#but yeah throwing this all into the queue the day before because i am at work
wutheringmights · 1 year
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Happy 2 Years Call Them Brothers!!!
I can't believe I've been working on this story for two years now. Two whole years! That doesn't feel real to me.
If you have read this story at any point: from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much! Whether you've been here since the first chapter or got hooked in recently, I would not have kept with this story for so long without your support.
That's not lip service either. CTB would not still be on-going now without all of you. 💛💛💛
Once again, I am taking the opportunity to be as obnoxious today as possible. I did not have a lot of time to come up with something really grand, but I do have something special planned.
Remember all of the times I complained about having to scrap scenes and redo my work? Well, I kept them all and throughout the day I'll be posting (via queue) all of the part-way readable scraps I can find. I hope you enjoy them.
Thank you for another great year! Here's to there not being another because the damn thing will be finished.
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filmbyjy · 7 months
you may not recognize me and thats because im (kinda) new hehe.. anyway, i've been kinda stalking you- but that's besides the point. i loveee your workss!! keep up the good work <3 idk if asks are open, but if they are, could you write a fluffy fem!reader x bf!niki where the reader comes home from a long day, and niki comforts her?? and if you cant, its totally ok <3
have a nice day!
a/n: this has been in the drafts for a year now💀 so sorry, I am trying to clear the drafts but my schedule is shit and we all know I suck at keeping up with my schedule😍
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it was past 8pm when you had treaded through the front door of your apartment. your body sore from leaning over the tables and wiping it. normally, the cafe you work at was peaceful and was decently packed but after a viral video that practically wowed the internet.
there had been more and more people stopping by everyday. the cafe was decently sized but it was short staffed so sometimes you had to man the cashier, do the dishes, clean the tables and make the drinks. for normal days (before the surge of people), there was about 2 people working per shift, not including the 2 bakers in the kitchen as they were the behind the scenes staff that were required to be there.
with not that many staff per shift, it was hard for you and whoever was working that day to manage the cafe. that also meant more demands from the customers who think they are entitled to make a mess of the space as 'customers are always right'. curse, whoever made that quote.
you were mentally and physically drained. you just needed a good long rest for the rest of the week. however, you couldn't do that. not when your off-days were already used up for visiting your family back in your hometown. if only you could just...take a breather.
"welcome home, baby!" ni-ki slides into the hallway just as you walked towards the living room. you gave him a tired smile.
"hi riki, why aren't you at the dorm?" ni-ki gives you a playful pout.
"already kicking me out? baby, you wound me. i came to see you and you're already pushing me away." he says as he throws his (long) arms around you. "you weren't answering my calls so i assumed it was a long day at work and you didn't charge your phone."
you took out your phone and tried to turn it on but it was indeed dead. "sorry, today was a hectic day. couldn't even get a proper lunch break. there was so many people coming over for the past week."
"yeah, i heard about it. jake hyung talked about wanting to come over and buy some desserts. they did look good but since you know us being celebrities...we could get mobbed."
you hummed, "that's fair. it's a good thing you didn't go. seriously, have never seen such a long queue outside of the cafe in my whole years of working there."
"there was a queue?" he says as he pulls back from the hug.
"yeah, i felt like i was working at some fancy restaurant. oh god, speaking of there are so many karens trying to scam me and gaslight me into thinking i did something wrong when i did nothing wrong." you groaned and buried your head against ni-ki's chest.
he pats your head. "were you the shift manager?"
"usually i am whenever i am working that day."
"mmm, then you could've kicked them out and taught them a lesson."
"trust me, i wanted to but i can't i'll lose my job so i just sucked it up and patiently worked with them and even gave them a free bagel."
"not the free bagels, baby. they'll just come back again for more." ni-ki huffs.
"i know but what am i supposed to do." you sniffled as the tears that unknowingly appeared falls. you were just mad and exhausted. ni-ki obviously heard it so he pulls you back and cups your face.
"hey hey, don't cry. everything will be fine. why don't i run you a bath and then order some of your favourite food, okay?" he wipes the tears that were falling down.
"will cuddles be included?"
"of course. cuddles will be included. now, just lay in bed and i'll get the bath running." he pecks your forehead and goes to move to bedroom. however, you grabbed his wrist.
"carry me to my bedroom?" you pout. ni-ki smiles and scoops you up in his arms. he princess carries you over to your bed and places you gently onto the mattress before going over to the bathroom and getting ready the bathtub.
you had shut your eyes for a bit since you were tired but the exhaustion took a toll on you and you fell asleep for a little. ni-ki shakes you a little. "baby? the bath is ready. go enjoy it, i already placed an order so the food should be on the way soon."
you hummed and went over to the bathroom to remove your clothing and step into the bathtub. you laid your back against the edge of the tub and shut your eyes again. the candle light making everything moody and warm. you were enjoying the comfortable warmth and silence, much better than the bustling sounds at the cafe. this felt nice.
you had spent in the bathroom for about 20 minutes or so before deciding to get out of the tub. you didn't want to your fingers or toes to look like dried prunes so you decided to just get out of the water. you had grabbed the towel and dried yourself off. you could hear a knock at the door.
"baby, i have pyjamas with me. i forgot to leave them inside the bathroom." you opened the door to ni-ki. he had one hand out to hold the pyjama set and the other hand covering his eyes. a very gentleman thing of him to always do if you came out of the shower in just your towel.
you had noticed he too was wearing a pyjama set and it was similar to yours. of course, he loved matching things with you. you grabbed the pyjamas. "mmm, i think you forgot to grab my undergarments."
his ears quickly turned red in embarrassment. "ah, i knew i forget something. i-i'll just leave the room so you could change." and so ni-ki bolts out of the room and shuts the door. you shook your head, laughing a little since he was so adorable.
you changed into the pyjamas after putting on your undergarments and then went out to the living room. there ni-ki was, turning on the tv and searching up your favourite anime to watch together and setting up the food onto the coffee table. you had come up behind him and back hugged him.
"i have the best boyfriend in the world." you say. ni-ki smiles.
"well, let's not forget your boyfriend is one of a kind. where can you get another nishimura riki, member of boy band enhypen, in the world." he boasts. you playfully rolled your eyes and released him.
"that's very humble of you, riki." you playfully say.
"oh, i know. i'm just that hot." ni-ki smirks. you laughed.
"yeah, you are. now, will my hunk of a boyfriend please just cuddle and eat with me?"
"of course, i'll eat with my beautiful and amazing girlfriend any time." he steals a small peck to your lips and settles down on the couch. you gave him a playful gaze and settled right next to him.
after some time, you found yourself tangled with ni-ki. your legs and his long ones were somehow crossed in between in each other as you cuddled like cats laying together.
"oh, it's over?" you say.
"no, it can't be." ni-ki gasps.
a flash to the tv showed 'season 2 coming soon'. it made both you and ni-ki groan. "that's lame. we have to wait for the next season? that's going to take 1-2 years." ni-ki whines.
"they're going to pull another 'Spy Family' thing where there isn't going to have episodes in the next season, i can feel it." you complained.
"boooo. let's watch something else." ni-ki grumbles.
"yeah, let's watch-"
"let's watch, you. you're really pretty." ni-ki says as he stares down at you. ah, this playful and teasing ni-ki is appearing now.
"that wasn't that smooth, riki."
"well, to me it was. besides, this is a signal for you to reward me and i don't know give me a kiss or at least a peck? i am an amazing boyfriend, right?"
you snort, "yes, riki. you are but you're not getting that peck."
"what? why." he pouts.
"because..." you got closer to him and watches you with adorable doe eyes. before you unexpectedly peck him and ran away. ni-ki sits there confused, trying to analyse the situation properly. until he finally digested it.
"hey! get back here!" he yells as he tries to chase after you.
you could've not felt any better.
and being with ni-ki helped it.
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ellenhghg · 21 days
It's a rainy day, and Zack is stuck home with his S/O.
The original plan was to have taken a picnic on this day, a hike and a river swim. UNFORTUNATELY, rain came with thunder and lighting.
Zack is clearly is disappointed none of his plans came to fruition...does the fun get spoiled since he's stuck at home with S/O?
P.s. there's LOTS of hot chocolate at home!!
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Thank you for another request!! ♥ ♥ I hope you like it, poor guy needs all the cuddles. Feel free to request more ♥
Zack pouts as he stares out the rain-streaked window, watching lightning fork across the steel-grey sky. Of all the days for a storm to hit… He had such awesome plans for today!
"Man, this totally blows," he grumbles, flopping down on the couch with a huff. "No picnic, no hike, no swimming… Stupid rain, ruining all my hard work!"
He kicks his feet up on the coffee table, ignoring the disapproving look you shoot him from your cozy armchair. Normally he'd be all about snuggling up with you on a day like this, but right now? He's too busy wallowing in disappointment to appreciate the silver lining.
"I mean, I had it all mapped out, babe!" Zack throws his hands up, gesturing expansively. "The perfect spot by the river, a totally drool-worthy menu, even a little surprise for when we got to the top of the trail… Ugh, why'd the weather have to pick TODAY to throw a tantrum?"
He slumps further into the cushions, lower lip jutting out in an exaggerated pout. You have to bite back a smile at the picture he makes - your big, badass SOLDIER, sulking like a kid whose birthday party got rained out.
"Aw, c'mon honey," you soothe, setting aside your book and moving to join him on the couch. "I know you had your heart set on today, but it's not the end of the world. We can always reschedule for next weekend, right?"
Zack just grumbles, stubbornly avoiding your gaze. You sigh, reaching out to card your fingers through his hair, scratching lightly at his scalp the way you know he loves.
"Tell you what," you murmur, leaning in close. "How about we make the most of being stuck inside, hm? We've got plenty of hot chocolate, a whole queue of movies to watch… and maybe a bit of 'indoor recreation' to keep us occupied, if you catch my drift…"
You punctuate the last bit with a playful eyebrow waggle, gratified to see Zack's pout twitch into a reluctant grin. He finally turns to face you, mako-bright eyes sparkling with renewed mischief.
"Indoor recreation, huh?" He loops an arm around your waist, tugging you into his lap with a cheeky grin. "I like the sound of that… Gotta say, babe, you sure know how to cheer a guy up!"
You laugh, booping him on the nose. "Well, I DO have a vested interest in keeping my favorite SOLDIER happy… even if he DOES act like a big baby sometimes."
"Hey!" Zack yelps, looking affronted. "I am NOT a baby! I'm a very manly man, I'll have you know! Practically oozing testosterone over here!"
He flexes exaggeratedly, waggling his eyebrows at you. You just roll your eyes, shoving playfully at his chest.
"Uh huh, sure thing, stud. A very manly man who pouts when his plans get rained out…"
"Alright, alright, I get it!" Zack throws up his hands in mock surrender, a rueful grin tugging at his lips. "No more sulking, I promise. From now on, it's nothin' but good vibes and cozy times!"
To prove his point, he reaches out and snags the fluffy throw blanket from the back of the couch, draping it over both of your laps with a flourish.
"There, see? Instant snuggle heaven! All we need now is some of that hot chocolate and we're set!"
You laugh, shaking your head at his antics. "Alright, my very manly man. You get the movie queued up, I'll go fix us some cocoa. Deal?"
"Deal!" Zack grins, stealing a quick kiss before releasing you from his lap. "Make mine extra marshmallow-y, yeah? Gotta get my sugar fix somewhere, since SOMEONE vetoed my 'all junk food' picnic menu…"
You just snort, flicking him lightly on the forehead as you stand. "Yeah, because 'all junk food all the time' is totally conducive to staying in fighting shape, right? Gotta protect this SOLDIER bod!"
You give his abs a playful poke, delighting in the way he squirms away with a yelp. Zack's always been ticklish, much to your endless amusement.
"Alright, alright, I give!" he laughs, batting your hand away. "No more junk food slander, I get it! Now go on, woman, fetch me my cocoa! Your very manly man demands sustenance!"
You flip him off with a grin, sashaying towards the kitchen with an exaggerated sway of your hips. "Sir, yes sir! Anything for my big, strong, SOLDIER boy~"
Zack's laughter follows you out of the room, warm and bright. As you bustle around the kitchen, fixing up two mugs of cocoa (extra marshmallows for Zack, just a sprinkle of cinnamon for you), you can't help but smile to yourself.
Mugs in hand, you make your way back to the living room, ready to snuggle up with your favorite goofball and while away a cozy, rainy day.
Zack looks up as you enter, a wide grin splitting his face. He's got the blanket arranged just so, the TV already queued up to your favorite feel-good flick. The sight makes your heart melt, a surge of affection rushing through you.
