#by me and everyone else you reblog from and also the post's op s
chaoticfandomthot · 2 years
To all the people in my notes who are making the shift from liking to reblogging following some posts i made and reblogged
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hematomes · 2 years
HI as most of you know last month my genshin account was hacked and it was one of the most stressful situations of my life, essentially because I did not know what to do at first. Recently I've seen people going through that too, so I thought I'd try and help them out. Also added preventive measures in case it happens, because you need a fair amount of information to prove its your account.
This comes from my personal experience and also compiles advice from the subreddit r/GenshinHacked. I'd advise against looking elsewhere because Twitter threads are a confusing mess full of contradictory info, and this subreddit is really well-done. You can directly see other people's experiences and they answer rather quickly when you make a post so!!
Also I'm severely sleep deprived right now so english hard. Obviously reblogs are very much appreciated since it's to help the community but you know. Whatever let's get into it
1. What NOT to do
- DO NOT try to buy it back. This is actually the reason I'm putting this guide together, because I've seen people buy their account back and, seriously, don't. Buying an account is against the ToS and could result in your account being banned, which is way worse than hacked because then you most likely won't get it back. Additionally, it doesn't mean the hacker won't somehow steal it again. There's no security, you'd be depending on the asshole who literally stole your account. Do not. Do that.
- DO NOT buy accounts in general. It doesn't do any good. Like I said it's against the ToS and exposes you to it getting banned or even, in the worst case, sued by Hoyoverse. Most accounts put to sale are also stolen accounts, btw. There's at least half a dozen websites dedicated to selling and buying accounts, and a shit ton of them are stolen. It's not worth it, even if the account has your fave 5* character(s) c6r5.
- DO NOT contact the hacker or, if your account has been bought, the buyer. This will just increase the chance of it getting trashed, weapons and artifacts destroyed etc. Make sure to tell your friends not to contact them either even if they want to, it's extremely important. Even when you get your account back, just block everyone from the friendlist that you don't recognize and, if someone joins your world on behalf of the buyer, block them too. I don't co-op often but I did get like half a dozen of co-op requests after getting my account back.
- DO NOT attempt to hack it back. It could result in a much worse state, e.g your account being banned. Also if you fail, higher chance of getting your account trashed.
- DO NOT assume the worst. This is mostly for your own mental health. There's a good chance your account was bought or at least the hacker's trying to sell it, so deleting weapons and artifacts would be stupid. And even if they do (which sucks), keep in mind that you'd still have your characters. If you end up with no artifacts and are on the EU server, send me an ask or a dm and I'll help you farm them back for as long as it takes! /srs
2. What to do INSTEAD
- Allow yourself to panic. It's a really stressful thing to go through, so it's only natural to be distressed. I cried for hours, man. It's okay, you'll be fine, but for now just let it happen.
- Immediately go to the aforementioned subreddit r/GenshinHacked, specifically the menu tab, and click "Recovery Form Guide". You can also reach it directly using this link: Recovery Form Guide. It tells you how to get the form, and every step of the process. Don't hesitate to make a post asking for help, they're really sweet and understanding. However if anyone contacts you through dms or even comments about some random guy being able to get it back, ignore it. It's a scam.
- Follow each step carefully, and wait. It typically takes 5-10 working days to get a response from hoyoverse, sometimes less and sometimes more. It's hard, but you can't really do anything about it. I'd say distract yourself with something else but that shit did not work for me. Just know you're not the only one going through that and I'm mentally hugging you.
- Don't give up. It can take a few tries to get it back, but as long as you have the necessary informations and can prove it's your account, you'll get it back.
3. Preventive mesures
- Don't give anyone information on your account, unless you trust them. If someone joins your world and offers to buy you a welkin, a battle pass or even just crystals but need your info to buy it, it's a scam. There's an affiliate website to gift crystals to other players - and I think you only need their UID), so they can go through there if they're sincere.
- Only buy crystals directly from Hoyoverse or affiliated websites. Same with your info.
- Install Malwarebytes on your device and let it check it for malwares. If there's anything, even if you haven't been hacked yet, completely reset your device and change your passwords.
- Enable 2FA (two-factor authentication) on your hoyolab account AND your e-mail address. I use the app Authy, so far it's been working great. I can't vouch for any other. For the hoyolab account, you can link your phone number for example.
- Collect the following information on your account:
The date you created your account. You can verify it by logging into Genshin. Menu > Character Archives > Amber. Bottom right you'll see the day you acquired her, which typically corresponds to the date you created the account.
The device you created your account with, with information about it. The form usually says what they need, and the guide from r/GenshinHacked also help. Keep it safe!
The receipt for your first top-up, if you're not f2p. A screenshot of the e-mail will suffice as far as I know (I use Google Pay tho so I'm not sure how it works for other payment options).
Information on the device you play the most with. The form is pretty clear about it.
Additional information you can get now: 5* characters (with the day you obtained them + constellations), 5* weapons (with the date you obtained them + refinements), event weapons, which characters you picked from the Liyue Lantern Rite these past 2 years (NOT absolutely necessary, I didn't add that). You can provide screenshots of getting the characters and weapons with the UID visible, but keep in mind that these can be forged so it's not fool-proof.
I got reasonably lucky: they answered in roughly a week and my form was accepted on the first try, essentially because I provided the information mentioned above. If you can access it, keep it somewhere safe.
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gt-jar · 5 days
questions 2, 9, 17 and 20 from the ask game pls?
2. Before I start let me just say that I looove that op included this question!
I mentioned this before, but the reasons why someone likes g/t can vary so much, and this question is such a great example.
Like, the g/t tag is full of people talking about how they wish to be tiny or want to be held by a giant etc and an outsider might think that's something every g/t fan dreams of, and yet that's not the case.
Personally, I never imagine myself in g/t scenarios, nor do I want to be tiny (like HELL NO! But I'm not gonna get into that or else this post is gonna be way too long)
For me it's a characters only thing, because I like the possibilities the extreme size difference aspect has to offer :)
9. Mhhh... there was a post about this in the tags not too long ago that I wanted to reblog and add my two cents, but I forgot to like it and I'm too lazy to search for it... anyway!
I don't like it when the tiny is too tiny. A personal pet peeve of mine is the sentence ".... the size of their pinky", every time I read this I look at my hand and think 'yeah no that's too small for my liking'. I'm mean to be fair I don't have the biggest hands, but still-!
Same goes for the giant I guess. I feel like anything over 100 ft is too big, but idk.
At the same time I don't really care about the exact size difference between the characters when it comes to writing (art is obviously a different thing). Maybe that's because I'm soooo fucking bad at imagining different sizes.
Also don't let me start about the different measurement types.
17. Uh... that's something I never really thought about. When I post prompts I use the general terms (giant/tiny) most of the time, and sometimes human and borrower/tiny, when the scenario only makes sense if the tiny character is a borrower. Though, I feel like the terms giant and tiny are too vague sometimes, if that makes sense?
Bean is a term I never use (or maybe I used it once or twice and can't remember?). Don't really have a reason not to use it, I don't mind it when other people use it, I guess it's just not my thing.
But what is my thing is the term little one!
I personally love it, but I can understand why some of you might not like it :)
20. I don't know if I'm gonna go into the g/t community related stuff (mostly because there currently isn't an issue that I'm aware of), but here is a g/t media hot take.
I don't like Arrietty.
Yes, it's a ghibli movie and the art is beautiful.
But I think the movie itself is boring af. I saw it once and I'm not interested in watching it ever again. Unless it's a specific scene(s) for inspo or something.
It's great if you wanna explain g/t to someone who doesn't know what g/t is in a non-awkward way tho, because everyone likes or at least knows ghibli :)
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uninspiringdyke · 11 months
this is my response to @femmeliarity​ ‘s post and @bloodstarvedbutch​ ‘s response, since klarissa me blocked ig. the post can be found here
1) calling this SA, even online, is an absolutely wild thing to me given NONE of what is described meets any definition of sexual assault. i’m assuming OP meant sexual harassment, but i’m not sure it meets any definition of that either
2) the fact this post includes nary a screenshot, or link, or whatever, indicates two things to me:
a) this callout post is based on very little actual evidence
b) i should take it with a grain of salt
and it’s very very weird to me so many people are commenting on this issue/reblogging posts about it without any actual concrete way for the rest of us who were not involved to see what was actually said. this is apparently a discord with several people (i’m guessing? more than 10?) and not a single person has come up with screenshots. not of the supposed messages to other people, not of instances where people were uncomfortable, none of the actual incident/context, none of the mods messaging each other about the decision to remove this person.
that’s...weird right? to everyone else? in a world where many posters are said to engage in leftist activism in a way that, at least in a way where we can acknowledge prisons and cops are bad, why are we using retributive measures?
3) “The allegations against that person sending an NSFW video to the server is completely fabricated.”
then what happened? what exactly did this person do?
