#but yeah i boofed it.
Does Barnaby
Does Barnaby tell the others to get off his lawn when he's angry
psh, who do you think he is, an old man? he'd Bark, like any lively young dog
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andyridgeley · 6 months
watching old dvds and seeing a preview that says "own it forever on dvd" like we really had it all back then huh
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dootznbootz · 10 months
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 1 year
I think Sadako got mad cause I said Kayako and her movie were scarier so she invaded my dreams and gave me a nightmare and a sleep paralysis demon (Lily, my cat, why were you sitting on me and looking down at me all night???).
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octoskeletons · 1 month
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Nona and I looking extra cuties today EeKk
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"Aw, hell," Daryl drawled, dropping his bag on the floor. "What's this?"
You and Dog were cuddled up in the bed, snuggled under Daryl's blankets.
"I leave for one day and ya've already replaced me?" he drawled, the corners of his eyes crinkling in a smile as he paced over to the edge of the bed.
You sunk your fingers into Dog's thick fur and smiled up at Daryl. "Please. You're absolutely irreplaceable. Dog was just keeping your spot warm while you were out."
"Yeah, sure... Alrigh' ya mangy mutt. Off!" Dog let out a soft boof. "Nah! I said off! She ain't yers, she's mine!" he argued with the Malinois, causing you to giggle at the exchange. "Dog! Get down! Now! Off!" With another bark and unhappy backtalk growl, Dog finally leapt off the bed and went to lay on the rug. Daryl looked at the spot where he'd been. "Keepin' my spot warm... and full of dog hair, huh?" He ran a hand over the sheets next to you. "Sand? Dammit. Bed's filthy," Daryl said, shooting you a look.
You gave him a sheepish smile. "Oops. I may have taken him to swim in the river. I didn't realize he brought the beach home."
Daryl laughed, a deep, gruff, hearty noise that you loved more than life. "Yer worse than he is," he drawled, leaning toward you to capture your lips in a kiss, his fingers floating to clasp your face and then rest gently along the curve of your neck. "Are ya filthy too?" he asked, a mischievous glint in his blue eyes.
You grinned and bit your bottom lip. "I might be. What of it?"
"Better take ya to get cleaned up righ' now then. C'mon. Shower time," he said, starting to wrap his arms around your waist and tug you toward the edge of the bed.
You laughed with delight as Daryl descended on you and then yelled with surprise as Dog launched himself back onto the bed, hopping back and forth over you and Daryl, barking and bouncing on the bed, clearly needing to be involved. "Dog! Enough!" Daryl yelled at him through his own laughter, thrusting an arm out as the Malinois playfully charged toward him. "Dog! Quiet! Jesus Christ! Off!"
"He doesn't like how you're manhandling me," you laughed.
"Get down," Daryl barked back at Dog, grabbing his collar and gently tugging him off the bed again. "Manhandlin' ya? I'll manhandle ya..." His lips descended on your neck and you were more than happy to have them and his hands back on you.
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citruslullabies · 6 months
Ok I know I've mentioned this in a comment, but can we please see a scenario where Angel and Dogday are sleeping, and then Dogday just starts kicking Angel until he eventually ends up kicking them out of the bed?
Of course!
Trigger warnings: none
Romantic/platonic?: unspecified
Requested by: theveniceangel
Category: fluff before disastrous angst in the next fic
Ship (romantic or platonic): Dogday x reader
Word count: 404
That's the Kicker
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After Dogday had been saved, he could finally experience things that he hadn't experienced in a long time.
He experienced genuine love and care by your hands, he experienced freedom with you. He also got better sleep and actual meals besides little random critters he would catch in his mouth as they crawled on him. Everything was so much better here. The big canine was currently getting ready for bed, getting all nice and snug as he looked up and saw you.
“Hi Angel, are you ready for bed?” He asked softly, making more room despite being so large. His eyes were soft as they watched you yawn and walk over, crawling into the bed you both shared. “Yeah… I am, work was a pain in the ass today.” You murmured, so you were looking forward to some good sleep.
You scratched behind Dogday's ears and got comfortable against him, breathing in his soft vanilla scent and his warmth recaptured in your home. Your eyes slowly fluttered closed as you fell asleep, and what only felt like a few seconds was quickly disturbed by a startling awakening. You let out an oof sound as you fell to the hardwood floor beside your bed. You hissed as you rubbed your head and cradled your gut with your right arm.
Utterly confused, you looked up at the bed and saw your big fluffy companion happily asleep. Twitching and kicking as he let out low boofs in his sleep as if chasing a rabbit in a field. Or maybe Catnap, yeah he was probably chasing Catnap. You groaned as you grabbed your nightstand for support as you got up, letting out a sigh as you gently stroked Dogday’s fur while very carefully getting back into the bed. “Please, please do not kick me again.” You whispered softly, praying that he wouldn't give you a harsh kick to the stomach again.
You slowly rolled the big dog over and laid back down, snuggling into his back and slowly falling asleep again. You pressed your face against his clean fur and got comfortable in the blankets as Dogday continued doing his own thing, drifting off into a dreamless sleep where everything was calm and quiet. You felt safe in bed with Dogday with your brain doing nothing but relaxing and leaving your senses to rest.
Shame that you woke up just an hour later off of the bed again.
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Thanks for requesting!
