#c: banzai
ihatedangling · 2 months
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passimtemere · 7 months
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Won't ANYONE feed this poor hyena he hungee
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iholli · 1 year
actually I do have one [1] complaint.
where were the Chain Chomps !!!
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missed opportunities
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This isn’t meant to be a summary or a translation of the Sunset Savanna event!! I just wanted to share my thoughts surrounding the actual tournament and the characters involved in the overall story.
I felt like??? This event was originally meant to be much bigger and much more elaborate than what we got. Is that just me?? Don’t get me wrong, what we ended up with was… okay. It was serviceable. It worked. I just feel like it could have easily been more, but there had to be significant downsizing for some reason.
One thing that kind of confused me was the hyping up of the Catch the Tail tournament versus what we actually got?? (Loved the tourism part though, hearing about local foods, stories, and customs is fun!) I understand the cultural significance of the game, but a tournament arc doesn't work that well if we're only invested in one side; obviously, we'll be rooting for NRC to win because we know them the best and have spent the most time with them, but... They have no significant rival or opposition to go against (which is at least one thing episode 5 had going for it in the form of Vil vs Neige, and even in the Harveston event when the Seven Dwarves reappear). We don't even really have names or faces to think of as their foes. We aren't really given the chance to cheer for anyone else. Like???? NRC's first opponents get no artwork at all, and then we slip through ALL the other matches to the very end. Their last opponents are supposedly Cheka's usual trio of guards--except they're just beastmen mobs A, B, and C. What happened to the lore about "most of the important roles being fulfilled by female warriors"?? You really going to sit here and tell me that the people assigned to guard the person who is essentially the future of your country aren't roles traditionally fulfilled by strong lionesses? All three of the roles just happened be occupied by easily reused male assets? Even the replacement/temporary guards assigned to Cheka were women, and the way the originals were foreshadowed made it seem like they would later be a big deal or the "rivals" NRC had to overcome in their final matchup. They technically were, but they were just your typical run-of-the-mill mobs. (And what a waste, because they comment in the game that the leader of the guards is a HYENA. You could have easily made these three mobs twisted Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed.) They have some investment, being that Kifaji trained them and they are bitter about having won previous years but Leona stood them up for training. It’s basically one big ploy to circumvent Leona not wanting to give the warrior lessons to the winning team, a way to counteract his laziness. It makes sense for the story, but it isn’t very high-stakes.
The first team NRC fought against was even more unremarkable; they cheated just as much as NRC did and didn't even compensate for it with at least recognizable artwork or personalities. In fact, they got NO art at all. If anything, this team should have been the run-of-the-mill mobs from how generically mean they were.
It feels like this event had a handful of red herrings and cheeky lines thrown in to tease at the reveal of significant new characters, only to never follow through on them. I like Kifaji, and it's reasonable that Leona says tourists like the NRC kids can't possibly meet the head of state (Farena/Falena). However, I don't like that a lot surrounding Cheka's guards amounted to nothing?? They even mention they have a member to substitute in that's a retired imperial guard, but that ends up being of no real importance either… (he throws the match because Kalim showed him great kindness earlier by buying him a bus when his original breaks down.) It’s more like a convenience that lets Leona swap in and cinch the win for NRC even though he’s not able to formally compete). It's in-character for Leona to play dirty but it’s still so... anticlimactic????? Especially since the competition is supposedly for the best warriors to prove their wits and might.
Another missed opportunity is that??? The competition is supposedly open to anyone, even those from outside the Sunset Savanna. That may very well be just a writing loophole for Leona to easily shoehorn Kalim/Jack, Vil, and Lilia in as competitors, but there's so much more you could do with that idea!
Maybe there are other outsiders come to fight for the title. Maybe Rook shows up as a competitor to spook them if the devs don't want to design that many actual "rivals" with unique designs or new faces. Maybe there are your "non-traditional" fighters as well, people that are very young (just for the lols, imagine a kid Cheka's size kicking butt, using their small size and speed to their advantage) or very old (Rafiki weaponizing his wisdom and experience in combat, idk) but are still skilled enough in their own right to participate. Maybe show us more types of beastmen and how they use their specific animal’s physical traits to their advantage! I don't know how likely it is for merfolk or fae to join (since those races seem like recluses compared to beastmen and humans and merpeople don't do well in arid climates), but it would have been cool to see others throw their hats into the ring!
There were probably just limitations in place due to this being a hometown event…? It wouldn't be fair for the others to only feature one new character while this one features a TON of them, nor would it be fair for this hometown even to be significantly longer or more detailed than the others. Basically only the Halloween events are super extensive. In which case, I get it. I still would have really liked to see this concept more fleshed out and fully realized though!
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One of my favourite twst fanfics has the premise of the dorm leaders competing for the affections of an oblivious Yuu. In Leona’s chapter, Leona kept bringing fresh meat (as in live animals lol) for food to Yuu as a part of his courting ritual. (He gave her a rabbit once and she made it a pet called Mr. Rabbit Rosetarts after Riddle)
Ruggie was the one who pointed out to him that Yuu wouldn’t understand what beastman rituals were. Now, Leona’s mad that Simba and Nala have been giving him the wrong advice. Also, could you imagine that Leona was also bringing meat to a vegetarian Mc (that wouldn’t fly with my mc).
