#g/t ask game
entomolog-t · 1 year
G/t Tropes Ask Game
Send me tropes/blurbs/aspects of what you like in G/t in as much specificity as you desire and I want to play pretend psychologist and analyze the appeal semi-seriously.
This is all in good fun.
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rainydaygt · 8 months
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Alright, I suck at being consistent with GTober or any form of inktober so I’m turning it into an ask game!
Request any number and, if you want, with any oc of mine, any taz character or bg3 character.
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chaosduckies · 4 days
For the ask game :)
6, 7, 20 from the about you questions
6- A trope you wish to see more of
Wellll I don’t really see a whole lot of large-scale size shifting (I like really tall giants what do you want from me? :3) so I would love to always see more of that! I also don’t see much m/m g/t so I try my hardest to put that into the community :D
7-Least favorite trope/aspect of g/t?
For me at least, it’s the extreme sexual content. I’m not interested in it in the slightest. It’s anything that’s like reallyyyyy nsfw. Basically smut in that case. I can’t do with the kinks and all of that-(I’m just not too comfortable with it)
20-Hot Take about g/t?
All I can say is that I fell in love with it ever since I was six years old and now I’m here. I love the community and how welcoming it is❤️ and I especially love how many people think of these different little worlds! I just love it!
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gt-jar · 4 days
I don't know if this counts as a hot take, but in my opinion there's not enough g/t content (especially writing) where both the giant and tiny are male, and are not in a romantic relationship.
For someone like me, who isn't interested in romance stuff and isn't a big fan of female characters, there's not much content nowadays :/
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sarah-kings · 1 year
for the ask list, what's your least favorite g/t trope?
I've been digging around my mind for quite a bit and man, am I not able to find a proper answer for that I already am happy with the smallest bit of g/t I can get out of anything
I think the trope I like least is first encounter related: your typical giant finding a tiny and them starting to break out in tears and the giant emideatly trying to soothe them and reassure them that everything will be fine, they then move on together and everything works out oh so great.
Don't get me wrong, this trope is great, but it is very awkward if you have a tiny who wouldn't have a reason to cry.
If your tiny has a traumatic backstory, phobias and/or other factors playing part in this then yes, this definitely is a good way to start the first encounter.
But if you have, say, a tiny who is stubborn, extremely sporty and is oh so done with the giant then it would make VERY little sense for them to just break down crying if anything they'd just bite their hand.
Beyond this I dislike the trope of the tiny being the scared one and the giant the tough one.
I know a lot of very tall people who are the first one to scream like a girl when they see a mouse running by and jumping high into the air like in a cartoon.
I want more giants who are like "oh, HELL NAW, I ain't messing with that!" and giants who litterally have to prepare themselves to lift the cup they caught a tiny under bonus points if they still scream anyway and slam it down again emideatly
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 1 year
g/t ask game!
1. what is your prefered size?
3: what would your tiny/giant home look like?
7: giants or humans?
11: what song gives you size vibes?
16: how long have you been into g/t?
1. What is your prefered size?
Hm.. That one is easy, about 4 inches tall (10 cm ~)
3. What would your tiny/giant home look like?
Just imagine Arrietty's house, that would look like, specially her room, so pretty :]
7. Giants or humans?
Huh... That's a difficult one because I really like both... ;-; Do I have to choose??
11. What song gives you size vibes?
Okay, I've been thinking for some minutes now and I can't find any... :(
17. How long have you been into g/t?
Hoho... Pretty long, since 2009 :]
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 8 months
I wanna know dis…?
How would your draw my Tadc au the rabbit’s game Au in your own image?
Hmmmm. Something like.... This?
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reborrowing · 3 months
🌈 for the drawing ask? for whoever you want
🌈 - character celebrating their identity
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homelanderbutbig · 1 month
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Thank you!!! ❤️🫂
I am not much into really extreme size difference stuff, but here's a little "HomelanderButBigger" doodle for you, for being a cool kid.
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welcometomylittlelife · 2 months
To my friends...
Hey there! My name is Parker and I'm a little new here. I like writing, poetry, tinkering, and I stream games and stuff from time to time. I'm also a bit of a space nerd and I usually have a favorite book every month, but my all time favorite is probably The Hobbit.
I hope you all like my stuff. I'm just putting it out there to get over my stage fright (fingers crossed).
Anyway, nice to meet you through the screen. If you have any story suggestions I should read here or cool art I should check out, just let me know!
Look forward to hearing from all of you out there and, hey, welcome to my little life!
So long! Parker
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thefanciestborrower · 3 months
someone asking where one of the other ninja are and Zane is looking away and trying so hard to be secretive cause someone asked to be left alone in the chillest and coolest space ever inside. Then he just looks like a sad puppy as he opens his chest plate and pulls out the wiggly fella cause they didn’t want to come out yet!
