#buy cbd oil i
happywitch416 · 4 months
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Its a great hair day, I decided to try all pink for the day. This is the least uncomfortable looking pic I took because my brain is going This!!! Is!!! Wrong!!!! 😂 now to go leave pink lipstick prints on my husband because my vision has said no driving but I want an iced coffee the size of my head.
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grilledkatniss · 1 year
New addiction unlocked: regular tea
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mongoose-king · 9 months
Demonia boot, high and weed lube and Tom pillow 🤍
You have no idea how much joy this brings me, dear anon
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surpriseandsmiles · 1 year
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Vapourz Lounge is a top vape store in London providing the high –quality E-cigarettes, Vaping devices, Vape Kits, refillable vape pods and anarchist vape hardware online at the best price. Whether you are looking for e liquids or vaping devices,Voopoo,Voopoo drag max, Vape shop near me,Smok london, smok rings london you’ll find everything here. Buy these amazing vaping products now and get FREE UK Delivery on Orders Over £ 50! Visit now at Vapourzlounge.co.uk or Call Us: + 44 20 8767 6012!
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pink-pupz · 2 years
Do you guys ever spend like, 5 minutes trying to get a £5 off a £50 order voucher out of a letter or are you normal
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onebiosciences · 2 years
A Guide On CBD Products
CBD is widely used for medical and recreational purposes. It can reduce anxiety, improve focus and sleep, and help fight pain. Although they all deliver CBD into your system, the type of CBD product you consume can significantly affect your experience. Visit the article to reads more.
Visit- https://bit.ly/3aiK8Xx
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thehmn · 3 months
Turns out I’ve been illegally trafficked drugs across borders when I brought my CBD oil with me to Norway.
Had a slightly worrying conversation with a Norwegian who was very upset that she can’t buy CDB oil legally in her home country and I’m sitting there like “I have a vial in my suitcase right now…Oh no, am I the lamest drug trafficker in the world?”
It didn’t even occur to me that I could be doing something illegal because you can buy CBD oil in fucking make-up stores in Denmark.
I understand her pain though. CBD oil has been extremely helpful managing my insomnia and anxiety (Funny thing is, I bought it to help with insomnia but noticed a change in my anxiety levels first. I didn’t even know I had anxiety until I didn’t have it anymore) and I wouldn’t be functioning half as well as I do now without it.
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Could We Live With Just A Taste*
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pairing: drug dealer(plug) harry x reader
warnings: drug use, intoxication, unprotected sex, oral (both receiving)
YN: What are you up to tomorrow night?
Harry: Nothing, why? That desperate for me already? I just had you crying on my cock yesterday😏
YN: Shut the fuck up, asshole. I have something I want us to try🙄
Harry: You’re no fun😐
YN: *sends a tiktok of vegan weed brownies*
Harry: Yeah, I’m down. I can buy all the ingredients and you can come over tomorrow night so we can bake them?
YN: That works
Harry: Liked “That works”
Harry is currently at his local grocery store, glancing down at his phone as he scans the aisles for all of the ingredients he needs to execute the recipe that YN sent him yesterday.
He obviously has the CBD oil that’s needed for the brownies, but of course his home is not stocked with any of the other ingredients needed for it to work.
Before he left his house, he searched all of the cupboards for anything he could use in the recipe, and that was a reality check for him. He literally had no groceries, so he made a mental note to grab some along with whatever the recipe called for, as well as some things to cook and eat for a while. He also vowed to stop eating out as much, it’s truly a shame how much money he spends on delivery each week.
Once he has all of the ingredients and groceries in the basket, he makes his way to the front of the store, toward the shortest checkout line.
Just his luck, the shortest line is being worked by a woman about his age who has been ogling him and his tattoos since he walked in, but he’s completely uninterested.
She’s a gorgeous woman. Breathtaking, actually, but for some reason he doesn’t even look at her twice. He makes his way to the belt and places his items on, sliding toward the pay area as she scans them.
Her attention is mostly on him, not on the groceries, as she eyes his thick biceps and the tattoos that reside all over him. Once he’s directly in front of her, he notes that she bends forward a bit and pushes her shoulders together slightly to show off her cleavage, and both Harry and the bagger that looks to be a teenager roll their eyes at the futile attempt.
She goes to open her mouth, no doubt to flirt with him, but he speaks up before she can.
“I have a girlfriend,” he responds gruffly, sliding his card into the chip reader and ignoring the way her demeanour changed from flirty and bubbly to annoyed and rude.
He types his pin in and transaction is approved, and he chuckles to himself as she snatches the receipt from the machine and forcefully passes it to him, but he thanks her anyway and grabs his bags, heading out of the store and to his car.
He was lying, of course. YN isn’t his girlfriend, but she didn’t have to know that.
YN hums softly as she rinses the soap from her body and turns the faucet off, stepping out of the shower before wrapping her towel around her wet body.
She takes her time getting ready to leave, not wanting to leave too early and arrive before the time she and Harry agreed on. It takes her longer than normal to dry off and moisturize her skin, but once she’s done she has enough time to pick a comfy outfit
Her decided outfit is just some plain grey leggings with a black thong and a t-shirt that she’d stolen from Harry after she’d spent the night at his place, and she’d forgone a bra, as they always tug at her nipple piercings.
She’s barely able to contain her excitement as she sprays on some perfume, throwing on some shoes before grabbing her keys and phone to head out the door.
The bright sun in the sky makes her squint as she heads to her car, hopping in before exclaiming softly in pain as the seats and seatbelt buckle burn her skin.
She shakes it off and turns on the engine, letting the car get cool before she pulls out of the driveway and makes her way to Harry’s house.
