#but you know what is “not very powerful” for Donnie
tapakah0 · 10 months
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turtleblogatlast · 5 months
Thinking about the Don Suave scene and what it means in terms of LGBTQ+ representation because my brain does nothing if not torment me with random topics to ramble about on the regular.
Anyway, I just wanted to ramble about why I like the scene but to get it out of the way - the scene can very easily be interpreted in so many different ways, and all of them are valid. I personally see it as Leo having at least some attraction to a man. And the following is an explanation of my own interpretation and thoughts on it and what it means especially for Leo’s portrayal in the grand scheme of things.
Long-winded interpretation under the cut!
Now, to start with, it’s important to me that in the scene Leo looks at Don Suave in the very beginning and then for the entirety of the rest of the time the man is on screen, Leo’s eyes are closed. Yet, in the end, he is still visibly enamored with Don Suave, happily cuddling up to him as he’s being carried away.
You can very easily interpret this as Leo being spellbound and that’s honestly super valid and I believe he likely was at least somewhat in the beginning, but considering how fast he looked away and how he never looked again, I personally think it makes more sense to read it as Leo just finding the man attractive, at least somewhat. (For the record, I personally headcanon Rise Leo as bisexual with a heavy preference for men, but I want to be blunt when I say that any interpretation is valid. Literally any. Ace, pan, gay, bi, none of the above or a mixture of something new literally all of it is more than okay and fair. Hell you could even interpret this entire scene as more romantic attraction than physical and it would still work. Anything goes!! Don’t bother people, guys, really.)
The main reason I take this scene to be at the very least LGBTQ+ adjacent isn’t just because of how it’s portrayed, but because of who Leonardo is. Not in terms of Rise of the TMNT, but in terms of the entire Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles™️ franchise.
Leo’s a character who, while changing with each iteration, has still at his core been around for decades upon decades as “the blue one”. One fourth of the team. He’s the one most are going to look at as the Leader, and oftentimes he is the one closest to having the title of Main Character. Not to say the others aren’t just as important, but Leo’s presence in the A plots of basically all TMNT media is often something very main character-esque.
And that’s very, very important to note. Here we have a Main Character of a prolific and decades long-running franchise distributed by a children’s television network. You can play around with his and his brothers’ characters all you like, but there is always going to be challenges to dodge around, especially since this was still in 2018-2019.
For example, you can play around with their designs so long as they’re color coded turtles, but their sexualities? Now that’s tricky.
“But what about Hypno and Warren?” Not main characters and also they’re Rise originals. They have a lot more room to play around with than a character like Leo does. But even talking about main characters in the franchise, you could arguably have an easier time playing around with Donnie or Mikey’s sexualities than Leo or even Raph, as (unfortunately) the former two tend to get more B plots, so they’d likely have had a little more leeway (still not a lot though.)
So, where does this leave us?
It leaves us in a place where outright stating and/or showing undeniable proof of Leo’s attraction to men is very, very difficult. So, workarounds!
Workarounds like the entire Don Suave situation.
To be honest, as left up to interpretation and lowkey and deniable as it is, this whole scene means a lot to me because of who Leo is as a character. It’s just nice when we get so see even the bare bones of representation with characters that have been such a large part of pop culture for decades, y’know? Even if more would be so much nicer, this is better than I thought we’d ever get for these boys.
And, again, literally nothing I’ve said is the only way to interpret it, I’m more than happy when people interpret media on their own honestly, it’s just something I’ve been thinking of lately and I was wondering if others felt the same way.
Whatever you think when you interpret this scene or Rise Leo as a whole, I just thought this would be interesting to think about, even if it was ramble-y, haha.
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ironinkpen · 2 years
The dynamic in Rise between the rest of the team and Leo is. so fucking funny. Because like you've got these three extremely talented individuals who all seem like perfectly reasonable people at first glance, right, but then if you squint hard enough you realize they're actually all batshit insane (affectionate) and the clown boy standing behind them is secretly their common sense.
Clown boy will occasionally put himself and the others in danger to Prove Himself or Prove Someone Wrong (see Minotaur Maze and the movie) but like otherwise... i think people forget Leo's overwhelmingly the voice of reason in most situations?
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Raph, Mikey, and Donnie are all incredibly powerful boys with very specific skill sets. They are also, as a direct result of this, the WORST decision-makers on god's green earth lmao. When presented with a problem, Raph will smash, Donnie will blow shit up, and Mikey will razzmatazz. They will all run straight toward death with the same oblivious enthusiasm of a dog about to run straight into a screen door. None of them realize this and all of them think they are Extremely Good At Problem-Solving.
And the guy cursed with the common sense to realize this is literally the LAST person anyone would expect.
When you look closely, the entirety of Rise is actually a chronicle of Leo trying to find new and creative ways to keep this team of superpowered fools alive while simultaneously white-knuckling his Cool Fun Guy persona so the others don't realize he's secretly the Boring Responsible One. Haha, you know what would be Cool and Fun, guys? Not going after the Spine Breaking Bandit lol. Getting home before the sun goes up lol. Evacuating that civilian lol. Not telling the guy dangling me off a roof "you won't, no balls" lol.
The sacred struggle of every iteration of Leonardo is thanklessly wrangling the most trigger-happy siblings in the world, and Rise Leo has not escaped it. He just does an occasional shenanigan to avoid detection and his brothers fall for it every time.
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You know what would make the Lucky Charm more balanced? Make it so that there are times where other characters figure it out, not just Ladybug. That way, it doesn't make Ladybug hypercompent and makes it possible for other people to save the day.
I don't mind Ladybug being the one best suited to Lucky Charm. I don't think it makes her hyper competent because you don't need a Lucky Charm to save the day. It's just the way that she saves the day. The other characters should have their own unique talents that let them win fights. Generally speaking, that's how strong teams work.
For a random example, let's talk about the teenage mutant ninja turtles simply because I think most people know something about that franchise. The character Donatello (aka Donnie) is the team's tech guy. He makes all kinds of inventions that help them save the day. The show would not be improved if all four of the turtles were able to take on this inventor role. I'd argue that it would actually be lessened because the characters would become interchangeable. This is something that the franchise seems to agree with as each version of the show gives each turtle unique skills and personality traits that makes each of them indispensable in their own way, which is what I think Miraculous should have done with the temp heroes.
That being said, I do think that there's a way to make your idea work. I'd just go a slightly different, more lore balancing route since Lucky Charm is technically bad lore and you all know how I feel about bad lore. So let's talk about giving it a minor tweak and how I think that would actually improve things.
Tikki is supposed to be Creation, not Luck, so the Lucky Charm shouldn't have anything to do with Luck. It should just be pure Creation where the holder comes up with a thing they want and that thing then pops up. It could also have a give and take element where the holder gets what they asked for if they want something specific, but they could also just call the power as a hail Mary and Tikki would come up with something on the fly, leading to the occasional puzzle.
This leads me to my proposed changed.
I personally think it would be hilarious and honestly more fun for Marinette's character if she could summon anything she wanted, but the Lucky Charms stay exactly the same because that's just how her mind works. Even when Tikki is helping, it's still all wacky items because Tikki knows how Marinette is and just goes with it.
For example, in Copy Cat, Ladybug turns a spoon into a hook for a cobbled together fishing pole. Wouldn't it be even funnier if Marinette summoned a spoon on purpose because she was thinking of the makeshift thing she cobbled together in order to fish up something she dropped from her balcony? Then, post fight, Chat Noir praises her like always, only to then ask, "So why a spoon and not a fishing hook?" And Ladybug just stares at him because oh, right, those are things they make. She could have done that. Ooops.
And in Malediktator where she summons a sniper rifle to get a laser pointer? Well, she was thinking about this silly comic about a cat assassin! She totally spaced on the fact that you could just get a laser pointer by itself.
Eventually, her team learns to just go with it and not ask questions. Meanwhile, the general public thinks that the Lucky Charm is some random item that Ladybug has to figure out and no one bothers to correct this misunderstanding. You can even have a running gag of new team members learning the truth and going through the acceptance process of, "Hey, you try thinking up how to set a trap while a 5 meter tall lollipop is trying to crush you! Your mind goes to what it knows, not to the ideal solution, okay???"
If we go with this setup, then other people can wield the Ladybug and use Lucky Charm effectively, they'll just use it in a very different way from the way Marinette uses it. There will also be people who are just not suited to the Ladybug since that was initially how the powers were supposed to work and it made perfect sense. Kwamis should have ideal holders along with okay backups and terrible backups. I personally think Alya would be an okay backup since she's creative, but not creative in the same way Marinette is, leading her to be a lesser Ladybug. Adrien, on the other hand, should generally suck at the Ladybug as he simply doesn't have that style of creative thinking. Which is fine. Better than fine, even! You don't want your characters to be interchangeable! They should all have strengths and weaknesses!
