#caesar rodney
scaredycatsstuff · 4 months
Dude in the hospital
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john adams and john dickinson  (colorized)
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naphzu · 9 months
I finally decided to finish this :)
It's the first time I draw them, so they look kinda weird lmao
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fetchmearum420 · 1 year
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Why is Rodney taller than McKean 🤠
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"his honor contracted leprosy of the bench" is such a great put-down, so much better than the "greenhouse effect"
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I'd like to take a minute to appreciate Caesar Rodney: the delegate from Delaware who, despite suffering asthma attacks and painful facial cancer, and despite warnings from his physician that a long ride at full-gallop could be deadly to him, answered an urgent dispatch saying he was needed immediately by the Continental Congress, rode 80 miles through the night in raging thunderstorms and pouring rain to arrive, exhausted and ill, covered in mud, and sopping wet, in the nick of time to cast the tie-breaking vote for independence on July 2, 1776.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 months
No following; Planet of the apes fanfic Chap. 6
*Author's note*
We've now reached the end for the first POTA Serkis movie. I'll continue to post up the chapters that I've got for DAWN throughout the day and then once I'm all caught up, it'll have to be a waiting game from then on out but like I said, I've gotten a bit of the sequel movie done so you'll get a lot of chapters your way. Thanks for giving this story a read guys and remember, if you'd like to be tagged for this series, leave a comment below.
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Things after that afternoon between Will and I were strained.  I had refused to talk to him or even look him in the eye, and even though he’d try to patch things up, there was always this tense, awkwardness in the air.  So most of the time, he just gave me my space.  Even when Caroline tried to play mediator and have us be in the same room to try and talk, nothing ever got done.
I was already in the process of packing my bags for college so that way when the day came that I could move into the dorms, I’d just pack up and ride as far from here as possible.  At this point, there’s nothing for me here, and hell there’s no need for me to visit every weekend anymore.  With Caesar gone and grandpa dead, home just didn’t feel like home to me anymore.
I woke up and stretched myself out, but I was surprised to see a couple of things.  First of all I had been placed in my bed and was covered up.  I know for a fact I hadn’t gone to my bed cause I was at my computer looking at my schedule and seeing if I had received any emails from any of my professors for the first term.
Also my violin had been brought back into my room.  I had tossed it out just shortly after grandpa had passed away.  I couldn’t even look at it cause it reminded me too much of our times making music together and remembering those days still made my heart ache.  So I had placed it in the shed and maybe until I’d leave for college, I’d take it out.
“Lin.” Caroline’s voice spoke up as she opened my door.  “Lin, I know this is odd for me to ask but—have you been into Caesar’s room recently?”
“Why would I go there? He’s not here anymore, nor does he want to be here.” I replied.
“Will says he saw the pully rope that attached to his stairway was moving. I haven’t been in it and neither has he.” I perked up and turned to my violin and things started to click.  That’s when she noticed my violin, “Hold on, didn’t you—”
“I had that put in the shed after grandpa’s funeral. And I didn’t fall asleep in my bed last night.” Our eyes both widened as she urgently told me.
“Get dressed.” I threw the fleece blanket off of me and raced over to my closet and grabbed the first shirt and jeans I could find.  Once I got dressed, both Will and Caroline were now dressed as Will filled me in.
“No one’s answering at the shelter. You following on your bike or—”
“I’ll get there faster on my bike.” I said as I ran towards it and getting the tarp cover off of it.  I mounted it and immediately turned it on as Will and Caroline got into Will’s BMW station wagon.  I revved my engine a few times before taking off down the street as quick as I could towards the shelter.
Hundreds of thoughts were going through my mind.  How did Caesar escape with no one noticing? Why did he come back to the house? What did he get? And why bring my violin back inside or take the time to tuck me into bed? I sped up as I now drove up the winding hills that led to the shelter until I finally reached the gates.
Surprisingly, neither Rodney nor Dodge were at the front gates.  Usually it’s the two of them first thing in the morning before Mr. Landon comes around for a few hours and then leaves.  I shut off my bike and as I got off it, Will’s car soon pulled up next to me.
“Neither of them are at the gate like they usually are by this time.” I told them as they got out of the car.
“Alright, come on there’s gotta be another way in.” The three of us raced around towards the back entrance to find the doors were broken off their hinges.  We looked at each other worriedly before racing inside and coming around towards the back office.  “Landon? Landon!”
