conn-verse · 4 years
hi i wrote some connverse hurt/comfort where connie thinks steven is just a character and a story she made up because she’s lonely but then it gets soft and the beginning kinda sucks and i didnt edit it but yknow it’s under the cut enjoy
12-year-old Kahani Maheswaran stepped through the front door into her condominium home in Beach City, Delmarva. She was still settling into the new home, even though they’d moved in 9 months ago. She was returning home from her first day of 7th grade, where she was the only new kid, and everybody else already had friends. That was a feeling she’d gotten used to. 
The school year went on, and she would sooner call her teachers her friends than her actual peers. Her English teacher, Ms. Oliver, often encouraged her to make some friends — something she wished was as easy to do as it was to say.
13-year-old Kahani was lucky enough to stay in Beach City another year. Nowhere ever felt like home to her, but Beach City was friendly and quiet. Peaceful. She spent plenty of time on the beach, reading, writing, doing homework, whatever. The sunset was always beautiful. Though she may have been an introvert, she always wished she had someone to share her time with. She loved her parents, but both of their jobs kept them busy almost constantly. She wanted a friend.
Maybe she could make one up?
But no, that’s not healthy. Is it? After a little research, she concluded that it could actually be pretty helpful. So she sat down and started writing. 
She spent the summer before high school writing and writing. The main character of her story wasn’t her — she’d never felt like a main character, and wasn’t sure she wanted to be one. Instead, it was a short and chubby boy, two years older than her, with the biggest, kindest heart you could imagine. She called this character Steven, Steven Universe. Connie imagined magical alien beings whose life force came from gemstones, who were bent on conquering Earth and destroying its life for their empire. 
The boy was unique; he was the first hybrid of a human and what he called “gems.” He’d inherited the identity of his mother, Rose Quartz, a fearless rebel, but one who was secretly rebelling against her own royal family. He would have to answer for her crimes, to prove her wasn’t her, to survive the wrath of those who blamed him for the loss of his mother. But every step of the way, Connie was there to support him. He brought her out of her shell, gave her someone to confide in, he convinced his guardian, Pearl, to teach her how to sword-fight. She felt alive. 
But that was just the story she’d made up. Connie resembled her in many ways, but at the end of the day, she was still just boring, lonely Kahani. 
Throughout the following years, she’d return to her story, inventing incredible new concepts and characters, all while keeping herself as a side character. Pretending to have a friend felt wonderful, even if it meant she distanced herself from potential real friends. Even if she wasn’t writing her story, she was thinking about it. 
One summer, she went to Space Camp. She wondered what’d happen if Connie did the same, and if Earth was in danger again while she was away. She created a new character: Spinel, a gem who had been abandoned by Steven’s mother and sought revenge. 
She went to cram school, and met Daniel and Patricia, her first real friends. But she still wanted an adventure. So, she went back to her story.
Kahani wrote another adventure for Steven and Connie. This time, it was more emotional — more personal. She’d never understood how heroes in fiction could go through so much and come out seemingly normal, so, she projected onto Steven. Kahani felt lost, alone, like everything was against her when media taught her she should be having the time of her life. 
One morning, she woke up. Or, she thought it was morning. It felt like it should be morning. She picked up her phone and tapped the power button. The screen told her it was about 3 in the afternoon. However, it revealed something much more shocking: a text message from someone she apparently knew called Steven, who had a heart next to his name. The message read “call or text if you need anything,” and that message had a heart at the end, too. 
Her stomach dropped. “Mom?” She called. “Dad?”
Her mother entered her room, looking even more tired than usual. 
“Oh, good, you’re awake. How are you feeling?”
“I… I’m fine. Why? Did something happen? 
“You fell on the boardwalk and hit your head rather hard. Steven healed the wound as soon as he could, but I don’t think even his magic can heal brain damage. You probably have a concussion, Connie. Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”
Connie took a moment to think. Slowly, she put the clues together in her mind, and her heart pounded as she asked her mom, “Where’s Steven?”
“I’ll go get him.” Her mother smiled gently and left the room. 
