#but I'm new to this so hopefully the next one will flow better
ebonyslasher · 7 months
Can you do more yandere slashers part 2 please.
Hopefully, I'm getting better at writing yandere characters! There are some possible triggering themes ahead so read with caution.
Roses are red, violets are blue
Yandere!Slashers Pt. 2!
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A strained sob bounced against the dingy walls that you were held captive in. Your existence, normally happy and calm, turned desperate and miserable. You looked around with teary eyes, taking in your unfortunate new home. The air was littered with specks of dust, paint torn from the walls, and all the windows crudely covered and broken. It was a scene taken from a horror movie that you desperately did not want to be in. The tears silently flow down your face before the raggedy door flings open.
A shadowy, foreboding figure stood tall at the door frame. You recognized that figure, it was the one who kidnapped you to this horrid place.
“Please ... .please let me go…,” you whimpered out, your sobbing revitalizing before this monster. He stepped forward and you shrunk back. He stops. The next movement he made your heart stop. Michael flings a body beside you. The patch of light coming from the mostly covered window showed the gouged out eyes of your crush. They lay lifeless and their once beautiful face was now covered with blood. 
The image of a dead body, especially of someone you knew, caused you to hyperventilate. Feeling an extreme urge to flee, you stand up and attempt to run towards the door. Michael grabs your arm painfully and throws you down.
“Let me go, let me go! You monster!” you screamed. You attempt to stand again when Michael kicks at your legs. He quickly places his dirty boot on your right leg, right on the tibia. Stomping down, Michael relishes in your painful cry after the sickening snap of your bone. You could not run from him and he could not be happier.
Michael knew everyone who lived in Haddonfield. Most by their identifiable features and home addresses.
Michael stalked all his victims, but only for a short time as their existence would not last long.
However, if he becomes obsessed, not only will he stalk them every single day. He will keep them alive for an undecided amount of time.
As you place your existence in Haddonfield, Michael becomes hooked. 
He paid attention to your needs, placing toiletries that you ran out of/low on in various places in your house. It escalates into leisure items that you spoke about with your friends. Things that he knew that you knew you did not purchase
Making himself known, he begins to appear and reappear in different places, from a distance. Toying with you.
Anyone who will get in the way will be removed, permanently. Especially any love interest.
He is not above harming you to make you submit, stay, and be quiet. He knew what was best for you.
Injuries looked especially good on you anyway
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“Kitten ... .how disappointing,” Asa remarks, seeing the piss-poor excuse of a Valentine's Day present on his bed. It was made haphazardly, the paper mache butterfly looked tattered with paint, some sort of adhesive, and drenched paper.
Asa had shown you how to do the technique weeks ago, disguising the activity as a fun bonding moment. He made an off-handed comment that a paper mache insect would be a great gift for Valentine’s Day. Of course, his smart little kitty caught the hint. But, it was obvious that you did not practice enough. 
You sat upon the bed, head down in embarrassment at the state of your gift. “Asa, I tried! I really did! You know I’m not that good at-” You started to explain. Asa put his hand up and you stopped talking immediately.
“You had ample time to practice, y/n. But, you did not. Therefore, you will be punished. Get on all fours on top of your disaster,” Asa instructed coldly. You did so, feeling humiliated at the action. You desperately wanted to make this up to him while also feeling apprehension at the punishment. 
Asa starts to hit your back and ass with his hands. You endure, but the force of his hits ends up making you fall on top of your gift. The burn of his hits combined with the uncomfortable feeling of wet paper and glue slathering your stomach. It made you cry out, strengthening the boner Asa had. 
Anyone who’s moving, living, or even traveling through the town gets observed by Asa. When you arrive, you capture his interest in ways he never thought possible. 
He searched your name, address (and floor plan if available), and knew all your family members. He breaks in to look at everything you have.
 He had notes dedicated to what you like to eat, what size of clothes you wear, etc. 
Once he captures you, he doesn’t make you a part of his collection. Instead, you'll be his personal pet. A little kitty he can enjoy. 
Life was starting to get a little boring. Your existence changed his life. He just needed to train you so you would not be useless to him.
His training includes the way you react (in the way that he likes), enduring physical punishment and sexual sensory overloads, how to care for him correctly, etc. 
Any spouse, family, or friends that were living with you are now part of his collection. They would be a distraction to your duties.
If you perform extremely poorly, he will drag you across the floor to see any loved ones in the collection. Digging his fingers into your eyelids to force you to look at their display.
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“Dr. Lecter?,” You asked as you knocked lightly on his office door. You let yourself into his practice, as was normal for your appointments. 
“Y/N, please come in,” he said smoothly so as to not betray his excitement at your arrival.
You plop down on the sofa across from him and your weekly sessions begin. You’d had them for a month now. It was last week when you noticed that you were getting weirdly attached and attracted to Dr. Hannibal. It wasn’t right with the power dynamics in your current relationship. Also, all the blaring issues he knew about your life. This did not dissuade your budding feelings, with the unintentional help of Hannibal. He did not know that your conflicted romantic feelings were about him. It was like he always knew the right thing to say. He spurred your mind to think outside the box or his perspective. Everything he said, he seemed to always be right about. 
“.....I feel a romantic connection to this person, but I know I shouldn’t,” You say.
“And why not?” He questioned
“Our relationship right now…it would be inappropriate to say the least.”
Hannibal leaned forward, his face schooled in its perfect neutral expression. Internally, he was fighting a smirk to bless his sharp features. “And what is love without risk?”
“You don’t have to answer if you don’t know, y/n. I am merely throwing out a different perspective. You like this person right? What makes it inappropriate?”
“His…status and title do. The power dynamics would be unequal,” you say, trying to be as vague as possible.
“It will always be unequal. You possess powers that he would not have. And vice versa. Titles mean nothing. You see, I am your psychiatrist. I know who you are, I can see the power that you have. A relationship between you and me would be risky, in the eyes of others. But, only our eyes matter in the end.”
“A relationship between us two…?”
“Just as an example, Y/n. To help you see the big picture.”
You were his patient. He fell in love, becoming obsessed with you. You looked like the perfect partner, one to parade around at the envy of others. 
He would make sure to format your mind to see how perfect you two would be. That he would be the only one for you. 
Hannibal being Hannibal does this covertly, planting seeds into your head every session. He even stops taking payment for your appointments, to ensure you would still come.
The medication he would prescribe you was a level of biochemical control over your emotions. He knew the side effects and how the medication would affect your mood after you took them. 
He acts like the perfect gentleman. He has perused your home, making sure to have items that you need or want coincidentally at appointments. 
Anyone who is a threat to you or the budding relationship will be removed.
You will see them for the last time, served as a decadent meal. He will feed them to you, without your knowledge
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“Taylor Layknn’s party is in two days, I’ve taken the liberty of picking out your look for you,” Patrick says dismissively. He thrust the outfit into your arms as he checked his phone. You stood flabbergasted at his gall.
“Patrick, I already had an outfit planned out,” you explain. You look over the outfit, trying to imagine how it would look on you.
“Yes I know, but I saw this while shopping and thought about you immediately. I knew it would be flattering on you. It goes with what I’m wearing. We’ll look great together.” Patrick looks straight into your eyes, watching your reaction.
You felt annoyed, a little offended, but flattered that he thought of you. “That’s sweet, but I don’t think that’s exactly my style.” You began to hand the outfit back to him. He thrusts the outfit back against your chest.
“It is your style and you don’t even know it. Here, look at how the color compliments your skin. How it’ll hug your figure in the right places. You know, most of these bitches don’t even know how to dress. You’ll be the talk of the night if you just listen to me.”
He tries to shelter your interactions from others, feeding you lies and pretending like he is giving you inside information to gain your trust
He purposefully talks bad and compassionate about others to uplift himself in your presence, disguising it as competition.
He is always extra with his appearance but was even more so when he knew you were going to be there.
He even wears the cologne that you love. He sends you flowers, your favorite ones, to show how much attention he paid to you
Once he has you wrapped around his finger, He tells you what to say and how to act. He needs you to be the perfect partner that even Paul Allen would be jealous of. 
The desperate yuppie that he is needs you to look and act a certain way to fit in with the 'in-group'.
He buys you clothing and expects you to wear it for him. He will send you makeup tutorial videos that he likes.
Patrick will also send photos and videos of people with what he thinks is the ultimate body type. He will do whatever to shape and mold you into his perfect partner.
Patrick has a doll that looks like you in his office drawer. He dresses up in what he would want you to wear. He has another at home where he acts out fantasies of your eventual marriage. 
He constantly questions where you are or slyly questions others. He gets mad if he isn’t invited anywhere, especially to his favorite place.
If he could, he dreams of hiring you as his personal assistant (if that was your profession). He has thought many times about firing his current assistant just to have you perched there, sitting pretty.  
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o-sachi · 1 month
Dress to Impress Headcanons Pt. 1 - for WinBre Week!
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ᯓ what's it like to play the roblox game dress to impress with the Wind Breaker characters? ᯓ characters; sakura haruka, suo hayato, nirei akihiko, sugishita kyotaro, umemiya hajime, hiragi toma (more characs in the next part hopefully) ᯓ tags; crack, some profanity lol, gn reader, no y/n, can be platonic/romantic
[🐟]: for day 8 - side missions prompt! (because dti is a side mission) @windbreakerweek
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Sakura Haruka
"How the fuck do I win..."
It will take forever to convince him to play because apparently 'there is no way he's playing dress-up that's made for children' but will fold as soon as you tell him he's just saying that because he hates you.
He keeps forgetting where certain items are and keeps going in circles around the place. That's why he thinks 5 minutes isn't enough.
"Where the fuck are the heels with the pretty pink bows? Man." / "You're going in circles, y'know?" / "Not my fault this shit's a maze."
Pretty standard outfits. Like they're not terrible, but they're not impressive enough to get 4 or 5 stars.
He's more of a simplicity-is-beauty type of guy so that also reflects in the kind of outfits that he makes. But the kids in the server are not having it.
"What does 'ate and served' mean?"
SO SALTY WHEN HE LOSES. But he'll brush it off and pretend that he's cool about it because he is not about to let anyone know he cares about some stupid dress-up game.
Suo Hayato
"Oh, look. I got first place again~"
He was easier to convince. But only if you knew how good he'd be, you wouldn't have asked him to play with you. Why? 'Cuz your morale is plummeting by the second.
He doesn't even need to try. Suo just lets his natural sense of style bleed into the way he plays the game AND HE WINS. He's pretty and so are his outfits.
Suo knows that it's mostly kids playing the game. So when he figures out there are younger people on the server, he'll rate them pretty high to put a smile on their face. (HE'S SO SWEET).
"Suo... it didn't even follow the theme." / "But it's quite nice, don't you think?"
You notice that you rank faster when you duo with him. You've been exploiting this little feature.
"We make a pretty good team, don't we?" / "Huh? Oh, yeah. Haha totally..."
Nirei Akihiko
"OH, this one's good... No, but this one's really good too..."
Nirei is everyone's hypeman: yours, the fashion mavens', the ten year olds who can't follow the theme—literally everyone.
He actually gets better so quickly by observing the outfits of those who win a lot. Like dude is analyzing a whole ass Roblox game. Not that it's intentional—more like it's in his nature.
He falls deep into the DTI rabbit hole. You know because he eagerly waits for updates and hunts for codes on the internet.
"Heyyyy, guess who learned a new code hm?"
His face lights up when you ask him to play... as if he doesn't ask you to play every chance he gets already...
DTI actually becomes his door leading to his descent into the world of Roblox. Seriously, he starts playing more Roblox because you started him with DTI. He also starts asking the other Furin guys to play too.
"Guys, let's do an obby next." / "A what?" / "An obby." / "Again, A WHAT?"
Sugishita Kyotaro
"... I swear I can do better than this..."
This man... this man was even harder to convince compared to Sakura. In fact, you almost gave up. Soooo... you convinced Ume instead (which was easier) and in turn, that forced Sugishita to try it out.
Didn't even ask how it works. He's just reading the text that pops up and goes with the flow.
I'm sorry but... he has the blandest style out of everyone in the main Furin group. Like, he doesn't even try to win AT ALL. But, y'know, A for effort!
"Oh... I have to vote for them?" / "Well, yeah... actually no, just give me 5 stars, okay?"
He plays DTI for a grand total of 3 times, all of which were because Ume asked him to play with the rest of the guys.
He's not much of a gamer to begin with... really, he'd much rather watch you play DTI and see your dramatic reactions to whatever's happening.
Umemiya Hajime
"HAHAHA What's with these silly poses?"
It's like a switch flips in him when he boots up the game and the DTI background song starts playing. He looks waaaaay too happy playing it.
He only started playing because all the hype surrounding it. Ume just wants to be part of the conversation and that's why he tried it out.
Talks way too much in the chat. Usually people just use it to provide more context for their outfits, but Ume actually makes conversation with players there. It's pretty funny to see.
"Look. So many people added me." / "Huh... well ain't that a surprise..."
He almost threw the Ipad out of excitement when he saw that the theme was gardening. He said he had to win or he'd literally die.
A pose 28 spammer, obviously.
"Aw, my game started lagging." / "It's 'cuz you keep spamming poses too fast." / "Dang it."
Hiragi Toma
"I'm not that good at it... okay, maybe just a bit."
He's an old man so bear with him when he tells you that he doesn't even know what a 'Roblox' is. He thought it was a vape flavor by the way.
"So... I have to dress-up and make people vote highly for me?" / "Yeah, it's called Dress to Impress for a reason." / "Oh, yeah. Fair."
He barely tries, but somehow he's kinda good at it? He's not insanely amazing at putting together outfits... but for a guy who's not trying that hard—he's doing pretty well for himself.
But he'll be too embarrassed to admit it. Hiragi would click his tongue and tell you to knock it off once you start complimenting his DTI skills.
He's a bit lost with the Gen Z/Gen Alpha terms, but he's trying to learn—slowly but surely like a little baby lamb learning how to walk.
Will rate you 5 stars no matter what. Everyone else is getting 1 star. Hiragi doesn't care.
"I didn't know you could hit poses here?" / "Yeah, look at this one." / "What the fuck kinda pose is that? Who's doing that on the runway? Bffr." / "Did you just—" / "Told you I'm learning things."
o-sachi © 2024 pls do not translate/copy/reupload my work on other platforms.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
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XD @flurraz that's brilliant- clothing montage at the Carmine Compound!!!!
but it’s just Clara and Odette holding various weapons up next to Vaggie while their new adopted little sister scowls at her reflection and repeatedly says “NO” to the even more scowling reflection of their mom behind her
Vaggie: “Yeah no. I’m not wielding that.”
Clara: “It has spikes!”
Odette: “And hand protection.”
Clara: “And SPIKES.”
Vaggie: “Great, I could stab myself while swinging it around.”
Carmilla: “Only if you are terrible at it.”
Vaggie: (glaring) “Well I already know I’m not terrible with my spear, so I’m sticking with that.”
Carmilla: (Glowers) (goes back to pretending to check weapon schematics)
Odette: (ticks off failure on clipboard) “Sticking... or skewering?”
Vaggie: “Ha ha, very funny.”
Odette: (ticks off another point for herself on a little odette vs sisters score board)  
Clara: (rummaging in crate) “This isn’t funny and you guys shouldn’t be laughing.” (holds up new weapon) “Now THIS goes with your hair.”
Vaggie: “You’re kidding.”
Clara: “No kiddo, you’re kidding yourself if you think the long-ass shaft of a spear makes sense with a do that lovely and flowing.”
Vaggie: “What the fuck does that-”
Odette: “She’s right.” (makes new score board clara vs vaggie with one point to clara)
Clara: “No wonder you had trouble sparring with mom. Like, more that you would’ve had normally.”
Vaggie: “I haven’t been in a real fight in years okay!”
Carmilla: “It shows.”
Vaggie: “I’m. Working on it. I was one of that asshole’s best Exorcists once, I can-”
Carmilla: “Be better than that, hopefully.”
Vaggie: “Thanks.” (GLARES)
Clara: “All I’m saying is- no point fighting against yourself too, right? How hard did you have to focus to keep the stupid butt end from tangling in your hair?”
Vaggie: “I’m NOT cutting it.”
Clara: “Who’s asking?” (dangles weapon enticingly) “Look! Your new best friend!”
Vaggie: “A gun.”
Clara: “I know I know- you like sharp things and staby stuff, but look!”
Clara: (twirls gun dramatically)
Clara: “It has a knife on iiiiiit~”
Odette: “It would also not interfere with your hair.”
Vaggie: “I don’t know shit about guns.”
Clara: “What’s to know? Point and shoot. AND it’s got more reach than a spear! Which is good ‘cause you’re hair might be long, but the rest of you?” (rests elbow on vaggie’s shoulder) “Rest of you kinda comes up short.”
Vaggie: (grinding her teeth) “THANKS.”
Odette: (ticks another point for clara)
Clara: “Wait- You’ll take it!?”
Vaggie: “No.”
Odette: (ticks another failure) “Why not.”
Vaggie: "Oh wow I don't know maybe because-"
Vaggie: (ticks off reason on hand) “With a spear I have to choose every skewering I do and it’s a lot harder to miss and stick the wrong person. Even if I throw it it's only gonna go so far or through so many people. A bullet can go anywhere once it’s loose. If your aim is off by a centimeter that little thing goes wide. Maybe don't give the gun to the woman with a missing eye??? Definitely not when there are moving targets and things around she ISN'T supposed to shoot?"
Clara: "Oh riiiiight." (looks from gun to vaggie's eyepatch) "Huh."
Carmilla: (not looking up) "You were very accurate during our little play fight."
Odette: "I confirm. I've watched the security footage. I'm sure you could compensate."
Vaggie: "Well I'm not. I’m trying to protect my girlfriend and our friends and kill angels. I'm not not in this fight to ACCIDENTALLY kill someone.”
Carmilla: (smiles)
Clara: “Uh-huh. You like being close enough to catch all that blood splatter, don’t you.”