4) “I have not spoken to this person or their partner, including through sending anons, but I did message with someone who asked about the situation, and told me they would try to make sense of it with them. “
Who? what did they say?
5) “This person and their partner have both made several posts about their removal from the group, each of which they had included this falsified allegation, or the narrative that we had them removed from another group, which neither are true.”
which posts? what did they say? which parts of the narrative are false?
6) “ I did not want to make a post of my own as neither of them seemed to be willing to listen, take accountability, and take the time to heal”
did you approach them? what did you say? what did they say? why are we assuming instead of just posting screenshots of what was said? i don’t need anyone to have URLs posted, even.
7) “ This person’s partner called my femininity as conforming to “tradwife aesthetics.” “
what’s the context here? tradwife is accurately described in the paragraphs below, but i’m confused about the application of that definition in this instance. jewish women and women of color (and jewish women of color) can also contribute to white supremacy--one is not exempt from aiding an oppressor merely because they are an oppressed class.
8) “I am sure many other femmes of color will agree, but we have to work extra hard for our femininity to be “acceptable” to white people.”
I agree this is true, but I am not sure of the connection between this and what was said earlier.
9) “I would never wish ill upon anyone and I understand this individual is hurt, but I hope they can heal, make peace, and move on.”
what healing do they need to do? how can they move on if restorative practices are not taken? how do they make peace?
10) it also seems, to me, strange to say in one post “we can understand that sometimes it can be hard to determine when someone has established a boundary or been made uncomfortable, so we wanted to be as clear as possible in our rules.” and then platform a reply to your post that says “ making callout posts because you got kicked out of a space where you made people uncomfortable and pushing multiple boundaries to be THE reason sfw rules were reinforced and expanded on.”
[bolding mine for readability]
people are going to be uncomfortable. that is life, especially in an online and explicitly political space.* these are also, i would say, not boundaries. they are rules. and that’s fine! but to say they are boundaries is incorrect and gives a false idea of how boundaries and discord servers work.
*i mean this in that marginalized identities are often political in nature + butch/femme are political identities
11) it is also weird when these are the tags left on the same reblog:
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then how do you know what was said? why are you getting screenshots and we aren’t?
TLDR: we need to change the culture around behavior changes on tumblr, but also queer spaces broadly. the more this continues, the more we will see posts like this one, and situations like this one, which can (and will) explode.
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misteria247 · 2 years
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I posted 9,248 times in 2022
That's 3,436 more posts than 2021!
1,684 posts created (18%)
7,564 posts reblogged (82%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,901 of my posts in 2022
Only 47% of my posts had no tags
#oli talks - 1,786 posts
#ooc - 1,785 posts
#muns ramblings - 1,785 posts
#mindless ramblings of a madman - 1,780 posts
#tmnt - 1,342 posts
#ops tags - 1,320 posts
#rottmnt - 1,268 posts
#teenage mutant ninja turtles - 1,144 posts
#rise of the tmnt - 992 posts
#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles - 961 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
12 Raph: Ya know you've been kinda babying the other Donnie lately.
12 Leo slightly confused: What?? No I haven't??? I treat him like I do everyone else-
Rise Donnie coming up excitedly: Lee! Leo!! You gotta see the thing I've been working on!!!
12 Leo instantly turns his attention from 12 Raph and to Rise Donnie
12 Leo with motherly pride: That looks amazing Dee, I can't wait to see how it turns out!!
Rise Donnie beaming: You'll be the first one to see it once it's finished I promise!!!
Rise Donnie skips away somewhat leaving 12 Leo and 12 Raph be
12 Raph eyebrow quirked: You were saying.....?
12 Leo:........okay you know what don't talk to me or my son-
1,944 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
12 Leo getting attacked: Someone call an ambulance!
12 Leo unsheathing his swords: But not for me-
Literally the entire group of alternate turtles: LEO N O-!
12 Leo: LEO Y E S.
2,075 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
2003 Kranng: Terrifying aliens.
2012 Kranng: Terrifying aliens who kidnap people to experiment on and mutate them.
2,240 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
What Ace Attorney is supposedly: A game where you play as a lawyer who fights for justice and meeting old friends and new foes along the way, making sure that those who are innocent receive the justice they deserve.
What Ace Attorney actually is: A game where you become a lawyer to find your long lost childhood sweetheart/best friend and along the way you fight for justice as well as awkwardly flirt with your childhood sweetheart/best friend who also happens to be a lawyer and somewhere along the way you end up being basically married with like three or four kids.
3,443 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I love how in the Tmnt franchise it's always an indisputable fact that Splinter will always take care of the boys. Like he'll literally have his life turned completely upside down by being mutated into a rat and then he'll see these four infant mutated turtles and literally go-
"Babies?? Babies for me?? Babies for me to adopt and cherish and teach??? Yes???? Guess I'm a dad now."
And he just rolls with it, no questions asked he just becomes their dad and honestly it's quite sweet and wonderful when you think about it.
4,512 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rnisa · 2 years
Light with a s/o who is a magical girl. The reason why they became a magical girl is to stop monsters from terrorizing humans and to save everyone. The reason why they reveal themselves to him is because they don’t want to fight thanklessly anymore and is tired of having to save everyone all of the time. They want to be known like him and get rid of criminals in the world. They’re powers are typical magical girl stuff like cute outfits and flashy battles. They can physically fight anyone like there no invisible window.
Hi there friend! Sorry, but this request is a bit too out-there for me. Posting this so someone else could see it and perhaps take it on if they're interested.
If this is during the time where Light is Kira (I'm assuming so since you said, "They want to be known like him and get rid of criminals in the world") , this Light would only try to manipulate you and use you as you can, as just another resource to further his goal. He wouldn't be nice. Probably do what he could to get you to just absolutely obliterate everyone lmao.
Also, Light kills criminals and other humans who get in his way, but I'm not sure how throwing monsters into the mix would shift his goal. If we're talking full on zombie apocalypse I think killing criminals would be the least of his concerns at this point and he'd do what he could to not die. He'd likely keep you around for his own protection.
If you're talking about Light where he isn't Kira, I could tryyy to go into detail but it would basically be almost every isekai out right now ahaha. I don't have much to offer creatively because writing a scenario where one character is a super OP magical girl is tough when everyone else is just a normal dude. I'm boring, sorry friend.
Anyone who is interested, please feel free to reblog this if you'd like to chime in and take over the writing request.
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lilakennedy · 4 years
behold, the seal of quality for edits in this community:
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raypakorn · 3 years
gif maker appreciation tag: skamverse edition
tagged by @earthlingeliott​, thanks tag ellie, you know i’ll happily scream about wonderful content creators. i tried to put stuff i haven’t already reblogged from other appreciation posts i have seen. also i will likely take some time to go through my blog and reblog other stuff that i have liked so as to not make this post hella long 💛. and @yaraaimsakul this was a very beautiful idea - you did it from a place of love and that’s what matters.
rules: answer these questions and tag anyone you’d like (gif maker or not!) to help spread the appreciation. if you’re not a gif maker, ignore the first part
if you’re a gif maker...
a gifset you’re really proud of:
a gifset of your favorite remake:
a gifset that you wish would get more notes: 
a gifset where you tried something new:
spread the love!
a gifset of your favorite remake: oh boy....sorry this is like near impossible to choose one...so we’ll start with one that lives rent free in my head and it’s this sobbe set, any time i see it, it just takes my breathe away and i just gotta stare at it for a while. this sobbe set brought me to tears twice. then there’s this wtfock set that is just so pretty and makes me feel all sorts of things with us half way through the final season. honorable mention to this moyo/robbe split gif because the coloring is just so pretty.
a gifset of a remake you haven’t watched/don’t like/isn’t your favorite: i will scream all day about the way i love sana/elias relationships and this imane/idriss set gives me lots of feelings. then there’s this friendship set that i thought was beautiful and absolutely love the quote. then there’s this spiderwitz/kieutou set that was rather different but really cute! and finally this even set, the coloring and layout is just everything.
a gifset with a cool layout: i feel like everyone has really stepped it up on their layout game and it’s been really fun to see. something real different is this elu comic book set , honestly couldn’t imagine the time it took keith to put that together. but something recently is this youmina set  as it took me out. @sanderxrobbee has actually been doing a lot of interesting things and definitely love her yasmina’s season episode sets she’s been doing as well.
tag someone who does beautiful coloring: @mirroroferisedx! i scream about her coloring all the time because it’s so recognizable. don’t ever have to look at the op and i know it’s agatha’s. but other coloring royalty include - @alinok , @yasminasrobbe, @nyttvera, @tsjernobyl , @birthdaysentiment , @beqhairat , @sanabakkoushd, and becca (miss her)
tag someone who inspires you to make gifsets: well i don’t really make serious gifsets....but @hidden-joy is always my biggest cheerleader when it comes to trying stuff out with that or edits. though i feel like all my mutuals are rather supportive and it means a lot coming from them because they’re all immensely talented individuals that leave me in awe everyday.
