#c; hestia
galaxydrcaming · 2 years
Hestia knew there was nothing she could do to change it, but it still didn’t sound fair. “Well, there’s nothing stopping you from getting therapy here. I met a very lovely demigod who actually works as a therapist, I think his name was Oak - no, sorry, that’s his fiance. Uri. You should talk to him. We’re not in either of our worlds, we get to set our own rules now.” Persephone was on the warpath, and Hestia understood why; one of hers had been killed. In the old days, vengeance was how it worked. Even Hestia had killed people who attacked her followers. But such a thing wasn’t going to make the demigods feel better, so she decided to move past it and simply redouble her efforts to bring peace to Persephone. “Feel free to use me as an excuse to get out of trouble with any gods. Most of them like me well enough, they’ll probably leave you alone if you tell them you’re friends with me. I’ll back you up.”
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Annabeth laughs softly at the suggestion as she waves a hand absentmindedly. “Oh, yeah, no I know that and I do know both Oak and Uri, but I think I’m good on the whole therapy front.” She says with a shake of her head. “You are not wrong there, but the difficulty there is that there will always be someone who doesn’t want to follow those, I can easily name a number of people in my family that would not want the gods here to think that they still have a higher superiority because of a new set of rules, there will always be something to argue and fight about, it’s the same reason that we get sent out on quests despite many demigods before us having fought the same monsters.” She points out with a sigh and shrug of her shoulders. “Have I mentioned that you’re my favorite goddess? I can’t blame them for liking you.”
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my-pjo-stuff · 1 month
I love how the PJO fandom seems to love comparing Luke and the TA to President Snow when the gods are like, right there.
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hermesmoly · 3 months
An underrated Kronides dynamic we don't often talk about is Hestia & Poseidon, or more rather Poseidon's one-sided proposal towards her:
Homeric Hymn 5 to Aphrodite 18 ff (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C7th - 4th B.C.) :
"Nor yet does the pure maiden Histia (Hestia) love Aphrodite's works. She was the first-born child of wily Kronos (Cronus) and youngest too, by will of Zeus who holds the aigis,--a queenly maid whom both Poseidon and Apollon sought to wed. But she was wholly unwilling, nay, stubbornly refused; and touching the head of father Zeus who holds the aigis, she, that fair goddess, sware a great oath which has in truth been fulfilled, that she would be a maiden all her days. So Zeus the Father gave her a high honour instead of marriage, and she has her place in the midst of the house and has the richest portion. In all the temples of the gods she has a share of honour, and among all mortal men she is chief of the goddesses. Of these three Aphrodite cannot bend or ensnare the hearts."
First of all good move on Zeus to respect his elder sister's wishes (regardless of the type of ruler you see him as he was very fair in this situation), second it's interesting seeing the word sought, like it was a stubborn request on Poseidon's (and Apollo's) part up until Zeus gave his verdict. Also interesting is the supposed timing of these proposals, considering Apollo is his fellow rival it implies Apollo was an adult/old enough to seek Hestia out. If they sought Hestia at the same time, does that mean that a.) Poseidon wasn't married to Amphitrite yet? (In one way that's logically impossible if Triton's daughter Pallas is Athena's childhood friend, which implies Amphitrite and Poseidon married early enough to have Triton to be old enough to have Pallas) Or b.) that he was already married but would be willing to divorce Amphitrite if Hestia had said yes?
I like to think that Apollo and Poseidon's proposals happened in different time periods, Poseidon during or after the Titanomachy (in which Hestia just said no/would think about it and just never responded) and during Apollo's proposal is when Hestia asks Zeus to let her be a virgin goddess. (It just seems weird to me if a Poseidon- especially a married Poseidon- would just seek Hestia's hand out of the blue with no hint of intentions before, unless he specifically did that to compete with Apollo though that seems unlikely.)
It leaves me just asking why Poseidon wanted to marry Hestia. I personally think he wanted to marry her because he had a crush on her (the same way a kid would have a crush on an older girl in movies) and that he was a littleee bit jealous that Zeus and Hera were lovers/married and wanted a sister-wife for himself (which yes, incest is ew but this is greek mythology we HAVE to abandon the "incest is bad" metric when it comes to gods. Most of the gods during the Titan era married their sibling/cousin so Poseidon may have had a similar mindset).
Also kinda interesting that Poseidon loved Hestia and Demeter and was able to respect Hestia's wishes but not Demeter's. Smh bro.
