#c: esteem
ayakamizu · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2023 Day 13 - Check
Check: Verb. To make an inquiry, investigation, etc., such as for verification. Characters: Alphinaud Leveilleur, Alisaie Leveilleur, ??? Expansion: Endwalker Rating: G Notes: Takes place sometime post-Endwalker! Spoilers for MSQ are referenced, but otherwise this is just a somewhat spooky encounter the twins have in the middle of the night.
“Gods, my back is killing me,” Alisaie complained, extending her arms up and groaning as the popping feeling she felt in her back. She slouched in her chair, watching her brother comb through the book he was reading. “How long do you plan on staying, brother?”
“Not too much longer,” Alphinaud answered, thumbing the next page. “I just have to finish this last chapter…” He trailed off, humming under his breath. Alisaie rolled her eyes, resting her chin in her hand and staring at her brother.
“Are you going to finish your sentence, or am I going to have to try reading your mind?”
“Huh?” Alphinaud asked, looking up from his book. When her words registered, she could see the light, embarrassed flush on his face. “Oh! Right, well, I was going to say that you can feel free to return to your quarters whenever. I don’t want to keep you from resting.”
“And leave you here, all by yourself, in some dark library?” Alisaie asked, gesturing to the high bookshelves surrounding the pair with narrowed eyes.
“Tis not like these shelves are strangers, dear sister,” he countered. “I remember many nights spent here studying for exams, researching papers…”
“And returning home late to Mother’s fretting,” Alisaie reminded him, giving an exasperated sigh. “Come on, you can put that away and return to it tomorrow at a reasonable hour—”
But before she could finish her sentence, a loud THUD! echoed in the room, causing the pair to jump in their seats.
“What the—!” Alphinaud exclaimed, startled. He nearly fell out of his chair in shock, wildly looking around. Alisaie felt her breath catch, getting up out of her chair and reaching for her rapier, muttering a curse under her breath when she realized she left it in her room.
“...Should we investigate?” Alphinaud probed, slowly getting up out of his own chair and looking towards Alisaie.
“And get ourselves murdered in the middle of the night?”
“I highly doubt something like that will happen. It’s likely just a mammot—”
Alphinaud cut himself off with a high pitched yelp, running over to Alisaie when another, louder noise could be heard. Alisaie made a note to tease him about it later (and perhaps let Ayaka know so she could have a comrade in this endeavor), but for now she focused on the fact that the noise sounded closer than before.
“Alisaie,” Alphinaud hissed, grabbing onto her upper arm with a tight grip. “What do we do?”
“Surely we can go around the other way?” Alisaie suggested, frantically looking for an escape path. She muttered another curse under her breath when she realized their corner of the library only had one way out. “Bloody hell, maybe we deserve this for choosing some dank corner to spend the night in—”
“Don’t say that!”
“Well now, what do we have here?” They heard a voice—a bit deeper, but oddly familiar—say from behind them, causing the pair to screech and jump away. Alisaie brought her arms up into a fighting position, trying to emulate what form she’s seen Lyse and Ayaka take as monks. Behind her, Alphinaud was trying to catch his breath, clenching his shirt tightly. 
“Who's there?!” Alisaie asked, trying to peer into the shadows and having a hard time seeing the other occupant. She didn’t remember the room seeming this dark even minutes ago!
“Oh. Forgive me, I didn’t mean to cause any alarm,” the voice apologized, sounding more sincere than Alisaie would have guessed. Slowly, a figure emerged from the darkness and the twins felt struck with surprise to see an Auri woman—dressed in full armor at that—standing in front of them. Her golden eyes were taking them in, but she made no comment on their defensiveness. “I came here looking for a specific tome and, to my surprise, I wasn’t the only ones here this late at night.”
“T-Tis quite alright,” Alphinaud answered for the two of them, his voice losing the shakiness it gained moments ago. “I hope we didn’t disturb you and your reading…”
“Oh not at all,” the woman said, giving them a reassuring smile (again, something about it felt familiar). “I had just got here when I thought I heard something and decided to investigate…”
“Was it that loud thud?” Alisaie questioned, curious now. “I can promise you that wasn’t us.”
“Yes, it wasn’t,” the woman said confidently. “You needn’t worry. I handled it.”