tag someone who you’ve discovered recently: @kieumyvuz , another person who has very pretty coloring and never seems to fail to miss with it.
tag someone who you’ve admired for forever: uh pretty much most of my mutuals sfkjsdkf like wasn’t even sure why half of them started following me back. i do admire @tsjernobyl’s dedication though (among other things about her but we’ll keep this to giffing because otherwise this paragraph would get longer than need be as i am an emma fan blog sjskdkd) but even if she knows notes aren’t going to happen, she has no problem putting anything out for the fandom or even filling requests. she’s also generally pretty fast about it. 
tagging everyone mentioned + @sandersdocs, @sander-klaas, @unhappilysane, @letisnotonfire, & anyone else who’d like to show themselves and other gif makers some love. 💛
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aaviav · 3 years
🎄HAPPY HOLIDAYS, GUYS!! 🎄 2020 was quite a year for everyone, man. i'm so glad i decided to rejoin tumblr and because of that, i got to meet some super cool people. and i drew a fair amount of handsome 2D boys!! things slowed down in the last few months but i hope i'll learn to juggle uni and personal drawing better soon. fingers crossed 🤞
there was this post where people mentioned the ones they’re thankful for in 2020 and well... i thought it’d be nice to give a couple of shoutouts myself. “you”, you ask, “the one who is terrible at words and also expressing their feelings?” yes, absolutely. (also aaa thank u to @/otonymous @/scummy-writes  for tagging me back then ; ; )
@op-peccatori nanaaaaaaaaaa ;__; 💖 i'm so so glad i got to start talking to you this past year. i feel like we can relate on a lot of things, and somehow a few short sentences always evolve into walls of text???? like. bruh. how. 💀 💀 i know i take a while to respond sometimes but getting to read your replies is a joy every time. hope you're doing ok and please give Theo lots of kisses from me HAHA  💖
@beni-draw-ikemen-please BENIIII you're The Sweetest Ever™ 🥺 i mean it!! you're also so genuine and v v fun to talk to, i hope we get to do that more often in the future! ; v ; thank you for sharing your thirst and wonderful art with us all. ALSO ALSO: don't forget to take care of yourself. OR ELSE 😤 sending lots of virtual hugs your way! 💖 💖
@scummy-writes we're both shy beans but whenever i see you around or on on the occasional messages to eachother, you're The Sweetest Ever™ #2 🥺 for 2021 (and beyond) i wish you more confidence in yourself and your writing, because you're amazing! sometimes u just gotta channel ur inner Shea LaBeouf and Just Do It! i believe in u!!!! 💖
@littlegrrl7 hi! i appreciate you and the things you make!!! a lot!!!! you're a fic writing machine, haha. yours were the first longfics that i read and honestly, your writing is so engaging in that you keep it interesting and it's also fun and easy to read and with a healthy dose of smut cough cough. thank you for sharing! 🥰
@dear-mrs-otome Mrs O! i might or might not have been slightly intimidated at first hahah orz ANYWAY our Best Boi venn diagram might have the thinnest overlap ever but thank you for the support all the same, and i'll also always BE thankful for Drained Dry which feels like a sorta ikevamp themed discord home for me 🥺 🥺
@maanawa HELLO U!! thank u for becoming my first penpal in years!! 🥰 for some reason u always seem like such a unique person to me?? if u put a gun to my head and asked why, i wouldn't be able to answer bc i have no idea, but like. i mean it in the best way 0: 👌  
@hideoutpastel HI PASTEL, i'm glad i get to interact with u a bit more bc of twitter! u are a delight!! 😤 also i think u already know but like. ur art is so ✨ sparkly ✨ and bright and beautiful ok. kthx #bless 
@yenanng i might not always reply or interact, but seeing your twt updates is somehow v cool haha. i hope you get to rest and work on personal art soon! i'm cheering u on!!! \o/ 💖
@nan-chi @weird-profiterole HI HI! 🥰 we haven't talked to eachoter much but you guys seem super genuine and fun, i hope we get to interact more in the future!! also your art is so cute i cri 😭💖
@mikotomizuki LEO HOES UNITE 🤝 🤝 thank you for being hilarious and bringing your tiddy memes everywhere you go LMAO. let's keep our fingers crossed for more amazing Leo content in 2021 🤞💖
@pseudofaux you are delightful!! thank you for all the support always. you're an angel and we don't deserve you 😭💖 (also hello ur writing skills? y e s)
@pickle-scribbles Faa, I LIVE FOR YOUR THIRST COMMENTS. SERIOUSLY HAHA. and i die bc of your masterful smut 😭 just,, thank you 🥺💖
@otonymous i've probably mentioned this before but your fics were one of the first ones i read when i got back into tumblr, and honestly? what an amazing author to start with. #thepowerofthirst 💀 i kinda stopped consuming MLQC content so i haven't kept up w everything you put out but i know that you're still AMAZING and also so funny and just. 10/10 man 
@tacogawa @savourthelittlethings u guys are just. so cool!!!!! that's all thank u for coming to my ted talk 🥰
@akirafanarts ​ hi!! i haven’t forgotten u!! hope you’ve been doing ok!! 💖
@meowlayn-art you are v sweet! your art is gorgeous! and your OCs are amazing!! 🥺 i'm cheering for you! 💖
@incorrect-ikevamp-quotes​ a lil random but like. thank you for your insights on a bunch of idiots under one roof aka the ikevamp boys!! 💖 and also for the Top Notch 11/10 memes. bless  🙏 🙏
special shout out to everyone on Drained Dry that i haven't yet mentioned, u guys are v cool ; v ; 💖
and lastly, thank you to everyone who liked, reblogged or interacted with my posts or just took a second to appreciate my art, really. drawing 2D boys is a joy, and i'm glad if it brings even the tiniest bit of happiness into other people's lives too! you guys are the best 💖💖💖
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Introductory Pinned Post
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Main Romantic F/Os | Carrd | F/O Tag Directory | BFY | Self Inserts and OCs
Pastel Hell Dividers | Dessert Divider | Flower Divider
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Hello there, I’m Shallow (or Blaze) and I’m just your average Self Shipper who just happens to run this silly little blog.
I’ve been self shipping for as long as I can remember (but at the time it never really had a name), and throughout the years my love for fictional characters have changed and shifted over the years, but it wasn’t until I found L//ight Y//agami from Death Note that I fell head over heels for a fictional character. I’ve only known them for 2-3 years but they’re the love of my life (amongst other characters!) and I consider them to be my partner/spouse in a way. My other main romantic f/os are W//inter S//chnee from RW//BY and H//enry C//ool//down from the N//o M//ore H//eroes series!
I may have only officially joined this community back in January 2020, but I have never felt so at home on this chaotic website! I’m more than happy to meet new people and talk about ships, ocs, self inserts and other random things in general!
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Notes on Tagging & Blacklisting:
The tag ‘Shallow Rambles’ is my thoughts, ideas and ramblings.
The tag ‘Shallow Vents’ is what it exactly says on the tin. Feel free to blacklist it if you don’t like seeing vent posts on your dash.
When I tag something as ‘Do Not Reblog’ please respect that! The only exception to the rule is when I reblog my own post.
Sometimes I may reblog crowdfunding/donation posts. I have the most followers here and therefore a wider audience. I do reblog this stuff to @shallowspocketdimension​​ just in case. You are not obligated to reblog these posts. For blacklisting purposes just block the: ‘donations’ tag.
Sometimes I may reblog things that are covering, current events, and usually it’s tagged as ‘current events’ or ‘world events’.
I may also reblog bright and flashing gifs due to the content I consume having the unfortunate circumstances of having flashing lights and effects, but I usually give them the following tags (that you can blacklist): flashing warning, flash warning, gif warning, flashing gif warning, & fast gif warning.
Due to some of the material my f/os come from, I will usually tag bloody/gorey stuff as: gore tw, tw gore and blood tw, tw blood
I always add ‘ask to tag’ so that if you need something tagged I’m more than happy to tag it. Sending me an ask about it would be your best bet. Seriously don’t be scared in asking me to tag things, your wellbeing is just as important than mine!
I know a lot of people aren’t comfortable with sharing, so if you need anything tagged, please tell me to tag it correctly, or else if OP doesn’t want blacklisted tags - I’ll delete it/or reblog it to @shallowspocketdimension​.
Posts not related to self ship are either ‘This is an Important PSA’ or ‘Not Self Ship’
I use the Shinigami Eyes Extension (I recommend you use it too!). However not everyone’s username is highlighted in green or red, so if OP is particularly nasty, please don’t be afraid to tell me so I can remove it.