“The cages are down there.” I told them as I led them across the backroom and down the winding ramp where all the cages were, but it was shocking to see all of them were completely empty.  Not a single ape could be found in the long corridors, and each cage door had been opened.
But what truly stuck out was the sudden smell of burning flesh.  I looked down and right at my feet was Dodge Landon.  I shrieked as uncle Will came over and pulled me away from Dodge’s body.  He knelt down to check his pulse but I could already tell from the severe degree of burns he had, and the fact that he wasn’t breathing that he had to have been dead for several hours, at least.
I continued to walk pass each cage hoping to find some sort of clue when Caroline called out.
“Will! Lin!” we raced towards the last cage that she now opened up herself and I proclaimed.
“Rodney!” I knelt down beside him, the poor man was curled in feeble position, fear and shock was permanently etched to his face, and I could see the faint bruising around his neck and face.  “Hey, hey, it’s okay. It’s Lin, remember?” he whimpered but I saw him mouth out my name and I gave him a soft nod.  My uncle knelt down beside me and asked Rodney.
“What happened?”
“He spoke.” Rodney whimpered softly.  Almost so quietly, we almost didn’t even hear him.
“What do you—what?” Will asked perplexed.
“Your ape…..he spoke.” Rodney said again, this time an intensity to his voice.
Oh. My. God.  Caesar could…..speak now? Holy shit.
“We have to call this in.” Caroline said.  “Tell them that they’ve all escaped. And get Rodney some help.”
“I agree with getting Rodney help, but you know what they’ll do. They’ll just start shooting at every ape they see, including Caesar.” Said uncle Will.
“It’s better they hear it from us than from Landon.”
“She’s right. He’ll just spin it as rabid apes that killed his son. At least from us, it’ll be an unbiased report of an animal escape.” I agreed with Caroline.  Will took a few deep breaths before taking out his phone and called 911.
Within minutes, police and an ambulance arrived as Rodney was being wheeled outside, I heard Rodney call out my name.  The medics stopped and I came up to him.
“He—he also told me. To give you a message.” My eyes widened.  “He said….. ‘keep playing nightingale.’” And with that the medics rolled him out after deducing his statement as part of the shock he was experiencing.  My heart felt heavy but at the same time, lighter than it had been since grandpa passed away.
I went back to the security room where some officers, Will, Caroline and now Mr. Landon all watched Dodge’s last and final moments that were captured by the security camera.  We all saw Caesar come into the frame with the hose, while Dodge stood with the cattle prod in his hand.
“What the hell?” a cop spoke up.
“‘I’m gonna skin each and every one of you!’” Those were Dodge’s final words before he was sprayed by the hose but also electrocuted by the cattle prod that I could hear was at full charge.
I know it’s not right to speak ill of the dead, but Dodge kinda deserved it.  Didn’t he know that water is a strong conductor for electricity? If he hadn’t had the prod in his hands, all he would’ve gotten was a spray full of water.  Probably given a taste of his own medicine, Caesar would never have done it to kill him.
But the evidence was all the police needed.  Immediately they started moving out to go on the hunt for every ape loose in San Fransisco.  I came up to the car window and asked.
“What do we do now?”
“I know where’s he’s headed. Keep on our tail.” I nodded and soon Will hit the gas and drove away from the shelter and I followed close behind them.
Will took us across the backroads in order to avoid the city.  And when I saw the Golden gate bridge pass the fog, that’s when it hit me.  Of course he’d take them there.  That’s all he wants is to take them home, to a place where there’s nothing but rich green grass and trees taller than the tallest buildings San Fransisco has.
I revved my engine as I drove up close to Will’s station wagon and Caroline turned to face me.  I quickly pointed at the bridge and I saw her say something to Will and he and I nodded to each other as I revved my engine faster and he drove behind me.
But as we finally came to the bridge, traffic was piling up and a crowd of people were being evacuated.  Police, SWAT team, riot police, every law enforcement officer was now on the bridge trying to get everyone off the bridge, while the crowd were screaming in a panic.
I had a sinking feeling that Caesar and the other apes must’ve already passed through here and were somewhere pass the fog shrouding the bridge.  Both Will and I weaved our motor vehicles through the crowded traffic until police force stopped us right in our tracks.