On the way, she sees his favourite Chinese restaurant and decides to stop in to grab them some food, realizing just how hungry she was. It takes longer than she expected, but she’s honestly kind of happy for the delay, not wanting to arrive at his house on the dot.
A knock sounds on Harry’s door as he’s just sitting down and watching some TV, awaiting YN’s arrival. He hops off the couch almost too excitedly, opening the door to see YN smiling brightly at him and holding a paper bag to pass off to him.
She speaks up before he can, and he’s never been more glad for that, because he genuinely doesn’t think he can form words right now, and he’s just admiring how gorgeous she looks.
“I went and grabbed some Chinese on the way, I hope that’s okay?” she questions, and he just nods, still unable to form any words. She stands there awkwardly for a few seconds before she speaks up again. “Can I come in or…?” she trails off, chuckling as he snaps out of his trance.
“Oh, shit, yeah. Of course, sorry,” he tells her, moving out of the way so that she can enter. She heads straight for the couch as Harry closes the door before trailing behind her, mentally berating himself for being an actual idiot.
The two of them settle in on the couch before he passes her the remote to find something to watch, and he isn’t surprised at all when she chooses Jane the Virgin, the show they’d started binge watching together the last time she was over.
They dig into their food for a bit, but they get pretty full quickly, plus they want to save some room for the brownies. At some point during the episode, YN ended up cuddling with Harry, her body underneath his arm as she rests her head on his chest.
He doesn’t mind, of course, but it really is hard to focus on the show with how close she is to him. It’s like she can sense him staring at her, and she looks up with a small smile before sitting up slightly and pressing a kiss to his lips.
It surprises him, but he’s quick to snap back and leans down to kiss her again, deepening it slightly before biting down on her lip gently. That sends her over the edge, and she’s unable to keep her cool any longer, maneuvering her body and climbing onto his lap while their lips are still connected.
He groans into her mouth as she sits down right onto his erection, her warmth encapsulating his cock. He’s rock hard beneath her when she starts to grind against him slowly, providing pleasure to the both of them. The feeling makes him buck up into her as well, precum leaking from his cock and leaving a small spot on his pants.
Placing his hands onto her hips, Harry matches YN’s hips the speed of his own, working her on his lap through their clothes. It’s all so rushed and messy, but neither of them care, pleasure clouding their thoughts.
She groans into his mouth as he helps her along his erection, the friction from their thin clothes providing some much needed stimulation to her clit.
YN pulls away begrudgingly, trying her hardest to ignore the wetness that’s started to leak into her panties. Frowning, Harry tries to go in for another kiss and she grants him a peck before pulling away once more.
“Okay, okay. We’re never going to get to the brownies if we keep this up. Cmon, I’ll suck you off while they’re baking” she tells him, standing up and heading to the kitchen.
Harry’s never moved so quickly in his life, hopping off the couch clumsily, but he doesn’t follow her right away. He can’t help but stare at her ass in those tight leggings as she walks away, adjusting his pants a bit before following behind her.
Taking a look at all of the ingredients on the counter, YN pulls up the recipe and calls Harry over so they can get started, reading them aloud. The two of them move like a perfect pair as they mix all of the ingredients, and by the time they’re done the kitchen smells wonderful.
YN places the brownies into the heated oven as Harry cleans up the remaining clutter on the island, taking the oven mitts off and placing them on the counter. She leans back against the cool marble, just watching him move the things around before he’s making his way to her and trapping her in front of the counter, leaning down to press his lips to hers.
They kiss passionately before YN reaches down to the bulge in his pants, making him pull away with a groan. “If I remember correctly, I think you promised me something while the brownies are cooking,” he smirks, and she rolls her eyes playfully before dropping to her knees and tugging on his pants, right in front of the oven.
She spits in her hand a bit before stroking him slowly, his precum working as the perfect added lubricant. He moans softly as she does, but his breath gets caught in his throat as she leans forward, placing her lips on the head of him before taking him about halfway down.
The heat radiating off the oven is a nice touch, and she reminds herself to ask Harry to do something to keep her warm the next time she sucks him off.
It’s a gift, really, the way she can multitask this way; literally sucking a cock and thinking about other ways to keep warm the next time she does it.
Stroking what doesn’t fit into her mouth, she suckles on the head of him for a bit, dipping the tip of her tongue into his slit and humming at the bead of slightly salty precum that gets on her tongue.
“Shit, ‘s like you’ve been taking lessons on sucking cock. Your mouth is heaven,” he pants, thrusting shallowly into her mouth and throwing his head back when she gags on him slightly, closing around his sensitive head. “Ohhhh fuck I swear your mouth was made for me,” he whines, slamming his hand onto the island to stabilize himself, his knees buckling slightly.
She hums and chuckles around him at the reaction she’s getting, the vibrations sending shocks through Harry’s entire body. “Wait, shit. Do that again, ‘m close,” he warns her, choking on a moan when she does so immediately. It’s insane how quickly she can make him cum, no one has ever had this effect on him.
“Fuck me,” he sighs, shivering as a chill runs through his body. “I definitely need a break after that one, you just sucked the life out of me,” he tells her. squeezing his eyes shut as she tucks his sensitive cock back into his pants.
She laughs loudly at his words, and Harry has to squeeze his eyes shut as she tucks his sensitive cock back into his pants. They head to the couch and continue their show while the brownies cook, just as they did before.
When the brownies are done cooking, they let them cool for a bit before cutting them and eating them right over the pan, that’s how fucking delicious they are.
They eat two each before waiting a bit, watching some more TV as they wait for the effects to kick in. It doesn’t, though, and they’re confused when they feel as normal as ever.
