#caerula adamas
More famous scenes from the Love Macho X account. (Conquest Club: "We are the rulers of this blue earth, Caerula Adamas!" | "A...Amazing~~~!")
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restinpeacesensei · 1 month
i am so thrilled every time i see a kanji combination i don't know in the japanese otoge i am playing and i am able to type the word into the translator bc i vaguely recognize the kanji from other words
e.g. 怪我 and i type "kaijin" 怪人 (as in "monster") to get the first kanji and "warera" 我ら (as in "we are caerula adamas!") to get the second, and then i find out it's "kega" (injury) (i learned both of these other words from boueibu) there were actually 8 kanji in the sentence and i only had to look up 1 of them bc i knew one phrase from pokemon. i am SO excited
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deuterium51614 · 1 month
Been rotating this idea in my head for the past few days...
Going to write a summary of it as Enkin (of course) and probably draw it eventually, but it could work for another BL/CA ship.
So picture this:
It's the movie. The Battle Lovers are in danger, or they're aware something bad's going to happen! They need to get a message to Caerula Adamas/VEPPer, but unnoticed. Maybe someone among them is a traitor of sorts?
En gets the idea to write a message to reveal the traitor, folds it up, and slips it into his mouth. (Though we as the audience don't see this.)
The Battle Lovers are going to go off somewhere, but as they're saying their goodbyes...
En steps forward, towards Kinshirou.
"You're so smart," he says. "I've always admired you."
Before Kinshirou can respond, En kisses him passionately.
Kinshirou is utterly confused, but then kisses back. The kiss depens, but he furrows his brow in confusion.
En finally pulls away, winks, then leaves with the Battle Lovers.
Kinshirou covers his mouth with his hand.
Cut to him standing in front of the bathroom sink, reaching into his mouth, and pulling out a pill-sized tube of paper. He unfolds it, revealing the message--
"Don't trust Wombat."
(Or something similar.)
Anyway, there's kind of a second part I was thinking of while driving home today, where everything's been resolved and Kinshirou goes up to En and kisses him with the same energy.
When they pull apart, En's like "nice, but you didn't pass me a secret message."
And a blushy Kinshirou's like "Yufuin, you fool! The message was implicit!"
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ibusukiss · 2 months
as much as i am a Simp for HK, i also spent a good portion (almost all) of my late teens thinking about LOVE, specifically caerula adamas, so i will take Any Crumbs Of Information that the movie gives me about them
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endthestarlight · 1 year
Brainrotting about student council member Io because episode 6 has ruined my life,
but isn't it interesting that out of all the Battle Lovers, only Io has an alias that fits the Caerula Adamas' naming convention based on minerals?
For the Battle Lovers we've got:
Scarlet and Cerulean named after colors,
Our beloved spinach boy Epinard,
Vesta (named after a Roman goddess of all things, I have an entire thing to say about that but not here),
and Sulfur.
While the Caerula Adamas has:
Aurite (gold),
Argent (silver),
and Perlite (the show likes to use pearls for his visuals instead of actual perlite, but either way, it still fits).
Laying it out like that, I would say the name Sulfur actually fits better with the Conquest Club than it does with the Defense Club, though admittedly the latter's naming convention is rather all over the place.
Actually, I find it funny that in the Conquest Club, Sulfur as a name fits better than Perlite does despite Perlite being part of the original group. Think about it, if in this hypothetical scenario where Io did actually pull through on the whole betrayal arc and becomes Chevalier Sulfur or whatever, their individual names would be:
Chevalier Aurite (Au), Chevalier Argent (Ag), Chevalier Perlite, and Chevalier Sulfur (S)
See which one of them doesn't fit? That's right, it's Perlite! Sorry Akoya, you should grab yourself a new name from the periodic table, then you can come back to the club.
Jokes aside, I just wonder how on purpose this was. They did tease the concept of Io being a turncoat in episode 6 after all, and consequently gave me permanent brain damage all these years later.
Io: Money doesn't betray.
Ryuu: But you do?!
Like come on, as if my gay brain was going to let all that angst potential go just like that. And the fact that the narcissist Akoya saw Io as fit enough to join the student council despite clearly seeing the Defense Club as beneath him shows that Io has the potential for... well, something. What that something is I don't know yet, but clearly he has enough of a 'dark side' to consider abandoning his friends for money, even if he did turn back on that decision in the show proper.
That, or Akoya is just hella gay for Io and wanted him to spend more time with him instead of Ryuu.
My money is on both ;)
— end☆
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dullahandyke · 2 years
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[ID: stills from Binan Koukou. The camera pans over Caerula Adamas as Lord Zundar says, "With this plan, we will create a world where boys love boys, thus allowing no one to create any progeny! Now, the Earth will fall to ruin."]
For a show about gaybait magical boys with no female characters, binan koukou is astoundingly homophobic
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hellohimawarihana · 10 days
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Binan Koukou iconic moments from Love Macho Twitter. (Caerula Adamas' Transformation Sequence)
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5-pp-man · 1 month
ive been listening to love is power and the caerula adamas song assuming both to be the op end ed of s2 respectively... so i was super stoked to actually hear love is power play at the end of ep1.
but. i fear that the other song will not be the ed. because the student council just got booted out of the season. goddamn it.
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higuchimon · 1 year
I remember a long long time ago there was a fic where Ken Ichijouji met the Caerula Adamas, it was pretty cute honestly. You wrote it or it was all, a fever dream?