"One extra marshmallow-y cocoa for my very manly man," you announce, handing him his mug with a flourish. "And one cinnamon-spiced for me, because I'm a classy broad like that."
Zack snorts, taking a big slurp of his cocoa. He comes away with a marshmallow mustache, grinning unrepentantly. "Mm, you sure do know how to spoil a guy, babe! C'mere, I need my cuddle partner!"
He sets his mug aside and opens his arms invitingly, waggling his eyebrows. You laugh, settling yourself against his broad chest and pulling the blanket up to your chin.
"Mm, this is more like it," Zack murmurs, nuzzling into your hair. "Who needs a picnic when we've got a perfect setup right here? Snuggles, hot chocolate, cheesy movies… I'm in heaven!"
You hum in agreement, lacing your fingers with his. "See? Rainy days aren't so bad after all. Especially when you've got the right company…"
Zack chuckles, pressing a kiss to your temple. "You got that right, babe. There's nobody I'd rather be stuck inside with than you. Even if you DO veto my junk food binges and make fun of my very manly sulking…"
You elbow him lightly, grinning. "Hush, you. Less sassing, more snuggling. I'm trying to watch the movie!"
Zack just laughs, pulling you closer. "Sir, yes sir! Operation Snuggle is a go!"
And with that, he settles in to enjoy a cozy, love-filled day at home with his favorite person. Rain or shine, every day is perfect as long as he's got you by his side.
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sol-consort · 7 months
I am once again throwing my mass effect thoughts at you
Feeding people is one of humans many love languages. The first thing we often share from our cultures with each other is our food because we all need to eat, we all love things that taste good, and food can say a lot about a culture. So when humans made it to the Citadel and started mingling with galactic society they’d basically be handing out our snacks and bringing containers of our dishes to work and gatherings to share with anyone and everyone. After a while they’d realize the turians aren’t taking any, when offered it’s rejected, and at first maybe the humans think it’s because turians are still bitter from First Contact but humans still offer anyways. Takes them a bit to figure out it’s because turians can’t eat levo food. Queue humans spending days/weeks painstakingly researching how to adapt their food with dextro substitutes and how to prepare them (and how to keep everything sanitized for the quarians). Next time the human brings a treat to share with their alien co-workers they’ve got two tins of chocolate chip cookies and one of them is dextro. We like feeding our community and peers, making them happy by giving them something sweet, and when the human is present EVERYBODY is getting something to eat.
I still think about that one salarian during the Garrus loyality mission in ME2 who said he loves human food, despite being at an anti-human turian political street speech.
Because if humans are considered diverse, can you imagine how much our culinary dishes are even more diverse? There are different from culture to culture and use so many different ingredients.
We have things for every taste, the complex dishes that mixes so many flavours together, the simple seeming ones that actually require professional level chefs to get it right.
We even cook and make dishes we can't eat, just for our pets because we love them so much. Pet food is a huge market with a lot of science and testing involved in it just to find out which flavours the animals end up liking more. The whole concept of treats was invented because we wanted to share our snacks and chocolate treats with our pets but couldn't since it harms them.
There isn't a field or a craft that a human somewhere isn't passionate about, no matter how nichie or unique. I bet you there are already culinary schools for humans that began having special branches and classes for dextro food and non-hydrating food.
Hanar who are usually reclusive and take centuries to warm up to a species, immediately falling in love with human sea food dishes and the many hydrating fruits we have. Ironically enough, I see them liking any desserts that use gelatine like creme caramel or pudding.
In the Andromeda culture exchange room, at the end of the human introduction VI, they mention to ask a human about ice cream if you ever meet them.
Meaning that aliens don't have ice cream! It's a pure human invention oh my god. A turian in the bar also mentions how the cocktails and drinks were boring and limited before the humans made contact and shared their menus.
How were the aliens even living?? Boring food with boring drinks and no dessert? Fuck yeah we will share our food with them, cooking has always been one of the fundamental traits we associate with our species.
Not only that, it's even a whole love language in humans.
A human can love you so much that they start making you food for lunch and dinner just to make sure you're eating well! Because it makes us happy seeing someone eat something we made, we poured our heart into. Love being the most important ingredient in cooking is the one rule that unites all humans no matter what culture or dish they're making. You can taste the love in food even if it was cooked in a hurry or by someone with no experience, we still eat our loved ones burnt food because we see the effort. Be it the burn marks on their fingers or the dirty dishes piling in the sink, we see clearly how much they tried just to make us something and we smile through the bittertaste and tell them it's good.
Because everyone started at this point, when our food taste horrible and a loved one was subjected to eating it. Or maybe we had to swallow it down. And if we didn't see the love, the potential, we wouldn't have continued on or improved.
Cooking is many things, it's cathartic in nature. It represents family and safety sometimes, luxury and fun other times, resilient and survival and even new beginnings or love confessions.
So many of our holidays centre around food. It goes hand in hand with celebrations.
When it's our birthday, we share a sweet cake with everyone else. When it's an achievement we invite people for a dinner. When it's an average night with friends we go out for drinks.
We bring people snacks when we go out on errands, we keep treats for stray cats or dogs in our pockets, we gift homemade dishes to our new neighbours.
Of course a human is going to accommodate for a turian or a quarian diet. We already accommodate for our friends and their diet limits, be it medical, religious believes or simple taste preference.
I see it happening a lot in C-Sec where turians and humans are common coworkers. Eventually the humans bringing food from home to eat on their lunch break will offer some to their favourite turian coworker. Maybe it's a nervous new guy at work, or maybe it's their grumpy boss with a heart of gold.
Then they realise oh, they can't eat it. So they go back home and the subject gets brought up during dinner with their family when asked about their day at work.
The next day, to their surprise, their spouce packed up a smaller container next to their normal lunch one, labeled "Dextro"
Imagine how surprised the turian is by it when their friendly human co-worker brings it to them saying how their spouce thought of them. The day after it, the humans kid tells their parent they found a snack that's safe for turians and they wanted to share a piece with the turian coworker their parent mentioned before.
The human family inviting the turian to dinner, asking them to bring their family too if they want and sharing a meal together. Making sure the foods are well separated and won't contaminate each other.
Or imagine bringing your turian friend home one day, and your grandma is visiting and she makes a comment on how your friend is as thin as bones and they need to eat more before they leave.
You try to explain how this is how turians normally look but she is having none of it as she searched for a dextro recipe online and tries to whip something up real quick for your friend before they leave.
On another note, think of how funny it is if they could eat earth bird food. Like you're feeding pigeons at the park and a turian comes up and is like "hey I'm feeling a bit squimish...mind if I grab a bit?"
Or you have a pet bird home and go shopping for bird food and your turian friend asks why you're buying so many turian junk food, and that those are overpriced awful tasting brands.
Salarians who never paid cooking or food much mind. Their species dishes are basically those high nutrition cubes and pills we see in future dystopian cartoons. Their lifespan is too short, so they mostly focused on science and technological development.
So the humans with their many different cultures are a literal godsent angels to them. I see them developing a codependent relationship with human culture.
In which salarians relay on human inventions for their luxury and entertainment. Be it our music, movies, food, snacks and videogames. Human dishes become widely popular and a lot of salarian ships start employing human chefs and cooks.
> be a salarian
> culture only focused on technology development
> food tastes like drywall paint
> can't party must study
> speedrun spacetravel
> top of the species in terms of intellectualism but most depressed
> brain had to literally hardwire fast emotion processing to not become too depressed
> must grind for a qt3.14 asari gf
> what are those apes the turians are picking a fight with?
> convince turians to let the apes live
> apes share their cultures
> wtf their food is actually so good
> wtf their music sounds amazing
> wtf now I have a waifu anime gf
> mfw life is suddenly good
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star-dust-stuf · 1 year
The Beatles period comfort hcs
warnings: mentions of blood, vomiting
a/n: again, me being a hopeless romantic may it spread through the scrolls of tumblr bcs why not?! Not my gifs, as always, enjoy loves!
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oh nawww!
it would break his heart to see you in such a situation
he never wants you to feel as though you can’t talk to him about it and never wants you to think any lower of yourself
he always brings you blankets and a heating pad
he’d help you in the bath, make the cramps go away
he understands the pain and knows it’s absolutely horrid
baby tries his best to fill you up, keep you hydrated
mood swings, he goes on with them never gets mad if you tend to start a fight or if you just need a good cry
dear lord this man is over the moon for you, rubbing your belly through your cramps
singing his song to you, soft voice and slow guitar “here comes the sun and I say, it’s alright”
he can’t help but be a bit snappy when you ask if you’re fat “babe, it’s okay to feel that way, you’re bloated!” or “eat whatever the hell you want!”
“here, squeeze my hand, love” he’s never been around real pain before, seeing you in it breaks his heart and he tries anything to help you relieve it
queue the clap for baby gogi because girls, admit it he is the painkiller
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he’s so proud when you make it through each day
he’s never really seen anyone in any physical pain so if he’s a bit shaken up to see you crying in a ball, tell him it’s alright
little bean has it bad for you, so bad he wishes he could take all your pain and put it in a jar
he may not look it, but man’s would beat up anyone who’d make fun of you for your period or say that it can’t even hurt that bad
he hums to you through the nausea and if you do end up puking, god this man
he rubs your back, tummy, puts your hair up, *crying*
he makes you comfy, sings you tunes and hums louder through each aching cramp
“keep a hold of my hand and just breathe.” *screams*
he makes sure you’re hydrated and fed well. he understands if eating is the las thing you want but he got you chocolate ice cream… so
“I’d like to be- under the sea” he sings as he rocks you in his arms, your in his lap and just being there makes you feel ten times better
cramps are not fun and he knows, he knows because of that face you make
he laughs when you make jokes “do you need anything, love?” he’d ask “a gun” you’d reply
he lets you play with his fingers and his rings as his hand rests on your belly
high expectations and that’s ok, pain isn’t worth the shame keep on, keep on
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he is your sunshine, your only sunshine
he knows it’s that time when you walk out of the bathroom with a giant ‘diaper’ on
“come here sunshine, get warm!” He snuggles you, makes you feel loved
this man- this man is the reason you don’t mind having a period anymore, he makes it less sucky
he makes you a warm bath to sooth your aching body, he sits outside the tub, hand in yours
hes the type of guy to put your pad in your underwear before you get out, few it’s just too much work!
If you are having bad pms let me tell you, he’s head over heels
pms, he knows it’s all mixed up inside and he comforts you even if it all comes out in clumps
he sings to you of course “i love you, yeah yeah yeah, I love you”
sleeping with pain sucks so he lends himself for your body pillow
throwing up is the fear, but he’s there, coaching your breathing, holding your hair back, putting a wet cloth on your neck
you play with his hair as he puts his head on your stomach hoping the pressure will help the cramps
top it with a cherry, kiss him
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bby is so good with that time of the month
he gets you anything, anything! pads, tampons, hot water bottle, blankets, snacks
he knows what you’re thinking, “am I fat?” he’d go absolutely crazy
“eat whatever, and how much you want!” he’d make sure you’re hydrated too
he also sings to you, of course, nice and soft, he knows you have a headache, “oh darling, please believe me- ill never do you no harm”
he makes you a warm shower, or bath if you prefer, he helps you in and out
he’s the kind of guy to light some candles, perhaps do some yoga if your feeling it teaches you some tricks to help the pain
he’s not squeamish, if he sees some blood where it shouldn’t be he won’t get mad at you “darling, it’s out of your control, don’t cry!”
in a snap of a finger he has you spilling your feelings, he doesn’t want you to bottle it up, it will only make your mood swings worse
feeling nauseous is the worse, he understands but he keeps you busy, focusing on something else, like playing with his hair
if out of the sudden you just grab his hand, leg, arm he lets you do whatever to cope
baby loves you and is always there
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borntoocry · 10 months
she won't go away
summary: camilla is a senior with a developed eating disorder she can't push off her. her best friend and crush, Ellie, knows nothing about it. until they skip school and Ellie becomes suspicious.
trigger warning: ED.
word count: 2.3k
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I fully expected the clothes on my body to fit like a glove before my first day of senior year. But as I stand in front of the mirror, tugging at the material that won’t pull, I want to scream loud enough to break every glass reflection in the world so I never have to see myself again. This may be extreme, but one would understand if they knew the extremes I went to to lose weight. 
I figured that if I didn’t eat as much as I had and picked up on a running habit, I’d lose the nasty weight I put on junior year. 
“What the hell? That’s impossible,” I groan as I pick at the clothes and pinch my belly. 
