#oc: pyrus
c-u-c-koo-4-40k · 1 month
Child of the Sea, Child of the Land (Oops all Mythicals!)
Edit 2: Tis Finished! ENJOY!!!
Edit: Tumblr did it again dammit don't read yet its not finished!
Oops! All Mythical edition, and as a regular story instead of a poem!
Featuring a saytr reader with a posterior of a horse. Reader is a literal horses ass. And a human torso. But they're very pleasant otherwise. Why not a centaur? Cause Satyrs need more love!
Also a cameo from Lenora and Erriox who are ocs from @egrets-not-regrets ! They're great check our their stuff!
Warning: Flirting, Abrupt proposal that Kinda equates to marriage, violence, threats of getting eaten, descriptions of blinding, the word Whore, description of burning.
Notes: The mythical creatures are the humans of this world they can own other animals who are still just animals. No weird inter species stuff going on. The mythical creatures with human features just exist, as do the regular animals.
Tag: @kit-williams @sleepyfan-blog @egrets-not-regrets @barn-anon @bleedingichorhearts @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
Long ago in a world not unlike our own, their lived vast communities of strange and wonderful creatures.
There were the harpies that patrolled the skys, hunting and chorusing with their fellows. Each taking after the bird that shared their features in form and function.
There were the land dwellers, who tilled the soil, and raised the creatures of their farms to suit their needs. They came in many shapes and variances of limbs.
A centaur with the body of an Elephant who watched over the inland waterways, a drider who wove fine their silks in clothing, and most commonly, those land folk who we would call saytrs.
But more than deer or goats, they walked and ran with a plethora of mammalian hindquarters.
It is in this group we find, a very dutiful satyr. Their hind quarters were strong, resembling a horse, but enchanting with their feathered ends that contrasted their complexion.
Each day they tended to their farm, alongside their parents. With love and care and only Occasional outbursts of frustration.
"Oh Dammit!"
"Um...sorry?" They snorted before grabbing a drying towel to mop the wet from their legs.
Anyway! However devoted...and dampened, this particular land dweller was, they did their work with a smile. For it truly brought them joy.
"Fucking Dammit! Get back here!"
Languag- Oh Nevermind!
You got ahold of the wayward gelding before he could cause even More damage than he already had.
"Honestly Gemstone," You sighed, leading him back to his pen. You'd need a new chain...and a new fence panel.
The idiot had knocked the whole setup over trying to reach for a bit of graze on the other side.
You sighed heavily, another log to the pile. "What am I supposed to do with you huh?" You asked the rhetorical, as you tied Gemstone off to the side.
Huffing, you hefted a less destroyed panel over, followed by dismantling the first, fetching a new chain, and finally setting everything back together to your satisfaction.
You glanced back at the offending party.
"Well? Got anything to say for yourself?"
The gelding's dark eyes simply staired back. Before he slipped his tongue out and followed that up with a huge Yaaaaaaaawn.
Your serious facade broke. "Pfft! Ha..." You sighed, gently taking his head again and scratching his face the way he liked. "Guess I can't stay mad at you. Even if you are a silly bugger bear! Silly Silly bugoo be-wawr!" You cooed before returning him to his place.
"And stay there! Goofball." You shook your head and smiled, as your mother approached.
"That old fence panel finally gave up the ghost huh?" She asked, walking over.
You snorted, not unlike the horses you shared features with. "Yep, had to redo it." You huffed. "Cause somebody was a greedy Fart!" You scolded the horse again.
Gemstone simply went on munching his hay, unbothered.
Your mother chuckled, "Well it seems you've got this well in hand," She surmised, before handing you a bundle and a pitcher.
"Hm?" You took it, smelling something delightful.
"Your favorite," Your mother explained. "And some lemonade to help you stay hydrated. Go ahead and eat your lunch."
"Awww, thanks mom."
"You've more than earned it sweetie. mwah." She replied, with a kiss on your cheek, before walking back to your cottage.
As you watched her go, you felt an odd twisting in your heart.
"Her next birthday is pretty soon." You spoke, to no one in particular, maybe Gemstone could listen to your thoughts.
"I want to get her something special. I still remember when she showed me her collections of shells." You mused. "Some of those are even older than me..."
Your mother Loved the beach, and the ocean, after all she was born and raised with it practically next door. She'd spend hours at your age combing the beach for shells and sea glass.
But now...now it was so much more difficult for her. Between age and farm work, you couldn't even remember the last time You went swimming, let alone to the oceanside.
But...if your idea worked out, you'd be able to present her with a beautiful gift! A genuine piece of coral, and one in her favorite color no less!
There's was just one...small issue. Even at your best, you would not be able to dive long enough to retrieve it.
And even with your strength, you doubted you could break a piece from a creature that was more or less living rock.
And even if you Could, you'd run the risk of offending....one of them.
You felt a shiver pass through you.
Ah yes, the third and final group of this strange world's denizens. And by far the Most dangerous.
The sea folk.
Among their numbers were your typical mermaids, selkies, even the occasional crustacean-kin. Those honestly weren't frightening at all, no more so than any other stranger would be you mean.
But the most dangerous, most deadly, and most mysterious beings of the ocean, were those known as The Mer Astartes.
Armored, huge, stoic and nearly unknowable...but not completely.
Word was they Could be propositioned, for the right price.
That problem being that price, or rather the nature of the payment, varied Wildly depending on what mer you managed to contact.
You could end up trading something as banal as some land food items, to being demanded your own severed foreleg.
Again you shuddered.
But you would not be deterred! After all you knew where to gathe all the necessary ingredients. Those would be easy.
Well...all but...one.
As you sat beneath the shade of a tree, you gathered your long, luxurious tail into your lap.
The hair was wirey, strong, but well kept. It was a matter of pride for horse folk like yourself.
With the seasons changing, and biting flies soon to be a factor, you didn't want any of your precious equines to go without.
Besides...well kept satyr tail hair would be seen as more valuable...you hoped.
You turned your gaze toward the sea, though you could not see it. With your anticipation you could almost catch the faintest hint of salt brine.
You hoped the objects you would gather would be enough.
You hoped the old stories about the merfolk's preferences were true.
You sighed. "Another log to the pile..." You mumbled.
You left your tail unchanged for now. You didn't want your mother noticing.
You finished your lunch and the days work, and turned in early. You had a long day ahead of you.
The port city was Bustling with activity, even as early as you had set out.
You'd let your parents know you'd be away running errands, and the farm had another of your village's neighbors looking after it today.
Meaning you could focus solely on your task.
The crowds of different animal folk buzzed about with purpose.
Ox and cattle folk carrying Huge burdens, and drawing carts through the city streets.
Harpies of many kinds, flitting and squawking their trade and barter above in the open air and in the air market.
