#but you're just not getting the concept 😕
akingdomscrypt · 1 month
I have only one thing on my mind rn. And it is definitely NOT what i need when trying to write an angst scene.
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kennyluvr · 1 year
#🪐: main 4 — baking brownies with them
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synopsis/concept: baking brownies with the main 4
content warnings: none!
author's note: the thing with ike is partially based of a personal experience LMAO. also i think there's tense inconsistencies but i don't wanna revise smh, so sorry ab that!
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kyle broflovski
kyle loves to bake with you whenever it rains, it helps him relax. whenever he starts to hear even a drizzle he calls you to come over😫
you guys rarely use a prepared recipe though, and whatever you use to make it changes every time, since you're just winging it most days and trying a bunch of stuff
and you guys love to add random shit to it, like whatever you can reach, you just grab it and dump it in.
you guys are constantly giggling and yelling so it never gets boring or quiet, it's literally so fun
literally everything is funny to you, like kyle mixed up the flour and the sugar and you both found it hilarious??
you guys also put music on and dance every few minutes, and while you wait for them to finish
and sometimes ike comes into the kitchen and joins you guys, until kyle makes him leave against your protests 😔
once, ike got on the counter somehow and smeared the batter everywhere when you two weren't looking. that's why kyle doesn't let him stay long most of the time anymore
it was so funny because you both thought it was shit 😨
you guys were laughing until your stomachs hurt when you realized, but sheila was NOT amused 💀
tbh it took longer to clean than to make the brownies since you made such a mess, and lowk made it worse.. but cold brownies are better anyway!
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stan marsh
stan would literally be so prepared. he has a recipe sheet, all the ingredients, toppings, and supplies all laid out neatly on the counter.
he'll probably want to add some weird ass shit to it too, like marshmallows, or peanut butter
"trust me it'll taste good! i swear, i've had it before. you're gonna thank me later"
and somehow it does turn out good?? 😧
he'll probably get cute matching aprons for both of you omg??
he partially takes the lead, being kind of bossy tbh but we love dominant stan
and he's definitely a perfectionist, like he'll measure everything meticulously. if you add even a drop more of something than the recipe calls to tease him, he'll lowk panic tbh
and if you try to taste the batter he'll probably lecture you about how dangerous it is 😒
"don't do that dumbass, you could get salmonella. or e. coli or something."
before putting it into the oven he'll probably write a cute little note on it for you with a toothpick or something to surprise you 🤭
luckily, you guys finish up fairly quickly, since stan's so neat and organized
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eric cartman
unfortunately you're not really baking with him, you're baking for him..
does nothing to help you except tell you how he likes it and how he wants it to be
"um, no y/n. i want more vanilla in it. usually i eat them with a lot of vanilla"
he's kind of excited though, he loves when you do stuff like this for him, it literally makes his heart swell 😓
he'd probably be super close to you all the time to supervise you and shit, hugging your waist closer to him
you do the opposite of what he says sometimes just to bug him, because the look of exasperation on his face is so cute 😕
"oh my god- you stupid FUCK i wanted m&ms. what normal person eats brownies with almonds??" (almond brownies are fire btw)
he's so funny when he gets mad too, and you keep having to stop to catch your breath
but honestly, sometimes, he's not actually upset or mad at what you're doing. he just does it more and exaggerates just because he knows it'll make you laugh, and he loves seeing you smile so widely because of him
he's so impatient too, when they're baking he keeps asking when they're going to be done
when you're finally done, he'll tell you how good they are to justify all the stress he caused 🙏
"see? i told you it would be better with m&m's. and the almonds aren't too bad either, i guess."
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kenny mccormick
kenny would agree but he'd be really cautious and scared to do anything
he still tries to make himself as helpful as possible, bringing you everything you need, giving you suggestions or ideas
you have to beat him away with a spoon sometimes because he keeps trying to have all the chocolate 😭
he feels bad that he can't do much, but he doesn't want to accidentally kill himself
so he opts to hinder you support you emotionally as well, just hugging your waist from behind and encouraging you with kisses ☹️
and just like kyle, you guys put on music while baking
but once you knocked over a whole bag of flour dancing, and he was just laughing hysterically 💀
and you yelled at him to help you clean up, but he's writhing on the floor, cackling and coating himself in flour
and then when he's helping you clean, he probably knocks over the batter or something and he starts laughing his ass off again
it ends up taking a while to finish, since you and kenny are both a mess and have to restart tons of times
but eventually, when you finish, he'll probably ask you to take some home for karen and his siblings 😢
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axigailxo · 2 years
in my eyes | jjk
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pairing. jungkook x reader
genre. fluff, established relationship au
w.c. -2k
summary. Jungkook is tired of the way you look at yourself and decides to draw out exactly how he sees you in his eyes, in the end making you second guess your self-image entirely and fall in love with him all over again.
contains. a bittt of angst, jk’s drawing skills, insecure oc, a drunk-in-love/supportive jk (🥺), oc hates her appearance and jk wants to fix that, everyone needs a jk like this in their life 😕
concept was inspired by @bebejungkook's gym bunny :) lovey-dovey/suportive jungkook has me in a chokehold lately…
“Stop staring, Jungkook.”
Throwing his hands up in surrender, he travels his eyes up to yours through the mirror with a smirk growing on his face, his taller figure standing tall and proud behind you.
“I can’t even look at my beautiful girlfriend now?”
His hand goes to wrap around your waist from behind, but you quickly grab his wrist in an effort to stop him.
“It’s different when I’m practically naked.”
“I’ve seen your body so many times before, I know you remember those times…”
You lightly hit his chest at the implication, turning away from the mirror to grab your shirt off the bed and put it back on.
You didn’t expect Jungkook to barge in as you were examining your figure in the standing mirror, but he did and his gaze has been all over you since. You were wearing just panties and a dainty sports bra, your breasts overflowing out of the top, which is hot to Jungkook but tight and ridiculously uncomfy to you. You would size up but then it wouldn’t give you the right support. However, you sadly don’t blame the ridiculous manufacturers any more than you blame yourself.
In a way, you’re somewhat glad Jungkook walked in because if he hadn’t distracted you, the cruel thoughts that were brewing into something a tad more intense would’ve carried on. The more you stared into that mirror, the more that damned self-hatred grew.
You know he loves you and your body, but you still can’t help feeling this way. Especially when he's right there to see for himself, no matter how different his thoughts are compared to your own. You still hate what you see and subconsciously fear that he might too.
“You know I honestly don’t get it.” Jungkook perks up while throwing himself on the bed beside you, the bed shaking at the sudden impact.
“You wouldn’t.”
His aura becomes a little bit more serious at your comment, and he furrows his brow in gesture for you to elaborate.
“It’s just… you don’t look like this,” you motion your hands to your frame, “you're like a literal god… it’s kinda fucked up y’know.”
He can’t help the boom of laughter that he let out upon your statement, his hand landing on his chest in playful offense.
“Fucked up how?! And just so you know, everyone has something they don’t like about themselves, it’s normal… even for 'gods' like me.”
You throw the nearest pillow in reach at his face, causing another one of his mischievous giggles.
In a way, he’s right. In an obvious, literal way he may be somewhat onto something. But when he speaks for the majority, you somehow don’t feel as if you’re eligible to fall into that ‘majority’. Sure, everyone is insecure one way or another, but when you feel as if you simply cannot accept yourself, it’s not the majority that’s on your mind, it’s only you. You and your problems, the problems that feel too big to let go of just because others might feel the same about themselves. To put it simply: your too caught up in this complex and bitter perspective to care about how common and normal it may be.
So, because you don’t completely agree with Jungkook’s encouraging words, you simply skip pass them.
“I don’t mean to like… pester you, by the way. I know you’re fed up with me always talking about it by now.”