Vaggie: “…it’s just a perk.”
Carmilla: (smiles wider)
Clara: “Ew.”
Odette: “Impractical.” (adds ‘deranged’ to list of new sister’s traits, right under ‘gay’) “Mother, tell her she’s being weird.”
Carmilla: “I fight people with ballet, I’m afraid the toe of judgement I’m balanced upon is rather precarious.”
Vaggie: (SMIRKS) “Pretty badass though.”
Carmilla: “I know.”
Clara: “OH-!”
Clara: (disassembles gun) (chucks it) (claps hands) “I GOT IT!”
Vaggie: “What now.”
Odette: “Nothing good, statistically.”
Clara: “MOM! Mom- maybe she needs- You know!” (GRINNING EVILLY) “If the shoe fits….?”
Carmilla: “….Hmm.”
Vaggie: “What.”
Carmilla: (standing up and prowling around vaggie thoughtfully)
Vaggie: “…seriously, what?”
Carmilla: “Would you spin, please.”
Vaggie: (gracefully turns) “You know what I look like, miss Carmine.” (glares at clara) “There’s not much of me to look at anyway.”
Clara: “There’s enough, don’t worry~”
Vaggie: (rolls eye) “Wow. Such praise.”
Carmilla: “Can you stand on one leg without falling, or does the loss of your eye-”
Vaggie: “That’s more distance and depth and stuff.” (tucks one leg) “I’ve figured it out, kinda.”
Odette: “Yes? Constant assessment of changes in size and angle of objects?”
Vaggie: “You got it.”
Odette: “Seems rather strenuous for daily life.”
Clara: “Aww you get headaches or shit?”
Vaggie: “More like just tired. Keeping things in the same place when I can manage it helps a lot. Or it does when no one’s moving the lobby chairs around and then LEAVING them messed up like that anyway, for ME to clean up…”
Clara: “Or stumble into?”
Vaggie: “Whichever comes first.”
Clara: "Ow."
Odette: “So tidiness helps.”
Vaggie: “Yep.”
Odette: “Noted.” (notes it)
Carmilla: “Well you certainly are steady. Excellent posture.”
Carmilla: (leans in)
Vaggie: (leans back to maintain distance) (still on one leg)“Don’t forget confused and slowly losing patience, ma’am.”
Carmilla: “Mm? What? Oh sorry.” (leans back)
Carmilla: “You are a dancer, aren’t you.”
Odette: “...Oh no.”
Clara: “Oh YESSSSS.”
Vaggie: “Yes? Why the- why the fuck is she hiding behind her clip board-”
Odette: “I don’t want to relive my trauma.”
Clara: “I DO!”
Vaggie: “What the fuck does that have to do with me!?”
Clara: “Everything~”
Odette: “It’s about to be YOUR trauma.”
Vaggie: “What does THAT m-”
Clara: “Welcome to the family!”
Vaggie: “I- wh- why’re you making it sound like a THREAT!?”
Carmilla: “Our family is a threat. Now.” (taps heavenly steel ballet slippers together so they chime) “Can you stand en pointe?”
Vaggie: “….”
Vaggie: “….oh HELL no-”
Carmilla: “You already use your training as a dancer in battle. Weaponizing it fully is merely the next step.”
Clara: “Heheh. Step.”
Odette: (marks a point for mom)
Vaggie: “En pointe?” (clutching her spear) “THIS IS THE ONLY POINT I NEED!”
Carmilla: “Clara, fetch the practice slippers.”
Clara: (salutes) “Yes mom!”
Vaggie: “CLARA WAIT!”
Odette: “May mother have mercy on you.” (follows clara towards door)
Vaggie: “NO HEY- pendejo- WHY ARE YOU LEAVING TOO???”
Odette: “I will oversee the rest of the weapon loading. Also, I do not want to witness this, and am escaping.”
Carmilla: (sighs) “Dancing is a passion that is not always passed down from mother to child…”
Odette: “Not willingly anyway. Much like trauma.”
Clara: (out of sight) “I liked my trauma!”
Vaggie: “I’ve already got some, I don’t need more!”
Carmilla: “But you do not have your order of weapons yet. It will take half an hour to finish bringing out stock, checking each weapon for readiness, and crating them up again. Plenty of time for a little… assessment.”
Vaggie: (folds wings around herself) (backs away) “I’ve- dancing’s just a hobby, I’m, not even that good-”
Carmilla: “Your lies are terrible. Your form is perfect.”
Vaggie: “I’ve only danced for FUN!”
Carmilla: “And is not battle fun for you? The rush, the deadly interplay of partners you know so briefly and so intimately, to move in response and shape their own movements with yours?”
Vaggie: “…. I also like stabbing people!”
Carmilla: “Choreography for a spear. An interesting challenge.”
Vaggie: “Is this part of the deal for getting weapons from you, or-”
Carmilla: “Yes.”
Vaggie: “-en la madre…. fiiiiine.”
Carmilla: “You will submit to a small rehearsal?”
Vaggie: “Whatever.”
Carmilla: “Good. Now tuck those wings away.”
Vaggie: “Won’t I do better with-”
Carmilla: “You are more used to moving without them now, they're very nearly throwing off your balance. That, on top of your long hair, we do not have time to contend with.”
Vaggie: “But-”
Carmilla: “Fight without wings and keep them in reserve or cut your hair. Your choice.”
Vaggie: “…I guess.. keeping them as a surprise makes sense…”
Carmilla: “And you like having long hair, I know.”
Vaggie: “It’s whooshy.”
Carmilla: “Regardless, you will also at least be tying it back.”
Vaggie: (glowering) “Yes mom.”
Carmilla: “….”
Vaggie: “…”
Vaggie: “Ma’am I said ma’am.”
Carmilla: “I’m sure you did.” (turning away) (hiding smile) "Now. What always comes first?"
Vaggie: (sighing) (resigned) "Stretches..."
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cozycottagetarot · 1 year
Quick Pick: Messages From Your Person
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Hello, my loves! It's been way too long, but I'm finally back (hopefully for a long time) with a new reading as well as a bit of a rebrand. Today's reading is focused on messages from your person (kind of in the realm of a future spouse but generally a long-term partner) but I think for some of you it may come across as a current partner as well.
This is a pretty experimental reading for me. I want to start including an 'energy check' of sorts to help you better figure out if a pile is for you or not. I've done 'channelled' messages before but I felt weird about them so I've decided to give it a try again. The message aspect of this reading is just a free-flow writing of the cards that were pulled. And of course, I decided to play around a little bit more with my graphics. I'm always open to feedback, so I'd love to gather your thoughts on the set-up and reading itself.
Elle 🌿
P.S. I'm trying to re-do my masterlist but can't locate all my old pacs easily. If you come across one, I wouldn't mind if you send me the link. 🙏
Support My Work | MASTERLIST
Disclaimer: When reading tarot, my aim is to focus on self-reflection and seeking guidance. The readings you'll find here are designed to add a pinch of fun and entertainment to your day. While I might sprinkle in some advice that hopefully vibes with you, please remember that these insights aren't a substitute for any professional advice you might need-- after all, you know your journey best! For any love-related or future-focused readings, consider them captivating musings exploring possibilities. Divination inspired stories even. I can't predict the future but I do hope to add some enjoyment and insights into your everyday. Lastly my darlings, please take from these readings what resonates with you most, be it some, all or none, and leave the rest. 🌟
Note: Pile 1 your pile gave me absolute hell the first time around 😭. I was writing/channelling the message and the energy literally just gave way at one point, I was flabbergasted 🫨. Anyway, the second pull was much clearer, but I included notes I felt were important from the first pull in the post-reading notes section.
Your Energy:
Going through an awakening. A need or call for self-reflection. A new cycle is beginning. You must face what you are running from within, but you must also be patient. Rely on your inner strength. Needing to learn more about yourself before doing/trying something different. Potentially finding yourself in part of a mentorship. Connecting with people similar to yourself. Navigating regrets. Needing to let go of the old you. Needing to ground yourself.  A strong energy of needing to look within yourself. It is time to prepare yourself for your next journey.
The Message:
Can you let the past go? We’ve been through so much, the both of us, on our own and together. Why do you hold on to it when our future is waiting for us? I know I hurt you and I apologize. You didn’t deserve any of the pain I caused you. I don’t blame you [it felt like there was a specific reason but I couldn’t get the specifics] but I feel lost without you. I could tell you why, I want to, but words mean nothing without action. You know my story. My relationship with my mother, how that shaped me. You know I love the attention of it all, having everyone’s eyes on me. Makes me feel good.. makes me feel. But no one else’s attention mattered like yours did. I felt most close to myself with you. Please, please let go of that version of me you’re holding onto in your head. I’m taking space because I need to heal. I need to heal my relationship with me first before I can heal it with us. This isn’t goodbye; just so long for now. I’m taking time to put that me in the past too and find myself and what I want from this life. I mean it’s simple really, I want you, us. I want to give you the good life you deserve, but I need to fix myself first. Give me the self-love I deserve.
Post-Reading Notes:
There’s a mature, sad regretful energy. Someone on a journey of self-exploration. Two hurting souls who met at the wrong time. One of you may be further along in your healing journey or you’ve both healed parts of yourself and your relationship that the other one hasn’t healed yet.
First Pull Notes:
One of the first things that came to mind for me is a dark night of the soul… I haven’t heard that term in so long and I’ve completely forgotten what it means, but for someone in this pile, I feel like that may resonate a lot. Going through a tough time. Blow after blow. Your higher self or inner wisdom is trying to reach you. Introspection before a new beginning. An ending of something you don’t want to let go of?
Big things are happening in your life, and significant changes are taking place even though it might not seem that way right now. Lots of air energy. Gaining mental clarity is super important for you right now. Breakup vibes? You two are like opposite sides or motivations of the same energy. Holding on when you know you should let go. This is definitely your person (one of the cards literally says ‘You’re my person’).
Your Energy:
For some of you are at the end of suffering but lying to yourself about the truth of the outcome, while for others you’re running from the mistakes made along the way. Maybe it's both. You’re still grieving all that is lost, be gentle with yourself. Hard work and consistency may await you but keep at it. Adventure is closer than you think. You’re on the brink of success. Moving forward hurts, but you must. Your person (or something you've been romanticising) is waiting for you. You just have to be brave enough to step through the gate. Opportunities are coming your way. If you're interested in floral hobbies or embroidery go for it.
The Message:
I hear you. I haven’t given up on you. I hear the songs you play for me, I hear the songs of your heart. You’re my love, my soulmate. We were meant to be, you and me. You’re not crazy or insane, or any other term you demean yourself with. You’re my everything. I can feel your soul even though we’re apart. If I close my eyes hard enough, I can feel you there. I can see your sparkling soul mirroring mine... sad eyes, bright smile, you leave me in awe. I know you call to me, and I’m sorry I’m not there. Don’t hate me for it, please. I’m leaving behind all that has been holding me back… the same as you. I’m sorry it’s so lonely. I want to meet. What do you say? Impromptu trip to the tropics? Somewhere cold? I just want to escape the world with you and lie in your arms. You’re my home. I sit in your energy and let it guide me your way. But I do need time. Please be patient with me. I haven’t abandoned you. I’m finding me, for you. I dream about you so often and being the kind of person you’d inspire me to be.
Post-Reading Notes:
"I need you to run to me, run to me, lover." (Run by Hozier, the chorus specifically. I know the song is supposed to be a metaphor but I'm suggesting it at face value). A very healing energy to your person's messages. Your person could also fantasise about you a lot... in a non-x-rated 18+ kind of way. It was mentioned on one of the cards but that part of the card felt awkward in the rest of the cards. They’re possessive, it doesn't seem like in a negative or extreme way but again, that's not something that was strong or clear. There’s something to do with the attention of others. They just want to be yours completely… Honestly, a submissive yet dominant kind of energy. A protector and/or provider (take that as you will) who is absolutely smitten with you and will do anything you say.
I don't typically read for it, but one of the cards had twin flame written on it. It could also be symbolic of mirroring each other in your personal journeys in life.
Your Energy:
Powerful yet solitary energy. A new chapter of your life. Accomplishing a big goal. Moving to a new location. Creating a good foundation for yourself in preparation for what comes next. Balancing your energies. Sleep issues. Struggling with anxiety or managing thoughts after a traumatic event. Celebration. Having security. Authoritarian role or vibes.
The Message:
Okay, I can do this: I can’t get you off of my mind. I’m constantly thinking of you, viewing your content, trying to set myself up to run into you. I know it’s silly, especially since you hurt me. Who pines after the person that hurt them? Well, it wasn't meant to be mean. You’re just so mysterious I can’t ever read you and it or you make me nervous. I’m always worrying about what to say. I want to talk to you but opening up to others is hard. I’m afraid I’ll start crying or you’ll hear my voice crack. You’re my person. I’m sure of it. You’re everything I’ve hoped for in a person, everything I dream about before I go to sleep at night. You’re doing so well for yourself, but I want to spoil you and be there for you. Not always materially. I know you can cover that for yourself. But being there for you and spending time with you… I heard you were seeing someone. I hope it’s not true and even if it is, I hope it doesn't last. No, I’m not sorry. I’m going to work up the courage to reach out to you soon.
Post-Reading Notes:
Oh Pile 3, you’re so intimidating to your person. Secret admirer vibes. I definitely think you’ve got a very serious or professional energy and an intimidating appearance. That may especially be true if you’re taller than average for your demographic/s. The energies here feel very balanced or neutral (not heavily feminine or masculine) on both your end and theirs.
Your Energy:
Such a beautiful light-hearted energy. There’s such a beautiful and hopeful energy in this relationship here but it’s also possible someone or something is working against you right now. A very important decision is being made. Someone could be trying to take something from you, but keep going. You’ve got this incredible power/energy to you. Vows are super important, be it making them with someone else or making a vow to yourself to gain or achieve something. Collaboration. Having everything you need to succeed. There could be challengers coming your way but you're strong enough to overcome them.
The Message:
I’m sorry. I don’t know, that was immature of me. I swear it wasn’t like you thought but don’t worry I’m going to do better. Honest. You know, I dream about us being together and growing old. I dream about our kids. They’re so stinking cute. We’ve still got growing to do, ok, or I’ve still got growing to do. Please talk to me. You know I hate it when you give me the silent treatment. I know I disappeared on you and that wasn’t cool. I just get so… I care about you a lot. I don’t want to see you hurt. I want the best for you. I know I act all big and bad but I’m a softie at heart. That fight was weird. I don’t like it. It wasn’t like us. It meant nothing I know. Would you pack up and run away with me if I asked? I hate the distance between us right now. Im always listening to our playlist. I know I acted like I'm uninterested in something serious but I am. I want you. I miss you. I want to spoil you and give you everything you deserve. Just give me a chance. Please hear me out.
Post-Reading Notes:
The vibes while doing the reading felt like very young vibes? There’s a youthfulness there. Someone who either is actually young in age or hasn’t grown up emotionally in a certain aspect. It felt like they did something prideful that was hurtful to you and you two are in a disconnect during the moment captured in the reading. It didn’t feel like a serious fight. More so when you’re upset with someone and acting like you’re madder than you really are (your vibes) and the other person is sweating and begging you to talk to them again (their vibes).
Also, idk why but Peter Parker kept coming into my head 🕸️. I’m not feeling to analyse it so take it as you will.
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joels-shitty-puns · 10 months
The Key To Your Heart - Track 9
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Musician!Reader
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Series Summary: After writing your feelings for Pedro into a song, it gains a lot more popularity than expected. Ultimately it brings both criticism and support, with new possibilities around the corner.
Series Warnings: 18+ only (MDNI). Panic/Anxiety attack. Alluding to sexual scenarios. Kissing. Fat shaming, name calling. Mentions of food, weight loss, weight gain, dieting, weighing, potential eating disorder, food guilt. Potential for puns/dad jokes (name of my blog, and the fic) should give that away. This is my first fic which should be its own warning, lol. Also some cursing. Mentions of masturbation (f) maybe more smut later idk. Sadness, reader is pretty depressed. Poor body image. Rude people. Bullying-ish and just lack of support? Anxiety. Age gap! Reader is in her mid 20's, Pedro is current age (48).
Other stuff: Reader is plus sized. AFAB. Inexperienced. Also has a dog, but you can pretend it is another creature probably. Further, in case it isn't clear, italics almost always are the reader's inner thoughts!
Word Count: 2.7K
Series List: Here!
Miss Chapter 8? Here!
Hi everyone!! I really don't feel great about this chapter, I'm sorry if it sucks. I kinda just want to get it out there though because I don't see my brain thinking up anything better. A lot of writer's block surrounding this scene. Anywho, hopefully next chapter will be better, but I still hope you like it. Although we allude to a little bit of sexual situations now that they are together, I likely will avoid explicit smut being that Pedro is a real human and I am a guilty, guilty human for writing any smut at all. I don't want to offend Pedro (not that he'd ever see it anyway, I am delusional), but I also know people find real person fiction uncomfy as a whole. That being said, I think this story may be coming to a close pretty soon. I plan to have maybe one more full storyline chapter, and at least one little side bonus chapter :) Please let me know what you think in the comments, or DM me if you wanna chat! I love hearing all your thoughts. Thank you for reading and hanging in here with me.
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Before the screen even had a chance to load, you canceled the request. Nervously looking at Pedro, he held your hand under the table. “What is it?” he asked gently.
“I just realized,” you replied. “What if they ask about us? About those pictures? What should I say?”
Pedro answered with a gentle stroke of his thumb on your cheek. “Whatever you feel comfortable with. I'm sure I'll be fine with whatever you say, baby. I know your privacy is important to you, and I trust you. I'm all in with you.”
“Okay.” You took a deep breath and once again began the stream.
“Live in 3…”
The fans began to file in, and before you knew it, you had thousands of viewers. Opting to start with your screen covered, you wanted to give an intro first before the big reveal. 
It wasn't long before the comments flowed across the screen. 
