sorry she’s here. Robin had to fill in for someone at work and wouldn’t be done until after you arrived, so I said it would be easier for her to just stay here with us. I probably should’ve checked with you first, but—”
You shut him up with a quick peck on the lips, Alena bouncing behind you, her enjoying any sort of romantic affection between the two of you. After all, she was the one to tell you Steve loved you in the first place. “Steve, it’s fine. We’re gonna have a great time, aren’t we peanut?”
She nods eagerly, grabbing your hand and tugging, Steve scolding her softly, “Hey, what did I say about being calm?”
“Oh Steve, please, she’s fine honestly,” you say, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. You turn to Alena, leaning down to her height and saying, “I saw you had a little creation coming along over there. You wanna show me?”
“Yes!” she shouts, sprinting over to the coffee table, Steve having to yell at her, “No running, Alena!” You follow her, turning your head to laugh at Steve, him shaking his head and playfully rolling his eyes, heading to the kitchen to begin creating his beautiful pasta dish.
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“Who are you drawing now, sweetpea?”
Alena had already completed two figures, one more whilst you were there, them both easily identifiable as her and Steve. She had drawn herself to be wearing her favourite purple dress, Steve in a yellow sweater and black sweatpants.
“Um…” she says, a nervousness present in her voice, “I was thinking of drawing you. B-Because you love daddy, and you kiss daddy and now you are staying here with us. It’s like what mommies do. So… are you like, my new mommy?”
Her words hit deep within you. You and Steve had only been officially dating a mere two months, you finally telling Alena your first name just over a month ago. But, she was also seven years old, and her knowledge of the family unit was lacking, understandably. She linked up all the facts in her head and combined it with her knowledge of the role of a mother. And what’s disappointing is, you were the closest person to a mother figure she had ever gotten in her life.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, “Um… I’m not honey, no. At least not for the moment, okay? I’m more of just… your daddy’s girlfriend for the time being. Is that okay?”
She scrunches up her face, “But… Lilly at school has a mommy and a daddy and they are both boyfriend and girlfriend. Why aren’t you the same?”
You remember teaching Lilly yourself, and Alena’s statement was correct. However, Lilly’s mom was her biological mom, making her the legal guardian of her daughter. It wasn’t just a placeholder name as it would be with you, Lilly’s mom is etched into her daughter’s DNA.
“Baby… I haven’t been with your daddy long enough yet, okay? Lilly’s mom and dad have been together for years,” you explain to the girl, “Maybe when me and daddy have been together longer, then I can become your mommy.”
She huffs, taking a crayon and ruining her image, scribbling all over the face of you that she drew. She stands up, storming off to her bedroom, Steve leaning back from where the pasta was boiling in the pan and asking, “Hey, what’s going on pumpkin?”
You sigh out, Steve looking over to you and mouthing, “She okay?”
You get up yourself, walking over to Steve and asking, “Can I talk to you a second?”
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“It’s just… I didn’t want to outright say ‘yes’ as I haven’t even asked you yet. I know we’ve only been together two months, but I don’t want her to start holding that title for me, and then something happens to us, which I hope to God it doesn’t, I’m suddenly not her mom anymore and it messes the whole thing up. Do you see where I’m coming from, my love?”
He takes in every word you say, listening to your entire ramble from start to finish, “Yeah, I understand, and… I agree.” He sighs, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, “How do we explain this to her in a way she understands?”
You both contemplate for a second, before an idea pops into your head, “She really enjoys nicknames, right? Like, you give her pumpkin, sweetpea, toothache, all of them.”
“Well, how about I give her a replacement nickname instead of ‘mom?’” you suggest, “Something like… ‘mubba?’ I know, it sounds kind of stupid—”
“I don’t think it sounds stupid,” Steve interrupts you, “I kind of like it.”
You sigh out in relief, “I was just thinking, I call you ‘bubba’ in an affectionate way, right? So I took the start of ‘mom’ and combined it with ‘bubba.’ I think her issue is calling me by my first name. It makes me sound just like another random person. She wants some sort of title to call me, but, I don’t think we’re on the level of using ‘mom’ yet.”
“I think that’s a great idea actually,” Steve agrees with you, “Mubba it is.”
You nod, “Okay. You wanna go talk to her or do you want me to do it?”
“How about we both do it?”
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Although Alena’s door was wide open, you still decided to be polite, delicately knocking on the wooden frame, “Can I come in princess?”
She keeps her back turned, sharply letting out a “No.”
Steve decides to speak up from behind you, “Lena, we want to talk to you, okay?” However, when she doesn’t answer, Steve sternly says, “Alena.”
She huffs, spinning herself around and looking at the pair of you. You both kneel down in front of her, you taking her smaller hand in your larger one, “Look, I understand how frustrating it is I can’t be your mom yet, okay? These things take time, we can’t just decide when they happen… Like, when you told daddy you wanted to be older, but you couldn’t, right?”
She nods in understanding, still avoiding your gaze, “Well, it’s the same with me being your mom. I can’t just suddenly become your mom, I have to wait a while for that to happen, okay?”
“But,” Steve carries on your joint plan, “We do have something you can call Y/N in the meantime.”
She looks up at you when her dad mentions this, slightly squeezing your hand as you explain, “Well, since you can’t call me ‘mom’ yet, I thought we could use a different word. How about you call me ‘mubba?’”
“Mubba?” she questions.
You smile brightly at her, “Yeah. It’s sort of like a pre-mom word. You can call me ‘mubba’ for now, and then one day in the future, when I can become your mom, you can start calling me ‘mom.’ Does that sound good for you, sweetpea?”
She nods, smiling a little as she shyly says, “Mubba… I’m hungry.”
You laugh a little as Steve snorts beside you, “Makes the two of us baby.” You turn to Steve, teasing him as you joke, “Gosh, daddy chef, what’s taking so long?”
He holds his hands up in defense, stretching up from his kneeling position, kissing both you and Alena on the head, “Okay, okay. Daddy chef will continue his fabulous meal.” He begins to walk out of the room, stopping at the entryway to point at the two of you, “My girls better like it,” before exiting to head back to the kitchen.
“You wanna create a new drawing?” you ask Alena, quirking your eyebrow with a smirk on your face.
She nods eagerly, jumping off her bed and running back out to the coffee table. Thank God seven year olds were easy to cheer up.
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After many hours of food and TV, you and Steve had put Alena to bed, turning in for the night yourselves. You were currently cuddled up to Steve’s side, hand laying comfortably on his chest as his arm lay above your head.
“Can’t believe how quickly you solved that issue earlier. You better be sticking around for the long run because damn… That was good parenting right there,” he compliments you, keeping his voice low, careful not to wake his daughter.
You shake your head, smiling and blushing a little, “That’s the teacher instincts coming through.”
“No, that wasn’t a teacher thing beautiful, I’m sure of it. That was full mom mode.”