Like the Vulture and Eagle harpies displaying a variety of bone trinkets, and dried salted meats.
Hummingbird harpies tending to and selling flowers.
A hippo centaur carrying water with its little calf following close behind.
But you had two particular items in mind. And you wanted Prime quality for the task at hand.
You surveyed with not just your eyes, but your sharp nose as well, until-
"Oysters!" A voice cried out. "Fresh fish and oysters! Caught only this morning!"
You approached the calls, and what greeted you was an Osprey harpy. The bird woman stood behind a stall filled with fish and other marine delicacies.
"Greetings and welcome! Please have a look at our wares." She entreated as you approached.
"Hello," You replied, scanning over the offerings.
Mussels of various sizes were displayed in boxes filled with clear salt water. And many dried salted fish hung in bundles around the stall.
Plenty to chose from!
Maybe...too many.
Well, this might be harder than you first thought.
What type of Oyster and Fish Skin would most appeal to a mer Astarte?
"Something on your mind dear?"
You were woke from your thoughts by the Osprey women, the experienced seller clearly seeing your hesitation.
"Ah well..." You felt awkward, not sure how to explain your reasoning for Needing these things.
"You see...I need an Oyster and some fish skin, but I'm not sure what particular..."
"You're trying to contact an Astarte?"
You froze before stammering over your words. "How did- I mean no- I."
The Osprey harpy smiled and held up one of her taloned hands. "It's alright dear, you're not the first to go snooping for things based on the old stories."
You relaxed a bit.
Only for her demeanor to become strict. "You're not trying to lure one in to poach it are you?"
Poach an Astarte?
On your own!?
"Pffffffft! Ha!" You couldn't help the outburst, only to see the Osprey's face was still serious.
You quickly tamped down your laughter. "Oh ah, sorry no. No no no, I need to ask one for help you see."
The harpy's posture immediately relaxed. "Oh?"
"Mmhm," You nodded before retrieving a piece of parchment from your satchel.
"I want to give my mother a piece of this coral." You explained, showing the image and information you'd copied from a book.
The Osprey looked over the image, examining it closely. "This Coral..."
"Is only found in the waters controlled by the mer astartes, I know." You completed her thought, returning the page to your bag.
"I know it's risky...but my mother hasn't gotten to see the ocean in so long, and it's hard for her to make the journey." You explained. "I was hoping I could bring a small part of the ocean to her."
The osprey harpy's gaze softened, clearly moved by your wish. She seemed to be mulling over her next words.
"Well...I think I can help you. At least a little bit."
You perked up.
The Osprey pulled up something from behind the counter, and laid it down so you could view it.
It was a map of the port city and nearby shorelines.
"Your best bet is to go here." She explained, pointing to a particular spot.
The name scrawled across the parchment stared back at you.
Fire Drake Shore
You paused for a moment. "Why there exactly?"
The Osprey smiled wryly. "You'll have the best chance finding someone willing to help with your quest."
"Really!?" You asked excitedly, the Osprey nodded.
"But," Your joy was interrupted buy the harpy's shift in tone back to serious. "You Must go during the day, and stay no later than sunset." She explained further. "Different mers are more active at different times of the day. You might end up contacting something far more dangerous if you don't heed these warnings."
You nodded, letting the words sink in. "Fire Drake Shore, during the day, no later than sunset. Got it!"
"Alright," The Osprey once again relaxed, placing her clawed hands on her hips. "Now, how's about I get you set up with a proper oyster and the finest shimmering pickled fish skin." She crowed, reaching into the oyster box and for her knife. "I'll even give you a discount!"
"Really? You don't have to-"
"Think about it as being for your mother." The Osprey said, gathering your purchased items together.
Well...you supposed you wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. "Thank you, thank you so much! Um...what is your name?"
The Osprey woman smiled. "It's Lenora, sweetie."
"Well...thank you so much Lenora!" You said gratefully as you payed.
Once your items were secure, you bid Lenora the Osprey woman farewell, as you excitedly made your way to Fire Drake Shore.
As she watched you leave, the Osprey harpy felt happy, but still a little concerned.
"I wish I could've helped you more." Unbeknowst to most, Lenora had...a certain relationship with a mer astarte she'd helped by chance.
Had he not been on an extended hunting trip Erriox could have been convinced to help. He'd have grumbled and groused, but he'd have done it. Maybe even would have smiled at the adorable Horse folk getting to give their mother a beautiful gift, before acting like it didn't affect him at all.
The Osprey harpy smiled at the thought of her companions rough, but sweet demeanor. But as her thoughts went on she found herself troubled.
Fire Drake Shore was the best place that Horse saytr could go...but even there wasn't completely safe.
She hoped things would work out.
By the stars, and the ancient mothers, she hoped it would work out.
The crashing of waves, and salty brine met your ears and nose as you approached the shoreline.
Fire Drake Shore...
You're not sure why it was named such, nothing about it spoke to you as very...fire drakey.
But as your approached the gently rolling waves, and breathed in the salty air, you couldn't deny this place was beautiful!
Serene, and yet lively. With the call of gulls in the air, you made your way down to the water.
You stood before the waves, watching as their reach came just far enough to touch your hooves.
And for a moment, you gave yourself permission to just...enjoy the present.
The way the water would run up the sand, before seeming to vanish and melt into the beach as it receded. The salty brine that filled your nose and lungs. The way the water stretched so far out it was nearly impossible to tell where the water ended and the sky began.
But you couldn't dwell on that for much longer. There was...something else that had to be done.
One more piece to prepare...or rather two.
You gathered a chunk, about one third of you precious tail, into one hand. With your other, you took out a knife.
It wasn't even all of it...but the piece would be noticeable in its absence.
But it Would grow back. And the struggle would be worth it, it would all be worth it.
With careful precision, you began to cut through the strands of your own tail.
Snip, by snip, broken severed hair, by severed hair. You winced, but did not falter until at last you held the separated hair in you hand.
"No turning back now." You muttered, pulling out the oyster and fish skin.
You used your knife again, plunging it into the gap of the oyster and carving it open. Then, you sprinkled a bit of vinegar into the gap from a small flask you'd bought.
But rather than use your knife for the final ingredient, you chose a less painful method.
You'd intentionally let your lips become chapped and plucked and picked at the dry skin until you tasted Iron.
You carefully wrapped the now opened oyster, the fish skin and the horse hair into a bundle, much like a gift.
You pressed your bleeding lip to the parcel.
"Please, Please let this work." You whispered your prayer, feeling your heart race despite your quiet.
And with that, you reared back and Threw your bundle as Hard as you could into the sea, where it splashed and sank below the waves.
Nothing. But maybe you just needed to wait longer. You paced back and forth a bit, looking out into waves, hoping to see something come from them.
You felt your heart sink.
All that preparation, all that hope...and for what?!
Part of you wanted to scream, the other half wanted to cry.
