#but?? here maybe I wouldnt even have problems?? its a nice place lots of people like me and no one else misgenders me
jackalopefreckles · 1 year
You know when u say "I use he or they" and they only use they and their the first person to ever use they but also. Shes the older teacher who has repeatedly called me a she. So it feels patronizing from her. Especially when after she goes on to say- and not in a mean way shes trying to have a nice conversation and other people are agreeing- that just pronouns are hard now and all that stuff and yknow Im too transgender for that conversation
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liquidstar · 2 years
You posted a couple days ago abt greek myth getting degreeked in favor of a more general "ancient" vibe, so if you dont mind me asking, what sre some greek cultural elements you see in the stories beyond them being "oh its ancient greece so its greek"?
off the top of my head i cant really think of any story that has obvert examples 😅 though i hear "my big fat greek wedding" playfully messed around with a lot of stereotypes, i havent actually seen it because i have no interest in most romcom movies. my brother loved it tho so its got his approval at least lol
though like, as far as things i would actually LIKE to see more of:
greek names? i rarely see characters with modern greek names that arent a joke abt how long or weird the name is. maybe its because names like panagiotis and kostadina arent as aesthetic as aphrodite, but those are just the names greek people have. some people do still have ancient names though! but usually those are more rare
also like, related to the last one, in greece "name days" are a big deal. its the day that the saint that your namesake is from is celebrated, and usually you have a party- its like a birthday almost! some bigger saints also have HUGE parties called a panigiri, usually held by the villages whos church's honor that saint. the biggest one by a longshot is the vrigin mary's (panagia), any variant of the name panagiotis/panagiota or mario/maria gets celebrated. theyre usually outside, like huge picnic parties that can last well into the night, theres food and wine and lots of really really fucking loud bouzoukia. anyway if a character was to have an ancient or foreign name they wouldnt get a name day, and they WOULD be bitter about this. speaking from experience because my parents gave me an ancient name after my grandma LOL
ok. last bulletpoint about names actually. traditionally you have to follow some very specific rules when naming your baby in greek. usually you would name the baby after one of their grandparents, the typical order is father's father, father's mother, mother's father, and mother's mother. not everyone follows this to a T though, especially if the baby is the "opposite" gender of whichever grandparent they should be named after and there isn't a male/female equivalent (andrea can become andreana, but theres no male equivalent to zoi, for example). also the "grandparent naming scheme" can be broken if you name your baby as a prayer (ex. if youre afraid your baby will have health problems you would do this). this is why the names panagioti/panagiota and maria are so common since theyre prayers to the virgin mary. not mario for some reason tho? lol
not everyone lives on a pretty island or in the middle of athens or by the ruins. most of greece is rural, and most of greece is.. well. poor. if theyre not from the islands theyre probably from the mountains, they probably have "vlahika" accents, their village is probably somewhat broken down. but for some reason you will probably still run into tourist trap locations that sell cheesy keychains like who even comes here? usually just people from the nice parts who wanted to see the mountains honestly
anyway since greek villages tend to be so tiny and isolated, they tend to be places where everyone knows everyone, everyone feels safe, no one locks their doors, everyone acts familiar all the time. so like, if you have a character that used to live in greece odds are theyd probably be kind of socially weird! they might act overly familiar with everyone, stuff like answering honestly whenever strangers ask "how are you" or they may be paranoid of the relatively big cities in america, if theyre parents they may be overprotective.
seeing some greek food is also always cool, beyond gyros you could also include stuff like taramasalata, moussaka, fakes soup, baklava, halva. and hey turkish delights are super popular as far as candy goes. there are also types of food that get made for special occasions, like vasilopita on new years (theres a coin baked into it and if you get the slice with it you have good luck for the year!) and tsoureki on easter. also on that note there are some pretty specific easter traditions, like eggs have to be painted specifically red and lamb gets cooked on a spit. no egg hunts though thats not as much of a thing there!
also santa comes on new years, not christmas. dont know why. guess he cant do the WHOLE world in one night.
you know about nazar/evil eye charms? these things 🧿 < though in greece theyre most commonly referred to as mati (singular) or matia (plural), theyre common all around the mediterranean region though. and their function is the same in greece as everywhere else- to ward off evil gazes that curse you. sometimes if youre in a bad mood or youre having a shitty day its said that youre "matiazmeni" (glared at with the evil eye). and there are some people who can supposedly undo it.
also to avoid the evil eye its common to "spit". but you dont actually spit, you just say the onomatopoeia for it- "ftou!" (if you actually spit youd probably get yelled at so avoid that lol). usually if you hear it along with compliments, basically in order not to jinx anyone. because of this association the phrase "frou sou!" ("ftou to you") basically means "you look amazing!"
marti!!!! okay so like, the third month of the year, march, is said to be a very very hectic one, called "trelo-marti" (literally "crazy march") because the weather is all over the place, cold one day and warm the next. theres this fun little tradition where, in order to avoid a sunburn in march, you wear a thin red-and-white braided bracelet. and when march ends you hang it on a tree so the birds can make a nest with it (not everyone does this anymore though bc its littering!)
also swallows are important! in greece theyre a big deal because theyre migratory birds, and its said that spring officially starts once you see the first swallow. when greek kids learn abt this in school we sort of just end up loving these birds to death 
this ones kind of funny but like, an open palm in a "throwing" motion is considered an offensive hand gesture. even worse if you use one hand to slap the other hand forward. it basically means "im throwing shit at you" and is usually accompanied by the person saying "na!" ("take it")
plate smashing and opa is not even a stereotype we just do that shit for real. greeks love to party, its true, depicting some plate smashing and opa-ing is just true to form. especially if theyre also dancing some traditional dances like sirtaki or hasapiko. you know, the ones where everyone is in a big circle.
tuesday the 13th is considered an unlucky day, just like friday is here. its mostly because its linked with the fall of constantinople but ive also heard its because its associated with ares? not sure of the exact origin. also tied to the saying "bad luck comes in threes" because in greek tesuday is called "triti". doesnt make much sense when translated tho.
also like on a bit of a more serious note.. if you have a character thats greek odds are their family has probably been through some serious shit in the past, or maybe even they themselves if theyre old enough. im not a history nut by any means, so i could be missing some stuff, but the country was held under ottoman rule for a long time, and while the country officially became freed in the war of independence in 1821 (independence day is celebrated on march 25th) tensions didnt just let up for a long time. there was an active genocide carried out during and after world war 1, which officially ended in 1922, but did a lot of damage to the country in ways that still linger- like how lots of villages no longer have greek names (including my fathers and the one i was raised in, and my father specifically grew up in a place very backwards with no running water or electricity, no access to cars or medicine or hospitals etc.). in world war 2 the axis powers ceased control of the country, employed guerrilla control over rural areas and massacres of villages. ive heard some really fucking terrible horror stories from my own mothers village about stuff these officers would do that i wont get into here but like. it was bad. and it caused a lot of tensions to rise in the country which lead to a really brutal civil war RIGHT after world war 2, like, almost instantly. it ended in 100,000 people being executed. tensions did NOT quell over this and in the 60s there was a coup lead by a super super infamous right-wing dictator, george papadopoulos, he would crack down on anything left-wing declaring it anarcho-communist. political rights and civil liberties were taken away. it lasted until 1974, ended by another coup. among this the saying "psomi! pedia! elefteria!" ("bread! education! freedom!) became popularized as an anti-papadopoulos slogan. nowadays greece is a democratic nation but not without its issues, the economy is a pretty obvious example. things are still more peaceful today though. my grandma was born at the end of world war 2 and lived through a lot of shit, and going back to the importance of names, she was named after the greek word for peace as a prayer.
edit: i cant believe i forgot this. big noses.
edit 2 sorry: also i wanna clarity. if your story really does take place in ANCIENT greece then like, it does not have to reflect modern greece at all!!! unless you wanna make somekind of wacky comedy i guess! if you wanted to do an ancient setting i think the best thing you can do is look into the ancient cultures of the time on their own, rather than learning about them through mythology or a mythological aesthetic, yknow? but im not that well versed on ancient greece. i lived in modern greece so im offering the best help i can through that lens.
it sort of all just heavily depends on the kind of story you want to tell, i think. like if you wanna write some high fantasy story with the greek gods i dont think it has to be meaningfully greek. really my complaint wasnt “every story that has the greek gods should be More Greek” but it was like “how come the greek gods have been so far removed from their cultural roots in popculture?”. i think its okay if an individual story doesnt really have anything significant to do with greece though. but every now and then it does strike me as odd that characters with ancient greek themes in set in modern times choose to have 0 greek characters lol
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marunalu · 2 years
Don’t you wish the anti dfo fans could give actual proof of why Izuku dad isn’t AFO so we can have fun debates on interpretation with us being civil and polite? But instead we just have people reeing and saying it’s impossible or how it ruins the story Or just being salty when we say other wise?
I do.
Oh yes anon, I do feel the same way!
Like I already said multible times in the past, I have no problem if people dont like the theory. To some degree I even understand it. A lot of people dont like dfo because to them "villain father and hero son" is such a cliche story plot. The thing is "cliche" DOESNT automatical mean its bad! You cant just say something is badly written, or a bad writing choice, only just because YOU dont personally like it and because its quite often used in storys, when its NOT EVEN WRITTEN YET! We dont know yet HOW dfo will play out! We dont know yet the explaination and story behind it, so why not just wait till hori delivers and THEN built your opinion on it?! I mean, maybe it will turn into a possitive surprise?
The thing is, at least from my personal experience, there is little to no chance to have polite or deeper conversations with most anti dfo people (not saying they are all like that). Everytime I get an anti dfo ask or see an post from one, they give me the feeling as if I killed their dog or some shit! As if I personally insultet or hurtet them! All the anti dfo asks I ever got were from people attacking me FIRST, simply because they didnt like a dfo post of mine. Its just a theory that is fun to me and I like to talk with others about. I made a lot of cool and nice internet friends thanks to the theory. I mean, isnt that something positive and you should be happy about for others?
And the most annoying thing is, when they attacke me or try to get me into a discussion with them how stupid and wrong I am to believe in such a theory, they cant even give good proper arguments WHY the theory wouldnt make sense and Im not able to destroy in just under 5 seconds! Remember anti dfos "strongest" argument they had for the last 3 years? "aLl FoR oNe cAnT bE hISaShI, BeCAuSe HiSAsHi hAs a FirE bReAtHInG qUiRk!" Gosh, I think Im not the only dfo fan here, who still gets a headache and feels terrible triggered, if they remember the most stupid anti dfo argument ever created! Oh the mental pain, that sentence gave me for years! And there are STILL people out there who use it! Seriously, at least they could come up with arguments that make SENSE and can hold up longer then just a few seconds!
And what is their most recent argument now? "AlL fOr OnE cAnT bE hISasHi, bEcAusE aLl FoR oNE DoESnt hAvE frEcKleS!" 🤦‍♀️ Or because, hes not an 100% izuku clone, when I just proofed in one of my newer posts that not ONE of the kids in bnha is a complete copy of one of their parents and that all the kids have traits from both, their father AND mother. Also most of the kids come more after their mothers in appearance (even BAKUGOU of all people), so WHY is izuku not allowed to look more like his mom (only at first glance and if you dont dig deeper), then his dad?!
And then, when we were able to destroy all their very few anti dfo arguments and they realize they dont have any back up comments, they come up with the typical: "BUT IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE!" or "THERE ARE ZERO HINTS AND EVIDENCES!" Like dude, if I hate something so much and close my eyes every fucking time I see it, OF COURSE I wouldnt see all the hints and evidences that have to do with it neither! There are TONS of hints and evidences that back up dfo, but if people choose to hate or ignore it and dont even want to give it a chance in the first place out for personal reasons, then NOTHING in their eyes will ever be good enough. We as fans took our time to analys afos behavior around izuku and other people, the way he speaks, the words he says, the way he acts and were able to realize that he behaves completly different around izuku then other characters. This is backed up with proof! We created a whole damn "dfo bible" with over 50 different kind of hints and effidences, simply because we took our time to study afos behavior around izuku, but anti dfo still turn a blind eye.
Its fine if they dont like the theory, but if they dont even give it a chance or even consider it out of personal dislike, there is no reason to interact with them. Its like talking against a wall!
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I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR BEAUTY AND THE BEAST IDEA. But may I also propose: Magnus cursed from a young age (probably bc of Asmodeus) that anyone who touches him is hurt by a blast of magic he can't control. (This may result in his mother's death). He locks himself away of his own will. Alec teaches then that it's fear that makes him lash out. Featuring: touch starved Magnus.
this idea is GENIUS actually and i love it. tbh me and my friend have a similar idea that we talk to each other about (lol) but it isn't a B&B thing, its more of an adventure AU. anyway, lets go!
so in this universe i guess magnus banished asmodeus like in the original sh verse but asmodeus cursed him with the "everyone you touch will be in indescribable pain" thing. maybe just as revenge, maybe to try and use it as bargaining chip because okay magnus, is it freedom that u want? u want to be able to have ur own friends and ur own life? fine. get me back, and ill leave u alone, and ull be free to have friends again. if not, ull be still isolated just like before. so is it gonna be win-win, or lose-lose?