With a disappointed sigh, YN speaks up. “Maybe we did something wrong, measured the oil wrong or something. I don’t feel anything,” she mumbles, snuggling into him on the couch.
“Yeah, we probably didn’t put enough, we can try again another time,” he encourages her, rubbing up and down her arm gently as he knows how excited she was for this to work.
She nods gently and lies her head on him, shifting her attention back to the TV as they continue watching their show, not feeling any different than they normally do.
By the time they’re about two more episodes in, they finally start to feel something. Their heads are floaty and their eyes are droopy, their bodies entirely relaxed.
YN is hyper aware of everything happening around her, all of Harry’s body heat, the fibres on the couch, and even the slight static that can be heard beneath the TV show, and it’s sending her mind into overdrive.
They’re high out of their fucking minds, and they’re realizing one brownie was probably enough to get them high. It’s too late now, though, and when Harry looks to YN lazily with those droopy eyes, she’s ready to jump his bones. She’s still soaked from the dry humping, and she can’t take this much longer.
“Do you wanna have sex?” she asks him bluntly, catching him by surprise. He’s speechless for a moment, but as his mind finally catches up, he sits up abruptly.
“Hell yes, cmon. Take your clothes off,” he tells her, making her giggle. She instantly obliges, standing up to take her leggings off and heading to his room, but he stops her and pulls her into his lap.
“No, need to see you get off right here,” he tells her, and she looks at him confusedly before he’s helping her out by moving her to straddle his thigh. “Y’gonna ride my thigh so I can see you fall apart before I actually get my hands on you,” he explains, the filthy words making her moan.
She immediately places her hands on his shoulders and moves her hips to test, a groan leaving her lips as the material of his pants creates the perfect amount of friction against her clit.
It’s way better than where they’d left off earlier, the removal of her panties and pants feeling absolutely life changing. To make the experience even more wonderful for her, Harry leans forward and takes one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking gently on the sensitive bud before pulling away breathlessly.
“Fuck, I’ve never seen anyone so beautiful” he whispers, keeping his eyes on her as he wraps his lips around her nipple once more, focusing on the reaction he gets from her.
He flicks his tongue around the silver barbell once more before catching it in between his teeth and pulling gently, prompting her to let out a guttural moan, the bite of the pain making her entire body tingle.
“Such a needy little thing, hm? Just so desperate for Daddy to take care of you?” he coos condescendingly, humming as she nods and quickens her pace, chasing her orgasm. She throws her head back slightly and her jaw drops as she starts to throb against the material, her orgasm so close she can practically taste it.
The filthy sight makes his cock twitch in his pants, and he can barely contain himself when she bites down onto his shoulder to conceal her loud moans as her orgasm takes over her, shooting through her body.
After giving her a moment to collect herself, he pulls her into his chest and stands from the couch on slightly shaky legs, wrapping hers around him as he carrie’s her up the stairs and to his bedroom skilfully, and neither of them know how he does so intoxicated.
Stepping into the room, he places her down on the centre before climbing on as well, lying on his stomach so that his face is right by her pussy.
“I really need to taste you,” he mumbles, wrapping his arms around her thighs before diving in immediately, no time wasted. Her back arches at the feeling of his tongue swiping between her swollen folds, her clit still sensitive from cumming on his thigh just moments ago.
“Shit!” she cries, reaching down to fist at his hair, tugging on his roots as he devours her, licking places she didn’t even know could feel pleasurable. She’s already close from all of the overstimulation, and when he shoves his tongue into her as far as it can go and his nose nudges her clit, she cums all over his mouth with a broken gasp, twitching and pulling away from the sensation.
Her chest is heaving as he sits up, his chin glistening with her orgasm as he climbs up and presses his lips to hers. She groans softly at the taste of herself on his mouth, reaching down to stroke his hard cock gently while their lips are still attached.
He’s definitely ready to go now, not as sensitive as he was when she sucked him off. Pulling away, he looks to her for permission. “Are y’ready for me or do you need a minute?” he questions, looking into her eyes for any sign of uncertainty.
She nods eagerly at his question, wrapping her legs around his waist in response. He immediately lines up with her sopping hole, angling his hips to slide into her. The feeling makes her gasp in shock, wrapping her arms around his shoulders so that she can bury her face into his neck.
The feeling of him stretching her over sensitive walls is like no other, and she wouldn’t trade this feeling for the world. She can feel each and every ridge and vein along his thick shaft, and his leaking head is nestled right against her g-spot.
All of these things have her bucking her hips in attempt to get him to move, desperate for another orgasm, this time on his cock. He obliges instantly, pulling out to thrust into the exact same spot once more. The fast pace he sets immediately has her seeing stars, the precise movements of his hips making her lose all sanity.
She’s already squirming and sobbing loudly in pleasure, trying to find some relief from his bruising thrusts, but he supplies her with none, knowing that if she truly needed to stop she’d let him know. They have safewords and signals for that exact reason. Not to mention the fact that he knows her body like the back of his hand by now, and he’s very certain of her limits.
“Wait- please, fuck!” she yells, her eyes rolling back as another inevitable orgasm builds, causing her to shake unceasingly, his thrusts unforgiving. “Can’t take it,” she whines,
“You can and you will, always do,” he coos. “I’ve got you, just cum for Daddy,” his soft words are grounding for her as his hips don’t falter, forcing her to take the pleasure. At that, she finally relaxes and lets her mind and body go, her orgasm hitting her so hard she chokes on her breath.
Harry leans down to press soothing kisses all over her neck and shoulders, keeping her close as he feels her start to squirt around him and soak his lower stomach. She’s shaking as she does, a loud wail falling from her dry throat.