He swears he feels a piece of his heart break off when he notices how upset you genuinely are about your appearance and now how you feel guilty for hating it. He’s ran out of words to say, because it’s not a far stretch for him to draw the conclusion that you don’t take much thought into them anyway. He knows you appreciate him, but appreciation and actually accepting his help are two very different things. Two different things that are usually associated with each other, but there’s no association here given you won’t let him help you. Your mind is set and he loves you dearly, but damn you’re stubborn when it comes to this. And it’s killing him not being able to help.
So this is it. He can’t keep seeing you like this. Time to resort to the last option.
“You’re right, I am fed up.”
Your heart sinks at his words, expecting him to say something completely different. Drench you in kisses, tell you not to say things like that. So his agreement startles you in a way. Not that you would have listened. But still, his new, unfamiliar words are enough to shock you.
“I— Oh. Okay, well I’m sorry for that I didn’t-”
You cut yourself off when he gets up from the bed, leaving the room in the in the matter of seconds and leaving you sat there against the headboard, beyond confused.
You attempt to think over the brief conversation you just had, only puzzling yourself further when you don’t see anything too wrong with it. What could you have possibly said that hit a nerve?
You stay frozen, not really capable of doing otherwise, and right when the idea of calling out for him comes to mind- he walks in again. Except this time he has his sketchpad and pencil in hand.
He’s fed up so… he’s going to draw? You can’t tell if you’re confused or fond of how adorable that is.
“What are you doing?” You ask in a small voice, still taken aback by this new behavior of his.
“I’m drawing.”
You resist the urge to say “no…” in an overly exaggerated, sarcastic tone, though you resist. Joking may result in pushing it further. Instead, your head tilts and your eyes squint, not understanding your adorable yet very random boyfriend at all.
“Okay… Um, what are you drawing?”
He tilts the sketch pad down to show you his dumbfounded face.
“You, duh.”
“Jungkook, baby, that’s cute but -“
“But nothing. I’m gonna let you finally see what I see, just trust the process and stay right there.”
You groan at his tactics, genuinely flattered at how much he cares but you know one drawing won’t change years worth of self hate. Again, you appreciate him. So, so much. And you’re happy to see how determined he is when it comes to your self-acceptance, but things like this don’t heal overnight. Jungkook knows that deep down, but it never hurts to just try.
“It's gonna take you so long to finish, plus I'm tired.”
“Then take a nap.”
You throw another pillow at him, biting back a giggle after he glares at you. A bubbly feeling of genuine contentment and relief given he’s not actually mad washes over you. You’re happy that the mood shifted. It’s Jungkook, the light of your life and reason for existence, after all, of course you feel bubbly.
“Don’t you need my eyes to be open?”
He doesn’t look up when he speaks, his full attention on the pencil that’s sketching lightly against the paper.
“Jagi,” he starts in a matter-of-fact tone, “I know your eyes like the back of my hand, probably even better to be honest.”
Your heart can’t help but to feel all mushy like a teenager in love at your boyfriend’s statement, and you put actual effort into not smiling.
“Yeah, yeah,” you attempt to shrug off, eyes falling shut as you get comfortable in your spot, “just hurry up.”
You didn’t intend to actually fall asleep.
But the tranquility of laying besides Jungkook, comfortable silence running throughout the room and being accompanied by the delicate noise of the pencil streaking softly against the paper, as well as Jungkook’s slow, concentrated breathing, it was more than enough to make you to doze off.
Hazy eyes fluttering open, you gulp to cure your dry mouth as you instinctively turn your head to see your boyfriend, only to discover he’s not there. You also take note of the time displayed on the digital clock propped on his nightstand, your brows creasing as you slowly sit up.
It’s three in the morning, and the lights are off, candles blown out, and the door is closed. Jungkook must have turned everything off for the night, and that leads you back to wondering where he could be.
You kick the heavy comforter off your legs, slipping out of bed and reaching over a bit to tug the lamp on.
You glance at the hallway of your master bedroom, assuming to see him in the bathroom but the lights there are off too.
Your voice is hoarse due to the deep, rather good, sleep you just had. So your efforts to call for him was a fail.
However, glancing in the direction of the bathroom, you notice his sketchpad is wide open and strategically propped against your lamp with a ripped out page laying in front of it.
You try your best not to peak at the displayed page before reading the small note that reads ‘love u, hope this makes u love u too. ur pretty cool or whatever so I think ur missing out. -the boyfie’.
The note itself was enough to make your heart turn to mush, so when your eyes met the page of the sketchpad, it just about melted.
On the small page laid a sketch of something capable of capturing your whole heart, engraving itself into it and making you feel as if you are in the clouds. It’s a drawing of you, that part is unmistakable, but something is different about it.
You think it’s… beautiful.
Of course doubts start to rain on your short lasting self-love parade. You can help but wonder is this drawing just an exaggeration? Does he really see you like this in his eyes? Do you really look like this? This is you after all… so why do you like what you see? How are you liking what you see?
“Holy fuck, Jungkook.” Are the words that come out upon a deep exhale, realization hitting you harder than ever before.
You almost want to cry. Not only do you really like this drawing of yourself and for once you see yourself as beautiful, but he drew it. Jungkook, put in effort to draw out exactly what he thinks you look like, all because he wanted you to feel this euphoric, relieving feeling. He didn’t give up on making sure you love his favorite person as much as he loves her. That person being none other than you.
God, you love that man.
Standing up, sketchpad in hand, you make your way to the standing mirror. Your eyes repeatedly go from the paper to the mirror, and your heart feels as if it’s teleported away and is currently surfing on the moon. Odd explanation, but the most accurate analogy. You can’t pinpoint what it is about the drawing. There’s no exaggerations now that you’re comparing it to your real body, but something about the drawing is so exquisite.
It’s like an illusion of some sort. The more you compare your real reflection to the page, the more your real body becomes dead on with the drawing. Like the drawing is unlocking a different perspective and leaving you with no choice but to understand that just like the sketch, you’re beautiful.
A tear wells up into your eye, and you decide that’s your cue to get ahold of yourself and find Jungkook so you can try your best to express even a fraction of the love you have for him.
Opening the door, the scent of… something catches your senses. Looking into the kitchen, your boyfriend’s back is to you as he continues to work in the dim light of the kitchen, stove on as he stirs something in the pan that’s on top of it.
It’s like you love him even more after that whole thing, which you didn’t even know was possible given how in love you were with him prior to. But here you are, almost nervous to speak as you continue to gawk across the room at Jungkook. You settle on clearing your throat to draw his attention. You had a lump in it anyway.
Turning around swiftly, his bunny smile makes an appearance and the corners of your mouth dip down in a fond way. You can’t help yourself when you stride over to him, collapsing yourself into his arms (which you do end up regretting when he stumbles) and trying your best to show him a physical gesture of ‘I love you’.
He picks up quickly, embracing you tight with his arms wrapped around you like he doesn’t plan to ever release. His lips find sanctuary on the top of your head, absentmindedly swaying your bodies side to side as you continue to stand there and just hold each other for a moment.
“I saw the sketch.” Your muffled voice speaks against his bicep that’s currently flexed due to how tight his hold on you is.
He lets out an airy chuckle against the top of your head, some stray hairs of yours fluttering at the abrupt breeze.
“Never would have guessed,” he jokes, “did it work? Do you love you now?”
You can’t help but to laugh at his purity and innocence, tugging away slightly so that he can release his hold and you stare up into his eyes, hands cupping his cheeks.
“Not as much as I love you, but really close.”
His eyes spark with a look of admiration. He knew you were capable of at least trying, so knowing that he took part in that first step of your self-love process, the fact that his drawing is what kickstarted that very process, it warms his heart and he’s glad to be in your life.
“That works for me.”
You rise on the balls of your feet to capture his lips in a hunger-fueled way, passion engraved in your intentions and lacing its way onto his plump and just-as-eager lips.
If he weren’t in the middle of cooking, you would have been more than okay with standing there, kissing him all night. So pulling away, you nod over to the stove that was left unattended to.