Before you can think of a response, Steve cups your face in his hands, “When the day comes, and this is totally under your control, but I think you’d be an amazing mom to Alena.”
You bite your lip as you look into your boyfriend’s eyes, “I think I’d like that someday too, yeah.”
Steve grunts as he reaches behind him to turn off the glowing lamp, snuggling up to you and kissing your forehead, closing his eyes as he whispers, “Goodnight, future mom.”
“Goodnight, wonderful dad.”
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i hope you enjoyed!! ♡
taglist: @livsters @bakugouswh0r3 @nix-rose @ihatepeanutss @cats00089 @suitelif3 @clincallyonline17 @crowssixof @starkeylover @eris-rose-86 @frostandflamesfanfic
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tobiasdrake · 7 months
Makoto's being cryptic, Yomi's being fascist, we're neck-deep in enemy territory with no plan beyond "DO THE IMPOSSIBLE SOMEHOW", someone's PROBABLY dead by now, and I have to deal with these two chuckleheads?
Gonna go hang out with my bestie instead. For moral support.
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This is why the family cut her off.
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OH MY GOD ME TOO. They're an entire family of internationally-recognized chronomancers, carrying enough clout that the Unified Government grants them complete authority over maintaining time standards around the globe. They not only cut Fubuki off from the family for some reason but specifically banished her to the World Detective Organization.
I would play a spinoff game all about these people. The central gimmick could be solving mysteries through time travel in order to unwrite tragedies before they happen.
Let's start with how maintaining time standards works.
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It does, yeah. Basically, Fubuki's saying that maintaining global standards of time sounds more complicated than it actually is. Time ticks itself away; All we have to do is observe it. The Clockfords' job is simply about keeping everyone's observation on the same level.
They just make sure everyone's abiding by the Time Zones and nobody's clocks have slipped.
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In the real world, this is all decentralized efforts undertaken by individual countries. Everyone decides for themselves what calendar to use and what time it is right now. That's why the Time Zone map is this jagged piece of shit.
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Look at that. Look at how ugly that is. Decentralized time zones are an utter disaster. By cleaning all of this up and providing neat, crisp lines and universal standards, the Clockfords are providing a public service to the world.
...is one interpretation. Of course, going along with the uncomfortable implications of the Unified Government, all of that "clean-up" means tearing the autonomy of sovereign peoples to decide what time it is right now from their hands.
A universal calendar standard accepted across the globe sounds cool, but it also means erasing cultural standards of individual civilizations. Chinese New Year? What Chinese New Year. China has to celebrate the same New Year as everybody else. The Chinese calendar is banned.
In the name of smooth, crisp global efficiency, the Clockford Family is engaged in temporal imperialism.
The Clockfords can dictate that it's 2013 right now, and then everyone around the world has to adjust because the Time Emperors have deemed it so? That's fucking terrifying.
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Rain Code spinoff where the Clockfords decide to turn back the dial five years. The game features a guy who was about to go celebrate turning 21 by having his first (legal) bar trip, but the Time Emperors decided he's 16 now. No beer and he has to start high school all over again.
So, naturally, he's out for revenge and to liberate the time standards of the world from their iron grasp.
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We have granted the Time Emperors an unbelievable level of control over the stability of civilization so we could charge them with one scared duty: To prevent the Time Emperors from abusing their unbelievable control and wreaking havoc across civilization. Only the Clockford Family can defend the world against potential abuses from the Clockford Family.
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Wait, they banished you to go die as a Master Detective because they want you to lead the family?
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Logic would then suggest that maybe you haven't been told officially because they don't want you as heir.
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They realized they fucked up, so now they're using the WDO as a remedial education instructor. Which. Is. Not what the WDO's job is. *sigh* Shit, now I feel bad about that "This is why they cut her off" crack I made at the start of this hangout. That is, in fact, why they cut her off.
Wow, I hate your parents, Fubuki. With a violent passion. You should run away and follow your dreams of being an adventurer and coffee barista. What adventuring party couldn't use a coffee barista with time powers?
Sure, your absence would fuck up their plans for the future of their time empire but. That's a good thing. So it's win/win.
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I hate that you think that, bestie. You are a diamond and you deserve the world.
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p5x-theories · 6 days
Speculation: The Long-term Future of the P5 Collab
Base P5 had seven Palaces and Cattle senses seven treasures, so it stands to reason that P5X will follow suit.  Then P5 had a surprise eighth dungeon where they killed God, and as a Persona game it’s required that P5X does the same.  This is probably where P5X’s first arc will end, and potentially the collab with it.  But as a F2P phone game they’ll want to keep it going if it continues to be profitable enough.  And thanks to the spinoffs P5 has enough material to keep the collab going if they want to.
As an add-on to the base game Royal is almost certainly going to go first.  This is where we’ll get our Violet unit, and perhaps a Maruki unit at the end.  And if it’s going to happen this is where we’ll get Black Mask Crow.  Maybe this will be where the concept of having characters with more than one unit will be introduced and tested?  After all, if they can’t make multiple units work for him they won’t be able to make it work for anyone.  They might also stretch this dungeon out a bit to capitalize on P5R for as long as possible.
That brings us to the spinoff games, where the future starts looking a lot murkier.  Will they go in chronological order, or will they prioritize successful games?
Tactica is the next game chronologically, but it underperformed and the dungeons would have to be rebuilt from scratch due to the maps being designed completely differently from P5’s typical style.  There’s also the question of the DLC, which takes place during base P5.  (Maybe they could write a new side story where Toshiro and Erina meet Tao and Luca, it would be neat.)
It would be really tempting to dive straight into Strikers.  It’s the most successful P5 spinoff game by a large margin and they could port the dungeons to P5X with minimal changes.
I don’t know if they’ll even touch Q2.  In addition to the problems of being a financially unsuccessful game and having to redesign the dungeons, it also opens the can of worms that is time travel and crossovers.  But if they do find a way around it they could have Hikari as a Navigator unit.  This could also be where we get a FeMC if they feel like a P3P collab would have too much overlap with the inevitable P3R collab.
Dancing in Starlight barely has a plot so I think it’ll be skipped.  Unless they somehow integrate it with the rhythm mini games.
And of course there may be more P5 spinoffs waiting in the wings.  But even if they don’t I think there’s enough material to keep the collab going for as long as P5X lasts.
Yeah, this all seems like a pretty reasonable theory! I do think it’d stop being the P5 collab, and start being P5R/P5T/P5S/etc. collabs individually, though, at least in name. 
It’s a shame that (as you pointed out) PQ2′s more of a difficulty for them to cross over with, considering it seems to have been an influence on the P5 collab itself. I’ll admit I’m not entirely sure if time travel or crossovers are as much of an issue as you’re presenting here, also, considering... well... P5X already seems to have certainly one of them, with the implication there might be both, heh! But I’m also not sure what a PQ2 crossover would really add in terms of content, either, because its whole draw is being both of those things. It doesn’t really bring much new to the table for P5X, besides potentially Hikari.
