#but yeah. pretty much i just needed the sapphire to remain a chess piece on the board
literalnobody · 2 years
Question: why didn't roha just put the sapphire back with thoma??
because I was hoping nobody would ask this question, thanks ^_^
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Black Queen
[schnee manor]
Oscar:*on the couch watching tv*
Whitley:*playing chess* I can’t believe I’m losing to you.
Ruby:Wow, wasn’t expecting a challenge? That’s a little harsh.
Whitley:You know that’s not what I meant. It’s just been awhile since I had a challenge. Several years I think.
Ruby:Weiss and Winter give you a hard time?
Whitley:Never actually played with Winter. As for Weiss, we were about even back then. She wasn’t too hard to beat though; that honor belongs to-
Yang comes barreling through the front door with Weiss on her shoulder. Blake is right behind her with Ren and Nora surrounding Jaune. Flashing lights can be seen as the door closes.
Weiss:Let me at em!!! If the paparazzi want a scoop so bad then I’ll give them one!!!!
Yang:As much as I would to see you beat up reporters, I know you’d yell at us for not stopping you afterwards.
Blake:In my opinion it would’ve been worth it.
Nora:I would’ve helped!!!
Jaune and Ren:That doesn’t make it better....
Ruby:I’m guessing the triple date was a fiasco?
Jaune:It was fine all the way until we went to grab food. Honestly we would’ve gone undetected but....
Ren:It’s like every piece of media has a radar on Weiss.
Whitley:I could’ve told you that. You think with all this snow our family would be hard to see but it’s the exact opposite.
Blake:He’s right; I’m surprised no one even cared about seeing me walk around casually. The people were too busy looking at Weiss to even bad mouth me.
Nora:I guess that’s the power of a Schnee for ya.
Weiss:I’m not even the heiress anymore! I thought the harassment would die down a bit.
Yang:Aren’t you still like an idol or something?
Whitley:Don’t forget a Beacon survivor; people eat that stuff up around here.
Jaune:We’re all survivors.
Whitley:But are you rich and caused an incident at a fundraiser?
Jaune:Fair point....
Ruby:Checkmate Whitley!
Whitley:Damnit, well played Ruby. *resetting the board*
Weiss:*slumped over* All I want is to be able to walk around freely and spend time outside. Jaune and I haven’t had one peaceful date.
Jaune:I don’t mind it. I knew what I was getting into.
Weiss:But I mind. It’s not fair to you. *pouting*
Whitley:If you don’t want to draw attention to yourself then you already have an answer.
He holds up the black queen chess piece for everyone to acknowledge. They all seem confused except for Weiss. Her face runs cold with horror as she knows exactly what that piece represents.
Weiss:How could you even suggest such an idea?
Whitley:I didn’t say it was perfect, but it’ll work like it did back then. It’s been forever since I’ve seen b-
Whitley:Bleiss Schnee can remain a fading memory for the rest of time!!!!
Nora:Uhhhh Bleiss Schnee? Who’s that.
Winter:*rushing in* Who dares speaks the demons name!? Was it you Whitley!?
Whitley:Guilty as charged. Weiss wants to go around town in disguise so I reminded her of her old friend.
Winter:I swear to god if we go down that road again I’m not dealing with the fallout this time.
Klein*from the other room* Neither am I!!!!
Ruby:Can someone explain to the rest of us what exactly we’re talking about?
Winter:When Weiss first became heiress and her singing career took off she got really fed up with the lack of privacy. So she created an alter ego that wears black.
Blake:So you named it Bleiss? Are you serious right now?
Weiss:*red* I was a child! Excuse me for not being more creative.
Whitley:Bleiss has her own birth certificate, bank account, and even a social security number. She was designed to basically be her own person. The media doesn’t pay attention to her a single bit because she has formally been shunned from the entire family and cut off from it completely. Nobody is interested in a useless Schnee.
Weiss:Ain’t that the truth; I pulled no punches in making sure she’s completely invisible as far as the media is concerned.
