#cael answers
untitledducklett · 1 year
( @ shadowsandkingdom ) Congratulations on the little boy!! Unfortunately Raikou is feline in nature, and has to be fed meats to keep healthy. You already have an Absol, though, so I'm sure you're prepared for this!
Thank you Lady Giratina! I will need to buy more as Berior only needs about 40% prey items in his diet but, blessedly, it should not be too difficult of a change.
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themerrymutants · 3 months
(Cale, from Val) "Be honest: why do you care so much about Vanitas?"
Meme: send me "be honest..." with a question your muse has been dying to ask mine and they'll answer truthfully. From: @glassandmetalwings Currently: Accepting
"Because someone has to keep its memory alive, someone has to make sure that the people history forgot are remembered. It is true that this world is not my home world but it doesn't make it any less my home. Plus: I swore an Oath to protect Vanitas and her people until my dying breath. I failed on both counts but I can still do my best to keep what little is left alive."
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dulcesiabits · 10 months
liyaaaa have u heard about lovebrush chronicles/for all time? 👁👁 it's a cn otome game but now it has en server and its currently in beta testing
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I went to look it up bc I haven’t heard of it before now and!!! Okay…. The art is very pretty + the premise looks fun (multidimensional travel + a cast of pretty boys LOL) so I’ll most def check it out when it drops ^_^
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yoonrambles · 7 months
Can we please get a jealous Emerald as the little artist goes through her fair share of affairs in multiple time travels to save Godheim :3c he’s probably learning what jealousy is, though.
Is This Envy?
Cael x gn!reader | jealousy | Godheim settings 🦋
This work was cross-posted on ao3
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Cael was confused.
He looked after you for so many years. Ever since your mother passed away, he kept his word; he raised you as his own child. He saw you grow as a talented artist, he saw you work hard throughout your childhood – he was so happy to see you finally enroll into St. Shelter's University.
And yet there you were, being close with another man who was not him. It made him irritated, frankly speaking. You saw Cael as your guardian; you shared your troubles with him, and then suddenly you forgot about him and went to talk so affectionately with another man. Ever since you mentioned that you met a new boy on orientation day, he knew something was about to go wrong – and something did go wrong.
To his surprise, he noticed you somehow ending up in Godheim – posing as a threat to his plans. Your curious nature and noble characteristics drove you forward to unravel the secret behind Godheim's disaster – the same disaster he had planned.
Cael could never let that happen. He knew you would be heartbroken – that you would feel helpless to learn that your own mentor had done such heinous things to mere peasants in another world. Thus, he came up with cunning plans to push you away every time you tried to get close to the truth.
He saw your each and every move. He witnessed your attempts, your deaths, your victories – and even the moments he shouldn’t be seeing.
Cael knew deep down that his actions were not right. Such a polite man like him shouldn't be prying into other's business, but he couldn’t help it. He watched you from afar, watched you laugh with another man, watched you embark on a journey through the blizzard with another man, protecting someone you should be wary of. He watched and wondered: what did I ever do wrong?
Why couldn’t that person be him? He looked after you, gave you shelter, gave you the affection you needed to grow. But why... Why didn’t you see him the way you see them?
Ever since you set foot in Godheim, they were busy trying to sacrifice you in one way or another; they were selfish – while Cael was thoughtful, thinking about ways to keep you away from this mess, and was that the way you repay his benevolence?
Cael was confused. He was a man who always kept his calm, he understood his emotions well and knew how to keep them under control. But this feeling... This was new for him. Is this envy? But why must he be envious? He was simply trying to protect you, nothing else.
Cael shook his head and looked away. He must think of another plan to keep you away from your new beloved one.
