#c u ckoo anon
c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 2 months
Got another Husbandry Rambling in the tank so here we go!
Due to some Awesome writing by the many talented authors in the husbandry space @kit-williams @sleepyfan-blog @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @egrets-not-regrets @bleedingichorhearts and others I will also tag cause I'm shit at remembering them all without looking directly at my messages and following list.
I've got some head canons I'd like to offer up!
How are Space Marine's punished for crimes in Husbandry?
Now there seems to be a consensus that those who Kill humans are hunted and culled. That seems to be the standard. This is assuming the offending Astartes goes on the run as soon as the crime is committed. Or that the human killer Astarte(s) have some kind of base where the killing occurs that eventually gets raided.
But what about those who commit lesser crimes? Or those who are apprehended before they can go on the run? Or even ones that aren't feral, but commited their crimes while living amongst the allied bases and humans?
I think Astartes Do have a prosecution system, though probably not one that is perfectly defined.
I imagine for some groups, the Astartes would hold their own responsible. I could see Imperial Fists, Salamanders, Ultramarines and Blood Angels "taking care" of their own bad actors. And for those groups I'd like to believe they'd generally take the task seriously and not just brush off wrong doings.
Others, and I hate to say it's mostly the traitor and chaos legions, might let things they consider "lesser" slide. Like if a Nightlord maims an unbonded human I could see the others of his claw covering for him. So he doesn't get punished.
But of course neither of the above examples are Always accurate. Just examples to help get the picture. There are probably hypocrite loyalists and traitors that meat out proper punishment for offenses.
But I imagine if enough problems add up like with a certain [redacted], and it can't be ignored any longer, the offending Astartes could be captured and put on trial.
The trial would involve reps from different marines hearing out evidence and probably a jury vote to determine guilt. This would occur in situations where the offender isn't caught literally in the act...or the murder den that we've seen in other fics.
But what comes After is what I'm most interested in. Once a marine is determined to be guilty; whether in a trial or by literally being caught in the act, who is in charge of the punishment...or in some cases...the execution?
Some legions would be the ones to remove their own bad actors. It would be a matter of Pride for both them and a small amount of honor for the guilty.
We purge you from our ranks and in doing so make up for the wrongs you've committed.
But what if a Space Marines actions are considered too Vile, too Agregious for an honorable death?
Well...thats when the executioners get involved. And only One Legion truly fits this parameter.
The Night Lords.
They were the Empire's shock troopers, the most frightening of all Astartes to Ever encounter as a mortal.
If the Court feels an Astartes has fallen so far from grace he requires not punishment, not rehabilitation, not even an honorable death, but a painful combination of vengeance and execution....
You call the Nightlords.
You hand the guilty off to them, not just so they may be punished....but so they can be made an Example of.
It is a fate worst than death, reserved Only for the most vile actors of Astarte kind.
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 28 days
Future Inlaws?
Next in the Severe Miscalculation storyline!
Previous Chapter Here:
Next Chapter Here: coming hopefully soon.
Edit! This Here!
For the madness that started it all click here!
Summary: We see some more of Khopesh's...family for lack of a better term. Another short interlude.
Warning: Swears! Other than that not many Karlsor makes a groaning statement about shoving an icepick in his brain. I guess that counts.
Tags: @kit-williams (Who let me use Anrir so Thank You!) @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan (Who let me use their sweary lad Karlsor, Thank you!)
@bleedingichorhearts @bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @passionofthesith @sleepyfan-blog @barn-anon
Scrtch scrtch scrtch scratch. The gentle sounds of a stylis on paper filled the dimly lit chamber with one sole inhabitant.
An ancient a terrifying being, with both wit and knowledge that spanned centuries, millenia even.
The Terran born Nightlord known as Anrir reviewed and continued to bonder over his notations. Some where simple paperwork relating to his position as Apothercary, others were more...personal pursuits.
The Nature of Warp Bonds and Their Affects
The top of the page read. Sprawling throughout the documents were testimonies, graphs, data and hypothesese about the strange phenomenon known as bonding.
Even before Anrir had achieved his own bond he'd been endlessly Fascinated with the concept. In a manner he saw it as the main driving force between All interactions that occurred in this bizarre version of Terra's timeline they'd been sent to.
Without bonds, the more...vicious of their brother cousins would have likely converted at least half the native population into bloody pulp for the Skull Throne.
With them, as well as the lack of resources making sustained conflict untenable, the foundation for the greater alliance was made.
And their Appearance. Anrir could not see it himself, but the Librarians and Psychers he had collaborated with told him they often took the appearance of plants and flora. The exact type varied heavily depending on the relationship in question.
Anrir hypothesized the continuity might be due to their minds visualizing the unseeable. A bizarre form of paradolia that gave form to the formless. He continued to review his latest additions to his notes-
CrrrAsh! "Mother fucker I Swea..."
Thud! "...have to Run faster than tha..."
Until a pair of Very Recognizable voices faded in and out of the background as they ran, interrupted his writing.
Anrir sighed, placing his stylus down....next to a cracked picture frame from the Last Time this happened.
The stomping footsteps became louder again. He turned, briefly calculating the distance in his mind.
Thump thump thump thump Thump!
Anrir casually flexed the unmarred digits of his right hand before-
"If I didn't know any better I'd day you're gettin slower Karlsi-EeK!"
Snatch! One Charmingly Taxing Nightlord scout scruffed in his hold. While more frantic (or perhaps furious) footsteps approached.
"Mother fucker I'm gonna kill you! I'm gonna fucking kill- Fuck..."
Anrir turned his eyes to his Claw's librarian, Karlsor, who'd stopped a few paces away.
"N-now Anrir, we didn't fuckin break anyth-Hurk!"
Two, two little Charmingly-Taxing-Nightlords scruffed.
"What...have I told you two?" Anrir asked, his voice firm yet controlled. "About Running near my Research?"
"Dont fuckin do it?" "Don't?" They said in unison.
"And...What, were you just doing?" He posed further.
"That," "Yeah, but he fuckin Started it!"
"You left the glasses unattended! You're lucky Ghosk didn't decide to snatch em!"
"They're My Sun goggles and How Fuckin Dare You!"
As the two younger Nightlords started bickering back and forth Anrir took a deep steadying breath and gently, but firmly... Knocked their skulls together.
"Owwww!" "Fuckin hell that stings!"
"Now..." Anrir began. "Are we ready to discuss things properly?"
"Yes..." "Fine! fuck..."
"Khopesh...return Karlsor's glasses." Anrir commanded.
"Fine." Khopesh grumbled, more at his fun ending than Actually having to give the shades back.
"Hrmph!" Karlsor snatched them back with a growl, before placing them back on his face.
"And What do we say, when we have done something Wrong?"
"...I am sorry for taking your sun glasses." Khopesh aquiesed reluctantly.
"Hmph! Damn right you're sorry!"
"And I accept your apology." Karlsor added quickly.
"Good." Anrir released the youngsters from their scruffing.
Khopesh rubbed the back of his neck. "You gotta Know you don't even Need them in this part of the base, riiiiight Karlsy?" Khopesh teased, gesturing to the Very dim surroundings which were custom suited to the Nightlords dark adapted eyes.
"Don't fuckin call me that ya whelp! And so fuckin what! They're My Shades and I'll wear them where I damn well please!" Karlsor snarled, before turning to stomp away.
"You're going to run into things again if you do that." Khopesh pointed out.
"The fuck I-WoAhAAH!" CRASH! The impact of the armored Nightlord hitting the wall rattled the room. On the worktable the picture frame once again fell over.
Unluckily as Khopesh predicted, Karlsor indeed did run into something. Or rather tripped. Whether that was do to wearing shades in a dark room or him being too mad to notice his surroundings was up for debate.
The grouchy librarian righted himself, before turning back to Khopesh with a seething look. "Not - one - word."
Khopesh smiled. "Okay. I'll just laugh then! BWAHAHAAHAHAHAHAA!"
Oh shit. Both the younger Nightlords flinched as they remembered exactly Who they were squabbling near.
"Sorry Anrir." "Sorry." They replied hurriedly quieting their tones. The older Nightlord had his back turned, simply righting the framed photo from where it had fallen.
Thankfully, not Off the desk this time. Anrir took a moment to examine it, as he often did throughout the day.
No New cracks, thankfully. But the large one down the middle...no that truly wouldn't do. He did not Enjoy how it stretched between him and his Kitty.
He'd find a new sheet of plastic or glass. He'd prefer to keep the frame. Cutesy and childish as a lesser man would have considered it with its numeral stickers and pom poms and finger paint, courtesy of his darling participating in one of her daycare charges' crafting activities.
Anrir placed the frame back down with careful reverence, before turning back to his Sons.
"Let us but the matter Behind us, shall we?" He questioned. Though there was no room for debate in his tone. "Onto more Important things. Khopesh, you mentioned an announcement over your vox?"
The mood shifted with the change of subject almost immediately. The long haired Nightlord began bouncing in place, practically vibrating.
"Yes yes yes! I have someone Very special to introduce to all of you And! A new Hunt for us to plan!"
Well now That did intrigue Anrir. Khopesh could be very eager to go on Hunts (some would even say too eager). But far be it from Anrir to stifle something that made his son truly happy And generally made the world a safer place.
"You mention these two things at once...are they related?" Anrir questioned.
"If they are it's not much of a hunt if you Bring the fucker to us, dumbass." Karlsor snubbed a bit. Still a bit grouchy about the glasses...and grouchy in general.
"NO!" Khopesh snarled, barring his full teeth to his battle brother.
Karlsor's frustration was replaced with shock. This display wasn't the most frightening he'd seen, but he was stunned to see it come out of Khopesh, at Him.
Given the stunned silence Khopesh seemed to realize he over reacted. "I mean, No no no no No...well Yes technically." Khopesh corrected quickly. "They are not the one to be hunted! They are the one who was Harmed by the one we are going to be hunting. And they'll be here soon! I Just Know you'll Love Them!" Khopesh went from frantic correction to...cooing like a lovesick Lamenter??
"I see..." Anrir paused. "And...may I assume that this person is...Special to you?"
"Very much so! They are my sweet Lullaby! And we'll be sharing our first meal together tonight!" Khopesh said excitedly, quickly pulling up his vox messages and other saved photos. "I want them to meet all of you and your bonded's eventually! I think they'd fit in very well here. See?"
Khopesh showed off a few picts. One was of his Lullaby riding in horse competition. Another was them helping a young child learn to ride a horse. The picts and videos were a selection Khopesh had found from their mother's business' noosphere media.
Originally he'd obtained them as part of his investigation into Lullaby as a person, when he'd first met them. Now he simply kept his favorites, and to have something to show his Claw for reference.
"Rabbit and them both compete in sports, And they have experience in childcare and teaching from their family business like Kitty!" Khopesh explained. "And they're so sweet I'm sure Claude will find them very calming, once he gets past his usual shyness and then-"
Anrir's focus trailed off, but not for lack of interest! One of his sons had found a partner, And yes he Knew it was a partner; the smell he'd walked on base with, the 'glowing' and 'bouncing' energy he seemed filled with, and the presence of the bruising marks known as 'hickies' were enough to tell him that much.
He apparently Really liked and was looking forward to spending time with them. And Anrir would support Khopesh in this endeavor whole heartedly, bond involved or not. Anrir was many things but he was Not an Absent Parent.
No...it was because something about those photos-
Khopesh's vox pings and a notification pops up covering the screen.
Lullaby: Hey I've arrived...I think? But I'm not sure where to go. Also I'm not sure they'll just let me in?
"Oh whoops! One moment." Khopesh shoots a vox message back.
Khopesh Thing That goes Prank in the Night: You should be able to enter the main lobby as it is open to the public. Wait for me there please! I want to introduce you to my brothers! I'm so excited for you to meet them.
Lullaby: Oh okay...how many am I meeting?
Khopesh: Just the ones in my claw that are here now. Don't worry they're gonna Love You! ;3
Lullaby: Including the one you made angry enough to chase you?? You suuuuure he'll like me? 🤔🤭
Khopesh smiled as he typed his next reply.
Khopesh: I'm Certain of it. He'll probably like how mouthy and sassy you are!
He stopped but then added...
But he can't have you of course! You're mine.
Lullaby: pfft! You've pissed him off that much huh? Well either way I'm making my way into the main lobby. The building is so Biiiiiig. I'm not used to this kinda space.
A photo came in. Showing Lullaby standing next to one of the Astarte sized chairs near the main entrance. It did indeed dwarf them as an average sized human.
"And saved!" Khopesh trilled, doing exactly that with the new photo.
Khopesh: Excellent! I will see you soon!
Anrir and Karlsor watched on with fascination. Well Karlsor was more still stunned to see this range of behavior from his brother.
Anrir, having his own special someone, was more understanding. But Still something itched at his brain.
"I must go greet them now. I will be back soon!" Khopesh stated, turning quickly to leave.
To his credit he did start by walking normally...until his speed picked up and he Launched himself into scrambling running climb throughout the unique architecture of the Nightlord base area.
Again, specially designed for suit their preference for skulking and climbing.
Karlsor stood their bewildered for a moment, before turning to Anrir. "What the Fuck was that about?"
Anrir simply chuckled. "Ah...young love..." He shook his head fondly before returning to his notes. Best sort and put them away for now, after all he'd be greeting a new face soon, best to look Presentable and make a good first impression.
He said much the same to Karlsor. "I'm assuming he'll be bringing his 'Sweet Lullaby' to meet us soon. Best get ready for that."
Karlsor groaned. Baselines were...well they were Frustrating or deal with! They either Weren't scared or were too scared. Sometimes they'd scream way too loud! And worse sometimes they'd giggle and call him...Bleh. Cute.
And Khopesh had apparently found 'someone special'. "If it turns out he's fuckin found someone Just Like Him I'm gonna stab myself with an Ice Pick!"
"I doubt Khopesh could find someone Exactly like himself dear Karlsor." Anrir assured, his desk now clean. He turned back to the Librarian.
"Though...I Must admit I am curious about his... Lullaby." Anrir muttered to himself.
Why couldn't he shake the feeling he was missing something?
"What got you Fuckin stewing suddenly?" Karlsor asked, noting Anrir's change in demeanor.
"...Those photos...did you recognize the Baseline in them?"
"...no?? Did you?"
Anrir turned back to Karlsor, his expression was serious. "I'm Certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that I've Never," he emphasized. "Met them before in my Life."
"So why Do I recognize them?"
Next chapter will be Here: (hopefully soon pray for my sanity)
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 3 months
Fatherly Advice
This is the next installment of the Severe miscalculation story line. Which starts here.
If you'd like the chapter this one is a direct sequel to. Click here.
Tag List: @kit-williams @barn-anon @bleedingichorhearts @bispecsual @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @sleepyfan-blog @egrets-not-regrets
Warning: My Best descriptions of eating sounds which might be gross to some.
Gonna try to do shorter inserts to speed up the output for this story. Some nice downtime happening as Khopesh gets to have breakfast with his father, and get some advice.
Edit! Next Chapter Here!
"VADA!" Slam! The house rattled as the excited Nightlord barged in, and slammed the door behind him. Drawn by both the scent of cooking food and the presence of his adopted father.
"Boy! I told you not to be slamming that do-OR!" The portly elder gentlemen said firmly before he found himself in a bear hug of titanic proportions.
He was just as suddenly, but gently placed down back in front of the stove where many delicious items sizzled away with a painless "Oof."
"Sorry Vada," Khopesh responded gleefully, still buzzing on the excitement of the recent events which kept the scolding from even Slightly dampening his mood.
Gary righted and composed himself, he figured he'd never fully get used to his adopted son's ability to pick him up like he weighed as much as a tin tea cup.
"Well just you remember, we already had't replace that door once, and you giv'n the repair man's Imperial Fist the skunk eye didn't help nothin." He emphasized turning back to the cooking food.
"Pfft! Sons of Dorn shouldn't make themselves so easy to Teeeeease then." Khopesh chortled in reply, sliding into his usual spot at the breakfast table, now dressed in comfortable lounging clothes.
"And speaking of teasin, I seem to be missing one of the fish I was cooking up." Gary turned pointedly.
Khopesh had the tail sticking out of his mouth. "Hm?-Ulp! CRUnCh! CrUnCh! CruNCh!" He chewed and swallowed his ill gotten gains quickly before opening his mouth wide.
"Ah...Nothing to see here~"
Gary noted he would probably also never get used to his son preferring to eat fish, bones and all. But he did love how the crazy bastard could make him laugh with disbelief. "Well Dammit son, at least let me finish cookin it! Last thing we need is you sick as a dog cause you swallowed a fish parasites and all!" He chuckled before returning to cooking.
"My stomach has handled worst Vada." Khopesh assured with pride, picking at the bits stuck in his teeth.
"Well sink your teeth into these for a bit, till the rest of the meat gets done." Gary placed down a huge stack of enhanced pancakes in front of the Nightlord who bobbed excitedly in his chair (custom made to hold his weight).
Khopesh did exactly as instructed and began tearing into the stack with vigor! Pancakes with Nutripaste mixed into the batter was his favorite as it not only tasted good but could actually sustain him.
He sliced huge chunks of the mound of fluffy, buttery, syrupy goodness and shoveled the pieces into his ravenous mouth.
And whenever he became thirsty he greedily downed gulps of the the orange juice from the pitcher on the table. As it actually was large enough to serve him like a mug.
"HOMF! NOM! MM! GuULP! SLURP! Mmm!" He must have been more famished than he realized.
That was a lie he always got a little too eager about food. But could you blame him?? Nothing but nutripaste and rations and the occasional corpse...sometimes also turned into nutripaste and sometimes not. (War meant you had to use what you had, and Nightlords were many things but they were Never, wasteful.)
He wondered if his Lullaby would enjoy pancakes like these. Or maybe would be willing to learn how to make them? Then he could get double the amount of treats and they could eat them together.
His mind drifted to his cute little lullaby in an apron...and not much else. Cooing at him as they held a fork up to him so he could take a bite.
He hummed happily as he took another bite from his real plate to match the scenario he was imagining. He felt blush creeping up his cheeks.
"That good ey?"
"Ulp!" Khopesh's blush turned embarassed at being so easily distracted, almost dropping his fork. "Ah of course! They are very good Vada!" Khopesh assured, just barely catching the metal tool in his hand after some fumbling.
Gary paused. "Something tells me that's not the Only thing you're thinkin about."
Khopesh felt himself sweat a bit, he knew human Astarte relations weren't...always looked on kindly, but how would his Vada even know?? "Ahhh...not sure what you mean Vada..."
"Boy I have been married for 38 years," The old southern mechanic replied dryly. "You think I don't recognize when a fella finally got himself a dance partner? If you know what I mean." Gary stated pointedly over his coffee cup.
"Also, you got a hicky on ya lip."
"WHAT!?" Khopesh swiveled over to the cabinet of knickknacks, trying to see his reflection in the glass.
He indeed...had a hicky...on his lip.
Curze dammit.
He turned back, awaiting the judgment of his father.
But none came. The old man just smiled knowingly, sipping his coffee and eating the bacon that'd just come of the griddle.
"You're not upset?"
"Well...I do owe Nancy 20 bucks. But as long as ya'll are being safe, it's technically non'a my business." He shrugged. "Honestly...I'm happy ya'll both stopped dancin around eachother. I thought for sure it'd be another year before ya'll finally got in step."
Again, Khopesh was dumbfounded by his father's spot on deduction. "How did you know-"
"Again son, married for 38 years, And dated for 5." Gary reiterated. "And they way ya'll banter, ya'll were well on your way to where Nancy and I were at datin year 2. But I Will say this." The old man's tone became serious, and he leaned in.
"I've known that child since they were Lit'rally a child, saw them grow into a fine person. Anybody, would be lucky to have them on their arm..."
Khopesh waited with baited breath.
"So if hear bout you goin and breakin their heart, there won't be a force on this earth that'll save ya, and that's if I get to you before Nancy can wring your neck herself."
Khopesh blanched but could tell his father was Dead serious. "I Would Never Vada!" He swore standing and placing his hands firmly upon the table.
They were His! HIS sweet Lullaby! That was small but smart and witty and kind and brave and- and...
And he would do Anything, to keep that warmth alive.
Gary smiled. Adopted or not, his son had a conviction like he and his wife. He nodded in approval. "You take good care of em' then."
Khopesh's thoughts drifted to the plan he'd formulated to take care of that...lingering issue. The only thing keeping him and his Lullaby from having a truly peaceful life together. He grinned.
"I will Vada. I promise you." In fact he felt like going over right now. He wanted to make sure his precious was alright. He strod towards the door.
"Now hold on son! Get back here and finish ya food before it gets cold."
Oh whoops! He forgot he still needed to finish breakfast. "Ah right! Sorry Vada."
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 4 months
Tumblr media
Okay so I've got a confession.
Writing alone isn't my favorite medium, it's actually drawing and I've been ITCHING to pull out my tablet again!
I decided to take on drawing challenge for my OCs. Starting with the first one that had a proper name. Will post link to his original ask when I have the energy to dig for it.
Ithio had a really nebulous appearance in the ask he came from, but I always imagined there was reason he didn't remove his helmet when finally talking with his Bird of Paradise.
And when I was doing my design for him the other features just felt right.
He's self conscious about how his favorite patron would view his mutations and his battle damage. (They think he looks cute and cool but shhhh, he doesn't know that.)
And again though it was only implied, Ithio and his brothers are chaos mutated. They're not just Emperor's Children, they're Noise Marines.