“Turn that bike around, keep moving. Get off the bridge, now!” I took off my helmet and the officer told me again.  “Ma’am I won’t ask you again, turn the bike around and evacuate the bridge now!”
“What’s the reason for officer?” I asked.
“You need to evacuate the bridge now. This is your last warning ma’am.”
“I can’t turn this bike around until you give me a better reason. Is there a bomb? A hostage situation with children on a school bus?”
“Alright, get off your bike and put your hands behind your back.” I revved my bike and sneered.
“Not this time.” I drove past him and several other officers.  I drove past the barricade they tried to make and I stopped just midway through the traffic.  I then ditched my bike as I saw the riot police coming up through the narrow pathways the cars would allow them on their horses.  Fully armed and ready to take down the apes.
“This is gonna be a blood bath.”
“Push them north!” I heard a riot officer cry out as their horses began the charge across the bridge.  I got behind a black SUV and I quickly peeked pass the car to see my uncle running down the street with a riot officer running right behind him.  I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him to the side as the horse ran right by us.
“It’s too late to turn back now. You and I can settle our grievances later, right now we’ve got more important things to deal with.” He panted heavily but nodded.
“Don’t leave my side for a second. If there’s gunfire, you get low and don’t come up for any reason. Got it?” I nodded.  At that moment we heard the sound of apes shrieking in pain as the riot police force began swatting at every ape they got up to with their batons.
Now these riot police are more than just your average cops, but not on the extreme level of the SWAT team.  They are hired because of how hard they can hit someone with brute strength alone, and be practically emotionless when taking down panicked rioters.  And when riding on top of their horses, it was like seeing a modern day calvary charge like back in WW1 England.
“Let’s go.” Will said as he took my hand and we both ran ahead down the street.  It felt like being in a horror movie with how vacant the Golden gate bridge was without all the traffic noise and no person in sight.
The second we heard any sound of gunfire through the fog, Will immediately stopped and had us hide behind some cars and he shielded me with his body.
“Don’t get up!” he warned me as he buried my head into his chest.  The faint sounds of gunfire from both semi and automatic weapons as well as pistols echoed through the dense fog, and I didn’t know whether not seeing them or seeing them was scarier.  Then as quickly as they started, it all went silent again.  After a few moments of silence, a roar soon pierced the air and I muttered.
“Caesar.” It had to be him.  Soon the sounds of apes shrieking aggressively and panicked screams of the police and guns going off soon took over the deserted bridge.  Will and I looked at each other and he said.
“Keep low and follow me. Once there’s no more gun fire, we make a break for it.” I nodded as we stuck close hiding between car to car, and any chance we heard gunfire, we quickly ducked behind the car before moving again.
After about 5-10 minutes, the sounds of gunfire finally stopped and all that could be heard was the sounds of the apes shrieking and screeching victoriously.  That’s when Will and I made a break for it and sprinted down the bridge until we came the turned over bus that the apes must’ve used as a decoy before ambushing the officers.
“CAESAR!” both Will and I cried out.  Caesar, who was on top of a police car, let out a roar before quickly turning toward us, a stunned look on his face.  But our brief reunion was cut short by the sound of helicopter blades whirling.
Once the chopper was over the bridge, the sound of rapid gunfire rang out as bullets were flying everywhere, including us.
“CAESAR NO!!!” I cried out as Will pulled me behind the bus and as the bullets bounced through the entire bus, uncle Will encompassed me with his entire body as we got as low as possible as the bullets continued to rain hellfire.
Okay, this was actually more frightening than just hearing the bullets just a quarter mile down the bridge.  Actually hearing a gun go off and bullets brushing leaves you with a high-pitched ringing in your ears.  Your world goes muffled and faint and you can only hope and pray that you’re not shot by the next several rounds as they get closer and closer to you.
It almost felt like an eternity before the rain of gunfire finally stopped but as both uncle Will and I looked up, we saw the helicopter suddenly start to spin out of control.  That’s when I noticed the form of a gorilla had somehow managed to launch himself into the chopper and bring it down.  And it was heading towards us!
“LIN GET DOWN!!” Uncle Will threw himself over me as we got to the other end of the bus, Will’s body on top of mine as the helicopter crashed into the side of the bridge just hitting barely a foot from where we had stood to get Caesar’s attention.  I felt the heat of the explosion even through my uncle’s body as I heard the sound of a few cop cars blow up along with the chopper before all went quiet once more.