He turns around as if you reminded him, quickly turning the nobs off and sighing of relief when he uncovers the lid of the pan to discover he didn’t ruin whatever was inside.
“It’s three in the morning, why are you cooking?”
Your tone was soft, still hazy as you weren’t fully back down from cloud nine yet.
He grabs two plates from the cabinet, falling silent for a good moment or two as he continues his task, finally turning to face you as he answers, this time with two plates of carbonara in his hand.
“I’ve noticed you’ve been sleeping early lately to avoid dinner…”
His tone was too soft and very timid, like he felt bad for calling you out but he knew he couldn’t just not address it. Your eyes flick to the ground.
“Hey, I’m not disappointed or anything. Today can be the start of changing those old habits, okay?”
Again, you find yourself on the verge of tears. Happy tears. The effort he’s putting into maintaining your well-being is so overwhelmingly comforting and you find yourself understanding why it is you fell in love with him in the first place. You can’t picture a life without him.
“I…” As soon as your eyes flick up to meet his, you break. Not too badly, but soft tears do begin to stream rather quickly down your face.
He reaches over to place the plates on the counter in front of the barstool chairs, latching his arms back around you as soon as he gets the chance.
“It’s all a process, and I’ll be here with you every step of it.”
His words are so utterly genuine and you can tell how it’s real and coming straight from his heart. You can tell how much he just wants to be there for you if you’d just let him.
And for the first time, you’re letting him.
“I love you, Jungkook. So fucking much.”
A/N: ahhhh my first fluff one shot!!! I hope it wasn’t underwhelming 😭 I’ve had writers block for a minute but I rly wanted to finally just finish this one up. anyways, stay tuned for more stuff :) i just need to get over this writers block first lol… oh and i have a series on the way??? get ready for dilf/professor jk everyone 🫠
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pinkandpurple360 · 2 months
anon who mentioned it makes no sense IMP behave the way they do towards Stolas: I actually forgot about Fizz!
he's an example that I feel has the most in story justification but it's still frustrating how far the writing goes with it
like it makes sense he's touchy about Blitzo and Stolas' "relationship" because he's projecting his own insecurities about him and Ozzie onto it (he just wants to believe #NotAllRoyals treat sleeping with the poor like a fetish). in his case it makes sense why he'd say what he's saying even though he doesn't know Stolas personally; he has his own insecurities that inform his dialogue
but like, the writers have him directly say that "if you think you're superior to anyone then you're no better than any royal" and "sounds like you just hate [Stolas] for being a prince" as though either of those things are good rebuttals. the reality is Stolas has far more wealth and power than Blitzo and he leverages that in his entitlement over imps
In a better show it would be obvious we're supposed to doubt Fizz's statements here and assume they come from a biased standpoint - and maybe even assume Striker has a point that Fizz has had to appease powerful/royal demons like Mammon to get ahead in his career, but the show goes out of its way to list a bunch of good things Stolas did offscreen for Blitzo that mean we're supposed to think Fizz is totally right:
Stolas is 'one of the good ones' as far as royals go, & Striker needs to stop questioning why the system enables him to have imp servants & forces Blitzo to sleep with him for scraps. It's not Stolas' fault after all! They should just let him be rich and exploitative since he'll be miserable otherwise!
This is such a good analysis. Just like with Loona he’s projecting his own relationship, which makes what he’s saying not credible. But the show makes you view them as correct, and to view whoever is brave enough to question stolas’ neglect abuse and selfish behaviour towards them as ‘wrong’.
Fizz basically had ‘he’s doing this to make me better’ battered wife syndrome, but in a surprising turn of events, the abuser was mammon not Asmodeus as we were almost led to believe. That said, the message is that there are some bad apples, but monarchy and imbalances of power should not be questioned, they should not be dismantled, and royal peoples emotional suffering is worse than poverty, because poor people like Blitzø and striker and the unnamed imps in LooLoo land who Blitzø killed, are conniving thieves who are malicious at heart.
His insecurities inform his dialogue, but the show wants you to only view him as correct because stolas shows basic first date level courtesies like laughing at jokes, commenting on Instagram photos. These are not intimate caring gestures, they are politeness you’d give a stranger. And if you see the Instagram, all those comments are horny come ons like “that belt buckle you’re wearing is like the bow on my unwrapped present Blitzy” 😕 are y’all fucking serious.
Fizzs rebuttals were complete shit. He’s the character I favour the most but god, just like moxxie, he really is a purse dog for royalty as a system and a concept, except the members of royalty that are mean to him personally and who Asmodeus disapproves. What’s more, given the fact he’s going to leave imp society behind and become an immortal royal himself, he’s basically just covering his own ass by defending the monarchy as a system. People say Andrealphus and Stella and Paimon are proof that the royalty is corrupt, but no, they are mean simply because they have personally offended stolas, a royal protagonist.
Stolas is one of the worst ones, he is exactly like mammon in how he behaves. Reducing imps to toys for himself in how he yells at, grabs and squeezes and throws them around. He enjoys using his monstrous height for intimidation and leverage, and has had unwilling ‘friends’ and an unwilling wife handed to him on a platter simply as his birthright. He’s entitled to their time and servitude and gets angry when he loses his control over someone. Yet we are supposed to believe these two people are nasty ones because they have abrasive personalities. Probably to protect themselves from people like him who hold all the cards for their lives. He also treats blitzø the same way Andre treats Stella “you are so cute when you are serious” “you are so lucky you’re attractive”
What’s more, is Asmodeus really that great? He still uses intimidation tactics against his staff, he still calls those who aren’t fizzarolli “imp” and his nickname for fizz is like a relative of ‘fire toad’ and very much is the one making decisions in their relationship whether he is well meaning or not. And I’ll always get nervous when he gets angry towards fizz because if he decided to go bad, fizz would have nothing. That’s the reality of power dynamic relationships.
Nobody to this day has cohesively proved striker wrong btw.
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veraynes-blog · 1 year
hi! During the hollidays I went completely berserk on your tensimm fics and devored them. I never took the time to leave a comment because i was just always ravenous for the next chapter lol. I especialy love unspoken!! the concept of a willingly broken down and stuck tardis that still somewhat functions but isn't itself but still has all the infinite rooms,,,,argh!!! makes my brain go brrrrr i feel like its such rich ground for existencial horror Other than that, I'm absolutely in love with how you interprent tensimm, especially this..darker version of themelf the doctor can be if he lets himself get influenced, it really feels like yeah, this is what would happen to them. I also think you wrote the sexiest fanfic porn i ?? ever read???!! and ive been reading those for longer than i should Anyway I wanted to draw a big piece of fanart for you but other work got in my way. I still really wanted to show my appreciation for your writing hence this out of nowhere ask I wonder, what are your thoughts on 12 and missy? They're my fav version of them bc missy character's arc just!!!!gets to me, would love to have your thoughts :) Anyway i'll stop rambling on now, I hope you have a lovely day, I can't wait for whatever writing you have planned next
Oh wow, thank you so much??? 🥰 What a lovely message to log in to this morning!!