but magnus doesn't budge because he knows that if he lets asmodeus free things will only get worse not only for him, but for the whole world. he is too dangerous to be out there. so, magnus resigns to his fate
and i guess in this version he wouldnt have a lot of close friends because he had been with asmodeus his whole life before he was cursed, so he was just. alone in his self-imposed isolation with no one to talk to. maybe he enchants the furniture so they gain sentience but they can't really feel pain, so at least he has someone to talk to. god im so fucking sad already
so is the furniture his friends in canon? im not entirely sure how i feel about that but also the idea of ragnor as that clock from the original movie is great. thats my most important thought on the subject ngl
btw its 4 degrees Celsius in here so im typing with gloves on so ull have to excuse my typos i am a mere brazilian and i want death
anyway okay so i guess his friends are like pieces of furniture that he spelled into sentience and they aren't his servants or anything cuz that's gross but they just like, hang out. wow im actually managing to type pretty well all things considered
so at least magnus has people to talk to but he's still touch starved because you know... a clock can't hug you and that'd just be weird. maybe them becoming sentient was an accident? lmao like magnus just wanted to automate some functions like having the clock talk to tell him the time or something and it turned out that they became sentient. possibly his magic is a little fucky because of the curse so that's why that happened? or maybe he just is way more powerful than he realizes and we all know he invented the spells he used to try and automate the things anyway. but if he gets people to talk to, well, he's not complaining
im focusing too much on this. anyway. id also like to note that im making rapha the cook/stove thing because i mean, come on. it's right there
and ok i guess alec comes into this because he uhhhhhh no u know i might go with that izzy thing. so izzy ran away from home because of maryse's bullshit and alec was sent to bring her back. so he was going after her but in the middle of the path there was the whole wolf attack thing that scared off his horse and LUCKILY magnus' house/tower/whatever was right next!!! so of course they take alec and his horse in but also WHOOPS there's a huge snowstorm that lasts for days (par the course for where magnus lives, actually. he DID want somewhere people would avoid. but also i think maybe his magic being fucky has something to do with it) so i guess alec is stuck at magnus' for the foreseeable future
which is HELL for magnus because he is terrified out of his mind that they will accidentally touch and alec will be hurt. and like.... his Constant Crave For Touch is already bad on a regular day, but having someone who could actually hug him in theory just makes it worse, you know? he hasn't interacted with other human beings in so long, just having one there is enough to make his need for touch almost unbearable and just... completely constant. it's hell
so magnus is scared, which means that he keeps to himself. so he tells alec not to go into his room, he tries not to eat at the same time, and other stuff like that, bUT his friends keep sabotaging his plans because they want him to have another friend, jesus christ!! (rapha being like "come on now magnus, you don't want my soup to get cold, do you? i'll be deeply offended. i guess you have no choice but to eat with alec". so magnus goes but the first thing he does is magic his regular table into a gigantic rectangular table with 41908410 seats and seat on on the side opposite to alec. alec just sighs
so like he's constantly coming across as rude because he is trying to avoid alec, alec just doesn't know why
but alec is also a stubborn bitch who goes stir crazy and refuses to just sit around isolated doing nothing while they wait for the stupid storm to finally be over so he can go get his sister. and magnus saved his life, so it's the least he can do to repay him in some way. besides, this is what, the first time that he's been completely away from his mom? for such a long time too? and he's finding that he feels... weirdly free and just relieved and he doesn't want to waste that opportunity with standing idly around alone all day. he had enough of that at home, thank you very much
besides yeah magnus is being rude but alec is used to straight up assholes and abusers (jace. i'm talking about jace. also maryse ofc but mostly jace) and magnus is not that. in fact he makes very polite conversation and is actually pretty fun during dinner, all things considered. he's just.... super private, i guess
AND magnus' friends are all being a nightmare with the making them interact so you know. they end up interacting. and alec makes it a point to help him take care of his house because it is a certified Depression Lair™. magnus can take care of it magically but it's like... so dark and almost suffocating at times and there is stuff like bad painting and piping problems that he never bothered to fix because it isn't affecting the functionality too much but it DOES makes life harder and alec "everything must be at 100% always" lightwood is not here for it so for a few days they are working on fixing the house and... magnus actually feels a lot better when the place has actual sunlight and looks inviting and like a home, he has to admit. when he says that to alec it might be the first time he's given him a real smile and man, is alec smitten
sidenote i guess this means that magnus doesn't exactly... dress well in this au lmaoo i mean it makes sense too because canonically magnus uses dressing up as a way to convey an image of power and untouchability and he doesn't really need that in this AU since he is completely isolated. so i guess he is a bit more like twi magnus - bare-faced and wearing comfortable clothes and the like. this isn't a twi au i'm just saying that it makes more sense for him to dress like that in that context
anyway. after the whole house fixing thing, they officially become friends. it turns out that alec also knows a bit about what it's like to feel isolated and touch-starved (altho he's always had izzy to help in that department, but still) and also what crappy parents are like. magnus shows alec his little mirror that he's enchanted to be able to show him anything he wants and how he uses it to be able to see all the places in the world he'd like to visit - he loves people, he loves culture, and sometimes it's all he can do to watch what's going on in Mumbai and it makes him feel a little better, so, he does that. he also admits that sometimes he catches on some drama happening and uses the mirror to see the people involved and make sure they are okay. kinda like a soap opera of his own but he has the means to interfere and help because of magic, so he will have someone who's struggling with money suddenly find hidden cash or have an "unknown dead relative" give them a lot of money in their will, or something like that. and if he also watches some of their personal drama that unfolds, well. he is lonely and it's not hurting anyone
but magnus doesn't tell him about the curse, and he still makes sure to keep his distance. it stings a little to alec, but it hurts magnus the most because fuck, maybe he just desperately needs someone who will give him the time of day, but he likes this guy and that only makes it harder to keep his distance. he makes it a point to always be at at least two arms length from alec, which alec thankfully respects and doesn't try to get him to breach, but. shit. it's still so hard to not want to just rest his head on his shoulder or get a hug or even fucking touch pinkies like stupid children and he can't. alec even once jokingly suggests that they have a ball since magnus doesn't know how to dance and magnus is actually excited for a second before he remembers that he can't, it would have to mean that alec touches him, and he can't
someone - maybe ragnor - even suggests that maybe he could try gloves and heavy clothing so alec isn't really touching him but magnus refuses to try because he doesn't want to risk it not working and alec getting hurt, because he'd never forgive himself. besides, getting a taste would only make it hurt more. he can't. he can't
but it's alright because at least he has some human company - he loves his friends, he does, fiercely, but it's different when they kind of have no choice but to be with him and also are enchanted creatures. he doesn't even know if they aren't nice to him just because he enchanted them into life, even tho to be fair if he had a choice ragnor wouldn't be that grouchy - and alec makes him laugh and gets him and helped make his place feel more like home, a little bit. and he can pretend that he feels the warmth from alec's body when they are sitting by the fire and feed these crumbs to his desperate need for touch and company
and then the snowstorm ends and it's time for alec to go
honestly, alec himself is kind of heartbroken, but- he loves his sister, and he can't just leave her alone in god knows where, even if he dreads the thought of coming back home now that he's been away from his family for so long. but magnus doesn't want to keep him, and doesn't want alec to feel pity for him, so he's all but pushing alec out of the door (not literally, of course. he can't do that, it would mean touching him) all "go, go, you never know when another storm might start. go see your sister. take my mirror, you can find her more easy". and alec's all "but it's been the only thing-" and magnus waves him off, of course, all "i can always make myself another one. besides, you'll have something to remember me by. now go"
so.... alec goes
and hooo boy magnus is heartbroken and a mess because even tho he knew how much having someone else there helped he had almost forgotten what it was like to be the only human in the house. he just feels extra lonely and even kind of bad about it because hey, his friends are there - not that they begrudge him for it, of course. it's not like they don't also hope for the chance to get out of the house and do other things, but well. they can't. so they understand him. and they know how awful he's feeling right then, but what can they do?
meanwhile alec finds izzy pretty quickly - she's living with this one insufferable villager named clary that alec absolutely can't stand, but- she's happy. and she doesn't want to come back, which alec expected, but he finds that he can't actually insist for her to come back. how could he, when he himself doesn't want to go?
and izzy insists that he stays with her - there's no reason for him to come back. they can stay in the village, and work, and build a life for themselves. alec is the only thing she's been missing ever since she left, and in here the both of them can actually be happy. and do it together, like they're meant to
and when he first gets into the village is the first time since izzy ran away that he was hugged and fuck, it's hard to say no to her
but also... he misses magnus already
and he doesn't know if he can just stay and leave him behind
and of course izzy is like "who is magnus?" so alec tells her the story, how he was attacked by wolves and rescued by this house that miraculously was in the middle of the single most inhospitable placealec had ever seen in his life. and the kind but wary stranger who always keeps his distance but seems so eager for connection, who made alec feel welcome and laugh and feel like he built a life for himself there
and clary tells him that she's heard of the story, but she never knew it was more than a legend - no one really remembers what happened. some say that magnus made a sacrifice to rid the village of a demon, and it turned him into a beast, forever locked in his castle. some say that he himself is the demon, and it's the tower that's containing him and keeping the village safe. some even say that he died battling the demon, and it's his ghost that keeps watch on the tower
she wants alec to explain which one is true, but it's all alec can say that none of these are right and he knows nothing because magnus never told him. all alec knows is that he doesn't want to leave magnus behind
and clary is like... well, if he's not a demon or a ghost, maybe we could bring him to the village too. he has magic, right? he could bring the tower closer. and maybe the other villagers could, you know, visit him and hang out. and he wouldn't be as lonely, and then alec and izzy could both stay
driven by this failproof plan, they decide to go back to magnus and tell him their great idea
except they are IDIOTS and forget about. you know. the damn wolves
and like holy shit is this pack big or what? like no seriously why are there infinite wolves in that one singular pack in beauty and the beast. like holy shit dude there's more wolves near the beast's house than in the whole yellowstone park
anyway there are Many Wolves and while alec is a good archer, izzy is a fantastic fighter, and clary is Fucking Crazy if you give her something stabby, there's only so many wolves they can take on at the same time
good thing magnus is a pining idiot who did in fact make himself another magic mirror and was watching alec with it. so he knows that the dumbass is in trouble and for the first time in years, he uses the portal (his own invention, and he had never gotten to use it before!) to get to them and fight off the wolves
so magnus saves all their lives, at the cost of getting severely injured and passing the fuck out. izzy, who's the one closest, runs to get to him and help put him on one of their horses... and is immediately hit by a blast of magic that almost makes HER pass tf out too
which is when they finally learn that, oh. that is the curse
izzy is fine, of course - the pain ended as soon as she was away from magnus
but it does pose the problem of How The Fuck Are They Getting Him Back To Safety, because they can't exactly wait for magnus to wake up (it's freezing, for starters) but with this amount of pain it won't be physically possible for them to hoist him up and get him on the horse. shit, will the curse work on the horse?
they bring alec's horse (by far the strongest of them because alec is huge buff mcgee) and try to get him to touch magnus and the spell does NOT work on the horse because in order to be dramatic asmodeus was like "you shall never feel human touch again" when he cast the spell, which accidentally gave a LOOPHOLE for non-human animals. so magnus could have had cats the whole time, which he had always dreamed of, but he didnt want to risk testing. besides, his house would be a poor environment for a cat and [self torture noises]
anyway thats one less problem to deal with, 99 to go, so they use some ropes to hoist magnus on top of the horse and bring him back to the tower (it's closer than the village) so they can tend to his wounds. thankfully, as the assigned Big Brother of a very irresponsible izzy, alec has experience with first aid, altho he never really dealt with anything quite this bad. and magnus' friends help, too, as much as they can. inevitably this means that alec ends up touching him even if by accident sometimes, but he knows what to expect so he Powers Through It because he won't let magnus die, damn. and as horrible as that is alec has experience with powering through pain, so. he's gonna bandage him up god damn it
izzy can't stand to see him dealing with that himself tho, so she helps, and clary ends up helping as well because they figure sharing the pain makes it easier and alec doesn't have to be too hurt. minimal touching accidents for alec! good
*narrator voice* And Then Magnus Wakes Up And Alec Hugs Him
full on launches on top of him and brings him into his arms and Magnus screams like NONONO OH MY GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING ALEC NO GET OFF ME YOU'LL BE HURT and his shock and distress at the whole thing sends another whole blast of magic that explodes that whole mf before it can touch alec and alec feels no pain and magnus is like.............. did i just COUNTER the spell? and everyone's like well! it looks like u did!
which earns him ANOTHER hug (oh my god alec stop he's so stressed out by this) (who knew alec was so touchy?) and this time he's paying attention to that gut reaction and because magnus is a Certified Magic Genius he realizes what it is that he's doing to counter the spell and immediately starts working on a way to turn this into unhexxing himself for good
which he DOES after some time idk how long but alec stays with him meanwhile and maybe izzy and clary do too, because magnus needs all the company he can get and besides, izzy has always wanted adventure and clary has never left the village before, so this is interesting to them at least. and magnus gets to meet new ppl which is nice
eventually the Begone Spell spell is performed and it works and turns out that when it does that it also unfucks magnus' magic and perfects his sentience spell turning all of his friends into humans WOW WHOD HAVE THOUGHT. so all of them are free to leave the tower as ppl at the same time and GROUP HUG!! and magnus cries like a baby in the group hug because holy shit hes been needing something like this so bad for so long and he never expected to have that with his friends but here he is :)
and then yeah they all move to the village to live a simple but fulfilling life and Magnus and Alec start living together in a little cottage and become husbands the end <3 this is so long too rip me
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daddy-daichis · 4 years
Yesterday the very beautiful and talented @fuwari-s tagged me in this game and since that post is already really long i figured id make a new one lol  (Also thank you for tagging me, it made me so happy)
The Game: Tag your 2D lovers + the other trend I saw yesterday and wanted to do which is Would you actually date them IRL. So ill put that under the cut because it is a lot.
HQ: Atsumu, Daichi, Issei, Bokuto, Hinata, and Kyoutani
BNHA: Bakugou, Denki, and Hawks
JJK: Sukuna and Mei Mei
Others: Kagami from KNB, Levi and Jean from AOT, and Mikoto Suoh from K
So if you want to know if i would date them irl that is below the cut lol
As for tagging... if you want to do it :) @eijirosriot @bokutosnumberonefan @hinosreis @tetsus-kitten @sugawarakoushihoe @mynameisjackattack and anyone else who wants to do one or both of these challenges.
Alright so would i date these men (+ mei mei) in real life. Short answer is yes lmao. Long answer, with some headcanons that may or may not  venture into 18+ category but only slightly. all aged up to be my age which is 26.
Atsumu - PLEASE, YES
we would be so chaotic together but he would also be really loving. As long as he can still prioritize me in a relationship, not over volleyball, just as much, then we will be golden. We would have such a good time and i feel like we would have a lot of fun bickering, which i really enjoy. Play fighting as a form of foreplay, if you will lmao. We’d probs be friends in HS and then get together after he starts playing for MSBY and he is secured in his position (and himself tbh). I just love this cocky bastard. he also gives me switch vibes and as a switch, i love that for me.
Daichi - YES
All i need is to be wrapped in his arms on the daily and i would be happy. Man would know how to take care of me and that is all. Love of my life, too good for this world. Wholesome husband. He would be able to manage my crazy side and chill me out when i get to anxious. I would want to be bratty just to get him to drop his good guy routine sometimes and I feel like he would like that.
Issei - YES
Funeral home employee can get it. Matsukawa Horse cock Issei can whisk me off my feet and straight into bed. we would have a lot of fun picking on oikawa together (out of love of course) but we would balance each other out a lot. His darker humor would go well against my lighter humor. Also I feel like our level of hotness is pretty comparable... like we aren't the prettiest in the friend group but still good (if that makes sense)
Bokuto - YES
Big ball of sunshine to light up my day, he would literally fuck the sad out of me every day I just know it. Like atsumu, as long as I am a priority to him itll work out. We also kind of have the same sad moods so I feel like we could either both just curl up on the couch together and watch a movie or bring the other out of a funk easily. I love this giant himbo so much.
Hinata - most likely yes
Pretty much the same reasons as bokuto but I feel like I would get drained of his energy faster, so he would def have to cuddle me more. For everyone else so far I can imagine being high school sweethearts, but with hinata i think he wouldnt settle down until later, or even start dating so it would probably be a lot of pining and watching him from the side lines for a while, which would be really hard tbh. but the way he would smile at me after a match would make it worth it so...
 Kyoutani - Hard YES
I love a boy with anger issues, what can i say... (cough couch my irl husband with anger issues couch couch) I would love to be his weak spot and the one person he would go to to help him not feel angry anymore. I think that my fun personality would help him to unbox himself a bit. I just want to give him cuddles and a place to feel accepted. id also i KNOW hes a monster in bed... 
if he was real the things i would do to and for him... A lot like kyoutani i would want to give him a place where hes accepted, and a place where he is unconditionally loved. I would be able to handle his misguided anger and calm him down and give him space. I headcanon that hes very cuddly in private to just his S/O which is something that i love. I love his lil smirk and would do anything to get him to smirk at me. As long as he is able to set me as a priority it would work out, but that would be what he struggles with so it would be a thing we would have to talk about. But I also feel that once you say something about it he would check in with you because of course he has to be the best bf/husband. I feel like I could talk for hours about him so Ill just wrap it up by saying that I love me a passionate man who would probs be a lil possessive, and I would use that to my advantage. 
Denki - GOD YES
I really do think that denki and I are soulmates. we are both the perfect blend of funny, pervy, while still being soft. I feel like there would be a lot of mutual pining at first but he would end up the golden retriever gamer boy to my alt bisexual and thats just the perfect pairing. We would pull so much shit and then get away with it because thats just us being us. I see us being scolded by bakugou a lot for the stupid shit we would pull. Also late night drives in his shitty tuned car to taco bell while we sing alt rock songs from the 2010s. also the switch vibes are immaculate.
 Hawks - Probably
So it would honestly depend a lot on what version of hawks.. him in the hero commission is a no, because he wouldnt be able to be honest with me about a lot of stuff. Like his name, or when i can see him again, and that would give me too much anxiety. When hes free of them and is actually allowed to be himself I think it could work then. I know that he of course wants to still be the best hero, so he would have the same problems as bakugou with finding a balance, but if he wants to i think he could. He would also have a lot of trauma from his relationship with his parents and the commission so I dont know if he would be able to give his love away as freely as he wants so we could get therapy together. I love that for us. But i would happily wake up next to this beautiful birb man if he would have me.  
Sukuna - A hesitant yes
so.. the anger issues that ive mentioned before.. yes. I would like sukuna. I would be his lil bride and sit on his lap on his throne as long as he didnt kill my loved ones or my cats lmao. I would also be ok with being his and itadoris gf while hes living in itadoris head. being with him is just asking for an unhappy ending tho, whether its a life always on the run, or someones trying to kill me, or someones trying to kill him, or hes trying to kill someone. But yes i would like to be with him but that would mean sacrificing a lot. 
Mei Mei - god yessssss..
Please Mei Mei step on me and make me ur lil house wife. I see us living in a pent house apartment with the most breathtaking view of the Tokyo skyline. I would want for nothing and she could take me where ever she wanted and i would just follow her around with heart eyes.
 Kagami - YES
my basketball husband! i love him and would love to be loved by him. Id follow him wherever. He would take care of me and is just so dreamy.. also i guess the mild anger issues.. but hes really not that bad. He would just be such a good s/o. He would cook us nice dinners, wed have a few cats, and he would carry me around a lot because hes so strong. While were on the topic of strong... his stamina... everyone on this list probably has good if not great stamina... but kagami just hits different..... have you seen him in the zone? have you seen his thighs? his sex zone has got to be incredible. 