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Note: THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING + READING THIS! I apologise for the wonky quality + the time I took – I am literally going through my finals, I'm trying my best to wip something up! Thank you again!! 🤍
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smoll-stace · 5 months
How did Zack and Cael meet and become friends?
meant to answer this sooner TvT Zack and Cael have been friends since forever. well at least that's what they would say xD I actually made some art for this i don't think I ever posted on my main accounts this is art from a year ago TOT
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They met around age 6/7 and have been friends ever since! ^^ Thanks for the ask! :D
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silvercrane14 · 10 days
Head in hands wait u ...reminded id have the same dilemma.. except I can't even vote I don't talk/post about my ocs.... enough for anything ..
Pat pat,,,
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androidcharles · 11 months
Could I possibly request a Cael from you? 👉👈
(Image ref is here: https://www.tumblr.com/the-irken-luxray/714521843250429952/alright-fine-i-caved-sue-me-introducing-another)
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I feel bad for them, I mean, they go through so much ;-;
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baeshijima · 7 months
i just finished clarences route and i am not okay my eyes are going to be puffy and swollen in the morning gdi 😭😭
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ctrlemis · 11 months
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tartigglez · 11 months
alr I gotta know
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zhongrin · 11 months
I saw someone else ask what weapon type they'd be and now I'm curious of what you think mine is.
and my vision.
someone pls just decide what vision I have.
its gonna be you rin pls decide.
*pulls zhongli out of pocket*
*sets down tiny zhongli*
*pats him on the head*
*runs away*
idk why but i'm getting electro vibes from you. as for weapon, probably catalyst or polearm. don't ask me why shdlfjskdf
*cradles tiny zhongli and kithes him before putting him in a basket with fluffy pillow and blankets*
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flutteringfable · 5 months
so the 'get to know your character' questionnaire thingy... (cracking knuckles /lh)
1- fable & nagito
2- scara
4- kirishima/bakugou/kento
6- cael
8- venti
autism BLAST!! autism ATTACK!! >:D
1 - go-to drink order
fable ~ irl i really love sweet drinks! i think any of my self inserts’ go-to would be either honey milk tea with tapioca or warm vanilla black tea with lots of sugar and milk!
nagito ~ sharply contrasting me, he doesn’t like sweet stuff very much. he canonically likes anti-energy drinks (i guess thats what theyre called?) but i think he would like plain green tea a lot. maybe with a little honey?
2 - grooming routine
scara ~ i think even before he has a more chill domestic life as wanderer, he’s pretty neat and likes to stay clean. i always think of him with doll joints so i imagine he always has to scrub around his elbows, chest, knees, etc more than anywhere else because dirt probably gets built up there. this might just be me projecting but i think he tends to feel gross pretty quickly even after a thorough bath (like, the next day, if he ends up getting too hot during the night, etc). i don’t think his hair would get tangled easily, but he likes to brush it a lot. he’s constantly fighting static electricity to keep his hair flat lmaooo. he doesn’t rly need to sleep but he always feels more at ease when he has the chance for some self care after a long day.
4 - scars/tattoos?
ohhh boy. this one will defs be the longest one XD
all of them have scars from each other (bites, cuts, and burns respectively), and kiri and kento have stretch marks from their own quirks.
i don’t wanna drop manga spoilers so some of the headcanons for bakugou i can’t say quite yet lolz. i think he probably has burns from his own quirk, and ive always enjoyed the headcanon that he has a semi-permanent line over his nose where his mask sits. i think he would absolutely have some tattoos, as well. obvs he has an all might one, it’s probably something small on his shoulder or back, and i also really love the idea of him having tattoos of kiri and kento’s logos too (maybe near his heart because cute).
i have a headcanon that kiri’s skin breaks slightly in some places when he uses his unbreakable form for the first few times, so he has some almost invisible lines all over him where the breaks have healed. there’s obviously the canonical scar over his right eye, where he accidentally cut himself when his quirk first developed, too. his scars are fewer and less intense than bakugou’s and kento’s because of his quirk, but he has a major one on his shoulder where bakugou grabbed him during a spar. i don’t think he would have a lot of tattoos, but the idea of him with a crimson riot one is really cute to think about.
kento. where to begin with this guy. i think when he initially escapes the lab he has a lot of bruises that last a lengthy amount of time, but those do eventually heal. the fireballs he can summon with his quirk left burns on him when he was still getting used to the powers. he has a tattoo of the number ‘014’ on his right wrist (his experiment number), but later on i think he would have lots of pretty and intricate tattoos. he seems like the type to have the spiderweb neck/shoulder tattoo thing, and maybe a half sleeve of roses? idrk what specific ones i want him to have, but i think he would have a lot of really pretty ones.