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flutterrker · 23 days
Wield pet pt1
(f) Shark hybrid reader x Owner Izuku
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Not my art
Warning: mentions abuse, Trafficking, fitting ring, Sexual assault, injury, Euphonizing, death, Arters note: my Engles is bad I trad to fix it
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Todoroki and Deku are out patrolling the streets well they are walking Deku is thinking about the conversation he Had with Bakugo about the hybrid fitting ring he Bustad not too long ago and how most of those hybrids were going to be put down because they were too aggressive to be kept he snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a hand on his soldier looking over to Todoroki and smiled "hey I think we can go take our Break now oh and we are pretty close to this cafe I like "he says to Todoroki how just nods and follow him to the cafe
They get there Eventually and get Seated at a boof in the far corner as they settle in Todoroki looks at Deku and starts to speak "Is something bordering you you look upset" Todoroki says Deku shakes his head no but before he can get a word out his phone rings picking it up and pressing the Answer button he pots it Against his ear and listens "good morning am I Speaking to Mister Midoriya" a sweet voice asked him he Post for a moment and Answered " yes this is hem" " Great I'm calling from the hybrid shelter about you applying to Adopt a hybrid and it has been Approved " she said in a Professional tone " oh ok when can I come and take a look " he asked in an Excited tone " later today if you want but if not we ca- " he cut her off before she could finish speaking "No! today is good I'll come over later today " Izuku cringed at how Awkward he was being " well that great to hear Such enthusiasm from a Potential hybrid owners then we will see you later today Mister Midoriya " " yes Thank you so much see You guys soon " he says Practically jumping out of his seat " see you" Izuku ends the call unaware that Todoroki was watching him closely " exciting news I assume " Todoroki asked Curiosity getting the better of him Izuku nods " I Applied to a hybrid Adoption Agency to see if I can get a hybrid " "hmm why not just get a normal animal like a cat or dog I hear hybrid are High maintenance pets and need a lot of attention " he said to Izuku
Izuku nods "Well To be honest, I never wanted to own a hybrid but I never realized how badly they got treated by humans after the hybrid fitting ring was taken out all of those Innocent hybrids that were caught and sent to the hybrid shelter are all Scheduled to be euthanized, "Izuku says to Todoroki " I heard about that on the news it terrible they are Punishing the hybrid that only follows there master's orders " Izuku nods and looks Todoroki in the eyes " yeah they say the reason is that they are so aggressive that they can't even get close enough to train them "It was silent for a moment before Izuku spoke again "So I've decided that even if it is just one that can be rescued from the system it's at least one step into the right direction and it might inspire other people to adopt a hybrid as well and bring Awareness to the dangers of hybrid trafficking, " Izuku says with a small smile
Todoroki smiled and was reminded of how kind Izuku was but izuku always a kind person and it made Todoroki proud to call izuku his friend no matter what happened to Izuku he had always seen the best in all people and animals no matter what "If you don't mind me asking could I come with you I would like to see the tip of hybrid you might Choose" Todoroki asked Izuku smiled back and nodded " yeah! I don't mind and we can Catch up on things" " I would like that " he said smelling "but I think if I do find a hybrid and adopt I'm going to take some time off to spend with it you know like bonding or getting to know One another but for now let's eat up and get back to work the faster we get this done the faster we can go yeah " Izuku says as Todoroki nods along Agree
One patrol and a few Pity crimes take down later and Izuku and Todoroki are at the front gate of the hybrid Adoption center they park the car near the building and are Greeted at the glass doors by a woman wearing a uniform " Greetings Mister Midoriya and Mister Todoroki I have been waiting for you my name is Mary willow I'm the Director of the pup cup Adoption and rescue facilities hope you didn't have any trouble getting her " " No not atoll Was it you that I was speaking to earlier " Izuku asked she nods " yes it was now that we are all acquainted let's get this meet and greet started follow me please " she said smiles and Tuning around Leading them inside and in the directions of the kennels
They walked around looking at all the hybrids from bunnies to Birds but noticed that most if not all of the hybrids were pups and not Fully grown hybrids like Izuku hoped the Director noticed nothing is Catches he's eye so she Derek's theme to the Exotic hybrids Wing off the building there they see tigers, lepers, fish and some reptiles that are Unfortunately all still pups that is until they get to the last kennel looking inside he sees a shark hybrid that is fully grown has a muzzle on and looks to be in a bad condition with all the Scratches and bruises they can see as Izuku get close he heard the Director start to speak " and that is y/n she is not up for adoption " she said Izuku frowns in confusion and looks back at her but before he can ask why she speaks " that one is from the fitting ring and is Scheduled to be euthanized "he stops and looks at her for a minute and started to speak "when will they euthanize her " "Tomorrow Though it is a real shame to see because it is not her fault she's like this it is the people fault for putting her through that trauma and Yet the hybrids pay the price " she said looking at the hybrid in the cage with a sad expression "we'll if that is all I will Leave you to it to decide what lucky hybrids get to leave and live with the number one hero in Japan com find me at the front desk when you're ready but in the meantime feel free to look around I'm shore you'll find something" she says before turning around and walking away living Izuku and Todoroki allows to Stew in there Foughts