It only prolongs her orgasm when he doesn’t stop thrusting deeply inside of her and by the time she’s finished squirting, wordless babbles are the only noises she can produce.
“Made such a mess for me, pet,” he rasps, sitting up and rubbing the evidence of her orgasm all over her thighs and making the mess bigger. “Gonna have to make you lick this up when we’re done,” he coos to her, making her eyes fly open at the meaning of his words.
That means they’re not done, and she groans at the thought of cumming again, but she wouldn’t ask him to stop even if the world depends on it. He truly fucks her so well.
Her over sensitive walls are fluttering around him as he adds some more depth to his thrusts, tears of pleasure falling from her eyes when he hits her g-spot. The pressure makes her eyes roll back, and Harry just has to say something about it.
“Such a dumb baby, look at you, all drunk on m’cock,” he teases condescendingly, bringing a hand up to her jaw and placing his thumb on her bottom lip to force her mouth open.
The moment it’s wide enough for him, he leans over and spits into her open mouth before tapping her gently, a silent command to swallow it. She does immediately, desperate to obey even when she struggles to do so. Her face scrunches slightly as he gives her a particularly deep thrust, grazing her cervix and creating the most delicious bite of pain.
“Y’always look so pretty when I’m fucking you, ‘s not like anything I’ve ever seen,” he praises, feeling his cock twitch inside of her in warning of his impending orgasm. “Bet you can feel me deep in y’tummy, hm?” he questions, and all she can do is nod at his words, starting to shake in his tight hold once again.
He doesn’t let up at all and she’s cumming again seconds later, locking down on him and creaming so much that it leaves a thick layer of her cum on the base of him.
He manages to hold off his orgasm until she comes down, and the second he feels her relax around him again he quickly pulls out and stands up shakily on the bed, YN sitting up onto her knees.
She looks directly into his eyes and sticks her tongue out as he quickly strokes his cock in front of her face, his face scrunching up in pleasure as his balls draw up. The icing on the cake was when she grabbed her tits, one in each hand, and plays with her nipple rings a bit, the contrast from the innocent eyes to the filthy action sending Harry over the edge.
His legs are shaky as he tries to stay upright, grunts and groans leaving his lips as he releases his load all over her tongue, but some gets on her face and even on her tits, making her look even filthier.
His chest is heaving and he’s breathing heavily by the time he’s all done, just eyeing the way she looks absolutely
“You never did have the best aim,” she teases, looking down at the mess on her chest before looking into his eyes innocently. “Now what should I do about this mess?” she questions in faux exasperation, before gasping as it she’s come up with an idea.
Harry’s eyes darken once more, his sensitive cock twitching as he watches her reach up to swipe her index finger through his mess, gathering some on the tip before slowly bringing it up to her mouth. Opening her mouth, she places the finger on her tongue before closing her lips around it and sucking, humming at the taste.
“Ass up, I’m not done with you yet,” he grits, gripping her arm tightly enough for him to manhandle her into the position he requested, stifling a groan as she arches perfectly for him, her swollen, messy cunt on display.
She’s so open for him, and he wastes no time in stroking his semi hard cock to get fully erect, lining up before sliding into her with a single, hard thrust. He starts a fast pace immediately, gripping her hips to pull her back and meet his thrusts.
The sound of her cries below him only spur him on, but she’s not loud enough for him. Not by a long shot. He needs to know that he is absolutely wrecking her. Lifting one hand from her hip, he lands it back down onto her ass cheek roughly, satisfied as her cries get louder.
He repeats the action on the other cheek, then again to the other and he keeps spanking her until he’s satisfied, knowing there’s a sharp sting beneath the soft skin and that she’ll be sore tomorrow.
Looking down to where they’re connected, he’s mesmerized by the way her ass jiggles against the skin of his thighs with each bruising thrust, and the filthy, squelching sound of their skin colliding only adds to his awe.
She’s leaking so much around him that every time he pulls away, he can see a thick string of her arousal connecting them, making his mind spin even more. The sight, the sound, and the feeling all overload his senses as his orgasm nears, his stomach clenching in warning.
“Baby,” he babbles, his hips still pounding against hers. “Gonna cum, please let me cum in you,” he begs, trying his hardest to hold off his orgasm until he gets an answer. He takes the opportunity to make her cum even faster, licking his right thumb before pressing it to her asshole, forcing his way past the tight ring of muscles.
Turning her head, she looks back at him with the filthiest, most fucked out face he’s ever seen. She’s literally so full that she feels she could explode, but she’s determined to keep it together until he fills her with his cum. “Yeah, yeah. Please, fill me up. Need it so bad, gonna cum too,” she cries, burying her face back into the duvet as he doubles his efforts, it seems like.
His brutal thrusts send the both of them over the edge with loud yells, her cunt squeezing him so tightly and milking him as he floods her, stuffing her full. He pulls out when there’s absolutely no more room for him, letting some of his cum leak out before helping her move onto her back.
He takes some time to admire how absolutely fucked out she looks, dried cum all over her and messy hair, her chest heaving as she pants. Her legs are spread enough that he can see his cum starting to leak from her abused hole, and he knows he has to document this.
Reaching over to his bedside table, he grabs his phone and asks her permission, which is granted, to take a picture of her like this. His camera clicks loudly in the quiet room as he takes a few of them, surveying how provocative she looks like this.
She’s still catching her breath for a few minutes, her body limp as she comes back down to Earth. The entire time, Harry is beside her, rubbing her arms and cooing softly to her to let her know that he’s there. When she’s finally back, he smiles softly at her before brushing some hair from her face.