"RrrraAGHH!" You let the frustration out, kicking the sand and stomping about. Snorting and head tossing, and flicking what remained of your tail!
Only to slip and fall ass over tea kettle onto the sand. "WOah-oOOF!"
You laid there in disbelief for a moment. "UuURghaaaaAh!" You let out an odd mix of growl and shout in frustration, covering your eyes with your hands and thrashing for a minute before...
Before you just, slumped down, defeated.
You let out a sigh, and laid there.
The sounds of the waves and the gulls, the scent of the brine and the sluggish sparse clouds above....all was Just as peaceful and as beautiful as when you first arrived.
Maybe you could wait longer?
But maybe that wouldn't help.
Lenora had said this beach was the best option. Wouldn't that mean the old stories of summoning Astartes were true?
True doesn't mean a certain method would always work...the ocean was avert place after all.
Maybe no mer astartes had seen your offering.
You brought yourself up and sat, facing the waves still rolling.
The waves your mother used to love, the same ones that went on even without her being here...
If waves could love...would they love even when no one was watching? When the people who once adored them left and some never came back?
You felt a twinge and sniffed as some tears began to form at the corners of your eyes, you wiped them away quickly. And sighed.
Well...at least the view was pretty.
You sat there for a bit, before bringing yourself back up to stand.
There was no use dwelling on something that couldn't be changed. You'd find something else to give your mother, even if the disappointment of your failure still stung.
You turned to walk back into town, perhaps you could find something nice at one of the stalls-
A damp wave of water suddenly doused you, soaking you from head to hoof in brine.
"P-pthoo! What the-" Your shout was cut off as you realized you were enveloped in a shadow much larger than you.
Your eyes trailed up at the imposing figure before you.
Long marine tail? Check, it was the color of cooled molten rock and had bright red orange veins.
Armored torso? Check, it was plated a deep green color, with dragon like insignias on the chest and shoulder pauldron.
Inscrutable, helmeted gaze? Check, the large marine had red lenses that peered down at you intensely, regarding you with curiosity, as you regarded Him with trepidation.
Neither of you spoke for a moment. The only sound passing between you his breathing. Until you decided to break the ice.
The Astarte tilted his head slightly before bringing up his hand between the two of you.
You found yourself bewildered as you were presented with the parcel you'd just thrown into the sea.
Was he...trying to return it to you? "...oh...Oh, no!" You replied, gently pushing it back towards him, his arm didn't even budge. "It's for you!"
The slight twitch backwards he did is response was more readable. He was confused.
"Ah sorry Sorry, what I mean is...I need your help. And...I was told that the best way to contact you was buy...throwing this into the ocean." You hurriedly explained.
This seemed to give the marine pause, before he lifted his other hand to his helm.
Click, hiss
With a practiced ease he removed his helm, and you were taken aback by what greeted you.
A skin as dark as charcoal, but eyes that were surprisingly soft despite them being totally red. And his hair! Long and pale and curly, it seemed to bounce as it came free.
You felt a slight blush creep over your skin. He was...very attractive.
And when he spoke his voice was warm, and smooth.
"I see," He replied to you. "Though this method is a bit...outdated, To serve and to aid is the most honorable of acts. How may I assist you this day, child of the land?"
You had to force yourself to respond. "I well...I was hoping to contact an Astarte so I could get my hands on some of this. Ah one sec let me find it."
As you fumbled in your bag you had no idea Pyrus, the large Salamander, was secretly enjoying how adorable you looked.
Land dwellers were always so funny. Though he Did wish you didn't appear so frightened, but he supposed it was natural, all things considered.
You finally pulled the coral parchment from you satchel, gladdened that it wasn't too soaked, and displayed it for the marine.
As he looked over the image you continued to explain. "I want to give it to my mother as a gift. She's...always loved the ocean."
The marine looked to your face, some of your apprehension was replaced with melancholy. It tugged on his two hearts.
"It's...hard for her...she can't travel as easily these days so...I wanted to bring a bit of the ocean to her." You explained. "This coral is her Favorite color, and I wanted to give it to her for her birthday. So...in exchange for these items...do you think you could help me?"
Pyrus felt his chest swell. The Salamanders prided themselves on the virtues of love and camaraderie. To see your concern and desire to please your loved one was not only sweet, it was very attractive indeed.
He was a Slight oddity in his pod. Most of his kind didn't really...feel attraction in the sense that most baseline creatures did.
Those that did preferred the features of sea folk, which was fine, but...it did leave him a bit isolated in the fact he much preferred the features of land walkers.
He just found them so...fascinating! He'd spend hours watching at a distance as the port city buzzed with life. The music, the food, the inurmerable sights and sounds and experiences to be had.
And him...stuck out there in the ocean. Oh sure he had the ability to swim through air but if he took one step in that town the people would scatter in fear.
Not...like he blamed them.
Between his preferences and his hobbies, he often felt...alone.
Even amongst his brothers, but maybe...he didn't have to be as alone anymore?
"Indeed, this is a task I can take well in hand." He proclaimed. And he saw your ears perk up.
"You can! Oh thank you!"
Pyrus held up his gauntleted hand, he may be about to ask something...much in return, but he would not get your hopes up or lie to you.
"But...I must ask for one more thing in return."
You waited, unsure of what he'd ask for, but you'd gotten this far.
"The truth is...it is quite Lonely, below the waves." He began, now himself feeling awkward. "I hold each of my brother close to my heart but...we do not share the same interests."
"As your mother yearns for the sea, I yearn for a connection I cannot obtain within it." Pyrus continued. "So I wanted to ask, if I grant you this request of your heart, would you grant me mine?"
You tilted your head. What could you offer the heart of an Astarte?
Pyrus squared his shoulders, he would do this right! Even if it was sudden. "Dear child of the land...would you join me beneath the waves, soothe my lonely heart, as I will soothe yours. You kindness and devotion have smitten me. If I grant you this favor, this is what I ask in return."
He...he what now?
You shook your head in confusion. "I'm...sorry, did you just ask me...to...Join you under the waves?"
Pyrus nodded, a bit worried about your tone. You didn't seem to like the idea.
"Yes, we Astarte possess the ability to change others into our kind. Granting the ability to live in the water as we do."
You didn't know how to respond. But, you didn't want to lie to him.
"I...um...I'm sorry." You replied. "I mean...your offer is Very flattering." Very flattering, an ungodly attractive and kind man just essentially...proposed to you out of nowhere???
"But...I have to say no." You stated. "As much as I love this place...it isn't my home. My home is back on the farm, with my mom and dad and our creatures...I can't just up and leave them. They Need me." You explained.
Oh...oh...Pyrus felt his dark skin flush with embarassment. Of course you couldn't just up and leave the family you cared so much for, what was he thinking!? Stupid Pyrus, absolutley stupid! "Oh..."
