#the metaphor mafia
All Hail the King
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(rb > likes, click for better quality, close ups under the cut :)
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watching hannibal for the first time and hannibal shamelessly drawing self insert fanart of him and will as achilles and patroclus was not on my bingo card for s2
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mdemn · 1 year
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“you’re just a fucking pawn, vito. when are you going to see that?”
ask polly- heather havrilesky, mafia 2: definitive edition (hangar 13), between aging and old - jack gilbert, all our futures - jody chan, ruin and rising - leigh bardugo, grief lessons - anne carson, a coworker asks me if i am sad, still - brenna twohy, mafia 2: definitive edition (hangar 13), angels - willi carlisle
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heebee-jeebies · 2 months
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The King, and his jealous court that drove him to suicide (I love propaganda)
Hc that between the 3 of them, Riko always looked the most pleasant and approachable to fans
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
Asagiri: *slaps Akutagawa's head* this bad boy can fit so much objectification dehumanization and dog metaphors in it
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sovamurka · 11 months
Top three quotes from Plague Doctor chapter 32
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- Ah yes, and I used "Sinners' Garden" exclusively for potato farming.
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- Are you searching for a pro... personnel for your mini-hotel?
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- Why? Just why, when I meet a handsome man he turns out to be a bandit of some sorts?
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scarefox · 10 months
actors confirm that Ai Di x Chen Yi switch
Kai asking the important questions 😅 (at 1:25)
a more clown version of the question (at 0:23)
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adhdo5 · 2 years
"Oooh Among Us is cringe Among Us is cringe" Awww is somebody letting the jokes fundamental lightheartedness and simplicity get in the way of the experience of playing Among Us (extremely fun and extremely nerve wracking if you let yourself properly get into it)
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
setting aside the fact that chess is a proven terrible metaphor for a strategic person/character in the first place, i have the silliest hangups about chess master!Korn in anything because Korn’s canonically terrible at playing chess. he wins because his victims know better than to beat him, not because he’s good at it.
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MMvsTR playing card designs (only the people cards and the ace tho)!
Individual cards under the cut :)
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mafia-kay · 6 months
Dang bro pretty rude of you to mall me like that, not very cash money of you
[ L that was the least aggressive option lmao and it was the first that came to mind ]
[ The hollow also isn’t good… you’re lucky I didn’t make it actually do what it’s supposed to, or else we’d be in big shit. People call it ‘hollow’ for a reason ]
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shoechoe · 1 year
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this is what so much diavolo analysis/theorizing is like i swear
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samtrapani · 2 years
listen. all the “mentor” figures that vito meets are kind of a glimpse into what his future could’ve been: henry, the tired made man who is already trapped in this life without a way further up the ladder; leo, the chessmaster who makes the rules even though everyone thinks they’re playing a different game. 
he goes down henry’s path, of course. vito’s weakness is how much he loves. it’s love that wrecks him at every turn. (leo doesn’t have that love, or at least, hides it well. but henry has it. and look what happens.)
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berniecranes · 2 years
xxxi. thing you carry everywhere
Wrote this on the day of the prompt, but was a little hesitant to post it here. But I still really like it and feel like sharing it. Especially since I'm not writing much right now, as not being the biggest fan of February's prompts
It was weird to actually be in his room again. In his genuine house. Not anything trying to act as it, he was actually stateside. He couldn't quite say it felt as if he never left; but he certainly tried to force that feeling. Hoping it would come genuinely and naturally soon. John laid in bed, his arm cradling his head. It had to be his left, as he can't leave his right hand scrunched up for so long. It'll begin to feel heavy, and feel hard to move, cramping up. His hand doesn't fully stop on him anymore, but he'll always have to adjust how he does things all because of that goddamn hand. He slipped his lit cigarette into his mouth so he could run his fingers across his clothed chest. He didn't need to see the scar under his t-shirt to know it's there. He knows right where it begins and where it ends. He's at least somewhat thankful this one doesn't bother him nearly as bad as his hand. This one only brings anger and hints of shame when he's shirtless, looking down at himself. He feels like a fool for trusting someone as much as he trusted Aldridge. He told himself to not do that again, to never put more faith in someone than you put in yourself. But there he went. Only took a couple years and he became that fool all over again.