You took a deep breath, squeezing Pedro’s hand, and jumping in. “Hi everyone! It's me… a lot has been happening lately and I decided it might be time to show a little more of myself.”
-“Did she mean to start a live video ??"
-"Hiii! I'm a big fan"
-“Is she there??”
-“Do you guys see anything?”
“So… Here's me.” You turned on your camera, waving at the screen, your stomach twisting in deeper knots.
-“No fucking way.”
“Hi… Some of you might know me, some might be surprised. But this is me. This is the girl behind the music.”
The comments flooded in, entirely too fast for you to read.
“I want to thank all of you for being fans and listening to my songs. It really means a lot and I hope you liked the album. Your support blows me away, especially with what little information about myself I've given.”
More comments.
“Well, I uh… guess I should read some of these comments and answer some questions. I'm sure there’s a lot you all are wondering about,” you stated nervously, starting to read.
-“Why did you hide your identity?”
“Why did I hide my identity… I hid my identity mostly based on poor self image. I never expected my music to gain popularity, never expected celebrities to know it. Never expected any of it, and it certainly brought its share of criticism. I was scared to be in the spotlight and I didn't feel like I looked good enough to be someone famous. You know? I'm not skinny, I have flaws, and that doesn't always sit well with the Internet. I guess I was mainly scared of how I would be perceived. I'm just a normal girl who had her whole life flipped upside down when I wrote my feelings down,” you laughed anxiously.
Choosing to ignore the storm brewing in the comments below, you addressed the earlier comment. “Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad I can make you feel more accepted by seeing more plus-sized people in the entertainment business. Everyone should feel seen and have a place at the table, no matter what you look like, or who you are.”
-“I think it's nice to have more celebrities that look kinda like me.”
-“You're so humble!!”
-“You should've stayed hidden lmao”
-“Shut up, asshole. Why are you here if you're going to be rude?”
-“I'm sure you're a real supermodel behind that keyboard bravery.. smh”
You weren't expecting someone to actually feel like you were representing them and making them feel seen. You didn't think you had enough of an impact for that. You certainly weren't treated that way when you weren't famous. Nobody really even noticed you before.
You could feel Pedro’s eyes on your face, his thumb swirling circles and hearts over the space of skin on the top of your hand, below your thumb. The place where his bullseye resides on his own. Does he trace that tattoo when he's nervous, the same way he is with me? Perhaps his tracing of your hand is calming himself as much as it is for you.
Desperately, you wanted to look over at him and be comforted by his deep brown eyes, but doing so would cause people to wonder who you made eye contact with and smiled at. So instead, you gave a gentle squeeze and a smile towards the screen, hoping he would understand. 
-“Hi, I'm a big fan of yours. Can I ask… is what you said on your album true? You've never been kissed before? I haven't either and I was starting to feel like I'm just a freak.”
“Oh, honey, you aren't a freak. Everyone has things happen at different times in their life. But yes, everything I wrote in my album at the time I wrote it was true. And don't worry, I have felt the same way. Seeing others be kissed, falling in love… having the things I wasn't, it really hurts. But it'll be okay.. nothing is wrong with you. You're deserving of love.”
You hoped they wouldn't pick up on your usage of past-tense wording. Pedro, still holding your hand, rubbed his other hand over your arm gently.
-“Wait… at the time you wrote it? What about now?”
The comments were going wild.
Your hands shook, and you used your opposite hand to place on top of Pedro’s that gripped yours. He squeezed gently, feeling the nervous tremors pass through your body, continuing to rub gentle strokes over your arm with his opposite hand.
“Uhm…” your cheeks heated and your stomach sank.
“I've changed a lot since this album was first written. Experienced new things. But I'm still the same person.”
-“Who did you kiss?! Is it the guy in your song?”
-“Will you tell us who the song is about?”
-“Wait a second… you're that girl aren't you!?!!!! The one in the pictures with Pedro Pascal!!!!”
The nervous tremors continued, now threatening to cause your teeth to chatter. A full panic attack was brewing. Pedro squeezed your hand again, touching your knee and trying to do his best to ground you without speaking up on your live video. Skipper could feel the waves of anxiousness pooling off of you as well and crawled forward to settle his body across your feet. You took a few calming breaths, but when you went to speak, your voice still betrayed you.
“I..” your voice cracked, shakiness evident as you could feel tears starting to edge their way towards your vision.
I can't do this. I can't do this. I need to shut it off.
You shut your eyes, taking deep breaths, trying to ease your nausea and stress. 
Keeping your eyes closed, you spoke. “Yes.”
You took another deep breath. “Yes it was me, yes the song was about him. Yes.”
You opened your eyes to read the comments, tears pooling down your cheeks as you couldn't hold back your emotion anymore.
This is so embarrassing. The first time I show my face I'm crying and having an anxiety attack in front of the whole world.
You swallowed, choking back the full sobs that your body wanted to let loose. Wiping your face with the back of your hand, you began to read the comments, expecting laughter, criticism, and bullying. Instead, you were met with kindness.
Coming back to your senses, you gave a shaky smile. “Thank you guys. I'm sorry for my emotions.” You sniffled. Pedro was still rubbing your hands and arms, comforting you, having never stopped. His eyes still bore into the side of your head, and you knew he was struggling to not speak up or grab you fully. 
-“Oh my God, are you okay?”
-“I didn't mean to make you cry I'm so sorry”
-“You and Pedro make a cute couple”
-“Oh no, please don't cry”
-“Idk if you guys are dating but you seem cute”
-“I'm so glad you guys are spending time together when he's the guy in your song”
-“It'll be okay, please don't be upset”
-“You're amazing, we love you”
“Yes, Pedro and I have been spending a lot of time talking after he publicly commented on my song a few months ago. The party was the first time we met in person and we're still figuring things out,” you let go of your worries and broke eye contact with the camera, looking to your side to meet Pedro’s gaze. “But… we're happy.” You smiled at him. He smiled back gently, squeezing your hand, worry and sadness plaguing his face over your well-being. Breaking eye contact, you looked back at the screen.
You giggled before answering “well, I think that's all we have time for today. Thank you all for joining me!” You silently clicked off the stream, closing the browser, turning off the computer, and turning to Pedro. He grabbed your other hand in his, now holding both. “Are you okay?” He asked, concern etched in his face.
-“Shut. Up. This is insane.”
“I think so,” you nodded.
“Seeing you panic and not being able to do anything without potentially making it worse… It killed me. I'm so sorry. I just wanted to pull you into my arms and end that video myself. I hated seeing you so upset.” He stared down at your intertwined hands, rubbing his thumb over them again. 
“I appreciate you being here for me,” you let go of his hand to stroke his cheek. “I couldn't have done that without you.” You met his eyes, leaning forward to rest against his forehead. He let out a shaky breath. “I love you. I'm so proud of you.”
“I love you too,” you replied with a smile. “Let's move to the couch, huh?” You asked, pulling him up from the chair. He stood, just as your phone rang, a call from Rose. You quickly answered.
“I saw the live stream. You did wonderful! Don't worry about any of the negative comments you saw or any stories that come out of this. I'll handle it all.”
“Thanks, Rose.”
“Anytime. Take care.” She hung up.
You updated Pedro as the two of you walked towards the couch. “Do you want breakfast?” He asked.
“Maybe in a minute. Can I just hold onto you for a few minutes?”
“I would love nothing more.”
He sat on the couch, you sitting next to him, before he gave you a look. “What?” you laughed. He patted his leg.
“Let me hold you.”
“I'm too heavy for that Pedro, don't be ridiculous,” you shook your head.
“You're the one being ridiculous.” He reached over, pulling you into his lap. “I'm too heavy! You're going to hurt yourself,” you whined.
“You're not too heavy. You're the perfect size, baby. Come here,” he pulled you forward, your body sliding down his thighs as he wrapped his arms around you. You straddled his lap, knees on either side of his hips while he rubbed your back gently. You placed your arms around him, nuzzling into his neck and closing your eyes. You both sighed, and he grabbed a blanket next to him to pull over your bodies. “I could stay like this for hours, wrapped in your arms” you sighed comfortably. 
“Why don't you?” He turned his head to kiss your lips. You lifted your face up, taking your head off his shoulder to kiss him deeper. The kisses were lazy and comfortable, holding each other and enjoying the warmth of being in each other's arms.
Finally the two of you broke the kiss, settling back on his shoulder, him tilting his head to lean against yours. His hands sprawled over your back, pulling you forward a bit to adjust in his lap. You let out a soft whimper at the contact, fully aware of the location your bodies connected at the moment. “Feel how much you mean to me?” He asked, his breath ghosting your ear as he pulled your hips forward again. You whined. “Yes..” you answered breathlessly. The temptation to keep doing that was overwhelming. But he once again wrapped his arms around you, rubbing your back as the two of you comfortably dozed off, finally relaxed after so much stress of the morning.
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Hours later, you stirred, feeling Pedro still underneath you. At the feel of you moving, he stretched a bit before settling with his arms around you again. “Morning, baby” he hummed. “Guess we fell asleep,” you smiled.
“Some of the best sleep I've had in a while, here with you.”
“Same here.” You blinked your eyes open, kissing him on the lips with a peck. “What time is it?”
He turned his head to look at the clock on your TV. “5 o’clock” he laughed. “Guess we both needed some rest.” 
“Mmmm, I guess so,” you hummed, settling into him more.
“Good thing I brought nonperishables. Are you hungry?”
You pondered. “Yeah, I am,” you looked into his deep brown eyes. “Breakfast for dinner?” You smiled at him.
“Sounds perfect.” He pecked your lips before you slid off his lap, the two of you standing to stretch. It wasn't long that you two stood apart before you leapt forward again to give him a hug. He laughed, hugging you back. “I'll never get tired of being in your arms,” you smiled into his chest, breathing in his scent.
“I'll never get tired of holding you in mine,” he pulled his face back to look at you.
“Now let's eat! I'm starved,” you scampered towards the kitchen, him giving a gentle pat to your butt before hugging you from behind as you grabbed the breakfast foods. You giggled, setting food on plates as he kissed your neck, still wrapped around you from behind. “I'm starving too,” he replied back to your earlier statement with a growl, biting your ear.
“Pedro!” You giggled, smacking his arm gently. He chuckled, pulling away and grabbing his plate as you both headed to the table.
The two of you ate, filling the space with light conversation, both of you occasionally sneaking Skipper some bites under the table. He could get used to having two humans spoiling him.
The chatter came to a natural pause, eating in silence and smiling at each other across the table. Pedro stopped eating, wiping his hands and continuing to stare at you. You laughed, asking him what was up. Suddenly, he looked nervous.
“I, uh…” he rubbed his neck. “I was going to wait until after we had at least a first date to say this, but…” he trailed off, and your mind spiraled. Is he breaking up with me? Is he not interested anymore? What's wrong?
“I was wondering if… you'd be my girlfriend? Exclusively?” His cheeks flushed.
You stammered, dropping your fork on the plate. “You… you want… me to be your girlfriend?” You smiled.
He nodded. “If… you'll have me.”
“You want to be my boyfriend?” He nodded again, looking down at the table.
“Yes. Yes, are you kidding? Please! I'd love nothing more.” You grinned, jumping out of your chair to move to him.
He stood, pulling you into a hug. “Really?” He smiled at you.
“Really,” you nodded. “Now kiss me,” you held his face.
“Gladly,” he pulled you closer, kissing you deeply, his tongue asking for entrance to your mouth. You squealed, surprised, but letting him in. You'd never experienced this sensation before. But it was… incredible.
He licked your lips, the two of you exploring the inside of each other's mouths, tongues dancing together. The kiss was heated and deeper than ever before, both of you finally pulling away for air, him coming back in to peck your lips a few times, sucking your lip between his own. You sighed shakily. “Wow.”
“I love kissing you,” he smiled against your lips.
“I love kissing you. You're a good kisser,” you smiled back.
“So are you,” he smirked. “My beautiful girlfriend.” He gave a kiss. “How about that date tomorrow?” He pulled away to look at you, letting his hand rub across your lower back, just above your butt.
“I'd love to,” you stroked his face. “My handsome boyfriend.” You wrapped your arms around him again, blissfully.
“Tomorrow,” you two sighed in unison.
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@pedrotonin @starcrossed02 @lightupsketchersperson @cartoon-garbage04 @tyferbebe @maryfanson @gwendibley84 @faithfullyyours2000 @brilliantopposite187 @hc-geralt-23 @jenniferpendragon @winchestergypsy90 @red-red-rogue @theendwhereibegin @lottieellz101 @oliversaurus @kyga01 @milly-louise @titabel @taz-97 @stefanibear003 @marantha @fandomoniumflurry @ilovemybrown-eyedbabygirl @leiadjarin @hmneighbors
Thank you for reading!!! Let me know what you think ❤️
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czalzver · 11 months
all over again, pt2
a/n: hi babes
warnings: mentions of pills, slight smut, language (i thinkk)
pairing: none
summary: in which sam gets unexpected news causing her to call you up
word count: 0.9k
part 1
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It's been 7 years since you've been in New York. You're wearing a white tee shirt, black bell bottoms medium high converse, a flannel, headphones, and well obviously your glasses. It's 12:27 A.M. Your friends wanted to meet up at a club, they thought you could loosen up a bit and hopefully find someone that you could well hookup with. You swore to yourself that you would fly back one day to Woodsboro to find Sam. That's if she didn't have a lover.
You pause your music, setting your headphones on the nape of your neck. Setting your hands inside your pockets, your friends come rushing out to greet you. Bella, one of the first friends you met there during high school when you had to transfer, went to go hug you, her arms drooped over your shoulders. Clearly drunk. You thought to yourself as you put your arms over her hugging her back.
"Tonight is the night Y/n will find a hookup!" You smiled awkwardly, as Bella slurs her words letting go of you, trying to find her balance. Your friends cheer as they walk back inside the club.
"You don't have to do this if your not comfortable." Your friend, Jules, stays behind with you.
"I rather much be spending time reading in my bed, but my my therapist said I have to be social." You smile at her, putting your arm around her.
"You have a therapist?" Jules smiles back at me.
You look over at Bella, smiling and enjoying herself. You point at her saying, "She's my therapist."
Sam grabs her Anti-Physcotics from her pockets, quickly putting it in her mouth while downing her water that she grabbed from the floor besides her. Richie comes out eyeing Sam of what she's taking.
"Excuse me miss, what'd you just take?" Richie says, smiling while taking a seat next to Sam.
"Your boner pills, good luck getting it up now." Sam jokes.
"You are my boner pills." Sam's phone rings, seeing "POSSIBLE: Wes Hicks." She decides to ignore it.
"You're so cheesy."
Her phone rings again, debating or not to pick it up. What could go wrong?
"I need to take this." Sam gets up answering it, putting the phone to her ear.
"Hey, what's going on?"
"Sam? Uh Tara was attacked." The way her face drops as she hears the news.
"What? Is she?"
"She's alive." She feels relief flow throughout her body, relaxing herself.
"She was... Stabbed." 
"What-" Wes interrupts Sam.
"She made it through surgery, and the doctors said it went well, she's resting now, and I know you guys aren't in the best terms but- uh"
"I'm on my way." Sam breathes slowly her heart thudding through her ribcage.
"She's going to be okay, Sam."
"Do they know who did this..?"
"It's better if you come here."
"Wes." Sam says through the phone sternly.
"She said it was someone in a fucking Ghostface mask."
She hangs up, and Richie makes his way over to Sam.
"Is everything okay?"
"My sister was attacked." 
"I gotta go."
"Woah, hey, hey, hey," Richie goes over to Sam, hugging her. "It's going to be okay."
You wake up, propping yourself up with your elbows. You can feel your head pounding, you look to your right, seeing Bella next to your sleeping soundly. Wait.. No, god tell me I didn't sleep with her. Those words ran through your head, as you looked around seeing your shirt thrown to the other side of the room, your bra still intact around your body, and your flannel on the couch on the edge of her bed. You look to your left seeing your phone ringing.
"POSSIBLE: Samantha Carpenter."
"Sam.." You said lowly under your breath, getting up quickly, accidently falling causing a thud. You check up to see if Bella woke. Phew. Oh right! Sam! You whip your head over back to the nightstand, hovering your finger above the answer button. You press it, rushing to the bathroom, closing the door.
"Y/n?" Sam says with worry in her voice. You can feel your body lighten up.
"Hey.. Sam." You feel a smile grow on your face.
"I need you.. to come back to Woodsboro. Something happened to Tara."
"What?" You said with a confused tone.
"Y/n, please, I'll explain it to you when you come."
"But I'm-" You hear the phone beep. Sam hung up. "in New York."
Fuck. Now how are you going to get out of Bella's apartment without her noticing.
Well too late to try and sneak out now. You open the door, and wave at her.
"Hey, Bells.. Sorry I had to use the bathroom real quick."
You grab your pants from the floor, putting one leg through the hole, and doing the same to the other. You grab your shirt putting your head first, and then your arm, casually getting stuck trying to find the hole.
"What happened last night?" You hear Bella ask you, as she covers herself with the blanket, sitting up in bed.
The door opens with a kick of Bella's shoe as she continued to kiss you. Your hands roam all over her body, playing with the hem of her shirt. She pulls back, allowing you to take off her shirt, and yours as well. You push her up against a wall, playing with the button of her jeans.
"Y/n." She moans out.
You feel weak in the knees hearing her say your name in that tone.
Next thing you know your both naked, a harness around your body with a dildo attached to it.
"I don't know," You lie, biting the inside of your cheek, "I was pretty wasted last night."
"Where are you going?" Bella ask a little sincere in her voice.
"I'm sorry, Bella, I gotta go."
"Wait, Y/n!"
You grab your headphones, and your backpack. Going to her front door.
"I love you, Bella." You opened the door, and left it at that.
Maybe you had a problem with those three words. 
I love you.