You saw his dejection, and you felt your heart twist. He really did seem so sweet.
"Hey," You entreated, getting his attention. "Even though I can't Live with you...I'd love to get to Know you."
Pyrus perked up a bit at that.
"We just met, so the living beneath the waves together isn't the best idea. I mean...what if we found out two weeks in we were terrible room mates." You jested, trying to lighten the mood.
Pyrus did feel a slight smile turn the corners of his mouth and he chuckled. "I...suppose that is true."
"But I do want to learn more about the ocean, and I'd be happy to come and visit! Heck, if possible we could even find a way for you to visit my home!" You offered.
Pyrus could sense your earnestness, and it made him so happy. A place where he'd already have a friend, and be able to explore without worrying about scaring others.
He felt a buzzing excitement light in him. But he kept his composure.
"I...would like that very much."
"Perfect! Then let's start with proper introductions." You held out your hand and shared your name to the marine.
Pyrus took your small hand in his, rejoicing in this new connection. "I am Pyrus, son of Vulcan," He stated. "And I will grant you this favor, in return that you will visit and teach me of your home, as I teach you of mine." He stated.
"You will return...won't you?" He asked softly, knowing he technically couldn't Force you to uphold this vow.
You smiled, and gestured for him to lean down a bit. He acquiesced.
"Mwah," You placed a sweet kiss on his forehead, causing the son of Vulcan to freeze in surprise for a moment.
"I do solemnly swear!" You stated proudly.
Pyrus felt that blush return, all about his face and neck. But again he reined in his response.
"Thank you, landling." He hummed returning his helm to his head, and taking the originally offered bundle of items.
Pickled fish skin was a rare treat, as was the vinegar oyster, and the horse hair was useful as string was difficult to come by underwater. He stowed these items away and turned toward the open sea.
"It will take some time to retrieve this coral. Please wait here until I return." He asked, and you nodded.
"I'll be here." You assured.
After a number of hours had passed, you were Really wishing Pyrus had given you a better idea of when he'd be back beside, some time.
Good lord you were bored. You'd forgotten to bring a book or journal or even a sketch pad. And you could only take so many naps in the shade before your body refused to fall back asleep.
At least the beach was peaceful, and you marveled at the shift from bright day, to hazy evening and finally the sunset-
That...that made you more worried.
But...it was probably fine. Pyrus and his brothers were out there, and if his brother's were anything like him, you'd have nothing to worry about.
As you sat back pondering these troubling thoughts, you saw a large shape begin to emerge from the water.
Your heart leapt, and you quickly stood up. Finally!
"Pyrus!" You called. "I'm so glad to see yo-"
The shape broke through the surface and your gut felt like a brick of ice dropped into it.
That...that wasn't Pyrus...
The sun's dipping rays illuminated the purple pink armor, rimmed with gold, as the unknown Astarte continued to advance, languidly drawing closer.
You didn't move. You almost couldn't bear to breathe.
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
Running might only make things worse...especially now that you were in his sights.
The Astarte emerged completely from the water, just off to one side of you. Unlike Pyrus who had come to you, talked to you, like an actual living being.
This one instead eyed you, and began circling you where you stood with a curiosity that felt...predatory. Swimming through the air in a way that felt so...targeted.
As if daring you to move...to flinch.
"Well...well....welllllll." The Astarte cooed with a sick glee in his voice, slightly modulated as it came through his helmet. "What have we heeeeere?"
Suddenly his hand shot out and grabbed your face roughly forcing you to look him in the eyes.
"A cute little saytr, all alone. How sad...how pitiful...how..." He hummed and the image of him licking his lips came to mind. "appetizing."
Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.
"Me? Ah pfft nope!" He responded nervously, as best you could with your chin in his grasp.
He seemed a bit stunned you could respond, but quickly recovered. "Oh? And why is that my little...morsel?"
Think fast think fast. "Ah I mean...have you actually ever Had horse meat? It's really not that good." You explained. "Mostly grisle and wirey muscle, very stringy, not at all appetizing." You stated, as if critiquing a five star dish. And one you'd never actually eaten, only hearing about it from others.
"PFFtt ha Ha HA!" Well you weren't sure if that was positive but you'll roll with it. His laughter had caused him to let go of your chin.
"And the torso bit isn't much better!" You continued. "Far too much adipose, and so low on nutrients. Dare I say you'd be better off eating sand and tree bark. At least then you'd been getting fiber."
The Astarte continued to laugh. Full on shaking cackles as you Slowly stepped back. "Oh My...you're quite funny." He said as he calmed, and removed his helmet.
Beneath you saw a beautiful but terrifying appearance. His face was pale, his eyes a luxurious but cold looking purple with unnaturally shaped pupils.
His Teeth. Sharp, fanged, with marks on his chin you weren't sure if they were makeup or...blood trails from previous meals.
And his hair...it wasn't hair. It was long tendrils with sharp mouthed ends. Like a Medusa but with carnivorous eels instead of snakes.
"Oh go ahead, enjoy the visage~" He cooed, brushing back his...locks. "I'll allow it since you entertained me. Most land folk just scream and cry and beg for their lives. Not nearly so entertaining after a while."
You swallowed dryly. "I mean...why lose your sense of humor am I right?" You shrugged nervously, still carefully working your way back.
You couldn't outrun him, but maybe you could keep him distracted till-OOf!
You suddenly found yourself pinned to the sand, the large Astarte floating above you.
Those eyes, those eyes, they looked down at you with a sadistic glee, as his hair fanned out in different directions.
"Ah, ah A-ah~." He sing-songed. "Tsk, tsk, I didn't say you could leave. How Rude to try and break from a conversation without proper decorum."
He held you down effortlessly with one hand, Just hard enough to be uncomfortable. The other tapped your nose as if you were a naughty child.
"Hmm~ Well, this has been fun." He conceded. "But I really Am hungry, and I think a sweet little treat like you, would just perfectly Hit the Spot~" His jaw unhinged, revealing a second set of jaws behind the first, as his eely locks began swarming revealing their own nashing teeth.
"And the Sweetest part will be your screams! Please be as loud as you can! It makes the meal even more thrilling!" He chortled planting his other hand in the sand next to your head.
You couldn't move, the pressure was too much, but you did still have your satchel.
You reached in feeling the small bottle of vinegar you'd brought. You grasped it tightly and in one quick motion, broke the bottle into his face!
"RWAGGGG!" He cried and hissed as the glass and acidic liquid went into his eyes, causing him to rear back.
You scrambled away as his hands came up to his face, he fumbled over to the sea water, desperately splashing it into his eyes and dipping his face.
"You little Whore!" He snarled, still doubled over, his eyes and face had blood running down them.
That...that move had been pure adrenaline. You capitalized on his weakness and disbelief, cracking him square in the face with a downward kick.