Connie sat up and turned her phone back on. She stared at the contact in her phone who had the name “Steven.” His picture even resembled the character she’d seen in her mind, and to a striking degree. But that couldn’t be real. She had to still be dreaming. Steven wasn’t real, she’d made him up. He wasn’t real. He—
“Hey, can I come in?”
He was standing in her doorway. Connie’s heart pounded like a tsunami crashing onto the shore. She nodded, staring the figure down as it entered her room and sat on her bed. He smiled warmly at her, slowly reaching her hand, as if to ask if he could hold it. Connie found herself reaching back. Their hands connected and their fingers tangled together, and Connie stared at their laced fingers, his large and pale, hers thin and dark. Suddenly, she remembered it all. The gems, Pink Diamond, Homeworld, fusion, fighting — everything. Not just from her story, but from her waking life. A few tears dripped down her face. She looked up at Steven and met his gaze. 
“Connie? What’s wrong?” He said, rubbing his thumb against the back of her hand. 
She sobbed pathetically, unfolding her arms and wrapping them around Steven. She cried into his shoulder, holding him tighter than she’d ever dared to. 
“Stars,” she choked. “I… I thought…”
“It’s okay,” he said, in that deep but soft voice she never, ever wanted to forget again. His hand danced its way through her hair. “Take your time.”
Connie took a deep breath, both to regulate her breathing and to breathe in Steven, making sure it was all still real. 
“I dreamt that you weren’t real. That everything since I met you was a story I made up because I was lonely. But…” She pulled back, looking into his eyes again. She tousled his hair, and he smiled. She giggled. “You’re real!” 
“Yeah, I’m real.” He said. They leaned their foreheads against each other, holding each other close. 
“Don’t worry, Connie,” Steven said. “I’m here.”
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conn-verse · 4 years
just a little fic exploring what might have happened right after the end of “i am my monster.” needed a bit of connverse angst, but it has a happy ending.
wc: 1,006
Steven was still sat in the palm of the Cluster, surrounded by his family, sobbing into Lion’s mane. He didn’t know how long he’d been back, or what time it was, or what was going to happen next, or why everybody was smiling kindly at him—
So he just buried his face into Lion’s fur, hiding his face. 
Connie turned to Greg, and they exchanged looks of sympathy. She glanced around at the gems, the Diamonds— she shuddered when she made eye contact with White— and each one silently agreed with her. 
“Steven, do you want some space?” She asked gently. 
Steven sniffled, his face still buried, but Connie could make out a head nod.
Lion nudged at Steven, and slowly, he climbed onto the feline’s back. Connie looked at him worriedly— she did not want him to be alone right now. Really, she wanted to be alone with him, but she would make herself adjust to what Steven wanted. 
Steven held his head down, and from the look on his face, he was thinking, trying to say something. He looked around, scanning everyone’s faces. When he saw Connie’s, his hurt sunk. He knew he didn’t want to be alone, and there was so much fear in her eyes that she tried to hide— She needed to know if he was okay, and after all of that, he needed her more than ever. 
He held out his hand for Connie, helping her climb onto Lion as well. She unconsciously wrapped her arms around his waist, overjoyed that she could hold him properly again. 
“Thank you, all of you.” Steven said quietly. “I love you all. I just… need a little time.”
“We’ll give you that time, schtu-ball.” Greg said. 
“Of course, Steven. We’re here for you when you’re ready.” Pearl said.
“Yeah, man!” Amethyst said.
“We love you.” Garnet said, making a heart out of her hands.
“I love you too,” Steven said, before scratching Lion’s head, which the pink creature took to mean he was ready to leave.
Lion didn’t run, but still made it to shore rather quickly. Steven and Connie dismounted, and as his feet hit the sand, Steven wobbled a bit before Connie caught him. Lion nuzzled him and turned to head back toward the Cluster’s palm. Connie held both his hands, worriedly asking,
“Steven, are you sure you want me? Not your dad, or Garnet, or Pearl, or—”
“I need you, Connie. Just you. You wanna take care of me, right?”
“O-of course…”
“Well, I’m finally letting you.” 
Connie smiled, wrapped her arm around Steven’s waist, and held his hand in her other. As they began to walk toward the house, she asked, 
“Where are we going?”