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Sometimes your Mental Illness™ is kicking your ass and all you can do is offer the first hot, non-leftover meal you managed to prep in the day at 10:30 pm to Apollo & ask for help getting to *and* getting through your appointment tomorrow and that's okay
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tonksxandromeda · 4 months
Who: @fcrox -Hestia Where: St Mungos
Andromeda's day had been a blur of activity since she had arrived. A moment's rest was non-existent. The only time she was standing still were the brief moments she spent with a patient. She could only be thankful that it made her days go by swiftly, and more often than not she felt as though she were leaving before she'd truly done anything to help. Once more her day was nearing it's end, and she looked forward to going home to Ted and Dora. No matter what work brought, they were always a balm for her heart. Before she left one of the head Healer's asked if she could take one more patient, an auror who just needed a general health check. Grabbing the file she headed to the room, knocking gently on the door before she stepped inside. "Miss Jones? I'm Healer Tonks, it looks like you're just here for a health check, is that right?"
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alastormagnusmoody · 14 days
Where: Ministry of Magic, Auror Department Who: @fcrox
The door to the bullpen opened to admit the battle-damaged wizard, who limped into the room, a heavy traveling cloak over his usual suit. Alastor Moody had previously been noticeably meticulous about his appearance, choosing to combat the rumors about his sanity with appearing wellkept. Face shaved, hair cut and combed, suit pressed-- these were often easily identifiable attributes of the seasoned Auror.
The man who was entering the workplace, his weird, lurching walk enough to draw attention by itself, had several days worth of stubble growing on his face. His hair, while combed, was growing longer that anyone had seen it in years, and his suit wasn't ironed. He stumped his way over to his desk, dropping the cloak over the back of his chair and immediately turning to his coworker.
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"What have I missed?" Moody growled, picking up the large stack of memos that had been delivered to his desk in his absence and quickly sorting them into to piles: important, and not worth his time. "Any suspects in the ambush?"
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brknmnds · 11 months
@talesfromahs Hestia/Michael
All Hestia knew was that being rich was what allowed her into this bunker. Her father had brought tickets for all of them in case the end of the world would happen. This bunker would protect them and allow the family legacy to go on.
She was the only one that made it, not that she minded. She never got along with her brother and the parents were getting old and you only need one to carry on the family line.
She was next to Coco getting her own hair done when the alert went off. Coco annoyed her to no end and Hestia just wanted to slice her neck open and let her bleed out but that never came too. She was for some reason a friend that she had to keep around.
The outpost was horrible. She hated what she was forced to wear and she dreamt of stabbing Ms Venable especially with the cube of food they gave them and then she found out she was with child a couple months along and even then she wasn't sure who the father was. Ms Venable was not pleased but as she had not broken any rules she couldn't do anything and if they needed to re-populate the earth this was it.
18 months soon passed and she had an 11 month old son, Samael. She didn't know where the name came from but as soon as she laid eyes on him, she knew that was his name. She tended to breast feed him more often than not, in a way to save the small amount of food they had but once he started eating solid, would give up a portion of her cube to make sure he was getting the nutrition he needed as a growing boy.
The day had come where the alarm went off, someone had entered the building, of course they didn't get told anything until he stepped foot in the library. She was sitting on a chair, slightly away from the group as she breastfed her son, her eyes were focused on Samael when the man entered and when she looked up it was like time froze. She knew this man, she knew him but couldn't remember anything about him. She felt a pull towards him, she felt like she would do anything for this man, she would kill for him but she didn't know him. Right?
She watched him as he talked to the group and she wasn't surprised when Malcolm volunteered to go first, she just shook her head and looked down at her son, a small smile on her face as she ran her hands through his sandy blonde hair. He looked so much like his father but she didn't know that, not yet anyway.
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lbfrank · 3 months
where: Frank's office who: @fcrox
Paperwork was the part he least liked of his job, he wasn't one meant to be sitting for long hours and writing down what had happened on a mission the day before. His wife usually helped him out but for some reason Moody had put them on separate schedules this week. The wizard had lost track of time, his head buried on the parchments in front of him, when he heard the door swinging ajar. He looked up, to be met by a familiar face. "Miss Jones?"
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edgarebones · 4 months
where: ministry gala who: @fcrox (hestia)
Edgar was sat, reading over a parchment when he caught sight of Hestia coming into the atrium. He was curious if she was going to attend, considering they both worked for the ministry, and with the rumours between their families.