6 - oldest/middle/youngest/only child?
cael is an only child with older child energy. i think it would be super sweet if he used his cafe as a safe space for others, where he meets other trans people and offers all the support he can. local trans guy takin care of his family yk <3
8 - place where they sleep
i think that most frequently, venti sleeps in the windrise tree. he brings blankets and pillows to the place in the center where the tree disperses into limbs, and makes a sort of nest. during naps he usually sleeps without all the cushioning, but he likes bundling up and being surrounded in soft things. the breeze is usually stronger around windrise, but the tree acts as a buffer so it doesn’t disturb him or make it too cold. he probably does have a house somewhere, but he much prefers to sleep in the open and feel the wind around him.
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aspenxbarros · 9 months
five times hurt (cael and aspen)
one - it's the first day of school and she's sat next to a boy who looks like he's from the Seam like her but she knows she's never met him before. She'd always been told to be kind and so she reaches out to pass him a crayon, telling him sagely "It needs more blue." But her gesture causes him to flinch away from and out of the confused emotions it causes the strongest one she feels is hurt. ( much later she'd learn enough about him to piece together why he'd flinched and realise it was far from personal. That realisation will only hurt more ) It doesn't last for long though when at that moment she decides that she's going to be his friend, she just might have to try a little harder. But she thought she'd seen sadness hiding in his eyes and that was enough for her to want to try to bring a little joy. Her hand stays where it is, holding that worn down blue crayon, instead of pulling it away she picks up a green with her other hand and holds that out too. "Or d'you want green instead?"
two - he's reaching up for something - his teasing ensuring they're both aware that she couldn't reach and earning him an eyeroll - hem of his shirt rises up and she catches sight of bruised bloomed all over his skin. Her own chest tights enough that she has to hold back the gasp that the ache threatens to cause. Drawing attention to them was the last thing she wanted to do. It wasn't the first time and from what she knows about Pudina Mellark she suspected that it wouldn't be the last either. It's a thought that makes the ache in her chest fade slightly but only because it's replaced by a simmering anger. Perhaps it was a good thing that Cael always kept them so separate when Aspen wasn't sure her anger wouldn't boil over and scald the both of them.
three - her mother had been called away, her uncle and cousin at work which was were she would have been if it weren't for her injured wrist. With options so limited she'd reluctantly asked Cael to help, all wide beseeching eyes and pleading tone. True to character he'd been just as reluctant to agree to help with her hair, grumbling to make it known. A tug at her scalp makes her wince and while she was undeniably grateful it doesn't stop grumbled words from leaving her lips. "I thought you said this'd be easy for you, Mellark." Aspen huffs slightly as if to prove her point, he'd let go of her hair and so she can turn back to face him, brow furrowing as she begins her impersonation. "'Can't be more difficult than braiding dough.'" She mimics his voice in a manner she thinks is uncanny, deep and gruff with just enough of a ridiculous edge for it to count as teasing. Grin lights up her features before she turns back around, giving him silent permission to continue. "Have I ever told you you're the best friend a girl could ask for?"