This is one of the show's big flaws. Since everything is on Marinette's shoulders, the other characters rarely get a chance to shine and so they feel interchangeable. For example, if gift always shows the target what THEY want, then why does Rose need to be the one to wield it? Juleka could wield it just as easily. And if Ladybug is generally the one telling Marc and Nathaniel what to summon with their powers, then their creativity is not needed. Anyone could wield the rooster and the goat! The show has completely failed to understand what makes teams memorable and so we have a bloated, boring team whose presence I'm dreading because they had five seasons to set these guys up and yet here we are.
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dancingdonatello · 26 days
Could you please do a fanfic if ROTTMNT fanfic!? Donnie X Reader (female) Basically everyone was going to a Jupiter Jim convention and April made a joke about Reader cosplaying Atomic lass and Donnie spent like a week trying to convince Reader into it. (She ends up doing it😂) TYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY keep up the AMAZING work!!!
rise donnie x fem reader
“Is anyone dressing up?”
“We’re already in our costumes.” Leo posed, flexing green muscles. “Alien power.”
April rolled her eyes and turned her gaze to you. “You?”
“I dunno who I would even go as.” You answered, curled up against Donnie’s side. He was looking at something on his phone, barely listening or paying any attention.
“Why don’t you go as Atomic Lass?”
Like out of a horror movie, Donnie’s neck cranes to look at you from where you next to him. You have never seen his eyes so dilated in your entire time of knowing him. “Yes.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “What if I don’t want to?”
“Why wouldn’t you want to?”
April began snickering and you shot her a glare. ‘Look at what you did’ was what you were trying to portray through your betrayed look.
“Because.” You stubbornly look away from his prying gaze.
“Because you hate me.”
“Because you want to cause mental and physical harm to my well-being.”
“Then do it!” He grabbed you by the shoulders, eyes glowing with the intensity of his gaze. “Think of all the possibilities.”
Leo wrinkled his snout. “Gross.”
You rolled your eyes. “Don.”
“Please?” He collapsed to his knees, clasping his hands together. “For me?”
“….” You quirked an eyebrow. “I’ll think about it.”
You think it’s been the best week of your life. A perfect(ish) dinner cooked just for you, your very own massage, Shelldon attending your each and every need without any teenage complaining, and Donnie being the sweetest ever.
It’d be way sweeter if you knew there wasn’t a motive behind it. So you roll your eyes when he brings your hand up to his mouth to kiss it. You sigh as he goes on and on about how you’re the perfect significant other and how you match him completely. You yawn when he nuzzles closer to you during the reruns of your favorite show, the one he so happens to just not hate as much anymore.
The closer you got to the day of the con, Donnie seemed to be giving up. He’d pester you less and just stare off into the distance, all somber. What a drama queen.
Coincidentally, you couldn’t arrive to the con with the turtles. Donnie was immediately suspicious, especially since Leo had his portals and could just portal you there.
You got there ten minutes before Leo planned to get them there, smirking in your full costume of Atomic Lass. You better get the best girlfriend award because as soon as Donnie laid eyes on you, he wrapped you so tightly in a crushing hug that you felt a few ribs pop out of place.
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kathaynesart · 6 months
If Leo can defeat his enemies easily by using the 'Portal Chop' move, wouldn't that mean he'll actually be the #1 priority for the whole Krang to kill when they spotted him? Even more so motivated to use their abilities to remove his ninpo to get rid of a 'bump on the road'?
Hehehe I’m glad someone asked! Yes he and his brothers are on the Krang’s most wanted list. But here’s the thing: only a few Krang are actually capable of sealing off mystic energy/ninpo. Specifically Krang 1. This is because there are different types of Krang with very different abilities (details under the cut).
To answer your question plainly, since Krang 1 is one of the few that can seal off the Ninpo powers, that has left the two sides at a stale mate. The turtles are DANGEROUS, and could do some lethal damage to Krang 1, but if Krang 1 gets the drop on them it’s all over for the turtles. Both sides KNOW this. What’s more I’ve given Krang 1 a weakness that he can only use this ability every so often. So he’d need to get the brothers all together in one fell swoop otherwise it leaves him vulnerable. For this reason the brothers seldom fight as all full set when in close proximity to him (another reason why Donnie normally stays back at HQ).
So we’ll have to wait and see how that pans out. Hope that answered your question. For those interested in the Krang types you can check out my ramblings under the cut:
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Sister Krang is a Brawler Type. She’s the most violent of the three, the strongest outside of her mech, and can keep going even after receiving a number of life threatening hits.
Brother Krang is an Infester Type. He can only speak through the people he’s infested, is physically weak, and goes down easily in battle. However he’s considered far more dangerous because of his ability to easily infest and transform prey to become part of the Krang hive mind. Infesters are also the tech crew and are best suited to drive the ships.
Krang 1 is a Prime Type, the rarest and most well rounded of the three. He has the brains and the brawn. Master tactician who can read the minds of his prey. He’s a powerful fighter (especially in his mech), and is able to use his connection to Empyrean to seal off mystic abilities such as Ninpo. While the Krang is considered a hive mind the Prime is the one in the driver seat as well as the “face man.” Normally there is only one or two Prime Types at a time.
From these three I’ve spawned several more types (including the Fighter type that end up killing Leo in the end) but I’ll save that for a proper Krang hierarchy post in the future.
If you’ve gotten this far thanks for reading my TED Talk.
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all the rise boys get done dirty on characterization by fandom in different ways i think. (not ALL the time every fanwork etc etc these are just like, trends i tend to notice?) every fandom suffers from losing character nuance.
- leo i’ve talked about plenty on this blog, how some of his canon traits (genuine belief in his skill and cockiness, capacity for joy, his manipulativeness whether for good or ill) seem to get watered down or wiped off the board and supplemented with generic sad boy. his struggles with purpose and identity and not wanting to fail somehow morph into “he hates and completely holds no value for himself”
- donnie’s canon personality gets blurred out and largely replaced with whatever list of Neurodivergent Traits. and i think there’s such a fine line to walk between exploring a character that’s been word of god confirmed as on the spectrum and overwriting what’s canonically there. it’s a hard needle to thread. it also feels like a lot of his canon emotiveness gets left off the table for some reason. bc he does have his moments of flat/deadpan delivery, but a lot of the time he’s honestly very emotive. he has the passion of a theatre kid and the vindictiveness of... also a theatre kid. and the mind of a scientist.
- raph loses so much of his rowdy teen boy energy it’s kind of wild? like interpretations sand off that he’s also impulsive and can be reckless and dumb and LOVES fighting and roughhousing and isn’t the most eloquent person. suddenly there’s this pitch perfect soft boy big bro who would never hurt a fly and always says the exact right supportive thing and singlehandedly raised his 3 brothers (which simultaneously sands off all the nuance of splinter’s issues emotionally connecting with his sons and how that affected all of them). and like i LOVE raph, he’s so full of love and care and anxiety, he clearly has learned to put a lot of work into being aware of his strength and size. but there’s a difference you know?
- mikey is like. where raph gets overparentified by fanon, mikey gets over “family therapist”-ed IMO. the impulsiveness, the goofiness, the powerful emotions including a VERY powerful temper, the flat-out dumb teen boy choices... they get ignored. suddenly there’s this only very sweet and earnest boy who has read a hundred psychology books and runs group family therapy weekly or something. he is crying in his room bc leo and raph are arguing about something. which is so. he IS very sweet and can be very earnest and is full of love! he HAS come in with his opinions and unsolicited advice a couple of times and life coached for the greater good. but there’s a difference between what he does in canon and the role he gets in fanon.
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*with my hands held together like a prayer* Oh great one may I request the bayverse boys reacting to feeling their pregnant s/o’s baby bump and feeling the baby kick?? I’m in a fluffy mood rn and your writing is as sweet as honey 
When They Feel Baby Kick For The First Time (Fluff)
Bayverse!Turtles x reader
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A/N: The Great One has heard your prayers of baby kicks and sweet honey. Though the Great One does not hold powers over honey, they can give you kicks of baby feet. Enjoy in the name of the Great One!💚
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Warnings: None💚
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During each and every one of your pregnancies, Leo always seemed somewhat shocked whenever he felt the babies’ first kicks from your belly, like he wasn’t prepared, as if he hadn’t experienced it with all of your other pregnancies.