Somehow that didn’t feel as reassuring as she was sure the woman was hoping it sounded. At least it didn’t to Alisaie, but behind her she felt Alphinaud go more at ease, the grip on her jacket relaxing.
Before Alisaie could say anything, the woman tucked a strand of dark hair behind her horn and turned towards the pile of books the twins had accumulated in their time spent here. She raised a brow at the collection, but must’ve decided not to ask about it if her unconcerned shrug was anything to go by. She did, however, turn her attention back to them and once again Alisaie felt like she was being sized up. “You two should get some rest, it’s rather late. Surely your… parents must be concerned about your wellbeing so late at night.”
Sure, their mother would be worried if she found out they were reliving their Stadium days of spending late nights in the library—especially when they’re supposed to be relaxing now that the Final Days are over. These days, she thinks Ayaka would be the more likely candidate to give them some grief for staying up so late. Alisaie could practically hear their friend’s worried tone as they woke up late for the third day in a row, wondering if they wanted any herbal tea recommendations to help them sleep better at night—
“I can put these books away for you so you can head out of here,” the woman offered, although it sounded less like an offer and more like an order.
“We couldn’t possibly leave you to clean up our mess,” Alphinaud countered quickly. “It’s our responsibility—”
“To get a good night’s rest,” the woman interrupted, a slight smirk on her face. “You both might be young now, but you won’t be able to keep this sort of thing up forever. It’ll cause your body more wear than you think.”
Alisaie groaned, shaking her head. “You sound just like someone we know.”
“Then perhaps you’d ought to listen to your friend, hmm?” The woman teased, shooing them away. “Off you go. I can clean up after you. I’m used to doing things like that.”
“Because you’re a Dark Knight?” Alphinaud asked suddenly, making Alisaie turn to give her brother a funny look. Silently, he gestured to the greatsword strapped to the woman’s back and Alisaie muttered another curse under her breath for not noticing it sooner.
“Quite,” the woman answered. The smile on her face morphed into something more secretive, which was doing awful things for Alisaie’s curiosity. She almost wanted to ask the woman what she meant, but decided against it. “Now go on, you two.”
“Thank you,” Alphinaud said, giving the woman a quick bow in gratitude. “Is there any way we can repay you?”
“Just sleep well and try not to spend late nights alone in a drab corner like this,” the woman answered, sounding serious. A dark look crossed her face for a second and Alisaie was reminded, suddenly, that this woman managed to sneak up on both of them. “You never know what could be lurking in the dark.”
Although they were well aware of what sort of awful things lurked in the shadows (voidsents, bandits, all sorts of evil beasts, and formerly Ascians), neither of them knew what to say to that.
Giving one final bid of gratitude, the pair set off towards the Annex in uncharacteristic silence.
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neuroticboyfriend · 3 months
Another thing I just realized. If you isolate, especially for a long time, and then start coming out of your shell... You're not gonna suddenly be fine with being around people, being seen by others, or having social interactions.
Whatever reason you were isolating is going to follow you. You're gonna be uncomfortable. You're going to try to hide. You're gonna have a hard time trusting others and being honest about yourself. This is natural.
Change doesn't happen over night. Taking action to put yourself in social situations is only the first step; learning how to be yourself around others and who you want in your life is a whole other ballgame. It's going to take time for you to discover how you want to exist in the world.
That's okay. It's frustrating as all hell. It's scary putting yourself out there. Sometimes it might feel like you'll never connect with someone else - that you'll always be an outsider no matter what you do. You might feel stuck and doomed, but you're not.
You are capable of growth and healing. There are people who want to be your friend, who will love and support you in ways you didn't think was possible. They will be patient with you as you struggle and change. Not only that, but they'll be proud of all the progress you made, and continue to make every day.
I say this to you, and myself. I'm experiencing this firsthand, and I've been being so mean to myself for not living up to whatever standards I've placed on myself. I can't push myself to be someone I'm not ready to be, to do things I'm not ready to do. I only have today, and who I am today.
So everyday, I can put some effort into exploring myself as a social creature. I can be more gentle and patient with myself through the process. It's not going to perfect; I'm just one person, and you are too. We'll both be okay and get through this. We are allowed to take things one step at a time, one day at a time.