As always, though, I guess we’ll just have to see how it shakes out! Anything like this is definitely still a ways off.
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nanjokei · 8 months
yeah yeah i know tumblr user formerly known as soulhackers2 (circa 2014) is not the most unbiased party to be talking about this but the more smt games we get the more each game regresses and smtv just feels like a retread as far as a played (admittedly 5 hrs isnt a lot, but it was a little offputting nonetheless) and i dont think people disagree. apocalypse kind of invoked demifiend a bit which is fine i think, i think nanashi was the correct way to call back to demifiend... i thought at that point the demon would be laid to rest.
and yet smtv exists... like, sorry, i have the right to be mad they made us wait for a bare bones story that was just nocturne aesthetically all over again, invoking the look and inviting people to hallucinate the taste of nocturne. its ironic, i kind of hate smt fans who diss games they haven't played at least halfway but at least i admit that i didn't play it that much lol. and i have a feeling no one would defend the game from me casting stones at it.
it is just... really disappointing. especially when smtiv (the original) was so earnest and tried to do its own thing
sh2 did pretty well (objectively speaking, it sold nicely in japan, anyone pulling up famitsu numbers to try to prove me wrong doesn't get how scale works over there blah blah blah ive had this rant before) so i can only hope we get more spinoff revivals. desu3 PLEASE GOD.
being completely frank i am infinitely more (cautiously) hype for persona 6 than a potential shin megami tensei 6. absolutely dire times we are living in
PS waste of a nice megane design -100000 points
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dgcatanisiri · 2 years
I am a little impressed that my mind managed to make a separate version of the Buffyverse from my big massive continuation without outright retreading the various ideas from the original. It helped that, in making it a direct continuation, I was working in a different framework, but still.
I DO acknowledge, though, that the ideas I had for this version of "Buffy/Angel continues" probably does have an element of working in a framework that I would not have built had I done this in the wake of the original conclusion (and not just because I was a teenager at the time, oh god why did I just acknowledge that level of passage of time since the finales of both...).
Like the big thing is that as a writer today, I'm more and more averse to killing off characters (I ever DO restructure my original Buffyverse, I might change a few deaths and make them not happen), so I actually have a lot of the characters make it through what I might have said "yeah this is a place to kill [x] off" before.
Though that ends up going out the window once I head into my endgame sequence - I establish a Really, Truly, Definitely Apocalypse, I WOULD want some real deaths and consequences out of it. But I also structured that endgame finale in such a way that, if anyone actually got to see this and if I actually were to write this (I WISH I had that time...), they could also make a clear delineation in events and say "this didn't happen."
I think my thinking (in addition to being influence more than a little, most likely, by the Star Trek Coda trilogy I read recently, actually right before I started doing all these mapping out of continuations...) was "sometimes I like the happy endings of everyone making it through and going off into the sunset, sometimes I want a real 'strike the board' ending where it is impossible to continue. And, considering the way my mind is trying to generate these things, I REALLY wanted to cut off the branches for this to potentially offer spinoffs - like I need to make this another MASSIVE project, like the original continuation is to this day, so my brain gets a lot of the obvious avenues to go down made completely inaccessible before it can try.
It'd be nice to really get a way to put these up in some manner where I felt like I could discuss them and expand here and there about ideas but 1) like I need ANOTHER project of that sort, witness my "hypothetical DLC" series where I'm definitely dragging my heels as my brain goes off on twenty different tangents and alternate projects, and 2) if I want them as a "put it up and get feedback" kind of thing... This really isn't a feedback platform - makes me miss the nested comments of LiveJournal.
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googledocsdyke · 3 years
the fact that supernatural has never had a spinoff successfully air despite ONE existing for 15 years on a big sprawling network TWO being like a famously successful cash grab that milks itself to death THREE having three separate backdoor pilots FOUR being like genuinely deeply good at gesturing towards new spaces and hinting towards interesting things and being like “this could be a cool story huh? bet you’d like to see this huh?” like helloooo. what. bite chomp kill
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thankskenpenders · 2 years
Updates on the Boingkid shit (go read the previous post if you have no idea what I’m talking about) because yes he is still at it:
1. People (myself included) have wondered why the creator of Boingkid would only be taking issue with Belle’s design now, in the form of Twitter DMCAs, when she’s been in the comics for almost two years at this point. Why not go to IDW directly, and why not do so sooner? Well, here are some responses:
“We did from time to time because we were busy with other projects. We sent an email and got a response from IDW's secretary and she insist to know the details of what we want to share with the CEO. Despite the gut feeling we shared the potential of illegal action & get blocked.”
“We did not write even a single line about this publicly, until one of the IDW artists cry out that Twitter has accepted the claim. Then after that upon fans reach out we shared what happened. We tolerated this for 2 years as Belle was just a spinoff but they continue to bring her“
So, yeah. He’s supposedly believed this the whole time, but IDW ignored him because of course they did. (Lord knows how, exactly, he tried to contact them in the first place, or if he even sent his pitch to the right email.) It was Jen Hernandez publicly calling him out over the DMCA on Twitter that was the last straw, and now he’s making this extremely public in retaliation
2. He now seems to be demanding that IDW simply alter Belle’s face “to avoid any resemblance to other copyrighted work in US.” This would be reasonable if he had a case, but, again, he did not invent the concept of a character having a clown nose and freckles
3. I previously said the guy was from Italy (both his ArtStation account and the unsuccessful Kickstarter for the Boingkid game have their locations set as Rome, and the demo was shown at an expo in Rome), but people dug up the copyright registration for Boingkid and found out that he’s originally from Iran. Either way, t’s likely that a language barrier is part of the confusion here, as his English isn’t the best (although it’s certainly readable)
4. Much of his case, as he presents it on Twitter, is predicated on Twitter support believing him when he filed his DMCA claims. This obviously doesn’t hold any water as social media companies accept false DMCA claims all the goddamn time due to the inherently flawed nature of the law, but his fundamental misunderstanding of how this system works may be partially due to that language barrier
5. People keep comparing this guy to Penders. I just want everyone to understand that, even with his outlandish claims about Julie-Su and Shade being legally the same character and things like that, even Penders has waaaaaaay more to back up his  argument there than Boingkid guy has against Belle. Penders worked on Sonic for 13 years and the BioWare team literally said they were inspired by the comics. Boingkid guy is just some fucking guy no one’s heard of who allegedly got ghosted on a pitch to IDW. There’s no reason to believe that Evan even knew who he was before Friday
6. There’s a lot of question about the guy’s motives. Whether he actually believes this, or if it’s just a publicity stunt. I don’t think there’s any reason it can’t be both. He absolutely seems to believe his claim, at least to some extent, but he also seems to be relishing the attention
I feel cynical for saying this, but like. The guy’s been trying to make Boingkid a thing for years. The Kickstarter in 2017 only got nine backers for a total of $667 against a $53,000 goal. The team moved to a Patreon page which is now all but dead. If we believe his claim that he pitched the comics to IDW, that went nowhere. The demo for the game got a few positive previews, but as a dev myself believe me when I say that in this day and age a few blog posts are not enough to move the needle on their own. Again, I sympathize with the guy on that level, because he’s a good artist and GOD is it hard to make it out there even when you’re giving it your all. But this controversy is by far the most attention Boingkid as a brand has ever gotten. Thousands upon thousands of quote tweets for an account that had 150 followers at the start of this, and that follower count has only been going up. As they say, any press is good press. It’s hard not to look at that and assume the worst. If he had actually designed a character that was much more similar to Belle, or if I believed even for a second that Evan was the type of person who would plagiarize someone else’s work like that, then this would be different. But when the argument is so flimsy...?