"Midoriya what hybrid are you going to take " Todoroki asked Izuku shrugged his soldier still looking at you in the kennels Trying to get your attention but nothing was working not kissing noises not calling your Name and not Throwing small rocks near you. you just sit there looking at the floor that is until Todoroki opens his water bottle the sound made you move your eyes for just a split second, but Izuku noticed it " hey, are you thirsty you want some water? " he asked and saw you were now looking directly at him that's when he noticed the other side of your face had a Giant bruise he also noted how every time you moved you may a Pained experience it was subtle but it was there and he noticed it as he takes out his water bottle and sprinkles some water out on the floor to show you it was water you slowly stand up and walk as Beast as you could to them pouting more pressure on one Leg to avoid pouting pressure on your left foot when you got closer to them you slid down the Bars to sat on your legs wincing in pain slowly you stuck your hand outside the Bars of the cage to Reach for the bottle Izuku handing it to you slowly to not spook you take it and started lapping at the water With your long tongue drinking the water quickly Izuku watch you for a while seeing how matted you hair was and how dirty and tired you look at least you weren't skin and bones but Stull to skinny for his liking
Izuku stood up and started walking to the Reception disk Todoroki followed Behind him Quietly wanting to see what happened next as they approached the waiting room Izuku saw the Director working at the front desk walking up to her Izuku said in an emotionless town
" I want the shark hybrid " " No" " please I'll pay extra " " I said no Mister Midoriya " "Why -" " Because Mister Midoriya she is not for sale " " so instead of letting her find a proper family to adopt her you would rather let them put her down " he said in a Ange town" No that is not the reason Mister midor- " " then what is " she sighs and says in a calm tone " Mister Midoriya I don't want to put her down but she is too dangerous to freely walk around and the people from the hybrid fitting ring are still out there looking for the hybrid they trained and she is the last one that needs to be euthanized I don't want to do this to her either but I don't want her to Software Anymore" he was quiet for a minute or two thinking of a way to convince her he could not only keep you safe and have the Schell to train you "What are you saying that the number one hero can't protect one single hybrid " Todoroki Piped up "No that's not what I meant -" "Please I just can sit here and do nothing I'm a hero and I believe I can provide a safe investment for her to live in Maybe if she doesn't feel so frightened she'll be easier to train and less Aggravated and aggressive" she looked at the two men for a minute or two before sighing and handing him the adoption paperwork " I'm not doing this for you I'm doing it for her she deserves to be happy too and to Experience a loving family as well," she said in a sad tone of voice " go take a seat Mister Midoriya and when you're done I'll Brief you on her history " Midoriya nods feeling tears in his eyes but Wipes them away
Once the paperwork is done he walks back up to her and hands her the paperwork she Pages true it and nods " Mister Todoroki please Stay here in the waiting room well I brief Mister Midoriya on his new partner " Todoroki nods and takes a set and pools out his phone to pass the time" This way Mister Midoriya " he followed her to a small room with a Disc and two chairs" please take a seat Mister Midoriya " he sits in the chair across from her she hands him a folder White your name on it he opens the document in it he reeds
Name: Y/n
Tip of hybrid: hybrid shark Mix between a thresher shark and bull shark
Temperament: (bad) Aggressive to humans, hybrids, and animals
Class: Aquatic
How common the species is : Rear
Age: estimated to be 20
Sex: female
Facilities: pup cup Adoption and rescue facilities
Date of arrival: 2027/6/18
Previous owner: unknown
Note from therapist: we sent in a hybrid Specialist to see if we could Sedate her to Administer First-aid to her wounds but were Unsuccessful as she refused to calm down enough to give it to her, I concluded that she is deathly afraid of being pinned down
Injury report: due to her having a muzzle on she has Resorted to slamming her whole body into the staff to pin them between her and the walls she Injured a few staff members and broke several staff members' ribs and arms by slamming them as hard as possible can against the wall
Note from hybrid Specialist: we tried to feed her to see if she would let us get close to At least check her eyes for Enya's signs of blindness safe to say she is not going blind we Took off the muzzle To give her some food but were shocked at the Violent Reaction she had to human snarling and hissing but not outright attacking the is until a staff member got to close for her liking
Injury report: when the muzzle was Removed, we gave her a bowl of fruits she Ignores it and kept sleeping until we went to Replace the bowl, and she Launched forward and bit down onto Mister Kenneth's hand and Thor his point finger middle finger and fume off
he was rushed to the hospital to receive medical attention they Informed us they could not re-attached the fingers he reserved 20 Stitches
Police report: she was Found in a Flooded basement and Changed to the floor with at least 9 hybrids and 3 human corpses in the water she was Sedated and pulled out but a few minutes later woke up and started attacking the offices we Tried to subdue her but in the struggle she killing 2 men in the process we opened five 5 rounds 3 Connected 6 more were fired before Red Riot and Dynamite Showed up and Pin her down muzzled her and Administering a larger Those of tranquilizer she was then Transportation to the Nearest hybrid VT
Medical report: since of Physical and Sexual abuse
Bullets were removed from the Shoulder, stomach, and thigh she also had three broken ribs one broken leg torn muscles, a Fraction ligament, a nasty infection in her Gills located on either side of her chest under the arms what seems to be lashes made from Being whipped by Metal Wire as well as Multiple cuts made by a Knife a yeast infection swelling and redness to her Genetics an upsetting amount of bruising on her arms, legs, stomach, chest, neck, and back
Note for doctors:we tried to give her medical attention but came no fader than treating her scraps and stitching up her cuts
Note: is Scheduled to be euthanized on 29 August 2027
