#button rambles🌺
undobutton · 6 months
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so i uh.. i played a game....
i love him in ways that are felt but never spoken. i need him like a sunflower craves the rays of daylight. i truly and fully adore him
requests are open for my favorite little reaper! <3
-button 🌺
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yandere circus - Wendy the sad clown
Wendy's intro! Not proofread 🌺 just unedited rambling
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🤡ever since you got accepted Into the circus, Wendy and the other clowns have been following you around where ever you went. Helping you with whatever chores you have waiting to be done
⭐ learning a little bit about her, you started to understand her quiet and anxious nature. Growing up she'd been the youngest out of 5, the only full blooded child from a divorced couple. Both parents having been in previous relationships and had children with their previous partners.
🤡one of her sisters on her mother's side was the black sheep of the family, having exposed herself to the internet (despite the mother's strict teachings and attempts to hide phones and tablets) at a young age and growing rebellious. Self harming, fighting, screaming with their mom. It got so bad the maternal figure had to send her to the spych ward multiple times due to near death experiences the older sister put the mother through
⭐having watched all of this, it was understandable why her mental and emotional health was so low. Multiple other events happened but she refused to tell you the rest, claiming she didn't want to scare you away
🤡you were the only thing that made her feel better after waking up in this strange world. Maybe this was the universe's way to tell her she found her spouse? Sending them to a distant land with no way to escape
⭐ sometimes you'd randomly wake up to see her standing over your bed, sniffling and crying quietly as she wiggled her way into your bed. Cuddling onto your chest and resting a leg ontop of your thighs. Giving your neck a little kiss and going back to sleep. You didn't bother asking what was wrong, since you already knew she'd never tell you
🤡 if you were ever busy and she was close by, she'll play with your hair or hands, waiting for you to finish before dragging you where ever she saw fit. She's very touchy feely, and seems to really like when it's reciprocated. But if you ever pull away, she'd visibly deflate and sulk for the rest of the evening
⭐ her makeup consists of mainly blues, pinks and yellows. Face caked in a white foundation giving her skin a porcelain look, a large heart drawn over her right eye. With a star on her left. The iconic red lipped smile and a red button nose hastily drawn and a little smudged. Rosy cheeks just begging to get pinched. Hair let loose and messily wavy
🤡she always gets nervous before a performance and understandably so, needing to be hyped before she can get into her role. Which isn't very hard. She's meant to be Koko, the sad and deppressed clown. Rings many bells honestly
⭐ she's emotionally dependent on the others if you're not around. Sticking to their sides like glue and conversing. She seems to like hearing people talk and ramble instead of talking herself. A girl of few words you could say
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♱ About ♱
18+ only, minors dni
Text post tag: #Father Speaks
Ooc tag: #Father Rambles
Pictures of me: #in persona Christi
Audios: #literally ;) or on soundgasm at /u/sinhound
Aesthetic tag: #aes
Art tag: #art
Taken anon signatures: dream,🐱,🖤,🍃,🐇,🛐,♡,🪐,🌺,🌌,🐲,🔪,☦️,👁,🥺,☿,🦇,👑🖤,🪽,🍒
Likes, favorites bolded: Hierophilia, c*tholic priests, collars, bondage, cnc, humiliation, praise, terato, blood, mild knife play, breeding, abo, petplay, age difference, size difference, edging, overstim, dirty talk, objectification, fucked up dynamics (in fiction! think Hannibal), power imbalance, manipulation, corruption, orgasm control, cum
… to be continued ;)
Limits: detrans/misgendering, misogyny kinks, piss/any body fluids that arent cum, blood, or spit, raceplay, weight-based degredation/feederism
Rp preference: I honestly get super nervous in the dominant role with anonymous people, I strongly prefer playing the submissive. If you're dead-set on getting me to dom please send me an ask with your limits and likes! I won't publish it, but it really helps me to know what you'd like from the scene <3
Father Adrian Lupine is in his early 20’s, average height, and heavy-set. He has curly, wavy auburn hair that reaches the top of his collar, and soft features: brown doe-eyes with long lashes, a round jawline, a button nose, and full lips with a defined cupid’s bow. He has square glasses. He’s a little (a lot) insecure about his looks, his weight and ‘soft-ness’ in particular. If he were completely honest with himself, he really doesn’t mind being ‘pretty’ instead of ‘handsome’ (though he wouldn’t describe himself as either.) but he was teased mercilessly for it when he was younger, by his peers and his parents.