The air was tainted with the smell of burnt fuel and rubber, and the stray flames decorated the Golden gate bridge like flowers in a meadow.  But what caught my attention were some of the dead ape bodies that now lined the streets of the Golden gate bridge.
All of this…..for what? All they wanted was to go to their new home, but like always we humans would rather shoot a wild animal first and ask questions later.  Supreme intelligence, more like egotistical supremacy.  I shook my head shamefully at all this destruction and death when I felt uncle Will gently take my arm.
“They’re moving out, come on.” We ran past the bus and headed towards one of the few police cars that somehow miraculously wasn’t hit when the chopper crashed.  Will got into the driver’s seat while I got into the passenger’s seat, and the second I closed the door, he shifted the stick to Drive and he floored it down the bridge.
We drove over the same road we took practically every weekend to take Caesar to the Redwoods entrance.  The second we came to the entrance, Will put the car in park and we both ran out the car and raced into the forest’s main entrance. 
We ran through the redwoods as fast as our legs could carry us, all the while uncle Will called out Caesar’s name.  From above, I could see the faint silhouettes of apes swinging from above us.  We came to clearing where Caesar’s favorite tree to climb was and this time I called out Caesar’s name.
When out of nowhere, both uncle Will and I were knocked to the ground, my chest aching from having the wind nearly knocked out of me.  Uncle Will came in front of me as a scarred-face bonobo chimp stared us down snarling.  He got closer and closer to uncle Will, but he made sure that this ape wouldn’t get to me first.  But just when I thought I was going to see my uncle’s face get ripped apart, another figure came and pushed the bonobo aside.
The bonobo was tossed and rolled across the ground a few feet away from us.  As it tried to come back toward us, it soon stopped as the figure stood tall and dominant.  The figure turned out to be none other than Caesar.  He gave the bonobo a dominant grunt and a hard stare, daring it to challenge him.  But the bonobo refused and ran off deep into the woods.
Caesar turned to us and we all stared at each other for a moment.  Caesar then slowly extended his hand out to uncle Will and after a brief moment of hesitation, Will took his hand and Caesar pulled him up.  Caesar then turned back to me and extended his hand out to me next.  I took it and he gently helped me up.  At this point I couldn’t contain myself, I immediately embraced him and choked out.
“Thank god you’re alright.” I tried to suck in my tears but I could feel them burning behind my eye lids.  Caesar pulled away from my embrace but cupped my face between his hands and gently placed his forehead to mine.  After our sibling reunion, we turned to Will and he said to Caesar.
“Caesar, I’m sorry. This is my fault. This has to stop, this isn’t the way. You know what they’re capable of. Please come home. If you come home, I’ll protect you.” How? This—this is so much bigger than us now. Plus…. At that moment, the rest of the apes soon came out all looking to Caesar.  Without him, these apes are lost.  They need Caesar even more than Will or I do.
There was silence as the two of them looked at each other, Will’s eyes pleading for Caesar to come home but I knew from the look on his face that Caesar made his choice.  Softly and slowly, he brought Will into his arms and pulled him close.  One hand around the back of Will’s head while the other was resting over his shoulder.  Then just loud enough for the both of us to hear, he spoke into Will’s ear.
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“Caesar is home.” Whoa.  That deep, gravely yet warm voice sent chills up my arms.  Uncle Will jumped back in surprise as Caesar kept his arms near his body but allowed him to back away.  His eyes widened in shock as he stared at Caesar.  Caesar gave uncle Will a pat on the shoulder as uncle Will finally began to understand.
“Okay, Caesar’s home.” Finally there was an understanding between the two.  Will finally learned to let go and Caesar could finally be himself, and not who we tried to make him be.  Then Caesar turned his attention to me.
Even though I’ve now accepted his choice, it still didn’t make it easier.  Tears burned my eyes as I looked down, my shoulders shaking.  I soon felt Caesar’s rough, leather hand come up and touch the edge of my right eye, wiping the tears that bled out with his curled fingers.
“Lin,” he said to me.  I looked up at him as he told me as he signed what I’d used to sign and speak to him, “You…stay. I—go.” My heart shattered and my throat clenched as I looked down again.  He lifted my chin up before finishing as he waved his finger at me, “No….following.”