Which makes their territory being a loud popular skating rink make more sense. They are also very protective of the place, and its patrons.
Which is part of the reason Ithio got so attached to his little Bird of Paradise, it's already in his mind that he should protect and nurture beautiful things so they reach their full potential.
As for his tail, I imagine he can hide that with Chaos glamour, or the idea I prefer, wrapping it around himself inside his armor.
When his horns stick out, they just look like helmet decor.
His pauldron art was originally a regular winged serpent. His Bird of Paradise and him collaborated on the new design. Guess where they got the inspo. :)
Planning to do more soon. Hope Ya'll Enjoy!
@kit-williams @barn-anon @angronsjewelbeetle @bleedingichorhearts @sleepyfan-blog @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @nitro-devil @egrets-not-regrets
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 4 months
Child of the Sea, Child of the Land (Oops all Mythicals!)
Edit 2: Tis Finished! ENJOY!!!
Edit: Tumblr did it again dammit don't read yet its not finished!
Oops! All Mythical edition, and as a regular story instead of a poem!
Featuring a saytr reader with a posterior of a horse. Reader is a literal horses ass. And a human torso. But they're very pleasant otherwise. Why not a centaur? Cause Satyrs need more love!
Also a cameo from Lenora and Erriox who are ocs from @egrets-not-regrets ! They're great check our their stuff!
Warning: Flirting, Abrupt proposal that Kinda equates to marriage, violence, threats of getting eaten, descriptions of blinding, the word Whore, description of burning.
Notes: The mythical creatures are the humans of this world they can own other animals who are still just animals. No weird inter species stuff going on. The mythical creatures with human features just exist, as do the regular animals.
Tag: @kit-williams @sleepyfan-blog @egrets-not-regrets @barn-anon @bleedingichorhearts @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
Long ago in a world not unlike our own, their lived vast communities of strange and wonderful creatures.
There were the harpies that patrolled the skys, hunting and chorusing with their fellows. Each taking after the bird that shared their features in form and function.
There were the land dwellers, who tilled the soil, and raised the creatures of their farms to suit their needs. They came in many shapes and variances of limbs.
A centaur with the body of an Elephant who watched over the inland waterways, a drider who wove fine their silks in clothing, and most commonly, those land folk who we would call saytrs.
But more than deer or goats, they walked and ran with a plethora of mammalian hindquarters.
It is in this group we find, a very dutiful satyr. Their hind quarters were strong, resembling a horse, but enchanting with their feathered ends that contrasted their complexion.
Each day they tended to their farm, alongside their parents. With love and care and only Occasional outbursts of frustration.
"Oh Dammit!"
"Um...sorry?" They snorted before grabbing a drying towel to mop the wet from their legs.
Anyway! However devoted...and dampened, this particular land dweller was, they did their work with a smile. For it truly brought them joy.
"Fucking Dammit! Get back here!"
Languag- Oh Nevermind!
You got ahold of the wayward gelding before he could cause even More damage than he already had.
"Honestly Gemstone," You sighed, leading him back to his pen. You'd need a new chain...and a new fence panel.
The idiot had knocked the whole setup over trying to reach for a bit of graze on the other side.
You sighed heavily, another log to the pile. "What am I supposed to do with you huh?" You asked the rhetorical, as you tied Gemstone off to the side.
Huffing, you hefted a less destroyed panel over, followed by dismantling the first, fetching a new chain, and finally setting everything back together to your satisfaction.
You glanced back at the offending party.
"Well? Got anything to say for yourself?"
The gelding's dark eyes simply staired back. Before he slipped his tongue out and followed that up with a huge Yaaaaaaaawn.
Your serious facade broke. "Pfft! Ha..." You sighed, gently taking his head again and scratching his face the way he liked. "Guess I can't stay mad at you. Even if you are a silly bugger bear! Silly Silly bugoo be-wawr!" You cooed before returning him to his place.
"And stay there! Goofball." You shook your head and smiled, as your mother approached.
"That old fence panel finally gave up the ghost huh?" She asked, walking over.
You snorted, not unlike the horses you shared features with. "Yep, had to redo it." You huffed. "Cause somebody was a greedy Fart!" You scolded the horse again.
Gemstone simply went on munching his hay, unbothered.
Your mother chuckled, "Well it seems you've got this well in hand," She surmised, before handing you a bundle and a pitcher.
"Hm?" You took it, smelling something delightful.
"Your favorite," Your mother explained. "And some lemonade to help you stay hydrated. Go ahead and eat your lunch."
"Awww, thanks mom."
"You've more than earned it sweetie. mwah." She replied, with a kiss on your cheek, before walking back to your cottage.
As you watched her go, you felt an odd twisting in your heart.
"Her next birthday is pretty soon." You spoke, to no one in particular, maybe Gemstone could listen to your thoughts.
"I want to get her something special. I still remember when she showed me her collections of shells." You mused. "Some of those are even older than me..."
Your mother Loved the beach, and the ocean, after all she was born and raised with it practically next door. She'd spend hours at your age combing the beach for shells and sea glass.
But now...now it was so much more difficult for her. Between age and farm work, you couldn't even remember the last time You went swimming, let alone to the oceanside.
But...if your idea worked out, you'd be able to present her with a beautiful gift! A genuine piece of coral, and one in her favorite color no less!
There's was just one...small issue. Even at your best, you would not be able to dive long enough to retrieve it.
And even with your strength, you doubted you could break a piece from a creature that was more or less living rock.
And even if you Could, you'd run the risk of offending....one of them.
You felt a shiver pass through you.
Ah yes, the third and final group of this strange world's denizens. And by far the Most dangerous.
The sea folk.
Among their numbers were your typical mermaids, selkies, even the occasional crustacean-kin. Those honestly weren't frightening at all, no more so than any other stranger would be you mean.
But the most dangerous, most deadly, and most mysterious beings of the ocean, were those known as The Mer Astartes.
Armored, huge, stoic and nearly unknowable...but not completely.
Word was they Could be propositioned, for the right price.
That problem being that price, or rather the nature of the payment, varied Wildly depending on what mer you managed to contact.
You could end up trading something as banal as some land food items, to being demanded your own severed foreleg.
Again you shuddered.
But you would not be deterred! After all you knew where to gathe all the necessary ingredients. Those would be easy.
Well...all but...one.
As you sat beneath the shade of a tree, you gathered your long, luxurious tail into your lap.
The hair was wirey, strong, but well kept. It was a matter of pride for horse folk like yourself.
With the seasons changing, and biting flies soon to be a factor, you didn't want any of your precious equines to go without.
Besides...well kept satyr tail hair would be seen as more valuable...you hoped.
You turned your gaze toward the sea, though you could not see it. With your anticipation you could almost catch the faintest hint of salt brine.
You hoped the objects you would gather would be enough.
You hoped the old stories about the merfolk's preferences were true.
You sighed. "Another log to the pile..." You mumbled.
You left your tail unchanged for now. You didn't want your mother noticing.
You finished your lunch and the days work, and turned in early. You had a long day ahead of you.
The port city was Bustling with activity, even as early as you had set out.
You'd let your parents know you'd be away running errands, and the farm had another of your village's neighbors looking after it today.
Meaning you could focus solely on your task.
The crowds of different animal folk buzzed about with purpose.
Ox and cattle folk carrying Huge burdens, and drawing carts through the city streets.
Harpies of many kinds, flitting and squawking their trade and barter above in the open air and in the air market.
Like the Vulture and Eagle harpies displaying a variety of bone trinkets, and dried salted meats.
Hummingbird harpies tending to and selling flowers.
A hippo centaur carrying water with its little calf following close behind.
But you had two particular items in mind. And you wanted Prime quality for the task at hand.
You surveyed with not just your eyes, but your sharp nose as well, until-
"Oysters!" A voice cried out. "Fresh fish and oysters! Caught only this morning!"
You approached the calls, and what greeted you was an Osprey harpy. The bird woman stood behind a stall filled with fish and other marine delicacies.
"Greetings and welcome! Please have a look at our wares." She entreated as you approached.
"Hello," You replied, scanning over the offerings.
Mussels of various sizes were displayed in boxes filled with clear salt water. And many dried salted fish hung in bundles around the stall.
Plenty to chose from!
Maybe...too many.
Well, this might be harder than you first thought.
What type of Oyster and Fish Skin would most appeal to a mer Astarte?
"Something on your mind dear?"
You were woke from your thoughts by the Osprey women, the experienced seller clearly seeing your hesitation.
"Ah well..." You felt awkward, not sure how to explain your reasoning for Needing these things.
"You see...I need an Oyster and some fish skin, but I'm not sure what particular..."
"You're trying to contact an Astarte?"
You froze before stammering over your words. "How did- I mean no- I."
The Osprey harpy smiled and held up one of her taloned hands. "It's alright dear, you're not the first to go snooping for things based on the old stories."
You relaxed a bit.
Only for her demeanor to become strict. "You're not trying to lure one in to poach it are you?"
Poach an Astarte?
On your own!?
"Pffffffft! Ha!" You couldn't help the outburst, only to see the Osprey's face was still serious.
You quickly tamped down your laughter. "Oh ah, sorry no. No no no, I need to ask one for help you see."
The harpy's posture immediately relaxed. "Oh?"
"Mmhm," You nodded before retrieving a piece of parchment from your satchel.
"I want to give my mother a piece of this coral." You explained, showing the image and information you'd copied from a book.
The Osprey looked over the image, examining it closely. "This Coral..."
"Is only found in the waters controlled by the mer astartes, I know." You completed her thought, returning the page to your bag.
"I know it's risky...but my mother hasn't gotten to see the ocean in so long, and it's hard for her to make the journey." You explained. "I was hoping I could bring a small part of the ocean to her."
The osprey harpy's gaze softened, clearly moved by your wish. She seemed to be mulling over her next words.
"Well...I think I can help you. At least a little bit."
You perked up.
The Osprey pulled up something from behind the counter, and laid it down so you could view it.
It was a map of the port city and nearby shorelines.
"Your best bet is to go here." She explained, pointing to a particular spot.
The name scrawled across the parchment stared back at you.
Fire Drake Shore
You paused for a moment. "Why there exactly?"
The Osprey smiled wryly. "You'll have the best chance finding someone willing to help with your quest."
"Really!?" You asked excitedly, the Osprey nodded.
"But," Your joy was interrupted buy the harpy's shift in tone back to serious. "You Must go during the day, and stay no later than sunset." She explained further. "Different mers are more active at different times of the day. You might end up contacting something far more dangerous if you don't heed these warnings."
You nodded, letting the words sink in. "Fire Drake Shore, during the day, no later than sunset. Got it!"
"Alright," The Osprey once again relaxed, placing her clawed hands on her hips. "Now, how's about I get you set up with a proper oyster and the finest shimmering pickled fish skin." She crowed, reaching into the oyster box and for her knife. "I'll even give you a discount!"
"Really? You don't have to-"
"Think about it as being for your mother." The Osprey said, gathering your purchased items together.
Well...you supposed you wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. "Thank you, thank you so much! Um...what is your name?"
The Osprey woman smiled. "It's Lenora, sweetie."
"Well...thank you so much Lenora!" You said gratefully as you payed.
Once your items were secure, you bid Lenora the Osprey woman farewell, as you excitedly made your way to Fire Drake Shore.
As she watched you leave, the Osprey harpy felt happy, but still a little concerned.
"I wish I could've helped you more." Unbeknowst to most, Lenora had...a certain relationship with a mer astarte she'd helped by chance.
Had he not been on an extended hunting trip Erriox could have been convinced to help. He'd have grumbled and groused, but he'd have done it. Maybe even would have smiled at the adorable Horse folk getting to give their mother a beautiful gift, before acting like it didn't affect him at all.
The Osprey harpy smiled at the thought of her companions rough, but sweet demeanor. But as her thoughts went on she found herself troubled.
Fire Drake Shore was the best place that Horse saytr could go...but even there wasn't completely safe.
She hoped things would work out.
By the stars, and the ancient mothers, she hoped it would work out.
The crashing of waves, and salty brine met your ears and nose as you approached the shoreline.
Fire Drake Shore...
You're not sure why it was named such, nothing about it spoke to you as very...fire drakey.
But as your approached the gently rolling waves, and breathed in the salty air, you couldn't deny this place was beautiful!
Serene, and yet lively. With the call of gulls in the air, you made your way down to the water.
You stood before the waves, watching as their reach came just far enough to touch your hooves.
And for a moment, you gave yourself permission to just...enjoy the present.
The way the water would run up the sand, before seeming to vanish and melt into the beach as it receded. The salty brine that filled your nose and lungs. The way the water stretched so far out it was nearly impossible to tell where the water ended and the sky began.
But you couldn't dwell on that for much longer. There was...something else that had to be done.
One more piece to prepare...or rather two.
You gathered a chunk, about one third of you precious tail, into one hand. With your other, you took out a knife.
It wasn't even all of it...but the piece would be noticeable in its absence.
But it Would grow back. And the struggle would be worth it, it would all be worth it.
With careful precision, you began to cut through the strands of your own tail.
Snip, by snip, broken severed hair, by severed hair. You winced, but did not falter until at last you held the separated hair in you hand.
"No turning back now." You muttered, pulling out the oyster and fish skin.
You used your knife again, plunging it into the gap of the oyster and carving it open. Then, you sprinkled a bit of vinegar into the gap from a small flask you'd bought.
But rather than use your knife for the final ingredient, you chose a less painful method.
You'd intentionally let your lips become chapped and plucked and picked at the dry skin until you tasted Iron.
You carefully wrapped the now opened oyster, the fish skin and the horse hair into a bundle, much like a gift.
You pressed your bleeding lip to the parcel.
"Please, Please let this work." You whispered your prayer, feeling your heart race despite your quiet.
And with that, you reared back and Threw your bundle as Hard as you could into the sea, where it splashed and sank below the waves.
Nothing. But maybe you just needed to wait longer. You paced back and forth a bit, looking out into waves, hoping to see something come from them.
You felt your heart sink.
All that preparation, all that hope...and for what?!
Part of you wanted to scream, the other half wanted to cry.
"RrrraAGHH!" You let the frustration out, kicking the sand and stomping about. Snorting and head tossing, and flicking what remained of your tail!
Only to slip and fall ass over tea kettle onto the sand. "WOah-oOOF!"
You laid there in disbelief for a moment. "UuURghaaaaAh!" You let out an odd mix of growl and shout in frustration, covering your eyes with your hands and thrashing for a minute before...
Before you just, slumped down, defeated.
You let out a sigh, and laid there.
The sounds of the waves and the gulls, the scent of the brine and the sluggish sparse clouds above....all was Just as peaceful and as beautiful as when you first arrived.
Maybe you could wait longer?
But maybe that wouldn't help.
Lenora had said this beach was the best option. Wouldn't that mean the old stories of summoning Astartes were true?
True doesn't mean a certain method would always work...the ocean was avert place after all.
Maybe no mer astartes had seen your offering.
You brought yourself up and sat, facing the waves still rolling.
The waves your mother used to love, the same ones that went on even without her being here...
If waves could love...would they love even when no one was watching? When the people who once adored them left and some never came back?
You felt a twinge and sniffed as some tears began to form at the corners of your eyes, you wiped them away quickly. And sighed.
Well...at least the view was pretty.
You sat there for a bit, before bringing yourself back up to stand.
There was no use dwelling on something that couldn't be changed. You'd find something else to give your mother, even if the disappointment of your failure still stung.
You turned to walk back into town, perhaps you could find something nice at one of the stalls-
A damp wave of water suddenly doused you, soaking you from head to hoof in brine.
"P-pthoo! What the-" Your shout was cut off as you realized you were enveloped in a shadow much larger than you.
Your eyes trailed up at the imposing figure before you.
Long marine tail? Check, it was the color of cooled molten rock and had bright red orange veins.
Armored torso? Check, it was plated a deep green color, with dragon like insignias on the chest and shoulder pauldron.
Inscrutable, helmeted gaze? Check, the large marine had red lenses that peered down at you intensely, regarding you with curiosity, as you regarded Him with trepidation.
Neither of you spoke for a moment. The only sound passing between you his breathing. Until you decided to break the ice.
The Astarte tilted his head slightly before bringing up his hand between the two of you.
You found yourself bewildered as you were presented with the parcel you'd just thrown into the sea.
Was he...trying to return it to you? "...oh...Oh, no!" You replied, gently pushing it back towards him, his arm didn't even budge. "It's for you!"
The slight twitch backwards he did is response was more readable. He was confused.
"Ah sorry Sorry, what I mean is...I need your help. And...I was told that the best way to contact you was buy...throwing this into the ocean." You hurriedly explained.
This seemed to give the marine pause, before he lifted his other hand to his helm.
Click, hiss
With a practiced ease he removed his helm, and you were taken aback by what greeted you.
A skin as dark as charcoal, but eyes that were surprisingly soft despite them being totally red. And his hair! Long and pale and curly, it seemed to bounce as it came free.
You felt a slight blush creep over your skin. He was...very attractive.
And when he spoke his voice was warm, and smooth.
"I see," He replied to you. "Though this method is a bit...outdated, To serve and to aid is the most honorable of acts. How may I assist you this day, child of the land?"
You had to force yourself to respond. "I well...I was hoping to contact an Astarte so I could get my hands on some of this. Ah one sec let me find it."
As you fumbled in your bag you had no idea Pyrus, the large Salamander, was secretly enjoying how adorable you looked.
Land dwellers were always so funny. Though he Did wish you didn't appear so frightened, but he supposed it was natural, all things considered.
You finally pulled the coral parchment from you satchel, gladdened that it wasn't too soaked, and displayed it for the marine.
As he looked over the image you continued to explain. "I want to give it to my mother as a gift. She's...always loved the ocean."
The marine looked to your face, some of your apprehension was replaced with melancholy. It tugged on his two hearts.
"It's...hard for her...she can't travel as easily these days so...I wanted to bring a bit of the ocean to her." You explained. "This coral is her Favorite color, and I wanted to give it to her for her birthday. So...in exchange for these items...do you think you could help me?"
Pyrus felt his chest swell. The Salamanders prided themselves on the virtues of love and camaraderie. To see your concern and desire to please your loved one was not only sweet, it was very attractive indeed.
He was a Slight oddity in his pod. Most of his kind didn't really...feel attraction in the sense that most baseline creatures did.
Those that did preferred the features of sea folk, which was fine, but...it did leave him a bit isolated in the fact he much preferred the features of land walkers.
He just found them so...fascinating! He'd spend hours watching at a distance as the port city buzzed with life. The music, the food, the inurmerable sights and sounds and experiences to be had.
And him...stuck out there in the ocean. Oh sure he had the ability to swim through air but if he took one step in that town the people would scatter in fear.
Not...like he blamed them.
Between his preferences and his hobbies, he often felt...alone.
Even amongst his brothers, but maybe...he didn't have to be as alone anymore?
"Indeed, this is a task I can take well in hand." He proclaimed. And he saw your ears perk up.
"You can! Oh thank you!"
Pyrus held up his gauntleted hand, he may be about to ask something...much in return, but he would not get your hopes up or lie to you.
"But...I must ask for one more thing in return."
You waited, unsure of what he'd ask for, but you'd gotten this far.
"The truth is...it is quite Lonely, below the waves." He began, now himself feeling awkward. "I hold each of my brother close to my heart but...we do not share the same interests."
"As your mother yearns for the sea, I yearn for a connection I cannot obtain within it." Pyrus continued. "So I wanted to ask, if I grant you this request of your heart, would you grant me mine?"
You tilted your head. What could you offer the heart of an Astarte?
Pyrus squared his shoulders, he would do this right! Even if it was sudden. "Dear child of the land...would you join me beneath the waves, soothe my lonely heart, as I will soothe yours. You kindness and devotion have smitten me. If I grant you this favor, this is what I ask in return."
He...he what now?
You shook your head in confusion. "I'm...sorry, did you just ask me...to...Join you under the waves?"
Pyrus nodded, a bit worried about your tone. You didn't seem to like the idea.
"Yes, we Astarte possess the ability to change others into our kind. Granting the ability to live in the water as we do."
You didn't know how to respond. But, you didn't want to lie to him.
"I...um...I'm sorry." You replied. "I mean...your offer is Very flattering." Very flattering, an ungodly attractive and kind man just essentially...proposed to you out of nowhere???
"But...I have to say no." You stated. "As much as I love this place...it isn't my home. My home is back on the farm, with my mom and dad and our creatures...I can't just up and leave them. They Need me." You explained.
Oh...oh...Pyrus felt his dark skin flush with embarassment. Of course you couldn't just up and leave the family you cared so much for, what was he thinking!? Stupid Pyrus, absolutley stupid! "Oh..."
You saw his dejection, and you felt your heart twist. He really did seem so sweet.
"Hey," You entreated, getting his attention. "Even though I can't Live with you...I'd love to get to Know you."
Pyrus perked up a bit at that.
"We just met, so the living beneath the waves together isn't the best idea. I mean...what if we found out two weeks in we were terrible room mates." You jested, trying to lighten the mood.
Pyrus did feel a slight smile turn the corners of his mouth and he chuckled. "I...suppose that is true."
"But I do want to learn more about the ocean, and I'd be happy to come and visit! Heck, if possible we could even find a way for you to visit my home!" You offered.
Pyrus could sense your earnestness, and it made him so happy. A place where he'd already have a friend, and be able to explore without worrying about scaring others.
He felt a buzzing excitement light in him. But he kept his composure.
"I...would like that very much."