Aside from Self Shipping and creating Self Inserts, my interests are [bold text is main fixation at the moment]:
JJBA {Haven’t seen/read Part 5 and onwards!}
Grasshopper Manufacture / Suda 51 Related Content
Cinema (International Cinema is a special interest)
Death Note
Resident Evil
Marvel Cinematic Universe / Marvel Netflix
Stimblogs (my side stimblog is @shallowstims​)
Cold War History
Electronic Music
I hope that we can get along and spread the love within this community!
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rpbetter · 3 years
Thanks for your thoughts. Nope, I don't have another problem with the psa. It's the subtle word choice pretty much, but nothing else. I don't mind if people use me as a meme farm, so when I see psas like that or comments like that, I get upset because I associate it with people who make other blanket assumptions about all rpers, I have it linked in my head with people going around saying "rp is a hobby not a jobby" and making other assumptions about how all rpers do their thing.
Thank you for answering those questions!
The assumptive quality of the RPC can seriously be annoying as hell, especially if you're in the minority on any particular issue. When that's the case, the PSAs are so rarely geared toward you and any issues you might be experiencing that it's legitimately upsetting. I absolutely feel you on that!
I mean, obviously. Obviously lol I do. It couldn't be much clearer that I have a serious issue with the constant bombardment of PSAs insisting that we normalize shitty behaviors that are the damn norm, that we're all just losers RPing on tumblr so no one should be anxious about anything ever (instead of, you know, maybe trying to legitimately boost people's confidence, radical thought), or that anything that isn't being hostile to oneself is being hostile to everyone else.
I think the issue is that, while there is obviously a majority set of takes/issues/experiences (though, those, too, absolutely can skew toward one's particular RP corner and style), there's no way to address every instance and variable of an issue. Particularly not when anything other one paragraph is too lengthy for a lot of people here to engage with in a meaningful way.
So, I know I have to frequently ask, "is this a legitimate or hostile sort of blank-statement, or is it just addressing the majority experience? If it's the latter, is it genuinely enough of a problem to address?"
Like, did they mean that this is an experience most RPers have, or did they mean this is the only experience/is the correct and only way to do things? And that's not always answerable, of course, but when I feel like it is, it's usually found on OP's blog and RPC itself.
If OP has expressed things that are not the majority experience, expressed that they do not agree with blanket-statements, and doesn't imply with every rule, PSA, point on the DNI, and so on that to approach and proceed with RP in a way they do not is to commit some manner of terrible IRL crime? It's almost certainly that they were just expressing a majority experience and nothing more.
And in this case, yeah, as I'm sure you've noticed from being on the opposite side of this, it is the majority experience. I don't recall ever seeing very many RPers who do not espouse having an issue with having their memes and aesthetics reblogged without some manner of (rules specified if they're not a dick) interaction/relationship with the other mun. (Such as "mutuals are okay to reblog" or "I expect reblog karma and practice it.")
I don't know if there has been an influx of newer RPers or those who have migrated from more relaxed areas of the RPC, but recently, there really has been an increase in at least my corners of muns being used as resource blogs when they do not wish to be. They've all expressed in their rules their particular boundaries for that, have made overall posts politely but firmly asking that people who do not write with them and haven't even read their rules not do this, and have gone directly to the worst offenders to ask them to stop. And it continues to happen. So, I imagine that is why you might be seeing an influx of PSAs about the matter in response.
For anyone watching this conversation that might not understand why some muns are so against this, some reasons are:
clogging up their notifications
the aesthetic was their picture, edit, quote, etc. and not meant to be shared off their blog/only by the partner(s) tagged in it
when you reblog from someone, their URL is obviously attached, spreading them to another dash full of people - they might like you, but not want some of your mutuals following to their blog
their muse doesn't get much interaction, but other muns keep reblogging memes/aesthetics from them when they won't write with them or send anything in
they feel used for the above reason or any variety of other reasons
I'm really sure you know that, Anon, but I think it's important that we all understand where we're coming from because there are so many different preferences and experiences. It's really not good enough to just feel like everyone can do whatever they want, so long as it isn't harassing anyone else/they're being respectful of others. Because can feel that way all we want to while still getting upset when we lack the understanding of preferences that are extremely different, or even in opposition to our own.
We can't effectively respect each other without that sort of understanding of even the things that annoy us, you know? So, I try to promote that understanding and explain things for people who might simply see this on their dash.
Like the "hobby not jobby" thing! I don't get that, I think it has some concerning IRL connotations people are not recognizing, and it's a great way to treat other muns like shit while justifying the behavior. It's in opposition to what I do not because it exists, but rather, because it is weaponized in order to excuse bad behavior and vilify muns who do not engage with the hobby in this way. It doesn't have to exist in hostile opposition to how I enjoy RP, the use of it has made it this way, is what I'm saying.
But I understand where it came from and what it means for the more rational, adult muns here who feel this way. To them, it's just that this is an ultra casual hobby. The way I engage with RP is like a full contact sport lol it requires a lot of effort and engagement, and the effort and engagement is fun. They way they engage with RP is an act of disengaging, it is more like what watching TV is for me - they're just here for some light, quick entertainment.
Understanding this difference is understanding that not everyone who feels so casually about RP is a jackass insisting that everyone else better feel the same way, that their way is the only correct and good way. I'm still not interested in writing with them, it's far too different for that to work out, but it allows for delineating who is enjoyable on my dash/OOC that is into casual RP and who needs to stay behind a block somewhere because they think anyone who has RP as a primary hobby is trying to ruin it for them somehow, attacking them by existing, and the following list of terrible things as a person.
I think that all problems in the RPC could be drastically mitigated by a combination of understanding and mutual respect. People who are alright with others treating them like a meme resource absolutely can and should interact with people who don't feel that way without a problem, for example - all that takes is being aware of your mutual's rules and respecting them.
Damn near 100% of the PSAs out there honestly should not ever have to exist, they come down to the same factors of just exercising some easy respect for each other.
Again, the trouble often comes in at those very differing factors we need to be mindful of. When we feel like the weird one out in the RPC constantly, whether something is actually othering us or not, it starts to feel like it is. We start finding reasons and evidence, and much of the time, at least among those whose first inclination isn't to label OP as various terrible shit as a person, that takes the form of "not everyone."
Well, of course, not everyone! But unfortunately, when we are of the minority opinion/experience, we sometimes have to just realize that very thing. It isn't personal, and that while someone has caused issues coming from this side with that difference, we are not for our mutuals, so this isn't about us. We're actually doing the thing the PSA is speaking of by not pushing our preferences on others. If that PSA is just speaking from a place of the majority experience and nothing more, we're just annoyed with it for that reason and nothing else when it comes right down to it. We're just kind of sick of being in the minority opinion on this issue, and now are geared to feel like we're being hounded by most PSAs.
It's not an easy thing to get over or work with, it's not even something that gets to be faultless, but it definitely makes the experience less irritating when we can get to a point of stepping back and analyzing the situation without those emotions intensely in play. Seriously, if I allowed the issues I have with most PSAs out there to be evident by reblogging them with refutations or anger? That's all I'd spend my time doing, that'd be my hobby and not actual RP...and I'd absolutely be the most hated and blocked mun on tumblr in short order no matter how valid my points were. (And, I think, with good reason, I really do not support reblogging that sort of thing with negative commentary.)
What helps? Make your own positive PSA about your experience! Make one of those "reblog if" posts, I have never seen one that says "reblog if...you are alright with your mutuals reblogging memes and aesthetics from you without reblog karma."
I'm being dead serious, I encourage you to do that! It's great when you're of the minority opinion and do something like that because you can literally see not only that you're not alone at all but also that it's made other people feel seen. If you do that, let me know, I'll reblog it, even.
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damoselcastel · 3 years
50 Questions of FE3H
OP @outrealmbarracks’ meme
The ultimate FE3H ask game - Send me an ask and reblog to play! I decided to just fill this entire thing out. Kudos to the brave souls who want to read this entire thing.
   What drew you to / made you pick up and play FE3H? It's an FE game. It'd take A LOT for me not to pick up a new entry to the series.
   Was FE3H your first Fire Emblem game?  If not, which other games did you play? My very first was FE7, aka Blazing blade for the GBA. Lyn was my first ever FE lord, and her more political plot line remains my favorite tone for war game drama.
   Who is your favorite FE3H voice actor? Honestly... I don't much pay attention. N/A
   Which route did you play through first in FE3H? Black Eagles into Silver Snow. Has given a really weird opinion on loyalist-rebel-leader Ferdinand it seems.
   Which route did you play through last? Making my way through Azure Moon, I'm at Gronder Field and looking forward to the madness.
   Which route is your favorite? Blue Lions, the surrounding White Clouds conflict is so much more relevant to the class characters and you get to see their on-screen drama.