I don’t believe he’s purely a troll, as some artists really are just like this. (Lord knows I’ve seen some people get in extremely heated feuds over superficial similarities between furry OCs and the like.) But at the same time, I do believe that at this point he’s acting in an intentionally incendiary way to get attention. Whether it’s a desperate attempt to drive attention to the Boingkid IP after years of floundering, or it’s purely to try and get IDW to respond to a genuine plagiarism claim and right a perceived wrong and nothing else, I can’t say. It’s quite likely a mixture of both, though
But either way, this whole situation continues to suck. I hope this is resolved soon. Belle’s a great character, and Evan, Jen, and anyone else who just wants to draw Belle in peace doesn’t need this hanging over their head
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Got any Spongebob hot takes? About a season, episode, character, etc?
You know, I'm pretty stuck on this. This has been sitting in my inbox for so long. Its so hard to remember these on the spot. I only remember when I'm talking about other stuff lol brainz werk in mysterious ways lol
But I'll still try!
- slappy is the best thing to ever exist.
- Squidabeth is the best thing to ever exist.
Okay before this turns into a brainrot list. Here's the actual hot takes!
-Nerd spongebob is superior sponge. I know later seasons focus more on him being more babyish/childish. But ehh I miss his more nerdier personality.
- I'm okay with the spinoffs. I get so tired always having to clarify on the spinoffs all the time. Jeez do your own research, I ain't magic or working inside with Nick (I wish) I'm tired. I have my concerns and issues otherwise but like if you want to watch it then do it. If you don't then just don't.
- man why did it take so long for Sandy to interact with the other female characters? Why did it take so long for any of the characters to interact? Its random but I was thinking about this a while ago. I get the show is Spongebob Squarepants. Everything is from his POV. But a lot of the female characters could use a little more development. I want an episode focused on Mrs. Puff outside of boating school. She's into metal. She's already cool. Pls let her become a rock star pls. Or just another Sandy/Karen episode because they're so cute together. Its so weird to think about all of them only begun to interact recently.
- I really want them to bring back Pearl being gifted at math!! So much story potential. I'll be honest, I don't like whenever shows got that stereotypical teenage girl character™ no reason but they get a little annoying if you leave it like that. Pearl was apparently supposed to be more apart of the main cast but didn't get used so often. Come on!! I wanna see her hang out with Squidina!! I really like Squidina.
- there's no such thing as a bad episode with The Flying Dutchman. Never. Even the worst ones are still amusing.
- Dutchy probably doesn't pay child support. I just wanted to say that xD
- there is no way Squishwart is heterosexual
- shows timeline is
- first episode any episode where Perch is orange, any episode where Perch is purple, 2nd movie, 1st movie.
Not a complete time line but ya kno. There's two timelines tho! Same as the first but kamp koral takes place in the beginning, then the patrick show. Then we start at the first episode. Then after that, the 3rd movie takes place between the 2nd and 1st movie.
Hope I didn't lost ya there.
- oh yeah! Perch's skin color probably changed with age. Some fishes change color with maturity! I headcanon orange being earlier, and purple being later.
I know you might point out the fish in Ripped Pants. He doesn't look much like Perch. Looks a lot older so I'm just gonna headcanon that it's Perch's dad.
- Kamp koral was kinda boring. The better episodes are when they focus on side characters or new characters. Idk its just not interesting when they focus it on the main cast. Excluding the one where Squidward and Patrick gets lost in the woods together. That was cute. Though my favorite episode is either the one with young Perch or the night cabin.
- season 1 is elite. It's my favorite season of all time. I could go on and on about what I love about this season but everything about it feels so wholesome yo.
- my favorite season amongst the modern era is probably 10? I know that's fan favorite of the modern era. I'd also say season 12 too. Which is an unpopular season due to the expressions but I find myself revisiting season 12 often. Its weird but fun to go back to every so often.
- a lot of spongebob has been ragged on unfairly. I know I always come for the middle seasons but even they are over hated. Its amusing tho how the middle seasons were so hated in the previous years. Nowadays they get more love because the kids who grew up with them has grown to appreciate them. Now its the modern seasons that get a lot of hate. Often times for just being different.
- ehh classic elites kinda ruin the show for me. I wouldn't say this is a be all end all. I still like the classic era and of course nothing can replace how witty and funny it was. But geez these people take it so seriously that it just sucks the fun out of it. Its fun to express your love for spongebob online but they always gotta rag on it and insult people who don't hate everything that came out after the movie. Its ironic considering I used to be a classic elitist. Every so often when I see them raging online, I'm like "jeez was that me?" It gets so exhausting to hate on the show. I also think its a little weird how they've martyred Hillenburg while also acting like the gods of justice by sending death threats to his colleagues and friends. Ehh they get pretty invasive at times. Its kinda uncomfortable.
- on that note. I also find it annoying how people are like "oh kids today will never know how good spongebob was!" Like the classic era doesn't constantly rerun on tv to this day. Jeez I was too young to even remember the classic era when it first began airing. Yet the classic era was what was on tv most of the time. Its like how adults assume kids don't know what vhs tapes/CDs are just because it isn't as popular as it used to. They don't magically disappear the moment something new comes out.
You know that reminds me, when I was a teen, I used to purposely act like I didn't know what some stuff were just to make adults feel like they're out of touch. "Facebook? what is that?" "Britney Spears? Never heard of her" it's so funny.
- Ngl I keep rewatching the Patrick show just to feel something
- mr. Krab's cheapiness went so out of control. Mans due for a spinoff just to rework his character so he can become tolerable again.
- from reading the spongeBob pitchbible and the mussel beach episode. My only thoughts were "spongebob has two hands, one for Sandy, one for Larry"
- the best episodes of Patrick is when he's being sweetly stupid. He's dumb but he knows and loves his friends. That's like the baseline for Patrick. He'd be terribly hurt if he upset them and he cares about them to the end of the earth. If you make patrick a jerk because he's stupid then you've failed to understand him.