Yuu has been through hell and back in this world so she deserves to have handsome boys simping over her and having every single Disney animated character adopt her as a daughter/sister/niece.
When I was first brainstorming this AU I had this scene in my head where Ruggie and Jack were visiting her at her job and she notes to them how strange Leona is acting recently. When asked to elaborate she basically lists every single way male lions court females (at least the ones that would make sense. Let me make it clear that in no way, shape or form does Leona ever urinate on anything that isn't a commode) and Ruggie, Jack and practically every single animal is incredibly amused at how oblivious she is. I mean, practically all big cats have similar mating rituals like head rubbing/nuzzling so I can imagine Bagheera and Shere Khan just shaking their heads and chuckling at how adorably confused Yuu is when Ruggie just starts hyena cackling.
(why can't other cats nuzzle heads to show affection. The only time my cat comes near my head it's to eat my hair and yes she does it often)
Yuu is getting concerned with how hard Ruggie's laughing that she doesn't even catch his "holy seven, he's scenting her - he's shishi trying shi to shi cour-court shishishi" in between laughs as Jack can't tell whether to smile or also be concerned because Ruggie has been laughing really hard for a really long time, doesn't he need oxygen?
Yuu's just confused like 'why are you laughing? do you understand what's happening? is it a lion thing?'
Jack is like 'well-' before Ruggie covers his mouth and says 'yeah it's a lion thing' before offering no other explanation even when Yuu begs him to tell her because what if he's like sick.
He is sick, Yuu. He's incredibly love sick. He's also got a case of basorexia if you catch my drift.
Ruggie's just like 'when you get it, you get it' and so she just continues on with her work.
Don't think Simba and Nala are the only lions in the club giving bad advice. The OG LeonaYuu shipper, the icon himself, Scar is there plotting ways to get Leona together with Yuu. Only his strategic prowess usually leans more towards fratricide than it does romance.
In my head, I don't think Leona thinks Simba and Nala's advice was bad because he was raised to believe that lion courting rituals are the way to woo any female since it works for everyone in his family. He just thinks Yuu is too dense to understand what he's doing (I mean, she is)
I don't think Leona would give Yuu meat if she's a vegetarian whether he's romantically interested in her or not. It has nothing to do with respecting women - it's just a decent thing to do. He's very intelligent so he'd definitely know for sure that she doesn't eat meat even if she doesn't tell him. So we don't have to worry about that happening.
I also had this in mind from Yuu misunderstanding a blatant flirting attempt from Leona before she gets called away to another room:
"Of all the herbivores I had to fall for, it had to be her," Leona groaned, lifting his head from his crossed arms on the table to glare at the way Ruggie, Shenzi, Banzai and Ed were outright cackling at his frustration, "why can't she get it through her thick skull that I'm trying to court her?"
"Maybe because you're trying to attract her like she's a lioness," Ruggie stated, wiping a tear from his eye, "In case you didn't notice, boss, she isn't one."
"I know that," Leona griped, "she's nothing like the lionesses in my pride. She's ten times the lion I've ever met. I just don't get how she can be so-so-"
"Dumb?" Ruggie offered.
"Hey," Jack frowned at his upperclassman along with several other patrons who felt displeasure at the insult towards their beloved waitress, "she's a top student."
"You can get 100 percent in an exam and still be dumb."
"Well Yuu isn't," Jack crossed his arms, "she's one of the smartest people I know."
"I know, Wolfie," Ruggie smirked at his underclassmen's protectiveness, " I respect her as well but you gotta admit that even someone smart enough to defeat overblots without magic has got to be pretty blind to not see how everyone falls over their feet for her."
I forgot what would happen next which sucks because I actually really liked that one storyline I wrote in my head when I was tryingto fall asleep.
There was this other scene where Leona and Cheka are in the club and Cheka confused that Yuu doesn't get that she's being courted and Leona is the one explaining that humans and lionesses are different that I want to write out but I have a few WIPs that I feel really guilty not completing so I'll probably finish those first.
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solarsonicsoda · 7 months
Wrestlemania Main Event Reviews - Wrestlemania X
Bret Hart def. Yokozuna (c) w/ Mr. Fuji & Jim Cornette for the WWF World Championship with special guest referee “Rowdy” Roddy Piper in 10:38
Round 2! Yokozuna is out first despite being champion and here comes Hart! Also, look at the trousers on Cornette! Yokozuna attacks as Bret gets in the ring! He fights back but Yokozuna is too strong. Big chop and strikes to Hart. Brutal powerslam and Yokozuna continues to work over Hart. Cornette is scared off the apron by Piper, and Hart dodges a splash. He mounts a comeback and hits a headbutt, Hart is down but Yokozuna also teeters and falls. They brawl on the mat and Bret looks hurt! He keeps up the fight but Yokozuna is strong. He keeps it up and is able to knock him down. Cornette pulls Piper out before a three count and gets knocked out for his troubles. Yokozuna is back on top but he’s tired. Leg drop to Hart and he sizes up the challenger. Throws Hart out and Piper counts but he gets in just in time. Yokozuna grabs him straight away and attacks him in the corner. A running attack but Hart dodges and a top rope bulldog, just like the previous year! 2-count. Elbow drop! 2-count. Wicked clothesline and they’re both down, Bret gets the cover but it’s still not enough. Yokozuna catches a diving Hart with a belly-to-belly and drags him over for the Banzai Drop. He falls and Hart dodges, cover, and Bret Hart wins! Yokozuna is immediately devastated by his loss. Weird finish. Yokozuna chases Piper to the back. I genuinely feel bad for Yokozuna, his mistake cost him. Poor guy. Luger comes out to celebrate. Followed by all the faces and also Burt Reynolds. I think there’s other celebrities but I don’t know them. Savage and Monsoon also come out. They all hold him aloft and Owen Hart shakes his head on the ramp as Savage invites him in.