"Perfect! Then let's start with proper introductions." You held out your hand and shared your name to the marine.
Pyrus took your small hand in his, rejoicing in this new connection. "I am Pyrus, son of Vulcan," He stated. "And I will grant you this favor, in return that you will visit and teach me of your home, as I teach you of mine." He stated.
"You will return...won't you?" He asked softly, knowing he technically couldn't Force you to uphold this vow.
You smiled, and gestured for him to lean down a bit. He acquiesced.
"Mwah," You placed a sweet kiss on his forehead, causing the son of Vulcan to freeze in surprise for a moment.
"I do solemnly swear!" You stated proudly.
Pyrus felt that blush return, all about his face and neck. But again he reined in his response.
"Thank you, landling." He hummed returning his helm to his head, and taking the originally offered bundle of items.
Pickled fish skin was a rare treat, as was the vinegar oyster, and the horse hair was useful as string was difficult to come by underwater. He stowed these items away and turned toward the open sea.
"It will take some time to retrieve this coral. Please wait here until I return." He asked, and you nodded.
"I'll be here." You assured.
After a number of hours had passed, you were Really wishing Pyrus had given you a better idea of when he'd be back beside, some time.
Good lord you were bored. You'd forgotten to bring a book or journal or even a sketch pad. And you could only take so many naps in the shade before your body refused to fall back asleep.
At least the beach was peaceful, and you marveled at the shift from bright day, to hazy evening and finally the sunset-
That...that made you more worried.
But...it was probably fine. Pyrus and his brothers were out there, and if his brother's were anything like him, you'd have nothing to worry about.
As you sat back pondering these troubling thoughts, you saw a large shape begin to emerge from the water.
Your heart leapt, and you quickly stood up. Finally!
"Pyrus!" You called. "I'm so glad to see yo-"
The shape broke through the surface and your gut felt like a brick of ice dropped into it.
That...that wasn't Pyrus...
The sun's dipping rays illuminated the purple pink armor, rimmed with gold, as the unknown Astarte continued to advance, languidly drawing closer.
You didn't move. You almost couldn't bear to breathe.
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
Running might only make things worse...especially now that you were in his sights.
The Astarte emerged completely from the water, just off to one side of you. Unlike Pyrus who had come to you, talked to you, like an actual living being.
This one instead eyed you, and began circling you where you stood with a curiosity that felt...predatory. Swimming through the air in a way that felt so...targeted.
As if daring you to move...to flinch.
"Well...well....welllllll." The Astarte cooed with a sick glee in his voice, slightly modulated as it came through his helmet. "What have we heeeeere?"
Suddenly his hand shot out and grabbed your face roughly forcing you to look him in the eyes.
"A cute little saytr, all alone. How sad...how pitiful...how..." He hummed and the image of him licking his lips came to mind. "appetizing."
Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.
"Me? Ah pfft nope!" He responded nervously, as best you could with your chin in his grasp.
He seemed a bit stunned you could respond, but quickly recovered. "Oh? And why is that my little...morsel?"
Think fast think fast. "Ah I mean...have you actually ever Had horse meat? It's really not that good." You explained. "Mostly grisle and wirey muscle, very stringy, not at all appetizing." You stated, as if critiquing a five star dish. And one you'd never actually eaten, only hearing about it from others.
"PFFtt ha Ha HA!" Well you weren't sure if that was positive but you'll roll with it. His laughter had caused him to let go of your chin.
"And the torso bit isn't much better!" You continued. "Far too much adipose, and so low on nutrients. Dare I say you'd be better off eating sand and tree bark. At least then you'd been getting fiber."
The Astarte continued to laugh. Full on shaking cackles as you Slowly stepped back. "Oh My...you're quite funny." He said as he calmed, and removed his helmet.
Beneath you saw a beautiful but terrifying appearance. His face was pale, his eyes a luxurious but cold looking purple with unnaturally shaped pupils.
His Teeth. Sharp, fanged, with marks on his chin you weren't sure if they were makeup or...blood trails from previous meals.
And his hair...it wasn't hair. It was long tendrils with sharp mouthed ends. Like a Medusa but with carnivorous eels instead of snakes.
"Oh go ahead, enjoy the visage~" He cooed, brushing back his...locks. "I'll allow it since you entertained me. Most land folk just scream and cry and beg for their lives. Not nearly so entertaining after a while."
You swallowed dryly. "I mean...why lose your sense of humor am I right?" You shrugged nervously, still carefully working your way back.
You couldn't outrun him, but maybe you could keep him distracted till-OOf!
You suddenly found yourself pinned to the sand, the large Astarte floating above you.
Those eyes, those eyes, they looked down at you with a sadistic glee, as his hair fanned out in different directions.
"Ah, ah A-ah~." He sing-songed. "Tsk, tsk, I didn't say you could leave. How Rude to try and break from a conversation without proper decorum."
He held you down effortlessly with one hand, Just hard enough to be uncomfortable. The other tapped your nose as if you were a naughty child.
"Hmm~ Well, this has been fun." He conceded. "But I really Am hungry, and I think a sweet little treat like you, would just perfectly Hit the Spot~" His jaw unhinged, revealing a second set of jaws behind the first, as his eely locks began swarming revealing their own nashing teeth.
"And the Sweetest part will be your screams! Please be as loud as you can! It makes the meal even more thrilling!" He chortled planting his other hand in the sand next to your head.
You couldn't move, the pressure was too much, but you did still have your satchel.
You reached in feeling the small bottle of vinegar you'd brought. You grasped it tightly and in one quick motion, broke the bottle into his face!
"RWAGGGG!" He cried and hissed as the glass and acidic liquid went into his eyes, causing him to rear back.
You scrambled away as his hands came up to his face, he fumbled over to the sea water, desperately splashing it into his eyes and dipping his face.
"You little Whore!" He snarled, still doubled over, his eyes and face had blood running down them.
That...that move had been pure adrenaline. You capitalized on his weakness and disbelief, cracking him square in the face with a downward kick.
Now blood ran over his mouth from his broken nose, as he sputtered and choked.
You did it again, rapid repetitive strikes with your hooves.
You might've even broken some of his teeth.
Still flush with rage and adrenaline, you shouted. "How's that taste you deep sea, punk ass fish breath Bitch!"
Only to Immediately remember what you were up against when the marine caught your next strike.
"WOAH!" You suddenly found yourself upside down, looking up at your attacker as he held you by the leg.
The blood made his expression even more deranged as he smiled, oh no.
"AAAAH-O-OOF!!! Next thing you knew you were being flung away and down like a rag doll, right into the middle of the beach. Even on sand the impact knocked the wind from your lungs, and you worried briefly about broken ribs.
Briefly because you saw the violent violet marine approaching, stalking toward you like a cat hunting a mouse. You scrambled to your feet though it hurt.
Everything hurt.
You stepped back slowly as the marine advanced, enjoying your rapidly deteriorating courage.
He towered above you. "I'm going to enjoy, ripping you apart piece by piece." He said lashing out with his claws. It left a shallow but long and stinging cut on your face. You stumbled back.
"I'm going to enjoy Flaying your skin inch by inch." He laughed lapping the fresh blood from his claws.
He raised them again as you had nowhere left to go. No hope of escape. You braced for the worst.
"And I'm going to Relish keeping you alive as I Devour you -OUGh!"
His speech was cut off as a blur of green and orange suddenly burst from the ocean, tackling your assailant.
Even in the more dim light you saw the red helmet lenses, the burning firey veins on that molten rock like tail. And you saw the steam rising from the grappling marines.
"Ah-ah-ah AHhhhhAh!" The purple marine actually shrieked as the the coils smothered and burned him. You could smell the burning fish flesh...
The gauntleted arm of the second marine held his head in a vice grip headlock. The purple marine struggled and slashed and bit, with both his limbs and his living hair.
But soon his struggles weakened and ebbed into nothing, the last tremoring shakes of life as he finally stilled.
There was a moment of pause before the green marine made a sudden swift jerk.
You heard a sickening crack! And the purple marine'a body dropped to the sand.
You could see the green marine's heaving breaths.
You hoped you weren't wrong this time. "P-pyrus?" You asked hesitantly.
The marine did not answer verbally, but instead reached into his pack, and pulled out a fist size lump of coral.
Your mother's coral.
You couldn't believe your eyes.
"Pyrus!" You cried jumping past the object and wrapping your arms around your Astarte.
You pushed and nuzzled into his chest plate. Rubbing your head up and down it in glee. "I knew you'd come back!"
Pyrus removed his helmet with his free hand and dropped it, before leaning down and bringing his arm around you.
He nuzzled close to you, feeling your skin and heartbeat. The same precious heartbeat he'd been seconds away from never hearing again. "I'm so sorry! Had I known, I would've protected you better. I thought you were safe here."
He'd need to contact his captain and chapter master. A Chaos marine making it this far in their territory, could not and would not be tolerated.
But for now he brought his large hand to your face examining the damage.
It was then you realized you'd rubbed your bloody cheek on his chest plate.
"Oh! Sorry."
"Thanks." You sighed, utterly exhausted. You did take the coral from Pyrus, examining it closely.
"No...you have nothing to apologize for." Pyrus assured. He even noted the Slannesh marine's broken nose and teeth. His hearts swelled with pride. "You fought well, Here."
You hesitated for a moment, as Pyrus leaned down, only to relax when he simply laved his tongue over your cheek.
His saliva soothed the sting of your cut, helping the wound close.
"Its even more beautiful in the water." He stated, noting your fondness. "I would love to show you when you next visit...if you wish to."
He wouldn't blame you for not wanting to.
Instead, you smiled, tired but genuine. "I'd like that very much...and hey, maybe with the right prep, my mom and dad could see it too."
Pyrus smiled. "I will help in whatever way I can, to make it a reality." He assured nuzzling you again.
You both stood there, watching the waves crest and roll in the newly fallen night.
You could go back into town, find a inn to stay at, but you didn't fancy being alone.
"Pyrus, is there somewhere...we can stay the night together?"
The marine seemed surprised by your request, but nodded. "Of course, follow me."
He led you a little ways down the beach, to a sheltered cave where sand met surf.
It would've been cold in the night, if not for the living heater that coiled around you as you settled in for sleep.
As you laid down, you felt a great peace overcome you.
"Sleep now my dear child of land." He cooed, petting your head. "I will guard you."
You smiled and cuddled into him. "And I will keep you -yaaaawn- from feeling too alone."
Outside the waves and winds rolled in. The brine of the sea carried inland, as the seabirds hunkered down in their nests.
The horses rested safe in their pens, and the winds gently waved the leaves of the trees.
And two lonely souls rested well, as they didn't feel so alone anymore.
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 5 days
What do I Know About You? - Part 2
Its finally Heeeeeere! This was another Awesome collaboration with @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan who not only lent characters but also cowrote thic massive chunk of words back and forth with me! Also this one is Long so bring a Lunch!
Summary: Lullaby and Khopesh Finally get to have their first date, and things don't go quite as planned. Was there even a plan? No aside from a deeply uncomfortable talk about trauma and expectations. Meanwhile the others back at base scramble to understand the strange Zap and the odd recognition Anrir felt upon seeing Lullaby. Many things stand in their way; fear, uncertainty and worst of all...Paperwork!
Tags: @kit-williams (who let me use Anrir and Ghosk though his presenceis only implied!) @sleepyfan-blog @bleedingichorhearts @passionofthesith @egrets-not-regrets @bispecsual
Warnings: Negative self talk, fear and prejudice speak towards Nightlords and psychers, talk of stress induced self harm (scratching and skin picking), and public PDA
First Fic/Prequel to this series click Here:
Directly previous fic can be found here:
Next one: Coming hopefully soon.
“Uh- Anrir something… Strange happened,” Claude shuffles over to where Anrir is and explains. “... I wasn’t accessing my powers, I - I wouldn’t hurt someone accidentally, or on purpose, without just cause. I just shook Lullaby’s hand- I… I…I don’t know what that was about.”
He looks down at his hands, unable to look Anrir in the face. Cursed. Having warp powers means one is cursed. Who in the name of the God Emperor ever desired such things is an imbecile. Warp powers are a curse, to the person who has them and those around them.
Anrir's face remained calm- but his eyes were a storm of emotion at hearing the confused, stuttered explanation from Claude. His initial emotion is panic, as Anrir recalls that Claude is unbonded and that means he could take actions against Humans easily. Then he remembers how soft his son could be- and watches how worried and upset the youngster is. Claude hadn't wanted to hurt the human, or intended to do so.
Anrir starts to comfort Claude- he doesn’t fully understand psykers, or their abilities, but he does know that Claude ever strives to control his abilities and really doesn’t like it when that control slips. Especially if he accidentally hurts others as a consequence, because the training that he and the other boys received on Mars hadn’t … well. It had certainly been effective in some ways, and also had a lot of unintended side effects too. Those mechanical bastards.
Claude is really grateful that Anrir is here, trying to calm him down, Karlsor had not been great at that- mostly swearing at him and scolding him, as well as asking demanding questions, that he really didn’t have answers for, and accusing him of doing a Zap on purpose, which he hadn’t done so. 
“Walk me through what happened, step by step,” Anrir asks as he gently pats one of Claude’s shoulders soothingly.
Claude nods and verbally goes over the entire interaction, as well as what he’d been thinking, feeling, and other sensory outputs as well. He looks at one of his slightly shaking hands and once he’s gone through the whole interaction again, he’s a lot calmer, a slightly thoughtful look crosses his face.
“When I was younger… and back on Mars,” Claude says slowly, now that he’s thinking and not panicking, “The times where I would accidentally zap others like that- was if… was if I wasn’t aware they were fellow Psykers and my powers would just kinda… poke at theirs? But- I didn’t think Ancient Terra had native psykers so soon?”
Anrir hums softly and thinks, "They might not be awake. Their powers could be there but they might not be fully active... the Sorcerers have theorized that why the Warp is so weak might be linked to the Eye of Terror... since it's not here in the current time." His fingers soothingly move through Claude's hair. "Which means that only extraordinarily strong psykers can manifest much of anything during this current time which is probably why it's hard for you and you probably can only do it because of your training. Again those are just theories."
“Oh,” Claude says quietly, “... So they have the potential for it then. Like… like ice that has flowing water underneath it?”
“Interesting euphemism,” Anrir muses, “I’ll have to check with some of the Sorcerers, but I think that’s an accurate description.”
Jophiel and Cedric are moving with purpose- but not trying to be super fast as they get to Claude’s side. The Blood Angel is trying not to fluff his wings aggressively at Karlsor or Anrir.  Jophiel gently grabs one of Claude’s arms- the one with the hand that had touched Lullaby.
“Claude- there you are!” Jophiel trills at his brother-cousin, sounding as normal as possible.
Jophiel can be rather tactile- it’s something that Claude knows well. But the way that Jophiel is squeezing his arm, something bugging his younger brother-cousin. Claude’s gaze snaps to Jophiel’s as his gaze sweeps over his younger brother-cousin and notices that Jophiel is Spooked by something. “Did you need something Jophie?”
“... Yes, Ced and I want to talk to Claude. Privately and alone.” Jophiel says cheerfully. His eyes slide over to the First Born and Terran Born Space Marines, lightly trying to tug Claude away from them.
His smile is a tad too toothsome to be polite, and the red is bleeding into his eyes more. Usually Jophie doesn’t get too aggressive so quickly. Just what could be bothering him. “Uh- sure Jophie.”
Before Claude could move towards his brother, Karlsor speaks up with his own growl. One of his hands twitching a little- he usually wasn’t bothered by the feathery little shit head- but the little bastard is hiding something. Karlsor can tell.  
“You can fuckin’ talk with us nearby,” Karlsor points out, with a not quite snarl- noticing the twitchy way that Jophiel was moving. Also teeth. That’s a lot of shiny sharp chompers the brat has. “And it ain’t nice to threaten others, we wanna help.”
Jophiel narrows his eyes a little at Karlsor, “... I want to talk to Claude first.”
Claude had told the other Primaris Marines about that one First Born Raven Guard Captain and his flock of brothers- the ones from M42 who had known what the Captain was doing to him, but looked the other way. 
As well as how Karlsor, Anrir and the rest of the Claw reacted, and how they’d gotten him Justice for the shit-show that had been M42. It has helped his brothers start to trust at least some specific First Born Brothers a bit more. Still- old habits, and Jophiel wants to check over Claude to ensure that he’s not… got spores on him.
"I must Insist your inquiry involve us." Anrir drawls, bringing himself to stand near both Claude and the still clearly upset blood angel. 
The younger blood angel's patience was clearly running thin. "With all due respect Apothecary Anrir, this has nothing to do with you. I would very much like to speak to my Brother regarding His Health..."
The air shifted, and Jophiel suddenly found his frustration turning to fear and a realization along the lines of 'Oh Shit those were the Wrong words to use.' Cedric twitches a little, if things weren’t so serious he would have face palmed or jabbed Jophi in the ribs, the last sentence one should say around an older apothecary is ‘concerns about health’. 
The aura now radiating from the Terran Nightlord was full of pressure. He spoke with firm words that would seem unbothered lest you could sense the venom lurking just beneath them. 
"With All Due Respect...I consider Claude my Son, so If you know something is affecting His Health, Which would Also be My Business as I am an Apothecary, I must Insist," Anrir hissed causing Jophiel to shrink back further. "You inform me This Instant."
Jophiel glanced at Cedric who seemed equally unsure what to do. Then to Claude, who glanced at Anrir.
When Claude turned back to Jophiel, he nodded. "Anrir helped me before, he might know how to help now."
Jophiel deflated a bit, but...if Claude was okay with it, Fine. The Blood Angel squared his shoulders to attention. "Very well but...not here…" Jophiel bargained. "We need somewhere more private, and...I want to look over Claude with my psykery first...or at least while I explain what I've seen."
The glower Anrir had mustered up lessens, "That is reasonable, we can convene and converse in my Medbay office. Let us not delay."
The cool of evening was beginning to settle in, though it was still fairly bright outside, as you and your 'date' walked the short distance to the Fire Drake Noodle House. 
You're fortunate when Anrir said it was close he meant by human standards, not Astarte ones. Only about five minutes with a single street crossing. 
"So...you've been to this place before?" You ask Khopesh. Who responded with a pleasant hum. 
"No but I have had takeout from there before. The Scallion Pancakes weren't what I expected but they were delicious." He explains as the two of you wait at the crosswalk. 
"Oh yeah I've tried those at other places! Wait...what do you mean they weren't what you were expecting?"
"Ah well…" Khopesh scratches his head kinda awkwardly. "It was just after I got bonded to Vada and Muti. I was still learning to speak and read the local language. I recognized Pancakes but not Scallions. So…I thought I was getting the sweet kind."
"Pfft!" You chuckled. "Yep, that sounds about right. But hey you still enjoyed them so that's good."
"Yes! My brothers got upset, but In my defense they were Very Good."
Ding! The little crosswalk man popped up and you two abided. 
"Wait, why did your brothers get upset?" You asked.
"Because they were technically a group appetizer and I stole and ate all of them, As well as the entree that had been purchased for me." Khoepsh replied cheekily.
"You did not!" You challenged with laughing disbelief. 
"Oh but I Did!" Khopesh declared. "And though I had to scrub the barrack floors for a Week straight, I regret Nothing!"
"Well, as long as you don't go stealing food off mine or other people's plates we'll be golden." You assure him. "Slight tangent but if you like scallion pancakes there's something else called Egg Foo Young. It's like a mix between an omelet and a pancake with meat and veggies and a gravy like sauce its Super Good-"
"Shit it's a Night Lord." You hear one of the other people hiss. "Uh let's just go the other way around…" The other person says nervously, tugging at their friend’s elbow.
You were broken from your explanation by two hushed but insistent voices. Turning around you saw two people walking quickly back the way you and Khopesh had just come, they must have exited the alley you just passed. 
"What was that about?" But before you could get even a rhetorical answer a different couple had exited a shop a little ways ahead. 
They took one glance towards the two of you before quickly diverting the path and jay walking across the street.
You stood for a moment after they'd walked off. The words came out almost without thinking. "Well...that was Rude."
Khopesh seemed surprised, "What do you mean?"
You gestured after the people that had left. "Them! They don't even know you and they just…" 
Khopesh smiled incredulously. "Lullaby are you...offended?"
You were taken aback by his nonchalance …"Aren't you?" 
He deserved so much better than to be treated like that. A thought comes to your mind that hisses out viciously, ‘He deserved so much better than you.’
"Lullaby," Khopesh cooed, now seeming touched. "I have been called Far Worse things in my time, mostly by Karlsor." He amended. "But yoooou." He brought his big pale hands up and...squished your cheeks! "You are so Cute! Getting mad on my behalf!" He chortled, rubbing and sqwoosing and lifting you Just slightly so your bodies were flush against each other. 
Okay...you actually didn't mind this...odd as it was. But you were in public. But before you could voice that you realized Khopesh was practically nose to Nose with you. "Makes me want to...Eat you up…" He growled with a sultry edge.
Staring into his dark eyes, your cheeks and face ignited, further contrasting your heated skin against his cool. 
You Really didn't mind this. But in the back of your mind you felt the alarm bells. Public, still in public and- 
"And never let you go..."
(!) There it was. Also you realized you were getting stretched a bit more on tip toe now. 
"Too much, down please." You state quickly. 
"Oh!" Khopesh seems taken aback but he releases you regardless. "My apologies, Lullaby, it seems I became too eager again." He chuckled bringing up a hand to gently rest on your cheek. "You're just so Cuuute."
