#but you meet strange people
yourgfdgirlfriend · 1 year
last night a guy actually put his hand on my shoulder blade (i was wearing a suit) and told me ‘petite’ in an acknowledging, slightly praising voice, looking at me expectantly, as if I was now supposed to swoon over this outstanding ‘compliment’. i raised a single eyebrow. he then told me I shouldn’t be ‘so cold’. i turned to my friend and told her what he said and she said ‘he did not’ and I said ‘he did’ and he still could not fathom all night why I wasn’t interested
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add1ctedt0you · 9 months
Canonically speaking, jc' reaction to someone he doesn't like/has strong negative feelings towards, because that person was a jerk to his sister, is to regulate his emotions according to how his sister feels. In a jyl lives au, after wwx's return, canon jc is going to his sister, saying something like: 'while I think we should throw at least a cup of tea at him because he left us you and a-ling like that, it's your choice, jin zixuan was your husband. What are we feeling now, jiejie?'
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crowskullls · 6 months
Zam wants to be ♠️ with Minute SOOOOO bad. And Minute has no idea why. He’s so confused by it. Reluctant and honestly pretty tame Kismesissitude
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licorishh · 10 months
Y'all laugh at the fact that Tartaglia randomly falling into the Abyss one day as a kid ended up being the catalyst for Fontaine's eventual predicted destruction but all this means is that from the start Tartaglia was intended to fall into the Abyss and become a Harbinger and thus has always been doomed by the narrative
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chloepleasestopdying · 2 months
I had an idea for a X-men AU where Chloe was an mutant which caused her a LOT of stress at home. I never decided what kind of mutation she had, only that I wanted it to be a really easy one to see but also I liked the idea of her being able to pass as human if she really wanted too so I kinda pictured her as being able to shift into something like Beast (I also liked that idea because he is blue)
Anyway the bulk of the idea was that Chloe and Max are dating while Max is at college. Max discovers she’s also a mutant but since her powers aren’t physical her parents pressure her into keeping it hidden (for her safety) Chloe slowly starts fall into pro mutant groups (due to all the anti mutant hate plus how David and Joyce keep trying to pressure her into ‘being normal) and eventually ends up joining some kind of recruiting off shoot of the Brotherhood of Mutants.
After a little bit of this on a normal ‘mission’ Chloe pulls up with Max because suddenly Max demanded it. It totally freaks Chloe out because Max knows every single person there, including the higher ups that Chloe’s never seen before.
And whoops, that’s actually Future Max who is currently fucking around with time.
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averyshittyseal · 8 months
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...... ok listen here:
End of my Ted Talk.
No really I had this story in my head with Abel and Barcus and it's... ARGH!!! I WANT TO DRAW THEM MORE.
Sadly Abel is my never-going-to-happen Tav.
There will probably be some typo, oops , sorry
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 6 months
Oh hey I'm legitimately about to start crying over a middle-grade book. Ok.
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skinnypaleangryperson · 6 months
I love that part whenever I am reaching a point of inner life that was inspired by a piece of media where I no longer feel the need to talk about it in conventional forms, which never really happens for me anyway since I seem to be one of the few that is naturally nuanced, and instead begin to go inside of an incredibly deeply spiritual maladaptive inner life, which can expand for years if not the rest of my life like a personal fantasy that only I can see that is probably more human than 90% of people's experiences.
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mcybree · 6 months
good morning! i’m insane about the coven again!
(thinks about cleo learning that betrayal is inevitable and people are out for themselves and that there are very few people that they can trust. who had been stabbed in the back by the very first person she had met in this world. and then they meet el who is earnest and insecure and vulnerable and inexperienced and they go “this is someone i can Trust.” and never sees her as anything other than a friend and rival who stands on equal ground. and scott is also someone cleo can Trust because he’s proven himself to her over and over again, lifetime after lifetime. thinks abt c!cleo and trust)
you are sick and twisted for sending me this you know that. in 2024 no less
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sailforvalinor · 9 months
Since last year, I’ve had an idea for a Harry Potter fic rattling around in my head prompted by the realization that Lily’s death is necessary for the love-magic-protection that enables Harry to survive both killing curses, but James’s isn’t—what does the world look like if James Potter somehow survives? I came to the conclusion that because the protection spell that Dumbledore originally uses to protect Harry until he comes of age applies to those of Lily’s blood, he would still want him to live with the Dursley’s, and thus Dumbledore decides that the best course of action is for 21 year old, traumatized, newly-widowed James to fake his death. It’s safest for Harry, the Death Eaters already think he’s dead, and it’s really useful for Dumbledore to have a piece on the chessboard that both the Death Eaters and the Ministry don’t know about. James isn’t thrilled about this, but he’s too distraught (and too used to Dumbledore being right about everything) to argue. He’s really only a few years out of school, after all.