Yang:That’s great! Why don’t we break this bad girl out!
Weiss:*whispers*Nooooooooo it’s a bad idea...
Jaune:A bad idea? What makes it so bad.
Weiss:The “B” in Bleiss stands for black but honestly it should stand for....
Winter:Bitch, because that’s what she is. A complete bitch that’s out of control.
Nora:I need details right now.
Whitley:Her dressing up was fine at first until the freedom of being a regular kid truly sunk in. Being a nobody means nobody cares how you act. That simple fact plunged Weiss into dark temptations.
Winter:She became a wild child that refused to take off the outfit. Acting any crude way she wanted to that we literally had to get a doctor to make sure we didn’t unleash some multiple personality disorder. Fortunately, that wasn’t the case. Sooner or later things became sort of stale for her and being broke wasn’t fun. Next thing you know Weiss was her old self and we got rid of her clothes.
Ren:Sounds drastic.
Nora:Sounds awesome! I want to meet her!
Weiss:Have you not been paying attention!? She’s a wild child that doesn’t care about anything but herself. Honestly I can’t remember everything I did but what I do remember makes me grateful that I don’t remember everything. Besides I don’t have the clo-
Whitley:You’ll find all the clothes you own but in black inside the spare room closet. Including the contact lens and wig.
Whitley and Weiss:Explain yourself right this instant.....
Whitley:What, she was fun. Chess against her was always exciting.
Ruby:Oh, she was your chess buddy? I guess a different personality would play the game in a whole new way. Like whenever Ozpin plays me instead of Oscar. Actually, could it be that-
Ozcar:Bleiss is not some secret other soul. Sometimes clothes just have a way of changing people. You should get a load of Dr.Oobleck in punk rock clothes like his younger years. It’s probably a similar situation.
Blake:Well if you have the clothes then make use of them. What are the odds you’ll act out again now that you’re older?
Weiss:I guarantee you that I will....
Whitley:Just put the wig on last and we’ll snatch it off when, and I do mean when you start to act up. Right Win-
The front door closes as Winter leaves in a hurry.
Whitley:......Well your friends have your back.
Jaune:Please Weiss?
Weiss:This is going to be crazy. I’m going to act insufferable.
Jaune:I’ll love you anyways.
Weiss:......Sigh, give me a moment.
*ten minutes later*
Weiss walks back into the living room stunning everyone. She’s wearing her volume 4 singing outfit. The dress is jet black with white speckles across it; almost looking like she’s wearing outer space around her. Sapphire earrings have been replaced with dazzling red rubies that match her contact lens. The most interesting change is myertenaster, it looks almost sold gold. All that’s the same is her hair; for now.
Yang:*whistles* this look sure feels more wild than your usual. Why that outfit?
Weiss:It’s hard to run in this so I’m confident you all can catch me if for some reason I try running off.
Blake:I might have a bias but you look good in black. I wasn’t expecting a gold version of your weapon.
Weiss:Like I said, I spared no expense fleshing this alter ego out; I even learned to do things right handed. A shame that I act like a hot mess like this. *shaking* Yet I’m oddly excited about this.
Nora:Come on, put the wig on already! I need to see this so called wild child.
Ren:I feel a rivalry brewing.
Weiss:Jaune I just need you to know that whatever I say-
Jaune:Relax, I won’t hold it against it you. *smiles*
Weiss:*puts on the wig*......
Yang:Well...feel anything?
Weiss:Actually....I don’t feel anything strange. Maybe I’m over it.
Ruby:You have white hair sticking out in the back. *fixing it* that should do- ow!
With no warning at all, her hands get smacked away like a fly.
Ruby:Hey, what’s the big idea?
“I don’t remember giving you giving me permission to touch me.”
Jaune:Weiss....? Are you- *suddenly catching her as she jumps into his arms*
Bleiss:You on the other hand, you can can touch me whenever you want. *caressing his chest*
Jaune:*blushing* What!?
