katzenliebhaberx · 6 years
I have so much potential… i can’t give up on myself.
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katzenliebhaberx · 6 years
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katzenliebhaberx · 6 years
Playlist for Writing
I’ve put together some Spotify playlist that I like to write to, and figured I would share them with you all. If they have * means it’s one that I listen to a lot.
Chill Lofi Study Beats *
Intense Studying
Soft Focus *
Lush Lofi
Chill Instrumental Beats *
Lofi Hip-Hop *
Focus Flow
Cute Beats
Peaceful Guitar *
Brian Food
Peaceful Paino *
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix *
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Prison of Azbakan *
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 
Avengers: Infinity War *
The Avengers
Black Panther *
Thor: Ranagrok *
Guardian of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Spider-Man: Homecoming *
Game of Thorns
A Court of Thorns and Roses *
A Court of Mist and Fury *
A Court of Wings and Ruin *
Tower of Dawn
The Maze Runner
Beauty and the Beast
Frozen *
Toy Story
Incredibles 2
The Lion King *
Moana *
Coco *
The Imitation Game *
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Star Wars: The Last Jedi *
Pacific Rim Uprising 
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katzenliebhaberx · 6 years
me drinking green tea: this is gonna fix Everything
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katzenliebhaberx · 6 years
something to calm me down when I’m anxious
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katzenliebhaberx · 6 years
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Rewriting my notes all pretty is helping, I think! 😍
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katzenliebhaberx · 6 years
My first week of school was a success! And today I went to a local thai food restaurant to study my Biology, and it went really well 😍 the lighting in there is gorgeous!! I was studying too much to take a picture though, oops 🤷🏼‍♀️ but I'm making it my study place, so there'll be pictures for sure!
I can't wait to work hard and make an A in my last class for my associate's degree!!!!!
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katzenliebhaberx · 6 years
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I haven't posted original content in forever so TAKE IT!!! JUST TAKE IT!!
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katzenliebhaberx · 6 years
On another note
I've started school again, finally!!! And I'm setting a goal to write down all my notes twice. Once all messy while in class, and another in a nice little notebook for studying!! I NEED to make an A in my science and the lab, so I can raise my GPA as much as possible 😍 So expect more content from me as I get notes done!
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katzenliebhaberx · 6 years
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I haven't posted original content in forever so TAKE IT!!! JUST TAKE IT!!
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katzenliebhaberx · 6 years
why limit yourself between choosing between a pretty feminine aesthetic or a dark one? if persephone can be the goddess of spring & queen of the underworld at the same time so can you
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katzenliebhaberx · 6 years
Thrift shopping for clothes is such a fun adventure. You never know what you’re going to find, one size does not fit all, so there’s less of that kind of pressure to try to find something in one size, and you can find some really awesome gems for a lot less than you’d spend at a retail store. Thrift shopping also cuts down on waste, so in a way, it’s also good for the environment. ♡
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katzenliebhaberx · 6 years
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hi guys! i’m back with a masterpost of sorts, and a positive one since my posts haven’t been the most optimistic recently… 
for some of us, back to school is right around the corner. for others (including me), we have a month left, and the realisation that school exists and we should probably start preparing is beginning to settle in. 
start waking up earlier: wow, wow, wow. the most generic ‘tip’ ever to exist. but it’s true - if you keep waking up at 12pm, you’ve already lost most of your day and don’t have all that much time to do stuff. so, wake up earlier. i wake up naturally between 7 and 9am anyway (9am is a lie-in for me, thank you body clock *eyeroll*) so this isn’t a huge thing for me, but goddammit if you want any chance of not being an angry teenage monster when you have to go back to school, start waking up earlier a few weeks before summer ends. 
follow your school routine: i saw this tip recently (i can’t remember who posted it, i’m so sorry! credit to you!) where you follow your school routine every morning, which can not only normalise it so you don’t associate that routine with school (that made no sense, i’m sorry - it just reduces the association with school, and when school comes around, you’ll hopefully associate it with summer break) but it gives you some kind of purpose in the morning so you don’t end up in bed all day with a jar of nutella for company…. i see you. 
journal: this doesn’t have to be a perfect bullet journal like the ones you see all over tumblr, or a planner. i mean a journal, to write in and press flowers in if you wanted to, and just sit and feel like those girls who sit under a big window with books and a handwritten inky journal with no technology in sight that you see on tumblr in the lead-up to autumn. (phew, that was a long sentence). this grounds you, but KEEP IT PERSONAL! not school related! as a person who’s brain works on associations, it’s important to keep potentially stressful environments and aspects of my life completely separate from places of solace (in this case, the journal, where i go to write and say everything i need to). 
have a ritual: yes, i’m a witch, so this could be a witchy ritual. but no, i’m talking about something you do weekly, whether it’s a friday night, a sunday or a mid-week pickup on a wednesday. this is an evening where you, for example, finish all your work by 8pm and then devote the rest of your evening to chilling. the fuck. out. put your books away and get your bag ready for the next day, and get up from your desk. draw a bath or take a shower. a long one. preferably a bath, so you can sit with bubbles and a book and chill out completely. then, make a cup of tea and sit in bed with a book or your journal, or an episode of your favourite netflix show. then go to sleep feeling really calm and at ease. 