- oh also, I'm pretty sure Bunny and Cecil are Pat's adoptive parents. Pat said in Home Sweet Pineapple that his parents kicked him out. I imagine when he did get kicked out, he wasn't prepared so he probably got adopted by the closest Sea Star family around. Thus the Patrick show was born! I already do find Pat's parents questionable. Like letting their daughter get lost like that, or mental training with a bell that managed to even have spongebob say they screwed Patrick up. Bunny and Cecil seem like healthier parents for pat. Plus he got another sister :)
- another thing, ehh Spongebob's parents and family in general are either questionable to outright awful. Man his uncle sherm really kicked out his own son??? captain blue couldn't listen to spange when he desperately needed help? Also spongebob's parents neither taking him seriously and seem to have their own issues too.
- on the note of poor family figures. I'm certain Mr. Krabs father Victor Krabs abandoned his family. Mr krabs grew up dirt poor with only his mother supporting him. I also assume Mr. Krab's other family is also kinda sucky since he didn't really introduce any of them to Pearl. Probably for a reason. Though his mom in the comics seems to have known about Pearl. She's probably the only krab in the family he really cares about.
- Sandy and Karen SHOULD get together. I don't make the rules 😤 😤
- patchy is good. I don't get why is he so hated. I also really like potty :)
- the 2nd movie is a comfort movie for me.
- they really brought the best music for the ScaredyPants episode. Also I find it kinda funny how they found such a hyper specific band for the show. The Ghastly Ones. A horror surf rock band. It fits too well and I like them enough to listen to their other songs just because.
- Ngl its satisfying when spongebob gets angry/frustrated. You dont see those emotions in him. Its either extreme joy or extreme sadness. It adds an interesting bit of nuance to his character.
And that's it! Or at least the only ones I can think of on the spot so uhh. Here ya go!
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thexfridax · 3 years
Wynonna Earp Boss Hopes Syfy Finale Made You Feel 'All the Things' — Plus, Scoop on One Happy Wedding Accident
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By Matt Webb Mitovich, tvline.com / April 9 2021, 8:02 PM PDT
The following contains spoilers from the Syfy finale of Wynonna Earp.
After four years of protecting Purgatory with her Peacemaker, Wynonna Earp got to quite literally ride off into the sunset. And she did so while straddling a motorcycle, with Doc Holliday seated behind her.
Mind you, the two almost didn’t wind up together. Following the simply beautiful “WayHaught” wedding, Doc (played by Tim Rozon) was determined to put Purgatory in Charlene’s rear view mirror and get to living life as “just a man,” and Wynonna (Melanie Scrofano) felt compelled to stay put as Purgatory’s protector. But with an empowering nudge from li’l sis Waverly (Dominique Provost-Chalkley), Wynonna caught up to her man and professed her love, after which they decided to travel light, for the first time in a long time, and pay their daughter Alice a visit in MIracles, Montana.
TVLine spoke with series creator Emily Andras about crafting this very fine finale, at least one “happy accident” that wound up stirring many emotions, and more.
TVLINE | The finale has just aired…. What emotions do you hope the fans are feeling at this moment?
Just head-to-toe body warmth, and love, and affection, and wistfulness…. And a little bit of bittersweetness. I feel like joy has to be paired with nostalgia, so I hope they’re feeling all the things. But hopefully not hungover!
TVLINE | At what point over the years did you ever envision Wynonna and Doc riding off into the sunset?
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Ahhh! I almost never even let myself envision it, you know? It’s so funny — when you start doing a show, you have all sorts of ideas about what pairings are going to rise to the top, who’s going to end up with whom, and one of the joys of Earp is that so many different things have happened. But those two characters have certainly earned the chance to try to be happy, whatever that means to them. I never knew that I would be allowed to end such a romantic pairing with the woman driving the motorcycle and the guy on the back.
TVLINE | I’m watching that final sequence and it almost feels alien, seeing the two of them head off into what I think of as “the real world.” But I also found that viscerally exciting, to see so much ahead for them.
That’s so lovely, thank you for saying that. I feel like having the world ahead of them and being such an unusual couple, I would love to see what happens next for them. I’m sure there will be lots of crazy sex and crazy arguments and crazy laughter. So, godspeed! Godspeed.
TVLINE | When throwing a season-ending wedding, what is Emily Andras’ marching order? “Above all else, this wedding has to be…”?
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It has to honor to all of the characters — and by that, I mean it has to try to find a moment for every special pairing on the show, not just WayHaught. I think it’s important to pay due respect to how far Waverly and Doc have come; she never gave up on him, she always saw a better man in him — and now he gets to be the best man! Nedley (Greg Lawson) and Nicole’s (Kat Barrell) relationship, that paternal/daughter bond is so special, so honoring that was very important.
And at the end of the day, I still think the real love affair of the show is the Earp sisters, so I ended to make sure that that was honored. I really love the parallel with the pilot, where Wynonna came into town against her will and was so hungry to leave but was forced to stay. And now you have Waverly secure enough in how their relationship has evolved, that she knows Wynonna deserves to leave again — because she’ll come back.
More than anything, it was about giving every character a moment of happiness. Even Jeremy (Varun Saranga) becoming deputy chief of Black Badge and maybe finding a new date…. It was all about finding everyone a moment of potential joy, after they’ve gone through so much after four seasons.
TVLINE | Talk about the decision to have empty guest chairs laid out with the names of those who are no longer with us or didn’t make it to the wedding.
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That was such a happy accident. We were on-set, it was very much in the middle of the pandemic, and we knew we were going to have a limited number of people for the wedding. But then we put out chairs so you could understand where the aisle was, and they looked really empty. So my incredible director, Paolo Barzman, who also did the pilot, and my art director Trevor Smith, pitched this idea to me. I had sort of joked about, “Wouldn’t it be cool if you had the ghosts of characters past?” In the moment, they said, “What if we hung names on the chairs?” and it was just one of those goosebump moments, like, “That’s brilliant.” So then we have people writing up these cards, rushing them out, and it’s honestly one of my favorite things. Whenever I see that Dolls chair, I just can’t help but feel things.
TVLINE | But Mercedes (Dani Kind), to be clear, is still with us.
She’s just out, like, being her best vampire self. She’s out being an amazing vampire, yeah. I still have that spinoff if you want to help me sell that!
TVLINE | If anything caught me a bit off-guard, it was us getting a song from Rachel (played by Martina Ortiz-Luis).
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The thing about Martina is that she is a phenomenal singer. She is the anthem singer for the Toronto Maple Leafs — so she’s quite a star here! — and she was on Pilipinas Got Talent back in the day…. It seemed like a waste to not have someone with such an exceptional voice perform! And what better song to lay over the necessary wedding montage than a WayHaught classic (Fleurie’s “Wildwood”), the song that was playing the first time WayHaught kissed. It’s a bit of an Easter egg for those hardcore WayHaughters!
