#what really fucking annoyed me was the whole What Does The Doctor Even Say Anymore? comment from her which just
jackalopefreckles · 1 year
You know when u say "I use he or they" and they only use they and their the first person to ever use they but also. Shes the older teacher who has repeatedly called me a she. So it feels patronizing from her. Especially when after she goes on to say- and not in a mean way shes trying to have a nice conversation and other people are agreeing- that just pronouns are hard now and all that stuff and yknow Im too transgender for that conversation
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loganscyangutspill · 1 year
Just gotta say, love your fic and love your art 💞 Sooo what do you think about Michael being shy about his face without a mask?🫣
Thank you! And I do have some headcanons about that!
The short version is that I think Michael is not as much shy about his face but more so he feels exposed with nothing obscuring it.
The longer version...
You could call Michael shy about his face but he is well aware that look wise he has nothing to be embarrassed about. His dislike in showing his face comes more from not liking to show his emotions to others.
(And yes I think Michael does express and experience emotions a fair bit! But due to his life experience he doesn't like to admit and show that to others.)
I believe it began early in his childhood and was only re-enforced by dr. Loomis later on. Michael is not very expressive by nature overall and from early on he could be considered very emotionless child. The little reactions that he did show were quickly pointed out by family and friends and those situations made him feel somewhat exposed and only made him shut in himself more.
(You know how parents can be annoying sometimes saying things like: "Look who decided to join us for dinner! Look who finally got out of their room!" and how that only makes kids want to isolate themselves even more...)
After him killing his sister and ending up at Loomis's care, the doctor was no better than his family. He was taking even the slightest glimpse of Michael's "humanity" as something worth documenting and paying close attention to. That only made Michael's actually really normal expression of emotions feel like something unwanted. Getting any reaction out of Michael was an achievement for Loomis and he made it show, unknowingly only discouraging Michael in the process.
And Micheal was like... fuck that dude. No satisfaction for you. You are not getting anything form me, dipshit. >: I
(I'm a big fan of Loomis doing more bad than good in his time of caring for Michael and only screwing him up more lol)
All of that made Michael instinctively feel like showing any expressions was letting other people win somehow. Like it showed some kind of weeknes that he didn't know how to use but others knew... All of that extended to talking too. He could stab them, make them bleed, screem and die... but they had words sharper than knifes that he didn't know how to properly use. His silence and stoicism was his shield and he held onto it tight.
And over the years he stopped really caring about this stuff as much. People around him were still annoying but It all became a buzz in his head and his expressionless way of being just became part of him. He was no longer forcing himself in any way and no longer had to hide his emotions as he stopped feeling much of them anymore.
And so the already quite expressionless kid became almost completely emotionless adult...
And I say almost because he is like that without a mask but... Having it on gives him comfort of not having to pay any mind if someone is looking or not. If his face is showing something or not. And so he lets loose. And please mind that even if he is more relaxed with his mask on and does show some emotions under it... they are at this point still very subtle and almost unnoticeable in most cases... He is naturally less expensive, just his experience pushed it to the extreme and some actual evil shit also added to it. (There is some evil within that boy after all)
And like come on... I know that in the movies they say Michael is completely expressionless but in that scene as a kid he looks fucking scared??? And when Laurie gets his mask off he looked so shocked??? Like it only makes sense to me that he hides his face because he is embarrassed in a way of showing that he might feel anything and he doesn't want to give other people the satisfaction of seeing that part of him... I didn't understand the whole Loomis talk about finding a kid with no expression in his eyes like... did we all see the same scene? The kid was in shock istg 😭
Anyway... sorry for ranting. I don't know if I put my thoughts in coherent enough words but I hope it was at least an interesting read~
It's really one of my main interpretation of the reasons for him wearing the mask but all the others I had a chance to read were also really cool! Like after all its just a personal headcanon and everyone has their own uwu
Also have a little pretty boy Michael as a reward for getting to the end of this post!
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abcdosaka · 1 year
Watched oshi no ko and hells paradise both mid. Kinda makes me mad bc hells paradise was giving soul eater a little bit plus the op is catchy as fuck but I’m a little annoyed like I just don’t think I have it in me to tolerate mid female characters anymore. I really wanted to like it too bc the first ep was really good but then the second was like umm ok this dude is a bit much but he’s cool still. Then the third ep I was like “so why tf is the girl even travelling with him if everyone knows he could easily overpower her at any time”. And the forth ep gabimaru had to save her and she collapsed bc she got overwhelmed ? Like it’s so embarrassing for her I can’t go on. I realize her arc is about facing her fears or something actually no I don’t really know what the author was going for but anyway my point is theres a way to do that without making her a cringe damsel in distress. Maybe I’m just jumping to conclusions bc it really does look good but like it’s not a great look so far
as for oshi no ko I was hoping it would be about like balancing motherhood and being a star or something obviously I expected too much. I actually kinda enjoyed the movie pilot but I dislike that:
1 it’s isekai
2 the mom fucking dies and the kid/guy is on some revenge fantasy bs. Like I said I thought this would be some cute show where a guy doctor falls in love with a pregnant woman who’s actually an idol hiding her identity and the issues that would arise from that. (Btw I did not know she was 16 going into this show. Another thing I dislike)
3 I feel like the isekai part is just accepted and will never come up again. Like idk bc I wouldn’t mind if it was actually incorporated into the story as like the main thing but it’s not really. like I want sarina/rubys backstory to be more important, the connnection between her wanting to be an idol and her not being able to move around in her previous life could be expanded on, idk anything abt the guys goals from before but I would like to see that instead
4 I hate the Mc he’s fucking BORINGGGGG and he’s obsessed w his sister and mom. (Side note When are we gonna get an anime where the Mc just despises his sister like there’s no other feeling other than hate.) What happened to the fun guy who used to be a doctor. Like trauma obvs but his whole personality became unbearable. you could say that he was obsessed with Ai even when he was alive but honestly, bro had a job and lived in the countryside, there is no way he didn’t have other things going on in his life
5 both these kids have no personality other than being obsessed with their mom like SHUT UP PLS
6 it’s literally just a girl in the mcs life suffers due to being an idol and he jumps in to save her by doing something maybe a little innovative and weird but ultimately good. Like I kept watching bc I wanted to see how him trying new things could expand his perspective or something like trying acting again or being on the dating show but no it’s just him saving chicks from other ppl
7 I feel like all of those points just show the plot is trying to be more than what it is. Like it’s just another isekai where an older guy takes care of underage women in return for their dedication. Ok to be fair it actually does have a lot of the inside life of idol culture which is interesting but also don’t advertise it like ai is a main character when she FUCKING DIES :(
I actually kinda dislike gabimaru too like both these mfs are gloomy, overly perfect, emo, and have saviour complexes and it’s rly not my vibe. Like idk they’re Gary stus. Ebony darkness dementia raven way but as a guy. Like please just suck at something you’re boring me
I think that’s what I get for trying to watch Shonen but ugh. I like action I like the power of friendship I even like a lil romance if it’s not like annoying and very specifically aimed toward the male gaze.
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oreosmilkshakes · 3 years
Mine; Part 2
Summary: A continuation of the first one.  Pairing: The Winter Soldier!Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 1.9K Warnings: Mention of torture A/N: Well, as requested, here is part 2! Enjoy and comment on how it is! Edited and checked by @thebestdecoder​  ED/N: Apologies for any mistakes made in editing, RedBull doesn’t work on me anymore. Taglist: @tastingcevans @missingartist96 @generationallyfluid @paniniirae @felicityofbakerstreet @roguesthetic​ @igothroughphasesalot​
When the team came to be, Strike Team, led by Rumlow, had them surrounded with guns pointing at them. In no time, they cuffed Steve, Sam, and Natasha and threw them in the back of an armored truck.
“It was him,” Steve began, eyes on the cuffs. He felt a massive sense of guilt especially since finding out Bucky was alive and that he didn’t bother to find him after his fall. “He looked right at me like he didn’t even know me. Instead, he looked right at Y/N,” Steve was still in disbelief that Y/N’s soulmate was Bucky. Sam looked up at Steve. “How is that even possible? It was like 70 years ago? What’s worse is that that killing machine is Y/N’s soulmate,” Steve squeezed his eyes shut, choosing to avoid answering the second question. “Zola. Bucky’s whole unit was captured in ‘43. Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall. They must have found him and--,” Natasha shook her head slightly, weak from her untreated wound. “None of that’s your fault, Steve,”
Steve sighed lowly. “Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky,” Natasha leaned back. “None of it is your fault, Steve. Even losing Y/N. I just hoped she did manage to escape from..from Bucky,” She was weakening and Sam took notice fast. He turned to the two soldiers. “We need to get a doctor here. If we don’t put pressure on that wound, she’s gonna bleed out here in the truck,” The first soldier ignited his stun rod, Sam leaned back a little. What he didn’t expect was for said soldier to attack the second, knocking him out effectively. Maria sighed, removing the helmet. “Ah, that thing was squeezing my brain,” The team was surprised to find an ally among the Strike Team. Time to make their big escape.
Slowly, Y/N came to be. However, it only came in short bursts. The first time she came to be shortly, bright light penetrated her eyes. She couldn’t see well, only blur filled her vision and in no time, she passed out again. The second time Y/N came to be, it was dark and the air smells stale. She tried to move but she couldn’t. She gave up and drifted back into the darkness. The third time Y/N came to be, she was fully conscious now. Her eyes fluttered open, accustoming her eyes to the dimly lit room. It seems like she was held hostage in an abandoned building but Y/N didn’t know for sure. The only giveaways were the newspaper-covered windows and the fact that the room she was in looked like a bedroom. Her eyes focused on the silhouette and almost instantly, fear sprouted in her chest. Y/N tugged hard on the binds, panting softly as she tried to get her hands and feet out of the bonds. 
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(gif credited to the owner)
The Soldier turned to Y/N, his movements silent and intimidating as he moved closer to the woman. His metal hand reached out to touch Y/N’s cheek. He could not bring his soulmate back to HYDRA or else they would kill her. He knows HYDRA was ruthless in this sort of thing. So, to protect his soulmate, he took her to a safe place.
Y/N whimpered, scooting backwards until her back hit the wall. She shuddered when she felt the cool metal touch her cheek.
“Stop..get away from me,” Y/N begged quietly. All her training as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent was failing, the terror growing in her was overwhelming. The Soldier could easily kill her with a flick of his wrist if she wasn’t his soulmate, of course. 
“When I first saw colours, I never imagined my soulmate to look as gorgeous as you,” The Soldier’s voice was low, his metal thumb stroked her delicate cheekbone. 
“Don’t touch me,” Y/N attempted to sound strong, moving her face away from The Soldier’s touch. A low growl escaped the assassin’s lips, a metal hand gripped Y/N’s face lightly. “You are mine, doll. You belong to me because you are my soulmate. Even if you don’t like it, I don’t care. You will learn to love me,” The Soldier leaned in, the tip of his nose brushed against Y/N’s. The agent gulped, avoiding eye contact with the monster.
A soft beeping caught Y/N’s attention. It came from The Soldier. The assassin growled, annoyed by the sudden interruption but he had work to do. Without saying another word, The Soldier left, leaving Y/N all alone in the abandoned building.
Turns out, Fury was alive and on a long journey to a full recovery. It was apparently better for S.H.I.E.L.D. to believe that he was dead so HYDRA could work at a full scale and risk exposure.
Natasha was patched up and the team was gathered around a table for a briefing. Fury picked up a photo of Alexander Pierce, looking at it with his one eye. “This man declined the Nobel Peace Prize. He said peace wasn’t an achievement, it was a responsibility,” Fury threw the photo on the table, leaning forward. “See, it’s stuff like this that gives me trust issues,” Natasha sighed softly. “We have to stop the launch and find Y/N,”
Fury sighed. “I don’t think the Council’s accepting my calls anymore and as for Y/N, we will find her. It’s only a matter of time until we do so,” The director opened a case, revealing three chips.
“What’s that?” Sam looked down at it. “Once the helicarriers reach 3,000 feet, they’ll triangulate with Insight satellites, becoming fully weaponized,” Maria turned the laptop around. “We need to breach those carriers and replace their targeting blades with our own,” Fury added.
“One or two won’t cut it. We need to link all three carriers for this work because if even one of those ships remain operational, a whole lot of people are gonna die,” Maria sighed softly.
“We have to assume everyone aboard those carriers is HYDRA. We have to get past them, insert these server blades. And maybe, just maybe we can salvage what’s left-,” “We’re not salvaging anything,” Steve cut off.
“We’re not just taking down the carriers, Nick. We’re taking down S.H.I.E.L.D. ,” “S.H.I.E.L.D. had nothing to do with this,” Fury fought.
“You gave me this mission. This is how it ends. S.H.I.E.L.D.’s been compromised. You said so yourself. HYDRA grew right under your nose and nobody noticed. And we still have no way of knowing how to locate Y/N. For all we know, she’s either dead or taken by Bucky,” Steve heaved out a heavy sigh of anger. “Why do you think we’re meeting in this cave? I noticed,”
“How many paid the price before you did?” Steve growled lowly.
Fury looked down and sighed. “Look, I didn’t know about Barnes,” “Even if you had, would you have told me? Or would you have compartmentalized that too? S.H.I.E.L.D., HYDRA, it all goes,” Fury sighed, deciding it was best to give in. He leaned back on his seat, eye on Steve. “Well, it looks like you’re giving the orders now, Captain. As for Y/N, Hill and I will work on that. We still have some tricks up our sleeves,” Fury nodded to Hill.
Steve looked at Sam and Natasha, nodding. “Then we’ll suit up,”
The Soldier stood on the edge of the building, mind fuzzy and hand twitching. HYDRA electrocuted him, giving him another mind wipe. But this time, it wasn’t easy for a clean wipe. The Soldier had begun his resistance a long time ago. His cerulean eyes took in the colored view of the city. That was something those scientists could never wipe or know and that is The Soldier’s discovery of his soulmate.
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The Soldier disappeared from the roof, making his way into the abandoned building. Y/N gulped, eyes widening as she heard heavy footsteps getting closer and closer. She worked her hands quickly, dragging a sharp edge of a broken wood against the rope. She silently cheered when the rope snapped free. The footsteps were close now and Y/N kept her hands to her back.
The Soldier stepped into the room, towering over her seated form. Y/N gripped onto her little weapon, glaring up at The Soldier. He approached her, eyes dark and expression was even darker. “What do you wa--,” Y/N was cut off with a metal arm gripping her arm. The Soldier pulled the agent to her feet, pinning her against the wall. His dark eyes examined Y/N’s features. He needed comfort after what HYDRA did to him again. The torture never stops. It never does. If The Soldier showed signs of disobedience, he’ll get shocked. Any signs The Soldier showed to HYDRA that was related to him being disobedient would get him punished.
The Soldier sought comfort in his soulmate, his nose brushed against the exposed skin on Y/N’s neck. ‘No, this wasn’t supposed to happen!’ Y/N mentally scolded herself. The Soldier felt warm though. But nothing about him smelled good. The Soldier smelled like smoke and gunpowder. Nevertheless, Y/N leaned into The Soldier’s shoulder. ‘What are you doing? You’re free, he’s vulnerable, attack him and run!’ Y/N’s mind reminded her. Shit, it was right. “I’m sorry,” Y/N whispered. She gathered all her strength and shoved The Soldier off her, the assassin grunted in shock as Y/N made a run for it. “Бляд��! (Fuck!),” The Soldier growled,  immediately taking off to chase the woman. Y/N looked over her shoulder, eyes widening as the gap between them was closing and it was closing really fast. Y/N turned a corner, almost slipping. She had to find a way out fast. The Soldier was fast on her tail.
Y/N has never felt so much fear in her life. Not even when the Earth was invaded by the Chitauris. She dug into her sleeve, slipping out a small metal ball, and threw it at The Soldier. A bright flash and a deep groan indicated that the assassin was disabled. For now. The route down to the first floor was blocked and it seems like the only way is up. So up did Y/N went. “Soulmate!” The Winter Soldier roared in anger, his thunderous voice echoed throughout the stairwell.
Y/N’s hairs stood on end, looking down to see that The Soldier was climbing up the stairs twice as fast as her. “No, no!”Y/N cried out, trying to reach the upper levels of the building as fast as she could because The Winter Soldier was just a level below her. The frantic woman burst through the roof door, looking over her shoulder. However, when she looked to the front, it was too late. Y/N skidded to a halt, missing the edge of the roof and slipped. She screamed in fear, her hand grabbing the ledge.
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(gif credited to the owner. Just The Soldier running)
The building was old, almost crumbling down. The edge of concrete Y/N held broke under her weight, the woman screamed in terror, flailing her arms to try and reach something to save her from the freefall.
Was this the end for Y/N?
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laverna-fanfictions · 3 years
To Be Free - Finn Shelby Imagine
I AM BACK! And I’m back with a long waited request -it was requested at January????-  so here it is, and I’m really sorry for making you wait for it. I combined the two requests together.  I hope you’ll enjoy! And feel free to ask/say anything to me!
Request: @beth-winchester21  Please can I request a finn shelby x reader where I'm esmes younger sister and the shelbys treat me like family and I get really excited for Christmas and everyone finds it hilarious and I end up getting drunk and finn looks after me thanks xx
@beth-winchester21 Hi please can I request a finn shelby x reader where I'm his girlfriend and esmes younger sister and I've known him and his family since I was 3 and they treat me like family and they find out my parents abuse me and make me give them my money and work for them and the shelbys save me from them and can I have a cute moment with finn please thanks x
WARNINGS: Mentions of abuse, buying someone from their family, mentions of physical abuse, drunkness.
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   You have been working your ass of because of your parents, they have always treated you as if you were their worker- or slave. Carrying all the wood although your brother always sat at the corner, drinking, and playing card games with his stupid asshole friends. His friends were always mean to you, well “mean” didn’t describe it very well, they were harassing you all the time. Cornering you, pulling your skirt in front of everyone. Your family didn’t care that much, they only cared about your brother because he was a male. Esme was your only escape, and after her marriage John became your haven too.
The Shelby’s were like a family to you. Finn and you were always hanging out, annoying his brothers by the Garrison’s. Eavesdropping their deals, sneaking booze out of the bar, stealing Arthur’s hats and razors. They never once treated you like a stranger, you were like their sister. And that connection became stronger after the marriage between Esme and John.
Finn figured out your situation after you became his girlfriend. He saw how the other boys treated you- how your family did. One night, your father beat you so bad that he broke your arm, gave you a purple eye and almost broke your ribs too. Finn found you fainted at your tent, grabbed you and carried you to John and Esme’s house. Esme was freaking out, cussing every bad word out, throwing shit at the wall while John tried to calm her down. Things were about to turn sideways for your family, you could feel it, but you were too sedated to care at that moment. Polly brought a doctor to help you, the whole Shelby clan was at your side talking about what they were going to do. They couldn’t start another war with your family, that’s why John and Esme became married at the first place.
“I know what to do.” said Finn, still looking extremely mad. His eyes were all dark and dangerous, his eyebrows were still frowned. You could see how stressful he exhaled because of his nostril; they became large with every breath. “What?” Tommy sound angrier, eyeing the doctor time to time. “We will pay for her. That’s the only language they understand. So, we’ll make a deal.”
“Oh, nice.” you mouthed, still dazed. “Another way to show my family how I am their slave.” your words were slurred, but they still understood you. Finn looked at you concerned. “I know how you feel, Y/N. But this is the only way we can save you.” you tried to silk your shoulders, but you remembered your arm was broken. “I know but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m their slave.” Tommy wasn’t listening to you anymore; he took Arthur and John with him and went to your parents. You were worried sick about to possible outcome of this deal because your parents were dangerous. But you let your eyes rest, you couldn’t deal with the pain anymore. So, you fell asleep.
“Y/N, please bring us that bottle of whiskey I put aside.”
Tommy requested with a soft tone; he had a business meeting at the bar. After “buying” you out from your abusive parents, Tommy decided it would be better for you to work for yourself and yourself only. He let you earn decent money, enough to get yourself a new place to stay. The guys didn’t want you to move out, but they knew eventually you had to. After working, you had to get back to Tommy’s because it was around Christmas and you and your new family were about to get together. You were unbearably excited, head to toe, feeling numb in your fingers. You’d never celebrated Christmas before, let alone a dinner party with your family. Hell, if there were a party, you would be the one who do all the work around.
You and Finn were sitting near the Christmas tree, drinking your whiskey while chatting. His fingers were brushing through your now better arm, caressing the bandage. “Does it still hurt?” you silk your shoulders “Not anymore.” you smile, gave him a kiss on the cheek and put your head on his shoulder. You were watching them, arguing passionately about something. Polly and Ada were somewhere else at the house, Polly probably was reading the tea leaves of Ada.
You were excited about that night because it was the first decent dinner with anyone. You wanted to look good, so you dressed up- more than them. They have been mocking you all night long, especially Arthur. He kept commenting on your newly bought pearls, the kind gift of Tommy. You were like a mad cow, you accept that, bothered everyone all day long about what to wear or what to do. But in the end, you were full of happiness thanks to your new family.
“I am going to get myself a new glass.” you told Finn and stood up from the couch. You were a little bit dizzy, well it was a really strong whiskey so that was not a surprise for you. You wanted to get over your excitement so, you’d like a new glass.
While you were walking back to your spot, Arthur grabbed you by your waist and held you high. “Holy shit Arthur!” you screamed, some of it because of the pain you had in your ribs. You held his shoulders in the purpose of not falling, but your glass had already fallen. “Y/N’s first official dinner with us as our family!” he shouted, turning you around up by the air. You were feeling nauseous, you were about to throw up. “Fuck, Arthur, stop!” he didn’t listen to you, kept you up there. And then, the inevitable happened.
You threw up, while still up in the air, made a whole mess around the carpet and unfortunately, some of it got to his suit too. All his brothers started to laugh, mostly at Arthur. “Fuck Y/N!” he let you down, took off his jacket and put it aside. Tommy called over his maid, although he looked slightly amused, he didn’t want to make it obvious. His carpet was a mess.
Esme was still laughing like crazy and held your hand. “Let’s get you cleaned up, pukey.” you nodded in response. She helped you clean your mouth, sprayed the perfume, and slightly squeezed your cheeks to give you a little color. “How are you feeling, love?” she sounded concerned, which was a rare thing because she never showed her worrying side to you before. You smiled and hugged her; you loved your big sister more than anything in the world. “I’m happy.”
“About puking?”
