#byler is fucking canon
bylerposting · 7 months
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bylerxbrainrot · 8 months
can we all collectively agree that jonathan byers is the #1 byler shipper
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idk if will told him or if he just knows but he’s definitely aware of it
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samcats · 2 months
Mike and Wills friendship vs everybody elses
I’m sick of people acting like Mike and Wills friendship is platonic when 1. One literally had a crush on the other and 2. None of the other friendships are treated the same way Mike and Will are throughout the seasons so let’s go over them!
(This is gonna be a long one!)
Season 2 & 1
First off, in season 1, the show focuses on how Will going missing effects Mike the most out of all his friends. Mike is the only one to notice Will isn’t at school the day he goes missing. Mike is the one to come up with the idea to go out looking for him. Mike only keeps El around when he realizes she can help find Will. Mike is the only one that’s focused on after they find Will’s “dead” body. Mike is the only one out of the party members that holds proper hope that Will may still be alive.
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In season 2 he was the only one that went outside of the arcade to check where Will had gone. He was the only one that noticed Will was being extra quiet that day at school. He panicked when he couldn’t find Will, “Will what’s wrong? I couldn’t find you, are you hurt? I’m gonna get you home, okay? I’m gonna get you home”, He purposely volunteered himself to go check on Will and then proceed to stay with Will in the hospital for days afterwards. He was the only one out of his friends that stayed with Will in the shed when he was possessed.
Edit: also wanted to point out how in the crazy together scene when Will told Mike about the mindflayer he said “just please don’t tell the others okay? They wouldn’t understand.” Implying that Will trusts Mike the most and that he thinks only Mike would understand what he’s going through.
& Will only yelled Mike’s name when he was having an episode before the crazy together scene happened. He didn’t yell Lucas’s name or Dustin’s or even Jonathan or his mums, his first instinct was to call Mike for help. Both of these things furthermore prove my point that their friendship is different from the others and they’re much closer
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Again, the show focuses on Will and Mikes friendship the most this season. Not their friendships with Lucas or Dustin or anybody else, just with eachother. None of the other friendships in the show have done anything like this. Hell none of the friendships in the show ever GET as much attention and focus as Mike and Will do throughout the seasons. They are treated so differently. Still don’t believe me?
Season 3
One of the most iconic Byler scenes is the rain fight scene. Now I'm not really gonna talk about how obviously romantic this scene is by itself. But how it contrasts Will and Lucas's apology scene. The contrast between these two scenes is such a huge piece of evidence to me and I'm surpsired I don't see it around more
(Thank you to this video for saving me while I was trying to find the scenes https://youtu.be/u-rLx10eROw?si=vdGoQNtnXU103iZt )
Here’s the two scenes mixed together for reference:
Byler’s fight
In the Byler scene, it has buildup. Will getting mad and then bursting out of the room, Mike follows him while Lucas stays behind. Once they get outside, the lighting is dark and blue. The music playing in the background is somber. The way both characters talk and act makes you know that this is a serious scene. The aftermaths of Will going to his house and crying as he destroys castle Byers. And Mike and Lucas biking out to find him in the rain. You could make the argument that Lucas being there makes this scene bad proof, but it focusing more on Mike then Lucas tells you otherwise.
Lucas’s apology
It’s super rushed, you barely even notice it. It’s super random and isn’t focused on at all, it just starts with Lucas saying he’s sorry and Will saying it doesn’t matter and it’s pretty much over. The lighting is bright, our minds are more focused on trying to get ready to trap Billy then the actual conversation they’re having. Neither Lucas or Will react to it afterwards. You could literally skip this scene and you wouldn’t miss anything.
So why have such a useless scene in the middle of nowhere?
The Byler rain fight is such an important scene to show how Mike and Wills friendship has gone downhill, to show the change between children and teenagers, and also to hint at Will's sexuality. The Lucas and Will scene is just so useless and random and could've been left out, but the way it contrasts the Byler fight scene makes me think that its only purpose was to show the difference between Mike and Wills friendship together vs anybody else's, and nothing else. Because why else have it there? If Mike and Wills scene wasn't meant to have a deeper meaning, then why make it as dramatic as it was? Why build it up the way they did?? If it was platonic the scene would've been more similar to the Lucas scene and/or toned down a LOT.
It's undeniable that the Duffers where trying to show us something with these two scenes
Season 4
You can tell there’s clearly tension between Mike and Will when they reunite in the airport, which is very odd. Mike and Will are best friends, and again, Mike wouldn’t act this way with any of his other friends. He didn’t even act this way with El
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Mike then later admits that he was being an asshole to Will, and we get that beautiful “friends. Best friends.” Scene.
