All Hail the King
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Mica stepped into the open. The sky was blue, the grass was green, and war was over. Both his, and the real one itself. Children were smiling in playgrounds. It had been years since he was outside. The first thing he did, the thing he promised himself to do, was go to Nyx's. He made his way down the familiar streets, breathing the fresh air. Once he found the right house (triple checked), he knocked. A moment, and there she was; eye circles gone and in her simple classic's major attire. The familiar voice almost lulled him to sleep. "Um . . . can I help you?" He froze. " . . . What?" "I don't really know you. Have we met somewhere?" Mica felt his heart shatter. He always knew that there was a small chance. A small chance that had turned into reality. He looked down, tears beginning to form, and stepped away, his back to Nyx's house. "No, I think this is the wrong house. Sorry."
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skul-the-terf-slayer · 3 months
pspspspsps me and Nyx (@as-the-stars-foretold) wrote a story, please enjoy
[tw for character death]
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llumimoon · 1 year
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@kaseyskat and I have been scheming up this AU since April and the latest episode gave the both of us massive brainworms so we're finally posting about it!!
Welcome to the Perfectly Regular AU <3 It's Scary and Normal centric and takes place shortly after the Hell Arc, it diverges from canon when Scary rejoins the teen's side and Willy decides she's a lost cause, causing him to shift gears into a different plan. Scary notices that Normal's been acting really weird lately- and what's this about homunculi?
Nyx has written the first installment of the AU here please go check it out!! :D
edit: here's part two btw <3
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supersexyghotmew95 · 6 months
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ogord-fr · 7 months
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a while back i realized these two would be v cute so! girlfriends <3 nyx is the keep's master at arms, and leoster is the port authority. they're both a bit gruff and stoic but deeply dedicated to their work and the protection of their home.
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avaetin · 7 months
"Cards of Fate" Project
This post will be updated, with links to the commissioned arts, progressively.
Order of release:
Bob & Damasen
Hemera & Aether
The Fates
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nyxfaei · 1 year
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This is what John Doe malevolent looks like to me btw
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starbiology · 2 months
im writing another tdf fic and already have a 2 paragraph section of her just making fun of altador in her head so its going well
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masquerade-v · 1 year
Dinner For Three - Blood Moon Lagoon
Warnings: Blood, torture, gore, murder, animal cruelty [one-off background character is doing this, who will be "sorted out"], disturbing imagery.
A/N: Man, this took a while huh? Hope you all enjoy this! Please reblog if you can, helps with letting people know of my comic and general work! This is part 1! The rest will be posted on a later date!
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This is part 1! Part 2 is [here] *the link is not there yet
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cyberdragoninfinity · 8 months
That Post-canon Aporia design ROCKS hard! Do they have a new deck if they lost their old one, or do they not duel anymore?
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WAHHAHA THANK YOU comboing these cuz they both got the same answer ehehe....anyway YEAH rinascita primo DOES still duel and yeah, he's playing Lightsworns now :^)
well, Lightsworn and Twilightsworn really....we're on anime logic actual TCG effectiveness be DAMNED. after getting rebooted he's really just completely fucked in the deck department since his monsters STOPPED EXISTING. and it takes him a bit to get over that enough to start experimenting with a new archetype.....especially one that has 🤢 synchro monsters in it 🤢🤢🤢
I went with giving them Lightsworns/Twilightsworn for the obvious angel symbolism parallels, but also the nature of how LS's and TS's work with their self-destruction and "self banishing and moving things in and out of the GY" maneuvers (perfect for a guy getting moved out of the GY himself lmao). Judgement Dragon (and Punishment Dragon) are his new Ace Monsters and I just think that's a fun parallel to his original Ace being Wisel (both being nonsynchro effect monster Aces, and just the narrative weight of having a Dragon type ace monster in 5ds....)
also giving Primoporia big fluffy monstrous angel dragons just kicks ass. to me. :]
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Et tu, Brute?
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mayoiayasep · 9 months
grips chair i just fucking changed my theme i will resis tthe urge.....
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aetherose · 5 months
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The Discord RPs of Project Moon Seele and Veliona Part 1: Seele's No Good Very Bad Day
Read this drabble for more context. It happens like, hours before this.
Ignore that this post got evaporated previously.
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Cast: Rose as Seele and Veliona [Mirror World] Neu (@sercphs) as Cradle Remun (@remunporium) as Alice and Fyuga Boomer (@boomermania) as Basil
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@fallenlondonficswap @tales-from-the-neath Here's my part of the secret swap! Hope you enjoy. A Stitch in Time
Nyx Darkhelm & Irving Merritt, General Rating, 1118 Words
The sound of a popped stitch. The irritated swish of a gold-furred tail. Nyx’s ear twitched as they moved to inspect the seam of their armscye, and they frowned to see that it had indeed split open, revealing a starched white shirt beneath. They had been on their way to a very important appointment at Beatrice’s, but there was no way they could allow themself to be seen in such a state of disrepair! Appearance was everything. They curled a claw protectively around their golden rose lapel pin as if it might pop off too. Nyx turned their gaze upwards towards the shop signs of Spite, searching. They really didn’t want to have to buy an entirely new suit coat, especially on such short notice, but what choice did they have with so little time? If only they could… ah! There! A tiny little tailor's shop, wedged between a fabric store and a lacemaker. The sign named it as "Violet & Pansy Tailoring". It seemed a friendly enough space, lit from within by gentle yellow lamp-glow. Nyx hurried over, tail sweeping back and forth hopefully. 
