#cabin demon
bigmannoah · 1 year
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shovson · 23 days
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guess-i-do-art · 17 days
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Someone save me I can’t stop drawing The Guy
After going nearly two weeks without a hyperfixation, Generation Loss has come to cure my brain 🎉
Spirit of the Cabin is my favorite episode so I had to draw demon Charlie Slimecicle!
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dreamyzworldlove · 1 year
INCREDIBLY last minute but when i got the idea i had to do it
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for @solangeloweek’s will solace day which just so happened to fall on father’s day, thus creating this cursed art of will and his step children
if you like my art please reblog <3
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wortsturm · 7 months
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[ #wortsturm ] — 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐫 𝐖𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫
In einer kalten Winternacht, kurz vor Mitternacht, hörte man den alten VW Golf seine letzten Motorgeräusche machen. Es nieselte leise der Schnee und schnell war der rote Wagen bedeckt mit kleinen Eiskristallen. Das Smartphone in die Höhe gehalten - kein Empfang. Doch am Ende der Straße kam eine Silhouette zum Vorschein und sie wurde immer größer, die Nähe baute sich auf. Erleichtert und keinesfalls misstrauisch atmete er aus. Es war zwar spät, aber vielleicht war ja ein Förster oder Jäger unterwegs. Seine Gedanken täuschten ihn, er war zu gutgläubig. Nun stand also die Gestalt vor ihm, wirkte selbstbewusst und mächtig. In nächster Sekunde sackte Trevor zu Boden mit einem Dolch in der Schulter. Es sollte sich rausstellen, dass sich sein Leben von nun an änderte. Das Blut trat warm aus der Wunde und ehe er sich versah, wachte er in einem Wohnzimmer auf. Es war warm und herzlich eingerichtet. Es roch nach Lavendel und Tanne. Er blinzelte und versuchte sich zu orientieren, da erblickte er auch schon seinen gegenüber. Eine junge Frau, die sich scheinbar um seine Verletzung kümmerte. Verwirrt sah er sich dann doch um. Es hingen Runenschriften an der Wand und überall standen Kräuter sowie Pflanzen herum. Das Knacken des Feuers im Kamin rundeten den ganzen Charm ab. Nach kurzer Zeit stellte sich heraus, dass ihn eine Hexe aufgenommen hatte. Die Wunde tat nicht weh, kaum zu glauben. Doch einen Blick zu dieser und tausend Fragezeichen bildeten sich in seinem Gesicht - die Wunde hinterließ schwarze Adern drumherum. Doch was sollte das bedeuten? Wird er sterben? Nein, im Gegenteil. Er wurde mit einem „für immer“ verflucht, ein Untoter, eine verfluchte Seele als Dämon. Was das alles noch für ihn bereit hält, das weiß gewiss nur die Zeit.
// offen für plays und talks, 21+, mdni \\
// instagram: wortsturm_ \\
// faceclaim: Jensen Ackles, Paul Wesley \\
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cryptidseeker · 9 months
useful tips for those who winter in a cabin in the woods for the first time
pt 1
• the rustle of snow falling from the trees may sound like your name. If you hear that, leave the woods. Don’t look back.
• if the grass that pops out from the snow slightly resembles somebody’s bare ribs, don’t touch it, don’t step on it, don’t step over it, and especially, under any circumstances, don’t dig it out.
• there’s a lot of trash lying around on roads during winter, it’s really not necessary to back up to check whether it’s a plastic bag there, or just dirty snow, or a body, or something— someone entirely different.
• when entering the forest, remember: it will throw a lot of interesting things at your eyes when you decide to leave there. Don't be fooled. Don't look back.
• before taking a walk on a frozen lake, try throwing a piece of ice on it. If it breaks with a high-pitched melodic ringing, you are safe. If instead you hear a metal-like clanging sound, leave immediately. If you don't hear anything, take a few deep breaths. This will saturate your brain with oxygen, and then you will have a chance to swim out.
• birds do not sound like your mother's voice.
• sound does not travel well under water. If you hear someone calling you from under the water, leave. If they call you again, lie down and crawl: you have walked too far, there is ice under you, and if you do so, there is at least a small chance that it will not break.
• don’t. Mess. With tree hollows. It's not just birds and rodents that hibernate in them, and you definitely don't want to wake anyone up.
• pay attention to the tracks: hares cannot climb trees vertically higher than an average human height, bird paws cannot be larger than your head, and canines do not have more than four functioning paws.
• swamps are deep and do not freeze completely even in severe frost. They are warm inside. If you see bubbles rising from the bottom, even if they are being stopped by the ice, leave.
• the eyes of a fish frozen in the ice of a local lake — if it is truly a fish — will not follow you.
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ectonurites · 11 months
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@bylerween2023 DAY 2: SLASHERS, GORE & BODY HORROR
I'm an Evil Dead trilogy lover always, so a sort of... mash up. the intent is less 'this ST character as that specific Evil Dead character' overall and far more just 'put these guys in that situation': college students on a spring break trip to an old abandoned cabin in the woods gone so very wrong due to demons and deadites. a chainsaw is involved.
[I also wanna shout out this post from Robin @pinkeoni tht has stayed in my brain ever since i first saw it & is the reason Will's in the Ash 'they got control of his hand' situation here 👍]
And as anyone familiar with Evil Dead 2 may know, Ash cuts off his own hand when this happens in the movie, but… I just love the idea of the angst that would come from Will begging Mike to do it… being desperately asked to mutilate the person you’ve always tried to protect… needing the person you love to hurt you in such a drastic way just so you have a chance to carry on…
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drslugmo · 11 months
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strixcattus · 5 months
Some cosmology for the STP D&D-esque AU:
There are two gods that are pretty universally revered, the Shifting Mound and the Long Quiet. (The Narrator didn't, in-universe, intend for them to be known to the Construct's inhabitants... but things do leak through despite all intentions to the contrary.) The Shifting Mound is hailed as the goddess of growth, transformation, and death, while the Long Quiet doesn't have a domain of his own, rather standing as a counterweight to her—the pauses between her constant motion. These are the "sleeping gods," so called because, despite their widespread worship, they don't intervene in mortal affairs at all. It's thought they're currently going through a period of hibernation, but since they're so detached from the world it's hard to know for sure.