Pros: Alright action, Hart’s story across the night is good Cons: Uneventful match, retreads the same ground, weird finish
Not quite on the level of other Wrestlemania X matches. Fine match, just nothing too interesting with an odd finish. An improvement on the last two years but not by much. Really nothing to say about this one. 
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hitchell-mope · 4 months
Who is the best Disney villain? Part 4.
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putschki1969 · 2 years
Keiko’s Room #34 Live Broadcast Birthday Special with Hikaru!
Ohhh! This was a lot of fun. Keiko started by singing “Yoru no Uso to”. I think I preferred the version from her fan club event but it was a neat intro. She got a huge Sabon adventcalendar with bath and body products. Looks fancy and costs around €100. Also, I am noticing that Hikaru is wearing her Kalafina pinky ring (just like Keiko always does). Dammit, I think I will have no choice but to buy it when I am in Japan (even though it’s currently quite expensive T_T). LOL at Hikaru wanting to introduce herself b some people might not know her. Keiko is like, “there’s literally no need since everyone knows who you are XD” They gathered a ton of questions but they barely got through any of them. Seems like Hikaru is still a big fan of potatoes and chicken whereas Keiko is all about red meat (and zero carbs as we all know). They started talking about potatoes because fans keep posting potato emojis instead of clapping emojis (it’s a joke among those who regularly watch Keiko’s Insta Lives where she once mistook the clapping emoji for a potato). As expected there is some anime talk but Hikaru hasn’t had much time recently to watch anything new so she doesn’t really have any good recommendations for Hikaru. They talk about what sort of animal they see each other as. Hikaru describes Keiko as squirrel and Keiko chooses a seal for Hikaru. When asked about each other’s favourite song, Hikaru says “Hitori Janai Kara” and it seems like Keiko’s favourite song in Hikaru’s album is “Ambient Border”, quite unexpected. I am so excited to hear it live during the Dec 17 event! Hikaru also confirmed that she will be wearing her stage outfit which will 100% kill me :P
Keiko and Hikaru did a handful of Kalafina acappella covers. BANZAI!
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Keiko Announces 12th Digital Single!
On Wednesday, Dec 7, her final digital single of the year will be released. The title is 天邪鬼/あまのじゃく (Perverse)! Please look forward to it!
Keiko Announces 3rd studio album!
Release date: 2023/02/08  Title:CUTLERY The album is set to feature a total of 10 songs, including Hitori Janai Kara, Alcohol, Yoru no Uso to, KIRAI. and Close to you.
Limited CD+Blu-ray Edition  AVCD-63417/B~C  14,300円 CD+Blu-ray+Analog Disc+Photo Book Blu-ray bonus content: LIVE Session at Amazon Music Studio Tokyo Analog bonus content: Close to you, Alcohol
CD+DVD Edition  AVCD-63418/B  5,280円 CD + DVD DVD bonus content: LIVE Session at Amazon Music Studio Tokyo
CD only Edition  AVCD-63419  3,520円 CD
Store Specific Tokutens Other stores: Postcard [A] , Tower Records: Postcard [B] , HMV: Postcard [C] , NEOWING: Postcard [D], Rakuten Books: Postcard [E] , Seven Net Shopping: Postcard [F] , Animate: Postcard [G]
FC shop    ① [AL+Blu-ray+Analog] *First Press LE:Bonus: "Making of video" viewing rights    ②【AL+DVD】:Bonus: "Off-shot photo" [A] (L version)    ③【AL】:Bonus: "Off-shot photo" [B] (L version)
Keiko to hold her first Solo Billboard Live!