“You’ve been waiting eight years to finally say that back to me.” I choked out a laugh as Caesar huffed one out.  His green eyes looking at me lovingly but held such strength to them.  I embraced him once again as I cried into his shoulder. “You’ll always be in my heart.”
We rocked back and forth softly before he released me and slowly backed away from me, the last bit of touch I felt from him was his fingers brushing against mine.  Uncle Will came up to me, holding onto my shoulder to not only hold me back but to give me comfort.
“Goodbye Caesar.” I softly whispered as the tears continued to spill down my face.
“Go.” Will told him.  Caesar then turned his back on us and walked over to his troupe.  All of them looking to him as their great leader, much like the figure he was named after.  Some began to give him the supplicating gesture, to which Caesar accepted from them as they parted like the Red Sea and let him stand before his tree.
Caesar looked to each of his apes as they now all stood up on their back legs just like him before racing towards his tree and began climbing up it, followed by the other apes going up the various other trees nearby.
My tears that were once filled with sorrow and heartache, now turned to joy and pride as I smiled and watched as Caesar climbed far past the skyline with his people.
Caesar was home, and he didn’t need me to follow him.
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sixminutestoriesblog · 6 months
ides of march
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well, its tumblr's favorite holiday and who can blame us? The assassination of Julius Caesar is probably one of the only group projects that ever went down the way it was supposed to with, well, not complete group participation (there were said to be upward of 60 people involved but only 23 stab wounds - obviously someone was not carrying their weight) but at least a good effort was made at it. But lets take a moment, between our jokes about salad and Animal Crossing butterfly nets to look at what else has happened in history on the Ides of March. For instance, did you know, on March 15th:
1493 - Columbus returned to Spain after 'discovering' the new world.
1580 - Phillip II of Spain put a bounty on the head of Prince William I of Orange for 25,000 gold coins for leading the Dutch revolt against the Spanish Hamburgs
1744 - King Louis XV of France declares war on Britain
1767 - Andrew Jackson, who would go on to be the seventh president of the US, was born.
1820 - Maine became the 23rd state in the US
1864 - the Red River Campaign, called 'One damn blunder from beginning to end' started for the Union Forces in the American Civil War
1889 - a typhoon in Apia Harbor, Samoa sinks 6 US and German warships, killing 200
1917 - Czar Nicholas II abdicated the Russian throne, bringing an end to the Romanov dynasty
1955 - the first self-guided missile is introduced by the US Air Force
1965 - TGI Friday's opens its first restaurant in New York City
1991 - in LA, four police officers are brought up on charges for the beating of Rodney King
2018 - Toys R Us announces it will be closing all its stores
2019 - a terrorist attacks two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, killing 51, and wounding 50 others
Oof! Pretty bleak, isn't it? It would almost make you think that the day is just bad luck, start to finish and its probably just as well, we're all focusing on assassination instead of other horrors. But wait - its not all bad news! The Ides of March has some tricks up its sleeve yet (joke intended). I'd be telling you only half the story if I didn't add:
1854 - Emil von Behring is born and will eventually become the first to receive the Nobel Prize in medicine for his discovery of a diphtheria antitoxin, being called 'the children's savoir' for the lives it saves
1867 - Michigan is the first state to use property tax to support a university
1868 - the Cincinnati Red Stockings have ten salaried players, making them the first professional baseball team in the US
1887 - Michigan has the first salaried fish and game warden
1892 - the first automatic ballot voting machine is unveiled in New York City
1907 - Finland gives women the right to vote, becoming the first to do so in Europe
1933 - Ruth Bader Ginsberg is born and will go on to become a US Supreme Court justice
1934 - the 5$ a day wage was introduced by Henry Ford, forcing other companies to raise their wages as well or lose their workers
1937 - the first state sponsored contraceptive clinic in the US opens in Raleigh, North Carolina
1946 - the British Prime minister recognizes India's independence
1947 - the US Navy has its first black commissioned officer, John Lee
1949 - clothes rationing ends in Britain, four years after the end of WWII
1960 - ten nations meet in Geneva for disarmament talks
1968 - the Dioceses of Rome says it will not ban 'rock and roll' from being played during mass but that it deplores the practice - also in 1968, LIFE magazine titles Jimi Hendrix 'the most spectacular guitarist in the world'
1971 - ARPANET, the precursor of the modern day internet, sees its first forum
1984 - Tanzanian adopts a constitution
1985 - symbolics.com, the first internet domain name, is registered
The Ides of March turns out to just be a day, like any other day in history.