Then there are the Titans, entities with divine magic that live in a realm separate from the world. They're not exactly gods, since they didn't create any part of the world and don't really govern any aspect of it either, but they're hailed as such in communities across the world, and they can grant holy magic. Most people think that Titans and "gods" are one and the same, but in reality most Titans don't engage with the mortal world as gods.
Finally, there are demons, who are the same species as Titans, but live in a different realm. They're worshipped as gods as well, but less often, and they're generally less powerful than Titans. They, too, can grant holy magic to their followers, but fewer people are interested in this deal since demons are typically seen as more wicked. Both demons and Titans are capable of having children with mortal humanoids, but it's much rarer among Titans.
Clerical magic can be granted by either demons or Titans, or through catching a lucky break in worship of the Shifting Mound and Long Quiet. Warlock magic can also be granted by demons and Titans, as well as other, less widely-known entities. Generally speaking, if it's focused around spells the mage chooses to learn, it's clerical magic, and if it's focused around abilities the patron chooses to grant, it's warlock magic. Clerical magic usually also comes with fewer strings attached—generally the only requirement is that the cleric remains faithful to their god, while warlocks may frequently be called upon to carry out their patron's dirty work.
Titans, demons, and other entities include:
The Triad: A group consisting of the most powerful Titan, the most powerful demon, and their considerably weaker younger sister (half-sister to the Fury). The Apotheosis considers herself ruler of the Titans, the Fury considers herself ruler of the Underworld, and the Tower considers herself ruler of the mortal kingdoms. To what extent they can exert this power may vary—in particular the Tower is rarely known to mortals. The Eye of the Needle: A middling-powerful demon who left her realm to enter the mortal world in search of opponents who were more interesting to fight than other demons. She has a half-humanoid daughter out there somewhere, but they haven't spoken since the girl was old enough to take care of herself and set off on her own. Demons don't really do "family." The Networked Wild: An entity formed by the collective network of plants (among other aspects of nature) across the world forming a redundant brain with a capacity impossible for any mortal mind to truly comprehend. Its existence enables the existence of druids, and witches often tap into it as a source of external power. While it contains an impossible-to-determine number of minds (some of which are mortals attempting to tap into its wisdom by temporarily becoming a part of it, which rarely goes well upon separation), it is theorized that there is a single consciousness at the heart of the network, whose identity is unknown. The Wounded Wild: A nature spirit embedded somewhere within the western woods. She was forcibly cut from the Networked Wild a long time ago, and guards her location carefully, less her assailant return to finish the job. It's theorized that magic, particularly druidic magic, would behave unusually around her because of her separation from the rest of the Wild. The Razor: An entity just left of anything with a known classification. She's not any sort of spirit, humanoid, or semi-humanoid (which includes Titans, demons, and fey), but she is a powerful entity capable of granting a warlock pact if she finds someone interesting enough to sponsor. The Stranger: It's only rumor, but there have recently been religious sects emerging that believe in an earthly incarnation of the Shifting Mound, insisting that she is perhaps the first true god since the sleeping gods went into hibernation. Most people regard such groups as trying to take advantage of people's loyalty to the sleeping gods.
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spiraltides · 7 months
drawing i did while rewatching genloss! :3
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it's the goopy gunky guy!!
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web-archives · 5 months
i’m rewatching season 7 of supernatural and.. castiel and inias were def fucking in the garrison right?
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muclunga · 2 years
Watcher but underneath Watcher hq they have a cabin-in-the-woods elevator storage system containing every single ghost, demon, alien, cryptid, true-crime subject, historical figure and sentient object that they have EVER talked about. When i say ever, i mean ever. Buzzfeed unsolved, ruining history, are you scared, too many spirits, puppet history etc. They also each have a corresponding artifact like in the movie- even the sentient objects that are technically artifacts themselves.
(If you have no idea what im talking about, heres a clip from the movie. You should def watch cabin in the woods tho, i highly recommend it)
(Also not like the REAL true crime subjects, i mean more like supernatural recreations of them. They deserve to rest in peace, even in a goofy hypothetical)
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missr3n3 · 9 months
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lodge fables or whatever that podcast is called
(or: cabin tales as an assortment of tumblr posts lol)
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tyrograph · 1 year
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I am of course jumping on this bandwagon, I love all the mod!Crowley designs I've been seeing but I am telling you, you are all sleeping on hippie!Aziraphale 🌼
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x-xhiro · 8 months
A true testimony to Damen's mental strength is how he was able to sit by a fire on a bed and not be acting like Burford the dog
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ORV Quotes Tournament Round 1
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Plain text under the cut:
Ch 503: Demon-like Judge of Fire, III: [It's okay.] I didn't want to hear what she was about to say next. Uriel smiled at me. [You guys, you've only seen up to this far in the story, that's all.]
Ch 488: Omniscient Author's Viewpoint, II: It wasn't just the person reaching out, but the one grasping that hand also required courage to do so. Courage to hold that scarred hand, courage not to give up. Even if she knew this wouldn't heal her, even if she knew that holding that hand would only inflict her with a greater wound – courage to hold that hand in order to live for one more time. ⸢Some salvations aren't completed by the one giving them out, but by those receiving them.⸥
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