“Bath or shower?” he questions, gently running his thumb over one of the bruises he’d left on her neck. Humming thoughtfully, she takes in how tired she is now and realizes she won’t be able to withstand a bath tonight.
“Shower tonight, and then we can take a bath in the morning to soothe our muscles?” she suggests, and he nods softly, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to her lips.
“Yeah, that’s fine. You need help getting up?” he questions concernedly, his mind spinning as he realizes he might’ve gone too hard.
An adorable chuckle snaps him out of his thoughts, and he looks down to see YN smiling up at him before climbing out the bed, heading to his bathroom.
He just shakes his head fondly and follows behind her to the bathroom, stopping and leaning against the doorframe as she turns on the hot water and lets it heat up before stepping in, immediately placing herself under the water.
She just relishes in the warmth for a bit, forgetting she isn’t alone until she sees Harry from the corner of her eye, a soft smile on her face as she looks to him.
“Are you going to stand there like a creep the whole time or are you going to join me?” she chuckles, grabbing his soap and starting to lather it on her body.
Standing up from the frame, the smirk never leaves his face as he steps in as well, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close before pressing his lips to hers. He pulls away with a smile on his face, the same one on hers.
“Be my girlfriend,” he whispers, making YN’s jaw drop.
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thehighladywrites · 3 months
this is not a request just. thinking. ik you’re writing the boys as plugs but have we considered. the women.
elain would %100 make her own edible pastries and give them to you in those colourful baggies with a bow. she’d invite you over to “make sure the new recipe I use is good for the next batch.” the watch movies and end up napping on the couch type
feyre would be the best if you’re a newbie and ever curious about anything. %100 is a bit of a push over for you and sometimes gives you a lil gram extra and offer to smoke with you. she would probably teach you (if you dont know) why you should put ice in your bong. i just know she smokes and paints. probably does art nights with you.
Nesta is pretty abrupt, definitely a one and done we dont small talk plug, but she is there for you if you need (like if you’re a newbie and greened out or paranoid or whatever) because she knows how scary it can be to feel out of control with your body. (replace her trouble with canon alcoholism with getting high every night. she knows how it can get to you.) tells you to drink water and sleep it off but is still hanging around when you wake up ‘just in case’.
mor is the plug thats more like a friend. would end up smoking half of the stuff she just sold you because you guys wanted to sesh and hang out. probably gossips about her other customers when you two get really close
idk anything for amren she probably only uses like cbd oils idk :/
anon i dont even know what else to add, this is so perfect😭😭😭 yess i’m agreeing with everything
also amren would probs smoke joints. i imagine her having one between her long manicured nails, she probs use magic on them to make them even more strong/she mixes in some crazy shit orrrr she has a cart, a fancy ass pen with diamonds and gem stones. when she offers u a hit, ur high for hourssss her shit goes crazy tbh, it’s probably borderline venomous
elain would have her own garden where she grows her supply, i imagine she’s a girl plug who have the cutest packages, they’re all pink with cute stickers that say “thanks for supporting my small business”
feyre is the curious one, down to try literally anything. so down to earth and would get high with you and paint you naked. she has one of those loose shirts with buttons and a pair of shorts, her hair is loosely braided as she mixes her colors, she’s so hot i literally need her rn
nesta is so real, like the helping out when u green out part is so accurate. ut her fav customer and she wants to make sure ur okay, she says it’s because she doesn’t wanna loose clients but in reality she likes u. she also throws in extra g’s but doesn’t say shit ab it
mor is forsure the friend turned plug, she put you on to her supply and ever since u buy everything from her. fav activity is eating infused food in public/meetings and trying to act normal. like at the high lords meeting, you eat a shit ton of edibles and then try to concentrate but it’s very obvious bc you both look stoned and you’re paying too much attention to peoples words, it’s not natural
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sewercentipede · 3 months
𝒎𝒚 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚
• fresh cold-pressed juices for hydration and electrolyte replenishment
• delta 6/thc-a/liquid diamonds weed gummy edible topped with drops of cbd oil for relaxation, chillin, body aches/pains, and as a prophylactic for any possible nausea
• a short or long outdoor stroll with current 93 the cure or this mortal coil to stretch my stiff joints/legs
• delicious, fragrant, relaxing amber gaba oolong tea with a dash of oat milk ☕️
• buy myself a book or 3 (blood meridian, the crossing, cities of the plain)
• movie marathon of very specific vibe (chill/feel-good/kooky/silly/witty/comforting/lighthearted) of movies that i can fall asleep to if I get too sleepy, since I’ve seen them before already, but that I haven’t seen too recently for them to feel stale, in case I do stay awake: I heart huckabees is first, then options are as follows (in no particular order): party girl, the wind rises, soul, king fu panda, napoleon dynamite, tangled, buffalo 66, being john malkovich, dr strange, thor ragnarok, emma (2020), the big lebowski, life aquatiic or darjeeling limited, velvet goldmine, trainspotting
• hand-rolled cigarettes for vibing ready to go whenever
• benzos on hand in case of emergency
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trivialbob · 11 months
This morning I rode my bicycle to the Minneapolis Uptown Art Fair. It's been several years since I've attended.
Most of the art is interesting. People watching is good. There are plenty of food and beverage trucks/stands. And I had nothing else going on today.
There is a free bicycle valet service. Riders leave bikes at a fenced-in area with people monitoring everything. No need to lock. I unclipped my pannier bag and carried it with me like a man-purse. It contained some bottles of water and my regular glasses (so I could switch out with sunglasses). My heavy, urban bike lock and a cable were in the bag. I didn't think to leave them with the bike. The bag got uncomfortable to carry after a while.