You giggled, squeezed her more with your arms. “No, about today. About this. I feel free.” she kissed your cheek and smiled back at you. “You are free, love. And you got Finn.” she winked and let you out of the bathroom. Finn was waiting you there, looking a little bit disturbed. “Are you alright, Y/N? You look pale? Did Arthur hurt your arm or something?” you let him to hug you, to kiss you. “I’m fine, Jesus. I just had too much to drink.” you kissed him back, walked with him outside to the garden. You two were sitting at the bench, holding each other closely. “You know Finn, you don’t have to worry about me all the time.”
“I will worry about you darling, because I love you.”
You raised your head, looked at him surprised. Yes, you two loved each other but you’d never said it out loud before. The three words made you warm all inside, a huge smile creeped all over your face. You were young, little kids even, but you always had that feeling with him. Even when you guys were little, you knew Finn was the one. Finn was the one who cared about you the most, and you cared about him the most. So, you let yourself say those three words back to him.
“I love you too. More than anyone.”
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monotonous-minutia · 2 years
I actually think I'm going to lose my mind.
I don't usually post stuff like this but I feel like I'm going to explode. And I can't really talk about it to anyone for a variety of reasons but my god I'm going to lose it.
The person I live with is going through some shit. And I feel for her,I really do; she's got some significant struggles. But quite a bit of it is self sabotage and it's hard for me to watch and especially hard to empathize when she has multiple people, including medical professionals, telling her what to do, but she chooses not to do it and then complains about the aftermath. And then expects me to nod along to her rants when inside I'm just screaming that if she just did what her doctor tells her to do, she wouldn't be in this situation.
On top of it when she gets into these funks she needs to be around people or she gets dangerously depressed. Often she has friends and family to turn to but sometimes she doesn't and then expects me to fill the void. A lot of the time I don't mind because she's fun to hang out with and we share a lot of the same interests. But I work with people all day and sometimes I just want to be by myself, especially because I recently suffered a huge personal loss and I'm still trying to process it. I don't want her to be alone and depressed but she doesn't seem to get that I need my own time. We used to have overlapping work schedules where I'd get home a few hours before her and get some alone time to recharge before she got back. But now she's not working so every minute I'm home, she's there and wanting me to hang out with her.
On top of everything she doesn't clean up after herself. We've talked about it a few times and she keeps saying she'll get to it but she doesn't. The living room is such a mess I don't want to be in there and the kitchen is so nasty I can't make food. She won't do her share of the housework either so parts of the house are just constantly dirty. Sometimes it gets to a point where I can't stand it anymore and I just clean up all her messes because I don't want mold and bugs getting in the house. But I'm sick of her just lying around all weekend while I clean the whole house.
It's gotten to the point where as stressful and annoying as work is at the moment, which is its whole own thing, I don't want to be home. I hate weekends because it's just me cleaning and her sleeping on the couch with the TV on. And when she is awake she wants me around and listening to her talk. Sometimes it's fun to be with her,it really is, but no matter how many hints I drop she just doesn't get that I want to be alone unless I just go in my room and close the door.
And i know a big part of it is her wanting me to be over what happened to me. Everyone in my life does. It doesn't help that I can't talk about it so people seem to think I'm done processing but I'm not. I need to be alone sometimes, or with someone but not talking. I can't just get over what happened and I honestly don't think I ever will. But I don't know anyone who's experienced the same thing so I don't have anyone to talk to about it, not even my therapist because it's not her specialty, and none of the other mental health resources in the area address it.
I really don't have any family to support me except my little brother and I'd never burden him with this. Fact is I do want him to know, he deserves to, but I haven't been able to bring myself to tell him. The only person I know who's been through the same thing is one of my co workers but I learned that through someone else and we don't know each other super well and it's not like I can just go up to her and be like "hey I heard we both went through this super personal thing wanna talk about it."
I literally feel like I have a hole in me that's never ever going to heal and literally no one in my life fucking gets that. They just want me to be better and attend to their needs. Some days I feel like I can't even go to work, but the alternative is staying home with my roommate. I don't have anywhere to go. No friends close enough to visit without notice and gas is too expensive for me to just go on a long drive like I used to love to do. I could go for a walk but there's only so many times I can do that before I just get lost in my head and that's not good either. I can't even really enjoy the media I love because I'm still so shell shocked I can't focus enough.
I just want to go back in time before any of this ever happened. Normally I'd want to fast forward until it's all better. But not this time. Because I'll never be whole again. People think I'm exaggerating but I am not. People want me to be better, it's been two weeks. And maybe I'll be okay and healthy again some day but it's a long fucking road and even if I do get there I'll never be the same.
Anyway sorry for spilling all this with no warning I just. I'm going to lose my mind.
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sinfulspencer · 4 years
You control me (even if it's just tonight)
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Prompt: Y/N and the BAU's team are enjoying a night out at Rossi's.
Sex is the main topic of the night. Morgan and Y/N tease Spencer about him being “too adorable, too vanilla”, so... he has to prove he's not.
Rating: M (smut, rough sex)
Warnings: oral sex (female receiving), hair pulling, spanking, gagging, fingering, choking, over-stimulation, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie. .
Check out my masterlist here.
    The night is on your lips and I feel like I'm locked in There's a million lights, I don't care if they're watching Your body is saying everything, I don't have to read your mind
 “Thank God we can finally relax, guys.” Y/N huffs
Morgan is sitting beside her, sipping his beer with a smirk on his lips. “That's the best part of the job.” Rossi and Prentiss, on the other side of the room, are chatting about what they're planning to do for this weekend while Spencer is sitting on the couch, his head thrown back against the pillow and a book open on his lap. The whole team is pretty tired after a whole week of investigations, profiles spread all over the town, sleepeless night and too many corpses found in the area. Thankfully, the help of Garcia and JJ got them to the end of the case, arrested the motherfucker and enjoyed their first night of the week with at least 9 hours of sleep. The same number of hours they got to sleep in exacty five days. Y/N is very tired and can't even keep her eyes open, so Garcia made some coffee for JJ, Y/N and herself in her adorable and weird cups. Y/N gets one with the octopus, JJ one with a shark and Garcia has her own favourite cup, one with Cinderella's fairy godmother. “Is Reid asleep?” Rossi asks, walking towards the oval table in his living room Y/N grabs a pen from the table, throwing it at Spencer as he opens his eyes. “Not anymore.”
Morgan chuckles, shaking his head. “Poor thing. He partied too hard last night, he didn't even get to sleep.” JJ and Prentiss sit down at the table, one in front of Y/N and the other next to Rossi. Y/N loves nights like this, where they could get all together for something to eat, something to drink and maybe some gossip that they couldn't share while working on a case. But she knows that somehow they'll end up talking about a case that night. Y/N doesn't mind, but sometimes it's nice to keep her mind off criminals and murderers and kidnappings. Just for one night, just for a couple of hours. Garcia walks out of the kitchen with a normal black mug in her hands. “Spencer, your coffee is ready.” He stretches his arms forward and lets out a soft sigh, nodding. Y/N grabs his coffee mug from Garcia's hands and uses her free hand to grab the sugar bowl with a spoon.
“How much sugar tonight, Spence?” asks Y/N
The doctor stands up from the couch, slowly walking towards the empty seat by her side. “Surprise me.”
Y/N simply nods, amused by the fact that he trusts her with his precious coffee. She knows he loves sugar with a little bit of coffee – that's what Morgan always says to him when he's the one making coffee for all the others at work – so she pours at least three spoons of sugar in the mug, mixing the liquid. And when the coffee is ready, Y/N hands the mug to Spencer as he leans his head on her shoulder.
“Oh, pretty boy is tired. - JJ coos, grinning – You should go to bed.”
Spencer lifts his head as Y/N wrinkles her nose, annoyed that her female colleague bothered him. She didn't mind having him laying against her like that, he was actually very warm and he smelled like vanilla.
“No, it's fine. Coffee will help me. - Spencer replies, taking out the spoon from the mug – Thank you, Y/N”
She shoots him a smile, taking a sip of her milk and coffee. “No problem. Did you come here with your car?”
He shakes his head. “No, I took the bus. I was hoping you'd give me a ride at the end of the night.”
Garcia and Prentiss look at each other. This is the first time Spencer asked Y/N for a ride – and they both know he had asked her because he wants to be alone with her for a while. The two women noticed that Spencer acted in a totally different way when he was with Y/N, than his usual self. He was more nervous, stiffer but he kept eye contact with Y/N as much as he could – and, of course, he spent a lot of time simply watching her with that dumb smile on his lips. 
They tried to talk to Spencer about it, to convince him somehow to do something about his crush, but every single time they brought up “Y/N is single” or “Y/N is very pretty”, he tended to shut them down and focus on other things.
It's not really a surprise, Spencer has always been quite.. private.
Garcia and JJ, on the other hand, noticed the same thing but on Y/N's side but at least she was honest about it and straight-up told JJ that she had a very big crush on Spencer, but she didn't know what to do with him. JJ suggested her to simply flirt a bit with him, calling him with pet names or sitting by his side every time during their case. So Y/N did that. And she even got to hang out with him for a whole night.
Even though they were working on a case in his bedroom, Y/N still felt like she had won something. By the end of the night – it was almost 5 in the morning – Spencer told her that he was very tired and he wanted to go to bed, so Y/N took that as a “get out of my bedroom” sign. But then, as she was grabbing her shoes and her purse, Spencer asked her to keep him company. So she did. 
And they slept in the same bedroom: Spencer on the small couch, Y/N on the king-sized bed – even though she would've loved to sleep next to him, with his arms wrapped around her and his lips pressed against her neck.
After that night, nothing “more serious” had happened. JJ told Y/N that it was fine, that it probably was a big step for him, so she just needed to wait for another on of his moves. Sure, they flirted on the jet while flying from one country to another, they worked together on other cases, she made him coffee almost every morning and he bought her lunch for three days straight, but still. Nothing else.
Y/N wanted more.
“I heard there's a new bar down the block. - Rossi says, leaning back against the chair – We could have a drink there this weekend, if you're all up for it.”
Garcia giggles, shaking her head. “I can't. I have a date, actually.”
Morgan raises an eyebrow, leaning in. “Babygirl, why didn't you tell me?”
JJ and Prentiss laugh, while Spencer takes another sip of coffee from his mug. His eyes are fixed on Y/N's face, not leaving her for a single second. She can feel his stare on her skin but she doesn't have the courage to turn around, pinch him on the thigh and tell him something. He can stare however he wants – but he could also touch her, it would be amazing too.
“Well, you know, we talked this morning and he said he wanted to take me out. - Garcia explains, placing with the edge of her mug – But you guys should go out anyway! I know some of you need to get laid. Especially you, Y/N.”
She opens her mouth, not expecting her colleague to say that. “I...”
Prentiss covers her mouth with a hand. “Isn't it right?”
Y/N doesn't mind talking about sex, it's nice to talk about it and find out more about her colleague's thoughts on it – all of her colleagues saw her reading sex books at the end of a case, on the jet while coming back home. But still, Y/N wasn't expecting Garcia to call her out like that and she can feel Spencer's eyes on her the whole time.
It's difficult to breathe when he's looking at her that way.
“Hm, I haven't gotten laid in a very long time. - Y/N manages to crook out, blushing – Maybe this new bar will bring me some fun.”
JJ raises an eyebrow, noticing Spencer's eyes shifting on hers before going back to Y/N. “How long since your last time, Y/N? We actually have never heard you talking about a possible date or something.”
Rossi turns his head towards Spencer, smirking when he sees the young doctor shiting on his chair. “Spencer, is everything okay? Are you excited to try this new bar out and see what chick come to your way?”
Morgan laughs at his friend's remark. “Yeah, pretty boy, do you need to get laid?”
Y/N turns her body around to look at Spencer, hoping the conversation would stay on him and his business for the rest of the night but the doctor is looking at her, a tight smile on his lips. Y/N knows she has to break the silence or someone could ask more personal questions – sex is not a taboo, of course, but some things should stay secret and buried in her mind.
“I mean, who doesn't need to get laid here?”
Prentiss, JJ, Rossi, Morgan and Garcia raise their hands. Y/N stares at them, then covers her face with hand as she shakes her head. She can feel her cheeks getting redder.
“Oh come on, Y/N! - Morgan exclaims, capturing her attention – How long?”
They all look quite surprised that Y/N hasn't had sex in a while, probably because she's a very attractive young woman and they assumed she had sex at least once a week. Y/N let out a soft sigh – and fuck it, they wouldn't judge her on the most natural thing in the world. Right?
“At least three years. The last time I had sex, I was still with Leonard. - Y/N says, shrugging as she takes a sip of her coffee – My first year in the BAU, yeah.”
Garcia places a hand over her heart. “Oh honey, you need to get laid!”
Y/N blushes, giggling at the same time. “I know, I just don't find the time to do that.”
Spencer lowers his eyes, scratching the back of his neck. “And I don't find the right people to do that.”
Rossi immediately looks at the young doctor. “What did you say, boy wonder?”
“Boy wonder, pretty boy”, Y/N loves Spencer's nicknames. 
They fit him so perfectly because he really is a wonder, and he really is pretty. One of the most attractive Y/N has ever laid her eyes on in her whole life, way better than her ex boyfriend Leonard. She whishes Spencer would look at her the way she does.
“I said that I don't find the right people to do that, you know? - Spencer says, this time in a higher voice – I just don't like going to a bar and stare at women like they're objects. I'd rather spend the whole night talking to someone and then see what happens.”
Y/N quickly nods, leaning back against her chair. “Yeah, same. I'm not like you, Morgan.”
“Hey! That was rude. - Morgan exclaims, rolling his eyes – But I get it, you both need psychological arousal before actually having sex with someone. That's fair.”
JJ and Prentiss look at each other, then they turn around to stare at the two “lovebirds” sitting really close to one another. They would be the perfect couple: both very smart, both very attractive, both clumsy and romantic, both book-geeks, both curious, both open-minded and both amazing listeners, conversationists and interesting people. The only thing that was missing was... well, something that actually forced them to tell each other how they felt.
“Why don't you both give it a try?” Rossi asks
Morgan almost chokes on his beer, turning his head around. JJ and Prentis start laughing, covering their mouths while Garcia tries her hardest not to laugh again. Spencer looks almost offended while Y/N wants the floor to open up and swallow her without even hesitating.
“That would ruin our professional relationship, Morgan. - Spencer says, his voice calculated and stern – She is a very attractive woman, but she's my colleague. I wouldn't do that.”
Y/N lowers her eyes, a sharp pain spreading in her chest. She knew he wouldn't be so open about the idea of having sex with her, but still, she felt a big rejected. He wouldn't have sex with her because they work together, but if they weren't colleagues, he would?
That question running through her head makes her open her mouth.
“So.. would you fuck me if we weren't colleagues?”
This time is Rossi who almost chokes on his beer, as Prentiss and Garcia widen their eyes. They were not expecting her to be so straight-forward, but Y/N doesn't want to let this go. If he found her attractive, why wouldn't he give it a go? Y/N was literally waiting for him to do something to her, but she wasn't going to be the one to make the first move. Ever.
JJ smirks on the other side of the table, crossing her legs. “That's actually a good point.”
Spencer shifts again on his chair. “Well, I...”
“Pretty boy, you can speak. I'm sure she won't bite. - Garcia exclaims, snapping her fingers – Unless you want her to. Right, Y/N?”
Y/N winks at her, feeling more at ease now. 
Does coffee and milk have some kind of effect on people's behaviour the same way alcohol has? 
Because she feels like she's drunk. Or maybe it's just the fact that her hormones are all over the place when she's around Spencer.
“Come on, Reid. If only I liked women, I'd go for it. - Prentiss says, kicking him under the table and making the others laugh at her words – If Hotch wasn't married, I would fuck him!”
JJ places her coffee mug on the table. “If I wasn't married, I'd go with Morgan.”
“I'd go with Y/N, if only she was interested in me. - Morgan says, winking at Y/N – Unfortunately she has eyes for someone else.”
Y/N blushes hard. She confessed to Morgan her feelings for Spencer on the last night of their case at the beginning of the month. She was drunk, her head pressed against the wooden surface of a pub in Texas, when she basically poured her heart out to Morgan – he was less drunk than her, but still. They've spent the whole night talking about how she should find the strenght to grab Spencer, push him somewhere and just tell him the truth because it was almost overwhelming.
Y/N started working for the BAU three years ago and she had been interested in Spencer ever since – she didn't use the words “in love with” because, well, she didn't want to. She wasn't ready to admit to herself that she has always been in love with him, mostly because he wasn't really interested in her body but only in her mind. Or that's what she thought.
She didn't know that Spencer has thought many times about her, with his hands down his pants and his eyes closed, head thrown back on the pillow as images of her possible naked body straddling him would fill his brain before falling asleep.
“Why is this about me, now? - Spencer mutters, crossing his arms to his chest – Shouldn't we focus on the fact that she hasn't gotten laid in so long?”
Y/N giggles, shaking her head. “Thank you for your concern about my sexual life, Spence.”
“Why don't you help her ending her misery? - Rossi asks without even thinking about it – Come on. I'll even give you my bedroom.”
Prentiss stands up from the chair, laughing. “God, you're scaring him, Rossi.”
JJ taps her fingers against the table. “I'm pretty sure Y/N is not as vanilla as he is, anyway.”
“Uh, did you forget that I'm here and I can hear what you say?” Y/N blushes hard
Garcia whistles, leaning forward. “Oh please, tell me more. Vanilla? What's that?”
Before Y/N could open her mouth to reply, Spencer speaks first.
“Vanilla basically means someone who enjoys sex without twists or kinks. It's plain regular sweet, happy and very lovey-dovey sex. - Y/N turns to look at him, raising an eyebrow – What? I'm not as vanilla as you think I am, Y/N. Just because I don't talk about my sex life, doesn't mean I hate sex. I experience sexual attraction, I like having sex with others.”
She lifts both her hands, rolling her eyes. “Calm down, sweetcheeks. I didn't say anything.”
“What's a kink?” Garcia asks again
Prentiss and JJ step inside of the kitchen, probably to grab a beer or something. Rossi and Morgan are enjoying the conversation, darting their eyes from Spencer to Y/N to see how they react. The conversation isn't over yet and they hope that, by making those kind of references, they'd get the two lovebirds together.
“A kink is a sexual behaviour, a sexual preference someone has. It's something that increases sexual enjoyment like... spanking, choking, hair pulling. - Y/N says, eyes focused on Spencer by his side – It's different from a fetish because a fetish replaces the partner with an object.”
Morgan leans forward. “I guess I have a kink for lingerie, then.”
Rossi laughs, placing his empty bottle down on the table. “I would've never said that.”
“I guess I'm vanilla, then. - JJ mutters, sitting back on the chair in front of Y/N – Me and Will don't have much “mommy and daddy time”, so we haven't explored much. Not yet, at least.”
“What about you, Y/N?” Prentiss asks
The younger woman shifts on the chair, taking the last sip of her milk and coffee.
“Oh, I have a very long list of kinks that I want to try and that I've already tried and loved.”
“Explain.” Spencer says
She looks at him for a second, then blushes. “Well, uhm... Can you promise me nothing of this conversation is going to leave this house?”
“Of course! We would never spread intimate informations to others. - Garcia exclaims, clapping her hands with a mischievous smirk on her lips – Come on, spill. It's been three years and you've never told us any of your spicy secrets.”
Spencer moves his chair so he could face Y/N, getting a bit closer to her.
“Oh, this is going to be so good. - Derek says, pressing his hands together – Tell us.”
JJ leans in, smirking. “I know some of them already.”
Spencer looks at JJ for a few seconds, then raises an eyebrow and turns to look at the other girl by his side, the same girl who's about to open up about her kinks – what if some of them are the same as his? Would it be easier for him to make the first move in the car, later?
Spencer almost chokes on his coffee. She's into choking, huh? Well, that's definitely an interesting kink to have – and he appears to have it as well. He has imagined many times to have his hand wrapped around her pretty throat, forcing her to look at him in the eyes while he's touching her.
“Choking? Oh, damn. - Rossi says, not surprised – Have you tried it?”
Y/N nods, biting her bottom lip. “Yes. I have. Many times, actually. That was the only thing Leonard was able to do.”
“What do you mean?” Prentiss asks, furrowing her perfectly shaped eyebrows
Y/N shrugs, blushing hard. “Well, I would've liked to have an orgasm once or twice in my life.”
Garcia, JJ, Prentis, Morgan and Rossi all gasp at her confession. Spencer is actually speechless: he remembers when she told him about Leonard breaking up with her after four years. He has always thought that they were having a wonderful sex life, but now... it appears that her ex boyfriend wasn't really that good in bed. 
So? She has never had an orgasm? That's fucking frustrating.
“Oh my God! Are you serious?” Morgan widens his eyes
Y/N shrugs, biting her bottom lip. “I've had self-orgasms, but never... you know.”
Garcia immediately stands up, wrapping an arm around Y/N's shoulders. “Poor child, you definitely need someone who can make you come or you'll go crazy. I am so sorry.”
The younger woman chuckles, slowly pulling away from the hug. “Eh, it's fine. I'll find someone, won't I?”
After a few seconds of awkward silence, Y/N lets out a huge sigh and stands up from the chair. She definitely needs something to drink right in that moment, maybe something alcoholic so she can stop thinking about the fact that she admitted that she never had an orgasm before. 
Sure, Leonard was nice in bed but he has never been able to actually take her to the finish line. She tried to talk about it to him, but he always got so offended to the point he would storm out of their old apartment.
“Vanilla boy, what do you say? What's your kink?” Rossi asks
Y/N steps inside Rossi's kitchen, grabbing a beer from the fridge. All this “sex talking” is getting to her head but she doesn't mind, it's actually very refreshing to talk about sex with someone different than JJ when they're sharing a room during one of their cases.
“I bet you have a foot fetish.” Morgan sneers
Prentiss chuckles, pulling out her phone from her purse. “I wish I could stay here a little longer but my dear boyfriend wants me home in an hour. I want to know more about your kinks, Spencer!”
The young doctor rolls his eyes, fidgeting the edge of his shirt. “I don't have a foot fetish, Morgan. Maybe you do, but I don't. I don't think I have any fetish, I have a lot of kinks though. And I'm probably less vanilla than you, chocolate fudge.”
Y/N giggles when she comes back to the living room, placing her beer bottle on the table as she walks towards Prentiss. She hugs her tightly and opens the entrance door for her, waving until she's safe and in her car. Not that Prentiss needs a bodyguard, but still.
“Tell me one of them, then. - Morgan says, raising his eyebrows – We're all curious.”