Izuku closed the Document and was quiet for a minute Thinking how someone could do all those things to someone and not care how you're hurting them " Do you still want her it ok to back out it is a big commitment to own a hybrid " Izuku was drag back to Reality when she asks him that question "Yes I still want her" She smiled and nodded "Well if you have your heart set on her I'll need you to sign These documents her, her, and her and I'll come in a year to do a wellness check "she said smiles Izuku nodded and read the Terms of conditions before sighing she smiled a little bit more knowing you'll go to a good home "and we are done here is your free Complimentary harness and Leash and I'm obligated to tell you when walking her in public she has too keep her muzzle on atoll time except on private property now let's see if we can get her out of her kennel " " what before we do that I have a Question if she is too Aggressive to be near people how do I get the Medicine she needs " she stopped and smiled at him " I'll make an appointment with a friend of mine to come to you she Specializes in hybrid medicine and dietary needs she a doctor as well she can take a look at her Broken bones"
Thay wall out of the room and back in the Direction of where your kennels where when they got there, they saw your sleeping form on the floor the Director handed Izuku a blanket to wrap you in she slowly moved to the door and unlocked it so Izuku could enter
As he Crouched down to pick you up you French from his soft Touch, he stopped for a moment waiting for you to relax you Stirred a bit before going back to sleep Izuku Gentle picked you up and wrapped the blanket around you snuggle to keep you from Kicking and keep you warm
Izuku Adjusted his arms to hold you more Comfortably before walking back out of the kennel with you now sleeping comfortably in his arms head on his soldier hands under your knees and the small of your back Izuku felt confident enough to move with you in his arms without waking you up
Walk to the waiting room Izuku Spotted Todoroki and walked up to him holding you Close to his chest Todoroki smiled at him and stood up to greet him and see what hybrid he got "You got the hybrid you want " he asked Izuku nodded "I just couldn't leave her here " " oh that reminds me could you drive me home my hands Kind of full at the moment "Izuku asked with a Bright smile and a smile blush on his cheeks "Why don't you just put her down " he asked confused why Izuku Couldn't drive "I'm Scared of waking her up "he nodded "ok I'll drive "
" om my God I don't even realize how long we've been in there for, "Izuku says Todoroki nods "It did take a while," Todoroki said well opening the door for Izuku to get in Carefully to not wake you up as he sits in the passenger seat Todoroki Buckles his seat belt for him as izuku waiting for Todoroki to come around the car to the driver's seat Izuku looks down at you and thinks to himself "I don't have a room ready for her I'm going to have to leave her alone for an Hour or two so I can find a nesting bed for her and close oh God look at that hear it's all matted I'll have to as my mom for help and get you medicine I'll need to study up on the species if I want to properly take care of her " " Midoriya you babbling again "Izuku stopped and looked at him and then out the window " when did we start diving and when did we get so close to my house" ' Izuku thinks to Himself sighs in frustration when they pool into the driveway Todoroki got out first to open the door for Izuku
Finally getting to the door, Izuku held you in one hand and pulled out his house. Keys opened the door and walked in to the house he went right to the guest room and pulled out a futon for you to sleep in for now until he could get a proper nesting bed for you
He Laid you down Gently and covered you with the blanket sighs "Your safe now sleep tight we have a long day tomorrow " said Izuku before walking out and meeting with Todoroki taking him for coming over and helping bring you back they said their goodbye close the door as the lock Kicked Izuku slid down the door and sighs in Exhaustion he just sat there for a minute or two before getting up sitting at a disk and doing some research on shark hybrid
Slowly he began to drift off to sleep straggling to continue reading the article he found bobbing his head to Stay upright his eyes closed for what felt like a minute but was more like an Hour before he was out like a Light, he slept on his desk that night face planned in a book snoring Lightly
Tomorrow will be better
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arvensimp · 2 years
Arven and the reader trying to take care of a baby pokemon, and arven starts imagining him, and the reader is like a family taking care of a baby.
I've said this a thousand times and I'll say it a thousand times more, I'm WEAK for baby fics.
I hope this kinda works for you? It's not exactly the request but I hope it's sufficiently fluffy.
Baby Mine
Arven x reader (no gendered pronouns are used to describe the reader), discovering a pokemon egg!!
"Hey, uh... Arven?"
"Yeah?" Arven calls back to you without looking up from where he's currently doting upon Mabosstiff.
"Uhm...." You heft up the pokemon egg that you just plucked from your picnic basket.
With no further context from you, Arven looks up from his pokemon, and his eyes go wide.
"Oh, what the hell." He says, sounding more exasperated than anything. "Where'd that come from?"
You sigh. "Some of our pokemon must've, uh..." You blush a bit. "Y'know..."
Arven stands and puts his hands on his hips. "Shit, uh..." He clears his throat softly. "Is there any way to tell, er... Who the parents are? This has never happened with just my team on its own."
You gently prop the egg on your waist and take a seat on a stump. "Same with me. Give me a minute. I'm not overly familiar with breeding tactics. Lemme see which of our pokemon might be..." You wince a bit. "Compatible?"
One Bulbapedia search later, and Arven is staring down Mabosstiff.
"C'mon, bud! Really?!" He says. "That's hardly polite behavior. We owe a lot to those two, ya know? Is that any way to thank either of them?"
Mabosstiff only gives him a cheeky sneer and a loud boof.
Meanwhile, you're down on your Dachsbun's level. "Girl! This is trainerless behavior and not becoming of a Paldean champion! C'mon! At least make him buy you dinner first!" Your tone is entirely lighthearted, and Dachsbun doesn't even look sorry. There isn't a thought behind her eyes.
Arven tries to stifle a snort. "For what it's worth, /I've/ given her plenty of dinners. Does that count?"
"Nope. Mabosstiff needs to step up. He's a father now."
"I can't believe you're not taking this more seriously." Arven says, attempting to grow more sincere.