He hesitated for a moment. “Uh. My room…”
Connie giggled, squeezing his hand. “Are you asking me to cuddle you?”
“Uh… would you?” Steven blushed a deep pink— but not a magical one.
“Absolutely,” Connie said, keeping most of her thoughts inside her head. There’s nothing else I’d rather, no one else I wanna hold— stars, do I want to hold you right now— 
Before she knew it, they were back on the steps up to the beach house. After a few steps, Steven stopped, gripping Connie’s hand tightly, and the railing in his other. 
“Take your time,” Connie rubbed her thumb against the back of Steven’s hand. She stiffened, lending more support to Steven. He took a deep breath, and, slowly, they got onto the deck. Steven had to stop again to catch his breath, but Connie was patient, and held him the whole time.
Soon, he took a step toward the door, and Connie briefly dropped his hand to open it. They stepped inside, and Steven looked toward the stairs that lead to his room.
“Yeah, the couch is fine…” he mumbled. 
“You sure?” Connie asked. He nodded. She led him to the couch and sat, pulling him onto her lap.
“This okay?” She asked, running her fingers through his hair. Stars, she was so happy so could play with it again— 
“Mhmm,” Steve hummed. She sat up with her legs stretched out, and he had his head in her lap, his arms around her still.
“It’s perfect…” He trailed off, closing his eyes.
“I love you…” But the end of the ‘you’ was slurred, and Connie blushed and peeked at him, quietly saying, “Asleep already?”
The calm rise and fall of his chest, as well as his silence, confirmed her suspicions. 
She drank in his presence. His soft hair was greasy— he needed a shower. But that could wait. His fingers were cold, but she let them float up the back of her shirt a little and lay against her warm skin. Connie was sure he wouldn’t have done that consciously, but she revelled in the contact from him. With his head in her lap, he exhaled against her leg, warm and steady. He was so tired— though the transformation came from his gem, the emotions that fueled it came from his human brain. 
Tears stung at Connie’s eyes. She hated crying, it felt so bad and it made her look weak, but— who was around to see? 
A few tears quickly turned to sobs, and she blubbered over him, releasing the fear she’d held in, the relief, the feeling of hope that came when he had opened his eyes again. 
Soon, a few figures appeared by the door— Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Greg. Connie looked up, embarrassed, and when Pearl saw her tears, she quickly made her way over to the couch. 
“Connie, are you okay?”
“I… I was just so scared. I didn’t want to lose him. I didn’t know if we could help him, I didn’t want him like that forever, I—”
“It’s okay, Connie. He’s safe now, especially with you here.” Garnet said. 
Amethyst placed a hand on Greg’s arm. “He’s strong, man. He’ll get through this.”
“Yeah,” Connie said, sniffling and digging her hands into Steven’s hair to ground herself. She smiled. 
“We— We’re all gonna be okay.”
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conn-verse · 4 years
white rose
that fic i mentioned in an ask earlier! it’s not really finished or anything, i never really planned on posting it, but here it is, because why not. idk why i called it that, that’s just what my doc is called, so i’m using it here lol. also, this was written like 2 months ago, so yknow, before the finale and everything. 
anything touching his gem sends steven into a panic. luckily, connie knows the best way to help him work through this problem. 
wc: 1,219
She had only meant to give him a hug. He had been standing at his kitchen counter, staring absently across the beach house. She rested her head on his shoulder, pressing her chest against his back. Her hands fell down his chest and onto his stomach, and when her fingers brushed his gem, he let out a sharp gasp. She felt him tense, felt the absence of his breathing and pulled away. 
“I— Are you okay?” Connie asked quietly. He didn’t say a word. He was still frozen.
“That’s a no,” she muttered. As soon as she spoke, Steven broke out of his trance, turning to her, frantically saying, “No, no, Connie, I’m fine I just—” 
Connie placed her hands on Steven’s hips. He drew in a sharp breath. 
“You’re scared of me touching you,” Connie mused aloud.
“What are you talking about—?”
“Steven. Please let me help you.”
“Why would I need help? I’m fine, Connie, really, I—”
“Steven Quartz Universe,” his cheeks flushed at her using his full name. “Listen to me.”