Whether it be during a cuddle, while Leo put a hand on your stomach as he passed by you in the kitchen, or when he was resting his head beside your belly, talking to your growing child only to get a firm kick in his head, Leo seemed surprised each and every time, staring at you like it had never happened before.
Your husband would get emotional each time, hugging you tightly while stroking your pregnant belly, mumbling sweet words of how excited he was, while showering your face with kisses.
At a point during your pregnancy, Leo would grow familiar with your babies’ punch and kicks, predicting them as they came. Although nothing could have prepared either you or him for the strength of Valentina’s legs and what a punch they pulled. And you thought Marcello was the worst kicker for them all. You thought wrong.
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Have you ever seen a man play soft boxing with a woman’s pregnant stomach? No? Well, I don’t blame you. It does sound very wrong and dangerous. But I can assure you, it’s not as bad as you may think.
Raph took up the habit of lightly punching his knuckles against your stomach when he felt your child kick, back when you were pregnant with Joan. It was like a soft knock, asking if anybody was in there.
Much to Raph’s joy, there was an answer, a small pair of feet kicking back against his hand, much harder than he had done it, letting him know that there in fact was someone on there. That made Raph happy and emotional, before continuing his little way of communication with your still unborn child.
He would continue to do it during your other pregnancies, softly and playfully knock his knuckles against your stomach, even before your belly had taken form. At this point he was just so excited for when the next pair of feet would kick out at him.
And when Minerva and then later on Ragnar would kick out against his hands, answering his small knocks, Raph was excited, fist pumping the air like he had won a marathon.
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Donnie was very much a mindless belly stroker. Whenever you were around with your pregnant stomach, large or not, Donnei would stroke it absentmindedly, while continuing working with whatever he was working on at the time. It was soothing for the both of you, almost stress relieving at times. And well, also quite adorable.
It was during one of the absentminded soft strokes of your belly, that Galileo gave Donnie’s hand a hard firm kick, seeming to wake Donnie up from whatever work trance he had found himself in, staring directly at your stomach with wide eyes, his mouth open in shock and surprise. The expression on your face let him know that you had felt it too. Well, of course you had, it was from inside your stomach.
After this Donnie started taking much more joy in stroking your belly throughout the day, even speaking to your belly, no matter if Galileo decided to kick or not. But oftentimes he did, bringing a big smile fond to Donnie’s lips, his face lighting up in pure joy, at times even happy unstoppable laughter.
This act of rubbing and stroking your stomach would continue during your pregnancy with the twins, with Donnie even showing Gali how he could “talk” with his sisters. It was adorable to watch.
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Having heard about the joy of feeling their child kick against their hands, from the inside of their partners, by his brothers, Mikey was more than excited to feel your baby kick. Especially after how hard the two of you had worked to get you pregnant.
Even before your belly had even taken form, Mikey would walk day in and day out, with his hands on your stomach, ready to feel your child’s first kicks. He wouldn’t miss it for the word, almost making it a personal mission of his, to be there when your child would do their first kick.
And Mikey’s determination proved it’s worth, as one evening as you and Mikey was about to calm down for the night, cuddling up in bed and waiting for sleep to take over the two of you, when suddenly you and Mikey felt the unmistakable kick from inside your pregnant belly. At that point you and Mikey threw all plans of sleeping out of the window, staying up to feel more kicks.
At that point Mikey also decided to destroy everyone's plans in the lair of sleeping, as he started to do happy runs around the living area, hands in the air, yelling and screaming in happiness.
And with your second pregnancy only three years later, the whole history repeated itself, with Mikey wanting to feel Luis’ first kicks like he had done with Sunny. And just like the night he had felt Sunny kick, Mikey was out running rounds in the lair, waking everybody up to the sound of his happy yells.
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cupcakeslushie · 2 months
I dont usually send asks, mostly cause im shy and don’t know what to say lol, but I wanted to share my appreciation for your Kendratello AU, cause it’s helped me recognize a toxic relationship in my own life.
I’ve never been a victim to SA or anything of the likes, so I can’t say I’ve been EXACTLY in Donnie’s place, but something that unsettled me early on when reading your AU was how…NICE Kendra would seem when alone with Donnie.
In a lot of media, especially in the media I saw growing up, the manipulative antagonist almost always had very obvious tells that show they’re evil when interacting with the victim. Maybe they’re talking about committing a very clearly villainous deed, keep the protagonist prisoner, something like that. But Kendra didn’t. Well, not always.
Kendra destroyed Donnie from the foundation up, and then rebuilt him back up to be who she wanted him to be, would punish him but then spin the situation around to be his own fault, but the rest of the time she would seem kind.
Only recently have I realized that someone very close to me has been toxic for most of our lives, and the reason it took me this long to realize it was because they would treat me kindly only until it became in their own interest to act otherwise. But I would take it, because I loved them and didn’t want to hurt their feelings, and I assumed that since they loved me, they wouldn’t ACTUALLY (emotionally) hurt me.
Spoiler alert: they did.
I’m not going to get much more into it, but your AU’s been very comforting to me ever since this happened, because it’s helping me come to terms with the fact that what happened wasn’t my fault just because our relationship seemed nice most of the time.
Your depiction of Kendra manipulating Donnie so realistically, and Donnie slowly but surely realizing that Kendra was hurting him is so powerful, and I thank you for that.
I’m so happy for you Anon 💚💚
It’s good to see these patterns, and depending on how toxic the relationship is, to speak up for yourself, or cut the person out, if they are unwilling to change.
Kindness is often a tool used by manipulators. But the biggest thing to ask yourself is exactly what you saw. Is this person only nice to me when they need something from me? And if so, then this isn’t real kindness. Good for you for knowing your worth!!
sa related ask and discussions of very toxic relationships…
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Personal experience rambling below. Toxic friendship and sa mention.
I’ll only be discussing this once, here, in this post. So I’m afraid if I get anyone asking for further info, I’m not going to reply /lh
I’m very sorry for what you’ve gone through. I hope you can find what you need to heal. Everyone’s traumas are so different, so please if you can, and haven’t already, speak to a professional that will give you help catered to you.
But I do want to immediately answer your question and say, yes, I have healed, for the most part. It took a lot of work and self-reflection that I didn’t want to do, because it was scary. But when I finally talked to someone, and realized I needed to take action in order to heal, that was when the process started.
For years, I thought my only options were to suffer in silence, and that what happened to me was my own fault, because towards the end, I was consenting. But I didn’t understand how my mindset and self worth had become so twisted.
My person (let’s call him J) was one of my best friends growing up. But as he got older, and more interested in…mature things, he changed. J would only ever agree to hang out together unless I offered to give him something to make it worth his while. Eventually I started to think these acts were all I was good for, as that’s all that made him happy to be around me. Pretty soon, J didn’t even have to push the ideas onto me. He only had to act uninterested or busy, and I would sit there and beg to do whatever he wanted.
The idea of rejection grew to be so painful and terrifying as he was one of only two friends that I had (the other being his sister. So if I lost one, I was so scared to lose the other). And I’d recently lost one of my closest childhood friends. Which he often used her cutting contact with us in his manipulations as well.
(It wasn’t until years later that she contacted me through Facebook and revealed that it was J that made her feel too uncomfortable, and as she already lived two hours away from us, and only visited once a year, it was just easier for her to cut off contact. I don’t blame her now, but without that knowledge, the thought that it was something I did, only helped J manipulate me.)
As I grew older, and I got better friends, I started to learn just how much I’d been pushed into only ever doing what he wanted, and how one sided of a relationship it was. He moved away, and that distance I was so scared of became a reality. But it was the best thing to ever happen. I still wonder what would’ve happened if he’d stayed in town. If we might’ve gotten married or if I would’ve finally stood up for myself. But all that matters is he is gone. There is always the danger of him coming home and me seeing him—we were neighbors, so his parents and mine still live right next door. Holidays can be kind of a high stress time lol.
That cafe comic is actually probably the most therapeutic piece out of the whole Kendratello AU I’ve done, as it’s always been a fear of mine that I could just turn around and he’d be in town visiting lol. Sending Kendra through that portal was highly cathartic. But even if that were to happen now, I have my coping skills, and I’m in a much better headspace. I think I would be able to handle myself.
I’m still a people pleaser, I don’t think that’s ever going to go away, even with all the work I’ve done. The biggest thing is, I know I’m worth more now. I can see real kindness, and catch the fake stuff much better by looking for those same toxic signs. The real friendships I’ve made have shown me what connection is truly like. It’s not a one-sided negotiation every time you get together. And if it is, then it’s probably not a healthy give and take. I’ve healed, but it is a constant effort.