You pick the egg back up from where you'd gently placed it down on the ground, and stroke the shell tenderly.
"I'm taking it seriously enough," You defend. "It's just...not worth being too upset over, I think..." A soft smile graces your features. "Accidents happen, and goodness knows we both know how to look after a pokemon, right? This should be fine? It's just a sweet little baby..."
You press your cheek to the egg and smile into it. "You'll be a great little friend!" You tell it.
Arven's heart lurches at the sight. He imagined how you'd look holding a little human baby instead, and it's nearly too much.
"C-Can I...?" He asks, holding out both of his hands tentatively.
"Sure!" You pass the egg off to him.
At the exchange, Mabosstiff and Dachsbun both approach just to keep an eye out.
Arven holds the thing like it's...well, like it's exactly as precious as it is. His eyes go a little glassy as he looks it over.
"H-Hi..." He says softly to the egg, rubbing little circles into the shell with his thumbs. "Uh... I'm Arven..."
You snicker softly.
"You're gonna be a grandpa!"
Arven rolls his eyes. "Yeah, well what does that make you, genius?"
"A loving and doting trainer and grandtrainer."
"Mhmm." Arven humors you, then goes to sit, delicately holding the egg in his lap.
"I guess we need to figure out...uh...custody?"
You laugh lightly and scooch closer, so you can keep a hand on the egg while it's still within his grasp. Arven blushes, but you miss it.
"I mean...we can just stick close by?" Dachsbun crawls up beneath your hand and barks. "I imagine these two will want to be around no matter what." You nod to both pokemon. "I don't really have anything major going on. You?"
Arven shrugs. "Not really..."
So you stay close by. Rather than continue traveling terribly far though, the two of you decide to make your way back to the Poco Path Lighthouse. You and Arven swap holding the egg the whole way there.
It gives Arven butterflies watching you carry the thing, so gentle and sweet. You talk to it like it's already a fully hatched pokemon and can talk back, and it's just so endearing it makes his stomach tie in knots.
At one point on the walk back, you gasp loudly.
"Arven!" You cry.
"What?!" He jolts, quickly turning back to you, fully expecting the worst.
"Look, look, look! Come feel!" You hold the egg out to him with a grin, and Arven gingerly takes it.
He's silent for one...two...three long moments before the egg jostles in his hands.
"O-oh my god," He chokes out, smiling wide. "You're getting strong in there, huh, buddy?"
You laugh. "It's gonna be a strong little one, that's for sure!"
Arven holds the egg tightly from there for the rest of the trip back.
You let Mabosstiff and Dachsbun out of their balls once you're inside the lighthouse. Mabosstiff immediately runs over to an old pokemon bed and starts boofing.
Dachsbun follows over and steps into the bed, circling it several times before making a little donut shape and barking.
Arven places the egg with her, and she curls up around it, then Mabosstiff curls up around her.
"Aww..." You kinda wanna cry at the sight of it. "Do you have any blankets for them?" You ask, leaning against Arven. Without thinking, he leans back into you just a bit.
"I'll see what I can find."
Arven leaves for just a moment, and you squat down to pat the dogs' heads. "You guys are gonna do such a good job, huh? You're gonna be a mommy and daddy!"
You continue spouting sweet nothings at them, and Arven just watches from the doorway, smiling at the scene for a minute before he kneels next to you, offering some little blankets and towels to the pair.
"You guys wanna build a nest?"
Mabosstiff boofs and takes the blankets in his mouth then slowly moves to start nuzzling blankets around Dachsbun and the egg.
You and Arven stand.
"Guess we'll just...leave them to it..?"
"Uh, yeah. I guess so. I can make us some food in the mean time?" Arven tells you.
"Sounds good! Hehe, you'll be a great grandtrainer, ya know?" You tell him with a cheeky grin and a friendly pat on his upper arm.
Arven blushes. "Uh...yeah. Y-you too..."
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crazylittlejester · 6 months
Warriors would be convinced that Twilight as Wolfie smelled out the truth a while ago, but Twilight was the most surprised of everyone. Warriors was baffled that no one figured out the truth.
I’m not sure if this was for the mini fic thing or not but I made it a mini fic anyway I hope that’s okay 😭 Here you go!! (438 words):
Warriors thought for sure that Twilight would’ve figured it out by now, having a wolf form and all, but it shocked him greatly to learn that somehow none of his traveling companions (except for Time) had figured out he had chronic low blood sugar. Granted he did do his absolute best to try to push through and ignore the nausea and dizziness, but sometimes he got knocked flat on his ass, unable to see clearly and feeling so horrible he thought he’d certainly pass out.
He was having an awful morning, having woken up already dizzy and nauseous, and it had gotten to the point where he didn’t think he’d be able to stand or do anything more than curl up in a tighter ball on the ground. It didn’t help that he was still exhausted from yesterday and he was still in a sleepy place where he could easily just close his eyes and go back to bed. A concerned snort followed by a ‘boof’ sounded overhead, and that was Warriors’s only warning before Wolfie smacked him lightly with his paw. He groaned weakly, using all his energy to stay conscious. He should’ve eaten more for dinner the previous night, and he should’ve found a way to get SOMETHING in him before his blood sugar got this low.
A cold nose pressed against his neck, a soft whine coming from the wolf before a panicked series of barks. Warriors winced at the volume, but was grateful that the barking had quickly woken all the others.
“Captain??” Sky asked, kneeling down by his head. “Wars, can you hear me? You don’t look good.”