Unless you're us. In which case -
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aro-simp · 7 months
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Hi! Y'all can call my Sean (he/it + cyber/glitch/[redacted])! This is a sideblog, I follow and like from @couple-of-assbutts
I'm plural, which may be talked about here occasionally, as fictive parts also partake in selfshipping. Plurality is a complex topic, don't berate us on how we talk about our own system!
We don't do shipcourse, and have no DNI!
I tag nsfw as nsft! Other than that I don't really have a tag system, tho I may tag some specific f/o's or sources.
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I don't have a consistent stand on sharing, so if in doubt about a specific F/O just shoot me an ask!
F/O list is beneath the Read More!
In brackets are shipnames I'll hopefully use for tagging purposes
Fictoromantic F/Os:
Inspector Lestrade - Sherlock Holmes [Clueless Love]
Bassa Selim - Die Entführung aus dem Serail (2022 Bielefeld production) [Felix Amor]
Tim Bradford - The Rookie [Tough Luck]
Queerplatonic F/Os (this list is not, and probably will never be, complete):
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell - Top Gun [PsyMav] (soulbonded)
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw - Top Gun: Maverick [RoosPsy] (introject)
Nick "Goose" Bradshaw - Top Gun [GoosePsy]
Jack Traven - Speed
Gregory House - House MD
Robert Chase - House MD
Lawrence Kutner - House MD
Ninth Doctor - Doctor Who
The Author - Doctor Who OC [Quill-N-Drill]
Simm!Master - Doctor Who [Your Lord And Master]
Captain Jack Harkness - Doctor Who
Rebecca Crane - Assassin's Creed
Desmond Miles - Assassin's Creed
Wyll - Baldur's Gate 3
Karlach - Baldur's Gate 3
Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow - Batman Begins
Bane - The Dark Knight Rises
Almond Cookie + Tea Knight Cookie - Cookie Run
Eddie Brock - Venom
Hobie Brown - Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse
Gollum - Lord of The Rings
Shane - Stardew Valley
Javier Esposito + Kevin Ryan - Castle
Jerry Tyson - Castle
Ilya Sokurov - The Rookie
Jared Stone - Castle
Ivan - Die Fledermaus (2022 Bielefeld production)
Figaro - Barber of Sevilla (2023 Bielefeld production)
Agent Stone - Sonic
Adam - Hazbin Hotel
Sir Pentious - Hazbin Hotel
Reginald Thorpe - Moriarty
Rodney Lambert - Moriarty
Farengar Secret-Fire - Skyrim
Rune - Skyrim
Dr John Watson - Sherlock Holmes
Dorian Gray - The Picture of Dorian Gray
Henry Clerval - Frankenstein
Robert Walton - Frankenstein
Matthew Asquith - Sherlock Holmes: Der Erpresser von Edinburgh
Cicero - Skyrim
Crowley - Good Omens
Aragorn - Lord of The Rings
Gavin Reed - Detroit: Become Human
Jacob Frye - Assassin's Creed [Jaccup]
John Standish - Assassin's Creed [IT Noob]
Sexual F/Os (almost all my selfship have a sexual component, these however are exclusively sexual F/Os):
Cahir - The Witcher (Netflix)
Ancano - Skyrim
Julius Caesar - Asterix
Platonic and Familial F/Os (very very shortened version):
Viggo Grimborn - Dragons: Race To The Edge
Toothless - How To Train Your Dragon (Movies)
Oscar - Moriarty
Polly Danbridge-Burton - Moriarty
Ernest Fillmore - Moriarty
Natasha "Phoenix" Trace - Top Gun: Maverick
Robert "Bob" Floyd - Top Gun: Maverick
Dark Choco Cookie - Cookie Run
Red Velvet Cookie - Cookie Run
Simon "Ghost" Riley - Call of Duty
Some random links:
TES OCs, Top Gun S/I
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Update on how many unique characters you’ve received?
As usual, super long list, so here we go!