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stvharrngton · 1 year
a lesson in romantics; lesson two
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summary: a multi-part series where reader is the new art teacher at hawkins high and the history teacher, mr. harrington, takes a shine to the new girl. mutual pining ensues on their road to love 🥀
a/n: lesson two is here! i'm going to try and update this at least once a week (hopefully!!!), if anyone would like to request any scenarios or tropes they would like to see in this series then please feel free to drop me an ask! <3
characters: steve harrington x fem!reader, robin buckley, nancy wheeler
word count: 1.1k
warnings: none
taglist: @inkluvs @dukesmebby @sweetbabygirlsworld @kennedy-brooke @pbs-theundeadmaggot @alana4610
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The rest of the school week went as normal. You got to know your kids a little better, figured out who was out to impress and who the trouble makers were. But you were looking forward to finishing for the weekend and to meeting your co-workers at the bar later. Just a little.
You were a little nervous too, you didn’t know who else was going to be there or if you would be stepping on any toes by being there. You hoped you wouldn’t be.
So when you walked inside the bar you couldn’t remember the name of you were pleasantly surprised to see Steve stood to attention, waving you over to their booth when he spotted you. 
You smiled shyly as you made your way over, Steve greeting you with a one armed hug which earned a surprised look from Robin to the person sat opposite her in the booth, which didn’t go unnoticed by you.
Steve introduced you to that person, who turned out to be Nancy, Ms. Wheeler, who taught English at Hawkins High. She offered you a kind smile as you raised your hand in a wave, urging you to sit next to her as Steve made off to the bar to get the next round of drinks.
The evening went particularly normal, you all made small talk about the school and your week with each other, drinking cheap beer as the condensation from the cold bottles trickled down onto the wood table. 
You found yourself at the booth alone with Steve a little later on, Robin and Nancy off at the jukebox in the corner arguing over what Blondie song to put on. Taking a sip of your beer, Steve finally spoke.
“So,” he started, leaning in on his elbows, “tell me about yourself Miss Art Teacher.”
Rolling your eyes playfully at him before asking simply, “What do you want to know, Mr. Harrington?”
Conversation flowed easily with Steve, much easier than with people you had known for years, you found yourself thinking. It was never awkward, there were never any uncomfortable silences. It was quite the opposite actually - neither of you could shut up.
You felt like you had known each other for years - when in reality it was a little less than a week.
“What brings you to Hawkins, then?” was his next question.
“Oh, you know,” you sighed, “a fresh start and all that.”
He nodded with an understanding look on his face. A look that said you can tell me more, if you want, or nothing at all. But he wouldn’t judge if you made that choice.
“Shitty ex-boyfriend,” you shrugged, fingernails picking at the damp label on the bottle, “that about sums it up, I think.”
“I see,” Steve said with a nod, fingers reaching to brush over your forearm softly, “that sucks. I’m sorry.”
There was a beat of silence before Steve spoke again, “I can’t promise the gentleman pool of Hawkins will be any less shitty.” He said with a chuckle.
You burst out in a fit of giggles in response, a sound that made Steve beam from ear to ear. “Noted.” was all you could muster in reply.
Steve watched you with a giddy smile on his face as you excused yourself to use the bathroom. Unbeknownst to either of you, Robin and Nancy had been watching the whole scene before them unfold from their corner of the bar.
They shot straight back over to Steve as soon as he was alone, the pair sitting opposite of their friend like an interrogation. 
“What’s going on with you two?” Robin asked, eyes narrowing at her best friend across the table.
“Robs, what are you talking about?” Steve was dumbfounded, the accusatory look on his face all but said it, “Me and—?” he gestured towards the restrooms now, “We’re just friends, we’ve barely known each other a week!”
“Steve,” Nancy sighed.
And that’s when Steve knew he was in trouble. His actions had earned him that tone from Nancy Wheeler more than once. 
“Nancy, I—“
“You are head over heels for this girl, Steve,” Nancy began, looking Steve dead in the eyes.
“I am not!” Steve exclaimed in a hushed tone before Robin interjected.
She only rolled her eyes in response, “If anyone would know, it would be Nance.” she muttered under her breath, earning her a scowl from Steve.
“Look,” Steve groaned, “I like the girl, sure, but we’re just friends.” Steve was adamant and stubborn, despite what Nancy and Robin could see, “She’s new in town and I wanted to be nice and make her feel welcome at the school and if that’s such a crime then you two can bite me.”
Robin and Nancy shared a look before bursting out into a fit of giggles at Steve’s expense, both holding their hands up in innocence. Steve could only shake his head before pressing his forehead to his hand in agitation. 
Neither party had realised you had made your way back to the table to the scene unfolding before you, the details which you weren’t privy to. You awkwardly took the free seat next to Steve, who gave you a sheepish smile, a pleading look that said please don’t run away, this is totally normal.
“Ignore them, please,” Steve begged, chuckling under his breath, cheeks turning a little pink. 
It wasn’t much longer until you were all heading home for the evening, Nancy and Robin making their way together, leaving you and Steve standing outside the bar alone. 
“I better get going,” you said, finally breaking the silence between you two. Gesturing over your shoulder as you offered Steve a soft smile, “long weekend of lesson prep ahead of me.”
“I hear ya,” Steve replied, sticking his hands in the front pocket of his jeans, “I’m glad you came tonight, I hope you had fun?”
“Oh, for sure,” you nodded eagerly, eyes light and hopeful, “I had a great time.”
Steve returned the sparkle in your eye with one of his own, a cheeky expression playing with his features, “Maybe,” he started, eyes darting to look at the ground before they flitted back up at you, “maybe we could do it again sometime? Maybe without those two embarrassing me at every turn.”
“I’d like that.” you grinned up at him. You weren’t sure what it was about Steve, but he was enticing, his personality addictive. You liked being around him, you liked his jokes, no matter how bad they were. It didn’t scare you one bit that you’d only known him a week.
“Now, are you gonna let me be a gentleman and walk you home?” Steve asked, eyebrows raised with a smirk.
And you weren’t about to say no to that.
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red-water-dragon · 20 days
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Raren demonstrating a suspicious spell in front of the royal court.
visual storytelling notes:
The bg was left blank until I started painting and the elements added to the bg were designed around the character. I didn't go into this with a little synopsis of what I wanted to convey. Only an abstract idea that Raren was going to be talking to someone, figure it out later. I decided he'd be presenting a new spell in front of a political chamber because he wears a crown and a blue crystal. So he has to be of some form of nobility and magical prowess. He also has blue eyes meaning he is an ice dragon and thus its a blue spell wow. The monarchs he's addressing are left dark and disapproving in the corner while Raren powers a statue beneath them. He could be demonstrating how the spell effects the world around them, maybe it freezes the stone? maybe it brings the statue to life? Either way its primed to eat Raren's opposition. Two of the bg guys are red one is blue maybe he's an arch nemesis who knows.
Art process and wips under the cut
I'm trying and failing to get better at visual story telling while keeping things simple. My long term goal is to have a frequent and consistent posting schedule. Most of the art would be stylized and simple like this and the rest could be fully rendered.
Art has been more of a "draw what's in you head and make it look pretty/ cool to hang up later" thing to me w/ the benefit of being a good source of self reflection as I create. Writing has more so been my go to for expressing that meditation. Writing I don't share because im unnecessarily cagy abt my emotions and my harshest critic lol. I want to tell stories with my art , convey tone, feeling, etc. and right now my paintings don't do that. I don't have the technical skill yet. This painting is the first of many to come that will hopefully change this.
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The texture in this is chaotic and the line work is rough. Raren is the only part of this with a full sketch. All other line art was added to create the illusion of detail. There is less attention on rendering each section and more being put into the placement of characters and props. I had hoped this would make the painting go faster and...it has the potential to do so in the future. Sooo a piece that could have taken a couple hours took a whole day.
While im not overly thrilled with the final image im still happy about the process. Normally the dragon would be the only real focal point in my painting with the bg being a gradient, or a simple theme added last second. Conveying a message is more work but it gives more cool things for the eye to look at and the mind to ponder. So in theory even if the final result is aesthetically unappealing the theme can still salvage the work a bit.
what this taught me:
sketchy line work is passable in the final image
it can even add character to the art
plants are a great way of filling space without actually doing so
(hence the wip of the room looking empty af with out them)
the more clothing and eye candy you put on your character the more clutter you have to add to the bg to balance it out
the main oc was sketched the bg was painted on the fly
doing so saved time but harmed the natural flow of the piece
all of the storytelling is happening in quarters and it is almost abrasive to look at
what ill try in the next piece:
perspective guides
less shading and rendering
find a color palette to stick to
or work in greyscale first
write a little picture synopsis
or pick a theme
just find something that acts as a story guide
sketch out bg elements
toy around with the sketch more before moving to painting
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
A Dangerous Game Ch 22
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, alcohol, smut. Okay so i did say we were gonna wrap at 25 chapters but I'm smooshing things together cause I didn't have enough meat to fill out chapters and am getting lazy. SO! ONE more chapter after this one. Hopefully soon, but also I work the next two days so we'll see how that works out LOL. Plenty of other stuff in the wip pile otherwise and some bingo squares actually started on so you have content to look forward to, promise.
Both you and Emily were incredibly thankful when there was no last minute new case on Friday, leaving the two of you (and the rest of the team) free to head home right at five. You had enough time to wind down from work, shower and get ready before Emily was knocking at your door. She let out a quiet swear when you pulled open the door and you giggled, kissing her cheek gently before setting the alarm and locking the door. You were in a dusty pink casual yet flirty dress, the neckline enough to tease Emily while still being modest, the hem of the skirt flowing  across your mid thigh.
“You know I could’ve met you there.” You commented as you slid into the car, “less back tracking for you to do.”
“Yeah, but I figured I wanted to do this the right way.” She smiled softly at you, her hand naturally finding home on your thigh as she started the car, backing out of your driveway. “You look absolutely gorgeous by the way.”
“Thanks.” Your cheeks flushed, glancing over to her with a warm smile, “so do you.”
Emily hadn’t planned much, not wanting to go too crazy or come off overbearing, telling you just to dress nice but casual was fine. She’d made dinner reservations at Iron Gate Restaurant, a cute little place that was a prime spot for date nights that wasn’t too fancy but just fancy enough. It was warm enough outside that the two of you ended up at a corner table on their back patio, fairy lights strewn overtop of the gardens and candles on the tables to embrace the ambiance.
You started with a round of cocktails while you looked over the menu, the waiter offering wine suggestions when you placed your food orders. The table started with focaccia, cremini mushroom arancini and a citrus salad while the two of you gossiped about work that week, laughing over the stories that Emily had missed out on while trapped in her office.
“I can’t believe you told Morgan about the jet.” She laughed, taking another sip of her drink and you joined in on her laughter.
“Listen, I was hungover as fuck, I needed that couch.”
“Well now he’s insistent on bunking with you on trips to keep us apart.”
“Okay.” You shrugged with a grin, “never stopped us before. He can give us an hour for privacy or he can suffer. Or I’ll bribe Savannah. If he’s gonna cockblock us, I’ll cockblock him right back.”
“You’re cruel.” She chuckled.
“No.” You insisted, “I give back the same energy I’m given.”
“Ah, the changing of a few crucial words and you get away with it.”
“It’s worked so far.” You replied with a teasing shrug and she laughed again, her free hand sneaking across the table top to grab yours before laying a kiss on the back of it, fingers remaining tangled when they hit the table once again.
Wine and dinner came out shortly after that, Emily teasing you for your choice of seafood despite your absolute hatred of crab. You scoffed, pointing out that they were completely different tastes and textures, and that this would be delicious. The playful argument was completely unneeded, but the way it brought a spark to Emily’s eye when she looked at you was all the excuse you needed to dig into her when she ended up liking your choice of dinner better than her own.
You opted to take one of each desserts to go and Emily was obviously insistent on taking care of the cheque. You attempted to open your mouth to object and the look she shot you was enough alone to know she definitely wasn’t going to give in, no matter what you said. You thanked her, kissing the back of her hand before the two of you were gathering your things, making your way out of the restaurant hand in hand. She faltered in her step as you reached the back of the car, turning back to you with a smile on her face and you leant in, kissing her gently, lips lingering against hers a little longer than normal for being in public.
“Thank you for dinner.” You murmured, “it was really nice.”
“It was.” She smiled, pecking you lightly, “should do it again next week.”
“It’s a date.”
“Now…. Am I taking you back across the river?” She raised a brow at you and you laughed.
“We got dessert to go. What did you think? I was just gonna run off with it? Besides, Sergio’ll throw a fit if I don’t come say hi.”
She laughed, rolling her eyes about Sergio, considering you were completely correct and kissed your cheek softly before nudging you in the direction of the passenger side door.
The moment the elevator doors slid shut Emily had you against the wall in a bruising kiss, lips moving with fire against your own. Your arms quickly looped around her shoulders, fingers threading through her hair, your body relaxing into hers. A thigh found its way between your legs, pinning you to the wall and you let out a whine into the kiss when her hands grasped at your hips, grinding you down against her.
“That’s it angel…” she murmured, her breath hot on your skin as she kissed across your jaw, her muscle flexing under you and your head dropped back against the wall, “feel good?”
“Yes daddy…”
The elevator pinged and you barely had enough time to tear away from each other before the doors slid open and you fumbled your way down the short hallway to Emily’s apartment. Once the door was locked behind you Emily’s hands were on you again, shoes were kicked off and her lips found yours, tongue daring to slide into you mouth and you bit back a moan. Your hands slipped under her shirt, whimpering when she broke the kiss to pull the offending fabric over her head before kissing you again, a happy sigh escaping you that she swallowed down. You quickly got rid of her bra, tossing it to the floor and began squeezing at her chest, lips curving up into a grin at the way she practically melted into your touch. Emily’s hands wound around you to find the zipper of your dress, letting the clothing fall to the floor and she pulled back from the kiss, letting out a low swear when she saw the set you had on underneath.
“Christ princess….”
“Figured I should dress up for you.” You shrugged with a playful grin and she chuckled, her eyes darkening as they dragged up your body.
“You always look so pretty for me.” Her hand reached out, brushing a piece of loose hair behind your ear, “but this is… wow…”
“Yeah?” Grinning, your fingers curled into her belt loops, tugging her closer to you so you could kiss her, “I have a feeling it’d look even better on your bedroom floor.”
“Can’t argue with you there.” She smirked, hands ghosting up your sides to grope at your chest through the lace, pinching at your nipples and you sucked in a breath, your back arching towards the touch. Your hips ground against her and you gasped, a small laugh leaving your lips.
“Why am I not surprised you’re already strapped?”
“Didn’t want to waste any time.” She murmured back, her lips beginning to trail down your neck as her hands made quick work of your bra so you could let it fall from your body. Her hands pinched at your nipples as she bit into the crook of your neck, nudging you back onto the bed. “Good girl.”
She undid her pants, kicking them off, cock springing out before she leant over you, fingers in the waistband of your lace panties and she pulled them down your legs. Her hands smoothed back up them, spreading you open for her and her tongue darted out to wet her lips. The moment her mouth lapped at you, your head fell back into the pillows, a happy moan leaving your lips. One of her hands slid up your hip and your own quickly found it, fingers interlacing as she continued to eat you out. Her nose brushed against your clit and you gasped, your hips rocking up to the sensation as your free hand tangled into her hair, holding her gently to you.
Emily’s tongue darted out, pulling your juices into her mouth, groaning over the taste she adored so much, her free hand pressed down your thigh, spreading you even further open for her, just the way she liked. Her mouth sucked at you, moaning against your pussy, the vibrations shaking through you deep into your core. She shifted up, latching around your clit, letting her tongue trace patterns across it while two fingers slipped into your pussy. Her eyes flicked up so she could watch the way your body thrived against the bed, whimpers and whines escaping your lips while her fingers pumped and curled within you. Your pussy was soaked, fluttering around her with each brush of her fingers.
“Fuck… oh god daddy… feels so…so… fuckin good.”
She sucked harder on your clit, tongue pressing down heavily on it while her fingers curled right against the spongey spot inside of you and you cried out, coming undone, thighs shaking around her.
“Good girl.” She praised, kissing just above your clit before pulling her fingers from you. Before she could even blink, your hand wrapped around her wrist and you were sitting up, pulling her slicked fingers into your mouth, sucking them clean of your juices.
“Please fuck me daddy.” You mewled, nearly pouting as you did so and she swore again, knowing that you were likely going to be the death of her.
“Lie back princess.” She urged after stealing another kiss, watching the way your tits bounced when you did as she asked, spreading your legs even wider for her.
She ran the tip of her cock through your folds, smearing it with your juices and your eyes fluttered shut, breath catching in your throat. She lined the toy up, sinking into you inch by inch until she was completely buried within you and you let out a low moan when she circled her hips. She leant over you and your hands instantly wrapped around her, fingers digging into her skin as she began to move her hips. Her mouth wrapped around a nipple, sucking it into her mouth, teeth scraping against the sensitive skin as she set a steady rhythm. Each thrust her cock seemed to hit every inch of your pussy that you needed and you let out a whine, one of your legs wrapping around her to pull her even tighter to you.
“Harder…” you moaned, “please.”
She bit down harder in the same moment that her hips heavily rocked into yours and you gasped, your hands digging deeper into her skin, pulling a moan from her. She braced one of her hands on the bed, fucking deeper and harder with each thrust of her hips, your whimpers and whines getting louder and longer with each push of her cock. Your hips began to rock up to meet hers eagerly, begging for more,
“God… fuck…oh fuck!”
Emily’s teeth sunk into the curve of your breast, her tongue lapping out to soothe the burn but you both knew there’d be a mark for days to come. She licked across your collar bone, placing a kiss on it before making home in the crook of your neck, mouth licking, biting and sucking while she continued to fuck you.
You were a whimpering mess by now, your entire body on fire and completely consumed by her. Her cock filling you so precisely in only a way she could, her fingers pinching at your nipple, tracing patterns across your skin, your senses were overloaded with Emily, her perfume surging through you, bringing tingles to your skin with each inhale you took. She could feel the way your thighs were beginning to tremble around her, the shake in your breath and her lips formed a smirk on your skin.