Ahhgh I'm so glad you enjoyed the fics! It's been my favourite fandom to (obsessively) take part in, which is probably why I'm not ready to let it go yet lol. I love your take on the broken TARDIS in Unspoken. Not something I actively considered at the time, but you're so right. They were living in a TARDIS shell, there's definitely something horrifying when you say it like that 😅
✨️Love✨️ when the Doctor gets an opportunity/temptation/influence to go a bit darker! You can tell in canon that it's something just below the surface, especially in Ten, and I feel like if he'd had more exposure to the Master his story could have gone a lot differently 👀
I'm always overwhelmed people even consider drawing fanart for my fics, thank you for telling me!! 🥰
And I love Twelve and Missy so much! Our first and only semi-canon confirmation of romance between them. They're also both a close second favourite in terms of versions of the Doctor and Master, for me. I would say, though, I always thought there was an air of... tragedy? That went right through their storyline. Not just the misunderstanding at the end (which to this day I find harrowing as a narrative 😔) but even the fact that Missy was so lonely and desperate to get her friend back that she was willing to change everything about herself? And the Doctor let her?? Demanded it, actually?? I dunno, she was just trying so hard in her own psychotic way, and I think Twelve wanted it to work as well, but he had such a strict and obscure moral code by that point that it all felt a little... doomed 😕
I do love them, I promise, I'm just not as good with tragedy as a genre 😅
Thank you again for the message! 😘
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sebscore · 1 year
waking up and reading your reply was the best way to start the morning! it really made my day.
i'm really touched by what you said; i enjoy coming up with little concepts/headcanons and talking to you, and i'm super glad you like what i write! (and don't worry, i don't think you're biased! speaking of seb, we might see him this weekend in monaco since norbert was spotted at aston martin's motorhome. i hope he's there!)
and i'm so sorry if i seemed like i was pressuring you to confirm/deny what i thought! i was just thinking and decided to ramble a little bit in your inbox, i understand you won't say anything concrete about it until it comes out. i'm here for whatever plot you decide to write and publish :)
i'm currently reading the gentle hit fic and i'm loving it so far (!!!!) i'll definitely write back about it. as always, take care of yourself and have a good day <33 love you too!
– seb anon
I’m so glad my response made you happy! that’s really great to hear!! 💗
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE what you write and I get so giddy every time you leave a message in my inbox cause I know it’s gonna make my day and be worded so beautifully! 🥹🫶🏻 (hehe we did see him, but apparently he’s only gonna be there today! 😔) I love talking to you !!
I didn’t mean it in a bad way! I just felt bad that you obviously put time in writing it and I couldn’t say much about it 😕😕 so no apology necessary !!! ✌️
IM SO HAPPY ABOUT THAT !! 👏💜🫶🏻✨ I’m excited to see what you thought of it and any details you’d want to maybe discuss ! 🥹
have a great day, my darling!! 🩷💜🤍
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Okay, I tried to restrain myself, but alas, I cannot. I MUST yell at you about your cowboy kid fic Stucky AU, I simply must 😭😭 I MEAN!!!!
KAY. It's perfection?? The moodboard and the concept both, I just cannot stop thinking about it and I would give anything for you to write this fic 😫 BUT I know you've already got loads on your plate and too many WIPs and things you wanna do, so I won't actually ask you to write it because that wouldn't be fair and also I know you won't but uuugghgghhgg it's so gooooood and I want it so baaaaaddddd 😭😭😭 I am all about those cowboys & I am also all about those kid fics & I am also all about you and your writing, so you can imagine what kind of state I am in right now 🙀
Once again your genius is ruining my life, so thank you for that (no but seriously, thank you for being brilliant and sharing your incredible talent and skill with the rest of us poor, yearning schmucks 💖💖💖💖💖😘😘😘😘) I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
(okay I'm really sorry if this is incoherent, I'm slightly sick and I'm starting to feel feverish again so I'd better go lie down lol but I just needed to get this off my chest first, I'm sure you understand. Mwah!!!)
Minnieeeee, my most precious baby giraffe! 🦒💗💗💗 (Look, I don't make the rules about these nicknames?)
I'm so very happy to hear you enjoyed these cowboy Stucky vibes, and I'm also so fucking stoked you'd want me to write this fic, it honestly means so much to me, you've no idea (or maybe you do, 'cause you're all kinds of amazing and awesome) 🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖
But like. Even though I've got too many WIPs as it is, I'd still totally consider writing this (just because you of all people asked 💕), if it wasn't for the fact that I truly believe I'm not the right person to write a) a cowboy AU b) a kid fic. Which really breaks my heart, seeing how much I know you love both, but what can you do 🤷🏻‍♀️😕😭
But! Maybe someone more talented in these ares of writing will see this, and feel the itch to give this idea the story it deserves? 🥺
Lastly, I'm so sorry for ruining your life with this, and I'm about 1000 times sorrier that you're feeling sick — that's just so uncalled for, honestly 😫😫😫 I hope you feel much, MUCH better soon, my sweet, I'm sending you so many kisses you'll positively drown in them (but in a good way lmao). Bisou! 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
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red-talisman · 2 years
My ask is about the golden core transfer and what it would mean for jc. So, if it triggers you, don't read it! I feel the need to alert about this! Be safe!
I don't know you, ( and yes! wwx was just a traumatized teenager!), but the golden core transfer gives me so much negative emotions. Fandom focuses on wwx's pain (and it's interesting! ) but jc's situation is dismissed with "you have to be grateful about it. What a disprectful brat he is" and I am like, dude, you okay? (maybe their opinions are influenced by what wn says, without understanding that what he says isn't the truth, but only what he knows would hurt jc, because he *wants to make jc suffer*). I tried to think about what *I* would feel and I triggered myself, lol. I would get insane if I knew that someone put my brother's golden core in me (transferring organs is okay, but in this? I don't know that it's from my brother! Also when people say that jc agrees to the surgeon, I don't know if they understand the concept of "informed consent") . It's disturbing. I can't even imagine how jc feels about it! How can you live in a body which is modified in this way? Do you feel shame? (this is something a lot of victims feel). And I am not even talking about what this would do with jc insecurities! No one ever appreciated his efforts! Maybe in the moment doesn't , but wn's "you would never compere to him!" would destroy jc! And that's terrible and unfair. And more unfair it's how fandom treats this argument! My loved ones manipulated me for my sake : this doesn't make anything better! I can't imagine jc's feeling. This ask is messy, but my emotions are messy about this. The only thing that I know is that disturbed me the way fandom treats all of this. I don't want to be too harsh but I would see wwx and wq as monsters more then heros for this. And I am not even thinking about how can you trust again someone who did this to you! People can't forgive cheating in a relationship, lol. Oh, and the "jc and wwx's relationship is destroyed by jc's jealousy" : I am like: you okay, dude?? But maybe I am the weird one. Sorry if I seem rude! But this argument just triggers me
Thank you for the warning. 🥰
(Under a cut for both length and content. Reminder that I'm a CQL-only fan.)
Fandom focuses on wwx's pain (and it's interesting! ) but jc's situation is dismissed with "you have to be grateful about it. What a disprectful brat he is" and I am like, dude, you okay?
From what you're saying, I think I'm hearing that while the whole golden core scenario itself is upsetting for you, what's worse is really more about how fandom tends to talk about it. If I'm interpreting that correctly, then...yeah, honestly, I agree. 😕 And it sucks, because I think the characters of MDZS/CQL are supposed to be messy, and there are some truly delicious, nuanced discussions about justice and love and sacrifice to be had! Unfortunately, I've had to be more liberal than usual with the block button to avoid losing my love of the show due to the impact of fandom discourse.
Honestly, I feel like the whole fandom response thing often comes down to a few overlapping things:
a person is inclined to defend whichever character they like more and/or reject the character who reminds them of people who have hurt them in some way, which is totally normal! But doesn't lend itself well to textual analysis so much as an analysis on this how a piece of media affects me personally, which is an entirely different thing;
whether some element of the golden core transfer reflects a personal trauma (e.g. bodily autonomy) closely enough to shape their perspective on this whole episode in a way that's different from someone who lacks a similar experience;
a person's comfort level in allowing a character's actions -- especially a favorite character's actions -- to be complicated, messy, and maybe even morally questionable;
whether or not someone has access to evidence-based, accurate information about larger social issues like abuse, consent, etc.
I tried to think about what *I* would feel and I triggered myself, lol. I would get insane if I knew that someone put my brother's golden core in me (transferring organs is okay, but in this? I don't know that it's from my brother! Also when people say that jc agrees to the surgeon, I don't know if they understand the concept of "informed consent") . It's disturbing. I can't even imagine how jc feels about it! How can you live in a body which is modified in this way? Do you feel shame? (this is something a lot of victims feel).