【Live Title】KEIKO Billboard Live 2023 “CUTLERY” K009~012  2023/3/17 Billboard Live Yokohama 1st Stage Open:17:00 Start:18:00 2nd Stage Open: 20:00 Start:21:00
2023/3/24 Billboard Live Osaka 1st Stage Open:17:00 Start:18:00  2nd Stage Open:20:00 Start:21:00
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swynlake-rp · 21 days
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MUN: K AND S! Both K and S stepped up in a major way for Capture the Flag during the AU, and their teammates noticed! Whether it was team strategy or causing some Agent of Eris chaos, members shouted these two out for bringing their A game to the AU. Honorable Mention: B! Of course, our members also had to give Ba shoutout for all her amazing assistance during the AU as well. 20-page-lore-doc? Yeah, all in a day’s work for B! CHARACTER: AURORA! Anavigated a difficult month for Aurora, and began exploring some of the after-effects of her cursebreaking. And she’s working on opening a business! We can’t wait to see what Aurora does next.  Honorable Mention: Stella & Banzai Props to C and G for jumping right into the AU fun with brand-new characters with an epic Greek tragedy! Euripedes is quaking!  THREAD: ONCE IN A SUPER BLUE MOON & IT’S TIME TO GO! Both of these threads got shoutouts for their thrilling plots, high emotions, and moments of tenderness, too. We’re on the edge of our seats to see what happens next! TASK: WHAT’S IN MARIE’S BAG! B went above and beyond for this one, even making gifs to go alongside it! And we loved learning more about this absolute icon. Luckily she has purse <3 Honorable Mention: Everyone’s AU bios! We always love to see the creativity when it’s AU time, and this month was no different. Nice work to everyone who participated!
Election Applications due Sept. 30!!!
Also! During election seasons, petitions are ON HOLD (Starting October 1st)
DO YOU REMEMBER? PLAYLIST: Do you remember dancing in September? Make a playlist that brings your character back to a significant night or moment– the 21st night of September or another important date along with a graphic. Include a short (or long) blurb about each song. AUTUMN PAIRED THREAD: The seasons are changing, pick a fun fall activity and do a thread with a character played by your assigned partner. Some ideas to get you started: back to school! The carnival!
SEPT 4-11: FRESHERS WEEK: Kick off the start of the university fall semester with an epic rager hosted by none other than Ed and Phineas!!!!!! Canonically on Sept. 7
SEPT 8-15: FALL CARNIVAL: It’s the 69th Annual Swynlake Fall Carnival! Rides and games and treats, galore! Happening on Discord – but also we encourage dashboard shenanigans. Canonically runs through the same dates.
SEPT 11-18: HAUNTLEY INN REOPENING: The Hauntley Manor Inn is throwing a  cocktail party in honor of being reopen for business-- and for Friday the 13th! Canonically on Sept. 13. 
SEPT 18-25: MIGHTY WEDDING: Martin Ambrosius and Renard Dubhuir are getting married! There will be a private ceremony at dusk on September 22nd with a late reception lasting throughout the night open to the public at Town Hall.
Gregory Eeyore – September 1
Dian Morey – September 3
Vishaka Chakraborty – September 8
Atta Flutterwing – September 9
Lucian "Lucky" Doyle – September 12
Li Shang – September 12
Remy Gusteau – September 12
Phoebe "Pepper" Doyle – September 12
Anastasia Tremaine – September 13
Kiig'nc 'King' La'ornh – September 14
Krish "Copper" Russell – September 18
Hugo “Chief” Slade – September 18
Babette Durand – September 20
Su Qin – September 20
Mazhar Morey – September 21
Alana Triton – September 23
Willis Tibbs – September 29
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on former SLAYER drummer/extreme music pioneer Dave Lombardo picking a hypothetical SLAYER track to be featured in the "Stranger Things" Netflix TV show.
OVERVIEW: "In a new fan Q&A with "Metal Hammer," someone asked former SLAYER drummer Dave Lombardo to pick one song he's played on that would hypothetically feature in the last season of "Stranger Things," and it's a classic!
To his credit, Lombardo answered honestly and admitted he's never watched the show before, but he does understand how connected it is to the '80s, so he went ahead and picked a track off of Slayer's 1984 EP, "Haunting the Chapel."
"I haven't watched "Stranger Things,"" Lombardo said with a laugh. "It's an 80s retro thing, right? So I guess I go for something I recorded in the '80s… "Chemical Warfare." It's a heavy song, it's very '80s, it's nostalgic and it's got a certain vibe to it. In the '80s we thought we were in World War III. It captures that feeling."
-- REVOLVER, "Dave Lombardo Picks SLAYER Song for "STRANGER THINGS" Soundtrack," by Eli Ennis, c. November 2022
Sources: https://vinyl-records.nl/thrash-metal/slayer-haunting-the-chapel-canada-banzai-vinyl-lp-album.html, www.revolvermag.com/culture/dave-lombardo-picks-slayer-song-stranger-things-soundtrack, Pinterest, various, etc...
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ihatedangling · 3 months
Also thoughts on your nephew + son
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Cheezi is the best! Son can do no wrong. Ed is so proud of how far he's come. Even if he's made mistakes.... Yes. Everyone makes mistakes! But Ed is proud proud proud.
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"An ankle biter. Likes to get into trouble. Never a dull moment with that fuzzball that's for sure." Banzai chuckles. "Sure he was annoyin' at first but...Well he grows on you."
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passimtemere · 3 months
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"Pppfff. Good one Cadmus." They snort. "Almost made me snort blackberry soda out my nose though."