You huff and can’t help but smile as you say teasingly, “You are right eager.”
‘Eager to keep you, or eager to break you,’ Your thoughts hiss at you again. You weren't certain. And that uncertainty starts to gnaw at you.
‘Talk, you Need to have A Talk.’ You think to yourself firmly. ‘And you will!! Just...dinner first. Get some food on his stomach so he's in a better mood.’ 
That horrible voice in your head hisses out at you, warningly, ‘Have you ever really Seen him in a bad mood. Do you want to find out what that looks like?’
"S'all right, learning curve and all that." You reassure him, and you continue walking. 
"Alright," Jophiel relaxed both his mind and body and let his warp sight dim. "I don't see anything strange on your soul Claude. You can stand up now."
He leans against the table, that was exhausting. And used far more power than it should have. But it was necessary to do so. He had to make sure that Claude was okay, and barring that, if he was not okay, that he could see what was wrong and fix it, or find someone who could.
"Ah thank you," Claude replied, hopping down from the medical table. Cedric hands him a hydration ration and a ration pack to help Jophiel replenish his energy a little bit.
Cedric, Karlsor and Anrir were gathered in the same room watching as Jophiel conducted his examination. Anrir was the first to speak. Karlsor has his arms crossed over his chest as he tries to figure out what sort of psy-exam the Blood Angel Scout-ling was doing. The younger Psyker was clearly looking for something.
"You've done your examination, now talk. Explain Why you thought something might be amiss with Claude." The Terran Night Lord commanded with no room for exception. "Spare no details, leave nothing out."
Jophiel turned and stood at attention. If he was to reveal this he would do so properly. "Yes sir, I was called by Cedric after the zap occurred. He believed as I do now that the exchange of energy was Not merely a static shock, but wanted me to surreptitiously examine the mortal to make sure."
"And?" Anrir prompted.
Now Jophiel became a bit more uncomfortable, but he pressed on. "The Human, Lullaby, has the spark of psykery. But it is...strange. It seems to originate from something that looks like a bond...but isn't."
"But Lullaby isn't bonded to Khopesh...are they bonded to someone else? And are you Certain they're a latent psyker?" Claude asks now Exceptionally curious, and the latter part of the question sounding a bit morbid. 
Claude's own powers had been Hellish to learn how to control, between the grueling training and the abuse he suffered... he didn't like the thought of a mere human having to go through even Half of that.
"Of that I have no doubt. It is the spark." Jophiel fidgeted a bit, thinking over his next words. "But...rather than manifesting as a plume of warp energy in their soul, or an aura around it...it appears to be originating from a...a mutated bond."
Anrir listened with rapt attention. "Mutated How?"
"It's...Wrong," Jophiel filled in. "From what I've always heard and seen...Bonds are supposed to resemble plants aren't they?"
Anrir nodded. "Yes, that is true. According to the librarians I have consulted, All bonds I have examined in my research have taken on the visuals of plant life. The strength and life span of the bond is displayed by the health of the vines, and usually the presence of flora. The type of which varies depending on the…relationship dynamics."
Anrir felt a slight annoying itch, like the thorns on his own bond were digging into him. He didn't like recalling their existence. His vines were Healthy and beautiful with blossoming roses that Bound his Draga to him Tightly. Just as he liked it, every rose has its thorns so it is Natural.
At least that's what Anrir tells himself. But back on topic. 
"Ahem, also, broken bonds take on a withered appearance until they desiccate back into nothing, or a new bond brings them back to life. So what makes you say this bond is mutated?" Anrir prompted. 
"Well for one, Lullaby isn't currently bonded to Anyone correct?" Jophiel reasoned, they were involved with a Nightlord with a separate platonic bond; if they had a bonded Astarte companion of their own, why would they be giving Khopesh that kind of attention? "They shouldn't even have one, that Alone makes it an outlier." Jophiel stated. "And even if it was a withering broken bond That would resemble dried out, dying foliage, That Thing," Jophiel shuddered. "Is Very Much Alive." 
"It...it was pulsing and glowing and spiraling out like a mycelium network! Some of its tendrils started moving over my Hand!" Jophiel rubbed the hand that had been touched like he wished he could scrub away the memory. "I could Feel it siphoning away my powers! It is Wrong and it is Dangerous!" Jophiel hissed, composure breaking and wings fluffing up. 
He rubs his hands against his legs, trying to get that prickling feeling that itched and scratched some of the skin off his shaken hand with the other one subconsciously as his claws extended and Cedric smacked his shoulder to keep him from making a mess of himself.
Cedric stepped in quickly. "Easy Jophie, it's okay. That Thing can't hurt you here." He said softly, giving his brother a calming presence to ground him. 
Jophiel leans into Cedric, closes his eyes for a moment, stopping himself from spiraling for a moment. Claude lightly puts a hand on his brother-cousin’s arm. Trying to help ground him as well.
Anrir watched the exchange but his mind was Racing. "Possibly the First recorded psyker of the Baseline human populace…" He mused.
Karlsor meanwhile Knew that look. Anrir was going to be in his own head for a bit Fucking Greaaat. Karlsor rubs his face- this is some really big fucking news. And they would need to keep a tight lid on this. This could spiral out of control very fast if it’s not handled properly.
"And an entirely new subset of warp bonds...incredible...fascinating…" Anrir muses out loud
"It is Not fascinating! It is Horrifying! And it carries the shadow of Decay!" Jophiel shot back with a hiss, his wings raised and flaring in his upset.. 
"Decay?" That seemed to wake Anrir up. 
"Yes! Decay! That was what tipped me off that it looked like a Mycelium. I couldn't remember the word for it until I focused on the feeling of decay and remembered seeing a diagram in one of Apothecary Hura's biology books!" Jophile huffed, though he was starting to calm down with both Claude and Cedric comforting him. He wraps his wings around both of his brothers, shielding and half hiding them from view of the two Night Lords as he calms down. The red in his eyes is starting to fade away.
Now Karlsor noted the look on Anrir's face was much more grim. "Penny for your fuckin thoughts?"
"I believe I need to speak to Apothecary Hura." Anrir stated, turning to leave his office. "The rest of you should finish whatever duties you have left, and retire for the evening. Claude,"
“Oh fuck.” Karlsor growls, “What did that fucker do now?”
"Yes Fa- Ah Anrir." Claude asked. 
Anrir smiled wryly at the near slip. "I will send you some currency, this day has been surprisingly taxing for you and your brothers." He said, turning back to the three Primaris, "Get something nice for yourselves from a restaurant of your choice. My treat."
Jophiel and Cedric seemed legitimately surprised by the offer, given the...slight disrespect from earlier. "Ah...thank you Sir."
"Thank you Apothecary Anrir." Jophiel says politely.
"And, for the sake of not causing any Uproar, let us keep this conversation Private." The cold pitiless dread came back into Anrir's voice for a brief moment. The Primaris understood the unspoken threat. 
"Yes Sir!" Jophiel says with a nod, nascent psykers, especially baseline humans faced a lot of fear and scrutiny from the people around them who don't have those powers, or understand it.
 "Understood!" Cedric said with a nod- this was confidential patient information, and unless he had no other choice, no whisper of this would come from him willingly.
"Of course Anrir!" Claude says with a sharp nod, he's great at secret keeping.
Anrir nodded, and made his way out of the room. He needed to have a little...chat with Hura about his Long Term patient. Karlsor follows after Anrir, half curious, half dreading what the flying fuck was going to happen, what information they might fish out of the Death Guard.
You and Khopesh arrive at the Fire Drake Noodle House, and you can't help but Marvel at the gorgeous space; emblazoned with warm reds, dark greens and shining golds. Banners display dragons and with the light fixtures having Actual Flames and the many metal worked items adorning the walls the whole atmosphere reminds you of a warmly lit forge. 
It’s such a wonderful place, you breathe in the smells of the restaurant through your nose. It smells so good.
The atmosphere inside also feels just as warm and vital as the decor...but that also means you might have to wait for a table.
"It's so pre-tty~" You fawn, utterly taken in by the environment. 
"Hmm...the lighting is a bit much...but the temperature is pleasant." Khopesh surmised, squinting his eyes a bit.
You were confused, till you remembered, "Oh right, your eyes are dark adapted...it's not too much right?"
Khopesh smiled. "You are too much," He pinched your cheek causing you to let out a painless "-Hm!". He was far more gentle than the squooshing earlier. "Your concern for me is endearing, but I have fought my way through battlefields and entire worlds where the blaze of war and the hellfire of artillery were literally Blinding. This Is Nothing, compared to that, and I will be fiiine." He assured you.
FWOOSH! A pillar of fire suddenly burst up in the kitchen with a sizzle, clearly an intentional part of the cooking. But you saw Khopesh flinch and squint even more as his eyes reacted to the sound by locking onto its bright hot source. 
Yeah, not fine. "...We're getting a booth in the back in the corner in the dark." You say simply. 
"But then we may have to wait longer." Khopesh groaned. "And aren't you hungry?"
"Yes, but this isn't Just for me, it's for both of us." You explain. "I want my partner to be comfortable while we're sharing a meal."
Khopesh seemed to take a pause. "Partner?"
You swallowed, "Y-yeah, you're my partner. At least...that's what I'd like us to be…" You explain. 
Khopesh doesn't respond, but he also doesn't seem...offended?? At least you hope not, he just seems to not quite understand.
"We can talk about it more once we've eaten." You finally say. 
Khopesh's smile curves back up, still a bit unsure looking. "That sounds ominous, Lullaby."
You shrug. "You wanted me to be honest, so I'm going to be." You declare. "But After food, cause no way am I doing something as exhausting as being Honest on an empty stomach."
"Pfft! Ha! You make it sound like Such a burden!" Khopesh chortled. 
"Is the Truth not a burden?" You reply dryly. "Ruminate on that while I talk to the host, also I've gotta use the restroom. If they call for the table before I get back go ahead and sit down okay? I'll find you."
"Of course my Lullaby, whatever you say~" Khopesh replied, it amused him when you got all chatty, and planned and laid out clear, obvious instructions. Honestly, were you able to become an aspirant you'd probably make a good Ultramarine. 
But you'd be Far more pleasant to interact with than one of those paperwork pushing, goody goody blueberries. Well maybe that's not completely fair, Khopesh had known...at least a Few Ultramarines that weren't...completely a drag to be around. 
He could only count those on one hand but Hey! They still counted. 
"Table for two please." You say as you approach the host stand, behind which stands a giant Salamander in a professional looking dark green outfit, with pale but textured hair tied back into a fashionable style. Also the marine in question looks...familiar.
The Salamander smiles in greeting. "It will be about fifteen minutes, I also heard you and your companion discussing your preference for a darker table setup. We can dim or fully extinguish any sconces once a table opens up should you so choose."
You were a bit taken aback by your whole convo being overheard. You were being too Loud again why are you Always so Lo- But you squashed that thought quickly, Astartes have excellent hearing even in a busy humming restaurant. This Host probably even tried to focus on chatter from incoming guests so he could get ahead of their accommodations. 
Clever and proactive of...Pyrus, as his name tag read. 
"Thank you, and yes! We would like that if possible…Go ahead and put the table under Khopesh please." You surmise, you wouldn't be able to hear it in the bathroom, speaking of which. "Ah by the way...could you tell me where I can find the restrooms?"
Pyrus nodded. "Ah yes, simply walk back from here to the left corner of the restaurant. Hallway alongside the patio, you can't miss it."
You give a quick nod, "Okay thanks." And hustle past to follow the instructions given. 
Meanwhile, Kerubiel had been sent by the rest of the Primaris marines as the one who had drawn the short straw and had to pick up the ‘not ration food order’ and it was from the Fire Drake Noodle House. Claude, Cedric and Jophiel had come back from going to the Chaos Base with pensive looks and thoughtful expressions.
When questioned all they would say is that they’d met someone new, who’d seemed nice. Other than that, they wouldn’t say much. Kerubiel knows that they are keeping something from him and the others.
But the rest of the Primaris Marines had allowed themselves to get distracted by food- and Kerubiel was curious about what sort of food this Fire Drake Noodle House place has, and begrudgingly looked over the menu and picked out some things to eat.
As he walks in, his gaze snaps to the First Born Night Lord sitting in the waiting area. His hands clench and unclench as he stalks over to the Chaos Traitor Bastard and glowers at him. Even if his new pride is keeping secrets from him. He can at least learn something.
“Night Lords don't usually travel Alone. Where is the rest of your godless heathen Claw of Bastards?” His curiosity gets a hold of him as he goes over to the First Born Space Marine. 
Khopesh is a little taken off guard by the sudden interrogation by the Dark Angel- he’s a big fucker. But he realizes- as he looks the rude bastard over, that he’s young- looks around the age of Claude and the other Primaris Marines. 
He’s also similarly sized, so he drawls out with a smirk on his face, “Back at base, which is where you should be...isn't it past your curfew little lion Cub?”
“I’m here getting an order,” Kerubiel says with a scowl, “I don’t have a curfew and I’m not a cub! Why are You here?"
Khopesh could see the little kitty was fishing for information. Dark Angels, over one hundred centuries and some things never Change. But fine...he'll play along.
"I'm sharing a meal with my precious Lullaby." Khopesh responded smugly. He let the follow up go unsaid. You know...because someone actually Wanted his company. 
Kerubiel could tell based on context (and logic I mean what space marine would call another space marine Lullaby of all things??) The Night Lord was referring to a human. 
Was this human his bonded? He was unsure if the Night Lord would give that information willingly. No matter though, he could find that out for himself. 
Carefully, Kerubiel drew on his psykery. He had heard about Bonds and other such nonsense. He didn’t really understand it, none of them did. None of them are Bonded. The lack of information was bothering him a lot. Information is key to survival after all.
And like in practice he saw the bond, flourishing and floral (honestly it was kinda pretty-) No! Focus! The strain of using his powers is starting to make his vision waiver, just a little bit.
But...something was off. Kerubiel may not have been the most experienced with bonds or emotions...but he could tell the bond in front of him was completely Platonic. He’d seen a few bonds of different kinds, they had different color-feel-patterns to them.
And again...context and logic. Precious Lullaby Could be a platonic term of endearment but considering how Dopey eyed the Nightlord appeared when he said it that was Doubtful. 
Khopesh grimaced as the youngster continued to Stare at him. He had a feeling he knew what he was doing. He'd let Claude and Anrir study his bond many times. So even without active psykery of his own he Knew the feeling of being examined. 
And this entitled little Snot hadn't even asked permission. But he held himself in Check; didn't want to get tossed out on his ass for being a Night Lord who got in a squabble. "Are you done being an Invasive little shit or are you just going to keep Staring at me Cub?"
Kerubiel let go of his sight, Damn that still took a lot out of him. But he would Not, show weakness. "Why would a space marine lower themselves to break bread and consort with a human they aren't even bonded to?" 
Okay Now, he was going to beat the shit out of the little snot consequence be Damned. One of his hands twitches, as he longs to clock the brat in the face with his fist.
As Khopesh was contemplating the best method of springing up from this bench and Strangling the little bastard in a headlock, Kerubial let out one more jab. "And Why would any sane  human choose a Night Lord of all companions?"
"Because I Like His Company." A terse voice comes from behind the Primaris Dark Angel, causing both space marines to perk up. 
You stand there, arms crossed as the large Dark Green hooded Bastard turns so he can see you, and you now have an unblocked view of your Night Lord still sitting on the waiting bench, though clearly much more tense than you'd left him. 
Honestly you leave for the bathroom, you use said bathroom, you wash your hands and splash your face and Hype yourself up for the talk to come and What do you come back to?? Some large petty nosy space marine getting into Khopesh’s face and asking a bunch of rude ass questions. 
At first you thought they might just know each other, until you heard the other Space Marine essentially ask, “Why would a human want to be with the likes of you?”
"Fuck. You. That's why!" You continue hotly, spurred on by your indignation and putting yourself Between this bastard and Your Night Lord, "He's fuckin Great. And Because, I can choose for myself who I damn well Please to hang out with! And not you nor anyone else is gonna tell me otherwise!" You state hands on your hips as your voice gets louder as you defend Khopesh from this asshole.
Does he need defending? Probably not, could probably fold this guy like a cheap tea table, but is that gonna stop you from puffing up and getting Right into a much larger Space Marine's face? 
Well clearly not you're already doing it. You would be more scared, but you were defending someone else. Someone who you care for deeply, who doesn't deserve to be harassed simply for being in a public place.
"Now you can either trot your merry renfaire ass along or I Will be reporting to your superior officer how you are making a damn Fool of yourself and All said superiors because clearly whoever trained you didn't impart you Manners!" You continue to rant and point a finger at him.
Kerubiel scowls at Lullaby and Khopesh, and starts to growl low in his throat at their rudeness. But while he clenches his fist, he’s no Chaos or Renegade scumbag to hurt a Baseline unless attacked first. His eyes narrow as he glares down at them and back at Khopesh.
Who now has an absolute look of looming Murder on his face. Not at You no no No. Before the prickly little cat bastard had the shitting Gall to Growl at His Lullaby, he'd been surprised and even Exhilarated by you cussing out his aggressor in front of him. 
Defending a monster like him, as if you had even a Ghost of a chance against the Primaris. All puffed up like a bluffing Hen, but you were completely serious. And so was Khopesh about that brutal homicide that was rapidly approaching this Dark Angel if he Didn't- Stop-Threatening-His-Lullaby!
Pyrus comes over- having heard raised voices- moving faster once he hears Growling Dark Angel Noises and calls out to the squabbling group. "Khopesh party of two your table is ready." He announces, trying to diffuse the situation and organically move the two arguing members apart. "We have the sconces dimmed and everything is set, if you'll just follow my fellow host right over there."
You glanced over seeing another smartly dressed host, this time a human Baseline, waving you over. "Excellent, thank you So much for the accommodations." You say in your sweetest most polite voice, before turning back to Khopesh and holding out your hand. 
"Let's go have a nice meal now, and try to forget any...unpleasantness." You gave Kerubial a sharp side eye. The bastard even had the audacity to look insulted.
Khopesh is now in a Much better mood without that nasty bastard growling and prodding at him. He's also pleasantly surprised to see the Host take his side but he pushes that thought away for now, taking his Lullaby's offered hand. 
You smile, and settle into Khopesh's side, literally hanging off his arm. Are you doing it to be spiteful? Absolutely yes, one hundred percent. But just as much you are doing it to be affectionate. 
You even decide to really lay it on, indulging in tucking yourself close to your Night Lord and nuzzling him. Treating Khopesh to some well deserved (after that bullshit especially) tenderness, and showing that green hooded Prick how Happy you were in the company of said Nightlord. Khopesh responds by purring softly, and giving the green hood prick a smug look with full teeth.
As you two move to go to your table. Pyrus moves over and accidentally bumps into the Primaris Dark Angel that’s growling a little and turns to look at him with fire-bright eyes, “Please leave, if you are going to upset guests at this place.”
“I have an order I’m picking up!” Kerubiel protests.
“Who’s name is it under?” Pyrus asks hands on his hips as he gives a disappointed look to the other astarte. “What’s your name and Chapter?”
“Primaris Marine Kerubiel of the Dark Angels. M42.” Says, before Kerubiel grumpily gives Cedric’s name to answer the second question.
 “... Ah- you’re one of the newer arrivals.” Pyrus says, which explains, but doesn’t excuse his behavior. “I’m going to report to Captain Ash’val about this incident.”
“He’s not my Captain,” Kerbuiel says one of his lower lips stuck out a little bit as his eyebrows come down in a scowl.
Pyrus stares at him flatly, he hands him the order, “please leave, unless you want to deal with the Reason we decided to call it the Fire Drake Noodle House.”
Kerubiel is curious- but he doesn’t want to get into that much trouble after finishing up healing and being finally allowed to run around outside without supervision. Fucking- Thressl’s reaction would be annoying to deal with, the cackling laughter and ribbing would be annoying.
"And for the love of all things Unholy Do Not scratch at the stitches." Hura scolded the newly arrived Space Wolf with the bright mane of red hair. "Unless, you want me to drag you back here and Actually put you in a cone for your impudence." 
"You wouldn't!" Thressel shot back, 
"I can and I Will." Hura assured him, snagging the willful pup by the ear. "I Might even have to shear off some of your precious red locks in order for it to fit properly. We wouldn't want that now, Riiiiiight?"
Thressel went pale, "Ack! Fine! FINE! I understand!" He snarled, barely tamping down on his instinct to Bite the hand disciplining him.
"Good," Hura cheerfully released the Pup and picked up the relevant paperwork. "Other than that your vitals seem good, your hearing is still slightly imbalanced but that may improve yet. Are their any other questions you have?"
"Nope, now let me Go ya Chaos bas-" Thressel caught himself before his big dumb mouth could land him in that dreaded cone. "I mean...I'm Fine, got no questions. And my brothers are waiting fer me."
Hura nodded, smart pup. "Any plans?" The apothecary asked as he wrote a few more notes. 
Thressel hmm'd for a moment. Cedric seemed to trust this Chaos traitor, at least with things related to healing. Sides, not like telling him would ruin their plans. "Says they ordered somethin’ called 'taik out.' Told me it was a special kind of Baseline food."
"I believe you mean Take Out." Hura corrected. "The food can be anything from any culture or style. Take out simply means the food is purchased and brought elsewhere."
Thressel huffed a laugh. "Whatever it is, I'm no one ta say no to a free meal. So can I go now?"
"Yes, pup, go run along."
The excited Space Wolf hopped eagerly off the medical table and ran for the door. No Way was he getting left with table scraps "-Oh!"