“Gonna come for me angel? Come all over daddy’s cock?”
“S—so close.” You whimpered, gasping when her cock thrust heavily into you.
Emily’s hand vanished from your chest, sneaking down in between your bodies to find your clit, pinching it when she did so and your legs tightened around her, a loud moan leaving your lips. Her fingers began to rub in time with her thrusts, pressing harder and harder with each roll of her hips.
“That’s it princess… let go…” She husked into your ear, biting at the lobe and you cried out, shaking in her arms as your orgasm washed over you.
Your body shook, tensing around Emily, nails digging into her skin, burying yourself into the crook of her neck in an attempt to be fully absorbed by her, wanting to feel nothing but her in that moment of pleasure that continued to wash over you, wave after wave. You could hear her voice, but were completely unaware of what she was saying, everything was a haze until you could feel the drag of her cock in your pulsating pussy and let out a shuddering breath, letting go of her and collapsing down into the pillows with a sigh. She gazed down at you with a happy smile, her hips stilling against yours as her hand caressed at your cheek, thumb rubbing at your skin until she was certain you’d had enough of a chance to catch your breath. Leaning down she kissed you softly, lips moving with grace against yours and there was no place in the world either of you wanted to be in that moment. She slipped out of you, leaving the strap to be dealt with later and rolled onto her back, wrapping an arm around you in the warm embrace that you gladly accepted, curling around her body.
Your leg nestled between hers, head resting on her chest and your arm lazily strewn around her while you slowly came back down to earth. Emily’s hand came up to the back of your head, gently scratching at it, playing with your hair and she left a tender kiss on the top of your head. Everything felt right, felt peaceful, comfortable and despite the air cooling as the night wore on, a warmth was wrapped around the two of you that you knew wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon. The silence took over the room, only the sound of your breathing and happy little hums as you simply basked in the embrace of each other.  
You let out a happy sigh, nuzzling into her body deeper, kissing at her bare skin and she hummed softly, kissing your head once again. A warmth bloomed throughout her as you nestled against her, pressing gentle kisses to her skin. Her eyes drifted down at the feeling of your finger tips on her skin and she caught the way they were softly tracing the pattern of the scar on her stomach, ghosting over the white lines and Derek’s words from the other day replayed through her head.
“Hey…” she whispered softly, gently squeezing at you.
“Hmm?” You replied without looking up.
“I wanna tell you something. Something that should help make sense of why I did things the way I did…”
“Years ago…. I was the target for someone, someone who wanted to see me in pain before actually killing me. Meaning they were going after my team first and I decided to be dumb, I thought the only way to protect the people I cared about was to go take care of it myself, go straight to the source of the violence.” Your fingers stilled in their pattern, shifting off the scar as your head tilted up at her and she stalled in her words at the expression on your face.
“I know about Doyle.”
“What?” Her brow furrowed and you shrugged.
“It’s not every day an FBI agent comes back from the dead. Everybody knows about the legendary… or… reckless depending on you who ask, Agent Prentiss. I’d just never heard a first name or seen a picture. So yeah…”  you nuzzled back into her chest, letting out a happy sigh at the feeling, “I know the Dewald thing kinda just brought you right back there and you didn’t want to repeat history, especially with me in your place.”
Silence overtook you, your hand curled around her waist this time, thumb rubbing across her soft skin as you waited for her to absorb your words. She kissed your head, her lips lingering on you before she spoke once again,
“Is that why you never asked about the scar?” She felt her brow furrow and you shrugged.
“I’ve been in law enforcement long enough to know not to ask about scars. Hell, even before I started this job. You never know if it’s gonna bring up some super painful memory or if it’s from something like falling off the swings as a kid.”
“Hmm…” She replied and you could feel the wariness flowing off her, so you shifted up onto your elbow to look up at her again.
“Emily…” your voice was soft and hearing her name on your lips like that made her heart nearly stop, the adoring gaze in your eyes completely melting her. “We’re good. Okay? You don’t need to be constantly apologizing or explaining yourself or buying gifts. Give it another month and we’ll be arguing over something trivial like whose turn it is to take out the trash.” Your smile brought a laugh to her lips, worry washing away as the sparkle in her eye returned while you leaned up to kiss her. “We’re more than good. Okay?”
“Okay.” She smiled brightly, letting out a happy sigh when you nestled back into her chest, “as long as you know that I’m in this for the long haul, that I want it to really be something and mean something.
“I do.” You murmured.
“So much so that I may have mentioned something to the director earlier today.” She winced at the way your body tensed against her.
“And… what would that have been?”
“I didn’t specify things, I just brought up that something was… blooming and I wanted to get in front of it professionally.”
You propped up on your elbow again and Emily frowned at the worry wavering in your eyes, “are they gonna transfer me?”
“No!” Her hand shot out, cradling your cheek, “no baby, no. I didn’t even mention you by name. We’ll have to go in and sign some paperwork on Monday, there will be some situations where you report to the section chief or director directly instead of me. Any evals or performance reviews will be done by them instead, and they’ll likely keep a closer eye on us in the field for a bit, but we can do this.”
“Good.” You smiled, leaning in to kiss her, “because I really like this job. And I also really like the idea of not having to sneak around or be worried about it all the time.”
“And we won’t have to.” She kissed you softly, lips curving up against yours as she did.
“When do we tell the team?” You asked and she sighed heavily.
“Let’s give it a bit? If that’s okay with you?”
“Please, Morgan and Garcia are already having field days with it, let them get the major teases out before everyone’s in on it.”
“Knowing Garcia that’ll only take the rest of the week.” Emily chuckled and you laughed.
“Well then let’s make the week worth it.” You murmured as you leant in, your lips brushing her skin as you caged her into the bed and she let out a chuckle, eagerly accepting the kiss.
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @melindawarnersgf @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @somethingimaginative17 @temilyrights @alexxavicry @daddy-heather-dunbar @aliensaurusrex @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @thegrantwater @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @supercriminalbean @daffodil-heart @msvenablesbitch @its-soph-xx @going-gray @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess @kdaghay @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @awolfcsworld @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @s1ut4nat @midnight-sapphic @scorpsik @prentiss-theorem @unsubologyy @strongsassysexysloane @svushots @overtrred28 @happenstnces @sapphicprentiss @heidss @geekyandgay98 @pagetboobstarcomments s @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @aws-l
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mummybear · 1 year
My Brother's Best Friend - Part 3 - Explanations
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Words: 6287
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Tiny Bit Of Smut, Multiple Heart To Heart, Protective Scott, Possessive Stiles, Jealously, Talk Of Marking, Talk Of Mates. Think that's it.
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Reader/Sadie McCall, Lydia Martin, Liam Dunbar, Allison Argent, Melissa McCall, Derek Hale.
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski and Reader
Summary: A little bit more of the truth is revealed and things get heated between Stiles and Sadie, not in all positive ways. Just how much can Sadie take?
A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I know I missed a week there, had a busy week at work! And hopefully this extra long chapter will make up for it, I was going to cut it into two chapter but I felt it flowed better as one, so I hope that's okay! Please let me know what you think, really hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 3 - Explanations
Scott’s whispered confession reaches your ears and you collapse against him almost immediately. Being turned was the one thing Stiles had insisted that he would never want, and he’d become increasingly adamant as the years had gone on. You can’t help but worry how this has affected their friendship, this was a pretty big thing to come between two friends. You also need to find out just how badly it’s currently affecting the two of them individually. They were two of the most important people in your life, which only made hearing all of this that much harder.
Scott pulls back to look at you as soon as you’ve recovered from the shock. You know that he needs to talk, to get this off of his chest, so you don't say anything in reply. You're slightly unsure of what to say right now anyway, because he’d done it, you knew he wasn’t lying, he’d bitten Stiles and that only meant one thing. 
Besides, It's not like you can argue with him, because given his choices and his abilities, you would've done the same thing, especially in the heat of the moment. Knowing your brother the way you do, you know how hard it was for him to make that decision. He’d never wanted to turn anyone, let alone somebody who couldn’t make the decision for themselves.
A fleeting thought crosses your mind, does Stiles still have the beginnings of his mothers condition? Or had his new werewolf side shielded him from that reality? But Scott speaking pulls you from your thoughts.
"Trust me, nobody can hate me more than I hate myself for what I did that day. I know it was selfish, I do. But I couldn't lose my best friend, Sadie. Not like that, not when I had the chance to save him."
You hug him again, making sure to squeeze him extra tight. 
"I won't tell you that you made the wrong decision, Scott, because that would make me a hypocrite. I'm pretty sure in your position I would've done the same. But have the two of you spoken about any of this? The guilt you're clearly feeling? Are you guys okay?" 
"Sorry, I’m just worried about you, well, both of you." You mumble under your breath, pulling back to look at him. You're sure that your wince is visible as soon as the words leave your lips. 
Not that Scott shows any sign of being overwhelmed by your inquisition, nothing new there though. He simply gives you a fond smile as he looks you over, as if contemplating if you can handle his next words.
"Typical, Sadie. Always thinking of everyone else, never yourself.” Scott sighs softly, before he continues. 
“Stiles knows how I feel and why I feel it, and he gets it. We've talked at length about this, trust me, I think he’s sick of me asking at this point. He isn't happy about what I did, not by a long shot, but he's had time to process and he understands why I did what I did." Before Scott can continue he groans in pain and clenches his teeth.
You quickly grab his shoulders and force him to look at you. "I guess I got it from my big brother, huh?” You state matter of factly, trying your best to distract him from whatever pain he’s feeling but you watch as he balls his hands into fists, clearly doing his best to ignore whatever is wrong. Then you watch as his face begins to contort in pain, instantly worrying you. 
“Scott, what Is it?" You demand as the worry tightens your stomach almost painfully. He reaches out and quickly grabs the couch and his claws start protruding from the tips of his fingers.
"I hate to ask you this, Sadie. But I need you to go down to the basement with me. Stiles needs you, he's in pain and he and I, our connection, it’s diff…" Scott's sentence is cut off when he moans, grabbing at his head and dropping to the floor. 
You don't even think as you leave your brother, making a run for it, heading towards the basement door. You rip the door open and charge down the stairs, flinging open the final door as soon as it’s in reach.
"Stiles?" You call out as soon as you round the corner, but you come to a halt as soon as your eyes fall on the man in question, he’s chained to the wall in front of you. Growling low and sinister the closer you get to the men. You glance at Derek and Liam standing off to the side, looking like they’re ready to pounce at the slightest hint of trouble, and move away a little.
Lydia quickly grabs your hand and pulls you with her all the way to the other side of the room, with Allison and your mom. 
You very quickly realise that you can't look away from Stiles. His eyes are a much deeper purple than you had initially seen earlier. Maybe they changed depending on the situation and perhaps his emotions played a part in it too. Simply another thing you were yet to find out. 
You finally allow yourself a real look at him and the man he’s become. Your eyes move over him slowly, taking your time to check him out. He's certainly not the same Stiles Stilinski that you remember. He looks mouth-wateringly good, even covered in dirt and blood, his corded muscles ripple as he strains against the restraints, his clothes clinging tightly to his sweat-soaked body. You’re unable to get over how he was still the skinny defenceless boy you’d fallen in love with. His hair is a little longer than it was the last time he’d been home. Yet another thing you’d failed to notice. Stiles had you so distracted earlier tonight that you’d barely managed to pay attention to anything, except the things he was doing to you. You didn’t give much thought to how much he had changed. 
"Mine." Stiles growls suddenly for the second time tonight. Hearing that word again snaps you from your admiration of him, especially when he begins to thrash in his chains to get to you.
However, the tighter he pulls against his bindings the more blood drips from his elbows, but he either doesn’t care or he doesn’t seem to notice. Almost like the rage had consumed him. Stiles doesn’t even seem like himself right now, It’s almost like he’s possessed. And It’s killing you to watch him like this, to see him hurting himself in this way. The fact that it’s because of you doesn’t escape your notice.
You swallow thickly as you step closer to him, almost like you’re hypnotised by him once again. Except that this time you're very aware of the pull, so you don't put up any resistance. You wince when you catch sight of just how deep the handcuffs and chains have cut into his wrists. You’re really hoping that Stiles heals just as quickly as Scott, or he’s gonna be in a lot of pain for quite a few days at least.
"Let him free, please. I need him out of there and so does my brother." You whisper to nobody in particular, eyes locked on Stiles’. 
"We can't, Mini. I’m sorry, really. But we don't know what he'll do. He isn’t himself right now and we need to wait for Scott. Alpha’s orders." His words are careful, almost like he’s worried about upsetting you. Apparently he’s right to be worried about your reaction, because suddenly anger creeps up your spine, almost as if it isn't your own and you round on the Beta.
"I said let him the fuck out. Now. It's hurting him and my brother. So your Alpha can’t exactly speak for himself right now. So do it, let him out.” Your voice is practically a growl as you march up to Liam and shove him back against the wall. He holds his hands up to try and placate you, for some reason that just makes your anger spike higher. Your hands tighten in his jacket as you shove him back harder. “Or we can find out what happens if you really piss me off."
Anger is thick in every one of your senses. Although now this anger is one hundred percent your own. It’s a feeling you’re all too familiar with, though not at this intensity. It’s the feeling of needing to protect something that’s yours, so even though you might not have the same power as the people in this room, it is something you can’t stop yourself from trying to do.
You feel everyone’s eyes on you. Of course they don’t look overly concerned about you hurting anyone. It’s probably just that they don’t like seeing you upset, you quickly glance at Derek, “just wait okay, I’ll go get Scott.” 
You give Derek a stiff nod in return, watching him leave until the door closes behind him. No matter how much you try to calm yourself, it feels like the anger and despair are drowning you. It’s beginning to scare you now, there’s no controlling it, your hands shake as you screw your eyes shut, searching for some semblance of calm.
"Don't do this, this isn’t you, Sadie. It's okay, I’m okay. Breathe for me, please." You spin around hearing his raspy breathless voice and once again your eyes lock with Stiles.
His eyes have returned to the chocolate brown colour you've always loved. "Stiles," you sigh in relief. Taking a deep breath and stumbling back a little, as the anger seems to leave you in a dizzying rush, almost as if Stiles had helped you gain control of your emotions. But that’s not possible, right?
Your mother wraps her arms around you, right as Scott stumbles into the room with Derek’s arm wrapped around his waist to hold him up.
"He's back. For everyone's sake let him out." Scott’s breathless as Derek releases him and helps him lean against the wall to catch his breath.
Allison quickly undoes Stiles' chains with the key that she’d been tightly clutching the whole time, and with a nod from your brother Lydia and Liam rush to grab Stiles as he collapses under his own weight. You have to look away when Stiles rests his head on Lydia’s shoulder, jealousy and sadness hit you all at once, like a punch to your gut. Turning around in your mother’s arms you wrap yours around her too, burying your face in her shoulder.
Suddenly goosebumps raise at the back of your neck, “not now, Stiles. Sadie needs rest. Now that you’re back to yourself. I hope you understand that.” Your arms tighten around her, and you thank the stars that Melissa McCall is your mother, she has this ability to sense what you need before you even say anything. 
Without another word she turns you both and wraps her arm around your shoulder, pulling you into her body tighter, as she leads you out of the room. You follow silently, unsure of what to say. This day has already been completely crazy, you just need a little time and space to process everything. It’s so damn late you’re surprised the sun hasn't started rising yet.  
As soon as the two of you walk inside your room you collapse on the bed, throwing an arm over your eyes, but you can feel your mom watching you. 
“Can we not talk about it, momma. I just need the rest of the night to myself, we can talk tomorrow, okay? I promise I’ll be fine.” 
You inwardly flinch as the images of all the times you’ve seen Stiles and Lydia together flash through your mind on an unforgiving loop.
“Sure baby girl, you’ve got it. But you need anything, you know where I am.” She gives your leg an affectionate squeeze before heading out of the room, with a sigh you close your eyes and roll onto your, doing your best to sleep. Feeling a tear roll down your cheek as the images continue to assault your senses.
Some Time Later That Night
You wake suddenly, hearing the creek of the bedroom door as it opens slowly. You sit up and quickly turn on the bedside light, squinting at the brightness it brings. Your heart hammers in your chest as you feel yourself beginning to panic. Then a mop of brown hair appears around the door, “sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted to talk, or sit, or I guess just be near you. If that’s okay? This is… I sound like an idiot, I just-” you cut him off, unable to stop yourself from giggling at him, his cheeks are bright pink and he looks so nervous. Which is so strange with how he looks now, but it’s also so much like the Stiles you used to know. 
“Come in, sit down. Dork,” you smile, patting the bed beside you trying to pretend all he is your brother’s best friend coming to talk, and completely ignoring the fact that you’d been making out a few hours ago.
He watches you closely, almost like he’s worried about scaring you off if he moves quickly.
“You sure? I couldn’t sleep, I just… I guess I just need to be near you, if you don’t mind that is. I don’t want to overstep, guess I thought we could talk.” He’s rambling and fiddling with his own fingers as he watches you closely.
You carefully lay your hand on top of his when he sits beside you on your bed. 
“Stiles, It’s okay that you’re nervous. I am too, this whole thing is kind of crazy.” 
“You have no idea just how crazy it is. Scott said he told you what happened to me. With this,” he says as he waves his hand over his body. 
“This is so strange to talk about, I never saw all of this in my future. Even though I don’t even know what this is exactly. Deaton has some running theories. Unfortunately none of us have anything concrete to go on right now.”
“Can I ask where Scott…” you can’t finish the sentence, unsure if it’s rude to ask about his mark.
Stiles swallows hard and nods, meeting your eyes, he shrugs off his hoodie and extends his arm. The mark is half way up his forearm, and to your surprise it’s still visible. You vividly remember how Scott’s had disappeared pretty quickly after he’d been bitten by Peter. 
“Yeah, I kinda got that you’re not just any kind of wolf, you’re different. Right?” you ask as he links his fingers with your own. 