One day we'll be able to look back on where we are now and see how much we've grown, how much happier we are. Until then, we'll hold on for the ride and keep going. ♡
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is that another chipped catra and normal catra parallel i see?
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chiropteracupola · 5 months
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He’s red and he’s white and he’s green and he’s grey / My bonny young dragon, come hither away...
Keith Windham and Nuntius, out of Luzula's stunning Flight of the Heron/Temeraire crossover fic 'The Flight of Dragons.'
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system-of-a-feather · 8 months
People are allowed to hurt others.
Clickbait phrasing aside, I think it is an important thing in life to acknowledge that people - including you - are allowed to hurt people, especially if you are a survivor of trauma. It's one of the things I have to verbally restate to my fiance who relatively recently got hit with the trauma bus after repressing it for a while, but you ARE allowed to hurt people.
Of course, intentionally hurting someone is a dick move.
Of course, unintentionally hurting someone is a sucky situation for them and not a cool and fun thing
Of course, hurting someone is not the ideal but even then
You are allowed to hurt people. It is not this horrible moral failing or evil behavior or completely reprehensible thing to hurt someone. Intentionally or not, if you hurt someone, it is not something that makes you unredeemable or tainted or unlovable or a horrible person.
It is part of human nature - part of life - to every now and again make poor decisions - intentionally or not - that end up affecting another person poorly. May that person be a stranger or a close friend or what not, its just part of life experiences to run into these situations and it is OK to hurt others.
You don't need to be punished. You don't need to grovel. It's not the end of a relationship in any inherent means.
And while it is okay to hurt people, whats the MOST important thing is that when you realize you've hurt someone is to acknowledge it and - if its someone important to you - do what you can to apologize and try not to repeat the mistakes made
But everyone hurts people every now and again.
Expecting yourself and the people in your life to live their entire life without ever getting a speck of dirt on their hands (for those that struggle with analogies, "live their entire life without ever hurting anyone") is something that just won't work out in the long run.
Hurting someone is a singular action that does not have to define your life moving forward.
What does matter is how you handle and respond to it.
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thepersonalwords · 1 month
Developing a commanding presence is essential for leadership and a powerful impact.
Susan C. Young, The Art of Being: 8 Ways to Optimize Your Presence & Essence for Positive Impact
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chemdisaster · 9 months
i'm thinking about joel's "i am the best i'm the greatest human being to ever walk this earth" persona, and about how often he actually gets complimented by other people. because wouldn't constantly acting like he believes himself to be the pinnacle of humanity make people less likely to say genuine nice things about him? in fact, it'd make him a bigger target for teasing because, well, his head's big enough as it is. and even if it's obvious that it's an act, who, upon hearing someone say something incredibly self-obsessed, agrees with them? teasing them, taking them down a peg is simply the natural response. so i wonder how all of the above would mix with joel's boatload of insecurities that he very clearly has under the surface.
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m4gp13 · 1 year
Okay time to talk about Al's hero complex and Ethan's martyr complex more in-depth because I love it so much <3
Al's hero complex is pretty obvious. He thinks he's Katniss Everdeen fighting a valiant battle against the Capitol because no one told him he's not the main character. He sees himself and those who agree with him as the Heroes (tm) while any who oppose them are the Villains of Unrivalled Evil because obviously his people wouldn't be fighting them if they were anything less. Al definitely has the overwhelming optimistic approach of a heroic paragon who believes it's impossible for him to fail because he's the good guy and good guys always win (Ladies, Gentlemen and Assorted Genders I would now like to direct your attention to "heroes never die, right?"). Which is how he ended up getting the remainder of his army massacred because he wouldn't accept defeat and pushed them on for a last-ditch attempt at victory. He's willing to sacrifice his people for the greater good, and in this way he and Percy are like the inverse of "Villains will sacrifice the world to save their loved ones, heroes will sacrifice their loved ones to save the world."
Al was the most powerful child of Hecate and as such was chosen to lead the rest of her children into battle. For such a young guy, this probably gave him a sense of grandeur, importance and self-respect which translates well into him seeing himself as the hero of his story. He had Luke and his propaganda to look up to, Mt Othrys to run things from and the Princess Andromeda to help things along, as well as a swarm of younger demigods who saw him as a hero. Now I'm not saying it all got to his head but that is pretty much what I'm saying. There's also Hecate, who is a pretty loving mother all things considered and was helping and supporting Alabaster and her children all the way through the war. With her encouragement exacerbating Al's self-righteousness instead of giving him a reality check, his hero complex could only grow until it made the Al we see in Son of Magic. He has lost everything and has never been in a worse place but he is still so sure of himself and his own moral superiority.