As Thressel was exiting he came face to face with a grim old face. Pale and dark eyed, a Nightlord…
"Watch where you're charging you clumsy Bitch!" Two Night Lords, the other one just behind the first snarled at him. 
“Oh Fuck off you gloomy bat!” Thressl growls at them, “I was here first!”
Hura comes over hearing the argument and ready to politely bully his cousins for being naughty if needed, “Ah- Karlsor, Anrir- come in- what’s the issue? Go- on now Thressl. Shoo.”
“Fine,” Thressl makes a face at all three First Born Chaos Space Marines but he does scuttle off to go where his brother-cousins are. 
While he’s curious to see what the Old Bastards are up to, he’d rather heal up a bit first and taste this ‘take out’ is and set Kerubiel on this fuckers, that is entertaining to watch. And the Primaris Dark Angel would tell them if he thought he had some information that he thought they needed to know.
Hura gestures for Karlsor and Anrir to join him in his office- he waits until Thressl’s superior hearing, even among the Astartes, is out of range and he turns to the two Night Lords, “What can I help you with?”
He looks them over, neither of them are injured, and Anrir is an excellent Apothecary, for patching himself and others up. He’s curious to see what it is that has the pair of Night Lords Seeking him out.
“I have some questions for you,” Anrir says, watching Hura sharply as he almost glares.
“What questions?” Hura asks.
“About the Baseline you recognized earlier, and how you and Xerxes helped them recover,” Anrir says, eyes darkening a little, “When you and Xerxes helped them … was there any… additional things that you or he did to them?”
“What do you mean by that?” Hura asks, arching an eyebrow at Anrir, having taken off his helmet to speak with them more freely.
“Did you fucking Chaos twist them?” Karlsor, says, rather not wanting to dance around something, “Cause if you fucking did- then we have a big fucking problem.”
Hura rears back as if he’d just been slapped, and insulted, “I did not, and nor did Xerxes do any ‘Chaos twisting’ on them. And what do you mean by that anyways?”
Karlsor heaves a sigh and then tells Hura what Jophiel had explained to him ending with a, “decay and mushrooms sounds an awful lot like your Grandfather’s grox-shite.”
Hura can’t stop the look on his face, “And you think I, or Xerxes can - what- affect bonds like that?” 
“Can you?” Anrir asks. 
“Or Can fucking Xerxes do it?” Karlsor asks, in a rather rude tone of voice. “And why the fuck didn’t you tell us you could do this?"
“As far as I am aware of,” Hura states honestly, “I cannot affect bonds like that, Nor has Anyone been able to so far, not the way that you are speaking of anyway. And I don’t think that Xerxes can either, if you want, I can call in my brother for you to question him on what exactly it was he did to help...save them.”
Karlsor glanced at Anrir, who had paused to think. "Time is of the essence, I do want to inter-," The old Terran Nightlord stopped himself, before he could commit a Dreadful faux paus in front of the Death Guard who was almost as old and deadly as him. "I mean...I would like your Brother Xerxes's personal recount of the events of course. But I doubt he can arrive here as quickly as we need."
Hura drummed his gauntleted fingers on his chin. "...Perhaps, there is another way...at least one that could hold the information you seek. Or rather Proof, that whatever is presently occurring with that Bond, it was Not apparent the last time my patient was here." Hura stopped his fingers and his gaze turned Deathly serious. 
"What I am about to tell and show you is Highly classified information. The event That poor child has been through sent ripples through the upper ranks, and it was immediately quelled so as not to spark panic or rebellion." Hura explained, motioning for the two Night Lords to follow him out of his office. 
They do so, and to their surprise the Apothecary leads them from the usual travel path hallways of the medbay to a generic looking door in a random room off to one side. Anrir had never truly taken notice of it, as it had the look and smell of an extra storage room. 
Hura pulls out a key card and presses it to the blank wall. A click is heard and the mystery door opens. 
As Hura shambles through and down, Anrir marvels, a disguised Stairwell, how clever. Anrir understood there were places in this base he'd never seen. Each legion had their own separate spaces so it made sense. 
But as a trusted Apothecary he was taken aback that he'd never seen or scarcely even been told about 
Down, down, down they go past more floors and doors but they only stop at the bottom of which resides another door, which Hura instead knocks on. Anrir recognizes the pattern and has to stifle a laugh. 
Shave and a haircut. Two bits.  
Again another click, and the door pops open to reveal a hallway not unlike the regular ones on the floor above. With again...more doors. 
"What the Fuck!?" Karlsor exclaims.
"Language!" Both elders hiss, causing the mouthy Nightlord to clam up.
"Fuck, sorry." Karlsor mutters. 
Hura ambles forward. "The information we seek is behind one of these." He gestures. 
"The fuck you mean...One of these?" Karlsor asks with confusion. 
"The Doors of course, little cousin." Hura cooes, with Karlsor growling lowly in response. "This...extension of the medbay was a collaborative effort between several legions and the high ranking officials within them."
"Ultramarine, Raven Guard and Even Alpha Legion contributed. Despite the primitive setup and materials it's quite...secure." Hura continued, glancing at each of the doors. 
"I'm assuming there's a catch?" Anrir posed. This all seemed too easy. 
Hura nodded smartly. "Astute observation. Yes you see every three months the records and data here are reshuffled with a tweaked or brand new sorting method." Hura explained. "There are also false or incorrect documents mixed in to further muddy things." Hura approached one of the doors. "And of course in lieu of dealing with data breaches...the Ultramarines thought it best if all These records were kept in…" Hura opened the door, revealing shelves upon shelves of folders. "Paper form."
Anrir balked at the mountain before him. Karlsor let out a plethora of swears and Neither apothecary bothered to correct him this time. 
"Fuck this! I'm keeping watch." Karlsor declared. 
Seems he had his work cut out for him. 
“Shall we begin, Anrir?” Hura says, giving the other Apothecary a smile as he starts reading and sorting through the documents.
Karlsor would rather be stuck staring at the fucking sun striped bare ass naked for hours. Then deal with oh four Paperwork. It's why He's never accepted a promotion as then he'd have to deal with the fucking Paperwork that came with such a thing. So, while he wants to know what is going on, he's not that Curious about it. 
"Alright folks I'll get these drink orders for you, give you some time to look over our menu. Please enjoy, and I Do apologize for that...unexpected upset." The sweet waiter states as the two of you get settled into your comfortable darkened booth in the back in the corner in the dark. 
Well it's not in the corner but the dimming of the sconces directly above you Does reduce the brightness. 
Khopesh snorts, "Wasn't your fault the Lion Cub decided to get all hissy." He assured them. 
"Yeah, no, don't worry about it." You chime in. "We're certainly not gonna let it ruin our evening." 
"Good good. If you need anything else just flag me down and I'll take care of it." As they strode away you took another moment to breathe in the atmosphere. A bit of nostalgia tickled at your brain. 
"Reminds me of this Tiiiiny Italian place my PawPaw used to love going to." You say, making some light small talk, Khopesh seems confused for a moment till you elaborate, "With the dimmed lights I mean. It was always so dark, only place that had regular lighting was the bathroom. And the only lights I ever saw lit in the dining area were the candles on the tables."
Khopesh smiled. "That sounds perfect for a Nightlord, but inefficient for a Baseline restaurant."
"True...funny enough I-" You felt a slight twinge of a headache. "I...don't remember ever seeing any Astartes in there...but I don't think they weren't welcome per se…" You shook off the feeling before the pain could amplify. "Maybe it was just too small a venue."
"Perhaps," Khopesh acquiesced. "Also what was that dish you mentioned on the way here?" He hummed looking over his menu.
"Egg Foo Young," You stated, "Though even if it's not directly called that, they might still have something like it." You surmised. 
The menu, appropriate to the restaurant's name, showed a plethora of noodle dishes and soups. The lo mein seemed tempting, but your eyes also lit up upon seeing they had a Ramen section. 
The appetizers featured a number of your favorites. But you tempered yourself. "Got a lot of good looking items," You hummed. "Just don't want to spend too much on myself. Get whatever you like though okay? As long as it's not gold encrusted or costs the same as a car payment I'm fine to cover it."
"Pfft! You really think my tastes are That expensive?" Khopesh shot back before following up with. "Besides, Anrir transferred some funds to me for this, so You and I can Both get whatever we like." 
"Wait seriously?" Oh...the cellphone exchange while they were back at the base suddenly made sense. 
"Of course! He wants us to have a nice evening…" Khopesh assured, but he noted you looked...conflicted. "Is something wrong?"
You glanced up, seeing Khopesh's vaguely worried expression. "Uh...not really it's just…" Honest remember? Try to be Honest. You let out a soft sigh. "Hmm...I guess I just felt like...expensive or not, I wanted to treat You. Like don't get me wrong! I think Anrir is Super generous for doing that. I'll have to thank him later."
"I just...I know there's not a lot I can Give or do For You. If that makes sense.” You offered. 
Khopesh didn't seem to follow. “I'm afraid I don't quite understand.” 
“Well…I guess it feels like You give me a lot, attention, affection, you make me laugh, you comforted me when I had that bad dream. And for someone like you who's so much more capable, and physically stronger than I'll ever be and…" You trailed off, noticing how Khopesh was listening intently. 
In his focus and with the soft candle light flickering gently over his features, tracing an orange highlight into his dark eyes he looked…
"Why'd you stop?" He asks, breaking you from your trance. 
"S-sorry it's just...you look Really pretty in the candlelight."
Khopesh...did Not expect that. He felt like the breath he didn't realize he'd been holding in his three lungs flew from him silently with a simple but Slightly squeaky "-oh."
His Lullaby...thought he looked Pretty? Pretty? P-R-E-T-T-Y? In all the time he'd been alive he couldn't remember Ever being called that. Fierce? Commonly. Terrifying? All the time. And he knew baselines back in his time revered almost all Astartes with various shades of Fear and Awe. Some could and would even call the most frightening of their kind things like Ethereal.
But something as simple and kind as pretty? Never. The Nightlord felt his cheeks burn and he couldn't stop himself from grinning.
"How do you Do that?" He groaned playfully, placing his hands on his cheeks and his elbows on the table. 
"Do what?"
"Surprise me like that!" Khopesh exclaimed, moving his hands to the table before him. Looking almost like he was preparing for a lunge. "No matter what you do, or if I Think I know what you'll do, you always seem to catch me off guard somehow! It's so Frustrating." He growled but again, there didn't seem to be any real anger in it. Honestly, it came out more like a rough purr. "But I Love it. Which I don't understand, which just frustrates me More." He giggled, running his hands through his long hair. 
Well, you were hoping for honesty, and though it was a...strange thing to find enjoyment in. "I mean...I guess I'll take that as a compliment. But back on topic." You redirected the conversation. "I guess part of me feels a little disappointed I wasn't able to do something nice for you. I'm not mad or anything, and honestly I'm still glad I get to spend time with you."
Khopesh agreed, but something itched at his mind, like there was something he wanted to say in return or perhaps he could sense there was more You wanted to say, but didn't quite know how. 
So instead he'd take a moment to read your body language in the candlelight. 
Khopesh wasn't unaware of his own appearance, he knew his features could run the spectrum of ethereal to eldritch horror in the minds of baselines. He'd known enough Nightlords who, ahem, acquired personal serfs; promising safety and security through whispered sharpened teeth that the baselines shivered from with every possible mix of revulsion and desire.
He hadn't felt that Drive like some of his battle brothers, thus he didn't give much thought to Baseline standards of beauty. Not until coming here, and not until meeting You. 
And in the candlelight you looked so...wonderful. Reminding him of a place that was Warm and Safe, something even a creature as fierce as him had hardly known. 
He looks at your skin that's been kissed by the sun over your farm, and he remembers how you'd felt in his arms. Like his own personal sun, one that didn't burn his eyes or skin but filled him with a tender warmth all the same, as well as a burning hunger and want. The want to hold, to keep, to protect. Maybe that's why his battle brothers took their serfs?
Because bright, sweet things; things that bring laughter and joy and hope don't live long in this hellhole.
Without thinking he reaches a hand across the table, palm up. You glance up from your menu as you notice his gesture. 
You seem unsure for a moment, before smiling, and wordlessly placing your hand on his, instead of directly taking it, you begin drawing soft circles on the smooth skin of his palm with the pads of your fingers. Yet again, you've surprised him, and yet again, he doesn't mind at all. A moment passes before either of you speak. 
"There is something I need to talk to you about." You state, now running your warm small fingers over Khopesh's much larger ones. "But for now, let's enjoy the moment. Honesty can come after food. You ready to order?"
It is then Khopesh realizes he'd gotten utterly distracted and quickly picks up his menu with an "Oop!"
You chuckle. "Well we'll flag down our waiter for appetizers in a moment. I think I'll get some Roulette Dumplings for myself, and some Scallion Pancakes for you."
Khopesh smiled, and you could see him brimming with excitement. 
"But if you steal all the pancakes again I Will run out of this restaurant." You threaten cheekily. 
"You wouldn't!" Khopesh gasped with mock fear. 
"I would." You shoot back. Causing both of you to laugh. 
It takes multiple Hours of Diligent review, but Hura and Anrir find the paperwork they'd been searching for.
The folder has a picture attached to the front, and indeed it appears to be Khopesh's Lullaby. Anrir thumbs through the reports page by page. 
It holds Lullaby's personal details, and the accounts and evidence collected from several space marines who were present at the time of the initial attack. Including several loyalist White Scars, the Death Guard Xerxes, and a Renegade Iron Warrior. 
Fascinating. An injury imparted to one Baseline spurred multiple factions into cooperation. Though he wasn't totally surprised, Lullaby seemed quite the sweet soul, and Astartes, however hardened they might be, seemed to have a soft spot in their programming for such things. 
At least...Anrir liked to believe most of them did. (That they were better than the slavish dogs of war they'd been bred for.) And indeed he felt his hands clench and his lip curl at the description he read. 
One of the Emperor's Golden Elite, a Custodes, committed this act. The Emperor who created them to be beacons and vanguards for humanity. It seems this Custodian had forgotten their place and purpose. 
He grimaced as he looked over the pictures taken, the painful looking bruises around Lullaby's neck as they laid in a hospital bed, about how the intervention of Xerxes with his...carrion wasps (Anrir suppressed a shudder.) had saved their life, and the months of painful rehabilitation they'd had to go through as was documented. Thinking back, he had an idea of the Hunt Khopesh was planning to ask for. And more importantly, his own overcrowded memory was coming back to him. 
"I know why I recognized them." He mutters under his breath. "They were in and out of the Loyalist clinic, I saw them in passing a handful of times."
"To think they had survived an encounter with a Custodes. They truly must be a lucky soul…" Anrir mused. 
Hura sighed. "I was brought in to help in their care and recovery, given my Expansive resume of experience." Hura laughed almost scornfully. "And I was Sworn to secrecy, the alliance didn't want to deal with the risk of hunting a custodes, nor the backlash they'd receive for Not calling a hunt on an attempted human killer."
"So they buried the whole damn business. Typical!" Karlsor remarked, peeking his head in. 
Anrir nodded, but that still left one thing unknown. "Not to dismiss your capabilities, but why only You for the overseeing apothecary?"
Hura smiled wryly. "Less bodies, means less lips to worry about sealing. Besides...if you check the dates I think you'll recall you were...out of town when the attack occurred?"
Anrir ran a quick swipe over his memories, true he often went on...business trips of different sorts. "Ah right." Indeed, at the time, he and his sons were taking a small trip to rectify the presence of a human trafficking den in a township nearby.
He'd found some excellent supplies in the process. Too bad he couldn't make the former owners of the place Really Beg for the mercy of the grave. 
Ah well, only so much time in a day. Anrir continued to read. The report further described the presence of a Normal Broken Bond as described by an Ultramarine librarian who examined Lullaby as they lay stable but unconscious after their trauma. 
And though not every visit, they also had their bond examined multiple times. The appearance was the same, snapped vines that were slowly desicating away. 
Perhaps Too slowly…
"Hura, what is the average time for a broken bond to wither away?"
Hura hummed thoughtfully. "Weaker bonds can resolve in a matter of days, for those of moderate strength and age, a few weeks. As for intense bonds…" Hura trailed off. 
Ah yes, one of the more...disturbing sides of this bizarre gift they'd all received. He recalled the first time he'd had Karlsor use his warp sight on a Space Marine who'd lost their intense bond, as the restrained War Hound thrashed and howled in agony. 
He couldn't see it himself, but he'll never forget seeing his son's face go even more pale. 
"It's fucking Strangling his soul." Karlsor swore. 
But back to the present. Intense bonds Could indeed stay longer, but they hadn't the chance to examine their appearance on humans. And without the Custodes present, there was no way of knowing if their side of the bond held those characteristics. 
But still, Anrir cleared his throat. "Well, it does appear my questions have been answered. There's no evidence you Or your Brother played a hand in this bond mutation. But now we must still ask "Why?"
"And what the heck do we do about it?" Karlsor piped up. 
Wait a minute. 
Anrir turned sharply to 'Karlsor'. "What...did you just say?"
'Karlsor' stood there for a moment. "I...ah...I said What the Fuckin heck do we do about it?" He stammered a bit. 
"Hey! You old fucks even halfway fucking done in there or do I need to plan on getting a new fucking bolt after we get the fuck outta here!?" A voice shouted from down the hall just past the door with the knock lock. 
Anrir bristled. "IMPOSTER!" He snarled, lunging and pinning the interloper to the nearest wall. Hura simply stood back, arms crossed and shaking his head. 
"You Really couldn't help yourself, could you?" He sighed, Anrir was confused, until the squirming Bastard wearing his son's face sighed and relented. 
Dark blue became teal, and the pale scarred face took on a more olive tone, with bright teal eyes. 
"Who are you? And if you even fucking Think about Saying Alpharius, I will start with your teeth and won't stop until I've plucked out Each and Every One of your bones!" Anrir snarled, before Hura put a tempering hand on his shoulder. 
"Relax Anrir, I know this one." Hura soothed. He turned to the Hydra and said very sternly, "Zariel…"
The Hydra sighed before acquiescing. "I saw your little family gathering and became curious myself. So I figured...what the hell? Might as well use the fact Alpha Legion helped design this space to my advantage." He shrugged. 
Anrir groaned, but did not release the pesky teal bastard. "How did you get past Karlsor?" He demanded. 
"I didn't, I figured Hura would bring you here eventually, so I got here ahead of you and decided to camp out in one of the other rooms after locating the file." Zariel shrugged. "Honestly, having a third person made it easier for me as I didn't have to worry about only approaching while the two of you were separated."
Karlsor sends Anrir a message [Oi- old man, you asleep in the hell that is paperwork?]
[I and Hura are still awake.] Anrir responds. [Just dealing with a sneaky Hydra.]
[Those fuckers!] Karlsor responds [Need back up?]
[Not yet, Hura and I have the situation handled for you.] Anrir responds.
[Let me know if you need some Psychic muscle Anrir.] Karlsor replies.
[Oh, I will.] Anrir responds.
Anrir focuses on the conversation between this ‘Zariel’ and Hura tilting his head and keeping the Hydra pinned against the wall. For now at least. One should always try to have the upper hand with the sneaky buggers.
“You should have said something or texted,” Hura says with a disappointed sigh and shakes his head. “You are lucky that I was here and that Anrir has yet to take more hostile, understandably so action with this grox shite that you pulled, Hydra.”
“Yes, but this way is more entertaining,” Zariel argues with a huff. Then he winces a little when Anrir pushes into him a little bit. “Could you let me up? I’m here to help. The Primaris Ducklings are also partially under my protection and care too.”
“Still, why are you here?” Hura asks Zariel as he strides closer to him.
Zariel shifts a little and huffs as he says that, “I couldn't help myself, we hydras love secrets and he's willing to share.”
“We who?” Hura asks, narrowing his eyes, “is your squad nearby?”
“They know where I am,” Zariel says, but they aren’t in these rooms, “So if you or Anrir, or someone else try to disappear me they’ll know who to go after and where.”
The file details many different things, more on the details of Lullaby's injuries and treatment. And that even at their last check up they were secretly looked at by a librarian. The bond was taking a While to wither, but it was withering!
Zariel points out, gesturing to one of the Librarian's latest reports, dated two weeks ago at a clinic in their hometown, “There is no sign of the decay Jophiel saw.”
“It’s… could it be a whole new bond type and … could Lullaby possibly be a nascent Psyker? Developing amidst the Baseline populace?” Hura muses.
“What a discovery!” Anrir proclaims as his eyes gleam brightly, fogging over with ideas of what this could mean. Anrir pauses as he thinks over the potential implications and says out loud, almost offhandedly, “ But...if the bond is altered...that could also mean. Ah. I wonder if Lullaby may not be able to form a permanent bond ever again.”
Zariel and Hura are quiet as they ponder those implications and Hura pipes up saying “Lullaby needs to be told. About their potential Psykery, and about the possibility of them not being able to permanently Bond with another.”
“I agree,” Zariel says, as he knows about the nature of various brothers and cousins and says warningly, “They're the patient and if they shock a less friendly space marine and that marine realizes what they are, they could be taken hostage.”
The trio of Space Marines look at each other at that. Some of their brothers and cousins could get highly reactive about certain things. And the reactions they could have were as diverse as the galaxy is.
“... I think telling Lullaby that they have an unviable bond, and that it is so unusual and mutated is… important, it could be affecting their health, be it physical, mental, emotional, psychically or in their soul, but we won’t know until we investigate more.” Hura says with a grim expression on his face.