 Levi - Yes
I was going to say it depends, but really it doesn't... if were in the aot universe and hes my captain and I fall in love with him u can bet ur ass im gonna try and get with him because i could die at anytime. if its some au where he is here in our universe and somehow we meet... like of course im gonna be in love with him. our height difference isnt too bad, im only like an inch or 2 taller than him. I think we would both have a great time together. I would make him laugh, and he would help me clean, because lord knows I hate cleaning. BUT i hate cleaning because its something that I always have to do alone, and I feel like levi would have us be cleaning together like he makes the scouts do. and hes just so sexy... 
Jean - big yes
This beautiful handsome man... idk what to even say about him. Hes strong, funny, handsome, cocky, but very much full of love. would love to run away from the world with him. I feel like if he was in love with me before *tries not to give away spoilers* the marco incident (?) that after he would become very clingy and attached and im ok with that. There would have to be lots of cuddles and reassurances and i just want to see him happy and not at war, with both real life people and himself... id give him the best kisses and he would become addicted to them. 
Mikoto - No? But maybe...
I feel like we could be.. but if you watched the show then you know.. But i would love to be Homra’s princess TBH. No one would mess with me or they would have to face the wrath of my big fire boyfriend and his whole ass gang. But on the other hand I feel like Mikoto wouldnt allow himself to fall in love, so it would probably be a hush hush topic. everyone knows the boss and I are in an entanglement, but they cant talk about it. Then Anna starts asking questions to Mikoto and he has to come clean to her, which would be so cute. He tells her is a secret but she doesn't care lmao. in conclusion, I would want to, but I dont think he would let me.... Maybe friends with benefits tho....
ok if you read all this im officially in love with you. Please take my heart. 
This took me like 2 hours to do because I love thinking about it so much. if you have any thoughts about any of this hop into my dms or comment on this because id love to hear them (especially if you think i belong with one more than the others lmao). 
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diavolosthots · 4 years
@tendergothic heres the other part :) i hope you enjoyed the twins!
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Argument: Do they argue? How bad does it get?
Haha who has the TIME darling?? He'll give you the cold shoulder and go to sleep before he ever starts an argument with you. Hes kind of an asshole about it though and passive aggressive comments are definitely his thing. It tends to happen a lot.
Babies: fur baby, scaly baby, or no baby?
I can actually see him digging something small like a smaller dog or maybe a bunny. But hes not very responsible so I really advise not to give him anything. 
Cocktails: are they extroverted? Introverted? Both? With their s/o? 
Introverted and proud. Does not change with a s/o. What you see is what you get so you gotta deal with the quiet and sleepy him before you get to see the fun and wild him ;)
Dance: would they encourage their s/o to join become "sinful" so they could stay in hell/the devildom? How would they take it if they did?
Oh hell yes he'll try to convince you to stay! Unlike his brother, he's rather selfish when it comes to you and wants to keep you by his side, even though he knows you don't belong down here. Please stay? He'll keep you warm and comfortable, promise.
Exit: Do they like to travel? Where would they want to go? 
Lol thats a straight up no. He likes to take walks and such but he actually doesnt like new environments because he cant sleep well in them. He prefers to stay home in his bed, with his s/o.
Food: what's their favorite date with their s/o?
He likes movie nights because he can cuddle up to them or wrap them both in a soft blanket ya know? Soft words and tight snuggles are his favorite. 
Grease: what's something special they made for their s/o? 
He didn't make it, but he bought it so it still counts; he got him and his s/o matching oversized hoodies that he changes between him and his s/o so they can smell him and he can smell them. 
Honesty: would they ever hide something from their s/o? 
He hides a lot of his feelings from his s/o. He just has a hard time talking about it and prefers to just sleep off any problems he may has. 
Independence: what type of lover are they? Clingy or carefree? 
He's a good mixture of both. On one hand, he loves his alone time and likes to be by himself because he has been for so long, but on the other hand, he really loves to be with his s/o and hold them tightly against him. 
Jealous: are they a jealous person?
He gets super jealous super easily but mainly because he gets insecure. Why do you wanna be with him when he tried to kill you? Its a mystery for him but he sure as hell doesnt want to lose you. 
Kindness: how far would they go for their s/o? Ride or die kind of thing?
He'd do almost anything they ask for, if they ask him. At least, after he's sure that they won't leave him and are actually around to stay. 
Love: what's their love type? 
Quality time. His usual free time is spend sleeping or maybe hanging around beel, but he soon finds himself wanting to spend time with you instead and he honestly doesnt mind seeing your face in front of him, and not just in his dreams. 
Mouth: where's their favorite place to kiss?
Your shoulder. He likes to spoon you a lot and he always places a soft kiss to your shoulder before he dozes off. It's just comforting. 
No: anything they wouldnt do with or for their s/o? 
Betray or hurt beel. Through anything, his twin has always been there for him and stayed by his side, so he would never and could never hurt him 
Odor: what's their favorite scent? On a s/o?
He likes Chamomile because it sends him right off to sleep but he also likes it on you because its relaxing and comforting. 
PDA: how open are they to PDA 
Hes mellow about it. He holds your hand and maybe comes up from behind to hug you, but hes also not overly expressive about it. 
Questions: will they be an open book or not? 
Lol nah nice try though. He just doesnt know how to express his feelings and be fully open, but he does try! Especially if you share something about yourself first. 
Reserved: what's something that only his s/o would know about? 
All his dreams. He dreams a lot and he has a lot of dreams and goals in his life that no one really knows about because he never had anyone to share them with. But with you, he wants to share these things. 
Serious: how long until they start to get really serious with their s/o? 
It takes him a while since hes not very trusting of you at first. But he does realize quicker than expected that you're quickly becoming very important to him.
Type: what's their type in a s/o ? 
Someone who enjoys life and makes him want to enjoy life. A flower type of person if you will. Someone who sees beauty in everything and someone who forgives. But also someone who can hold their own.
Untouched: have they been in a relationship before? How many? 
No. He never cared much for anyone and other than your monthly succubus, he doesnt really like to touch a lot of people.
Very: what's something they're really good at outside of hobbies? 
He can actually sing pretty well! His voice is soothing and low, perfect for when you want to fall asleep. 
Weird: what's something odd or weird about them?
The fact that he can sleep anywhere anytime. Like a lot of people cant do that and its kind of admirable how he just closes his eyes and is gone. 
Xylophone: their favorite part about you? 
Physically? Mentally? 
Physically its your eyes. He likes to get lost in them because theyre like an endless pit full of dreams, hopes, and ambitions. Its like the universe. Mentally its your thoughtfulness and how you can empathize with many beings, including yourself and him. 
Yearning: would they like a family? How many kids? 
Hes not as extreme as his brother but he would want to spend the rest of his life eith you and maybe have a family someday. Maybe.
Zebra: Do they change throughout their relationship? Are they truly themselves? 
He becomes more open and kind toward his s/o. Not so cautious and walking like hes on eggshells. They start to mean a lot to him and he wants to better his wrongs. 
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macklives · 4 years
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alright, im actually kind of in the mood to unpack some stuff regarding karkat's character and the way alternia works actually, so i dont mind giving this a go. and while act 5 isnt completely finished yet (so this is an analysis post for act 5 up until page 2305), there is still more to explore, and im pretty sure i have a lot more to read regarding both karkat AND alternia. until then, i will give a general layout as to what i know so far and how i can expand this in a psychological way (especially considering i did my psych exam so my mind is FRESH from studying)
alright, starting with what seems to be the deal with the hemospectrum, theres a total of 12 blood colors. HOWEVER, one of those blood colors is a "mutant" blood which is unwanted in troll culture as it is, well, "mutant", meaning whoever has this blood will get brutally slaughtered. hurrayyy. im guessing it is even lower than aradia's rust blood, as she is allowed to live but is the lowest on the hierarchy triangle. meaning karkats blood is not even ON the hierarchy triangle and simply buried underground where they hope he stays. so its not exactly pleasant to be living in a society where everyone is trying to KILL you or at least keep you away from everything.
from what i remember, troll reproduction is a vital aspect in their culture, that everyone is forced to mate and drones will come by each house to collect the genetic material. this is mandatory apparently, and if someone were to object, they will be “culled" as quickly as they could say no. alternia seems to be really keen on the whole "blood and carnage" thing, which means their probable solution to anybody breaking the law, is to kill them on sight and just leave them there to rot - regardless of who they are and what families they comes from or have. trolls are free to kill whenever or whoever they please without any governmental repercussions. which means revenge upon revenge happens without any policy.
however this is very important when looking at karkat, because karkat may not be able to do the whole reproduction process (not that we necessarily want him to, im saying this in terms of how its mandatory for every troll and there will be a time when the drones WILL come for karkat). but as he is already a mutant and if they were to "collect" from him, they would find out his blood regardless of how he hides it. they will either cull him for saying no, or cull him for his blood. karkat, in this sense, is doomed regardless. which makes his character much more interesting.
and keep in mind alternia kind of sucks, because from the looks of it, trolls are constantly tested throughout their lives to prove themselves to society that they are allowed to live and survive. but ONLY if they are the strongest among them. alternia wants to become this fearful planet where the weak die off and only those proven worthy can stay to grow up and slaughter more of their kind until the world is nothing but blood thirsty strong murderers. im not too sure who is governing alternia but they can suck a dick if they think this is how good morals work. alternia only really has one way to solve things which is to kill those who question/fight back, OR to kill those who CANNOT fight back essentially. which puts all the trolls through a double edged sword where they cannot do anything but follow the guidelines given to them by troll's society and government, and try to survive as much as they can until then.
if i remember correctly, when it comes to the law side of things. if you look at it from terezi's introduction where she explains prosecutions with her plushies (lemonsnout ect ect i forgot the term for them lol), she said "you are guilty until proven innocent" which is the polar opposite of "innocent until proven guilty” used in OUR own society today (tho i guess we are by far the "good guys" in this situation, but we are far different than how trolls live their lives). anyways, what this means is that everyone dies regardless unless theres literal proof that they have not done the crime. even so i wouldnt put it past them to do nothing about their case even WITH proof. terezi even goes to say that technically there is no way to deal with the law on alternia, and most of crimes get solved through death. she even demonstrates this by how easily she hung the "suspect" and flipped a coin to determine his fate. however, even with the coin landing on the side of safety, where the suspect were to be released, she said "im blind remember i cannot see this coin" and essentially "killed" him. while terezi may have just been playing with her plushies, theres something we can take from this which dictates how their actual court cases are actually solved.
NOW, vriska (yes ik pls bare with me here, i will not make it about vriska but i do have a point here), from the last few pages i saw, can basically kill her friends in an instant, without any remorse. i can tell she sees this as the most "necessary" solution for her problems. i wouldnt say its for survival, but she does do it as a way to provide some sort of safety on alternia. she is a higher blood, and apparently the high bloods are known to kill whoever they please as long as its convenient. and since trolls have this whole fad of "killing the ones who cause you trouble so the problem is out of the way", she is wired to think its the only solution when threatened or when you dislike a person. 
god, she killed aradia because she wanted "revenge", because she wanted to get back at aradia for tormenting her with ghosts EVEN IF aradia did so because she threw tavros off a cliff in the first place. this may have worsened their friendship, KEEP IN MIND THEY WERE FRIENDS, but NEITHER, and i mean neither terezi/vriska/aradia, had any remorse if the other dies as long as there was a reason. in the story, vriska didnt care what happened to tavros because she disliked him, therefore becoming pretty bias over his fate. because of this attempt at killing, aradia didnt care what happened to vriska either, and neither did terezi. terezi sold her out to one of the most powerful beings on their planet, solely because of their revenge cycle. as long as the troll in question did something "malicious”, then that plays a factor in their morals. vriska gave no second thought to killing both of her friends (or at least attempt to with tavros), terezi also tormented john in act 4 which led to his “doomed timeline death” and sold vriska out after she realized vriska wouldnt change. so no fucking WONDER karkat tries to hide who he is, he's overly cautious to not let it slip out because even the people he calls friends could backstab him at any given time considering theres LITERAL EXAMPLES OF THESE TROLLS HAVING DONE SO.
to karkat, he sees this as dangerous, which is why he even CALLS vriska dangerous to begin with. she might not even hesitate to kill him herself or maybe sell him out to the drones, because 1. she may not want to be a witness to something society actively seeks to destroy and 2. she cares more for her survival than karkats. EVEN if they were friends (re: aradia and vriska and terezi). so it just shows. 
on that note, i find it funny how karkat indirectly distracted vriska after she baited him with the question of his blood in a past conversation, which prompted karkat to monologue about troll romance. he was, yes, VERY interested in this topic to start with, but it was a nice little bonus for karkat as to not be found out by the one person who would most likely kill him even if it wasnt on purpose. however, we do not know how this will play out IF she does find out, we just know karkat is in the right to be scared of the theory.
and, alright i do have to mention this, while karkat may have been an angry fucker to START with, who spites the world and throws out insults every chance he gets, i feel he does this as more of a survival instinct as well. he doesnt care what he says to people no matter what they rank on the hemospectrum. they dont know his blood color so he feels he has some sort of immunity, but he just needs to keep it hidden. it also may just be his personality, as he IS a character who was given specific traits and andrew went along with it without so much thinking about plot. yet if you look at this from more of the metaphorical route, think about it with uhhhh lets say the perspective of how dogs work. for example, when you put a chihuahua next to a doberman, a doberman is more of an excited, energetic dog whereas a chihuahua will rain hell down on anybody who so goes near them. sometimes this is to make up for their size, to seem as menacing as the larger doberman, as they have nothing else to fend themselves with. another way to look at it is, if you see a bear (i forget if its black/brown or grizzly) you make yourself seem like the bigger person by scaring it off with sounds and eventually it will leave you alone. these sort of tactics work in the sense of survival. this is sort of what karkat could be doing, he uses insults and a defensive shouting to not really "hide" himself, but to have some sort of way as to not be found out if people start to question. someone asks him "hey karkat whats your blood" he goes "FUCK YOU, FUCK OFF, END OF STORY" which could make a person go "yo sorry dude forget i ever asked". so this could be a factor as to why he is so crabby, however on the other hand, he is crabby because that is also his character. andrew probably thought yo cancer = crab = crabby. however i do like how he is perceived and the whole "mutant blood" really made me do a double take on how he views life himself. he has to always hide who he is or he will get physically killed. alternia would take joy in finding out he does not belong there because lets face it, alternia is a bitch of a planet.
this also brought me to ask the question, why does karkat want to be a leader if hes so scared of what would happen to him if he were to be found out? which then, at first i said lol this is just karkat, he wants to a leader because he just wants to be the leader, he likes when things go to plan and that he the most say in their sburb plans considering he thinks everyone else is a "dumbass". to which, i then thought about it more and went ouch what if hes a leader because he knows hes not valued enough in society, that he somehow wants to feel some sort of importance in the world, so he wants to become a leader. i imagine younger karkat, not knowing why his blood is so undermined, finding out he is not wanted and suddenly on the most wanted list without having even DONE anything. even TAVROS said he was on that list, but only because he was weak and had no back-bone, here karkat may have been strong but no matter what, he was to be culled BECAUSE of his blood. something he cannot change no matter what. imagine a little kid knowing he will die at any point because of who he is (rlly sounds familiar if you think about it). so of course, he hides himself from the world, but do you think for an instant, little angry karkat wants to simply be FORGOTTEN about? i doubt that, he wants to be heard, he doesnt necessarily want to be rejected as he knows he will be, so while he does hide his blood, he wants to have a voice no matter what. when being a leader, people dont reject you, they LISTEN. they all may not want to because karkat is just a fucking ticking time bomb, who can lash out at any second, but i feel theres now a reason why he has this superiority complex. he wants to sort of become the person he knows he never will become (if you put it into that perspective). so thats kind of why im giving him the benefit of the doubt here.
i would also like to point out a sort of.... comparison?? not with the dogs but with unwanted children in a family household. this doesnt necessarily apply to karkat, but sub in family household with society and it might as well. (on that note, a warning/viewer discretion, if you have any problem with this kind of discussion, i wouldnt read further into this paragraph and skip to the next one) alright, the unwanted child psychology basically deals with the process of a child which is neglected by their parents, and/or know that they were never wanted in the family. i read an article a while back when we were discussing this in a lecture, we were browsing multiple people's perspective on the matter, and one said "An affective relationship may be suffocating to [the unwanted/neglected child]: it’s a defense against intimacy of which they know nothing. Normally they fluctuate between egotism and deep feelings of inferiority. They don’t understand what a balanced and healthy self-esteem looks like." it explains how the child who grows up in an unwanted home admits great emotion deprivation, because the child's bonds of affection are extremely fragile, and this can lead to both egotism and feeling like they are inadequate. and it really strongly shows karkats personality. we havent gotten that much from him in general, but considering how he uses this egotism to cover up the fact that he may be doomed, really shows the similarity. i liked this short article so i want to give some points to take into consideration, specifically this part: "It will be very difficult for unwanted children to build healthy relationships of affection in their adult life. Love is a foreign language to them. They don’t know how to decipher the codes and much less how to build them. It’s very hard for them to need and to be needed. That’s why, more often than not, they completely shirk their conflicts with peers and superiors, or do nothing but generate them. They speak incessantly about the broken relationship that marked their arrival in the world. A person with such a background will need help to get through those abysses of love that live in their heart. The most important step is that they recognize that their discomfort doesn’t depend on who they are, but the circumstances that led to their being." it may not be 100% tru for karkat but theres a small portion of it that can link back to karkats view on life and how being this mutant can really change who he is as a person. and i hope you can see the similarity between karkats character and this form of psychology. yet i also do not fully know the depth of karkat vantas. however i do hope it continues to build up in this way, as it would be both interesting and make us feel more for him as a person.
alright, i think if i write any more i will never stop aghjsk, which is a bit too much for a sunday afternoon, basically to sum up this post, trolls are violent and karkat will be killed if hes found out, even by his friends if it comes down to it. so karkat cannot really trust anybody, hes alone and imagine the thrill he had when he saw jack cut his hand to show the bright red blood? that he finally has someone LIKE HIM. imagine when he finds out about the kids. so i believe in his growth, while he needs to get a better vocabulary, i do get why hes so defensive all the time. because hes both scared and unwanted. and he wants to make up for it.
and i guess with all that being said, you can tell i now have a slight soft spot for the kid lmao
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
THE GREAT ND REWATCH OF 2021 / SEPTEMBER 28-29, 2019 // the bonny scot
posting this a day later than normal because this is one of the rare episodes that shows a passage of time from one day to the next yayy love that for them
-wonder what filming these beginning sexy scenes is like for them in real life
-sooooo can lucy see nancys sexy dream? is she judging? does this mean she likes nancy with owen or nick more? or is she trying to tell nancy that her sex dreams are irrelevant to the mystery at hand and she needs to focus?