Adrian is bisexual, with a slight preference for men or masc people, and has known since he was 14. He also grew up Catholic, and knew to keep his mouth shut about it. He is completely in denial about being anything other than a cis man, but is still very respectful of other people.
Adrian is mostly submissive and a bottom, but can be persuaded to dom/top, and is secretly very kinky for a priest. He might not have much or any practical experience, but he does have an internet connection and fantasizes a lot. 
Adrian is outwardly very friendly and polite, soft-spoken and kind. Inwardly, he’s anxious and lonely, feeling stifled by the collar while being terrified to lose the stability priesthood offers. He is very aware of the reputation of the Church, and notices who shies away from him when he’s wearing the collar. He knows there’s nothing he himself can do about that, but he goes out of his way to be as polite as possible in public, finding small ways to make sure people know he’s not ‘like that’, that he won’t berate others for not being a part of his religion. It’s really only on very rare occasion, usually alone, late at night, and post bottle of wine, that he allows himself to wonder why he became a priest knowing full well what the church is like. 
Recently graduated from seminary and moved to St. [Name Pending] about a year and a half ago, but much of that first year was spent not holding mass. Instead it was spent renovating the church, which had sat empty for almost a decade. The building itself was quite grand back in the day, but the town it’s in has seen slight decline in recent decades, and after the last priest died it wasn’t a priority to keep it updated. Adrian secretly suspects the diocese put him here specifically to get him out of the way after being a little too open with ‘constructive criticism’ of the Church while in seminary. St. [Name Pending] is a very quiet parish, not a lot of catholics left in town these days, and Adrian is doing his best to make his church useful in ways that aren’t strictly religious: community food gardens, charity drives, movie nights, anything he can to build his reputation with the community. It’s a shame he has secrets that leave him afraid to let anyone get too close, lest he get reported to the diocese. 
AU's: Adrian is a human cis man by default, but if you want to rp with him in any au’s just let me know! The main two options are transmasc and/or werewolf, but im down for just about anything. put this man in situations ;)
The person behind the blog is 23, transmasc, bisexual, and I am definitely not catholic. You can call me Wolf, just put ooc in an ask if you want to ask me something. I will probably get something about being a priest wrong but this is a smut blog so is it really that deep?
This is a sideblog! I won’t be able to follow you back, reply to posts, or send asks.💔
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aus-from-undertale · 2 years
Omega timeline: Poppy's story
This AU happens on the Omega Timeline, a place built by Core!Frisk and some other AUs characters, where's kinda like a safe heaven for all refugees, lonely and happy people across the multiverse :)
Obviously, one of the biggest focus of the AU is Core!Frisk since they are the protagonist grandpa. So i really recommend checking them out first to understand everything about this AU better ✨
But yeah, just as said before, the protagonist of the story is Poppy🌺, a cute child who was born from a drawing and adopted by Core!Frisk
It's a pretty cute and wholesome story that shows Poppy's growth and her life while building relationships with other people who soon become her family.
Ok now that I resumed it a bit i just wanna share some thoughts:
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Mod goes biwniwfyscwj8wvoan9beinwob for Poppy
There's asks, animations, OSTs, comic, drawings and a lot more stuff! it's insane the amount of work put in this AU :000
But ok enough of talking, your should just check this out!
Also, this is more of a personal taste of mine
Looking for info about AUs is actually quite tiring when I just have their name.
And when I finally find about the author's account, they only made one chapter or the "next" button link doesn't work so i have to manually search through the whole account to just find a single damn ch-
Yeah, rambling aside, the organization is top tier and is now my kink so thanks for the good work :D
There's also a GAME being made✨
Like damn, will you PLEASE stop making me excited?!
