#buy transcript
solarpunkani · 9 months
sometimes spite is a powerful motivator and today its motivating me to crochet
long story short I saw a cool bag on pinterest while I was looking for crochet patterns but there was no fucking pattern but one of my friends found a pattern for a similar but not quite bag so I watched an hour long video, transcribed it into text, and am now gonna make a wholeass backpack just because Sunflower Vibe
Wish me luck I guess
Also this is the bag
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javelinbk · 3 months
Proof that Paul is only ever one wolf-whistle away from making it gay
Paul McCartney talks about the Beatles sandwich on Parkinson, 3rd December 1999
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fine I designed strikers parents. and I concede that he IS half snake. drawings will be up soon but they're very rough
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Was sent these and I'll concede I was being an obtuse idiot before abt what he's mixed with. I still stand by the idea he would NOT be white if he was human though. The El Topo thing definitely...hmmm...
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Something something "the episode of Midnight Burger where only half of the people could see the world-killer asteroid coming towards earth while the other half couldn't", something something "only half of the main characters being able to pronounce Leif's name correctly while the other half had NO idea and could not be corrected".... There's something about the signs being there all along of damage to the fabric of space time....
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0ccams-chainsaw · 5 months
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sleevesareforlosers · 5 months
university applications i hope you burn and explode and blow up and blow up and blow up
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calamitys-child · 1 year
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Robert you cannot keep fucking doing this are you KIDDING me
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100yearoldcomics · 2 years
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August 12, 1922 Everett True by A.D. Condo
Happy [several months belated] centennial to the "time to buy a watch" joke! I'd give it a watch for its retirement but someone's grandpa has it occupied.
[ID: A man in a pinstriped suit stands on the sidewalk, pointing towards Everett, who walks into the panel towards him. /end] Arrow [pointing to the man]: Man who never carries a time-piece, but imposes on his friends for the hour of the day. Man: Oh, I say, Everett, what time is it?
[ID: Everett keeps walking past, having slapped the man's hat down flat onto his head. The man drops his cigar to the ground. /end] Everett: It's time to buy a watch!!!
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adhd-merlin · 1 year
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sometimes my mind goes back to Alice Troughton calling Colin "a fantastic rider" and I'm not sure what that says about me
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lokh · 7 days
two weeks. i just gotta deal with shittyrail for two weeks
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wereshrew-admirer · 1 year
sorry for continuing to be insane about chine sangfielle but realizing that i can't think of any examples of them killing a person is driving me bananas. do they brag about it at some point i'm not remembering? is there a story told about them where they've killed a person?? where does 'chine is a killer' come from narratively?
their sapodilla interview is legitimately frightening with how casually they consider killing a person, but it's hypothetical... i want to see the receipts, because as far as i can tell they don't actually do murder
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javelinbk · 5 months
Paul McCartney and John Lennon talking about the cover of Rubber Soul, The Beatles Anthology (1995)
Paul: And the cover story... you know that... the cover where we looked stretched, the photo's stretched... that was the kinda thing would happen then, which... we were all very into that kind of random, little exciting thing that would happen. The photographer was Bob Freeman and he'd taken some pictures round at John's house in Weybridge and we just had our new gear on, the polo necks, and we were doing straight mugshots, the four of us all posing. And he came... back in London he was, it was in someone's flat, and he was showing us, he had a little carousel of slides and he had a piece of cardboard stuck up on a little chair that was album cover sized, and he was projecting the photographs exactly on to it, cause you could imagine exactly how it would look then as an album cover... it was a kind of good way to do it. But just as he... we'd just chosen the photo, we said, well that one looks good... and we all liked, we all liked ourselves in one particular shot, and he was just winding up when the card it was on just fell backwards a little bit, and it elongated the photo and it stretched, and we went 'Oh!' we went, 'Can we have that! Can you do it like that?' and he said 'Well yeah, I can print it like that' and we said 'Yeah, that's it! Rubber soul! Hey-hey!' John: You see there's no great mysterious meanings behind all of this, it was just four boys, you know, working out what to call their new album
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fingertipsmp3 · 20 days
The good news is I accomplished my mission of buying trousers, the bad news is my knee is SUPER unhappy about it
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chichiraion · 1 year
That one time SoraToriKoza gang has a drinking party at Koza place and ofc they bring up otherside horrors because why tf not (And how they almost got shot by the militars)
My girl here is trying to have a nice drinking night and these two come up with this lmfao, pray for her sanity. It doesn't help they're flirting (like always, what's new?).
Koza I'm so sorry but these are your friends, cut them some slack and just keep drinking.
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Letter from Sophie Charlotte, Duchess of Alençon, to her daughter Louise, dated February 25 of 1895:
(Machine translation)
Heartfelt letter to her daughter Louise Victoire d'Orléans, Princess of Bavaria (1869-1952), who was staying at the spa in Bad Langenschwalbach, Hesse, and to whom Sophie Charlotte addresses herself tenderly as "My dear baby". She thanks her for sending her a book and writes family news and greetings to Louise's husband Alfons of Bavaria. Sophie Charlotte needs a hint for Louise's birthday present and regrets on the one hand that Louise will have to stay in the sanatorium for an unforeseeable time, but on the other hand she hopes for a successful cure. The state of mind of her sister and Louise's aunt, Marie in Bavaria, was sad after the recent loss of her husband Francesco II of Sicily: "Since we did not know your address, writing and telegraphing were not possible - so Papa and I would now like to know what we can give you for your birthday and name day. Whether you want toilet articles or something else, or rather finances […] The length of time there can of course not be calculated in advance and above all you must stay as long as the doctor finds it necessary […] Bubi [probably Sophie's son Philippe Emmanuel] came for a few days, but will not be free again before 29 Sept. because of the great manoeuvres […] Aunt Marie left for Boulogne sur Mer on 16 July, and will come to Egern in mid-August... She is always very sad and feels very alone. Fortunately she has her big dog, whom she loves very much […]".
Antiquariat INLIBRIS
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pollyna · 1 year
How I'm going to learn french: transcribing prisoners' diaries.
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