Oh every single one of the others is guilty of stowing away inside Zane for a bit if they need time to rest lol. He can change the colors of his stomach lighting, set any sort of requested ambiance, and even change the temperature if needed. Heck he could also use his stomach like one of those massaging water beds if someone wanted. He’s also got a game room further down in his guts and I think that would be the easiest place to get someone out of via his chest plate. His stomach doesn’t have an opening really so unless he disconnects a few of the tubes and squeezes them out it would be difficult to manually extract someone. But if someone is in his game room it’s pretty easy for him to just open the little box and grab them lol. 
Usually it’s Jay or Lloyd who try and hide out in there so they don’t get drafted into doing chores lol, and Lloyd was especially guilty of hiding out there when he was younger. He’d give Zane pathetic little puppy eyes until Zane put him in the little game room so he could play some video games, buuuuut any time someone asked where he was Zane would pull the wiggly little fella out of his secret hiding place. No escaping chores on his watch. He still hasn’t found the secret stash of candy Lloyd hid in the game room tho, and if Lloyd has his way he never will.  
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entomolog-t · 1 year
Alright, for the tropes ask:
Tinies being squeezed. Being fidgeted with. Being a stress ball of sorts for the giant. This could either be purposeful or the giant could just be doing it absentmindedly without realizing it and just profusely apologize when they realize what they’re doing. Or both parties could be perfectly fine with it and it’s just some weird form of snuggling and UGH
Aight, glasses on, lets get this done.
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It is very natural to crave human touch, and even without the context of this in a G/t nature, this sounds like a desire for intimacy. Now with G/t in mind, I find the word choice squeezed in particular to be interesting. Squeezing tends to suggest pressure or strength. Not inherently pain, but certainly a potential for one. A tiny being squeezed and fidgeted has different connotations depending on who you relate most to in this interaction.
The way in which this is worded seems to imply fantasizing about being the tiny and that is the lens in which I'll be continuing with. Being fidgeted with by someone much stronger and larger is quite an intimidating act, as well as an intimate one. It would help to know what you like the tiny to feel; Are they flustered, self conscious, afraid... Similar to the last ask, this seems to be mirroring how one views intimacy. Remember intimacy is not inherently sexual. We are social creatures who long for connections. Differing from the previous ask, there is more of a physical element here, "being a stress ball" for the giant. This fantasy sounds as though you would wish for someone to have a close enough relationship that casual touch is natural, and for them to be close enough to you that they seek you out for comfort. There is a sort of power exchange demonstrated in the example where the Giant has an innate casual physical dominance over the tiny, while the absentminded and embarrassed/apologetic scenario returns the power to the tiny. The scenario seems to emphasize wanting safety; the giant being a manifestation of significant power that defers to you. The Giant could be a metaphorical representation of a more abstract concept, or perhaps an exaggerated version of a relationship in which you long for.
Please see my receptionist for the bill. I'll see you for our session next week.
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atherix · 7 months
91? :3
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oh my dear autumn anon you jumped feet first into the minefield and landed directly on a mine....
(This short story is unrelated to any current AUs that I will admit to ;) )
Enjoy this Clockers Found Family, and a dribble of cletho, angst :) Also it talks about death so uh be ready for that. Maybe also a little implied Scar/someone else (it's unstated who).
Cleo is too stubborn to die.
It's all he can think about as he sits in that hospital room, watching Scar and BDubs hold their hands. The sickness is setting in, they can all see it; their once healthy tan slowly fading into green, the bite on her shoulder no longer dripping red but oozing... something.
Something that Etho isn't sure he wants to touch.
It's only a matter of time, he knows. The crossbow is leaning against the wall, the arrow already in place, but he can't bring himself to end it early.
Cleo is suffering. He knows this. He sees this in the way she breathes, the ragged gulping breaths- the way she trembles and shakes as the pain of the virus wracks their body, far too late to even try to cure. Yet she's strong- stronger than Etho thinks he would be in their place. They grit their teeth, biting back any cries despite the tears gathering in their eyes.
She takes a deep breath and squeezes their friends' hands. "Gods above and below," they barely whisper, voice scratchy at best. It's like a prayer, or maybe a curse.
How dare you, it sounds like. That's the Cleo Etho knows, and that's exactly why he can't bring himself to raise that crossbow. Not yet.
Not until every vestige of his best friend, one of the loves of his life, is gone.
Not until she's not Cleo anymore.
"Those bloody flowers," Cleo grits out, "they're everywhere..."
Etho lets out a weak chuckle. "Everyone's worried about you," he tells them. "But Doc wouldn't let everyone in, so..."
Cleo laughs a laugh that wracks her body, hollow and breathy- like death, something unimpressed. They laugh because there's nothing else they can do.