   Which side quest / paralogue was your favorite? Dedue's mostly because he and Dimitri mattered to its plot, Byleth did matter at all and that's fantastic.
   What storyline threads should have had more development / been further explored? The entire history of Fodlan, particularly surrounding the Nabateans... I wish we could see the character cast's reactions to the true for the origins of Crests and Relics. It's really lame how it's completely sailed over when it should be as big a bombshell as Izuka's Tower, if not bigger.
   What is your favorite scene in the game (can be in the main story or a support convo)? Honestly, I really really enjoy the style the epilogues are written in (not Byleth's S rank... everyone else's endings) because it reminds me of the GBA style era which I really dug. And finally they're trying to think more on the potential combinations chemistry rather than lazily puzzle-piecing joint endings.
   What’s your favorite combat class? War Master is pretty hilarious when it comes to critical, but Gremoire and Wyvern Lord are also really good.. y'know what? No, the truth is Archer Knight because it's absolutely bonkers.
   What’s your go-to weapon or spell in combat? Bows. What down side?
   Post a link / reblog your favorite FE3H fanart (no reposting / credit erasure!!). Uh... Ruebird draws some extremely hot Dedues.
   Post a link to your favorite FE3H fanfic. Even though I've got a lot of quibbles over canon continuity... reading Seteth/his-human-wife in foux_dogue's The Sea Captain's Daughter is a lot of fun
   If you’ve posted your own fanart or fanfic, post a link to the piece you are most proud of. My recent Dedue/Mercedes fic cowritten with @mrmissmrsrandom is really good and y'all are sleeping on it.
   If you are an artist or writer, are you currently working on any new FE3H content (art or fanfic)?  If so, will you share a sneak preview?
[an excerpt from my WIP Judith/OC project] He was skinny, that was Judith's first thought when she met her groom-to-be. A rangy face with cheeks gaunt enough that the bones were pronounced in a way that didn't fit with how young he otherwise looked. Although his skin was pale and hair bright blond, his eyes were as green as spring leaves, a visual cue for the entire reason they would be wed. The branch in Galatea had produced a Crested child and thus the elders had deemed it best to have a member from said family return to House Daphnel— and had been generous in the handling of the dowry discussions.
   Rank the Church of Seiros characters from your favorite to least favorite. How about just the polls, top fav: Seteth, least fav: Alois
   Rank the Black Eagles from your favorite to least favorite. How about just the polls, top fav: Ferdinand, least fav: Jeritza
   Rank the Blue Lions from your favorite to least favorite. How about just the polls, top fav: Dedue, least fav: Ashe
   Rank the Golden Deer from your favorite to least favorite. How about just the polls, top fav: Lorenz, least fav: Hilda
   What character do you headcanon as bi? Most of the cast really, or would canon-established not count??
   What character(s) do you headcanon as poly? I've got some big storylines for Felix/Sylvain/Ingrid which I suppose are very uncanon.
   What character do you headcanon as ace or aro? Linhardt honestly seems pretty darn Aro. Despiteall her pining, Rhea's likely Ace.
   What character do you headcanon as trans? I've seen some compelling depictions for trans!male Felix (even if I like cis short-man rep)
   What character do you headcanon as genderfluid? Byleth? Its definitely something of a question with the all "goddess reincarnation" question
   What character do you headcanon as another sexual orientation or gender identify not listed above? I think Lorenz is demi-sexual, he really wants that great romance to sweep him off his feet. And unlike Sylvain, I can't picture him bed-hopping.
   Who is your overall favorite character? Eeeeeeh, I got a lot of favs? I suppose the one with the least caveats is Dedue?
   Which character do you feel “meh” about? Jeralt. Wow, I couldn't care less.
   What character do you not like at all / hate? Kronya, evil bewbs. Seriously her visual design is dumb.
   What character should have gotten more development? Flayn, honestly I wish her backstory/hidden truth was more relevant and baked into the plot... like Ninian and Nils.
   What characters should have more support options and who should have been their support options? Lords with cross-house supports, Hubert and Dedue with cross house/dlc. It just felt like there was a lot of unaddressed STUFF that supports could've been used for.
   What is your favorite pre-timeskip character design or outfit? Marianne's unkempt hair and dark eyes really helps sell the depressed toen of her C supports.
   What is your favorite post-timeskip character design or outfit? Lorenz, cause it's such a big change from ugly duckling to K-pop fashion model. Ferdinand's is a close second (dat hair)
   What is your least favorite (or hated) pre-timeskip character design or outfit? Raphael, just... why? Couldn't afford a tailor??
   What is your least favorite (or hated) post-timeskip character design or outfit? Honestly I like almost all of them. Hm, I guess the fact that Caspar didn't stay ultra-short?
   Who are your favorite dining partners? Dimitri and his various custom-talk partners never fails to entertain.
   Who is your favorite teatime companion? The tea boys (Ferdinand and Lorenz)
   Who is your favorite / most used combat unit? Felix. He just KILLS THINGS, truly a one-man army full of angst and anger.
   What character do you always recruit, no matter which route you are playing and why? Ferdinand, mostly cause I man him my wyvern in BE and then Dancer in BL. He's seen a lot of use.
   What is a favorite character headcanon (can be one you came up with or one you liked / adopted from someone else)? Edelgard develops early onset dementia, mostly theorizing on her existing memory issues. Yes, this was caused by the experiments.
   Do you have / are you willing to share a possibly controversial opinion or headcanon you have about a character? Byleth ships are boring. Just... why stick characters with a block of wood, when there's so many other options???
   Who is your favorite in-game ship (meaning they have supports and a confirmed romantic ending card)? Probably Lorenz/Leonie, they're just really good together and seem to spur each other to do their best.
   Who is your favorite headcanon ship (meaning they either have supports but not necessarily a romantic ending or they may have no supports at all)? Sylvain/Bernadetta has such potential
   Who is your FE3H OTP? I multiship, so... no OTP??
   Who is your FE3H poly ship? Felix/Sylvain/Ingrid
   Who is your favorite Byleth ship? Byleth/no one
   What is a popular ship that you don’t care for / don’t like? Byleth/lords, I just find Byleth too dull.
   What is a general (not necessarily popular) ship that you don’t care for / don’t like? Dimitri/Edelgard, I just can't see it not imploding/exploding violently.
   Which ship do you wish was more popular / had more content available? Dimitri/Dedue, they're just really cute together so I'm greedy for content.
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princesscas · 4 years
Hi! I have a question. I haven’t been heavily involved in tumblr/social media for a while. I had stopped watching supernatural for a couple of years and just got back into it. I ship destiel, but sometimes things about wincest come up. I keep seeing things about people not wanting to “ship shame” which you just mentioned as well, and I’m just confused. How is it okay that people ship two brothers? Like they are actual brothers on the show?? I don’t care that they’re not irl. I don’t know who the N girl you’re talking about is but apparently she cares about canon, so how can she like it? And why is it wrong for people to condemn people for shipping two brothers, when that is the thing inherently wrong? Like it’s disgusting... it’s not about them being guys, it’s incest... Again, I just don’t get it and I hope I don’t come off as rude! Thank you!
Nah, you’re not rude at all! Never ever like them. I’m still upset about what happened two days ago so what the hell, tea time!
To start off, I believe that everyone can ship whatever like like as long as they aren’t sending hate to others. Take a look at this (lengthy) post about ship wars. People can ship whatever they want, end of story. Doesn’t really matter anyway because people are gonna do what they wanna do. Do I like those types of ships like you described above? No, but it’s none of my business to tell others what they can and cannot ship. Sometimes I read darkfics. That isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay. Is the post/fanfic properly tagged with such elements? Then it’s fine. Start hyjacking posts/leaving nasty comments? That’s 1000% not fine and it never will be. 
Something that doesn’t get brought up enough: There is a vast difference between an ordinary w//cest shipper and a J-two-squared tinhatter who believes the said two actors are secretly gay, their wives are beards, they hate mish, everyone who doesn’t like w//cest are wrong, etc.
Now, it’s on the shipper if they start normalizing such things. (in//st, unhealthy, etc) And the rabid obsessed (N&Co) hate-everything-that-breathes crew is a prime example of this. 
This thing is already long so why not throw out some receipts, huh?  IMO, you cross that ‘ship whatever you want’ line when you do this: 
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...I ship an angel and a human my dude. (and two 100 yr old super soldiers, I wonder what they think about stucky lol) also jesus christ the rest of that is a mess. 
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/tw: biphobia here./ REAL bisexuals? “oh you aren’t bisexual if you like one angel and a hunter.” And they’re obsessed with calling everyone ‘teenager girls.’ This is not only wrong but also pretty damn transphobic and misogynistic. 1) Most people have aged over the years (wow that’s crazy right?) 2) trans, nonbinary, and gender fluid people exist. 