I want to end this post by saying that this AU was reccomended to me by @docmenlonhead (sry for taking so long :0 and thanks for your ask💕)
Sooo if you want to reccomend some AUs or just talk shit, my ask box is always open :DDD
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There's also another ask blog that's got a big focus on Core!Frisk, it's called Drunk!Chara and I reeeeally reccomend it 💕
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the-ranger-parable · 1 year
Hello! It’s park Ranger here and I’m making a blog to house one of my newest obsessions haha! The Stanley parable haha I plan to post a lot of art/my own lore or interpretations/ocs
I’ve really gotten into the game and have fallen over the idea and seeing peoples artwork has made me hype haha!
This first post is just a master post of my tsp designs/ocs lol
I have my own lore/have mixed lore with cannon so things are different slighty.
Idk if I plan to design more characters but for now I’ve got these guys!
Oh also your free to ask questions!
First up in my designs is the narrator/Elliot ! I really like his design I did haha it’s one of my favorites
I’ll include everything about him below his picture!(
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[C]🍀Basic info🍀
[C]Name: Elliot
[C]Nickname: Narrator
[C]Age: Who knows
[C]Hight true form: 1 ft
[C]Hight human form : 5’5
[C]Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them
[C]Gender: Trans male
[C]🌿Human Appearance 🌿
[C]When in human form he’s mostly ever wearing a black turtleneck sweater with a baggy brown jacket and a long yellow scarf. He always has a set of headphones always cat theme and pencils and paper stashed in his jacket or holding onto these items. He wears also black pants and brown boots. For the most part he keeps himself and his hair looking neat and presentable. His stars still stick away around and mostly hover near his headphones. He has a lil tail and mouse ears still too
[C]☘️True form☘️
[C]Very mouse like and tiny his body is mostly yellow with two star like things floating around his ears.
[C]🐝Personality 🐝
He’s pretty confident and self assured tries to play off being calm and collected. But easily can get exited over things he loves to ramble on about things and he’s usual pretty happy go lucky even way to nice sometimes for his own good. He’s also pretty easy to fluster over praise for things and has a pretty big ego.
But that can change pretty quickly if he feels he’s been slighted when mad he starts to get petty and complain and will go out of his way to annoy and will do mostly anything to get some control back.
[C]🌺Likes and dislikes🌺
[C]Making up stories
[C]Praise for his stories
[C]Negative feedback
-His lil stars change colors to his mood if he feels strong emotions
-he’s actually pretty shy when around others and can get embarrassed quite easily
-his organization is a bit rough sometimes he misplaces papers or imported peices to his scrips and has to find them.
-He can only really use his powers when in his true form other wise he’s out of luck. He dose not really have control over the times he changes forms it’s a bit random and has left him in very dire situations.
-Over the many stories and resets the narrator and Stanley have reached an understanding with each other and at most times are cordial and willing to cooperate with the others whims(most of the time)
- His most embarrassing moment is him writing the 200 page bucket plot that made him and Stanley look like idiots
-has opened up to making new stories and places Stanley can go and his office is mostly a hub for the two. They honestly goof around a lot now or relax while Elliot makes new stories
-more to come
Next up is Stanley/negan he’s a funky lil dude
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[C]🍀Basic info🍀
[C]Name: Negan
[C]Nickname: Stanley or Stan or Ne
[C]Age: 25
[C]Hight : 6’5
[C]Pronouns: He/Him
[C]Gender: male
[C]🌿Appearance 🌿
[C]Black hair and 2 different color eyes(blue and green) with two cat ears. He always is wearing a black jacket with whitish shirt with a orange tie. He’s always either a bit neat or scruffy looking. With black dress pants and a cat tail.
[C]🐝Personality 🐝
[C] He’s very rough a bit easily agitated and quick to anger most times. He’s cocky,arrogant and self assured and stubborn . He’s the type to push back and press buttons. He dose not like to be told what to do but will go along with things if he feels like it.
Not one to scare easily he’ll stand his ground no matter the cost and will take extreme measures to get control back, pain rarely bothers him and sometimes he takes joy in it very rarely tho.
But when he gets to relax or wind down he’s pretty chill and nice to be around he dose have feelings of caring and will feel guilt if he genuinely thinks he’s hurting someone he cares about. He loves to cause a bit of mischief here and there as well.