Y/N grabs her beer bottle and sits next to JJ, leaving the empty chair next to Spencer so he's all alone in front of her, JJ, Morgan and Rossi. Spencer is blushing hard, probably because he's not really used to talk about sex in front of others, and Y/N finds it so fucking cute and pretty. She wants to stand up, sit on his lap and shower him with kisses all over his face.
Or maybe she'd get on his knees for him, she'd love it.
“I like gagging.”
Y/N's eyes snap on his face, noticing he's looking at her.
So he likes to gag people? With what, tissues or maybe a part of body?
“Oh, that's nice. - Y/N says, agreeing with him – Same, honestly.”
JJ and Rossi look at each other, both smirking.
“See? She'd be perfect for you, Spencer! - JJ exclaims, touching Y/N's knee – Maybe you'd help her having the first orgasm with her life.”
Y/N shakes her head, embarrassed beyond limits. “Please, stop trying to make him hook up with me. If we want to fuck in my car later, we will. We don't need your help, do we, Spencer?”
Spencer immediately agrees, taking the last sip of coffee. “Exactly. Thank you, Y/N.”
And so the sex talk finally ends, shifting to another topic for the next hour and a half.
 It's almost two in the morning and Y/N feels extremely tired. She can't wait to go back home, strip from all of her clothes and jump into her bed to take a very long, long sleep. She needs it or she'll pass out during lunch with her mother the day after – she probably shouldn't have accepted to go out to Rossi's apartment with the team, but still. She needed to see Spencer before Monday.
The conversation with the team is slowly coming to an end, forcing all of them to stand up and get ready to leave Rossi's apartment. After a second beer, Spencer decided to change his chair and sit back on the couch; he even asked Y/N to join him, which she did, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders while she laid her head on his chest. 
She actually enjoyed being so close to him, smelling his soft scent and having her hair caressed by his skilled fingers. She wonders if he noticed the way she got really comfortable by his side, letting herself wrap an arm around his waist to pull him closer to her. Maybe he didn't notice, but JJ and Rossi did – and they probably texted Prentiss and Garcia, who left a bit later, to tell them the good news.
Y/N doesn't really care about what they think. 
It's obvious that she has a thing for Spencer, so what? It's not like it would ruin everything in the team – unless Spencer rejcts her in a bad way and leaves the BAU, but Y/N knows he would never do that. 
Even if he's not interested in her, Spencer would never hurt her or tell her something that'd upset her. He's a sweetheart, he's romantic and he cares for her. He was her first friend in the BAU, they got close to each other basically two days after their first meeting so.. Y/N trusts him. She would take a bullet for him.
“I'll see you all this Monday, then.” Rossi says, standing on the door step
Y/N quickly nods, closing her jacket on her chest. “Yes. Thank God it's not paperwork day.”
“I'm allergic to paperwork. - Rossi mutters, shaking his head – Goodnight, guys. Drive safely.”
JJ, Morgan, Y/N and Spencer walks away from Rossi's apartment to reach the small parking lot right behind his house. Spencer doesn't leave Y/N's side, almost as if he's terrified he might remain right there, alone, and has to walk home in the middle of the night.
He doesn't even have his gun with him.
JJ opens her car with her automatic key. “As always, it was a pleasure.”
Morgan gives her a quick hug. “See you on Monday, JJ.”
Y/N winks at her, blowing her a kiss. “Text me when you get home, okay?”
“Always. Don't worry. - JJ says, putting her bag in the backseats – Goodnight Spencer.”
He lifts his hand, waving at her. “'Night.”
JJ gets in her own car as Morgan and Y/N walks towards their with Spencer.
Y/N grabs her keys from her bag and clicks them, opening the car. “Morgan.”
“Babygirl. - he whispers, hugging her quickly – Goodnight, sleep well. And don't tease our pretty boy too much while you're driving, wouldn't want his not-so-vanilla side come out at the wrong time.”
Spencer rolls his eyes at his friend tease, shaking his head. “You are so incredibly annoying, Morgan. I don't know how Savannah can stand you, literally.”
“What can I say? - Morgan smirks, winking at both of them – I'm good in bed, I guess.”
Y/N laughs along with him, jumping in her car with Spencer by her side. She has always loved the way Morgan is so open and so fun, she likes his behaviour and she loves the relationship he has with Garcia. She wonders if she'll ever find someone to have a similar relationship with. Y/N loves teasing.
Spencer closes the car door, putting his seatbelt on. Y/N starts the engine, not driving out of the parking lot, and grabs her phone before giving it to Spencer.
“I don't remember your address, I need my GPS.”
“Oh, you don't trust my directions?” Spencer asks, pretending to be offended
Y/N gives him a weird look, chuckling right after. “The last time you gave me your address, we ended up in the middle of nowhere with JJ and Morgan behind us.”
“That wasn't my fault! I was drunk! - Spencer tells her, rolling his eyes – Morgan challenged me with the twenty vodka shots at The Angel. It wasn't my fault.”
She giggles, placing her phone next to the steering wheel. “Sure, keep telling yourself that, sweetcheeks.”
A comfortable silence washes over the car as Y/N slowly pulls out of the parking lot to follow her GPS' directions towards Spencer's house. She's glad he's not talking, but at the same time she wishes he would open her mouth and tell her something. Whatever he wants, she doesn't mind. Y/N really likes his voice, it's soothing and relaxed, and hot. 
She wonders how his voice would sound if he whispered something against her ear, maybe from behind with his arms wrapped around her waist and his hip...
“So you've never had an orgasm before.”
Y/N stops at a traffic light, turning for a second to look at him. “Is it so horrible to imagine?”
“Orgasmic dysfunction is a condition that occours when someone has difficulty reaching orgasms, usually when they're sexually aroused. The contributing factors might include older age, but you're not old; the use of certain medications, particularly antidepressants, shyness, cultural or religious beliefs... - Spencer starts to ramble as Y/N beings to drive again – Or maybe unresolved conflicts, lack of trust, stress, poor self-esteem, anxiety, depression. The inability to orgasm can lead to distress, which may make it even harder to achieve orgasm in the future.”
Y/N taps her fingers against the wheel. “What are your conclusions, doctor?”
“He wasn't as good as he thought he was in bed, maybe. - Spencer adds, shrugging without looking at her – You said that you were able to, uhm, come by yourself. I think it's called situational anorg..��
She lets out a huge sigh, keeping her eyes on the road in front of her. 
“He was the problem, Spencer. He wasn't able to use his tongue, his fingers, let alone his dick. He cared about himself and his own pleasure instead of mutually sharing the experience.”
He bites his bottom lip, tapping his foot. “Well, I am sorry. It must be really frustrating.”
“Not really. I mean, one day I'll find someone who can make me come. - Y/N replies, not really wanting to keep diving into her “secret” - For now, I'm quite satisfied with myself.”
Spencer remains silent for a few minutes, turning his head towards the window of her car. 
He is completely alone with her in her car, far away from the others and all those weird teasing phrases that kept bothering him every single day. Morgan and Hotchner tried to make him hook up with her many times by booking a bedroom for two under their names, but Y/N has always managed to find a way to change that booking and sleeping with JJ instead. Spencer didn't mind because if he got to sleep with Y/N in the middle of a working-weel, he would've forced her to spend the whole day in bed with him instead of going out to work on a case. 
He has the chance of touching her or try to talk to her about something he can help her with, but what if she rejects him and pulls him away? Or what if she gets repulsed by him and the idea of being with him?
“Well, if you ever need help, I'm here.”
Y/N blinks, not really sure she heard him right. “What?”
“To talk. - Spencer coughs, covering his mouth with a hand – I meant, to talk. I'm here for you if you need to talk to someone, you know. I'm always here for you.”
This would be the perfect time for her to shoot her shot. They're stopping at another traffic light and there's silence, which means Y/N could actually say something to change the course of their night.
“You could also physically help me, if you're in the mood. - Y/N whispers, tightening the grip on the steering wheel – See if there's something wrong with me or if my ex boyfriend was just a useless piece of meat when we tried to have sex.”
Spencer gulps, biting his bottom lip again. She asked him to have sex, basically.
But what should he do? Accept and have the best night of his life with the woman he's been thirsting over for the past three years or reject her in order to keep his sanity while he's at work? 
If they end up having sex that night, Spencer knows he wouldn't be able to stop thinking about her when he sees her at work – and that would definitely be a disaster, because they all need to be focused on the job. But still. It's just sex. It's a normal thing, everybody has it, everybody has done it or will do it in their life, so why would it have to ruin everything?
“Are you asking me to make you come?”
A little smile appears on her lips. “Yes. Do you think you can do it?”
Spencer shifts on the seat. “I don't understand if you're serious or are you just joking.”
The GPS tells Y/N that they're almost at Spencer's apartment. She bites her bottom lip, not really sure how to reply to that. She hoped her voice, more stern, would help him understand that she's on the verge of begging him to touch her but apparently he needs a little more encouragement.
“Why would I joke about this? - she asks, turning the wheel to the right until she stops in front of the white building on her left – If you don't believe me, you can just say no and we'll stop talking about this.”
Spencer looks at his left, then turns around to stare at the woman by his side. She doesn't take off her seatbelt, probably waiting for a sign from him. He's hesitating because he really doesn't know what to do. He has the perfect opportunity to have sex with her, to touch the way he dreamed of, to be touched by those hands he had fantasies about. 
But what if it's just a plan that the others had elaborated to make fun of him?
No, they would never do that. They love him, they care for him. Morgan loves to tease him and make fun of him but not in a bad way, in a friendly and jokingly way.
“I don't want to say no, Y/N. That's the problem.”
She takes off her seatbelt. “And I don't want to force you to do anything.”
“I thought you were too tired and wanted to go home. - Spencer whispers, biting his bottom lip – But if you're too tired to drive, you can stop by my house for the night.”
Y/N tilts her head. “I might accept your offer, if you don't mind.”
He quickly shakes his head, stepping out of the car. His heart is beating so fast in his chest to the point he's scared it might jump out from his throat because this is happening all too fast. Spencer closes the door behind his back and walks towards his apartment, followed by Y/N who closes her car with her keys and puts them back in her bag. He hopes she can't see the way his fingers are shaking.
Spencer pulls out his card from his pocket and slides it against the locker device on the door. A little “click” can be heard, later on the door opens and Spencer walks inside his living room, soon followed by Y/N.
It's not the first time she goes to his house. 
She remembers the first weekend at the BAU, Morgan and Prentiss decided to have a little gathering somewhere. And Spencer offered his house, inviting all of them there. And they had so much fun, playing board games and drinking white wine.
“Are you cold, Y/N? I can start the fire, if you want.”
She takes off her jacket. “No, it's fine. Your house is already warm, I don't want to get too hot.”
Spencer simply nods, grabbing her jacket and hanging it behind the locked door. There's only one thing in his mind so when he turns around, he realizes it by grabbing Y/N by the waist and pulling her closer to his chest as she widens her eyes. She looks up at him, her eyes staring back at his.
“I would love to help you. Physically.”
A smirk appears on her lips. “I was hoping you would, actually.”
Y/N's hand slides up on his chest, caressing the exposed skin of his collarbones. Her finger tips are so delicate, touching his skin while she leans forward with her head. Spencer lowers his eyes to look at her, enoying the soft touch of her hand, and brushes the tip of his nose against her before letting their lips meet in a very chaste kiss. There's no lust, no passion in it.
It's sweet. Maybe a little too much for her taste, but Y/N doesn't want to rush things. Even though the only thing she needs right in that moment, is for him to push her down on her knees and gag her with his cock while forcing her to take all of him in her mouth.
Y/N moans softly on his lips, licking his bottom lip before sliding her tongue inside of his mouth. She can feel the little hint of coffee mixed with beer, it's hot. And it's delicious. She might get already addicted to his taste, but she bet he'd taste even sweeter somewhere else.
Spencer moves his hand from her waist to her back, pressing her body against his. A soft moan escapes from her lips, forcing him to pull away for a few seconds. He looks at her, noticing her full of lust her eyes are, as a little smile appear on his mouth. She looks fucking sinful in that moment.
“Are you sure you want this?” Spencer asks
Y/N takes his face in her hands, gently brushing her thumbs over his cheekbones. “Yes. I want you.”
That was all he needed to know. His lips press against hers one more time, the light stubble along his cheeks scratches the soft skin around her lips but she doesn't care. No, the only thing she can focus on is the way he's pushing her towards his body, moving his hips against hers.
Spencer slides his hand down to her thighs, picking the girl up in the middle of the living room. Y/N doesn't realize that they moved to another room until Spencer lays her down on his bed, hovering over her as their lips keep meeting in passionate kisses. 
His tongue moves across Y/N's, his hands forcing her to open her legs as he presses his hip against her again and again. She can feel his erection through his dark trousers pressing on her thigh, leaving her breathless.
“Fuck, Spencer.”
Y/N runs a hand through his hair, pulling it lightly. Spencer interrupts the kiss and pulls away from her mouth, making its way down her neck. A loud moan echoes through the room as she arches her back while Spencer kisses the tender skin on her throat, while his right hand slowly wraps around it.
“You are so fucking hot like this, Y/N.”
She grins, opening her eyes. “I would look way hotter without my clothes.”
Spencer smiles softly, lifting his body up. “Oh yeah? Show me, then. Undress yourself.”
He moves on his bed, laying down on the mattress with both hands behind his neck. Y/N blinks, then gives him a huge smile as she steps down the bed. She quickly takes off her shoes and her socks, pulling down her trousers.
“Thank God I put on my favourite pair of panties!” - she thinks, removing her dark blue blouse.
“I love your body, you know that?”
Y/N shakes her head, leaving her clothes on the floor before jumping again on the bed and slowly straddling Spencer's body. His hands end up on her bottom, squeezing it slightly while his mouth covers her once against. Y/N starts grinding against him, moaning softly on his lips, as she lifts his shirt.
Spencer lets her undress him as quickly as they can, finally feeling her hot skin pressed on his.
“Were you expecting to get laid tonight?” Spencer asks
Y/N shakes her head again. “No, actually. But I'm glad I put on this lingerie.”
“Dark blue is my favourite color. - he whispers, brushing the tip of his index around her right nipple – You should wear it more often, both on your clothes and your underwear.”
Y/N will definitely do that in the future. “Gladly.”
Spencer unclasps her bra, throwing it on the floor along with their clothes, and before she can move to take off his trousers, his mouth attacks her nipple. A loud moan echoes through the room as Y/N bites her bottom lip, moving her hips against his thigh while Spencer starts playing with her other nipple. He twists it softly, making her whimper with her eyes now closed.
His hands are still on her bottom, grabbing it tightly to the point she knows he left his handprints on her skin – but she doesn't care, she wants everything he can give her. Spencer starts sucking on her right nipple, flicking his tongue against and around it until she starts moaning faster and louder. She has always loved nipple play but unfortunately her boyfriend wasn't on the same page as her.
“Spence, stop. - she manages to whisper – I need to...”
“Go ahead, princess. - he says, helping her to lift her body up – Do whatever you want.”
She obeys quickly, pulling his trousers and his boxers down. Now he's completely naked under her body and Y/N is shocked because she didn't know he was actually fucking packing. 
Like, very long and thick. She doesn't even know if she'll be able to take it all inside of her without her crying in pain.
But she quickly recovers, straddling him again. The tip of his cock is slightly pressed to her core, forcing her to rock her hips forward as a soft moan escapes from his lips. It's soft, needy, just like hers. And Y/N swears she has never heard of a more beautiful sound before in her life. 
She can feel herself getting wetter and wetter by the seconds, so she quickly pulls down her panties until she's finally completely naked on his body. There's nothing separating the two of them. She can easily slides her hand down his torso, grab his cock and push it inside of her without hesitating but... Not yet. She wants to enjoy his fingers, his mouth, his gorgeous body before actually having the pleasure of being fucked by him.
Spencer lifts his right hand, pushing two fingers in her mouth. Y/N allows him to do that, feeling his fingertips pressing down on her tongue.
“I want you to suck my fingers while you ride my thighs.”
And who's Y/N to reject him of such a delicious order?
She slowly nods, blinking when Spencer begins to bounce his knee slightly, eliciting a whine from Y/N as he closes her eyes. Her tongue touches the tip of two fingers, wetting them as she moves her hips to match his movements. The knot behind her belly button is growing fast, heat spreads through her body and on her cheeks as she uses her left hand to steady herself on his body.
She has never been so aroused before.
Spencer presses his fingers on her tongue, forcing her to open her mouth. She looks straight into his eyes, grinding faster against his thighs. The pressure on her clit is getting heavier, more pleasure, more intense and her thighs are starting to shake.
Is this what an orgasm caused by someone feels like?
“Good girl. You're being so good, princess.”
His voice is deep, filled with desire and lust. A low moan comes out of his mouth as Y/N throws her head back when his fingers leave her lips, sliding down on her body. Spencer starts to play with both her nipples, bouncing his leg to allow her to have more friction. Her wetness is sliding down his thigh as Spencer bites his bottom lip, twisting her nipples between his fingers.
“I think I'm gonna come.”
Y/N's moans grow louder and louder, leaving her lips in a lithany of low sounds. Spencer has never seen a more beautiful creature in his life before, as she moves quickly against his leg.
“Come for me, Y/N. I want you to come.”
His right hand leaves her nipple, his fingers dig deep into her hip as he follows her pace, bouncing his knee to meet her movements. Y/N whines, wanting to finally have a decent orgasm. And as soon as Spencer grabs a fistful of her hair with his left hand, the pure ecstasy of the moment takes over her body as she reaches her climax.
“Spencer, fuck!”
He keeps a slow rhytm for her, helping her ride her first ever not-self orgasm. Her face is red from the heat, a single sweat drop falls from her forehead down her chest and Spencer leans forward to press a long kiss at the base of her throat.
Y/N is shaking as she collapses against his body, her chest raising up and down. She tries to catch her breath, grasping the sheets by his left side as Spencer slowly rolls over her body. Y/N closes her legs, panting hard with her eyes closed.
It felt so good, so liberating to finally have an orgasm not caused by a vibrator or her own fingers,
“Good girl. - Spencer says in her ear, pressing a soft kiss on her lips – You've been such a good girl.”
Y/N throws her head back on the pillow, sighing. “That was...”
“Just the beginning.”
She opens her eyes again, finding him smirking at her. Uh-oh. “What are you planning to do?”
Spencer doesn't reply to her. 
Instead, he opens her legs and lays down between them as he leaves a trace of delicate kisses from her chest to her belly button. He nips at her skin, making his way downtown until he leaves another kiss on her clit.
Y/N grabs his right hand, placing it on her breast. “I'm oversensitive now.”
Still, Spencer doesn't say anything. Instead, he laps at her clit in response and Y/N swears she has just been thrown in the space, into the Iperuranium or some-fucking-where in the world. He slips two fingers inside of her and starts massaging her clit with his thumb, sucking on it gently while he listens to her soft moans echoing in his bedroom.
He has dreamed about tasting her, feeling her wetness on his tongue, hearing her voice when she's about to come, making her come. And he's doing all of that in one night.
“God, fuck. Don't stop.”
He hums, pumping his fingers into her as he looks up. “I'm not planning to stop.”
She gives him a smile before throwing her head back. She tries to buck her hips, moving it to encourage him to go faster, but Spencer pins her waist down with his free arm. And he goes back to suck gently on her clit, feeling her thighs shaking around him and her juices coaxing his chin, his lips.
But she tastes so fucking good.
“Spencer.. I'm gonna..”
She yelps in pure ecstasy when the second orgasm hits her body like a thunder. Y/N grips the bed sheets with a hand, using the other to pull harder and harder on Spencer's hair. Her eyes rolls back into her head, her legs close around Spencer's head as waves of pleasure wash her whole body.
Her eyebrows are furrowed, her cheeks are read with pleasure and she's shaking. Spencer feels himself growing harder and harder as the seconds go by. He desperately wants to be where his fingers are, feeling her hot wetness gripping him and letting himself fall inside of her while kissing her, choking her, whispering in her ear that she's so good for him.
Spencer drags his tongue between her folds, licking her juices with a low hum before pulling away and brushing his mouth with the back of his hand. The bottom of his face is completely drenched in her wetness but it's fucking hot. He didn't know she could get so wet.
He really loves giving oral sex.
If he knew she'd be so good, so delicious for him, he would've made the first move way earlier. Or maybe not, because he's a fucking idiot who couldn't see how attracted she was and still is to him. If she wasn't, she wouldn't be in his bed after two orgasms. 
Spencer pulls himself up, hovering over her face. Y/N opens her eyes and runs a hand through his hair, leaning forward as he lowers his mouth to finally covers her again.
This time the kiss is nothing but full of lust, desire, passion. A love so strong, so powerful and so animalistic to the point where they both don't want to pull away. They have been waiting for this for long and it only took less than 15 minutes to get them where they needed to be.
Spencer on top of her, completely naked, with Y/N underneath him, completely naked.
Y/N wraps her arms around his neck, closing her legs behind his hip. He lays down on her hot body, moaning softly when her nipples press against his chest. His cock is pressing on her wetness and he's tempted to slide it inside of her, but he wants her to be the one to do it. He's worried she might have changed her mind after two orgasms.
He raises an eyebrow, interrupting their kiss. “Yes, princess?”
“Thank you.”
The young doctor brushes the tip of his nose against her cheek. “My pleasure.”
Y/N grabs his left hand and places it on her own throat. “But now you have to do something.”
He hums, pretending he doesn't know what she's talking about. “What?”
She bucks up her hip, biting his bottom lip when his cock slides between her folds. She's desperate to feel him inside of her, and yet he's not doing anything even though she can feel how hard and painful his erection must be. So? How is he able to keep all that control? Isn't he some kind of robot?
“Spencer, please. - she begs him softly, using her free hand to touch him between his legs but he slaps her hand away, making her whine – Please, I need you inside of me.”
He leans in, pressing a soft kiss in the crook of her neck. “You are so needy. And greedy. A little too greedy, don't you think?”
She huffs, placing her free hand on his back. “No, I'm not “too greedy”. I feel bad because you haven't come yet, while I had two orgasms already. Let me make it up to you, please?”
Spencer slips his hand down her chest, caressing her breasts. “Get on your hands and knees, princess.”
He presses his forehead against hers as his breath against her skin does nothing to calm her down. She needs him more than she could ever admit it to herself, and yet he's taking his own sweet time to adore her, to watch her carefully and to make her crazy.
It's annoying.
But so fucking hot.
Y/N follows his orders, rolling her body as she lifts her bottom. 