"I'm sorry, Cleo," BDubs says, his tears long since dried up. His voice is thick, betraying the grief he feels. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
"Oh shut up," Cleo says, tugging their hand away and lightly smacking the man. "You couldn't have known. It's fine."
His hands are trembling. "It's not."
Scar lifts his head to look at Cleo, his usually-neat hair pulled back into a messy, haphazard bun. "Cleo, don't go..."
Please save her.
It's a prayer that's been echoing in Etho's mind for days now, since Cleo first ran to pull BDubs out of the grasp of a zombie that was just too quick for either of them.
Please save her.
"I wouldn't if I had a choice," Cleo says, though it sounds almost like a growl. She breathes slowly, turning to face Scar. They squeeze his hand, a little show of comfort- that she's still here. "Wish I could make it to the wedding... I'd love to object."
Scar gives a sharp laugh which quickly turns into sobs, and he lowers his head again, resting his forehead against their clasped hands.
Please save her.
'Etho, do me a favor,' Cleo had said once it became clear that, this time, the infection had taken root. 'If it looks like I'm turning, take that crossbow and shoot me.'
He had agreed, if only because of the way they looked at him. He had agreed, because he knows that a zombie is nothing more than the shell of the person it used to be.
He agreed, because he knew Cleo would want to die with the grace she deserves, rather than callously by the hands of a stranger.
Please save her.
Sitting here, with the crossbow next to him and Cleo lying, weak and dying, in that bed, the final stages of the infection setting in, he wishes she had asked anyone but him.
Because now he's starting to realize that she's already turning, and their consciousness is the last thing to go.
Because she's still Cleo, and she's still Cleo up until the last moment. He knows this.
He can't do anything. They look at him. They look at him with their eyes, full of pain but clear and conscious and they're Cleo, and he loves them, and so much has happened that they haven't had a chance to make amends for.
They're still Cleo.
They're still alive.
Please take her.
(But Cleo is too stubborn to die.)
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mysterious-gizem · 5 months
𝐇𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬
Warning/s: (???)
Prompt given by: @local-squishmallow
Taglist: @da3dm, @gt-mcyt
"Sapnap wait up!"
Karl heaved as he slammed himself onto the other, "Dang, those humans are more rowdy than you, Sap." He grinned as they both stood there; catching their breath. The raven haired male rolled his eyes, "How much did you eat?" He asked the brunette curiously. Karl sighed as he stared for a moment, "Not much, honestly I'm still a bit hungry."
Sapnap huffed as he bit his lip, "We might have to go out again later, I think those humans are going to 'stream' or something, so they should be in their room's?" He explained, Karl beamed as he continued to walk through the tunnels in the walls; with Sapnap following not too far behind.
The two lived in these walls for years, happy with the fact that only one human was staying there. That was until two other humans came, as rowdy and loud, than they could ever expect. That day, the duo quickly scrambled away to hide.
The days that followed the loud giants stayed and continued to be chaotic and somehow all over the place, which caused them to struggle. And if that wasn't enough, the original human that they enjoyed having their presence with got up and left. To be fair, they heard he would be back, but damn? They were left to deal with these two unknown and wild giants!
Days passed by with the two borrowers struggling to get ahold of food. Occasionally, they'd see a few bits and peices lying around, but it was more or less just left overs, in sum, it's been hectic.
Once they reached their little quarters, they stared at their item's on the ground, having to live in a house with people a hundred times bigger than you made it seem that a task as simple as them walking, feel like an earthquake from their perspective. They quickly picked up the item's that were sprawled across the ground.
They chatted for a few hours, in hopes they could ignore the empty feeling in their stomachs.
It was a rather hard task-
"Sap! One of the humans left a bag of food on the counter!" Karl gleefully announced, the borrower was practically bouncing off the walls as he waited for Sapnap to get ready. The ravenette grinned as he grabbed Karl's hand and dragged him out of their tunnels.
Surprisingly, none of the humans were in the proximity, which made them hastily move towards the counter. The two assisted each other in climbing the furniture. They crept towards the bag and subtly ripping a hole in the back so they could enter.
Karl squealed as he began munching on a discarded fry laying on the bottom of the bag. Sapnap did the same with chicken nuggets, ofcourse neither of them knew the names of the food, but to them, it was delicious and edible.
The two were so ecstatic that they finally ate a decent meal they didn't realize one of the humans standing right outside the paper bag. A looming shadow caught their attention as they stared up.
The two let out a shriek; with the human gasping at the same time. The borrower's quickly scrambled out of the hole they ripped out from the back of the bag and began sprinting towards one of their wall tunnels.
"Hey, wait!" The human said as he tried grabbing the tinies, barely missing their bodies before they entered into the walls. Karl and Sapnap were terrified, bumping into the sides of the wall as they tried heading to their main room.