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Overall, these people are a horrible bunch. They’re obsessed with preaching to people about ‘tagging properly’ when they could take it upon themselves and use a blacklisting extension. Or just block every single blog they don’t like. These people are a very small portion of the fandom but they’re loud, they want you to think they make up all of the fandom but they don’t. Not even close, when other in general posts gets thousands of notes/retweets and theirs get maybe a couple hundred. (and a lot are from reblogs for replies) 
Not gonna lie, I feel the need to defend w//cest shippers because I’ve known/have/had mutuals who do ship it and they’re nice as can be. 
The loud bunch are so loud, it silences the others who partaking in normal fandom things. Or really, if I were them, I wouldn’t want to associate myself with those people. 
Let’s pretend for a second. Imagine if you loved a ship (it could be any ship from any fandom) but the fandom is toxic as hell and the most ‘popular/well known’ blogs/artists/writers are these people. Fandom corners have history on the way they were built upon throughout the course of the fandom’s media. 
You browse the tags, the blogs, the fanfics, and find yourself staring at a hateful group of cult-like bigoted people. But wait. These people? They don’t like fanfiction or fanon. No, they hate anyone who writes anything outside of textbook canon. Any characters outside of SW/DW/JW won’t be present. (if you’re curious or are brave enough, go look at the AO3 tag, it’s sad) 
I try to be empathetic with people. I cannot, for the life of me, imagine what it’s like. To love a show so much with your favorite ship but one part dislikes it and another part are so inherently hateful.   
The OP deleted but this thread on Reddit is exactly what I’m talking about. And they mentioned something else I think not many people bring up: OT3′s. 
I’m gonna quote this but it’s 1000% true. 
“What I can't for the life of me understand though is why people would hate on Misha as an actor because of his role on the show. I've seen a lot of Misha hatred - and I mean A LOT of it. In fact, I recently went through the anti-misha tag on tumblr and blocked over 200 tumblr accounts that either were dedicated to bashing him or castiel, or posted constantly about it.”
“It's really nuts to me that people would choose to put so much time and effort into hating an actor who hasn't done anything to them personally or hasn't even affected their lives, when they could be putting good feelings into praising the actors who have affected their lives in a good way instead if you feel me.”
Constantly is the key word here. I don’t think these people ever stop, not even for one second, to sit down and say, “God this is exhausting, I think I need a break this week.” I really dislike these people but I also feel empathetic for them. What is their mental health like? It isn’t healthy. Go show a therapist this, they’d probably quit on the spot. (okay prob not but that’s my best example atm) 
This has gotten extremely long so I think I’ll stop here. There are some nice people out there who will ship things you don’t like but a toxic side can make it seem much worse than it actually is. Ironically, it’s usually the opposite. (ie: voltron’s’s toxic side scaring off other shippers of that fandom) 
Lemme end this with pre!serum smol Steve and his legendary quote: 
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aquaticalay · 4 years
Centurion .Chapter One.
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Sequel to For Something Greater (If you have not read this, click the link to the masterlist in my bio.)
Summary: (Y/n) is an active duty Navy SEAL Commander, the first and only woman to ever become a SEAL. After successfully stopping a genocide with the help of the Avengers, she becomes a bridge between the military and the earth's mightiest heroes. But even as her relationship with Bucky grows, she decides not to tell him about the nightmares and trauma that haunt her. Both their secrets begin to unravel when Bucky accidentally stumbles upon a piece of dangerous information about (Y/n) that she doesn't know about herself— something she must never find out about.
Genre: Action, Drama, Romance
Warning/s for the series: cursing, violence, death, eventual smut, PTSD.
Warning/s for the chapter: refenrence to sex and anxiety symptoms.
Word count: 2.5k
Note: The plot is heavily inspired by the song 'in the dark' by Bring Me The Horizon, and 'Mercy' by Muse. So yeah, go listen to it if you want to :)))  I'll post a new chapter every two days.
Let me know if you want to be in the taglist
(Taglist will be reblogged)
TRIGGER WARNING! THIS SERIES REVOLVES AROUND POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER. (Including, but not limited to: anxiety/panic attacks, extreme mood swings , nightmares, intrusive thoughts, insomnia, irritability, hypervigilance, and hyperarousal)
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New York was crowded, as usual. It was a good thing you weren't headed into the buzzing crowd. You didn't have to deal with the subway odors that could sting until your head hurts, or being cramped in the middle 8 million people in the center of the city. You’re going upstate instead.
These days you tend to avoid crowds. Too many things can go wrong in a place with too many people.
You just got back from a month-long peacekeeping mission in South East Asia with your squadron. It was nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, it was quite dull in comparison to your usual military operations. There wasn't a single clash in the mission, and you were thankful for it. You really needed a break from the non-stop violence, both mentally and physically.
The rest of the white squadron went home to their families, getting all the rest and relaxation they could get before the next operation briefing. 
And here you are, taking a flight to visit friends, and dying to meet your boyfriend. Meeting Bucky, however, was not the sole purpose of your visit to the Avenger's headquarters. You had a job to do as well. 
As you drove inside the Avengers' HQ, you were greeted by FRIDAY, who allowed you into the facility.
You parked up front, exiting your vehicle and locking it with a push of a button.
Sam was the first one who greeted you, hands folded and waiting for you outside. Friday must have notified him of your arrival.
"Captain," you said in an almost teasing tone. You gave him a short hug and a pat on the back. He returned it with a smile. "Commander," he replied just as lightheartedly, a playful leap in his tone, "You're two days early. Buck told me you weren't coming back till' Friday."
You shrugged, a smile tugging on your lips at the mention of his name. "Things went better than originally planned," you told him, "Besides, I've got something for you."
The only person present in the common room besides you and Sam was Wanda, who was making chamomile tea on the kitchen counter. The smell of roasted leaves left a hint of sweet aroma in the air. It was a nice scent, a good change of pace from the primal earthly smell of the forests of Borneo. Neither she nor Sam looked tired at all, which lead you to believe there hadn't been any missions for them lately. You greeted her with a hug and a hello, as well as sitting down to catch up with them on the events that happened while you were away.
Sam told you Bucky was going for a run, and he'd be back soon. You don't mind waiting. You might not have all the time in the world, but you did have all the patience that you needed.
As you were telling them about your mission, you heard a familiar voice coming from the entrance.
"Sounds fun," Bucky commented. He smiled, drinking water from his bottle, his hair tied in an effortless bun. And when you say effortless, you meant he really didn't care what it looked like, as it was an utter mess. You were usually there to tidy up his messy hair. But when you weren't there, he can't seem to do it properly by himself. You had mentioned that a haircut would be more practical, and he said he'd think about it. He probably won't cut his hair unless it covered his entire face. You find yourself amused at the thought of that.
He was wearing a black shirt and some running shorts, a hint of moisture in his skin, only barely sweating from both the heat and the exercise. His demeanor was confident, but not cocky. He looked like he was in a good mood.
Of course he is. You're here.
You looked back, a grin on your face. "Someone went for a run without me," you mentioned playfully, raising your eyebrows.
You walked towards him, and when you got close enough, he pulled your waist closer to his. 
With a lopsided grin, he let you lay a hand on his bicep and press a kiss to his lips. It was short, like an acknowledgement. That was enough for Bucky.
He looked into your eyes. Under the glinting excitement of meeting him, he noticed that you were exhausted. You had circles under your eyes. Though it didn't look too bad, he sensed that it had taken a toll on you.
Sam cleared his throat, making the two of you look his way. "Are you done, Romeo? Or do you want us out of the room?"
"Actually—" Bucky started to say, but you cut him off abruptly with a half-forced cough. He tilted his head in confusion. "We're done," you stated shortly giving him a look that said, later. A hint of softness gave depth to your pupil, and he trusted that later, he'd have more time with you. 
Still, it was unlike you to act so rushed when you just got back. Last time you got back from a long mission, you had insisted to lazily stay in bed the whole day with him. He complied that day, and he was confident to say that day was spent well.
Right now, you seem restless, and this worried him.
You walked away from him half-heartedly. The reunion with Bucky wasn't one you had in mind, as it only flashed before your eyes.
However, your visit to the headquarters this time isn’t just to see Bucky. You had a message to deliver from the US military, specifically the special forces.. 
Everyone that you needed to listen was here, and it was better to get this over with sooner than later. You pick your bag up from the floor, rummaging with the contents inside until you manage to take out a single brown folder, a Navy symbol at the cover. You throw it on the table, where Sam and Wanda was sitting. You sat down on one of the stools, Bucky next to you.
Sam was the first to pick it up. When he flipped to the first page, he looked at you inquisitively, "A council?" He asked.
You nodded, "To overview relations between the avengers and the special forces," you explain.
"And you agree to this?" Wanda asked, taking a look at the files. You could hear her voice falter. There was a hint of distrust in her voice. You don't blame her. She, like most of the avengers, went through the complication that is the Sokovia accords. You knew they didn't do too well with any deals that involves the government, and if anything, the accord left a bad experience.