Stiles leans back against the headboard and you do the same, turning so that you look him in the eyes. This feels good, like he trusts you, like he wants to confide in you, it’s something you’d always wanted. To feel like you could be there for him when he needed somebody the most.
“I was starting to get used to it, the whole wolf thing. Well, as much as was possible. But then I saw you and something changed, it was like I couldn’t control myself, I needed to get to you. I know you probably don’t want to talk about this, but when I found that douche in that room with you, I lost it. The thought of him touching you made me feel sick, the fact that you clearly weren’t interested both helped and made things so much worse. I wasn’t just angry as your brother’s best friend or even as your friend.” He reaches up and cups your cheek with his free hand, “I didn’t want his filthy fucking hands anywhere near you. I had to have you, make you mine. Possess you, mark you,” he rasps, his voice becoming breathy and laboured, and the purple in his eyes flashes again, before quickly returning to brown.
You swallow thickly, arousal and nerves swimming inside you like an uncontrollable force. “What about now?” you whisper, leaning in a little bit closer.
“Right now, I can’t lie. Those thoughts haven’t changed, they’re still there, no matter how much I try to push them down. The more time we spend together, the harder it gets to ignore, and it gets harder by the second not to throw you on this bed and make you mine.” He all but growls before clearing his throat. 
Stiles gives you a wry smile as he shakes his head. “But now I’m in control of myself, I won’t do anything, not until you know everything. I won't let you do anything more with me, not until you know as much as we do.” 
“Wow,” you whimper, clenching your thighs together as his words continue to stoke the fire inside you. You clear your throat and take a shuddered breath when Stiles subconsciously edges a little closer to you, so that your thighs are touching.
“What, you’re not even going to kiss me?” The words leave your parted lips in a breathy whisper.
“No.” His words are sharp and blunt. You wish it didn’t turn you on more but it does. 
“What else do I need to know?” you question quietly. Licking your lips as you watch him closely, wishing that you could just get this out of the way and get to the good stuff.
His thumb brushes your bottom lip, “stop doing that for starters, beautiful.” 
“Why’s that?” 
He chuckles quietly. “I think you know exactly why, so stop being a smart ass.”
Your nose brushes against his as you lean in the last little bit, “maybe you should tell me what I need to know Agent Stilinski, then we can get down to business.”
“Ugh, come on you little minx. Don’t do that to me,” Stiles groans, brushing his nose over yours softly.
“Just a little taste,” you whisper before moving in and pressing your lips to his. Stiles sighs in defeat and pulls you closer. 
“Fine. You win for now…” Stiles mumbles, pulling away briefly to meet your eyes, “but we’re not doing anything permanent. Not until we talk.”
“Yes Sir,” you grin, throwing off your duvet and climbing into his lap. The sleep shorts you’d pulled on before bed pull tight against your ass as you settle your knees either side of his hips.
You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him, letting everything you have ever felt for him pour into the kiss. He holds you close, wrapping his arms around you as his tongue moves to brush against yours. The kiss quickly deepens and you feel his fingers beginning to dig into your skin soft harshly, but it only makes you want him more. You whimper as the passion intensifies and you feel like your heart is about to beat out of your chest. You can’t get close enough to him for your liking, It’s almost like you want to be a part of him. 
“Please,” you moan against Stiles’ lips as he pulls your hips tighter against his.
The rigid length of his thick cock settles between your thighs, and you can’t help but whimper as you experimentally roll your hips over him.
“Don’t, Sadie.” Stiles demands, his eyes glowing purple once more, only this time the colour doesn’t leave his eyes and you quickly stop your movements.
Stiles tightly grips your ass now in both hands and his fingers dig into your bare skin. You cup his cheeks and watch him closely as you tell him what you need to. Both of you breathing heavily against each other's lips, then the lust that was thick in the room quickly begins to fade.
“Okay, you’re right. I’m sorry, we should talk.” You sigh regretfully, looking down into your lap as you drop your hands to his chest.
“Hey. Look at me,” Stiles asks you, moving his hands up and gently squeezing your hips.
“I guess I’ve just wanted this for so long, you and me I mean. I never even considered you’d look in my direction.” You look up to meet his eyes, instead you find him chewing on his lower lip. “What?”
“How long?” Stiles asks as his thumbs rub soothing circles into your hips.
“What does that matter?” You ask nervously, looking at the wall behind him, too afraid to meet his eyes.
“I’m just interested. I never noticed anything, you never said anything.” 
“Come on, Stiles. You’re my big brother’s best friend. I’m just some huge cliche. Not to mention the fact that you’ve been in love with Lydia for so many years. I accepted a long time ago that I never stood a chance. Maybe this thing between us will just fizzle out soo-”
Stiles cuts you off when his lips meet yours, you squeeze your eyes shut as a tear rolls down your cheek. You wrap yourself around him tighter, doing your best to hold onto whatever this is for as long as possible. Stiles threads his fingers through your hair as he attempts to pull you closer. Both clinging to each other as you pour everything you have into a kiss once again, too worried this will be your last. Stiles pulls away slowly, giving your lips a final soft peck.
“I might not know everything about us just yet, but don’t say that we’re temporary. I’d never do that, not to you. I don’t want you ever even thinking that ever again. This is exactly why I said we needed to talk.”
You sigh and rest your forehead against his, “okay, so talk.”
“Okay. So I guess we should start from the beginning. Back when Scott turned eighteen he started having these urges. They were so intense and he really struggled to stop himself from taking every opportunity to be with Alison. When I say be with Alison I mean like be with her,”
“Okay, eww. Stop with the visuals I get it.”
Stiles clears his throat, failing miserably to hide his laugh before continuing. “Anyway, it didn’t matter where they were or who they were with, they couldn’t stop themselves. Frankly I almost threw up on several occasions, frankly I’m surprised that you didn’t notice. Anyway, it only got worse, he started getting visions, he was unbelievably possessive and protective of her and anyone who was around her got the brunt of it, specifically men.” Stiles gives you a sheepish smile as he pulls back to look at you.
“Okay, so some of this sounds familiar…” you trail off, admiring the way he looks in that moment.
“Right, I’m getting to that. So, when Alison started acting out, feeling things that were far from the usual, experiencing not only her emotions but Scott’s as well, amongst a bunch of other things you’ll probably soon notice with us, he went to Deaton for help. Scott asked Deaton if he knew what the hell was going on with him and with Allison, especially since she wasn’t a wolf. As it turns out the good doctor had some idea, he’d been doing some more research into the whole true Alpha thing, while the research is limited, for obvious reasons, it did mention something about the true Alpha and their pack having mates. Where regular werewolves aren’t heard to have mates specifically, Scott is different, and by extension so is anyone in his pack. More specifically the wolves he has turned will be the ones more likely to be affected.” You can almost feel his excitement the more he talks, and his grip on you tightens.
You gently pry his hands off of you, doing your best to ignore the hurt look that crosses his face when you climb off of his lap, moving to sit beside him instead.
You’re pretty sure that you’re starting to connect the dots, as much as you want to listen, you can’t deny that you’re becoming increasingly nervous the more that he talks.
“Please, don’t run. Not again. I know this is alot to take in, but…” you cut him off with a shake of your head.
“I’m not gonna run, Stiles. This is just a lot, and it only confirms everything I was worried about to begin with.” You sigh, rubbing your hands over your face. Stiles carefully and hesitantly wraps an arm around your waist and tries to pull you closer.
You can’t deny the comfort you feel being close to him, his skin touching yours only adds to everything you feel.
“Okay. It’s your turn to talk, what exactly is it that you’re worried about?” Stiles asks, turning your face so that you’re looking at him. 
You feel a tear roll down your cheek as soon as your eyes clash with his, “let’s be honest here, Stiles. If it wasn’t for this whole mate bond thing, would you have even looked at me twice, in a way that wasn’t like I was your sister? Can you honestly tell me that anything would have changed between us if Scott hadn’t been forced to bite you that day?”
Your heart hammers painfully in your chest as you watch him, you can see the unease written all over his face. However, that only serves to prove your point and that just breaks your heart that much more.
“It doesn’t matter how things used to be, Mini, things damn well change. And we don’t know what would’ve happened. Please, don’t talk like this. It feels like you’re saying goodbye before anything even has a chance to start between us.” Cupping your face he wipes your tears away carefully. “Please, stop crying.” 
“Well we don’t know that now do we!?” You can’t keep your voice down, there are too many emotions swirling inside you uncontrollably. 
You jump off of the bed and start pacing your room, fully aware that Stiles is yet to take his eyes off of you. Hearing you bed creek you turn to face the movement, watching as he slowly walks towards you.
“Goddamit Sadie! Just stop. I get that you don’t understand how any of this works, well neither do I, not really! Not first hand! I understand that you don’t see that I could go from not seeing you the way I do now, seemingly out of nowhere. But it was like a bolt of lightning hit me the second I saw you tonight. I laid eyes on you and everything made sense, I know that you don’t completely understand, but surely you feel it?”
“Of course I feel it! I’ve felt it for the last decade of my life! My feelings didn’t just appear overnight! They only got stronger. And It fucking hurts, Stiles!” 
“Then why can’t we give this thing a go! Just let me try, please! You don’t know what this mate bond means. At least let me explain that. If you don’t want to talk to me, then ask your brother or Allison, I’m trying here okay! Just tell me what I can do?” Stiles begs, stilling your pacing when he gently takes you by the arms.
“I want to talk to you about this, whatever this is… I just don’t know what to make of all of it.”
Running your hands through your hair you inwardly groan knowing what you’re about to say. 
“But first I need to ask you something, and I want only honest answers. Even if it means that I won't like what you say, because I need to know that I can trust you. Especially If we do go through whatever needs to be done to complete this mate bond.”
“How do you know you need to do something to complete the bond?” Stiles asks, a slight grin kicking up the corner of his lips.
“Stiles,” you sigh, folding your arms across your chest.
“Okay, sorry. Go ahead, I promise I’ll be honest whatever that means for us, I won’t lie.” He looks nervous, but there’s a determination you can see written all over his face. 
“Do you still have feelings for Lydia?” Your voice remains even and steady, no matter how much you’re dreading the answer to that question. One thing you’re sure of though is that you can read Stiles like a book, always have been able to. Or maybe he just wasn't a very good liar, you just hoped he hadn’t honed that particular skill while working with the FBI.
Stiles smiles at you and shakes his head. 
“Honestly, no I don’t, at least not in the same way that I used to. A few years back Lydia talked to me about it, the guys had been joking with me about it, she overhead and pulled me to one side. We talked for a while and I realised my feelings weren’t the same as they used to be, sure I still love her, but only in the same way that I love Allison, that’s it.” He takes your hand and places it over his heart. His heartbeat remains steady and controlled, and his eyes stay locked with yours.
You’re so shocked that you just stare at him for a full minute with your mouth open, but then he begins to look a little too smug so you decide to speak.
“So, let’s say I believe you. Did Deaton say Scott and Allison needed to do something to complete the mating bond? Or was it just a sure thing the minute Scott turned eighteen?” you ramble, fully aware these questions are practically spilling from your mouth.
“I’m guessing you’re using your brother and Allison to try and distance yourself from this. I’ll play along with it.” Stiles agrees reluctantly, and you hate that you have to use your brother and his girlfriend as cover, but you need to distance yourself from the situation a little. 
“Deaton’s research indicated that a lot of the myths and stories around werewolves aren't so crazy. As it turns out there’s actually a lot of truth behind them. A werewolves mate is its other half, almost like a soulmate. So when they finally find each other it’s usually instinctual to mark each other. Obviously, like I said, Scott is different. Mates haven’t been mentioned in decades amongst wolves, not until now. So far It’s only been Scott and our pack that we know of, but still, it also means that not both halves are always wolves. Like with Scott and Allison, and you and me.” Silence surrounds the pair of you as you stare at him, he smiles and tucks a finger under your chin to close your mouth. 
You frown when Stiles’ smile suddenly drops, and he seems to be contemplating telling you something. However, then you hear him sigh and he screws his eyes shut. When he does open them you see his nervousness and worry staring back at you.
“I should also tell you something else. Something I wish so badly I could lie to you about, because right now I’m terrified you’ll want to choose this option. But I meant what I said, I won’t force you into this, and definitely not without all of the information.” 
“Okay. I’m listening. But don’t be so sure I’ll take the easy route.” You smile, trying to reassure him somehow.
Stiles seems to ignore your words, and the worry doesn’t lift from his face as he scrubs a hand over it before speaking.
“You can refuse to be my mate. You can reject me and I can reject you. We also both have the option to refuse or accept the rejection. But I promise you here and now that if you chose to reject me I would accept it. If that was what you wanted, I won’t stop you. But I will NEVER reject you. I need you to understand that whatever happens, It won't be me rejecting you.”
“Is it painful? To reject someone I mean? How would we even do that?” you ask with confusion lacing your tone. 
Stiles winces as at your reply and looks down at his hands, which he quickly tucks in his pockets.
“If that’s what you want to do, I understand. But the selfish part of me can’t explain to you how to do it. So you’ll need to get Deaton to explain it properly, I wouldn’t want you to mess it up, not if you truly wanted to do it. But yes, it is. It’s apparently the worst pain a wolf can experience.”
“And you’d do that? For me?” you ask in disbelief stepping closer.
“I’d fucking die for you Sades. What’s a bit of pain?” 
Your heart practically breaks at that statement, the look on his face alone could shatter you right then and there, so you decide to try and change the subject. Especially since you have no intention of rejecting him either.
“Wow this is a lot,” you half laugh in disbelief, running a nervous hand through your hair.
“As soon as I caught your scent, my mouth watered and I knew instantly what you were to me, even before I knew who you were. Then I saw you, and that need to make you mine was so insistent and constant that I felt it everywhere. But I wouldn’t ever do that to you, not without you having full knowledge of the situation. I was doing okay at keeping my cool, but then we kissed and I lost it.” 
“Has Scott marked Allison?” you ask swallowing thickly when you don’t find yourself completely against the idea.
“Sure has, right here,” he rasps as he trails his finger along your collarbone. 
“Scott wanted it where everyone could see it.” 
He licks his lips as your heart rate increases, you take a step back as he advances on you, until your back hits the wall.
You clear your throat as you look into his eyes once more, “have you thought about where you would mark me, if we did go ahead with this whole mating thing?” 
“You little Minx are playing with fire right now. But since we’re being honest, I haven’t thought about much else. So don’t tease me.” 
“C’mon! Tell me, please,” you whisper, unintentionally leaning into his touch. 
Stiles chews on his bottom lip thoughtfully, you can feel his eyes roam across any uncovered skin, almost like it burns under his gaze. He hums thoughtfully as he traces several places with his fingers. He starts by tracing the line between your neck and shoulder, before he slowly moves down, lingering on the curve of your breast a little longer than necessary and your heart rate speeds up as he makes his way down your body. His eyes saying everything that his mouth won't.
“So many perfect places,” he mumbles, moving next to trace the line of your hip where your t-shirt has ridden up, lastly he moves between your thighs, tracing along your inner thigh keeping his touch high. He’s so close to your pussy that you can feel an intense heat beginning to overtake you when his fingers dig into your skin.
“Guess it depends just how badly I want people to know who you belong to, doesn’t it? Or If I want it somewhere only I can see.”
You're speechless as you tremble with need in front of him, the need to have him inside you is almost overwhelming. You would do anything to please him right now, you want him more than you’ve ever wanted anything. Stiles’ deep chuckle catches you by surprise as he leans in, inhaling deeply.
“I can smell your need, mate. You’re wet for me again, aren’t you?” he rumbles as he nuzzles into your neck. You’re fully aware it’s a statement not a question.
“That werewolf nose of yours is gonna be a real big pain in my ass, Stilinski,” you giggle as his breath tickles your skin.
He pulls back to grin at you again. “How about you? Where would you want my mark? I know you’re thinking about it, my little minx.”
Licking your lips you slip out from in between Stiles and the wall keeping your eyes on him. “Well, I could tell you the answer to that. But I think we’ve talked enough.” 
You slowly slip your shirt over your head and Stiles’ rumbling growl fills the room. He steps forward and you step back another step, slowly letting your shorts drop, leaving you in your underwear.
“I think It’s only fair if we get a good, long, hard look at each other. You know, for research.”
Stiles doesn’t speak and his eyes haven't moved from your body. He quickly pulls off the black t-shirt he’s wearing, and you have to hold your breath at the sight in front of you. If you’d thought he was ripped before, dear lord were you in for a surprise. He has a six pack you could only dream of and he looks like he could throw you around the bedroom with those arms. That deep V at his hips has you itching to run your tongue along it.
You swallow thickly as he smirks at you, and those purple eyes return, only showing you that his emotions have some control over their colour. 
“Well damn, you certainly healed up. Real fucking nicely.” You groan, licking your lips as he dips his thumbs into the waistband of his track pants, exposing more of that V.
“Glad you approve, Minx.” He grins, letting his pants drop to the floor, leaving him in his boxers.
“I’ve never been happier to be part of research. Because you look good enough to eat.”
Tags: @julzdec @lettersofwrittencollective @mogaruke @lilulo-12fanfiction @charmed-asylum @defenderrosetyler @emilyshurley @foxyjwls007 @mylovelydame21 @akshi8278 @peaches0007 @stylesismyhubs @peachyyybabyy @fantasy-myth1 @death-unbecomes-you @coffeebooksandfandom @magssteenkamp @screamxqueenx94 @brien-odylan @riseandshinelittleblossom @ceceliaking-18 @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @missindecision @deans-number-one-fan @onethirstyunicorn @amberboo329 @chewie-redbird @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone
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spidori · 7 months
Doctor Danny Fenton: On The Run
Danny knew he was on borrowed time.
Sure, he was harder for Clockwork to find than most- something about it being harder to look for an acausal nexus than a causal one, and the medallion fused into his core severing him from standard causal flow, Dan had explained it to him once, before he... no! Focus Danny! You don't know how long you have until he finds you!