She feels Spencer slowly crawling between her legs, opening them to press his hip against her ass while he uses a hand to grab a fistful of her hair and pulls it hard. Y/N lets out a shriek, not expecting that gesture, but she doesn't mind. She loves having her hair pulled back, especially if Spencer is doing it.
“You look so hot like this, princess. - he whispers in her ear, leaning against her body with his chest pressed on her back – I wish I could have you like this all time.”
Y/N bites her own bottom lip, pushing her ass back. “If you promise you are going to touch me like you're doing right now, you'll have me anywhere you want. I swear to whatever is up in the sky.”
The young doctor grins, his mouth travelling down her spine while leaving kisses before going back to her neck and nipping at the skin. His teeth sinks in her soft skin, making the girl moan softly as Spencer's finally slips the tip of his cock between her wet lips.
Y/N almost collpases on the bed but Spencer is faster and wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her to his body in order to keep her still. She lower her eyes for a second, noticing the veins in his arms; she quivers, closing her eyes as Spencer moves his hip forward and finally bottoms out. She inhale some air for a few second, trying to adjust quickly to the delicate stretch of her body for him, and lets out a low moan. Spencer keeps leaving soft kisses on her back, enjoying the hot wet grip around his cock without moving; he wants her to be as comfortable as she can, he would never ruin this experience for her.
“My fucking God.”
“Not God, but thank you anyway, I guess. - she smiles as he grins, relieved that she heard him; slowly, he raises his hand to meet her throat – You feel so good, princess.”
Y/N clenches around him, throwing her head back against his shoulder. Her throat is totally exposed and Spencer feels the need to grab it, softly pressing his fingers on her delicate skin that rapidly changes colour. Y/N opens her mouth, the loss of oxygen making her feel more dizzy but ecstatic.
“Yes, yes, please. Like this, yes.”
Y/N is already a mess and he hasn't even started pushing inside of her. He wasn't expecting her to enjoy choking this much, but he's glad she does. He practised it a lot in order to learn how to actually do it without hurting the other person.
“Can I move, princess?”
Y/N quickly nods, not able to form a complete sentence She's overwhelmed with pleasure: one hand on her throat, the other one through her hair, his mouth on her neck, his cock inside of her and her core already over-stimulated because of the previous two orgasms.
Can she handle a third one after 21 years of self-orgasms or it'll destroy her? Y/N wants to find out.
“You are so fucking tight, princess. - Spencer groans, beginning to thrust into her – And you're so fucking gorgeous, taking my cock like this. Perfect, so perfect for me.”
He's moving inside of her with a slow pace, but Y/N is still writhing under his touch. Her back arches into him, begging for more. And he obeys, tightening his hand around her throat while he pulls her hair and forces him to look at her through her eyelashes.
Then, he starts pouding into her.
And Y/N swears she just reached Heaven and saw God in the shape of Spencer.
It's actually crazy to feel this much pleasure in just one moment, but Y/N wouldn't trade that second for all the money in the whole world. If Spencer Reid could fuck her every single day, every single hour, she would sacrifice herself for it. She'd sell with her own soul for this.
“I've been waiting for so long for this, Spencer. - Y/N says, placing her right hand over his forearm while steadying himself against his body – God, you are so fucking good. Fuck me, fuck me.”
Spencer lets her hair go, forcing the girl to face down the mattress.
So she has waited for this moment for a long time, why don't make the most out of it then?
He slaps her ass with a hand, watching it bouncing against his hips. It's the most erotic view of his life.
“Next time you're going to let me use your body, you'll be on your knees.” he whispers
Y/N quickly nods, scratching his arm. “Can't fucking wait, sir.”
His pace becomes faster and harder. Every stroke is deep, making the girl whimper at each move as she hides her face into the pillow in front of her. Tears of pleasure are streaming down her face, Spencer hands are scratching, grabbing tightly and smacking her ass without mercy and she can't wait to see all the marks he has left her on her body.
She won't be able to sit down if he keeps hurting her like this.
That's exactly what she wants.
His hard grip on her body is contrasted by the softness of his voice. She wasn't expecting this dualism in Spencer, but she loves it and can't wait to experience more of this in her apartment, where they can try more fun things in bed.
“Fuck, Y/N.”
Her name rolls off his tongue like it's made for it.
“I'm almost there, Spencer. - she whispers, pressing her ass back to his hip – Please, fuck me more.”
He wraps his arms around her, moaning in her ear as he thrusts into her as fast as he can. This new rhythm helps him finding the perfect spot that makes Y/N scream louder and arch her back.
“Fuck! Right there, right there!”
Spencer doesn't slow down, wanting to make her come from the sex. He doesn't even need to touch her between her legs because before he can open his mouth, Y/N clenches tightly around him and finally comes, letting the orgasm wash all over her. Her arms give out and her whole body shakes with pleasure, her thighs almost closing and her muscles spasming around him.
“God, fucking Hell, Y/N.”
Y/N keeps whispering his name, trying to move her body against his to help him come. She wants to feel his orgasm, she wants his mouth pressed on her ear, she wants everything he can give her or she'll go crazy. She's already regretting not doing this earlier – she has to send something in order to thank Garcia, Morgan, JJ, Prentiss, Rossi and maybe Hotchner.
Spencer knows his orgasm is about to hit his body and it does right after. He growls against Y/N's right ear, filling her up with his warmth as his mouth nips at the skin of her neck. She scratches his forearm, releasing a little whimper as she feels his come dripping in and out of her as he keeps pushing his hips forward. That was probably the hottest sensation ever. 
But.. Did he just come inside of her?
He did. And she'll allow him to do it again, for fuck's sake.
“Shit, Y/N. I am so sorry. - Doctor Reid whispers, pulling out of her body to admire the mess he made inside of her – I didn't even ask you if I could finish here.”
Y/N collapses on the bed, rolling her body over to face him. He looks really worried but she's not, because she's on the pill – so she can't get pregnant, thankfully.
She lifts a hand, caressing his arm as Spencer lays down by her side. She's still trying to catch her breath after what they just did, but he seems just fine – is he used to this? Is he really not that vanilla an inexperienced as Morgan kept saying? Y/N can't wait to find out.
“Don't worry, pretty boy. It's all fine, I would've made you finish inside of me anyway.” Y/N says
Spencer puts a hand over her cheek, forcing her to turn her face. She brushes the tip of her nose against his before kissing his lips once again. This time their kiss is slow, lazy, it's not filled with lust like the last one they've exchanged but they're both fine with that. Y/N doesn't want this night to end, she wants to keep kissing him until she consume his lips but she knows that she can't do that. And that this was probably just a one night stand.
She pulls away and lowers her head, lifting her body as he puts an arm around her waist. Y/N leans against his hard chest and closes her eyes, caressing his hot skin with the tip of her index fingers. She can't believe she just had sex with him, it's fucking crazy.
A comfortable silence washes over the room.
But Spencer breaks it.
“We should've done this earlier.”
Y/N opens her eyes, finding him staring at her. He looks so pretty: his hair are all messed up, his lips are of a dark red shade more swollen than before, his eyes are shining and there's a curious yet relaxed smile on that gorgeous mouth that was between her legs not much long ago.
“I agree. We really needed a little push from the others. - Y/N giggles, lifting her hand to caress his cheek with her eyes on his face – And I can't thank you enough for proving me that there's nothing wrong with my vagina and that my ex boyfriend was just a fucking dickhead.”
Spencer laughs loudly at her words, throwing his head back. “I can finally say it: Leonard was a fucking dickhead and I'm so glad I could make you come while that bastard didn't. I knew I was better than him in bed, at least.”
She laughs along with him, tapping her index on his cheek. “Yes, you are way better than him in bed. And in everything else, pretty much.”
He moves his eyes on her, leaving a kiss on her open lips. 
Y/N lays back with her head on his chest and keeps brushing her fingers on his hot skin, travelling down towards his belly button but coming back up to touch his collarbones. She closes her eyes, relaxing her muscles and letting her body finally rest for a few hours before going back home. She doesn't know if Spencer wants her to spend the night there, but she knows she won't be able to actually dress up again and drive towards her house. She's too tired, too sore to even stand up.
Either way, Spencer is not saying anything so she'll stay there. And hopefully, he'll fall asleep before kicking her out or something. Also the blanket is quite comfortable, Spencer's body even more.
“The next time we do this, will you allow me to take you out to dinner first?”
Y/N widens her eyes. “Do you mean...”
Spencer pulls her closer to his body. “Yes, I'm asking you to go on a date with me.” She lifts her body up to look at him in the eyes. 
He stares back at her with a soft smile on his bruised lips, his hand placed on her hip ever so gently. Y/N can't say no to him – well, she doesn't want to say no because she has been waiting a long time for this, but yeah. 
The point is: Spencer is literally the most attractive man ever, he's smart, romantic, hot and he's fucking good at sex. He made her come!
He's the total package and she won't let anyone steal him from her.
“I thought you'd never ask, sweetcheeks. - Y/N answers with a smirk, giggling when he gives her the most beautiful smile – But next time it'll be my turn to pleasure you.”
Spencer crooks his fingers, asking silently to lean forward. “We'll do whatever you want. I'll be more than happy to spend the whole night kissing and hugging you, princess.”
Y/N closes their distance with another kiss before stepping down from the bed. She grabs her phone from her purse, unlocking her screen; she has to text her mother and ask her to come to her house a bit later. 
Y/N doesn't like making other wait for nothing and since she's going to spend the night at Spencer's place, she doesn't know when she'll wake up and when she'll be back at home.
But before she can open her mother's chat on iMessage, Y/N notices a message from JJ.
“So? How did it go? Tell me everything!!”
Y/N replies with a simple winking emoji.
Who knew that night would end so well for both of them?
Okay, wow, this is what it looks like I guess? It’s my first ever one shot in english. My first language is italian so there are probably some mistakes in it. I would love to get some feedback, if you’ve enjoyed my little os.
Thank you so much for reading it.
Aurora x
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kj-1130 · 4 years
Nothing For Me
Part 2
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Main Masterlist
Part 1|Part 3
     You were turning 11 this year. Natasha, as you learned she went by, was always a phone call away if you ever wanted to talk--since your sperm donor was obviously no help. You had recently had to call her due to your period starting, which you weren’t expecting to happen for at least another 2 to 3 years. Needless to say, it freaked you out and regardless of your smarts, nothing could have prepared you for that. 
     Nat took you shopping for what she called, ‘lady items’; bras, pads, tampons, anything a girl could possibly need. She also taught you how to shave if you ever wanted to. She specified that you should never feel forced to do it because ‘people need to normalize women having body hair. It grows there for a reason.’ And you totally agreed with her on that by the way. 
     There were a few times when she’d let you in on minor S.H.I.E.L.D secrets even though it was quite unnecessary seeing as you could hack your way through it all no problem. That’s how you found out about the Avengers Initiative. You couldn’t agree more with what was said about Tony. 
     Through your hacking and research of the initiative, you ‘met’ Clint. It was through a video call. He had invaded your girl-talk with Natasha. The three of you were practically best buds now. You’d go to Nat for advice or just when you needed a sister to talk to. You’d go to Clint when you just wanted to let loose and talk about absolute nonsense. 
     It was another lovely night in Stark Tower for you--please note the sarcasm. You were bored out of your mind. Natasha had been on an undercover mission and Clint was busy at the base; something about the Tesseract. You thought they should’ve just left the thing alone; let fate take its course. Some bad things were going to come with them messing with something they had no knowledge about. They’re joining a game without knowing any rules and are pretty much destined to lose. But, hey. What did you know?
     Pepper and Tony were probably in the common area, sucking each other's faces off. Despite how much you disliked Tony, based on your experiences, you couldn’t deny the fact that they’re pining was absolutely annoying, disgusting, and cute all at the same time. You were just glad it was over honestly.
     Pepper was an okay person to you. There was nothing you found super nice or mean about her that was prominent to you. She’d greet you on the quite rare occasion the two of you would cross paths and would start the casual small talk (“how are you?” “I’m fine, what about you” “Good, thanks for asking.”). She probably thought you were a live-in intern or something like that. With how much she tries to doctor Tony’s life, you’d think she would try to fix whatever nonexistent relationship between the pair of you, but nope. That just added to your intern theory. 
     You were reading a book on quantum physics, when your personal AI, M.I.A(miraculous intelligence assistant)--that you did in fact create yourself--notified you that someone had overridden Stark’s systems and gotten into the elevator. Just because you didn’t leave the room doesn’t mean you weren’t nosy. 
     “Who is it, M?”
     “Agent Phil Coulson, from S.H.I.E.L.D.,” M.I.A. spoke in her smooth voice. “Would you like to listen in on what they are saying?”
     “Is that even a question?”
     Jumping out of your beanbag, you went to the center of your room, where M.I.A had pulled up footage of what was happening in the common room. 
     “Security breach,” Tony turns to Pepper. “That’s on you.”
     “Mr. Stark.” 
     “Phil! Come in,” Pepper greeted. Since when were she and Agent Coulson on a first-name basis. You’d have to look into that. 
     “Phil? Uh, his first name is Agent.”
     “Come on in, we’re celebrating,” the red head invites. This was getting more interesting to you by the second!
     “I can’t stay.”
     “Which is why he can’t stay.”
     Phil ignores Tony and starts to hand him a file.
     “He doesn’t like being handed things,” you muttered. 
     “I don't like being handed things.” Called it.
     “That’s alright, ‘cause I love being handed things, So, let’s trade,” Pepper says. She hands Coulson her glass of champagne, takes the file, hands Tony the file, in return taking his drink.
     “Official consulting hours are between eight and five every other Thursday,” the billionaire said. 
     It was quite obvious Phil was over his jokes and that he was here for a much important matter.
     “Is this about the Avengers? Which I...I know nothing about.”
     Both men ignored Pepper. “The Avengers Initiative was scrapped, I thought. And I didn’t even qualify.” 
    That was a nice day. Finding out what they said about Tony had been nothing less than amusing in your opinion.
     “I didn’t know that either,” the CEO said. She sure does have the best cover-ups, doesn’t she? 
     “Yeah, apparently I’m volatile, self-obsessed, don’t play well with others.”
     “That I did know.”
     This whole thing was odd to you. Why were they trying to put together the Avengers when the whole idea was tossed?
     “M, pull up the most recent S.H.I.E.L.D files on the tesseract and the Avengers Initiative.”
     The AI did as told, and you scrolled through all of them. You saw things on Thor, Clint, Natasha, Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, and lastly your sperm donor. Looking at Thor’s file, you found something about his brother Loki. And looking at his name, you saw his connections to the tesseract and everything had clicked. Loki had the thing and was definitely going to do something evil with it. 
     Both adults in the house were gone. Such responsible ones they are. Tony left earlier the next day and you honestly couldn’t remember when Pepper left. Now, here you were in your safe haven, trying to figure out what in the world Loki would want with the tesseract. There’s probably no way for you to figure it out since you weren’t where all the info was, actively investigating. But what you didn’t understand is why would they leave you here when such a threat was hanging in the air. 
     You knew Tony didn’t necessarily care for you, but he couldn’t forget about you, right? Natasha wouldn’t forget about you. Clint wouldn’t forget you. Right?
     It’s been two days. Two fucking days, and no one had come in or out of this building. 
     You were currently pacing in your room, while your AI--not even a fucking person--was trying to comfort you. 
     “Does no one answer their fucking phone anymore?”
     “I’m pretty sure there is a reasonable explanation as to why no one is answering.”
     Out of nowhere, you heard commotion from outside. Rushing over to the window and moving the curtains, you saw these alien things coming out of the sky. You ran out of your room and made your way to the nearest set of stairs as quickly as you could. 
     “Ah, the little Stark.”
     His voice sent chills up your spine. It was deep and quite terrifying. 
     “Come over, no need to be scared.”
     You followed his orders, having a feeling that if you didn’t things would end up ten times worse for you. He looked at you before basically yeeting you out of the window. It hurt; it felt like every bone in your body screamed for peace and anything in the background just became white noise. 
     You landed on the roof, writhing in pain and groaning. Everything hurt.
     Attempting to get up was hard and painful, but you knew that you had to leave or you’d die. 
     Looking up, you see that doctor. He was mentioned in the files but everything was just so fuzzy, you couldn’t remember properly. Finally being able to get up after numerous attempts, you limp your way down the stairs and out to the streets in the middle of all the chaos. 
     You were so scared. You knew you probably wouldn’t be able to contact Nat or Clint unless you somehow hacked into their coms system. You continued to walk down the streets, hoping to find some type of shelter, but it felt like you were about to collapse at any second. Sitting down in the nearest alley, you looked around. Looking left, there was a face right in front of yours.
     “Fuck! What the hell man?”
     The other person wasn’t fazed. Looking them over, you saw their frizzy, somewhat curly hair pulled back in a low ponytail. Her brown skin was covered in dirt and a little blood. 
     “Hey, you’re (y/n) Stark, right?” She asked a little breathlessly. 
     “I refuse to be acknowledged as such.”
     “I’m Michelle. But don't call me that or I’ll have to hurt you.”
     “Are you really trying to converse with me in the middle of an alien invasion? And acting like we’re both not hurt?”
     Michelle shrugs her shoulders when you both look over due to some yelling that you heard. 
     “MJ! Michelle where are you? Michelle Jones!”
     MJ looks back over and starts to get up but she trips and falls. You decide to help her up and take her over to the people calling her name. You both struggle but eventually get over to the adults with some time. 
     Before you could get away from the Jones family, the mother gripped your shoulder. 
     “C’mon, stay with us. We’ll find somewhere to lay low.“
     You were too tired and in too much pain to argue, so you let Michelle’s mother help you keep your balance while the young girl’s father did the same for her. 
     It was at least a good ten minutes until the four of you found a decent place to take a break. It looked like a gas station, but you really couldn’t tell due to how much damage there was. You and the Jones’ took cover behind a somewhat stable looking wall and tried to stay as quiet as possible. 
     It was quiet besides the distant screams of people and the yells of the aliens. You wondered if Nat and Clint were okay. You wondered if Tony was okay. You wondered if anyone was safe from this. This seemed like something no one could recover from.  
     “What’s your name, sweetheart?” The older woman asked. 
     “Where are your parents?”
     “My sperm donor is fighting I guess.”
     To say the adults were appalled by your bluntness  was an understatement. You’ve had a potty mouth for quite a while. There was no one to really correct you on what to and not to say--not that you really needed help with that being a genius and all; well a genius with common sense because your father didn’t have any of that. Without anyone to really monitor what you did,  you kind of just roamed free in a sense. 
     The fight had died down eventually. The aliens were still coming, but a substantial amount of them had been killed. How a group of 6 people/gods/supersoldiers/or whatever amazed you. Maybe you could work behind the scenes one day; even though you already do. Just without anyone knowing. 
     Before you knew it, there was a nuke flying across the sky. ‘Leave it to the government to find an excuse to hurt civilians,’ you thought. But before it could hit anything, you saw a red and gold figure carry it to the portal.  
     You knew who it was. He was going to sacrifice himself for the safety of these people. If he didn’t make it, you would miss him even though there wouldn’t be much to miss. When that portal closed, your heart dropped to your stomach. You would never be able to make amends with him. You would never have a single conversation with him. Yeah he was a total douche bag for forgetting all about you, but you had at least expected to be able to see and maybe talk to him. Sort things out. 
     Without thinking, you ran as fast as you could towards where the newly assembled Avengers were; well at least where you last saw them. You ignored the calls of the Jones family, telling you to come back. Their protests telling you not to go so you can stay safe. You ignored the pain. The aching of your ribs. The dull throbbing in your head and on your lips. There was no doubt that your steps were uneven; limping down the street at your speed probably made you look like a crackhead.
     You kept running; not stopping. Not when your breaths got shorter and turned into wheezes. Not when you heard rattling in your chest. Not when you felt like you were going to collapse. Not when your joints popped and begged for rest. You didn’t stop. You couldn’t. Not until you found someone; anyone you knew. 
     You stopped after what felt like hours. It most likely was considering the sun was going down. You heard a little commotion inside a surprisingly intact building which turned out to be a Shawarma. Tony always talked about this place for some reason. 
     When you looked inside, the Avengers were there. At least, you guessed they were still called that. But that didn’t matter. They were relaxing after the battle. They looked quite relaxed considering they had just fought aliens. 
     But that was what kind of hurt. They weren’t worried about you. At all. Of course only 3--well not really 3. Only two really knew you and knew you were in that tower when the attack happened. Sure you weren’t expecting Clint or Nat to be running around the streets of this huge city, but a little effort or at least the thought of it would’ve been nice. You could’ve been dead and they sure as hell didn’t seem super worried about it. Maybe you were overthinking it. Or maybe you were just as forgettable and insignificant as you thought.
     You limped away from the establishment, trying to find somewhere to stay seeing as your home--if you could even call it that--was most likely destroyed. And you were in your feelings and nothing was a better cure than isolating yourself even more. You also wanted to see if you could get M.I.A running on a computer or something. Maybe update yourself on what was going on over the world at the moment. Or look up your frizzy-haired friend you met while you were running for your life. 
     You managed to find a computer near a dumpster. You leaned back against the wall and slid down slowly, not wanting to aggravate your injuries too much. You were able to get M.I.A running on the laptop and then looked up any news. The headlines were crazy. All you saw was the fight that just happened and the death count rising and rising…
     You didn’t want to be focused on anything dealing with your father, S.H.I.E.L.D., or any current events, so you decided to give M.I.A. the task of figuring out who Michelle and her family was. It sounded very creepy, but you were her age. What harm could you do with her info. Well you could cause harm to her and her family with any info you found but that was besides the point. The most you were going to do was send them a message or something like that. 
     You ended up sleeping in that alley. Deciding that you should head back to your place of residence, you got up and started walking back much to the process of your bones and joints. The tower seemed like it was so far away. Especially with your injuries and supposedly no one around to tend to them.  After what felt like hours, you made it to the entrance of the establishment and, surprise surprise, it’s already being rebuilt. You honestly didn’t know what time it was. You just wanted to get in your bed and sleep forever. 
     It had been about a month since the Battle of New York. Your injuries weren’t treated until about a week after the fact. Not because someone noticed you were hurt, but because it was getting hard to breathe and that didn’t seem like a fun way to go to you. 
     You’d been healing nicely so far, but your emotions and mental health were on the opposite side of the spectrum. Every time you close your eyes, you had this dream, vision, whatever it was, that when Loki threw you out the window, there was no balcony or landing area to stop on. You just kept falling, and falling until you hit the ground. Then you woke up.
      You had been isolating yourself as well. There had been plenty of missed calls from the pair, but you just couldn’t find the energy to move and pick up the phone. They were probably just doing it out of obligation anyway. 