Every new person sets off some kind of anxiety in the back of my head, but I don’t let that fear control how our relationship will develop. I’ve got the final say in what happens and what I get out of it.
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obsessedwrhys · 3 months
Hey so how do you think rise donnie would deal with a magical crush who is very chill with his tech and magic ramblings. He is in the room when April asks magival crush “is he bothering you? He can be a bit insufferable sometimes. He can’t just let things go and just accept magic as is”. And crush is like “oh. I don’t mind it. I mean, everyone thought rainbows were magical. They still are, but now you know how they work. I kind of like watching his big head try and figure this stuff out”?
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ just lots of fluff and flirting (I went overboard with the flirting), reader does get hurt but it's just minor, used of (Y/N) but only once, I hope this is a good read ☹, reader is fem!!
It was another normal Tuesday for everybody in the lair, like always, you found yourself sunk into the bean bag your best friend plus boyfriend, Donnie, personally installed in his lab just for you. Well how he manages to become your boyfriend is a different story.
It all happened so fast, you were both blabbered about magic and science and suddenly he's pouring his heart out for you. What's more surprising is that this ain't exactly your home realm. You're pretty lucky enough to have score yourself a bunch of friendly people willing to let you stay at their place, not to mention be fine with your whole magical fiesta.
Anyways, you were concentrating on the game in your phone until you hear Donnie let out a frustrated groan. Curious, you looked to see him struggling with what seemed to be his next hopeful project. It's just not looking too hopeful right now.
"You okay?" You asked and his gaze darts towards you. He waves his hand dismissively.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I must have gotten the formula wrong" He said and at the same time, he walked over to the other table to check on his notes. You put your phone away before getting up to approach him.
"Can I help?" You asked.
You then stood beside him, your eyes examining how his hands are placed at both sides of the notebook as he has his head focused at it in the middle. His brows were slightly furrowed from trying to figure out what went wrong. Even with the stress, you can't help but find the concentration on his face somehow making him appear more attractive.
"No... no... I wouldn't wanna trouble you with this burden..." He muttered almost like a whisper since his mind is already preoccupied with focusing.
"Watching you torture yourself with this is already a burden" You joked and he couldn't help but chuckle a bit.
"You're right, I'll try my best to figure this out sooner" He shoots you a sweet smile before walking off to the table in the center that has his project on top.
"Maybe after this we can go exploring. You said you wanted to visit the museum right? If we're lucky enough, I can shut down the surveillance so we can go in undetected, it'll be like the place is ours" He said, putting on his safety goggles as he continues on his work. You couldn't help but feel all giddy inside just hearing him remember you telling him that a few days ago.
You clear your throat, calming yourself.
"That'd be awesome. I don't know if you know this but I can detect old magic in artifacts. Connecting with them makes me stronger" You grabbed an unfinished rubix cube from his shelf and began to play with it as you made yourself float. Even with your body levitating a few feet above him, he didn't mind but was more focused on the task at hand.
"Huh... is that why you're so eager to go? To make yourself more powerful?" He said, a hint of amusement in his tone.
"Not entirely, I did say I wanted to explore it with you" You said and just hearing you say that, he tried to bite back a smile, a sense of pride swelling up in his chest.
"Gaining power and spending time with me? You're awfully greedy. Are all magical beings like this from your realm?" He playfully teased and you couldn't help but let out a humoured scoff.
"Too bad it must just be me" You responded and it made him laugh to himself while shaking his head.
"What else should I be aware of about your powers?" He asks and you hummed as you thought it over.
"Well... my powers get crazy strong when I feel a strong emotion. Whether it be sad or anger. Somehow being overwhelmed can 'cause me to lose control" You said and it automatically caught his interest.
"Lose control?" He repeats while putting on gloves before using the angle grinder on the metal.
"Huh... I can understand why... the heightened emotions you feel can create a swirling vortex of energy that can overwhelm your conscious control, making it easily for you to lose any sense of control over yourself, it's almost inevitable" He asserted like he always does when he's invested with every new discovery about your magical abilities.
"Really? Are you saying that's a bad thing?" You raised an eyebrow as you finally landed beside him, at the same time Donnie stops using the angle grinder and puts it aside. He pulls over his goggles, letting it rest just above his head.
"Not exactly, there are other emotions that can also work... Magic is no different than science. There's always a different formula available to replace the other" He said, twisting some screws onto the machine and once he's done, he turns it on before stepping back to see it on and working.
"And maybe sometimes... different is better" He smiled, satisfied with his success. He then turn to look at you who seemed puzzled, in your hand holds the rubix cube you have yet to finish.
"I'm sort of getting it but what other emotions is there that doesn't involve me turning into a raging monster?"
"There is one... an emotion that makes you feel calm yet overwhelmed at the same time... but you'll have to fall"
"Fall?" You watch as he goes to the other side of the room to grab a handkerchief to wipe his face clean.
"Fall in love... can't be hard right?" He looks at you, his eyes warm like it'll be enough to melt you. The way he stares at you makes it seem as though you're the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. You blush as you let out an awkward chuckle.
"Love? Are you saying that because half of the movies we watch, the main character happens to win in the last minute against the bad guy because of the power of love?" You joked, trying to hide the fact that your heart is beating faster than it would.
"This is purely science. I don't recall any movies using that trope" He says and you couldn't help but tilt your head, your brows raised in disbelief.
"Beauty and the Beast"
"Hey he was cursed by a witch"
"That was more about cutting her hair"
"Uh Hero? Frozen?!??! Every freaking Christmas movie ever created?!?!!" He stares at you, silent for a second and you can see from his face that he's thinking it over.
".... you had me at Frozen. Ah alright, you're missing the whole point of all of this" He approaches you and you can't help but try to at least avoid the effect he's having on you.
"What I'm trying to prove here is that maybe you can try focusing on that emotion. Maybe it can even save you out of a messy situation one day. Who knows?" He crosses his arms, a confident smirk on his face. You roll your eyes with a smile of your own.
"You and your science talk. I do appreciate it but sometimes it's a wonder you haven't talked my ear off" You joked and it makes him laugh once again.
"Oh please, my voice is not irritating, at least not compared to yours"
"Excuse me??"
Right as you finished talking, April enters. She stops in her tracks as she awkwardly shifts her focus from Donnie's face to yours. Sensing the clear look of annoyance on your face, she decides to step in between in whatever conversation you two are having.
"Hey now, I've been gone for only a few hours and you guys are already trying to tear each other down" She laughs half heartedly. Clearly sensing the shift of emotion in the atmosphere, Donnie shrugs as he chooses to walk back to his station.
"Oh well, and uh (Y/N), you should go with April. It's almost evening and you usually eats at this hour. I'll find you later" He says with his back turned to you. Not really caring much about it, you also shrug before turning the other way.
"I was gonna go eat anyways" You said but deep inside you could feel that flutter of emotion again. Without much complain, you decided to go to the kitchen to April, the rubix cube still in your hand.
You're seated at the chair and toying around with the cube that you failed to acknowledge the concern look on April's face. She hands you your plate of food before taking her seat beside you. It was when you both started eating that you finally notice. But before you can ask, she beats you to it.
"Are you okay? I saw your face back there and it seemed like you guys were arguing. Is Donnie bothering you again? I know how far he can go trying to experiment on you" She said and her words nearly caught you off guard. You're aware of her concern about your safety but you weren't sure she would be THIS concern. Especially directing it towards Donnie.
"Wait no we weren't arguing just now. He just said some stupid comeback at my joke. Besides, what makes you think he'd do that?" You asked and she turns to look at you as if your question was a dumb one.
"Um, hello? He's Donatello. The 'Magic is not a real thing' Donatello... Did you forget how he was trying to have you join his crazy experiments when you first got here??" She said and you couldn't help but laugh a bit from how unreal the situation you're in.
"Okay first of all, he doesn't hate magic. He's just amazed about it you know? It's like giving a baby their first taste of sweet candy"
"You're comparing him to a baby now?"
"It was just a metaphor"
"Fineeee!! But how is he okay with letting you hang around in his lab? Doesn't magic and science not work together?"
"Oof if that was the case then people would think that thunder and lightning was a sign of God's fury from above"
"Okaaay... you have a point but... why do you like hanging around in his lab? It doesn't seem to be your cup of tea" You look at her and you see a teasing grin on her face.
Oh boy.
"His lair is... quiet... it's comforting"
"Ah yes... the sound of him drilling for hours is very relaxing. Not to mention the loud noises of his hammer! Wh-What a paradise!!" She says while ending up laughing at her own sarcasm. You let out a defeafed sigh.