“Impossible how good you look?” my mom asks, flooding into the bathroom. 
I immediately rub my hands down my clothes and look at her reflection in the mirror. I try to focus on her as best as I can. “No,” I say. “I don’t. This shirt and these jeans are tight.” 
“Then change out of them,” mom says. 
I like that she can be optimistic, but at the same time it angers me. She’s never been a bigger woman–always skinny and petite with hair that never fails her. I, on the other hand, depend on the way my hair falls on my face or how my clothes sit on my shoulders or stomach or how they hug my waist. She can put on a potato sack and still look flawless. And for that, I don’t always stand by her affirmative words. They may be kind, but they’re tainted. I am her daughter, and for that reason she sees me through a different lens. 
“Mom,” I murmur. 
Can’t you see? I want to ask her. But instead, I say, “They were supposed to fit me.” 
Her eyebrows raise up, silently asking, ‘What do you mean?’ 
“Nevermind,” I say, opting out of the conversation. Maybe if I don’t think about it, I won’t feel the pressure. 
I walk out of the bathroom and into my room. I throw off the top and grab a black shirt from my dresser. Mom follows me in but doesn’t fully enter, she just stands at the door. 
“You shouldn’t feel so insecure, Camila.” 
I hold back my scoff. It’s stupid, though, because I spurt out a smart remark. “Yeah, well I do.” 
“You did lose weight,” she says, “if that’s what you want to hear.” 
I pick a jean skirt and shimmy into it. It slightly sags and I smile at my mom. “Thank you.” 
She continues talking about my health and such but I tune her out. I pull on a thin cardigan, my dirty white sneakers, and my black backpack overly decorated by pins. By the time I’m done, my mom is whistling from the kitchen. I know this because I can hear her scuffling and the whirring of the microwave. 
“Yes!” I shout. 
“Eleanor is here!” 
I roll my eyes at the nickname and peek out the window. She sure is, in her black Jeep. I run down the hall and stop by the kitchen bar. My mom has left me yogurt and fruit. I look up at her and smile. She’s done this every day since I was in first grade. Then, there was more on the plate, but the main dish was the yogurt and fat slices of fruit (besides grapes). 
I pick it up and start for the door, but the soft voice of my mom cuts between my path. 
“You hang out with her a lot, huh?” 
I look at her and laugh. “Yeah, we’re friends,” I say. 
She pulls her lips in and her eyes turn to crescents. The look on her face is one I know all too well–she’s trying to look into me. I may not be lying–well, not really–but my face still warms up and I switch from my right foot to my left. 
I swallow harshly and say, “We’re just friends.” 
She shrugs and picks up her mug of black coffee. She stares over the ceramic, sending a questioning set of eyes my way.
 I take this as a queue to leave. 
I rush to Ellie’s car and hop in, my backpack falling between my legs. It thumps against the floor and a ‘damn’ rushes past her lips. 
“What?” I say. 
“I mean,” she says, rubbing her neck, “it’s barely the first day and your bag is already heavy.” 
“You don’t have to be so prepared.” 
“But I want to be,” I tell her as I pick up an ugly piece of watermelon. 
She lets me enjoy my heavy bag and drives us to school. She picks at my fruit and I let her eat my yogurt with my spoon. We don’t really care about that kind of thing, we’ve been friends since freshman year and she’s never minded. She doesn’t swallow the spoon, either, she just paws at the edge of the spoon. 
By the time we get to the parking lot, it’s ten minutes to the bell. We sit with the engine off for a minute or two and just watch everyone rush in. I don’t really remember much of anything before this summer. If even that. The slight eating disorder has stolen a bit of my memory. 
As if she can read my mind, Ellie asks, “Do you remember freshman year?” 
I shake my head. “No, not besides us meeting. And you know,” I say, looking at her, “the occasional first hang-outs and birthday parties and stuff.” 
She grabs my hand and lifts it to her lips. It shouldn’t catch me by surprise–she does this a lot, the kissing hand stuff–but my heart stutters and I struggle taking a breath.
“Ah, how I miss that.” 
“I know,” I whisper. 
“It was love at first sight,” she says in the same tone. 
What does that mean? I feel the need to ask. She’s staring deep into my eyes and I so desperately want her to be telling the truth but she may well not be. She may be saying this platonically. 
I nod. 
She reaches over the console and kisses my cheek. She lets go of my hand and steps out of the car. I do so as well, dragging my heavy backpack over my shoulders. 
I don’t ask about the comment or the kiss on the cheek. I don’t think it matters why. We’ll be going to college before we know it and most people want to be single then to explore and kiss and fuck who they want. I’m certain she’s all I’ll think about, but I’m not sure I’ll be the one on her mind. 
After fourth period, Ellie rushes up to me before the cafeteria doors and pushes me against a patch of lockers. “Let’s skip,” she says. 
“What?” I ask with a contorted face. “It’s the first day!” 
I look like a puppy the way I frown and shy away from her. “I want–need to show up.” 
Her hands run down my arms and one hooks into my right hand. “Fine,” she whispers, a whine in her tone. “Only for lunch.” 
“Won’t we get in trouble?” 
She sputters like an engine. “No. They don’t care.” 
I raise an eyebrow. 
“C’mon, Mila.” 
I look around and then down at our conjoined hands. “Where?” 
A big smile spreads across her face and she pulls me down the hall. “Somewhere you’ll remember.” 
“Where?” I ask again. 
She turns her head and purses her lips. “Shush and c’mon.” 
“I’m hungry,” I whine. 
“I’ll feed you, don’t worry.” 
She does. On the way to wherever we go, she pulls into a McDonalds and buys a twenty piece and two medium fries. I remember saying I was hungry, but as the food sits in my lap and the greasy smell pours into my nose, I feel ill. I hide it well enough for Ellie to tell, though. She doesn’t know and I want to keep it that way. 
On our way to the location, Ellie jokes about my self control. How I’ve yet to steal fries or begin eating. I laugh but the darkness behind the joke spills out and tries to suffocate me. So I peek my head out the window and let the warm air enter my lungs. 
When we get there, I do remember: a patch of dust and dead grass beside train tracks. It’s after a bunch of business buildings and venues. We found this place when Ellie got her license the summer before junior year. Joel, her adoptive dad, didn’t care where she went, nor how old she was. All he cared about was if she had her license. 
We would come here and eat burgers and fries and milkshakes. That was the year Ellie began smoking weed, and this was the perfect spot to do so. I never smoked, but I’d watch her. 
“I miss when we would sit here and just not say a word,” she says with a joint already in her hand. I want to tell her no, that we have class, but she puts up a good sober act. 
I nod and sit down on the log still lying on the ground from a year ago. I put the food between us and take out my fries. I nibble on one fry while she downs half of them in one go. 
I don’t speak, I let her do all the talking. I’m trying to add up all the calories I’m consuming. I’ve never been the best at math but when it comes to this I’m a fucking expert. 
I think I eat about five fries before Ellie notices. She turns to me while she stubs out her joint and almost hisses. I think about chunking them all in my mouth, but she’s caught me now. 
“You haven’t even had a chicken nugget,” she tells me. She opens the box and pushes it towards me. “I already ate my half.” 
“Oh,” I murmur and nod. “Sorry.” 
She doesn’t acknowledge my apology, but she does acknowledge the biggest elephant in the room. “You’ve lost a lot of weight since summer started,” she says. “Are you okay?” 
I hum. “Of course I am.” 
She sighs and reaches over, grabbing my fries. She places them inside the chicken nugget box and slides them over to her left. She scoots in and grabs my hand, tucking all of my fingers into a fist and caressing my knuckles. 
“You don’t look it,” she murmurs. 
I don’t know if I should take this as a snide or concerned statement. I opt for just shutting up. I know remaining silent doesn’t help my case, but it doesn’t plummet either. I just sit with her thumbs kissing my skin and look at the dirt. 
“I don’t mean this as a rude thing,” she continues. “You just look underfed, not well taken care of. You look whiter than normal and it’s been hot out.” 
I tsk. “Okay,” I moan. “Ellie, I'm more than okay. I just sat inside all summer. You wouldn’t know because you were gone for half the summer.” 
“–And  here for the other half, so I know something’s been up.” 
I don’t like that she’s trying to crack me open. If I wanted her to know about the eating issue, I would have brought it up. But it’s none of her concern, because it’s not even her body. 
“I am fine,” I say sternly. “You don’t have to worry about me.” 
She shoots up and looks over me, trying to intimidate me. She never has but now, I feel like a rock has slid into my throat and won’t go away. “Why aren’t you eating?” 
“I am!” I say, now almost shouting. 
“No,” she says, violently shaking her head. “You aren’t, and I care about you, Mila. So please” –she kneels on the ground in front of me– “tell me what’s going on.” 
I stare at her, my eyes drilling into her own. Gloss covers the surface and I realize my safety might concern her more than I thought. I shift in my seat and I take her hands. “I haven’t been eating, you’re right. I wanted to lose weight and all the working out and cutting out bad stuff wasn’t working. So I just stopped.” 
She leans forward and kisses me. It’s a small peck, but it feels like a bigger gesture than it is. Her face pulls away from mine but I follow her. I kiss her gently, my nose softly rubbing against hers and our breaths panning against one another’s faces. It’s the only breeze that alerts us that we’re here, and this isn’t some dream. 
I speak first. “I’m sorry,” I say. 
She pulls away and kisses both my palms. “No. Don’t apologize for not telling me. I just wish you trusted me enough to tell me this. I want to help you any way I can. I know it’s not something easy to fix, but I’m willing to sit down and help you.” 
I kiss her cheek. I mumble a thank you in her ear and rest my forehead on her shoulder. 
“So,” she chuckles two seconds later, “what are we going to do about this kiss.” 
I shrug and scoot back. “What do you want to do about this kiss?” 
She chuckles and stands up, pulling me with her. She grabs the leftovers and we race to her Jeep. I slide right in and immediately, we make out. It’s heated, and I don’t know if we should keep on doing it. 
I actually think we should wait. I kindly and slowly pull away, a trail of saliva that once linked us falling onto the fat of our lips. 
Ellie takes this as a sign to get going. She turns on her car and drives back to school, where no one but our teachers care for us.
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 8 months
Nana rant time because I've been putting up with some shit at work and I need to vent! (also, I'm still writing requests, I should have enough to queue up for the week once I finish this last one. And then I'll work on more for the following week. I'm trying to have a system and a schedule)
ANYWAY! So my shitty ex was finally terminated from the job that we both worked at. I was so happy, the drama was gone, I felt like I could breathe again! It was amazing! Sure, I had to work by myself three days in a row, but the actual store manager is the coolest and allows me to wear my headphones so I can just get in my zone and get shit done.
Everything is going great, and then I get this message from my work friend/work mom. Her daughter got hired. Now... Her daughter is only 17, so she isn't much help anyway, but on top of that, I've heard some shit about her daughter from her. The way she described her daughter for the past 8 months, this girl seemed like an absolute nightmare.
Queue me internally panicking because I have to work with this kid.
So she works with her mom first, and obviously her mom is going to say "she did great!" ya know, it's her kid and all, I guess she's gotta hype her up in some way. So I'm like, "okay cool, this kid works. Work mom wouldn't lie to me about that."
And this kid comes over to me and says "Are you *Nana?" and me, being the cheerful, happy, super nice person that I am, I'm like "Yeah, hi! How are you?" And she just hits me with a "my mom says I'm better than you."
Like... Okay?? WTF WAS THAT SHIT?! Whatever, I'm just trying to work and not be stressed.
So, I continue trying to be nice to this girl. I buy her an energy drink because she wants one, I'm just trying to be a good person. I let her come out with me during my smoke break... And then she starts spewing some unnecessary family drama to me... Which was really awkward for me because like... I don't know this girl other than what her mother has told me, and I've heard some stories... Some fucking horror stories about this kid. So I just do the awkward smile and nod thing. I'm just trying to enjoy my cigarette before I start frying.
I get back inside after my mini smoke break that was less peaceful than I wanted it to be because this kid would not shut up. I start frying my donuts, and she just SHITS ON ME. Everything I do, she's just criticizing it to the point where I'm about to just throw down my frying sticks and walk the fuck out. Everything I did I was apparently doing it wrong, even though Sunday was only her third fucking day of working.
On top of criticizing my every move basically, she didn't do shit?? How the fuck is she gonna say that her mom said she's better than me when she didn't fucking do anything??? She's allowed to have a 30 minute break while only working 5 hours because she's a minor, but then she just takes it upon herself to take an HOUR break because she needed more time with her boyfriend I guess.