Several artists do paintings or drawings of the Minneapolis skyline. I always like those. The artisanal, hand-made, all-natural bars of soap interest me too. Today I didn't buy any, but other times I get some despite them being pricey. I saw some really beautiful dining tables made from enormous, solid chunks of wood for the table top.
This set of drinking fountains running from a fire hydrant looked cool (figuratively and literally).
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I got paella from this stand. It was delicious and expensive. But my economics degree tells me that with a short, steady line the owner has a pretty solid price point.
All the food and beverage places are up front about expecting tips these days. There's not really any service involved. "Here is your bowl of food. We don't have tables and chairs, so you'll have to stand somewhere. Help yourself to napkins. So would you like to add 15, 20, or 25% to price?"
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The tall, narrow shelves of pottery make me nervous. People tend to look one way and walk another. Children and dogs are everywhere. Yet I didn't see or hear a single vase or mug break.
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Numerous THC-CBD stands featured seltzers, drops, gummies, potions, elixirs, and salves. There was a bit of a snake oil vibe as sellers described all the ways CBC would improve one's life.
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I bought a can of beer. Despite this being an event, the price was a respectfully low $5. A stand next door sold bottles of water for $4. It's nice knowing that the malt, hops, and yeast that came with my water added only a buck to the price.
From the land of sky blue waters. That was the line in the old commercials with the Hamm's Bear (he got a home run in that commercial below).
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I think I saw every art display. After finishing my Hamm's and paella I retrieved my bike from the free valet. Those people provided a worthwhile service and deserved a tip. I didn't mind putting something in their jar.
One the way home I passed a small neighborhood brewery. Is a bike ride complete if don't stop at a brewery?
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rianafying · 6 months
i’m sitting on the 51st floor of my friend’s apartment building, it’s a lounge area that looks over melbourne cbd and it is gorgeous, but the lights in this room are blinding. i’ve had a really long day and i’ll probably have an even longer one tomorrow but i don’t wanna leave this building. i feel safe here. i don’t wanna go back home. home is representative of my source of anxiety. home is messy and dirty. home is where the tasks await me. and i just can’t. so with my 48% battery on my phone, i will stay here for as long as i can. it’s already 10:31 pm. but it’s okay my house is a 5 minute walk away. i feel incredibly lonely tonight, like i’ve been craving some sort of romance. and ( very embarrassing ) physical touch. especially when i see or hear about other people in love, it makes me feel so alone. but this is not the time for me to date anyone. and i don’t really like the people i know. i have a therapy session booked for day after tomorrow, basically the day after this assignment is due. so hopefully my brain will be a little clearer by then.
i feel really sleepy and tired even though i overslept the last two days. it’s just that time of the month. pms and psoriasis. causing fatigue. i chopped off a lot of my hair today. didn’t really think it through but it’s fine. idrc. same when i dyed it black. i just do things and it doesn’t matter. it’s just hair.
my friend is really lucky she gets to live in this building. it’s quite a lot more expensive than my apartment. the one i live in is already too expensive for me but somehow i’m managing.
i sat super still for an hour so the motion detector wouldn’t catch me and the lights dimmed down and i stayed by the window for 2 more hours. i really didn’t wanna come back home but i was hungry so i did.
i had one of those chicken curry pies from woolies, i only bought them because they were on sale but damn they are so good, but normally they’re priced at 8$ for 2 pies which is out of my budget :((. but it’s okay i can make my own and freeze them.
2.75+4 + ingredients i already have i can make like a whole bunch of curry chicken pies. but it might not be as good as the store bought ones cause my little toaster that i use as a makeshift oven kind of sucks.
im still hungry, the little pie did not fill me up enough, which makes sense because i only had two tiny pieces of sushi in the last 30 hours. i’m craving another pie but i don’t have any. also something about having food with mayo makes me feel gross and oily. like it’s all over my face. i can’t stand it anymore. i’m so tired. i know ill be getting my periods soon because i have been getting cramps all day.
i finally found the time to open the bag of stuff my uncle dropped off because they’re moving and they no longer need em. there’s a whole bunch of sauces and spices in there. i wonder if my cousin bought these cause these are good ingredients. i’m kinda hungry but there’s nothing to cook at home. there’s pasta but it’s not gonna be substantial enough. i’ve been wanting to buy some parmesan for the longest time but it’s so expensive, and i go through it pretty fast because it’s too good not to. i also kind of like goat cheese, not really in pasta more with like fruit on toast. there’s a thing of frozen shrimp in my fridge afaik, but it’s stuck solid in with the ice layer in my fridge and i wrestled with it but i couldn’t get it out. i’ll just dump it out when i clean my fridge and let everything thaw. it will be okay. it was old anyway.
i’m just so hungry. but i’m just too lazy to make anything or get creative, or eat something i cooked. i wish there was like a sandwich or something i could eat rn. well there’s rice, surumi, wasabi, soy sauce, sriracha, mayo, chilli oil, carrots, and nori. but i just wish i had some cucumber. i’ll go buy some tomorrow along w some cooked shrimp. maybe the frozen cutlets. i kind of miss them.
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fizzyxcustard · 1 year
I’ve had such a good day. I feel so accomplished. Went shopping this morning and wound up buying some CBD oil spray, a couple of books and a Lush face mask. Then I went for a nice walk with my dad, stopping for a sandwich on the way. Then read a little, napped, and when I got up I managed to get some polishing done in my room. Also changed my bed clothes and cleaned the windows.
It might not sound a big deal or anything, but I haven’t had such a productive day in ages!! I don’t know whether it’s the CBD oil and energy gummies I got from Holland and Barrett (UK herbal/alternative shop).