"Okay maybe I happen to enjoy watching him work. It's exciting!! Do you see the way he puts things together?" You said with pride that you failed to notice the smile on your face.
"Uh huh" She looks at you and its clear that she doesn't buy it one bit.
Minutes later after you both are done eating and chatting about your everyday lives, you found your way back into the lab.
As expected, you found Donnie in his chair and seemingly working on his next project. Seeing how busy he looks, you decided to just go back to your place on the bean bag... but the sound of your footsteps caught his attention. His eyes slightly perked up as he swung around in his chair to look at you.
"You're back so quick...?" He said, his tone coming off surprised.
"Yeah... why? Do you need some alone time?" You took a step back and he quickly got to his feet like he's trying to stop you.
"That's not what I meant... uh I need to ask you an offer" He then leaned his back against the table and from the way his eyes is struggling to maintain eye contact with you, you could tell it wasn't anything good.
"Do you mind if you could used your powers to give my machine a boost? I need to make sure if it's resistant from getting fried easily" He looks at you, his gaze making him appear hopeful that you'll be fine with that... and honestly why wouldn't you be?
"Sure, just tell me how much is too much" You walk over to the machine displayed on the center and he mirrors your action. You stand side by side as you gently place your hand on top of the core.
"How about we start with something small and we'll work our way up from there?" He suggests which you nodded in agreement.
Just like that, you activated your powers and at the same time made sure you weren't using too much of it. In relief the machine didn't blow up but was running just fine. Almost at the same time, You and Donnie exchanged thankful smiles when turning to look at one another. With the first stage cleared, you decided to up the heat a bit.
"ZZZzzzz" The machine buzzes a bit from the increased intensity of your powers but surprisingly it's still intact and working right.
"Alright... moment of truth..." You grit your teeth anxiously... then activated the full force of your powers.
Almost like a flash, you could feel surges of electricity coursing through your vines so due to your instincts you quickly pulled your hand away cause of the pain. And for the machine it was now overloading but somehow still functioning. Before you could even do anything, Donnie is already by your side with a med kit in hand.
"Are you okay? I know you're an enhanced being but still that must have hurt" He places the kit on the table and opened it to take out anything you needed.
"Just a small wound" You said, showing him the tiny burn on your pinky. Instantly he's already treating it with the petroleum jelly.
You don't say anything but choose to watch him tend to your minor injury. From his body language you could tell that he was very focused on not hurting you in the slightest. Soon after he wraps a clean bandage loosely around your pinky, he looks at you with a wave of warmth on his face. How he looks at you so softly is making your heart beat like it did not long ago.
"So... are you still up for our visit to the musuem?" He asks and you chuckle in disbelief.
"Seriously? You're not gonna even explain why you invented this thing in the first place? Not after my effort of helping you out?"
"Oh that? I wanted to surprise you but since you asked, this is gonna be our one way ticket to shutting the surveillance off. Just stick this bad boy into the breaker and the cameras are out" He picks it up and effortlessly puts it into the back of the truck, you follow him not far behind.
"You built all that just to spend one night with me at the musuem?" You tilt your head and he freezes in place, his back facing you as he stands at the back of the van.
"Uh... yeah... why not?" He rubs his neck awkwardly. From that you could tell that you've somehow made him flustered. You laugh and the sound of you laughing made him turn around out of curiosity.
"What are you laughing about?" He said despite the movements of his lips beginning to form a grin.
"Nothing nothing..." You look at him, a smile still present on your face but soon you show him your pinky, the same one he helped bandage it up for you.
"Kiss it to make it better?" You said with your hardest attempt of making puppy dog eyes. He shakes his slightly out of amusement.
"Only because you asked" He takes a few steps forward and carefully holds your arm by the wrist before guiding it towards his lips. He kisses it delicately and while he does so, his eyes are remained locked on yours. The intensity of his gaze made you blush that you couldn't help but look away.
"There... is my baby done whining now?" He said with his hands now intertwined with yours. You roll your eyes as you let him pull you into his embrace.
"Yeah yeah... let's go to the musuem now smarty pants" He chuckles at your response with his arms wrapped securely around you, his fingers tracing gently down your spine.
"Should we watch a movie after we get back?"
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afreakingdork · 4 months
Deep Dive: Rise of the TMNT Donatello's Bad Boy Persona, His Cute, But Mean Type, and Why He is None of These Things
I made this presentation to delve into my take on Rise Donnie!
It was a power point, but I'm going to break it down here. I do want to preserve the first slide though because...
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Did you know Black dahlia's aren't actually black? They're very dark red and in flower language they represent dishonesty!
Apropos, let's get into it...
Donnie is a Bad Liar
We see this throughout the show
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“No? No… Of course I did… n't.”
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"Uh, nothing. Just having a typical normal mystic free day."
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"We are just typical, normal humans who got lost in the middle of our normal, everyday human lives. Nailed it."
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"Oh man. Uh. This hurts me. Uh. I'm very sad?"
He has all the characteristics of a terrible liar. He sweats, his pitch warbles, his eyes dart, ect, everything you would expect.
Sarcasm! The Perfect Cover?
When Donnie does go for the use of sarcasm, he almost always points it out.
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"I feel better already," he said without a hint of sarcasm."
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"Oh, sure. Let me just load my tap-into-every-security-camera-in-New-York app. I'm sorry if that sounded like sarcasm, it wasn't. I am in."
Point Out the Obvious Much
However, when he doesn't point out the sarcasm, he also can't help but make mention of the oxymoron. We see this a lot, especially in Donnie vs. Witch Town.
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"Oh yes very cool says Donnie as he quietly lets something go."
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"Ooh, fireworks. Science never would have thought of something it was originally inventor of."
So basically, if Donnie tries to lie; he gives himself away. If Donnie tries to fudge the truth; he's compelled to make note of it.
I bring this all up to specifically tackle this sentence:
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“So unfair. Although it is a boost for my emotionally unavailable bad boy image. “Y’ello.””
Why do I do so? Let me remind you of my first slide...
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But how can that be? We just established that he's a bad liar. In the 'bad boy' line, he's not falling for any of his tells. He's body language gives no indication of lying. He doesn't make any note of sarcasm. No one after this line makes a face or corrects Donnie and he doesn't point out any discrepancies.
How could this be a lie?
Because Donnie himself doesn't know it's a lie.
Let Me Take You Back
Things I Did Unironically as a Teenager
Added Japanese honorifics to the end of my friends nicknames (-san, -chan, -kun)
Had my friends help me wrap myself up in caution tape for my birthday, but told people they made me
Wore a dog collar with a dog tag that had my name in Romanji on it
Had screen names like RubyBlueSango62 and blahweeblah626
But That’s Just Personal Experience!
Things Donnie has Unironically as a Teenager
"Ah, yes, so in this case a game of bask-eh-ball."
"Prepare to eateth thy words."
"Oh, hey guys. What’s the haps? Huh? Oh, oh this? I didn’t realize I had it on. This is my sweet new purple satin jacket- Got it from being a bit of a tech wiz. Purple Dragons. Members only. No big deal. Mm-hm. Well, you better grab some toast, fellas, 'cause you are all jelly!"
“It's Bootyyyshakker9000. Capital B and three Ys in booty.”
I believe it's a universal experience for teenagers to push boundaries. For so long, most parents decide everything for you. With hormones and growth, you want to experiment, but since autonomy is new, you try to break from the mold and do it uniquely. Anything that is outside your norm, especially things that swing wildly from what you once new seems especially exciting. From embellishing speech, to wearing specific clothing items, and even your first screen name, you don't know boundaries! It may be 'cringe' in the future, but when you first do it, it seems like the coolest thing ever! It's something that wholly represents you. This online space you. This you that is ungoverned! I'm an only child so I can't imagine, but I bet you especially want to do this when you have siblings. Where the shame in that?
I mean... Kat Haynes agrees with me on this...
Low Empathy
Now to get a little more serious. Alexithymia is a term that describes those who have difficulty feeling emotions. While not always associated with autism, it is more common in individuals with it. About 1 in 5 people who have autism also have alexithymia.
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As already stated, it is clear the Donnie suffers from alexithymia. Most Donatello-centric conflicts in Rise have nothing to do with Donnie being emotionless and instead often deal with him lashing out due to his confusion or insecurities. We see this a lot especially in Witch Town where he is grappling with himself the entire episode. He's insecure about how he doesn't understand mysticism and he doesn't know how to process it or his place on the team. He's not emotionless, he's insecure when he doesn't understand something.