Now blood ran over his mouth from his broken nose, as he sputtered and choked.
You did it again, rapid repetitive strikes with your hooves.
You might've even broken some of his teeth.
Still flush with rage and adrenaline, you shouted. "How's that taste you deep sea, punk ass fish breath Bitch!"
Only to Immediately remember what you were up against when the marine caught your next strike.
"WOAH!" You suddenly found yourself upside down, looking up at your attacker as he held you by the leg.
The blood made his expression even more deranged as he smiled, oh no.
"AAAAH-O-OOF!!! Next thing you knew you were being flung away and down like a rag doll, right into the middle of the beach. Even on sand the impact knocked the wind from your lungs, and you worried briefly about broken ribs.
Briefly because you saw the violent violet marine approaching, stalking toward you like a cat hunting a mouse. You scrambled to your feet though it hurt.
Everything hurt.
You stepped back slowly as the marine advanced, enjoying your rapidly deteriorating courage.
He towered above you. "I'm going to enjoy, ripping you apart piece by piece." He said lashing out with his claws. It left a shallow but long and stinging cut on your face. You stumbled back.
"I'm going to enjoy Flaying your skin inch by inch." He laughed lapping the fresh blood from his claws.
He raised them again as you had nowhere left to go. No hope of escape. You braced for the worst.
"And I'm going to Relish keeping you alive as I Devour you -OUGh!"
His speech was cut off as a blur of green and orange suddenly burst from the ocean, tackling your assailant.
Even in the more dim light you saw the red helmet lenses, the burning firey veins on that molten rock like tail. And you saw the steam rising from the grappling marines.
"Ah-ah-ah AHhhhhAh!" The purple marine actually shrieked as the the coils smothered and burned him. You could smell the burning fish flesh...
The gauntleted arm of the second marine held his head in a vice grip headlock. The purple marine struggled and slashed and bit, with both his limbs and his living hair.
But soon his struggles weakened and ebbed into nothing, the last tremoring shakes of life as he finally stilled.
There was a moment of pause before the green marine made a sudden swift jerk.
You heard a sickening crack! And the purple marine'a body dropped to the sand.
You could see the green marine's heaving breaths.
You hoped you weren't wrong this time. "P-pyrus?" You asked hesitantly.
The marine did not answer verbally, but instead reached into his pack, and pulled out a fist size lump of coral.
Your mother's coral.
You couldn't believe your eyes.
"Pyrus!" You cried jumping past the object and wrapping your arms around your Astarte.
You pushed and nuzzled into his chest plate. Rubbing your head up and down it in glee. "I knew you'd come back!"
Pyrus removed his helmet with his free hand and dropped it, before leaning down and bringing his arm around you.
He nuzzled close to you, feeling your skin and heartbeat. The same precious heartbeat he'd been seconds away from never hearing again. "I'm so sorry! Had I known, I would've protected you better. I thought you were safe here."
He'd need to contact his captain and chapter master. A Chaos marine making it this far in their territory, could not and would not be tolerated.
But for now he brought his large hand to your face examining the damage.
It was then you realized you'd rubbed your bloody cheek on his chest plate.
"Oh! Sorry."
"Thanks." You sighed, utterly exhausted. You did take the coral from Pyrus, examining it closely.
"No...you have nothing to apologize for." Pyrus assured. He even noted the Slannesh marine's broken nose and teeth. His hearts swelled with pride. "You fought well, Here."
You hesitated for a moment, as Pyrus leaned down, only to relax when he simply laved his tongue over your cheek.
His saliva soothed the sting of your cut, helping the wound close.
"Its even more beautiful in the water." He stated, noting your fondness. "I would love to show you when you next visit...if you wish to."
He wouldn't blame you for not wanting to.
Instead, you smiled, tired but genuine. "I'd like that very much...and hey, maybe with the right prep, my mom and dad could see it too."
Pyrus smiled. "I will help in whatever way I can, to make it a reality." He assured nuzzling you again.
You both stood there, watching the waves crest and roll in the newly fallen night.
You could go back into town, find a inn to stay at, but you didn't fancy being alone.
"Pyrus, is there somewhere...we can stay the night together?"
The marine seemed surprised by your request, but nodded. "Of course, follow me."
He led you a little ways down the beach, to a sheltered cave where sand met surf.
It would've been cold in the night, if not for the living heater that coiled around you as you settled in for sleep.
As you laid down, you felt a great peace overcome you.
"Sleep now my dear child of land." He cooed, petting your head. "I will guard you."
You smiled and cuddled into him. "And I will keep you -yaaaawn- from feeling too alone."
Outside the waves and winds rolled in. The brine of the sea carried inland, as the seabirds hunkered down in their nests.
The horses rested safe in their pens, and the winds gently waved the leaves of the trees.
And two lonely souls rested well, as they didn't feel so alone anymore.
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ghoul--doodle · 1 year
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Atlas babysits the baby monkies sometimes :}
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sleepyfan-blog · 59 minutes
Author’s Note:This is the next fic in Cedric’s Adventures. First. Previous. C-u-c-koo-4-40k allowed me to borrow Pyrus for this fic! And @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan has allowed me to borrow Chaplain Captain Petras Thank you
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @whorety-k @the-pure-angel
Warnings: mention of abuse of power 
Summary: Cedric has a chat with Pyrus in the base’s forge and later runs into some young intruders. 
Cedric hummed softly as he made his way over to where the supplies for cleaning the base were stored. It was early in the morning, and he had privately completed the morning prayers that had been a daily routine for him, ever since he had been sent to the Black Templars. He missed the morning group prayer sessions, as well as the sermons that one of the chaplains would give, which were usually filled with fire and wrathful encouragement, as well as the morning vespers that everyone participated in. 
But the older brothers he had been taken in by on Ancient Terra found worship of the God Emperor to be discomforting at best, and actively discouraged him and seemed deeply distressed about it at worst. So Cedric tried to curtail his worship of the Emperor publicly, so as to not further irritate and distress his older Brothers and Cousins. He mentally went over the list of punitive chores he’d been assigned, knowing that he should be able to get them done within a couple of hours if he wasn’t interrupted by anything.
He swept and mopped the floors of the most high-traffic areas of the base, before moving to check on the forge. Pyrus and a group of his older brother had been staying at the base for a couple of weeks, and one of the additional duties he’d been given while the group of wandering Salamanders were at the base was to make sure all of the materials that they needed were stocked each morning. 
Cedric wasn’t expecting anyone to be in the forges at this time of morning - when the sun had barely started to rise over the eastern horizon - but he could see Pyrus steadily working away on something and moved so that he could be heard, but hopefully not loud enough to startle the Salamander Scout as he worked. 