“I will tell Khopesh he needs to bring them back to base,” Anrir says, “After their date is over to speak with them.”
“Sounds like a good idea,” Hura says with a nod. “Don’t want to worry the younglings too much, but it’s important, too important to let it wait too long.”
The three of them are quiet, a somber heavy feeling curling around the three of them. Anrir slowly lets go of Zariel as they ponder what the next steps are to do. Zariel grabs the documents in Lullaby’s file and makes sure they are in proper order.
“Also, I was here to add in more of the falsified documentation and do more of the safety rotation and cipher changing,” Zariel tells them.
He’d gone into these archives for multiple reasons, some of them more legitimate and than others. While his fellow Hydra’s would understand because of curiosity and having a nose for Interview and how curious and strange certain reactions were, most others not of the lineage of the Hydra got terribly annoyed with that answer for some reason.
The waiter came back with a platter piled high with their appetizers and drink orders. He set down the plates of steaming hot food. The smell of it makes your mouth water and the way that it glistens in the low light just enhances the delight as your stomach rumbles as the appetizer plates are set down, and then the sharing plates. The dipping sauces and the drinks.
The waiter asks if they have decided on their dinner, or if they want him to come back in a bit. You've decided on the spicy ramen and tell the waiter as much. 
“Alright, I Must warn you though the highest spice level is more for Astartes, below that is what would be considered very hot for humans, then moderate, and then mild. Which level would you prefer?”
You thought it over. “I'll take it human moderate please.” You eventually settle on, handing the waiter your menu. 
“I’ll have it hot and spicy!” Khopesh says with a grin, “Astartes level hot!”
“... Khopesh,” You say, “are you sure you want to do that?”
“That sounds like a challenge Lullaby, and I don't back down from challenges!” Khopesh declared confidently, “Besides! You seem to like it so I'm sure I will as well.”
“Okay…if you're certain.” You reply with a shrug, deciding to grab and eat one of the Roulette dumplings, and a scallion pancake. 
You bit into the innocuous looking dumpling and hummed at the burst of spicy flavor. “Hm! Hot one on the first try!” You smiled, dipping the remainder in sauce and eating it. 
“Excuse me?” Khopesh asked, grabbing his own appetizers. 
“Oh that's what the Roulette Dumplings are, look.” You grabbed another dumpling and took a taste. A savory and sour flavor followed. “There are three flavors; spicy, sour and regular. It's a gamble what you get with every one you eat.”
Khopesh seemed legitimately intrigued, he picked up one and examined it, before tentatively popping it into his mouth. “Hm!”
That…that wasn't what he was expecting. It started out like a simple prick of sensation on his tongue, then it grew warmer spreading over his mouth, then it was Hot. It left his mouth tingling unpleasantly, even if the flavor was savory and good he-
“You doing alright over there?” You asked, noting the reddening of Khopesh's face.
The Night lord broke from his pain to shoot you a scowl, before he swallowed quickly so the burning morsel no longer sat on his tongue. It left an itchy staticky aftertaste falling down his throat. 
“Ulp! Fine, I am Fine.” He replied, rolling his mouth and tongue a bit as if trying to shake off the lingering taste. “See?? I can handle this Astarte Spice just fine!” He huffed, crossing his arms defiantly. 
“Khopesh, those were regular spicy.”
“-!” You saw him flinch. But before either of you could speak further…
“And here's two ramen bowls! One Moderate Spicy and the Other We have Salamander Spicy! Enjoy!” The waiter delivered your meal items cheerfully, and was gone almost as fast. 
Khopesh started down at the steaming bowl, and he could Feel the spice and the heat and the Hell that awaited his mouth. He felt it in every inhale. 
“Khopesh…you don't have to.” You started.
The Night lord turned his eyes sharply to you. “I will not be Cowed by a bowl of Soup and Noodles!” He declared, frustratedly picking up his utensils. “I Will enjoy it, just as you do.”
Fine! Just let him hurt himself. Fool won't fuckin listen anyway. You rolled your eyes. 
No…no, you're not gonna just stand by. 
“Silence!” Khopesh snarled, focused on his bowl. “Do not try and stop m-”
Khopesh found himself cut off by a much smaller hand coming to grasp his own harshly. He looked up and what he saw Actually made him take notice.
You looked Pissed. Not unraveled but very much in line with; ‘Okay now the angry bitch is coming out’ as his Muti would say. 
“First of all,” You growled back with a convincing level of menace for your size. “Never, tell me to Silence, myself again. And if you even Think about laughing, I will walk out of here and leave your ass in a heartbeat. Do not play games, and Do Not talk down to me.”
Well he was somewhat at a loss for words. Seeing you like this Was kinda hot, good hot not hell hot, but also you might get more mad if he mentions that. 
Still holding his utensil hand hostage you pick up a spoon from your own side, gather some of your own broth, and hold it out to him. 
“Try mine first. Before you decide to hurt yourself to prove some dumbshit point for pride.” You insisted.
Khopesh looked at your spoon, and could smell the similar but Much less threatening aromas coming off it. He allowed you to feed him, halfway between confused and entranced. 
Until the spicy hit him even harder than the dumpling had and he reared back. “Mmp! Mmmmmuhhg Alck kkkkh!” In all his decades and battles and hardships (scrounging for rats and bugs in the gutters of Nostramo, looting and cooking corpses just to keep himself fed one more day-) he had Never been subject to a (not really flavor more like a) food sensation that repulsed him more. 
“See?” You prompted the Nightlord, who was now gulping down his drink to get rid of the bad pain hot sensation in his mouth. 
“By Curze that is Awful!” He gasped. 
You shrugged. “It's not for everyone. But then again hardly anything is.” You reply, taking a mouthful from your own soup. 
Khopesh slumped dejectedly, looking at his now cooler but still Evil bowl of hell soup. He couldn't eat this. 
“Let's go ahead and order something else.” You propose. “Something you'll like more.”
“But I wanted to eat the same thing as You.” Khopesh replied sullenly. He wanted it to be like you were sharing the same meal. Like he'd provided for both of you. “I couldn't do a proper game hunt on such short notice…I was hoping this could be similar. And that we could have more in common with the foods we like.” He explained when you looked confused. 
“ …Why? You know we don't have to be doing the exact same thing or Like the same exact things to enjoy eachothers company right?”
Khopesh glanced up, instead of frustration he saw…softness. “Khopesh. I like being here with you. Heck I'm still blown away someone as powerful and capable as you even Likes My company.”
Khopesh wanted to push you further on that point, but you continued before he could. 
“I enjoy our time together because we're different, not in spite of it. I love learning about all the little things that make you, You. And I love them just the same if they end up being the same as me, similar to me, or radically different to me.” You explain further, scratching the back of your neck as you felt the blush creep up it with the pseudo confession you'd just given. 
Well at least you weren't the only one. Khopesh had a vaguely surprised expression on his gaunt face, and a blush to boot. It was cute. 
“I guess what I mean to say is…I’m glad I get to spend time with you.” You state simply. “Although saying that, there is one thing…one conversation we Need to have before moving forward.” You place your utensils down and take a steadying breath. Now or never.
Khopesh leaned in. “I am listening.”
You nodded. “I've been thinking it over, and I Think I finally understand what my nightmares have been trying to tell me.”
Khopesh cocked an eyebrow. “You have the gift of prophecy??”
You shook your head. “Ah no. No. Not quite. Just self awareness.” You reply, then continue. “I had another Nightmare before coming here and…in that dream, you saved me from…a threat.” You chose your words very carefully, and subconsciously brushed your hand over your neck. 
Khopesh seemed agreeable to that. Yes of Course he would protect you from Anything. Can you protect them from yourself though? An nagging voice needled at him which he Firmly brushed aside. 
“But in the next part of the dream you ah…Reached Into my chest, and…ripped my heart out.” Well there wasn't any much Nicer a way to put it; Khopesh still looked horrified. 
“Are you saying you think I'd-” But you held up a hand to stop him. 
“Please, let me finish,” You pleaded, and though clearly dissatisfied Khopesh relented. “I…I adore you, Khopesh, I think I might even Love you.”
“But even though what happened to me before wasn't your fault, wasn't in anyway even Involved with you…It still left it's mark, mentally and physically.” More neck rubbing. You continued. “I think the dreams are telling me that what I fear most, is being hurt again. And the way I see it, there's two ways that could happen with you.”
“If there comes a time I can no longer surprise you…or excite you or even just…Amuse you…I’m afraid you'll throw me away…” You say quietly. 
“Or if there comes a day where, for whatever reason, I want to leave…that you won't let me.” You bring your eyes back to the Nightlord who is sitting stock still in front of you. 
His pale features are still lit with candlelight, still beautiful and haunting as ever. The rest of the noise in the background seems to fade away. 
“I Need to know…that if one day this ends. Whether it's you, or Me who decides to walk away. For whatever reason. That you'll let me.” You say solemnly. “I don't want to go down this road if I'll just end up where I was before. Broken and discarded because…because someone with strength and power over me that I could never hope to match, decides that my life and my being as a person isn't…isn't worthy to l-live.” You state, feeling yourself beginning to choke up. 
Not even worth a backwards glance. You weren't even worth a backwards glance. Unworthy to Live, Unworthy to Love! unworthy, Unworthy, UNWORTHY!
“Lullaby,” Now you felt a large cool hand reach for your own. The one that was scratching at you neck. You glance up to see Khopesh reaching over the table, his expression a mix of concerned and confused. “You're afraid.”
You couldn't help yourself, you leaned into the cool hand pressing to your face now and let out a giggle that was more sob than laughter. “T-that part is obvious.” You snort. “I just…” You gestured vaguely. “I want this to be a Choice for both of us, not an Obligation. I want us to both Choose to see where this goes. And if it doesn't work out then…we can both walk away safe. Can we…can we do that? Please?” You asked, more plaintive and less confident. 
Khopesh hesitated, of all things he did not expect…this. To see you so vulnerable, he had once before but this felt so much more Raw, since you'd chosen to show him this. 
Not to mention…the things you spoke of, he was entirely unfamiliar with. No serf would Ever dare bring these kinds of words to their Night lord…but…could he Really say your relationship had anything in common with the ones he'd seen in his own timeline? It was only then he realized he had so little to work off of. 
We could agree, a voice inside him purred, but not Truly. Pull them into our web so they can never leave. Make them believe it is their choice. They'll be so Happy to have all that dreadful stress off their shoulders. They'll never Actually want to leave. The voice sounds almost more like Anrir than himself, and while part of him is disturbed the other Desires. 
Another comes. What is even the Fucking point of this shit if there isn't Trust? You're a Night lord, we don't deal in honestly but we're not Fucking hypocrites either! That thought hurts and it's because it's true. 
Don't they deserve to feel safe? A softer thought chimes in. It's unusual but they seem to Really want this. What's the harm?
The harm is that if we allow this they could come to harm! A rougher voice shoots back. They belong safe in Our arms, why are we even entertaining-
“Khopesh?” The Nightlord is brought back to the present, and at once he is caught by your eyes. Pleading, unsure, fearful but most of all…
Hopeful. They are full of a Hope that Khopesh had long thought was beyond his kind seeing. Night lords did not inspire hope. The moment it was realized What the were, and Who they Were, all softness turned to fear and ice. 
But not you. You looked at him like he could be more than a monster...
Like he could make you feel safe, and loved
Like he could be… a hero…Your hero.
A clear voice comes next. His Vada You take good care of ‘em then.
Khopesh felt the coils of his muscles and the breath held in his lungs release. You still waited with baited breath. 
“I…” Fuck Curze dammit where does he Even start. “I was not…prepared for this I…I am…not sure what to say…” He lets out a low huff. He doesn't like being caught so out of his element.
He thinks back on your words. “I…adore the time I have had with you as well. And I won't lie, I Loathe, the thought of losing you…” He could feel a guttural snarl building up but he tamped it Down. 
“But if…having this promise between us would make you feel safe and…Happy…then I will…Agree…” He stated, still struggling a bit to get the words out, even having to close his eyes and grit his teeth as he did. 
Snff, hiccup He reopened his dark eyes to see you…crying?
Oh sweet hell what now- but before he could complete that thought you'd sprung up, come around the table and launch yourself into his arms with a cry of “Khoopeeeesh!” 
Khopesh let out a surprised “-ooF!” Though the impact wasn't anything he couldn't handle. “Lullaby what are you mMph!”
A little of that spicy bad sensation came back, but This time it was outside his mouth And it was because you were pressing your lips to his in a Firm kiss. The small flickers of displeasure from the spicy, and the feeling of unease from the strange new arrangement he'd just agreed to…all faded to a near imperceptible hum as he found himself utterly melting into your kiss. 
“Mwah,” You pulled back, but still gripped him to you, or yourself to him. Feeling again like a miniature sun, sharing your warmth with eagerness and snuggling up to and kissing him all over his face with gusto. 
“Ah so…are you, Pleased- with my phrasing?” He asked tentatively, okay now he was Really liking this. 
“Yes! You Dork!” You laughed, tilting your forehead so it rested against his. You stayed like that for a moment, just enjoying the physical touch. “That is Exactly what I needed to hear.”
Khopesh felt his chest swell with warmth. Okay…he could do this. 
“Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,” You felt the Nightlord you were still embracing start to vibrate with purrs. 
“Ah…you folks doing okay?”
(!) Both of you jolted at the awkward interjection by your waiter. Really wishing you'd gotten a table fully in the back corner at this point. (It was still further back and most people were still engrossed in their own food and conversations so…)
“Ah sorry!” You scrambled to pull yourself into a more dignified position, now realizing you'd been essentially kneeling on the space of the booth that Khopesh wasn't occupying, and latching onto him like a lamprey. 
“Lullaby…” You looked up to see Khopesh looked disappointed? Pouty he straight up looked pouty that you were trying to move. 
You let your embarrassment pass, and your heart melted all over again. “Here, let's do this.” You slotted yourself in so you were both sitting, right up next to your Nightlord, just like when you'd walked over. Khopesh smiled and wrapped his arm around you, nuzzling the top of your head. 
You turned back to the waiter. “We'll need a takeout box for this, and My partner,” You say the word full of new pride and confidence. “Would prefer something else.” You explain, gesturing to the hell ramen. 
The waiter smiled, still a little awkwardly but nodded. “Ah of course, I'll get right on that.” They also took a new order for Khopesh, who decided on the Egg Foo Young. 
“Wait…I thought you didn't want to eat something this spicy?” Khopesh asked as the waiter walked off. 
You shrugged. “One bite probably won't kill me. Besides, if I can't eat it I'll just let it spoil, then Xerxes can eat it. So either way, it won't be wasted.”
Khopesh smiled, and you returned to you less…emotionally taxing conversations. Now snuggled up close, with the stress and the fear and the awful voices dim in your mind. 
As you waited for Khopesh's proper order. You both nibbled on the Scallion pancakes and the Roulette dumplings; you consuming the spicy and passing the other ones to him. He actually quite enjoyed the sour variety. Even if his description of them was slightly…disturbing.
“The sour tinge reminds me of cooked rotten flesh, but without any actual rot.” 
How were you supposed to respond to that?? “Well…glad to hear a restaurant's food doesn't have any rot in it. What would the health department say?” You reply jokingly, which causes Khopesh to laugh. 
As Khopesh's proper food order was dropped off and you both resumed eating your entrees, you both heard a familiar Ping. Khopesh reacted to the sudden sound by glancing at his vox. 
[Khopesh, return to base as soon as you are able, and bring Lullaby. It is important.] The message is from Anrir, and it makes Khopesh feel both curiosity and concern.
“What's wrong?” You ask, not being able to see the message yourself. 
“Anrir wants us back at the base for some reason.” Khopesh replies, his tone conveying his unsureness with the situation. 
“I wonder why,” you reply a little nervously, “it could be for… not ominous reasons.”
“Not sure,” Khopesh replies, “... I hope we can end this on a positive note.”
Even if he does wonder why Anrir had to send him a message that could be anxiety inducing. He thinks and reflects on his behavior and on his lovely Lullaby's behavior and he doesn't think either of them have done anything To warrant a Scolding.
“We won't know until we see him,” You say, “so let's enjoy our time together and walk back. Yeah?”
Khopesh nods in response, pulling you just a bit closer with a low purr. “Yeah…I'm sure its nothing Too serious.”
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 19 days
What Do I Know About You? Part 1
Tags: @bleedingichorhearts @sleepyfan-blog @bispecsual @angronsjewelbeetle @egrets-not-regrets
@passionofthesith @moodymisty @bispecsual-archived
Summary: Khopesh and Lullaby finally get to go on their first official date! But first some introductions are in order. Also this ended up being a HUGE fic (by my standards) that came from @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan and myself collarborating! As well as help and characters from @kit-williams . ENJOY!!! And some characters from @sleepyfan-blog
Warnings: Mild social anxiety, first time social interactions with what are essentially inlaws, some medical talk, discussions of boundaries.
Previous Chapter Here:
Next Chapter Here:
Very Beginning Here:
Khopesh Thing That Goes Prank in The Night: Excellent! I will see you soon!
Well…you suppose all you can do now is wait. And while you are waiting you might as well sit down. There's a mix of baseline and Astarte sized furniture scattered about the immediate area, to accommodate the mix of baselines and Astartes milling about.
Naturally, this included the chair you'd taken a picture of. But given how this was your first visit to an Astarte base, that didn't involve Trauma, it almost seemed…rude? In a bizarre way, like you would be committing a social faux pas.
By using a chair…that no one else was even attempting to use at the moment.
Yeah...your social anxiety was probably just punking you. And it Did look very comfortable…
But would it be More awkward to be an unaccompanied baseline, with no easily discernable Reason for being here? You probably look more awkward just standing around skimming through your phone, or glancing around while fearing making eye contact with anybody elsein the room.
Yep yep, best to sit down.
So you did. Took a bit of shuffling, and it was firmer than you expected. But nice, cozy. Felt kinda like sitting in a big lap. You relaxed and kicked back.
"Well well well…what have we here?" Wait no.
You glanced up, above you was a marine with pale silky blond hair and piercing eyes. He'd placed his bizarrely sharp looking hand atop the chair's back, and was regarding you with mirthful curiosity.
Much to your Horror, you just wanted to keep your head down and wait for your! date? squeeze? situationship partner? For Khopesh, to come get you, and not give a base full of enhanced super space soldiers Any Reason to be suspicious of you. (It was more like noticeable discomfort, and you've given no reason to anyone in this room to throw you out.)
Zaarius had been sent to replace the front desk Astarte at the local Chaos base that he lived at. To be the ‘greeting person’ for whoever comes into the base, so to speak. He spots a baseline human looking terribly nervous as they stare at one of the Astarte-sized chairs in the lobby room before eventually sitting down.
He heads over to them, it’s curious seeing a baseline human in the lobby of this base, especially as they seem to be unescorted, at least for now.
Perhaps they are newly bonded to a Chaos Marine? Either way he’s kind of bored and seeking hot gossip.
“Hello there!” Zaarius calls out cheerfully with a musical trill, making sure to approach in a manner that wouldn’t appear threatening, or trying to be at least. “It’s nice to meet you! I’m Zaarius, who’s your newly Bonded Marine?”
The question catches you off guard, so you fumble out a response, “Oh I'm…not Bonded to a Space Marine…it's more of a…Situationship?" You say with an anxious shrug.
‘Curiouser, and curiouser!’ Zaarius thinks to himself, they seem quite unsure to him.
He leans a bit closer with a mirthful but reassuring twinkle in his eye. “Oh little darling, do you really think you’re the first human to snag a space marine out of Bond-lock,” Zaarius says putting a hand over his hearts and doing a false swoon, even wriggling his eyebrows cheekily.
Now he's even more curious! So he asks, “So...what faction is your… special friend apart of?”
“…Why do you want to know that?” You ask, eyeing the Chaos Marine suspiciously.
“Because depending on who you managed to snag without a Bond, I’d be exceptionally impressed,” Zaarius says, very seriously and honestly.
“…What?” You manage to say, caught utterly flat footed by that statement.
“Oh yes! You see, you may not know this but…certain chapters are… they can be so…” Zaarius pauses as he struggles to find the word in Ancient Terran- at least the language this human speaks in, “Hrm… what is the local word for… rudely celibate?”
You can’t stop the laughter from bubbling up, also the half offended pouty expression Zaarius is making is hilarious. “Prudish?” You supply.
Zaarius nods, giving them a big smile, and a snaps his fingers. "That's the word, yes!"
You can’t stop the smile from spreading across your face. Okay. You were feeling a little bit of pride at that correct guess. “All those years of hangman finally paying off!”
“Pff, haha!” The Emperor’s child lets out his own laugh, it sounds rather posh to your ears, “Oh, you are very funny! I can see why your Friend likes you.”
He’s glad to have made you laugh, and that you seem to be more at ease. He can tell when a baseline human is not supposed to be here, they have a more furtive, skittishness. Also, they don’t stay in the lobby, and tend to be found in places they aren’t supposed to be, or going near places they aren’t supposed to go.
“…Ah…Yeah…” At least you Hoped that Khopesh liked you for that. More than just being something soft to work over and fuck.
“I was wondering something!” Zaarius says, trying again, slyly to get more information out of this darling little human about their Space Marine Friend. “What … chapter is he from? What colors are his armor? I might know him or at least know of him. Also- if you have questions about certain things… I can try to answer them to the best of my ability. Unless I can’t, then I’ll tell you that, of course.”