Tbh, I also have some pretty strong feelings of my own. I talked about some of that here, from the perspective of a religious person whose faith has some distant parallels to Taoism. And as a survivor who hasn't always had a say in what happens to my body, I struggle with some of exactly what you describe when I think about the golden core thing and especially fandom's common responses too deeply. (It's why I'm writing a JC-centric fic like Crashing Like Stars in the first place, honestly, lmao.)
I think what I struggle with most is the pageantry that's shown in CQL: how WWX and WQ have a whole theater around it that somehow feels almost as bad to me as the act of transfer itself, maybe because it shows how much premeditation went into what is, by definition, gaslighting. I always have to skip this scene on rewatches, tbh. The non-consensual core exchange is bad enough; the playacting feels like a humiliation to me.
And I am not even talking about what this would do with jc insecurities! No one ever appreciated his efforts!
True, but to be fair...why should they? As far as most other characters are concerned, JC is unfriendly, probably not very fun or pleasant company to sit down to tea with, very obviously cares more about his own sect than anyone else's**, and has had the reputation of a disfavored son for years. The only reason to make nice with this guy is purely for politics, but everyone else has enough of their own stuff happening that there's no incentive to try giving JC the benefit of the doubt -- which he wouldn't even accept anyway, since he'd probably interpret it as condescension or pity.
**Which is true for everyone, of course, but he doesn't have the charm or charisma to at least fake concern for people or 'play the game' like JGY.
If you mean that fandom doesn't appreciate his efforts...I'm not really sure what to say to that mostly because I'm still puzzling over HOW DARN POLARIZING this fictional character is. 😂 Even his haters can't be chill about him and it's rather fascinating to watch, like a trainwreck.
And more unfair it's how fandom treats this argument! My loved ones manipulated me for my sake : this doesn't make anything better! I can't imagine jc's feeling.
I think a lot of people confuse things like context and motivation for justification, and even more so when it's a family member and emotionally charged beliefs about family relationships get pulled into the mix.
This ask is messy, but my emotions are messy about this. The only thing that I know is that disturbed me the way fandom treats all of this.
Unfortunately, when not treated carefully, discussions about fictional characters can cross into more real-world consequences. I've certainly blocked people less because of a disagreement in interpretation and more because their line of argument betrayed much deeper biases that made me feel actively unsafe, and I don't always have the resources or bandwidth to try educating folks who aren't here in good faith.
I don't want to be too harsh but I would see wwx and wq as monsters more then heros for this.
I think it's a false dichotomy, honestly. I don't think WWX and WQ are heroes or monsters: I think they're young people put in horrific circumstances with limited resources and support, forced to make decisions with no good possible outcomes. Again, not meant to justify anything, but I think recognizing that the things we label monstrosity is, itself, a very human thing to do is the best way to begin recognizing why it happens so that effective interventions, preventions, and methods for taking responsibility for one's actions to encourage real healing can be put into place.
And I am not even thinking about how can you trust again someone who did this to you! People can't forgive cheating in a relationship, lol.
Oh man, forgiveness is complicated. Some people DO forgive cheating and even worse, for a whole host of different reasons and motivations! (Me, I hold grudges for years.) But forgiveness can also be customized to a situation: maybe forgiveness is earned, not freely offered; maybe it means letting go of one's resentment towards another but not letting that person back into one's life; maybe the refusal to forgive is itself an act of self-empowerment because forgiveness was always coerced and guilt-tripped prior to that. But again, we come back to folks in fandom not always having a solid grounding to have productive, informed conversations about this sort of thing, which can lead to some REALLY unhelpful hot takes going around.
Oh, and the "jc and wwx's relationship is destroyed by jc's jealousy" : I am like: you okay, dude?? But maybe I am the weird one. Sorry if I seem rude! But this argument just triggers me
I don't think you're weird at all. 😊 JC and WWX's relationship is thorny and messy and multi-layered, compounded by unaddressed trauma and mutually conflicting coping strategies and perspectives, exacerbated by the people around them playing political games with their relationship because of their respective positions of power. I think JC's jealousy is a factor, but it comes from being constantly compared and found wanting since childhood, and we have multiple scenes in CQL where WWX does something Cool (TM) and JC will do that half-exasperated smile or roll his eyes with a laugh or something that clearly isn't mean-spirited. The evolution of their relationship is made by a progression of smaller decisions on both of their parts in the context of family dysfunction, loss, war, and political powerplays, and I think flattening it down to "JC is just a jealous bitch" or, conversely, "WWX is just an arrogant asshole" does a disservice to WHY these goddamn characters have taken so many fans emotionally hostage, lmao.
LONG STORY SHORT I agree or am sympathetic with a lot of what you say, anon, with maybe some different perspective on other pieces, but I found that MXTX fandoms became a lot more lovely when I began using blocking features liberally (and, frankly, avoiding Twitter altogether).
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etes-secrecy-post · 1 year
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Take a Taste: with Mcdonald's McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich (with my Paperdolls) [Dec 31, 2022]
Hello! It’s time for another “Take a Taste”! The series is about delicious food with my two paper dolls. And today, I’m reviewing another Mcdo item menu! The "McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich" 🍔... Huh, that's something, but, is it worth my appetite? 🤔 Let's find out.
If you haven't seen my previous Mickey D's review, then please [CLICK ME!].
So, without further ado, let's get started:
1st & 2nd Image(s): ↑
• My paper dolls were curious about what the so-called "McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich" looked like. Let's not waste our time, I'm so hungry, and let the unwrapping begin! 🙂
By the way, shout out to my big bro for ordering us at Mickey D's via delivery.
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3rd & 4th Image(s): ↑
• Mmmmm... Interesting. Also, please ignore the look because of the delivery. What do you think? Their response, it looks like a regular sandwich. But, they want to deep down, what's in it between the buns? 🤔 Let's find out...
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5th to 7th Image(s): ↑
• Removing the top bun, you can see their weak veggie toppings & dressing. 👎 However, the chicken patty nails it (sort of). 👌And finally, I could see... A slice of ham with maple glazed syrup? Huh, that explains it, right you two? What do you think? They say, "let's give it a try!" You're right, one bite won't hurt...🙂
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8th to 12th Image(s): ↑
• Here's my first bite of the "McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich", and the result was... Ruined. 😕 It's like a female crispy chicken patty married to an unexpected male fiesta ham. And a month later, they're starting to argue with each other. Or putting a pineapple chunk on our cheesy melt fiesta ham pizza, and ruining it. But, I digress. That sums up my experience as another Mickey D's meal, and not the good kind. Hey, you two. Want a bite? Panini's response was "No thanks", whereas Chowder's response was "Would I?". Go ahead, please. He took a bite, and he unexpectedly tasted it. 😕
• A chicken sandwich with a slice of fiesta ham & maple glazed syrup is nothing more than a concept stage. Honestly, this is worst than a slice of pineapple slapped onto cheeseburger (that's actually pretty good though), or maybe the "Hula Burger" in the 60s.🤢 Does anyone out there trying to get bites on the "McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich"? Not. 😒👎 The ala carte price of ₱ 122 ($2) is more like ₱ 62 ($1). Thank goodness, I didn't include drink & their world-famous fries. But, if I choose the main burger along with two aforementioned add-ons, then the McSpicy sandwich (or any of their best-selling premium McBurgers at Mcdo PH) is worth my buck than the utterly failed ham & crispy chicken sandwich (that nobody asked for). Should I recommend the McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich? Nah, only curiosity... 🤷😐
Well, that’s all for now, If you haven’t seen my previous episodes, then I’ll provide some links down below.↓😉
Take a Taste: • Popeyes U.S. Spicy Chicken Sandwich [Dec 6, 2021]
• Jollibee Chick'nwich & Crisscut Fries [Dec 21, 2021]: Part 1 [CLICK ME! #1], Part 2 [CLICK ME! #2]
• Mini Stop Chicken Fillet XL Sandwich [Feb 7, 2022]
• Minute Burger Cheese Burger(s) [Mar 1, 2022]
• Pepper Lunch Teriyaki Beef Pepper Rice w/ Egg (& Honey Brown Sauce) [Mar 5, 2022]
• Bacsilog’s Sulit Combo Bacon-Tocino & Samgyup Day’s Pork Herbs [Mar 12, 2022]
• Burger King Whopper w/ Sides & Drink [May 6, 2022]
• Marshmello’s Limited Edition Coca-Cola Zero [Aug 26, 2022]
• Cheesy Burger McDo with Lettuce & Tomatoes Meal [Recorded: Sept 16, 2022]
• Mcdonald’s PH McSpicy & Apple Pie (featuring their World Famous Fries) [Nov 14, 2022]
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Ok, so I haven't mentioned a word about the smut scene yet, and that's because something about it felt off (on purpose on your part I suppose), something about it made me feel bad for Tyun. And it's not just oc imagining beomgyu to be able to reach her orgasm.