       Seeing everyone, especially Nat and Clint, just made you rethink anything you’ve ever done. Were you too clingy when it came to Natasha? Did she really like you or did she just feel bad? You were probably just overreacting, but you can’t help but think these thoughts. 
    Everything was just spiraling out of control for you. And you couldn’t get help; well you at least felt like you couldn’t. If you told Tony--not that you would, but hypothetically-- he’d probably wave you off and laugh. If you tried to get a therapist, someone would probably leak that shit to the press; confidentiality be damned. 
     You felt like you were drowning and you didn’t know how much longer it would be until you fully sank.
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fandom-of-pulp-dogs · 3 years
Hi!! I really love your hcs and all your content💖💖 i was wondering if you could write an hc or sum about mr blonde finding out his girl is pregnant, like how it would be the whole pregnancy🥺 idk even he's a bit psychopath i think it could be really cute tho lol
WARNINGS: ummmm pregnancy? assumed not safe sex lmao and cussing <3
PAIRINGS: Mr. Blonde X Fem!Reader
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Alright I feel like Mr. Blonde would be like actually really composed and honestly a really good dad
He would take the news fairly well but then he would go to Eddie and panic a little-
“Love, can you come in here?” Vic had just gotten home and heard your voice from your shared bathroom. “What’s up babycakes?” Vic walked in and saw you standing in front of the mirror. Eye makeup smudged, tear-stained cheeks, clad in just one of his shirts and your panties.
“Oh honey, what’s the matter? Are you okay? Who do I need to kill?” he swooped his and gave you one of his famous bear hugs. ‘Apparently, he hasn’t noticed the tests’ you thought to yourself.
“Oh no no everything’s fine, hopefully. I just- I have something to tell you.” He stood back looking into your eyes, hands stroking your arms. “I’m Pregnant.” Your eyes traveled to the sink, and his followed. There laid 3 pregnancy tests, all positive. He knew you had been sick but you both just assumed it was a virus.
“Yes I’m having one”
you smiled meekly at your weak joke. His eyes met yours and you’ve never seen him look more delighted. Vic broke out into a wide, award-winning smile and he kissed you with the most love you could ever feel. “So you’re happy?”
“Of course I am! We should probably make a doctor’s appointment soon, but until then I need to go tell Eddie, Will you be okay by yourself for just a little bit?”
“Of course!” You kissed his cheek gingerly, “Tell Eddie he’s gonna be a great Uncle!”
Vic drove to Eddies as fast as he could. The doors to the Cabots home slam open, “Y/N’s pregnant.” Vic paces the foyer as Eddie looks at him from the staircase he was descending,
“What the fuck?” Eddie stops Vic by the shoulders and looks him in the eyes. “What the fuck? You knocked Y/N up??” Eddie looked bewildered and Vic just had it hit him.
“Oh my god Y/Ns having a baby, I’M having a baby???”
Eddie laughed. “Don’t laugh! What the fuck am I gonna do I’m a criminal?? What if I go back to prison-” “Vic shut the hell up. I don’t think I’ve heard you panic before but trust me it’s gonna be fine. Me and Daddy will make sure you won’t go back to the slammer and you have a wonderful woman who is perfect to be a mother and trust me you will make a perfect father.” as Eddie spoke Vic calmed down and realized that most everything was gonna be fine.
Though Victor deep down knew everything was fine, that didn’t stop anxiety from planting its seeds into his mind.
He’s very cautious like SUPER cautious
“Does this mean we can’t fuck anymore? Ow- Baby why did you hit me?”
You try your best not to be annoyed because you really do know that these questions are coming from a place of love, care, and small fear, but sometimes you can’t help but want to rip your hair out.
He can’t cook (Okay he can but it’s only like 5 meals so I don’t count that as being able to cook lmao) But he tries his best because he wants to take care of you
He wouldn’t care whether you got married before the baby or if you just did it in your own time. (He secretly hopes it’s soon because he knows he loves you and he really just wants to say “Hey, That’s my wife!”)
Ngl I feel like this kinky shit would love seeing you pregnant, and if you are extra horny due to being pregnant then he is always willing to help <3
If you go on missions with him and the dogs then he will make you stop as soon as you both find out like no way are you gonna be put in danger like that while carrying y’alls precious child
I feel like He’s equally as bad at doing chores as he is at cooking but he still tries his best so you don’t have to do things like laundry and cleaning and stuff
I swear to GOD this mans gets 10 times better at cuddling when you get pregnant
He really doesn’t care if its a boy or girl but I feel like if they were a girl he would pray to any and all gods that they would be as beautiful as you <3
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
BNHA scenario: You can’t feel pain
You were born with a heightened reflex quirk but you were also born with a very rare birth defect called chromosome 6 deletion, that causes you to not feel pain, hunger or fatigue, and you have like zero sense of fear & self preservation , your boyfriend only knows about your Quirk, you've kept your medical history to yourself, until you have an accident and he notices something off and start asking questions!
Dabi: He hadn't see you in a couple days and got worried, he then got a call from you asking to take you to the slums walk-in clinic, (I like to think, that the villains have whole a network of black market doctors that sympathize with them and run pop-up clinics, you have to have a password to to know where and how get in.) He checked his burner phone for a pop-up clinic and found one near by. 
He got to your location and was stunned when he saw your right arm with a large knife jammed into it and a dead guy on the ground sporting a broken neck, He checked out your arm and winced realizing he couldn't pull it out without causing you anymore damage, He then examine your face, expecting tears, but... you seemed more annoyed by this whole situation then anything, Dabi was expecting you to be crying and whining at him to stop poking and moving your arm around... He thought you were in shock at first, but something was nagging at him that this wasn't normal.
Dabi was silent the entire way to the clinic, his eyes were burning holes into the back of your head, when you both arrived... and the first words the guard said to you was. "Y/n back again, for what? out of pills?" he sighed as you narrowed your eyes at the idiot and raised your injured arm up to show him, his jaw dropped and opened up immediately letting you both in. "What did he mean by that?" Dabi's voice was tense suddenly speaking up, "Why do you need pills?" You stiffened obviously hesitant to say anything, knowing full well Dabi doesn't like people keeping secrets from him! 
"Just wait for Dr. Yuhei to come..."
"You're on first name bases with the staff now too?" 
The cremator crossed his arms as a middle age man came in looking very happy to see her! "Y/n? what the damage today dislocation? burn damage, (cue Dabi flinching) road rash, broken bones..." His eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas as he oh and awed at seeing the knife lodged in your arm. "Ha! you got knifed! I love it!" he exclaimed jubilantly while slapping his knee as he took out his tools. 
Dabi just looked at this man like he was mad as a March hare! "What fuck is wrong with you?!" he demanded out getting the doctor's attention, it took a moment for the man to respond.
"Oh! Are you the boyfriend I've been hearing so much about!" the cremator's brows furrowed as Yuhei shook his hand congratulating Dabi for finding a real diamond in the rough! "Not many doctors can say they've worked on a patient with Chromosome 6 deletion!" the raven haired man blinked incredulously. "Chromo what?" now it was the doctor's turn to be confused. "She didn't tell...You didn't tell him?" he watched your face and saw your fraught expression. 
"Huh...Well I'll be. That's certainly new!"
The doctor hummed before telling Dabi what was up about your condition, your boyfriend kept a neutral face but inside his emotions were churning. "Her reluctance to inform you of this...is probably to closes adduce to fear I've ever seen her display." Your face felt hot as you stared at Dabi expecting to him storm out instead, he just watched as the doctor pulled the knife out of your arm in fixed you with no anesthetic or pain-killers , Yuhei informed you that the knife had cracked the bone so you had wear a sling for a couple weeks, then reminded you to change your bandages properly, then handed you a refill of melatonin.  
The walk back home was awkward as hell Dabi had yet to say anything... Before you reached your safehouse you felt Dabi fingers grab your jacket sleeve while keeping his eyes on the ground. "Listen... this thing you have, did I ever hurt you?" You cocked a brow bemused before recalling Yuhei asking you about your injuries, he mentioned burns... and realized where Dabi was going with this, had he burnt you any given point and not known about it due to you not noticing or not telling him.
 You really wanted to say no... You really did! but accidents happen. "Not on purpose..." He winced hearing this as you continued. "sometimes during sex or when you're in a combat high." You reach up and patted him on the head making him flinch before relaxing into your touch. "If it'll keep you sane I'll tell you if I get hurt when we go on a run." Dabi hummed holding you close to him, needless to say the cremator became a tad more wary and protective of you during and after missions insisting he check your body over any injuries you hadn't noticed before leaving. 
Hawks: "Can you feel that?" a Nurse asks baffled as You let out a bored sigh as she and the doctor reset your left leg. "No." you huffed for the umpteenth time, wanting to leave the damn hospital already! but Keigo insisted you needed the hospital, cos your leg was swollen and turning purple after really, rough fight with a villain who had gotten a hold of you by the leg and toss you off like a rag-doll as a snapped echoed through the battle field!
I didn't take long for you to figure out your femur was broken and you were a sitting duck! until Endeavor and Hawks showed up they beat the villain, then noticed you sitting in the road with your left leg in your hand hanging limply in your grasp like a wet noddle! 
Your lack of impulse reaction caused them to think you'd gone into shock! Keigo quickly gathered you up flew to the nearest hospital! Telling you not panic everything was gonna be fine, you were gonna be alright! If only he knew the whimpering you were making wasn't from crying, but from laughing at him! 
After the docs had reset your leg (with no meds.) and put it in a cast again without any medication, you rolled your wheelchair out into the hall in time to see the doctor telling your fiancée about your one a billion condition! You can see how nervous the blond was he almost seemed skeptical, Hawks asked the doctor if he was overexaggerating a bit? "...I don't think you get it Hawks! this condition so rare that only 40 cases have ever been recorded globally!" you felt your stomach twist... this was definitely not how you wanted Keigo to find out about this. Your original plan had been to sit him down some time next week and tell him about it!
You were brought out of your thoughts by a someone's gaze burning in to your head, you looked up and met Keigo's analyzing gaze as he observed your condition, not in a bed, not hook to an I.V. and certainly not under the influence of any sort of pain medicine... He seemed a little pale as he approached you. "Hey... can we talk?" he asked you nodded as the two of you got on the elevator to the roof. You could feel him still leering at you as you arrived at your stop. 
"So..wha- what are you doing?!" You asked watching Keigo pinching your arm hard! and realized he was trying to invoke a reaction, but it was useless task as all it did was annoy you, this was the first thing people do when they find out about your chromosome 6 deletion, checking and seeing if you were faking it, Keigo felt panic bubble in his belly as he observed your reaction... or rather your lack of reaction. "Keigo..." You yelped suddenly feeling something tickling you under you chin, causing you to squirm and whimper as you tried not to burst out giggling.
You looked and saw the feather necklace Keigo had given you to be the culprit. "St-stop Keigo! stop!" When he heard you laugh, the blond relaxed, when the doc said you couldn't feel pain... he started wondering if your other senses were numb too, *of course that would be dumb!* he thought thinking back on how you react during sex and how you were acting now, pretty told him that everything else running fine. "Why didn't you tell me about this Chromosome thing?" You pretty much explained how you were, well... scared wasn't the right word, as you have no sense of the feeling, it was more like you were nauseous that his reaction would be negative... 
Hawk looked at you wide eyed. "Wait, you...can't feel fear?" He asked curiously you nodded explaining that you lack of pain has pretty much dampened your instinctive sense of self preservation, which why you tend to go on for so long in a fight even when things get dicey... "So that whimpering on the way over." you nodded. "I was trying not to laugh..." You said bluntly Hawks went oh then curiously asked if he had accidently hurt you during intimate moments? 
You were straight with him, he may have gone a little overboard during ruts, but nothing serious. Keigo didn't seem to like this answer. "Hey look at me." you huffed making gold eyes met your [y/ec] eyes. "I know you'd never hurt me on purpose, and if it makes you feel better you can check me over personally and pull me off patrol if you think somethings not right, does that work for you?" you waited as Hawks thought this over before nodding, The next day neither You nor Keigo were prepared for the tabloids headline: #2 Hero Hawks engaged to Bionic woman! You both cringed at the tacky tile!
Bakugou: "Stop you idiot!" Katsuki shouted as he watched you get up after one his explosions had sent you flying and crashing into one of the simulation buildings on the training field, as you looked around bemused as everyone was panicking, Toshinori aka your dad and Aizawa came up to you worried, the black haired teacher used his scarf as a bandage on you profusely bleeding head... which you just noticed. "Get a stretcher!" the teacher ordered.
"I don't need one I can wal-" Bakugou cut you off. "Get on the fucking stretcher Y/n!" You robotically obeyed as the medical team carried you to Recovery-Girl, who just shook her head when she saw you come in, she knows about your condition. "Y/n back again today, I'm started to wonder if you and Midoriya are related?" she teased causing you sweat-drop as Bakugou listened intently, and was very confuse when the old lady said this wasn't your first visit today....
"Oi, what exactly was she talkin' about?" the blonde huffed eyeing you suspiciously and was put off by you lack of reaction over your injuries. It didn't take a doctor to know that the knockback from his explosion should've cracked your skull and may have also broken your back, when you hit that building. "Oh, I had a little fall earlier, nothing to worry about."  you said nonchalantly Your dad who was trying to keep himself from coughing up blood on the other hand spoke up. "I wouldn't call getting hit by a car a "Little fall" Y/n." Katsuki's eyes widened, oh if looks could kill. "YOU WERE HIT BY A CAR AND DIDN'T TELL ME?!" He bellowed as All-might jumped back in shock while You stared at your boyfriend with a blank expression. 
He was frothing at the mouth as you listened to the blond rage like a chihuahua on caffeine, you looked at you dad having a metal conversation with the honey blond skeleton who nodded giving you the okay! you were gonna tell your boyfriend about your condition...With a sigh you calmly reached up and pinched Katsuki's nose between your index and middle finger. "Breath damn you!" you hissed the ash blond stilled and looked at you with annoyance for being interrupted. 
"I get that you're angry... But you need to know something." Katsuki let out an inquisitive growl as you looked at him seriously. "I can't feel any of this... at all." You chortled his red eyes widened as you continued. "I was born with a rare Condition, Chromosome 6 deletion?" You looked at your dad, Toshinori nodded you let go of Bakugou's nose. as your dad continued. " In short Y/n can't feel pain, fatigue or hunger, so naturally she lacks a sense of fear." Recovery girl returned wiped the blood off your forehead, and kissed your cheek a few seconds later your head was healed, Katsuki stayed silent as he absorbed everything you and All-Might had told him the teen was really quiet which worried you.  
Your dad sensed the tension and suggested the two of you go for a walk and talk this out, it was silent as you and Katsuki walked to a different part of the school that was more private, You turned to face you and were met with a fist flying at you! then stopping a few inches from your face, You didn't even flinch just gave him the same impassive expression from earlier. "If that was supposed to get a scream out me of you failed...royally." you hummed as as the blond frowned putting his fist down you can’t feel fear, even Half-n- Half’s eyes twitch when Katsuki psych’s him out!
"Why didn't you say anything anything about this?" he asked voice hoarse from yelling, You hummed trying finds the right words. "Well let's just say back in middle school I had a bad fricken time, kids can be cruel! you hummed not going into details on how others would exploit your medical condition for their own twisted fun. "I was...Scared is not the word, Sick the thought of you reacting the same as them made me feel sick." you were surprise when Katsuki pulled you close resting you head against his chest. "I would never hurt you like those brats did." he huffed wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Don't shut me out like that again," he kisses you nose causing you to blush. "fucking tell me if you think somethings wrong so I don't have to worry about your ass!" he huffed keeping one of his arms around you as you two walked back to class. After that Katsuki was a tad more protective of you often asking where that scratch/bruise came from? and checking to make sure you haven't broken anything during class or missions he was like Toshinori 2.0...
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technowoah · 3 years
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THESEUS - a dsmp story ( DreamSMP x Queen!Reader)
Chapter Summary: Wilbur makes a proposition, Tommy finally gets his fight, warning shots are fired and the bomb that was planted finally went off.
pairing: c!wilbur x queen!reader
an// tbh im not that happy with this one, I hope yall like it! but hopefully Ill like chapter 6 lol
⚠︎ swearing, dsmp spoliers(?), angst, fighting, minor blood mention, not proofread. Y/N/N = your nickname
word count: 5.1k
"Are you sure you want to do this because Tommy is a good fighter!"
"He's also good at being annoying, so you'll die either way."
Currently Tommy and You were by a small lake in L'Manburg facing each other with swords and guns. Fundy and Tubbo were belittling Tommy on the sidelines. Tubbo was trying to convince the both of them not to do this so they wouldn't get hurt badly before the actual war begins. Wilbur was standing in between the two and Eret nervously standing off to the side with Tubbo and Fundy.
When You arrived you explained to the three people who were there, Tubbo, Fundy, and Wilbur, that Tommy and you were going to fight that day. Tubbo and Fundy were not for that idea at all, but Wilbur approved it. After a while of thinking and conversation of course he agreed. 
Eret and Tommy arrived at L'Manburg as well and apparently Tommy already told Eret that he was fighting his wife.
"You know what Eret? I'm gonna fight your wife today! Yeah it'll be a good fight, don't worry I wont hurt her that badly."
Of course Eret did not want this duel to happen and tried to convince Wilbur to not let the two do this to one another. He was concerned about the task and hand yes, but You getting hurt or even worse, killed was not a thing he wanted not needed. Tommy was a loose cannon, he worked on impulse. You were basically fighting a bull while wearing all red.
Wilbur had pulled You aside for the second time this week and started to have a conversation with you again. It was a needed conversation so when Wilbur grabbed her arm.and pulled her away you didn't hesitate this time. As the two talked in the distance you heard Fundy yelling at Tommy about the dangers of fighting You at a time like this. Your mind was all over the place at this point.
"You know how this works?" Wilbur looked at You and Tommy.
"Yes I do"
You knew what was going to happen. They both had 6 bullets in their gun, if they use all of their bullets they can use their swords instead. You were in your head at this moment. Wilbur was explaining how this duel would work to Tubbo, while You contemplated whether to waste youshot by shooting in the sky or aiming at Tommy's foot. you didn't want to hurt him at all, they had a war coming soon so hurting Tommy would not help L'Manburg. Then again, when was helping L'Manburg a part of your mission?
You snapped out of your mind and saw Tommy glaring daggers at her. He looked harmless.
"I am going to beat you." Tommy said in a voice that can be only compared to a robot.
"You wish!" You scoffed and smiled, smiled which made Tommy scoff and look away.
Wilbur spoke over the two, "ALRIGHT! You two will be back to back facing away from each other, then take ten paces. When I say "fire" you two will fire and shoot and fight until one is damaged and cannot battle anymore or until I call a draw. Understand?"
"Yes Wilbur!" Tommy exclaimed.
"Of course." You calmly said.
"Alright" Wilbur agreed and motioned for the two to turn away from each other. 
They had both touched backs and You had taken a huge deep breath. 
The dilemma in your head was still spinning. Whether to shoot him or to shoot into the air. you would be a coward wouldn't you?
"You scared?" Tommy taunted you.
"No. Just getting ready to beat your ass."
"HA! That's not gonna happen. You're all talk." 
"We'll see about that." Wilbur spoke, inserting himself into their conversation.
Wilbur had stepped back towards the group of men who sat and were watching the whole duel. There was tension in the air, they all could feel it. They all thought this was a bad idea, You thought this was a bad idea. What if this tore the whole plan apart will they ever get to-
They both took a step.
Aim to the sky or aim towards Tommy?
Where would you aim?
What would happen if Tommy ended up dead?
Would Dream be happy?
If you aim towards the sky. Tommy might shoot. you would be an open target.
It would be over right? If you aim at the sky?
Up in the air.
How can this end?
The sky? Tommy? Where does the bullet go?
Where do you go?
Tommy's eyes widened and You stood my ground.
"She shot her pistol towards the sky?!" Tubbo shouted.
Wilbur stood there with a smirk and Eret let out a sigh of relief and immediately relaxed. Tommy didn't shoot his gun at all; he looked like a deer caught in the headlights. This was the right way.
"I want you to shoot into the sky." Wilbur had taken you to an uninhabited part of the wall to talk.
Wilbur had sighed and looked over to where Tommy was gloating to Eret about dueling his wife.
He pinched the bridge of his nose, "Tommy is rather impulsive. He does things without thinking or with any concern for consequence. He says things without thinking too, as you've seen firsthand."
You nodded and laughed before Wilbur kept talking.
"I want him to hesitate. I want him to think for once. I know he wants to fight right now, he's riled up because of the battle. I expect him to shoot, but I hope that he won't. He won't." Wilbur seemed to be convincing himself this was a good idea.
"That's reassuring." You replied sarcastically.  
Wilbur rolled his eyes, "I believe he won't kill you nor harm you. At least that's the plan. I care for him. He's a good fighter and he should be able to see his opponent before going all ape shit." 
"I get it. I want to do this, but you said he works on impulse. What if he shoots?" You continued to worry.
"I'm here. And uh- Fundy is great at healing. We have healing potions in the van as well. You will not die on my watch. We need you for the war."
You nodded and continued to stare into Wilbur's brown eyes waiting for another comment from his mouth.
"Do this for me please? For us?"
You opened your mouth to speak, but Wilbur sighed before continuing his statement, 
"You don't have to do this. I should've said that first. I understand that death is scary, believe me I don't want to die either. So I can figure out another way to get to Tommy if you are uncomfortable with this."
This time it wasn't a forced situation. He was literally giving you a huge way out, an open path, but you already agreed to fight before. It wasn't like you were put into this without paths to take. you had options. Now that potions were involved and there are spectators that can act as doctors eased your nerves just slightly. you can do this.
"Or were you planning on shooting Tommy anyways?" 
You looked towards Wilbur and smiled warmly at him and he returned your same smile.
 "I didn't even call it a draw yet Tommy. You can still fight-" 
"It's clear that my opponent doesn't want this. If I did, I would be more of a bad guy than I already am now." Tommy dropped his gun to the green grass underneath his feet. 
You followed suit, dropping your gun onto the grass below you. You walked towards Tommy trying to find the right words at this moment. He had his head hung low looking at the gun that laid in the lush grass in front of him. You had walked towards him and put a hand on his shoulder and he began to tense up at the friendly gesture.
"Tommy, you're not a bad guy. You did the right thing at that moment. You're neutral really, if you would've shot me then yeah you would be considered "the bad guy". But in reality, there is no such thing as good or bad, there are just people with different morals." You whispered that last part and Tommy seemed to reluctantly understand, still sticking to his main idea of him being a bad guy. 