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"Yes, feelings. Hot, cold, sleepy, hungry…"
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"I don't normally feel things, but that one got through!"
Emotions on his Metaphorical Sleeve
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Nothing about alexithymia says that you don't feel emotions. Instead, it's characterized by not understanding them. Donnie feels his emotions big and large just like Mikey does and especially if something is important to him, you'll see those reactions dialed up to eleven.
All Talk
While many think of the classic "semi-lethal" line and the "Speak for yourself" when Mikey says they aren't savages in regard to Donnie, he's not really the bad boy he plays himself up to be. When the theatrics are set aside, most of Donnie’s snap judgements are the altruistic kind or he thoughtfully plans out ways to not only take care of his family, but actively ensure their safety (to varying degrees of success, but that's not what we're saying here):
created devices which both counteracted his brother's flaws because they were getting them hurt
Used himself as a shield for Mikey on multiple occasions 
Risks his own safety and bodily harm especially in Turtle-dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man and Breaking Purple
Builds Escape pods for everyone 
Enters a sensory nightmare for the sake of the world
Often asks, especially Raph, if he's okay and looks out for the oldest brother
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Yet the Presentation Continues?
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Why yes, because there is another line of Donnie's that I want to tackle that I believe falls exactly in line with the 'bad boy image' one...
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"Oh, you’re so cute, but so mean. Why do I always go for your type?"
You know what I'm about to posit again...
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As touched on previously, Donnie is insecure. He's insecure about his emotions. He's insecure about his place on the team. He's insecure about anything he doesn't understand and his insecurities are exceedingly personal in nature because he ties them intrinsically to his personality.
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"The real thing is much more personal and thoughtful, and I really hope you like it, ‘cause if you don’t I will just be crushed!"
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"This’ll teach you to compliment my work and give me my first positive reinforcement from a parent aged adult, ever!"
Speaking of parent aged adults... i wonder where this could stem from...
Role Model
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Who do all the turtles model themselves after, but their own father? Whether they knew it or not, Lou Jitsu was someone they all strived to be like. They commited to learning all the lines from his movies. They fought like him outside of the training course Splinter sets them on. Heck, Donnie takes his hero worship so far that his character defining brows are exactly Lou Jitsu's! Babies start learning how to establish social and emotional relationships around 18 months. We have Splinter, a despondent, but loving care giver who unfortunately did not give Donnie the validation he craved. This manifests in his insecurities where he bends over backwards to get the attention he craves. He wants to be seen, again compounded by having three rowdy mutant-powered brothers, and so he ends up tying his worth into his ability.
Now, while for a majority of the series, the turtles don't know about Splinter's past or that he dated Big Mama, but it wasn't as if Splinter hid that part of himself away so obviously. In fact, because he himself is still mourning his lost humanity, he ends up feeding his son's a hardy diet of his life's existence. The boys are secondarily raised by Lou Jitsu movies in place where Splinter is not always present. Obviously, Lou Jitsu seemingly disappears, but Splinter's feelings on the matter don't. He openly still cares about Big Mama in the present and this I don't think it's a stretch to say that he would let these feelings leak in a similar way to how he presents Lou Jitsu in the boys lives. Big Mama is a attractive, albeit manipulative woman. This is awfully close to a little line someone says, especially when we consider that he models himself after this man.
Also, if we're taking models into account. Something we know for a fact shapes teenagers. Something we know for a fact that Donnie does. Something that is equally canonized in the show, then we have to talk about.
Donnie’s True Canonical Idol
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That's right. You know her. You love her. You believe that Donnie is a thigh man because of this Lass' existence. Donnie says flat out that Atomic Lass is his childhood idol. He goes to great lengths to dance with her, smashing Leo out of the way. He then even goes so far as to ask if her and Atomic Lad have split up because his intention to date her is so clear. Now she was obviously a mutant in a costume, but that didn't matter because he loves Atomic Lass that much and Atomic Lass?
She's a heroine.
Only cute and mean in the context of the episode, this is not the Lass he fell in love with. The Lass he loves is a comic book hero that travels the universe doing good.
Ron Corcillo Agrees With Me
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A staff writer on Rise, I apologize I can't show the origin tweet because it was deleted, but it was a dual question that asked both about the Turtles meeting Spider-man and about Donnie's preference. Now you could say he's forgotten a line that may not be as important to him, but doesn't that in and of itself say something? It says that it could have been a one-off joke or that it wasn't something that was necessarily intrinsic to the character.
To Recap:
Donnie doesn’t always know himself
Donnie is a cringey teen
Donnie is insecure
Donnie has difficulty understanding emotions and himself
Donnie isn’t actually an 'emotionally unavailable bad boy'
Donnie doesn’t actually like the ‘mean’ type
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Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episodes:
Mystic Mayhem
Donnie's Gifts
Pizza Pit
Hot Soup: The Game
Shadow of Evil
Donnie vs. Witch Town
The Mutant Menace
Breaking Purple
Turtle-dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man
End Game
Repo Mantis
Mascot Melee
Donnie's Gifts
Bug Busters
War and Pizza
Goyles, Goyles, Goyles
Lair Games
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie
lactoseintolerentswag's post on Rise Characterizations Pt. 3!!!
skulltrot's Donnie (Rise of the TMNT) | Autism Representation in Media video
Ron Corcillo's tweet from Cartoon Brew's Feb 10, 2024 AMA
Alexithymia | Autistica
earthytzipi's post not understanding why people characterize Donnie has hiding his emotions
hyperfixatinator's post about ROTTMNT Theory: Donatello's Hidden Role
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cherryo · 8 months
Nsfw alphabet headcanons about the rise brothers would be great!
HIIIII!!!! okay so i decided to pick out three for each brother cause if i did all 26 questions for each brother it would be a little much for me right now! i may revisit a whole one for each brothers :3
Pairing: Rise! Brothers x reader (separately) genre: smut Pronouns: no actual pronouns but fem genitalia Word count:didnt count warnings: cussin' and sex lol did not proofread
A- Aftercare (what theyre like afterwards)
2nd best out of the brothers (Raph is the best) Runs you a bath before you even ask, he has snacks, towels, water and everything you could want in his room already!
I- Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect of it)
Super super romantic, literally no jokes whatsoever. As he ages he eases up but as of right now hes very intimate and romantic! He thinks sex and sexual intimacy is sacred and needs to be serious !
W-Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He only likes to be a power bottom! He feels he has wayyyyyyy more control from the bottom than on top! He also thinks you being on top is super fucking hot
B- Body (what their favorite body part is of themselves and their partner)
His arms!!! Fucking thick as a log, hes very proud how much he can manhandle you with his arms and how he can hold you down or in any position with one arm!
Your thighs, he loves how they look when you sit down, have a tight skirt on, how his dick feels being slide between them, how fucking soft they are!
N-No (something they wouldnt do)
Public sex or bathroom public sex. He thinks its hot but he cant handle his noises or his size in public, it would be too obvious too quick and hes too nervous to be caught!
X-X-ray (lets see whats going on under those clothes)
HOLY SHIT FUXKING BIG AS FUCK!!!!!! Literally thickness of a coke can and the length of a normal human forearm!!!!!!!! No but fr the girth is what gets you hurtin’. You two have to prep your pussy for hourrrrssss before even attempting to slide his dick in
C - Cum (anything to do with cum)
He cums so much and it’s so thick and goopy and hot and-
He loves cumming in you and on you, depending on horny and situation level. If yall are in public he’s cumming in you so it drips out of you and he also does it commonly in the bedroom.
He cums on you primarily if its a quickie so he can just wipe it up and you wont have to worry bout your panties being soaked! How sweet of him <3
F- Favorite position
Mating press and doggy and i will not be expanding on this it just feels right!!!!
K-Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Literally breeding, body worship, overstim, panty sniffing, choking, collars & leashes, and -
He has so many, i believe hes the most adventurous in the bedroom! Mikey being second, raph and then leo <3
D- Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
Is a panty stealer, literally sneaks dirty and clean underwear. He loves it, he primarily jerks off with them on his dick but will sometimes sniff it or stuff it in his mouth while jerkin it
L-Location (their favorite place to do it)
The bathroom!!!! Loves the counters and how creative you have to be while fucking in the bathroom. Also loves tub and shower sex! Mans is a freak fr but he just loves making the bathroom humid from stuff other than hot water ;)
Z-ZZZ (how fast do they fall asleep after?) 