He quickly looked over his shoulder before pulling himself up to sit onto the island, hunched over defeatedly.
“This is new, right?” She leant against the counter across from him. She stared into his eyes, waiting patiently for him to look back. 
“Kinda..?” He mumbled. “Lately I’ve been kind of scared when anyone touches me, but it didn’t bother me much… I don’t know why it’s getting to me all of a sudden.”
Connie hummed. “Anxiety can be like that. Have you ever felt scared even when there was no threat, nothing actively bothering you, you just felt off and couldn’t figure out why?”
Steven chuckled weakly. “All the time.”
Connie made a face and sighed. “Can I try desensitizing you?”
Steven furrowed his eyebrows. “What does that mean?”
“It means I would be trying to expose you to the thing that scares you in a comfortable and safe environment to teach both you and your brain that it’s not a threat. It’ll really help, but only if you’re willing to work at it.”
Steven considered for a few moments. He rubbed at his arm before finally looking in Connie’s eyes and saying, “Okay.”
“Can I start now? Don’t worry, I’m going to take it slow.”
Steven nodded. Connie moved to stand in front of him, but not invade his personal space. She gently extended her hand, her voice soft and smooth, “I want you to take my hand. Take all the time you need.”
Steven picked up a hand, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. He looked into Connie’s eyes and then to her hand before grabbing hers in his at a rather normal pace.
“Good,” Connie said. “Now, I’m going to put my other hand on top of yours, okay?”
She could see him tense slightly, but nevertheless, he nodded. She rested her other hand gently atop his, making sure he could break away at any moment if he needed to. 
“I’m going to squeeze your hands, just a little,” she continued. She squeezed, just a little. 
“Are you tense? Is your heart beating fast?”
“Yes, and… yes.”
“I’m not going to let go of you until your tension is gone and your heart rate is down.”
Steven let out an anxious breath, but acknowledged Connie’s words. 
“I want you to focus on taking deep breaths. Relaxing your muscles. Again, take all the time you need. You are safe. I’m here for you.”
He closed his eyes and focused on breathing first. Connie listened patiently, making sure he inhaled for 3 seconds, and exhaled for 4— or at least, close enough. Deep breaths. Some people called them circle breaths. Regardless, Connie knew from experience how crucial they could be.
Steven took a deep breath. "Okay. Okay, that was easier than I thought it'd be."
"Good!" Connie said excitedly. "You think we can take it a step further?"
"Um…" Steven thought for a moment. "Yeah. Just, uh, you'll still tell me before you do anything?"
"Of course. If I do something that makes you uncomfortable, please tell me, okay?"
Connie let her hands loosen around Steven's. "Can I try your hips?"
Steven nodded slowly. 
"Is it better if I just get it over with, or take it slow?"
"Just get it over with, please."
"You got it. If you're ready, then I'm about to touch your hips."
"I'm ready."
Connie placed her hands on his hips. He squeezed his eyes shut and drew in a sharp breath.
“Is this okay?” She asked, studying his face. The tension in it loosened as he exhaled, and when his eyes opened, he was looking right at her.
“Yeah,” he began. “Yeah, that was… fine. I don’t know why I reacted like that, it really didn’t bother me…”
“You were expecting it to bother you. Your brain decided to react before anything actually happened. That’s okay. So, this isn’t bothering you?”
“No, I… uh…” He furrowed his eyebrows. Connie lifted her hands from his hips and placed them on his hand. 
“Tell me what you’re feeling.”
“Oh, boy… I, uh… That felt… good.”
Connie smiled warmly at him. “I’m glad. Seems like you’re just stressed, and maybe you don’t know what your limits are with touch.”
“I guess… Can you, uh…” He chuckled, folding in on himself.
“You like it, huh?”
“How’d you…”
“C’mon, Steven. You’re the one that made me comfortable with touch. Sure, you’ve got places you really don’t want to be touched, we all do. And it depends on who’s touching you, too, and why. That’s all normal and valid.”
Steven sat back up and smiled. He held out his hand as he hopped down from the counter.
Connie took his hand and followed him up the stairs to his room. 