-seeing people in the ✨prison chair✨: gomber, carson, karen (voting for josh s3 just saying)
-completely ignores carson's question about herself typical nance
-"or maybe i did stumble across a knife" its like hes trying to make the case against him look plausible while attempting to maintain innocence. this is a slippery slope for carson to try and encourage her to keep her pacified + hide the truth while also trying to keep her from getting involved bc hudsons
-"genetics gets you in the door" aaaaand then she walks in to everetts office to meet him and crashes their family dinner
-ok who tf is dawn and why is she in charge here
-this guidance counselor of nicks is my favorite person
-"i admire your allergy to pleasantries" bess and nancy both have reveals to big families but nancy does not have the graceful, accepting reveal to her rich family like bess does at this lunch. nancys reveal is messy, cold, bloodstained and sticky-fingered, not nice in any way whatsoever. and this little chat with everett (bit of a parallel to lucy's) just highlights how nancy is always bad at bargaining with her grandparents*- always trying to fight on their level but giving up her equal hand bc she doesnt know how to hide it when they bring up something she doesnt know. like confronting celia at the masque: she was so confident with her theory and what she knew, but then we got a "what does that mean?" like. the instant you say that, you lose. and she walked right into the "yes i do have someone, hes in jail" 🤦🏼‍♀️ even in the car with ryan at the end of s1, he literally just fucking leaves her there. like 🤷🏼‍♀️ what did u think was gonna happen sis?? for all she can predict how past things lead to present circumstances shes fucking awful at seeing the direct future *(grandparents except for patrice bc her dementia makes her inaccessable)
-lmaooooo this awko ass portrait...i get the empty space is for nance but who on earth thought this was a good pic??
-"will u help the claw for me?" george struggles financially to keep her livelihood while nancy is somehow shown as being taken care of even when her parent is incarcerated; both nancy and george live in single parent homes now with mention of both medical debt and george being breadwinner yet nancy has no struggles while george does. (i wonder if ryan had been able to help george here how the story would have changed)
-"when it comes to following people around without their knowledge or consent i am somewhat of a repeat offender" 😂😂😂
-"he wasnt endgame after all" BESS lmaoooo
-"...okay." lmaoooo i fuckin love owen
-i was hoping the girls' faces would be more shocked like with a glance to owen but they just....werent
-"we're the good guys" <---- this statement is soooo interesting in terms of how they structure the show and how the characters see themselves (its an interesting contrast with the more definitive good vs evil with things that are both clearly good and clearly evil but theres also a lot of moral grey area here, the show is kinda swamped in it. are nancy and crew the good guys? are they the bad guys in someone else's story? concerns.)
-"i'd call it more than just stuff" like why did u concede that??? and then the shit about oof that didnt sound like a compliment lmaoooooo why does she suck at arguing?? she and owen wouldnt work long term bc theyre so similar (as mentioned later on)
-i LOVE george slowly falling in love with nick here- hence how upset she gets when nick bails on her for nancy later (which is totally justified!!!)
-i am LIVING for the little nod this driver guy gives bess when she turns back around all nervous 😂
-"i do like buying things" i would so say that too tbh
-"you'd have plenty to talk about" LMFAOOOOOOO SHE KNOWS "marvins dont marry drivers" so diana is totally fine with the gay its just the poor she has a problem with 😂💙fuckin love that
-love how nancy just casually ruins everything for nick/george lmaooo
-"i have seen you at your best, nancy, and there is nothing like it." 🥴😳 i love this still-in-love look nancy gives him thats so strong he had to change the subject
-so is haunting time 11 pm? from that clock of bashiir's?
-how do NO neighbors notice this fucking water and shit
-these are TOTALLY AWFUL fake screams from the bonny scot crew 😭
-"i know well enough not to get involved when he's in play" both carson and ryan avoid engaging with everett even though nancy is willing to do so armed with less info and more balls/ but "could i trust him" and ryan says yes lmaooooo NO honey + that makes ryan 0/2 for helping the girls when they ask this ep
-"find a project of your own" and he does, with his youth center 🙏🏻💙 what s2 foreshadowing!
-"god i wish i still drank" 😂😂😂
-"she is darling." 💙👌🏻
-okay wtf is mirror bay??
-i really wonder about the extent of celia x sebastians relationship here. did she truly care about him or was it just secret and exciting sex? also would love more hints of diana vs celia moments like these. celia doesnt even look upset. i mean shes had time to deal but like wtf. and who exactly is sebastian to diana? not her husband? like damn what if he was. somehow i doubt she'd talk about him diddling celia if diana was disrespected also
-i wonder if celia being so invested in dna testing nancy was bc everrett dna tested ryan to make sure he was his bc of sebastian / other men (which would be totally valid on his part!! but wouldnt it be funny as fuck if ryan wasnt his 😂)
-what a neat hiding place in this frame lmaooo who put that in for them tho? like how do u go about ordering that
-"you certainly are your fathers daughter" this quote is doubly ironic and foreshadowy bc theyre referencing carson here as being a useful hudson attaché but nancy is playing everett just like ryan played celia about putting his house up (but TRIPLY ironic bc carson pulls off the long con of hiding nancy from the hudsons right under their noses this whole time!) the one time nancy is successful against them
-that bess/lisbeth look while lisbeth does something badass (+diana reassessing now that lisbeth has been revealed to be useful)
-"almost as fun as a real fight" why do i believe him? lmaoooo a bit weird that he would enjoy a fight w a partner, but i also think this is an acknowledgement of nancy being an "opponent" who exists at his level. but i also love the "let me take you out" as a direct mirror of her relationship with nick, where she avoids the public acknowledgment/"going out" but prefers the more subtle/hidden arrangements of staying in. but as shown with later eps, owen is way more capable of meeting nancy where shes at, which is so important to her + the only way of getting close to nancy. (the only foil is ace who somehow is able to do both)
-"not always about a guy" <---- this could have been such a powerful statement if the show had thought having nancy end up alone/choose herself instead of pitting her between love interests (nick, owen, gil, even potentially ace, in only 2 seasons) was a more worthy stance to take ; as an aro/ace person i cant tell you how much i would kill to see just one female protag choose herself over a man. and its more realistic to end up alone than have a happy ending anyway, for all that these shows try to be as "real" and gritty grimdark as possible
-"is that what you want?" this is an interesting question to his mother- like maybe he senses her unhappiness? combined with his issues with his father- still trying to look out for his mom? either way it's sweet. (it could also potentially work as foreshadowing of something happening to her, but i think that was played with but then diverted when it was revealed who really killed her) "i think its time i steer this ship" still kind of patriarchal tho. i get that its him coming into his own as a dad technically but still. i also like how he calls her "mother" and not mom
-love that old white people thumbs up at george asking about his clams 👍🏻
-okay fuck dawn tho lmfaoooo
-"stressful dinner huh?" 😂 i fucking love lisbeth so much why didnt they bring her back (wouldnt it be Fucking Hilarious if they brought lisbeth back to bounce bess on her expired visa since the marvins kicked her out and didnt fix it lmaoooooo)
-BESS IS A TOP lmaooooooo i fuckin knew it
-nick says "you can pay me back" wonder if thats gonna come back in s3 considering their "marital problems" (also, those bonds are sosus lmfaoooo if any single person cashing those was looked at sideways they'd confess in 2 seconds that some random guy is handing out bearer bonds they dont even make anymore with absolutely zero proof as to how he got them)
-"you wanna finish what you started?" 👀 (dont mind if i do)
-"i need my dad back" parallels s2 when she asks him to come home
-parent politics: "you are taking your life in your hands / no, i'm putting it in yours" vs "i know well enough not to get involved when hes in play" both carson and ryan try to dissuade nancy from pursuing her pulling this con on everett but go about it different ways: carson is wildly concerned with nancys physical wellbeing but ryan appears to be leaning more towards weighing the odds for her/ like a "you cant win so cut your losses/dont try" scenario which interestingly might have more weight with nancy; its easy for her to brush aside carson's worrying like second nature but nancy has been established to be a determined winner, and ryan speaks to her here like shes a beginners luck prodigy at a blackjack table by encouraging her to keep her record clean by not dealing in this next round. of course she herself admits shes incapable of not dealing in ie "you know me better than that" but i have lots more thoughts on how effective ryans approaches to nancy can be sometimes (saving for the reveal ep 🙏🏻)
-wonder what all carson knows about the hudsons? + that look on his face when he hangs up... wonder if he was just lying to her about knowing anything or just ashamed at having to admit bad things hes done for them
-love nick & bashiir waiting together 🙏🏻💙+ nicks very strong and pointed "good night" as a means of ending his convo w nancy on his terms (gotta reinforce those boundaries man!)
and lastly
-celia + that gossip girl moment when she just throws the whole phone away 😂(wonder if she was just talking to "gus" or whoever that guy was. keep forgetting the bobbseys' dad is in prison too, wonder if he'll feature in s3)
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arthurflecksgirl · 4 years
<3  *Arthur imagines his first date <3
* Lost diary pages*
Arthur writes about how he imagines his first date to be, rips the pages out of his diary and sends a message in a bottle :-)
Some cute fluff for you all :-)
It`s a cold evening in Gotham city. Its feels like the dead of summer. You walk though the park, kicking the fallen leafes beneath your cold feet. It has been a long day. A long month, year. Life even. You feel tired, trying to understand why you are even here in this city full of ignorant people. If only you had someone on your side that understands how lonely the world can be, when you`re inside of your own mind all the time.
You moved here years ago and still haven`t found someone to talk to. You think about leaving this place if nothing changes. You`re looking for a sign. Something that keeps you going.
There is a little kitten by the river. "Hey there little friend, feelin lonely,too?" it  meows and  runs away. And just as you want to turn your back, you see something in the water. A bottle. But there is something in it.
"A message in a bottle" you whisper to yourself as you pick it up. It looks like has been there for some months. But its easy to open. You sit down at a bench, starting to read:
"Today I sat there on a park bench in Gotham city, after I got out of the pharmacy. The sky was getting dark, you could tell that its going to rain soon. But I didnt wanted to go back to my dark apartment, so I just sat there, watching people. Made some observations. I need it to write in here. I need it for more jokes.
But what I noticed today wasnt a joke. It was love. And love is a very serious subject to me. I take human connection very seriously. Because I never experienced it. And I really want to. Some days it really hurts me inside, when I see couples laughing together. LAUGHING TOGETHER. What sounds so simple, SEEMS so simple to others is out of my reach. Laughing is something that I really dont know nothing about. Though I laugh so often. Because I have to. Because it won`t leave me alone to cry. I laugh but the truth is I don`t. I can`t remember a time it was a real, heartfelt laugh. I don`t even know how to do it. Sometimes I try to fake it. When I`m at Pogos or with the guys from Haha`s. But I can tell from the way they look at me that they know there is something wrong with me. Maybe I should stop trying to fit in. I try to fit in all the time. Every day... but it doesnt seem to work. Except when there are kids around. Thats why I love them. Kids seem to SEE me.
And then...the other word TOGETHER. There has to be more than one person to create a together. And I am always alone. I don`t know why. Its not like I didnt try to make friends. I really did. But they don`t feel comfortable around me. Even Hoyt told me so. I don`t know why everyone is so rude. I only want to make people happy. I really do. But thereis no "laughing together" for me. Only crying alone.
So, I was sitting there on the bank and there was this couple. She was looking at him, laughing. I bet he told her a really good joke. And she looked at him in a way no one ever looked at me and they kissed. Holding on to one another.
I always imagined how it would feel like being kissed. The moment right before your lips are touching must be the most beautiful feeling in the world. I imagin it to be very exciting to have someone elses lips pressed against yours. To circle your tongue around another and to taste the other person entierly. I dream about kissing the girl next door a lot. Her name is Sophie and she is beautiful. I bet she is a really good kisser. Her lips look so soft. I wish I could just knock on her door, take her face between my hands and kiss her passionately. But the truth is I barely dare to look her in the eyes when we meet at the hallway.
But yeah. this couple on the streets really made me think about what it would be like to have someone to love.To make love to someone.
I consider myself a romantic. And I played this like a thousands of times in my head. I`m 35 now and I guess it will never happen. But I like to dream about it. Who knows, maybe someday someone will SEE me the way I am. Maybe some day a nice girl will laugh at my jokes and take me in her arms. I would love to dress up in some decent clothes for her. I usually wear my old, faded jacket and my blue pants. The ones that look too baggy on me. But actually I like to dress nicely. Especially for special occasions. It just barely happens.I would put on some cologne. Not the one I use when I go to Pogos, I would buy a new one, because my mother uses the same bottle and that`s a bit strange, right? I would definitaly buy a new one I think the girl would like. I just found one I loved but it was too expensive and I couldnt afford it. Whatever, no one would have noticed the new cologne on me anyway.
And on our big date...I would do something with my hair. Maybe I would wear it slick back. I noticed that people like that a lot. I would like to go to the theatres with her. Oh that would be nice. Watching some comedy together. She would teach me what a real laugh feels and sounds like. I bet she could do that. And I wouldnt have to act strangely around her anymore, because the laugh would come NATURALLY.  So she could feel comfortable around me,too.
Thats my biggest fear, that the girl wouldnt feel comfortable around me. I would try my best to make her feel LOVED. After our date I would walk down the streets with her, holding hands. I always loved the idea of hoding hands. Its like a little commitment. You are mine. I really love the time we spent together. Thats what it says. At least I think so.
I would take her home with me. It would be a little bit embarrassing to show her the apartment but ...anyway... MUSIC!
Music is really important when it comes to the perfect date. Its like the heart of everything. I would put on some nice, music. I have LOTS of really great records and I´m a good dancer, so this wouldnt be a problem. Maybe some Sinatra. And...I imagin asking her to dance with me, offering her my hand and she would smile and we start dancing through the living room...Oh I would light up some candles before that. The apartment is quiet dark so we could need a bit of light. And candle light is always a good idea. Girls appriciate it and it makes me feel comfortable,too.
I would try to get closer to her while dancing. It would be the perfect moment for my first kiss. I could even pick a song for my first kiss, when I think about it now. This could be planned out so perfectly.