I end up working until almost 1 in the fucking morning on Sunday because the kid literally didn't do ANYTHING.
So then I got to work by myself monday, happy as hell, living the life, got out of work by 10pm because I'm just good like that. I don't need help.
But then I have to work with her on Tuesday. So I go in early. I go in THREE hours earlier than my regular schedule, because on top of being stuck with the worlds most conniving, manipulative, down-right shitty, brat, I also have to make everything that everyone else is too fucking lazy to make. I try to ignore the kid when she does come in, I already started frying, so she has donuts to decorate already and I just assume she's going to stay in her fucking lane and decorate them since she's "so good" at it. But no... She starts trying to glaze. And in the process of trying to glaze, she shits on the glaze I just made because it's "too thick". Like bitch, it's fresh! It's not watered down. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE THICK! FUCK OFF AND GET AWAY FROM MY GLAZER!
I tell her to start decorating. She doesn't want to do that yet because the donuts are too hot. Get good, kid. If you were as good as me, you'd be burning your fingerprints off like I do and filling the fucking donuts. But no. She's a whiny little shit face who doesn't wanna fucking do anything but wants to get paid to stand around and act like she's queen shit just because her mom has been working there for 7 years.
Anywho, I take my little cool down break, which is like 7 minutes tops, just the right amount of time to smoke a ciggy and get back in before my next rack of donuts are done. AND THIS BITCH! She has the nerve to ask ME if she can take another hour break like on Sunday because that was "fun". OF COURSE IT WAS FUN! YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO DO FUCKALL AND YOU STILL GOT PAID AND I GOT STUCK WITH THE WORK. So I told her no, that I didn't want to get in trouble for it, and I didn't want her to get in trouble (because I'm still trying to look out for her for some fuck ass reason), and THIS FUCKING BIIIITCH says "well who's gonna catch me?" ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! THERE'S CAMERAS EVERYWHERE!!! Spoiler alert : She did get caught because her ass tried to take another extended break. Eat shit, kiddo.
I was off work tonight, and her mom texts me and says "She did really good tonight, she filled the marshmallow, she came back in from her break at the right time." OF COURSE SHE DID! SHE'S NOT GONNA DO THAT SHIT IN FRONT OF HER OWN MOTHER! THAT DOESN'T CHANGE THE FACT THAT SHE'S A FUCKING BITCH WHEN SHE WORKS WITH ME! I DON'T WANNA WORK WITH HER ANYMORE!
Long story short, I'm about to lose my fucking shit and I still have to work with the worlds laziest, brattiest fucking child and I'm overworked, underappreciated, underpaid, and expected to just put up with constant bullshit by everyone. I can't find a new job fast enough.
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animal-lover-forever · 4 months
I've given up on life. 😔
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So I'm eating this shit as my first meal of the day.
It's 11 A.M.
So I guess it's brunch.
My homemade cake, a Ding Dong, (It just said a chocolate baked good with filling in the middle. But anyone who's anyone, knows that it's just a fucking Ding Dong.) and a cake doughnut.
Oh, and an off brand coke.
It's "Sam's Cola".
Am I gonna eat all of it?
Don't know yet, but probably.
I was actually started to lose weight cuz we never have food in the house because we're poor as fuck!
And now I'm eating this shit.
I'm to scared to get on the scale!
Our scale is mean!
You tell it if your male or female, (You know, cuz the average weight of a male is different than a female.) then if you step on it and your overweight, it throws insult at you!
And it has some mean insults!
I'm kidding.
I have no clue if this type of scale even exists.
But if it does, I would totally want one.
Just for the sole purpose of one, having it, and two, just to see (Or hear, I guess.) the insults it could throw at me.
I'm not self conscious about my weight.
I don't care all that much.
I know I'm overweight.
I know I'm fat.
I also know that I have a higher chance (on top of my high chance) of getting diabetes.
My grandma (on my moms side) and dad has it.
My mom's bio dad also died of diabetes.
He also got diabetes from working in the military.
He got exposed to a chemical compound called agent orange.
If you don’t know what Agent Orange is, look it up.
It will be so much better then me trying to explain it.
Trust me.
So diabetes runs in both sides of the family.
And being overweight is a good way to get it.
There's also probably a ton of other shit that I have a higher chance of getting that runs in the family from being overweight.
So yeah, I should really lose weight.
But it hurts so much to exercise.
My ankles, knees, back, (mostly lower back) shoulders, and neck hurt all the time.
And exercise makes it worse.
On top of that, when I run, sprint, jump, or even climb a set of stairs, I get a real bad pain were my heart is, my lugs start to burn like Hell, and I start to cough uncontrollably which only makes my lungs hurt worse and starts to make my throat hurt.
Even if it's for short distances.
I can't even run halfway across a school gym before I get like that.
And if I walk really long distances, that pain starts to show up in my heart.
I start to cough a little, but it's nothing compared to running.
My dad always says (queue whiney mocking voice) "It'll get better as you lose weight. Just quit your damn bitching and start exercising. It'll be so much better."
Well here's the thing dad!
Those are lies!
It doesn't get better!
I have lost a bit of weight!
And if anything, the pain has gotten worse over the years!
A few years ago I could run around our yard for a few minutes and be just fine.
Now I can't even run down the street, without hurting.
If I see my bus as I'm turning down the street, I don't run.
Most people would, not wanting to miss the bus.
But the bus can see me, and I'm not gonna bring myself pain just to catch the bus.
Because I can't even run a few feet without hurting.
There is so much wrong with me.
Diabetes runs in both sides of the family.
My dad is missing 8 teeth, and this is genetic.
Each generation loses a set more.
So I'm missing 12 teeth.
When my jaw is fully developed, I'll have to get a bone graph before they can put in fake teeth.
Oh yeah, and I don’t have braces, because I can't have them.
Though I don't remember the reason why.
My mom has RA and Fibromyalgia. (She has a ton of shit, but there of less importants.)
Which means my chances of getting them are higher than someone else who doesn't have people in the family with these conditions.
My mom also has seizures.
Which are also genetic.
My brother Alex has gotten them.
Chronic headaches/migraines run in both side of the family.
My doctor thinks I might have scoliosis.
And I live in a family of smokers.
My mom, most of my siblings, and their partners, most of there friends, and my dad used to smoke.
Almost everyone in the family either smokes or vapes.
I don't smoke, but I have been exposed to second hand smoke all my life.
And that's pretty much just as bad.
I know that there's more shit that run in the family, but right know, I can't think about the rest.
I hope you guys are doing well.
Oh yeah, it's now noon.
It took me an hour to type this shit out. :/
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orphicpoieses · 2 years
Be brave
You know those days where you just need to write down a thought you have? Yeah. It’s that day for me. So let me ramble…
Taking a break from Writeblr means anything. It can mean: “I’m going on full-end hiatus for six months at least!”
It can also mean: “I don’t interact with my community at the moment.”
It can also mean: “I simply don’t want to post something I need to write down.”
I’m taking a break at the moment. Not the type of break, where I don’t come online. More the type of break, where I stop, reset and try to find my voice again.
If I see a post I want to share, I put it into my queue. No tags. No comments. Just plain repost.
If I want to show you something immediately, I repost immediately. Sometimes with tags. Usually not.
I have a lot of content in my drafts. WIP intros, character intros, random stuff, ask games, ask games answers. Why don’t I post these? Because I want to be fully present when I share it with you.
I listen to a podcast called “Voice Hugs” (go listen! It’s really good!). There is an episode about starting something new. Anything. And Rowena said: “We are not afraid to start, because it is new. We are afraid, because it is uncomfortable.”
She is right. I have many points on my agenda. Stuff, I wanted to do, but haven’t. This includes starting a YouTube Channel. Vlogging. Publishing writing.
I didn’t do all of this, because I was uncomfortable. Because it stressed me out. Because it was a strange feeling. But over time, it becomes routine. It becomes normal.
Life doesn’t become easier, you simply change your “normal state”. The same is with Tumblr.
I am at 160 Followers today. I never had so many followers in my life before! Not on Instagram. Not on Twitter. Never. Not even on Wattpad, when I was active and had a story with over 1.5k reads (for me, this number is extremely large!)
I do have plans! I love to create content! I love social media. The possibility to engage with people all over the world. And I say thank you to each of those 160 followers.
But I am afraid of this strange feeling. It is new. It is uncommon. It is uncomfortable. Sharing ideas is uncomfortable. Not knowing the rules I play by is uncomfortable.
I am constantly circling in my comfort zone. In that little space, trying to avoid to interact with the risky life.
But risk includes chance. Chance to succeed. Chance to change.
I want to be braver. More open. More engaging. More of sharing and receiving. More of vlogging and making silly faces. More of those points in my agenda. The dusty agenda I refuse to give up.
I feel like I am about to step into a new part of my life right now. I am scared, of course I am! But I am also curious, where this road will lead me.
I am basing my content mainly on what could be interesting, rather than simply doing the things I want to do. I don’t post about my WIP, because I think it will be boring for you. Because I think, I will make things more difficult for me to do. To publish. I don’t trust in myself.
Jay Shetty quoted from a writer, his name was Charles Horton Cooley: “I am not, what I think I am. I am not, what you think I am. I am what I think, you think, I am.”
That’s true. I act not the way I am. I act how I think I should act. How I think other people expect me to act. I started Tumblr, because I could write. I love social media, I love Instagram, but I’m not much of a photographer. Again, something I am uncomfortable with, because it is new.
I thought: Hey! Here, you can simply do something you love! Talk about your stuff!
You know what? I didn’t. You want to know why? Because I hate bothering people with things they didn’t tell me they are interested in. I am fascinated by how other writeblrs simply throw out their mind, their heart into this void and talk about stuff, they are genuinely interested in, without knowing, if other people like it too.
I am jealous of these people, because they are carefree. They simply do, what they want to.
I did something that some may view differently: I made a space to come back into my comfort zone. It was not the best… I would not say decision, but the reason behind it wasn’t good.
I did my discord and I’m inactive to. It’s new. It’s strange. It still isn’t the norm yet. But I want to link each one of you together. I want to bring people with similar interests together over something I create. May this be my discord or my work or anything.
I want to give people a pat on the shoulder and say: “It’s okay. I’ve been there too. Don’t worry. It will work out.”
I hope, I can — one day — be a person, people go to, to seek advice.
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charlottedabookworm · 2 months
Dawntrail Day 7+8 (part 2/2)
spoilers up to: lvl100 msq quest Dawntrail
original draft date: 4-5/7/24
scheduled release for: 31/7/2024
i managed to hit tumblrs image cap on part one of this post so. since i can't do a reblog of a post in drafts, here's part two!
part 1/2 is HERE
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she added her birth name as her middle name
her name is krile because it is the name galuf gave her but maya is the name her parents gave her and she wants to keep both
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and now just erenville remains
to erase the living memories of his mother
this expansion is really a love letter family and especially to parent/child and sibling relationships huh, good and the bad adn the ugly, blood and adopted adn chosen
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i feel that
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...i cannot believe your mum is calling your out like this erenville
at a time like this
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that's fair. it's not fair, not really
inside the dome, thirty years passed over the number of days. you went home expecting to see your mum and by the time you made through the dome she was already gone
already gone and hiding it from you because her memories are still here, speaking to you, and that means she isn't really gone at all right?
except she is and she will be because you have to stop sphene and this may be the only way and you don't want her to go
she's your mum and your mentor and you don't want her to go so you don't want to help
(if she never fulfils her wish, surely she won't go?)
but i think- i think you'll regret it for the rest of your life if you don't, erenville
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one last adventure with your mum erenville
one last happy memory
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just gotta finish the msq and i have flight everywhere again!
(hopefully) no more distractions!
i love erenville and cahciua debating over the animal being scalekin or beastkin
they're just. interacting. probably how they have a thousand times before
(how they never will again, after this)
awww erenville apparently met baby krile, not that either of them remembers it lol
i'm just sad they didn't give us baby erenville in the cutscene he woulda been so adorable
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the final aether current
i can't be far now from the final quest dungeon and trial still to go notwithstanding
i guess both of those will be on the dawntrail quest? that's how they usually do it iirc
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i am not emotionally prepared for the end of this quest
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i dunno erenville. but she's asked you too
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okay imma put ending this quest off and go walk the dogs
i got distracted by life shit like dogs and food and parents and it is now 10pm
i'mma finish dawntrail tonight anyway wish me luck i don't wanna be up past 1
also i gotta remember to cry quietly so i don't wake anyone up
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oh no i don't need to start crying already
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screaming crying throwing up
fuuuuck yep i am emotionally devastated fuck you square
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still sobbing but-
the curtain falls, the final act begins
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i'm ready
this expansion has already broken my heart so many times surely it can't do it any more
it looks so much like in ffix
'to the memory of better days i bid farewell' this is definitely gonna be like in endwalker and shadowbringers right? we're gonna have some time hops to go with our narration
ahhh ye here be calamity stricken alexandria
annnd the last stage is after the barrier was put into place, probably after sphene died?
cool yeah okay definitely after sphene died
final boss time!