Dragging himself out of his dissociation, Danny took stock. He still had the Infinimap in one hand; it was still green and dripping from something he couldn't afford to think about right now. Where and when had the Infinimap interpreted his shout of "a way to run away" as asking to travel to?
"Dann'O! You're just in time to see our newest upgrades to the speeder!"
"Uhhh... You made it look like a Volkswagen beetle?”
"Oh, Sweetie, no. See!" his mom said, opening up a control panel and poking around, then stepping away from what was now a cargo van.
"Your father and I finally figured out how to fuse ectoplasm with metals to make ecto-alloy! We rebuilt the speeder from it and added a camouflage circuit. Now it can change shape into whatever will blend into the surrounding environment for any ghost hunting scenario."
"And the best part is, it even gives off an ecto-signature! Those spooks won't know what hit 'em when you ambush 'em from this one Mads!"
A transforming vehicle with its own ecto-signature to hide inside? Yeah, that might work, even though Danny remembered the camouflage feature had been a short-lived modification because of how often it would get stuck and have to be put through a hard-reset to get it changing again. And judging by the way the Infinimap was subtly tugging towards the improved speeder that's exactly what it brought him here for.
"Mom, Dad, whatever happens next, I love you, and I'm sorry."
"Danny, sweetie, is something wrong?"
"More than I have time to explain, mom. Look, if you see Jazz... If this timeline... Just, tell Jazz I love her too, ok?"
"Dann'o, you're scaring us."
"I know. I'm sorry. Hopefully you'll have the chance to be able to forgive me for this. Going Ghost!"
Ok. He had made it into the speeder. The new metal wasn't phase-proof, there were pros and cons to that, ones he would consider later if he made it that far. At least the interior was pretty much unchanged, so he'd been able to get the speeder started before he'd heard the sound of a clock tolling and his parents' banging on the door had suddenly stopped.
He'd gunned it into the portal quickly enough to get into the relative safety of the zone before its stop sign frame and hazard pattern doors dissolved into obliterated nothingness along with everything else he had been able to see, or sense, of his home dimension...
Something else to be stuffed in the trauma box to be unpacked never if he was ever able to stop running 'later,' something to unpack 'later.'
The tugging in his hand was getting stronger, so at least he was probably heading in roughly the right direction.
He tried veering a little to the right to see if he could get a better sense for the direction the map was tugging, only for its pull to remain unchanged.
Confused, Danny glanced down to see it was actually tugging towards the dashboard.
Or rather, the ectoplasm- all that remained of Dani... 'LATER!'- which coated it was tugging towards the dashboard.
Desperately hoping this meant there might be something of his favorite halfa left to save, Danny pressed the coated map to the dashboard, and prayed.
Within seconds, the map was gone, absorbed into the speeder. Then things got even weirder.
Weirder than the group of ancients putting aside their many feuds to team up on him had been.
Stranger than those ancients somehow getting the Observants on their side.
More out of the blue than the Observants using their binding vow with Clockwork to force him to try to eliminate any timelines with Danny in them, as well as anyone who was even part Danny.
It had been a hell of a day.
And now the speeder had apparently grown absolutely gigantic after absorbing the Infinimap if the anachrofuturistic room Danny suddenly found himself in was anything to go by.
And according to the view screens it was generating a relativistic time, space, and dimensional tunnel?
Oh Lord. Danny was going to have quite the time explaining this one to his parents if he managed to undo enough of this to have a timeline to return to.
The tunnel let out in a universe with low-to-minimal ambient ectoplasm according to the external sensor arrays.
That phrasing! That was Exactly how Clockwork had phrased it the last time Danny had talked with him as 'Clockwork'; after the Observants took control of him with their vow he had called himself Chrona, which was the first thing which clued Danny in that something was wrong.
What was it Clockwork had told him?
"Local ambient ectoplasm levels are an important consideration for stronger ghosts, Danny. Your perception is skewed by the limits of your experiences, as well as your unique biology, but Amity park and the Infinite Realms as a whole are essentially the top of the scale for ambient ectoplasm levels.
Normally, ectoplasm is a renewable, but much more finite resource. A sufficiently powerful ghost can easily consume all that is available in an area with a normal level before they are able to accomplish anything worth the effort if they aren't extremely frugal with their use of power. Normally, it makes any plans which would involve other realms simply not worth the effort and energy expenditure involved, especially with the additional up-front cost of breaching the veil.
There are even locations with low-to-minimal ambient ectoplasm, which makes them practically immune to ghostly influence. Only the very weakest of shades, ones who require next to no ectoplasm to maintain their current state of existence, can naturally persist in such places. Well, them, and extremely rare exceptions such as Halfa's, whose unique state of existence allows them to generate nearly all of the ectoplasm required to sustain their ghostly half. Any other ghosts would have to gather all of the ectoplasm they would need before going to any such spot, like how the astronauts you love so much need to bring everything for survival with them into deep space.
Actually, the deep space metaphor is particularly apt, as there are whole dimensions with far lower levels of ectoplasm than the one you call home.
Should you ever find yourself able to indulge that space obsession of yours, that would be a good place to do it. Most ghosts would be unable to follow you there, and even those who technically could would have great difficulty sustaining themselves once they arived."
"Geez, Gramps, you're feeling talkative today. Usually I can't get anything nearly this direct out of you."
"It will be important for you to understand your options, my young halfa. Speaking of which, keep in mind that your specific nature is vital to your ability to so easily sustain yourself in such environments. Even other halfas will have much more difficulty surviving in the lowest ecto-level locations as a result of their less balanced compositions. I know your young mirror's obsession also involves exploration, but she would require near constant fulfillment of her obsessions to have a hope of generating enough to get by without supplementation for you or another living being with a similar drive to seek new experiences. Mr. Masters would be better off due to his greater degree of human biology, but would also be hindered by the less complete connection to his ghost side. He would likely find transformation essentially impossible outside of survival scenarios- though you yourself probably would as well- and even his human form would experience side-effects like pounding headaches, or the constant sound of his heart pounding in his ears like a drum as it was pushed to maintain his starving ghostly side."
"I'm sure Dani and I could manage. And if we couldn't, we could always call you to pick us up."
"Untrue, actually. Any location with low enough levels to cause young Danielle to suffer would also be extremely difficult for me to reach. Such low levels could require anywhere from days to centuries in order to push enough ectoplasm through the veil to form a link, possibly more if an entity- such as an injured halfa- or anomaly- such as a rift of any kind- on the other side is draining whatever bleeds through. Your own presence may act to shorten that time somewhat if you can generate enough ectoplasm on site, but even then I would have to find you first. My abilities as an ectoplasmic entity rely wholly on manipulation of ectoplasm, and that includes my near omniscience. Should you ever find yourself in a location with sufficiently low ectoplasm, I would have a great deal of difficulty locating you; the link between our cores would mean that I would always be able to locate you eventually, but you would need to stay in one place for quite a while, which would rather defeat the purpose of emergency rescue."
"So if I ever need to hide from you because I actually manage to pull a prank on you which you don't see coming, all I have to do is find and then literally flee to one of a very select subset of alternate dimensions?"
"Pretty much. Although if you're hiding from me you would want to actively muddy the waters as well."
"Setting aside that I don't think I'd ever want to hide from you, Gramps, muddy the waters?"
"I'm a conceptual entity, Danny. I anchor to that concept in every single reality in which it exists. If the concept of time is sufficiently redirected to something or someone else to any degree, whatever portion has been redirected is therefore unavailable for me to latch onto. The same idea applies to Nocturn not being able to enter the DC Dimension because of their Dream of the Endless. Meanwhile, Pandora could enter almost at a whim if not for her guard duties, because that universe associates hope with her almost directly. In my case, anything strongly associated with the flow and concept of time could hinder me, while spreading my own name would allow me a greater share of any ectoplasm generated by the dimension.
Danny could work with this.
He would have to keep traveling so that Clockwork- no, it was Chrona now- couldn't lock onto him or Dani-fused-to-the-dimensionally-traveling-speeder (He would have to workshop that).
If possible, he would also have to find a way to make a myth associated with time in an abnormal manner; the question was how to do that?
And he would need to do all of this while expending as little of his ectoplasm as possible, and probably supplementing Dani's whenever he could if she was ever going to have any chance of reconstituting.
He could definitely work with this; he refused to accept otherwise.
Maybe his parents had left some things he could use in the speeder before they were- 'Later!'
Hmm... No tools lying around... There was the weapons locker, but he should probably use whatever was in those ecto-batteries immediately so they wouldn't act as some kind of concentrated-ecto-homing-beacon. Maybe they could help Dani heal?
As he brought the disconnected batteries to the console in the center of the room, he saw it. There, sticking out of one of the panels which would probably have originally been the cup-holder in the center console before everything was transformed, was his dad's favorite 'screwdriver.' Not that it was even remotely recognizable as a screwdriver anymore; his dad had modified it so many times that it looked more like a futuristic laser pointer now. It had become his favorite hobby project before he was- 'LATER!'
He recognized this one as the version which required next to no ectoplasm to work, but as a trade-off had been completely unable to interact with wood for some reason. Something about still partially living matter and destructive interference with foreign emotional resonance as a naturally evolving survival mechanism in- Ramble 'later', focus on surviving now.
And Danny was actually starting to feel like he could find a way to survive with what he had. It was like his dad had always said about the screwdriver.
"See how many things it can do now, Dann'O! If I had tried to turn it into this version from the start it never would have worked; I would have gotten frustrated and had to move onto some other project for the sake of my sanity, and our house's walls. But since I took it one small change at a time, look at what I've been able to turn it into.
Incremental change, son! It's how any real change happens. If you want to accomplish something big, you try to choose the things which you think will lead towards wherever you want to end up, especially when they won't get you all the way there, big easy changes like that almost never stick for one reason or another. Over time those small steps add up, and you end up somewhere a lot better than where you started. So, what do you think you can do to apply that to working on your grades?"
Yeah, Danny could start to do something with what he had. He was still half alive, and could keep himself that way as long as he never stopped running long enough for Chrona to find and catch up to him. He had a Time and Dimensional and Relativistic Space ship (still not quite right, but better) with Dani fused into it to help him do just that. And he had his dad's screwdriver and advice.
So where should he start?
Well, if he wanted to build a myth, and to fulfill his obsessions wherever possible, protecting people while exploring all of time and space was probably as good a way as any. A time-traveling madman with an ever-changing camouflaged space-ship and a 'screwdriver', just passing through, helping out, was sure to get some attention.
It just needed a name to really give people something to latch onto.
He had just gotten his doctorate in engineering before everything went to hell, but as much as he'd like to use Dr. Fenton, that was just laying down a trail and begging Chrona to follow. His real name would probably have to be a closely guarded secret; the title was good though, so instead, he would just call himself
The Doctor.
Now, where should he run to next?
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jinxedruby · 6 months
Febuwhump Day Twenty-Seven: Left for dead
Featuring Hyrule and Warriors. Heads up for violence and major injury in this one.
I'm planning to make these last three days a three-parter, so this will be continued.
First part | <- Previous part | Next part ->
Hyrule slammed into the ground with a thud, crushing fallen leaves beneath him. He groaned, head spinning as he struggled to push himself up on his elbows.
“Alright, Traveler?” Warriors grunted from beside him, leaves crunching as the captain got up.
Hyrule groaned again in response. He attempted to convince his eyelids to open, carefully drawing his legs up underneath him and sitting back on his knees. The vertigo from the abrupt shift steadily wore off, the world’s tumbling slowing down. He rubbed his temples and cautiously opened his eyes. A sea of oranges and yellows greeted him, fallen leaves covering the ground like a blanket. Brown tree trunks broke through the ocean every so often, bare branches spreading like cracks across the cloudy sky.
“A little warning would be nice next time,” Warriors grumbled. Hyrule looked over to see him standing up and brushing himself off, picking stray leaves out of his scarf. He offered a hand to Hyrule which the traveler took, pulling him to his feet. Hyrule pinched the fold of his tunic just above his belt and gave it a jerk, dislodging most of the leaves and sending them fluttering to the ground. Warriors sighed, planting his hands on his hips and turning in a circle.
“We’d better find where the others ended up,” he said as he finished turning, looking to Hyrule again. “Hopefully they’re not too far.”
Hyrule nodded before they set off through the forest back in the direction camp had been in the other era. They had been patrolling when a gate opened beneath their feet, dropping them into a new era before they’d even had time to realize what was happening. Leaves crunched under their boots as they walked. Hyrule impulsively scuffed the toe of his boot along the ground, kicking several leaves into the air. A grin tugged at his lips as he watched them scatter in a flurry of orange and red. He lifted his head to glance at the sun’s position, make sure they were still going in the right direction, when a smudge of gray between the trees caught his eye. He slowed, trying to get a better look at it. He could just make out symmetrical grooves between the gray stones and gasped. Warriors whipped around at the sound, hand flying to the hilt of his sword, but Hyrule beamed, pointing at the stone wall.
“Ruins!” he exclaimed, already taking off toward them before Warriors could stop him.
Warriors might have called after him to wait, but Hyrule barely heard him. He jogged through the woods, sending leaves scattering, the ruined stone wall becoming clearer. Ivy crawled across the stone in brilliant oranges and maroons, weaving around the stone and mortar. Hyrule reached the wall and eagerly followed along it, searching for an opening. He came upon an archway soon enough, poking his head around the edge and peering through. He couldn’t help but let out another excited gasp. The ruins of a courtyard stood within the confines of the four walls, worn stone walkways half-buried under fallen leaves. A weathered fountain stood in the center, long since dried up, the foundation cracked and crumbling in some spots. A statue of a woman sat in the middle on a short pedestal where the water likely used to flow from. Stone wings extended from her back, one with a large crack down it, the other completely split down the middle and missing its other half. Ivy grew across her legs and up the side of her dress, wrapping around her arm.
“Traveler,” Warriors called, jogging up behind him. “Hold on a minute, will you?”
“Captain,” Hyrule said in a tone hushed with excitement. He turned to address Warriors as the captain caught up to him, a wrinkle settled between his eyebrows. Hyrule gestured toward the statue. “This could be a fairy fountain!” Hyrule honestly couldn’t care less if it really was a fairy fountain or not, but he knew he’d need some semblance of practicality if he was to convince the captain to let him explore.
Warriors’ eyes flicked over Hyrule’s shoulder to the statue. He pursed his lips. “We should be finding the others, not wasting daylight.”
“It’s not a waste!” Hyrule argued. “If there are fairies here, we could stock up. You guys are always saying how we can never have too many fairies.”
The wrinkle in Warriors’ brow deepened as he considered Hyrule’s words. He looked between the traveler and the fountain a few times before sighing, shoulders dropping. “Fine. But just a quick look.”
Hyrule beamed and hurried into the courtyard before Warriors could change his mind. The tapping of his and Warriors’ boots against the stone walkway broke the silence in the ruins, the sound bouncing off the crumbling walls. Hyrule went straight to the fountain, planting his hands on the raised sides, leaning forward, and peering in. Brown grass grew at the bottom in patches, dried leaves scattered about. He ran a hand over the cracks in the stonework before looking around the rest of the courtyard. A stubborn tree grew right up next to a wall, huddled in a corner and casting it into shadow. Hyrule wandered over to it just as Warriors caught up to him, leaving the captain to trail after him again. Hyrule reached the tree and ducked around it, eyes widening. A staircase hidden behind the tree led down beneath the courtyard, the bottom cloaked in darkness.
“Captain,” Hyrule called, turning. “There’s a staircase!” Warriors appeared less than enthused. Without waiting for a response, Hyrule moved toward the stairs. Just as he prepared to head down, a hand closed around his wrist, pulling him to a stop.
“Hold on,”Warriors said. “We should really find the others first.” At Hyrule’s pout, he added, “You can come back later if you really want to.”
“But if there are fairies-“
“It can wait,” Warriors insisted. “We’re not that short on fairies right now. I have one and the others have a few.”
“Traveler,” Warriors snapped, impatience creeping into his tone. Hyrule frowned and Warriors took a deep breath. He released his hold on Hyrule’s wrist to rub his brow. “Listen, I’m sorry, I get that you want to explore, but it-“
He stiffened. He slowly lowered his hand from his forehead and turned. The hair on the back of Hyrule’s neck stood as he strained his ears. Nothing but silence met them. He glanced around carefully, opening his mouth to ask Warriors what was wrong.
Something moved overhead. Hyrule snapped his gaze up to see what looked like a lizalfos with wings standing atop the ruined wall beside them. As soon as it realized it had been spotted, it screeched and flapped its wings, rising into the air. Warriors spun about at the sound as the monster lifted its sword and dove. Hyrule scrambled to get out his sword and shield as Warriors did the same. The captain tried to hit the creature as it came down but it zipped right around his sword and careened into Hyrule. The impact threw him flat on his back, knocking the air from his lungs. He swung his sword above him, trying to give himself room to get back on his feet. The winged lizalfos flew out of reach then landed back on top of him. Claws dug into his shoulders and the creature dragged him backwards.
“Traveler-!” Warriors’ shout cut off with a grunt, followed by clanging metal.
Hyrule lifted his head and caught a glimpse of two stalfos bearing down on Warriors, forcing him back into the corner by the stairs. Then the winged lizalfos slammed his head into the side of the fountain and his vision went black.
His sight returned barely a moment later, just in time for him to roll out of the way of the monster’s sword. It clanged against stone and the winged lizalfos made a frustrated-sounding caw. Hyrule used the momentum of his roll to carry him to his feet, springing up and ignoring the stabbing pain at the back of his skull. The monster screeched and lunged, flapping its wings to gain extra speed. He ducked to the side as it streaked past him, blade missing him by a hair’s breadth. He darted forward, thrusting his sword. The winged lizalfos blocked the attack with a round shield, returning it with a swing of its own that he blocked. They traded blows, leaves crunching under boot and claw as they danced around each other.