The young Black Templar moved over to where the smithing supplies were stored, doing a quick but thorough inventory check, before pulling out more of the supplies that had been used up the day before, humming to himself a little as he worked, the steady beat of Pyrus’ hammer blows on whatever it was he was working on providing an excellent beat.
He hadn’t realized he’d actually started to sing quietly until he realized that Pyrus’ rhythmic hammer blows had stopped. Cedric felt his ears warm with embarrassment as he turned, looking at the Salamander and shuffling his feet a little “I. Ah. Hadn’t intended to start singing. If I bothered you, I apologize.”
“I stopped to listen to you sing. You have a really lovely voice, Cedric. I don’t recognize the tongue you were singing in. Do you mind explaining what the song was about?” Pyrus asked, lifting up his facemask and smiling charmingly at him. 
Cedric resisted the urge to fidget with the box in his hands with considerable effort, choosing to put it where it was supposed to go as he answered with a quiet “It’s one of the war-songs of my chapter. What are you working on?”
“It sounded rousing! Oh! This? I’m working on a forge project that my sergeant assigned to me. I’ve been working on it for… A few hours, I think? I kind of lose track of time when I’m forging, haha. What time is it?” Pyrus asked, lifting the partially finished blade. 
“It’s just after dawn. Have you had anything to eat or drink, since you started forging?” Cedric asked, looking the other over carefully, a slight frown appearing on his face as his medical training kicked in - as well as the understanding that many a brother could accidentally forgo both sleep and food when intensely focused on a task at hand. He carefully approached the Salamander, offering him a waterbottle and a ration bar.
“Err… No. I’ve been working through the night. No wonder I’m starting to feel a little out of it. But I want to make sure that this blade is at a good stopping point, before I leave it. Just another hour or two more and I’ll feel comfortable stepping away from it.” Pyrus answered, ducking his head a little “Oh! Something to eat and drink is nice. Thanks, Ced!” 
“You’re welcome. I always have snacks and water on me.” Cedric answered with a small smile. He pulled out a second ration bar and took a bite, to silently encourage the other to eat. Pyrus wasn’t the first Brother-Cousin he’d met who forgot to eat when absorbed in a task, and as an Apothecary it was his job to ensure the physical well being of those around him. 
Pyrus swiftly devoured the ration bar and downed the water bottle in three large gulps. He looked longingly at the ration bar in Cedric’s hand before asking “I know why I’m up so early - I didn’t go to sleep last night, working on this. But what are you doing up so early?”
“I’ve got punitive chores to complete, and I usually wake up at this time of morning for-” Cedric was about to say morning prayers, but bit off the sentence. He knew that Pyrus was from before The Heresy and wouldn’t likely be comfortable with the thought of another Space Marine indulging in worship of the divine. “-chapter specific practices, and the sooner I get my punitive chores completed in the day, the sooner I can start on the training lessons that they’ve assigned to me to keep me out of trouble.”
“Ah, okay!” Pyrus hummed, nodding a little in understanding “... Why do you have punitive chores?”
“I tackled a Slaaneshi asshole dripping incredibly toxic poison everywhere and refused to apologize because I was somehow supposed to know that he would cooperate with me if I told him to shove his hands into empty jars to keep the toxin dripping from his claws from causing horrific amounts of problems.” Cedric answered honestly. He was still entirely unrepentant for his actions.
He tentatively believed that the situation on Ancient Terra was much different than it was in the 42nd century regarding the relations between most chaos astartes and most loyalists… But he hadn’t known that then, and there were still those who were ruthless, vicious bastards who took pleasure in tormenting both Loyalists and the baseline humans who lived on Ancient Terra. “I haven’t been able to explore outside of the base for the past couple of months… The end of my time grounded indoors should be ending soon.”
“Are you excited to finally be able to explore more of Ancient Terra soon?” Pyrus asked, grinning happily at Cedric as he went back to working on the sword he’d been forging for hours “and I understand your caution of chaos astartes! Most of them are really dangerous and terrifying. Especially for astartes.”
“I… I am curious as to what it’s like outside of this base.” Cedric admitted. He was also somewhat apprehensive about the idea of leaving the base… but it was a challenge he was going to face head-on. “I hope that your smithing project goes well. I’ve got to finish restocking the forge, among my other tasks.”
“Okay! Stop by here if you want to talk later. I’m going to be at this for a good while longer yet.” Pyrus answered with a cheerful grin.
Cedric nodded and headed towards the back of the forge, completing the restocking of the forge before heading off to complete his punitive chores for the day. 
Several hours later and Cedric had completed his punishment chores for the day. He was walking towards the training rooms when he heard several new voices, whispering to each other, their hearts beating loudly, their scents filled with terror. “Hello?” Cedric called out, heading to the source of the frantic whispering and fear, concerned and mildly puzzled. 
The whispering stopped and he heard several sets of footsteps - too light and too small to be Astartes - start running away from him. 
Puzzled by this and truly curious now, Cedric chases after the sounds of running feet, moving at a quick pace that would overtake them, but nowhere near his top speed, following them through the base until the people he were chasing took yet another (likely wrong) turn into one of the dead-end rooms of the base. 
There were a half dozen baseline human teenagers huddled together in one corner of the room that Cedric had stepped into. The young apothecary looked at them, utterly perplexed to see them here. None of them were, to his knowledge, bonded to any of the space marines who were living in or visiting this base, nor were they family members of said bonded humans. They were whispering at each other in one of the native Ancient Terran languages, their eyes huge as they looked him over repeatedly.
Cedric was in his black and white scrubs, having yet to be able to get so much as a pauldron of armor - Astartes Armor was hard to come by on Ancient Terra - and though he was taller and bulkier than most firstborn marines out of armor, he probably looked less threatening than the firstborn Brothers and Cousins who were in their armor and had their weapons at their sides. He switched to one of the more common Ancient Terran languages that he’d been dutifully learning and tried again “Hello? Who are you? Are you lost?”
The baseline human teenagers whispered amongst each other, before one of them stepped forward. They had short, vibrant blue-purple hair and were wearing ripped but clean jeans and similarly ripped but clearly well cared for black t-shirt with a strange image emblazoned on their front. “I… I’m… We… We are lost, yes! Who are you? Do you… Do you know how to get out of here? We uhm… We’d like to leave the base now. Do you know this place well?”
“I know most of this base pretty well, since I’ve been stuck here for several months. Got grounded for mischief.” Cedric admitted with a sigh “Follow me, I will lead you to one of the exits.”
“Oh, no need for an official exit! Just show us to an outside facing window that leads off-base and we’ll be good!” One of the other teens - a dark haired human with darker eyes chirped nervously. “What do you mean by stuck on base?”
The young apothecary slowly looked this small group of teens over, something that he’d been told in one of the safety briefs coming to him “I am an Astartes, a Space marine. Sometimes we get confined to base for Reasons by our superiors… Are you… Supposed to be here? Or did you sneak in?”