[C]🌺Likes and dislikes🌺
[C] exploring
[C] doing lame stories for nar
-He’s not exactly sure why he ended up in this place with the narrator and the other won’t elaborate either. He has no memory if he had an old life but he really doesn’t care anymore. He dose wish he could get away and do things he wants to. But he’s content for the most part to play story piece as long as his adventures get changed up once in a while.
-has definitely lost his mind at one point and very much went on a patch of self destruction and breaking anything he could in rage. He will admit it was his lowest moment.
-he actually dose like some of the stories nar dose but will pretend most time they suck or are okay sometimes he is honest tho.
-He actually really liked the bucket plot it was so dumb and ridiculous it still makes him laugh and he brings it up as nars best work in jest.
-he dose actually care for narrator a lot and is willing to go along with things to hear him be happy most of the time.
-they’ve both understood that they can’t be at each other’s throats all the time and must cooperate tho it doesn’t stop negan from doing irritating things every once in a while.
-he really likes it when nar takes human form mostly because he can mess with him without immediate retaliation but it’s also fun to hang out and work on things.
- he has really completely feelings for the guy that flip on a dime. Like they could be best buddies then mortal enemies
-he actually really likes listening to him when he’s angry or he decides to go villan mode or just him on a power trip. The narrator can get very entertaining to him when pushed.
-he can transform into a cat but it’s rare he dose.
-more to come
Timekeeper (they don’t appear much lol )
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The timekeeper is an oddball
They’re mostly around whenever the narrators watch is able to gain sentience and then it’s chaos from these lol.
The nar is not able to do any resets on his own when this guy is out and they have to chase him down to revert him to a reg watch again
He dose not like that lol
There’s not really much to em tbh haha he’s just an oddball who really doesn’t get or do much pfft
Time is a pretty nice if not chaotic and pretty hyperactive.
They really love pizza a lot too like a lot
Next up the glitch (they appear very rarely)
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One of the most dangerous entities in the office.
They only really appear when a bad glitch happens. This glitch revolves around the narrator and him messing with something causing his powers to separate from himself and gain sentience.
While his powers are spilt he’s just like Stanley and basically a human
While this entity is made up of his powers it has a mind of its own and it hates and downright despises him for being so “weak” and stupid with his powers.
It goes out of its way to hurt the narrator and always rough him up in someways and has attempted murder on occasion.
It’s main goal whenever it’s out is to try and possess Stanley seeing him as worthy for his powers. He has used the narrator as bait before as they know he cares for him somewhat.
It is possible to defeat him by glitching/resetting a specific way but it’s always a hassle and has a low success at working lucky the glitch is only a rare occurrence
And lastly the curator!(diane)
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The curator is a very reserved figure. For the most part she is always calm and collected with a calculated stare.
When she speaks it’s usually with authority and a stern motherly tone. She’s no nonsense and doesn’t like disputes or fights.
She’s consider the boss/one really in charge and ranks high above the narrator in power and authority but she doesn’t really do much and is always in her little museum doing something the others aren’t quite sure of. She’s not one to really help unless it’s like extremely dire and quite literally will perma kill.
She keeps a lot of different things and not just stuff to the nars story in her museum.
She doesn’t show it or say it much but she enjoys the nars story’s a lot and is a fan of pretty much anything he dose for the most part. She thinks it’s cute he gets invested so much into it. And will sometimes if he’s in a bind with one will assist.
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johnandrasjaqobis · 1 year
👪🍩🌺⚾👖🚆🌈💓 for Viccy G and and the Hound (Jack)
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
Vic is very close to his family. Parents still alive and well and genuinely lovely people, two younger siblings who are off doing things that make him ridiculously proud, aunts and uncles and cousins in the city, like. the boy's got Family. He's very aware how lucky he is for it.
Jack hasn't spoken to his family in multiple years, but not because of any real animosity. His parents did as well as any couple can when their son is born completely blind and starts explaining that there's a monster that talks to him by the time he's like, three. I think he's got a younger sister he was pretty close to, but it's definitely preferable to keep his family out of...y'know. All This. He wants to go back to visit some day. He just doesn't know where to start explaining.
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
Vic doesn't have much of a sweet tooth in general, so tbh his favorite kind of defaults to whatever it is Dolly has made most recently just because it's a friend that made it.
Jack likes hard candy. Helps him focus.