TVLINE | I don’t think anyone would have ever felt like a “Dark Angel Waverly” detour was missing, if you hadn’t spent time on it the episode prior. Why did you feel it was important to go there during one of the final hours?
The truth of it is that honestly we’ve been balancing the spectre of whether we were going to have a Season 5 or not. When we started breaking Season 4 two years ago, we were looking down the barrel of about 24 episodes, so [when you get half that] you’re like, “What are we going to keep, and what are we going to pitch overboard? What can we live without learning about?” I would argue that this idea of Waverly having a darkness inside of her did have to be highlighted after four seasons. I completely agree that in a perfect world I could have done eight episodes of Dark Angel Waverly, exploring that and seeing it come to pass. But if we ever get more story, I don’t know if Waverly has complete control over that part of herself. I dont think it’s “gone.” If Nicole puts mayo instead of mustard on her sandwich, who knows what’s going to sprout out!
TVLINE | I mean, if only to see what other outfits Dark Waverly has.
As long as she keeps her thigh holster, she’s ready to go.
TVLINE | Looking back at these last few episodes, what are you most proud of?
‘m so proud of this cast. It’s so boring, but God, just to see them grow and thrive and shine…. performing comedy and emotion, seeing their commitment to the show, and the feelings…. It’s just been such a joy to see such an amazing group of people get their due. They really are that wonderful, off-screen as well.
I’m also pretty happy — in this day and age, and despite all the fights the show has been through — that if this is the end, I feel like that’s a pretty nice finale, a pretty good topper on the cake. I feel like the fans will feel like they went on a journey, and they left the characters in an interesting, good place. And look, that’s really rare in TV, to end your story the way you want. How can I be anything but grateful, at the end of the day?
TVLINE | When I was writing my tweet the other morning, I wanted to call it a “very fine finale,” but I worried you’d think I was saying it was only “fine.” But it was a very fine finale!
No, you have to keep me hungry! You get to challenge me, Matt. Listen, I just didn’t want to risk…. I’m the queen of 75 cliffhangers, but I feel like the fans have worked so hard for us, for so many years, that it was more important that they got closure, just in case. But there’s always another demon, there’s always another thing to trigger Dark Angel Waverly. There’s always more story, but at least you have this, no matter what.
TVLINE | And if some network or streamer does ride to the rescue, would there be something that brings Wynonna and Doc back to Purgatory? Or might a Season 5 be without the two of them?
Look, the show is called Wynonna Earp, so you need Wynonna Earp. She’s still the champion, she’s still got the magic gun and the best hair on the show — sorry, everyone else!
There are a couple of unresolved issues. We still have Eve, who we kicked out the the Garden very early in the season, and who can kind of shapeshift; she could take on the appearance of any one of our characters! That would certainly throw a wrench in the works in Purgatory. There are a million different reasons to bring Wynonna back, to help out her sister.
TVLINE | And lastly, was there anything you had to cut or just didn’t have room for, or any returning cast you couldn’t fit in?
Oh, tons. But look, you kind of hit the nail on the head earlier. I’m always striving to be better, and some stuff at the end felt a little rushed, with Dark Angel Waverly. I think if it hadn’t been a pandemic, there would have been more people at that wedding. I would have loved four more episodes to round the bend there. But look, that’s Wynonna Earp, man — perfectly imperfect! So that’s what we did, and what a ride it’s been. The ride of a lifetime for me.
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baixueagain · 3 years
God, every time people throw a fit about you writing "bad" fiction for cannons where similar or worse things happen I feel like I take 900 points in psychic damage. I'm not even IN this fandom, and I'm vaguely aware that one of the people set up at one point as a potential love interest for the teen MC is an older woman, but it's fine when the teen is a boy, I guess
It really is the funniest shit, most fanfic I write is based on extremely evident subtext (and sometimes straight up text) in the original material. Like violaf? Olaf openly states his intention to fuck her, acts sexually interested in her at various other points, and canonically undresses her while she's unconscious (at minimum) and takes a trophy. Is it creepy as fuck? Yeah. But it's very much in the original material.
As for genrei...yeah that shit's pretty much canon too. She's the bodily resurrection of his wife, he hangs out staring at her naked body with clear enjoyment on his face, she's explicitly portrayed as being in love with him at various points, and that's not even including what happens in EoE when subtext just becomes text.
Misato and Shinji's relationship is...complicated? She has a hard time relating to men outside of sex bc trauma, and she's both the closest thing he ever has to a mother figure and becomes an unconscious influence over his sexuality and source for his understanding of women. She's not strictly presented as a possible romance, but he does fantasise about her and at a couple points she appears to make a pass at him bc she wants to comfort him and has no idea how else to do it (again, bc Trauma).
But anyway yeah I really don't understand where fancops get off acting so absolutely shocked and appalled that someone might have looked at the famously fucked up origin material with canonically disturbing relationship dynamics and then picked that up and went with it.
Especially when it comes to NGE, where genrei fanworks have been in circulation throughout the Japanese fandom for literal decades.
Also even if you look at more wholesome popular franchised spinoffs like Shinji Ikari Raising Project, there are in-text jokes about Gendo and Rei. Like this is not a shocking new invention that came outta nowhere lmao.
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scrawnytreedemon · 3 years
Well, another idea I recently had was, that in the movie, Kadaj kinda off-handedly mentions that the geostigma hurts him and and the other two, too. Granted, that was during his attempt at being a cult leader so he could manipulate the sick kids, so he might've been lying.
But also, the Remnants being in chronic pain the entire time they existed because the planet itself tries to get rid of them? Prime angst potential.
HUH, HOLY FUCK? God, it's been such a long time since I watched that movie. Should get around to it, now that I'm on summer break.
Yeah, you're right-- Like alot of things, it is ambiguous(because SquareEnix refuses to properly flesh out this triad save for a shitton of resentment and ultimate forgiveness and reconciliation on Kadaj's part), but also, I could see this working? Perhaps not so much as to become part of my headcanon-canon proper, but it's certainly food for thought, and I'd love to toy with it some time.
Also, I can't help feeling like I've heard this idea before? Like, maybe in a fic or something-- But that could just be to the general idea of the Remnants being reviled by the Planet itself, because SephispawnTM.
Either way, anon, have you considered posting these ideas on your own blog? You look to have alot of interesting thoughts and considerations on this game and its spinoffs, and I think I and many others would love to hear more. Especially about the Remnants, lmao. Can get a bit lonely in this part of the fandom.
Or! If you already have one, then why not promote it via reply or reblog? Whatever feels best for you.
Either way, man, thank you for sharing these ideas! It's a small act, but it helps contribute to this fandom's overall maelstrom of creativity. I hope you're well, and you have a lovely rest of your day!