“Here,” Time said as he stepped into view, peeled orange in hand. “You’re looking a bit gray there.”
Warriors made no effort to sit up, he just popped an orange slice in his mouth while laying down, chewing slowly and keeping his eyes closed. The sight of all the others moving around so much was making him even more dizzy. Wolfie curled up by his head, occasionally smacking him with a paw and making worried snorts if Warriors was too still for too long.
Eventually he felt well enough to try sitting up, thankful that the nausea seemed to have left him.
“What was that??” Legend demanded once Warriors was upright.
“Low blood sugar,” he groaned, running a hand through his hair. “I’m fine, I just didn’t eat enough yesterday.”
“You looked AWFUL a few minutes ago,” Wind frowned. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, I’m sure,” Warriors smiled at him, reaching over to ruffle the kid’s hair. “I should probably eat something else though.”
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mwolf0epsilon · 9 months
Snack Crime Conundrum
Sponge, staring in horror at the scale after measuring Beau's weight: Little gods... When did you get so huge, girl?! Beau, who's been having issues keeping up during their routine walks: Boof? Sponge: Actually the pertinent question would be, who in sith-hells has been overfeeding you?! You have a strict diet to adhere to! Beau, blinking innocently and cocking her head to the side: Woof...? Sponge, seething: This won't stand... Mark my words, I will find the fiend who's pushing you towards obesity and arthritis issues!
-Several minutes later-
Sponge, currently interrogating Rex, Fives, Jesse, Hardcase and Tup: As you may know I have been investigating a rather delicate situation. One that, should I find you culpable, will come with severe consequences. Perhaps even a jail sentence. Fives, a little frustrated: For the last time you drama queen, we haven't been sneaking your barghest any treats after meals! Jesse, standing by Fives: Yeah! We're innocent! Hardcase: Yeah! Innocent! Well, for the most part anyway... Fives & Jesse: Sponge: Excuse me? Hardcase, fidgeting nervously: Well... I mean... Sometimes I give her a little piece of egg during early meal. But not always! Tup, chuckling nervously: And I have given her some of those fancy liver treats you keep in your trunk. But only when she's not allowed in the medbay! Because she looks so sad in the crate... Rex, shrugging: ....I have on occasion given her some cheese snacks. But she does little tricks when I have them out, and you said when she does tricks she deserves a reward! Sponge, flabbergasted: I can't believe you three... Cheese snacks?! Really Captain??? Hardcase, coming to Rex's defense: Hey! At least we don't do it constantly! I've seen Jesse dump an entire plate into her mouth when he's had to skip midmeal to go to last minute debriefs! Jesse, gawking: 'CASE YOU SNITCH! Hardcase: And Fives has this game where he throws food at her to see if she can catch it in the air! Fives, glaring: Thanks a lot, traitor... Sponge, huffing: Innocent men my shebs... Fives, glancing over to the other side of the room: Wait, how come Kix and Dogma aren't a part of this lineup? Sponge: Kix would never endanger my darling girl's health by feeding her fatty crap. And Dogma has made it clear he doesn't particularly like Beau, so why would he give her illicit snacks? Rex, Fives, Jesse, Hardcase & Tup, looking just behind Sponge at Kix and Dogma who are both staring back at them while sneaking Beau some snacks: Kix, crosses his finger over his own neck before pointing at them threateningly: Dogma, smiling innocently before snapping the bread-stick he's giving Beau in half for further threatening effect: Rex: ...Fair enough. Fives: But-- Rex, putting a hand on Fives's shoulder: Fair. Enough. What's our punishment?
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livegastrodonreaction · 3 months
hey so what if I assigned the prsk class 1-a trio the legendary beasts (as in, the Johto legendary beasts)
My current thoughts are,
Entei for Shiho
Suicune for Kohane
Raikou for Minori
I'm very normal about prsk character Pokemon assignments and I will gladly explain each one of these.
(little bit of explanation/rambling about Shiho + Entei under the cut)
I was tempted to give Minori the Entei because. Ouppy, but Entei makes more sense for Shiho in terms of personality and the etymology of Shiho's name and surname.
Also, Entei's calm demeanor would match Shiho's energy levels better. And both of them also embody an immense amount of fighting spirit and passion despite their calmness, so yeah
The dynamic between Leo/need and their girlfriend's huge volcano boofer woofer would be absolutely fucking hilarious btw.
Saki would so be constantly exploding over Shiho's big boofer Entei, like, "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WAAWAWAAWAAAAAA CUTE CANINE POKEMON WAAAA SO OUPPY SHIHOOO SHIHO YOU HAVE A BIG BOOFER WAWAA YOU ARE THE BEST WIFE EVE-" *gets hand clamped over mouth by Shiho*
Honami would use her extensive knowledge of canine Pokemon care to help care for Entei. They would get along really well and Entei would act as sort of a guide for Honami, to gently push her into standing up for herself and being decisive when needed.
Ichika would share a single brain cell with Saki and tries to play fetch with Entei. It's destructive, but it was cute. She would also play traditional music on the acoustic guitar for Entei because they seem to really like it (Entei: boof boof .... it reminds me of the shrine maidens' songs.... :] )
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journey-to-the-attic · 10 months
I've just discovered the pet zoo au and I.am.obsessed.
Also for some reason I think beels "woof" would be like that one meme with the husky where the humans are trying to sush it and he just lets out the most definde 'woof' ever.