🌺 HIBISCUS - do they have any allergies?
APPARENTLY vic's allergic to something, I think we as players decided it was like, legumes of some kind, but he's not even sure still, he hasn't exactly been back to that specific place in Pride's Call.
I feel like Jack would be allergic to latex. Which doesn't really apply here.
⚾ BASEBALL - can they play sports? what is their best position if they play a team sport? what's their strong suit (speed, power etc.)?
Vic would be pretty good at rugby I think. Good combination of constant movement and the occasional very hard hits. He can be fast sometimes, and also has that 18str to make sure he Keeps Moving.
Jack is. Not a sporty guy. He likes fishing.
👖 JEANS - what is their go-to outfit?
If he doesn't need armor, for Vic any kind of comfortable pants and a light shirt, with his coat either as a full coat or sans the sleeves depending on what the weather's like.
Jack defaults to fantasy business casual. He likes button-up shirts either with a vest or suspenders, something close to slacks, and nothing ever matches unless Ainori gives him a hand with it
🚆 TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
Vic would sacrifice the one for the many only if the one was himself. Otherwise he would refuse to play along. (Otherwise it's definitely sacrificing many for the one, i mean come on, he's a self-appointed bodyguard)
Jack is absolutely the many for the one route. Not that he has much choice in the matter, but he'll look after the few he can.
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
vic: oh my god you are the most unobservant dumbass -- yes he is your partner yes he is your best friend you are also absolutely in love with him kiss the stupid wizard
jack's is. darker than i expected the more i think about it, but putting that one aside, he'd probably advise not to bother with the bloodhunter guild. Hell of a lot of good that whole process did.
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
Other than the obvious for both of them with. combat. etc.
Extended awkward social situations for Vic, he is overly aware of his tendency to start rambling and when he notices it gets worse and just devolves from there. Also watching powerful mages do magic.
Jack...kinda obvious still, but anytime he's gotta deal with Gruumsh. It's been literally his entire life but it's hard to get completely used to that.
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undobutton · 2 years
hear ye! hear ye!
i played error 143 for the first time last night and... im opening requests, but only for Micah Yujin.
if you couldn't already tell, im obsessed 💖
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undobutton · 8 months
I can't do this anymore..
I can't keep these secrets any longer...
they weigh on me..
i know, gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss and whatever. but im a boy, and i have no gates and if i did i wouldn't keep them free range gates i have to reveal my thoughts...
has this been done yet? cause if so i wanna clap for the person who came up with it before me.
but since im writing this under the impression that I'm sharing this au first i gotta ramble.
my spider-sona's hobie variant is a street musician/the prowler. (I'll share them soon) and i have been chewing, chomping, and gnawing on this idea for months now. and i just needed to share.
also!! street musician!hobie x very generous black cat!reader. the black cat is very robin hood-like. they steal from big companies and give to any and everyone. including the local artists. and they have a special spot for that cute guitarist they've been eyeing!
that's all, if anyone wants to write the black cat fic you're more than welcome to!
-button 🌺
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undobutton · 2 years
i can and will do a backflip. no i cant
like he'd learn and ask to practice on you.. THEN HE GETS REALLY GOOD AT IT.
mmmmm watching tv with him while he does it too. it keeps his hands busy and he always learns a little more about you during all three to four hours it takes.
you make dinner as a thank you and he loves it since he loves your cooking. (and you💖)
i love him.
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undobutton · 8 months
okay okay so.. remember when i wrote this hobie fic and mentioned how i'd introduce my oc who's his friend?
well I lied. Bunny (the friend in question) is a black cat varient (idk why i didn't say that in the post) but anyhow. i do have a spider-sona and i wanna ramble about them and their relationship with their hobie varient as well as their earth and whatever. instead of Bunny bc im hyperfixated on them.
So without further ado... here is Juniper Willow! The Amazing Jumping Spider of Earth-19962! brought to you by myself, the sims 4 ft. many talented cc creators, and naylissah's "black centered picrew"!! someday I'll draw them for y'all, but not here. not now.