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waveypedia · 3 years
omg a video about animal jam would be so interesting!! i played it like a lot back in those years and man the game changed so much these days and i also remember when all the new features like parties or diamonds were introduced and a new animal would come out it was a wild time and my first ever account got hacked and the hacker deleted everything haha anyways yeah animal jam is pretty interesting to talk about haha
yeah!!! oh man you were around for the introduction of parties and diamonds? that was before even my time :0 i remember new animals and parties coming out though! oh shit you got hacked? that sucks :( i got scammed a whole bunch, but never outright hacked. that's one of the things i would probably research and talk about in my hypothetical video essay.
what really interests me is the way influencer culture and a fully functional economy naturally spawned in a kid's game, to the best of my knowledge. everything seemed to stem from a furious desire for clout - the economy revolved around coveted items like spikes, which were just status symbols at the end of the day. they don't get you any money or anything, so... more obviously, the rise of youtube around that time also saw the formation of many animal jam youtubers, many of whom became very famous very quickly in animal jam circles. people would literally send them all their rare items that they would open in glorified unboxing videos where they would read an obviously rehearsed thank-you and the gifter's name, which i guess gave people the illusion of clout, even though i highly doubt anything ever actually came to the gifters. (my brother and i watched them for a time, since we were like "hey, new aparri upload" or whatever, but even back then we mutually agreed they were boring as fuck and stopped watching!) people would flock to their dens and around them in the hopes of getting their tag in a video. on the flip side, there were, of course, a bunch of small youtubers vying to hit it big and a bunch of people who pretended to be filming in certain situations. people would say they were filming to get clout from the players around them or to scare off potential scammers/hackers. and then there were scammers themselves only looking for clout! aside from trying to get good items, which ties back to clout, my brother did have a yt channel for a bit to very little success (which, looking back, was probably a good thing) where he exposed a scammer. the only audience engagement was the scammer themself commenting frustratedly on the video. since the chance of them finding this video naturally is extremely low, they probably searched their username in hopes of clout.
my brother and i went back and looked at some of the old animal jam youtubers we used to watch back in the day and see what they've gotten up to in the seven-odd years it's been since we checked up on them last. wisteriamoon, who's now in her mid-to-late twenties from what i could discern, became a regular influencer/vlogger. julian2, who was involved in a ridiculous amount of youtube drama (which is fairly par for the course for influencers but not so much for the animal jam community, especially the animal jam community of that time. i think it got worse after that.), no longer uploads videos, but his channel and more notably his merch store are still up. he also is active on a second instagram account to keep in touch with his fans. (this is worrying to me because he is a university student and most of his fans are much younger than him. besides they have no reason to be fans anymore since he's not actually uploading content?? it's very suspect.) that brings me to another interesting point - most of the majorly successful youtubers were older teenagers, which is much older than animal jam's target audience. it got to the point where animal jam created an entire spinoff game, fer.al (which is actually kinda fun), aimed at an older userbase. the majority of their fans were probably mostly preteens.
then there's the economy system, and the strictness with which the players upheld it. people would go to such great lengths to game the system and cheat other players out of good items, such as scamming and even hacking. although other games like this had items you could buy and even trading systems (iirc), i cannot recall any other game with an economy and culture of this significance and scale. (of course if this were a real video essay i'd need to do a lot more research on this claim.) it consumed most players to the extent where almost no one played the game for its intended purpose - learning about animals and nature, hence the partnership with national geographic that eventually got terminated because kids weren't engaging correctly (i'm guessing). after that, it mostly went downhill, with ajhq trying to varying degrees of success to mine money through memberships and diamonds off of their userbase. it went to the extent where animal jam went through a real-life equivalent of inflation when ajhq reintroduced spikes to circulation in adventure prizes. that sparked a massive negative reaction. it's kind of crazy how passionate we all were about it.
there are also other things, like the really extravagant and serious warrior cats and general anthro roleplays (that seem to have died off in recent years for some reason) and all the notorious hackings, like fman122. there's also probably a whole slew of recent (as in, the past five years) stuff i have no idea about. it's just fascinating. and this is literally all from memory. god an entire, fully-researched video essay has so much potential.
sorry for rambling haha
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My Superfamily Set-Up
By and large I’m fairly happy with the upcoming Infinite Frontier status quo for the Superfamily. Granted that’s in part because I’m still convinced Kara will get an ongoing or mini in 2021, probably to coincide with her show returning, and PKJ hinted at plans for Steel on Twitter. But Kon has escaped the Titans dumpsterfire for a little while, and I’ve heard good things about Thompson as a writer as well. Kenan is popping back up in a one shot written by Yang that will hopefully herald more appearances in Batman/Superman. Jon is still co-protagonist with Clark in the main books, Tanya is in the Future State Shazam book and also a candidate for the FS Justice League book, so hopefully she’ll be in Titans Academy, and Lois is poised to be a big player in the upcoming Checkmate mini by Bendis. So fingers crossed, all the core members of the Superfamily will be in stuff come end of 2021.
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Now that said, were DC to suddenly realize that I alone can save Superman, and asked me what kind of status quo I would like (whether for a mainline or Elseworld book makes no difference to me), this is the basic set up that I would go with:
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Superman - I’d do a traditional status quo. Superman is disguised as Clark Kent, mild mannered reporter, married to Lois Lane, etc. I’d have Ma and Pa go back to being dead since I still am not a fan of them being alive. Note that this isn’t a reaction against Bendis, I loved Bendis’ run, but I do want to play with the traditional status quo a little bit before diving into something different. Especially since so many Superman writers have traditionally completely wasted the potential of Superman’s status quo.
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Lois Lane - Similar to Superman I’d go with a more traditional status quo at the start. She works at the Daily Planet, she and Clark are married, she’s the best reporter in town, etc. I would eventually have her take over as editor-in-chief of the Daily Planet from Perry, I thought that was a great idea the New 52 wasted, and I love the idea of her and Cat Grant being rivals with the Daily Planet and Catco competing. 
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Jon Kent - I’d restore kid Jon and toss him back to the Super Sons, not because I think what’s been done with him has been bad, but mostly because I don’t want to write him as Superman, I want to write Clark. Jon seems to be being set up to be co-Superman, and I just don’t have any interest in writing that. To restore kid Jon without destroying Bendis’ run which I enjoyed, I’d explain that teen Jon is actually the “evil” Jon we saw from the Super Sons of Tomorrow future. He went back in time and rescued his kid self from Earth 3, and explained to him that he wanted to prevent that future from coming to pass, but that he needed to take his younger self’s place to do so. Kid Jon agreed, after all he was terrified of becoming evil in both Tomasi’s Super Sons of Tomorrow and Bendis The Man of Steel, and has basically been in hiding watching the events and also studying Hypertime so he can learn how to avoid ending up evil. 
Clark and Lois would blow up at the Jons for the lie when Teen Jon judges he’s changed things enough for his kid self to return, but both Jons could point out that both Clark and Lois have kept secrets when they deemed it necessary from each other and Jon. That would be a neat conversation to have, and a way to continue the untraditional family dynamic that Bendis set up. You could keep teen Jon as a time anomaly until Hypertime catches up with him and restores him to his timeline, with him continuing to be Superman as penance, while kid Jon goes and pals around with Damian in Williamson’s Robin or whatever.