“Can we… cuddle?” Steven asked, blushing. Connie giggled.
“Tell me more.” Connie grinned.
“I’d really like to just kinda… lay on top of you? If that’s okay? And maybe we could keep reading our book…”
Connie hopped onto ‘her’ side of the bed, laying down and turning over to Steven’s nightstand to grab the book she had been reading to him. She fluffed a pillow and put it behind her back as Steven flopped down beside her. Connie flipped through the book, looking for her bookmark, and she felt Steven cuddling up close to her. He put his head on her chest, wrapping his arms around her. Connie kept one hand in Steven’s hair, gently playing with his curls, while her other hand held the book open.
Connie began reading aloud where they had left off, and it wasn’t long before she felt the warm burst of air and the subtle shake of the boy’s chest as he laughed. Connie paused for a moment, distracted, but quickly began reading again.
Occasionally, he would laugh, this small but happy sound, but after a few pages, he reached up and kissed her jaw. He then settled back down into her chest, hiding his face, but she was onto him.
“Y’know,” She began, putting the bookmark back in the book and placing it on the nightstand.
“I may be a professional multi-tasker, but dammit, you’re distracting.” She gently held his face between her hands and pulled him into a soft kiss. 
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conn-verse · 5 years
colorful family - pt. 1
A fic based on some of my theories for how SUF will end. In this, White Diamond is the “ultimate” villain, Steven and Connie both receive scars on their eyes (opposite eyes), and Steven isn’t exactly corrupted, but does have a rather significant change due to his gem’s power. Whether you agree with my theories or not, I hope you enjoy!
edit: added a paragraph that i had written as the beginning of part 2, but actually makes more sense to end part 1
The Diamonds seemed to have a knack for crashing parties.
Yellow and Blue’s ships were there, as both Diamonds and even Spinel had come, but they had informed Steven that an argument had occurred with White, who would not be coming. Therefore, he and Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl, were surprised to see White’s head descending toward the shore. They exchanged confused looks, but as White left her own head in her bubble, Steven got up to greet her. “White! Blue and Yellow told me you weren’t coming… You had a change of heart?”
White knelt down, extending her hand, onto which Steven wearily stepped.
“You could say that…” White smiled as she brought Steven toward her face. Being so close sent waves of adrenaline through Steven, but he had nothing to worry about. She had changed. She was an ally now.
Blue stepped forward. Something felt off. “White… Please put him down.”
White sighed. “If you insist,” She turned her wrist and let Steven freefall toward the sand. He yelped, summoning his bubble and bouncing hard against the ground. 
“Steven!” Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl rushed to Steven’s side, all drawing their weapons.
“What was that for?” Amethyst demanded. 
“My, my… aren’t you a difficult one?” White raised her hand and a translucent white bubble formed around Amethyst, floating up and behind White’s head. 
“What’s the meaning of this?” Garnet growled.
Another white bubble.
“You won’t get away with this,” Pearl said. Another bubble. 
“What do you want, White? Why are you doing this?”
“I thought you said this was supposed to be fun!” White gave her signature eerie smile. “Now, where are the rest of your little friends?”
“We’re right here, you clod!” Peridot shouted. She stood behind Steven with Lapis and Bismuth, and a crowd of gems from Little Homeschool was gathering on the beach. Some were merely watching, but others— Biggs Jasper, Snowflake Obsidian, Crazy Lace, among others— stayed behind Steven, ready to fight if needed. 
“Steven! Let’s fuse! We can take her down!” Lapis strode up to Steven confidently. He was surprised, but didn’t take the time to question her. They grabbed each others’ hands and grew into one large, frightening being. They raised their arms and chains of water grabbed at White’s wrists, but she broke free quickly. Another energy beam shot from White’s hand and the fusion fell apart. Steven looked around for Lapis, only to find her gem sitting idly in the sand. 
“Lapis!” Peridot shrieked. She picked up the Lazuli gem and ran toward Steven, who opened his arms and hugged Peridot as she crashed into him. A new fusion emerged, but unlike Steven and Lapis, it was weak— neither half knew where to go from there. The fusion split apart just before White poofed Peridot. Bismuth ran to grab the poofed gems, giving Steven a frightened look, and as she dove to scoop up Lapis and Peridot, she was poofed, too. White lifted her hand, and each gem was put in her own bubble, joining the rest of the Crystal Gems floating midair behind White’s head.