And the final dungeon of 7.0 is done
bets on sphene becominh a giant boss who sits at one side of the arena with a huge hitbox?
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yeeeep there she is
I suppose why mess with a pattern you’ve had since uh- stormblood?
excuse me did you just fucking delete my friends who gave you the right to do that
so fuckinh rud-
wait have i really gotta queue for the first time this expansion at gone 11 at night? Fuck this maybe wasn’t my best idea
sphene: brings out the milalas key
me: i place my ‘azem stone’ in defense mode!
okay wow that was legit one of the best trials i’ve seen in game
there were so many cool mechanics there were arena changes genuine chaos int he middle it was fucking great
like i can absolutely understand why people are saying they’re already improving fight design cos that was amazing
And then the victory lap in the end was nice to see
i cannot wait to see that in ex
we are all pitiful selfish creatures, sphene
all of us
born and created
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of course we will
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love this
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annnd credits!
loved the expansion very much
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new dragoon is interesting, i don't hate it, the story was a little slow to start but of course it would be, it wasn't a world ending threat (until three quarters of the way through) and it definitely made me cry more than once
loved seeing more of erenville
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and i love that raha got his taco in the credits! and esti being surrounded by children tugging on him as alphi laughs!
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great expansion, can't wait to see what happens next
erenville is gonna stop being a gleaner?
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i wish you the best erenville
make sure to invite us on a few of those, yeah?
(i hit the image cap again fuck i'm not making another post it can just deal)
"And what of you? Any new adventures in the offing?"
well, wuk lamat, in a little less than two weeks i'm apparently going to be joining a fighting tournament
not sure why yet but it should be fun
....sphenes crown
her crown that was her regulator
her crown that was her regulator glowing?
might possibly have just figured out why we're entering a tournament
I will definitely go on another adventure with you erenville
whenever you ask
alpaca mount!
thanks wuk lamat!
they're so cute
kay no tihnking about it sphenes crown is probably story related cos the arcadion is open for buisness again and it doesn't seem to be related
anyway bedtime for me it's gone midnight lol
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petrovaaaae · 1 year
White Winter Wolf
As their vacation came to an end, he was actually sad to leave this place and its peace. Despite their altercation, it had all turned out....fine. There was no more talk about what had happened, instead, Irina had pretended it didn't happen and they continued on as they had done before. In fact, each night had become a routine. After dinner they would sit with the team, and when everyone faded off to bed, they would go out to that hammock, and lie in it, with Bucky rocking them with one foot out of it. It was on one of those nights that Bucky told her of his and Steve's old past time of star gazing, which Irina thought was cute. Each night they would lie there, and she would do as she always had done, she would lie her head on his chest and he had even taken to running his fingers through her hair, and each time he did it she had fluttered to sleep. Steve actually came out to them one night, when Irina had been deep in sleep, he all but gave Bucky a questionable look, to which Bucky would shake his head. Because no, he hadn't told her how he felt. He wouldn't tell her.
Why wouldn't he tell her? He wasn't worth it. He didn't consider himself worth her. He was a nice gal, too nice for him. He had too much blood on his hands, too much shame and guilt to ever involve someone in his mess of a life. Each time she woke up, she had that look of confusion, that adorable look of a sleep-filled haze. But now that they were back to reality, they were away from that peace and back to their lives. The first thing he did, was thank his neighbour for looking after alpine, and take the cat home. He spent some time in his apartment, putting his clothes back into the wardrobe and, as always, he was minus a few tops. Irina. 
He actually begrudged spending so much on clothes, because back in his day a top only cost a nickel. Good aul' America, hey? His thoughts went to the journey home and then he realised she was wearing his green henley on the trip back. Of course she was. Once he had sorted things in his apartment, he took off out again, going back to the compound. It was here that Stark informed him that he had a mission on queue for both Bucky and Irina, that they were to set off within the next week or two. Did he mind? No. 
"Is Irina here?" Torres said as he walked in, and instantly irritation filled Bucky. God, what was it with this kid?
"No." Stark said, but Bucky knew he was lying, because Irina was here, she was actually upstairs. How did he know this? Irina and Bucky had started texting, filling each other in on little things throughout the day. Each time her name appeared on his phone, it had brought a smile to this face. But now, he decided to text her to atleast warn her off Torres' presence downstairs.
Hey, don't come down. Torres is here and Stark told him you were out. - Bucky
Throw him out the window for me. - Irina 
​I am joking. Ill just hide up here. - Irina
Did he think about it? Yeah. For a moment the thought flickered through his mind. 
"Well, can you tell her I called? I have a few things I need to talk to her about." Torres said
"Yeah, will do." Stark said, looking around the living area, he looked completely unbothered by it. 
​Sam and Nat walked in, both sitting down on the chair but Bucky didn't miss the warning look that Natasha shot Torres.
"Don't you know how to take a hint?" Natasha asked, tilting her head as she looked at Torres "She just..isn't interested."
"Did she tell you that?" Torres asked and Natasha nodded 
"There is plenty more fish in the sea, man. Don't get yourself down about it." Sam offered, offering him a sympathetic smile. "Me and you need a night out, I can teach you my smooth moves."
"From what I hear, Torres doesn't need help at all." Natasha said, raising her brow as Torres looked at her "He even had two girls on the go at one point, Sam."
"I....No...What?" Torres asked, furrowing his brows "No I didn't. Wait, did you tell her that? Is that why she isn't talking to me?"
Bucky rolled his eyes, rolling his head back to look up at the ceiling. He would much rather be in his apartment alone with alpine than sit there during this conversation. Did he feel weirdly protective of Irina? Yes. Each time Torres spoke of her he wanted to smack the shit out of him. But, he had a set of rules set out for him by Raynor that forbade him from doing that. Tony took lead of the conversation, swaying it away from Torres' obvious whining to talk about the latest tech he was inventing. Was Bucky interested in this conversation? No. He barely understood it. Natasha turned her head, looking at Bucky before moving closer and it oddly made Bucky want to move away, weary of her.
"Did you warn her that Torres was here?" Natasha whispered to him and Buck nodded "Good." She looked away, returning her attention towards Stark again. Did he find it strange that Natasha knew that he would warn Irina? No. Natasha saw them back on vacation, when she came into the room to see Irina literally wrapped around him, in a platonic way, of course. 
Is he gone? - Irina
No. - Bucky
Fuck. Why is he still there? -Irina
He is talking to Sam about going out. I don't know. Do you need something? - Bucky
Yeah, for Torres to get a life. - Irina
And a coffee. - Irina
Thankyou. - Irina
Putting his phone away, he glanced around the group before slowly standing up, making his way to the kitchen. It then dawned on him that he didn't know how Irina liked her coffee, so, he made it how he liked it, since each morning during the vacation, it had become a habit of hers to steal his coffee. The first two times he protested, but he gave into the fact that when he made coffee, he was going to be sharing it with her. Even when he made two cups, one for him and one for her, exactly the same, she still took his. When  he was finished making it, he walked up the stairs to her room, and instead of knocking, he walked in. Irina was lying on the bed, wearing his sweats, of course, and a vest top. She sat up as he came in, and he walked over, setting the cup on the bedside table as she thanked him.
"You literally have a closet full of my clothes." Bucky said, pointing towards her closet and she nodded her head slowly. "Why?"
"Keepsakes." She offered, sitting back against the pillows as she furrowed her brows "And they are comfy." 
​She moved over as he sat down on the bed, sitting up against the headboard. "I can take Sams or...Steves...or I tried to take Tony's once but FRIDAY tracked me down and stopped me in the process."
"No, its fine." Bucky said, looking at her, and she smiled at him "How can they be comfy if they barely fit, though?"
"That's why they are comfy," Irina admitted, shrugging. "So, what is Torres saying?"
"Do you care?" Bucky asked, raising his brow and she shook her head. 
"Not really. It's amusing." Irina said, reaching over him to lift the cup of coffee as she sipped at it.
"He wanted you to know he was looking for you, that he had to talk to you." Bucky said, shrugging and she made a small 'hm' sound before taking another sip of the coffee "Are you going to talk to him?"
"Absolutely not." Irina instantly said, setting the coffee down on the bedside table again. "I know If i do talk to him, I will feel bad and cave when I see that kicked puppy looking face." 
Bucky didn't want her to cave. She deserved better than that. Heck, maybe the kid did like her, but Irina needed someone who understood her, not someone who pointed out her flaws in front of all of the fucking team. Irina sat back against the headboard, and when she did she simply stared ahead. He turned his head, watching her, and he saw how that thick fog clouded her eyes as her pupils dilated. Only days before, those eyes were filled with a bright light, and now they had dulled. Was it because of Torres? Probably not, she didn't seem like she cared enough about that whole topic. Bucky often found that even during the day, he found himself remembering more of those memories of soldat. His mind was constantly reeling over those memories, maybe thats what it felt like for her too? He had come to decipher that mask she wore, from fake happiness to actual true happiness, and it was because of that light that shined in them when she was happy. 
"You okay?" Bucky suddenly asked, taking her from the trance that had her deep within its grip. Irina turned her head to him, smiling as she nodded, resting her head against his shoulder "Bike ride?" Because he loved to hear her laughter when she was on the back, he knew that if he turned he would see her eyes dancing, sparking and the feeling it brought him to know he made her feel that.....was undescribeable. Irina looked up at him, peeking up from her place at his shoulder, and he nodded. Suddenly she turned and rolled off the bed, pulling on a pair of white sneakers. "Hold on." She said, turning "I can't go out like this." She pointed to her outfit and Bucky shook his head, standing as he walked over to her. He grabbed at the pull cord of the sweats, pulling it tight for the sweats to at least stay up. When he looked at her she had a goofy smile, that fog had clouded her eyes were join and it brought him relief. He walked over to her closet, because he knew and saw that it was lined with his clothes. Opening the door, he groaned, seeing so many of his tops hanging up. Taking out the jacket he had given her the night he picked up when drunk, he walked over handing her it and she pulled it on "I am basically you." Irina said, looking down at herself. Yeah, she was. He liked seeing her like this, not in those clothes she wore that showed off too much skin to everyone else, but in his. 
They walked to the door, and Bucky went into his own room to grab his bike keys before returning to her and they walked down the stairs. What Bucky did forget was the fact that Torres was there. When they walked down, Torres was leaving. He looked at them with a confused expression, shaking his head.
"Mr Stark said you were out?" Torres said, looking at Bucky. 
"I am going out." Irina said, as she sighed.
"Can I just..Talk to you?" Torres asked, walking over to her.
"Kid, just stop." Bucky said. Finally, he had enough of Torres. "You're embarrassing yourself, just take it as it is."
"I don't see how this is any of your business, Barnes," Torres said, looking between them both as Bucky clenched his jaw, inhaling deeply.
"Can I punch him in the face?" Irina asked, looking at Bucky and he shrugged at her "I really want to punch him."
"She will punch you." Bucky confirmed, looking at Torres. "She has punched me a few times, I will warn you, it does hurt."
​"Well, that's not very ni-" Torres began, but Irina shook her head, walking past him.
"Shut up, Torres." She hissed, and Bucky cleared his throat, nodding as he walked after her. When he reached her, he was pressing the elevator button numerous times, just as she had done before when she was freaking out when her parents were brought into conversation. He stood in silence, turning his head every so often to look at her, to at least make sure she was freaking out how she was last time she did that. But, she wasn't. He figured Irina just wanted out of his compound. As soon as the elevator reached their floor, they stepped in and travelled to the garage. When they got to his bike, he put the helmet on her, which again looked stupidly cute on her. Whilst they were on the bike, he couldn't help but think that if that was his sister being practically being harassed by a guy, Bucky would be having serious words with them. If there was one thing Bucky hated, it was women being disrespected. 
Once they had stopped at that same place he took her to each time, the place where he and Steve would go to look at the stars. She just sat sideways on his bike, staring into the distance. He didn't like seeing her so disturbed. Turning to look at her, he walked over and she only leaned forward, pushing her face against his chest, but heard it. Those quiet sniffles. Was she crying? He wasn't really the best in those situations, so, he just put his hands on her arms, holding her. Raynor once told him the best thing you could ever do was let emotions out, not to let them build up because they would eventually boil over. A few minutes passed and she pushed way, shaking her head as she pushed those tears away. The sight actually pulled at his heart, her eyes were red and bloodshot, surely this wasn't about Torres?