Another thing,what if they tried to write out their names??? Like Satan steps in int and tries to make multuple paw prints on a paper to draw out his name in a way (he fails)
Also, it's said that crows can learn some words...what if crow Mammon (due to being magic as well) manages to start saying a few words and even starts making full on sentences. Can just imagine him flying through the window and landing in front of Ik and her dad like "feed me mortals or perish" as a joke to freak them out BC 'omg a talking crow' AND THEY INSTEAD START SCREAMING THWIR BUTTS OFF WHILE MAMMON IS TRYING TO CALM THEM DOWN BUT IT ONLY TURNS WORSE.
On the talking crow Mammon topic,what if he tells Ik what the others want to tell her?? Like "Yeah Lucifer wants you to put more Britney Spears" or "Levi wants to watch you play this game" or "Asmo says you gotta go pet him"
(wanna hear more from you tho BC I like your hcs, they're funny and silly)
orders given, orders received (/j i've been wanting to talk more about this au too!!)
i love the idea of the brothers attempting to communicate their names,, i feel like lucifer and/or satan would come up with some really smart method of going about it (like laying out books or ripping up a newspaper and using the letters), but ik and her dad are just like 'ah, what silly animal antics' and clean up the mess without even noticing what they're trying to spell out
so at first they just all have nicknames-
lucifer: peter (as in Peter the Peacock)
mammon: car (crow goes "caw!", caw sounds like 'car', ergo, car)
levi: socks (on the first morning after they took the animals in, ik found him trying to hide inside one. it's also funny because usually you get cats or dogs named this)
satan: paddy (aunt lisa picked this one - as in st paddy, for his green eyes)
asmo: duchess (ik had a feeling he'd like it)
beel: boof (it's the noise he makes)
belphie: hu (from the chinese word for fox (zhao picked this one). sometimes it's extended to hu-hu)
at first, satan and asmo are the only ones who like their new nicknames, while everyone else is mostly neutral on theirs, apart from lucifer, who HATES his
however, he still responds to it, so really it's his fault that it sticks
eventually everyone warms up to their new nicknames, but they'd still like their new family to know their actual ones
i like the idea of mammon learning speech, so yes he'd be the one to eventually relay the message!
he hops around on ik's shoulder going "lucifer! lucifer! lucifer!", and ik thinks her crow friend is conducting a ritual up until she realises he keeps pointing his beak at peter the peacock
she does switch to their actual names once she learns them, but in her head she still tends to refer to them by their nicknames, and they still respond when she uses them aloud
mammon's language would be more fluent than a regular crow's, but i don't think he'd generally be able to string together full sentences
so it's more like a "hey! food!" when he's hungry, "kid? okay?" when he's concerned, "levi. bowl. broke!" when he's snitching
he can manage full sentences if he tries really hard, but he usually can't be bothered, so he saves them for when he's serious
for example, if ik were getting bullied, he would go full fluency mode to say "i'm gonna kill them for you"
the other brothers are mostly happy to just chill (particularly levi and belphie), but lucifer gets so restless with no work to do that he starts assigning himself random chores to occupy himself
for example he's decided it's his job to open all the curtains in the morning and close them at night
ik starts bringing home random worksheets from school and lucifer will just sit there staring at them (he doesn't have hands to write with so he just has to answer mentally)
levi has a little box by the window from which he can see the tv and also sunbathe
ik brings home a sheet of stickers so that he can pick some to decorate with
beel is SUCH a big dog that he would take up the whooole sofa or bed if he sat there, so usually he very politely sticks to the floor
but then they buy him a big blanket and he starts carrying it with him from room to room to rest on (belphie also steals it a lot)
everyone has their own little spots around the house where they usually stay, apart from mammon, who is nearly always found on ik's shoulder
if ik isn't home he will stand on zhao's head instead
satan nearly always sleeps on either ik or zhao's bed and at some point his habit extends to the others, so they start taking it in turns being 'guards' for both humans at night
lucifer pretends to be above it as if he DOESN'T trot himself right to rooms and stay there the whole night as soon as it's his turn
whenever ik's stressed out from school she comes home and just plonks herself on beel
he's such a big dog that he barely even feels it so he's perfectly happy to be a big fluffy pillow
levi spends most of his time in his box but he'll also be quite happy to go around the house draped around ik's neck and listening to her narrate her whole day to him
sometimes ik brings asmo ribbons and such and he gets so excited that he does that jumpy twisty thing rabbits do (i think it's called binkying?)
asmo and satan both get the zoomies but satan's always so embarrassed about it afterwards, while asmo simply owns the energy and then flops over for pats afterwards
belphie's normally very quiet and docile but occasionally he'll just SCREAM and it scares everyone in the house
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the8thsphynx · 11 months
I like to think of the Duryo gang in FGO specifically as being that group of stoners in high school that get together and talk shit about the government but like… through the student council.
Like Karna and Ashwatthama are there with the boof like, ‘bro FUCK this elitist system of inequality we have, all those preppy rich kids suck anyways’ and Duryodhana is the token rich kid in the rotation like ‘haha yeah man fuck my cooler and more popular cousins, I’m better than all if them, right guys??’
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shivasdarknight · 4 months
I am a mother of two and an engineer from Gaza. Through my effort and perseverance, I was able to work hard with my husband without stopping in order to build our home and work and live with our children in happiness and love❤.️
But suddenly our lives turned into darkness and we fled our city with a small suitcase, leaving our home and dreams behind for fear of bombing and missiles. We now live inside a warehouse that is not fit for life in an area crowded with a million and a half people.