Hes out, the second yall are done hes out. Hes so bad at aftercare and i know he has that whole alter ego but it just feels right!!!!!! Hes a sleepy guy :’)
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xtreklx · 1 year
Bumpin' ~ Raphael x reader
One-shot: bayverse Raphael x reader
Word count: 1k
Warnings: SFW, fluff, slightly mature themes (rated 17+, see my masterlist for disclaimer)
A/N: a self-indulging one-shot I thought up for Raphie boy. thanks for reading!
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"Y/N, I'm boooooooored."
Michelangelo let out a long, drawn-out sigh and turned to look at you. You were both strewn about the living room of the lair, him on the floor and you on the couch. This time was normally used for your weekly Mortal Kombat sesh, but Donatello had shut off the lair's power to make a repair, so the two of you were forced to find an alternative activity. Which sounded like a simple task, but had since proven the opposite.
You mimicked your friend's long-drawn out sigh with a smirk on your face. "Yeah, I bet Don decided on purpose to do this right now," you replied. "Not that I blame him, we do get pretty loud when we game." You were laying on the couch as you spoke, scrolling absentmindedly through your phone's home screen and hoping that an app or notification would give you some sort of inspiration.
You thought for a moment as Mikey continued his mock sighs, which were rising in both volume and drama, before turning to him with an idea. "Hey Mikey, do you use Spotify to listen to music?" He looked to you again before pulling out his phone. "Yeah, team Spotify all the way! Why?"
You sat up with a new invigoration. "We should create a blended playlist!" You exclaimed, opening the app on your phone. "We can compare our music tastes and see what we have in common, it'll be fun!" Mikey sat up from his spot on the floor and handed you his phone with the Spotify app open. "Hell yeah, girl! I'm always in the mood to bump some tunes! Lemme go get my speaker." And with that, he took off to his room.
You got to work with both of your phones in your hand. When he returned, you hit shuffle on your blended playlist and the music started flowing from the speaker. You moved to sit next to him on the floor.
"When I look at the playlist story, it says we have a 56% music match." "Okaaaaaaay, that's not too bad," Mikey replied. "Where do we match up, dudette?" You tapped the screen again, showing him. "Our number one match is Tyler the Creator. That makes sense, I listen to him a lot!" "No way, me too!" Mikey exclaimed. "He's definitely one of my fave artists."
The two of you began chatting away and singing along to songs as they came up, while unknowingly summoning a third party.
"Poor Don'll never get the quiet time he wants," Raphael spoke, shaking his head as he walked into the living room from the dojo. His gruff voice startled you from behind and your heart rate increased, as it often did around the short-tempered brother. You had had a crush on him for a few months now, but were far too intimidated and nervous to make a move, so it went unaddressed. The turtle in question strolled over and plopped down on the couch, looking down at you both on the floor. "What're you two idiots doing, anyway?"
"We're just bumpin' some tunes, bro!" Mikey called, shaking his head to the beat of the song playing. "We're comparing our music tastes!" You excitedly said. "And actually, we're using a very technical algorithm, so this is in the name of science! Donnie couldn't argue with that," you grinned up to the turtle in red. Raph rolled his eyes but let a small smirk grace his features in return. Dork.
"Alright dollface. Since it's so impressive, show me how it works."
You explained the process to him as Mikey continued to jam to the music playing from his speaker. Raph listened and examined the blended playlist you had created. "Hmm... Y/N, see what ours would look like," he pondered, reaching for his phone. Again, your heart sped up, but you breathed out an "O-okay" and took his phone from him. As you tapped the screen, you ignored Mikey wiggling his brows at you in your peripheral vision, knowing about your feelings toward his brother.
When you finished, you gasped slightly, and turned the screen to Raph. "We're at 84%!!!" you squealed, showing him where your favorite artists intertwined. You scrolled through the playlist to see a mix of heavy metal, grunge, classic rock, R&B and rap. Tyler the Creator was also listed as one of your top matching artists.
"No way," the brute scoffed, leaning towards you so that he could look over your shoulder at your blended playlist. You both pointed out which songs were your favorite and why, and also chatted about the favorite artists you had in common. Your nerves eased as you connected with him, your heart thrumming at the realization that he was being... kind of vulnerable with you. You were getting to see a part of Raph that he had never shown you before.
All of the sudden, the song changed to 'Dogtooth' by Tyler the Creator, and Mikey jumped up, hollering. You gasped with joy, and you both looked to each other with excitement. "I love this song!!!" You both yelled, and then: "JINX!" You laughed hard as Mikey ran from the living room, yelling the lyrics at the top of his lungs, 100% looking to annoy his other older brothers.
As your laughing ceased and you turned back to Raph, you took in a quick breath as you realized how close you two were leaning in before the outburst. You were still on the floor, but had scooted towards his spot on the couch until you were practically leaning on his lap. You could feel his warm breath brush your face, and he got an amused look on his face as he gazed at you.
Your eyes widened naturally with the proximity, and after a moment of silence and staring at each other, you opened your mouth you speak. But before you could, Raph began rapping along to the song playing from Mikey's speaker, a growing smirk on his face and a unique glint in his hazel eyes as he watched you.
"She could ride my face, I don't want nothin' in return. Except for some her time and all her love, that's my concern. I'm tryna buy my neighbor's house..."
The eye contact he was giving you in this moment could only be described one way: heavy. And your face turned beet red. The closeness, his gaze, his smirk, the words- it was all too much for your poor heart to take.
"R-raph, w-what are you doing?"
"I'm just bumpin' some tunes, dollface."
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imababblekat · 1 year
To Catch A Turtle
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@foxespen, "So part of the spiderman powers are having enhanced strength, right? So they could probably pick up any one of the turtles pretty easy, even if they stand at like half the brothers’ height. Imagine during a fight one of the boys gets thrown off a roof and their friendly neighborhood spider catches them and is just hold them bridal style and says like “if you’re gonna fall for me, it doesn’t have to be on a roof”Or something"
It wasn’t often the boys and (s,n) would get into a tough fight, but it seemed that with BeBop and Rocksteady, it always was one. They were two formidable foes for the ninja turtles alone, so having someone like you to fight along side them in these cases was always a welcome advantage.
When Donnie had relayed an alert from Casey, it wasn’t long till the four brothers found themselves fighting the two enemy mutants atop a bank building. Five minutes into the fight and you made your entrance by web launching yourself into BeeBop’s face, with a corny, “Starting the party without me I see!”, as you back flipped off the warthogs face. Just like that, with cheerful greetings, you and the crime fighting terrapins fell into sync, dishing out all you could against the other two. However, as the fight drew on, perhaps due to growing exhaustion, not everyone was able to stay on top of their toes.
“What do these guys even want?!”, you asked aloud, dodging a thrown pipe and landing next to Leo.
The leader in blue charged forward, swinging his dual swords at Rocksteady who was quick to hold up a chunk of broken building to block the attack. Narrowly ducking out of a punch from BeBop, Donnie swung his staff into the warthogs side, earning a harsh yelp from the assailant.
“Not sure. April thinks they’re making some sort of deal and need the cash to do so.”
“Stay out of our business, turtles!”, BeeBop snapped, grabbing Donnies staff and shoving the taller terrapin back into Raphael who had tried to attack from the side.
“The zoo’s not going to take you two, no matter how much you bribe them!”, you quipped, easily dodging Bebops attacks and jumping onto his back, blinding him with multiple web shots and tugging him in different directions as he started a blind rampage.
A loud laugh came from Mikey as he watched you rodeo the warthog, Leo and Donnie running towards you to assist.
“Good one, angel cakes!”, Mikey winked, just missing a punch from Rocksteady.
“The insects jokes are lame!”, the rhino grunted with irritation, grabbing a hold of Mikeys swinging nun-chuck and pulling him forward to give him a hard kick.
“Hey! Only I can call their jokes lame!”
Rocksteady quickly looked over at the person who had shouted, only to suddenly be tackled by a very heated Raphael. With a strong hold of the larger mutants midsection, the red clad ninja used all of his might to push the other to the edge of the building. Despite nearly having the wind knocked out of him by Raphael, Rocksteady was quick to firmly grasp his shell. With a loud grunt from above, Raphael had suddenly found himself being lifted into the air, staring down at a triumphant Rocksteady before being sent flying over the tall buildings edge. The last thing heard, as Raphael struggled to regain sense of what was up and what was down, were his brothers frantically shouting after him. At the height he just been thrown from, Raphael knew that even collapsing into his shell would prove futile to the crushing gravity once he hit the streets below.