He was really stubborn, which made it harder for you to make him feel better.
"This is what I wanted Tommy! I wanted you to hesitate before you shot her." Wilbur tried to pick his spirits up by revealing his plan.
"you would've been fine. Plus you weren't going to brutally damage or kill Y/N right?"
Tommy stuttered a little bit before speaking, explaining himself.
"No I wasn't! My goal was at least to scare her, or graze you with my bullet." Tommy rushed.
"What if you slipped up and hit Y/N instead?" Tubbo came into the conversation leading Fundy and Eret with him.
"Then I would feel incredibly horrible that I hurt an ally." Tommy said while hanging his head. "I understand, Wilbur, I understand what today's duel was for." Tommy continued.
"To be honest, this was a last minute decision! I talked to Y/N before and we both decided it was a good idea for you. Especially when a war is coming up."
"Mhm. I am okay now. I've learned, and I just hope that I can transfer this into the war." Tommy seemed relieved, but also not wanting to learn his lesson. It was bad to assume, but it sounded like he wanted to get this lecture over with.
Wilbur humed while turning away satisfied with what happened today. He walked towards the HTO van with Fundy following suit leaving Tommy and you standing next to each other still recovering from what just happened. Eret and Tubbo were standing a few feet away from them making small glances to the two making sure they are okay.
"I still hate you." Tommy grumbled.
The five citizens were sitting in the meeting room making potions with the brewing machines or doing their own thing at the moment. Wilbur didn't have anything planned for today except for making many potions for battle. You were helping with potions as well. you were more skilled at potion making than battle. you can hold yourself down and maybe kill someone, but you don't recommend for herself to do that.
"Wow Y/N/N you're making potions so much faster than I am. Teach me your secrets!" Tubbo exclaimed.
"What did you call me?" You asked The boy softly.
"What do you mean? I called you Y/N/N." Tubbo said, confused.
Has Dream ever called you Y/N/N before because it seems like you've never been called that before. Tubbo was still looking quizzically at you waiting for an answer.
"I don't think I've been called Y/N/N before." You answered.
"Y/N might be uncomfortable with that." Wilbur joined into their conversation.
"Oh! I'm sorry! If that made you-"
"I'm okay! You can call me Y/N/N'' You said while waving your hands to dismiss the situation.
"Good! I thought I was being a creep or something." Tubbo laughed.
"Y/N/N HELP ME OUT WITH THESE POTIONS WILL YA?" Tommy shouted from across the room.
"Okay you don't get to call me Y/N/N." 
Tommy huffed, "If my best friend can call you Y/N/N I will too!"
"Okay children settle down." Eret said while looking up from the book he was writing.
There was another pause until Fundy had spoken.
"Today seemed like a good day huh? Even though it isn't over so far, so good eh?" Fundy tried making conversation after writing whatever enchantments in his book.
"Yes it was so far! Very surprising today." Tubbo agreed with Fundy.
"Tommy and You gave me a heart attack today. I wouldn't consider this a good day so far." Eret exhaled jokingly. He seemed in good spirits today.
"I'm sorry I gave my husband a heart attack." You taunted.
"But seriously that scared me. Thank goodness nothing happened to the both of you. I wouldn't know what I would do." Eret continued.
"You would live." You said bluntly, staring at him. 
Eret nodded at you, sending a small smile your way.
"You would've been a good fighter. Have you fought before?" Fundy inquired.
"I have fought before! I've been trained as well, I'm more into the sneaky side of things, and making potions like I am now." You cheerfully explained.
"Sneaky things?" Wilbur asked.
Your eyes widened slightly before maintaining your composure. you forgot that Wilbur was still on youtail. He thinks that You is still suspicious, so of course when you said that he would jump on the opportunity to interrogate her.
"You could be a spy for us! Maybe spy on Dream and George!" Tubbo exclaimed.
Oh the irony.
Wilbur hummed, "Maybe, that would be interesting. We could get information and they wouldn't turn her down."
"It would be too late anyways if they've seen you here so it would be a major red flag if you showed up there trying to join their team." Eret spoke up, still concentrating on writing enchantments with Fundy.
Thank God that Eret was here, You would be stumbling for the right words and then eventually blowing their cover. you had this happen too many times. They are almost to the end you have to pull back.
"True. You're right!" Wilbur agreed. "Plus we've been more productive since you two came back."
Eret and you both nodded in agreement and went back to doing their tasks.
Tubbo and You were standing together on one side of the room making potions and talking to one another until Tubbo made a quiet gasp. 
You looked at him and followed his line of gaze until you saw them again. It was Sapnap and Dream on the top of the new, enlarged L'Manburg walls. Dream pulled back his hand and whipped something toward the van. It looked metal and shiny as it bounced harshly in the grass. 
Sapnap then pulled out a bow and arrow and Dream had set it on fire. Sapnap launched the arrow into the walls and it landed by the machine that Dream had thrown. The grass around the arrow caught on fire as well, not making a huge fire but enough to scare the two.
"WILBUR! You have a gift!" Tubbo said as he rushed out of the van and You watched carefully through the window so the two wouldn't do anything to the boy.
"Where did he go?!" Wilbur yelled.
"He went outside to grab the metal thing Dream and Sapnap threw." You said keeping an eye on Tubbo as he came back into the van.
Wilbur rushed towards the window where Aryia was stationed and looked towards the top of the wall where Dream and Sapnap were. Dream took one last final glance at the two in the window then turned away to jump down the wall with Sapnap following suit.
"Guys you might want to take a look at this." Tubbo said while placing the metal thing, which was an old answering machine, on the table.
Wilbur sighed, clearly exhausted with everything that had been going on. He sat down on the edge of the table. Tubbo pressed play on the machine and the recording started.
"Tommy, and Wilbur, and the rest of L'Man-child-burg. We are at war. There is no mercy. We have burned down Tubbo's house, we have planted TNT cannons around your land, we have cobblestone walled the outside, we have shot one warning shot inside your walls. WE HAVE NO MERCY, NO MERCY FOR YOU! We will burn down your houses! We will kill everything inside your walls and we will take back the land that is rightfully ours. If you do not surrender I WANT TO SEE WHITE FLAGS! WHITE FLAGS OUTSIDE YOUR BASE BY TOMORROW AT DAWN, OR YOU ARE DEAD!"
There was a long beep until Tubbo shut off the recorded message. Everyone was silent looking at each other for the next move. Everyone either had a face of anger or one of concern. Eventually everyone turned to Wilbur who had his head down, his hair slightly covering his eyes in a thinking pose. We were waiting for a response from the leader, but it didn't seem like anyone had a response to this situation.
"Hey lets just-"
"Grab me a book and a pen" Wilbur spoke.
It's been about an hour since we last received the message. The sun has gone down and they are all still sitting around the meeting table. 
"What do we get? What's the report?" Wilbur asked.
Tommy started, "Okay so here's the situation, the ‘Dream boys' they're on the roof, they've already killed me and Tubbo once, they feel like they got their power. Their egos are up-" 
"They've taken it all." Tubbo added.
"I don't know man, what do you think we've got to do now? Ultimately you're the leader here." Tommy asked the older man.
Wilbur paused before speaking, "I think, the element of surprise is needed. We can't go in just guns blazing."
"My son, how are you doing?" Wilbur asked Fundy.
Fundy stuttered before speaking, "I could've been better."
Wilbur smiled then opened the book he had been writing in for the past hour.
"Before we go into battle though-
"WORDS OVER WEAPONS MY FRIEND!" Tommy interrupted Wilbur
"My gents and m'lady, may I read you the Declaration of Independence?" 
Wilbur had started to read through the Declaration complementing the writers who wrote lines in the book. He began reading the main parts of the book.
"When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for-"
"Wilbur" Tommy interrupted Wilbur again
"Yes what, what?" Wilbur asked annoyed
"They're surrounding us, Wilbur." 
Tommy stood up looking out of the window at the many fiery arrows making their way towards the van and making the grass around the van catch on small fires.
From inside the van it looked like rain from hell. All the fears you once had came flooding back into your mind. you put herself right in front of the greatest fighters, and assassins in the kingdom and you might not make it out alive. 
Wilbur started to head out of the door trying to face his opponents. They all were putting themselves out there exiting the van as fast as they could like a huge target. Speaking of target, an arrow shot by Sapnap landed too close for comfort next  to Wilbur. He seemed un phased at this.  
"They're not the best shot." Wilbur turned his back on the archers and stood in the doorway to the group inside.
Wilbur began to yell at the archers, "Gentlemen how are you!?" 
"Good!" Dream replied bluntly.
Surprisingly they could hear both of each other. 
"Do you like the view of our nation!?" Wilbur asked as he smirked.
"Oh God!" Tubbo exclaimed, worried because of the taunting Wilbur was doing.
"We might be a little out gunned here gentlemen." Eret said softly to the others while placing a hand on your shoulder in a comforting way.
"I thought this was a trailer park!" Dream shouted back. 
"Very funny, listen. It seems like you've gained the upper hand in people! We will meet you in the field, but on our own terms!" Wilbur concluded.
"YEAH!" Tommy shouted at the archers hyping Wilbur up.
The rest laughed at Tommy's antics trying to keep it together.
"Please stop making things worse!" Tubbo laughed.
Another arrow was shot at Wilbur's feet. He was clearly stunned by this, turning to the rest of the L'Manburgians he spoke to them.
"We armor up gents." Wilbur said, walking away.
Just as he walked away Tommy followed Wilbur outside of the van and then an arrow was shot into Tommy's bicep by George. Tommy yelled in anger and in pain, and the rest followed suit yelling in shock. Tommy clutched the arm that the arrow had found its way into, he tried to keep it together as he fell to his knees. You rushed to Tommy's side trying to take the arrow out carefully and heal him. He kept on shielding his arm away from you and kept babbling incoherent nonsense about “leaving him alone” too.
"It's okay! I'm fine! I'm fine! Don't worry!" Tommy kept shouting.
"You're not fine Tommy, let me help!" You yelled and he finally succumbed to you.
You slowly pulled out the arrow and used bandages that Eret had rushed to give you to wrap around his arm carefully. Throughout this whole process Tommy had a face of discomfort and pain until you had successfully bandaged his upper arm so no blood would seep through. Later on you would have to tend to his wounds more delicately.
"Just stay inside!" Fundy yelled in a hurried tone and was angry at the fact someone had already gotten hurt.
This would've been the outcome of the duel if you hadn't followed Wilbur's orders. Either way he would've been injured. Of course they would go for Tommy. Wilbur's right hand man. It was bound to happen. 
You and the rest of the men were clad in netherite or diamond armor and they surrounded Wilbur waiting for another order.
"Tommy I'm putting you in charge of this army." Wilbur said.
Your eyes widened. Didn't Wilbur just say he acted on impulse. This was a bad idea. you were going to die at the hands of the people who gave this opportunity to you.
Wilbur continued, "No matter what happens during this war, no matter who wins and who loses. Just remember that we're on the right side of history."
You have heard that before. What side of history was you on? They have rubbed off on you of course, but with different morals coming from both sides, whose morals do you fit with? If you die, will you be painted in the wrong manner? Are you on the right side as you stand with Eret and Fundy in L'Manburg? Is there even a right side?
"Up the walls we go!" Tommy exclaimed as the group climbed the ladder over the walls.
Your heart was pounding as Tommy led the way towards their next destination. This was going to be very interesting.
Tommy led us to the destination where the other warriors were on top of a small tower looking down on the L'Manburgians.
"God- whatever we do, don't go up the tower." Tubbo exhaled. 
"We have to get them down to our level. We have to get them to come down on their own accord." Wilbur commanded.
"Those bastards." Tommy said as an arrow made of fire was shot precisely onto the ground.
The floor began to rumble as the ground cracked and smoke began to rise beneath you revealing the red, fiery TNT that blew up from beneath them breaking the very ground and dirt they stood on making everyone lose their balance. Everyone started screaming, scrambling to get away from the constant chain of TNT slipping and falling on the debris, and the crevices that formed. You had started to run faster,and faster, sometimes you fell to your knees because of the ground shaking and breaking underneath you. You couldn’t look back but you heard screaming and you could only hope and pray no one fell into the big canyon the TNT made behind you. Your mind was not catching up your feet as you blindly followed Tommy into his own home, cutting around the whole kingdom. The rest followed close behind making their way into the house. 
Their clothes were tattered and dirty, singes from the fire were on their war uniforms and armor. As they scrambled for safety the arrows kept coming, hitting the house and the ground outside of it. You felt like this was it for you, your first friends, your enemies shooting arrows of fire at you through your so-called enemies house. You had to stay alive though, keep up the act, but right now you didn't really have to keep an act up because you were actually scared for your life.
The grass in front of Tommy's house was burning while the men gave Tommy all of their arrows. Wilbur commanded them to hail them with arrows. Arrows began burning through the walls breaking into their safe haven. To escape this situation Wibur had told all of them to scatter and make it harder for the archers to shoot them. They all did just that, playing on the defensive dodging the arrows that were hurled towards their way. 
Eventually the archers jumped off of the tower retreating towards a nearby river. The L'Manburgians currently had the high ground and You started shooting with arrows purposefully missing so you wouldn't hurt them.
"They are heading to Ponk's tower!" Tommy shouted.
You looked up to one of the highest towers in the kingdom. Damn.
"In that case we need to start heading towards Ponk's tower!" Tubbo yelled, ceasing his arrows trying to get the rest of them to follow his lead.
The men followed Tommy through his shortcuts to get to the base of Ponk's tower faster. Fundy went forward shooting at the others at the base of the tower. You, Eret, Tommy and Tubbo followed Fundy and started shooting and dodging as well. 
For now they have retreated towards the walls of L'Manburg hiding slightly below the top. Wilbur was there at first then the rest of the groups followed. The arrows couldn't reach them and the boys cheerfully pointed that fact out. Soon they had started slowly retreating as the sun went down in the distance. You sighed and cheered with the rest of the men that they finally stopped fire. Your heart still beating fast you looked behind you towards Eret sending each other a knowing glance.
The rest were cheering and complimenting each other until Eret spoke up.
"Gentlemen, I think we need to go back to our home." Eret said.
"I think you're right, Eret." Tommy agreed happily.
They made their way back to L'Manburg into the night with Tommy leading them for the last time tonight. Tommy and Wilbur were playfully bickering through the whole walk back to L'Manburg. It was a fun time filled with laughter and it was much needed after that whole war. Even though they all were beaten and tattered with burn marks and scratches, they kept smiling. It's crazy to think about.
The fun ended for you as they reached their destination. The extended walls of L'Manburg were in their sights and your heart rate picked up even more than it had before. This is the end. 
"Gentlemen in L'Manburg I have a secret weapon." Eret says, sparking a new conversation.
"What is it?" You asked playing dumb. 
"What is it?" Wilbur asked asked as well
"A secret weapon!?" Tubbo exclaimed.
"I feel like Eret is just going to pull out a giant missile." Fundy joked around and your breath hitched. If only they knew.
"But seriously, what do you mean you got a secret weapon?" Tommy spoke fast.
"I've been grinding for equipment, I've been grinding materials." Eret said not to give it away.
"Show us please!" Tommy exclaimed as they all entered L'Manburg once more today.
You joined in as well, "I haven't seen any of this show us Eret!"
You hated lying to them.
"This is the final control room for you too!" Dream yelled with excitement showing the beautiful dark room. 
The chests were empty, there was a button on top of a podium, and there was a secret room where Dream and the rest would be hiding after the war. The plan was simple enough on paper. The two countries would fight until sun down and then Eret would lead the L'Manburgians to the final control room where he would press the button and then The citizens of L'Manburg would be killed and a life would be taken from them.
Dream has taught You about the life limit. Everyone in the kingdom had three lives and if all three lives were taken, there is no coming back. you felt weary taking away someone's life.
"This is where the battle will end." Dream said calmly
Currently it was just Eret and You with Dream. Dream kept explaining the mechanics of the room while they both listened. You kept slipping in and out of your mind at the moment.
This would be the end, he said. It will all come to an end and you will finally find your place in the huge kingdom. you can finally have closure. It will all come to an end.
"You two are on the right side of history, don't worry. Cause if you do this you'll be doing the kingdom a huge favor."
"This way." Eret led the group into the final control room.
The men were astonished about the huge tunnel entrance to the room. They continue to rush down the tunnel to catch up to Eret.
"I'm excited to show you!" Eret cheerfully said as he walked. "They will never suspect a thing!" 
They all ended up in the final control room. You made sure to stand next to Eret making sure that they stayed together. you knew where to leave and when the button was pressed but you had a few minutes to play it off.
"This is so cool!"
"What is this place?!"
"There's nothing in the chests." Wilbur said bluntly, as he turned to us still crouching because he opened the chests.
"Eret?" Tubbo asked.
Eret pressed the button and then the wall behind Wilbur opened and revealed Dream, Sapnap, George and Punz. The men started to scream in shock. They were getting attacked. Blood was being spilled and fire was burning down the whole final control room. Eret grabbed your hand pulling you to a secret wall, opening it to reveal stairs that led out of the final control room trying to protect you from getting hurt.
The L'Manburgians fought anyone they saw, but the others knew who specifically to kill. As the L'Manburgians fought for their lives you heard Wilbur yell out over all of the chaos.
Were you a traitor? Yes you were. They died. The fire around their bodies began to calm as their murders stood over their bodies breathing heavily. There was an orange and purple tint to the room. It looked unreal. This was it. Their bodies began to glow a light blue color and disintegrate showing that one of their lives was taken that day. This was the closure you wanted, but why did it feel like an unfinished symphony? Like it reached the climax of the song then ended.
It's over
Eret saluted to their disintegrating bodies and you followed suit.
"Down with the revolution boys! It was never meant to be."
Wilbur's POV
"Eret how could you?" We sat on the burnt grass of L'Manburg waiting for one another to show up from being killed. 
This was what I suspected from the beginning. Sadly this is what I suspected from the beginning.
"Hey where's Y/N?!" Tubbo whipped his head frantically looking for her.
"They were a traitor as well." Fundy said sadly.
Tommy and Eret were facing each other. Tommy in L'Manburg's walls and Eret standing a few feet outside of them. It was a beautiful picture at this moment, very symbolic. 
Tubbo was talking to Eret in a distraught voice before Tommy had interrupted him. "Eret listen to me! And I mean this in the nicest way possible. You fucked up." Tommy said harshly to Eret.
Eret only smirked at this like the madman he is and spoke around him, "farewell gentlemen." And he left us in our ruins.
I had such high hopes for the two of them. Especially Y/N. I knew they were trying to find their home, their place in this huge world. Maybe they'll find it with Dream. That's not what I would've wanted, but they might want to stay there. they'll be back, they'll find their home soon.
"We'll meet again. I know you."
taglist: @hi-imuwu​
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violetnotez · 3 years
Hi!! How are you? Idk if you've done this one before but, how would bakugou react to a s/o who actually finds him cute when he gets angry and starts insulting everyone? Like, they laugh and coo when he does that. How would he react to them? Thanks!!
Omg I love this so much 😂😂😂 cause Ive always found it so funny and jerrdlg endearing that Bakugo is so unnecessarily aggressive all the time 💀 could you imagine this buys blood pressure, like holy crao the doctors oribabky get a heart attack from how high it is 💀
Honestly, I think Bakugo at first would find it annoying and frustrating.
He doesn’t believe in feelings. Feelings are stupid, feels are dumb, feelings make people mushy and loose track of their goals. Sure, he may have started to loosen up *slightly compared to his first year at UA, but there is no way in hell is he loosing sight of his goal of being the Number One Hero. He was determined that nothing would get in the way of that-he had fought so hard and for so long , always thinking he could do better, do more, try a little harder-he wasn’t about to let his concentration falter for a second just for stupid ass crush.
But if only it were that easy. For some reason, his stupid heart had begun to beat feverishly when you were around, possessive jealousy always overtaking him when you hung out with someone other than him, his hands got clammy, and his mouth got dry...it was so annoying that he had somehow started to like you so much.
And he couldn’t accept it at first-all this time he had built himself to be an impenetrable wall, no one able to penetrate his heart or even attempt to chip at the border he had created around it. Yet you hadn’t even tried, your mere presence enough to shatter the barricade. He was going soft because of you, and a small part of him was bitter towards you because of it.
He knew it was a shitty move to do, especially since you were clueless about the whole situation, but his frustration turned into anger towards you. He would snarikly make comments towards you, hoping that his harsh demeanor would send you away.
But for some reason, you seemed to not mind it-hell, he thought at this point you actually enjoyed it. He could call you every name in the book-stupid, dumbass, Baka-and you wouldn’t bat an eye. You would laugh, smile, taunt him with your pretty looks and twinkling eyes as you quipped a comeback to him.
God, why couldn’t you just go like a nice guy?
He saw how half the boys of Class 1-A saw you, he wasn’t stupid. A lot of the guys thought you were nice, pretty, fun to be around...you were just so cheerful, always having a encouraging thing to say or a funny story to tell. It was so fucking impossible to not like you that it was irritating.
Yet here you were, bothering him, making it worse to go back to his usual self...all he could hear was the way you giggled when he blew up, your adorable little noises starkly opposite to his feral shouts. You would shake your head, cheeks round and full from smiling, sometimes his name spilling out of your lips as if he was amusing to you.
All it would do was make him even more agitated when you got like that-caused what the hell, him being a dick was supposed to make you get away from him not bring you closer? His voice would get more harsh, teeth grinding together like a wolf’s, vermillion eyes turning icy cold.
But all you did was laugh, throwing insults back at him as it was all fun and games.
“Who the hell you laughing at Baka, ha?!” hed snarl out, his voice booming like lightning.
Any sane person would shudder at the sound of his voice, yet you just continued to smile, eyes crinkling at the corners from your amusement.
“Ahh Cmon ‘Katsu, don’t be the like that!” You giggled yet again, “you’re too pretty to be making faces like that.”
“I’m not pretty you dumbass, you are-“
Oh shit. Oh fuck. Oh fuck fuck fuck. Did he really just say that?
If Bakugo could kick himself right now, he would. How dumb can he be? Now he couldn’t even keep his own damn thoughts to himself-just another stupid ass thing you do to his brain. Great.
Maybe you didn’t hear him?
Bakugo instantly turned to look at you, lips pursed to the side like a pouting child and ears tinged a bright red. That sickening feeling settled in his stomach as you looked at him with a smirk, eyes glinting with a dangerous glint, as if you just got the best blackmail over someone.
Well fucking great.