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katyon2020 · 1 year
DAY 9:
I am able to teach Shinzi Rock Smash finally making her fucking useful and help a couple reach each other at which the bf gives me an hm for strength and we head northward towards Fiery path where we catch a numel which I noticed is described by the pokedex as a ''numb'' pokemon so of course I named it Chester.......I just want to remind you.......this dude probably helped a shit ton of fellow emo kids' childhoods and was a great influence on their current lives and probably was a COMFORT to a select few......and this is how I honor his legacy......well, welcome to the world Chester! Wha- you're female? D i d। I। f u c k i n g। s t u t t e r। ? Also we find another female numel who I name Deryck appropriately.
•Tommy the Linoone (LVL 31) ♂️
•Johnny the Grovyle (LVL 26) ♂️
•Billie the Dustox (LVL 26) ♀️
•Shinzi the Mightyena (LVL 26) ♀️
•Sakura the Hariyama (LVL 26) ♀️
•Dora the Azumarill (LVL 21) ♀️
🎵And the others!...🎵:
•Banzai the Poochyena ♂️
•Erin the Gyrados ♀️
•POS the Gulpin ♂️
•Lord Zod the Whismur ♂️
•Chester the Numel ♀️
•Deryck the Numel ♀️
•Radical the Gloom/Oddish (LVL 13-27) ♂️
•Stone Badge
•Knuckle Badge
•Thunder Badge
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio NET Bulgaria (October 06, 2022)
23:56 AL DEGREGORIS - Autumn Chill 23:51 GREGG KARUKAS - Love Is In Your Own Backyard 23:47 DANIEL DOMENGE - Patchwork 23:42 NICK COLIONNE - Is This Love I'm Feeling 23:38 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - C-Funk 23:34 GARY PALMER - Misunderstanding 23:30 TIM BOWMAN - Seaside Drive 23:26 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - In The Shade 23:21 BRIAN SIMPSON - One of a Kind 23:17 JAREZ - All I Need 23:14 NILS - All Roads Lead to You 23:10 STEVE COLE - Can'T Get Enough 23:04 EUGE GROOVE - God Bless You 23:00 BILLYRAY SHEPPARD - Dancing In The River At Midnight 22:58 LE VITA, FAB - Apologize 22:54 CAFE DEL MAR - Mandalay (Beautiful) 22:49 LEO ROJAS - Serenade to Mother Earth 22:45 KEVIN SUNRAY - Stories Untold feat Gaia Barbero (Acoustic Dubstep Mix) 22:41 DAN BALAN - Chica Bomb (DJ Dan Karim Chill Mix) 22:37 KYLIE MINOGUE - Wonderful Life (Acoustic Version) 22:32 LAID BACK - People (Banzai Republic vs. Trentemoeller Mix) 22:25 LA NUIT DEL MAR - Everybody (Luxury Lounge Cafe Mix) 22:17 LAB OF MUSIC - Angel Vibes (Original Mix) 22:12 LA CAINA - Mona 22:10 CNBK - Burning skies (acoustic version) 22:07 DAVID VENDETTA - Love To Love You Baby (Lounge Mix) 22:02 LANA DEL REY - Born To Die 21:58 SUNLOUNGER - Punta Galera (Chillout Mix) 21:52 LAZY HAMMOCK - Pleasures All Mine (Chill Beat Mix) 21:48 DEPECHE MODE - Enjoy The Silence (Pacific State Chillout Mix) 21:42 DIDDY, KEYSHIA COLE, B - STAR 21:38 LEO ROJAS - Flying Heart 21:34 LATE NIGHT ALUMNI - This Is Why 21:30 CRISTINA CAMACHO - Thank you 21:26 ESSONITA, IRINA MAKOSH - Lift Me Up (Bryan Milton Chillout Remix) 21:20 GUENTER HAAS - Alone but Never Lonely 21:15 KUBA - Kailash 21:11 DASH BERLIN, EMMA HEWITT - Waiting (Acoustic Version) 21:08 ARMIN VAN BUUREN VS. SOPHIE ELLIS BEXTOR - Not Giving Up On Love (Acoustic Version) 21:05 KOSMOPOLITANS, ATHENA ROUTSI - I Belong To You 21:02 JAMES BUTLER - Dinner For Two 20:57 CANE GARDEN QUARTET - Chillaxin' 20:51 SUNLOUNGER - Sunny Tales (Chill Version) 20:46 LO TIDE - Quietly here (original mix) 20:40 KITARO - Dance of Sarasvati 20:36 MICHAEL E - People Watching (Rubber Neck Mix) 20:32 LEO ROJAS - Colors Of The Rainbow 20:28 JAY SEAN - Maybe (The Xtreme Chillout Remix) 20:24 351 LAKE SHORE DRIVE - Rising Stars 20:21 KENNY G, LOUIS ARMSTRONG - What A Wonderful World 20:17 JES - In Ohm (Lime Chill Remix) 20:11 ATB - With You! (Original Mix) 20:07 GROOVE THIEVERY - Killer 20:01 CHRISTIAN HORNBOSTEL - Waiting At