I know I had worked out all the logical kinks on this one at some point but I don’t really remember now—but the fic would involve James working as a sort of secret agent for Dumbledore, a wild card, if you will, while keeping an eye on Harry from afar. This James would be a little different than the one we’re familiar with—a bit more mature and serious, and of course absolutely wracked with guilt. He hardly resembles who he used to be after losing Lily, and he’s pretty dang desperate not to make any more mistakes, lose anyone else.
Snape of course is one of the only other people who would know James was alive, and the bad blood between them is as terrible as ever, as Snape would blame him for “letting” Lily get killed. (As if James doesn’t blame himself enough.)
Sirius would also know, as he was the first one to Godric’s Hollow after the attack and would have found James, but that doesn’t do much good after he’s arrested. The only way I can think to workaround the fact that Dumbledore would know Sirius was innocent if he had talked to James is if James was so seriously incapacitated after the attack on Godric’s Hollow (don’t ask how I don’t know. WAIT MAYBE IN THIS VERSION VOLDEMORT ENCOUNTERS LILY FIRST AND HER LOVE MAGIC EXTENDS TO BOTH HARRY AND JAMES??? OH MY GOSH???) that the “trial” occurs before James is lucid enough to talk and Dumbledore gives evidence against Sirius because he assumes he’s the Secret Keeper.
Other than fulfilling Dumbledore’s wishes and keeping an eye on Harry, James spends a lot of his time trying to figure out how to break Sirius out of Azkaban. Maybe he succeeds earlier than in the original series? He also is trying to hunt down Peter, of course—probably spots him in the newspaper like Sirius does. Or maybe he sees him with Ron while watching Harry?
Does Remus know that James is alive? I’m gonna say yes, but Dumbledore doesn’t know that. It makes no sense for him not to, he’s the only friend he has left.
I figure by Prisoner of Azkaban, James has had enough of Dumbledore’s nonsense and reveals himself to Harry—it would be pretty dang poetic if it’s during the first patronus scene, and it IS actually him casting it from across the lake. How would Harry react to finding out he’s been alive this whole time? Idk, it would be complicated, but man I’m getting emotional just thinking about it.
Also, while it does make sense that Dumbledore wouldn’t want James to use his original wand, I know it makes the most sense for James to have acquired a spare one somewhere—but the concept of James Potter with a Glock hit me over the head with a broom, and I’d love to somehow finagle it into making sense because can you imagine? Someone in the HP universe with a gun?? The comedic potential???
A dementor: *appears*
Harry and Sirius: “EXPECTO—“
James: *shoots it in the face*
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thestobingirlie · 8 months
character: i’m a freak
tumblr users: wow. they’re canonically gay!
no. they’re just a fucking weirdo lmao
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rogueolight · 2 years
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MARYAM DANCESTOR…. i lav her….
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knbposting · 2 months
hi sorry i disappeared, i stopped wanting to write and have been rotting instead
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glitterfartsprinkle · 8 months
strange ventish art i made earlier because schools stress inh me out. ill explain more in tags
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lilbitofmac · 2 years
What is the best fanon-made trope to appear in ironstrange fics in your opinion? I've always been weak to the idea of Stephen falling in love with Tony over those 14,000,605 futures where he saw that Tony really was Earth's Best Defender. Are there other tropes you like for this ship?
OOOOOOOOOOOO MAN that’s a tough one. I’ve read through the entirety of the ironstrange tag on Ao3, and the two are so compatible that almost all tropes just work well!!