He excused himself, placing the parchment down on the seat and made his way over to her. "Hestia," a grin on his features. "You look beautiful tonight." His parents did instil manners in him, and the last thing he needed was his mother cursing him later if he was not a gentleman.
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lovenpeace-pkmn · 11 months
dark: what's a misconception ppl have had abt you or your pokemon?
...Perfect sweet harmless brainwashed little girls who aren't good for anything but glorified babysitters. Too weak and emotional and foolish to be worth remembering--but always strong enough to deal with whatever messes they leave for us today, because Dragons forbid something inconvenience the men--
Also Zorua will not kidnap and replace your children. That...that is not a thing that happens.
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sturgispodtudo · 1 year
Quem: @hesti4jones
Local: Biblioteca de Hogwarts:
Quando: À tarde
Sturgis Podmore sabia muito bem que ele estava longe de ser o aluno mais aplicado, esforçado ou brilhante da Corvinal, tanto é que por alguns meses durante seu primeiro ano em Hogwarts o bruxo questionou se o Chapéu Seletor tinha feito a escolha correta em relação à sua casa, porém quando soube que Hestia Jones estava precisando de ajuda nos estudos o rapaz não pensou duas vezes antes de se oferecer para ajudá-la. Sinceramente, Stu não achava que ele era a melhor opção para ajudar a colega com os estudos, com certeza tinham pessoas melhores para esse papel, mas o seu grande coração e a necessidade de ajudar seus amigos acabou falando mais alto do que qualquer outra coisa. Dessa forma, naquela tarde, o rapaz tinha combinado de se encontrar com Hestia para poder estudar. “Boa tarde, Jones”, cumprimentou a bruxa ao encontrá-la em uma das mesas da biblioteca, com livros e pergaminhos espalhados pela superfície de madeira.  “Por onde você quer começar? Transfiguração? DCAT? História da Magia? Essa é a primeira vez que eu faço isso e, para ser sincero estou um pouco nervoso, mas prometo fazer o possível para te ajudar”. 
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scorpiusmmalfoy · 2 years
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“Ya es la segunda vez que alguien intenta tirarme de las escaleras. ¿Debería preocuparme?”
♡   𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀   flora c. / @afftcrglow​
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kohaive · 2 years
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expression meme warmup but literally every single character got an ooc face except like seph
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realmofthegods · 2 years
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Faustian and Hestia (GoT/HoTD verse)
Their family was always powerful, they hailed from Asshai in Essos. The family had a large knowledge of different Arcane power mostly dark magic that the rest of the world could not even imagine.
The twins father wanted more power and manage to usurp the throne, raising to control the going on in the trading town.
Faustian deals with bloodmagic. He may have been the only blood mage around after the Doom if Valyria. He also studies dark magic use to curse and kill those that wrong him.
Hestia deals with dark magic, Necromancy being one of her go to as well as crafting different type of poisons that she sells at a high price.
The twins would travel around Essos, to plant seeds to cause destruction, allowing them to slowly rule all of Esso and next was the great Westeros.
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midoridragonuus · 2 years
Please tell us about Hestia?
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Hestia Lovelace
The woods are a beautiful thing when you see them from the outside. Strolling along well-worn paths and smelling the wildflowers that bunch together near aged roots. It's a pretty scene that creates a lasting memory on the ride home.
The woods are less forgiving at night.
Paths obscure under fallen branches. Wind howls just enough to be chilling. The air frozen and then silent. It can't make up its mind. Shadows pour over unenven ground. It trips even the most experienced hunter. The woods grasp with thorns. Broken branches are the fingers that ensnare the unsuspecting victim. Their only hope is someone who knows the woods.
From dusk to dawn, their only chance at salvation is Hestia.
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sadeshacklebolt · 1 month
who : @fcrox (hestia jones)
where : sade's flat
Sade's ears picked up on the faint knock on her front door almost instantaneously. Dinner was on the stove and the wine was already poured, charmed to the perfect temperature. After previous two weeks, Sade was longing for nothing more than an evening with her best friend, Hestia Jones. The pair had been best friend's since way back in Hogwarts.
Jasper was staying with her brother, Kingsley. Meaning that Sade was entirely free for an entire evening, a seemingly rare occasion. But Sade needed her best friend, and luckily, Hestia's busy schedule had also been empty for the evening. Opening the door, Sade pulled Hestia in for a hug. Barely giving the other woman a chance to speak. "Hestia, you have no idea how much I have missed you." Sade exclaimed.
Pulling back from the hug with a relieved smile, "How are you?"
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