They both slumped beside the wall; catching their breaths once they knew they were safe. The two shuddered as the moment replayed in their thoughts, Sapnap was the first to speak, "Cmon Karl, let's get to bed..." He said whilst trying to soothe himself and the shaking borrower before him.
"George, I'm telling you I saw these tiny guys eating my food!" The ravenette insisted as he tried convincing the other with the fact. "You're literally seeing things!" Quackity groaned, "Look! They even ripped the back of my bag to get it!" He said, holding up the bag. The brunette rolled his eyes as he let out an exasperated sigh. "That could be rats." He stated before getting up.
"Cmon, we need to go set up for stream!" George said while nudging the other, the ravenette rolled his eyes. During the stream, his thoughts were mixed with focusing on the stream and the miniature human's living in their house.
Meanwhile, Karl and Sapnap were basically just hanging around in their small room until Karl groaned to break the silence, "I'm so boooored-" He whined; he just recently calmed himself down after almost being caught and suddenly being persistent on doing something fun or to Sapnap's opinion, reckless.
"If you really wanna go out, we can go at night." He sighed, turning his head back to do what he was previously doing. The taller brunette sighed as he sat there waiting for nightfall.
Later that evening two were now cautiously roaming around the house, the cat apparently named 'Patches' was no where in sight, which surprisingly upset Karl; the feline was actually warming up to them.
Karl and Sapnap were giggling around as they did stupid stunts around the house. They were sitting on the coffee table in the living room when they both shrieked when a clear plastic container slammed down around them.
"¡Maldición! ¡Todos ustedes son realmente reales!"
Karl and Sapnap were tightly wrapped together as they stared up at the human, "DREAM, GEORGE, COME HERE!" He screamed, calling out his friends. The two came running in. George's eyes were wide when his gaze fell on the two figures on the coffee table, Dream however had a more worried look.
"Dream!" Karl cried out.
The human mumbled a curse but before he could speak, Quackity spoke.
"Dream do you know them!?"
"Kinda yea?" He awkwardly said.
Hii-, sorry if it's short and disappointing. It actually was hectic recently for me😭 Our ceiling kinda collapsed and fell on me while I was sleeping, and my teachers have been giving way to many projects😭
Again, I'm sorry it took so long to write, and if it's bad😅
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gt-jar · 4 days
questions 2, 9, 17 and 20 from the ask game pls?
2. Before I start let me just say that I looove that op included this question!
I mentioned this before, but the reasons why someone likes g/t can vary so much, and this question is such a great example.
Like, the g/t tag is full of people talking about how they wish to be tiny or want to be held by a giant etc and an outsider might think that's something every g/t fan dreams of, and yet that's not the case.
Personally, I never imagine myself in g/t scenarios, nor do I want to be tiny (like HELL NO! But I'm not gonna get into that or else this post is gonna be way too long)
For me it's a characters only thing, because I like the possibilities the extreme size difference aspect has to offer :)
9. Mhhh... there was a post about this in the tags not too long ago that I wanted to reblog and add my two cents, but I forgot to like it and I'm too lazy to search for it... anyway!
I don't like it when the tiny is too tiny. A personal pet peeve of mine is the sentence ".... the size of their pinky", every time I read this I look at my hand and think 'yeah no that's too small for my liking'. I'm mean to be fair I don't have the biggest hands, but still-!
Same goes for the giant I guess. I feel like anything over 100 ft is too big, but idk.
At the same time I don't really care about the exact size difference between the characters when it comes to writing (art is obviously a different thing). Maybe that's because I'm soooo fucking bad at imagining different sizes.
Also don't let me start about the different measurement types.
17. Uh... that's something I never really thought about. When I post prompts I use the general terms (giant/tiny) most of the time, and sometimes human and borrower/tiny, when the scenario only makes sense if the tiny character is a borrower. Though, I feel like the terms giant and tiny are too vague sometimes, if that makes sense?
Bean is a term I never use (or maybe I used it once or twice and can't remember?). Don't really have a reason not to use it, I don't mind it when other people use it, I guess it's just not my thing.
But what is my thing is the term little one!
I personally love it, but I can understand why some of you might not like it :)
20. I don't know if I'm gonna go into the g/t community related stuff (mostly because there currently isn't an issue that I'm aware of), but here is a g/t media hot take.
I don't like Arrietty.
Yes, it's a ghibli movie and the art is beautiful.
But I think the movie itself is boring af. I saw it once and I'm not interested in watching it ever again. Unless it's a specific scene(s) for inspo or something.
It's great if you wanna explain g/t to someone who doesn't know what g/t is in a non-awkward way tho, because everyone likes or at least knows ghibli :)
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slutcore-starships · 2 months
Put on the glasses bestie enter your hot librarian arc
i . dont know exactly what vibe i give off
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