Thats why I always play it in my head over and over again... If it happenes some day, I`m prepared.  And I have to be prepared because I`m a virgin.
I just hope she wouldnt notice that I never kissed someone before. That would be the most embarrassing thing. I know I can be SHY.
Not even to mention other things like having sex.
I dream about this A LOT. I keep pictures in here. Of girls I think are attractive and other stuff. I like to draw a lot. But thats all nothing compared to what a real girlfriend would feel like to have in my arms.
I imagin sex to be not just a way to satisfy your own desires. I imagin it to be something that really connects you to the other person and to life itself. I always feel depressed after touching myself. I guess this would be different with having someone in your arms afterwards,too. I try to imagin the sensation of  two bodies melting into one another. To be SEEN and to be FELT by another person. I think its impossible to UNSEE the person that you have sex with. My future  girlfriend will look me in the eyes and I hope she will be able to realize my true self. That I`m a good guy. And she will tell me so. She would feel me with all her senses. Calling out my name between the kisses, begging me to sleep with her. Begging me to fullfill all her desires. And I would. God yes, I would make all her desires come true. Try the best to please her. I think I  could be a great boyfriend.
I would buy my girlfriend flowers,too. I love flowers. I love how soft to the touch they are and the fact that they smell so nice. Like girl`s shampoo. I would love to pick flowers and out them into her hair. I can imagin her happy face. A real laugh. Not like mine.
I`d love to have someone to cuddle with at night. Not only my pillows. It must be wonderful to feel the warth of another body on your own. The weight of someone elses body on yours.  I just want the emptyness to go away. This constant feeling of  emtyness, meaniglessness. I just don`t wanna feel so bad anymore.
Having someone to kiss my bruised back. To take care of my wounds when I got beaten up again. That would be wonderful.
I need to talk to someone about the thoughts inside of my head. All these thoughts. They`re enemys sometimes. I try to get them out of me by writing this journal, but this isnt enough. I need someone to really listen to me and I guess my future girlfriend could do that. Just listen, putting her arms around me, when I feel lost. That would be enough to make me feel better. I long for human contact so much. But no one cares.
My daydreams are the only thing I have left.Some days they feel so real, they become hallucinations. Dr Kane thinks I am delusional. But I know that these hallucinations arent real. I KNOW THAT I AM ALONE.
These dreams...are just for the moment. I make them real for a minute, maybe an hour or longer. But as soon as the daydream is done, I know that my mind just made it up. What difference does it make if Dr Kane belives me or not?  She doesnt care about me anyway. No one does.
Dr Kane thinks that love won`t heal me. That I am way too damaged to be healed. Thats what she said. What a rude bitch. I know I can be healed by love. I just feel it in my guts. I just want a family. Is this too much to ask for? I get that its too late to have a father but is it too late to find a girl who loves me for who I am?
Maybe it is. Maybe not.
If there is a 50/50 chance...I`ll take it !
50/50 is more than most people get in life.
I think I´m gonna rip those pages out of this journal and put them into a bottle.
I watched a movie a while ago and this guy put a letter with his adress into a bottle and thew it into the river. Years later this girl found it and wrote him a note.
I loved this idea of the constant hope that your letter will be noticed some day.
That I will be noticed someday.
Yeah... I will do it right now.
So if you read this and you think that my writing made any sense...
Here is my adress
Arthur Fleck
2250 Anderson Avenue
Apt 8J
Gotham city NJ
Gonna find a bottle and get to the river now.
There is no time to waste.... "
@impulsiveclown @ben-solos-writing-avenger @jokerownsmysoul @missjoker96 @arthurskitten @lynnesm @nonnymousse @jokerhoe @gwynplaine89 @damnrightobsessedwithim @sgtsavoytruffle  @duhliriouss @sadjesterautumn @therealjokerking10 @flowerglitterwoman @thirstforfleck @spookyhome @iartsometimes @downtoclown-around @you-cant-cry-in-here @bustafatclownnut @jokerismyhubbie @jokerflecker @casiaregina @check-out-this-joker @mrsjfleck @darknessisafriend @bring-your-holy-water @nicoleverse @mdme-rosary @arthurhappyclown @yami-rhs @mrsjfleck @cmollica @mollyxlyla-rosex @widkkfowpqpsnanq @rhokie @neon-umbrella-for-stella @queenie70 @casiaregina @missmayx @these-written-reveries @cherrymoon75
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violetnotez · 5 years
Shopping Trip HC- Kirishima x Reader
@fxndxmxnxce​!:Hi! i just saw your blog but you already look so good😍 could i get a request where kirishima and his s/o go out to get groceries for cook dinner for their classmates? they goof off; riding around in carts, taking random samples of food, and even recite vines while they look for ingredients🥺 just a lot of tooth rotting fluff because why not :D bonus todoroki gives them endeavor’s card (in which he stole) to let them pay for the stuff tonight LMAOO thanks i love you🥰🥰🥰
ACK MY FIRST REQUEST THANK UUU! I love getting requests ngl :) I made this into a HC hope you dont mind!
Kirishima x reader
Genre: OVER LOAD of Fluff
Word Count:
Warnings: Choatic Energy throughout
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It was the week before exams and everyone was beginning to cram big time
Everyone was in the common room, every surface covered in textbooks and notes from the semester
Izuku, Ochaco, Iida, Froppy, Ojiro, and Toru  were on the training grounds practicing for the practical exams- Todoroki was studying on the couch
Momo was giving all of Bakusquad (including you) a huge study session that made all of your heads hurt (minus Bakugo- he wouldnt be caught dead studying with a bunch of ‘idiots’)
All of you were exhausted- you had been going at this since 9 in the morning at it was already close to dinner time
Kirishima had his head resting in your lap, you playing with his fire red hair as Momo rambled about Geometry, while Kaminari and Sero tried desperately to take notes as fast as Momo talked 
Mina had given up an hour ago and was now standing in front of the fridge
“Ughhhhh”, she whined, “we have no fooooooood.” 
“Cmon Mina we got like a hour to dinner you can wait!” Kaminari said while writing like his life depended on it (which it kinda did- he was borderline passing his classes as it was- if he failed these exams he was screwed)
“Oh be quiet Kaminari your the one who eats all the food half the time!” Mina yelled frustrated
When Mina’s hangry- she is HANGRY
“Dont blame this on me- my quirk isnt the one that depends on eating to work!”
“If your trying to imply Im the one who ate all the food then you are completely wrong!” Momo spat out at Kaminari, kinda looking hurt
“Can you all keep it down-Im trying to read,” Todoroki interjected calmly, not even looking up from his book
To be honest, all of you forgot Todorki was even in the room, so it kind of threw you all off
“Hey-why dont me and y/n just go pick up some food! The market’s not too far away” Kirishima sat up, his hair in odd angles from you combing it with your fingers
You knew what he was doing- he had zoned out too, and he just wanted a way to leave the study session, but he was too polite to actually leave it (for Momo’s sake- she got way too excited over study sessions)
You yawned, stretching from sitting for so long- “thatd be nice, Id like to stretch my legs a little.”
Kaminari shrugged, “Sure why not- not like were going anywhere, mind as well get some snacks-”
You started making a list of everything everybody wanted and it was long- Kaminari and Sero were shouting out everything fattening, from Takis to Twinkies to 2 liter sodas, Mina yelled she wanted a bunch of sweets like Pocky, Momo was a little healthier but she wanted more expensive things like sushi, and Kirishima wasnt helping since he wanted to buy everything for everybody
You two started adding up stuff in your head and you knew for sure there was no way you could pay for all this, even if everyone chipped in
You gave Kirishima a look, letting him know that this wasn't going to work- somebody had to help you two out or ask for a little less
He knew you hated to let your friends down, so he smiled, letting you know he had it under control
“Uh, guys, we cant get so much food- this is way too much and we cant buy all this- can we maybe take something off the list?” kirishima asked as Kaminari and Mina began to whine
To your surprise, Todoroki walked over and handed you something. You looked down at it seeing it was a credit card.
You gasped slightly- “No Todoroki we cant take this this is yours-”
“I dont care what you do with it or how much you charge on it,” he said calmly, “as long as it makes you all quiet.”
“Of course- thanks man, we owe you one!” Kirishima smiled, grabbing your hand, pulling you up and shuffling you out the door
“Well you were desperate to leave, huh Kiri?” you kidded as you cuddled closer to him as you both walked to the store
“Anything to spend some alone time with you princess,” he smiled, kissing the top of your head, “Also.... I think my head was starting to hurt from listening to Momo- what even is a Pythagorean theoreom?!”
Oh Kiri you poor baby
You both get to the supermarket and the cute lovey dovey Kirishima disappears
He instantly gets super excited because FOOD
And carts
“Cmon y/n they have kiddie carts!”
“Kirishima no those are for kids!” you laugh, taking the cart from him gently
“Ahhh cmon babe please!!!”
You kiss him on the cheeck- “No Kiri sorry!” (he pouts tho)
You get one of the normal carts and he instantly stands on the back and holds on to the wired basket, forcing you to push him around
You shake your head, smiling, because he looks so cute just standing there having the time of his life as you push him around
“A Thousand Miles” comes over the speakers and you both look at each other with the most shocked but happy faces ever
-30 seconds later-
Your now on the back, Kirishima is pushing your around like a maniac, has knocked you into 3 stands of food already, but you dont care because your both laughing trying to sing the lyrics
“IF I COULD FALL INTO THE SKY” Kirishima practically shouts, holding a can of whip cream like a microphone
“BECAUSE I WOULD WALK A THOUSAND MILES JUST TO SEE YOU!” you both shout out, getting some dirty looks from a pair of old ladies at the meat section (which you could care less about)
You both look at each other and just start busting up, Kirishima taking you to the next aisle
You get to the candy section, where Kirishima is still laughing over the old ladies’ glares at you two
You kinda calmed down, going back to the task at hand, picking out all the candies Mina had asked you to get her
He then sees a bag of Life Savers
“Hey y/n-” he taps your shoulder, giggles barely being contained from him
You turn around, a grinning Kiri holding a bag of Life Savers
“Le-fes Sa-ve-airs”
You roll your eyes, giggling, “Oh my gosh Please Kiri no more vines!”
“Oh calm on vines are so awesome!” he exclaims, putting the bag of candy back in its original space
“Yes but I think we’ve annoyed enough people with our vine references”
“Only two old ladies!”
“Two old ladies that will probably get us kicked out” you laughed, giving him a kiss
“Lets just get the food so we can go back to the dorms- Im getting kind of hungry seeing all this food…”
“Wait, youre hungry?!?” he asks super concerned
“Just a little,” you shrug off, “its no big deal-”
“WAIT HERE” Kirishima practically yells, seemingly not hearing what you said and runs off
You shake your head, knowing your boyfriend too well- he could get impulsive sometimes
You got all the food and was waiting in the checkout line when you spotted Kirishima trying to balance a bunch of small, clear cups in his hands
“Are those--- samples?!” you asked, shocked that he went around the WHOLE store getting all those samples
“Yep!” he says super proud, happy he was helping his girlfriend
“Oh my gosh Kiri I love you, you know that, right?” you exclaim happily, your stomach growling as you began to eat out of one of the cups
If he knew food would get you so happy he would have brought you WAY more food A LOOOOOOONG time ago
You got to the check out and the price- was- ALOT
You gulped, hoping the rumors of Todoroki being extremely rich were true
And thank the gods they were because you were able to pay for the food no problem
Then you realized- you had 10 bags full of food you had to lug back to the dorms
And it was close to a 15 minute walk
You started picking up bags, already feeling the weight of them after 3
“I got them, don't worry babe!” Kirishima gingerly took the bags from your hands and began to strap them across his arm
‘Wait Kiri no theres alot you can't hold all-”
Kirishima put a kiss on your cheek, instantly making your cheeks warm
“Its okay I can carry them!” He smiled, making your insides all fuzzy
How did you get such a cute boyfriend?
“At least let me hold 2!”
You literally had to claw two bags away from him because he refused to let you hold any because it wasnt “manly” for his girlfriend to have to hold a bunch of heavy bags by herself
The walk back was a breeze, Kirishima seemingly unbothered by the weight and you two both  enjoyed the sunset coming down against the mountains
When you finally got back, all your classmates were there, everyone in their pajamas and on the floor
All the notes and books had been replaced by pillows and blankets and everyone was in their lounge or sleep wear
“Oh hey ya two love birds, you got the food!” Kaminari yelled out happily, wearing pajamas with lightning bolts on them
“Hey Pikachu,” you laughed, “and yes, we got your food,” throwing him a bag of chips (which he devoured instantly like an animal)
“Why is everyone in their pajamas?” Kirishima asked, putting the bags on the kitchen counter
Mina came over and hugged you, so happy you got her snacks as Uraraka made a pillow float in the air
“We all decided were going to hang out and build a huge pillow fort and have a sleepover!” Uraraka exclaimed excitedly, Froppy and Momo helping her place the pillows inside the fort
“Awesome!” Kirishima shouted excitedly, “Cmon, y/n, lets go get changed!” 
He grabbed your hand, Kaminari and Sero making whistle sounds at you two as Kirishima pulled you up stairs
You shook your head, a blush coming on your cheeks
“When did they get so interested in us?” you asked, your face turning red from those dumb whistles
“Dont worry about them babe,” Kirishima said soflty, “their just jealous that i have somebody as amazing as you.”
“So,” Ochaco asked, snacking on a cookie, “how were able to pay for all this food?!”
“Yeah, you guys must have spent a fortune,” Tsuyu added
“It was Todoroki,” you explained, “he was nice enough to let us pay for it on his credit card- again Todoroki, thank you for letting us pay for all this!”
Kirishima agreed, his hand wrapped around your waist, “We totally owe you a favor- if you ever need anything, come to us!”
Todoroki nodded in thanks
“Your all welcome”, he replied calmly, “but that credit card wasnt mine-”
“It was my father’s.”
You instantly choke on the soda you were sipping on, Kirishima patting your back to keep you from choking
“WHY WOULD EVEN GIVE US THAT CARD IF IT WASN'T EVEN YOURS MAN?!” Kirishima shouts, fear evident in his voice
To say the least, the night just got 10 times more stressful as you and Kirishima were terrified that the #1 Hero was going to come and rip you to shreds for using his money to buy snacks
Requests open!!!!
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Discord pt 92
[Date: 17/03, 07:42 PM GMT - 17/03, 09:29 PM GMT]
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jayyyyyyyy: “fetch, come on, cant you see this isnt doing anything to help?
just take the damn ointment”
Little-K1ng: “he... what?”
Marcus: “I back read a little bit”
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Marcus: “Just not here”
fetch: “fine. you want me to be honest huh. go on look at the fucking doc. just another place where my problems turned into everyone else's.”
Little-K1ng: fetch.... you really, really need to stop lying to me. im doing my best here, im trying so hard to let things slide in the name of giving you what you need. but you are far from making it easy on me”
fetch: “we're gonna forget all this happened in 3 days time anyway. it doesn't fucking matter what i tell you or what i dont.”
Little-K1ng: “you get angry when you're stressed, you stop responding, you stop listening to reason
but-.. wait, whats going to happen in 3 days?”
Maxwell: “....prince told us that faer family is coming back in 3 days”
fetch: “the beginning of spring.”
Maxwell: “spring officially begins then”
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jayyyyyyyy: “we'll get you guys back, if you somehow go back in the first place”
Little-K1ng: “so.... so i get warning, this time,
thats.... almost too cruel”
fetch: “whatever. i honestly can't be asked to care at this point.”
Marcus: “You’d really say that to Mona of all people?”
Little-K1ng: “i..... i wouldnt ask that of you”
Marcus: “...three days huh”
donti (e): “... mona u alright...?”
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Marcus: “Is that really a question you’re asking right now?”
donti (e): “ah.. sorry.”
jayyyyyyyy: “honestly at this point im willing to chuck a bucket of weedkiller at fetch's head”
Marcus: “Jeight.”
donti (e): “hey hey lets not get hastyy”
Little-K1ng: “i... [huff] i .... [sniff] i just.. i shouldnt have yelled i....”
Marcus: “This isn’t helping”
fetch: “i... you're expecting too much from me. i mean. you expect me to care at this point? when death is coming to our door and all we can do is throw on a little sprinkler? when all we can do is sit in a huddle and wait until these vines in our skulls fully bloom?”