I was thinking about it, and well...
When Taehyun asked oc hand in marriage she hesitated. During the wedding ceremony she was clearly sad and disappointed and, again, hesitated to accept him. That would more than enough to confirm to his insecure heart, that has always been denied love, that her heart is not truly his.
So when they moved to their chamber to consummate their marriage he, probably in a attempt to protect his heart and pride from another hit, tells her that she doesn't have to do it if she doesn't want to - cause everything she had done this very day only serves to tell him that she doesn't really love him all that much, and no one ever will, like no one ever had.
And what does she do in that moment? What does she do when a clearly very vulnerable and very nervous virgin lonely boy shows that he thinks that not even his wife would be willing to love him?? She gets mad at him!! She screans at him for not knowing what to do something he has never done before, for not falling to his knees and throwing his whole heart at the woman who has scorned at his previous displays of affection.
But she goes for it anyway. And at this point he was probably so insecure - it's his first and she is already making him feel wrong and incompetent - that accepts it. He allows himself to recieve whatever love and pleasure she can give him.
And then... she pulls out last second. God, that must have stung so bad on his pride. She is his wife. But she won't even consider the possibility of bearing his children. She, without thinking, refused to carry his lineage. She is not committed to him yet. In her mind she is not here to stay.
When danger keeps escalating, he puts above everything! He chooses her above his land, above his people, about his brother, above his own life!! He puts literally everything at risk to keep her. He makes conceptions, bends to her wishes, go through hell and back for her.
And the girl is still unable to appreciate or even recognize his love??
To make things worse following days she is laying by his side, but it's not his name that she calls in her dreams (as given in a previous spoiler). Not only is she trying to changing him, but he is very aware that she is trying to mold him into a copy of the men she never forgot. It's not about him that she is worried. It's not him that she cares about. It's not to him that heart belongs.
I am so sad for him and so mad at oc right now. I will talk about her an see her side in another moment, I can't right now cause I wouldn't be able to extend her any sympathy in this moment. I am going through it from Tyuns pov now.
You're right on again!
we're on people's case in this story for being rape apologists but they're all a product of their time and it shows even in oc who doesn't take into account that tyun could be nervous about this because he's a man right? men don't get nervous about sex. gyu certainly wasn't so that must mean that he doesn't want her. ofc it's not the same level as rape justification but yk
another point that i will mention so nobody did. when tyun says "Was it as… did it feel…" he was actually asking her if she felt as good as she did with gyu (minus the rape incident ofc) he feels so overshadowed by gyu and he wanted her assurance that she felt good with him. imagine how gutted he'd be if he found out she actually imagined gyu before she reached climax 😕
"She, without thinking, refused to carry his lineage." oh but it's not without thinking :') this will be explored in the next part
tbf tyun would've stood by his wife even if he didn't love her. he's just loyal and moralistic like that but he still did so much for her. also oc isn't trying to change him into gyu at all she's just trying to protect him but it could come across that way to him certainly because those two suck at communication
i know, like tyun suffers so much but honestly so does she. they're both idiots who have been hurt too bad to give the other a chance :(
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pony-central · 8 months
Sick PonyCentral, Class President
DrugFriend: Alright, congrats on your first day of the job, Sick PonyCentral.
Sick PonyCentral: How did I get here? 😟
DrugFriend: Oh, we just skipped our class election, and everyone just unanimously agreed that you should be in charge of the classroom. 😊
Sick PonyCentral: I don't even remember running.
DrugFriend: They just like you that much, Miss.
Sick PonyCentral: Oh, well. Thank you I suppose.
DrugFriend: But because of that, I'm gonna list off some major issues, and you're gonna give me your opinion. 😞
Sick PonyCentral: OK, that seems reasonable. 🤔
DrugFriend: OK, let's see. Big pharma!
Sick PonyCentral: That sounds pretty good.
DrugFriend: WHAT? 😟
Sick PonyCentral: Well, Parodies Town Farm is pretty big, so you can fit a lot of animals in there. That sounds epic.
DrugFriend: Sick PonyCentral, it's short for "pharmaceutical".
Sick PonyCentral: Well, if we're gonna make the farm a suit then I say we get our college tailor. It'll make the farm more cosy. Why does the farm need a suit, though? 😕
DrugFriend looks worried for Sick PonyCentral deciding on what to do with the farm
DrugFriend: Sick PC, that's uh -
Sick PonyCentral: Also, did you mean to say "nickel" instead of "ickle"? I can give the farm a nickel if it wants.
DrugFriend is near tears
DrugFriend: *tearfully* Well... We'll get back to that. Uh, next problem. "Separation of kindergarten and home".
Sick PonyCentral: Oh dear. I'm very sorry to hear that their marriage didn't work out. 😟
DrugFriend: Kindergarten and homes are... Concepts, not people, Sick PonyCentral. 😞
Sick PonyCentral: I'm unsure what a concept is, but I still feel bad for them.
DrugFriend: S - Sick PonyCentral, please -
Sick PonyCentral: Oh, goodness. Now I'm just in a sad mood. Can we move on to the next one please? 😟
DrugFriend: *sighs* Sure, Miss. Hmm... Abortion.
Sick PonyCentral: What's abortion? 😕
Cut to a board that says "Show example here", which is crossed out.
Sick PonyCentral: Is there a problem? 😟
DrugFriend: Sick PonyCentral, I can't think of a single perspective of this that wouldn't ruin your innocence! 😫
Sick PonyCentral: What's innocence? 🙁
DrugFriend:... We're just gonna go to the next issue. Is that OK? 😟
Sick PonyCentral: OK.
DrugFriend: Thank God. Uh... The current Parodies Town War.
Sick PonyCentral: There's a war going on? 😮
DrugFriend: Yes. You got any battle tactics?
Sick PonyCentral: Well I dunno. I don't even know all of the presidents yet. I dunno if I can... Qualify for this!
DrugFriend: Well, I - I doubt they'll give you time to learn, Miss. I -
SketchFriend: Class President Sick PonyCentral, I just got off the phone with the enemy war generals. They said they're all willing to put the war on halt until you learn all the presidents because they really relate to you. 😶
Sick PonyCentral: Oh. Well, send them my regards, Secretary SketchFriend.
SketchFriend: Will do, Miss.
*door slam*
DrugFriend: Well, OK. I guess we can do this ahead of time. *holds a photo of Washington* Uh, who is this?
Sick PonyCentral: Uh, that would be uh, George WashingMachine. Correct?
DrugFriend tears up
DrugFriend: No, but... You're getting close, buddy.
Sick PonyCentral: Thank you.