Ethan's martyr complex is a little more subtle but it's there if you're looking. My guy sacrificed his eye to his mother and was A-Okay with the arrangement. He was asked, from a very young age, to go through a lot of short-term physical pain with the result of a long-term disability in order to make a change in the world, which he agreed to. So he already doesn't think too highly of himself which is a great start! His mother uses him as a vehicle for her goals and he is aware of this and consenting to it. He has already relegated his own life as a tool for someone else. And then there's the arena battle in the labyrinth where he was very quick to offer Percy his own head on a platter. He was thinking very pragmatically at the time. He didn't seem to care much about "holy shit I'm going to die" and was instead just thinking "If he kills me then I die but if he spares me then we'll both die 2-1=1 so if we go with the first option then that will be one less death" HE DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK. His own life is something he can step back from, view in the context of the bigger picture and figure out how detrimental the loss of it would be to everything else going on around him. And then to further prove my point the last thing he ever does in the series is actually martyr himself to stop Kronos from ruining his mother's plans. Way to make it easier for me buddy.
As for how he ended up like this, his mother is fucking Nemesis. A hero complex and a martyr complex run antiparallel to each other with the key difference being that a hero will do whatever it takes to succeed while a martyr is all too happy to throw their life away for The Cause. In the eyes of a young child desperate to please his mother who is known for harshly punishing the prideful and arrogant of the world, being a hero who desires personal success and glory would be far too egotistical, and in order to be a hero his mother would approve of, he must be entirely selfless about it. She would despise anything else.
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aachria · 3 months
i would just really like to tell you that im so addicted to this book, my mom knows everything thats happened in it- and somehow because i talk to her about sssbmty so much ive gotten out of a punishment because she knows its updating sometime tomorrow... like shes AWARE of how addicted i am that shes willing to ignore the fact i got a C in history and not ground me for a week because she knows ur updating tomorrow.... it is THE funniest thing to me right now and i thought id share 😝🫶 anyways cant wait for the next chapter i hope ur randomly struck with an insane amount of writing inspiration this week and ur my favorite ao3 author ever !!
First off; that is fucking hilarious and I 10/10 support y’all using me and the fic as a tool to escape punishment. Do that, it’s funny.
Second; I told all my friends about this because I think it’s the height of my achievements so far.
Third; I nearly failed history and getting a C is not that bad. (<- person who cried and had a mental breakdown after getting a C in grade 6.)
(Jk I’m not blaming you I’m just Like This lmao.)
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ayakamizu · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2023 Day 5 - Barbarous
Barbarous: Adjective. Brutal or cruel. Synonym: Heartless. Characters: Ayaka Mizushima (WoL), ??? Expansion: Heavensward Rating: G Notes: Spoilers for Dark Knight level 30-50. Second person POV.
You’re well aware of what she thinks of you.
‘You’re too harsh,’ she would say, panting as she tried catching her breath. She wanted you to go easier on her, but how else would she build up the muscles needed to swing that sword around? Tiny frame like theirs hers would make it harder.
You won’t go easy on her. She needs a firmer hand if she’s going to survive this world—one that would consume her until she has nothing left. You won’t let it come to that, of course, but it would be easier if you both could quit this place…
‘They need help, too,’ she would argue with a worried look on her face as she took in the twisting spires of Ishgard. Of course, “they” didn’t necessarily mean just Ishgard. Even after everything that happened in Ul’dah, she still wanted to help at the cost of her bleeding heart—
“We should have let them drown in Leviathan's rage!”
“Are you really that heartless?!”
Maybe you were, but you could care less about these Eorzeans and their petty squabbles if it meant taking care of her. She mattered more than anything on this bloody continent.
If that made you heartless, then so be it. Better to be the brutish shield defending her their heart if it meant making out of all this alive.
She’d appreciate it one day.