These characters have two+ (2+) submissions, and are likely to be included.
Vriska Serkat
Eridan Ampora
Kokichi Ouma
Haiji Towa
Minoru Mineta
Bill Cipher
John Gaius
Regal Farseer
Kylo Ren
Jurgen Leitner
Ty Betteridge
Sasuke Uchiha
Dazai Osamu
Glenn Quagmire
Rose Quartz
Izzy Hands
Akio Ohtori
Katsuki Bakugo
Don Quixote Doflamingo
Elias Bouchard/Jonah Magnus
Ansem the Wise
Kusaka Masato
The Metatron
Evan Hansen
Stella Goetia
Pierce Hawthorne
Lance Dubois
Santa Claus
Meenah Peixes / Her Imperious Condescension 
Greg Heffley
Tony Stark
Donald Trump
Jace Herondale / Wayland / Lightwood / Morgenstern
Teddy / Kuma
Mr. Bungee
Julia Mazzone
Sentinel Prime
William Afton
Cullen Rutherford
Shou Tucker
Junko Enoshima
Ardyn Izunia
Sosuke Aizen
Simon Laurent
Ōchi Fukuchi
Jin Guanyao
Micah Bell
These characters have been submitted only once, and have a lower chance of being accepted.
Michael Scott
Detective Saracusa
Paul Von Oberstein
Damian Wayne
Cersei Iannister
John ‘Jack’ Seward
Abyss Sibling
Tim Drake
Dr. John ‘Jack’ Seward
Gra’ha Tia
Elias Ainsworth
Erlina and Brugaves
Five Pebbles
The Entirety Of Homestuck
Willy Stampler
Miguel O’Hara
Medusa Gorgon
Gamzee Makara
Rohan Kishibe
Teruhashi Makoto
Gordon Blackwall
Rebecca Costwolds
Anakin Skywalker
Sigma Kilm
Caesar Clown
Shiki Tohno/Nanaya
Mori Ougai
Touichiro Suzuki
Alexander Hamilton
Georg Weissmann 
Dean Winchester
The Operator
Scrappy Doo
Foreman Oyun
The Eleventh Doctor
Any Character From Welcome to Nightvale
Will Shuester
Silver Spoon
Jayne Cobb
Byakuya Togami
Prince Louis 
Princess Daisy
Light Yagami
The Pale King
Yoshiharu Hisomu
Himiko Toga
Sebastian Mechaelias
Mystery Hunter (Jeremiah Hartley)
Muzan Kibutsuji
Clara Oswald
Ranpo Edogawa (Beast)
Heath cliff
Inspector Tobias Greyson
Huey Emmerich
Tom Wambsgans
Yuri Briar
Jacopo Bearzatti
Meredith Rodney McKay
Every Single Country In 1993
Val Velocity
Noor Pradesh
Kristoph Gavin
Dan Moroboshi
Muu Kusunoki
Shen Jiu
April O’Neil (2012)
Makoto Itou
Ianthe Tridentarius
Disembodied Voice
George Wickham
The New Ninja
Sakazuki Akainu 
Petyr Baelish / Littlefinger
Wen Chao
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd 
James T. Kirk
Mikan Tsumuki
Millions Knives
The Mage
Otto Apocalypse 
Woodes Rogers
Zeke Jaeger
Dean Venture
Aloise Trancey
Akito Sohma
Monokubs (Except Monodam)
Chrollo Lucifer
Chloe Bourgeois 
Zhou Zishu
Elon Musk
Il Dottore
Goeffry St. John
Nikola Tesla
Ogai Mori
Mary Keay
Dr. Henry Miller
Voice In The Calm Ad On Spotify
Akechi Goro
Victor Frankenstein
Riley Finn
Anyone From The Locked Tomb
Elias Ainsworth
Nefera DeNile
Angel Dust
Blitzo Buckzo
The Once-Ler
Zenos Galvus
Marvin Falsettos
Solf J. Kimblee 
Father / Dwarf In The Glass
Henry the Eighth 
Aranea Serkat
Caliborn / Lord English
Feferi Peixes
Black Pete
Cozy Glow
Holly Blue Agate
Every Genshin Impact Character Ever
Dio (Zero Escape)
Matou Shinji
Chris McClain
Ruruka Ando
Sheldon Cooper
Buck Cluck
Valens Van Varro
Verstael Besithia
France (Hetalia)
Tumblr Staff
Yumichika Ayasegawa
Akio Himemiya
Ali Lectric
Rafe Cameron
Raven Queen
Everyone In Romeo And Juliet
Bella Swan
Haiji Senri
Tsumugi Aoba
Vivienne Medranno’s Impsona
Buzz McCallister 
Eugene Coli
Live Action Buggy
Aizen Sosuke
Kyouichi Saionji
Ibara Saegusa
Yu Ziyuan
Mahiru Koizumi
The Little Palace Mistress
Eichi Tenshouin
The Old Palace Master
Jonah Magnus
Queen Scarlet
Nanami Kiryuu 
Hiyoko Saionji
Steven Universe
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If your own windows are glass
Chapter 12. Philadelphia. July 1776.