I’m going to put my Cup of Coffee face mask on in a bit. :-) :-) I hope tomorrow is as productive and fun.
So glad I decided to take a couple of days off work. I’ve been quite exhausted again recently, and needed some time out.
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pietros-wife · 2 months
Question. Wouldn't it be cheaper to get a leash for Pietro instead of those drugs? I dunno your budget for it but its just a thought.
He’s extra strong so leashes won’t work. But for some reason buying CBD oil in bulk is cheap. So I’m able to make him infused coffee and gummies and such and he is passed out
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eynnwwyjth · 8 months
Heyo lovelies
So I've been inactive for a while for several different reasons but one specifically is because my endometriosis is flaring alot (as it tends to in colder months for some reason)
I don't know if anyone else that I'm moots with has this or something similar but I wanted to share some things that can help.
I will say all bodies are different and what works for me might not work for you and vise versa. Medication doesn't take any of my pain so I normally go towards heat and or pain patches. Now these don't always work either but sometimes they can take the edge off the pain levels.
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So this is my first go too. It's very easy you just slap it on whatever hurts and you can start to feel the cooling effects almost instantly. They are all natural, last up to 12 hours and are hypoallergenic. They are avaliable on Amazon.
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Heating pads, my love. I thank my bestie for getting this for me it is wonderful. I have a normal heat pad but this is a mobile one. Rechargeable and it has 3 different heat settings as well as a massage setting which is very fancy and nice. Gets hot very fast and is pretty invisible if you wear it under a shirt. The only downside us that the battery goes out quickly and you have to recharge it often. But still it's amazing. Again you can buy it on Amazon.
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Last but certainly not least my cbd oil. This never takes the extreme pain away. However if you start to feel the pain coming and you put it on it can prevent it from being as strong or just make it go away all together. Only if you catch it early tho. Which is hard because endometriosis pain can last from 1 second to foreverrrrrr. But this is really nice, it smells good too. You can buy it on the young living website.
At the moment that is all I have to share, again for different chronic pains and such these things may or may not work. But I just wanted to share so that if any of you are dealing with pain that here are some things that might help.
Thank you<3
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🦷 Improving My Dental Self-Care 🦷
Hello, friends. Mod Lia here. Today I am sharing a self-care experiment with y'all.
I've always had great luck with my teeth—I have a slight overbite for which I declined Invisalign, but otherwise, I've never needed orthodontia. I've never had a cavity. My wisdom teeth extraction went incredibly smoothly. I like my teeth and they have yet to cause me major issues (🤜🪵).
I work at a pediatric dentistry now. Naturally, having been privy to various mouth-related horror stories over the past couple months, I've developed some dental anxiety. It's not entirely unfounded, either; I know my oral hygiene could be much improved, and that's what I'm planning to work on!
This post is going to be VERY long and VERY detailed, so buckle up.
I bought products from Amazon for this little experiment. In general, I get most of what I buy off the internet, as I can't drive, don't have access to functional public transportation, and live in a forest. I also do not make a livable wage, so I pinch pennies whenever I can, and Amazon tends to be more affordable than other options.
That said, it is absolutely an evil corporation that exploits its employees, harms the environment, strangles small businesses, monopolizes whole industries, and perpetually bloats Jeff Bezos' inordinate wealth. I very much want to achieve a situation where boycotting Amazon is more logistically and financially realistic for me. I do not feel good about supporting such an unethical company, and I want you to know that I'm aware of its issues.
Also: while I need to conserve money (especially since this year I'm finally moving in with my partner [Mod Cass] and our dear friend), I do have the privilege of indulging in some monetary laxity, as I live with my parents and don't have to pay rent. Not everyone has that advantage, and I realize how fortunate I am. Many people would be unable to drop ~$60 like I did.
😁 Things I Do Well:
I brush my teeth every night. I always have. I have severe depression and pretty bad executive dysfunction, but that's something I've managed to do consistently.
If it's not plain tap water, I'm almost certainly drinking it through a straw.
I've seen a dentist every six months for as long as I can remember.
I keep a toothbrush and toothpaste by my bed. When I'm intoxicated or the executives are Dysfunctioning, I can start brushing my teeth in bed. By the time I'm done, I'm almost always able to get up and spit into the sink, but I do have an empty bottle I can spit into if necessary (I've done that once or twice, but I emptied, washed, and disinfected the bottle in the morning). Gross? Whatever. No shame in doing what you have to do to work with your brain.
I chew sugar-free gum almost daily, which stimulates saliva production, which in turn prevents decay.
After buying coconut oil for skincare initially, I was pleasantly surprised to find that oil pulling (swishing oil in your mouth) actually works for me. It's very low-effort and I've been doing it for 15–25 minutes every night. Studies suggest oil pulling may help prevent plaque, gingivitis, and bacterial build-up.
⚠️ Areas of Concern:
I have a mild enamel defect on some of my back teeth.
I occasionally swish 1.5% hydrogen peroxide around my mouth as a teeth whitener. I doubt this is significantly harmful, since my dentist has me do it before cleanings and I checked with my doctor that it wouldn't hurt me. But H2O2 is caustic, so I'm certain it can't be good for my teeth.
I put Mio energy drops in the water bottle I drink from at work. Their second ingredient is citric acid; acidic substances corrode your enamel.
I'm very prone to BFRBs (body-focused repetitive behaviors), presumably related to my likely OCD. For this reason, it's a struggle to put down the toothbrush, and I brush my teeth—hard—for 5–20 minutes at a time. Brushing your teeth too vigorously for too long is rough on your enamel and gums.