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dandelion-wings · 5 months
One of the things I'm really running with in the omegaverse fic is that Lisa is even more the pursuer/instigator in this than Jean is, and Kaeya is managing to completely miss that, so far, because why would she want to share Jean with him?
"What?" Jean follows his gaze to Lisa, but only looks confused. "Lisa was the one who suggested this." Kaeya seems to recall otherwise. Lisa is leaning forward as if to agree, though, the frown slipping away into a sympathy that makes his skin itch. "I told Jean it might help if she was a little more intimate with you. She's so anxious about crossing any lines, but isn't it worth a try? Being so mechanical can't be helping." It's helping his heart, Kaeya wants to tell her, but he's starting to suspect that that, too, would be a lie. How is he supposed to keep that buried when both of them are so determined to be kind? He swallows hard to force down the lump in his throat, then summons a strained smile. "I just didn't want you to think I was trying to outdo you." "Oh, I doubt that." The sly light is coming back into Lisa's eyes, Kaeya is glad to see. "Though if you do manage it, you'll just have to demonstrate how you did it. Personally, of course." "If that's supposed to be a threat, you should know it's not much of one," Kaeya dares to tell her, desperate to lighten the subject. "Not from one of the loveliest ladies of the Ordo." "Oh, darling," Lisa purrs, her gaze going half-lidded and sultry, "it wasn't meant to be a threat at all." Kaeya feels his face go hot and turns quickly back to Jean in lieu of finding a way to answer that. Flirting playfully across the table in Ordo meetings is one thing; flirting in his own bed, when he's naked and this desperate for touch, is another. Not that looking at Jean is cooling his blush any.
("She would like to share him with Jean, actually" is just completely off his radar.)
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kyuhu · 1 year
Wanted to let you know that i adore your slightly chubby Felicks. God knows the man went hungry during WW2 and as a Soviet satellite state. In modern day, he deserves to eat well. 😊
Thank you! I think it's still a bit away from looking chubby as I'm not quite able to draw how I want him to look like but I'm glad you like it c:
I want him to be squishy and look the absolute prettiest while he is! Because he would and he would know that ;v;
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chiropteracupola · 6 months
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spooky scary sleepover
[moth and compass is a collaboration with @natdrinkstea]
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tiisshu · 3 months
DA:I C/ullen/ Inquisitor (human, warrior) lyrium withdrawal fic.
This is just the setup chapter , so there is no real suffering yet. If you are sensitive to descriptions of d/rug cravings, maybe stop before chapter 3 and beyond as I don't want to upset/trigger.
I don't want C/ullen to suffer, I want him to be saved.
Also would like to add I don't know if the use of pulling rank is correct so just go with it lmao
1. Tastes like Boot
For a successful mission, this one had certainly gone bollocks up.
Things had been set with the missive for weeks on this one, with the determination that the best course of action was to split the forces sent with one detachment going to look for some of their troops that had been detained in the area..
That morning before the War party left however, The Commander delivered an alternative directive - essentially leaving the troops to fend for themselves in the meantime doubling the guard on The Inquisitor because of a rumor Red Templars had been seen in the area. A rumor their Spymaster couldn’t confirm.
The War party had set out, the directive secured, and what’s more a runner had arrived shortly after Noon with news the detained troops were spotted on the north road heading back to the keep.
The War council was fully aware of The Inquisitor’s - of Calliope’s ire that decision had invoked regardless.
When they’re in the field, in front of others, The Commander and the Inquisitor of the Inquisition maintain a very professional appearance - even if their inner circle knew what the two Warriors had going on behind closed doors.
Cullen decides this is the best decision they’ve made thus far in their relationship together because right now, across from him at the War Table, She looks ready to spit fire.
He closes the door to the War Room after everyone else enters and he leans back against it crossing his arms.His tone remains calm but has a stern undertone as his hazel eyes focus on Calliope.
“Inquisitor, I want to discuss what happened back there”.
She doesn’t immediately look up nor does she address him yet as She’s studying the Markers He had adjusted that morning.
He follows her gaze, noticing which ones have her attention. Taking a few steps towards the table, careful to maintain some distance. He speaks in an authoritative, clipped tone, when her silence spurns him.
“Look at me!”.
The air in the room suddenly feels like it’s charged with static, the rest of the council stunned into silence.