“Those men are going to be hanged.” She meant the men who had signed the declaration. Sam and John Adams. Dr. Franklin. Dr. Rush, and his father-in-law, Richard Stockton. Caesar Rodney. “They might not be.” “They’re engaged in a fight with the strongest army in the world. General Washington won’t be able to hold out much longer. And then those men are going to be hanged for high treason.” She fidgeted with the edges of her fichu. “This isn’t throwing some boxes of tea overboard. They’re openly organizing a revolt."
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tricornonthecob · 1 year
I was like half-asleep at this point
LK 108: Continental Congress Rides Again
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The bouncer has such a broad chest from throwing teenagers out of secret meetings all day.
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James your attempts at being a competent field agent are interfering with Henri's attempts at a normal job.
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With all due respect, Weaselly Paul, you are expecting a 15/16 year old to know how to infiltrate a highly secretive and guarded meeting of a rebellious governing body. How well did you think this plan through.
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He's kind of been doing it your way this whole time? Also cool it with the Color Dodge, art intern.
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awww what a social butterfly.
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Har har har girl doesn't know tools
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The way James says this with such sass in his mouth. Its Caesar Rodney, keep up, Paul.
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oh my god he's swinging his legs I love it.
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Oh my god he's almost there. The braincell is almost awake.
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Franklin we knooooooooow
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lol I just realized Weaselly Paul's way of doing things was to have the competent spy do the infiltrating, meanwhile its spy!Henri's day off and he's just having a blast with a normal, low-stakes job.
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how does 1776 expect me to mentally recover from the ending where everyone is standing while signing the declaration of independence while the liberty bell rings after 2 hours and 47 minutes of jefferson and adams having sexual tension, jefferson’s wife using metaphors to describe her husband’s violin playing, benjamin franklin in himself, charles thomson becoming an emoji dictionary, abigail adams needing pins, edward rutledge losing his sanity, caesar rodney almost dying, everyone complaining about flies and how hot it is, john hancock committing treason with his big signature, richard henry lee dancing around talking about ladies and the resolution on independency, robert livingston’s on-fleek eyebrows, john witherspoon sleeping and defending his aunt, samuel chase eating causally, james wilson’s existence, and the dickinson-adams brawl???
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naphzu · 9 months
I needed to draw them bc they're so underrated, McKean is one of my favorite characters, he kinda reminds me of one of my classmates lmao
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fetchmearum420 · 9 months
Unpopular opinion- McKean and Rodney are adorable together. Couple or great friends, whatever you like. It's cute. Thank you for your time :)
FR I always thought this I just never thought about posting about it
The way McKean treats Rodney 😭🥺❤️
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thecoinshop · 1 year
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Great price on this 1999-S Delaware Proof State Quarter ONLY: $3.50 The Delaware coin is the first coin released in the 50 State Quarters Program and was released on January 4, 1999. Delaware, admitted into the Union on December 7, 1787, themed the coin, The First State. This coin celebrates Caesar Rodney's historic horseback ride in 1776. President William J. Clinton was in office when this legislation was signed. Three United States Mint Directors served under President Clinton's tenure; David J. Ryder of Idaho, Philip N. Diehl of Texas, and Jay W. Johnson of Wisconsin. https://www.thecoinshop.shop/state-commemorative-quarters/1999-s-delaware-proof-state-quarter View MORE State Commemorative Quarters https://www.thecoinshop.shop/state-commemorative-quarters StatehoodQuarters StateQuarterProgram statequarters
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