‘Well… fuck it. What have you got to lose?’ You think to yourself. You lick your lips a little and take a quick breath, “He’s a Night Lord- and he’s also my neighbor. He’s… not mine… not really.”
“Oh?” Zaarius asks, tilting his head a little, “Night Lords tend to be Independent. You don’t have to have to be Bonded to have a spark.”
He looks over this human again, that’s the second time you'd remarked that they aren’t Bonded-bonded to their situationship of a Space Marine. He scans you over more carefully, searching to see something in your form or self, to see if… this is a willing relationship on the part of the human. Night Lords can be… pushy.
He focuses once more when you speak, “I guess that’s true… and I do like him. He seems like me too… I guess I’m a bit unsure, is all. Things Kinda happened… Really Fast.”
“Night Lords are Intense,” Zaarius agrees with a nod, “They can be aggressive and if they decide someone is worth… catching. They will do all that they can to keep and possess that person as theirs.” He doesn’t continue with the common adage among the Astartes that, Night Lords, if and when they grow bored or find someone, or something else shinier, newer, or more fun to play with, tend to discard their old toys or break them. Usually.
Zaarius hears your heart rate pick up. Smells the beading of sweat and other stress hormones. That and he could see you biting your lip. Chewing your next words before they came out of your mouth perhaps?
"I don't mind being worth catching" You stated, fidgeting a bit. "But I think what scares me is I don't know how long I'll be deemed so."
"Or worse...if he'd be willing to let me go." You fidget a little, glancing at him, then at your hands.
You turned to the Emperor's child and looked into his eyes. "Can you spare me some advice? Like if you were in my shoes…what would you do?"
Zaarius straightens up and sits down on the floor, even as he internally winces at getting his nice clothes a bit dirty. "You need to talk to him. Boundaries-the setting of them. Tell him what you want out of the relationship… Be brave- and I know that can be hard, and ask him what he wants out of the relationship." He gestures with his hands, as he speaks more earnestly, honestly, and wanting to help this human.
Relationships of any kind, Bonded and especially Not-Bonded can be messy tricky affairs that have to be navigated carefully and with much communication and discussion. "We Astartes… aren't used
to many kinds of relationships. Talk to him, no matter how hard it is. Bring a friend- if you feel unsafe doing so alone. If you feel you need a neutral third party…. Apothecary Hura is a great option, I tend to annoy the fuck out of others for some reason."
“Whaaa? Annoying? You? Pffft naww~” Lullaby says playfully, “But Thank you, and… you’re right."
Zaarius nods before he says with a serious tone, "if he blows you off about it- then he's not worth your time and tears. Ask others for help if he's being a little shit." Zaarius says, "Again- Apothecary Hura is great for that sort of thing…and Don't worry, I assure you he'd be Happy to help."
"I Am gonna give it a shot." You say, now feeling a bit more at ease. "But! I Still don't think I should go pullin Doc Hura away from his job just to play referee for my communication issues. He's got enough on his plate as is, he doesn't need my brain issues on top of that."
“Oh?” Zaarius asks, gently prompting you as he tilts his head to the side. "You've met him then?"
"Yep, Got checked out by him about…a year-year and a half or so back. General follow up stuff." You explained waving your hand for emphasis.
Zaarius watches you carefully. Tilting his head a little with a concerned frown, "have you seen an Apothecary for the brain issue? What about a Chaplain? Or a Librairius?"
You were puzzled, then realized. "Oh no no no it's not a physical brain problem it's just. Stress. Anxiety." Those Are legitmate brain issues just not ones you felt you should bother Doc Hura with. Also you weren't sure Astarte therapists would understand your particular brand of trauma bred mental illness. "But regardless he and the others told me I didn't have any major physical issues from the attac-"
You clammed up and shut up, panicking and realizing you almost made a Huge mistake. Shit! Shit shit shit shit shit. WHY did they have to get so comfortable so fast. Now you've Really set your foot in it.
"… I can listen if you want to talk," Zaarius says gently, "or if you don't want to talk about it, that is also fine." Zaarius watches this human, noticing how panicked they'd become with concern. He'd heard that something had happened which had set certain people all a tizzy a while ago. Something about- well, no one would say, but it had gotten Loyalists and Chaos Marines to work together a lot more. Which meant it was bad.
"Accident." Zaarius took a moment to break from his thoughts. You're less panicked now. But distinctly more closed off. "It was a bad Accident. Apothecary Hura and the others helped with my recovery." You stated simply. Not a lie. Not the whole truth. You took a deep breath. "I appreciate your concern but…I should put the matter behind me. It's…for the best."
You didn't fully believe that; Zaarius could tell. But he wasn't going to try and force an answer.
You put your hands in your pockets. "I think I would like to
say Hi to Doc Hura…if he's here." You say eventually. "He's good friends with a Death Guard that visits my farm often, Xerxes. They, All the neighborhood marines honestly, were really kind. Helped me a lot."
“He’s around today,” Zaarius says, “He’s got his cane Corso puppy with him… Although the puppy isn’t likely to hurt you though.”
You balked a bit. "Like a service animal you mean?"
Zarrius thought your confusion was quite endearing, shaking his head and little chuckling softly. "Not quite. If you'd like, I could show you the way."
You considered it. "I'd take you up on that. But…I'd rather not leave when someone is coming Here to meet me." For however much good advice he gave and warm he seemed…They didn't feel comfortable following him to some unknown place. You'd been burned by being too naive before.
"Makes sense- I can send Hura a message and he can come here if you prefer," Zaarius says. Smart human- not wanting to go to a secondary location with a strange chaos marine. Also, less Warp Blind, from the way that they are reacting. A most curious individual.
"I'd appreciate that too. Only if its not too much trouble though!" You added quickly. "Also I'm kinda surprised Khopesh hasn't shown up by now…"
A concerned frown formed on his Zaarius's face,"…Khopesh?” Zaarius says, “You're talking about the Night Lord Khopesh- is he-”
"Hey watch where you're goin!" They both hear, turning towards the sort of the noise.
"Fucking Running bastard!" Karlsor snarls out.
"Hey Ouch!" A chorus of yells echoed down the halls fading in with the sound of thumping foot treads then SLAM! A door near the reception desk flew open causing the baseline receptionist to jump and papers to fly.
"LULLABY!" Khopesh cheered happily upon seeing you; hands still gripping the door frame he'd just burst through.
You blinked incredulously. Quite an entrance. But you still raised an arm and waved. "Hiii Khopesh." The gesture was a little nervous and embarassed, but the greeting was still genuine. And it still made your Night Lord’s trademark sharp grin split his face. Oh shit. "Khopesh wait-!"
There was a blur, and then you were being swooped up into a familiar set of pale blue veined arms and spun around in a Vice-like hug. "WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH! Oof!"
Zaarius's frown becomes more pronounced, the worry growing in his eyes and face as he taps away at his vox. Preparing to send messages to both Anrir and Hura about this situation. From what he’d gathered from the baseline human and which little cousin is part of the situationship.
The solid wall of muscle you collided with vibrated with purrs. "I am so overjoyed to see you once again!" He crooned, nuzzling you sweetly.
"You saw me this morning." Lullaby supplied. Still a bit winded from the sudden movement.
"Ir-relevant!" Khopesh replied happily.
Zaarius relaxes, but only a little bit, Khopesh is a prankish twat, but he’s not a monster. But, he’s still a little concerned, with how rough Khopesh is. He knows that Khopesh is on the younger side for an Astartes- but he should know that humans can be fragile, even with affection. He also knows that Night Lords play rough- but the idiot needs to dial it back!
But the little shit likely won’t listen to Him. He glances up from his vox and continues to watch the scene in front of him, monitoring the situation, his muscles relaxed, like a tiger ready to pounce into action.
“For the love of all things holy I'm happy to see you but could you stop! Manhandling me!" They asked, with actually a bit of sharpness in their voice as they pushed back a little bit against the Nightlord. It was more like a kitten pushing back against getting an unwanted bath than a display of true disgust at the situation.
It was charming in Zaarius's opinion, but still there was that concern. He remembers the words they said, and what he knows of Night Lords, over his long, long life time with the fuckers. Of being discarded…or not being Allowed to be discarded. Both could occur with the mercurial nature of Night Lords (Astartes in general really).
Khopesh especially could be…easily distracted. Latching onto a new lead or fascination. It made him a good hunter and interrogator, pickingup on small things and following them.
Was this human just another mystery that had caught his fancy? And what happened when that fancy had run its course? Or worse…what if Khopesh decided his little rag doll shouldn't Ever be allowed to play with anyone else.
[Anrir, come get your gremlin. He’s worrying me.] Zaarius sends. He’s not one to lightly pull that card, and he means it when he sends such a message. Zaarius looks down at the soft chime from his vox.
It’s from Anrir, who replies back with [Which Gremlin I have many /many/ gremlins]
[Khopesh] Zaarius responds with. [Khopesh needs lessons on gentleness and Listening to humans.]
Zaarius can Feel the tired sigh in Anrir’s vox text message at the response [What did he do?]
Meanwhile, you were losing patience. You Did honestly like the affection, but this was ridiculous! "I Mean It!" You insisted. Still pushing him back and wriggling. Khopesh actually had the nerve to Giggle at your attempts.
But…he did eventually humor you with an, "Oh~ Very well~"
Zaarius watches this still frowning. Hm… The youngster Did listen, but should have listened sooner. Teasing is well and good, but that was a boundary that the human had put up, and he’d pushed it a bit.
"Thank you!" Lullaby huffed and then hissed feeling the sore side flare up again.
Khopesh took note of that. "Are you unwell?" He asked, more concern coming into his voice than the smugness that was there before.
"I'm Fine. Just still sore from you Know…" Lullaby motioned vaguely in his direction.
They could see the gears turning but instead of a light bulb his look just stayed confused. "Wait…why would you be sore?"
You looked at him with true bafflement. "Because of what we Did last night??"
"How would copulation make you sore?" Khopesh asked.
Zaarius can’t stop himself from face palming at that, “Humans, baseline humans are slower to Heal.” He groans.
"Don't just say it out loud!" You hissed frantically gesturing to Khopesh to keep his voice down. "And how are You?? Not Sore?? You did most of the work last night!"
"But it is a Normal act. And it doesn't burn like training or fighting? Why would I be sore from something that does not strain me?" Khopesh asked, obliging in keeping his voice down, despite his still present confusion.
"Sweet mother of mercy." You muttered, utterly lost for words. And Zaarius seemed much in the same boat.
Zaarius shakes his head in disbelief, "Younger Astartes, how are you so energetic? Or is it because you are a Night Lord"
"Not…certain…" Khopesh replied. "But…you Are okay aren't you Lullaby?" He asked suddenly, more concerned. Then he freezes. "Were you…trying to hide your pain from me again?"
Oh fuck.
"N-no! I didn't tell you because I didn't realize you had no idea about how doing the bedroom two step affects baselines…" You assured him. "Plus…with all the farm work I've got a high tolerance for muscle pain. I thought I could just push through it but…getting picked up and swung around didn't help it. If you understand me?"
"…oh…" Khopesh replied, suddenly sheepish.
"And…you seemed so happy for us to finally have a first date so I…I tried to just power through it…" You explain, nervously rubbing their upper arm, "Even if it wasn't intentional. I'm sorry I didn't explain how I was feeling to you."
Khopesh doesn't respond immediately, seemingly trying to think of his next words. Zaarius looks up when he hears the familiar stomp of ceramite glad boots and gives a charming smile when he sees who's finally arrived, “Hello there Apothecary Anrir!”
"Zaarius," Anrir greets Zaarius, before turning his attention of his present gremlin. “Be more gentle with your Human, Khopesh,” Anrir comes over and gives Khopesh a look and lightly smacking the younger Night Lord on the back of the head. In Nostraman he hisses out the words, “Do you handle your Vada and Muti like this?”
That seems to get Khopesh's words in order "I Wasn't Trying to be-!…not gentle…." He says, clearly somewhat hesitant.
“I can help teach you restraint,” Zaarius offers to Khopesh, honestly, “And I could use more hands when making food.”
Anrir seems satisfied with his answer before turning his dark eyes onto You.
You feel a shiver go up their spine, as the older and clearly Much more Dangerous apothecary regards you. A beat passes, and he almost seems to be…studying you? You can't be certain. But before you can think of asking, a surprisingly warm smile comes to his face.
"Am I correct to assume that You are the one my son Khopesh calls Lullaby?" The old marine asks smoothly.
Now surprisingly warm, for a Night Lord, doesn't have a high bar, but you did feel calmer. "Ah yessir!" You reply quickly. "That's me. It's nice to meet you." As you finish speaking, you hold out a hand out for a handshake.
Anrir reaches out carefully, engulfing Lullaby’s hand with his extremely easily.
Zaarius is still watching the situation, and looks down at his vox, he has a message from Hura. [On my way, Cedric’s in tow. Try not to rile the youngling up too much.]
Zaarius makes a face and sends a message back. [if the brat wouldn’t start it, I wouldn’t continue!]
[Who’s older?] Is the response.
[Me.] He responds sullenly.
[Then. Behave. Or else.] Hura responds.
[I’ll try.] Zaarius responds.
There are more ceramite boots on the floor as Hura comes into view, a younger space marine in black and white astarte sized scrubs a couple of footsteps behind him.
“Ah Hallo my dear!” Hura says warmly to the baseline human as he recognizes one of his…long term patients. The memories of how he’d met them come back to him swiftly. "How is the neck pain if you do not mind me asking? It hasn't troubled you further right?"
"Well if it isn't the good Doctor?" You give a cheerful wave to the large Death Guard. Ironic to owe your life to not just one but Two death guards. "And I'm doing well," You replied, not wanting to get into it more than that. But another amusing idea did to mind. "Only pain in the neck I have right now is This one." You remarked cheekily, gesturing to Khopesh who was still getting Mildly chastised by Anrir.
"Hey!" Khopesh protested.
"Is it a lie though?" You replied, looking up to him with a not at all sorry expression.
Khopesh opened his mouth…then closed it with a mild grumble.
"Pfft HA! Hahaha!" Hura let out a jovial belly laugh, even Slapping his knee like a grandpa. Anrir doesn't laugh but Does seems mildly amused.
"You actually managed to make Khopesh speechless," Anrir mused with a chuckle. "Don't tell Karlsor, he'll want them for himself."
"!" Oh…there's a different look on Khopesh's face now. "As is I'd Ever allow that!" Khopesh growled. That sounded like it was…mostly a joke…you hoped.
Meanwhile, Cedric was also watching what was happening, noticing Zaarius the younger space Marine stomps over to the Chaos Emperor’s child with an angry scowl on his face as he starts to try and growl at the older marine.
Something clicks in your mind when seeing the odd interaction between Zaarius and this…Familiar looking newcomer? While from what you remember he wasn’t involved with your care, you had seen Cedric around Hura a lot. You remember meeting Cedric at least once before.
"I think I know who the Cane Corso is now." They say quietly to Khopesh who's still looking a Little out of sorts. Khopesh looks at you, then at the barking baby apothecary and he does crack a half grin at that. You give one in return, before reaching for his hand and taking it in yours. "I Am really happy to see you And meet your family."
A slight blush rises on his face. "And I'm sorry I got kinda snarly, just next time, maybe Ask before you pick me up and spin me
around like a discus."
Khopesh chuckles quietly. "I will keep that in mind." He looks away, but he's still grinning as a surprisingly large group forms.
Claude watches his brother growl at Zaarius and heads over to the Very Important Human, at least in regards to Khopesh. He rubs one of his hands against his armor, trying to dry his hands. He’s…nervous. He wants to make a good first impression on them. Khopesh has talked about this human a lot.
“Hello,” Claude says shyly to Lullaby, after Anrir finishes his greetings and…mild interrogation of Lullaby. “My name is Claude, I have heard a lot about you from Khopesh. He lo- really cares for you a lot.”
You feel your own blush creep over your skin. Before clearing your thoughts and throat with a quick "Ahem! I'm very glad to be meeting all ya'll, Khopesh mentioned I'd be meeting a few brothers when I came here…guess I just didn't expect this much of a turnout." You explain wryly. You reach out your free hand. And Claude just looks at it.
Khopesh giggles a bit at his brother's bewilderment. Before reminding him. "You're supposed to Shake it Claudy…" Khopesh says teasingly, and honestly at the same time laughs a little at his sometimes silly younger brother. Claude’s entire face starts to turn bright red and his eye colors change and shift a little.
"Oh! Right, my apologies!"
You give him a smile and say reassuringly as he reaches for your hand. "No worries, I'd forget my own head if it wasn't-"
"OUCH!' Damn static electricity!
Claude recoils at your yelp and Khopesh takes your hand (firmly but gently) searching it for damage. He flails a little- fuck- that wasn’t.
He hadn’t meant to hurt them. How did that happen? Anrir, Hura, and Cedric, hearing the yelp turn towards the source of distress.
"I'm so sorry! I - I don't-" Claude stammers, you're quick to pipe up.
"No! No sweetie its not your fault its just static electricity. It happens sometimes." You explains, trying to reassure the almost nine foot tall space soldier that he hadn't harmed you.
Claude had stepped several feet away, eyes wide in alarm, calming down a little at your words as he kept his hands up and away, tucked into his chest. Karlsor had almost teleported to Claude’s side, lightly poking at the younger Psyker to see if his powers accidentally flared or something.
Cedric comes over and says, “Hello Mx. Lullaby, may I see your hand?”
He accidentally blocks Lullaby and Khopesh view of Claude. Cedric will ask his brother about what ever the hell that was after this situation was dealt with. He’s seen just how difficult and tiring it was for his more witch-y brothers to use their powers. Cedric knows that Claude wouldn’t use his powers frivolously, nor would he deliberately harm baseline humans, not without due cause. Especially humans that are considered Important to their brothers and cousins.
Cedric Also knows what Claude looks like just before he’s about to lose control of his powers- and has helped him with an episode or several. Claude hadn’t shown any signs or slips in control. He’ll have to check up on his brother later.
"N-no I-" Claude is still frazzled and seems to not know what to say. Before the other Night Lord wearing sunglasses puts a hand on his shoulder.
"Maybe you should go calm down." He insists the still frazzled marine. He turns away with Claude, leading him out of the lobby.
You felt your shoulders dip with disappointment. -It wasn't your fault- “…I’m so sorry,” You stated as Cedric looks over your undamaged hand, “Is he gonna be okay?” You ask turning to Khopesh, who’s still grasping your other hand,a bit tighter than before. ‘All of this for some static?? Claude must have some heavy social anxiety.’ You think to yourself shaking your head a little.
“He will be okay.” Cedric says, glancing at Khopesh, then around the room, “My brother will be fine. I am glad that you are uninjured and that it was just…a random spark.”
Khopesh seemed equally confused by what had occurred. But he smiled. "Claudy can get overwhelmed sometimes." He assured, he hesitated for a moment, before adjusting how his hand is holding yours so he can run his large cool fingers over your knuckles. "But he's got us! So we'll make sure he's okay and you two can become friends another time!" He said cheerfully.
You felt your heart melt a little. "You're a good big brother." You said. "He's lucky to have you. All of you honestly. Ya'll seem like a tight knit bunch."
Khopesh seemed moved by your compliment. He smiled, closed mouth for once but the blush was still there. You kinda wanted to kiss those red cheeks and the cute little bit of fang that remained exposed but! Introductions and re-introductions were still going at the pop up family function you ended up coming to.
“He is lucky to have us,” Khopesh says with a nod.
“We tend to be close to those we cherish,” Cedric says with a nod and a small smile. He’s glad that Lullaby was uninjured. He wonders what that was about- Claude’s not accidentally zapped someone since he had first started learning control of his powers. He’s trying to remember when such a thing has happened.
A thought occurs to him and he looks at the human Khopesh calls Lullaby more closely. “I want you to meet Jophie- he’s another one of my brother-cousins. He’s a Blood Angel.”
"Another brother?" You asks with only a little fatigue, mostly playing said fatigue as a joke. You weren't antisocial, dare you say you could be the extroverted life of the party in the right circumstances! But this was a Bit much for short notice. Still! You Must Soldier on! Everyone was so Nice and even if you were Kinda hungry you could tough it out.
'No, that's not right and you Know it.' You thought to yourself glancing to both Khopesh And Zaarius who shifts a little as he talks to Hura. 'You need to be Honest.’
So you take a deep breath and square your shoulders before addressing Cedric. "I'd be happy to meet your brother Jophiel! But after that I'm gonna need to hunt up some food. I Was supposed to be treating This one to dinner after all." You remark towards Khopesh, poking him lightly.
“Oh! We should take a break for dinner.” Khopesh says jolting a little guiltily. “Then we can come back later to say hi to more people if you want?”
You smile and nod. "That sounds like a Fine idea."
Cedric nods at that as well, “Don't worry Jophi’s really friendly and gregarious, this shouldn't take long.” And a psyker, not that he’s going to tell the human that.
Some of the times when Claude had zapped someone, had been when he'd accidentally touched some of their fellow aspirants who were also psykers. Even if their psychery was barely apparent or latent, he remembers the tussles they got into when a sudden zap got sent in either direction.
But- the Warp was so slow on Ancient Terra- and there hadn’t been signs of Psykery in the baseline populace, it was something that the Astartes were monitoring and watching for very closely.
Cedric sent Jophie a message- and gets one back in record time.
Jophiel was nearby anyways, so he comes in and swans over with a charming smile and sparkly mahogany-red eyes. “Hello! I’m Jophiel,” The angelic looking space marine says as he looks you over.