Potsdamer Chaussee 19:57 CJ STONE, ANNA TURSKA, SHERLOCK - Believe Me (Chill Out Classic Mix) 19:53 YURI KANE - Right Back (Chillout Mix) 19:50 ADELE - Chasing Pavements 19:46 SAGI REI - Missing 19:40 CLAUDE CHAGALL - Obsession 19:35 KITARO - Itonami 19:31 MICHAEL E - Deja Vu (Short Mix) 19:27 ANDAIN - Beautiful Things (Andain Piano Version) 19:23 LEO ROJAS - Chaski 19:18 351 LAKE SHORE DRIVE - Over 19:12 JES - Like A Waterfall (Flipside Ambient Remix) 19:07 BLANK & JONES - Pura Vida (Radio Mix) 19:02 ATB - Let U Go (Schiller Remix) 18:56 PROJECT BLUE SUN - Angels 18:52 SUNLOUNGER - Balearic Breakfast (Chill Version) 18:46 TWENTYEIGHT - Monday night 18:40 ADELE - Lovesong 18:37 SAGI REI - Rhythm is A Dancer (Verano Chill Out Mix) 18:32 SMOOTH DELUXE - Boulevard Rouge 18:25 KITARO - Matsuri 18:21 SYLVERING - Strangelove 18:16 MICHAEL E - Close to You 18:12 ANDAIN - Promises 18:08 METAHARMONIKS - Confession 18:04 LEO ROJAS - Farewell 17:59 THE THRILLSEEKERS - Synaesthesia (Solarsoul Chilled Remix) 17:52 351 LAKE SHORE DRIVE - Soiree Rouge (feat. Blueberry) 17:46 YANNI - One Man's Dream (Hi-Res Audio, 4K-Ultra-HD) Ledovskiy Valeriy Remix 17:42 JES - Imagination (Richard Robson Remix) 17:37 TRIANGLE SUN - White Song 17:33 BLANK & JONES - Risin' To The Top (Original Mix) 17:28 ATB - I Was Wrong To Let You Go (Lounge Version) 17:22 SUNLOUNGER - Heart Of The Sun (Chill Version) 17:17 MARGA SOL - Love Dust 17:13 PAROV STELAR - You Got Me There 17:09 SEVEN24 - Oasis (original mix) 17:05 LINKIN PARK - My December 17:00 SAGI REI - Fall Again 16:59 ANDY SHITZER - She Loves Me 16:55 JACKIEM JOYNER - Where's The Love Gone 16:51 GREGG KARUKAS - Nightshift 16:46 FREDDIE FOX - Champagne Tonight 16:42 AL DEGREGORIS - People Power 16:38 PAOLO RUSTICHELLI - Voyager 16:34 BLAKE AARON - Feels So Right 16:31 GARY PALMER - To the Top 16:26 NICK COLIONNE - Latin Lover 16:22 DANIEL DOMENGE - Back to the Past 16:18 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - Midnight Groove 16:13 JEANETTE HARRIS - All I Do 16:08 JEFF KASHIWA - When It Feels Good 16:04 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - LA Nights 16:00 MICHAEL ROSS - Hot in Brazil 15:57 TIM BOWMAN - Light of Love 15:53 OLI SILK - Hurry Up And Wait 15:49 JAMHUNTERS - Tah-Two 15:45 DARREN RAHN - Easy Does It 15:40 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Thickets 15:35 JIM ADKINS - The Secret Place 15:30 BRIAN SIMPSON - Chemistry 15:26 NILS - Life is What You Make It 15:22 JAREZ - Can't Get Enough 15:16 EUGE GROOVE - Get Em Goin' 15:13 DAVE KOZ - It's All Love 15:09 BILLYRAY SHEPPARD - Take Flight 15:04 ANDY SHITZER - On and On 15:00 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Pardon Me 14:59 MICHAEL ROSS - Four Seasons to Cross 14:55 JACKIEM JOYNER - This Time Around 14:51 GREGG KARUKAS - Happy The Man 14:47 FREDDIE FOX - From The Heart 14:43 JAMHUNTERS - Eurabian Fantasy 14:39 AL DEGREGORIS - After a Rain 14:34 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - Stan's Groove 14:30 STEVE COLE - With You All the Way 14:26 NICK COLIONNE - There It Is 14:22 ADAM HAWLEY - I Don't Mind (Feat. Euge Groove) 14:18 DANIEL DOMENGE - Cool 14:14 JEANETTE HARRIS - P.Y.T (Pretty Young Thang) 14:08 JEFF KASHIWA - You're The One 14:04 TIM BOWMAN - Let It Shine 14:00 DARREN RAHN - D-Luxe 13:56 KIM WATERS - Love's Melody 13:52 MICHAEL ROSS - Bumpin' on Sundown 13:49 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Pocket Love 13:44 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Rendezvous 13:39 BRAD ALEXANDER - Through the Fire (feat. Andrew Gouche) 13:35 BRIAN SIMPSON - Sky Watcher 13:31 JAMHUNTERS - Room for Milk 13:26 Radio NET - Music & More 13:22 NILS - Above the Clouds 13:18 MEKIEL REUBEN - Corey 13:13 KIRK WHALUM - Desperately 13:09 OLI SILK - So Many Ways 