“Let them go, White. This isn’t necessary.” Yellow strode toward White, fearless. A beam of energy shot from White’s hand toward Yellow, but Yellow shot one back. Blue raised her hand and joined the attack. Steven writhed around in the sand, feeling some kind of power surging inside him, an immense power he couldn’t begin to control. He held himself up on his knees, panting and beginning to cry. 
“Nothing can ever be perfect. That’s not how Earth works, that’s not how anything works!” Steven managed to stand, trudging toward White.
“You have to go through the bad or else the good will mean nothing. I wanted this to work, White. Why can’t you see the truth? Why do you refuse to even try?” He shouted, his whole body turning pink. 
“Don’t you see, Pink? I just miss you. I want you back, and here you are! Oh, Starlight, please come home…”
“NO!” Steven screamed, pink shockwaves flying out from around him.
“I am NOT Pink Diamond. I am NOT Rose Quartz. I’m Steven Universe, and I’m a Crystal Gem. And I will protect Earth from any threat it faces.”
He raised his hand and a large, powerful beam of energy shot from it and toward White. She retaliated, sending the same thing back at him. White’s beam was stronger, and it knocked Steven to the ground. Then, he heard Lion’s roar, and his favorite voice desperately calling his name.
“Connie,” he choked on a sob. Lion slid to a halt beside Steven, bending down to let Connie dismount. She knelt beside him, frantically reaching for his hands. 
“We’re going to be okay,” she said. He wished he could believe her.
“My, Pink, this is your new pet, isn’t it?” White sighed dramatically. 
“You and your organics, always getting in the way of our perfect little world..”
She released another energy beam, this time at Connie. Steven looked up briefly to see what was happening and quickly raised his bubble, and against it, the energy built up. “Connie, run…” he struggled to hold the bubble up. It fell. Connie tried to dodge the attack, but as the bubble fell, the ball of energy directly struck her left eye. She screamed and collapsed in pain, clutching at her eye. Blue and Yellow understood what they needed to do. They looked at each other, remorseful, before raising their hands together to combat White.
Steven reached out to console Connie, but was in too much pain to properly look for her. “Connie, I have to try something, but I don’t know what’s going to happen. Please. Run.” 
“No,” her free hand reached for him shakily. She stammered through the pain. “We do this together.”
Their hands met and with a flash of white light, Stevonnie appeared on their knees, in pain and sobbing. And pink. They heaved, raising their right arm. White gasped as Yellow, Blue, and Pink’s combined power zoomed toward her, and then, there was a loud poof. 
Stevonnie blinked, and White Diamond was gone. What else was there to do? No use trying to find the energy that wasn’t there if it wasn’t needed. They let themselves collapse, and a few seconds later they fell apart. Connie clutched at her eye, using her other hand to search for Steven’s. The pair laid together in the sand, clutching each others’ hands, silently trying to console each other. Steven quickly fell asleep, and only a few moments later Connie passed out.
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conn-verse · 5 years
colorful family - pt. 2
in this chapter, dr. maheswaran arrives to care for her daughter and the rest of the group struggle to process everything that just happened.
With White gone, all of her bubbles popped. Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl fell into the sand, rushing toward Steven and Connie. 
Blue and Yellow Diamond approached White’s gem, and with a sorrowful look, Yellow bent down to bubble her. She and Blue held each other for a long while.
The trio knelt beside Steven and Connie, assessing the damage.
“Yo, are they okay?” Amethyst asked.
“Let’s get them inside,” Pearl said. “And we need to find Dr. Maheswaran.”
“Amethyst, go get Bismuth, Lapis and Peridot,” Garnet began. Before she continued, she picked up Steven, who was limp in her arms, but she could see the rise and fall of his chest. Garnet smiled weakly at that. But his skin was covered in discolored splotches, but was it a magic or human problem?