do your work as soon as you get it: every year - every term (okay sorry, semester. jeez, i’m a brit. anyway.) for that matter - we say to ourselves that the second we get homework or a project, we’ll do it immediately. do we end up doing that? no. should we? yes. set that same goal this year, and at least try to do it. okay but seriously, this is important if you want to keep up, all jokes aside. 
check who you’re surrounding yourself with: are these people motivating? positive? do they lift you up, and keep you on the right path? or do they drag you down with their own woes that they drown you in, or do they belittle you, or make you feel like school is dumb and ruin the motivated mindset you had ten minutes ago? if so, leave. find new, better people who tick all the boxes. in school, you need a support base of people who help you academically, and listen to you - but remember, you need to be returning that. you need to listen to them when they need it, and help them in return. 
eating breakfast: i suck at eating when i’m not at school - in the three weeks i’ve been on summer break, i don’t think i’ve eaten lunch once. but school reminds me to eat, and i come v close to dying if i don’t eat breakfast before school, but i know that suddenly eating in the morning after six or seven weeks of… not… can suck and can make you feel pretty shit, so start doing it a week or so before - if you haven’t noticed, these habits are all things to start before school, so they’re already habits by the time summer ends! 
make a study group (chat): i’m kicking my social anxiety in the ass and i posted to my snapchat asking for people to message me if they’d be interested in being in a study groupchat on snapchat, which hopefully could turn into an actual study group when exams get closer. i’ve never done this before, but it seems promising so i highly recommend you try this as well! it doesn’t have to be a post-on-story-and-wait-for-applicants, it can just be your friends, and have that chat be strictly-study related, not just a groupchat. i had one like this last year, and we had strict rules that you weren’t allowed to talk about non-study stuff, since it was a group with my best friends and we had two other groupchats (i take things way too seriously lol)
okayyyy that’s all i have! feel free to reblog and add on any tips you think of (we gon need all the help we can get next year, studyblr gotta stick together yknow) 
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katzenliebhaberx · 6 years
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katzenliebhaberx · 6 years
note to self: glowing up doesn’t necessarily always mean looking cute as hell. glowing up also means becoming the best version of yourself. cut out the toxic people in your life, remember to study well, becoming more open minded, taking care of yourself physically and mentally (!!!), be nice. what benefit is there in bringing someone down when you can be one of the reasons why they smile?
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katzenliebhaberx · 6 years
my list of things to do more:
- take a bullet journal and camera everywhere I go.
- write down: lovely words that people said to me, poems, ideas, and quotes that inspire me.
- plan fun itineraries for weekends or vacations.
- don’t let my insecurities stop me from enjoying myself.
- do everything I truly want to do that takes patience and some discomfort: become fluent in languages, be amazing at cooking, be good at running, meet new people, save up money.
- find inspiration in the good things in my life, and don’t bother worrying about what I don’t have.
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katzenliebhaberx · 6 years
how to: motivate yourself
create a vision board
a vision board is a collage of pictures and quotes of your dreams, goals, and things that make you happy
the purpose of it is to bring everything on it to life
it should focus on how you want to feel
these visualizations serve as a motivation to achieve said dreams and goals
here’s a helpful wikihow article on how to make one: x
set up a reward system
this one is pretty self-explanatory
remember to reward yourself for reaching small goals, as well
aced your last test? great, it’s time to celebrate!
finished your homework? go eat that chocolate in the fridge!
most often, we don’t see the results of our hard work as soon as we’d like, so you just have to give them to yourself
surround yourself with positivity
may it be inspiring tumblr posts or a supportive group of friends, it’s so important to be around people who are rooting for you!
try to distance yourself from people who want to see you fail, or who don’t believe in you
if that’s not possible, try to see them as an extra motivator: do the thing they think you’re not capable of! prove them wrong!
start small
break big goals down to smaller ones that are doable
so instead of a 4.0 GPA, start with „studying every day for the next 7 days“
if you have a list of tasks, start with the smallest one
the little confidence boost you get after finishing one of your tasks is extremely helpful
it gets the ball rolling and suggests that you can actually tackle your to-do list
find like-minded people
the studyblr community is perfect for this
it’s full of supportive, ambitious and positive people who are always ready to help
share your achievements and failures with them
having a great support group to lean on in times of stress is super important
keep track of your progress
whether through the usage of a bullet journal or a blog, it’s helpful to have the ability to actually see what and how you’re doing
also, bullet journals are extremely fun to make and help you be organized in general
bullet journal tutorials: x x x 
don’t compare yourself to others
one of the biggest motivation killers is comparison
i know it’s hard to stay motivated when you feel like everyone around you is doing better than you
still, it’s crucial to try and compare yourself only to your past self
try to improve a little, to put a little more effort into something
there will always be someone who has achieved more, it will only put you down
so just try to give your best, because that’s all one can do
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