four - they're fighting and this time it feels a little too real. It's not their usual light-hearted bickering over something inconsequential. No, this time it feels heavy as Cael makes his thoughts on the boy she'd been seeing all too clear and it touches enough of a nerve she's instantly defensive. His lack of approval stings as though she'd been slapped and she feels rare frustrated tears pricking at her eyes. It was stupid, the whole thing was stupid and that only makes it worse. But his good opinion had always meant so much to her she's not sure what she's supposed to do without it. She's not someone who needs a blessing but the absence of his leaves a hollow pain that she's not sure what to do with. But there's a stubbornness in her that most of the time is subtle enough to be seen as determination but now she channels it to narrow her eyes at him, refusing to let the prickling tears actually form. "You're hardly an expert on relationships so forgive me if I don't take that on board."
five - his dark moods were always easily enough spotted and she was never slow to ask him the reason behind it in a show of support. But as quick as she was to ask, Cael had always been just as quick to dismiss it. She understands him well enough now it was no longer a shock to her, she knew it wasn't a reflection on the depth of their bond. But no matter how much logic she applied there was still a part of her that felt as a kind of rejection. That maybe he just doesn't want to tell her - whether through a lack of trust or his perceived lack of importance. Both thoughts bring hurt with them, one stinging and the other aching. She knows neither is true - her friend simply likes to keep his demons to himself, rejecting any offers of light that might dispel them. Her face doesn't show this though ( after all she'd had years of practise to avoid making him feel guilty over her own projections ) and instead she just levels a stern look his way. It's one he's well used to, as are the words that leave her lips. "Fine. You don't have to tell me now but don't think I'll forget about it."
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athenswrites · 7 months
Trick or Treat? 🦇
TREAT! Here's another character from my "new" WIP, Neon Squad, coming soon to a blog near you!
Here's Caelean "Cael" Washington, the little brother to Max! Cael is the only member of the Neon Squad under the age of 18. He is bonded to the Ice strain of Neon, the most common strain and generally considered the "safest" for "recreational use". Cael's superhuman abilities are related to art, and they can create some of the most hyperrealistic images (like to the point you might accidentally walk into a door they've painted). His eyesight is also incredible when compared to the average person, which contributes to the art.
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 1 year
:star2: or :smiley_cat: for Tsumugi!
🌟 A headcanon about their desires/wishes:
I've been thinking for a while for Tsumugi's motivation to become the mastermind. I think Tsumugi participated in Danganronpa 52 with Rantaro, and they alone were the two survivors of that game. Monokuma (and an outside mastermind) gave them the choice to join Team DR and work on the next game or Repeat and enter the next killing game as a participant again.
Tsumugi chose to work with team DR for a lot of reasons, I think. I think the hopelessness about the situation she was in lead to a lot of mental instability and she found comfort in fiction (as she would, as the ultimate cosplayer) but lost herself a bit because of just how horrible an experience it was in that killing game. The idea of ultimate real fiction in the end appealed to her, so she decided to join team DR. From then on, her main goal was to make an interesting story.
In a similar vein to how Junko genuinely felt despair at the horrible things she did, but enjoyed that despair, I think at least part of Tsumugi was aware that everything she was doing was horrible, but at that point was in too deep. There was really no way to back out, but I don't think she wanted to. This song on my Tsumugi playlist fits really well with what i'm thinking for this:
😺 An animal related headcanon:
And now for something fluffy GHDSJFSD
I think Tsumugi has a sphynx cat (sphynx so she doesn't have to worry about cat hair on her cosplay) named after some nerdy reference. (Maybe Mewtwo? I've always thought if I was to get a hairless cat that's what I would name it). She likes to make matching cosplays with her and her cat (especially if the character she's cosplaying has an animal companion) but often has to work with Gonta or Gundham to design the cosplay in a way that isn't uncomfortable for her cat, although the cat's probably Very chill about being handled and dressed up because of a lot of exposure to it at a young age.
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Do you happen to know flower language? - @untitledducklett
Yes, and no.
Flower meanings aren't universal, and their meanings can also be shaped by time. Some flowers don't mean what they once did. But I'm familiar with the general modern Kalosian use, yes.
Do I dare ask why you want to know?
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