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Superwoman/Kara Zor-El - I like the idea of Kara “graduating” to the Superwoman name. It’s open right now given Lana’s retirement, and I think it would suit Kara. I would keep Kara in National, it’s her own little corner to play in, but I would keep that development from (I believe it was) Andrea Shea, where Kara gets fired from Catco because she’s a terrible intern due to always running off to be a heroine. She and Kal talk, Kara admits she doesn’t really want to be a journalist, and so she goes and interns at STAR Labs. I hate how DC keeps turning all the members of the Superfamily into Clark clones. It’s goddamn stupid and I want them to please STOP. Why the hell would Kara want to go into journalism anyway? We’ve never even seen a damn journalist on Krypton! It’s a stupid thing they did on the TV show because they wanted to swipe Clark’s stuff. Let Kara be the scientist of the Els, the one who carries on the family tradition. What form that takes is something I’m open too, I liked Venditti making her interested in history in his annual, maybe make Kara an anthropologist? That would be hilarious. 
Also give Lena to Supergirl, they can be best friends, enemies, lovers, I don’t care. But Lena is wasting away in a vault under Lexcorp last we saw, and that’s a damn shame considering how popular CW Lena is. I’d also add Natasha Irons (who I’d rename Mastersmith) and Tanya Spears (Powerhouse) to Supergirl’s supporting cast, they could play off each other as three supergenuis women).
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Kon-El/Conner Kent/Scion - I’m really excited to see what Thompson is going to do with Kon on the Suicide Squad, but here’s what I would do with him. Kon would finally be able to shake off the Superboy moniker and leave that to Jon. Instead he’d take the name “Scion” as a reflection of his origins, and a tie-in to his new status quo. In the wake of Death Metal, Lex Luthor would abruptly step down as head of Lexcorp, stating that he needs time to redefine himself in the wake of his latest attempt to justify himself as the true hero by serving Perpetua, ending up with him needing Superman to save the day again. While he is away, he’s turned over complete control of Lexcorp to his sole heir: Conner. Conner is now head of one of the evilest megacorps in existence, and is one of the wealthiest men alive. Conner knows this is just another maneuver by Lex in his neverending crusade against Superman, but he’s determined to not just be another pawn. He accepts control, renames Lexcorp Superman, Inc. His mission will be to transform the megacorp into the force for good it pretends to be. Conner will have to take on not only Lex loyalists and traitorous underlings who would love to be CEO themselves within Lexcorp, but new megacorps who have flocked to Metropolis in hope of establishing themselves, now that the former Master of Metropolis has abdicated his throne. Threats within and threats without, but armed with the powers/morals of Superman and the charm/brains of Lex Luthor, Kon is just cocky enough to think he can handle it.
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John Henry Irons/Steel - It will be a big year for John Henry Irons. His private company Steelworks is about to go public and make him a billionaire. Lana Lang has accepted his marriage proposal and they’re due to be wed. His niece Natasha has left the nest and is off working at STAR Labs. Irons is posed to finally resurrect the decrepit Suicide Slum and allow it to catch up to the rest of the City of Tomorrow. However there are problems: new megacorps are moving into the city in the wake of Lex Luthor leaving, people are disappearing from Suicide Slum with dark rumors are spreading about the reasons why, and the people of Suicide Slum are accusing Irons of planning to gentrify the borough. Making matters worse, weapons that Irons designed as a young man are appearing on the streets of Metropolis, attracting negative attention from the media and putting Steelworks at risk. Irons is going to have to suit up and take up the fight all over Metropolis, from the darkest levels of the Undercity, to the bright deceptive board rooms at the top of skyscrapers in the city’s heart. Irons will have to reckon with his past to secure his future, and confront the evil Metropolis would rather pretend doesn’t exist.
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Kenan Kong/New Super-Man - Look just give Yang a damn Kenan book and let him go wild. Right now is either the best or worst time to give Kenan a book given the situation with Hong Kong, but if anyone is equipped to deal with it, it’s Yang. I’ll just add that I would love to see Kenan on a Global Guardians team, but I’d also love to see Justice League of China as a spinoff book of the main Justice League. Kenan is as close as DC has come to their own Spider-Man/Invincible take on Superman, Jon sadly hasn’t really differentiated himself from his dad while Kenan is VERY different. I would love to see Kenan pushed more and would buy a new book in a heartbeat. Also put out a damn New Super-Man omnibus Jim Lee, for God’s sake can’t you abuse your power to push the character you wanted created and is actually good unlike most of Wildstorm? You’re shoving Grifter back into everything but not Kenan? Christ.
So yeah that’s the Superfamily status quo I’d establish. Keeping my Clark and Lois ideas close to my chest for now, but I might go into more detail later.
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bransles · 2 years
@hylianremnants​ said : five, favourite loz soundtrack ?, eleven, favourite ganon characterization ?, twenty - five, favourite companion ? & thirty - nine, which zelda game, in your opinion, had the most satisfying ending ?    //    accepting.
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5.  favorite loz soundtrack?
oh god this is so hard. the music in loz slaps no matter what game i’m playing. my immediate answer is cadence of hyrule tbh, i listen to that soundtrack so much like. it’s so good i’m sorry. that shit goes so hard.
as for games that aren’t a spinoff, i’m honestly having a hard time choosing between majora’s mask and wind waker. they’re both uhh wildly different osts lol, but they each fit their respective games SO well. they each add to the feel of the games, MM’s music adding to the onset of panic and dread as the days go on, and WW’s feeling suitable for some grand sea adventure 😩😩😩
notable mentions: a link between worlds, spirit tracks, skyward sword
11.  favorite ganon characterization?
wind waker............. it’s the first time we’ve seen him given any depth as a character and motivations for his actions beyond “he’s just evil and covets power because that’s just how he is.” and, the bit of depth we’re given in wind waker recontextualizes how one can view him in OoT and TP, as more than a man who wants to take over hyrule just for funsies, but as a more complex man who is acting out on wrongs done against him and his people. wish they would bring that depth back. i liked skyward sword, but i don’t particularly care for the whole demise curse thing. i feel it robs ganon of his potential depth and just reduced him to The Hylian Antichrist ;/
25.  favorite companion?
MIDNA. i loved midna so much. she had such a great, memorable character and such great writing. TP has a lot of flaws for me, but one thing i adored about it was its characters. i wish we would get the kind of care and attention towards characters the way we did with midna. my queen
39. which zelda game, in your opinion, had the most satisfying ending?
wind waker. thematically, it fuckin slaps. it’s so. bittersweet. hyrule being drowned, link leaving his island to pursue a new future. it’s like it’s about burying the past and growing up or something. about accepting and allowing change. the obligations we have to future generations. yeah
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