All of the teens looked very nervous and anxious at his question, muttering softly to each other before the blue haired teen said “We… We broke into the base on a dare. But we weren’t going to do anything bad! We’re just… So curious about this place and all of you and there are so many rumors. No harm’s been done… Please let us go? Some of the other Astartes are really mean and scary.”
Cedric managed to hold in a snort. Yes, firstborns could be utterly terrifying… And he couldn't truly fault them for their curiosity, though an excess of curiosity was a sin against the God Emperor. “I thought you wanted to leave the base.”
“We do! We do… We won’t come back unless invited, promise!” One of the other teens blurted out, a pleading look on their face
The young Black Templar thought about their request for a couple of moments. On one hand, mercy was something that could be more frequently shown on Ancient Terra, and were their positions reversed, Cedric couldn’t say that he wouldn’t break into a place that he’d been expressly forbidden to go, but yet others were allowed in due to some mythical nonsense. But… If they weren’t disciplined for their misbehavior, they would be more tempted to do so again. “I could… Perhaps… Be convinced not to tell my older brothers that you broke in… But, you will all need to promise me and truly mean it that you will not break into this or any other astartes base again.”
The teens fidgeted before one of them asked “Other than it being Astartes property, why is it so important to not break in? You guys take up so much room and are so secretive and mysterious! Astartes started appearing on Earth a hundred years ago and no one knows why or how.”
“Because not all Astartes bases are as nice as this one is. You have heard of Chaos astartes, yes? Maybe even seen them?” Cedric responded, guiding them towards where he knew one of the Chaplains who lived on base was likely to be. These humans did need proper censure, but he didn’t want to scare them too much. “They may act... Nice. Docile. But they are not. They are dangerous and corrosive to the soul and mind.”
One of the other teenagers grumbled “You sound like my aunt’s Black Templar.”
Cedric preened a little, smiling “That isn’t surprising, considering the fact that I am a black templar.”
“But… You’re not in armor?” The teenager grumbled, as the others gasped in surprise.
“No, as I did not arrive on this world in Armor. I did not come here of my own free will, nor do I know how I arrived on this world.” Cedric answered, uncertain as to just what he should reveal to these young humans. They were getting close to both an exit and where he could hear Chaplain Feldarim speaking to someone. 
The baseline humans wouldn’t be able to hear either of the older astartes, but Cedric knew that the group he was leading was almost within most firstborn Astartes’ hearing range when he heard the other older Astartes speak.
“-nd you’re saying that this particular Black Templar is fairly young? Is there anything else about him that I should know?” A horribly familiar voice rumbled from the depths of some of Cedric’s worst nightmares rang through his ears, freezing his hearts in place.
“Have you heard much about Primaris Astartes?” Feldarim asked, the Iron Fist Chaplain seemingly oblivious as to just who he was talking to. 
“... I have heard some things about them.” Chaplain Captain Petras rumbled, a note of amusement in his voice.
“Are you okay? You look like you’re about to pass out?” The blue haired human teenager asked,  having suddenly gotten very close to Cedric, having gone up on their tiptoes and gently started poking one of his cheeks.
The young apothecary began to shake, full-body tremors as he rapidly reconsidered what he was planning on doing. While Chaplain Feldarim was surprisingly kind and soft-handed with his punishments, Petras wasn’t. Cedric had no idea what the Black Templar Chaplain would do to these baseline human teenagers, but it would be ugly. His voice dropped to a whisper when he said “I… Someone very dangerous is close by. I don’t think he’s aware we are here yet, but we need to be careful. I can easily lift and carry all four of you to an outwards facing window, but you cannot return here. For your own safety… You must leave and never return.”
“Jesus fuck, who is this guy? I’ve never seen an astartes this scared before.” The brown haired teenager murmured, their eyes wide, their voice quiet. 
“I… He… He’s…” Cedric shuddered, scooping up the human teenagers and sprinting half-way across the base, making sure to evade his older Brothers and Cousins and knowing where to avoid the cameras that watched the base corridors. “When he’s had power over my fellow primaris brothers, he used it to beat and cull us when we weren’t up to his standards. I do not know what he would do to intruders, but you must go before he catches you.”
The fear emanating from the teenage humans intensifies, as does the rapid beating of their hearts. The blue haired human teen squeezes one of Cedric’s shoulders and asks “Why don’t you come with us? He’s an awful shithead, and the place I’m crashing at does have accommodations for Astartes. You don’t have to stay here, if they’re hurting you.”
Cedric shook his head, struggling to contain the tears in his eyes. “No, I must stay. They would find me if I ran, and Templars do not shy away from challenges. No matter the odds. I must face this trial set before me.”
“I… If you’re sure. My name’s Crystal, and I live in the group home on Seventeenth and Sterling if you change your mind.” The blue haired teenager responded with a small, sad smile on their face. 
Cedric nodded “I’ll keep your offer in mind. My name’s Cedric.” He reached up, opening the window and helping each of the baseline teenagers onto the window ledge “The drop shouldn’t be too much, especially if you tuck and roll through it, to reduce the amount of shock on your bones. Try to stay low in the grass, you’ll avoid detection longer that way. Once you hit the property line you’re unlikely to be chased.”
“Right, tuck and roll to the ground. Thanks, Cedric!” Crystal murmured, leaping out of the window and rolling through the waist high to most astartes grass, staying crouched low as he’d suggested. The other three teenage humans followed after their friend.
Cedric watched the tell-tale movements of the grass as the teens scuttle-crawled their way out of Astartes territory, breathing a sigh of relief as they wriggled their way through the holes in the fence. He’d dutifully report that there was a gap in the fence that needed to be properly fortified, but he was glad that the human teenagers were safely away.
“Cedric?” Ash’val called out from behind him “What are you doing?”
The young apothecary couldn’t help the guilty-startled squeak that left him as he spun on his heel to look at the firstborn Salamander, suddenly aware of the fact that it could be assumed that he might have been tempted to sneak out of the base. Again. Though the last time he’d done that, it was to rescue a half-dead brother-cousin who’d called out for his help. Claude has since fully healed, but Cedric had been scolded for not telling anyone before running off to go patch up an injured Astartes. “I… Uhm… Enjoying the fresh air from the window?” he couldn’t quite look the older Space marine in the eyes as he said that.
“Uh huh. Did you receive another distress call from one of your fellow Primaris Astartes?” Ash’val asked, moving slowly and deliberately closer to Cedric.
“No sir.” Cedric answered honestly, his throat so incredibly dry.
“Were you planning on going out that window? Please be honest with me, Cedric.” the scout captain asked, voice firm but kind. 
“No sir.” Cedric answered earnestly, shaking his head for emphasis. 
