kitsuna21 · 1 year
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Gay park apocalypse au??? On my blog??? More likely than you think!
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anzuhan · 2 years
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octakiseron · 9 months
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dazewashere · 6 months
Prison arc in a nutshell
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fountainpenguin · 23 days
The fact that Chloe and Foop are both friends and pathological liars is still SO funny to me... Foop admits he's one (after apparently lying to claim he's not, so who knows) in "Two and a Half Babies," but what is UP with Chloe...
She straight-up lies to us and authority figures about things that are blatantly untrue, like biking to Fiji, claiming she's a vegetarian despite eating meat when her parents aren't around, or completing a course of study that she acknowledges takes years in 2 seconds while on a diving board. We were literally there. Why did she even say that.
She also just ?? commits crimes?? Fraud, implied insider trading, multiple B&E cases, whatever you call sneaking into Fairy Con without a ticket, theft, property damage, whatever nailing Crocker's bed to the ceiling counts as... on top of blatantly sabotaging people and pushing Timmy to disobey Cosmo and Wanda.
Her canon fate if she didn't get assigned godparents is joining a gang and becoming a supervillain. Fascinating...
Literally Chloe after wishing to be an adult: I'm a parent, and I get to do what I want!! /slams the gas pedal and plows into 2 separate fences and a bunch of garbage cans with 3 kids in her back seat
She also just ?? went into a dark and creepy alley with three children she was responsible for? And drove directly into the wall of her own house and happily stepped out of her car? Why is she like that.
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its-everything-oclock · 2 months
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What are you looking at Charles? Why are you smiling?
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vaguely-concerned · 1 month
sophia's time in redcliffe is such an emotional roller coaster I feel so bad for her lol
morning: village is saved with minimal casualties. people look at her with admiration and gratitude rather than fear. several tricky political situations successfully navigated, irving would be so proud. really getting the hang of this saving the day thing! :) sounds like some drama up at the castle, almost makes a person happy to not have a traditional family, phew glad that's not my problem! the boy she likes professes his love for her in front of a stunning view over redcliffe castle in the most adorable and soul-affirming way, a moment that she'll look back to later in life when she's happy in herself and say 'that. that was what changed everything, that is my anchor in hope'. aw yeah everything is coming up sophia amell
by lunchtime: her fuckup little brother (who is older than her) is in a dungeon and has reached dizzying heights of fuckup even she had not believed him capable of. she finds the righteous anger she's been using to block out everything else she feels around him can't survive his sad tired eyes and now everything is Complicated. at BEST they're going to kill him oh fuck oh fuck. isolde feared her child being sent to the circle so much she did all of this instead. teagan has been so kind and courteous the whole time, and he 'can't imagine the boy as a mage, of all things'. ha. ahaha. get in bitch it's time to finally face all that childhood and systemic trauma you've been pretending doesn't even affect you that much this is going to suck
(you love the Circle. you love the Circle. you love the Circle. love isn't love if it doesn't bleed. right? right. (alistair gave her the rose so carefully, with such attention and intention, so the thorns wouldn't tear her open. the petals are soft against the pad of her thumb.) she doesn't let jowan out of the dungeons because she remembers what happened the last two times she took her eyes off him for five fucking minutes, and she didn't protect him then -- she'll do it now, this time she'll stand up for him, and that will fix it, surely. SURELY. we're bargaining staging this for all it's worth baby. her love is what dooms him to tranquility, ultimately. that she didn't let go of him, this time. and she'll live with knowing that for decades. augh)
she goes to her dad irving for help and he provides it with characteristic aplomb -- connor is freed, day saved yet again! (there's something so funny and like... immensely first year college student coded about the 'uh. this is a lot. let me call my dad real quick' vibes going on here lol) but irving won't meet her eyes whenever jowan's name is spoken and doesn't pick up on her tentative hinting, the way their conversations usually go, doesn't initiate a Clever Plot like she thought he might, and it all turns to ash in her mouth. she's just saved a family, and didn't even understand she herself had one until it went all to shit and she realized no one else would ever save it -- no one else would never even think to try. the templars would close the doors and burn the place down with her family still inside, and no one would stop them.
she looks at irving's impassive face which for once offers no guidance, with a child's grief and terror as they first understand that a parent's hands can't fix everything, that they're only human with human limitations too. all at once she understands that he let go of jowan in his heart completely the moment he found out the templars had conclusive proof against him -- that as first enchanter you would go mad if you grieved every child lost that way, you have to put up some kind of framework in your mind to rationalize it and make it bearable. (and how could she blame him -- she did the same thing, after all. she's just less practiced with sticking to it yet.)
it's the first time she feels deeply how she was not abandoned when irving sent her away from the circle, because she's seen what his abandonment looks like now. and how could you ever know how to feel about that? that your father loves you so deeply he wanted to free you, and arranged for the disposal of your brother like so much radioactive waste with his other hand? that they all live in a system where what might have happened if he didn't could have been so much worse?
she looks and looks at irving's profile and thinks could you have let go of me in your heart as easily, if I stepped wrong one time, if I were less brilliant, if I had worked less hard to be perfect? and he turns his face away from her and doesn't answer. maybe he sent her to the wardens so he'd never have to answer that question. maybe that was the best he could do. maybe one day she'll be allowed to forgive him for it.
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The Age of Iris | Dazed & Confused noviembre 2012
Iris Apfel ~ Foto: Jeff Bark
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sensitivegoblin · 8 months
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
The others were dazed and stupid with the heaviness of their sleep.
"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Horse and His Boy" - C. S. Lewis
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kitsuna21 · 2 years
A few sneak peeks into what I’ve been making for a few months >:)
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save me local historical attraction
local historical attraction save me
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shivunin · 1 year
For Arianwen and Maria Hawke: the thing(s) your muse thinks about before falling asleep.
Have a lovely day ^^
Thank you so much for the ask! I hope that your day is lovely as well c:
(Prompt list here)
Arianwen: I think initially (and---this is bleak, I know), she has a mental list of people who've wronged her and she thinks about each of them in order before she goes to sleep. In the early days, she considers this a good way to keep her anger trained on people who deserve it. Eventually, she realizes that this is not the healthiest thing to do, and she's so exhausted that she just falls asleep. When she isn't seething with rage, Wen is definitely the one of my OCs who has the easiest time falling asleep, I think.
Hawke: Maria tells herself stories to fall asleep.
The very first magic she ever did was to make dancing lights in her bedroom that acted out the story she was telling herself. That was how her parents found out she was a mage, actually---Malcolm went to her room to figure out why he saw light under the door, and there she was. Doing magic.
Maria has a very hard time falling asleep and a lot of reasons to not want to be asleep (can you imagine being a little kid and every night demons taunt you in your dreams? I feel for mage kids in the Dragon Age universe. It has to be miserable. But I digress), so insomnia has been a sort of lifelong problem for her. When she and Fenris finally get together, I think he's under the impression that she asks him to talk to her at night because she doesn't want to fall asleep yet. In fact, it is the opposite: she falls asleep more easily to the sound of his voice, even if she has no idea what he's saying.
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dazewashere · 6 months
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"You deserve this"
...maybe they were right
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viva-la-whump · 2 years
It's time Rex joined this party of fics, don't you think?
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swordbreakerz · 2 years
every time I listen to animal out of context I forget about special guest gracie the cat and then she shows up and I go omg gracie the cat...... just Goin at the sofa
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