13:04 SHAWN RAIFORD - Good Vibrations 13:00 JAREZ - How I Feel 12:56 EUGE GROOVE - Straight Up 12:41 TONY SAUNDERS - Sleepless Nights 12:38 JACKIEM JOYNER - I'm Waiting For You 12:33 MICHAEL ROSS - Almost Home 12:28 GREGG KARUKAS - Heatwave 12:25 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Just the Two of Us 12:22 FREDDIE FOX - Southern Ways 12:17 AL DEGREGORIS - Into the Sun 12:12 KIRK WHALUM - Ruby Ruby Ruby (feat. Earl Klugh) 12:08 STEVE COLE - Believe 12:04 NICK COLIONNE - Born Again 12:00 ADAM HAWLEY - Old School Jam 11:58 DANIEL DOMENGE - Always to Run 11:54 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - Tidal 11:48 JEFF KASHIWA - Meet You There 11:43 BLAIR BRYANT - EmberGlow 11:38 TIM BOWMAN - Travelin' Road 11:35 DARREN RAHN - I Can't Go For That 11:30 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Only You 11:25 JIM ADKINS - No Ordinary Love 11:21 TONY SAUNDERS - Tonight (Best You Ever Had) 11:17 MICHAEL ROSS - On the Beach with You 11:12 NOTEWORTHY BAND - Sweet Breeze 11:08 KIRK WHALUM - The Wave 11:04 JESSY J - Hot Sauce 11:00 BRAD ALEXANDER - Feel da Music (feat. Gerald Albright) 10:56 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Black Shoebox 10:52 EUGE GROOVE - Rewind 10:47 BILLYRAY SHEPPARD - Heels And Pearls 10:42 ANDY SHITZER - September '79 10:38 JACKIEM JOYNER - J Street 10:34 BLAIR BRYANT - Power UP! 10:29 DAVE KOZ - Still Got It 10:24 GREGG KARUKAS - Napa Road 10:20 FREDDIE FOX - Thank You 10:16 BRIAN SIMPSON - Here with You 10:12 NILS - Don't Hold Back 10:07 KIM WATERS - Water's Edge 10:04 KIRK WHALUM - Roundtrip (feat. Kenneth, Peanuts, Kyle, and Kevin Whalum) 10:00 MEKIEL REUBEN - One For Me 09:57 MICHAEL ROSS - Moments in Fall 09:53 NOTEWORTHY BAND - Empiezo 09:49 OLI SILK - Just Can't Resist 09:44 TONY SAUNDERS - Interlude In Paris 09:41 DARREN RAHN - Midnight Sun 09:37 SHAWN RAIFORD - All Systems Go 09:34 JEANETTE HARRIS - Down Wit' It 09:31 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - REM Funk 09:26 BLAIR BRYANT - Kiss of Life 09:22 JAREZ - Sounds Good to Me 09:19 AL DEGREGORIS - JD's Groove 09:15 NICK COLIONNE - Nite Train 09:12 STEVE COLE - Starting Over 09:08 ADAM HAWLEY - Traveling Mood (Feat. Julian Vaughan) 09:03 KIRK WHALUM - Inside (feat. Shanice) 09:00 DANIEL DOMENGE - French Connection 08:57 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - New Hope 08:54 JEFF KASHIWA - It's Up To You 08:50 PAUL MESSINA - Above the Clouds 08:46 MICHAEL ROSS - We Slept in the Rain 08:41 NOTEWORTHY BAND - Surf to Smooth 08:37 JOYCE COOLING - South of Market 08:33 TIM BOWMAN - All My Life 08:29 DARREN RAHN - Rock with You 08:25 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Phoenix Rising 08:21 JIM ADKINS - Straight Ahead 08:17 BLAIR BRYANT - Red Tiger 08:13 JESSY J - Daylight (Gregg Karukas feat. Jessy J) 08:08 TONY SAUNDERS - Bigger Than Outside 08:04 BRIAN SIMPSON - When I Say Your Name 08:00 KIRK WHALUM - Courtney 07:57 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Groove Love 07:53 NILS - In The Moment 07:49 BLAKE AARON - Drive 07:44 KIM WATERS - Possession 07:39 MEKIEL REUBEN - Lovely Day 07:34 OLI SILK - Take Me Away 07:30 SHAWN RAIFORD - Rude Boy 07:25 NELSON RANGELL - City Lights 07:21 JEANETTE HARRIS - Chi Town 07:16 JAREZ - One Take 07:13 EUGE GROOVE - Slam Dunkn 07:08 BLAIR BRYANT - That Girl 07:04 BRAD ALEXANDER - Straight Up (feat. Donald Hayes) 07:00 BILLYRAY SHEPPARD - Silk 07:00 ANDY SHITZER - Only With You 06:53 KIRK WHALUM - Afterthought 06:48 TONY SAUNDERS - Alaya 06:44 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Club Life 06:41 JACKIEM JOYNER - Say I Do 06:36 BLAKE AARON - Fall For You 06:30 GREGG KARUKAS - Home To You 06:26 FREDDIE FOX - Cool 06:22 AL DEGREGORIS - Tranquility 06:18 STEVE COLE - Slinky 06:14 NICK COLIONNE - Be Urself 06:09 ADAM HAWLEY - Just A Friend Of Mine 06:05 BLAIR BRYANT - Relentless 06:00 DANIEL DOMENGE - Last Summer 05:58 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - Always & Forever 05:54 JEFF KASHIWA - The Attraction 05:49 KIRK WHALUM - Big Ol' Shoes 05:46 MARK CARTER - Swingtown 05:41 JOYCE COOLING - Another Time 05:36 TIM BOWMAN - Into The Blue 05:33 DARREN RAHN - Our Love 05:29 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Hip Today 05:25 TONY SAUNDERS - Melody in My Heart 05:21 BLAKE AARON - Weekend in Paradise 05:17 KIM WATERS - East Coast Strollin' 05:12 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - City Life 05:08 JULIAN VAUGHN - All to Myself 05:04 JIM ADKINS - Wind Dancing 05:00 JESSY J - White Sand (Paul Brown feat. Jessy J) 04:58 BLAIR BRYANT - B's Bounce 04:52 BRIAN SIMPSON - Closer Still 04:49 NILS - Shine Your Light On Me 04:45 MEKIEL REUBEN - Steppin' in San Gabriel 04:40 KIM SCOTT - The Look Of Love 04:36 OLI SILK - Slinky Malinki 04:31 AL GOMEZ - Keeping It Together 04:27 AL DEGREGORIS - Smooth It Out 04:24 SHAWN RAIFORD - Chunky 04:20 DAVID DAVIS - Back & Forth 04:17 DARRIUS JAMAR - Back To Love 04:12 JAREZ - A New Day 04:09 TONY SAUNDERS - All Alone 04:04 BLAKE AARON - Sunday Strut (feat. Najee) 04:00 NELSON RANGELL - When I Saw You 03:58 JEANETTE HARRIS - People Make The World Go Round 03:54 BLAIR BRYANT - Spend the Night 03:50 JULIAN VAUGHN - Your Mine 03:45 STEVE COLE - Love Ballad 03:40 BLACK GOLD MASSIVE - Let It Flow (Sausalito Calling) 03:36 MARIUS BILLGOBENSON - Joy 03:31 HANK BILAL - Kick It With Me 03:26 JACKIEM JOYNER - Just Groove 03:21 GREGG KARUKAS - Rocky Peak 03:18 FREDDIE FOX - Just 4 U 03:13 DAVID DAVIS - If Your Girl Only Knew 03:09 AL GOMEZ - Groovesville 03:05 AL DEGREGORIS - South Shore 03:00 EUGE GROOVE - Rain Down On Me 02:55 DARRIUS JAMAR - Forget Me Nots (Feat. Dayve Stewart) 02:51 JAREZ - Shine 02:47 BLAIR BRYANT - Girls in the Back 02:42 TONY SAUNDERS - Just Letting Go 02:38 BLAKE AARON - Riviera Nights 02:33 BRAD ALEXANDER - Morning Serenade 02:29 NICK COLIONNE - Morning Call 02:26 BOBBY WELLS - Vantage Point 02:22 JULIAN VAUGHN - Always in My Heart 02:18 ADAM HAWLEY - Just Dance (Feat. Dave Koz) 02:13 DANIEL DOMENGE - Asian Dream 02:09 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - Bay Breeze 02:05 JOE MCBRIDE, THE TEXAS RHYTHM CLUB - His Name 01:59 JEFF KASHIWA - The Power of Midnight 01:55 DERRICK HARVIN - Eyes Wide Open 01:52 AL DEGREGORIS - Time And A Half 01:48 AL GOMEZ - Who's Right, Who's Wrong 01:44 JAREZ - Got This Feelin' 01:39 BLAIR BRYANT - Chocolate for Breakfast 01:35 GTF - Spanish Steps 01:31 WALTER DUDA - Invisible 01:27 TIM BOWMAN - City Lights 01:22 BOBBY LYLE - Nujazzy (feat. Nathan East) 01:18 DARRIUS JAMAR - Missing You 01:13 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Above the Clouds 01:08 BLAKE AARON - Groovers and Shakers (feat. Darren Rahn) 01:04 ALTHEA RENE - Rock with You 01:00 DAVE BRADSHAW JR. - Nothin' But Groove 00:55 BOBBY WELLS - Count It All Joy 00:50 J. WHITE - Valley of the Sun 00:46 JOYCE COOLING - Take Me There 00:43 JULIAN VAUGHN - Initiate 00:38 DARREN RAHN - Tale Of Two Cities 00:35 ALEX FALDIN - Comfortline 00:30 DERRICK HARVIN - New Found Love 00:25 JIM ADKINS - A Kiss From You 00:21 JAREZ - All Of Me 00:17 AL DEGREGORIS - Resolutions 00:13 BOBBY LYLE - Tommy's Song 00:08 AL GOMEZ - Closer to You 00:03 TONY SAUNDERS - Sea Cliff Drive
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parviocula · 3 years
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Need some fuckin help, weasel?
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sporkkles-irl · 5 years
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its february babes
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