I agree that that trope works the best for the ship, honestly! That’s why it’s so common among the fics! The reason that Stephen falling in love with Tony and recognizing Tony has Earth’s Greatest Defender works so well is because he’s genuinely one of the very very few people to acknowledge that aspect of Tony. LIKE C’MON the man goes from calling him “Stark” to “Tony” at a break neck speed. That’s love right there. It’s nice to have a ship where the two individuals truly appreciate one another for who they are.
The trope I’m really enjoying right now is Tony being the one sent back in time. Mainly because it’s something that shakes up the usual narrative we’ve all come to accept with this ship, which is that Stephen knows Tony so deeply that there isn’t really much else to learn. He just loves and appreciates him. But when the shoes on the other foot? Tony tends to self-sabotage himself a lot. With Tony having the foreknowledge of what happens in the future, does he really deserve to fall for this sarcastic, egotistical neurosurgeon? Stephen is the one with the better understanding of magic and the universe as a whole (he’s still a man and makes mistakes, but with how much he’s seen and accomplished, he’s more equipped for these situations). Tony, on the other hand, for as much as a wide perspective that he has compared to regular citizens, he’s just a man!! He’s so very human, so what is he suppose to do in a situation where he has all this foresight?
The final tropes I’ll bring up are just post-Endgame scenarios. For Tony lives AUs, seeing Stephen grapple with his decision to prioritize the universe for this one man is always a pleasure to see; especially with how much he cares about his oath to do no harm: “This is the man I’ve fallen in love with, and look at the pain my decision caused him.” Phenomenal. Usually with those fics, Tony’s just tired of his bullshit and won’t let him indulge in his self-hate for too long.
For post-Endgame fics where he doesn’t live, well, there aren’t many ghost!Tony fics, but there should be! Stephen grieving over his loss and Tony dealing with the fact that he’s conscious and “what happened to ‘I can rest now??’” Plus, if you’re gonna have a supernatural element in a fic, there isn’t a better way of doing it than with a ghost and a sorcerer!
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hella1975 · 10 months
i have such a reputation that four separate people incorporated pringles into my birthday gifts. be that girl
#to the point my one mate today (the one i almost ditched in that seminar LMAO) ((WAIT I NEED TO TELL YOUSE ABOUT HIM))#anyway! he was like 'oh i actually got you something!' which given our dynamic despite RECENT DEVELOPMENTS AHEM#is so unusual like he was NOT required to get me a gift. but then i immediately was like 'it's pringles isn't it'#and he was just like 'sigh. yeah' LMFAOOOOO#and you know what? chuffed to utter bits. ive already eaten half of them in 24 hours. scranning even more as i type this#anyway back to that guy. so you know i sometimes mention my flatmate from first year who also happens to be on my course#so off the bat we've got a weird friendship bc he's not just a coursemate bc i also lived with him#but also first year halls were assigned not chosen so it's not like we were actually FRIENDS#especially bc my flat did NOTTT get on lmfao so me and him were mainly just. acquaintances who lived and studied together?#very strange foundation to have with someone. but we went all of second year barely staying in contact#and then this year we live in the same area and for the LIFE of me i cant remember how we got back in contact#but all of a sudden we were messaging every day and meeting up before lectures and sitting together in them and stuyding together etc#and we get on REALLY well like he has my exact sense of humour i know ive posted about him several times#over the past three years being like 'me and this guy are the funniest people i know' 'he would do bits on tumblr' etc#AND THE OTHER WEEK HE ADMITTED THAT HE LIKES ME AND WE WENT ON A DATE#AND IT WENT REALLY WELL BUT I CANNOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME FIGURE OUT HOW I FEEL ABOUT HIM#SO IM TRYING NOT TO PUT PRESSURE ON ANYTHING and i was super clear w him also that im not actively searching for anything#so if smthn happens organically then it happens but if not it's my final year and that will always take priority and he was super chill#so i dont feel like i HAVE to make a decision just yet but we're going out again tomorrow#and it's like. even if it doesnt become smthn romantic i just really click with him?? like we get on so well??? IT'S SO FUN#AND THAT'S WHAT MATTERS! WOOHOO! pringles post derailed by a MAN. awful#hella goes to uni
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