Now, I want you to rewatch that scene and pretend that Will is Max or Lucas or Dustin or Erica or Steve or Jonathan or anybody Mike is friends with. But you can’t. It just feels too wrong and too romantic, doesn’t it? It seems weird as well, because we know full well Mike wouldn’t say something like that to any of his other friends. He’s never had a conversation like that with any of his other friends, either. This is because they’re just that. Friends. So why should it be any different for Will and Mike?
This is the same for any scene with Mike and Will. Season 4 or not
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And if you seriously cannot notice the difference between Mike and Wills friendship vs anybody else’s, you need to do a rewatch
Anyways, there’s probably more stuff I could add but I’m gonna leave it at that for now. If you have anything to add leave it in the comments! Thank you for reading
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bangtanthoughts · 3 months
patiently waiting for the day people who say finn is a bad actor because of the mileven scenes where mike just seems to not be attracted to el in any way (so basically like 99% of mileven scenes) realise it's not finn who's a bad actor, it's mike
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butterflysonnets · 4 months
absolutely insane that mike literally p a n i c k e d when will was like "well what about us?" because will wasn't even really making things gay he was honest to god just inquiring about the state of their estranged friendship and wondering why mike didn't make time to talk to him when they're supposed to be best friends but MIKE was the one having an aneurysm like "🏳️‍🌈⁉️ W H AT!!"
“WE'RE FRIENDS” “i know mike” “WE'RE!!! F R I E N D S!!” “right so why don't you call me — ” “I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND” “… that in no way answers my question"
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gayofthefae · 9 months
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Oh they down BAAAAD. The boys in vehicle backseats with their non-lovers are down BAAAAD.
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Mike's biggest insecurity is that he feels unneeded, so imagine how over the moon he's going to be when he finds out that the love of his life who he wants to love and protect does need him and wants to be loved and protected by him 🥺🥺
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mikeslawyer · 1 year
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stranger-theory · 18 days
"i feel so bad for Will :(( he loves Mike sm but he deserves someone better-"
SHUT UUUUUUP. if Mike's dealing with being queer, why do you expect him to handle that calmly. like i genuinely DO NOT understand how its so hard for people to grasp that Mike is dealing with as much trauma as the rest of the gang. "okay but if thats true then why isn't it ever shown" buddy thats the same as asking why the Upside Down being stuck in 1983 hasn't been revealed yet.
it's necessary that mikes issues are held back from being public knowledge because they're critical to the storytelling of the character.
we see the outside view because we're supposed to be satisfied when his character finally makes sense as his story concludes. we're supposed to look back at all those times where Mike did something upsetting and say "ohh, he was stressed because he never let himself feel".
Mike being gay flips the tables entirely when it comes to reasoning behind his actions.
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astrobei · 2 years
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fixed the subtitles for you guys you’re welcome
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fruitbythefoot7 · 8 months
hi this is your friendly reminder that all of the endgame ships (jancy, lumax, byler, jopper) have a very clear parallel between all of them that mlvn very clearly does not have. 
in s1, nancy gets stuck in the ud, calls out for jonathan, and is pulled out and into jonathan’s arms. 
in s2, will is stuck in one of his ud episodes, calls out for mike, and is pulled out and into mike’s arms. 
in s2, hopper is stuck in the ud tunnels, and inevitably gets saved by joyce (who had been calling out his name) 
in s4, max is in a trance, calls out for lucas first, and gets pulled out by lucas’s knowledge of what her favorite song is and falls into his arms. 
and in s1…el is stuck in the ud, calls out for mike, and gets out completely on her own. 
so. what does that say about them? 
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i-dont-bite · 2 years
"you're basically saying disabled people can't be in relationships!! you're ableist!!!" no i'm not you dumb fuck i'm saying a girl who's been a LAB RAT and ISOLATED FROM SOCIETY since she was born until she was TWELVE shouldn't be thrown into a lifelong relationship with a kid she just met a WEEK after she escaped from the lab when she could BARELY SPEAK and didn't know what a the word "FRIEND" MEANT
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skeletal-butterflyy · 3 months
Sometimes I think, do I really want to be in the fandom before the show comes out, looking at all of these leaks? But then we get leaks like this and I’m completely okay with being spoiled.
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jonathanbyersphd · 6 months
When Byler or Jancy fics exist without mentioning the other half of the siblings. Like what do you mean you're not obsessed with all of them??
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bangtanthoughts · 5 months
sometimes i think about the fact it's mike who's gonna kiss will cause will gave up already and he lost all hope for mike to love him back and i die a little everytime
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bylerxbrainrot · 8 months
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