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donti (e): “... we discussed possible solutions to the buds if you.. want to change subject.. or not”
jayyyyyyyy: “fetch, the thing about this is that we have a fighting chance
we lose that chance if you stop fighting”
Little-K1ng: “im expecting you to fucking try, fetch. im expecting you to understand that we're all going through this, and every time you lie to me, to us, you cost us more time we could have spent trying to fix it”
fetch: “how would it help, by piling on more and more to the shitheap we have already? you're not supposed to worry about me. ive always been able to handle myself.”
Maxwell: “please ⌇⏁⍜⌿arguing....why are we arguing.....”
Marcus: “..”
Void: “...”
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Little-K1ng: “wh... what did you just...?”
Maxwell: “....what....”
fetch: “...”
Maxwell: “why are...”
Marcus: “Max..”
Maxwell: “why are you staring at me what”
Marcus: “Can you say what you just said again”
Little-K1ng: “that sounded like...”
donti (e): “max...”
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Little-K1ng: “say that again, max”
Marcus: “Please”
jayyyyyyyy: “actually maybe dont”
Marcus: “Max say it again”
jayyyyyyyy: “that. i think fighting is causing the process to speed up”
Maxwell: “please stop arguing....why are we arguing.....?”
Little-K1ng: “i... thats not what i heard”
donti (e): “... lets stop arguing”
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Marcus: “That’s..that’s what I thought you said
You just
Didn’t say it like that”
Maxwell: “but i did”
fetch: “...yall still think I need to be priority right now?”
Maxwell: “thats what i said”
jayyyyyyyy: “you, uh, said "stop" in enderspeak”
Maxwell: “what no i didnt”
Marcus: “Fetch. This is going to be you so kindly shut the fuck up about not being a priority”
Little-K1ng: “fetch, you fail to recognize that you're always my priority, even if you're kind of an ass”
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Marcus: “Max it’s okay
I told you it would be okay”
Little-K1ng: “max, hug?”
Maxwell: “why....why are you all acting so weird?”
Little-K1ng: “its alright, max”
jayyyyyyyy: “we're all just stressed mate”
Maxwell: “are yall okay?”
donti (e): “weere fine its fine..”
Maxwell: “its?
look im not a child you can tell me whats going on”
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Marcus: “We told you”
fetch: “you spoke in ender.”
Marcus: “You denied it”
donti (e): “you spoke ender.”
Maxwell: “you....youre kidding right?”
jayyyyyyyy: “nope”
Maxwell: “ha funny joke”
jayyyyyyyy: “we're not joking”
fetch: “for once im not lying.”
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Marcus: “You told us to tell you.
We told you.”
Little-K1ng: “here, come in for a hug, wont you?”
Maxwell: “no no no no no”
Little-K1ng: “ive got you, max”
Maxwell: “i couldnt have no”
jayyyyyyyy: “hold on, hes panicking”
Little-K1ng: “its the stress, max
its alright, im here”
jayyyyyyyy: “mona, give him a little space”
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Maxwell: “no no no stay please”
jayyyyyyyy: “i never said for anyone to leave
are you okay with being given hugs, or would you rather not?”
Maxwell: “im okay with it”
LLyr: “they’ve kind of established max likes the contact at this point i think”
jayyyyyyyy: “yeah, but you can never be too careful”
LLyr: “fair enough”
Little-K1ng: “i appreciate the concern for max, jayx8″
fetch: “I. i would offer a hug but I'm not feeling up to it. i think I'm just gonna go for a walk.”
jayyyyyyyy: “its
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Little-K1ng: “fetch...”
jayyyyyyyy: “​hm”
Maxwell: “i dont wanna go back no no please no”
Little-K1ng: “i would rather you not go out where the court roams
you got in one good bite, let it be enough”
fetch: “i'll stick nearby.
i just need to get out of the house.”
Little-K1ng: “stay where you can see the road, alright? text me if you need a pickup”
jayyyyyyyy: “stay near the neighborhood. go to the mineshaft if you need to”
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fetch: “yeah. got it. later.”
Maxwell: “I'm scared”
donti (e): “...”
Little-K1ng: “oh, max...”
Maxwell: “oh no oh god oh merde”
donti (e): “sh shsshshh max its fine.
calm down its alright.”
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Little-K1ng: “tell you what, we can destress with some hot cocoa? with the tiny colorful marshmallows you like?”
Marcus: “I can go make it
I don’t think max wants to be alone right now”
jayyyyyyyy: “maybe watch some movies? ones that uh, dont have kidnapping in them, too. moana would be good?”
Little-K1ng: “i dont actually.. own any movies
i dont watch them”
donti (e): “youtube videos ?”
Little-K1ng: “that works”
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[They watch a video of an otter for a while, and discuss the events from earlier this day. Max thinks that the wreathe mayn’t be as bad as everyone thinks it’ll be, as it will have calendula marigolds which are good for helping to heal.]
Little-K1ng: “....ah.. they are, but maybe..... nah, nevermind.... ill let you enjoy the thought”
Maxwell: “they may be fully metal but still...maybe then can help the family....”
Marcus: “...”
Little-K1ng: “.........”
Maxwell: “what?”
Marcus: “..yeah max, that’s a nice thought”
Maxwell: “i thought so too!”
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Little-K1ng: “i cant believe.... im staring down the barrel of either losing all 3 of you... or going with you and not remembering any of this... that hurts, and it hasnt even happened yet”
Marcus: “Well
I don’t know if this will comfort you or not
But you might not entirely forget this”
Little-K1ng: “true! this is honestly the happiest thing to happen to me in an incredibly long time, there is a chance itll stick”
Marcus: “Baron and Prince remember their childhoods a little bit”
Maxwell: “stick...sticky...ha honey is sticky but not good
tastes yucky”
Marcus: “...I remembered Elizabeth and I learning codes
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Maxwell: “hm?
something wrong?”
Marcus: “What was that about honey just now?”
Maxwell: “oh!
well mona said stick
and stick is one letter off from sticky!
and hony is really sticky
but i dont like honey”
Marcus: “...got it
Maxwell: “bleh”
Marcus: “Okay yeah that
That makes sense”
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Maxwell: “yeah!”
Little-K1ng: “i wish i hadnt snapped at fetch like that... maybe when he comes back i can give him a proper apology”
Maxwell: “hm perhaps that would be good
family should get along”
[this message was deleted shortly afterwards]
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Marcus: “....”
Little-K1ng: “i...?”
Maxwell: “what?”
Marcus: “M..ax?”
Little-K1ng: “max?”
Maxwell: “god damn it did i speak fucking ender again or some shit???”
Marcus: “N..no”
Little-K1ng: “n..no.....”
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Maxwell: “the fuck happened then? yall look freaked out”
Marcus: “Um”
Little-K1ng: “nevermind! :)!!”
Maxwell: “hm.....if youre sure...”
Marcus: “I must be tired, it’s fine Max! :)”
Maxwell: “youve been sleeping a lot man you sure?”
Marcus: “Yeah, gotta be tired to sleep a lot right”
Maxwell: “I guess”
Little-K1ng: “are you guys...... hungry?”
[The conversation switches to the topic of making brownies and other baked goods. There was also small talk about methods of removing the growing wreathe buds that had been suggested earlier in the day. Mona suggests cutting one of the buds off, if Max could handle it. Jack and Marcus argue over their priorities: their concern for Max and their family respectively. After snipping off a small part of the buds, the following conversation ensures:]
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Marcus: “...he’s not bleeding”
donti (e): “can you guys take a look at what mona cut off?”
emuhlee: “well, that part is good?”
Maxwell: “theres some time of fucking liquid ow”
Marcus: “It looks like that...cellulose that comes out of dandelions”
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Little-K1ng: “Hhhhhhhhh”
Marcus: “Mona?
donti (e): “is max alright??”
Marcus: “Uh..in pain?”
dreaming: “uh get a towel?”
Marcus: “It’s not a lot”
Maxwell: “that really hurt jesus fucking christ”
Marcus: “Have you never picked a dandelion?
It’s like that”
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Little-K1ng: “That's kinda. Gross”
Jack the Observer: “it's not blood though, right?”
Maxwell: “my headache is much worse....”
Little-K1ng: “No not blood”
Marcus: “It’s..
donti (e): “blood substitute?”
Marcus: “It stopped”
Jack the Observer: “huh.”
Marcus: “......”
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donti (e): “hey what happened to the bud”
Marcus: “Mona
Mona look”
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Marcus: “Mona there’s two more”
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Maxwell: “God damn it is this fucking Hercules or some shit”
Jack the Observer: “pft”
donti (e): “well.
we can at least look at the bud that was cut off.”
Marcus: “It’s just sitting there”
[The conclusion from this experiment was that the buds have nerve endings, which is why it hurt Maxwell and worsened his headache when it was cut, even after being numbed with ice prior to cutting. People ask about Fetch’s whereabouts. This was his last known update to the document:]
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[With this information, people begin to speculate that Fetch might not be back for a while…]
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wolferals · 4 years
arón piper preference
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-it was your first day of senior year at the new school
-your mom and dad made you move to spain by the beginning of august and its was september when you first set a foot into your new hell
-of course your alarm didnt go off and you were almost late
-you were wearing black jeans with a red tight shirt and a flannel on top
-your hair was up in a messy bun that still looked kinda stylish
-when you walked through the strange looking hallway you got more and more nervous
-what if they would be mean?
-what if they dont speak english?
-what if they hate me because im new?
-you worried a lot
-but you had no choice but to enter the classroom with the number 121
-since it wasnt 9 yet there werent many people and no one even noticed you walking in
-you sat down on a free chair in the back and put your backpack on the floor
-then you started observing
-the girls looked alright, they didn’t look like people that would treat you like shit
-there were two boys laughing and talking in spanish pretty loudly
-and there was this one guy sitting in the opposite corner, hood over his head and his phone in his hands
-from the way he was sitting he seemed bored, maybe tired?
-you could only see a bit of his face though he looked kind of sad
-but maybe he was just tired because it was the first day after summer and all
-after everyone had sat down a very tall woman came in and put her name onto the board
-she looked strict
-then she started talking in spanish and you knew you were fucked
-this was supposed to be english class but they were still speaking spanish
-so you leaned back and looked around and kind of ignored the teacher
-you didn’t understand anyway
-until you heard your name
-„y/n trabaja con arón, no?“
-you raised your hand and spoke:“sorry i don’t understand, what about me?“
-the teacher smiled and answered:“oh right you‘re the new girl. I just said that you will be working with Arón.“
-„work on what?“ you asked confused
-she came up to you and then explained:“We do this every year that the students team up and do a project together. This years topic is „drama“, you could either talk about a dramatic book or movie in general or become creative.“
-you nodded at her and eventually looked around to figure out who this arón is
-„when‘s the project due?“
-she walked back to the front and said:“You got a month“ in a harsh tone suddenly
-after the first 4 classes you were sitting outside looking through the english text book when someone stepped into your view
-you looked up
-„hola.“ the guy with the hood from before stood there
-„hey.“ you answered and he looked around while putting both his hands in his pockets
-„im arón.“ he then said
-you looked at him and replied:“Okay?“
-„yes.“ arón said back
-„ohhh right! Project partner!“
-he nodded and then asked:“Do you want to start today?“
-you nodded as well and answered:“sure, at your place?“
-aron agreed and then gave you his number so you could text about it again
-its been 3 weeks of you two working on the project when you finally had the courage to ask him
-„why do i never see you talking to anyone in our class?“
-he seemed alone all the time
-and you were a little concerned because from what you‘ve seen he‘s a really nice guy with a huge heart
-he was a little shy but could be hilarious and charming occasionally
-you guys were sitting on his desk just finishing some posters
-„i think its because the other boys are better?“
-he looked sad again
-„what why?“ you asked seriously not understanding his statement
-he leaned back, scratched the back of his head and replied:“i dont know, they just dont like me. Im not really attractive i think.“
-you were seriously mad at him now
-why would he think that?
-i mean you werent ready to date him after knowing him for only 3 weeks but you could imagine it after some time
-„you dont think you‘re attractive?“ you asked looking deep into his chocolate eyes, trying to understand what he was thinking
-„no.“ he simply spoke and put on a fake smile
-„oh no, arón.“
-without waiting for a response you hugged him as tight as you could
-it took him a bit to hug back but then he grabbed onto your waist
-„dont say that, ever! You‘re a great guy!“
-he laughed quietly and let go of you again
-„i swear, you‘re cute! And you‘re the only person who was nice enough to talk to me. Well.. you kind of had to because of the project but its been 3 weeks and no one except you showed any interest in me.“
-arón smiled at you and pulled up his sleeves. „you‘re really nice. i like you.“
-„i like you too cabrón.“
-he laughed, showing the gap inbetween his front teeth
-„you learned a spanish word!“ he clapped a little
-„thank you.“ you laughed too and then said „gracias guapo.“
-he grinned and then asked:“do you know what you just said?“
-„no.“ you smiled and leaned back
-aron leaned forward and whispered:“you just called me hot“
-you shrugged your shoulders and just answered:“well.“
-another couple of weeks later you and aron got really close and you spent almost every minute together
-in your breaks he taught you spanish, which you slightly failed but it made him laugh hearing you mispronounce words
-and it made you happy seeing this cute boy laugh
-after class you guys hung out
-either watched a movie, spent some more time with spanish, walking through Luarca or playing video games
-you felt like now you guys were on a level where arón was fully comfortable around you
-he told you about the problems with his parents and then he told you the story why no one talked to him in class
-„it was 2 years ago.“ he spoke taking deep breaths every now and then
-you were sitting in front of him looking at his face while he was telling you the story
-„i was with this girl, her name‘s Ana (sorry if thats your name). I did everything to make her happy but it was never enough. She cheated on me with this soccer player and told everyone that i cheated on her. No one believed her because someone saw her kiss this boy.
But then one day she came to school with scars and black spots and when the teacher asked what happened she said i hit her, which is not true! She cried in front of everyone so they believed her. I was suspended and now everyone in school now thinks im aggressive.“
-he had started crying a little while telling you the story
-„arón no!“ you took him in your arms and gave him a kiss on his soft curls
-„i believe you! You wouldnt hit anyone.“
-aron hugged you tightly and rubbed your back softly
-„te quiero“ he then told you but since your spanish was still bad you didnt know what it meant and just kind of ignored his statement
-the next day in class you told aron to talk to one of his ex best friends and first he didnt want to but you kind of forced him
-when he walked up to him and sat down you could hear this guy getting loud right away
-aron talked to him for a while, more like discussing
-he this guy hit him in the jaw and aron stumbled backwards
-„hijo de puta!“ you heard aron yell at the guy but unfortunately the teacher was right behind him
-„Arón Piper. Oficina del director. Ahora.“
-he gave you a quick glance, grabbed his back and then left the classroom looking hella mad
-„he didnt do anything! He hit him.“ you then basically yelled at the teacher
-„y/n please sit down.“ she spoke and pointed at your seat
-„no its fucking unfair how aron is being treated here. Dont you see how painful it must be to be hated because of a misunderstanding?“
-the teacher had lightly grabbed your arm to calm you down
-„y/n, please.“
-a girl then stood up and said:“arón is an asshole and a loser. Also why do you hang out with him? Like, you could have better.“ she looked at a certain guy in the front row
-you couldnt believe it
-„god you guys suck so bad! Ive known aron for only a month now and i already know that he‘s a better person than you all together! You know why? Because he‘s a real human fucking being. He is nice, caring and sweet and doesnt judge anyone by their looks, whats wrong with you people?“
-„y/n enough! Principals office!“ your teacher yelled back at you making you stomp out full of anger
-at the principals office you found out that aron only got told to be nicer to them
-„what happened to you?“ he asked coming your way in the hallway
-but you were too mad to talk so you walked a little faster
-and grabbed his head
-you kissed him rather roughly in the middle of the hallway
-he was surprised but kissed you back and put his hands on your waist
-your kiss was rough yet passionate and sweet
-you felt like he let it all out
-all thats ever made him upset
-and you just wanted his kisses
-he was the perfect guy for you
-no matter how he saw himself
-he was good looking, smart, talented, sweet and the best spanish teacher you‘d ever imagined
-„arón piper! Y/n y/l/n, you can come back here right away.“
-you pulled away
-the principal was standing in the door staring at both of you
-„puta.“ you whispered, then smiled at him and grabbed his hand to pull him to the principals office
-„here we go again.“
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hey, i really liked your posts about ep12, it helped me a lot to put things into perspective. i was wondering if you could share your thoughts on the 2gether finale as well, coz right now i just wanna cry im so disappointed with it =(
Aww, thank you, anon. <3
Ok so my thoughts on the finale are kind of all over the place but I’ll try to explain as best as I can and hopefully it’s gonna make sense.