"Sorry." Irina whispered, shaking her head as she cleared her throat.
"Don't be sorry." Bucky said, and she looked down nodding.
"Sometimes it just sticks in my head." Irina admitted, adverting her gaze "There is days when I can push it away, just forget about it completely.. But those days when it just...plays on repeat, its torture." 
He knew what she was talking about, he had those days as well. "Your parents?" He asked and she nodded, sitting down beside her on the bike. He sighed "What happened?"
Did she look hesitant? A little, but Raynor had told him that the best therapy was to talk about these things, not that Bucky was a therapist or even listened to Raynor's advice half the time. "When I was a kid, I always knew I was different, because when I got upset or angry it caused things to vibrate, move or shatter. It got worse as I got older, my parents refused to accept it, refused to believe that they had brought a monster into the world." She thought of herself as a monster? She was far from that. "That night it happened, I remember the nightmare I was having, every little detail of it. Its hard to forget something that led to such trauma. I tried to wake up, but I couldn't escape it. I knew in my sleep what I was doing but I couldn't stop it, I didn't know how to control it. When I finally woke up, everything was in pieces around me, their bedroom was just nextdoor to mine and they were killed by the wall falling on them as they slept. I always say to myself, at least it was whilst they were sleeping, they didn't have to suffer because of me....I remember seeing their faces, because I tried my hardest to get them out, but I couldn't."  Irina put her hand over her face, shaking her head slowly. That would be an image that would stick in your mind forever. He knew it because there was plenty that tortured him. 
"It wasn't your fault." Bucky offered, turning his head to look at him. Irina dropped her hand, looking at him with a smile.
"No? Then whos was it?" She asked, shrugging. "I caused it, it was my fault. They were so against me having this power, they were ashamed, horrified."
"They didn't understand it," Bucky said, and Irina nodded slowly "Its hard to understand something you have no knowledge of."
"You're telling me that." Irina laughed softly, biting her lip "For so long I thought against it, even when Fury took me under his wing. The more you fight it, the harder it becomes to control." 
"What is it like?" Bucky suddenly asked, and Irina raised her brow. "To do it, does it feel strange?" Suddenly he was the one with the questions. Heck, he did have a vibranium arm but it wasn't like having a power that you were born with. 
"Its strange." Irina admitted, nodding her head. Suddenly she lifted her hand, pointing her palm at him. "It doesn't work unless I think about it now." She admitted, for a second, he thought she was going to send him flying, but she didn't "It took a long time for that to happen." She said as she dropped her hand "I try not to use it unless I absolutely have to."
"You used it against me." Bucky said, furrowing his brows.
"You're a super soldier with a vibranium arm, of course I did." Irina admitted, raising her brow. That was a fair point. "I used it when I punched you those times too." So that's why it fucking hurt? He didn't expect for those tiny hands to cause damage to him. As Bucky clenched his jaw, looking ahead, Irina laughed, looking down "If I hadn't it would have felt like you had only been swatted with a newspaper."
"That brings back memories," he admitted.
"Being swatted with a newspaper?" She asked him, raising her brow.
"My old man would do it if we talked back." Bucky admitted, smiling at the memory, and Irina laughed "What?" He asked, looking at her as the corner of his lip tugged into a smile. "He did. It was never my Ma, always my old man."
"Gosh, if parents did that to kids these days, they would ring child protective services." Irina admitted, shaking her head. Bucky raised his brow and she laughed "Its...a thing to protect kids."
"Kids these days are a lot different from back in my time." Bucky admitted, and he shifted a little on the bike "I worked in the docs when I was a kid, before the war, there were no such things as...protection for us. I say kids these days have too much freedom." Heck, he had strong views on this one. Irina looked at him smiling, and he raised his brow. "What?" 
"You worked at the docs?" She asked, tilting her head "Like, the shipyard?"
"Yeah, it was just me, Rebecca and Steve for a while. Steve used to be a small kid, sickly with asthma, so he couldn't do much. He tried, god knows he tried." Bucky admitted, smiling at the memory. When Steve had told Bucky about joining the army, Bucky had all but freaked out. He had been so used to protecting Steve from the bigger guys, always coming between a fight when Steve was getting his ass kicked. 
"It must have been strange, for him to suddenly be...Captain America." Irina said, and Bucky nodded. He remembered that clearly, being captured by the enemy forces, experimented on by HYDRA. When he had left the camp, Steve was still.... Steve, small, skinny. When he had rescued Bucky, he almost thought it was a different person. It was hard adjusting to it, but if Steve hadn't been who he was, Bucky would still be brainwashed, he would still be Soldat. He had a lot to thank Steve for, a lot he owed him.
​"You and Romanoff are close, arent you?" Bucky suddenly asked, causing Irina to turn her head, nodding at him.
"Natasha was the first person I met at SHIELD who actually made me feel as if I wasn't insane." Irina admitted, furrowing her brows as she looked away "She told me that we all do things that we later regret, even if we do it without having knowledge of it. These things make us who we are, or they can break you." She smiled at her own words, as Bucky furrowed his brows. Truer words have never been spoken, they all had a past, every single one of them on the team. "She has always been there, even when I don't say it, she knows when it hurts. It's almost as if she can sense it, she's a good person. I would be lost without her." 
Was he glad he came out here with her? Absolutely. As he spent more time with her, he was learning more things about her. Did he want to? He knew that the more he learned, the more he would be sucked in, to the point of no return. It was easy to talk to her, she gave no judgement to him, except for when they were bickering, but Bucky gave just as she did. But in moments like this, she revealed little snippets of herself, and he did too. He was sharing, telling her things when she should have been a stranger, held at arms length because he couldn't act upon how he felt. But the more he discovered about her, the more he liked about her, the more he wanted to know. Is that why she asked him so many questions constantly? No, it couldn't be. Why would she, like him? After all he had done, why would she even consider it? He thought it was impossible. 
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Frat Boy- l.r.h.
Word Count: 2813
I hope y’all enjoy ;) Lmk what you think, and I DO accept requests!!!
I sighed while thumbing through the stack of papers on the desk that were waiting to be completed. I was currently working on physics- my worst subject. As soon as I began to work, a crowd of voices entered the room. Turning around, I encountered my sorority sisters who were all laughing. Yeah, I’m a sorority girl. We’re all apart of Alpha Phi, the hot girls who did well in their classes, but didn’t choose the big majors, and we partied... a lot. Which is exactly why I’m having trouble with my subjects, because I had gone to class hungover from the Frat party we went to last week. 
“I heard there’s a Frat party tonight.” One of the girls, Leah, said to the group. I instantly stopped writing and listened in on the conversation.
“Yeah, isn’t it at Alpha Delta?” Another girl asked. My heart instantly dropped. There had been one of the frat boys that shared nearly every class with me, which was another reason I hadn’t been able to get all of my work done. He was the most attractive person I had ever seen, and I couldn’t concentrate around him. 
Checking the time, I silently cursed to myself. My last class of the day started in nearly 15 minutes, which also happens to be one of the classes I share with the Adonis. I shoved my earbuds in my ears and gathered my textbooks before exiting the house. I hurried across campus to the correct building, just when the door swung open, knocking me back and causing the books to drop from my arms to the ground. Stumbling, I tore the earbuds from my ears and went to yell at the person who was in such a hurry to leave the building but came up speechless as my eyes met the blue ones of the special frat boy, I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about. 
“(y/n)?” He spoke causing my mouth to run dry. My heartbeat harshly in my chest as I stared at him. 
“H-How do you know my name?” I asked finally after moments of silence.
“We have pretty much every class together, you know?” I nodded, still allowing my eyes to bore into his. “And I see you at all the parties.”
“Yeah, my sorority sisters make me go.”
“Ah, not a partier then?”
I shrug. “Depends on my mood, I guess.” He smiles at my response before crouching down to gather my textbooks. 
“Well, then I hope I can put you in the mood to come to my frat’s party tonight?”
“We’ll see,” I say with a smirk, finally gaining my confidence back.
“We will.” He replies, smiling back at me. He stood back up and extended his arms that held my books in them. I pulled them into my chest and watched as he opened the door for me to enter. I decided to sit myself in the middle row so I didn’t drag too much attention to myself, but just enough so that the professor will think I’m listening enough to not call on me. 
The door of the classroom opened again, and a loud laugh followed. There, entering the building was Calum Hood. Another frat boy, who was also part of the same frat as the pretty blonde boy across the room. They walked up to one another, joking around and shoving one another in the isle of seats. I was pushed out of my daze by a hand squeezing my upper arm. 
“See something you like- or should I say someone?” I turned around and met the mischievous eyes of Ashton Irwin, my sorority sister Leah’s, boyfriend. 
“Shut the hell up.” I grumbled. 
“I hear his frat is having a party tonight.”
I nod, gulping at the thought. “Yeah, they are. What’s it to you?”
“Leah told me. She also told me that you have the hots for-” Before he could say anything further, I cupped a hand over his mouth.
“I swear, if you ruin this-” I was cut off by him licking the palm of my hand causing me to move it away from him. “You’re disgusting.”
“Not as disgusting as the sex you’re-”
“What about sex?” A perky voice questioned while plopping in the seat beside me. I groaned, turning to who I already knew was Michael. 
“You guys are going to ruin this for me.”
“Ruin what exactly?” Mikey asked. Ashton nodded his head over at the blonde who was talking to Calum. 
“Miss (y/n) has a crush on our boy Luke.” I let my head fall into my hands and sighed. 
“I don’t have a crush on him. I just- think he’d look good like... I don’t know. In my bed?”
Mikey laughed. “And your car, and in the shower-” 
“Okay, okay. Can you guys please stop giving me shit?” I begged.
“Alright, students!” A loud voice boomed through the room. We all stopped our conversations and faced the professor. “Today, we’re learning about the reproductive system!” Ah, right, anatomy. Of course, it had to be today that we learned how the penis ejaculates.
I ran my fingers through my now curled (h/c) hair as I stared at my makeup that Leah had done for me. She sat back with her arms crossed and a smirk spread across her face. “Well, don’t you look hotter than before.”
I laughed, “thanks. I’m fucking nervous.”
“Babe, Luke won’t be able to control himself. You know how he is.” I sighed. Yeah, Luke was the type to get around on campus. That’s why I hated myself for having growing feelings for the guy. I usually avoided going to the same parties as him, but I couldn’t avoid the sexual tension for long. I used to tutor him, our sophomore year, it took everything in me not to drop on my knees. He had me weak every time I saw him. Everyone could see it, hell, I think he could too. 
“You really think so?”
“Have you not heard the things he’s said about you?” I shook my head. “Well, maybe if you didn’t have your earbuds in your ears all the damn time, you’d know.”
I blushed at her words and stood up, finally ready. I had fishnet tights over my legs along with a tight black dress that stopped barely midthigh. Platform heels decorated my feet and strapped up my ankles. Along with it all, I decided against any sort of undergarments in hopes that I’d get lucky with a specific hot blonde. 
“Alright, I’m ready.” Leah grinned and dragged me out the door. We walked for a few minutes along the sidewalk in the cool October air until we finally met with the huge fraternity. They had a huge sheet with spray painted Greek lettering on it in order to stick out to everyone attending the party. The sun had already set and people were walking up the path to the double doors of the house. Ashton was waiting, leaning against one of the pillars of the house while chatting with Michael and Calum. I gulped, squeezing the arm of Leah who gave me a reassuring look.
“You’ll be fine, just go in and take a few shots.” I nodded and followed her up to the boys.
“Ah, you actually came!” Calum cheered while staring at me.
“Me?” I asked.
“Yeah, Luke said he invited you.” He said with a grin. “You look good, by the way.” And with that, he walked inside. Leah looked over at me and smirked.
“I told you they think you’re hot.” She says while elbowing my side. I giggled and rolled my eyes. 
“Alright, Mikey. Come in and take some shots with me.”
“You convinced me. Let’s go.”
We walked inside and were instantly met with the dank smell of weed and booze. I took a deep breath in order to get used to the smell and looked around. I seemed to be one of very few girls who decided to dress like this for a party, but I didn’t mind. Eyes trailed behind me as I walked, and I loved it. One of the many perks of being apart of Alpha Phi.