DrugFriend: *crying* No problem! 😫 😭
Another Doobus Goobus parody
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kennyluvr · 1 year
#☕: main 4 — doing their eyeliner
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synopsis/concept: doing eyeliner for the main 4
warnings: none
author's note: rough week but we 🆙🔥💯 the whole thing is kinda shitty but i just needed to post sorry 😭
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kyle broflovski
kyle is so scared to agree for some reason?? he makes so many excuses, like he thinks you're going to kill him or stab him in the eye or something 😭
"kyle please, it won't take that long" "okay but what if i get an infection" "nothing's going to happen i swear, i just bought this one 😡😡"
reluctantly though, he agrees because he doesn't want to disappoint you.
when you sit on his lap to start he's blushing HARD. he's so nervous to be so close to you, he doesn't know where to put his hands. he just decides to settle them on your thighs or your waist
he's smiling so hard the whole time, his cheeks ache so much but he can't help it. he loves when you're like super super close to him but he's so shy about it
he moves so much. like like trying to adjust the way you're sitting to make sure you're comfortable, or he keeps blinking because it feels like there's something in his eye
and he keeps rubbing his eyes and smudging it, you get so annoyed
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stan marsh
you two were about to hang out with some friends, and after you were done with your own makeup, you got the idea
stan is pretty unsure when you ask, he's not really the type to be into that kind of stuff, but he'd agree to it for you because you look so excited to do it
when you're done, he'll look in the mirror and make fun of himself. you try to tell him how good he looks but he keeps denying it 😒
"i look so weird. i literally look stupid, y/n" "you look so pretty though, i did an amazing job ☹️"
obviously he's just being humble, he's straight up beautiful and he's fully aware
he'll just sit in front of the mirror and admire your work for a couple minutes LMAO
and when he thinks you're not looking, he'll take a couple of pictures just for memory's sake, and also because he looks super good 🙏
he probably smudges it in like 30 minutes though??
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eric cartman
cartman straight up REFUSES when you first asked, so you have to be persistent
"eyeliner?? that's so gay, absolutely fucking not"
it literally takes you days, but eventually he gives in because you bribed him
even after you've convinced him, it takes you a couple minutes to actually start because he keeps moving his head or telling you stuff
the whole time you're trying to work, he's squirming sm, you have to keep telling him to sit still
also he's constantly complaining about it. like seriously this man won't stfu no matter how many times you tell him to
it's the dumbest stuff too, like he thinks it's itchy or he thinks it's getting in his eyes
when you're done and he sees himself, he gets so dramatic too
it doesn't even look that bad and he's acting like you drew a massive penis all over his face or something
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kenny mccormick
kenny has tried to do his own eyeliner on multiple occasions, it always turns out terrible. his hands are kinda shaky sometimes, so it looks like he scribbled all over his eyelids
when you asked him if you could do his eyeliner he got so excited, and he loved the idea. he agreed without any hesitation. he was grinning so eagerly 😭
"kenny, you should let me do your eyeliner" "YES PLEASE"
when you pushed him down to get on top of him he found it so hot LMAO
"damn i kinda like this position" "oh"
the whole time he'll just keep smiling and giggling omg
he just kinda stares and observes you, he thinks it's so cute how focused you are.
and he keep telling you how pretty you look as you work. he loves when you're this close to him, he just wants to finish so you two can make out or something
"shut UP. just relax your face" "omg i'm just trying to compliment you 😒"
also kenny probably gets distracted super easily, so he keeps turning his head to every single noise, so you mess up a couple times
"kenny stop moving mf" "but i thought it was an ice cream truck 😕"
when you finish though HE LOOKS SO GOOD and he def knows it
"damn i look hella fine with eyeliner, you should teach me" "you always looked hella fine kenny"
he'll probably just sit there for a few minutes taking selfies like stan, but he's definitely showing all his friends and everyone he knows 😭
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🦊 Being Inarizaki's Manager 🦊
Manager having a Anxiety/Depressive Disorder
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Inarizaki x Gender Neutral Manager
Warnings: mentions of depression and anxiety; Swearing
AN: This is an Anon request!
🌠 Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
YN, I gotta say 👀
You managed to pick simultaneously the worst and best team to deal with just in life
On top of that 😅
You've have depression and anxiety as while
You have your good days and your bad days
But one thing you've learned is that dealing with anxiety and depression has nothing on dealing with Atsumu 😅
Seriously that man
I'm not even sure where to start
He's going to pick on you
It can't be avoided, istg the man is a jerk
But 👀 you're use to this by now YN
If you're having a particularly bad day, you can always count on Kita, Aran or Michinari to be there for you 😊
Honestly Aran understands anxiety because there's no way that man doesn't have anxiety
Kita understands the concept of anxiety but doesn't have it
Still Kita is sympathetic to your plight
When you just don't feel like you can make it through practice, Kita will take over for you
When your anxiety hits mid game, Aran helps to calm your nerves
Michinari is legit a teddybear
Osamu, Suna, Ginjima and Omimi respect that you need your space and will help in anyway they can
Osamu mainly helps you with Atsumu 🙄
Like I mentioned before, you've been dealing with Depression and Anxiety for a while
You mostly manage it well!
It's rough but whether you take medication, have a specific routine or a comfort item, you manage to maintain your lifestyle
However, when the anxiety and depression hit, it can be really bad 😔
As someone who suffers myself I totally get it
You can be fine one minute and then it seems to all crumble
Unfortunately, these times can happen randomly 😕
And one such random time just happened to be during Nationals
Inarizaki managed to bi-pass the first round
Baddies 💅
So when you wake up the next morning feeling down and extremely anxious, you know the day is going to be rough
Honestly you'd rather stay in bed 🛏
I don't blame you one bit!
Unfortunately duty calls YN
*le sigh* we must forge onward 🗡
Kita immediately notices your are off
Man woke up and his YN senses were tingling
Will immediately bombard you with support and probably water to keep you hydrated
Don't ask me why but I feel like Kita is one of those guys who drinks like 100oz of water a day
Random I know but MOVING ON
Aran will join him and ask you what's wrong
"I just woke up feeling a little down and anxious. What if things don't go well today? What if you lose? What if we have to leave nationals?" 🥺
Seriously it's so overwhelming
You start to tear up 😪
I seriously cry when I'm anxious and overwhelmed
Kita gives you a big hug and so does Aran
Michinari is already waiting in line for his hug 👐🏻
Osamu and Suna come up and reassure you that the team is ready
Meanwhile Atsumu is being extremely...
Atsumu-ish? Sure let's go with that 😅
"Don't have faith in us YN?"- Atsumu, famous last words
Seriously someone kick him
Just kidding Osamu already has him pinned in a headlock 😅
That makes you laugh because I mean, mans deserves it
Ginjima is pulling the twins apart while Suna is adding to the documentary he's making
It's basically the Jackass films but Atsumu and Osamu style 😏
Omimi reassures you everything will be just fine
When you arrive at Nationals, the worry only excels
Your body is on overload and you need a minute
Kita put Omimi in charge of you, so he's going to do what he can to help
Most zen player on the team 😌
He's there to reassure you and help you out
During warm ups, the boys manage to keep you on your toes enough for you to relax a bit 😉
Unfortunately when the match starts, the nerves once again surface
Nows a great time to practice those self help skills YN
Breath in (1, 2, 3, 4) hold (1, 2, 3, 4) and release (1, 2, 3, 4)
Side note: that's the 444 method my therapist taught me when I have bad anxiety
It helps alot 😊
Ok back to it
You manage to keep it together until the very end
Unfortunately the boys lost 😫
It's one of those catch 22 scenarios
The stress is over but our bbys also lost
You can't hold it in anymore so you cry 😢
It's ok YN, crying is very healthy and normal!
Cry away my love 💓
The boys will totally group hug you 🫂
You guys actually make Karasuno cry along with the entire stadium 🏟
Seriously the love these boys have for you
When you finally break off and you guys move from the gym, Atsumu, OF THEM ALL, walks with you
"I'm sorry I was a jerk earlier YN"
You 👉🏻 👁👄👁
Everyone else 👉🏻😐😲
Suna 👉🏻 yeah but never in public
"Shut yer trap"- Atsumu
"Shut yours!" -Osamu
Sorry YN, you get zero respite 😅
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kaedeakeshisworld · 2 years
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PSA: People that visibly overlook the concept of boundaries are such as reposting/modifying/translating or even recommending fanfiction when the writer is clearly against that and you still do it!?!!Utter Nonsense 🤯😕😵‍💫 Your actions have consequences so adjust accordingly 🤨 otherwise karma will bite your arse, respectfully.