We have two children, the youngest of whom is two years old. She started talking about war, and her first words she said were words of fear and terror, such as boof, screaming "mama", bombing, and I fear.
My heart breaks when I see my children afraid, but unfortunately I am unable to give them reassurance and safety.
On the other hand, we also feel unable to provide their food and health needs necessary for their growth such as (meat, eggs,milk, fruits, vegetables, etc...) because they are rarely available at very high prices, especially since I and their father lost our jobs 5 months ago.
We tried hard to travel with them to start a new life again from scratch, but unfortunately we cannot pay the crossing costs. It costs is 15 000$ to go out with them.
So I decided to make this account and I hope that people with kind hearts will help me because children here die either from bombing or hunger. The donation link is at my pinned post🙏
hey so this is very likely a scam. it was made yesterday, no photos, looks like an AI pic as the banner, the same three word URL format that other scam accounts use. i can't find any GFMs that they may be taking the description from, but the PayPal mentioned links to a "Sharon Oyobi"? Which does not bring up any social media with that name (there's Sharon Obuobi, though, but not connected whatsoever).
so uh. please don't donate???? go here instead, these are evac funds that Desperately need attention
EDIT: YEAH IT WAS TAKING FROM A GFM. It doesn't appear on the OOB spreadsheet or Gaza Funds, but please go here instead of what fullkidtiger's doing.
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dovesndecay · 2 years
As you said you're open to questions, and I've never seen a "needs space" leash before - is there like, an accepted universal response/behaviour around a dog with such a thing? Like, I know not to bother service dogs, and to respect a therapy dog needing personal space after they're done providing therapy, that sort of thing, and in like, a big park I'd just keep going on my path/sitting where I am/whatevs and trust them and their human to handle the situation as they see fit, because there is the space for them to do so, but what if, say, one is coming towards me on the sidewalk, and thus the space is limited? Should I still continue as normal, or try to provide more space on purpose, maybe by walking closer to the side the dog isn't so their human can be a barrier?
I love my boy, so I'm going to intersperse some of my favorite pictures of him throughout this.
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The day he came home vs a year later.
So, Aengus is fear reactive and incredibly anxious around people and animals he doesn't know -- sort of an automatic "I think these people are a danger to me and my human" thought process that means he does great big boofs, and sometimes will lunge at anyone who gets too close.
He was, unfortunately, already traumatized by the time he came to me -- he'd been anemic, stung by wasps, his poor little paws were rubbed raw from walking on hot concrete, and he was terrified of people.
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"Too close," for him, generally means within 10 feet, for people he doesn't know well.
I can usually keep him focused on our walks or a specific task ("sit" and "wait" are both ones he's gotten pretty good at) when just passing by people, provided that they ignore us (unless they also have a dog, and then it's, "okay, time to detour to get home faster and without an interaction").
In an ideal world, I would have the money to get him the behavioral training I know he needs, and the supervised socialization time with other dogs I wish he had. I want it for him so much, but... yeah. I lack the money for someone who knows what they're doing, and I'm too disabled to try and DIY it on a consistent enough basis to be beneficial to him. So we muddle through as best we can.
He's my baby, and I love him so so much
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When I take him out, the ideal behavior from people in the distance who see the "Needs Space" tag on his leash is that they will simply ignore us. Feel free to privately coo over how adorable he is, and even a friendly wave is fine from a distance. I love seeing people see him and have the "!!!!! I saw a dog!!!!" moment. It makes me very happy!!!
But, in the situation of crossing paths, yes, making it so that the owner is between you and the dog is the best choice. Personally, as the person responsible for my dog, I will usually do that immediately when I see someone coming our direction, and keep the leash tight and him close to me for both their safety and his. But sometimes folks will just see DOG and their self-preservation instinct shuts down with a quickness.
I can't tell you the number of times I've had children old enough to have been taught better just run up to us, completely unbothered by the fact that he is trying to protect me with his big ol' boofs of "get the fuck away" because Oh Cute Dog Trumps Animal Safety. I have to be like, "He's not friendly, sorry sorry sorry" and cut short our morning walks a million times. Which isn't fair to either of us.
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he loves rough-housing so much and he makes the best honking sounds
The handful of times I've taken him to one of the local walking paths, I have him sit on the side of the trail, holding him tight in a sit+wait, and having him wait until the other person has passed us. Sometimes, he's very good and not at all interested in the other person. Sometimes, it's more of a fight to keep him distracted.
So, I guess my overall advice is:
"Be aware of the potentially dangerous animal in your immediate vicinity, maintain reasonable and available distance, and take your cues from the owner. Prioritize your own safety, and that of the animal."
Something I wish more people used to inform their behavior around strange dogs -- but admittedly, my dog in particular, is that if someone (or more likely, in my neighborhood, their unleashed and uncontrolled dog 😡) just runs up on Aengus, and he freaks out and bites them, he's the one that dies.
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I ask him, "Where's your baby?" and he brings me his lamb-chop. (This toy has since disintegrated, and I haven't been able to replace it, unfortunately.)
So thank you so, so much for asking about this.
Don't get me wrong -- I don't want people to be afraid of my dog; he's a big ol doofus that trips over his own very long legs and sleeps with stuffies.
He learned how to throw his toys at me, and now he refuses to hand them to me when we play fetch -- he just lobs them at me from his mouth. He pounces on his toys like an arctic fox jumps into snow, and sometimes he sleeps like an AT-AT.
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But every dog has the capacity to be dangerous, and I wish people would spend more time asking these questions so I can give them the answers that keep them and reactive dogs safe.
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