"I don't know yet," you admit, "All they told me is that this council won’t limit your movement. You're still in charge of your own actions and missions. The only difference is that you can call special operations for back up if needed, and we can do the same, too."
"Anything else?" Sam asked, waiting for more. You shook your head, wishing you had more information than a five-page summary file. ”That’s all they said to me," you told him, "Everything else is written there. You better read that carefully. Special Ops wants an answer by next week. You have Five days to decide if you agree to this council or not."
“What if we don’t agree?” Bucky asked.
“The Avengers and The Special Forces stays separate, and we’re not allowed to go on joint missions, or collaborate in any way anymore.”
Bucky wanted more details, but anyone with decent hearing could notice the hint of exhaustion in your voice, so he didn’t push you for more explanation. 
It wasn't only the mission that drained every last bit of your energy. During the last few months, you worked hard on cleansing SEAL, tracking down every last trace of Hydra, sometimes being ten feet deep in investigations until 3 in the morning. On bad days, you can't even force yourself to sleep. Nightmares become more frequent. Your mind felt more noisy, descending into chaos. Even though the reports show that you've done what you set out to do, you can't help but feel more paranoid than you should.
This paranoia wasn't your alone. It also belonged to many special operations officers who were aware of the Hydra infiltration. This resulted in the proposition of the council.
Despite knowing and understanding firsthand where the idea of the council came from, you promised that you won’t decide where you stand until you hear reasoning from both the Avengers and the special forces.
You felt Bucky's metal arm gently placed on your knee. From the corner of your eye, you saw him glance at you. He didn't seem comfortable discussing about this. It makes sense, considering that he was a victim of the sokovia accords. He was trapped in the heart of conflict that tore the Avengers apart. He didn't want his family torn apart. 
You placed your hand above his reassuringly, your thumb rubbing circles across the smooth metal.
"I don't like this," Bucky muttered, finally admitting his distress out loud. "The council, the deal. Feels all too familiar." He closed the door of his room behind him. You settled inside, dropping your backpack near his closet. Inside the bag was a few sets of clothes, enough to last you a few days. You took a shirt and sweatpants out for a change. Bucky moved closer to you, and you pressed a kiss to his collarbone in an attempt to comfort him. It felt like a flutter against his skin. "At least hear them out, okay?" 
You pull back, looking into his eyes. He had a slight frown on his face. His steely orbs look ghostly pale, almost baby blue. The creases on his forehead ran deep, but the longer he looked at you, the softer the lines become.
He took a deep breath, his human arm caressing your cheeks. "I'm sorry," he told you, slowly closing the gap, "It's just a lot of bad blood."
You curled your mouth into a smile that helped Bucky ease his anxiety. It helped yours, too.
"I won't let anything bad happen to you, James," you promised, pressing your hand gently against his torso. He was convinced that your words were sincere, like every other promise that ever left your lips. The way you said his name was calming, almost therapeutic. It made him inevitably fall in love with you all over again.
"I know," he replied in a fragile whisper, the sound cracking in your ears. He didn't say it, but you knew he was promising the same to you.
Slowly, he placed his lips on yours, sharing a breath of air. It started slow, increasingly gaining momentum like coin dropping from a building, going faster and faster due to the heaving effects of gravity pulling it to the ground like he was pulling you into him. You find yourself helpless, melting into his arms. You were candle lit ablaze for too long, his cold arm taming your overbearing wildfire of a flame. He held you, tasting your tongue on his, moving ever so slightly so you don't break. His touch felt so desperate and longing, reflecting exactly what he felt after over thirty days apart. 
He smiled into the gesture. A contagious move that you were addicted to. 
You pulled away to catch a breath, but did not stop for long. Bucky pushed a strand of hair behind your ear affectionately before resuming the long-due kiss.
You dropped your fresh clothes to the ground, turning all your attention to him, like nothing else in the world mattered, or even existed. You carefully slid your hands under the fabric of his shirt, fingers caving into every curve that felt like connecting the pieces of a puzzle.
You longed for him. You missed his touch and his breath on yours. You missed his quirky habits and playful banter. It was hard for both of you to be away from each other, but you're willing to pull yourself together for this to work. Being a SEAL was a demanding job, and so was being an avenger. Both of you go on mission for weeks or months at a time, and there was always a possibility of not coming back alive. Every second you spend together counts, making up for lost time.That's why talk about the council can wait, it has to. As important as it seemed to be, it was a job-related stress that has been thumping in the back of your head for days and days on end, consuming your body. But right now, it wasn't that important. The man in front of you was important. 
Besides, changing clothes could be done in other, less conventional ways.ways.
You woke up in cold sweat when you heard a sudden sound of ringing bells at five in the morning. You started breathing heavily, and it took a moment for you to calm down and realize it was the church bell ringtone you chose for your phone. Someone was calling you.
You've never appreciated whoever invented the silent mode more than you did now.
But you were a Navy SEAL. Even if you wanted to, you were not allowed to have your phone on silent.
Grumpily grogging awake, you propped yourself onto your elbow, yawning slightly. 
You could see an interruption of Bucky's chest delicate rising and falling, his soft adorable snores turning into a hitched breath. Disturbed by the noisy bell sounds, he slowly opened his eyelids. "What?" He growled quietly, his words only barely coherent. He lifted his head a little in confusion.
You sat up, taking your phone. You pointed at it. "I have to take this," you explained, "It's work."
He nodded slightly, dropping his head back on to the soft pillow.
You saw the screen and read the caller ID: It was Diego Miller, one of the men in your squadron.
You pushed the blankets off of you as you hurriedly tiptoe to Bucky's balcony, so you could talk without disturbing Bucky's rest.
"Hello," you answered hoarsely, forcing your sleepy lips and tongue to form clear words.
"Commander," he greeted, "Are you in New York?"
"Yeah." You took a deep breath and rubbed your eyes, "What's going on?"
"We've got an emergency operation," he informed, his voice alert, "Command wants you here in four hours." 
You looked at the time. "Give me five hours," you said. 
He answered sternly, almost immediately, "Four hours," he repeated, "It's non-negotiable."
"What's so important about this?" You ask tiredly.
"It's Hydra."
You stop in your tracks. Your posture tensed, eyes suddenly narrowing into the horizon, "Oh."
"The Naval base in Brooklyn is arranging a sonic flight for you as we speak," he informed, "You need to go there now."
You took a deep breath, sudden determination overpowering the exhaustion of your body. If it was Hydra, you were more than willing to end this once and for all. "I'm on my way."
"One more thing," Miller mentioned, "Don't tell Barnes it's Hydra. This mission is confidential."
It was not something you would keep a secret from Bucky if you had the choice, but what Miller was telling you was an order from Command. You will not defy it. It will bring more harm to your position than good.
"Okay," you manage to say before finally closing the call.
You could hear the door slide behind you, Bucky lazily walking towards you. Without warning, he laid his forehead on your shoulder, bending down so he could hold your body close to his. He was wearing nothing but shorts, his skin prickly cold like an autumn breeze. His prosthetic arm was even colder, a similar temperature to freshly fallen snow.
"They want me in Seattle," you break the news to him, wishing you didn't have to. He hums in disappointment, nuzzling further into your neck, "when?"
"Already?" Bucky dragged the words in disbelief, "but you only just got here."
You ran your fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp to give him a sense of reassurance. "It's an emergency."
"What emergency?"
"I don't know yet," you lied, remembering the orders. You felt a pang of guilt, but you have to ignore it for now.
You pushed his chin from your neck to look in his eyes, "I'll be back before you know it."
Bucky nods. 
You don't want to let go, but you know you have to.
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Hi!  No need to be sorry for asking a question—I’m more than happy to answer! 😊  Unfortunately, I am unable to respond directly to my original post.  Tumblr will not allow me to reblog, so I suspect that OP blocked me.
In regards to your question, it appears that you may have misunderstood my statement.  I actually agree with you that the movie was very easy to follow.  After all, it’s heavily inspired by W. W. Jacob’s The Monkey’s Paw, which many viewers are already familiar with.  The movie told a story, but I do believe the end product could have been more polished.
In regards to the plot being messy, three things jump out to me:
Plot Holes/Inconsistencies/Suspension of Disbelief
Starting with pacing, it took us nearly 50 minutes to get to the actual plot.  While the opening scene in Themyscira and the mall fight scene were enjoyable, it left the remainder of the film in an uncomfortable tug-of-war between a sense of urgency and indifference to learning about the Dreamstone.  By the time we reached the climax, the ending felt rushed and Cheetah’s appearance left the impression of being shoehorned in rather than being the long-awaited outcome of Barbara’s actions.