Well today just Keeps getting more wild. But really of all things? Angel wings on a Space Marine shouldn't surprise you this much. And my God he is Unnaturally pretty. You meant it too, Unnaturally pretty, even amongst space marines, and it makes you a bit uncomfortable.
But you push that aside, he's close with Cedric and Claude so you should be polite. "Ah hello there!" You greet moving your hand to shake the one offered by Jophiel.
Unbenknwost to you, the Blood Angel is following through on the instructions given to him over Cedric's vox. He carefully pulls on his psychery sight so he can get a better idea of what he's dealing with, regarding the human in front of him.
But…What he sees doesn’t make sense.
He sees the remnants of a Bond, but Instead of withered and dead plant vines and flowers…Instead they look like…like… Dammit what is the common tongue word for it?!
Jophiel Knows the Look of the bond, And what he feels is Wrong. A bond broken so long ago should be gone, and a dying bond wouldn't have so many…roots?
A regular bond in any state also shouldn't carry a shadow of…decay? Not Right. Not Right. But he doesn't know how to describe what he sees? He Knows he's seen something like this before…
In one of Hura's biology books he's Sure…What Was It Called!? Slime Moldings? Fungi Colonies?…Closer but no no…
That's when he turns his warp sight to the hand shake still taking place. And Jophiel notices the 'roots' again, spreading and flickering in a branching ring like structure, even seeming to reach Towards his hand. He tamps down on his panic and focuses on the feeling that reminds him of dampness and mildew.
It makes him think about…Mushrooms. Jophiel's eyes light up with the realization.
Mycelium! The bond Looks and even somehow Feels like a Mycelium Network! And much like a mycelium network feeds in nature he feels his powers being slowly siphoned by the fibers now creeping over his hand. Jophiel immediately, removes his hand he had used to shake Lullaby’s and rubs it with his other.
Before anyone can comment on his sudden removal (he did his best to stay calm but he couldn't help but move just Slightly too fast.) he speaks up.
“It was nice to meet you, Mx. Lullaby…I’m going to go find Claude.” Jophiel says to Khopesh and Lullaby, glancing over at Cedric, “Care to join me Cedric?”
He's trying Very hard to keep calm, his wings giving him away, to those that know him. The way they twitch and flare, his feathers fluffing as he closes his wings.
The smile he gives to you, now that he has Seen the creeping mushrooms and rot, and the taste of Psykery developing within them is still polite, but he has a flash of sharpened canines. And that causes Cedric to almost jolt, Jophie hates showing off his teeth to baselines, they can be so weird about it. Not unless there was something about them that he deemed Dangerous. Fuck.
“Sure, let’s make sure Cladue’s alright,” Cedric says, “… Karlsor can be a bit harsh at times.”
Jophiel nods at that, “Yup- lets go make sure that Cladue’s not… overwhelmed.”
The pair of younger space marines say their goodbyes to Khopesh and you, and proceed out of the lobby the same way Claude and Karlsor had gone.
Well…aside from a longer than average handshake you figured that wasn't a Bad introduction…you hoped. "Ah…I didn't do anything wrong right?"
Khopesh looked after the path the Primaris had taken, he seemed deep in thought, but he did turn his attention back to you. "Oh, no need to worry Lullaby." The Nightlord cooed. "My little brothers can be a bit…awkward. They'll warm up to you soon," Khopesh reassured. "Besides…I believe You promised me dinnerdid you not?"
You felt you stomach rumble a bit. "That I did…maybe I can give him and the others a quick hello after dinner but before heading home?What're you in the mood for?" You asked, now in a far better mood.
"Well I am Always in the mood for You." Khopesh says smoothly, leaning down to Nuzzle the top of your head sweetly.
FWOOSH! And a Whole new blush spread like a gas fire over your skin. "Ap! You Hush!" You reply with no real bite, trying to focus on finding food and cooling your cheeks. "Besides you're not allowed to Eat me in That way, and I'm hungry. So tell me what you'd like or I'm running there without you."
"You Wouldn't,” he says with a mock gasp of betrayal.
"I Would." You say with a smirk
"I'd catch you." Khopesh retorts with a cheeky grin.
"I'll bite you." You threaten him teasingly
"Don't threaten me with a good time Lullaby." Khopesh growls playfully.
Anrir took notice of their back and forth. 'Ah young love Indeed' he thought shaking his heead fondly and approaching the two of them. "Khopesh, why not take your Lullaby to the Fire Drake Noodle House? It's quite close by, and they have many options for both Astartes And Baselines."
You and Khopesh took a moment to consider. "I could go for noodles." You say.
"That sounds quite delicious. Thank you Anrir!" Khopesh replied.
Anrir smiled before turning to Khopesh and switching to Nostraman. "Here," He states pulling his Astarte sized cell phone out, tapping a few things quickly. A ping came in on Khopesh's and he glanced at it. Anrir had sent him some currency digitally.
"Anrir…you don't have to-" Khopesh began to protest. But Anrir responded by holding up one pale unmarked hand.
"Let this old man treat his son and his special one to a meal. You wouldn't deny me that would you Khopesh?" Anrir asked, putting on his Best guilt tripping parent face.
Khopesh crumbled, though he really didn't feel That opposed to be fully honest. "Very well."
Anrir nodded. "Good…treat them to something nice there." He stated, still in Nostraman before turning his attention to You. "I hope you both enjoy your shared meal." He explained now back in the common language.
You were a bit left out of sorts by that exchange but you replied promptly and politely. "Ah of course, thank you."
Anrir smiled. "I do hope you'll come visit us again soon."
You raised an eyebrow. "Would right after dinner be soon enough? Or Too soon?" You asked with a clear attempt at humor.
Anrir chuckled a little at that, and it seemed like he was about to say something else, until another ping came over his vox. He glanced at it before his next statement.
"I have some other duties that require my attention. Excuse me." He strode with purpose out the Same door Claude and the other taller Marine's had been ushered through.
You and Khopesh watched for a moment as he left, before turning your attention back to finding directions to the Fire Drake Noodle House and proceeding out of the base to find it.
Karlsor had dragged him out of the lobby and to a side corridor to continue speaking, and to have them out of the view of so many eyes. He knows how jumpy Claude can be in a room full of people at times.
"I don't know! It just-" Claude replies stammering- he hadn’t been using Psykery, hadn’t been pulling on his power, not deliberately or subconsciously.
"You Know better than to go pulling up your psychery willy fuckin nilly!" Karlsor hisses at him quietly
"I didn't Mean to! It just happened!" Claude protests, shaking his head, “I didn’t intentionally pull on my powers.”
"Be fucking honest with me Claude!" Karlsor replies, shaking his shoulders roughly.
"I AM! I wasn't even Trying to do that!" Claude whispered back.
Karlsor could tell the Primaris was being honest. But that…what just happened made no sense. Karlsor's mind thought back to Anrir's and his previous
conversation. "Okay Listen. I believe you, go tell Anrir what happened, Alright?" Karlsor says seriously.
Claude nods and assures Karlsor that he will. He sends Anrir a vox, relieved that his Claw leader makes his way out of the lobby as Khopesh and Lullaby leave to go their own way.
28 notes · View notes
c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 2 months
Can We Have a First Date Now?
Warnings: Gender Neutral Reader but female genitalia is used.
Smut specifically fellatio.
Feelings of inadequacy
Problems with communication (they're trying but they're both inexperienced in romance)
Fear of losing love.
Fear of doing things wrong.
Consenting to sex while not in the best headspace because they fear dissapointing Khopesh.
Khopesh thinking they fully eagerly consented with no mental baggage
Next Chapter Is Out. Find it Here!
Previous Chapter Here:
And if you want to read this story with full context the prequel, and the link to the first chapter is here:
There be angst here lads, with the return of Night Terrors and a bad night's sleep, Lullaby attends to their morning chores while having deep conflicting thoughts about their situationship with Khopesh.
Tag List: @bispecsual-archived @bispecsual @kit-williams @egrets-not-regrets @bleedingichorhearts @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @barn-anon @sleepyfan-blog
Meanwhile, as Khopesh was enjoying his huge heaping pile of delicious breakfast, you waddled around your barn wincing in pain and wishing you'd remembered to take some painkillers before bed.
Lord above, your muscles felt like they'd been put through a barrage of rolling pins, and you felt like you could just lay down on the concrete floor and Sleep.
But, the meds you'd taken were at least trying to take the edge off. And hopefully soon you'd be able to finish the last few task and collapse back in bed.
Focus, focus, focus either on the pain or the last bits of feeding and Not how this was the first time in the last twelve hours you've been without the major element that brought a whirlwind of chaos into your life all in the matter of a single Night!!
...Breath in,
...Breath Out...
Okay, back to w- (!)
Your left oblique proceeded to twinge and lock up for a moment leaving you hissing in pain.
"Why can't Tylenol work any faster?" You groaned, waiting for the spasm to pass.
As it did, you bleakly thought that if he was going to fuck you inside out, He could At Least offer his help to his...
No, he was bonded to Gary and Nancy. Quite adorably you might add. You always got a kick seeing his huge dangerous space soldier self happily refer to your neighbors as Vada and Muti.
Fuck Buddy? Friend with benefits?
Well...the way he'd been talking seemed too...serious for a label like that. All that growling and biting and...claiming.
You shivered as a dusting of heat oozed over your skin at the memories. You shook yourself out of it.
Were you lovers? Everything had happened so Fast! One moment you were bantering and trying to make him flustered, next you'd goaded eachother into a literal roll in the hay, and then you'd invited him over for a shower and a sleepover!?
(And he literally saw you break down crying from a night terror about- No no. Bad memories. Not adding those to the spiral.)
Still Lover was a very Strong word. As was Partner, Other Half...
Your mind suddenly brought two other titles to mind.
His Pet, or perhaps...his toy...
You felt a shiver of a different kind come over you, one of revulsion.
You...Really didn't like that.
Maybe it was best to leave the exact...verbiage of your interactions unnamed for now.
You could both figure things out as they come (if they come).
Take things one day at a time. (How many days do you have?)
He clearly likes you (for now), and you like him, so you can go from there.
He wouldn't...he wouldn't have comforted you if he didn't care. (You know he can Stop caring.)
Are you sure your heart could take that...again?
"Enough!" You shouted.
To an empty barn...(aside from the horses.) Your voice caused the sleeping cats to perk up.
You felt embarassed and God you just wanted to go back to bed. But there was work to be done.
"Hup!" You heaved two fifty pound feed bags into your arms. "Hoof!" And plopped them into place with their ends hanging over your barn's nearly empty feed barrel. You'd need to refill it for the next feeder.
A quick swipe with your pocket knife would have their guts spilling out...or it Should anyway...maybe you needed your knife sharpened?
"You need to hold that at a better angle."
"SWEET MOTHER OF MERCY!" You felt yourself jump, and swivel back around.
Only to see a very familiar looking Nightlord behind you. Instead of armor he was in comfortable lounging clothes and his expression was morphing from surprise to Delight.
You let out a heavy, Heavy sigh, and let your rigid posture return to normal. saw Khopesh's shoulders shaking with barely restrained giggles.
Well at least some things have stayed the same.
"Yeah yeah, you got me, laugh it up." You abided, exasperated but not really that upset.
This seemed to break the damn and Khopesh let out one of his long loud cackles.
"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa Ha- Hai I wasn't- " He struggled to speak through his laughter. "Even Trying to scare you that time! And you still jumped like startled P-Pigeon! Pftthahahhahahhahah!" He doubled over bringing his face down to your height.
Okay that part was a Little funny, but you weren't gonna fold completely to his nonsense. What fun would that be?
You let a playful gruffness come into your voice. "Now you listen her you shadow skulkin miscreant!" You brought up your pocket knife for emphasis, knowing full well he was in Minimal danger from such a small blade. You continued. "I hear one more sound outta you boy and I'm taking your tongue!"
"Ooh Ho Ho?" Khopesh responded, waggling his eyebrows. "Well now Lullaby if you want it you need only Ask~"
He allowed his long tongue to fall out of his mouth in a manner that was both humerous but also salacious. The tip just barely touching that of your blade.
Your focus broke, and you found your mind going back to how it had felt on your body. Creeping heat once again took over your skin.
Khopesh's inky eyes suddenly changed, and his expression shifted.
He'd noticed your change, and he got an idea. His smile became more...amorous...michevious.
"In fact," He cooed, swiping you up into a bridal carry, holding you close to his chest. He brought his head and face down, nuzzling your flustered cheek and letting his tongue drag languidly across it. "I fancy a taste of something I missed last night."
"Or should I say...something I tasted indirectly, last night~"
You swore you felt your cheeks burn hot enough to vaporize the saliva he'd Just left on your face.
But it was only partly from desire, the other was panic.
Wait it's happening again!? Oh God we can't do this here! In the middle of the barn?? Mom might see us, or worse! A client. Do I even want to do this. (Yes, Yes, YES taste me, love me, don't leave m-) But I'm still so confused.
Khopesh took note of your sudden pulse change. The arousal was still there, but also stress hormones and the rhythm was sounding a Bit too much like your panic attack for comfort.
Did...did you not Want to copulate with him again? Did he do something wrong? As far as he could tell this was very similar to your first encounter?
"Not here!" You blurted out suddenly. Surprising both Khopesh and yourself.
Despite his confusion, Khopesh offered a different option. "Would...you like to copulate back in the hay stall then?"
Wait you didn't have a hay sta- Oooooh. The realization dawned on you.
He was offering to bed you in the same place he had before. And honestly your panic Was tempered by the ludicrous thought of him bridal carrying you all the way across a field and two fences so you could bang in the same place you had before.
Very considerate...in a weird way. You actually laughed a bit. "No no no, I mean not Here specifically," You gestured to the floor of the barn where you were still held in his arms. "I mean we need somewhere more Private. You know...no windows or huge doors?"
Oh...oh that made sense. Khopesh felt himself relax. His Lullaby was not rejecting his courtship outright. Had they done that he'd fear he'd offended them in some way.
"Very well, what place do you feel suits those parameters?"
Ah...good question. You pondered for a moment.
"I think the Bathroom's our best bet." It was also just big enough for a single Astarte and you'd still have more room than your shower.
You felt the heat and embarassment return at the idea....but you also felt... excited! Similar to how you had yesterday. (How long will it last? How long will you be able to keep him excited?)
You pushed any trepidation from you mind. (You tried.) And focused on Khopesh's returning excitement as he carried you.
"Mmm! Ah Ah AH!"
Long, sinuous and muscular, Khopesh's tongue was eagerly exploring your damp puffy skin that was still tender from yesterday's escapades.
Between long languid moans, and brief breathy puffs, you marveled at how wonderous it felt to have that slick wriggling organ inside you.
Even if it couldn't reach as deeply as Khopesh's cock it still sent tremors of delights pulsating from your core, spidering out over your hips and wracking your entire body that was sitting spread open and bent slightly on the bathroom sink.
Khopesh smothered his face into your heat, seemingly trying to reach your deepest depths and lap up everything you had to give. His nose brushed into your clit further enhancing your pleasure.
"K- Khopesh! Khopesh!" Your voice pitched as your hands tangled in his long dark hair. You swore you felt him smile against your flesh, specifically feeling the scar on his lip move.
Yes Lullaby~ Khopesh cooed greedily in his mind. Give me Everything! Every last scream, every last moan, every last drop to show that you are Mine!
His hands gripped tight to the meat of your hips, pulling you as close as he could without causing injury. He doubled his efforts, moaning himself and pushing, swiping, devouring.
You felt your peak approaching, your already sore muscles locked up and trembling as you flexed closer to your partner. Bringing your hips even harder against him as he pushed deeper in turn.
He finally retracted his tongue, but only for a moment, as he brought his strong lips around your tight bud and sucked.
It was almost too much.
But it was Perfect all the same.
He tormented your sweet little button as you convulsed, soothing you and overstimmulating you all at once, delighting in your tremors and whimpers. 
Despite not finding his own end, he felt satisfied, seeing his darling Lullaby so wrecked by only his tongue made him swell with pride.
And as you twitched and sweat and finally felt your pulse slowing, he felt a wave of tenderness and affection come over him.
"Your taste was exquisite," He whispers bringing his hand to the side of your face as he nuzzled you. "I must leave soon, but Thank you for the wonderful meal, my Lullaby~"
That...that was so corny...but also really sweet... You nuzzled back, you enjoyed that immensely.
(What good is your enjoyment if he doesn't Love you? You have to clean this whole space now because you were a Freak! He didn't even get his turn, are you stupid-)
You were broken from your sudden rush of post bliss clarity by Khopesh, again, looking concerned.
"You seemed distracted Lullaby...are you well?" He placed one of his large hand on your forehead...that wouldn't really help right now with how warm you still were.
"I um..." You managed to stammer a response. "I just...I wish I had the time...and the energy to help you too. You know..." You gestured vaguely, hoping he'd get the idea.
He seemed st least partially satisfied by your answer. "I am more than satisfied with this Lullaby...besides," His smile once again became smug and amorous. "You could simply return the favor later."
You didn't think you body could handle another round, even If you were given the rest of the day off. But if you refused would he be disappointed? Well he's not disappointed now but-
"How about an actual meal? On me?" The words came out before you fully grasped what you were offering.
Khopesh took a moment to process your words. "You mean...we would eat...together?"
You swallowed your anxiety. (Ha, you tried.) "It's just I don't think my body will be up for another round for a while," And your mental state probably wasn't either. "and I thought it could be nice to...share a meal together?"
You held your breath, half guessing rejection would follow.
But instead a smile spread on the Nightlord's face. "It is an excellent idea!" Khopesh clapped his hands together in delight.
You felt at least some of the weight come off your shoulders. "Great! How does Lunch sound? I need a nap but after that...we could head into town, see what looks good?"
"An excellent plan! I will vox your cellular device so you may contact me when you are ready."
Well that was convenient. "Awesome! But...how do you already know my number?"
Khopesh simply smiled, before quickly pressing a kiss to your forehead. "I look forward to sharing a meal with you, my Lullaby, enjoy your rest."
He pressed one more brief kiss to your lips, and with that he exited the bathroom.
Leaving you sitting on the sink, partially dressed and returning to normal like a zombie, while you played those kisses over in your mind.
You felt a profound mix of both warmth, and cold, as you traced your fingers over your lips.
You wanted so badly to believe the warmth would stay.
Well...there was still work to do, and no use just sitting here. You shifted off the sink.
You oblique locked up again as you moved too suddenly.
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 3 months
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The Plague Witch with the Cauldron Full of Love - 2
Part 2 inspired by @kit-williams Plague Soup for the Soul fic!
Really enjoyed the process...except for Typhus's Fucking FACE! I struggled so damn hard to give this man an actual grisly face but could not yet pull it off! So fuck it! Typhus loses his face privileges! Enjoy your awful stinky trash man with his dubious glowing eye(s)!!!
(Can you tell I prefer Mortarion? Jk, I appreciate Typhus too but Mortarion is my preferred wet sad beast.)
But the mandible mouth Was fun to execute, and I am very proud of the eye back ground. Here it is in full...
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tag list: @nitro-devil @angronsjewelbeetle @sleepyfan-blog @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @barn-anon
tag list: @bleedingichorhearts @egrets-not-regrets
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 4 months
My Fellow yandere enthusiasts!!!! If you've not already heard this song Please give it a listen!
And if you need more pushing I heard it and immediately thought of my OC Khopesh. If you want to hear a song that fits his vibe listen in!
@kit-williams @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @bleedingichorhearts @bispecsual @sleepyfan-blog
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c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 4 months
Hello Everyone.
I want to clarify now, Posts like these will be rare on this blog.
This blog is primarily a place to discuss, headcanon, and do general fandom shenanigans.
As Billy Joel might say, It's a place to forget about life for a while.
But given the current goings on in the world, I Will be changing my pinned post to this link.
If you're like me, you may not have much disposable income. So it's hard to donate when causes you care about pop up.
This website uses advertisers and literal button clicks to generate donations.
My platform here is small, and primarily for fandom fun times, and it will remain as such. As previously stated, This will be a rare post of this kind on this blog.
But I wanted to give others the opportunity to help in this small way. And use my platform to spread this resource.
This website has buttons to click to help with issues like poverty, women's rights, the refugees in palestine, refugees in general and the environment.
Thank you for your time and consideration. And I hope you continue to enjoy my mad 40k ramblings.
Edit: Slight modification, I've changed Only Post of this kind to Rare as I have reblogged some other things not related to fandom and yes they were related to modern or otherwise issues.
I still want to keep this place 90% dumb fun, but even dumb fun has to be sober some times.
Edit 2: I've decided I Will be reblogging the occasional help or aid or donation post. Probably one or two every few days. If you want to Only see the fandom stuff on my blog avoid/block the posts with the tags #not warhammer #not fandom and #not 40k
Thank you for love and support. And big hugs to my mutuals. They deserve all of it.
Edit 3: Navigation
To Find all my writings use/search with the #c u ckoo anon tag.
To find my art pieces use/search #c u c koo art tag
To find the Severe Miscalculation Storyline search the #oc: khopesh tag
If something is a reblog or answer it will be under #c u ckoo response
Edit 4: Donation Posts will now be tagged with #c u c koo donation posting
All these tags can be found on this post at the very end of all the others.
Edit 5: Featured campaign! I've decided that every week I will post a link to a different campaign below.
I will also try to link the reblogs of the campaign that include the verification if any exist.
Current Campaign.
For a mutual who's battling breast cancer that has spread to their arm. Evidence supporting the legitimacy of this campaign can be found in the link.
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