I wrote it! Never finished it so it's on the pile for rewriting. Presumed completion? No idea. Potential sequel? Ideas exist.
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animecreator3000 · 3 years
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@pixzielle Idk if you’re as interested in clothes as I am but you might want to know there’s a Pripara coord that happens to resemble Caerula Adamas’ uniform
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koolkitty9 · 4 years
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Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu LOVE! LOVE!|Caerula Adamas’ Transformation
God when these were finally shown in episode 11 we all screamed
or at least i did
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lune-kuruta · 5 years
About episode 12 season 2 of Boueibu...
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Okay, so we already know that the Student Council “does not sing” (yeah, right...). But what were they doing and thinking while watching the Defense Club singing for the whole galaxy?
Probably watching the show just mildly interested. When the song starts being more catchy, he lets out one of his usual exclamations of polite surprise (”Ah ~”). Internally wonders whether the Defense Club used to rehearse that musical number at school, since they were quite good for an improvised show. Still, they would be able to hear them from the Student Council room, wouldn’t they?
As the “Like!” icons spread all over the stage, he just nods his agreement and thinks to himself that it would be nice if the show was broadcast in Earth as well. He also tries to figure out which kind of tea would better go with an idols battle like that.
Speaking of tea, he notices a slight increase in temperature along with... steam? Must be just an impression... anyway, he gives a side look to the other two.
“Ah ~”
Well, he is not that surprised.
He curls a lock of his hair imagining himself in the spotlight singing so much better than those guys that the whole galaxy would love him and make him their idol instead.
Sometimes he catch himself looking to Io and admiring his elegance even in a situation like that. Okay, maybe his spotlight fantasy could be a duet instead of a solo...
Then his eyes insist in focusing Ryuu once in a while. He wants to convince himself that Zaou’s incompetence would spoil Io’s perfect performance, but the truth is that light definitely favors Ryuu’s sparkly eyes and bright, confident smile, and his voice is not that bad either.
His musical fantasy becomes a rivalry fantasy in which they duel for the chance of being Io’s partner until their fans all over the galaxy start begging them to get together, and then the duet becomes a trio and...
Is it getting hotter in here? That might be out of my anger, for sure...
He tries to get back to the first idea; daydreaming about Io is okay, but with Ryuu Zaou is definitely too much!
He is kind of skeptic in the beginning because, seriously, would anyone imagine that lazy Yufuin singing? He will probably snore into the microphone! And why is he always that close to Atchan? Kinshirou is really tempted to get on the stage and take Atsushi away from all that mummery.
From the very moment Atsushi’s lips part to sing the first line, Kinshirou starts blushing. He tries to hold himself and keep a rigid posture and a blasé expression, but Atchan singing and smiling is just too much to handle. He covertly takes a few photos with his phone -- all of them are kind of blurry and shaky, but they would do. He burns out of jealousy and envy of all those alien creatures who are able to enjoy the show and vote for Atchan. His thumb starts itching.
He silently reaches to Wombat and casually asks him how to purchase posters and other stuff from outer space -- just out of curiosity, not that we would ever display any interest in covering his room with posters and action figures of Battle Lover Epinard fighting, singing, dancing or just existing.
He gets back to his place just in time to see Atsushi smiling brightly to them while singing. He starts fantasizing Atchan performing that lovely way just for him and tries his best to keep his poker face. Then he notices Arima discretly looking at him and all the steam coming out of his own heated face.
EDIT: I’ve posted an abridged version of this text on Archive of Our Own. Please feel free to check it out if you’d like!
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restinpeacesensei · 3 months
I've learned never to underestimate Binan High School so I think as long as the substitute swimmers are pretty it's all good! XD Also I love the image of Akoya just casually floating to the finish line while everyone's dealing with the monster. Akoya wins by doing absolutely nothing strategy! :D
OMG YOU'RE RIGHT... this is the only true rule at binan high school, as long as everyone is pretty it's all good!! XDDD (also now i am thinking about how there was a suggestion for the swimmers to wear long pink wigs .....to qualify for being "pretty" enough to sub for akoya?? XD)
ALSO i am so happy you love this mental image omg!! XDD akoya has the dream strategy, but the hardest strategy to pull off! XD did caerula adamas have anything to do with summoning the monster, though...?! their records should definitely be investigated! XD (ref: "hmm... nope, there's nothing in the rules against summoning a monster. the rules just say you have to be pretty to enter. nothing beyond that" (two buff swimmers show up in long pink wigs with godzilla behind them) "ok get set go")
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deuterium51614 · 6 months
To take advantage of the last couple days of my Nintendo Switch Online trial, I uploaded some more custom designs that I had on hand.
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Creator code: MA-7696-9269-8609
So in addition to the first season Battle Lover and Caerula Adamas outfits, the VEPPer outfits, and a variety of Binan High School uniforms, there are:
Hoodies for Karurusu and Furanui's human forms
Second season Battle Lover outfits
Mascot hoodies (Wombat, Zundar, Dadacha, Karurusu, and Furanui)
Happy Kiss Student Council uniforms
Goura's shirt
I've also got a partially completed Maximum Gorar top, but I don't know if I'll have time to finish it before my trial runs out.
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crimsonsound · 5 years
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Day 3 - Got the basics down last night. Will add the final details and clean it up later.
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Group and individual transformation backgrounds. Why? Because they’re preeeeeetty...!
I’m pretty sure the Caerula Adamas ones are accurate to the anime, but the Battle Lovers ones aren’t. That said, I don’t think their backgrounds from either season would translate well to the visual format of the game.
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