“Wait I mean-“
Bakugo instantly tried to take back his words, his words guttural and strained, teeth baring together as his chest heaved with frustration. He looked wild like a crazed animal, yet you were calm and collected, your smile as bright as ever.
“Aww you think I’m pretty??” You cooed, leaning forward on your toes to peer up at the blushing blonde.
He scoffed through his tight jaw, piercing red eyes looking up and to the side in embarrassment.
“Shut up-“
You inhaled in awe, eyelashes batting with complete amazement. It wasn’t even the fact he hadn’t denied his slip up, but that he actually complimented you that had you so in shock.
You seemed so unfazed by it, not even a blush on your cheeks or stutter in your lips. He was damn mess and you weren’t-and that irked him to his core
“Whoa so you do think I’m pretty!” you said again, a little too loud for his liking.
It was already bad enough you weren’t forgetting about it-all he needed were for some damn idiots to hear you.
“Shut your damn mouth-“ he warned, voice dangerously low as he looked around in desperation, trying to make sure nobody could hear your loud mouth.
“Damn, that’s a huge compliment coming from you-“
“I said Shut THE HELL UP-“
“What’s next, your gonna tell me you have a crush on me or something-“
You simply chuckled, a shit eating grin on your face as you taunted him, obviously loving how flustered he was getting.
“Damn Katsu’, first you say I’m pretty and now you wanna do the dirty with me? A dinner would be nice first-“
It took him a second to understand what you meant, until it dawned on him..... fuck-you....
Ugh-god, you fucking sucked.
He scrunched up his eyebrows, eyes wide with embarrassment and cheeks a dangerous shade of red.
He shouted out, hands balled on each side of his school trousers. You couldn’t be any more frustrating-why did you always have to be one step ahead of him? How could you always be so calm and collected, so unfazed?
He couldn’t handle this anymore, his heart ramming in his chest as he turned on heel, stomping away with the grumpiest look on his face.
All you did was simply laugh, the sound so cheerful and bright against his ears.
“Damn idiot,” he thought, his cheeks full and red like cherries, his heart beating a thousand miles a minute “the hell you gotta be so damn annoying-“
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thran-duils · 3 years
Lost in Zero Gravity (P.22)
Title: Lost In Zero Gravity (Part Twenty Two) Summary:  Fem!Reader x Mob Boss!Tony Stark x Mob Boss!Steve Rogers.  Reader is a call girl who runs high end parties. She catches the attention of Tony Stark who invites her back to his room with his friend. She might have performed too well because she becomes their new favorite play toy and they don’t like to share. Words: 2,519 Warnings (for the fic in entirety): Smut, prostitution, infidelity, angst, domestic violence, stalking, possessive behavior, drug use
Part Twenty One || Part Twenty Three || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
Sullen, you walked out of the bathroom. Luna had started scratching, luring you out of the bathroom, and she bolted in past you towards her litter box. You had been in the bathroom for almost a half hour, crying over the test you had been clenching in your hands. You had eventually tossed it into the waste bin, closing the lid so you did not have to look at it anymore. But it did not erase the fact you knew you were pregnant.
The apartment was quiet and you wondered if you were alone but coming out of the hall, you saw the balcony door was open, the curtains moving gently in the breeze. Tony was sitting out on the balcony in one of the new patio chairs that had been bought for the new space. He heard you shuffle in and turned his head. His hand was gripping the short glass tightly — almost empty of the amber liquid. The bottle was sitting next to him on the small table.
You stopped in the doorframe and his eyes ran over you, remorse in his expression.
“I’d offer you some but...” Tony said, stiffly holding his glass up briefly, trying to joke but it fell flat under the weight of the situation.
Tossing your hands out defeated, you asked tearfully, “How… why would he…”
“What do you want to do?” Tony asked, sincerely.
He sounded genuine, like he meant it that he wanted your opinion. The first time he had ever asked you to have control over a choice had to be this.
“I don’t know,” you told him, sniffling. Wiping at your eyes, you asked, “Have you spoken to him?”
Tony let out a wry laugh and said, “’Spoken’ would be a very loose term.” He saw you were looking at him expectantly and he offered, “I saw him last week. The same day you got moved. We fought. Badly. I actually suited up.” Your eyes widened. “I can’t take him hand to hand without it. I provoked him though so what else should I have expected?”
“What do you mean ‘provoked’?”
“I was furious about what he’d done and I made some snide remark about how he never seems to be able to be sure he’s the dad. It was… warranted but it wasn’t helpful. In hindsight, I mean.”
“So, you haven’t told him that I’m pregnant. That’s what I’m asking.”
“No,” Tony said quickly, his eyes stern, locked with yours. “No. I am not going to do that. You think he’s been bad? If he found out that, I don’t want to think about what lengths he would go to. I can tell you exactly what I think you should do and that’s making an appointment, terminating, and not telling him about it at all. But… what do you want?”
He watched you intently and you finally said, “I need some time.”
It looked like that was not what he wanted to hear but he said nothing, just taking another drink, finishing off his scotch. His phone buzzed and he looked over lazily. He rolled his eyes and opened up the bottle again.
Knowing the answer before you even asked, “Steve?”
“Mhmm,” Tony answered, pouring himself another small glass. He twisted the cap back on and picked up his glass. “He must have visited the apartment and realized you’re not there. I’m surprised he waited a whole week with how angry he was when I saw him last.”
“I suppose I should just go turn my phone off because I don’t want him blowing me up,” you muttered, turning and walking back into the apartment.
You had taken the day to figure out what you thought was best and even if it still felt a little rash, you felt confident that you could get the upper hand. Closing the bedroom door, you went and sat on the edge of your bed. Tony was working on his laptop in the kitchen with his headphones in. There was little risk he was going to overhear the conversation you were about to have.
“Where are you?” Steve answered tightly.
“Good morning to you too,” you replied coolly. “I think you know why I’m calling.”
“I have an idea. Look, Y/N. I can get that you feel a little shook up by what happened but—"
You interjected forcibly, “Why did you do it?”
He hated being interrupted, especially by you. And you heard it in his rigid tone, “Do what? Take you on the mission? Not tell you beforehand. You’re going to have to be clearer.”
At least he was aware he had fucked up multiple times. But he was not talking about his most egregious fault to date.
“My birth control. Why do you want me pregnant?”
It was quiet for a beat before Steve let out a scornful laugh. “Ah. So, Tony did say something. Bastard couldn’t keep it to himself.”
“Well, it does involve him pretty intimately!” you snapped. “You didn’t just fuck me over, you could have fucked him over too.”
Steve sounded a little breathless when he asked, “Are you...”
You detected an uptick in his voice; he sounded hopeful. And you wanted to sock him for it.
Not answering him directly, you inquired, “What if it’s yours? What then?” You could hear him breathing and you pressed when he did not answer quick enough, “What then, Steve?”
“If it’s mine and my wife’s isn’t mine, then I want it. I want my child.”
That is what you thought he was going to say and you played your card, “What do I get?”
Chuckling, Steve asked, “Bargaining, are you?”
“Seems I have the power to do so potentially. So, if it’s yours and you want it, I want you to buy me out. I don’t want to owe you anymore.”
“You talk to Tony about that?”
“I mean half Steve. The half you have invested. Don’t worry about Tony and I.”
“You still want to be with him,” Steve mused. He sounded dejected; you had wounded his ego and that was apparent. But what else did he expect with how he had treated you?
“Do you agree?” you asked ignoring what he said.
It sounded like it took everything in him to say the words; like he said it through gritted teeth. “Fine. I’ll pay you out.”
“And if it isn’t yours? Tony doesn’t want another kid. And I can’t get tested until nine weeks for paternity and it takes ten to fourteen days to get results. I would need an appointment made shortly after. To terminate, I mean.”
Steve was quick to answer, sounding sour. “Tony’s got connections.”
“You’ve got connections. This is your mess.” Steve was silent and you pressed, “I’m only going to agree if you agree to pay me out either way it lands. You owe me that. You betrayed me—“
Steve started to laugh, scornfully saying, “Betrayed. Do you hear your—“
You cut in forcibly, having a lot bigger confidence being on the phone and not having him tower over you, although you were shaking from nervousness still, “And you guarantee an appointment for termination if it’s Tony’s and not yours.”
“You might not even have to wait for the 9 weeks,” Steve said. “My wifes got an appointment in three days. I can order a test for her. If it’s mine, then you’re off the hook.”
‘Off the hook’, you thought to yourself angrily. Like it was a light thing you were discussing.
“If it’s yours, Steve, and I go through with this, I want it in writing. Legal. All of it.” You made yourself sound as threatening as you could.
“Man, you are learning very quickly. It’s impressive really. Where do you want me to send the document to?”
He was trying to be clever and figure out where you were. Get you to slip up in your emotions.
“Nice try. Tony doesn’t even know I’m calling you.”
“Hmm. He wants to keep you hidden away then. Classic Tony. He doesn’t like sharing; he was a spoiled, only child.”
“Or maybe he’s pissed at how you treated me,” you snapped, annoyed he was acting like Tony had done what he had out of left field.
“Right. Ticked off protective daddy. What do you think his endgame is? With you, I mean, dove.” The nickname made your skin crawl now. “Do you think he’s going to continuing pampering you? Forever? Tony gets bored quickly.”
You were not here to play mind games with him, and you were not going to rise to his bait. You were fighting one battle at a time, and he was yours right now.
“Look, I’ll talk to him,” you said, wanting to end the conversation. “You can give it to him at the facility.”
“Cause him and I seeing each other went so well last time,” Steve chuckled, and you knew he was referring to what Tony had told you about their physical altercation. “Fine. Work your magic on him. I doubt he’ll tell you no though cause he can’t deny you anything.” You gritted your teeth at his bitter tone. Steve tried another angle, “You really won’t even meet me in public?”
“No. One, because I know you’ll probably try to follow me and secondly, I don’t want to see you. Not after what you did at the docks and now this.”
Steve exhaled sharply and his tone made your skin crawl with apprehension at its ferociousness, “If you are carrying my child, Y/N, you need to see me. I will be around. I want—“
“You’ll want what? To have access to me?”
“You’re damn right. To check in.”
“I can take care of myself,” you said, fighting to keep your voice even.
“I don’t trust that!” Steve snapped. “You – or fucking Tony – won’t keep me away entirely. I won’t stand for it. I’ll be at the doctor appointments. I won’t budge on that, Y/N. I deserve to be there.”
You bit your cheeks, your mind racing. You had not anticipated him wanting to be around like that. You thought you could go through the pregnancy and give him the child at the end. It seemed he was not going to make it that easy.
“Fine. If it’s yours. Doctor appointments. But that’s it.”
“Good. Glad you fucking understand. I’ll be in touch,” Steve said tersely before hanging up without saying goodbye.
Steve was fuming when he hung the phone up. She was getting mouthy, and he hated she was dangling it over his head like she was. He had planted the idea though, her paying off her debt. She had found a way to get him by the balls and he had to play the game.
He let out a shout, kicking the waste basket by his desk, sending it careening into the wall.
Chewing your salad, you shot a look at Tony across the table. He was eating while he was working on a hologram. You had gotten off the phone with Steve and hour ago and made up a chicken salad for the pair of you. You had been quiet while Tony worked – he had a problem of stepping away when he was set on something – but you needed to confess because you needed him for this to work out.
You swallowed your bite and said bluntly, “I spoke with Steve.”
Tony stopped chewing and snapped his gaze up to you. He asked with a full mouth, “Excuse me?”
Twirling your fork around, you admitted, “I called him. He wasn’t here at the apartment. Obviously. You were here. You would have known if he was.”
He swallowed his food now, tossing his fork into the bowl, and then demanded, “Why?” He actually turned off the hologram. Apparently you could pry his attention away with the right motivator.
You met his eyes and said, “I wanted to hear it from him. Why he did it. And he told me...” you paused before saying, “And I wanted to know what my stakes are.”
“Yeah. Like what if it is his? What happens? And what do I get for carrying it for him?”
Tony’s expression pulled a 180 from confused to irritated. “Y/N, you can’t think—“
“I can think, actually,” you cut in harshly. “Very well too sometimes. He’s gonna pay me out of his half of the contract he said if I carry to term. Regardless of if it’s his. If it’s yours, he’s gonna set up an appointment to terminate. I’ll be free of him either way.”
“Free of him...”
“I don’t want him touching me ever again.”
Tony relaxed if only for a second at your admission, but the moment was brief. Exasperated, he argued, “I fully heartedly understand that, love. Believe me, I do. But... you can’t expect him to keep his word. He wouldn’t do it for me and —"
“He will keep his word, but I need your help. He is going to get a legal document done up about it. All the terms, if it is his.” Tony looked shocked. “I would.... really appreciate it if you would grab it from him and also make sure it’s legit. I don’t want loopholes.”
Tony ground his teeth, looking pensive. “I’m gonna regret this.”
“And the paternity test you ordered,” the doctor said, finishing listing off the things they would be going through during the appointment.
Cecile’s head snapped to Steve, who looked unperturbed. As he should since he had called the office himself to add it to the appointment. She was unnerved. “Paternity... Steve, you said you were waiting until after the baby is born!”
“I want it done now,” he returned dryly, meeting her eyes. She opened her mouth to protest, and he told her sharply. “This isn’t a discussion, Cecile.”
Cecile reluctantly closed her mouth, and the doctor went on, acting as if nothing had happened — he was on Steve’s payroll after all —, “It takes ten to fourteen days for results, Mr. Rogers. But I’ll make sure it’s done in ten for you.”
“I’m aware. And thank you for that,” Steve responded. He tossed a look at Cecile, finding her looking down at her stomach, gripping it possessively. He felt sick satisfaction seeing the worry etched in her features. He loved her so damn much and for the first time in a while, he felt like he had control over her again.
You were sitting in one of the patio chairs, sunglasses on, relaxing in the early spring weather. It was still chilly, so you had a sweater on, but you were content.
Your phone drug you from your thoughts and you turned your head to look over at the small table beside your chair. Your stomach clenched seeing that Steve was calling. This was it. You shot a look back inside, seeing Tony snoozing on the couch with Luna. You got up quickly and closed the patio door before answering the phone with a quick hello.
“It’s not mine,” Steve greeted you.
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21 @undecidedsworld
Fic tags: @icant-hangout-imdrumming @oceaniamaddness @multifandom-superlover @imsonick @holl2712 @here4thefanfics @agustdowney @fanofalltheficsx @buttercandy16 @last-saturday-night @woohoney
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maybebanks · 4 years
Hurting - part 4
link to part 1
link to part 2
link to part 3
jj maybank x reader
Previously: JJ and Y/n’s relationship is tested after the mental and physical difficulties of Y/n’s secret. She’s been an expert at hiding them, but now, he knows, and she has to face all her demons, and letting JJ think bruises are hickies is what she decided to do, to avoid the truth.
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You didn’t need to get a job, because you were a ‘kook’ now. So what were you going to do with your summer? It had to be out of the house. And it couldn’t be with your best friends, the pogues.
You brushed the setting powder over your neck and jawline. Taking a deep breath before heading downstairs for breakfast.
You couldn’t face your mom, you were just going to grab some food and leave.
“Honey,” you heard a deep voice say.
You jumped and turned around, “um, yes sir,” you frowned, looking down at the ground.
“You’re mother took an early flight and I’m having a meeting here, so you need to stay in your room today,” your step father stated.
“W-wait, mom’s gone?” Your voice was shakey. You didn’t even get to explain the whole JJ situation.
“Yes.” He said impatiently, “look, doll, I don’t have time for you right now! My associate will be here any minute and if he sees you, we will have a problem,”
You didn’t understand, but you listened.
“Can-can I just get my bag? It’s in the front..um room,” you asked, meekly.
“Damnit you idiot!” He shouts, his fists clenching. You squinted your eyes on instinct, knowing he wants to punch you, knowing you were seconds away from pain.
The doorbell rang.
“Fuck. Get the hell out of my face,” he shoved you aggressively, then left your sight to get the door.
You stumbled, landing on the stairs, on your side. Cursing on impact.
You quickly got up, grabbed your bathing suit and ran out the door. Deciding to escape to the beach.
You put on your navy blue string bikini and quickly dove into the waves. It was weird because the last time you were here, you were with JJ.
He’s always been so sweet to you and you never knew why. Your first day on the island, when no one would talk to you, he came up to you. And being the established, well-liked person that he is, others followed.
You were very shy at first, and JJ didn’t know the real you until about a month in. But he didn’t give up, he was perfect.
You came up for air again. The salt not stinging your eyes.
Friendship. You’ve never had anything close to it until you met JJ.
But it’s too late. He’s gonna stop trying after what you’ve done, after what you’ve let him think you’ve done.
“You cheat on me?”
“Answer me.”
“JJ...I think you should go,”
In your head it was the right decision. But in your heart? You’d die without him.
“Hey! Catch any good waves?!” Someone shouted from the shore.
You turned around from wading on your surf board. Waving to the boy at the shore.
A head of shaggy, long-ish brown haired boy seemed cheery. He threw off his button up and jumped into the waves.
You sighed, you were going to have to talk to this stranger. You almost didn’t have the energy.
“Why haven’t you been...around?” John B asks. You were surprisingly comfortable around him. He was your friend, you just didn’t notice at first.
“Just some...family stuff going on,” you shrugged.
“Ohh right. JJ told us!” He remembered.
“He-he what?” You stutter, afraid of what he might know.
“Yeah, he said your mom was coming home and she hasn’t in a while. That’s really all he said,” John B shrugged, flipping his hair after.
You felt like crying. Your mom wasn’t coming home, she was visiting for less than 12 hours.
“Hey...what happened to your leg?” He asked, swimming closer to you.
“Nothing, haha don’t uh..worry about me. How are..how are you?” You changed the subject.
“Well...oh shit! Did I tell you! I fucked uppp bro! I kissed Kie-“
“You did?!”
“Yeah! And she totally rejected me,” John B admitted.
“Did she like swerve? Or like push you?” You asked, curious about a normal thing for once.
“Nah, we kissed and then she pulled away, and said the no pogue on pogue macking rule. Fuckin JJ found a loophole with that,” he joked.
“A loophole?” You questioned.
“Yeah. Because you’re technically a kook,” John B shrugged.
“I guess,” you sighed.
“Hey, wanna get out of here? The waves are shit,” John B asked.
“Yeah.” You sighed, finally feeling calm for the first time in a while. Afterall it was a good distraction from JJ and everything else.
You and John B swam to shore and you threw a hoodie over your head.
“How good does the Wreck sound right now?” John B chuckled.
“So good,” you laughed, imagining shoving fries in ur mouth right now at the best restaurant in the Outer banks.
When you arrived at the restaurant, John B held the door open for you. He wanted to see you smile. You did, a soft curl of the lips, but it faded suddenly.
Something was wrong.
John Bs chest collided with your back, he chuckled. Because you stopped walking and blocked his path foreward.
“What’s up Y/n/n?” John B asked.
“Shut up-“ you said abruptly, John Bs eyes widened.
“Um..sorry. I didn’t mean to snap, just...don’t say my name like that,” you mumbled.
“Why? It’s your nickname right? Are you not cool with me calling you that?” John B questioned.
“No, no. I didn’t mean..just..nevermind,” you sighed. You just didn’t like it when people said your name loud in public places, you didn’t want to be recognized by certain people.
“Okayy? Anyway, let’s do that table in the back,” John B suggested.
“Okay,” you answered, keeping your head down.
He walked you to the table, and to your surprise, Kie arrived to take your orders.
“Hey guys! Is this a date? Or...” she joked. Laughing.
“Very funny Kie. Are you trying to make me lose my appetite? Poor business tactic of you ask me-“
“Hey! You asshole,” you mutter. Dipping your fingers in your water glass and spraying it at him.
John B tried to duck, but then bumped his head on the table.
You and Kie laughed loudly as he groaned in pain.
She could barely stop laughing, “can...ah I take your orders?”
“Yeah...um I’ll get um...John B what are you getting?”
“A cheese burger with no Mayo,” he told Kie.
“Idiot,” she muttered as she wrote it down.
“You want the usual? Fries and-“
“Ooh yes I’ll just have fries and cheese please,” you smiled.
“Yup, you got it. Ok I’ll be back,” she winked before leaving.
���By the way,” John B began, “I just want you to know I’d never make a move on you as long as your with JJ. I mean-Kie was joking in all-“
“John B, don’t worry about it ok?” You interrupted.
“Yeah but...I also wanted to ask you, what’s going on between you and JJ. Eveytime I mention him you get defensive,”
“What are you talking about? No I don’t,” you responded.
“Uh huh,” he said sarcastically.
“Look, the truth is, I just don’t care anymore,” you told him. You knew in your heart it wasn’t true, but it had to be. You couldn’t take back the fact that JJ thought you cheated. So you had to go with it.
“That doesn’t sound like you,” John B said.
“Whatever,” you sighed.
“Oh shit,” John B said, staring at the door.
“W-what? Is he here? Did you invite him? I swear to God,” you said in a hushed tone. You didn’t want to turn around yourself, in case you had to look him in the eye.
“No, chill. It’s..isn’t that your step dad though?” John B asked.
Your moth dropped slightly, “John B don’t say shit like that, your-“ you were about to tell him he was scaring you, but you shouldn’t admit that.
“Look behind you,”
“No I don’t want to,”
“Just look,”
You sighed, and slowly turned.
“Oh-“ you started to respond, but you practically felt your heart stop. Instantly, your breathing picked up.
“What’s going on between you and JJ? Why wouldn’t you want him here?” John B said, trying to pull your attention back to him.
You shook your head, instead of answering. You could hardly form words. Maybe it’s the fact that if your step father sees you here, there’s going to be some contact.
“Whoa relax!” John B said, placing his hand on yours.
Immediately, you pulled your hand away.
He furrowed his brows, confused and offended.
“Sorry.” you muttered.
“You wanna...leave.. I mean ... you wanna get out of here?” You suggested, afraid he would say no.
“What? Why? We didn’t even get our food!” John B exclaimed.
“I..I know. I just..don’t feel like eating anymore.”
“That’s so weird, Y/n. C’mon we can’t leave. Just suck it up for a sec,” John B said shortly. Tapping your shoulder.
“Okay,” you responded. You thought back to JJ. He never made you do stuff you don’t want to. He was just so caring to you. Not that John B wasn’t, just that JJ knew you so well.
A few minutes later, your couldn’t shake the thought that the man you feared the most was behind you. You didn’t have eyes. You didn’t have JJ. You didn’t have anything.
“John B, I don’t feel well I think I’m gonna head out,” you told him, getting up slowly.
“You sure?” He said, analyzing your.