The monster leapt back, jumping into the air as it dodged one of Hyrule’s attacks. Hyrule paused, hovering on the balls of his feet as he carefully watched for its next move. It shrieked and dove like a hawk, sword extended. He gripped his sword in both hands, held it above his head, and lunged forward into a kneel, skidding on his knees. The monster couldn’t react fast enough, flying into Hyrule’s sword, the blade carving a deep gash along its abdomen. It screeched and flailed, falling to the ground behind Hyrule and tumbling. He scrambled to his feet and turned to face it, holding his sword at the ready, black blood dripping from the blade. The lizalfos tried and failed to get to its feet, stumbling and collapsing again with a weak growl. It went still and Hyrule let out a breath.
He steeled himself and turned to go help Warriors. Three stalfos and two more winged lizalfos greeted him instead. His eyes widened and he skipped backwards as the nearest stalfos slashed. The flying monster took to the air, moving to flank him. He started to reach for Thunder before remembering Warriors and thinking better of it. He reached for Fire instead. Flames wreathed his sword and he swung, launching a fireball at one of the winged lizalfos. It cried out as the flames hit it, knocking it from the air. He attacked the second one in the same way, missing the first two strikes but hitting it with the third. It fell just as a stalfos got close enough to attack. It struck twice, Hyrule struggling to catch both on his shield and not his body. The other two stalfos crept around his sides and he skipped backwards again, breathing hard. He launched a fireball at the stalfos directly before him. The flames licked at the bones harmlessly, the monster unfazed.
The two stalfos on the sides rushed in simultaneously. Hyrule blocked the one on his right and ducked, the other’s blade sweeping over his head. He sent a sharp kick into the leg of the monster to his right, swinging his sword at the one on his left at the same time. The one on the left dodged backwards, giving him the space to spin around and slam his sword against the fallen stalfos’ skull, smashing a hole into it. He whipped back around, shield raised to catch the first stalfos’ blade. He responded with a quick thrust, cracking a vertebra in the monster’s spine. He struck again before it could recover, hitting the same spot and shattering the bone. The stalfos yelped as it collapsed to the ground in two halves. He turned to face the last one, letting out a slow breath.
A sharp whistle pierced the air. He chanced a look, spotting Warriors in the archway of the ruins, frantically waving him over. He nodded, snapping back around to face the stalfos as it attacked. He dodged the swing and sent a slash at its ribs to force it to dodge. The moment it jumped back, he shoved off of one foot and sprinted for Warriors. A broken screech to his right preluded a smoldering winged lizalfos diving at him. He lunged forward, dodging its clumsy attack. It floundered and hit the ground in a crumpled heap, smoke curling upwards from it. He kept running even as he heard boots and claws pounding on the stone behind him. He burst through the archway and continued on, Warriors running ahead. Warriors wove randomly through the trees and Hyrule followed, occasionally glancing back. The monsters barely even tried to follow them. Hyrule slowed, brow furrowing.
Warriors snatched his arm and yanked him forward, forcing him to run again. Hyrule whipped his head around to give him a wide-eyed look. He opened his mouth to protest – if the monsters were too weak to follow, surely they could defeat them all. Then Warriors’ expression twisted in pain, a hand lifting to clutch at his ribs. He staggered once but didn’t slow, quickly regaining his footing and continuing on.
“Are you… you hurt?” Hyrule huffed, breath growing ragged the longer they ran. Warriors didn’t respond, only releasing Hyrule’s arm and turning his face away to hide his expression.
“Captain-“ Hyrule threw a glance behind them. The ruins were out of sight with no sign of the monsters giving chase. He turned back and grabbed Warriors’ arm, gently tugging to slow him down. “Captain, stop, if… you’re hurt… let me look.”
Warriors wrenched his arm out of Hyrule’s grip and kept going. He pushed himself faster, pulling a few paces ahead of Hyrule.
“Hey!” Hyrule called, trying to match the new pace. The trees whipped past them in a blur, leaves scattering out from under their feet. Warriors staggered again, nearly falling over.
“Captain, stop!” Hyrule yelled. “They’re… not even… following!”
At that, Warriors finally looked over his shoulder. He frowned, slowing to a jog then a walk before stopping altogether. His chest rose and fell rapidly as he caught his breath. Hyrule stopped beside him, quickly glancing him over. He couldn’t see any blood. Something internal, then? As he watched, Warriors’ face screwed up in pain and he doubled over, wrapping an arm around his ribs.
“Captain!” Hyrule darted forward to catch him. “Where are you hurt?”
Warriors shook his head, taking shallow breaths through his mouth. Hyrule let out an aggravated sigh and shifted his hold on Warriors to examine him more closely, determined to find the injury no matter how stubborn the captain decided to be.
Warriors twisted in the hold and plunged a knife into Hyrule’s gut.
Hyrule froze. Pain seared through his stomach so severe and abrupt that his brain couldn’t process it. Then Warriors pushed the knife in deeper and Hyrule choked on a scream, knees buckling. Warriors followed him down, landing on top of him, continuing to press the knife farther in. Hyrule clawed at his hands, breath stuttering in his throat, mind reeling as it desperately tried to process what was happening. He blinked rapidly as something warm bubbled in his throat, looking into Warriors’ face as the captain loomed over him. Any semblance of pain had completely vanished, replaced by a near expressionless look. Black specks swirled in the whites of his eyes.
“N-not-“ Hyrule gagged as realization hit him. Something wet dribbled past his lips, painting red lines on his cheek. “Wh-where’s th- c-cap…tain?”
A smile slowly crawled across Warriors’ features. The black specks in his eyes grew to splotches, overtaking the white. He parted his lips and spoke in a broken mimicry of the captain’s voice, another deep and otherworldly voice layered beneath it. “Right where you left him.”
Hyrule’s eyes widened. The corner. The monsters. All of them closing in on the real Warriors. While Hyrule ran and left him unknowingly.
The shadow ripped the knife out of Hyrule’s stomach. Hyrule lurched, the blood in his throat turning his scream into a gurgle. The shadow swung the knife again and Hyrule threw an arm up. The knife sank into his forearm instead of his throat. Shadow Warriors frowned, moving to yank the knife out again, but Hyrule wrenched his arm back with strength that surprised them both. The motion tore the knife from the shadow’s grip. Hyrule grabbed the handle with his other hand, acting before the pain could stop him. He jerked the knife out of his arm and stabbed it into the shadow’s throat.
Shadow Warriors’ eyes blew open wide, a hand flying to the fatal wound. Black blood flowed from it, running down the knife and dripping on Hyrule. A grin twisted across his mouth and he laughed around the knife, the sound harsh and sickening, more blood pouring forth at the action. Then his entire body, clothes, knife, and all, turned the color of soot and melted.
The viscous substance flooded over Hyrule. He spluttered but it faded within seconds. He lay there for a moment before the pain slammed into him. A whine left his throat as he pressed his hands to his stomach. Blood pooled between his fingers, soaking his tunic and pouring down his sides. His throat tickled and he coughed reflexively, spraying blood from his mouth. The coughing sent boiling hot waves through his stomach and he gargled a cry, darkness encroaching on the edges of his vision. Frantically, belatedly, he grasped at his healing magic, weaving it into the wound. He could feel the flesh knitting closed but slowly, too slowly. His vision dimmed and blurred. Feeling faded from his extremities, replaced with cold numbness. He dragged in a shuddering breath, nearly choked on blood, and forced more magic into the wound. The magic exhaustion pulled at the backs of his eyes, sending his head into a spiral of vertigo. It sputtered beneath his hands, petering out. He tried to force more out but it dug its heels in. He let out a choke of a sob, abdomen clenching as another wave of pain crashed through. The wound was still too deep. He needed to heal it more. He needed to be able to get back to Warriors.
He pressed his hands harder against his stomach but the magic recoiled from his reach. He turned onto his side and retched, hardly anything except blood coming out. A hoarse sob escaped past his lips and he tried to push himself up. He’d gone past his magic limit before, so why wouldn’t it cooperate now? Mortally wounded, his mind supplied. It didn’t make him feel any better. He reached cold fingers into his pouch, digging around for something, anything, as his vision dimmed further. He blinked hard, struggling to force back the faintness. No, no, he had to go back for Warriors. They wouldn’t be in this mess if Hyrule had just listened and kept going past the ruins like the captain wanted.
His vision flickered dangerously. His breath came in shallow gasps, each one driving fiery knives into his stomach. Somewhere, distantly, he registered pain in his arm, but it felt inconsequential next to the still-gaping wound in his middle. His limbs felt leaden, hand slipping from his pouch. A sea of oranges and yellows stretched out before him, blobs of color that swam before his eyes. He gave one last desperate try to heal himself. The attempt cost him his consciousness and he slipped into blissful nothingness.
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kiiyome-art · 4 months
I've been thinking a lot about destiny lately, and how I want to go about writing and drawing out my warlock, Vienna's, story, now that the light and dark saga is coming to a close. I was a bit late to the destiny scene, all things considered, and between my creative struggles and (trying) to be a functional human being, I've not created as much as id have liked to. So come along with me on my little rant as I think allowed my thoughts, if you feel so inclined.^^
There's still so much I want to write, and stories to tell within the destiny universe.
I started playing the game during season of the plunder, when my friends introduced me to it, and we became a glorious fireteam! I was drawn to the pretty warlock space magic immediately, and thus, Vienna was born. ( Though I've since become a hunter main, she's still my favorite blorbo. )
I quickly fell in love with the story and it's characters, dug deep into the lore and since then, her story has gone through a LOT of changes. I try to stick close to the canon story for the most part, in my universe Vienna is the young wolf who was risen in D1, and has since gone through most of what we see throughout the dlcs and seasons past then, I'll probably elaborate on that further at one point.
Most of my drawings that I've posted here are fun little doodles, occasional quips between characters, and overall "for fun" stuff. The majority of what I've thought up for Vienna has been confined to my own head and the rare rants to my friends. And now with final shape being so close, I feel myself pressured to know, and write down, everything that I can. Which, realistically, is silly.
I had plans to make a three minute animatic of Vienna during forsaken since it was a MASSIVE turning point for her, have it out by final shape, then make an entirely NEW animatic based off OF final shape, mostly inspired by Caydes return. Whilst I had mapped out most of it and gotten some rough sketches down, I didn't even begin on the actual project. Could I have? Probably. Do i feel guilty about it? Yes. Will those projects still happen? Hopefully.
I know for all you creatives out there that might be reading this, the feeling of having plans, and not being able to carry through with them, or it not turning out how you wanted, is a shitty feeling, not foreign to ANY of us.
I felt myself compelled to write this in the first place because I know that, well, I'm not alone.
There's many creatives out there feeling the same pressure to get stuff done as I am, even if we don't say it. We want to have everything figured out, to create something wonderful, with the final shape feeling like "the end" of destiny as we know it and all. So this is me calling out to whoever might be listening; be nicer to yourself.
You have all the time in the world to create that animation, paint that painting, write that story. Just because final shape is "an ending," doesn't mean you can't still work on and have fun with the story beats you have in mind prior to Final Shape. No ones gunna call it silly, were all equally starved for content here. And who knows, once we all know how final shape ends, it might inspire you and help your story flow together better.
I'll try my best to tag my posts relating to Vienna and her fireteam with time stamps from now on, as I tend to jump all over the place and it could get really confusing really fast. The TLDR of it all;
Don't feel guilty about unfinished projects. Final shape isn't the end, dont let it be, and dont feel confined to just creating content relating to post final shape.
That's all! I appreciate you reading if you got this far, and im excited to see the amazing things the Destiny corner of tumblr will come up with next.
See you starside! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
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the---hermit · 2 years
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Thesis diary #51
My mood has improved a bit since yesterday but for some reason I am not at my best yet. Today I also changed my study plans randomly, and instead of finishing fully the second chapter of my thesis I decided to start working right away on the third chapter after having completed the new draft. I have two reasons for this, the first one being that I didn't feel focused enough to reread the new version of the second chapter, and the second one is that since I had a very clear idea of what I had written I was sure that going right away into the third chapter I had more chances to make to writing flow better. So today was a mostly writing day, and tomorrow I'll hopefully have enough energy and focus to reread everything and fix the last couple if things. I think I can be done with both chapters by the end of the week so that I can send them to my professor as I work on the conclusion of the thesis. Surely I'll try to be done with both of them in the next couple of days.
Productive things I did today:
Finished the first part of work for the new version of the second chapter of my thesis
Started working on the third chapter
Finally finished the crochet scarf I was making for my brother
Read quite a bit
Made some new spreads in my reading journal
Self care things I did today:
Read first thing in the morning
Crochet while listening to an audiobook (at this moment in my life this is the best hobby possible. I am avoiding digital screens, and my brain gets so much rest from this combination of activities)
Changed my plans according to what I felt like doing instead of forcing myself to follow the first plan I had created
📖: Hide by Kiersten White (I have an idea of where this book is going. Actually I am pretty sure I have figured it out, I am not sure if I'll be happy or disappointed when I'll find out if I'm right), and The Green Mile by Stephen King.
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steamberrystudio · 2 years
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02/01/202....3!? Devlog
Halloooooo everyone!
It's been a while since my last proper update here so I am going to be posting a bit of an update and recap and plans for 2023 post. ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
I think we all know my big accomplishment in 2022 was releasing Gilded Shadows and then updating the game with Quill's route. 🥳
I also fully drafted Reuben's route and did one heavy revision of it! I've gotten through my second revision up to about Chapter 9.
The un-coded word count of Gilded Shadows is 985,000 words. (For those of you who are new and haven't seen me explain this before - the "uncoded" word count is the word count in Scrivener. All the routes lose words when I code them. The coded word count in Renpy is somewhat smaller and Reuben's route isn't coded yet so I don't know how long the game will be once his route is in the game.)
Still. That's a lot of words! LoL
Gilded Shadows is still lumbering along like the behemoth that it is. When Reuben's route is fully revised and checked for typos, I'll move on to coding it and working on sprites.
And then my last route will be YUU! Yuu is going through a bit of re-planning and re-structuring at the moment but I am really looking forward to writing his route.
I do not have an ETA on release for either of these routes beyond "This year." It's impossible for me to predict how difficult the writing will be. Reuben's route has been really tricky to write just because the plot is sort of crime...thriller? ISH? And I've had to do a lot of editing to smooth out how things flow. That kind of thing is difficult to predict until you've actually started writing.
ANYWAY. Throughout the year I've written a few small things that will eventually go in the lore book and taken some notes on other things I want to include. ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
But I won't pretend 90% of my energy hasn't gone to just developing this game and getting it out there.
I have done some work and planning on next projects though. On my so called "Late Night Projects" (IE stuff I work on late at night or on weekends and my spare time). All these projects are things I hope to complete after Gilded Shadows is complete.
Some of them are experimental (trying out new features, new release styles, new game structures, etc) and some of them are stories I've had saved on my hard drive for years and just finally want to finish.
I'm really excited to eventually explore my space guilds and steampunk worlds and dark fantasy worlds and all the other ideas I have. I may have to work on these projects until I'm 90....but I am DETERMINED. 💪
Through 2023, I want to finish Gilded Shadows and all Gilded Shadows content (lore book, art book, KS rewards, etc). And then start to work on my next project!
So I hope you all stick with me - through this year and (hopefully) many years of game-making to come!
Thank you all for your endless support and encouragement. I truly hope this year is a better and happier year for everyone.
Be blessed! And I love you all. 💖💖
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schwender-exe · 11 months
Devlog #2
Hello all again and welcome to devlog #2!
First up, we have tiles! While not the final look of them (to be honest I drafted them up to try them out, but I kinda dig the simplistic look?) they'll be what's making up the terrain in the game! After playing around with it for some time, I found it a hell of a lot easier to map out levels/rooms with these tiles than the old system I had in place.
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Originally, what made up the terrain was Polygon2Ds with collision added on top of them and while it was easy to use, it made the terrain a bit to one-toned for my liking and made plotting out levels a bit of a nightmare because I could do any shape or angle or whatever with it, which sounds nice but... well a bit too much freedom can kill my creativity which is why the limitations of the tiles feels like the right balance.
Moving on to what's next: the curse I wrought upon myself. To be more specific? The story vs gameplay and my failure to plan ahead.
I'm not one to plan things out much, I tend to just go with the flow and address problems as they come into view, but that's been biting me in the ass for a bit now. You see, I sent out a test build about a month ago to some dev friends and I got some feedback which has stuck with me. "You need something in between when you arrive at Chloe's abode and when you meet Chloe." (Chloe being the mushroom-headed character). The reason it stuck with me is because I realized, while I had a story, I didn't really have much in terms of gameplay to smoothly fill in the beats in between. The problem with trying to shove gameplay into a story which didn't account for that, well... You can imagine it didn't go well. So here's my new plan. I'm scrapping the story I have so far and will be re-writing it with new gameplay in mind that'll hopefully flow together well. What kind of gameplay? well that's a tough call. I've been juggling ideas around in my head for weeks and none seem to stick, so far I've managed to get a swimming/floating kind of movement in game which seems fun, but I'll have to tinker around with it more before I can say it 'fits' anywhere. If anything, it was at least a fun exercise in the new state-based character controller I've made this time around for the player.
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Well what about combat? That's always an easy one, well... I've shied away from that for some time as I thought combat would move the game in a direction of becoming like most other platformers out there where slapping in combat is a simple solve-it-all glue you can put anywhere. If I'm going to add in combat, I want it to be interesting, unique and of course, fun. I'll be experimenting with more movement options, possibility of combat, the use of items, etc. and will be sure to update next blog post with what I achieve.
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Moving on from that, I've also been experimenting with dialogue! I've added on to my dialogue code and have added dialogue portraits which, I'm not sure how I feel about as of yet, honestly. I don't think I have enough to base my opinion on whether I'll keep it or not as I like having the dynamic poses of the overworld sprites. I might have it as a toggleable feature in future as to give players the option to view the overworld sprites or the visual novel-esq sprites.
I hope this devlog was an interesting read, I know I didn't seemingly make much in terms of progress, but with the circumstances I'm in it's been a bit of a bottleneck in productivity. I hope next devlog I'll be in a better spot to provide more to show.
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