I use CBD vape juice as a nightly tincture to help me sleep. The second ingredient is propylene glycol, which apparently breaks down into various acids.
I've tried many times, but I've never been able to consistently brush my teeth twice a day. Or floss. Thanks, brain xoxo
Since I don't brush my teeth in the morning, I eat a lot of mints so I don't inflict morning breath on people 😫 Sucking on hard mints exposes your teeth to sugar for prolonged periods (and you can damage your enamel if you bite them).
❗ DISORDERED EATING TW - I am relapsed. I eat little in the mornings and do not eat at work. This is very very dangerous and once caused a medical crisis in front of my coworkers, so I keep hard candy in my purse for harm reduction purposes. It's a great source of fast-acting glucose when I get hypoglycemic, but it carries the same issues I mentioned with hard mints. HOWEVER, preventing another crisis is my top priority, so I am NOT getting rid of the hard candy. ❗
🎯 Goals:
Stop whitening my teeth with hydrogen peroxide.
Start brushing my teeth more gently and for less than 5 minutes at a time.
Brush my teeth in the morning.
Floss more nights than not.
Remineralize my teeth using enamel-strengthening products.
Use some protective measure (e.g. mouthwash, gum, oil pulling) after eating mints or candy, taking my CBD tincture, or drinking my flavored (albeit sugar-free) water.
🪥 Products:
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Soft toothbrushes ($4.39) - Not only do I need to be more gentle on my teeth, but I've always found brushing my teeth more pleasant with soft-bristled brushes. I don't know why I haven't been buying them; I guess in my head they're a "kid" thing 🙄
Floss picks ($3.69) - I was significantly better about flossing my teeth when I used floss picks as a child. They're not as effective as regular floss, but I think they're easier and more pleasant to use—good for executive dysfunction. Again, I've been avoiding them because I've thought of them as a "kid" thing, which is silly.
Xylitol gum ($10.22) - The sugar-free gum I currently chew is sweetened with xylitol, a sugar substitute that research suggests could aid in cavity prevention. However, Mentos Pure Fresh gum in particular is one of only eight chewing gums approved by the American Dental Association. And it's good.
Alcohol-free fluoride mouthwash ($4.82) - Alcohol is acidic, carcinogenic, drying, and an irritant, so it's no good in mouthwash. Conversely, appropriate doses of fluoride support enamel health. Not sure about this violet mint flavor, though...
Fluoride toothpaste ($11.49) - Due to my distrust of hydrogen peroxide, I did some research and found a study that failed to identify any concerns with H2O2 toothpastes, so that's how I will replace my whitening** rinse (though I did opt for the Colgate variant with less H2O2). It will be far milder than actual H2O2, and more importantly, it contains fluoride.
**Note: No one needs to whiten their teeth. Enamel is slightly translucent and the underlying dentin is yellow, so yellow-y teeth are perfectly natural, and sometimes healthier than intentionally whitened teeth. A smile is beautiful regardless of its color, and I do believe this! I see sooooo many adorable, charming, lovable kids at work who don't have "perfect" straight white teeth. Unfortunately, I am not immune to arbitrary societal pressure, and I know that for now I'll still want to use a teeth whitener. At the very least, I'd rather use one I'm sure is safe.
Nano-hydroxyapatite (n-HA) toothpaste ($11.95) - n-HA is the synthetic form of a naturally occurring mineral compound that comprises most of our enamel. Research shows that n-HA's enamel benefits are equivalent to fluoride's (actually, n-HA produces slightly more uniform remineralization), but their mechanisms of action are different, so I want to try both. n-HA is more expensive, though!
Fluoride-free toothpaste ($8.72) - If I'm going to brush my teeth more often, I need a toothpaste I can default to if at times I feel like the other ones are too expensive or don't taste as good. I heard that this one has a nice subtle flavor, and it comes in spearmint, which I prefer to peppermint. Also, like most ED folk, I have stomach issues sometimes. When my stomach is sensitive, I don't want to risk exposure to fluoride, since it can hurt your stomach if swallowed (though n-HA is safe to ingest).
Total cost: $55.28 ($57.77 with tax) - That's a lot of money, and way more than I ever wanted to spend on dental care products. However, all this stuff is gonna last me a while, and it's worth the price if it means my oral health might improve.
📑 Plan:
I will brush my teeth with fluoride toothpaste in the morning. At night I'll oil-pull before using my n-HA toothpaste, a floss stick, and fluoride mouthwash.
I will use my non-fluoride toothpaste if I ever, for whatever reason, don't feel like using the other two. If the other two end up tasting bad, then I'll just alternate them for my night brushing and use the non-fluoride one in the morning, when I'm more likely to be put off from brushing.
I will set a 5-minute timer on my phone when I brush my teeth. Once it goes off, I have to stop. Ideally, I'll work my way down to the recommended 2–3 minutes.
If I don't feel like brushing, I give myself full permission to brush in bed or just quickly swipe my toothbrush over my teeth. If that's still too much, I can use mouthwash or gum instead.
I will bring a bottle of plain tap water to work to sip from (and thereby rinse my mouth) after taking a drink of my flavored water.
I will chew Mentos Pure Fresh gum after eating a mint or hard candy.
I will use mouthwash or a brief oil pull after taking my CBD tincture at night. (I could also brush my teeth, but I do worry about rubbing any acidic byproducts into my enamel.)
I will offer myself understanding, compassion, forgiveness, encouragement, and validation no matter how my self-care experiment goes. I am trying to get better, and I am not a failure if it turns out to be harder than I anticipated.
I will update this post by reblogging it with my progress!
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