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Name: Juniper Willow
Nicknames: Purr, June, Juni, Period.
pronouns: she/they
Age: 19
Birthday: Jan. 23
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Sexuality: pan
Favorite season: summer
Favorite color: neon pink & green
Spends time: writing music, roller skating, scheming
Likes: music, helping others, thrifting, Hobie ❤️
Dislikes: Big companies, police officers,
Bad habits: mumbling, accidentally overworking themself.
Good at: roller skating, poetry, chemistry
Job: being the Jumping Spider
Family: Older sister, Tina. Tina's girlfriend, Liz. Niece(Tina's kid), Anna. Twin brother, Benny.
Extra info: Left home with Tina when she was little. doesn't really talk to her parents.
Height: 5'7
Skin color: mocha? smth like that
Eye color: used to be brown. Now pink and green.
Hair color: dark brown.
Hair description: stomach length locs, usually tied up in loose twin buns. occasionally down for events.
Body type: hourglass
Main outfit description: (see photos above)
Not so basic info~
Fears: stuffy noses. forests @ night.
Hesitant to tell about: their relationship with their mom.
Would cause a scene over: someone mistreating another person. being lied to.
Pretends not to care about: Tina's approval.
You can find them: in their basement/hide out thingy (I'll make it in the sims soon.)
Wants to come off as: reliable, funny, caring
Comes off as: heroic, childish (on occasion)
Intro. Or extro.: introverted, but likes meeting new people every now and then.
Pets: none (Tina won't let them)
origin story (short version):
Doctor Olivia Canna was working on her experiment for years. The spider had the ability to create strong webs and a substance that could dissolve almost anything! and she lost it.. it had been months and she could only hope that the spider would find its way back to her. or still be close by.
meanwhile, Juniper caught a cold and couldn't sleep with her mouth closed bc of a stuffy nose. so while she was sleeping, the spider crawled into her mouth and took a trip to stomach acid town.
as the weeks go by, Juniper gets new abilities and with the help of their twin brother, Benny, they decide to use their powers for good! Juniper steals from big companies and gives all her findings to homeless shelters and the like. she steals tampons, pads, baby formula, diapers, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, clothing etc! and sometimes they'll stop a crime or two.
Once Juniper's savings and stealings become more public, Doctor Olivia sends her most reliable 'friend' The prowler to go out and find this Jumping Spider.
annd I'll go into further detail in the chapters I write about Juniper later! I'll have the first one out soon!!
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-button 🌺
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undobutton · 1 year
Monster prom au would be cool. Although it's not much of an au if they are actually in high school. It would be funny to see regular high school for monsters.
Vera committing crimes and her dad posting affirmations and compliments like a Facebook post like a dorky dad, embarrassing her. Valerie teasing her over it and immediately regretting it because their dad started telling stories about Val
Aaravi using posts to find party members for whatever dungeon shes doing (she's actually just breaking into people's houses).
Liam and Brian arguing about what's a underground party if the invite is on Monster ver of facebook.
People cyberbullying Leonard for his take on anything.
Weekly school lunch menu and school events but for monsters.
School being delayed because of the 5th dimensional squid.
Stuff like that
oooh i saw your other ask about the fact that i said social media au, but i still really like this idea! like maybe i do a series of one shots and short fics about chatacters but it's all in the same dimension of that makes sense.
like in an aaravi fic i mention something that vera and y/n did in another post i made. and they can also have monster ver. twitter and stuff.
and to keep track of it all, each character could give their reader a nickname like redactedverse...
mmm im having ideas, thank you!!
-button 🌺
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undobutton · 2 years
kenma getting closer to manager!reader because he accidentally tripped them which resulted in a sprained wrist.
once they were okay enough to go to school he would help them during practice.
he thinks of it as a win win situation since he already liked them and doesn't mind getting out of practice for a little. also he feels really fucking bad and wants to lessen their workload.
i might write it...
update! i wrote it. enjoy💖
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undobutton · 2 years
slow dancing to Drunk Walk Home with Damien LaVey.
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undobutton · 9 months
something's brewing.. just so y'all know.
-button 🌺
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undobutton · 2 years
suna post coming tonight! it's gonna be beach themed, but the reader hates the beach, yes i did go to the beach today. yes i am protecting.
but! keep in mind that "tonight" means it can be anywhere from 5:30pm-3:00am...
I'll update this when im done!
all done! enjoy💖
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