Yang:Uhhh, Bleiss I presume?
Bleiss:*jumps to the ground with a smirk* Sup fuckers! Bleiss Schnee is here to shake things up.
Ozcar*getting Oobleck flashbacks*
Whitley:Hey Bleiss.
Bleiss:Sup twerp, you’ve grown like a weed. Still playing chess I see. Think you can finally beat me or am I gonna wipe the floor with you like last time?
Whitley:I’d like to see you try. I’m guessing you want to be the black pieces?
Bleiss:Hell yeah I do! *sits down*
Ren:You talk like you’ve been away a long time. I guess you treat the time spent between you and Weiss separate.
Bleiss:Duh, anything that prissy little snowflake does has nothing to do with me. *leans back stretches her legs out*
Ruby:*red* You’re wearing a dress! Close your legs.
Bleiss:Lighten up wall flower. It’s not like anybody here doesn’t know what panties look like. Except for virgin boy on the couch over there, but he’s mentally checked out at the moment.
Oscar:(She didn’t have to call me out like that.)
Ozcar:(Your time will come one day. Don’t let it get to you.)
Ruby:Whitley you’re okay with this!?
Whitley:*staring at the board* she does what she wants. I’m not looking so I’m fine.
Bleiss:He’d have to be pretty sick to want to. The only skirt he’d love to look under is yours.
Whitley:*blushing* Please stop.....
Bleiss:Awww look at that face. I wonder how many times that teenage brain of yours has been swarming with dirty thoughts of precious little girlfriend. I can’t believe you haven’t gotten his rocks off yet Ruby; scared it’s gonna hurt?
Ruby:*crimson* Out of line!
Yang:Definitely not talking to Weiss right now. She would never be bold enough to tell Ruby to have sex in front of me. Bold move...*glares*
Bleiss:Please, the only thing intimidating about you is boobs, and even that becomes underwhelming when people notice your scrawny ass.
Blake:I’m sorry but that was a little funny. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone call you out like that.
Nora:It is a little scrawny now that she mentions it.
Yang:Stop looking!
Jaune:*staring at Bleiss*.......
Bleiss:Hmm? Something got your attention? Not that I can blame you but I do remember me saying you can touch me whenever you want. I don’t mind if we have an audience. Let them learn a thing or to from us. *winking*
Everyone:*turning red*
Jaune:That is uhh....that’s fine.
Bleiss:Aw baby don’t be like that. I’ll do things to you that Weiss wishes she had the guts to do. All you have to do is ask nicely and I’ll get on me knees right now. Hell, you can just stand there and I’ll happily be the one to whip out your c-
Whitley:Checkmate! *quickly snatches her wig* that’s enough of that.
The room gets completely silent for a moment and just waits to see what happens next. Right before anyone can speak, the silence is interrupted by a girlish shriek from their familiar friend as she closes her legs. Her face burning with embarrassment. Without hesitation she stands up and scampers off to her room.
Jaune:That sure was an experience.
Nora:Sounds like she was about to give you a few experiences. Imagine if she was on the triple date with us. That could get wild.
Ren:That’s putting it lightly. I doubt the media would ignore extreme public displays of affection.
Blake:It’s called Voyeur and we’d definitely would’ve attracted at least one cameraman.
Yang:Maybe we should keep Bleiss under wraps unless something absolutely nuts calls for it. I’m already exhausted and it’s been five minutes.
Weiss:*coming back out in regular clothes* How about we keep her locked up forever instead!?
Whitley:Aww, but I like playing chess against her. What about you Jaune; do you never want to see her again.
Weiss:*looking at him*......
Jaune:I mean...I don’t have to see her again. That being said, she seems interesting.....
Jaune:It’ll be completely your choice though! My opinion has a bias. *blushing*
Weiss:I’ll....I’ll still keep it in mind. *blushing* just for you.
Whitley:*snickering* Predictable response. Guess that means I should set up the board again. Oh how I do love the black pieces.... *picks up the black queen and white knight*
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