“I um...” for some reason, blurred vision erupted, and you started feeling like you were going to faint.
You stood up slowly. But things were getting worse, and your stance was unsteady.
You gripped the edge of the table for support.
“Y/n...what’s up with you?” John B asked. Sounding annoyed.
For some reason a tear escaped from your eye, you were sorry you were annoying him. So you muttered a quick, “I’m sorry,”
John B stood up, he was now right infront of you. And then, you collapsed. John Bs arms wrapped around you and pulled you into him as you fell.
He was shocked by this. Struggling to hold you up.
No one seemed to pay much attention, but anyone in their right mind would know that they should probobly take you to the hospital. But John B, as did many of the pogues, didn’t always trust authority.
So he took you back to the Chateau, where Sarah, who took a class in Lifeguarding was considerably the doctor instead.
“What happened?!!” Sarah exclaimed as she saw John B carry you out of the van.
“She just passed out. Hey can you help me carry her?” John B grunted.
“Uh..I’ll get JJ,” she said.
“Oh fuck. Wait! I don’t know if that’s such a good idea-“ John B began but Sarah had already called him from working on the boat.
He ran over, his eyes filled with worry. He quickly took you from John B. Carrying you without a problem bridal style.
Inside, he let you down on the couch.
You were slowly coming back to consciousness.
“Put this on her forehead,” Sarah said passing a towel to JJ.
“Hey...hey Y/n. Come back to me okay? Fuck baby. Don’t do this to me alright, wake up,” JJ muttered into your ear.
Moments later, your eyes started to flutter.
To witch JJ sighed in relief, taking your hand and holding it tight in his own.
“Let’s call her parents,” Sarah suggested, grabbing Y/n’s phone.
“Sarah no. Alright? Give me her phone,” JJ demanded.
“No! If I was her my parents would want to know! It’s not normal to just faint-“
“Sarah, give me the fucking phone,” JJ persisted.
John B frowned, “hey watch it, JJ. Don’t talk to her like that bro,”
Sarah frowned, and out of spite began typing on her phone.
JJs temper only grew, he only wanted to protect you.
He grabbed Sarah’s wrists and pulled the phone from her hand.
“Hey!” Sarah exclaimed.
“Dude!” John B interjected.
JJ returned the phone to his pocket.
“Bro, I’m gonna kill you-“ John B said.
“Wait,” you said meekly, “JJ was right, okay? It would only make it worse. Just trust me,”
“But why?” Sarah said concerned.
You shook your head, signaling you couldn’t answer the question.
Sarah sighed and wished you to feel better before leaving.
John B then stepped to JJ, “you’re lucky your girlfriend is so sweet. I would’ve kicked your ass,” John B threatened.
JJ didn’t want to cause a drive between any more of the people he cared about. So he just accepted.
JJ then sat by you, despite what had happened before.
“You really scared me, Y/n.”
“Wasn’t..my intention,” you stifled out, trying to get up.
“Whoa...whoa, can you stay to get some rest? Just stay here for me,” he insisted with a hand on your chest.
“JJ...” you sighed.
“I know it’s not true. I know what you’re doing.”
“Stop. Please.” You pleaded.
“You didn’t cheat on me. Those are bruises aren’t they. They’re not hickies. They’re from him trying to choke you.” JJ explained.
“JJ get away from me. We broke up. I don’t....I don’t-“
“You don’t what? You don’t love me?! Huh! Say it Y/n. Look me in the eyes, and I leave for good,”
“I don’t! I don’t deserve you! You can’t me with me. I’m used, JJ. You deserve a girl that isn’t so-“
“Broken? Y/n, I’m just as fucked up as you. You know my dad hits me right? He beats me. And it’s wrong. And I hate him. But I can’t hate you. Ever. Not for what that sick man has done,”
At this point, you were balling. Wiping tears as soon as they fell.
“JJ...I’m sorry. I’m sorry for lying. I thought you would leave.”
“It doesn’t work like that, when I love you more than anything in my entire life,”
“I don’t understand,” you stuttered.
“Understand what?”
“Even after you know what he does. How could you look at me, and still love me?”
“That doesn’t change all I’ve known as soon as I met you. And if you need me to prove it to you, I will.”
thx for reading ❤️
@mavelfanatic @my-therapist-hates-me @rudypankowswife @harrypottersgirl @themaddies-obx taglist
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bbrandy2002 · 3 years
Little Shit:
Part 1: Wrapped Around A Finger
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This is for week 96 of @wackydrabbles prompt: I can't -- I have a deadline. Prompt will be in bold.
Okay, so I couldnt fit all of this into the 2000 word limit and had to break it up and didn't have the heart to cut.
@kingliam2019​ you made a request for a Little Shit story on New Year’s Eve and it only took 5 months to come up with something, so this one is for you.
If you're unfamiliar with the Little Shit series (because it has been over a year since I wrote anything for it) Nikolas is Liam and Riley's 5 year old mischievous son who just can't help from wreaking havoc, especially toward Drake. He enjoys getting a rise out of him even if he does love his Uncle ... for the most part.
Warning: Crude Language. Mention of Covid and vaccinations.
Word count: 1928
Returning from the stables one afternoon, Drake was stopped at the palace door by security -- again -- for not wearing the required mask to enter.
“Mr. Walker, I’m afraid you need to have a mask on before I can allow you inside. I have to tell you this every day.”
“That because I fucking live here,” Drake grumbled as he snagged the offered surgical mask from the guard. 
“Not in the common areas, Mr. Walker.”
“You know this whole virus thing is just a conspiracy and Liam is using it to control all of us, right? He’s gone mad. This shit’s never gonna end.”
“I understand, sir.” The guard waited patiently as Drake begrudgingly slipped the mask over his face. “Perhaps, though, there is an alternative, one where you wouldn’t have to wear one anymore. They’re offering free vaccines in room 105 today. If you get the shot, you won’t need to wear a mask when you come inside,” the guard cajoled.
Drake let out a humorless laugh.“I’m sure that’s exactly what Liam wants: make a guinea pig out of me. Pump me full of that radioactive shit and in five years I’ll have a tail growing out of my face. No thanks.” Drake disregarded the information and moved past the man.
“But, sir .. .they’re giving away bottles of whiskey to the first 100 recipients. Last I heard, they were close to reaching that number. Top of the line stuff too.”
Drake turned on the heel of his work boots, glaring back, before asking skeptically. “Whiskey? They’re giving away alcohol to get this damn shot?” The guard nodded in response.
“Glenfiddich -- 1955, I believe. The King paid for it himself.”
Drake’s eyes widened in disbelief. “That’s a $90,000 bottle! And they’re just giving them away if you get this shot?”
“I … um … yes. His Majesty wants to reward those who are doing their part to create a healthier and safer Cordonia. He won’t rest until every last citizen is vaccinated from this dreaded virus. We can all fight this … together. What do you say, Mr. Walker? Will you help stop the spread?”
“For a $90,000 bottle of whiskey? Hell yeah! I’ll grow two tails out my heads for -- hold on a damn minute …” Drake burrowed his eyes into the guard who was sweating bullets, desperate for him to leave. “Where the hell is Nikolas at? This whole thing reeks of him..” Drake’s eyes began darting around the perimeter in a feverish search for the little prince’s battery operated car. “That little shit is blackmailing you, isn’t he? I should have known.”
The guard straightened and answered in a solemn tone, “I’m a serious professional, Mr. Walker. And I take your accusations of being anything but, demeaning to the loyalty and oath I’ve given to the Crown. How dare you stand there --”
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to suggest otherwise.” Drake ran a hand down his weary face in frustration. “It’s just that kid is the bane of my existence. I’ve had a long, hard day at work and I’m in no mood for his fucking stunts.”
The guard waved him off. “Nah, don’t worry about it. I’ve heard all about the stuff he’s pulled on you.” He leaned in closer and spoke in a hushed tone, “Between you and me, he’s a little pain in my ass too; always coming down here acting like he runs this place. If you ever need help teaching that kid a lesson, I’d be happy to help.”
Drake arched a brow. “Loyalty to the crown, huh?” The man regarded that retort with an awkward shrug. “Yeah, he needs his ass busted, that’s for sure. Liam thinks he just needs a little more love. I’d like to show him the Bianca F. Walker way of love.” He slammed his hands together.
The guard chuckled. “I’m with you on that. He needs something done; he’s out of control … Anyway, you should probably head on up there and get your shot -- and whiskey -- before they’re all out. I wish I’d have waited to get mine until today.”
Twisting his face in doubt, Drake walked around the corner and leaned up against the wall as he pulled out his phone. Something just didn’t feel right, and he determined the safest thing to do was shoot off a quick text to his best friend.
Drake: Liam, are you really giving away Glenfiddich, 1955, to get the Covid vaccine?
He waited a brief moment until a response came through; he looked down at his phone and read:
Liam: Yes.
Drake: Is that all you have to say about that?
Liam: Yes.
Liam: I am in meeting for Cordonia.
Drake tilted his head to the side and scratched at it as he stared at the odd message. He typed out another response.
Drake: What kind of meeting for Cordonia? And with who?
Liam: Top secret. Can't tell you.
Drake: Uh-huh. Where’s Nikolas?
Liam: With Riley and baby in Vallteria
Liam: Shit. Valtoria
Drake: What’s the capital of the United States?
Liam: Damn it Drake I’m in a meeting!
Drake: Then hurry up and answer
Liam: Washington D.C.
Drake: Who shot me at the costume ball?
Liam: You son of a bitch. IM IN A MEETING!
Drake let out a heavy groan and decided to just call Riley. He knew without a doubt Nikolas took Liam’s phone again. If he called Riley, though, there was no way the boy could pretend he was her.
Picking up almost instantly, Riley answered cheerfully, “Hello. Queen Riley speaking.”
“Riley, it’s Drake. I was just wondering if you and Liam were really giving away whiskey for getting this shot? Sounds a little fishy to me.”
There was a moment of silence, then a clicking noise, followed by a long beep, before Riley replied. “Yes. We. Are. Giving. Away …. Whiskey. Get.The.Shot.Drake.”
“The hell is wrong with your voice?”
“Riley, why the fuck are you enunciating every word?”
“I. Have. A. Cold. And. Must.Talk.Slow. Nikolas.Is.With.Me. And. I. Must. Get ... Going. Bye. Drake ...You. Ass. Hole.” 
Drake rolled his eyes and slipped the phone in his back pocket. “He’s got her phone, too. Damn that evil-ass kid.” He hesitantly made his way down to room 105; it wouldn’t hurt anything just to open the door and see if there was anything legit about this. As he approached, a lovely lady he knew from the kitchen exited with a big smile on her aging face and a bottle she cradled in her arms; he recognized it almost instantly as the Glenfiddich.
“Miss Milly,” Drake greeting kindly and held the door open for her. “You’re looking as lovely as ever.”
“Oh, you.” She laughed bashfully in her grandmotherly voice as she stepped into the corridor. “You’re always flirting with me, Drake. One of these days, I’m going to make you take me out on a date, buy me dinner, and give me a peck on the cheek at the end of the night.” 
Drake smiled back fondly at her. “You just tell me when, Miss Milly, and I’m there.” He motioned to the bottle in her hand. “Say … couldn’t help but notice that bottle of whiskey you’re carrying around; where’d you get that at? That brand doesn’t come cheap.”
“Ohhh, I know. But I heard they were giving shots in that room right there.” She pointed with a crooked finger. “And they said I was the 99th person to stop by, and gave this to me after getting my shot. I couldn’t believe my luck. And they only have one bottle left. I can finally put my grandson through college.” 
“That’s great! And you said there is still one more bottle left?”
She nodded her head. “Yes. But you better hurry. One of the chefs is on his way here for a shot as well.”
Drake hurriedly kissed her on the cheek and opened the door. Thank you, Miss Milly!” He stepped inside, then stopped and whipped his head back out the door. “Milly, wait. Have you seen Prince Nikolas today?”
“Yes, he left with the Queen after breakfast this morning. I believe they mentioned going to Valtoria.”
Drake rubbed his hands together anxiously and thanked her. He’d known the cook for years, she’s the sweetest person he knew. There was no way she would cover for Nikolas, and Drake couldn’t imagine the boy would have any dirt to hold over her head.
When the door shut, Nikolas grinned mischievously from a dark alcove where he was parked in his black 12V Mercedes Benz S63. “This is the day I’ve been waiting for.”
He set his laptop and both parents' phones in the passenger seat and slowly pulled out. He paid $100 to Milly and asked her to put the bottle back in his father’s liquor cabinet and rolled a few paces to room 105.
After filling out medical forms, the palace doctor ushered Drake behind a curtain where a long rectangular table and folding chair sat. Taking the seat, Drake watched the doctor slip on a pair of gloves and pull a small tube of lube out of his lab coat pocket. Drake furrowed his brows in confusion. “Heh. What’s the lube for?” he chuckled lightly. “I’m just here for a shot, man. Nothing else is going in me.”
“Just relax, Mr. Walker. It’s all part of the process.” A squirt of clear liquid was squeezed onto the doctor's two gloved fingers as he held them up. “On your medical forms you denied having a physical exam in the past year. I just need to do a quick exam and check for rectal polyps.”
Drake started laughing in amusement, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “You’ve got to be shittin' me. So let me get this straight. I can’t get a shot until you stick your fingers in my ass to check for ‘polyps?’ Yeah, that’s happening. What a bunch of horse malarky.”
The doctor let out an annoyed huff. “I see you didn’t read over the information forms. They never do,’ he mumbled. “Look, if you want me to wait here all day while you figure out what to do, I can’t -- I have a deadline to finish here. Now if you’ll move along, I have another patient waiting; you’re free to go.”
And Drake knew he was. But that expensive bottle of Glenfiddich was calling his name. He glanced over to that one last beautiful bottle sitting atop a desk on the far side of the room, calling his name. Selling it for even half of what it was worth would afford him enough to move the hell out of the palace and get the freedom from Nik he desired. Rubbing a hand over the scruff on his chin, Drake's timid gaze turned from the bottle to the doctor. He could handle a finger or two in ass for a few seconds if t made him $90,000 richer. 
“Okay. What do I need to do?”
Nikolas quietly typed on the keyboard of his laptop from the opposite side of the curtain. The images from the hidden cameras plastered on the wall where Drake was seated popped into view on his screen. Feeding a link to, and overriding the broadcast feed at the CBC, Nik crouched down low and waited with little beady eyes for the exam to begin. “Perfect ...Okay, Doc, let’s see if you can get a hole in one.”
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moonnightyoongi · 4 years
puzzle piece | jk
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pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: angst, angst, ANGST
word count: 1.8k
description: you just seemed to fit like a puzzle piece
                                     ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You don’t really remember where or how it started. The desire to love, to be loved. Of course, it is simply human nature, the ancient thought that when you are made you are split in two and you spend your life searching for your other half. Except in this day and age that is a thing of the past for some, they simply spend their life by themselves and they enjoy it. But where does that desire go? Surely it just doesn’t disappear – perhaps theirs gets projected onto the one that comes after them. The double desire to find and be loved. The double desire that eats away at them all night and is quickly put on the back burner during the day when they find a measly distraction. If that’s the case, then you are the one that came after. Growing up you were not deprived of love; your parents loved every bone of you, and you had a fair share of friends who would do anything to see you smile. But it all started when you hit the age of dating, everyone seemed to have it so easy, but you always went for the wrong guy or the guy who loved another or you were simply left alone in the corner of the dance while everyone slowed danced and the teachers watched with hawk eyes to make sure they didn’t get too close. No really. 9th grade, the boy who had asked you conveniently got back with his ex while you went to the toilet, and worst of all you couldn’t go cry in the toilets because you had just come out of them!
All your friends say your time will come. But it’s easy for them to tell you all the cliché things when they had met the perfect partner for them. They were happy and content, living in a world where they don’t need to think about anyone else because they had each other. No dating apps, no more awkward first dates, no more unanswered texts, no late-night cries when you receive the ‘you’re great but…’ texts. Just blissfully unaware of the hell on earth that is dating for people who don’t have it as easy as they do.
Jealousy. It’s hard not to be jealous when you go to their house warmings, or their dinner parties or that one engagement party. It’s hard. Sure, you were happy for them, because at least they weren’t feeling the hell and the social pressure to not be alone for the rest of your life. They don’t get the judgemental looks from the bitchy aunt that definitely didn’t have a rushed marriage when she was your age because she was pregnant (definitely didn’t happen – your cousin was 100% premature).
You hear about love languages and how everyone has a specific one, everyone said they knew yours from a mile away – words of affirmation. ‘You constantly need to hear that someone loves you or that they’re proud or that they haven’t changed their mind. Isn’t it tiring?’. Yes, it was extremely tiring, tiring to be constantly trying to tell yourself that you’re being foolish, and they do still love you and they are proud - yet still having the nagging feeling in the back of your mind that it’s all a lie.
“Any dates lined up?” Yuki asks as she scrolls through her phone.
You sigh and put down your drink, “No. I’m done.”
“You said that year and then met that awful dude that thought he was better than you,” Anastasia chimed in.
“He was better than me,” you reply thinking of the doctor and all his PhD’s. Sure, he was an awful person who liked to bring up just how many he had but he had every right to, he had earnt them.
“Just because he had a few pieces of paper doesn’t mean he’s better than you. You have a personality, he didn’t.” Anastasia scoffs stirring her coffee.
You shrug your shoulders as you look out the window, “He’s engaged now.”
“Poor girl,” Yuki laughs putting down her phone, “Does she have any degrees?”
Yuki and Anastasia laugh at the memory of you introducing your ex and him straight away asking if they had any sort of degree between them. Looking back, it made you feel sick to your stomach, he was so rude, and you were so desperate.
“PhD.” You reply.
“Just the one?!” Yuki exclaims, “Disgusting!”
They both laugh once more as you sat silently staring at the half empty coffee expressionless. It was easy to joke about exes when they weren’t yours.
“Listen, a new guy started at my work and he is so much like you I wanna set you two up,” Anastasia says.
“I don’t know, remember the last set up?” you point out. He was a whole foot smaller than you and at one point you had to help him reach something from the second shelf in the supermarket. Ironically, he didn’t want to meet again because you were too small.
“That was my mistake, I didn’t realise he wanted a 6ft girl,” Anastasia tells you, “Come on! He’s lovely, he’s taller than me and the other day he split coffee down himself.”
“So that means he’s perfect for me?”
“A match made,” she smiles, “Please!”
“I’d just do it; how bad could it be?” Yuki points out as you fumbled with your jumper.
“Getting shouted at in aisle 5 because you couldn’t reach the top shelf bad,” you joke. They both burst out into laughter once more as you sighed and watched the rain fall to the ground outside the coffee shop.
“Fine,” you sigh, “What’s his name?”
“Jungkook,” Anastasia smiles.
~.♥ ~
The lead up to the date was the worst, Anastasia constantly went on about how clumsy he was and how perfect you would be together – her favourite story was him walking into the glass door and simply shaking it off before going into a meeting. With every new story it bought up a sense of hope – but even you knew this was dangerous. For what one thinks is cute and endearing another finds childish and immature. What if he wasn’t as cute and as clumsy as Anastasia constantly explained – what if it was because he saw someone cute in the office and got distracted and he was now using you to make her jealous.
“Stop overthinking,” Yuki demands snapping you out of your thoughts.
“How did you-?”
“I’ve known you far too long. You’re either overthinking or over romanticising.”
You smile sadly before looking back into the mirror and applying some more blush. Maybe it was all the fairy tales growing up that made you this way, or maybe it was the tv shows. Either way they had both set you up for failure.
“Jungkook is on his way to the restaurant. It’s under my name,” Anastasia smiles walking into the room with her phone in hand, “Tae said good luck!”
“So does Jae,” Yuki smiles.
“I need it,” you mutter standing up and fixing your dress, “What do I do if he doesn’t show?”
“He’s on his way,” Anastasia sighs.
“What if he goes to the wrong restaurant?”
“They won’t seat him because my name won’t be on the list of reservations.”
“What if they don’t do reservations?” you challenge.
“You’re annoying me. He’s on his way to the right restaurant where he will give in my name and will be seated waiting for you.”
“Stop! Get in the taxi,” Anastasia shouts cutting you off. You drop your head as you walk down the stairs sheepishly. Anything could happen, you could arrive before him and he could look at you and change his mind. He could arrive before you and when you walk in scream and run out the back entrance. Everything was a possibility.
“Anastasia,” you smile nervously to the hostess.
“This way, your party is waiting for you,” she smiles kindly. Party? How many where here? Did Anastasia set up a conveyer belt to give you your best shot? You don’t think you could handle multiple rejections in one night.
Walking into the dining room you spotted him straight away. He was staring out the window, his leg twitching under the table – so much so he knocked over the pepper. His red face made you flutter and as you got closer the butterflies became more and more active. He was as clumsy as Anastasia had described and a lot cuter than she had as well.
“Your table,” the hostess smiles placing the menu down and walking away.
“Y/N,” Jungkook smiles standing up quickly, “I’m Jungkook!”
“Hi, nice to meet you,” you smile pulling the chair out.
“I should have pulled your chair out for you, shouldn’t I?” he wonders aloud.
“No, because if you couldn’t push it back in, I’d probably overheat with embarrassment,” you laugh pulling your chair in and hitting your hip on the table, “Fuck!”
The restaurant stares at you as you held back anymore swearing.
“Very hard table,” Jungkook jokes before they resume, “Are you okay?”
“I’ve got shivers.”
“You’ll have a bruise tomorrow,” he laughs as you finally sit down.
“I bruise so easily; my whole left side will be.”
“My friend is the same, he once caught his ankle on the door and couldn’t wear a shoe for weeks. The whole thing was swollen. He used all the ice in my freezer too,” Jungkook laughs.
“What about the ice in his freezer?”
“We live together so I guess he used all of his too,” he replied.
You laugh loudly as you opened the menu, all the anxiety had melted away when he smiled in your direction.
~.♥ ~
Days had turned into months and months had turned into a year. There was something about him that was so different from everyone you had met before. Nothing you did was ever childish or embarrassing and the same for him. You two just seemed to fit like a puzzle piece. He made you laugh, he made you feel safe, he made sure you knew he loved you. Whether it was by sending you a midday message when you were in work, or whether it was a cheesy video of him kissing the screen. He would bring ramen when you were stressed, and alcohol when it was time to celebrate. You would attend parties together and would spend all night dancing, drinking and laughing. You finally felt happy when attending engagement parties, housewarming parties and everything else that used to fill your social calendar with dread.
It’s just a shame it was all a lie.
masterlist | tell me what you think
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