Cullen can see the way her jaw is working as she clenches and unclenches her jaw as she finally looks up into his face. Green eyes cold with fury look back at his own simple hazel with a look that can only be described as piercing.
He recrosses his arms and schools himself into his usual stoic expression trying to appear undeterred by the sharpness of her anger.
“You can be angry all you like, Inquisitor, you know I can’t standby and allow you to endanger yourself unnecessarily “. To his left, Cassandra winces slightly at his words.
Cullen notices the reaction, but he’s already got himself rolling with this and He’s just annoyed enough with this situation to lose his temper.
“You are The Inquisitor! You have a duty to fulfill and I won’t hear of you putting yourself in unnecessary, reckless danger!”.
He expects an instant rebuttal but The Inquisitor is not listening- Calliope is now looking at how stiffly Cassandra holds her posture.
Cullen glances at Cassandra, his eyes narrowing, knowing the secret they share. He understands the contradiction in his statement but continues, his voice firm.
“I understand that you want to get the job done, but you can’t compromise your safety in the process.
Calliope looks up then and speaks in a sharp tone she has never used before, it's tone even in this scarily measured way.
“ People’s lives are at stake. Time is not a luxury we have, and you reroute us so…what? You can spare me a hypothetical?”.
She begins to tap different markers with clipped angry movements.
“Tell me, Commander, How will you advise on the next mission - Western Approach? Can’t have the Inquisitor risking a sprained ankle running through sand dunes, better extend the mission by three days to walk the perimeter”.
She taps a marker in The Fallow Mire. “ Hmm, better hold off on this one too until the rainy season passes, better not risk “The Inquisitor” a head cold”.
Cullen takes in a deep breath, his jaw clenching as he struggles to keep his own frustration in check, “Yes, people’s lives are at stake, and that includes yours. I intervene to keep you safe”.
He gestures to the markers She tapped in her tirade.
“ I’m not asking you to just… sit around, I’m cautioning against needless danger and as The Commander, it is within my duty to adjust accordingly”, he explains as he shifts his posture to square his shoulders the way the title demands.
Belatedly, Cullen has a moment to realize he’s made some grave error before he notices a muscle jump in her cheek and he’s looking into startled, affronted green eyes.
“..are…are you pulling rank on me?”
The others in the room are staring at the edges of the War Table now as if idly wondering what kind of wood it's made from.
There is an imperceptible hint of regret that flickers across his face, realizing that perhaps pulling rank wasn’t the best choice, but she’s being flippant with his concerns and He was getting a headache for all his trouble.
“Yes. I.. am”.
He holds her gaze, unflinching, despite the tense atmosphere in the room.
“As Commander, it is my responsibility to ensure the safety of our forces and that includes you. It's done, I won’t speak on it any further ”.
Calliope stands there with her jaw clenched, looking like there is a wealth of things She wants to say to him, before she promptly slips on her more detached, impartial “Inquisitor” mask and gives him a curt, “Commander” and leaves the room.
Cullen watches her leave, with fresh frustration etched on his face. The others in the room exchange glances, the tension thick in the air.
He lets out a frustrated sigh, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Maker’s breath…
He shakes his head and turns to the rest of the council, his voice laced with resignation.
“Let’s…continue with the other matters at hand…”
No one moves to speak first.
Cullen notices the differing reactions from the others.
He can feel the disapproval from Cassandra, Josephine’s unease, and Leliana’s practiced neutrality.
He straightens his stance, trying to maintain his composure. He resists the urge to rub the back of his neck again and decides he better address this…
“I know you don’t approve of my decision, but I … -The Inquisition can't risk losing her”.
Cassandra turns to Lelianna and Josephine and in an even tone says, “Leave us”.
Once they’ve both made their retreats Cassandra crosses her arms across her chest and demands, “ What, in the Maker, was that, Commander?”.
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thepersonalwords · 5 months
Confidence is silent, humble self-assurance. Moving one step past a healthy self-esteem, confidence projects an air of authority, trust, and respect—a commanding, respected presence.
Susan C. Young, The Art of Being: 8 Ways to Optimize Your Presence & Essence for Positive Impact
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illmamnim · 5 days
Black and White's "found brothers" dynamic reawakened my Tommy and Tubbo phase from 4 years ago. My interests are a flat circle.
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