Diana’s characterization is this film was perhaps one of the biggest aspects that disappointed me.  I doubt it was intentional, but this movie really centered her personality around her love of Steve Trevor.  It’s understandable that she misses him, but it’s been nearly 70 years since his death.  After all, we never see her mourning the loss of her sisters on Themyscira whom she can never see again.  It just doesn’t make sense to me that Diana’s life and happiness must be tied to a man.  By nature, she is loving and sociable, and she finds joy in human life.  I really do think that within those 70 years she should have made more friends long before Barbara enters the picture.   It might have been better for the movie if it took place in an earlier time while her feelings are still fresh and she is still adapting to the world of man, but then producers wouldn’t be able to milk that good ol’ 80’s nostalgia.
Onto the third point, many beloved movies and books require suspension of disbelief to be enjoyed properly; however, there must be a limit.  I felt that WW84 pushed that limit too far.  Without going into excessive details (as this post is probably getting long enough), we have:
Steve occupying the body of an innocent.  Neither he nor Diana appear to give this more than a second thought.
Steve’s body switching also breaks the rules of the Dreamstone.  We see everyone’s wishes appear in the most literal sense no matter how ridiculous they are.  If the stone can make walls, live animals, and money appear from nothing, surely it can make a human appear as well.  It should be able to overcome death otherwise not every wish could be undone by the end (as we were shown a woman wishing for a man to “drop dead.”)
Diana stated that many great civilizations disappeared overnight, when we know for a fact that most of the ones listed didn’t (Rome probably being the one most viewers are knowledge of).
Asteria’s golden armor was supposedly strong enough to let her fight off hoards of men, but is easily destroyed by Cheetah.
The somehow fueled and perfectly operational museum jet was  able to be flown by a WWI pilot who had no experience with that technology.
Cheetah is willing to die rather than give up her wish, but in the end she simply does so because Diana asks everyone to do so.  It’s a sudden and quite jarring change in her character.
So in answer to your question, these are the main points that come to my mind.  As for the tone, I think we are in agreement that it was clear.  It differed greatly from that of the first movie, but a tone was present.  All in all, there’s going to be differences of opinion for WW84 just like there are for any movie.  As I said in my original post to OP, WW84 is strong enough to stand on its own.  It doesn’t need to be protected from criticisms whether they come from “straight men” or anyone else for that matter.
While I am personally disappointed with the end result, I am glad that you and many others enjoyed it.  It’s these differing opinions that allow us to have discussions about movies and share our own perspectives.  I hope that I was able to throughly answer your question! 😄
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misinformedgenic · 3 years
The last post on this god awful blog
Hello, I ask everyone who see’s this to unfollow this blog, if you are following me. I can’t look at the reblogs and posts I posted anymore, without feeling incredibly embarassed and I know that I am being aggressive to the people who gave me notes but you know what I don’t care.
(Overall trigger warning: trauma,syscourse,swearing and apologies.)
My message for those who are anti-endogenic:
(tw: abelism,mental ilness)
The truth is, whether all systems are formed by trauma or some can be born that way or it can be formed by something else, it really doesn’t matter. All endogenic systems are just trying to exist and communicate their experiences, and instead of listening and supporting those who might experience their plurality differently from you, you just villanize them and insult them and do the exact same thing that neurotypicals have been doing to us for YEARS. Calling us fake, saying we are trying to get attention, saying we should be ashamed of ourselves for “appropriaiting” from people who had a more severe form of an illness or was priveliged enough to get a diagnosis . If you are traumagenic and you haven’t had that kind of experience, I genuinely envy you. That shit was done to me and it really hurt me. People called me attention seeking for saying I was depressed,or had social anxiety or that I was transgender, or that I was traumatised or plural when all I was trying to do was be myself openly and to accept myself. Why is it that when someone who experiences some sort of plurality and they don’t feel comfortable assosciating their system with trauma, you jump straight to accusing them of something as awful as FAKING or BEING A THIEF!
And yes I know being endogenic means it’s not an illness, but being called a fake for expressing who you truly are when you’ve been forced to hide who you are is such a awful experience. How could you be so callous and careless to even risk that happening to someone else, even once more, in this cruel world. Even if every single endogenic system, who says I can’t help being a plural, was trauma genic, they still associate themselves with that word, endogenic. When you say something horrible about endogenic systems, you are doing so much damage to those people. I mean, to assume without a shadow of a doubt that every single “veritable” endogenic system is actually traumagenic with the limited amount of understanding of DID/OSDD IN ITSELF, as opposed to how this phenomenon could work outside of a disordered framework, really shows you have your head far up your ass. But even then, it doesn’t matter because whether they ended up being traumagenic or not, according to science, no one deserves that treatment.
Even then,in regards to the post on this blog that got the most notes, we need to understand that people with plurality are forced to label their pluraility as a symptom of a disorder. Many systems who needed psychiatry and systems who didn’t and just masked themselves mingled, and they shared terms. This is still happening today, more then ever.
(Just in case you want to know, fictive is not a term used in psychology or psychiatry. It literally came from the soul bonding community, and people who are anti endogenic are still using it. If you don’t believe me use a web browser, and provide some sources to prove otherwise. I didn’t know this, and I’m not going to tag the OP who told me this,because I’m not sure whether they want to be tagged, but thank you. I felt pretty humiliated but it helped to come to realize what I was doing was wrong and that my opinions were wrong, and it helped me to become a kinder and more understanding individual.)
And we need to understand that systems shouldn’t be forced to be involved in exploring their plurality through a lense of trauma, because for many it doesn’t make sense because thats not how they experience it. Even if it is repressed memories ,sometimes or always, systems need a space to be systems without talking about trauma or applying trauma to it. DID and OSDD spaces are not providing that and in those spaces trauma is going to be talked about. Systems shouldn’t have to force themselves to think about trauma and go through pain, just to be able to call themselves a plural and have people acknowledge and accept them.
My message for any endogenic systems and their supporters:
I apologize for everything that you had to go through, from me and my behaviour. My behaviour was terrible and none of you deserved it at all. You deserve so much more than what you get from the anti-endogenic crowd, and you are absolutely valid, and I hope that in the future things will be easier all of you. You deserve love, acceptance and support, and I hope that nobody will ever be able to take that reality from you. You are doing nothing wrong by just being a plural, and it’s really sad that people were and still are fighting about this. Fuck anyone who says otherwise. 
(tw: s***** abuse,ableism,self hatred)
I know I was guilty of what I criticized, and that is really embarassing, but I’m glad I realize that now. I admit I was angry because I was jealous and bitter and I didn’t understand the history properly around this community or how it formed. I went through a lot of online g******g and s***al abuse and my experience with being a system was horrible, I had to deal with alters who had horrible del****ns and wanted to incite gruesome s*** h*** and wanted to k*** me. My system has introjects of my a****rs and random men I see on the streets making pe****ted comments at me pretty much all the time, and I was really jealous of systems who could experience the joys of being a system while avoiding the horrible parts. It made me feel worthless and inferior, because all the interesting and fun parts of being a system could be paraded on TikTok or whether and displayed by people who weren’t f***ed *p and dis*****ng like I was. I am not saying that’s the only basis as to why anti-endogenics hold their opinions, but I am saying this because if you ever see those anti-endogenic posts of mine somewhere and I am very passive agressive or vicious, that’s where it comes from and it isn’t objective or fair.
end of abuse trigger warning.
I decided that I am going to delete all the mean comments I made on other people’s posts that didn’t get any response, so that not another person has to see it again, and for which did get a response I am going to apologize to all those I harmed. If you want to respond to my argument, I can’t stop you from reblogging and making a comment, and that’s your freedom on this website, but I am not going to be replying because discourse on here is so nasty and I’m just done with that. I would rather help contribute to a community of people who feel isolated and who will be empowered by building a culture around plurality, whether that be around trauma or not. I’m tired of focusing on my trauma, it’s in the past and I don’t give a shit about it. It just sucks and I hate it and I am done with it. I will need therapy for it of course,yadi ya, but in terms of my limited free time on this earth I would rather contribute to making people feel happy and supported then argue and be angry about something that is kind of pointless anyway.
So bye, I would like to make a normal system blog in the future and we’ll be using the same names but for now I need to shut the fuck up and reflect. 
- Luca
Also hey, on a additional note, my name is Milo and I allowed my name to be associated with this blog and it was irresponsible and unkind for me to do promote this kind of thinking. I am really sorry for any harm I caused by being a part of this blog. Additionally Stanley understands that his post on pride flags was inaccurate and he made some very nasty comments/did some nasty stuff to, he is very sorry to all those he harmed with his previous posts. He is in a really bad situation at the moment, which has gotten worse over time, he is a trauma holder and he is in a lot of emotional turmoil,so neither me or Luca wanted him to be involved in writing this specific post, but that doesn’t mean what he did was okay and all three of us recognize this now.
Best regards,
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