“... Alright. I’ll choose to believe that you’re telling me the truth. If you do want to go outside, please ask. I can understand wanting to feel real sunlight on your skin, and I am well aware of the fact that Black Templars are a fleet-based chapter and tend to enjoy wandering a great deal. Speaking of, I’d like to introduce you to a visiting Black Templar. He’s a first born, but he’s been on Ancient Terra for several years now.” Ash’val said, gesturing for Cedric to follow.
“Yes sir.” Cedric agreed obediently, following after the Salamander, his hearts heavy. He thought that Petras had been killed by High Marshal Helbrecht during the Settling Of The Schism, but apparently not. Still, he held his head high, hands clasped behind his back to hide the way they were trembling in anxious anticipation.
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heykayhayes · 6 months
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Some more content from the last session of my homebrewy Lost Mines of Phandelver campaign.
This time, the party had to rescue PC Noone from the depths of her own mind after being strung together in The Black Spider’s web and placed under a sleeping spell. The web interconnects their slumbering minds where the Spider is playing some pretty wicked tricks on them- hoping to lure them into false, dreamlike versions of their memories where nothing bad ever happened while she searches their minds for information relevant to finding the Forge in the Lost Mines of Phandelver.
To escape, Noone had to be reminded of what really happened in her past confront it head on with help from her party.
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actualjenna · 6 months
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whiskyarts · 1 year
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(bluey voice) smoochy kiss
then he stole his wallet
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ambiguous-omens · 6 months
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nek-ros · 1 year
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fireninjahun · 10 months
Came back from camp! You know what is that means?
I promised that I speak about my au that I posted about last week, so here I am!
(I hope you will understand, I'm not the best at explaining)
So, this little alternative universe of mine is in my head for a time (a few years to be exact) and I just can't keep it inside anymore!
But let's talk finally about, what is happening here?
(maybe it was a bad idea to watch Lucifer while I write this, now it's more difficult to concentrate)
My first idea was a simple what if, you know, if instead of Zane, Lloyd get banished into the Never-Realm, but then I added my ocs to the story and it became a little complicated.
(try to write a fanfic about that, but maybe do a comic, I don't know)
The point is, Lloyd became the Emperor of the realm and ruled it for 45 years, until the Ninja came to save him. (But we all know it wasn't that simple) Because of the corruption of the staff and Pyrus's (yes, an oc of mine) illusions, he felt a strong hatred for them and first, he wanted to destroy them but a voice in his head told him not to do.
A few days later of the arrival of the Ninja, Kai decides to go and save his little brother from the captivity of the Green Emperor. At the beginning of his adventure, he meets with a dragon and a three-tailed wolf who will follow, and help him stay alive. After a fight with an ice behemoth, they both get injuries and Kai needs to nurse them. The next morning when he wakes up, he finds himself between a girl and a boy. They tell him their stories that makes Kai realize, it will be more difficult to save Lloyd.
Back at the palace, the Emperor figured out Kai's plan and try do everything in his power to stop him, (or even send him back to Ninjago) but he fails. (poor Lloyd) After that happened, he's making a bigger plan (so does kai with the help of Akita and Alex(yes, another oc) ) And what's that bigger plan? I'm not gonna spoiler it. And I think that will be enough for now. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! (And please do)
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harvest-guardian · 1 year
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Smells like 2011 in here...
I revamped my bakugan ocs as dnd characters. combined brawler with bakugan and whatnot. idk
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legianacrossing · 2 years
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happy pride look at my gay ocs
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askblog-cvesocs · 18 days
General… // OC Would Totally…
so, another thing about birthdays.
pyrus and tobie would definitely have their birthday party at castles n coasters. — it would be like a “anyone can come, invite your friends if you want”
since that’s the case, and since anyone would be invited (and it’s obviously a public place that anyone can go to if they want to), that means that if someone invites someone from another school, people from that school would probably wanna go.
and specifically, i’m talking about august.
and not auggie. no, not at all auggie. the asshole who is also named august who I we utterly hate.
august goes to widdlerow. auggie and the others go to rocketside. — tobie and pyrus go to rocketside, but they have maybe a few friends from widdlerow. or they know people from there. (widdlerow and rocketside are like rival schools)
august would be able to go to the party and see reed.
now, how would august know that reed is there? why would he wanna go?
you see, the word would have to go around.
and it does. thanks to lily spilling to ottilie.
lily talks to ottilie about how her younger brother, cage, is totally obsessing over this guy named reed. she tells her that cage is always rambling on about reed to his friend, aiden. — ottilie asks lily if aiden is tori’s younger brother, because tori goes to widdlerow. — lily says “yah, i hang out with tori. that’s why i know aiden.” — later, ottilie talks to august about what lily told her.
ottilie mentions “cage” and “reed”. august remembers those names. — august points out that he used to know a guy named reed. — august tells ottilie. “i used to go to middle school with those two. never talked to cage. i actually never really talked to reed either. but i knew his sister. his sister was always scared shitless when she saw me.” — ottilie asked august why his sister would be scared of him. — august told her “i dunno. but she would always start crying whenever i even looked at her. it was weird. i didn’t even do anything to her. and her brother, reed, he always hated me. he tried to pick fights with me too. tried to accuse me of hurting him and his sister. but i didn’t do shit to him. i didn’t hurt her. i didn’t even talk to her. plus, she was an 8th grader, she was a year older than us. how would an 8th grader be so scared of a 7th grader? like, pff. she was a wuss to be honest.”
so, ottilie pieces together that august is definitely leaving out information. she doesn’t ask him any more than what he said. at this point, she knows he’s gonna lie if she asks him any more questions. — ottilie talks to lily later. tori is there too, which is a good thing. ottilie asks lily if she knew reed in middle school. — lily tells her that she didn’t personally know him, but cage did. she talked about how cage had said he wanted to be friends with reed in middle school, but he never actually talked to him because he was too nervous to. she told her that cage said that he would see reed and his sister together, and his sister would be bawling her eyes out. cage always felt bad, but never did anything about it.
and the story of how the word went around goes on….. i’ll talk about the rest on another post.
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heykayhayes · 3 months
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Final battle images for the finale of the first campaign I ever ran as a DM!! (It was a homebrewy version of Lost Mine of Phandelver!) I learned so much and had so much fun- can't wait to start my next game at the end of the month!!! :D
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actualjenna · 2 months
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group hike
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justlikefiire · 6 months
The Apprentice
Athena Pyrus
pronouns: she/her
age: 30s
height: 6'1
birthdate: march 31
zodiac sign: aries
favorite color: crimson
favorite flower: iris
favorite food: gyros
favorite drink: raspberry tea
major arcana: the fool
magical speciality: fire
family: petra pyrus, mother; unknown father (to YOU. i know them, tho)
love interest: lucio
art (by me) under cut
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ambiguous-omens · 6 months
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