“Damn, (y/n), you’re like a fucking celebrity.” Mikey joked while nudging me. I finally reached the alcohol and poured us each a shot of some Pink Whitney. We clinked our glasses together and threw our heads back, letting the harsh liquid flow down our throats. I clenched my eyes together, shaking my head. 
“Alright, another one.” Mikey grabbed the bottle, laughing at my words as he poured the alcohol into the small glass. With another tilt of my head, my second shot was down then a third and a fourth only minutes later.
“(y/n)?” I turned around towards the voice and met with Luke who stood there with an unopened beer in his hand. 
“And that’s my queue to leave.” Mikey said while walking away.
“I came.” I told him while gesturing to myself.
“Yeah, you look hot.” He compliments, eyeing my form a few times to take in my appearance.
I swallowed my pride and smiled at him, “so do you.”
Luke seemed to think for a second before speaking. “Do you want to grab a beer and go out on the balcony with me?” He asked, shocking me.
“I, uh, yeah. Sure.” Bending down into the cooler, I felt his eyes on me the entire time. I smirked, wrapping my hands around a cold can and stood back up. He reached out to grab my hand and lead me through the large crowd of people up the stairs. There were a few straggling drunks in the hallway of the second story, but no one that was watching as he took me out the double doors of the balcony. I cracked open the can and sipped on the beer nervously, waiting to see what his plan was.
“So, is this the part where you kill me?” I joke while watching as he popped his can open as well.
“Actually, it’s the part where I tell you what I want to do to you.”
“Wait, what?”
“I said, I just wanted to talk.” What the fuck am I thinking? Nodding, I allowed him to go on. “I wanted to hang out with you alone, but a party is fine too.”
“Mhm,” I mumble against the cold can of beer against my lips. Luke seemed to let his eyes trail down my legs covered in the lacey material before throwing his head back.
“Fuck the small talk.”
“What do you-“ Before I could finish my sentence, he had taken three intimidating steps towards me and cupped my cheek in his hand, pressing his lips against mine. My heartbeat sped up, and my stomach flipped as well. I didn’t hesitate to let my free hand tangle in the back of his hair, pulling at the ends. He groaned against my lips before eventually pulling away. Looking down into my eyes, he searched them for some sort of reaction. I blinked innocently up at the frat boy and smiled.
“I can’t get your gorgeous face out of my head, (y/n).”
“Thank god.” He cocked his head in confusion, so I elaborated. I took a few chugs of my beer before finishing it and tossing the can to the ground. “I really, really want you.”
“I’m going to fucking ruin you.” He nearly growls under his breath before grabbing my wrist and taking me back inside to what I’m assuming is his bedroom. Without another word, he closed and locked the door behind me before pressing me against it. I gasped with surprise but felt nothing but pleasure as he lifted me up by my thighs and carried me over to the bed. I plopped down onto the mattress and watched as he tore his shirt from his body and discarded it to the side.
Luke curled his fingers around the edge of my dress and pulled it up over my waist. I stared at him to get his reaction when he notices- “You’re not wearing any… Did you expect this to happen?” He questioned with a laugh.
I nodded, bringing my bottom lip between my teeth. “I hoped it would.”
“With me?” I nodded again. His eyes flickered down to my womanhood before starting to pull down my tights. One they were down my legs, he looked back up at me and put two fingers between his lips, letting his spit drench them before inserting them inside of me. I jerked upwards, leaning up on my elbows as my mouth fell open in an ‘o.’ “You like that?”
“Mhm, yeah.” I moaned causing him to thrust them in and out of me. I allowed myself to relax as I grew wetter by the second. After a few seconds, he added his mouth which only made me moan louder. His tongue flattened against my clit, circling around it in a pattern that drew me close to the edge. He was amazing with his mouth. “L-Luke, please.” I begged, but he didn’t stop. Although I wanted to cum around him, I couldn’t help it. He wrapped his lips around my clit and sucked while curling his fingers inside of me. My chest heaved up and down as my thighs attempted to clench together while my climax approached. He used his free hand to keep my legs from closing and felt as they shook at his touch. “Fuck!” I screamed out. He chuckled against me before sitting up and pushing me farther on the bed. With quick hands, he pulled my dress over my head and stared at my chest.
“No bra either?” I smiled cheekily up at him before his hands came down and groped my breasts. I reached down and unbuttoned his jeans before sliding them down his legs revealing his name brand boxers. I nearly drooled at the size of the bulge before palming him through the thin material. Carefully, I pulled his member out and pumped him a few times. “God, your hands feel so good.”
“I bet my mouth would feel better.” I say confidently. He looked at me with his eyebrows raised as I switched my position so that I was sitting up. I parted my lips enough to allow him to slide in my mouth. I dragged my lips down to his shaft, my nose brushing against the happy trail against his navel. Groaning, Luke tangled his hand in my hair, pushing my head down slightly. The tip brushed the back of my throat, allowing for more spit to lubricate his member. I pulled off him and looked up.
“I know what would feel even better.” Luke says before pushing my shoulders back against the bed, pinning me underneath him. Spreading my legs, I waited for him to slide past my entrance and let an erotic moan erupt from my throat as he did. “Yeah, much better.”
“Please,” I whined.
“Please what?” Luke smirked. He knew what he was doing.
“Please fuck me, Luke. I need you so bad.” And with that, he slammed himself in me all the way. Our moans filled the room as well as the sound of skin slapping together. I lifted one of my legs up and rested it on his shoulder as he pounded in and out of me. My back arched against the mattress as my nails scratched the skin on his back, clearly leaving marks. Without warning, he pulled out of me.
“If I go any longer, I’ll bust so hang on.” I laughed at his words and waited for him to grab a condom. Once he did, he slid it over him and lined himself back up with my entrance. Grabbing the backs of my thighs, he held onto them as he began to slam himself in and out of me constantly, and roughly. I reached a hang down between my legs and rubbed at my clit to get myself closer to the edge, knowing he was close as well.
“Fuck, you’re so big.” I whimper. Luke chuckles and spreads my legs even wider, hiking them over his shoulders before leaning down against me. His lips latched onto mine, getting me closer to my orgasm. My body begins to shake as I reach my second climax of the night, feeling him twitch inside me as he reaches his as well.
“Good fucking girl.” Luke growled, watching me writhe beneath him. I breathed out, finally able to catch my breath and looked at the blonde through tired eyes.
“I thought you were good in bed, but not that good.” I admitted causing him to chuckle.
“Glad to meet your expectations.” After throwing away the condom, he pulled his pants back over his legs and tossed me a clean shirt that was neatly folded on the nightstand. I looked at him with confusion.
“What’s this for?”
“Yeah, you’re not going anywhere tonight- or for a while.”
Laughing, I slid the shirt over my head so that it draped over my bare torso. “So, that means what exactly?”
“I’m gonna make you mine, whether you like it or not.”
“Not complaining.”
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maximoff-pan · 3 years
carnival fun | steve rogers
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Summary: You, Steve, and Bucky hang out at an annual Brooklyn carnival and Steve tries to win you over with a token of his affections, but it doesn’t go exactly as planned (queue the teddy bear :)) - btw this is set in the 1940s so y’all get some 40s pre-serum steve
Word Count: 900+
Prompt: Winning a teddy for the other (flufftober day 1)
A/n: I feel like this is some of my worst writing and I know this should’ve been the first flufftober post based on the days listed, (I’m sorry haha) but for some reason, I had a really hard time writing this one. I’m just not as comfortable writing Steve’s character as I am writing many of the others I write for, and sometimes I feel like I just can’t get his characterization down. So that’s probably why it’s a little short, but I hope you’ll enjoy it nonetheless!
find the flufftober masterlist here
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• • • • • •
Your eyes dart widely at all the attractions before you, your body gliding through the crowd of people. Moving swiftly, picking up the pace a little, you spot Bucky and Steve standing in the distance.
You watch as Steve catches a glance of you, his right arm shooting into the air to wave you over. Your smile only grows as you get closer, finally reaching your best friends.
Bucky is leaning against a food stand, cotton candy gripped tightly in his hand. He scowls as you swipe a piece of the glorified pink sugar and pop it into your mouth. “Nice of you to finally join us.” He jokes with a hint of annoyance…..but it’s a hint that Bucky would never admit is there.
“Of course!” Your face beams with mischief. “Couldn’t leave my two favourite people hanging, now could I?”
Steve’s lips turn up in amusement, watching as Bucky swats your hand away from going for more of his cotton candy. “Ah ah ah.” He chides. “Paws off doll.”
Groaning, you pout at him. “Come on Buck! It’s only a little.”
He shakes his head dismissively, but this time his face wears a smirk. “If you want some so badly, Steve here will buy it for you.”
“S’right,” the blonde chimes. “We can head over to the stand and pick some up!”
That’s the first time you’ve heard Steve speak today, and it causes your chest to flutter. He’s always been so considerate, albeit a little unable to discern Bucky’s sarcasm at times.
“We’re only kidding Stevie. You don’t have to do that. Besides, if anyone owes me, it’s Buck, what with me talking him up to all those cute birds he’s after.”
Bucky let’s out a cough and something that sounds along the lines of ‘yeah right,’ only furthering your amusement.
“But I want to.” He says with a gentle smile, instinctively reaching for your hand. And as soon as he’s done it, he pulls his hand back, ducking his head, feeling his cheeks warm.
He mumbles out a quiet apology and you send him a soft smile as your eyes meet, wordlessly telling him that it’s okay. You reach for his hand again, gently pulling him towards the cotton candy stand.
With you slightly in front, Steve gets to simply watch you. Your face is lit up by the vibrancy around you, the laughter of children echoing in his ears. Suddenly, Steve is very aware of the feeling of your hand grasping his, it sending sparks throughout him. He begins to let his mind wander, is this what it would be like to be yours? To be more than just best friends?
“That’ll be twenty five cents.” Steve’s thoughts are interrupted when you nudge his arm and point towards the man at the stand.
“Sorry.” He coughs, slipping his hand into his pocket to retrieve the money.
“S’alright.” The man responds, taking the coins from Steve. “Here you are young lady!”
“Thank you sir.” You nod your head with a bright smile. With your cotton candy in one hand, and Steve’s hand in the other, you tug him towards another stand.
“Here.” You pass him the treat as you make your way to the stand.
Steve doesn’t know whether to follow you or not, so he chooses to stand where he is, watching you from a slight distance. “What are you doing?” He calls.
You throw your head back to reply, “Wait there. You’ll see!”
But Steve quickly realizes that he can’t see, the bodies of several others blocking his eyeline. He stares at the cotton candy for a moment, taking a piece of it and letting it melt in his mouth.
He allows his thoughts to drift back to you, the sounds around him becoming like radio static. What could you possibly be doing? And why isn’t he allowed to see it?
He doesn’t know how long he’s been standing there, and he almost doesn’t care to know. But within what feels like a few minutes, you come pushing through the crowd with something plush in your arms.
“A teddy bear?” Steve laughs.
“Mhm.” You hum. “I won it for you!”
“For me?” He questions in slight shock.
You send him a quizzical look, tilting your head to the right. “Yes you,” you pause for a moment, “who else would it be for?”
Steve ponders it for a second and shrugs when he can’t find a good enough answer. “Why me?”
“Because I love you.” You say like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. And in your defence, it’s not like you don’t tell him and Bucky that almost everyday. “And as a thank you for the cotton candy.”
With less hesitance from before, now holding the stuffed bear in his left arm, he reaches for your hand, grasping it lightly. You turn your head up to smile at him and he smiles back, both your hearts racing with sheer delight.
“You know I love you too right?” Steve asks. “Even if I don’t say it as often as I should.”
You lean into him further. “I know.” You respond, your voice sweet and soft. “You may not tell me everyday, but you do show me.”
A silence falls between you as you keep walking hand in hand. But it’s not uncomfortable. It’s a silence that feels like a warm blanket, it feels safe.
And as Bucky dances with a girl he’s already forgotten the name of, he spots his two best friends happily together. Smiling he thinks with a hint of jealousy, that’s what love looks like. But it’s a hint Bucky would never admit is there.