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Fics posted:
Attack on Titan/ Shingeki no Kyojin
Remember, you are worthy of our love(Pride series- Sasha, Mikasa and Hange smut)
A fuckboy that got played at his own game (Pride series-Reiner smut)
Jean Kirschen fic 1/4
Erwin smith fic 1/4
Crippling obssession( Kaoru Hanyama multichap fic)smut 
Vinland Saga
Love: a complicated feeling (Thors multichap fic) smut
A Reward for my Precious Boyfriend (Muguruma Kensei- Pride series smut)
Needy( Ishida Ryuuken smut- Pride series) 
Isshin Kurosaki fic 1/4
 A gift from the universe (Kenpachi multichap fic) smut
Unohana fic 1/4
Bungou stray dogs
Slow mornings with you(Pride series-sfw)
A1 stroke game (Fukuzawa Yukichi smut- Pride series) 
Oda Nobunaga in a Relationship(Smut)
Abe noharuakira fic 1/4
Opération infaillible(Ushi smut)
Heavenly touch(Pride series-Sakusa Bokuto Smut)
Mister Wonders(Terushima Smut) 
A deceiving angelic face( Sugawara koushi smut - Pride series) 
You're such a brat!(Pride series-Integra Nsfw)
Alucard fic 1/4
Fire Force
Akitaru Obi Nsfw Headcanons
we're just friends (Maki Oze smut- Pride series) 
Jojo's Bizarre Adventures
One night stand (Pride series-Kakyoin Smut)
Phd student Jotaro headcanons(Pride series- smut)
Jolyne Kujo & Hermes Costello fic 1/4
Sk8 the infinity
Nanjo Kojiro headcanons ( Nsfw)
How much can you handle, huh?( Pride series-Kaoru Smut)
Dabi fluff (Sfw) 
Honey, let me take care of you(Pride series-Mirko Nsfw)
Toji fluff (sfw) 
I'll figure it out someday (Pride series-sfw Maki fluff)
I will make you feel real good, trust me(Pride series-Chousou Smut)
Unusual kinks Toji would have(Pride series-Nsfw Headcanons)
Fortuitous meeting(Pride series-Sukuna Smut)
Husband Nanami Headcanons(Pride series-Nsfw)
Happy anniversary( Mei Mei smut- Pride series) 
Gojo fic 1/4
Kengan Ashura
Tokita Ohma fluff (sfw)
requisite upgrade( kanoh agito multichap fic) smut
Tokyo Revengers
A Challenge -Taiju fic(smut)
Work(s) in progress:
Fire Force
Sugar Daddy Au : Leonard Burns(Smut)
Heavily enthused ( Toji Smut) 2/4
Moriarty the patriot
The wait was worth it ( Mycroft Smut) 1/4
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amysubmits · 3 years
Hi :)
Different anon here, opposite problem. I wish I had a list of "must" to do during the day, him micro-managing my free time with tasks and such because I easily get distracted (I call it depression but I don't know whether it's that or just boredom that won't let me do much) and I forget- so at the end of the day I'll be postponing tasks on my phone. Yuck. The rare times when he asks me to do something then he won't follow up to check if I did it, because he trusts me, I guess. And he's always "Can you do this..." when I told him many times I'd like him to be a bit more strict. 😕
I guess if he's not a dominant inside I just can't make him or fix him? 🤷🏻‍♀️
Sorry it's taken me a while to answer, I've been busier than usual.
I have several different beliefs related to this that all coexist.
1) I agree that if someone isn't naturally inclined for dominance, you can't turn them into a dom, which I think was your core point at the end there.
I truly don't mean to poke at you. So I hope my intention comes across here. I really think your wording about 'making him' or 'fixing him' is worth reflecting on a bit. Is that wording representative of how you're feeling about him? If it's not natural to him but you could 'make' him, would you actually want to make him change into something that isn't natural to him? And do you really think he needs 'fixed' if he's not dominant? I don't imagine that is really what you believe, but if that's the instinctual way that you're viewing it, I think it would be helpful to try to change your perspective a bit. I think imagining it in reverse is a good way to put it into perspective. If he wanted you to be dominant but it wasn't right for you, and he referred to it as wanting to fix you or he was curious if he could somehow make you dominant...wouldn't that really hurt?
2) While I don't think anyone can be 'turned into' a dom, I do think it's very possible for someone to have natural dominance in them that just isn't being embraced. A lot of people grow up hearing about how relationships should always be "equal", or how being controlling is bad, or how wanting power over another person is bad, all sorts of things along those lines. So I think it's pretty common for people who are naturally dominant to try to repress those desires or instincts because they think they're bad. CD told me once that he used to assume that everyone wanted control. Which is a funny idea to me because that's never been true for me at all...but I think it's natural for people to assume that their natural desires are probably shared by most other people, like that. And there are people within the D/s community here who have shared things about how after agreeing to D/s, many doms still struggle with hesitating to continue to take control because anytime they get any hint of their sub struggling with submission, or anytime they resist or 'brat' at all, it makes them feel bad and makes them worry that their sub doesn't actually want them to be in control, so they stop leading. It can be a long-term process for some doms to 'rewire' their brains to accept that it's okay to be dominant.
3) I believe people have a natural 'style' of D/s, at least to some degree. So I think it's possible for a natural dom and a natural sub to be together, but for their D/s styles to be too different for them to be able to create a dynamic that works well for both people. So I don't think it's necessarily fair to think that if someone isn't willing/able to be dominant in one specific way, that it means they aren't dominant. They may just not be that type of dominant.
4) I think dominance can naturally ebb and flow. Things like mental health, stress level, physical wellness, ad just how well their needs are being met in general, can impact how dominant someone is able to be "in practice". If two people had equal amounts of natural dominance (I know that's a silly concept to act like it can be measured but idk how else to frame it) but 'dom a' is overworked, poor, doesn't have time to take care of themselves well, rarely has time for their hobbies, and their partner doesn't do anything to help feed their dominance or perhaps even does things that make them feel less dominant....and 'dom b' has a good work/life balance, has time for self care, time to get enough sleep regularly, time to engage in hobbies and their partner is in the same boat so they have plenty of quality time together to enjoy each other and the sub does the things that help feed his dominance...I'd expect 'dom b' to express a lot more dominance than 'dom a'.
So, I think all four of those could potentially be factors in whether or not someone is dominant deep down, and also how they're able to express their dominance. I have no idea how many of these may apply to your partner but hopefully just the basic ideas help somewhat.
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skyesins · 4 years
Hi Skye!! Just wanna say that I think you're sooooo talented!! Your story, its characters, the slowburn ride, i love them all🤩♥️🤩♥️
Btw.. would u mind sharing where did you get all these inspirations?? 🤔😊 and also.. may you spill the tea for your 2021 story idea? Hehe thank you! Have a great day! 🥰 *sorry for bad English😕*
Hi!! Sorry, I didn’t get to respond to this until today adfhaskdj
Firstly, thank you for reading my stories! It means a lot 😊💕
Secondly, most of my inspirations really just come from anything? I’ve written stories with lyrics from a song in mind, Tumblr has some nice prompts that I’d like to write about one day, and namedropping concepts like “android!au” can get me inspired to want to write something. 
Thirdly... No, I won’t give spoilers for my 2021 story ideas ahaha. I’ve already talked about possible options, but I pick from two that readers can choose between. Right now, I’m thinking about serial killer au, dilf au, soulmate au, lotto au, and more!
Have a great day/night too! Your English is fine too 😊💖
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