Like I said, in my original post I dont love the ep but I dont hate it either. I suppose I fall somewhere in the middle. I enjoyed a lot of it - seeing all the couples progress and be happy together, Man/Type especially were just so adorable, Mil and Phukong starting to build something with each other (lil bro using Sarawat’s pick up line was a really nice touch, love that), Mil being an all around awesome supportive friend to BOTH Tine and Wat?? We love to see it. The way he turned up at the football field where Wat was being his angsty self and literally kicked his butt into taking action - *chef’s kiss*
Him and Fong are now the parents of the baby gays I dont make the rules.
Wat’s confession on stage and his song that he literally named after Tine and when he said he never confessed to Pam because he didnt know what love was before he met Tine - perfection. Absolute perfection. I’m here for it.
And Tine’s heartbreak was so well done too, I just felt so much for him.
Again, as I said, the whole thing with Pam didnt turned out exactly as I had hoped but it wasnt the worst case scenario either so I’ll take it. I’d rather have Pam making a mistake and realising it and backing off while assuring Tine that Wat really does love HIM and even though she tried Pam didnt stand a chance because it’s always gonna be Tine for Sarawat and she understands that now over her being an actual bitch who keeps trying to seperate them and uses the situation to her advantage. I mean they could have gone that way too - Pam didnt have to give Tine that recording or to tell him how Wat changed after meeting him but she did, I think, as her own way of apologizing for what she’d done. So yeah, overall, I’m fine with this.
(History 3 MODC can’t relate)
ANYWAY, so those are the positives for me. Which as it turns out is most of the episode yay! Now onto what wasnt quite so positive.
My main issue with this episode is the resolution to Wat and Tine’s conflict. Mainly, there really... wasnt one. And I’m not talking about the physical intimacy thing, I’ll touch on that later but more importantly for the ending - the emotional intimacy. None of the problems they had were properly addressed. Tine’s insecurities were rooted so deeply that despite Wat spending 12 EPISODES doing anything and everything to show his love and adoration, Tine still couldnt really believe it. And that’s not gonna be resolved with a simple recording.
And on the other hand, can you image how all of this would make Sarawat feel? Like no matter what he does, no matter how much of himself he gives to Tine, his boyfriend still would find it easier to believe that Wat is just using him as a replacement for someone else. That’s gonna fuck with his head even if Tine came back. I really really wished they had talked at least a little about these things.
Like maybe if we didnt have half of the episode filled with pointless flashbacks there could have been time to actually talk... (tbh, part of me kind of wonders if they purposefully put in so many flashbacks to fill in the air time so they wouldnt HAVE to write those scenes which leaves me ?????).
I think I mentioned this too in the other post, but the Wat/Tine reunion echoes beat for beat the Fighter/Tutor reunion with all its issues but while WhyRU has a reason for why things turned out like that, here I just... I dont know what could have been the reason for 2gether’s writers? Unless they also couldnt film everything they wanted...
And then there’s the... “high-five controversy”, let’s call it and again I find myself in the middle of the argument. I stand by what I’ve said before about how I feel about the way they handled physical intimacy between the characters - yes, objectively and critically speaking, I’m not here for writers/directors/channel/whoever trying to censor the physical intimacy of an established couple. There is nothing wrong with two partners wanting to kiss/cuddle/have sex/etc. Sex isnt something dirty (I mean it can be depending on what you’re writing BUT THAT’S A DIFFERENT GENRE OK, we are not talking about smutty fic here cough cough) and shameful that “pure” people shouldnt be enjoying (lovely post on the topic here I was just thinking about it last night). And it’s about time show creators got with the programme, ESPECIALLY when it comes to non-straight couples.
As of ep13 it’s clear to me that 2gether went through some serious censorship - lots of people have talked about how it’s a thing that they do on this particular channel and maybe that’s all it is, I dont know. I dont want to speculate what’s been going on behind the scenes since I dont have any idea and sadly I dont think the writers will ever be willing to talk about it. I’d LOVE to hear their throughts on this matter tbh and why they decided to do things this way.
So on an objective level, this is bullshit. Subjectively, and this is where my personal opinion comes in, I wasnt as bothered by this as I normally would be because I’ve been enjoying all the other aspects of the relationship that the show successfully built up and prtrayed on screen. Does that make sense?
Specifically about the finale, though, I agree with the complains. Part of why the reunion felt so underwhelming and disappointing, I think, was not only the lack of emotional intimacy but also the hella.... awkward? physical “intimacy” they showed? The scene absolutely did call for a kiss or a hug, at the very least. Instead they were standing 2 feet apart cause... they’re not gay? I really really do not understand what happened there in that scene. I’ve seen some people mention that the finale was filmed before the other episodes so the actors werent used to each other yet and honestly I can see it - watching Tine and Wat in that ending montage felt like I was watching them at the beginning of their fake dating when both were awkward and unsure of where they stood with each other rather than seeing an established in love couple coming back together after going through something tough.
So these are my thoughts on the finale. It wasnt the best one I’ve ever seen but not bad enough to ruin the rest of the show for me (and there’s NOTHING I hate more than bad endings ruining a story I’ve fallen in love with so there’s that) and I do really love this show and its characters so much. It’s hard, even impossivle to find a perfect show from start to finish and honestly I’ve come to believe that’s not as important as what you get out of it - if the show makes you happy, despite whatever writing issues it might have, that’s the most important thing, I think. And 2gether did that for me. So I’m glad I watched it.
Omg, this got so long. Again. If you’re still with me, anon, you’re a hero. I hope I was able to help you. <3
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taehyungsgrowl · 4 years
SFW Alphabet for Nate
I think I did it wrong last time bc I was waiting for people to send me letters when I was just supposed to go down the list. But I’m a dummy so disregard half of what I say.
i hope you guys like them and thank you virgo anon for the input w these 🥺i love our baby 🥺
Here we go:
A- Activity (What is their favorite activity to do with you.)
-- i think he likes doing new things w you. and i know that sounds cliche BUT hear me out. duncan is a bit of a home body 🥺loves to be curled up w reader sharing kissies and cuddling. nate enjoys that too but i think trying new adventures w you is his favorite. i can see him being the type to like hiking dates!! (also lets not forget the tik tok videos you guys make together )
B- Beginnings (How do they act in the beginning of a relationship)
-- considering the beginning did start off as something kinda casual between him and reader, he kept it as such. but he’s such a natural charmer that even when he’s not trying, he just comes across as super sweet. they’d finish hooking up and he’d offer her to stay over or get them food (not bc he felt like he needed to but it’s just the kinda guy he is) i think he probably let his goofy side out right at the beginning as well. its what helped y/n open up to him and feel at ease w him 🥺
C- Communication (Are they good communicators? How do they normally talk about their problems or solve issues)
-- big sigh. nate? was the KING of communication!! hell! he was able to talk to duncan (who ISNT the best at communicating) when they weren’t even friends and helped him talk to dumb!reader. plus he’d always been open about his feelings. told y/n right away when he knew he was in love. (i only say he WAS bc he should have told y/n he was struggling before he ended up in the hospital 🥺)
D- Drunk (What are they like when they’re drunk)
-- koala bear cuddly drunk!! not just between him and reader! but he will love on anyone! (omg.. you know dunc was a little 😳when drunk!bro!nate started hugging him... hiding his face in duncs neck... telling he smells good... telling him how much he loves him... bros 👯‍♂️)
E- Emergency (How are they in emergency situations? You get hurt, they get hurt, someone is dying etc..)
— oh god. nate is the type to keep cool and collected in an emergency - even if he were the one having an emergency 🥺 like if reader would’ve been w him during his car accident, she would have been worried sick over him and he’d just be like, “hey, look at me. i’m okay, yeah? a lot stronger than i look, babe.” even if it hurt like hell because he doesn’t wanna worry her. if you were in an emergency or got hurt, he’d go into sexy doctor mode. “tell me where it hurts.” squeezing your hand to reassure you, “i got you.” also kissies where it hurts 🥺 and he’s such a good listener too wow we have no choice but to simp.
F- Free Spot (I’ll give you any headcanon I come up with)
-- i’m just gonna share one head canon that virgo anon tossed at me that really made me 🥺 baby nate 🥺 and how when he was younger he was always a nice boy 🥺 but wasnt the popular or “hot” one until he grew into himself in college 🥺 when he got maxie and it helped him manage his stress enough to be able to make connections 🥺y’all when she said that it made me heart 🥺 my sweet boy
G- Gifts (What kind of gifts do they give? What kind of gifts do they get?)
-- i think his gifts are rarely “over the top” but !! they’re simple and personalized!!! like a lil necklace w his initials / name 🥺or maybe he has someone make a picture of you two into an animation? like have someone draw you guys (do u know what im talking about?) as far as gifts for him, he enjoys like “interactive gifts” like sending him on a lil scavenger hunt (nate loves setting them up for you too 🥺) but if you set one up for HIM? god! he’d love you!
H- Hugs (How do they show affection/cuddle)
-- nate loves! loves! to give forehead kissies (not just because he’s tall fjhsjh) and being hugged (or picked up) in his strong arms!! loves it!! he loves being the big spoon 🥺i love him. 
I- Irritation (What is something that irritates them? How do they show their irritation?)
-- that reader continues to choose duncan over him fkjsvsfkv he wears his heart on his sleeve so i think when nate is upset or irritated... you know. 
J- Jackpot (How would they spend their winnings if they won the lottery?)
-- does nate have more $ than the shepherds? debatable. but he isn’t as... flashy w his money as duncan is. he’s a little more down to earth if that makes sense. BUT thats besides the point. he’d probably donate a lot to a charity of his choice than take you on a little get away. maybe a cross country road trip 🥺 or off to an island getaway. he’s flexible. 
K- Kryptonite (What is their ultimate weakness?)
-- virgo anon made me 🥺when we were talking about this bc nate would do anything for the people he loves and 🥺that gets him hurt. especially when he feels like those people dont love him in the way he does them 🥺
L- Laughter (What makes them laugh?)
-- clown!! nate is the guy that always keeps you laughing 🥺and most times he cant even contain his own laughter omg i will cry im in love with one man
M- Morning ( How do they wake up in the morning? Are they a morning person or a morning grouch?)
-- he’s a morning person 🥺 likes to start off his morning with a run and protein shake SMH fitness KING. 
N- Needy (When do they feel particularly needy? How do they show it?)
-- he’s so used to being the one who’s needed 🥺 it takes him a while to be comfy being vulnerable and needy. idk if there’s anything in particular that sets him off to be like this - but i’d like to think it happens at random. like youre on the couch and he just nuzzles his face on your tummy for you to pet his hair. he demonstrates it by wanting to be close to you 🥺
O- Oasis (Where is their happy place? Where would they go if they didn’t have anything holding them back?)
-- i think he’d be the kinda guy that enjoys the sun (not just bc he looks hot, shirtless on a beach) but yes. somewhere nice and sunny where he could have maxie w him 🥺if he could stay on the beach where he started falling for dumb!reader (with her) for ever he would 🥺
P- Pain (How do they handle pain? How do they handle when you are in pain?)
-- emotional or physical? jfgksjdgsdk but no i think if he’s well regulated, he can handle pain well - it’s when he’s not that it’s a problem (w emotional pain) he stops taking care of himself the way he should and really spirals into his head a lot you know 🥺i think he can handle others being in pain better than himself bc he loves a lot and its easier to focus his attention on trying to fix things for them (like we said his biggest weakness is doing too much for those he loves)
Q- Quote (What’s a quote that fits them and your relationship)
-- “loving is easy” fjskfsf not to be too corny but 🥺being w nate was easy... always on the same page.. and made her feel good. 🥺
R- Reunion (How do they celebrate seeing you after a long time of being apart)
-- lots!!! of kissies!! picking you up!! holding you close!!! physical touch is pretty high on his love language list i think 🥺(i think quality time or acts of service might be his top two though) 
S- Stress (What stresses them out? How do deal with stress and how do they relieve it?)
-- i generally think duncan is more of a control freak than nate, but i do think to some extent, they’re similar that when things feel out of their control, it really stresses them out. i think it manifests at different times. i think for duncan its more trivial things whereas w nate, if he feels like he could be doing something to “fix” something and he cant do anything it freaks him out. hes a healer, you know. i think working out is a big stress reliever for him 🥺my strong baby!! that and goofing off w reader 🥺
T- Terror (What are they afraid of?)
-- this kinda ties into his weakness (and could be amplified by his younger years) but he’s afraid of not really being enough for those he loves. especially if he was teased as a kid 🥺maybe thats why in a lot of his nightmares the theme of abandonment appears a lot 🥺i made myself SAD 🥺
U- Unique (What is a quirk that is unique to them?)
-- i asked virgo anon for help on this one 🥺and i love her so much 🥺 nate tugs on his hair when he’s nervous 🥺 he gets a lil annoyed after he buzzes it off and doesnt have much to pull on 🥺he likes to hold hands when spooning. loves to sing along to disney movies (but lets be honest, he’s the real prince KING)
V- Violence (Do they fight a lot? Are they a good fighter? What is their fighting style?)
-- well... idk if it’s fair to say he fights a lot because he tries not to resort to that - especially grad school nate. mostly because he knows he’s good at fighting. omfg... boxer!nate.... may have all my rights. and he doesn’t really wanna hurt anyone. BUT if needed!!! he will throw down. (ex. when dunc wouldnt let y/n leave the house. and then attacked him!! nate had to stand his ground 😌
W- Wow (What do you do that really surprises them? What do you do that they really like?)
-- idk i think nate was probably really surprised when reader gave him that second chance at friendship in the bathroom 🥺didnt think she would. on a lighter note, surprising him w fresh cooked meals always make him 🥺because... he’s trying but hasnt mastered the cooking thing yet.
X- (Explicit headcanon. For all you degenerates)
-- he’s uhh packing 😳and it hits all the right spots, you know 😳omfg and lets not forget the dickscussion we had about his head game being stronger than duncans 😌
Y- Yucky (Is there something that grosses them out so badly that they can’t deal with it?)
-- i wasnt sure what really grossed out medical professionals (if anything djsfs) but we kinda head canon for him to be into family / pediatric medicine so anything w LOTS of blood loss probably freaks him out 
Z- ZZZ’s (What are their sleeping habits? Both with and without you)
-- my baby. nate has really bad night terrors especially on bad(tm) days. it usually helps to have someone w him to be able to keep him calm when he wakes up 🥺if its not y/n you can bet maxie will be there for tons of kissies. he’s a sleep talker 🥺and when sleeping w you he loves being big spoon 🥺and when he’s alone, he kinda sleeps curled up and w a lot of pillows. comfort KING
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rqs902 · 4 years
enyu’s mom calls him "公子哥" is he rich or is this a JOKE LOL and his mom is at a bar IM CRYING HAHA 
i just get a feeling youku eliminated shiwei for dramatic effect... 
but aw xue en crying over weihao and mxy saying star master kids are all worthy to lin mo 
L O L i was gonna be like oh thats nice enyu’s dad asked about his friends, he’s really been paying attention but then he starts throwing these
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omg xikan wanting to call luo zheng!!!! im grateful theyre still close, theyre doing such different things now
awww mubo !!! being all supportive and protective of zuo ye 
hHAHAHA omg fan yu talking on the phone to renyu is so cute, so expressive with the gasp when renyu says they just recorded elims and then the AHHHH and OH MY GOD when he says he and zaixi were eliminated and the ALSKJLAKS and loud sigh when renyu reveals he just tricked him hahahaha theyre so cute omg can fan yu pls show up at the next perf, id die
lin ran’s “new world new me” im cry
lol renyu’s getting roasted by his team mates but at least they didnt really ditch him 
what is this set up anyway? theyre given a mission to leave, so theyre allowed to run around... but not? who planned this lol youku......