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amphibia-a-day · 2 years
Hi guys! Soo, I didn't expect to be making a post like this, but I've seen a few other people make posts after the finale, so I figured I'd throw my thoughts into the mix too (under a read more cause well, you guys are probably here for screenshots, not for my ramblings)
I only started watching Amphibia a year ago, May 1st 2021 while procrastinating during finals week last year to be exact, and May 17th was when I was fully caught up before True Colors. I had been in the TOH fandom for a while (still am, just don't have a sideblog for that lol) so I saw a bunch of my mutuals from there post Amphibia things, and I don't know why it took me so long to watch Amphibia, I love it! I've loved cartoons for so long, and this little frog show squirmed it's way into my heart so fast.... I didn't expect to make this account, it just kind of happened after True Colors aired, and I'm glad I did, because over a year later... I'm still just as in love with the show, if not more. Have I missed a few days of posting sometimes? Yeah, sometimes college got busy and I ran out of posts in the queue, but for the most part I tried to always have a post ready. I love the interaction I've gotten from this account, and I love all the people I've been mutuals with on my main account, even if I haven't really talked to most of them. I wanted to give a special shout out to @maritasdump, who was honestly one of the people who got me to watch this loveable frog show. They also make great piano covers, so check her out!!
Oh also - shoutout to the amphibiapocalypse server, I’m not very active in there all the time but I love being in it :) love all you guys so much
Anyway, rambling aside, this past year of watching Amphibia has been an amazing year, and I've loved every experience I've had running this blog. It started as a way to count down from the season 2 finale to season 3, and I'm so happy I decided to keep it going after it started, and I'm going to continue to post on here for a long time! (trust me, I have plenty of screenshots, I could run this for a few more years)
Thank you Amphibia, Amphibia fandom, and the crew of Amphibia who I'm sure will never see this, this has been an amazing show, and an amazing journey. Can't wait to binge watch the show again this summer and cry :)
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tartagliad · 3 years
hellooo <33
can i request pumpkin carving with the tot boys?? :]
ah thank you for the request bub! hope you enjoy it~! and i wrote this special for halloween so, trick or treat!
31st of October
Summary: pumpkin cravingggg + how you spent halloween with them :3
Fandom: Tears of Themis
Characters: Artem, Vyn, Luke, and Marius
Genre: Fluff! (Halloween special:3)
F reader!
Warnings: mentions of cuts
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When you throw him this idea, he's excited and confused at the same time..
Maybe because since he doesn't really celebrate halloween and treat the day like a normal day
But since this is your idea and you always celebrate it, he wants to do it
After all.. it wouldn't hurt to try right?
Artem would buy dozens of pumpkins.. but you would stop him since 4 is enough-
ANYWAYS- he'll buy the tools that are suitable for this kind of thing
When you both got home, he'll take out a big cloth so it doesn't stain the floor and moves the table
When starting, Artem would ask you what face should he carve
At the end.. he'll just go with the regular or original design that commonly people carved
It turned out WAY better than you expected
Ayo his carvings are clean as heck-
So yeah he's done with his
Then he'll help you finished yours
This man looks at your arm since he's scared that you'll get cut and you didn't which is great :D
When your finishin the last pumpkin, Artem will bring the excess pumpkin that both of you took out before and cook with it
Hah.. nothing like a great dinner after craving some pumpkins am i rite?
Makes some pumpkin soup and a pumpkin latte :D
There you go, that's how both of you celebrate halloween :D
"Where should we put the carvings? I'm thinking we should put some of them at the front door and the rest at the backyard, what do you say?"
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Again, same like Artem, he doesn't really celebrate it
But since this is the love his life is asking, he'll do it
Before hand, he'll look it up on the internet or read a book to learn about it (y'know like that one story from that one card')
The reason is so he can be prepare.. yeah..
Vyn would go to the store and buy some stuff for it
*ended up buying too much thing mode activated*
Moving swiftly on~~ now that everything is set, both of you now start
For his first pumpkin, he'll just carve the normal jack o' lantern
High laser focus on it and ofc it turned out clean
But every once in a while, he'll check on you on how you're doing and making sure you're not injured
Vyn would also carve some of the pumpkin in other shapes like leaves
He wants to make it more unique and a bit of a fall theme to it..
After both of you are done, he'll put the carved pumpkin at the garden
He'll also add some artificial mashrooms and some leaves to add some details ^^
Everything is done, well for you, for him.. he'll make some dessert out of it
Vyn would make a pumpkin pie and no joke.. it tastes DELICIOUS
And some other desserts that feels comforting and warm
For this halloween, both of you would spend time in the backyard and maybe have a chat or tell some scary stories
"Haha, I'm happy that you like my desserts. I'll be sure to make some more if you want.. now then.. want me to tell you a scary story?"
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Already knows it
Ayo childhood friend to bf over here, ofc he knows it
Luke. will. definitely. ask. you. since. the first. of. OCTOBER-
He'll go out with you to buy the pumpkin and some of the tools that both of you dont have
Both of you would carve at the backyard of the house
Just enjoying the weather while carving and talk about your day
Instead making a lantern, this man will make a mask :)
Seriously, he'll wears it on his head once he's done
Luke has you laughing by now and he's happy
And.. this happen, "Luke, is there some excess pumpkin that I could use?" you ask, "..." "...." *queues the sound of silence*
"PFFT-" both of you snorted, "Lets just buy it at a bake shop" you recommend, "Sure sure.. I'll be sure to remember to put them in a bowl next time", he laughs nervously
This sometimes happen but you dont really mind it
So yeah, both of you buy some pumpkin latte and some pastries to enjoy together
Put the tiny lamp inside the carved pumpkin and dim the lights, and tell each other stories or play some video or board games
That's how you would spend the halloween with him
"I have some games that I've bought a few days ago, wanna try it together? I've only played a few parts, we can continue it together"
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Ah yes, the one who would ask you about this before you
Marius already has everything set even the pumpkins
Well, he's an art student, surely he has tried to carve things before, right?
The most creative one out of the three
Would carve your face on the pumpkin not gonna lie
He thought it'll look cute to put it somewhere in the house
It takes him a few hours to make it actually, but trust me, it looks so stunning
Marius would also buy some tiny pumpkins and paint on them
Would also teach you how to carve correctly and paint on it
So you paint him on a small pumpkin and give it to him
Congratulations you've made him fly on cloud 9, m'lady
Same like Luke, he'll make a mask out of it
Even better, he'll make a costume ngl
Marius still likes to take a photo with you in a halloween costume so expect him to do that
Sometimes both of you would roam around the streets with costumes and take pictures together
He would jumpscare people and laugh at them and you just stand there, second hand embarrassment here..🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
Before heading back, both of you would buy some snacks to enjoy together ^^
"Today was fun, spending some time with you, get some time off and the people here are really easy to get along with.. hah.. I hope next year would be the same.."
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Mother’s aren’t always the best [Corpse x reader]
Paring: Corpse husband x female!reader (platonic)
Summary: You’re the youngest in the group and recently moved out. When your mother decides to pay you a visit while you’re streaming.
Warnings: Angst, fighting, yelling. Big bro Corpse, kinda abusive mom
Words: 1.5k
A/N: My job just cut my hours in half, so yay. If anyone want to, I have a Ko-fi in my bio, if you buy a fic through there you get to skip the queue. I know it’s not a lot, but it’s only if you want to of course! <3 Also I’ve wanted to write this for quite a bit
You have recently finally moved out from your home and is now able to stream on a schedule and far more often. While living at home your mother had been very against the mere thought of her daughter putting herself out there on the internet. Which meant you have had to tiptoe around when you wanted to stream. Only being able to do so when she left you home alone. The only good thing about having a single mom, was that she worked a lot. So that meant a lot of alone time.
You’ve never really gotten along with her. The two of you having very different views on life, she wanted you to grow up and be a pretty girl, you were supposed to study social science, and get a project of your own, and while doing so you were supposed to meet the guy you would eventually marry, and give her grandkids with.
However, that’s not really what you want to do with your life. Despite only being able to stream when you’re all alone and having to chuck your entire set up into the shirt drawer, knowing your mother wouldn’t go through your drawer as one of the only things. You had managed to build up a small following.
“Hey guys! Sorry for the delay, I wasn’t able to find my microphone.” You tell on stream, and to the group in the discord call.
“Are you settling in nicely Y/N?” Corpse asks, the two of you have been talking behind your mothers back for quite a while, he has become like the big brother you’ve never had.
“Yeah, I still have couple of boxes lying around…” You look around your small one-bedroom apartment. You only have your dining table, two chairs, and your bed set up. And your dining table have been converted into a streaming set up. So, there’s that too. You are lucky enough to have a small hallway, that leads to a bathroom at the end, and the kitchen on your right, and the bedroom/living room on the left.
“I take that you haven’t done any packing out yet.” Corpse chuckles.
“Hehe… Yeah… I haven’t gotten everything out, so I have ordered some takeout, that will sadly arrive here during steam, in about…” You look at the clock, “in about half an hour.”
“Then let’s get started!” Rae says, as the countdown starts.
You get through the first round of among us alive, and wining as crewmates, you’re about halfway through the second game of the day when your doorbells goes off in the middle of discussing.
“Sorry guys, I’ll just go grab my food.” You apologise, and gets up from your chair, leaving your microphone behind, thinking it’s muted.
You open your door, with your wallet in hand, and takes a step back when you realise who’s on the other side. It’s your mom. The one who you moved halfway across the country to get away from. The one who you didn’t give your address to.
She looks angry, and more than pissed off. You know she is going to start a screaming match right here. In the hallway of your new apartment complex, only 4 days into your lease.
“WHAT THE #@!$ IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” She starts off, a normal way to greet your daughter of course. “I GIVE YOU SHELTER AND FOOD ON THE TABLE FOR 18 YEARS AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME?!”
You take another step into your apartment, knowing if it comes to it that you must push the door in her face. She will win that fight.
“HAVEN’T I BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH?! YOU UP AND LEAVE ME, ALL ALONE! YOU DON’T GO TO THE COLLEGE I CHOSE FOR YOU! YOU GO AGAINST ALL MY RULES!”  She’s screaming right at you, you can feel yourself starting to shake. “And I know your little secret, you think you could keep it from me, huh? You think I am stupid don’t you. I know you’ve been selling your self on the internet for money.” You can feel tears are starting to come, this is what she thought you were doing.
She throws down a binder of some sorts on the ground, making you jump a little. “You’re not my daughter anymore. I refuse to have someone as disgusting as you even share my last name. Here’s everything you need from me to change it.”  
You watch as she passes your delivery guy, who looks at you awkwardly with tears streaming down your cheeks and a shocked look on your face. He puts down your order, and slowly walks away again.
You get yourself together after a few minutes, enough to close the door, and pick up the binder and food. You dump the food on your table, along with the binder. You run your hands over your face, before you pick up your headset, and try to act as chipper as ever, not having noticed you never muted your mic.
“Sorry for the long break, had to fix a smaller cable issue, but I’m all good now!” You don’t look at chat, instead you focus everything you can on keeping your energy up, and not for anyone to notice you’re not doing the best.
“Y/N are you alright?” Corpse asks, extremely worried over the fact that he just heard you get disowned by your own mother.
“Yes, of course, I’m always doing good!” Your voice shoving no hints to what everyone and their own mothers head. You watch as your phone gets a call from Corpse. “I think the next game have to wait a bit longer if everyone is cool with that?”
Everyone agrees they’re cool, nobody knows what to say after hearing what just happened. You mute your microphone properly this time. Before picking up your phone.
“Hey there.”
“We just talked Corpse, get to the point, we shouldn’t let the others wait for us for too long.” You tease him.
“We all heard?”
“Heard what?”
“Y/N I’m so sorry.” You can hear his voice crack a bit, and you can feel yourself edging a breakdown.
“It’s okay, we all knew it was coming at one point or the other.” You dryly laugh, trying to get out of the topic.
“We both know she’ll be back by next week, it’s not safe there.” He worries, you can hear him already stressing at the thought.
“I can’t exactly move. I blew everything I had by getting this place.” Your voice is slowly starting to crack and you know if you keep talking. You won’t be able to get back on stream.
“Then stay at me, I have a cough. It’s not safe there. She only yelled this time. But who knows what else she might try to pull?” You listen to Corpse, and subconsciously wrap an arm around yourself, still able to feel the bruises from when she hit you, because she found a stack of cash you had been saving up for yourself to get out. You break down sobbing.
“Y/N are you still with me?”
“Y-yes.” Your voice reaches through the phones, nearly covered by sobs.
“Can you get up for me? I need you to turn off your stream, okay? You’re not going back on there for tonight.”
You shake as you push the right button abruptly stopping the stream and leaving the discord call.
“Good.” It comes from the phone. “Let’s get you to bed.” He talks you through the tasks you have to do. Helping to distract you from the bad thing. He stays on the phone worried for you all night, until you’ve tired yourself out enough to fall asleep on the call. He wishes he could help more as he hangs up the phone. Knowing he’s the last of your support system. As the call end, it leaves you alone in the world. Now mother and fatherless.
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