A clear, bright bell-sound rang out as they pushed the door open. Nyx heard a little 'oh!' from somewhere near the back of the shop, and then the shop owner came into view from around a corner. She was tall and broad, with twinkling eyes and an impeccably groomed goatee. "Hello, my dear, and welcome to Violet and Pansy! You can call me Irving. How may I help you today?" The shopkeep asked, one hand idly brushing loose thread and tiny fabric scraps from her skirts.
"Hello, Irving, a pleasure to meet you. My name is Nyx Darkhelm, and I was hoping to inquire after a small repair job if that's alright?" Nyx said, gesturing gingerly at their popped shoulder seam. 
Irving approached, murmuring a soft "May I?" and waiting for a response before running a gentle hand along the damage, plucking at the loose thread. "Yes, certainly, I can repair this. Would you mind taking it off? This won't take long at all." Nyx removed their rose pin and then obediently shrugged out of their coat, careful to not damage the shoulder further. They handed it to Irving with a polite nod. "Come, sit with me for a moment." Irving said, gesturing to a couple of brocade-upholstered chairs in the corner. 
They both sat, relaxing slightly into their seats. Nyx smoothed the front of their waistcoat and shook out their sleeves, feeling a little naked without their outer layer. Irving picked through her chatelaine for her needle case and thread scissors. "What fabric is this?" Irving asked, rubbing the raw edge between her fingers with an appraising look. "Parabola-linen?" Nyx nodded, ears swiveling forward to stand proud and tall. "A very fine fabric. Luckily enough, I do enough work with it that I always keep linen thread on hand." Irving said with a smile, before turning and plucking a spool of gently iridescent thread off of a nearby thread stand. 
Nyx watched as Irving made a tiny snip in the seam of their coat lining and reached through to tie off the loose thread. She then threaded the tiniest silver needle they had ever seen with the Parabola-linen thread, and began to sew. Her sewing had an odd hopscotch sort of rhythm to it, going forward and then back to meet the previous stitch. "What kind of stitch is that?" They asked, black eyes glittering with curiosity. 
"A combination stitch. Somewhere between a running stitch and a backstitch, it's sturdy while still being fast." Irving explained. And true enough, by the time she finished speaking she was already tying it off with a neat knot. After snipping her needle free she turned her attention to the lining. She pinched it gently, testing its drape and texture. "Silk," she murmured, "alright, I can work with this." 
The Parabola-linen thread was returned to its place and Irving's hand hovered over a few different threads, deliberating. She finally grabbed a thin, rosy gold silk thread and pulled a line of it through her needle. At this point Nyx was leaned forward in their seat, watching with open intrigue.  
"This is sorrow-silk thread, dyed by a dear friend of mine. It's very fine, but very strong, so you shouldn't have to worry about it snapping." Irving explained, piercing the needle through the hidden side of the lining and then pulling it towards herself. It was stabbed back in directly across from the first stitch, then slipped upwards by a few threads and then darted back over. "And this is a ladder stitch. It's the best way to close up seams like this, from the right side. A bit like a running stitch turned sideways." She said, continuing to sew. Once she had reached the end, her eyes flicked up to watch Nyx's reaction. "Watch this."
She pulled the thread taut, and the seam neatly zipped itself back up into invisibility. Nyx gasped softly, sitting up. "How?" They asked, but Irving just tapped the side of her nose and grinned.
Irving tied off the thread and pulled the knot through to the back. "If you want to learn, I'm open most mornings." Nyx smiled, a hint of their canines showing. Irving took one last look at the seam, brushing a thread clipping away, before nodding in satisfaction and handing the coat back to them. 
"So, how much do I owe you?" Nyx asked, slipping their coat back on and sighing in relief to feel its warmth again. They pinned their rose back to their lapel, and everything felt right in the world again. 
"Owe me? Hmm." Irving mused. "Do you bake?" 
That gave Nyx pause. "I… know of a good bakery? I fail to see how that's relevant, though." They said, tail swishing. 
"In that case, you owe me two small pastries, whatever your favorites are. One for each of us. Come round for tea sometime, and we'll call it even, alright?"
Nyx laughed, a high and delighted sound. "That sounds fair enough to me! Good day to you, Irving. Take care, won't you?" 
"You as well, Nyx." Irving replied, mustache quirking as she smiled. She waved them off, and they returned to the street with a skip in their step. Hm, which way was it they needed to go? Ah, yes, onwards towards Veilgarden, and Beatrice's. With plenty of time to spare, even. 
London's lone fox made their way down the cobblestone road, towards tea and warmth. Their mind was racing, full of excitement about their appointment and what might come of it.
And, just a bit, wondering what pastry they should bring next time they visited.
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babyjakes · 7 months
Eun, can you tier rank the holidays please? Thanks
okay you didn't specify which holidays so, here's me tier ranking some silly holidays i found online. you're welcome >:)
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