LOL jin fan tryin to reason why theyll be ok going to guangzhou 
did their group just get special permission bc director li hao?
hahaha ayyy zhan yu jumped first, you go child! not surprised somehow that he’d love it
lin mo’s group went to the same place? LOL but also they seem so much more under control LOL such a guai group 
LOL WHY ARE THEY SO LOUD HAHAHAH i dont think ive ever seen people that loud on a roller coaster LOL 
LOL why am i not surprised enyu is the one carrying xzx 
i cant with xzx and his heelys omg
leave it to csp to relate bungee jumping to some great deeper meaning for zlj’s personal growth hahahah but good on the kid for going through with it. interesting that zixin said he sees himself in zlj so much
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when reminded he’s the hormone representative his face changed so fast im crying 
ycw is laughing his butt off and i love how it says “children’s playground” in the background
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when ycw gets thoroughly ignored
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i just realized theres an english speaking line in this group :’) syh, xue en, oscar 
awwwwwwwwww them all planning to sing him happy birthday on the dot and setting it up so he can be at the top at that moment awwww thats so fun
LOL the way that oscar cursed his way to the top and is sweating so hard LOL the poor kid omg HAHAHHA
aw he can tell syh drew the card
get you a friend like ycw who’ll tell you that you can decide how to pronounce words right, just because its your birthday 
struggling to read xue en’s handwriting LOL 
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i feel the need to just say huang junrong looks so adorable in his bright yellow outfit hahah
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there’s two types of kids in this group: hjr and enyu screaming their butts off, and lin mo and xzx wallowing in regret of their life decisions
hjr and enyu always saying its too short when the ride ends LOL
lin mo talking real talk over dinner about their feelings BC HES A REAL LEADER and knows how important it is to address this. these concerns are obviously very present in his mind, even when theyre out having fun to relax, and he’s still trying his best to figure out how he can help them and motivate them. 
makes sense that they would include enyu interview clips bc hes surely spouting the real talk, but i think its interesting its mainly him and lin mo getting screen time. 
enyu would be the one to speak up and say something when lin mo is trying to talk to them though. i think theyre both right though, im guessing lin mo is in part too nice, bc he doesnt feel comfortable enough with them to be as strict as he normally is, bc he knows they have reason to not be motivated and he feels bad for them. but at the same time, he brings up a good point that they themselves need to have their own motivation. it cant just be him putting in effort. and i HUGELY respect that he is telling this to them straight up bc its a hard conversation to have, esp bc im sure he wants them to like him as a friend. but i respect that he knows if they have problems they have to air them out bc lack of communication will be too costly. 
momo is lucky he has someone like enyu on his team who’ll actually talk to him with real opinions rather than just hide in fear of disrupting the status quo. literally enyu is the one voicing that he doesnt want takeout and he doesnt want to stay up late, and other people agree, but the surprise on lin mo’s face just tells you that he wouldnt have even realized these are things that are bothering his teammates unless they straight up told him, and thankfully enyu did, bc lin mo thankfully is reasonable and willing to change his habits for the sake of the group TO HELP THEM. hes willing to do anything he can to help them, as long as they tell him what they want from him. huang enyu’s lesson in communication, dont let people guess, just tell them straight up 
its interesting bc its clear enyu respects lin mo a lot, says he has the experience and the skill and the right to yell at them to get it together, but hes still not afraid to tell lin mo he thinks lin mo should be more strict with them. and then i respect lin mo for not backing down when being criticized and for strongly insisting that they need to put in effort themselves too. he cant force them to do anything they dont want to do themselves. they themselves have to want to do well. 
lin mo is really out here taking care of his group of children and leading them and helping them and looking out for them and im just floored by his leadership yet again. i really hope they can pull it together. 
lin mo is a dork and stanning him leads to mostly either second-hand embarrassment or disappointment. from qcyn to snzm, it just always feels like he’s being mistreated and taken advantage of and stepped on, and sad things just keep happening to him. but then he has these moments where he reminds you of why he’s worth stanning. why it’s worth waiting for something good to finally actually happen. and why he deserves those good things. its just so nice to see hes getting some appreciation and recognition for the things he does. at least youku let us see his leadership in action. 
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totally not surprised akey is there to drive the conversation for their group’s real talk time. tyger co-leader translates clearly hahah
im like not surprised xikan’s group got the least adventurous adventure bc hes not afraid to show how serious hes taking this competition, but also somehow still feel like hes not getting better treatment relative to being number one?? maybe im just overthinking 
honestly all things considered im okay with this being the debut group
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i mean i love ycw and zry but i feel like this makes sense to me.
this looks scary lol lin ran wyd
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but yea even the way they framed the cliff hanger for next week... why do i just feel like xikan is not being treated with the respect he deserves?? 
anywayyyyyyyyyyyy for 少年營業中
LOL gz’s impression of zlj watching scary movies sounds so accurate im ded
zixin is so adorable!! i love his outfit too ahhah 
LOL gz’s sassy response to zlj responding when xue en says he’s gonna talk about a cute trainee with highly regarded visuals 
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why am i totally not surprised xue en didnt get scared but zixin got scared AGAIN lol 
why do i suddenly get the realization that we hardly ever see ycw and zlj interact 
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it just feels weird to see them together even tho they obviously have overlapping friend groups lol....
poor shiwei isnt even here and they keep talking about him LOL at least theyre not even really roasting him LOL ycw and yzx too nice for that
im just DYING at the cto gege’s laughing SO HARD HAHAHA 
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and ycw’s face LOL 
xue en’s laugh made this ep worth it LOL
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wow should i be happy that lin mo is finally in the next ep of this side show, or sad that jin fan never got to appear and itll be the last ep :( im also excited to see lin ran again! wow its weird to think that snzm is ending soon, it felt like the first 7 eps were like a slow burn and now its a mad rush to the end 
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wongiemei · 5 years
iKON Relationship with New Girl Member
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Basically, her dad
Takes care of her the most dealing with her problems
He’s the oldest and he is used to dealing with the boys’ shit so he can handle hers too
But sometimes, it can be overwhelming
The girl member would listen to him like he would for her
Whenever she gets in trouble, he would always defend her (which annoys Bin a lot)
When she’s in that *cough* time *cough*, she would be the most comfortable with him
Jinhwan wouldn’t hesitate but go to the store 2 streets down and buy her chocolate, medicine, heating packs, chips, and tampons/pads
out of all the boys, she would trust him the most
if she needs something, she would go to him first
jinhwan loves to brag about that to the boys
he also loves the fact that someone is finally shorter than him
the boys still call him short but the girl defends him saying he’s taller than her
if anything, they should call her short
the first time it happened, jinhwan almost cried bc finally someone stood up for him
whenever he’s upset or hurt by what the others said, he hides it but she can usually tell 
the only one he speaks his problems to
she experiments with makeup on him since he’s the only one who lets her
ngl, she’s actually pretty good
‘i didn’t spend 2 all-nighters watching jeffree star and james charles for nothing’
but as long as he sees that bright smile, he’s happy
i think he would be the im-never-letting-you-go type with her because he sees her as the girl he saw for the very first time
shy and innocent
and he will be damned if someone corrupts her
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if Jinhwan is her dad, he’s her mom
makes sure she does laundry, gets up early, goes to bed on time, showers before the boys
will feed and cook for the girl even when he’s tired
thinks shes the cutest little thing
but he knows that if he finds chanwoo and her are talking amongst themselves, shes gone
gets pranked on the most
the boys would use the girl to take advantage of his kindness to her for a prank
then the girl would be guilty later on and secretly tell song what theyre planning
believe it or not, yunghyeong is pretty scary when he’s mad
so she rats the others out bc she knows he wont punish her and she could watch the boys suffer
its like killing 2 birds with one stone
but really, she appreciates him
without him, she would be stuck eating delivery and ramen every night
since she rooms with him, chanwoo, and hanbin, hes always cooking something
ikonics see her a lot in his vlives and YT channel
when he went to the jungle, she was very worried
‘hyung, you’re going to get sick there! who’s going to feed me when you’re gone? you know Bin can’t cook for shit!’
‘yah! do you only see me as your chef?!’
‘what do you mean i can’t cook?!’
he looks out for her a lot
during ikontv, she was the only one excited for the mungap trip
out of all the boys, she appreciates him the most
okay, maybe she appreciates him and jinhwan the most
but, he was the one who made her feel welcome and tried the most to help her fit in and make sure she was comfortable
will never forget when he left her a tray of food at her door when she refused to leave her new room
there was a post-it note with encouraging words and she still has it to this day
just a wholesome mother-daughter relationship that will never be broken
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oh, my baby
as i mentioned in the earlier post, he wasn’t very upset but he wasnt happy
but he wasnt upset enough to make her feel uncomfortable
bc jiwon is such a baby and so nice that he subtly helps her
over time, they build a cute relationship where he is like her older brother
steals her food all the time
‘no! song-hyung cooked that for me! Only for me!’
‘yah! it’s rude not to share with your elders!’
‘*mumbling* wdym elder. you’re practically a 5 year old’
jiwon has no mean bone in his body and you were practically an angel to him
well, when you’re not fooling around or goofing off
although he thought you wouldnt survive in iKON, he tries to help you as much as he can
even though bin is literally a big butt and gives you a hard time, jiwon helps you
like the time bin screamed at you because you couldnt get the dance right and you, being a strong woman who wouldnt let people push you around, screamed at him too
it resulted to you having a screaming match and the elders having to push you back because you were so close to punching him in the face and the youngers holding bin because he wouldnt hesitate to come at you
more on that in a sec
but you slammed the practice room shut and walked to the river to cool down
granted you were new to korea and didnt really know where you were going, you went to the place the guys took you to
bobby found you crying there and hes a very awkward little bean so it was hard for him to comfort you
since youre a girl and all
but you wrapped your arms around him and cried to his chest *cue confused and frozen bobby*
jiwon slowly wrapped his arms around you and whispered sweet nothings into your ear
since then, hes vowed to protect you bc youre basically the little sister hes wanted
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okay, lets get this bread
as i said in the beginning, he didnt like you
aT aLL
he wanted to give you a hard time bc he wanted to see how long you would last
these boys have been with him since their survival days and suddenly this girl comes in? no thanks bitch
but i think bin is just really frustrated bc he couldnt figure you out
the others, he knows like the back of his hands
but you? he doesnt know shit about you
*cue his bratty self*
we all know bin is actually a soft little puppy who needs to be protected by iKONICS and will sacrifice himself for his boys
and dont worry, he will soon come to love you too
when you locked yourself up in your room, jinhwan grabbed his ear and pulled him outside to scold him
but it resulted to bin and jinhwan arguing
‘if you dont get your shit together, we’re going to have some problems. you’re the leader arent you? then act like it’
every day you try to be nice to him but he just shrugs and sometimes even outright ignore you
but as time goes on, hanbin slowly figures you out
youre still scared of him and thinks hes a douche but you can see hes trying
he really is trying
he picks up your weird habits like unintentionally pout when you dont understand something or the tip of your nose sweating when youre nervous
before, he used to not ask for your input in any tracks but it has come to the point he would knock at your door in the ungodly time of 2 in the morning, asking if the draft is good
love scenario was your guys’ combined efforts
there will be an imagine with that^
since you came in bling bling era, he didnt really give you a lot of lines because he couldnt figure out your voice and your strengths
but now, he knows you very well too
‘yah, be careful. dont be eating a lot of that ice cream. you shouldnt even have any in the first place. youre lactose intolerant, remember?’
‘yes, bin. i think id remember if there was something wrong with me.’
there are petty little fights between you guys that used to be mean and hurtful but are now playful and downright cute
but that dreaded day of your biggest fight yet
in love scenario during bobby’s rap, there’s that fast move that even the others struggled in
but hanbin already got it nailed down bc hes a GOD
but you were struggling the most and hanbin tried to be patient and help you
it was just hard for you and you couldnt get it right
by the 100th time of him repeating it over and over again, he exploded
‘yah! how are you a dancer when you couldnt even get this right!’
you looked down ashamed while mumbling ‘sorry’
he yells again and you mess up 
he throws his hat down and gets up towards you
‘if you cant do it correctly, why bother with it? go home. you’re done’
jinhwan nervously puts a hand on his shoulder and goes in between them to try and difuse the situation
‘hanbin-ah. we’re having a hard time too. its not just her. the dance is just hard.’
‘i dont get we’ve done WAY harder choreo than this’
‘well, hanbin, remember. she wasnt here for that.’
‘maybe it was a mistake to put her here then. she isnt ready.’
you look up at him with flaring eyes
‘listen, you dont know anything that ive been through to get to where i am today so dont even say im not ready. YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME!’
everyone stayed silent, even the maknaes bc theyve never seen her lash out like that
hanbin scoffed.
‘maybe if you actually opened up yourself to us and not hide in your damn room all day’
she stomped to him and pushed him
‘no MAYBE if you pulled your head out of your ass and take the time to get to know me then maybe you would! but NO! you decide to be a little bitch and throw tantrums just bc a girl joined your group. was your ego hurt that yg sent a girl to you? that you would need someone to make sure that this group doesnt crumble to the ground? bc with the way youre acting, the guys arent here just because youre a good leader. YOURE A TYRANT! THATS ALL YOU WOULD EVER BE!’
Hanbin was FURIOUS
he pushed her back and the guys held on to them
you pushed them away and sent one last hateful glare before you made your way to the door
‘but dont worry, kim hanbin. because ill send my resignation letter to yang in the morning. im not putting up with your shit any longer’
there will be a whole ass imagine about that so it will contain when yall make up
but after that, yall are so cool
his sister loves you and he might start having a ‘thing’ 
more on that in a sec
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oof my baby sunshine
previously stated, he was the only one excited for your arrival
so obvs, yall are very tight
you, bob, and dong do vlives together a lot and ikonics look forward to it all the time
always cheers you up
remember that prank for ikon tv where dong literally started comforting the girl?
well, he does that to you
he knows when you start to get upset and he rubs your back
sometimes, just a hug from him makes it all better
did i mention that he gives out the warmest hugs?
ace dancers
both of you love to do covers as bonding time
whenever you can’t sleep, you just go to the other dorm and go under the covers while he sings to you
he sees you as his little sister and reminds him of his own little sister back home
btw, he loves to give you gifts
but so do you
when yall were filming ikon tv, he always picked up something that reminded him of you
like when he went shopping with bobby for their studio, he got you a little cute figurine that you still have to this day
or when you went to lotte mall for your day off and bought him a little necklace
fans get excited bc they always see matching yall have
the two of you wear the most fan gifts
like when someone gave hanbin a shirt, you snatch it and wear it
like how dong takes bobby’s clothing
yall are so cute together and fans wish they had a brother or a sister like yall
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this hoe
jk, but he really looks hot in this one
yes, he hated you in the beginning but once he found out similarities between you, he started tolerating you
also to him, i think he oesnt like the fact that him and the others worked so hard to get where they are and he doesnt really know what you went through to get there
junhoe has the personality that may seem very cold at first but he easily opens up to others and that causes them to open up to him
he knows the struggles you went through to be in ikon
you’re older than him by a few months and you treat him like your child
‘junhoe-ah! dont forget to take your makeup off!’
‘yah! clean your room! its like a pigsty!’
he gets annoyed with it but he knows you just look out for him
he calls you ‘noona’ with that cute ass smile if he wants something
how can you say no to that
yalls laughs are so loud and yall are just loud in general
one time, yall had a competition on who could sing louder and the guys almost banned you from the apartment complex
the neighbors weren’t happy
he always asks you for fashion advice even though you don’t have a good fashion taste
you have the habit of spoiling him of clothes and shoes
‘noona, you don’t need to do this. take them back’
‘wtf they’re from busan. i’m not about to take a train ride there to return those. keep them.’
his mom absolutely adores you
always tells you to look after him and junhoe blushing like a maniac
‘mom, i’m bigger than her. i think she’d need more protecting than me’
he turns red whenever you pinch his cheeks together 
ngl, he had a crush on you but it faded away when he saw another member having a crush on you too
hes scared of him so hed rather back off
but you love him a lot and comfort him bc hes a little baby that really needs to be looked after
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fuck, so cute
at first, chanwoo ignored you and made sure you were uncomfortable
even going as far as to disrespecting you
like being rude and being un-chanwoo
lets just say yunhyeong beat it out of him
as the youngest member, you baby him the most
‘oh, my little baby!’
initially, he was uncomfortable with it 
but now, he lives for it
pouts when you give another member too much attention
teases you about your short height all the time
helps you grocery shop mainly for him to carry the bags
‘dont worry, noona. im strong’
you find out that chanwoo actually joined the group last and had a hard time fitting in
you used this to your advantage to get closer to him with your similar situations
‘you know, being in an unfamiliar environment is hard. but having someone who understands your feelings makes it easier’
and he just looks up to you with those big brown eyes and you just melt
gamer buddies
love to go to pc cafes even though yall have your own respective computers at home
only goes for the food
always calls him when you’re stuck in one level
*cute Hanbin’s voice*
even though he might act like a bitch sometimes, hes actually so soft and cute
hes your little baby and will always be your little baby even though yall are like 80
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