“Steven will be okay, but Connie…”
“We have to hurry,” Pearl said, picking up Connie, cradling her student’s face in her head. From what Pearl had learned about injuries to organic life, this looked bad. Amethyst nodded and ran back to gather her other friends. Garnet and Pearl rushed toward the beach house, the small crowd parting to make way. They chattered, all wanting to help, but not knowing what to do. The gems couldn’t help organic lifeforms, but before following the Crystal Gems into the house, Greg made a frantic call to Dr. Maheswaran.
“Greg? Is something wrong?” The woman answered the phone nervously.
“You need to get to the beach, I can’t really explain but your daughter needs you. She’s hurt. The gems are taking her inside, I’ll do what I can until you get here, but she’s hurt bad and—”
“We’re on our way. Thank you. Take care of her.” She interrupted. She hung up. Greg let out a breath. He saw Amethyst coming across the beach and waited for her. When the pair entered the beach house, they saw Garnet and Pearl anxiously looking around, trying to decide where to set the teenagers down. 
“I’ll take Steven up to his bed,” Garnet said. “Greg, stay with him.”
“I don’t know, Garnet, I think I need to help Connie until her mom gets here. Isn’t she hurt bad?” 
“Dr. Maheswaran is on her way?” Pearl breathed. Greg nodded. 
“Oh, thank the stars.” 
Garnet decided she would take Steven upstairs and stay with him. She gently tucked him into his bed, lightly stroking his hair, looking into the future anxiously.
“Greg, she’s bleeding. That’s bad, right? What do we do?”
“Bandages,” Greg said, frantically looking around for a first aid kit. When he found it, he brought it over to the table, anxiously doing his best to help Pearl take care of Connie until—
The front door swung open, and the Maheswarans ran in.
“Tell me everything you know,” Dr. Maheswaran demanded, opening her emergency bag, snapping on a pair of rubber gloves, and assessing her daughter’s wound. She pulled back the bandages around Connie’s eye. 
“It was White Diamond,” Pearl began. “She was trying to help Steven, but White hit her with a beam of energy. She screamed and then fell, and then they fused before White was poofed. Then they fell apart and they both just… laid there. Now they’re here.”
Dr. Maheswaran gently pushed open Connie’s eyelids, peering at the girl’s clouded iris. The woman let a few tears fall.
“What is it?” Her husband begged. 
“She’s already blind in this eye,” 
“Is she gonna be okay?” Amethyst asked.
“I… don’t know,” Dr. Maheswaran began. “But for now, I need to get her cleaned up. Please, give me some space to work, if you would.”
“We’ll head upstairs. Yell if you need anything.” Pearl said, then turned and led Greg and Amethyst up to Steven’s room.
“How is he?” Greg asked, immediately going to his son’s side.
“He doesn’t appear to be hurt, but, he will be extremely tired for quite some time. That blast took a lot out of him.” Garnet spoke slow and clear.
And then there were more questions. So many of them, between each and every human and gem in the house, each doing what they could to support the rest. Eventually, Pearl decided to check on Connie.
Slowly, she stepped down the stairs, hoping she wasn’t intruding. Dr. and Mr. Maheswaran spoke quietly between each other, and they looked up as Pearl entered the living room. 
“How is she?” She asked gently.
“She’s going to be okay. Recovery is going to be long, and hard, and messy, but at the very least, she’s going to survive.” The woman choked on a few tears, and her grip on her husband’s hands tightened. 
“They need to be together,” she stated bluntly.
“Hm?” Pearl questioned. 
“Connie. And Steven. They should be together, even if Steven’s still asleep.”
“Oh,” Pearl said. “Y-yes, I’m sure that would be good for them, if you’re sure it’s okay?”
“Yes,” Dr. Maheswaran said quickly. 
“Priyanka,” Doug said. “Let me carry her. Please.” Priyanka nodded, and carefully, Doug carried Connie upstairs, trailed by Priyanka and Pearl, and he tucked her into Steven’s bed beside him. 
The room was quiet. No one spoke. Priyanka and Doug held onto each other tightly. Garnet leaned against the wall, relieved that they were in the timeline where Connie came out alive. Pearl, Amethyst and Greg sat together, holding Bismuth, Lapis, and Peridot’s gems. Everybody was still reeling.
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