Out of nowhere, Raphael felt his stomach lurch back and forth as something, or rather someone, swiftly swung him from one side of a building to another in a quick descent. It wasn’t till the world stopped spinning around him did Raphael peek open an eye, confusion followed quickly by shock when he realized who had been his savior.
“You know, Raphael, you make quite the cute damsel in distress if I do say so myself.”, you cheekily jested, and said turtle could just picture your eyebrows wagging beneath your mask.
(S,n) had been holding the bulky terrapin like he was air. Their arms snuggly wrapped beneath his knees and the midsection of his shell. Despite the alarming size difference, you cradled Raphael so carefully and securely, in a way that he had wished to someday carry a significant other. Yet, to be the one being held in such a manner, caused the macho man of a turtle to feel his face quickly heat up, and scramble out of your arms even quicker when he heard the approaching foot steps of his brothers. One could practically feel the heat of embarrassment radiating off of him, as he tried desperately to play things cool.
“What happened to BeBop and Rocksteady?”, Raph questioned his brothers, hoping beyond belief that they hadn’t seen a thing.
“They managed to get away, but not without leaving behind what they tried to steal. Casey and the NYPD are on their way to pick up the stolen goods.”, Leo informed, looking between his flustered sibling and the spider person beside him.
Raphael just let out a scoff, turning sharply and walking off in a random direction.
“Where are you going?”, Mikey confusingly asked.
“To find my sai's.”
“Your welcome by the way!”, you shouted out, to which Raphael simply sent you back a deep scowl before returning to his search.
Despite the aggravated grumbling you could hear come from the hot headed person you saved, you continued to smile to yourself, the squinted eyes of your mask telling of your hidden expression. Pulling out a pen and small note pad, the parchment labeled (s,n) Notes, Donnie began to scribble away.
“Did he even weigh anything to you?”, he questioned with scientific curiosity.
You shrugged, hands on your hips as you peered up at Donnie.
“Like a feather.”
“Oo, oo! Me next!”, Mikey excitedly shouted, bounding towards you at top speed.
Not even your spidey senses could have prepared you for Mikey’s suddenness, you both collapsing to the ground just as you’d barely caught him in your arms. Leo merely shook his head in slight disappointment, Donnie continuing to jot down notes, and Raphael in the distance still trying to calm his flustered heart.
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tizeline · 5 months
Asking some writers/artists I follow:
Is there anything in your fic/comic that you as the author know about, but won't end up in the actual story?
So I have a rather uh disorganized way of telling the story of the TSAU, I jump back and forth in the timeline quite a bit depending on what part of the story I wanna tell. Overall I improvise quite a bit, and because of that I can't be 100% sure what will be depicted in the story and what wont. But I might as well share some little tidbits of lore that are probably not gonna be mentioned in the main story (though they still might who knows lol)
So uh. April and Kendra are exes. Kinda. They were pretty close friends when they were younger and decided to become a couple when they were like 9 or something. This lasted for a grand total of.... 2 days, maybe? Then they had a huge fight about something silly like, I dunno, Kendra hacked April's tamagotchi as a prank and she got mad so they broke up and they've had major beef ever since.
Draxum made Mikey wear some type of artifact or gear that supressed his mystic powers as a kid for his own safety. Mikey started showing an incredible talent for the mystic arts at a very young age. Draxum was excited about this for all of 5 seconds before realizing that Mikey is a VERY small child with NO impulse control and he's definetily gonna turn himself and the rest of the family into glitter unless Draxum finds a way prevent that from happening until Mikey has the chance to develop an understanding of consequences. (He's learned to control his powers well enough to not need them by the time of the main-story, so he no longer wears the supressors)
Donnie's whole villain-act he puts on is partially a coping mechanism. He grew up never knowing anyone like himself (unless you count Splinter, I suppose) so the only times he saw himself represented in anything was characters in comics and shows and such. There were plenty of anthropomorphic reptile characters in the media he consumed, and Donnie clunged to anyone or anything that he could at least somewhat relate to. Problem is, a lot of these anthro reptiles were like.... y'know... villains. It's pretty common for super heroes and stuff to fight evil mutant reptile creatures, and even stories with only anthro characters reptiles tend to be charactarized as more villainous. Granted, turtles specifically usually don't get this treatment, but it still had quite an effect on Donnie as a little kid that most characters similar to him would be viewed as evil, which caused him to internalize that mindset. So turtle tot Donnie basically went like "Yes! This is what I am! A villain in someone else's story! It all makes sense now! This is a healthy mindset to have!" and just kinda embraced the role that human society had given to him because he didn't really know how else to deal. (Things changed after meeting April and he found out that there might actually be humans out there who might treat him like a person and not just a freak of nature! He still plays into the villain-persona, partially for fun and partially as a coping thing, but he doesn't have nearly as a negative view of himself now as he did as a tot)
And last, but certainly not least................ Draxum owns a Lou Jitsu body pillow (PURELY for research-purposes, NO other reason!)
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Something I’ve noticed is that in the Rise Movie Casey Junior is still in the middle of processing Future Leonardo & Michelangelo’s deaths
The key detail that shows that Casey Junior hasn’t yet fully processed the deaths of Future Leo & Mikey is that there’s difference in how Casey Junior talks about the future versions of Leo & Mikey when compared to how he talks about the future version of Donnie.
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Casey Junior: You are the greatest ninja the world has ever seen
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Mikey: What do I do in the future?
Casey Junior: You are the most powerful mystic warrior the world has ever known
When Casey Junior talks about the future versions of Leo & Mikey he uses the present tense ‘you ARE the greatest ninja’ or ‘you ARE the most powerful mystic warrior’ however when Casey Junior talks about Donnie’s future self he uses the past tense he says ‘you WERE’
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Casey Junior: Donnie, you were the most brilliant, innovative mind of all time
The difference in present & past tense that Casey Junior has when referring to the future versions of Leo & Mikey compared to the future version of Donnie is also most likely a deliberate one since a deleted scene from the movie even draws attention to it
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Donnie: I’m sorry, ‘were’? As in... past tense? Does something happen to me in the future? Do I... do I die?
The scene was most likely taken out so that the scene where Casey Junior tells Leo about the fate of everyone in the future would have more impact but the fact that there’s a difference in tense in how Casey Junior talks about the Future Leo & Mikey compared to how he talks about the future version of Donnie shows that Casey Junior is still processing their deaths.
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Casey Junior: I never thought I’d see you again! I’m so happy I could hug you!
Though we don’t know when exactly the future version of Donnie dies we do know that it was before the events of the movie’s opening due to the fact that Future Leo has already tied the future versions of Donnie & Raph’s masks onto his sword.
Though we don’t know how much time there is between Future Donnie’s death & the movies opening it’s clear that it was enough time for Casey Junior to process his death & accept him as gone however that isn’t the case for the future versions of Leo & Mikey
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Casey Junior: How am I gonna save them all, Sensei? I really wish you were here. Wait, you are! I just need to find you
The future version of Leo & Mikey die in the movies opening, for Casey Junior they’ve only /just/ died & the second he starts attempting to process their deaths & accept that they’re gone, he backtracks immediately when he realises that the past/ present versions of Leo & Mikey are still alive.
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Casey Junior: You told me to find the key and stop the Krang
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Casey Junior: That’s exactly how you freed all those families from the Krang labour camp
The fact that Casey Junior talks to Leo as if he’s still the same Master Leonardo that trained him is also an indicator of Casey Junior not yet processing Future Leo’s death. While Casey Junior probably had time to deal with living in a world without the future version of Donnie, Casey Junior met Leo & Mikey’s past/ present selves shortly after loosing their future selves in the movies opening.
Casey Junior treats Leo the same way he would his sensei because he wants to act as though nothing has changed, he’s not processing Future Leo & Mikey’s deaths because they aren’t ‘gone’ their past/ present selves are right there.
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Casey Junior: Actually, there is something I should tell you
It’s only when Casey Junior sees Mikey try to use his mystic hands, the very thing that killed the Future Michelangelo does it begin to hit Casey Junior that the future versions of Leo & Mikey died.
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Casey Junior: Everybody dies fighting the Krang. The world needs Master Leonardo. And all we got is this guy
When Casey Junior confronts Leo on his refusal to act like a leader, it finally fully hits Casey Junior that his family is gone, that everyone he knew is gone, that the past/ present version of Leo isn’t the same person as his Sensei because Leo hasn’t had the experiences that made the ‘Master Leonardo’ that Casey Junior knew.
The anger that Casey Junior displays when he confronts Leo might not only be because Casey Junior is frustrated with Leo’s action but also because Casey Junior is finally moving from denial stage of grief over his Sensei’s death to the anger stage of grief. 
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