But this time it was different. He knew that's easier said, but he truly believed it this time. Aldridge left him with wounds that will never heal. Left him with pain that will never heal; whether that's when his hand twitched at the heat or when holding a gun. When the part of his scar that is still rose for some reason becomes angry and it feels like thorns across his hand. Or when it's nights like this. He can't sleep because too many thoughts are circling. But Lincoln, he couldn't have been anymore different. John sat up from his bed, resting his cigarette in his ashtray after taking a long drag. He pulled open the bottom drawer of his night stand, where he shoved some stuff away when he got home. Gently, he picked up the chain with two tags dangling from it. He looked at the first one. It had his name and number on it. This one was all his, but then he put his focus on the lower one, hanging on by the smaller chain. This one wasn't his, it was Lincoln's. He still remembers the night they exchanged them.
It was the night before they were going to make an aggressive move. One that left you a little jittery about what could go wrong. It was just the two of them. Lincoln for once seemed a little nervous of what was to come. This was unlike him. John had his reservations as well, but he showed them more frequently; never too scared, as it was shown more through caution and over compensation, a sort of cockiness. But he felt just as vulnerable as Lincoln was in the moment. Lincoln slowly brought his hand up to his dogtags and undid the lower hanging one, John watched in silence, his chest moving up and down with every breath and exhale. Lincoln clipped it onto John's tags. John began to do the same. John never knew what military shit he didn't know about, as that wasn't necessarily his field. But at this moment, it all made sense.
'At least we'll both make it out.' Lincoln said tenderly. His voice having a sense of airiness John only rarely heard.
'I've never seen you like this. You're starting to scare me now.' John exhaled. 'We'll both make it out, walking right next to each other. Not whatever this is.'
'I know.'
John swallowed hard, and put his hand on top of Lincoln's. Lincoln twisted his hand to be palm up, and let his thumb gently caress John's skin.
John ran his own thumb over Lincoln's tag. It was late, and he had no light on. He couldn't read what it said but he could feel the indent of the words. He hopes he's adjusting nicely to being home. Lincoln deserved to get a break for once. He actually was a man with code and carried his own honor. John truly wasn't sure if their paths would ever cross again in the real world, but he knew Lincoln wasn't leaving his thoughts anytime soon.
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nonhumen · 1 year
which creature are you within the enchanted forest ?
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While you were never exiled from the kingdom, you left it with hardly any other choice. You’re a bit different from everyone around you. The lens you look through is softer, more contemplative. While those around you run about, you like to walk a little slower. Study the world. Lend a hand. You know you’re a bit odd. Maybe not how exactly, but you know. People can clam up around you and while you want to soothe their anxiety you also feel no pressure to change. After all, you’d never ask anyone else to. But with corruption spreading rampantly in a once seemingly just court and your oddball nature, the kingdom turns its back on you. Different is deemed dangerous. Those closest to you recommend you leave for your own safety even though you could easily defend yourself. But for their peace of mind, you do.
You enter the Enchanted Forest with a reverence for it. It’s so much more than the mere protection it provides for you. You hope to find a purpose here. To help others, to help yourself. With your quiet strength, keen observation, and warm nature, you navigate the forest with ease. It works with you, rather than questions you. Upon reaching the opposite side, you are introduced to the Giants, who recognize you as one of their own. A gentle people, they use their wisdom and strength to protect the forest. Despite their imposing size, the Giants more often than not disarm intruders with their compassion and unique insight. Understanding becomes your greatest weapon as you help unite the peoples of both kingdoms once the corrupted kingdom is overthrown. After the war, you become a guide for the forest. Preserving its beauty and sharing it with all those who seek to explore it. You have found where you belong. Everywhere, just as you are.
tagged by : stolen from @sigmadolos tagging: @chaosbled, @moonhund, @selfnss, @giftandguile, whoever else!
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regallibellbright · 2 years
Anri: “Is Eve really that good at golf?”
Rose: “No, she kind of sucks.”
Anri: "Eh?”
“But she’s strong. Her golfing style is extremely simple. She gets the ball as close to the pin as humanly possible. That’s all she does. Every shot she takes is a gamble. She’ll take any risk without a second thought.”
Knowing what we know now...
And then Rose goes on to explain that because she and Eve are underground golfers who usually play one-on-one matches, they’re used to playing to crush their opponent’s spirit and this is something that any normal golfer just. Cannot deal with. At all.
“A player with spirit might try to challenge her. But they can’t win at gambling like she does. Those who gamble all the time have far more experience than those who only do it once in a while. And the risks they take put them in debt - a debt that only grows larger.”
... Once again. Knowing what we know now about Rose and how she ended up in the position she’s ultimately in. Wow.
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